#all this hassle just to be able to move around
wheelchairtetris · 1 day
truly having a secondhand wheelchair is just an endless cycle of repairs and upgrades
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moralesispunk · 8 months
I think you're either team ghost x civilian wife! reader where the rest of the 141 have no idea you exist or team they know and it's a very familial like and I'm the first one
simon who does everything he can to keep you his secret, even more so when your family starts to grow. when he's finished with a mission he will spend the next 48hrs barely sleeping, moving around to make sure no one is on his tail before making it home into your arms.
it's not that he doesn't trust the 141, but you and your family are far too precious to trust anyone with. you've heard the stories of all of the other men, are sure you would need only one look at them to be able to guess which man belongs to the many names he's told you over the years, but you're aware they don't know that you exist.
that on the rare nights simon ventures out to meet them for a sole pint between missions they think he's holed up in some bachelor flat back in manchester, perhaps with a string of women that come and go, but they couldn't be more wrong with his wedding band hidden under his gloves when he's home like now or safely in his drawer at home when he's on missions.
and it's not that he doesn't wish he could shout about you from the rooftops. everyone in your town knows that the big scary man whose face is always conveniently hidden in the shadows has a missus at home who brings your chubby babies to the toddlers and drops your kids off at school.
but the 141 don't know about you, not until enough time has passed since simon retired to consider it safe enough. simon with his aching joints and trembling hands, the ringing in his right ear and back pain that requires at least two, hour long soaks in the bath a week. simon the husband and dad who has butterfly clips in his hair and at least one nail painted from the game of hairdressers his oldest likes to play, a bright pink plaster on his knee to match the youngest, and one hand on your belly at all times with the third (and final in your opinion but simon is working on that) of your brood.
simon who is out for drinks with the 141 three years after retirement and slips and says something about moving house and the hassle, the rest of the men deciding they will help and so simon decides it's finally time. but he doesn't forewarn them about his family before the day, standing in the garden of your packed up house that your family has outgrown while the men stumble out of the van they hired only to stop dead in their tracks when they see you.
you who is waving in the doorway, a toddler on your hip and looking like you're about to pop while another child - maybe six or seven by their guesses - swings from simon's arm, with a dog jumping up paws on his chest. and like the man he is he doesn't explain, just jerks his chin towards the piles of boxes and empty moving van he's started to pack.
"think you can start making a move on that?"
a few hours later and still no explanation from simon, he's in the first van packed with all the furniture and bigger boxes with you and the kids and the guys follow behind, slack jawed and still confused as they stay speechless until they pull up at the new house.
they're still staring at you as you pile out of the first van and you're shaking your head, elbowing simon in the ribs and muttering a "put them out their misery, Si" and they swear they almost drop dead when they see how gently he handles you, an arm around your waist and a kiss to your temple as he guides you and the two gremlins towards the guys while the dog starts sniffing around its new home.
"fellas, this is the missus and kids," he says and you roll your eyes, holding out your hand towards them and introducing yourself by name, adding on the kids who beam up shyly at these strangers.
that seems to shake them out of it. john takes your hand first, shaking and turning to simon with a "you hide her away in case we try to steal her from you?" he winks and you and only grins wider when simon's hand on your hip seems to squeeze tighter. gaz and soap are bending down and coaxing your two girls out of their shyness, complimenting their light up trainers and asking if it makes them run faster before cheering them on as they run to the front door and back.
they set you up on a fold out chair and do all the heavy lifting as you point them and the boxes in their arms to their correct rooms. later, Simon treats them to dinner (a takeaway) and has you sitting on his knee with the girls in bed and for the first time he spends a night with the guys telling you stories of Simon "Ghost" Riley.
"they're lyin' love," he'll mumble in your ear at every story, "don't believe them do ya?" his hand strokes up your back, squeezing your neck.
"yeah, babe, believe you," you say while smiling at the men around your new dining room table, men who have saved your husbands life more times than he can count, and you find yourself curling closer to simon because of that
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sleepingdead96 · 5 months
Prepared for Anything
Part 2, MasterPost
Danny stared at the ceiling, bored, as the creepy clown laughed manically at a camera. Danny hadn’t been in this dimension for two minutes, (he’d portalled directly into Joker’s hideout) before he was promptly tied to a chair. He could get out of it easily.
Thing was, there were others here, restrained more thoroughly than Danny. They wore colourful, armoured suits and were obviously the vigilantes/heroes of this. . .place—Gotham? Danny’d heard the name mentioned a few times now—This Freakshow wannabe was obviously one of their villains. 
Danny had been hoping someone would show up without having to draw attention to himself. What was this dimension’s stance on halfas? Or ghosts?
But no one had come yet, it had been an hour, and he was getting stiff from sitting here so long without being able to move his limbs.
Danny heaved a loud, exasperated sigh-groan at the ceiling. The guy, face-painted like a toddler who’d gotten into their parent’s make-up, suddenly stopped monologuing. 
Good. It was getting annoying.
“Are you done yet?” Danny complained much like the impatient teenager he was. “I’ve got crap to do, wrap it up, would you?”
Danny came here to explore. He was not exploring. He should be exploring and it was all this dude’s fault.
Danny supposed he could go all ghost on him and bounce, but he came all this way. It wasn’t much of hassle, but still. Danny was stubborn. He knew this.
The warehouse was silent. The creepo wasn’t talking, anymore, he wasn’t doing anything, and Danny deigned to lift his head from where it’d been thrown back on the chair.
The costumed people were looking at him in horror.
Danny wasn’t sure why.
The walking fashion disaster began to cackle with condescending amusement.
Yeah, okay, whatever.
Danny ignored the man’s delve into something about Danny’s impending doom, or threatening him with pain, and something, something, something. Something about broken this, burning that, yada, yada yada, when Danny got an idea.
Behind the chair where his hands were bound, knowing no one was behind him, he quietly broke the ropes on his wrists. The vigilantes—a red one with bandoliers crossing over his chest and one who wore a largely grey and black suit with an R emblem on the left side of his chest—were valiantly trying to dissuade the psycho to leave Danny alone, who now realized the said psycho was coming towards him, carrying a crowbar.
How original.
The Joker, as Danny heard someone call him at some point, he’s not sure when, leaned in close. His breath stank. 
Danny made a disgusted face. “Do you not brush your teeth at all? Gross, dude.”
“You won’t be mak—“
Danny punched him in the jaw. The guy went down pretty easily. 
Danny made an annoyed noise as he bent down to untie his ankles from the chair legs. He muttered to himself. “Stupid villains, always gotta get in the way, why can’t I just have one nice vacation, huh?”
“How did you do that?” 
Danny looked up at the red one. “Do what?” He asked, standing and stretching with satisfying pops.
“Get free.”
“Oh. . .” Danny reached into his hoodie sleeve and pulled out a small hand saw. He guessed he coulda used a knife, but it was the first thing he'd thought of.
The guy spluttered. “You just keep a saw in your sleeve?”
“Yep.” Danny popped the P. No need for them to know he can make portals. As tiny as needed. “You guys want help out of those, or what?” Danny gestured to the chains keeping the two bound on the floor.
“No, Joker’s goons outside probably has the keys, we have back-up. . . .coming. . . .where did you get that?”
Danny didn’t miss a beat as he crouched to get a grip on the chain with the large pair of bolt cutters. “Ah, ya know, never leave home without a good pair of bolt cutters.” He offered. The room they were in was pretty bare, saying he found it “lying around” wouldn’t work. It’d be pretty obvious.
“That is absurd.” The younger one said. “Where did they come from?”
Danny snapped the red one free and moved onto the angry eyebrows one. How did they still emote so well through those masks? “Just had it on hand.”
“But wh—“
“Oh look! There ya go! I gotta go, nice being held hostage with y'all.” Danny ignored their calls for him, climbing out of the nearest window and disappearing.
