#all-natural therapy
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capriteam · 2 years ago
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Do you want to discover the easiest and fastest way to reverse your memory loss? Click here: https://sites.google.com/view/memoryrestored/inicio
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richs-pics · 3 months ago
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Grey seals: mothers and pups
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anniilaugh · 1 year ago
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2 years worth of wild moss/seaweed overgrowth in salty sea air. Sanji malfunctions.
@uniquetosmbody had such a galaxy brain prompt in twitter and my samurai aesthetics loving brain inhaled the bait, hook and sinker immediately. : D Thanks for being an inspiration! <3
Reference under the cut~
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/casually foams/ How dare this man de gozaru
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moashdeservedbetter · 8 months ago
I'm an exmo, but I grew up *all in* the church and was until like a couple years ago, which I'm not proud of, but I don't hate that Branderson is LDS...
anyway my cold take is that the Cosmere is super heretical mormon fanfiction, hear me out
-people become Gods (he's said this has lds influence)
-there's lots of planets and peoples (yes mormons believe in lots of other worlds with life on them)
-Poeople-turned-Gods can create more life (it's why ur supposed to become a god)
-reading a holy book is a big part of what changes Dalinar's whole life (he reads WoK book over and over, he talks about it a lot like LDS people talk about reading scriptures everyday and how it will change your soul) -plus divine intervention, he asks for divine help and receives it (in Momonism, if you're just willing to ask, God is always willing to grant help) -Every religion has some truth, basically Sazed's worldview (okay mormons can be split on this but I love that Brandon leans into this aspect of Mormon theology, basically that all faiths can lead to God)
-overvaluing forgiveness and bypassing anger (imo, obviously I disagree here)
-Ruin can *plant* thoughts but not *read* thoughts, only preservation can (Satan can plant thoughts but can't read your thoughts, only God can)
-Odium is basically stroke for stroke "the natural man" i could write an essay about that
-also I could write a whole essay on Harmony's "why evil still exists if there's a God" take, also I literally have a big google doc filled with tiny (but sometimes pretty direct) references to Mormon lore in the Cosmere
BUT ALSO the cosmere is pretty heretical,
i.e. God dies, and soul's can be prevented from going to the spiritual realm, and Brandon's LGBTQ+ representation/allyship would probably get him fired from BYU if he weren't such a big author. Anyway my first tumblr post is a novel if you've read it this far thank you for listening ^_^
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sunshine-zenith · 3 days ago
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Was thinking about how Jayce and Jinx are both actually pretty touchy-feely characters and so here: my own take on JayVik adopts Powder AUs — Jinx/Powder craves positive physical touch but is too embarrassed to accept it from a gross Piltie like Jayce, so Viktor has to endure it instead. She has no problems with family hugs, though, which Jayce is thrilled about
Vi is also there because she deserves to not grow up in jail. (She also wants a hug but acts too cool for it. Jayce eventually drags her into it and Viktor makes him help pay off his ortho bills later)
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youremyonlyhope · 1 year ago
Living with Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors
Me: *Is super stressed over life.*
Trichotillomania: Time to pull some hair! C'mon. You won't even notice you're doing it. It'll make you feel better.
Me: NO. *Spends 4 days putting hair in a mini twist protective style* There.
Dermatillomania: Hey. Your hands are free. And restless. And dry... Pick your skin. Bleed. Bleed.
Me: Stop! *Starts up a new crochet project to keep hands busy.* Ok cool.
Onychophagia: Hi hi. Your nails are.... perfect biting length... you should do that.
Me: Noooooooooooo *Paints nails.*
Dermatillomania: Oh look, you got some nail polish on your skin. Pick it off... now pick some more...
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shinyboomboom · 2 months ago
🌷 The Naturals Girls 🌷
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When they're the most iconic girl group evah >>>
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sysig · 4 months ago
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I love you thiiiiiiiiiiis much! (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#Yanderapy#The boys are back in town the boys are back in town <3#At least for the moment! Caught a quick glimpse of inspiration for them and then it settled again haha - but they're here now!#Following up on the idea of their give and take - Ishida is definitely the more selfish of the two and Micchan the more giving#You'd think that'd lead to them overstepping - Ishi asking for too much and Mitsu being all-too-happy to grant it but no!#Part of that is from Micchan being in therapy lol - even when he has trouble recognizing his healthy boundaries himself he has external help#And him being honest and upfront - communicating where he struggles - eventually puts the onus on his boyfriend to help him!#And he does!! Because Ishida loves him!! ���#They're still weird about it tho lol <3 There are things that both of them can get away with that they wouldn't if they were dating others#Featured here is Mitsu initiating snuggles and Ishida reciprocating a little aggressively lol - which Micchan is into <3 Feels loved!#And also flusters him so he responds with his own cute aggression lol - but they recognize that in each other! They play :D#Mitsu would Try to reciprocate to the level his partner sets the standard of but he's full of these big feelings!#It all works out that Ishida Also feels that way haha - they match each other's energy naturally <3 They have quite good chemistry :)#They also behave when they need to lol that's enough PDAs for now ♪#And of course they also got caught in the plush brainmush everyone does everyone needs to#They'd be so cute...... Holding hands or plush-kissing................#I don't think Micchan's necklace counts as an accessory hmm what would they have#They both need their bracelets! Of course#But besides those hmmm what Signature Objects could they have I wonder#And how would Ishida's glasses stay on! Magnets? Stitched on? Hm! Many things to consider haha
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richs-pics · 6 months ago
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Lotus flower reflected
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smile-files · 2 months ago
i just recorded a video of myself talking so i could look at my mouth and see if it looks weird when i say things. also so i could get a sense of if i slur/stumble over my words. and indeed both are true, despite the fact that i've been told otherwise. typical autism behavior
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youngpettyqueen · 11 months ago
alright as promised- Julian and Garak and Garashir thoughts on A Stitch in Time!
