#all the same theyre genderqueer
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mikoriin · 5 months ago
my unpopular sailor moon opinion is that i am ANTI SEIYA lmao like get away from her she got a man!!! old school mamousa stan here definitely mhm
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lonestarss · 10 months ago
shout out to the aeons from honkai star rail
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gotta be one of my favorite genders
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luciousx310 · 2 years ago
Cabin Sekai Characters
(Placing 2 together for better mobile scrolling format)
Ken Miyashita & Hanzou Akabane
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Ken Miyashita - The head of the group and an American transfer student, he's a positive fellow who can't seem to not focus on music. It's a core factor in her life, which leads him to connect with others through shared songs or introducing songs. They can play various instruments due to their unending interest in music, but that leads her to struggle in subjects that don't translate to music that well. Moving to a new school is hard enough, so Ken retreats into his love of music to ignore outside pressures.
Hanzou Akabane - Assigned to help Ken in her first few days at school, Hanzou is Ken's first friend at Kamiyama and the second member of the group. He is more reserved and stand-offish, but tries to help others the best he can. His parents divorced after their arguments got to a breaking point, and lives with his mom. She lets him do whatever he wants, but he just wants her to spend time with him, as she is rarely at home at the same time as him.
Nobutoshi Akabane & Yuuto Yoshinaga
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Nobutoshi Akabane - Hanzou's younger brother, he's aloof and free-spirited. After an incident that scarred him, his parents divorced and he lives with his dad. His dad provides guidance and gives him attention, though Nobutoshi would wish he'd lighten up as he's too overly protective. He tries to reconnect with his older sibling, but to no avail.
Yuuto Yoshinaga - The fourth member of the group, he is stoic, level-headed, and way too formal. Adjusting to a more normal life after running from a yakuza gang, he makes friends with Hanzou as they take things more seriously. He is pretty emotional, but is conditioned not to demonstrate so.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year ago
i am genuinely confused by something you said in your joan of arc post & i would love if you could clarify. you said "women afab can be trans. men amab can be trans." i understand how that applies to intersex people, who may be assigned a sex they identify with but have other sex characteristics that they get dysphoria from. or theyre assigned as one sex but once puberty hit they developed far more traits of the other sex, so they had to transition back to what they used to be. i understand those scenarios. but as far as we know, joan of arc wasnt intersex & you dont bring up intersex in your post. how can a non-intersex person transition to something they already are & have been for their entire life? changing how one presents, like changing their style of clothes to better suit their gender & personality, doesnt count as "transitioning" imo, cis people do that aaall the time, multiple times throughout their lives. so what do you actually mean by this??
So my definition of trans is very much inspired by Leslie Feinberg's definition of trans(gender): An umbrella term for "everyone who challenges the boundaries of sex and gender," in which ze specifically includes cross-dressing and GNC people who are men AMAB and women AFAB. I would define trans as being inclusive of anyone who queers sex and/or gender.
In my humble nonbinary opinion, we way over-rely on the idea of trans as being about identifying as a gender that isn't your assigned sex. I, for example, was assigned female and identify as (amongst other genders) a woman, but my womanhood is very much trans. For one, I was on T for two years and intend to get bottom surgery, but I was also alienated from typical cis girlhood for my entire life and my womanhood is inherently tied to me also being a man and abinary. My womanhood is not cisnormative at all.
"Woman" and "man" (and male and female) are all constructs. Just because someone may call themself a woman, and have been assigned female at birth, does not mean they identify as the same kind of woman that society expects and demands them to. There are different ways of constructing womanhood. The "gender identity that isn't AGAB" definition was built on the idea of trans people as going from one binary point to the other, with the assumption that "woman" and "man" are still Real Things with one natural meaning. Attempts at being nb-inclusive have basically just said "well nonbinary isn't a gender assigned at birth, so its trans!" which is completely true, but it also ignores all the nonbinary and genderqueer people whose genders are more nuanced than that.
On Jeanne d'Arc specifically, I actually have some relevant quotes on this:
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(from Vested Interests: Crossdressing and Cultural Anxiety and Clothing and Gender Definition: Joan of Arc respectively)
This is why I included that line: because we often assume, in our exorsexism, that a historical figure must identify as a man/woman (cis), as the opposite (trans), or maybe as neither, but those are the only options. We are still limiting ourselves and these historical figures' by limiting how we understand gender and genderqueerness. To Jeanne, being a cross-dressing female virgin soldier could be its own gender, something different than the genders of cisnormative mothers and nuns.
& as a note: I feel like, a lot of the time, non-intersex people in the community will make exceptions for intersex people (like "well, intersex people can be transfemmascs/male lesbians/etc" but no one else!!!") which. doesn't actually seem that great for intersex people? Like aside from assuming that these genderqueer experiences can only be had by intersex people, it also means that if you identify that way, you must Prove that you are Allowed to be doing that, by both outing yourself as intersex and arguing that you are intersex Enough.
