#all these doomed gays (+a child) 😭
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Average arcane act 2 experience </3

#arcane#jayvik#caitvi#Isha arcane#all these doomed gays (+a child) 😭#I dunno if we’ll recover from this one fellas#riot you have a lot to fix here#i’m watching you 🫵 :’)#Sam rambles
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did the avengers even do anything about orchis? they were killing mutants but the avengers don't even give a shit
🏃🏿♂️3dmanofficial Follow
am i joke to you
134 notes
🏺greencianurn 🔁 pro-bono-boner
☢️chulkstan Follow
FYI Amadeus is really uncomfortable with yall writing amadeus/herc fics. Cut that shit out
🏺greencianurn Follow
lmao im not gonna stop #why is he even searching it up
1,568 notes
❄️lunasnowed Follow
i cant believe people are still circulating those pictures of brawn and luna kissing #i dont get why people ship them #luna just seems so much like a lesbian #honestly could have been a publicity stunt
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🕷️spidermarvel 🔁 tony-fucked-that-old-man
anonymous asked: I write fanfic of my friends (we're superheroes). Anyway i found my friends fanfiction of us and confronted him about it, and he said it was weird that I was reading fanfiction about us. And i was like well its weird that you're writing fanfiction about us. he called me a hypocrite. And I got mad and yelled at him and told him I didn't like that he wrote fanfiction where we got together and that it was even weirder that he wrote it so that it was a love triangle with our other friend. He's not speaking to me rn. I feel bad because it is hypocritical of me to be mad. But I feel like writing self-ship is different than shipping your friends. idk....
⚖️aita-polls Follow
#did msmarvel send this in lol
6,594 notes
actually really hurt that theres hardly any rpf of me #there should at least be a couple of fics of me getting down and dirty during the crusades
🤖robotomato 🔁 cap4cap
people are weird why ship a guy with a dude who tries to kill him like every other week
#dont get the appeal especially when he has a best friend and wife?
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I saw one of my mutuals vaguing me for shipping dr doom and reed richards. Girl have you seen the way victor looks at him? I have eyes and a heart #villian/hero antis are such losers
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I DO NOT SHIP SAM WILSON AND STEVE ROGERS I SHIP MONICA RAMBEAU/STEVE ROGERS...... STEVE ROGERS IS NOT GAY #can you people leave me aloneeeee #ive been shipping captain marvel and captain America since before most of yall have been alive
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☄️mutantmeanace Follow
so we're all in agreement that professor x and magneto fucked right
🪅yougottapinata Follow
dont be fucking weird magneto dropped a car through my house??
yeah and he fucked professor x
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🇨🇦 alphadflight 🔁 northstarofficial
anonymous asked: Is it okay to ship you with Iceman even though you're married
💫northstarofficial Follow
Uh, so I'm not the superhero Northstar. I am a roleplay account for the North Star. Like in the Sky. But Sure you can ship me with Iceman #adjalkfjaajkfd
1,567 notes
anonymous asked: Not you shipping Bucky and Steve Rogers even tho steve met bucky when he was literally a child
I DIDNT KNOW 😭 #i should have looked it up i know but it just never occurred to me #because its such a widespread ship
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i want to shine professor x's bald head #id let him run me over with his wheelchair ugh
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🇺🇸 usgaygent
did yall see how sad us agent looked looking at hawkeye in this video. he wants him so bad..... #hawkagent #us agent #hawkeye #clint barton #the way being us agent is a performance for him #and the government doesnt let him act on his feelings #so he just has to burn with desire
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why isnt there one million fics about them 😭😭😭 #UGH WHYYYY
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the way yall ship dazzler with every woman she so much as looks at is so annoying no wonder she's locked in the fucking closet yall wont stop speculating about who she has fucked #i hate rpf fans
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do yall think hank beast and wonder man have explored each others bodies
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thk ep 11 im scared
-is this guys bf still held hostage?
-poor guy has been held hostage for no reason
-was she choosing gay guys specifically when she was stealing kids?
-awww sweet fadel is still sorta a shock
-and what exactly can you do civilian style?
-why are we getting glory shots of an old white guys abs?
-you think his kids are wasian?
-whos that
-bison is trigger happy hed kill a child bully
-his kids ARE wasian
-i know it aint who i think it is
-my goodness these ladies are WILD
-not him telling him not to fold
-its true hes a cat with nine lives
-wow fadel even lost this argument
-lost the argument and had to be nice to kant l after l for fadel tonight
-white people are evil
-i love that style just doesnt trust the cops
-that empty ass backpack
-bison is too pretty for jail!!!
-how how were you gonna stop this style
-stop fadel is so soft
-do i hear wedding bells?
-theres no way they actually get locked up is there?
-man fuck this kid!
-these dates are so cute i cant help the impending sense of doom
-"who would wanna be sweet to an annoying guy?" YOU
-im on team bison fuck that kid
-cue the fall out boy
-is this chris stapleton
-its not.