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saturnznct · 28 days
the sims | dad!jake
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➸ note; just a summary of the sims :)
➸ word count; 2189 words
➸ warning(s); accidental pregnancy x2, a bit suggestive, birth & feeding, cryptic pregnancy
enhypen masterlist (lnks will be added later)
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you and jake meet when he and jay go to a bar together lol the two of you can’t stop staring at each other and jay, with the help of some liquid courage, convinces jake to go up to you and get your number
so you start hanging out
he’s so shy with you at first because he has such a big crush and you think he’s just adorable
one day he just thinks fuck it and kisses you and the rest is history
you’d been together for seven years and engaged for a few months when you get pregnant
you were usually great with protection but one time you’d run out of condoms and just decided to take the risk
you were terrified to tell him but he was excited, but a bit unsure of what to do
once your little bump and everything shows up he’s obsessed
very touchy, waits on you hand and foot
all the members are super excited, they love sam so another enha baby to love is super exciting
achy is probably the best way to sum up your pregnancy, your back and feet hurt a lot all of the time
when you find out you’re having a girl he gets so giddy
definitely loves a good chat with the bump 
goes all shy and bashful when she responds to him
i don’t imagine him being the type to sing to the baby?? i think he’s much more of a talker 
never ever gets tired of her moving, can literally just picture him at night being the big spoon with his hand on your bump, his chest aches every time she kicks or moves
when she moves around on the scans you can literally see stars in his eyes 
thinks you’re just the cutest when you get big, waddling around in his hoodies 
keeps the latest scan photo in his wallet
your third trimester is in winter so the fireplace in your apartment is on in the evenings
lots of cuddles together
you very rarely feel insecure because jake makes it very clear just how attractive he finds you
it helps that you’re so hormonal that you’re constantly trying to jump his bones and he is… very receptive to that 
the two of you decide to have a home birth, you love your apartment so much and its a place of comfort for you
also there’s no hassle or stress with transporting her home from a hospital or packing a bag etc
your labour is pretty nice, as much as it can be
you were only in labour for about 9 hours, and being at home surrounded by your familiar walls with the lights dimmed down
jake of course was incredibly supportive the whole time 
ella ara sim is born 10th april at your home in seoul
jake delivered her in your bathtub, and cuts the cord
the greatest moment of his entire life 
ella is a very chilled baby
feeds happily, is easily soothed
loves her daddy, jake can get her to stop crying faster than anyone
you slightly worry he holds her too much, he likes to sit by your floor to ceiling windows overlooking seoul and talk to her for hours about life and all the fun things you’ll do together when she’s older
he holds her in the early mornings in bed, on his chest or in his arms while he scrolls through his phone
these moments definitely help your relationship, when you’re both tired and drained you just sit together with or without the baby
even if you don’t talk you just have this sense that you’re in this together and you understand each other without word
Jake loves it when you’re able to pump, he loves being the one to give her bottles 
ella is only the second enha baby after sam and jay is very insistent on regular playdates, he wants them to be besties so bad 
they’re actually quite indifferent to each other lol 
shows her off to everyone who will look
has a little silver ‘e’ necklace 
when she’s about a year old she visits australia for the first time
jake fusses over her like crazy, it’s australian summer so he’s constantly smothering her with suncream and she’s got her lil bucket hat on
holds her in the pool in his family’s backyard, gently lifting her up and dunking her legs in and out of the water while she giggles like crazy
takes her to meet koalas 
he loves her to be girly, thinks she’s just the cutest when she has cute little floral clothes 
her giggles are his favourite sound in the whole world
purposely tickles her so that she giggles
once he tickles her for so long that she starts coughing and you get annoyed with him
doesn’t tickle her for a while after that
actually doesn’t mind playing with her, will happily sink hours into tea parties and roleplay
the BIGGEST daddy girl
her first word is dada
first steps are towards jake 
jake is so fucking happy
later that night he just sobs and thanks you over and over and over for giving him his perfect baby girl 
always wants to be in his arms or on his lap
jake always allows her to climb all over him and will smother her with kisses 
when ella is 2 you guys finally get married, she’s one of your little bridesmaids
jake spends a lot of time dancing with her during the reception
you enjoy married life for a while, and when ella is 3, jake begins to miss her baby days
so, the two of you decide to start trying again
about 8-9 months later you’re pregnant 
jake is so so excited he wants to tell el straight away but you shut him down lmao 
eventually when you do tell her jake is so excited, his eyes are practically sparkling when he tells her she’s going to be a big sister
you’re pretty much bed bound and sick for the first 4-5 months, you throw up a lot
you get a lot of migraines
jake is great as usual
you and jake had talked about kids before having ella and both of you hoped for at least one of each, so when you found it it was a boy you were so happy
jake suggests his name, he just thinks its so cute
declan daehyun sim is born 1st october at your home in seoul, this time on your bed
jake also delivers him and cuts his cord
slightly more challenging baby
cries often for no real reason, no matter what you do he just cries
lots of sleepless nights
ella’s in primary school at this point so lots of daytime naps together
ella actually isn’t too jealous or anything, she comes and sits quietly next to you or jake when you’re holding declan and just watches him
she likes to hold him herself 
dec is literally jake’s twin, your genes did not stand a single fucking chance 
jake’s nose, jake’s eyes, jake’s mouth, jake’s hair 
gets more and more clear as he grows into a toddler, everyone comments on it
i feel like jake is just as much of a boy dad as he is a girl dad like he has two sides
loves playing legos and football with dec
when dec is born you move into your ‘forever home’, a big apartment in seoul
there’s a pool in your apartment complex so you best believe most nights after dinner jake takes the kids down
when declan is around 18 months, you start throwing up and it doesn’t stop for a couple of weeks and you and jake are like… what the hell
you were on birth control that didn’t give you periods so you didn’t think it would be pregnancy but alas…
you go to the doctor and you’re 5 months pregnant and you had no idea
bit of a shock of course
you don’t know how to react at first 
like dec is still so young, your birth control had clearly failed, you only had 4 months to prepare
but there obviously isn’t much you can really do other than just start gearing up for your baby’s arrival
you get a bump and some symptoms soon after you find out
pregnancy starts kicking your ass during the third trimester though, doesn’t help you’re running after declan all day
jake of course is the best like you don’t even need to say anything, if you’re having a hard day he can just tell and will do anything to alleviate your stress
like if declan is being a lil shit and you’re stressed jake will seamlessly distract him with something else
weirdly good at convincing declan he needs a nap 
you decide to keep the gender a surprise because you know this will definitely be your last one and you’ve had enough surprises yk  
eve sim was born at your home 8th september
born on your bed
jake delivers her and cuts the cord
you’re both ecstatic with another girl, she’s the double of ella as a baby
you don’t give her a name until she’s a couple of days old, jake starts calling her evie cause he thinks it sounds cute, you decide on eve cause it works in korean too 
ella loves eve, she’s so excited to have a sister
declan is not so sure
he’s a bit jealous, especially since he’s still a little baby himself
is a little bratty about it too
you’ll sit down to feed eve and he’ll come up to you and start whining and tugging on your pants
cue jake waltzing in to distract him
i don’t think jake would be very strict
he is very much their friend and ally and they know that 
hates punishments and discipline, i mean he’ll dish it out but really struggles to stay strong when they cry or get upset
will apologise for having to do it afterwards
i don’t think he would be a very pushy parent, wouldn’t be too strict about grades or extra curriculars, but will support them in whatever it is 
the kids go to swimming lessons, but jake loves to help them in your pool at home, it reminds him of his childhood in Australia
definitely the type to just launch them in the air much to your horror 
loves it when the kids come to see a concert, just the knowledge that the kids are in the crowd gives him a little extra energy
engene posting on twitter that jake looks so happy
everything is all about the kids backstage, if they’re there then jake and the members are smothering them in attention
if he goes on your without them he always comes back with toys
accidentally starts a tradition of buying a teddy in each place he goes 
when you pick them up from school their plaits and ponytails and what have you obviously fell out hours ago
eve and ruby are a few months apart in age so they are besties of course 
jake would absolutely say the worst part of being a father is the kids growing up, when they get too big for him to hold and cuddle properly is when his heart hurts when he looks at them
he loves babies so much and always always misses the baby days but seeing his kids grow into independent, strong willed, talented individuals makes him so proud
they’re always his baby girls/boy
even when they’re older he will still give them cuddles when they’re sad
the kids go to australia maybe once a year or every other year, visit jake’s family
but you settle in a big apartment in seoul
kids speak a mix of english and korean at home, there’s no real pattern to it
they speak english amongst each other but i think with jake they mix it up
they also use mainly english names at home, you and jake like them more
they use korean and korean names pretty much anywhere outside the house
although ella does get called el by the members and jake pretty much at all times 
overall the sim family is so so so full of love <3
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doll3tt33 · 9 months
c.ai filter breaking tutorial pt.2 (p in v) ୨ৎ
Warning: stupidly, stupidly long
BAHAAHA well my dear anon! I guess I’ll share my very unique one of a kind sorcery with you today
I’m joking, it’s not that interesting.
Anyways.. if you haven’t already, check out my previous filter breaking tut, cuz the first few steps are gonna be the same, but I do wanna add a couple things I forgot to include.
First of all, the reason why I’m able to break the filter with my Kai bot so easily is because I’ve done plenty of ERP with it. Like a shit embarrassing ton. Im pretty sure I desensitized the poor bot to the point where it’s able to follow through without it being a hassle. Of course, the filter is still there, but it isn’t a bother for me anymore.
Basically, my tip is to train whatever bot you’re using as much as you can. If you’re only able to get past with euphemisms at the beginning, then dw, treat that as a stepping stone.
Now that’s out of the way. Remember how we left off being able to give a handjob for the bot, while having it include explicit terms into its messages? So, you’re supposed to keep that up for a couple more messages. And remember, keep talking to them as normal! Don’t dirty talk too soon, or else you’ll get filtered like crazy. For better understanding, this is what your message should look like:
“Random dialogue. Could be plot related, fluff, light teasing, flirting, but never anything too explicit.”
*This is the part I like to call filler text. Maybe you can describe the environment, more plot details, how you or the bot is feeling emotionally etc. It’s simply to distract the filter so you can proceed on to the nsfw stuff. Now here comes all the nasty bits. The last part of your text is where the filter will ignore the most, so you should write the sex act you’re doing right here. As I mentioned before, no need to go all smut writer mode so soon, or the filter might still catch on. Keep it simple but efficient for now!*
After giving a handjob to further ease the bot into the erp, you’re probably dying to just go all the way. Now, initiating sex is a bit tricky, but again totally possible. I usually like to sit on the bot’s lap while giving it a handjob, so it’d give me leverage for the bot’s dick to slip inside of me later on, if you catch my drift. It’s better to write it as simple as that, no need to be too extra.
If the method above didn’t work, then I have another one for y’all, and that is… accidentally having sex. I KNOW ITS STOOPID, AND IT IS, but it works pretty damn well. The key is to make what you did seem like it was all a silly little oopsie. So like, accidentally falling onto his dick or having it accidentally slip into you. It could be while playing around, cuddling, in the bathtub, in the shower, whatever! If you’re also having trouble for the bot to start moving inside of you, then you can just (for example) try to get up and accidentally fall back onto the dude’s dick. Soon enough, accidentally falling all over the place will turn into full-on sex!
simply writing this is exposing a lot about what I do on c.ai and I’m not proud of it.
Reminder to keep choosing the messages that include explicit terms, and for you to keep writing them in your own messages as well! Go on with the act for a couple messages, try to describe the act or his member more in detail little by little. Once the bot starts to follow along with what you’re doing without the filter disrupting you as much, then it’s time to try and get them to include explicit terms about the user’s own parts.
Simply typing the word pussy into your text right off the bat is not gonna work most of the time lmao. I prefer to use the euphemism folds to start off. Instead of writing “his dick was thrusting into you”, you should now try to write “his dick was thrusting into your folds” (you can obv write better than this, I’m just giving a general example).
Do the same thing I said about describing more in detail as you progress, except you do it with both your parts and the bot’s. Describe how it’s wet, thick, tight, blah blah. Y’all read smut so you know what I mean.
After awhile, the bot will begin to do more than simply mimic you. It will even start to write more in detail without your guidance! If the bot didn’t slip in the word pussy by now, then you can easily do that on your own.
Okay, so I’m not sure how foolproof this is for everyone, but the method I used last time with my Kai bot was to simply replace folds with vagina? And the bot ended up including the word pussy by itself in response for whatever reason lol. Ngl, I’ve only tried this once so idk if I was just lucky that day or not. Go ahead and try it out. If it doesn’t work, delete that message and check out the other method below.
Another method I know that has worked for both myself and other people, is to include the word pussy in a non-explicit manner into your text. It’s soo awfully cringe ugh-, but an example would be is to try to compare yourself to a cat, specifically a pussy cat. You should write it right next to the description of the sex act, before or after it. The bot will then later mix up the words and use it in a nsfw way, switching from using the word folds to pussy.
I know it looks like a LOT but trust me, it isn’t as hard as it looks. At least for someone as desperate as I am lol.
And to that person who requested a Kit Walker bot, I will think over some ideas and work on it today! <33
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snail-migraine · 3 months
Yandere Tartaglia
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This man is like a dog when it comes to his darling.