also, I am going to note before I even begin. yes, I ship Garashir, but im also going to focus on not viewing their dynamic entirely through a shipping lens. Garashir as a ship will be brought up, yes, but im making a concentrated effort to also discuss their relationship as presented because them as a duo compels me even without my shipping goggles on
without further ado, lets get into it-
I think the most important thing to take from how Julian and Garak are presented in A Stitch in Time is that Garak cares about Julian very, very deeply. whether you interpret that as romantic or not is up to you, but its at least made very clear that Garak cares about Julian. a lot. which, yes, we know from the show that Garak cares, but the depth of his care is truly revealed in this book
I think its safe to say that this book is the most open we see Garak be with Julian. and im not just saying in their scenes together- this entire book was written by Garak, for Julian to read. a chronicle of his history, entries made during their time on DS9, and letters written about what he's doing now on Cardassia, all written for Julian to read. this book is, quite literally, Garak showing everything he is to Julian. which is fucking incredible. we know Garak is a closed-off person and very defensive of himself, we see exactly WHY he's that way, and we're seeing that only because he's spelling it all out to give to Julian. this is an openness that Garak hasn't ever afforded himself in a relationship. and I think its for good reason that the first time he is this open and this honest, its with Julian
I was deeply compelled by Garak's point of view on his and Julian's relationship in the entries that took place during DS9. I love how distant they became from each other, and how strained things got. I never would've read it that way with just the show, and now I cant wait to do a rewatch with this new information in mind. Garak thinks Julian has ended their relationship, he thinks Julian doesnt want to learn any more from him, and he doesnt understand why. he's upset about it- he's mad! his feelings are hurt! but he cant let go. and that ties in with the sentimentality we see in Garak throughout the rest of the book. Garak could no more let go of his connection with Julian than he could his connection with Paladine when he was still on Cardassia. he still answers when Julian calls. he still calls Julian himself. even drifted apart, theyre still connected. they still care. and thats why they come back together before the end of the series- they still love each other. platonically, romantically, however you want to interpret it, you cannot deny that these two love each other
as for Julian's side of this rift. I dont think Julian sees their relationship as over, but I think he can tell something's off. Julian is very awkward in many of his scenes with Garak, and doesnt seem to know how to approach him, or even how to talk to him sometimes. whatever Julian believes is going on here, he knows something's wrong. so, in true Julian fashion, even though he doesnt know what to do or say, he reaches out. he keeps reaching out. he goes out of his way to get Garak's favourite food hand-made. he answers when Garak calls. he calls Garak. he tries to apologize. he tries, he tries, he tries. because he knows, whatever's going on, that he wants to be there for Garak. he wants to help. such is the nature of Julian Bashir- he always just wants to help
I love that his attempts to help are clumsy. the argument Julian and Garak have about Federation vs Cardassian politics is great! because we know Julian is trying to help, but Julian has a habit of being a bit condescending and even arrogant in assuming his way is the right way, and I love that Garak actually gets mad about it here. this argument really highlights just how different Julian and Garak are, but it also serves to point out just how strained Garak is with everything going on with the Dominion and Cardassia at this point. Garak is surprised at his own outburst, and I think part of it is because he's typically better at hiding his feelings, but I also think part of it is that he's this mad towards Julian. I dont think its a stretch to say that this might be reminding Garak of the events of Our Man Bashir. that episode comes up multiple times throughout the DS9 entries, and is an event that Garak associates with him and Julian drifting apart. its also the episode where we see Garak get mad at Julian about these same things- namely his arrogance, in assuming he can save everyone and that things will work out. while at first it surprised me that Garak saw these events as driving a wedge between him and Julian, in hindsight, I think it makes total sense
the idea of Julian pulling away from Garak after Our Man Bashir is what makes it make complete sense. Julian trying to apologize in the last entry for DS9 is what really makes it- he feels bad for hurting Garak. and he avoids talking about it, but he pointedly doesnt deny that he would've killed Garak if he had to, to save the others. of course the guilt of that's been eating him. of course he pulled away. because after Our Man Bashir, as we get into s5 and beyond, we see Julian start to go down a darker path. we see Julian kill. we see him lie, and manipulate, and do harm. we see him forced to compromise his morals, or compromise them by his own choice. so, yeah, it makes sense that he's pulling away from Garak