-style looks so sad my baby
-and hes not purposefully hurting him this time 😭😭
-ive been so tempted all episode to skip to the end to see what happens bc im in denial
-mind you all style hears is dares
-"you wont be able to..."thats a dare to him
-bison just mark your sub before going to prison! please hes begging
-why am i being punished bc of the consequences of their actions this SUCKS
-i hate it hereeeeee
-this cant be real
-theyre actually sensing them to jail?
-11th episode curse strikes again i see
-im sorry are they trying to get locked up
-thats a lot of plot for one episode
-you know we were doing so good now what
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I think what I need right now is a story where a bunch of women, queer people, poc, and allies defeat a bunch of asshole white guys 😭😭
FUCK YEAH! Again, skipping the queue for all election despair related inboxes as you are so very valid.
96 for 🧟♀️:
“We’re not sure,” Bobby says.
“They made it sound like there was more of them,” Athena adds.
“It’s good that you’re back,” Bobby tells him. “We need all the manpower we can get."
“What’s the plan for if the wannabe warlords come back?” Eddie asks.
Well, this is Karen’s moment.
She steps forward. “I think we can blow them up.”
Everyone looks at her sort of blankly. Everyone except the red headed stranger. She just smirks.
“Oh, I like you,” she says. “How can I help?”
Karen explaining what she and Maddie have been working on is interrupted by an honestly tearful reunion between Christopher and his mother.
When Hen brings Chris down to the foyer, he practically shrieks with joy when he sees her. Shannon. That’s how she introduces herself. When Shannon sees Chris, hears him call for her, she breaks into a sprint. She lifts him into her arms and squeezes him, crying.
It chokes Karen up. She has to find Hen and hold onto her arm. She can only imagine what it would have been like for this woman. She doesn’t know Shannon and Eddie’s story at all, but she has to assume there’s a fairly high chance she spent the better part of a year believing her child was dead. Karen isn’t sure what that would do to her. Psychologically. She thinks it would mess her up really badly.
All the more reason to incinerate these fuckers that would take her boy.
Shannon spends some time alone with Christopher while Abby and the other woman, Taylor, explain their situation. A household of women killing zombies and protecting other women against men taking advantage of anarchy? Sounds pretty awesome. And sort of gay? But Karen won’t linger too much on that point.
“So you just happened to run into Buck and Eddie?” Chim asks. “Like conveniently out of the blue?”
Buck and Eddie exchange a look. Eddie’s cheeks get a little red. What the hell happened there?
“Yep,” Eddie answers. “Pretty random. We’re lucky.”
“I bet that was a surprise for you, eh, Abby?” Chim continues.
“Oh, you have no idea,” Abby replies.
There’s a story there. When Karen has more time and less impending doom, she will be nosy. Really nosy.
Eventually, there is nothing for Karen to do but return to her work while the others talk. Maddie joins her after a few minutes, and a few minutes after that, Buck barges into the room where they’re working.
“Hi, Buck,” Karen says. “You keep bringing people back and we’re going to run out of space eventually. We’ll need to build some bunk houses.”
“Ha,” Buck laughs weekly. “Well, I don’t think anyone but Eddie and Chris want to stay, but… Actually… Maddie, can we talk?”
“Of course,” Maddie says. “Can it wait until we finish working, or do you need me right now?”
“Uh, can I talk while you work?” Buck asks.
Karen gives him a look. “Because you’re never distracting?”
“Okay, I made you mix up the seeds one time,” Buck defends.
“That was gardening. This is explosives,” Karen points out.
“And, uh, this is sort of an explosive revelation I’ve had, so…”
Maddie and Karen exchange a look.
“Okay, I’ll bite,” Maddie says.
“Better be good, though,” Karen warns.
Buck sighs. “Okay. I… Well, see… Eddie and I had a lot of time to talk, driving and then walking around Los Angeles.”
“Okay?” Maddie asks. “You made a friend?”
“Uh… Not quite just that.”
Karen’s jaw drops. “Shut up.”
“Wait,” Maddie narrows her eyes, processing. “What?”
“We…” Buck taps his foot nervously.
Karen grins. “I had a feeling about you.”
“A feeling?” Maddie asks. “What feeling?”
“Eddie and I sort of hooked up,” Buck explains.
Karen holds back a little excited squeak. She’s gotten to know Buck pretty well over the past months. All the wonderful and baffling things about him.
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tag game 📺
I was tagged by Heather @summerwave to list 10 TV shows so that you besties could get to know me better! Thank you my dear, hope that this week has been good to you so far 💗🫂
Here goes:
Hannibal (nobody is surprised). I'm obsessed with this series, I know dialogues by heart, probably my ultimate favourite. I don't even know how many times I watched it but it's a LOT. Especially season 3, my favourite (where does the difference between the past and the future come from? ... mine? before you and after y- [gets dragged off stage])
Good Omens. I have just recently watched season 2 and it ripped my heart out in the best way possible!! I loved it, very cathartic, can't wait for s3 to fix this mess though 😭
Fleabag. Another TV series that I've watched very recently but moved me in many ways! Really heartbreaking and hilarious at the same time!!