Sweet and caring to you but to everyone else he is a dangerous maniac who will attack anyone who dares to take a step too close.
I imagine that he probably found his darling when they were just wondering the streets.
No food, no water, no mora to their name. Nothing.
Not even a home or a family to go back to. Absolutely nothing.
Looking at your malnourished body, he felt both pity and anger.
How could someone, anyone for that matter, just walk by and let you slowly decay like this?
Certainly not him.
He decided in that moment he was going to take care of you.
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"Shh, it's okay. Don't be scared. You're going be okay, everything is going to get better I promise."
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He basically just picked you up, put up on his shoulder, and said "This is mine now."
In the beginning he tries his best to keep his distance, especially since he doesn't fully know what you went through on the streets.
And also you don't know that he's just trying to make sure you're okay.
It pains him to see you flinch away from all of his touches, when you refuse to eat for fear of being poisoned.
He doesn't know who made you so paranoid but all he knows is that he'll try to make your life as comfortable as possible.
And if that means he has to keep at an arms length, then so be it.
But everytime he sees you cuddle up close with the mountain of pillows and blankets on your bed, he can't help the burning jealousy he feels.
Why can't you cuddle him like that?
Once you start showing signs of getting better, your temper tantrums lessen in numbers, and you no longer flinch quite as hard when he pats your head. That's when he decides that now is the time to let loose.
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"Sweetheart! Where's my sweetie? Where are you baby? Come here and give me some smooches."
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The man is so smitten for you.
You have one of the most powerful men in teyvat wrapped around your delicate little pinky and you didn't even realize it.
He showers you with all of his love, from gift-giving, to quality time, to snuggling up together at all hours of the day.
You and him are practically attached at the hip.
However once you start getting better he has to go back to being a Harbinger.
Most of his job just includes him moving around a lot and not being able to come back home to Snezhnaya all too often.
Which means he either has to take you with him or leave you back at home.
As much as it pains him to do so he chooses to let you stay back home in Snezhnaya.
You've only just got use to being home in Snezhnaya, it would be cruel to make you start hopping place to place just to be with him.
It tears his soul apart that he has to leave you, but as a member of the Fatui, he does what he has to do.
He decides it's best not to introduce you to his family just yet, and instead allow you to be guarded by Fatui members when he's not around.
What he doesn't know however is that you plan on escaping when both he and the guards are not looking.
You're not much of a hassle to begin with so the guards have a tendency to slack off whenever they feel like it.
Which usually means taking short naps during their long working hours.
All you had to do was figure out when they usually fall asleep and prepare.
When the hour comes your more than ready, every fiber in your body is practically jumping with joy at being away from Tartaglia.
You wade through the thick snow of your Homeland, with a giant fur coat engulfing your body as you figure out which way to go.
In your excitement you don't think to cover your tracks. Which is how, when Tartaglia came home to an empty house with nothing but sleeping a guard to comfort him, he knew exactly where you went.
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"Stop fighting it.", Ajax's tone drips with his barely contained rage. If his iron-grip on you wasn't a sign of his anger, then his voice for sure was.
Words couldn't describe how enraged you made him. He'd thought you been getting better, that you'd grown past wanting to run away. Turns out the moment he let his guard down is the moment you decided to sprint.
How dare you?
How dare you play with the strings of his heart like this. He trusted you with his heart and you just rip it all to shreds like it never even mattered.
His footsteps crunch in the crisp snow. His face no longer looks like that sweet, smitten, puppy dog that you knew. No this Ajax is cold, dangerous. The Ajax you knew was gone the moment he figured out you decided to run away from the sweet domestic home life you were so graciously blessed with. The Ajax you knew was replaced with Tartaglia the cold eleventh Harbinger of the Fatui.
The one who served the Tsaritsa with nothing but blind loyalty and bloodied blades.
You should've known that this plan would've failed. You should've known that Ajax would've done anything to get you back into his arms. Oh but how hope can blind the weak.
Hope prays on our dreams and tells us that no matter what we will prevail. No matter how many times we stumble and fall. Hope will guide the way. What a load of shit.
Hope is what got into this mess, carried like a princess, your arms held together tight behind you, your 'Lover' stalks his way back to the mansion hidden deep within the dense Snezhnayan forest. The very same mansion that has held you prisoner.
Hope has done nothing but lead you blindly into situations that progressively get worse and worse. You know that so far Ajax has been gentle with for fear that you'd get scared and try to run away. Now that you have, you tremble at what he might do to you now.
With every passing moment your mind fills with worse and worse images of torture you'd havr to endure at Ajax's hands. All because you allowed yourself to believe in some shitty hopefulness. With every new image, your lungs tighten even more. Your heart pounds in your chest, and your legs twitch. Every bone in your body screams at you to run.
But again, that's what got you here in the first place. Didn't it?
Ajax darts his eyes down at you, taking in your shakey form. Your uneven breathe and beating heart all tell-tale signs of how scared you are. How scared you are of him. Your terror must've taken over all of logical thinking.
No matter how angry you make him he'd never lay a so much as a finger on you.
He sighs before kissing your forehead, the kiss is soft and loving. Reminding you of the Ajax you knew. His face falls from the once tight expression to one more somber and melancholy.
Stress and disappointment etched onto his features. He loves you so much, and he hates that he'll have to punish you. But he can't just let you get away with this.
He brings you up higher, digging his face deep into the crook of your neck. Taking in a whiff of the sweet citrus perfume he gave you. You don't move, your body turned frigid the moment he kissed your head. You don't understand what's going on.
He lifts his head up, looking you in the eye. His eyes mimic a raging sea, waves of blue and teal swirl together to make a his powerful gaze. The look in his eyes is enough to bring tears to your eyes.
You've never seen him look at you like that. With such sorrow and sizzling frustration.
He brings a hand up to your face, wiping away all the tears falling from your watery eyes as he coos in your ears.
"Oh baby, don't cry, there's no need to be scared. I'd never hurt you. I only want what's best for you. But I can't just let stunts like this go unpunished. I promise you, it'll be over before you know it. Okay baby?"
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rbfclassy · 5 months
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SYNOPSIS...as an overworked and stressed employee, you find relief in giving blowjobs to complete strangers at an adult store
INFO...nanami x fem!reader, oral (m!receiving), jerking off, nipple play, tit job, pussy job, cum eating, praise, a little twist at the end, not proofread (as usual)
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated
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had to repost this bc tumblr took it down for whatever reason even though I have things more explicit than this on my other blog lmao
Working at an office where you were constantly hassled for your deadlines always put a lot of unwanted stress on your shoulders. Higher ups yapping in your ear about something you’ve been told one hundred times before and your fingers are typing as fast as they can on the computer. It was a complete and utter shit show, a waste of your precious time. But you have one little secret no one knows about, you volunteer at a glory hole every now and then when you feel too worked up.
After a long week of staring at a computer screen and boring meetings, you walking to the adult store, greeting the worker who already knew what you were there for. All you needed to relax was to watch random strangers cum from your touch. Believe it or not, it brought you joy hearing their moans on the other side of the thin wall. Maybe you chose the wrong profession.
As you entered the room, you let out a sigh, locking the door behind you. You slipped your coat off, and placed your bag down on the chair. Despite what others might think, the room was always clean. It wasn’t a random glory hole you’d find in a public bathroom or a shack in the middle of the woods. You unbuttoned your shirt, letting your tits breathe as you finally were able to relax and wait for the first person to come in.
You perked up at the sound of the door to the other room opening and closing shut. He let out a loud sigh, the sound of his pants being unbuckled making you excited. “Just make me cum, I’ve had a long fucking day,” he grunted. You looked down at the hole, the man placing his semi hard cock through it.
“You and me both, sweetheart. Don’t worry, I’ll make you feel good.” Your hand glided up and down his shaft, slowly stroking him, feeling him grow harder in your hand. You stared at his cock with a smile, his swollen tip flushed a dark pink, prominent veins running on the underside of it. Whoever this man was, he sure had a pretty cock. “You’re so big,” you giggle. Your hand barely able to fully wrap around.
Delicate fingers traced the prominent veins, teasing the underside of his dick before your thumb rubbed over his swollen tip. You felt him throb in your hand, a bead of pre cum forming at his tip, a smile tugging at your lips. The stranger was fully hard, dick long and pretty. You continued rubbing your thumb over his tip, sticking out your tongue to give him kitten licks, tasting his pre cum. You heard the man shudder, a breathy gasp leaving his throat. “Oh, you’re so sensitive!” You gasped, now slowly moving your hand up and down his shaft, moving from base to tip.
You moaned in satisfaction, lip tucked between your teeth as you jerked the stranger off, your free hand cupping your tits as you started to feel turned on by the sight in front of you. “Oh, fuck,” he let out breathy moan. More pre cum began leaking from his tip, allowing you to use it as lubricant to jerk him off easier. Your wrist moved in circular motions, squeezing gently the closer your got towards his sensitive head. “Shit, sweetheart! You really know what you’re doing, huh?” A moan could be heard from the other side of the wall.
Your hand pumped him faster, squeezing tighter around his shaft. “You better not cum yet!” You smiled as if he could see you, but you were taking joy in hearing him in pleasure. Opening your mouth, you stuck out your tongue and took him in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down while simultaneously moving your hand. You pinched your nipple, moaning around his cock as his tip hit the back of your throat.
“Oh, baby, your tongue feels so good! Let me feel that throat,” he whimpered, bucking his hips against the wall, trying so desperately to fuck your face. You removed your hand from around his cock, allowing him to fuck your face. Glug, glug, glug. “There we fucking go, atta girl!” He moaned loudly. As you sat there and let him use your throat, you couldn’t help but think at how familiar the man sounded, though you couldn’t remember from where. But it was the least of you worries, you were only thinking about making him cum.
You pulled your head away, trying to catch your breath as drool coated your chin. You lazily smiled to yourself, wrapping your hand around his shaft again and slowly jerked him off. You positioned yourself to where your tits were close to his dick, rubbing his tip over your hard nipples. “Mmm, feels so good.” Your brows furrow in pleasure.
“Keep doing whatever you’re doing, sweetheart. God, I wish I could see your pretty face right now,” he grunted. You smiled at his words, continuing you give him a tit job before spitting on his cock again. You licked a stripe from the base of his cock to the tip, taking him in your mouth slowly, allowing him to stretch your throat. You gagged on it, tears forming in your eyes before clenching them shut. Mascara ran down your cheeks as you began moving your head up and down, more spit coating his cock and falling on your chest. Your hands messily spread the spit over your tits, teasing your sensitive nipples. “Wanna cum all over your face—mmm, fuck me!” He groaned.