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dreemurr-skelememer · 11 months ago
Consider this--
Dream and Nightmare are trans NOT because they were '''sex-less''' fire blobs thingys but because Nim created them from her own body, and since she's female, she would've just be able to produce XX chromosomes for them, so that would be that they're afab.
But this is just a therory, and gender theory (don't take this seriously lol, i'm aware that they're skeletons)
Anyways, as a trans person myself, i don't like much the idea of them being trans/agender due to them being genderless when born. Maybe it's just me but i don't like when a explanation for a character being genderqueer is something *super* 'unatural' or cosmic in nature. I dunno mannn,, Me craves for more characters in the fandom that are just gender nonconfroming because *they want and feel like it* man,,,,
dawg im gonna be so real with you, i see what you mean, but as a trans person: uhmm i dont mind???? them being just being genderqueer because theyre not natural and i dont think it's a bad thing whatsoever???????
you didnt say anything about it being bad at all but youre really wording it like its an iffy thing? 😭
i personally write them as non-binary because of the . same exact reason you wrote so this overall just feels like a bit of a weird thing to say LMAO i quite. like. the aspect that they're not cis because they're literally genderless blobs. it's really that simple. sometimes we don't need to overcomplicate it..............is all. gender identity can just exist and doesn't need an overarching reason to be. some people (including me) headcanon their gender that way because its just....gender! sometimes we don't need or want to think about it that much
enjoy your headcanon and theories!!! i appreciate it but word it a bit less...side-eye-y towards other headcanons.....??????????????????
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cressthebest · 6 months ago
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 47
chapter 72:
1. “The day of Marlene's memorial is the first time Dorcas decides she's going to kill herself.” oh shit, oh fuck wait
2. bro dorcas is unwell. like holy shit. i forget that the war started because of dorcas’ love for marlene. like. this is just as much of a dorlene fic too
3. dear god i wanna help dorcas so badly
4. call it instinct, but i knew dorcas’ hair would be a crucial part of her healing journey 💃🏼💃🏼
5. i love well rounded female characters but at what cost. dorcas is well rounded but at what cost? she’s suffering and it hurts to read
6. god damn. finding out that dorcas’ mom was in charge of a quarterly quell is fucking insane. considering that dorcas all but ran the resistance
7. “”You said it first, didn't you? There are no good people in war. I lived by those words, did you know that? All that you were wrong about, but that…" She gives a brittle laugh. "You were right about that."”
foaming at the mouth oh my god. i wanna chomp glass
8. DORCAS NO! (she started drinking fyi)
9. dear god dorcas, you aren’t the only one who knew the “real” marlene. people other than you loved her.
10. dorcas finally admitting that if she could choose someone other than dorcas it would be lily hurts. especially since lily has mary.
11. “Marlene was the love of her life, and that's it. Simple as that. She'll never love another.” OWWWWW
12. “She will make sure Lily never knows that Dorcas looks at her now and thinks before this life, it could have been us; maybe in some other life, it is. And that's more than enough.”
13. brb i’m sobbing
okay i’m back. dorcas just found out marlene was gonna propose and now i’m a sniveling mess
14. so much thanks to bizzarestars making the effort to learn about the way war vets healed and dealt with ptsd
chapter 73:
1. sirius having an emotional support dog >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2. also imma make predictions now: this is the chapter where sirius goes home. it’s time
4. “A homely little home with a porch-swing under the stars. Sirius is homesick for that, too.”
this is my dream too. like it’s been my dream for so long. i can’t even fathom how sirius isn’t bawling like a baby over this. IM bawling like a baby over THEIR porch swing
5. regulus saw sirius and was willing to risk it all just to hug him omg
6. “Barty was the sort of person who needed no outside guidance into being a bit insane.” LMAOOOOOO
7. they’re running a business together and they’re gonna do it forever and now i want to gnaw on wood and glass and plastic and anything i can get my hands on
8. lmao not sirius sitting like a spoiled puppy dog as james and regulus argue over him for the wedding
9. “"Oh, please," James scoffs, rolling his eyes. "One, I'm not stealing your brother away from you, and you know it. Two, who the fuck else would be my best man, hm? Who? Go on."
"Oh, you want to go there?!" Regulus shouts. "What about me? Yeah, didn't think about that, did you? My best friend is dead. Oh, and so is Barty. Who do I have, James? Hm?"”
10. awwwww sirius’ compromise is so sweet omg. i’d literally cry if i was james and regulus
11. ugh gay people are so confusing. like you’re allowed to be freinds with the same people and freinds with any gender. so like, it makes wedding planning so hard. who goes on who’s side? what if i said that when i found out about gay people, my biggest hold up wasn’t religion or anything like that, but instead wedding side logistics
12. canonical genderqueer tonks!!!!!!!!!