on the topic of episodes that get brought up- I love that Julian only pulls away further after the events of Doctor Bashir, I Presume? I'd wondered how that episode might've impacted his relationship with Garak, since we dont see it at all in the show besides Garak starting to make cracks at Julian about being augmented. I love that Julian being outed as being augmented played a part in him and Garak drifting apart. if theres one thing I wish would've been included in the DS9 entries, I wish we could've seen if Garak and Julian talked either during or right after the events of that episode. I think it'd be interesting, though, if they didnt. I think it'd be interesting if they never talked about it. I honestly think that could track with how they've drifted apart at this point. it'll be left up to me to wonder, I think, but its all very fascinating
I love that despite everything, Garak's respect and admiration for Julian is always clear- especially when it comes to traits like his kindness. its nice to see that, despite how Garak always gets on Julian's case about his naivety and optimism, he actually does love these so-called "soft things" about Julian. he loves his kindness. he loves his selflessness. he loves that desire Julian has to just help everybody around him. I think this kindness is what really helps pull their relationship back together, in more ways than one
for one thing, I think if Julian wasn't his kind and loving and open self, I dont think Garak would be able to be as open as he is with him. Garak is very much used to people having multiple agendas, and Julian is just not like that. Julian is open and honest to a fault, with his only big secret being that he was augmented, and once thats out in the open, he doesnt have anything left to hide. Julian and Garak's relationship might've started with Julian clumsily trying to be a spy, but it quickly became just... a friendship. Julian doesnt want anything from Garak besides a relationship. he just wants Garak. and its this honest, open approach to that that reminds Garak that this is Julian, who he can trust, and thats what lets them mend this thing between them
I also think its crucial that Garak's respect and admiration for Julian's kindness ultimately overpowers his desire to teach Julian his ways. Garak sees their relationship as over because he believes that Julian doesnt want to learn from him. the hurdle that Garak has to overcome here is that he needs to see that Julian can still learn from him, but not in the way he thinks. Garak has to learn that Julian doesnt need to learn how to be a hardened spy from him. he doesnt need to learn how to close himself off, or be more cynical- what he gets from Garak, what he learns from Garak, is how to be challenged. Garak challenges Julian constantly, forces him to think about things from different perspectives he otherwise wouldnt have considered. Julian gets caught up in believing his way is the right way, he cant always see the other side of things, and Garak is the one who will make him see it. thats why their relationship, even when its distanced, is never over- because Julian is still learning from Garak as he continues to challenge him, and Garak is still learning from Julian as he learns that sentimentality isnt a weakness after all
the last entry set in DS9 means the entire world to me. Garak immediately calling Julian after a nightmare. Julian going to him. the discussion they have. Garak realizing what he has to do. the apologies Julian tries to make, and how Garak won't let him. the way they come together again at last, and you know theyre going to be ok. Garak calling him Julian... you have to wonder if this is the first time Garak has actually called him by his name, because to my memory he doesnt do so at any point in the show. and of course its Julian who makes Garak see what he needs to do, and where he needs to be. just, that entire scene. its so important to me. you can feel the love, and it feels like a sigh of relief, because they've finally bridged this gap between them
to me, though, the most loving bit is the very end of the novel. Garak inviting Julian to come to his home, and see what he's done. Garak has just documented pretty much his entire life and sent it to Julian so that Julian will know every part of him, and he's ended it by inviting Julian to his home. holy shit. this is where the shipping goggles go on cause oh my god. Garak has just gone "here's my heart. here's my soul. here's my core. here's everything that's made me into me. here's what I was thinking when we weren't talking. here's how much I missed you. here's everything youve ever done for me. nothing would make me happier than you coming to see me. come see my home. come see what ive done. I love you. come to my home." this entire novel is such a massive display of vulnerability and trust, of an openness Garak has never allowed himself to express, and it end it by inviting Julian to come to his home? im going to fucking explode.