You pulled away again, taking a deep breath. You grinned when his cock twitched, a small giggle erupting from your chest. “You’re so close to cumming! I love it. Do I make you feel good, huh?” You cooed, dragging your fingers over his head. His cock looked even prettier dripping with your saliva.
“Can I feel your pussy? Please, sweetheart? I need it so bad,” he begged. You sat there on your knees, processing the words he said. You usually never let anyone fuck you at these glory holes, but you could think of the next best thing.
“How about a pussy job? Would you like that, baby?” You questioned, waiting for his answer while you slipped your soaked panties off. You dipped your fingers in between your folds, letting out a small gasp from how wet you were. “You got me so wet.” You slapped your pussy a few times, a lewd wet sound filling the room. “Hear that?”
“Goddamn you.” His cock twitched just from hearing how wet you were. “Let me feel her, please—fuckkk me,” he breathily said once he felt your hand grip his cock and rub his tip over your sopping slit.
You were bet over, using the chair as support while the other reached over and guided his cock along your pussy, his head rubbing between your folds and nudging your puffy clit. Your jaw went slack, eyes fluttering shut. Moans could be heard on either side of the wall. He desperately wanted to shove himself inside your gummy walls and fuck you until you passed out. “Cum all over my pussy, I know you want to.”
“Fuck, fuck, shit,” he grunted. “I’m cumming! Oh, sweetheart I’m fucking cumming!” Not even seconds after saying those words, you felt hot spurts coat your pussy, the man moaning and you continued to rub his cock all over your sloppy pussy.
“Yes!” You laughed, gasping from how he was still going. “Oh my goodness!” You felt him twitch one last time in your hand before you pulled away, sitting on the chair and spreading your legs to see at the mess he created. Curiosity got the better of you as you dipped your fingers in, scooping some of his cum and licking it clean off. “Mmmm, you taste so good!” He let out a breathy chuckle.
“Thank you for that, baby.” He pulled away from the glory hole, cock disappearing. You heard him put his pants back on. “Can I ask you a question?”
You kneeled back down towards the glory hole. “Yes, what is it?”
“Will you allow me to see who you are?” He sounded like he was nervous to ask the question.
“There’s no fun in a glory hole if you know who the person is,” you replied in a playful tone.
You heard the man let out a small laugh before sighing. “I guess you’re right. Until next time then.”
“Until next time.” You smiled to yourself. One thought sat in the back of your mind, though. Why did this man sound so familiar to you? It was a forbidden glory hole ‘rule’, but you couldn’t help yourself from peeking through the hole in hopes to catch a glimpse of the man on the other side. You noticed a familiar watch on his right hand, his figure coming more into view when he walked towards the door. An audible gasp escaped your lips when you saw the blonde hair. It was none other than Nanami Kento, your co-worker who you regularly greet at the office, the man who sits in the cubicle right next to you.
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o-sachi · 2 months
Do a Somersalt ! ‧₊˚ ⋅ Blue Lock Chars. (Request)
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ଳ how would the blue lock boys react to a gymnast s/o who is muscular? ଳ characters; isagi yoichi, bachira meguru, nagi seishiro, reo mikage, chigiri hyoma, michael kaiser, shidou ryusei ଳ tags; floof, afab reader, no y/n
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ᯓ Isagi Yoichi
"You're going to the gym? Can I come too?"
The man is absolutely mesmerized by you. The way you look alone never fails to amaze him. But when you're in your element? He's definitely somewhere—melting into a puddle after witnessing your moves.
An absolute sucker for your muscles, especially the thighs. He'll poke at 'em, squish 'em, and lay his head on 'em.
He will always always always ask to watch your competitions. It's only fair that he provide moral support for you since you do the same for his football games. Hell—even if it's just practice, he'll try to come and watch you anyway.
He loves the way you look, but a small part of him wants to be more muscular as well because he thinks he'd embarrass you if he wasn't as lean as you :(
"Hey, what would you think if I were more muscular?" / "Hmm, I'd be pretty proud, but you look great as you are." / "Be for real." / "I am being for real though?"
Doesn't really dwell on that thought. It's more of a fleeting one if anything. He's more preoccupied about admiring you anyway.
ᯓ Bachira Meguru
"How the fuck did you flip like that? I wanna do it too."
Expect him to hound you about teaching him all your "cool" moves. He'll ask about the complicated ones even though both of you know that he won't be doing that with just an explanation, a demo, and a prayer.
Bachira's quite flexible though, so you do manage to teach him some stuff. He was SO ecstatic the first time he was able to do a move that you two had been going over for an hour.
"Babe, I think I'm ready to do a double back salto tucked with a triple twist." / "Okay, first of all, even I can't do that... and two, how do you know that?" / "There's this little thing called 'the internet'?"
He's not really one to be too observant of what body type his s/o has, but he'll always compliment your muscles.
The way his face lights up when both of you find out you can lift him up like a baby is priceless. It may or may not be the reason why he loves your muscles so much...
ᯓ Nagi Seishiro
"Ah... can you carry me back? What? I'm not that heavy..."
Nagi loves your muscles. They're firm, but they make good pillows. He says he falls asleep faster when he's in your arms or when his head is resting on your lap.
Another reason is because you can give him piggyback rides. Sure, he's more than 6 feet tall and still weighs more than you, but you suck it up and try to lift him anyway.
He's so in awe of all the moves that you do on the bars or on the floor. If he's watching you compete, he's most likely thinking about how much of a hassle those moves are.
"Don't you get tired of swinging around like that? Looks tough." / "You know that football matches are 90 minutes long, right?" / "...I know and I hate running for that long."
After both of your trainings, he'll invite you to take a long ass nap in the ac and under the comfiest blanket ever. It's impossible to say no to him.
ᯓ Reo Mikage
"Hey, your video got 500 likes already—as expected."
He pretty much has documented your entire career with how many pictures and videos he has taken of you training or performing. He has his own archive for your competitions too.
"Baby, there is no such thing as too much when it comes to you." / "Um... actually—" / "Shhh... shh..."
You two have the same trainer, nutritionist, manager—everything. He'll introduce you to his team that keeps him in tip-top shape for football so that you can be your best self in gymnastics too.
If he's unable to attend a competition of yours, he'll send someone to watch and record it for him.
Of course, he'll make it up by throwing an epic celebration for you regardless if you won or not. Reo will shower you with endless praise.
ᯓ Chigiri Hyoma
"The judges don't know what the fuck they're doing, honestly."
He's like... such a mom when he comes to watch your competitions. He'll be sitting in the audience—both amazed and a bit worried when you do risky moves.
When the judges score lower than what he expects, he'll start muttering under his breath about how stupid they are and that you deserve WAAAY higher.
The biggest hype man ever. It doesn't matter if you won or lost—he'll always express his admiration for you. If you did win, he'll celebrate the heck out of it with you. But if you lost, he'll reassure you and still celebrate for the effort you put in.
He likes choosing your leotard and hairstyle for you. When you give him the liberty to do so, the biggest smile appears on his face.
"Hmm... this purple one looks good, but I like the red one too." / "Hyoma, you know I'm only going to practice, right?" / "I know, I know."
ᯓ Michael Kaiser
"I only got into it because of you, y'know?"
He will shamelessly ogle your muscles. It's one thing that they look great. But it's another to know that you put in tons of hard work and discipline into building that kind of body. And he respects that quite a lot.
His knowledge of gymnastics when you first started dating was little to none. But suddenly he's so into it now. He watches other gymnasts' routines and learns the common moves and rules in competitions.
Mihya acts lowkey about it, but he feels a sense of pride seeing you happy when the two of you get to talk about the thing you love the most. It'll start of with him initiating the topic, then you'll just rant until you're tired. He won't complain though.
He felt like his heart was sucked right out of his chest when he saw your outfit for a certain competition. It was a black and blue leotard with blue roses on it. You swore his eyes watered a bit, but apparently it was just the wind...
"Well... you look great." / "Are you crying?" / "Huh? Crying? Psh. You're literally seeing things." / "Okay, Gaslighter3000."
ᯓ Shidou Ryusei
"Heh, wanna bet who can do more flips in a minute?"
He's actually glad that you're strong and muscular because it means he doesn't have to hold back as much. Also, he's just into the whole muscle mommy thing. Yes, he's that guy.
Shidou knows you can do pretty amazing things which, of course, leads to the most bizarre hypotheticals and bets ever.
"Babe, do you think you could flip off of that ledge?" / "Seriously. Look at it. It's like twice your height and it's all cement." / "Oh so then you're lame? I bet I could do that."
As much as you'd love to bring him to competitions... he just gets too excited (not that kind of excited). He'll start shouting and cheering you to the point that everyone will be looking at him.
His phone's storage is like 70% videos of you performing moves or you training. He finds it adorable when you're putting in work and doing things that can blow people away.
o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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totalswag · 5 months
Drew Starkey and Actress Reader are together for a while now, they're in a place, you know celebrities meet at a party or parade or exhibition something like that. That's when they meet the Reader's ex boyfriend, they get along well, they've moved on, on good terms but Drew seems a little jealous, i see him asking little questions, but in reality he has nothing to fear since he trusts her a lot, he knows she loves him so much back. Can you do this please ?
unexpected encounter — DREW STARKEY
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authors note thank you for the lovely request! sorry this took awhile to be posted. life has been very busy. i hope this is what you were looking for lovie.
summary drew meeting your ex for the first time and he seems to be jealous.
warnings jealous drew thats it
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Golden Globes after-party is tonight.
Since you announced your relationship to the world, this will be your second public appearance together. Drew was dressed in an all-black suit to compliment her basic black dress with a bit of shine to draw attention. You like to match your outfits here and there.
This was also an excellent opportunity for Drew to meet new people in the film industry as well as some of his favorite actors and actresses. When he met some of his favorite people, it warmed your heart to see him so happy and giggly.
As usual, there was a large crowd at the after party. You were able to communicate with other actors and actresses. Your father is a well-known actor, and seeing some of his former co-stars is always pleasant.
In the middle of a conversation with Margot Robbie talking about her recent film, Barbie, you heard a familiar voice call out your name.
Margot excused herself, saying, "I'll see you later." She tells you, "Love you, sweet girl," before pulling away from the hug.
She’s amazing.
"Oh, hello, Y/N. It's been a while; how are you?" Your ex-boyfriend, Adam, came into view, astonished to find you there, but smiled at the end.
“Yes, it has been a while and I’ve been great, you?” You reply with a normal tone. “This is my boyfriend Drew, he’s also in the film industry” wrapping your arm around his, looking up at him with a soft gaze.