The Untamed. One of the best character development I've seen! I loved how everyone got to explain their side of things, it was very refreshing and interesting to see. ALSO LAN XICHEN IS MY CHILD (and Wuxian obviously, mental illness bisexual king, also shoutout to the best line ever aka: If I am doomed to death, then I could at least be killed by you, that would be worth it 💯💯💯😧😧😧🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ATE. PEAK ROMANCE)
Killing Eve. I hated the ending but I loved the series for most of it! And I especially loved Eve's journey in this, it was so fascinating to watch her change!
Bad Buddy. Such an amazing TV series aka modern (and gay) retelling of Romeo and Juliet!
Word of Honor. I honestly think this series (similarly to The Untamed) has one of the best character development I've ever seen and it makes up for all its (more technical) shortcomings. I love the main characters and how they do not truly fit the hero archetype! Very refreshing. Heartbreaking in many ways, also fascinating female characters. It's all about unconditional love bro and breaking free of the harmful patterns created by a traumatic past- [gets booed, leaves in shame]
Love is Blind. Had to add in something silly as well 🤣 It's a reality show in which people fall in love not seeing each other. I will never understand straight people, this show is hilarious. I watch it for the memes
Sharp Objects. Incredible show with just the best female characters and allusions to mythology. Deals with a lot of dark topics and has an amazing plot twist! I loved its atmosphere.
Heartstopper. Despite having watched it only recently, I absolutely loved its depiction of queerness! Especially the refreshing treatment of bisexuality, which sometimes is lost even in BL dramas I've watched so far. Lovely!
Honourable mentions: Crash Landing on You, Kinnporsche, Vincenzo, It's Okay not to be Okay
Tagging some of my lovelies and giving each and every one of you the biggest hug!! 🫂 Also no pressure: @aprylynn, @blueside-hobi, @cordiallyfuturedwight, @kimchokejin, @banghwa, @india-stoker, @lyubins, @nodtnutthasid, @platypusplayhere, @raplinenthusiasts, @seraphjimin, @young-jae. 💗
#tag games#moots 💗#heather 🌊#hope that everyone is well!!#please remember to drink tons of water (ESPECIALLY if you're in europe the heat is smh.....)#ily 💗
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Okay but so can you make (or link me to) a post going over your OCs cause i am in constant confusion whenever i see them 😭
Well, if you want more info on the more lore-heavy oc's (Terios and Doleon) to get somewhat of an idea, they each have tags! They're :
#terios lore
#doleon lore? (with the question mark lmao)
Has a bunch of stuff there on them. I'd link you to the Terios lore post from some time ago but some of the stuff on there is really incomplete/some parts are inaccurate due to that now. I'd be happy to tell you about my silly little oc's though! (And maybe a refresher in case anyone needs it)
I'm warning you. This WILL be long 😅 Mainly because of Terios. It's all part of an alt canon of mine (Oc Universe au) and I have a lot of oc's. GRAB SNACKS.

Starting with him, because he plays a HUGE part in Terios' lore and story
Essentially, he's the Black Doom of this au. (Fun fact : he was created because I had no idea how to draw actual Black Doom, nor had the energy to learn, so I made him a hedgehog/alien thing. Then I got to thinking and now he has his own separate lore jhsdbfbkjdb. It's a bit complicated.)
Centuries ago, he had six other brothers (who also each have their own tag, just their names) https://www.tumblr.com/totaleclipse573/739530015615664128/can-i-dump-some-lore-on-yall-real-quick-actually?source=share
This explains everything pretty well I think. Still check out the tag itself if you'd like more info! (You should probably know for later, this guy right here is the definition of "I ALWAYS COME BACK >:D")
Personality wise, he's very egotistical, has a burning hatred for humans and humanity, and is always seeking power. He tends to see himself as much more intelligent and overall better than others (even though some *cough cough Starline cough* perceive him as dumb due to not knowing much about Earth or how things work on this planet.) While sometimes impulsive, he also really knows how to put up a good battle strategy wise. As of now, he (along with Shadow, Eclipse and Terios,) are the only remaining Black Arms left. (ALSO AS OF NOW : he met Starline, WHO IS TOTALLY ALIVE AFTER ISSUE 50, and they decided to form a partnership for each others own secret benefits, planning to stab one another in the back afterwards. They never do 😭 They're just really gay 😭)

(Cw for child abuse)
2000+ years after the Doleon shards incident, Terios is the accidental twin to Shadow, the initial project being rather mysteriously cloned. The only real explanation found had something to do with energy. This "clone" looked a bit off, with features that pointed to the idea that it seemed to hold more Black Arms DNA (ex. long pointed tail, all sharp teeth, green blooded, clawed fingers.)