Garak wasn't this open with Palandine. he wasn't this open with Pythas. he wasn't this open with Tolan, with Mila, with Tain- there's been nobody he's been this open with. his relationship with Julian is so much different than any other relationship he's had, just for the fact that he can be truly, openly himself. and he knows he can be, because he knows Julian. this novel really highlights how well Garak knows Julian, and understands him- he knows Julian will accept him for who he is, because Julian always has. Julian would never be as harsh on Garak as Garak is on himself, Julian is the kind voice in his head, and its exactly BECAUSE he sees Garak for who he is: a man who's trying his best. nobody else has ever seen that in Garak- I dont think even Palandine saw it. I think she probably got the closest to seeing it, and I think Pythas too might've gotten close had they not been separated for so long, but nobody ever got close to Garak like Julian managed to
I think however you interpret the Julian and Garak dynamic, you can read this book and understand that these two love each other. deeply. whether that means platonically or romantically you can interpret yourself, but however you define it, the love is still undeniably there. do I think its romantic? hell yeah. they make me fucking insane and every interaction between them in this book made me scream out loud. but I think its a testament to how theyre written that the love is there no matter how you read it, and that their relationship is just incredibly solid all around. Andrew Robinson clearly put a lot of work and love and thought into how he portrayed these two, and it shows in every scene, every line where Garak even thinks about Julian
alright gonna wrap up because this is getting. so long. I love that this book wasn't about their relationship, but it also was. because this book is, of course, about Garak. but it was written by Garak, for Julian. and it ends perfectly, with Garak holding a hand out and going "you're always welcome, doctor." so, yeah, this is Garak's story, but it's also Garak's story for Julian, and that makes me, personally, feel a little insane
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russilton · 3 months ago
weird silly little emotional dump
I wish we could somehow detach the idea that the higher ups and stock holders and Toto are Mercedes - I know why its used as a hateable catch all, and I say it too, I get it, but at Tims like this even if they make the choices, they aren't what makes the team win, not really
Those factory workers, The mechanics, the people lining the streets for Lewis, the workers out in the rain and in tears- they are Mercedes. they people who work overnights to create cars from ideas, that's Mercedes. The guys who loved and worked for Lewis - that's Mercedes
in that sense, Mercedes does love Lewis, and he will always be their family, regardless of what big wig idiots say or do. The people actually working for change, Lewis included, they are what made that team who it is.
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courtillyy · 28 days ago
sometimes it really is as simple as the person you like, likes you back and then you're in a relationship. - a very boring and tame sentence coming from anyone who isn't me
#astro talks#sory i just im havign thoughts and feelings i guess ??#i feel liek i dont actually think about my stuff and situations. bc i spent so long not relaly baing any#like for all my teen years. i spent them purely online. online and very very mentally ill#so i never wante dto think abt my irl stuff#and i guess it has kind of conintued ?#like even through havign stuff irl. i jut kinda roll with it and dont think abotu it or soak in it#esp when im not in therapy#(which im not rn)#and just. ive been with my joyfriend (its preferred term and dude its so cute) for liek a month now#but we have been into eahc other for like year (its complicated) and i kinda didnt let mysel htink about it#and unpack it all. and even now. thinking about the person. i just. dude when i do let myself ponder#its nice its good !! it gives me more thought sna dcompliacted feelings in a good way#and like... i really need to let myself spend more time thinking about the ppl in my life#and like on purpose instead of just when they naturally come to my mind#so yeah. crazy post#but like as a person who would describe themselves as aroace. thinking abt how the person i like romantically#(not the first person ever..... but the second person ever)#also likes me... and we now are dating#and like its been a fucking journey#but like that idead that u like someone and they like u back and u then date always felt so fucking unrealistic to me lmfao#but now i guess it just is....#<333#so yeah. god idk i just.#dude im grinnning stupid hard. and it happened most times when i think about it. another reason i should let myself think adn ponder#more often !!!!
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qoldenskies · 3 months ago
Does the Hidden City have any therapists Dontron could seek in the future? Because God love em, these kids are trying but they are. *Kids*. And a horrifically traumatized & depressed rat dad
unfortunately they're not registered as hidden city citizens, probably dont have the money for it (it's not like donnie's. uh. capable of doing much right now), and have a history of being arrested and conspiring with criminals (draxum). although ive always kind of imagined draxum would receive a full pardon after the s2 finale and this would eventually be rectified, so there's a possibility! if they ever did it'd probably be around post-movie times. it'd be a whole process but i could definitely see them considering it.
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queenbol-of-baldurs-gate · 9 months ago
Okay sound off, who do you think from current DA media is going to become a companion in DA:D and do you think they will be romanceable?
I will bet and eat my Left Shoe that our boy Marius (ostensibly from Magekiller) is going to be a romanceable companion. The build up in the comics around him and his past and his sad wet intense personality- he's a perfect set up for a "I Can Fix Him" companion. I can smell it.
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androdragynous · 6 months ago
bringing a lot of "I don't rate my relationships with others as 'more' or 'less' based on how intimate we are" vibes to appointments that my therapists do not seem to understand
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