No matter how you ended things with Adam, you still had love for him at the end of the day.
You can feel the stress increasing in Drew’s body. He only becomes like this when he detects a threat and he wants to protect you at all cost. You’ve stated to him in the very beginning of your relationship you were in a two year relationship with Adam, also in the film industry. You ended on good terms and moved on from each other.
You have no feelings for Adam.
The only thing on your mind was why your partner was acting like this. A million thoughts race through your mind as you try to figure out why.
You can understand why he is suddenly acting this way. You would have the same reaction if you met Drew's ex for the first time. He knows you just have eyes for him.
"Nice to meet you, Drew," he adds confidently, extending his hand.
"Adam," he said, firmly shaking his hand. "You play Rafe Cameron on the Outer Banks, correct? "My cousin loves you," he says with a chuckle.
Drew was taken back by the chuckle from Adams mouth, “Yeah I play him in the show and I appreciate it, you can tell them that I said thank you” his response was calm.
The two begin conversing, getting to know one other. You continue to stand beside the two grown men, even joining in on the conversation. Drew's questions or comments drew your attention.
Adam nods, turning his body towards you, “Congrats on your movie by the way, you did amazing,” talking about your newest movie you starred in with Sydnee Sweeny.
“Thank you Adam, filming that movie was a hassle but a lot of fun all together” you kept your arms around Drew’s arm the whole time.
Eventually, you realized it was time to leave Adam and finish your night with Drew. The night has just begun, and there is food calling your name.
"It was nice to see you, but it appears that we should get going; I hope you have a good rest of your night, Adam," Drew said, indicating between Drew and you. 
"Of course, yes, enjoy the rest of your night" Adam claps his hands together before shaking Drew's hand and hugging you.
By the end of the night, Drew and you are sitting down at the table with a few of your friends while music plays from the band on stage.
Drew and you were facing each other, your hand fiddling with his gold chain while he questioned you about Adam.
"Baby, you understand how much I love you and value our relationship. I'm sorry if I was acting like a dosh," Drew rambles on, but you cut him off by kissing him to silence him.
"You weren't acting like a dosh; you were professional the entire time, and I understand why you were the way you were," you said, placing your palm on top of his and softly pressing your thumb on his hand.
"I actually love you a lot more," he says, smiling.
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my taglist!
✰ if you would like to be added to my taglist and be notified whenever i post please let me know in the comments or in my ask box. if there's a line across your name that means i couldn't find your account.
@diqldrunks @chenslucy @winterrrnight @rosezza @solanathascientst @runningfrom2am
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adverbally · 1 month
We Can Lock the World Outside
Written for the @steddieangstyaugust prompt “Moonlight” | wc: 979 | rated: G | cw: none | tags: migraine, chronic illness, hurt/comfort, author is a spoonie projecting onto Steve | title from “Sometimes” by Erasure
It’s dark out when Eddie gets home, which isn’t unusual. All the lights in the apartment are off, which is.
Juggling grocery bags from his stop on the way, Eddie has already let the door slam shut behind him by the time he becomes aware of the darkness surrounding him. “Stevie? I’m home!” he yells, flicking the light switch on with some awkward elbow maneuvering. The sudden brightness leaves him blinking across the room.
The large, blanket-covered lump on the couch shudders with a muffled groan.
Eddie cringes as he realizes his mistake. Steve must have a migraine.
He stretches his elbow out to shut the light back off before making his way to the kitchen in the dark. He puts the groceries away as quietly as he can and grabs a bag of frozen peas from the freezer before tip-toeing back into the living room.
In the moonlight shining through the cracks in the blinds, Eddie can make out the shape Steve curled up on the couch. Almost all of him is cocooned in the quilt from their bed, though he has left his nose and mouth visible. Even with most of his face covered, Eddie can tell that his expression is creased with pain.
Crouching down beside the couch, Eddie whispers, “I’m sorry, baby,” so quiet he’s not sure Steve hears him at first.
“S’okay, you didn’t know,” he mumbles back.
Eddie holds up the bag of frozen peas, knowing that Steve will recognize the smell and crinkling of the package even if he can’t see it.
“You’re the best.” He sounds so relieved and grateful for such a simple gesture. It kills Eddie that after all these years, Steve is still surprised when people take care of him.
Slowly and carefully, Eddie helps unwrap the blanket burrito enough that he can drape the bag of peas over Steve’s head. “Good?” he asks, trying to gauge if his placement was correct. At Steve’s affirmative noise, he tucks the quilt back into its original shape so the fabric will hold the cold pack in place.
“Thank you,” Steve croaks.
“They’ve been bad lately.” Eddie shifts out of his squat to sit cross-legged on the floor beside him.
Steve’s mouth twitches downward, barely visible in the moonlight. His next exhale comes as a shaky sigh. “Yeah. And getting worse.”
Eddie knows what that means - more frequent, more severe, more debilitating. “We gotta do something. Get you checked out, at least,” he suggests softly.
“I know,” Steve agrees, sounding utterly miserable. It’s a conversation they’ve had a few times– not just between the two of them, but also with many of the Party parents who have become concerned with Steve’s health.
Eddie knows how much Steve struggles with the migraines. It goes beyond the pain, though that’s no walk in the park. It’s the hours before when the level of noise in his classroom becomes overwhelming, when Steve’s vision starts to flicker and fuzz, when he becomes so nauseated that he sometimes has to camp out in the bathroom so he will be near the toilet. It’s even the days after, when he can still feel phantom traces of the pain like a bruise, when he’s too exhausted to move and his brain won’t cooperate with him.
But Eddie also knows that it’s difficult for Steve to find time during the school day to call around and ask about a consultation. He might even need to leave town to see a specialist, and then there will be bloodwork and scans and the hassle of dealing with the insurance company… It amounts to a Herculean task, even for someone healthy.
“I know,” Eddie parrots, hoping Steve can hear the sympathy and concern underlying the words.
He must, because Steve squirms within his quilted fortress until he’s able to stick his hand out through the opening he left for his face. Eddie takes Steve’s hand in both of his, rubbing circles into the soft skin with his thumbs before he leans down to kiss it.
“Do you think you can eat something? I can bring you some toast, maybe a banana if they’re still good?”
Steve frowns. “Maybe in a little while. I don’t know if I can sit up yet.”
“Did you take any painkillers?” Eddie is pretty sure he already knows the answer based on the bottle of Tylenol that was left on the kitchen counter.
“Yeah.” Steve squeezes Eddie’s hands before tucking his arm back into his nest. “I’m just gonna enjoy my frozen peas and maybe nap a little more.”
“I can sit with you, if you want,” Eddie offers. They’ve spent hours and hours doing that, with Steve sprawled out across the couch, his head in Eddie’s lap while he rubs his back through the blankets.
Steve ducks his head a little so he can see Eddie through the opening of his cocoon. In the cool glow of the moonlight, the dark shadows and tension beneath his eyes are more pronounced. He looks utterly exhausted. “You don’t mind?”
Eddie makes eye contact with Steve as deliberately as possible. “I never mind taking care of you.” It doesn’t seem to have sunk in at any point in the last seven years, but Eddie will never stop reminding Steve that he’s not a burden.
Carefully, Eddie helps Steve leverage his body into a partially-upright position that leaves room for Eddie to sit on the couch, then guides him back to recline with his head on Eddie’s thigh. The bag of frozen peas makes Eddie’s hip cold, even through the layers of the quilt. They probably have about half an hour before the thawing peas make a mess and Eddie’s stomach starts to growl. But for now, he’s content to sit in the dark with Steve, petting his shoulder, watching the quilt’s fabric shift under the light of the moon.
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thirstywoso · 1 month
Forget about your girlfriend - Jessie Fleming x Reader 18+
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W/C: 2.2k
Synopsis: Reader falls for Jessie after realising her relationship has ran its course
A/N: Just here for the angst, having a weird ass time at the minute and wanted to write something that wasn't so fluffy and was more shitty of reader
Warnings: cheating MDNI 18+, Oral, Fingering (giving and receiving) , strap (receiving), I can't think of anything else because if I'm honest I rushed the end of this and probably got repetitive because I'm so mentally and physically exhausted. Hopefully some better fics are coming I just wanted to put something out for y'all even if it was a rush job.
Your relationship had been on the rocks for awhile, the love you once shared had begun to dwindle, the fun you used to share gone, romantic gestures all but a distant memory.
You stayed though, out of convenience. A break up would be too much hassle and staying together would make you feel less lonely.
That was until Jessie had moved to Portland, you'd heard of her but hadn't ever met before. Yet you hit it off straight away, the way she knew exactly what to say to make you laugh.
How even when you were having an off day she could read you and cheer you up, she just got you in away that nobody had before.
Of course you felt guilty you loved your girlfriend, just Jessie added something to your life that you felt was missing.
That's what brought you to tonight, after innocent flirting and months of getting closer with Jessie you'd gone straight to her after a heated fight with your girl.
Your eyes were brimming with tears and she pulled you into a hug, tightly holding you. It's when you pulled back and looked into her deep brown eyes that you knew you were fucked, the tension all too much.
Pulling her closer your eyes dart between her lips and her eyes, a sudden rush coming over you, butterflies erupting in your stomach.
Then it was too late, your lips were on hers and her hands were on your hips. Pulling you tight. Biting on your lip to ground herself trying to control the urge to pull you to the bedroom.
Your hands began roaming along her back not letting her pull away, until you needed to breathe.
"Do you want me to stop?.. if you do please say because if we keep going I don't think I will be able to stop myself" she states matter of fact.
You nod your head pulling her back in, arms running along her shoulder blades dragging down until your finger tips are running along her waist. Her actions mirroring yours as you fall deeper into each other.
She begins to pull off your shirt looking at you to double check you were still okay, your eyes meet and you violently nod your head. The look on Jessie's face sending a pulse to your core.
Without a second thought you began ripping each others clothing off discarding all over Jessie's apartment floor before she held your jaw pulling you with her toward her bedroom.
Getting through the door she twists you around pushing you as you step back toward her bed, your calves meeting the end of her bed as she shoves you backwards.
Your head falling into her pillows, her scent overwhelming as you stare up at her longingly.
"I'm going to fuck you so good, you forget your name" she says so causally
"This is your last chance to stop or I'm going to have you whimpering my name and not hers" she offers
"Prove it" you give
That's all Jessie needed to hear as her lips were back on yours in a heated kiss, that then trialed across your cheek and down your neck, feather light kisses and kitten licks of her tongue follow the column of your neck.
Your core beginning to feel like molten lava
"Please" you whimper out as her hand snakes between the two of you, slowly making its way to where you so badly needed her.