But Doleon takes notice to that little mistake in the process. He can use that to his advantage. A pact is rather forcibly made, once the now two projects are finished, Doleon is entitled to one of them to use for his own purposes. He's part of the reason they even exist. He can make things happen if he doesn't get his way. (Geraldoom divorce arc /j)
He takes the black and white-striped one (who doesn't seem to want to be away from its twin it only JUST met, annoyingly.) It seems to be the exact opposite of it's twin, who is loud and confident. It (he can't keep calling this thing an it, for Supreme's sake...his name is Terios now) should be easier for what he has planned.
So while Shadow grew on the ARK, Terios grew on the Black Comet. And uh..............it was rough. He's essentially a victim of child abuse and a hell of a lot of manipulation. Brainwashed for years.
Doleon has Terios for his future plans now, but the downside on his end is that he now actually has to "care" for this small child until he’s old enough to begin his training.
But uh. Well...
Here's something from his lore tag regarding...a certain huge part of his lore
And some art of bitty him
Terios (and Shadow) grew rather quickly (in terms of appearance.) Doleon took that as a sign of "he's old enough" and the brutal and quite frankly traumatizing training began. He would be the BEST, and this was the way to make sure of that. He could never mess up, never make a mistake, he had to be perfect. And he made sure Terios knew that too. Every mistake he made would get him clawed at. The more severe the mistake, more likely the deeper the gash. (Learn how to heal yourself with that energy...or don't, and suffer. Sometimes, if his mistake was so bad, he wouldn't even be allowed to heal with the energy.) It was always on one of his arms or on his face. More often would he get shouted at, grabbed and tossed to the ground like some kind of rag doll. The lesson he eventually had to learn?
Don't ever mess up. On anything. Expect pain and suffering otherwise.
There's also this one other little habit he was eased into...
He doesn't hate his father for these things though. He still cares deeply for him and doesn't ever wish to disappoint him, as he's been doing. Father's doing this for a good reason...! Terios would soon be passed the honor of the power the Shards of Chaos hold, he needed a lot of training and discipline to be able to handle that...!
And that's what he told himself. Every. Time.
This goes on for a few years, and he's gotten much better with his training (he pretty much had to, the injuries weren't healing fast enough.) He rarely speaks unless told to, he's terribly obedient, he's tired, he's hurting, but it doesn't matter. He's what he's supposed to be! He's finally near perfection! (Except for these weird sparks and bursts of shard energy he gets whenever he feels sad...or angry...maybe he could just drown that out?)
Then things get crazy bc Tikal is here now. LET ME EXPLAIN PLEASE-(I first made Terios' story when I was like, ten years old? XD He's a revived oc)
Short summary : In this AU, Tikal is more like a free-ranging spirit. Tikal knew Doleon and his brothers, way back then. She was a ghost and could somehow get through the strange barrier of this little area the brothers were confined to, so they became friends! Tikal, Kieran and Doleon specifically. She wasn't around for when the others were killed, but the last person she saw was Kieran once the barrier was no longer there. That wasn't the only thing that was broken.
Since she already knew Doleon and what he had done in the past, she knew he had no good intentions. While he was away from Terios, she appeared before the Darkhog, alerting and telling him of what the shards really were, and what they could do to a person. And Terios, of course, started to panic. Was he being corrupted right now? Was he ALREADY corrupted? He needed to escape. But how? There was no escape.
Luckily for Terios, Tikal’s spirit was able to transport him back to where he was created, the ARK (not without Doleon putting up a fight of course.) Unluckily, however, at the time he was transported there, the whole ARK fiasco was going on, and Maria had already sent Shadow down to Earth and stuff. Now there were only G.U.N. soldiers, and they spotted him, calling him “Project Shard," for some reason (He had a separate file. There can't be TWO Project Shadow's) So he tries to run from them, but can’t, and they catch up to him. Soon enough, they lock him up in a facility, putting him into cryostasis.
Skip about...54 (???) years (4 years after SA2) and Terios is about to be released for nothing good. And guess what.
There's a one shot for one of the parts I randomly felt like writing out one day :D
This leads up to months of subtle brainwashing (aGAIN) and being brought back to his old mentalities until Terios just HATES that one hedgehog he's never met (gee doesn't that sound a bit like another irrelevant plotline of mine-) He's fully loyal to the Black Arms and to his kind only! Finding the Shards...for Doleon...that's his destiny. That's why he exists!
And so when they finally arrive to conquer earth (and find the remaining shards,) Terios is sent out to do his job. Except he meets people. Whoops.
The first person he ever met was Rouge, out on the streets of Westopolis. She just kind of...appeared? Upside down? Flying? Apparently, she'd seen him around. The things he could do...and she'd like his assistance in a little something. She was getting in his way, he could NOT be sidetracked by some bat.