13. regulus went to aberforth to cause a scene, and damn if he didn’t succeed
14. damn they’re both stubborn. and both got their way jfc
15. full circle. dorcas is designing their wedding clothes. i’m losing my mind, actually
16. the bookshelf. the fucking bookshelf from the first arena. i’m losing my mind oh my god
19. i didn’t know i needed insecure james, but oh i did
20. i get to read the crimson rivers jegulus wedding and oh my fucking god i’m losing it. i am so unbelievably happy
21. “For him, it's easiest to show love when it's a tragedy.”
dksjdjjsjdjsmdjske holy shit
22. “You're hesitating, love."”
23. “You might wish to know a lot of things about their wedding, and their love, but frankly, it's no one's business but theirs.” so feral over this. that’s literally one of the biggest themes of the story omg i love this
24. hi, anyways, i am so unwell
25. the authors notes about the wedding are golden
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noturlondonboy · 4 months ago
Also genderqueer Kate with yelena! What are your hc about them together?
Hi anon, thanks so much for this ask 🥰
I’ve only written about Kate exploring her gender after she and Yelena have already been dating, but I reallyyyyyyy love the idea of her already having figured it out before they meet. And here’s why! :>
(This is a THIRD try because my first draft didn’t save and my second one that I was JUST FREAKING WRITING-)
Anyone ever seen the post about the story idea of a girl falling for a boy and a girl and being really conflicted about who she likes more but then they turn out to be the same gender-fluid person
Yeah that’s what’s up
-first off, when Kate is so masculine that feminine stuff is uncomfy, that’s when we pull out the new name and pronouns
-drumroll please… meet Kit Bishop
-Yelena meets Kate in one of her classes (this one is a college au now I guess?) and they immediately hit it off, and Kate is crushing HARD. She already knows who Yelena is through Clint and therefore through Natasha, but they’ve never actually met, and Yelena doesn’t hear about Kate nearly as much as Kate hears about her
-later in the week in a different class, Yelena meets Kit, which is ultimately confusing. We’re just gonna pretend that a gender swap completely fools her (if that’s the right word for this) and she really just doesn’t pick up on it. But again, she really likes this new classmate, who acts so friendly and familiar with her, like they’ve already met
-it takes Kate about a week and a half to realize that Yelena thinks this is two different people. She is therefore freaking the fuck out and also so intrigued because it’s funny ok
-Yelena has a freak out and just rants to Natasha one day about these two peers of hers who she thinks she might be crushing on, but she’s never been interested in boys/ male adjacent folks and this is weird for her and they seem so alike
-she asks Kate if she has a twin brother, to which Kate says no she’s an only child, and Yelena gets the same response from Kit
-she really is kinda oblivious and delulu here y’all stick with me
-Natasha knows that these are both the same people, so any time she sees Kate/Kit with Clint and hears about them from Yelena she kinda just giggles to herself
-Kate is trying to figure out how to put Yelena out of her misery and just admit that she’s both those people, and gender is her canvas to mess with however she wants
-Yelena finally says fuck it and asks both of them out for different nights, because who says she can’t go on non-commitment dates like that? Kit nearly slips and up and reminds Yelena that she already asked him out, but then stops and remembers and is a pussy and also incredibly turned on flattered that Yelena would initiate a date with someone she thinks is masculine identifying
-but in true K. Bishop fashion, this goofball gets the dates for the dates (haha) mixed up and arrives at the cafe as Kate when Yelena is expecting Kit (and also she woke up feeling feminine- can you blame a genderqueer girly for feeling like she’ll throw up if she doesn’t put makeup on?)
-Yelena is confused as fuck for a little bit and also worried that Kate will get upset if she thinks that Yelena is just messing around
-but Kate finally decides enough is enough and just point blank goes “Yelena. Sometimes I feel more like a boy, and sometimes I feel more like a girl, and sometimes I’m somewhere else entirely. I use all pronouns interchangeably and on some days, I go by Kit.”
-Yelena just kinda stares at her for a moment and then feels real dumb but Kate is like no wait I’m actually super flattered that you thought I passed so well it’s ok
-Kate apologizes for not telling her sooner but Yelena could care less she’s just having the biggest gay panic of her life and she just blurts out that she’d like to kiss her if that’s ok
-Kate is obviously down she’s not stupid
-“soooo… are we still on for next week too?”