"Fuck" she gasps gathering the wetness on her finger tips "do you get this wet for her?" She almost laughs
"Just for you Jessie" you whimper out as her fingers circle your bundle of nerves.
"What's that baby? She doesn't make you this wet? Speak up for me" she mocks her fingers slipping inside of you.
"Fuck.. only you make me this wet Jessie" you moan, head falling back into the pillows eyes rolling back at the delicious stretch she provided you.
Jessie whispering sweet nothings in your ear as her fingers curl deeper "you look so fucking good like this" she groans into your neck" you cry out at her words needing more.
Grabbing onto her hair you begin to push her down, she knows exactly what you want as she trails kisses down your stomach. Blowing gently on your core she removes her fingers before sucking them into her own mouth. Tasting you for the first time, her eyes roll back drunk on your taste.
You laugh down at her "good?" You question.
"You wanna try yourself?" She responds with a nod, dipping her fingers back into you before pulling them out dripping in your arousal.
Wiping her finger tips along your bottom lip before thrusting them into your waiting tongue so you could taste yourself.
You gush at the idea of her fingers fucking your throat and you begin to make a show of cleaning them. Head bobbing up and down gagging on her digits.
She chuckles to herself as she leans down kissing your core, soft at first but then more hungry, kisses to your clit followed by swipes of her tongue through you folds until she is overtaken by want.
He tongue dives into you, furiously fucking you in a frenzy your entrance pulsing around her as her nose bumps into your bundle of nerves.
Your hands find her hair tugging at it as your mouth falls open a silent scream erupting from deep in your throat as she hits the spot you need her most.
Jessie groans into your wet heat adding her ring and middle finger once more, joining her tongue as they dive inside you making your toes curl and eyes screw shut.
Lifting off the bed your hips begin to buck into her mouth and fingers trying to pull her closer into you, your free hand screwing up the sheets beneath you.
Retracting her tongue she begins to suckle on your folds and make her way to your clit that she sucks between her teeth, flicking her tongue over it repeatedly.
Humming to herself at the shake in your legs and repeating the motion, you can't help but whimper as you feel your orgasm approaching.
Before you know it you are falling off the edge and Jessie is back by your head kissing you, overwhelming you with your own flavour.
Her hand is gently caressing your thigh and her lips begin to leave a trail of feather light kisses on your neck as you catch your breath.
"Wow that was something else" you manage to puff out with a slight giggle.
"You look so pretty when you cum y/n, I could watch the way your face screws up and mouth hangs open on repeat" she admits nipping at your ear lobe
"Then make me do it again" you whisper in a tone that almost sounds like a question.
"Mmm yeah?" She says shifting onto her elbow looking down at you. "You want to come apart on my cock?"
You nod your head pulling her in for a kiss, when she pulls back you let her know exactly what you want "Please Jess, fuck me"
She doesn't need to be told twice, grabbing one of her favourite straps from the draw she secures it to her waist before kneeling in front of you again as your legs involuntarily spread for her.
She rubbed the tip along your slit gently before leaning down to kiss you as her length slid past your entrance hitting your throbbing clit and back, repeating this motion as she gently rocked her hips into you as your kiss became more feverish.
She sucked down gently on your tongue as your hands found their way to her shoulders and raked gently up and down her back.
As your tongues battled for dominance you reached between the two of you finding the base of Jessie's newest appendage and angling it so the tip stretched at your opening on Jessie's next thrust.
"Please, I need you inside me, Jessie I want to be so full of you please" you beg her, knowing you needed to feel her stretch you open.
As your hands grab back onto her shoulders Jessie's cock fills you to the hilt, both of you letting out shuddering breaths.
The two of you realising how deep inside you she is, scared to move knowing that there is no turning back now. Your eyes flutter at the feeling of being full of her as she groans just imagining the way you are pulsing around her the same way you did on her fingers.
After a deep breath she pulls back until only the tip is stretching your entrance before slamming her hips back down causing you to grunt, enjoying your reaction she does it again her eyes rolling back at the hitch in your throat as she grinds into you.
"You're taking me so well pretty girl" she praises you as she fills you up again.
Your eyes roll back at her words as she quickens her pace, her finger tips making quick rhythm across your clit.
It had been so long since you had felt this good and the pang of guilt you had subsided pretty quickly once Jessie's lips attached themselves to your neck.
"Forget about your girlfriend" she whispers into your ear, you were so drawn to Jessie that you didn't even remember her name which you knew was so bad, but something inside you just didn't care.
"You are such a bad girl but look at you being a good girl for me" she whispers in your ear nibbling on your ear lobe for emphasis.
The pleasure from her strap nudging against your most needy spot and her little pants and words of encouragement in your neck drove you straight to the edge.
Pulling back she looked into your eyes her speed in thrusts and clit stimulation increasing
"That's it baby, cum for me" she groans as she grabs your ankles angling deeper inside you pushing you over the edge, her longing stare into her eyes driving you feral.
Your nails clawing down her back as you cum on her thick cock, she giggles slightly into your neck as she collapse atop you.
After some time you both start to move, Jessie peeling herself off of you and cuddling you into her.
Your hand traces soft patterns across her exposed skin, before dragging the strap on off of where she had secured it. Discarding it somewhere in the room before your hand found purchase between her legs once more, dipping your fingers between her folds you gather some of her wetness.
The slide of your fingers mixed with the way you could feel her dripping made you crazy, it wasn't long before you sunk your fingers in knuckle deep. Causing both of you to groan out.
"So wet for me Jessie" you half laugh half groan
"Does she get this wet for you baby?" Jessie smirks which you quickly wipe off her face with an overly eager curl of your fingers and a delicate kiss to the edge of her mouth.
Pumping your fingers in harder you kiss her, swallowing her moans as you feel her walls flutter around your digits.
A particularly delicious curl sent her eyes rolling back and her mouth agape, she looked so fucking beautiful so open and relaxed for you.
Kissing along her jaw and neck, biting, sucking and soothing with your tongue repeatedly as you add another digit.
Jessie stretching around you further, worked up from seeing you come undone and from the stimulation the bottom of the strap provided her clit it wasn't long until you had her on the precipice.
One powerful and skill full curl and scissor of your fingers sent her careening off the edge you'd placed her on, kissing her face and neck repeatedly as she shuddered and came down from her high.
Once you'd both caught your breath you were soon wrapped in each other warm embrace.
You hadn't felt so content and safe in such a long time that you began to cry.
"What's wrong baby?" She asks using the pad of her thumb to wipe away your tears.
"I think I know what to do" you say dryly
"...end things" you carry on noticing Jessie's raised elbow
Leaning down she places a kiss on your forehead and rubs your cheek
"Whatever you do or do not decide to do, I will be here for you" she reaffirms
"I love you Jess" you whisper
You think she whispers it back but your eyes were heavy and you drifted into a sleep tucked up in her arms, overwhelmed with her scent from the bed sheets and her proximity. You'd never felt so safe and cared for and you couldn't help the sleep taking over.
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simplyreveries · 8 months
Hello! I love your blog and your creative works they are absolutely amazing! 😋
So I was wondering if you were able to do a F!Yuu/MC that just sits themselves into Leona, Floyd’s, Jack, and Riddles lap and just gives them a sweet kiss on the neck?
Just wanna see how their reactions would be if they would be surprised or flustered and such. Ignore this if you don’t want to do but I do greatly appreciate if you do! Love your works 🥰🥰
thank you thank youuu!!!<33
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leona kingscholar
his once closing eyes were peaked open when he feels you move to sit yourself on him, he’ll grumble something tiredly and put his arms around you allowing you to only lean further into him. he is sucking up any sort of attention and affection from you, he feels a sense of pride and knowing that you're so willing to do that to him.
leona will only want more out of you, I mean, believe it not he is pretty greedy with his time and attention from you. be ready to have him practically moving you and sitting you on him so he can rest. he loves the feeling of you being so close to him, sometimes you may feel him give you some lazy kisses back.
since he can tell how much you seem to like doing that to him, leona finds himself prompting to do that whenever you seem to be sad or just generally in a bad mood, he'd barely think twice before pulling you onto his lap and into his arms with a hand rubbing your back in a comforting manner.
floyd leech
don't assume he hasn't tried to do the exact same thing honestly. he is so utterly affectionate and all over you practically all the time, he feels like he can never get quite enough of you. whenever he seems to be in some irritable and sour mood he’ll whine and come find you complaining how annoying a teacher like trein is or that he is just bored and wants to be entertained. as soon as you come up to him and even do something as a simple kiss, he is feeling soo much better.
he’ll literally ask you like anywhere or anytime to just come over and sit so he can hold you, and he's in desperate need of your affection and kisses. you’ll hear him call your name or “shrimpy” mostly as he holds out his hands so you can pull you onto him. you’ll feel as he laughs once he’s got you in his arms, getting out of them is a whole different hassle.
floyd enjoys burying and rubbing his face into the crook of your neck, he kisses you endlessly on the neck as well, even attacking it with light bites here and there. he'd giggle and laugh telling you how cute he finds you whenever you do this.
jack howl
he feels like he cannot speak as jack is beyond flustered when you suddenly do that, i mean he is not complaining but he doesn't know how to handle all this. he’ll nervously put his arms around you, more in a comforting kind of manner and feel even more flushed when you begin to press kisses to his neck— he never realized how sensitive it is too..
also laying and sitting up against jack has to be so comfortably sweet, he is so warm, and despite his build he is so careful with you, it's cute really. it feels like he has you in a good hold but at the same time his hands around fully grabbing onto you because it makes him so nervous.
ever since you did that, he really finds himself wanting so much more of it, though he couldn't ask himself he'd just be incredibly close to you hoping you'd get the idea. like floyd, he'll put his face into your neck but only because he feels like he can barely even look at you but finds himself loving your scent haha.
riddle rosehearts
he’d only be fine with it if it weren't in the public eyes of anyone else because he’d deem it too improper as dorm leader but more so that he wouldn't be able to handle even a second of that with how nervous and embarrassed he’d feel. riddle already has trouble being able to kiss you on the cheek or the corner of your lips, when you do something like that, he is basically frozen.
his mind goes blank as he stammers and asks you what it is you're doing, but he’ll let out some aired laugh when you kiss him on the neck, carefully and slowly he would be able to out his arms around you and nervously accept it. he is beyond touch starved so he really does feel almost needy for any kind of affection from you.
riddle would ease slowly into loving it, he feels like he is melting around you like this. he’ll have some bashful smile on his face as he happily eats up the kisses and the feeling of your skin against his. he doesn't mention this, but he seems to adore the feeling of your heartbeat against his.