He got sidetracked by some bat. The power of Rouge everybody. (But its okay because he didn't realize it. No panic attack here.) He still found one of the Shards afterwards! She led him to it, almost...surely a coincidence. Unless she was looking for them too? For some reason? WHY WAS SHE BEING NICE TO HIM ANYWAY??? WHAT TRICKERY WAS THIS??
Going back to Doleon with the shard, he should've expected somewhat of a lecture for socializing with allies of the enemy. AND OF COURSE, he got that. He's lucky he came back with the shard...he won't be punished.
After that, Ter, being sent out to the same place as a current horde of Black Arms soldiers, runs into Tails after going astray. Lecture down the drain, somewhat. What’s his name? Why is his tail so long? Can he use it in battle? Does he have any powers? He could ask questions all day if it weren’t for Terios starting to look overwhelmed by them (which gets an apology)
All the sudden, that horde of Black Arms start raiding the area Tails and Terios are in, so Tails, knowing this as current danger, grabs Terios by the hand and tells him he knows a safe, inside place.
A more simplified summary of events that come after all this because this is getting too long already sdbjbjkacvhjj
Terios says he has to go and this happens :
(that last part will become relevant in just a bit....)
More shard hunting
Doleon is harder on Terios now that Shadow is out of the picture. He isn't STUPID, Terios, he KNOWS what you've been doing. You keep derailing. Making mistakes. You know exactly where that leads.
Terios is quite literally beaten some sense into and this is the result :
Terios soon realizes Doleon PROBABLY isn't actually trying to help him at all, and instead joines the heroes in an attempt to stop him. He's with them for a while, starts to get somewhat comfortable around them...enough so that his real self starts showing.
And it confuses most. So you mean to say, this weird looking alien hybrid thing that only first showed himself in an attempt to brutally murder Shadow, had an alliance with Doom and the Black Arms from the start, and showed nothing but pure loyalty to them, even to go so far as to declare his actions in their name for the better? He's actually just this...guy. That was really, really badly manipulated.
Look at the way he came in. Even if he wouldn't specify where all those injuries came from, he was obviously treated like garbage. Just something to be used and then thrown aside. But oddly enough, he felt safe around these people. They were supposed to be the enemy!! Just another lie. He could change!! He could be better. Not the kind of better Doleon expected him to be, the kind of better that really just felt like the right thing now.
But hoooooooooooo when Doleon finds out about this.
Terios goes back into the comet after a while of being gone, its noticeable and he's mentally beating himself up about being so stupid. It's part of the plan, though. He'll go in first, so that the others remain unnoticed. Doleon has known about everything. And, if this kid won't LISTEN, he'll just have to MAKE HIM. His mental barriers were always weak anyway...he was the one to really mold the Darkhog into that for convenience.
Um.................angst...............it naturally follows :
When the others see him walking back out again they're confused. What is he DOING?? This isn't part of what they planned at all!
Until Doleon makes himself known as well and says something like "I only took back what belongs to me! It was rightfully mine from the start..." or some other CLEARLY rage-inducing thing. It gets on Shadow's nerves specifically sooooooooo bad, the way Doleon is speaking of Terios. Doesn't matter what they do, though. Terios won't listen. He won't speak. Everything else is blocked out. He belongs here. It's where he's always belonged. He's safe now. This is all he needs. He's home again.
And if it's what the Master told him, wanted of him, he would do anything to prove his loyalty. Anything.
He's forced to fight them, and they're forced to find some kind of way to snap him out of it before he can hurt anyone. He seems to be specifically going after Shadow for the kill, though.
Once he DOES get snapped out of it, he feels IMMENSE guilt. He can see how he hurt some of them, even if it was only a little. And that hurts him
APPARENTLY DOLEON OVER HERE WAS JUST HAVING SOME FUN, BECAUSE ONLY AFTER THIS DOES HE BRING OUT THE SHARDS AND GAIN A NEW FORM ENTIRELY TO FINALLY ENACT HIS END GOAL. Luckily Shadow has the Chaos Emeralds >:D Terios, though? Still terrified, and even more so now. WHAT IS A SUPER FORM?!?!?! He might need some help...
So they have to defeat Doleon in their super forms but Terios is still very new to the concept of chaos energy and super forms and such (he's far more shard energy than chaos energy,) and there may or may not be a scene somewhat reminiscent of that one SA2 scene in my head except no one dies. HOORAY!
And after all that, Terios can finally learn to be himself with his new allies, which leads to his redemption arc!
This part of his story moreso revolves around Terios learning to break free from what had happened before, and learn to better himself with the help of others. He also needs to learn some decent self care (whether it be simple things like taking better care of his fur, or more complex things like learning to accept help with his current mental state.)
At first, he’s still a bit paranoid about everything that happened. He’s worried Doleon could somehow come back at any moment, that the Black Arms could return along with him, that he would be forcibly dragged back in again, even after his life had only just started getting better (oH the nightmare scenes.) Luckily for him, though, now he has people that can actually help with these fears, and he eventually does feel ready to try and move on. Then he feels comfortable enough to start meeting people, and interacts with more of the cast!
