#Yuuto Yoshinaga
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luciousx310 · 2 years ago
Updates may become slower due to some factors (like the new event).
But now I'll be posting the traditional drawings of each member one at a time.
I actually started with the last member and moving to the front of the unit.
So first up is Yuuto Yoshinaga
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The cane may be a bit weird, but I was glad with the head as I was trying to get some of the headshape from the project sekai characters.
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cocotome · 1 year ago
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Both casts for Kiramune live reading~ So much talent in 2 photos! Egu and Miki are so tall! Even taller than Koniyan!
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oneesanmarket · 6 months ago
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Kiramune: SparQlew :“Shõri No Uta” -  Can Badge
Size: 6 cm
Price: 6€/11 USD
(Shipping price Not included)
Units Available:3
(Send us a message or comment if you’re interested)
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jyuhachi1994 · 6 years ago
Before I continue, here is the picture of how the stage was set up
「Orange - all stage, black- arena seats, blue - big moving stage, red - small moving stage」
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(SOURCE: https://twitter.com/kiramune_fan/status/1122766162968793088?s=19) 
Anyways, I bought my ticket for Day 1 from a friend in Instagram, and she got A Stand in 3rd Base side. They started letting us in at 12 in the afternoon, and it was unexpectedly fast. When we entered the Dome, they were playing MVs, and yes, MVs from 2009! Feels! Watching their MVs on a big screen! I also couldn't contain my excitement since they were showing PVs of their recent released albums and will be releasing, and guess what, they showed VERSUS!!!!! Namidai, Yocchin, and Kakki were so cool! It was a short PV, like 10 seconds? Or 15? But the hype was there! When there were lots of people inside, you could really hear the cheering!
Okay, so I wrote everything I could remember from Day 1! Honestly, I couldn't remember much since Day 2 really had a big impact to me! And yes, Day 1 was really different from Day 2!! I cried lots during Day 1!
We headed to our seat, and actually at first we sat at the wrong row. We thought our seats were at the very top of A Stand, but turned out much closer to the stage! I mean, to the small side stage! I also had a chance to meet with my friend from Twitter, who is from Singapore!
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[A-chan, N-chan, and me! When we were still sitting at the top of A stand, we were even getting excited that what if they used cart and go around?! We would be able to see them (well it didn't happen, and we moved closer to the stage]
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[International Fans! From Singapore and Canada! Their seat was really close to the stage hahaha!]
Five minutes before 3:00 PM, we thought they would start the Reminders for Rules and Regulations, but nah, they played one more MV, and it was Namidai's. After his MV, black screen then Ever Dream played, and after the 2nd chorus, the Rules and Regulations were showed, courtesy by chibi Kiramune Members. And after that, they played Ever Dream again, then finally it's show time!
The intro video really made me cry! Hahahaha! They were all clips from 2009! And the member introduction started with the latest members SparQlew, Yocchin, Trignal, Nobu, Kakki, Namidai, Hiroshi, Miyu, and then special guest! CONNECT! Seriously the cheer was really loud!!
I had no idea what colour should I choose next. I had three, so one of them was Purple for Hiroshi's, but the other two, I kept on changing them.
Then, first song was Bokura no Egaku Mirai, gosh! I stayed with purple, red and white for my blades {Hiroshi, Miyu/Ryouhei, Nobu}. Their entrance was so grand! (Here's a correction here, sorry, I just remembered their entrance, the stage split into half was when CONNECT entered, their entrance was the big moving stage lifted up along with the members, and they moved towards the end stage.) They were all wearing a very flashy clothes of blue, with mostly blue and I think there were shapes on it and the colour of each members were there!
SparQlew's got a part for Bokura no Egaku Mirai, on the first chorus, they got the KAmiYU's part, it was really divided into five of them. And the second chorus, they got the Uncle Bomb part.
Things really get wild on the next one! It's their special medley! The first one was Miyu, and he sang "doko ma demo", and I would be honest, I couldn't concentrate to where should I look, since they just spread! And all I could remember were SparQlew went to the main stage, and the others spread at the long centre stage. So I just searched for Kamiya-san, and he was smiling so bright coming towards to our side! Me and my two friends just lost it, since the three of us Like Kamiya-san! It was special song medley, after Miyu, Hiroshi sang "shirikagiri" at the very end of the middle long stage, yes near us, and I was shouting again!! And sorry, but my eyes just followed him, but when he went to the other side, my eyes just went towards SparQlew members, ChibaSho and Hozumin went down the stage, and made all the fans on our side went crazy. The other three were on the other side. Since yes they went to the smalllll side stage, I could clearly, clearly saw their faces! I am into SparQlew, especially Hozumin! So I really got excited seeing him there!