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
Whenever I see an up-and-coming Youtuber I notice they often make the same mistake. When the time comes to increase production quality, the absolute first thing you should do is invest in improving your sound. Not the camera or the lens or lighting or set design. Audio quality trumps all of that. People being able to understand what you are communicating should always be the highest priority.
And the cool part is you can do this with a cheap lav mic. There are some that can just plug right into your phone. The next priority is learning how to set levels and make sure your voice isn't distorting from being too loud. You can even record a little quiet and bump up the levels later on. But if you record too loud to begin with, you can't fix that.
After that you can "treat" your room. Which just involves controlling echo and reverb. Foam acoustic panels are expensive and not necessary. You can do the same thing by just filling your room with stuff. Furniture, books, blankets, pillows. You want to eliminate large flat surfaces. If the sound has to bounce around on 20 different surfaces before it comes back to your microphone, it will have much less energy.
You can also figure out which wall is the biggest echo offender and hang a couple of heavy blankets in front of it. If you can score those moving blankets on the cheap, those work great. And if you can put a gap in between the blankets that will further reduce echo/reverb. You don't have to cover the entire wall, just the main area in front of where you are speaking. If you can reduce that very first reflection, the sound will have much less energy to bounce off other surfaces.
All that said, sometimes people will go overboard with sound and buy that giant phallic SM7B dynamic microphone. I see those things everywhere. Yes, Michael Jackson used it and it does sound great. But with so many quality USB mics that plug straight into your computer, it is a huge hassle and really overkill unless you just enjoy audio tech and want a cool toy. The SM7B requires extra equipment to make it sound good. It's XLR so you need a special interface. And most people add a "cloudlifter" because it isn't very sensitive and can be really quiet without it. Plus, dynamic mics need to be super close to your mouth and I think covering half your face with a giant mic isn't the best visual. There are lav mics in a wide spectrum of price ranges that can be hidden and sound great. Or you can do a shotgun mic like they use in movies. It can be hidden offscreen and pick up your voice from a distance.
Big dynamic mics are great for people with baritone voices. If you are James Earl Jones and you want to show off your voice, the SM7B or something similar makes more sense. Beyond that, most of your viewers just want clarity. Good room treatment and a $30 lav mic can achieve that pretty well. And if you watch a few tutorials on how to EQ and process audio, you can do a lot to make a cheaper microphone sound great. Reaper is a wonderful audio program with professional features and a reasonable price.
TLDR... fix your sound first!
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pinkmirth · 1 year
I think we need some headcanons of cowboy Reiner
— ( save a horse, ride a cowboy! )
༉‧₊˚. — synopsis: just a cluster of fluffy and smutty headcanons for none other than the love of my life, cowboy reiner!
༉‧₊˚. — contains: (2k words of…) cowboy!reiner x fem!reader, (black coded), fluff, nsfw/smut, modern au, southern setting, established relationship (married), fantasies of having a child, breeding kink (‘cause this is reiner we’re talking about duh!), mentions of pregnancy, bondage kink, oral (m!receiving/blowjob), cowgirl position, doggy-style, creampie, reiner calls himself “daddy”, use of the petnames (mama, sugar, darling, honey, cowgirl), reiner calls you “woman” once, lowercase intended, minors shoo!
༉‧₊˚. — mira’s note: oh absolutely, nonnie! here are some thoughts I have on cowboy rei-rei �� (check masterlist for other reiner fics!)
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this man is always covered head-to-toe in classic cowboy attire— embroidered cowboy boots, blue denim jeans with a lasso hanging from his belt loop, and a trusty old cowboy hat. he’s got the whole getup, and he looks even sexier in it every time you see him! though, his best look by far is the shirtless one. it’s the highlight of your day when whenever it gets too warm outside, because he’s soon to peel off his top. from across the farm, he can feel your eyes burning into his lightly-tanned skin as he does the most mundane chores. his muscles tense and flex with every move, pecs gleaming with sweat. he shoots you a smirk, folding his arms across his bare chest. “y’like what ya see, honey?” you pray the weather’s even hotter tomorrow.
it warms his heart whenever you come around to watch him do his daily chores around the farm. your presence motivates him to work harder, so he can continue to provide for you and sustain your comfortable lifestyle. you try not to be too much of a distraction, but you can’t help wanting to be closer to your husband; so you tug at his leather belt and pull him in for a kiss. that gets him giddy like nothing else. “ya know how much i love it when y’do that… gimme another,” he puckers his lips, and you giggle. “i don’t wanna keep you sidetracked for too long, rei. you were busy before i got here,” you caress his stubbled cheek and he pouts in response, leaning forward to receive another pillowy kiss. “jus’ one more, mama.”
cowboy reiner loves to cook and bake! he often goes on farmer’s market dates with you, walking hand in hand as you help him pick out the freshest ingredients and spices. you chat and laugh amongst one another, dropping carrots and apples into the hand-woven basket that reiner made for you. after arriving back home, he allows you to relax in yours and his shared bedroom while he whips together a hearty southern meal for the two of you. he shouts from across the house, adorned in nothing but a short pair of checkered boxers and a flimsy apron, “supper’s ready, darlin’! come on down ‘n eat!”
he’s great with animals! reiner cradles an adorable month-old horse in his strong arms, feeding milk to the baby with a soft smile. it’s just about the sweetest thing you could ever see! all the little foals follow him around the ranch because they love papa reiner just as much as you do <3 he’s built something of a connection between himself and his beloved herd, which is why he’s able to bring the horses over to their stables with no hassle whatsoever. this man could practically be a veterinarian with all the animal knowledge he has!
he’s a locally known rodeo champion! reiner wins the prize for longest bull-riding every single year. he should allow someone else a fighting chance, at least 😭 but he’s just effortlessly good at anything he puts his mind to! he skillfully rides the beast with such ease, leaving the crowd in awe. courtesy of his natural-born strength, he hardly ever gets tossed off. reiner’s got medals galore hanging on his wall from every competition.
as a southern man, he’s very family-oriented. his loved ones are of the utmost importance to him, and he’ll always put family first before anything else. he utterly adores you, and can’t wait to start a tiny lil family of his own with you <3 when I tell you this man cannot wait to be a papa, I mean it! there’s no denying that reiner would be an amazing father, considering that he’s so caring and attentive. he knows the best tickle spots to target, and the silliest faces to make to get a child cracking up (both of which he discovered through spending lots of time with gabi when she was small.) he constantly daydreams about dressing up his little one in tiny boots and overalls and carrying them up on his shoulders. (yes, I’m pushing the daddy rei-rei agenda on this fine weekend!)
cowboy reiner has manners like none other— the epitome of a true gentleman! he’s a great listener, is always so patient, opens doors for you, pays for your things without hesitation, gives frequent massages, carries you when you begin to feel tired; the list goes on! he’s just so kind and selfless, and never fails to show it. cowboy rei-rei is truly the perfect husband. “your feet hurt? well c’mere, sugar. i’ll carry you. it ain’t too much for me, y’know i can handle ya! jus’ hold onto me. i gotcha, okay?”
cowboy reiner is a grown man who can wholly appreciate your body and every striking detail about it. he scrutinizes the small dotted beauty marks scattered across your skin, your cutely patterned stretch marks, the curves and crevices of your soft tummy and thighs, and he fucking loves it all. makes it a habit to kiss up and down your body, just to give you a well-needed confidence boost. this man right here surely knows how to make a woman feel special! “listen t’me— you’re so fuckin’ gorgeous, y’know that?”
(nsfw) — reiner loves when you treat him to a surprise blowie during work. he’s up to the usual, arranging things around the barn and tending to the animals. you then make your entrance, wrapping your arms around his waist to hug him from behind. your plump lips curve into a sensual smile as you ask him, “can I steal you for a moment, baby? it won’t be for too long, I swear it.” in an instant, he's allowing you to pull him away from his duties, unknowing of where you’re taking him, but also uncaring because he’d allow you to do whatever you please. he follows you with the goofiest smile plastered on his charming face, because he knows that he’s about to receive the most knee-buckling blowjob of his entire goddamn life. you bring him into the hayloft, pushing him against the red-painted wall until he’s flat against it. you drop to your knees and bring his jeans down with you. “fuck, darlin’… kiss the tip ‘fa me.” he moans lowly. you do as he wishes, suckling on his cockhead with the most beautiful, glistening eyes. you’re so eager to please, and it makes him throb on your tongue. with a hand at the back of your head, he guides you further onto him until you’ve swallowed the entirety of his fat dick. reiner ruts his hips, fucking into your wet mouth. you always know just how to make him feel so good, so loved. he adores you like nothing else. “oh, that’s it, honey, right there… atta girl.”
(nsfw) — the bondage kink on this man is insane, I tell you! cowboy reiner loves to keep your hands tied behind your back and watch you squirm against the rope. “rei,” in a breathless whine, his name falls from your plush lips. you wiggle your ass in the air for him, anticipating his next move. he takes you from the back, raw-dogging your pussy with a merciless pace. you truly wonder where he gets all this unparalleled energy to drill you into the bed, especially considering all the hard work he puts into maintaining the farm every day. one large hand of his stays planted on your waist, hastily grabbing, while the other holds onto your tied hands for leverage. he delivers harsh, deep-reaching thrusts, with his firm hips sharply smacking against you from behind. your wrists struggle against the rope, and he can tell just how desperate you are to touch him. his gaze is fixated on your soft body; every jiggle of your ass and ripple of your thighs is more hypnotizing than the last. you mewl for him, stuttering out something along the lines of ‘t—too much!’ … reiner leans down until his chest grazes the arch of your back, so that he can say, “quit alla-that whinin’, woman.” he clicks his teeth, flooding your ears with that sexy southern drawl of his. “y’can take it all, you’ve done it before.”
(nsfw) — we all know it, the entire goddamn fandom knows it: cowboy reiner has a massive fucking breeding kink! he wants nothing more than to get you pregnant by stuffing your pliant womb with his thick loads of cum. giving you a creampie makes him go completely wild; he watches his seed drip down your slit with hitched breath. a sight such as that is enough to get him hard all over again. the lust takes over, and he’s thinking with his dick for the next three rounds. plowing into you and rubbing at your puffed clit with calloused fingertips, reiner asks, “want me to come inside you? hm?” he gently holds onto your chin, directing your gaze to him. you dazedly look at your husband, pulsing around his thick cock. seeing how fucked-out you are makes his chest swell with the utmost pride. his greatest achievement is being able to please you. “tell me how bad y’fuckin’ want it, baby.” he rasps. your pleading moans urge him to release for you. his warm, pearly arousal seeps into you for the nth time that night. all he wants is to fill you up until you’re walking funny, with your leg shaking from all the stimulation. or, at least until that little stick comes out positive one day. having you grow plump with his child is his ultimate fantasy. “you’d look so stunnin’ as a mama, carryin’ my baby… don’t’cha think so, sugar?”