This is also the time where he meets Eclipse and the Dark Arms! Short summary : Terios wants to do a Steven Universe and help Eclipse the way all the others helped him. Terios just kinda randomly stumbled into him while he was out one day and got VERY much lost. Eclipse doesn't like him and his sappy “I can help you bc power of friendship!” attitude at first, but then he's able to sense Terios' connection to the hivemind. It feels a bit different than Shadow. So now he's pretty curious as to why and starts asking Terios questions. Eventually Eclipse kinda grows to like Terios, this hybrid is actually nice to him, for some reason. But then Shadow finds them. You can probably tell where that goes (It’s bad for a long while, but it eventually ends with Shadow, Eclipse and Terios all living together bc they're brothers, it’s my own little canon and I can do as I wish XD)
Some redemption arc stuff I've talked about :
Aaaaand a little something about the way he behaves, even now :
Theres one more relevant story arc for him after this, and thats the "Doom arc" I rarely talk about. So shortened version : Shards of Chaos need a new host, they literally POSSESS Terios to do so (since he already has an established connection to them,) Doleon ends up being revived by the energy anyway, due to corruption, Tikal comes back, Espio becomes a sort of mentor for Terios post-possession so he can learn how to manage his newfound unstableness, aaaaand...yeah XD Like I said, this part is more in my head than written. The possessed form is still able to be accessed, very rarely, since Ter can't control it in the slightest.
And so now he's....the way he is! He is him :D He's shy, lacking in confidence, somewhat naïve due to wanting to see the good in everyone, and rather pacifistic, a surprising trait for that of Black Arms descent. He's very sweet, but can be angered on rare occasions. And when that rare occasion happens : start running.
I also gave him a speech disorder, specifically trauma-induced stuttering. He doesn't like it since it makes him sound nervous all the time, but otherwise, he doesn't mind, barely ever notices anymore. I did a lot of research just to be able to portray it accurately (I hope)
I know this was long, but I really just wanted to be able to explain everything clearly. I have other oc's that are FAR less complex, which is most of the others, so if you want, that'll probably have to be like a part two post 😅 Hope you found my oc rambling at least somewhat interesting! (I also hope it isn't too confusing 😭)
#sonic the hedgehog#sth#sonic fandom#sonic oc#ask box#sonic au#total rambles as usual#I FEEL KINDA BAD FOR HOW LONG THIS IS DSJVHSBKDVS#check some of these tags if you're interested though! ->#terios the darkhog#doleon doom#terios lore#doleon lore?#oc universe au#if you have any other questions feel free to ask!
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trying to get better at rambling here please bear with me LMAO
okey. so I've had the idea for an oc (and also an entire world) bouncing around my skull for literally YEARS at this point and I got sad that I hadn't done much so!
I've decided to call the story 'Scarred Hands and Battered Hearts' because I think it sounds cool idk (also so I had something to tag it as) I don't really know WHAT I want to do with it yet because as much as I'd love to make it a webcomic or animate bits or do anything, I also know myself and my lack of motivation :'')
anyways I just really like the tagging system here even though I don't really know how to use it effectively for much but I want to use it to be able to ramble about things (like my ocs or aus) and still have it all in one place
none of this is complete/set in stone but here's what I have in my notes app rn
This is kind of an overview of the main character and names and stuff. The basic premise is superhero/supervillain world except the biggest baddest villian is actually a depressed teenager
Also a note: the only reason I even have a deadbane for him is because I started this idea before I picked a new name but after I realized what flavor of transgender I was, and it was really important to me to have a very trans character that doesn't have a new name yet. I don't think I'll ever "reveal" his deadbane or anything because. gross and also transphobia. But I wanted something to flesh out his character and be consistent
I started figuring out a timeline and this is it rn
two notes for this:
1. When I say "see" atoms I imagine it to be similar to when you can see dust in the light. It's something you can definitely see if you look for it, but it's also easily enough to look past
2. "Bird guy" is also "SUPERHERO" I just haven't the faintest idea what I want his name to be yet. He'd be the #1 hero but also just like. A middle-aged guy who genuinely wants the best for people (and struggles with the inevitable corruption with heros)
I want him to have wings,,, and have him do random bird habits like chirping y'know the like :3
My og plan for wren's design was to have him in a plage doctor's mask and thus he is bird aligned and the hero will have to fight his instincts (expecially after seeing how young Wren is)
Eventually I realized I don't fucking know how to draw a plauge doctor's mask (and I still don't) so now he has goggles and a gas mask (both if which I love drawing)
I still want to have the hero compare Wren to a baby bird at some point but I'm not sure how
Side note but Bird hero man is gay!! He's gonna be uselessly pining after a different guy and Wren is going to be a little shit and try to set them up (post bonding arc and while complaining about now understanding romance (he's aroace))
It's insane how much if their dynamic I have planned out without even having figured out one of their names 😭 I fear I'm doomed
Actually another thing. I don't fucking know how big of an explosion splitting a singular atom would cause. I don't know if that's something that's reasonable for a young child to survive.