Lol! Anyways, after Hiroshi, the order was on how they entered Kiramune. Namidai sang UTAO, Kakki sang Endless journey, Nobu sang Hello, Ms. Sunshine, Trignal sang Gentei Kaigi Ready Set Go!, Yocchin sang Wasshoi, and SparQlew sang Hajimari no Sora.
After SparQlew, Miyu finally introduced our nii-sans! The return of CONNECT and the whole dome went wild! The first song was Say Hello! And I was shouting on top of my lung with "Hello! Hello!" While crying! Too much feels when they showed up on top of the small moving stage. The other members were still there, and the dome was really hype-up! CONNECT stayed at the moving stage, and by the end of Say Hello, the members gathered around the small moving stage at the centre of the middle long stage. After Say Hello, CONNECT's next song was cone sen followed by Pride reamer!
After CONNECT, the order of the performers were on how they entered Kiramune. So from CONNECT up to SparQlew.
Again, I would just write all I could remember. And all of them except SparQlew sang 3 songs, and Miyu had a medley song, and the songs were from his early albums.
There was a video playing behind Miyu, his early performance of エール in Kirafes. I couldn't help but cry again, since it was his debut song, and first Kirafes performance. After that, he had a song medley, five songs from his early albums.
Hiroshi also sang 3 songs from his early albums, it was really nostalgic! My tears really didn't want to stop! The butterflies at the background were so beautiful!(笑)
Namidai sang Yellow Man from his new single release, and my tears just stopped, yes, literally stopped! So Namidai started from the end of the middle long runway stage, and at the very main stage there was a tall yellow ranger came out, and he danced 'gui gui (do it)' the dance step from Yocchin's song, idk if you watched the Kirafes2015 one, the encore part. Because of that Namidai asked him "aren't you Egu?!" Though he denied, we all knew who it was. I think Yellow ranger was there for only 15 seconds.
Kakki was up next, and we were looking for him, we could hear his voice, but nowhere to be found, but then on the other side of the dome, people start cheering. He was on a big cart! A cart with Kiramune logo star on it! オシャレ!
Next was Nobu! Oh, I could remember very well when he sang Sai Saikou, he used both the small stages on each side. I couldn't help but fangirl too much since I could clearly see Nobu's face while singing Sai Saikou! I really love this song! He sang it with KAmiYU last Kirafes, then he sang it this year again, and I was able to see it closer! 
I apologize for Yocchin but during his part, I went to the washroom! But I could hear his voice, and there was fireworks. I returned exactly at the end of his 3rd song. He was playing guitar for Dramatic Surf Coaster!!!!!! Actually, I regret missing this part!!!
Trignal was up next, and I never thought that they would sing Message From Live first! My memory here was a bit hazy. Because their entrance on 2nd day had a big impact, I couldn't remember at all! But I could remember that they were on cart, not the same with Kakki, but the usual small ones.
SparQlew was next, and they performed two songs from their new album, Bokutachi no Horizon and Abracadabra! They were so cute! So cute! The dance step levelled up! To why I said that, I apologize but when I watched KF2018 Bluray, you could still see that they weren’t in synch still, but this year, man they nailed it!
After SparQlew, it was talk corner. First day, SparQlew with CONNECT, Miyu, and Kakki. I would try to remember what they talked about here. But, they talked about the weather. They were somehow blaming Iwata-san since he is an Ame-otoko, but thankful since Suzu-san was there, and he is hare-otoko. There was one time that it became so bright on our part, and they were worried on the other side since we could feel the warm, but the other side was freezing. I could remember they were saying how CONNECT were really ojiisan since SparQlew members were with them. I couldn't remember if it was during the MC talk, but they talked about SparQlew's hair. Since Hozumin, ChibaSho and Takuto had their hairs dyed, and they didn't want their hairs to be the same. Also, they talked about their Kirafes experienced, since last year they were only guests, and their real first Kirafes was in MetLife Dome. Also, Kakki and Takuto already had planned to have a drink once Takuto become 20 years old! Also Miyu pronounced SparQlew with perfect English!
~Second Half and Encore~
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rinrinrinrinn143 · 6 years ago
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They leave a space for their leader, yuuto ❤❤❤
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rainstormfes · 7 years ago
Kiramune Presents: Bokura no Music Park #1 Summary/Review
with: Uemura Yuuto, Chiba Shouya, Hozumi Yuuya, Horie Shun, and Yoshinaga Takuto
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I don’t usually do this and this’ll probably be the last time I do this (for this radio show at least). But I wanted to do a little summary/review of this particular radio show’s first episode cause it’s Kiramune, it’s the new unit’s radio show’s first episode, and I wanted to see how it went for them. 
I am not the best at Japanese but I tried lol. I honestly didn’t think I would do this in the first place but I wanted to share cause I care a lot about Kiramune and the journey it’s going on.