-they go on a few dates before Yelena asks them to be her partner, and when she tells Natasha all she gets is a laugh and a “finally Jesus fuck”
-she slips into the changing names/pronouns/titles rather easily and quickly, which is super rad. They set up a system of check ins together each morning and sometimes just periodically throughout the day. “This is my partner- *looks over* yeah, this is Kate, my girlfriend.” “I just miss them, I miss him. Yeah, my boyfriend, that cute little guy I know”
-anyway that shit fucks hard and they’re gay your honor
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themostsanebug · 7 months ago
hey hi i was planning on sharing this to dsaf confessions but since. that place is where drama DWELLS in the fandom i will not be doin so and instead keeping this on my blog teehee. so. WOE dsaf identity/ship hcs be upon ye!!!!
jack kennedy; sorry guys. i hit this fucker with the trans beam.... (transmasc agender) he/him pronouns. he is!!! also aroace!!!! romance neutral, sex favorable! he fucks but doesnt necessarily do it because he finds them hot. he also tried to date. several times and that didnt work. he dated dave and roger briefly and broke up with both of them. he still refuses to acknowledge hes not straight and in fact doesnt love anyone. yeah hes. autistic too.
dave miller; GENDERFLUID!!!! MASC-PRESENTING!!!! he fucks with mostly he/him pronouns but any work he could care less. terms and stuff of the like depend on what mood hes in. sometimes he likes to be called a girl and will be very happy if ya do so!!!! pansexual!!! personally think its for the best hes not polyamorous but. sorry chat get hit with my dave x roger propaganda but he loves that orange phone. in my eyes hes more chill after breaking up with jack!!!! he also doesnt like jack all too much anymore though..... doessss he see roger in a similar light to jack? just a lil.... roger being orange doesnt help. but hes not. AS obsessive. he also has!!! audhd!!! 2 me at least.
steven stevenson; t. transman... canonically gay so that remains!!!!! the same!!!!! he/it/fox pronouns in my heart. he just says he/him if you ask though. also. autism. hes autisitic. i see him with jake now..... my ass could not escape the liminalspace propaganda.... are most of these based on his askblog? yeah!!! do i care? no!!!
dee kennedy; cis female!!!! she is aroace and and in my heart bow uses she/bow pronouns because i said so. i COULD see her wanting a platonic relationship with another ghost kid though!!!!!! so mayhaps platonic attraction?
peter kennedy; transman. woah wonder how often thats gonna show up here!!!! he/him and he’s bicurious!!!! mainly because it makes sense to me. hes kissed a man before he got married.
harry fitzgerald; ttt. transman transman t- sorry. i cant restrain myself most of them are transmen. BUT!!!! he’s polyamorous and omnisexual with a masc-leaning preference!!!!! he/they pronouns!!!! yayay!!!!!! theyre dating. roger and and walt!!!!
jake wilson; giggles. guys you would NOT be able to guess this but hes trans too. shes just built different. WOE GENDERQUEER TRANSFEM JAKE BE UPON YE!!!!! she/he pronouns and and hes gay too!!!!! i heart breaking gender stereotypes with my headcanons. shes dating steven giggles.
roger jones; TRANSMASC BLURGENDER!!!!! is that me self projecting??? absolutely. he/it pronouns and and he’s bisexual and polyamorous!!!!! its also autistic.... he is dating harry and dave!!!!! yay!!!!!!!
walt grouse; cis male!!!!! woah i think hes like. the first on this list. any pronouns he doesnt give two shit call him whatever you want. he is!!!! also implaromantic/sexual!!!!! he gave up he couldnt find a label that fit him so that was his last resort. he is dating harry because rarepairs i love you rarepairs.
rebecca; cis female!!!! probably a straight ally!!! she/her pronouns but i can see her being fine with gender neutral terminology being used on her!!!! she is also not dating anyone!!!!!
henry miller; henrys just a guy. a dude. but also not? oddly enough, i agree with the interpretation that henry is gendervoid and that henry doesnt use pronouns but just henrys name!!!!! thank you chribs for that. also dont see henry being particularly romantic or sexual? so aroace in the sense that henry is romance and sex repulsed.
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lamentablequeen · 11 months ago
also the deep and inherent transgenderism of it all: originally i wanted this concept to be a slice of life comic about being nonbinary and having a lot of friends who are also trans. the epic fantasy of it all happened when i had a solo shift at work and was alone with my thoughts for too long. but when i actually make this i want it to never be made explicitly clear what their agabs are. recurring bit where it's like. deliberately up to you the reader but also like. bowie has a huge scar over their chest that COULD be a top surgery scar but it's actually from a lab accident back in wizard school. theyre always depicted juuust out of frame. everyone has the same uniform regardless of sex or gender. in flashbacks when their names are spoken it's scribbled out on the page, like a visual version of the taz voidfish static. genderqueer wish fulfillment for ME of being so androgynous BY WAY OF CIRCUMSTANCE that its impossible to tell what i'm doing with it.
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twsthc · 2 years ago
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thanks again for submitting stuff on twitter! i tried to include everyones hcs somehow but also keep it true to my own hcs. again this took forever so sorry for any writing/grammar inconsistencies
⚠️ warnings: i typed the word "transmascpilled" with a straight face, light chapter 3 spoilers!!
last updated: oct 6, 2023
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Riddle: Unlabled Questioning Asexual, Transfem (she/any)
because of her parents i think her identity was the last thing on her mind
after going to nrc they found out about... expression?! crazy i know
started to cautiously experiment with his identity, but isnt very open about it and is still figuring himself out.