A lot of the chemistry in this is kind of made up because it's so specific it's hard to research 😭 I may be in two chemistry classes as I type this, but they're not preparing me for this
Uhhhh not really sure if I have much more to say? I'll link his Pinterest which is kind of a mess because there's like. 4 very distinctive styles I have in mind for him and none of them blend well
One being how he'd be dressed, like by his parents. So very fem and covering. Second is how he dressed his self while out, more masc. Third is what he'd wear casually around the house, with no care about it being reveling (for hiding his scars wise I don't remember if I mentioned that) and the fourth would be his villian getup
Also his Spotify playlist (random songs that remind me of his)
I have so many animatics in mind I'm suffering so bad
oh also! The only art I've ever done for this was a ref sheet for Wren but it's bad, old, and not actuate (I hated it from the moment I finished it :/) but I've been working on a new ref for him the last little bit and I'm so excited it looks so cool
I'll try to finish it within the next week or two 🫡
Think the ramble NEEDS to be over now because it's after midnight and I have school tomorrow lol I'm so normal about all of this I think I need to be lobotomized /silly
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- the horse and his boy has a FUN STORY IDGAF!!! (Other than the whole… uh… racism part….. cause what the hell)
- aravis is a raging lesbian cause what was that whole thing with lazarlene about?! Hello?? I was so sad she didn’t invite or like idk save lazarlene and marry her in the end 😭😭😭
- completely interpreted Aslan tearing her back up as some sort of gay punishment or something (“it’s because she drugged her maids and they got tortured and punished for it” yes it is AND because Aslan is a homophobe!!!)
- gay ass “he was tongue-tied speaking to a king” line
- Caspian 🏳️🌈
- Caspian is a gazillion times more interesting in the book as a dumb little dear in headlights than a rival to Peter, he’s clearly infatuated with the man
- in the movie, I interpret that line of “when I’m older I’ll understand” by Lucy to be hinting at her crush on Caspian in the next movie (horrible plot decision truly)
- when Edmund says “I’m older and I don’t want to understand” I see this as foreshadowing of his pretty much being forced into a whirlwind romance with Caspian (delusional), forced to understand himself (LOL!!!)
- not a fan, never been a fan of Susan and caspian in the movies nor the books (they don’t even interact in the book which is a shame!)
- I just think it would be more interesting if Caspian was part narnian or trans, something to set him apart from the pevensies
- movie infinitely gayer boys? Significantly toned down lesbians? oh my god
- Lucy had a crush on her friend, that’s why she was so hurt and clings to her lololol she’s such a lesbian
- book has its moments!!
- another exhibit in my “Caspian is gay” agenda, him pretty much not interested in women the entire time until he meets a FUCKING FALLEN STAR GIRL… She’s literally enchanting all of them 😭
- not sure what Lilliandil is supposed to symbolize biblically other than the child of Lucifer (Ramandu is very… Lucifer coded? Trying to get in the good graces of god by marrying his daughter off to the “King David” of the story much?) And a wrong and dishonest decision/test on Caspian because of the events of the next book?
- so many thoughts on the “dark island” being hell! It’s just an infinite feast every day! Why is Cain’s Edmund’s knife that killed Aslan there hm?
- caspian is such a doomed character, from being raised by a tyrant and of multiple generations of tyrant’s blood, he pays with the punishment of losing his wife and child to another temptress (lots of temptresses in the story lmao… gotta be some sort of gay allegory)
- Caspian should have been in an even worse condition when they came back!! For the funnies!
- is this unpopular? JILL IS BLACK ! SHE IS NOT!!! A WHITE GIRL WITH BLONDE HAIR AGAIN ☹️☹️☹️ CS LEWIS TRY TO MAKE A DIFFERENT CHARACTER CHALLENGE!!, no but she’s black, I never and will never see her as some white girl.
- idk what some people are on about of “cant wait to see eustace as a badass in the next movie!” From TVOTDW movie cause he’s not really even a badass here 😭 he just suffers but this time with the bestie! The duo even does everything wrong here!
- that bird evil devil Aslan’s design goes hard
Give me your unpopular Chronicles of Narnia opinions!
I'll go first, I actually liked The Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie better than the book. Also, Caspian in the books has the personality of a sack of potatoes. Movie Caspian is interesting personality wise, but book Caspian is really boring for the most part.
#half of these aren’t even unpopular opinions#I just used this post to rant a bit I think#caspian x#Edmund#JILL IS BLACK!!!#I’m going to draw her#I need y’all to see the vision#gay ass caspian
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The worst part is how confident I was.