They were very nervous in the beginning of the episode and they kept stumbling on their words a lot. (and their unit has yet to have a name)
After the intro, they talked about themselves a little bit, talking about hobbies and stuff. (little side note when they were talking about themselves: I couldn't help but notice that almost all of Nobugnal: Ryohei, Wingu, and Nobu have kouhais from their own agencies:
Hozumi Yuuya: Ken Production (Wingu)
Uemura Yuuto, Yoshinaga Takuto: Gekidan Himawari (Ryohei)
Horie Shun: Pro-Fit (Nobu)
idk i was just really happy for some reason lol. now WHERE is egu's kouhai XDDD)
They talked about various bands like radwimps and bump of chicken (just to name some) And then they talked about ipods and walkmans XDDD going off in various/random topics about music and anything having to do with music.
So the first corner that they actually went into was "Kiramune History" which made me real happy cause they were talking about their senpais!! So when they first said that Kiramune first started in April of 2009 they mentioned Yoshinaga (the youngest of the unit) how old would’ve been when Kiramune first started. He was born in 1999... HE WAS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL OMG. Them talking about it just made me realize too like OMG. Kiramune has come a long way!
And they went to mention all the events that came out of Kiramune like KiraFes, the Reading Lives, and the Fan Meetings.
They went to talk about Kiramune as a whole. Yoshinaga basically talked about how their senpais have shaped Kiramune over the years and how (don’t quote me on this) he wants to keep the feelings that their senpais have created within the label and how they will try their best while under the label.
Hozumi mentioned how at the Shizuoka Live Reading he was impacted by all the fans there when the unit was announced there and how he was really nervous but also happy when the fans seemed to welcome the new unit.
And then Uemura  said that he wanted to have fun while under the label and (funnily enough) mentioned the fact that this 5 person unit was pretty big(at least compared to the label so far XDDD)
Then a radio clip of CONNECT's Connect played. And while the song played they talked about it. They talked about how SuzuKen and Iwata started it all in 2009 and talked about how the 5 of them will try their very best to continue what these two had started in Kiramune
Then they went on to talk about KiraFes 2017 and the beginning performance which was done by Trignal(they all attended the event in the audience). And they talked about them for a little bit saying how they're very 'pop' in their music. And also mentioning their senpais were 'cool' during their performance XDDD.
And then they talked about Yoshino and how he sang his songs. Like when he had a megaphone for Sha-ra-ra and when he played the guitar.
And then they talked about the MC corner and how it showed how Kiramune had a very 'warm'/gave a 'warm' feeling with all the seiyuu within the label.
Then they moved on to talk about Nobu’s peformance and Horie stepped up cause Nobu's his senpai. And they all commented how Oborozduki was amazing overall (the PV makes it look amazing enough lol). And then they mentioned 'Want you' XDD and how it's super cute. (these guys are so adorable themselves) And then talked about how Melty Halloween’s MV was cute with the kids as well as the song.
Then they talked a little bit about how they should perform because there’s 5 of them and how they should be on stage and stuff like that.
Then the radio clip of Trignal's Update A Day played. Apparently Yoshinaga LOVES the rap XDDD and they just continued to comment how it's really cool and how they love it.
Then another corner "Kiramune Information" began and they just announced all of the new music coming out soon, mentioned the upcoming KiraFes 2018 event, and mentioned KiraFes 2017's BD coming out.
Then the radio clip for Kiramune☆ALLSTARS Bokura no Egaku Mirai played. They all love it and mentioned how it is REALLY treasured especially within Kiramune. And apparently the boys on stage were all teary eyed during KiraFes 2017′s performance of it (aAaAAaHhHhHH). And they also mentioned how they could even hear the fans singing along (they were in the audience). They commented how everyone singing together just added the power and connection of everyone in Kiramune.
And the ending:
they just mentioned again how they were nervous in the beginning but it was fun as it continued XDD (cuuute)
and Yoshinaga mentioned how Ryohei wished him and Uemura luck before they started recording (what a good senpai👍)
And apparently Uemura was really nervous and his face definitely showed it and apparently he said something along the lines of “I'm sorry Ryohei-san I'll really try my best but...' and just ended it there LOL
also someone mentioned Hozumi went out to go eat fish somewhere (couldn't catch where) before they were gonna record for the radio (most likely leaving him barely a few minutes to spare before the actual recording started) but he said it was really good XDDD and everyone just laughed
It was really entertaining and fun to hear the new unit interacting with each other on the radio. They all sounded very sincere especially when they commented how they will do their best for Kiramune, continue working hard for us the fans as well as their senpais, and maintain the nice, warm feelings created within Kiramune. And hearing that made me happy. I couldn’t hope for anything more than for these 5 to try their best in the label.