Ace: Cupioromantic Bisexual, Cisgender (he/him)
is always getting "crushes" on people (he cant tell the difference between platonic and romantic love)
after pining for someone for like a week he gets a little "OHHH" moment
asked cater about it, got laughed at, and was directed to the lgbt wiki
despite this he can feel romantic attraction! he just feels very little. is deuce's qpp/possible romantic partner
Deuce: Pansexual, Gender curious (he/him)
hasnt really thought about his identity much but after some research (an Am I Gay Quiz) he realized he was pansexual
still figuring out his gender
type of fellow to say "HIS PRONOUNS ARE THEY THEM" /j
Cater: Queer, Transmasc NB Genderqueer (he/they/any)
@/heartslabyulian on twt explained it better than me but the resistance against his mom and sisters about "being like them" (feminine) is so transmascpilled
also i think theyre just having fun expressing themself like who cares? wear a skirt, dont bind, grow out and dye your hair, use fem terms, literally just go crazy
Trey: Cisgender Bisexual (he/him)
male/nb preference
pretty confident in his identity but isnt opposed to experimentation
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Leona: Unlabled, Intersex GNC Transfemneu (she/him)
lions are one of natures queerest animals
i think he wouldnt care too much about gender presentation
i was inspired by that gay lion in kenya (as well as the real lion king) and have come to the conclusion that leona kingscholar is bisexual (bangs gavel)
Ruggie: Pansexual, Agender/GNC Transfem (he/she/they)
read a fanfiction where ruggie used she/her and i havent been the same
expresses herself how she wants but doesnt really align with any gender
im conflicted if he would be agender or nonbinary SIGH
Jack: Panromantic Asexual, Gender curious (he/him)
still figuring out his gender just give him a minute
sex repulsed ace, hes really uncomfortable w the topic and thought of sex
all he knows is he likes boys alright
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Azul: Bisexual, Intersex Transfem (she/he)
i think one of the reasons azul wanted us to get that picture from the museum so bad is not only cos hes self consious of his younger self but because he looked "more masculine" and he just really hated it
me when im in a depressed and self conscious competition and my opponent is azul ashengrotto [insert enel one piece shocked face reaction image]
Floyd: Unlabled, Genderfluid (he/any)
doesnt care for labels he just wants to have fun in the sun!!!
type of guy to go "im a boy but a girl but a Man but a pretty princess but also a mud eating warrior but also--"
just like me fr
Jade: Aromantic Asexual, Agender (they/he)
fucking battery
look i get its probably stereotypical to hc the typically "stoic" guy to be triple A but just hear me out: i dont care (also jade isnt even stoic he is such a silly guy!!)
its MY headcanon account and EYE get to choose which anime boy i project on
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Kalim: Lesbian, Transfem Genderfluid (she/he)
she has lesbian eyebrows okay?
always sliding around from fem to masc, his outfits often reflect how hes feeling
blink and she switches from ultra pink miniskirt sparkly frilly femme girly teengirl into a baggy pants oversized band shirt beanie wearing 7/11 mountain dew big gulp drinking Creature. seriously iconic
Jamil: Bisexual, Nonbinary (they/he)
they dont have time to worry about their identity
he has BILLS to PAY
but seriously they never got the time to do any self reflection when they were younger and after their OB they were able to fully come to terms with and explore their identity
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Vil: Queer Polyamorous, Genderqueer Transfem (she/her)
said this already on twitter but she/her vil is so real
figured herself out even before NRC
i dont have much to say about pomefiore as a whole tbh like theyre just Gay it just makes sense?
Rook: Pansexual Polyamorous, Agender (they/them)
this is the one hc i will never ever budge on
i cant explain myself. rook is just agender okay.