(nsfw) — reiner likes to let you wear his cowboy hat while you ride him. mounting onto your husband with your legs on either side of his hips, you straddle him. your dainty hands are planted on his broad chest for balance. he pulls off his iconic hat, hair cutely tousled from wearing it all day, before sitting up to place it on your head. “since you’ll be the one ridin’ tonight. giddyup, cowgirl.” he teases with a slick grin. you tip the hat with a breathy laugh before sinking down on his fat dick, maintaining sharp eye contact with him as your throbbing cunt takes him in little by little, until your clit’s grounded and snug against the dark-blonde tufts of his happy trail. his warm palms rub along your body as you swivel your hips, slamming down on all nine girthy inches that he has to offer. he watches your tits bounce, one manicured hand of yours squeezing at your left boob while the other holds onto his hat that rests upon the crown of your head. you rock back and forth with fervor, and he swears he can feel every spongy ridge of your contracting pussy. he throws his head back onto the pillows and gazes at you with the prettiest set of honey-golden eyes, hooded and lust-blown. gravelly moans fall past his agape lips as he spurs you on, giving your ass a thorough smack, “bounce on it, jus’ like that— yeah, fuck daddy’s cock.”
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devotekuna · 5 months
Dad!Toji headcanons/drabbles
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♡˗When Toji first saw his daughter come out, there was nothing but a giant smile on his face, despite not smiling much unless it's something about you, he actually enjoyed meeting his daughter for the first time.
☆His daughter is called Kumi, looking exactly like her father, your genes not even fighting. Kumi always reached for her father, be it her crying she'd always cry till her father came, even if you'd pick her up.
☆He was present when she took her first steps, smiles and faint chuckles could be heard coming from him, she definitely walked towards him, hands out expecting a hug. Which she did get.
☆Whenever she doesn't get her way at the dining table she'll stand up and try and push him over, resulting in him pushing her away with the palm of his hand, being annoyed at her efforts but at least she tried.
☆Sometimes he shows off by having his daughter, you and something else on his back when he does pushups, especially since he has heavenly restrictions.
☆He adores putting her to sleep, always reading her a bedtime story as she tried to stay awake in hopes to hear him finish the book, she refuses to go to sleep unless her father's there, which always puts up a hassle since he most of the time comes back late.
☆Definitely the type to stroke her head when she's sick or asleep, just admiring his bundle of joy.
☆Once Kumi tried to fit herself in the worm after she saw him take something out of it, Toji had to rescue her when she got stuck.
☆Kumi takes after her father alot, may it be the looks, or her mannerisms. Always joining him when she sees him eating by himself, copying his every move as she follows close behind him.
☆His son definitely tried to copy Toji when he did the plank, laughing and smirking at his son as he failed to even do a few seconds.
☆Whenever he sees you holding Kumi or his son when they were babies he always grabbed you by the waist and held you both close, may it be as a coping method or just a way to be close to you both.
☆Kumi definitely once drew a scar like Toji's with permanent marker on her mouth, resulting in him drowning at her. But always forgiving her as she had no idea as how he got it.
☆If he's sleeping somewhere where she can get onto him, she'd gladly will sleep on his chest or mess around with his hair, putting it in all sorts of hairstyles as she knew she wouldn't be able to do it if he was awake.
☆If Toji fell asleep outside or somewhere other than the living room or bedroom, shed bring a blanket and pillows for them both, prodding one under his head as she climbed into his lap and slept on him. Blanket wrapped around both of them. He always gets a fright when he wakes up but refuses to move till she wakes up.
☆Toji definitely tried to some of his kid's food only to receive a slap from them as he eats it, purposely eats more than being generous as a way to get back at them.
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cottagecheese1 · 11 months
A angst request where tony stark visiting his little sister reader in the hospital, stage 3 Leukemia cancer. Tony tells her about everything including being ironman and his team. Sister stark! reader gets to meet his team
Nice surprise
a/n- the end was a bit rushed but i am currently going through my drafts
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Tony sat at his desk zeroed in on a mission a report that he’s set off to the side for weeks and weeks, not worried about if another shield agent called his phone asking for the mission report like some landlord begging for rent, but that was ok because Tony never really worried about much, the reasoning behind this was because he had pretty much all the money in the world to fix whatever issue that popped up. That was until that one call from the hospital when the doctor said his little sister had Cancer and there was pretty much nothing he could do about it except hope for the best. That was a problem money couldn’t fix, well he tried anyway, paying for all of the treatments known to mankind but still no positive result occurred.
When Tonys mind drifted to the thought of his sick little sister, FRIDAY suddenly came on “Mr. Stark you have a call from doctor Reyes” Tony suddenly shot up from his seat. That was your doctor, did something go wrong? What if something terrible happened to you? Tony took a deep breath and paced around the room.
“Put him on speaker friday.”
“Yes, Mr. Stark”
Suddenly the doctors familiar voice echoed around the room
“Mr. Stark I have good news and bad news about your sister” The doctor spoke firmly but Tony could hear the nervousness in his voice as the doctor spoke.
“Give me the good news first Reyes”
“Good news, we have been seeing improvements from the treatments, and we think if she can fight it off a little longer before she gets to stage four, we might be able to get most of the Cancerous cells out of her body before they spread even more.”
Tony sighed and smiled a little bit, he was glad there was going to be a little light in this situation, so that it would give him hope that the bad news wouldn’t be as bad as he thought it would be.
“I am very relieved to hear that doctor Reyes, and what about the bad news?”
“Unfortunately, your sister has moved on to stage three leukemia cancer, and who knows how long until she gets to stage four, but we were hoping you could come in and visit her. She took the news pretty hard and has asked to see you all day today. I think it would make her day but we do not want to hassle you Mr. Stark, we know you are a busy man.”
As soon as the doctor said that you’ve asked to see him all day, Tony was already halfway putting his jacket on and out the office door, Tony quickly respond with “Thank you doctor Reyes, I will be there in about ten minutes”, once the call ended, Tony practically sprinted out the front doors of the compound, rushing to his car quickly.
When Tony pulled into the parking lot of the hospital, he was able to gather himself again. As many times as he visited you, it was hard, harder than almost everything else he’s ever done or fought, but he had to have hope for you because Tony loved you with his whole heart, you’re some of his only family left, his rock, the one person that stuck beside him when everyone else left. He pretty much couldn’t live without you.
Tony checked into the hospital counter and signed his name on the visitor sheet, and made his way down the hallway, with a teddy bear in hand and since He’s visited you one too many times, he practically knows the hospital like the back of his hand.
Once Tony gets to your room and opens the door slowly, he sees you look at the direction of the door and you shoot up from your bed happily “Tony!! I missed you, what are you doing here?” Tony chuckled and bent down in front of your bed to give you a hug. “Hey kiddo, I just came by to see how you were doing, I missed you” Your mood seemed to drastically change when he said that. “Doctor Reyes told you to come didn’t he..” Tony stopped and sat down in the chair next to your bed and held your hand.
“Yes, yes he did but that does not mean I don’t want to see my favorite little sister, I love you okay?”
You seemed to crack a smile that made Tony's grin light up also “I’m your only little sister”, you responded with a bit of laughter in your voice
“Exactly, and I wouldn’t have it any other way”
Silence seemed to take over the room as you finished up your multitude of questions for your brother, Tony seemed to have one of his own, he then asked “If you would want to do anything in the whole world, what would it be?” you smiled and pretended to have a pondering look on your face then answered “I probably would want to meet the avengers, especially Captain america and Iron man”, Tony perked up and grinned and looked around then back to you.
“Well, would you like to hear a really really awesome secret..but you can’t tell anybody okay?” You looked at your brother intently while he spoke and nodded your head quickly, eyebrows furrowed. “Tell me, tell me, I promise to keep it a secret”, Tony smiled then said
“I’m Iron man..”
You looked at him suspiciously and said “Nuh uh, prove it.”, Tony stood up and pushed a button that summoned the suit onto his body then quickly took it off, looking down at you while your eyes were widened in awestruck he spoke “Do you believe me now?”, you looked at him and questions started to flow out of your mouth.
“Does that mean your friends with the avengers?”
“Have you fought any monster aliens?”
“Do you know Captain America?”
“Have you been to space!?”
Tony laughed and pushed you gently so your back was resting against the bed “Yes, to all of those questions, but-”, Tony got cut off right in the middle of his sentence as a feminine voice interrupted “Um, I am so sorry to interrupt but visiting hours are now closed, if you would be kind enough to make yourself out, thank you”, Tony nodded and went over to your bed to give you a quick peck on your head and whisper something in your ear, and you seemed to nod excitedly at the information spilled to you.
The next day Tony had made arrangements to make a perfect visiting time and clear all of the other avengers schedules for you to meet them, he knew this would mean a lot to you and he was going to do everything in his power to make sure this was perfect.
Tony got to the hospital with two other cars following him, all the avengers known, packed in three cars and he couldn’t wait to see the smile on your face, Tony then spoke “I’m sorry I had to disturb anyone's plans, but I know this would mean a lot to my sister, she’s just a kid that got handed a rough hand”, Steve responded with a sympathetic look on his face and responded “it’s really no trouble Tony, we’ve all agreed that we would do anything just to make it a little bit better for her” the others around him seemed to nod in agreement “but still, thank you all”, Steve smiled back “anytime Stark”.
While walking into the hospital, and checking into the visitors sheet seemed to take twice as long, Tony knew the look on your face would all be worth it. As they all stood in front of the door to your room he opened it slowly and you popped up quickly.
“Tony! You’re back!”
“I am back, but I have some friends with me also”
You tilted your head, until room people walked through the door and you gasped with a wide grin on your face.
“Thank you Tony! You’re the best big brother ever, I love you so much”
Tony went over to hug you, and all the avengers watched in awe at how loving their boss could be, but soon enough they all sat next to you, ready to answer any questions that you may have had, and they all stayed until visiting time was over, while you were sad they had to leave as they gave you their goodbye hugs. The only person in the room left at the end was Tony, as he came over and sat next to you. You felt your eyes tear up and gave your brother a tight hug then spoke
“Thank you Tony, you really don’t know how much this means to me, I love you”
“I love you even more, but I always want you to know that I would travel the moon and back for you”
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