Like yes, teenagers write embarrassing, cringey stuff and post it to some fanfic website all the time, thats fine, normal, good for you!!
I took it one step further, I stepped over the irreversible line, and forever doomed myself to secondhand humiliation.
When I was 15/16 I got a 3 on my English midterms (Norwegian school system: graded 1-6, 1 is fail, 6 is best) and i was disappointed as English was one of my best subjects (never a top student, but average around 4-5 grade).
I, bless my soul, didn’t want my English teacher to think I was that bad of an English writer, so what did I do?
I went home filled with determination, picked out one of my «best» works, and printed out 7 PAGES (or ca. 2200 words) WORTH OF EMBARRASSINGLY WRITTEN GAY FLUFF of merthur from bbc Merlin.
I proudly gave it my English teacher and made her promise to read it and come back to me after the holidays.
Let me pint the picture. Me, the quiet weird kid in class dressed in hoodie and sweatpants, basically threatening my teacher (30’s) with gay fanfic. Her looking like this😀 because this was obviously not how she wanted to spend her holidays, but she also didn’t want to hurt my feelings. (She ended up reading it while on skiing holiday with her boyfriend in the mountain ffs😭)
Let me remind you, that this was a gay merthur fic that ended with a very awkward kiss.
She hadnt watched bbc Merlin before (I asked) and I can guarantee you that in her experience, Merlin is an old silly wizard and Arthur a lanky child. And while I did say it was from the setting bbc Merlin, this still had to be a weird experience.
I don’t remember what she said when she returned the 7 pages of embarrassment, but I know it it was short and that she tried to be polite. I do however remember her expression. 🙂.
I die everytime I think about this.
So let this come as a warning. No matter how good you think you are at writing. Don’t give your poor teacher gay fanfiction to prove yourself. I can guarantee it will have the opposite effect.
There is something so humbling in going through your ao3 works and rereading all the embarrassing shit you wrote 5 years ago.
#the dread behind her eyes as she smiled at me when I gave her 7 pages of hell haunts my dreams#literally what the fuck was I thinking#fanfiction#gay fanfiction#merthur#secondhand embarrassment
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So, off the top of my head, we have:
Juana (demiromantic, lesbian) and Lelei (unlabeled)
Bonus: Giselle because she's a girl boss and I love yapping about her
Juana and Lelei are my OG otp doomed lesbians. They were created by pure accident. My MC for the main story had an older sister who died, and I thought "someone should be alive who remembers the older sister other than the MC" so Lelei was created as Juana's former assistant. It got gay so fast I don't think there was ever a time in my planning that they were not in a relationship. They're kinda cringe but love each other to bits. Juana had a Twilight phase Lelei never lets her live down, and Lelei refuses to read GL because she thinks it will make her expectations in a partner unrealistic. Juana is the eldest daughter of an organized crime syndicate leader, who's a woman btw. Lelei has a background nobody cracks into but learns how to do stuff incredibly fast and becomes a competent assistant in a year. They're so casual and awkward in my head because the most story I've written on them is the teenage years/first time either tried dating. After Juana dies in a factory accident, Lelei shows herself able to do all her tasks as well as her partner's, indicating she always held herself back in order to be able to spend time with Juana.
Giselle, I wasn't going to add originally because she's married to a dude (at least, I think he's a dude? I last wrote about him when I was still in the closet and in denial, but I'm pretty sure he's enby something). Then I remembered she's honorary lesbian relationship mention because 75% of her life is spent in the embrace of a woman and her preference for feminity outweighs her preference for androgyny to the point I sometimes wonder if she was even attracted to the dude she had a kid with 😭 my OCs don't actually follow the blueprint I give them for romance and ships smh. Anygays, a quick backstory on her is she got pregnant as a teen, transported to another world, and learns that because she was the last chic to bang the ruler of that world (mind you, he was also a teen when it happened) she's now the temporary ruler until he returns from his missions. (Please keep in mind I created her years ago, and historically speaking I have no chill when it comes to backstories.) So she's dealing the best she can with this weird world, but the biggest hurdle is the harem. Because the mf has a huge harem that actually doubles in size by the time he's back because it's like free room and board in there. And it will take multiple paragraphs to explain but while she's handling the smaller section (the female section; because of course the dude she planned to marry has a preference for dudes while she has a preference for females 😂) and she meets this one girl there and just goes head over heels. And there's this whole thing about it because she feels like she shouldn't drag the girl into her tumultuous life meanwhile the girl is openly accepting of her affections because nobody gave Giselle the memo that polyamory is so normal there that monogamy is considered strange. I never actually named her female lover now that I think about it, but it's like the "handmaiden that is incredibly close with her mistress" troupe. Also, Giselle's son acknowledges the girl as "second mom" and openly denies relation to his ever-absent dad so that's something, raising a whole kid together and getting the approval of the child as other parent.
I need more lesbians. RIGHT NOW.
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Average arcane act 2 experience </3

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