the panpoly bit is because he sees beauty in everyone and wants to share beauty with everyone (and he wants potential romantic partners to share beauty with each other as well)
Epel: Gay, Trans man (he/him)
also took an Am I Gay Quiz
asked vil about her identity and for advice on finding himself and stuff
he came out to leona as trans during practice and leona was like "okay? me too? now do 30 pull ups?" and epel was so happy
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Idia: Bisexual, Nonbinary (he/they/xe/it ++)
i think lilia canonically uses he/they pronouns for gloomurai. im not fact checking this i will just saw someone on twt say it once and choose to believe
probably found out he was bi after playing an otome game
list of neos: xe/it/exe/cy/vi/byte/if/gore
Ortho: Experimenting (he/it/neos)
someone on twitter said ortho was that ""cringe"" baby queer who is constantly changing his identity and trying out different pronouns
and it reminded me of myself when i was 12 and named myself ""moth"" 😭 so its canon now
idia is supportive and uses his heaps of money to buy new pride flags/pins for whenever ortho comes to a new conclusion
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Malleus: Pansexual, Agender (any pronouns)
doesnt care about gender constructs, but in a way thats like "human gender doesnt make any sense so you can perceive me any way you want and it literally will not matter i dont care"
didnt even realize that going by different pronouns and wearing fem clothes was considered to be out of the norm until being introduced to human society
Lilia: Unlabeled, Agender (no pronouns)
again for fae gender isnt a construct as much as it is for human societies
id imagine lilia doesnt really mind using he/him pronouns after learning about those constructs but really doesnt care for them
Silver: Lesbian, Nonbinary (he/him)
when lilia took silver in, lilia didnt want to get too close to him, so lilia just used he/him on silver as a bitter reminder that silver isnt fae (contrary to raising silver without pronouns like he would typically for a fae child like malleus)
but then lilia got attached anyway LOL but the he/him stuck
kalim and silver are nonbinary lesbians in love
Sebek: Questioning, Questioning Nonbinary (he/him...?)
hes like "STUPID HUMANS AND THEIR GENDER" but at the same time is secretly questioning if its okay to use she/her pronouns, wear a wig, and put on makeup
because his dad is a human he got pronouns and grasped the concept of human gender constructs but was also able to experience his moms side of not caring about it
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I would like to put my Asher ramble coupon to use please! ^^
i shall take this opportunity to ramble about THE BOYS!!!!! the boys are mathew mckoy and alex ruinde, two of the three protagonists for a fantasy book im planning to write titled power doesn't guarantee glory :D
basic info:
Mathew Mckoy, he/him, at the beginning of the story hes 15 but he turns 16 close to the beginning, cisgender and bisexual biromantic!
Alex Ruinde, he/they, 17, genderqueer and just generally queer
through the plot theyre basically forced together again with their old acquaintance aria allen after the death of their childhood friend salveria ramel (they also discover theyre fated to become the closest thing their world has to gods BUT WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT RIGHT NOW THIS IS ABOUT THE BOYS) but mathew is angry at alex. the two find it hard to get along and it takes alot for them to be okay again. why, you may ask? WELL.
mathew, alex, and salveria were childhood friends (aria was their friend as well but those three were a trio that aria really wasn't a part of) the three of them were all really close. mathew was the goody two shoes good boy, salveria was the silly cheerful one who never took things seriously, and alex was the adventurous and agressive boy who was constantly getting in trouble
like i said, they were close. they were all the three of them had and they were fine with that.
although throughout the first year of middleschool alex became...distant. the others tried to give him space in case they needed it, thinking they'd come around eventually. and for a short time, alex did seem to be getting better.
then the second year of middleschool happened. alex pretty much ghosted the others and outright ran away when mathew or salveria tried to talk to him. coincidentally around the same time rumors started to spread about alex being queer. mathew was hurt, salveria wanted to believe alex had his reasons. (and then the plot happens years later!!! woooooooo :D)
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trohpi · 2 years ago
my marauders era hcs
hes polyamorous & bi
absolutely enamored with lily & reg
the entire potter familys indian
looks exactly like euphemia but with fleamonts wild hair
refuses to use sleekeazy no matter how much his father begs him bc he says his hair adds character
actually really good in the kitchen and cooks for lily & regulus often (acts of service is his love language)
has the highest transfiguration marks of his whole year
genderfluid!!! her pronouns r she/he/they
hopelessly in love w/ remus
^^ extremely oblivious to that fact
fluent in french and hates it, tries not to speak it when he can
remus introduces them to muggle music and clothing which they immediately love
absolutely entranced by muggle movies and begs remus to take him to the theater every break
calls mcgonagall “minnie” to her chagrin
pansexual & welsh
in love w/ sirius for years & thought it was unrequited bc hes oblivious as well
best friends with lily
secretly plans most of the marauders pranks
uses his prefect privileges for pranks
has study dates w/ lily, peter, & regulus
close with his mother
his father is gone a lot for work but they have a good relationship
token cishet friend
gets embarrassed super easily
him & mary are really close friends
favorite subjects are herbology & charms, and he gets the highest marks out of the marauders in these classes
bisexual & polyamorous
irish w/ vitiligo
her hairs more auburn than red red
dating james & regulus
her & mary dated briefly in 5th year
has a bit of a temper and is easily angered
way taller than all her friends but still wears heels cuz they look good on her so fuck what everyone else thinks
shes welsh & yemeni
her real name is actually maryam
lesbian queen
thinks quidditch is dumb but goes to every game to support her friends
tells peter everything
fluent in arabic and welsh (her & remus like to gossip in welsh)
theyre genderqueer, pronouns are they/he
super close friends with sirius
^^ marls kissed sirius once and then quickly realized hes aromantic
in a qpr with dorcas <3 (before that they were quidditch rivals)
theyre gryffindors seeker
dyes his hair blonde religiously
theyre filipino & were adopted by their gay muggle dads when they were 3
didnt know they were magical until they got their hogwarts letter bc of the adoption
polyamorous, pan, and ace
dating pandora & xeno my beloveds
in a qpr w/ marlene
her mom is pureblood, her dad is muggleborn & the ancient runes teacher
has an older nby sibling named aster
in the same year as the marauders
one of the slytherin beaters
1000% a polyamorous pan trans man
dating lily & james
first befriended lily in the slug club
best friends w/ pandora
fluent in french and embraces it, mumbles to himself in french and slips french words into conversation
originally forces himself to dislike the marauders bc they “stole sirius” but begrudgingly starts liking them
hits it off w/ remus bc of their similarly dark & sarcastic humor
the hat originally wanted to sort him into ravenclaw but he asked for slytherin
shes a brazilian muggleborn
bisexual & polyamorous, dating xeno & dorcas :)
wears super chunky jewelry and huge glasses
hangs in the kitchens with regulus and is very friendly with the house elves
in the same year as reg but in ravenclaw
loves learning about everything magical she can, including “fake” creatures like nargles and blibbering humdingers
lovegood is her maiden name, xeno took it when they married
5th year prefect when the marauders were in 1st year
gryffindor quidditch chaser & captain until she graduated in 1974
friends with emmeline, frank, gideon, fabian, & bilius weasley
bisexual & dated narcissa for a few yrs until narcissa broke it off bc of her arranged marriage to lucius
her mom and dad are pieretta and florean fortescue, she helps them run the ice cream shop during summers
has a little sister named edith whose in a year above the marauders
very very short
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toyfii · 3 months ago
jst a vent, cw small sui mention, some gender stuff, self image
if I weren't used to being ignored + scared of being ignored, i would be the nicest person ever. lol im scared of saying nice things to ppl bec i think i seem creepy and invasive all the time. thats why they always ignore me, right? theyre probably uncomfortable, i did something wrong i acted too weird im not like this, usually i just stay silent and know my place, why would a disgusting creature like medare talk to them and expect a response?
and then all the little friendships that couldve been beautiful.. they all fall apart and i avoid looking them in the eyes and pretend i dont see them, and i get out of my way to avoid them and avoid walking past them at any costs. even if i literally have to hide and wait, or walk in the opposite direction of where i was.
this happens to all the people i like (including online ppl too) i just stop responding to messages properly, or i pretend I'm not online bc i think that whatever i say is going to make you upset and uncomfortable and creeped out.
i def internalize all the complaints about men that i see online. ik that's probs where the fear of being creepy and invasive comes from. bc i was born with XY chromosomes and have short hair and facial hair and body hair and a wider bofy and broader shoulders and deeper voice and wear the same gross ugly clothes every time i go out and so i must be like them i must be gross and apathetic and objectifying and i must be acting in an invasive way im probably objectifying them im probably making them scared i should kill myself, people say all men should die so why cant i just do that already? obviously nobody needs me and it seems like so many people actually WANT me to disapprar bc im a "man". tbh it scares me so much to call myself that. esp online. bc irl of course everyone says "he" and use my name bc i am clearly a man irl. but online, i dont show myself ofc. so it feels like people online treat me completely differently and it makes me cry bc i know this would never happen irl.
and it also makes me feel creepy bc i dont say that im a man. i dnteven know. i hate calling myself that, idk if its because i am actually nonbinary or if its because i just dont want to be treated like i do irl. i feel fake for not saying that im a man online, because if you were to see me irl all that would come to your mind is.. yeah. lol i dont even tell anyone irl not even ppl who are nb or genderqueer etc. because its obvious im faking bc i dont look ambiguous enough, and i dont act ambiguous enough. im just some man, obviously.
its an exhausting cycle bc the only people i get to talk to now are other boys, even though i dont want to; even though talking to them reinforces the image of me as just another man. like i dont *hate* them ofc its just.. i dont want to talk to them. but i pretend that i do, and i put up facades to act like how they act, talk like they do. bc ik that theyd see me weird otherwise.
and ik that talking to the people i actually like, those people would see me weird bc theyre used to seeing me talking with boys in my fake way. my fake personality looks like my real personality, so my real personality appears fake, too. at least thats what i think. im too scared to go up and talk to any of the nice kids anymore. bc why would they want to talk to one of the boring mean apathetic boys. ig its just life. i cnt change it, im just stuck in this cycle unless i like.. disappear....
ive never talked about these thoughts with anyone else bfore because it just feels so taboo, ive never seen anyone else have similar experiences. so probably the few people who saw my post, read the entire thing, and is reading this now, will think im gross and leave too. ig its life.. you all would find out eventually and leave anyways. im destined to be alone, but its my fault for being gross and cold and uncomfortable.
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kuruk · 1 year ago
sorry to rant about discourse from yesterday help. you can delete this if it's just annoying, but something feels so evil about these tme genderqueer fagdyke MRAs making posts about how theyre proud to be men even though feminists went to far and made masculinity a bad thing, men are the most oppressed people in the lgbt community, that's all they ever make posts about, sometimes they talk about lesbians but only to say they support lesbians who are attracted to men. then the same people when they make donation posts suddenly label themselves "transfemme trans lesbians" with no mention of the whole "proud to be a trans man" thing, even though they are tme transmascs, and then they shield themselves by saying they're "simultaneously transfem and transmasc" it's like they saw trans women circling eachother's donation posts and started calling themselves that so trans women would start sending them money.
literally so weird idonr even know what to say like..
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anewgayeveryday · 1 year ago
How to Request
Long Post, a little about me under the cut
For headcanons, go to @theyre-gay-because-i-say-so
I have an artist appreciation post, where I post a list of every artist who has so kindly let me use their art for characters. Please show your love for them as well. And I have a post of the 10 most popular characters on this blog,
First off, most people request perfectly fine and I have no issue other than my own motivation. But, it is a little frustrating when all I get is a name. Just a name, not even a fandom. I've had this blog for a few years now, should probably have done this before. But anyway
What's needed; Name, Fandom, Gender/Sexuality
What's appreciated but not necessary; Character Status (Alive/Deceased/Resurrected/Immortal), Relationship status w/ couples (Married/Dating/Divorced), Pronouns, Species (for Trans/Enby/GenderQueer Characters), Trigger Warnings for the media
You can request multiple characters, from multiple fandoms, in one message, I don't mind at all.
If you want, you can send an image with your ask. If you wish to be anon, you can just add that to end of the ask
If you have a public work of your own, you can ask for your character/s to be posted.
No Real Life people
I count Drag Performers and crossdressers as LGBTQ+, as genderqueer, since they are queering up gender
If I cannot find confirmation of a character's definite sexuality, I will usually put them as queer unless the request asks for them as WLW, MLM, or NBLM/NBLW
Minors are allowed to interact, I don't mind, but I will say that some of the media I post may not be suitable though I will warn when possible
If I get anything wrong about a post, then feel free to correct me. I'm not familiar with every fandom and sources can be misleading, wikis can easily be outdated, and sometimes I just don't notice things.
If something changes (statuses, relationships, character comes out, etc), I will eventually update as long as I am aware of the change. So feel free to message tell me about those as well
If I don't post your request after a while that may be because I can't find any confirmation, I don't have the time, I'm waiting for a reply from a fanartist, or I just didn't receive the ask. Feel free to send it again or ask for an update (preferable), I don't mind. Please wait at least a month before resending your character, I have over 200 asks. Sending the same person over and over every day just frustrates me to see.
This is not a callout blog: if a character or creator is problematic then you can tell me in messages or replies and I may add a warning to any relevant posts if I feel it's needed
I will not allow TERF retoric, racism, ableism or any other form of bigotry in the replies and those will be deleted as soon as possible. I also try to keep politics out of this blog, so I won't be bringing up much of if any political things. Hate asks will be deleted, they are not worth my time
If you want, I can promote your own works (books, games, comics, videos/short films) though it will be ultimately my choice so please don't be offended if I decide against posting a promo.
If you think I should add anything/need clarification on anything here, just send an ask or a PM and I will get to it as soon as I can
A Little about the mod
I'm Mac (Short for Macaroni), 24, UK., I go by any pronouns including any neos you vibe with, my main blog is @hannibal-shits-people where I occasionally post random BS and that is minors DNI. I have two writing blogs for general multifandom @the-ghost-and-the-writer, and horror specifically @macherkissed, also both not for minors
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raemeh · 1 year ago
silly headcanons ummm. normals skincare routine is fucking abysmal (im talking bar soap and ceraphil lotion) and scary and hermie are like Dude. we must fix this. they get him a ton of shit (hermie knows where to get really gentle stuff bc half his face is burned off) and do facemasks together and now whenever normal is stressed he goes through his whole routine to relax
the teens have SO many sleepovers. im talking every weekend and even on school nights its not unusual for one of them to show up unexpected and crash at someone elses house. each of the teens has spare clothes and a toothbrush at each house in case they forget something/need something and sometimes they’ll wear each others clothes that they leave there. like taylor will show up to school in one of scarys skirts and she’ll be like you better fucking wash that thing before i need it again
oh and since ik youre all for genderqueer linc. after her transition she wants to play on the girls team and works REALLY hard to get on varsity so she can play on the same team as scary. she helps linc train every night in preparation for tryouts :3
sorry if these are worded weird!! i wouldnt classify them as fluff but theyre sweet ig
AWE THANK YOU I love all of these
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