So far they haven’t mentioned anything about them producing music nor have they come up with a name for their unit but I’m looking forward to what they produce for their music and the name they come up with! (hopefully the mails will help them come up with a name like how the mails helped Trignal come up with their unit name)
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newsintheshell · 6 years ago
VOCI DAL GIAPPONE: Speciale Kirafes 2019
Una speciale puntata della nostra rubrica a tema seiyuu, parleremo del Kiramune Music Festival 2019!
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E dopo questa pausa pasquale, torna alla carica la nostra rubrica VOCI DAL GIAPPONE, che per l’occasione sarà un’edizione speciale dove parleremo del “Kiramune Music Festival 2019″, uno dei maggiori eventi musicali che si tiene ogni anno e che vede sul proprio palco alcuni dei seiyuu più influenti del panorama giapponese!
Il Kiramune Music Festival, chiamato più semplicemente KIRAFES, è uno dei concerti più attesi dell’anno e ha una presa mediatica tale da esser conosciuto anche da chi magari non segue particolarmente il mondo dei voice actors giapponesi. Anima del “Kiramune Project”, l’evento ha il suo debutto nel 2009 e quest’anno celebra il suo decennale, con un live event tenutosi il 27 e il 28 Aprile appena passati presso la MetLife Arena di Saitama (Tokyo).
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L’edizione di quest’anno inoltre ha visto sul palco ben 16 seiyuu ad esibirsi, in una sì inedita ma completa formazione del gruppo dal momento che nelle edizioni precedenti fosse capitata l’assenza di qualche membro per questioni lavorative. Gli artisti che si sono esibiti sono:
KamiYu (duo formato da Irino Miyu e Kamiya Hiroshi, due dei membri fondatori del Kiramune)
Uncle Bomb (duo formato da Namikawa Daisuke e Yoshino Hiroyuki)
Kakihara Tetsuya
Okamoto Nobuhiko
TRIGNAL (gruppo formato da Kimura Ryouhei, Yonaga Tsubasa ed Eguchi Takuya)
Sparqlew (gruppo nato nel 2018, i membri sono Hozumi Yuuya, Uemura Yuuto, Chiba Shoya, Yoshinaga Takuto e Horie Shun)
L’evento ha visto come special guest il duo CONNECT, formato da Suzumura Kenichi e Iwata Mitsuo: nonostante siano stati presenti come ospiti, i due sono gli altri membri fondatori del Kiramune e non si esibivano sul palco del KIRAFES da dopo l’edizione del 2014. Non è ancora chiaro se i due continueranno come CONNECT, anche se a detta loro, si andrà avanti.
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Il concerto è durato poco più di 5 ore a giornata, dove ogni gruppo o artista solista si è esibito con i propri brani e sia all’apertura che alla chiusura dello show, han cantato tutti assieme i brani portanti del Kiramune (dai titoli Ever Dream, Get Together e Bokura no Egaku Mirai). 
Tra i momenti di pura commozione non solo per i fans, ma anche per i membri del gruppo, non sono mancati gli annunci discografici ed eccoli in sunto:
Raccolta di tutti i videoclip (15 in totale) in DVD/BD per Kamiya Hiroshi, l’uscita è prevista per il 28/8
 Raccolta di tutti i videoclip (12 in totale) in DVD/BD per Irino Miyu, data d’uscita il 26/6
Uscita del DVD/BD per il “ Trignal 5th Anniversary Live “SMILE PARTY””, il recente concerto dei TRIGNAL, esce il 3/7
Nuovo singolo per Okamoto Nobuhiko, in uscita il 10/7, titolo da annunciare
Nuovo singolo per Namikawa Daisuke, in uscita il 29/5 e dal titolo  “HIYAKE! DASHING” 
Yoshino Hiroyuki farà uscire sia un nuovo singolo (il 31/7) che il DVD/BD del suo recente “Yoshino Hiroyuki Live Tour 2018 ‘Jonetsu Anthology’”
Raccolta di tutti i videoclip (12 in totale) in DVD/BD per Irino Miyu, data d’uscita il 26/6
Uscita del DVD/BD per il “ Trignal 5th Anniversary Live “SMILE PARTY””, il recente concerto dei TRIGNAL, esce il 3/7
Nuovo singolo per Okamoto Nobuhiko, in uscita il 10/7, titolo da annunciare
Nuovo singolo per Namikawa Daisuke, in uscita il 29/5 e dal titolo  “HIYAKE! DASHING”
Yoshino Hiroyuki farà uscire sia un nuovo singolo (il 31/7) che il DVD/BD del suo recente “Yoshino Hiroyuki Live Tour 2018 ‘Jonetsu Anthology’”
Tutte le release saranno preordinabili attraverso i siti di CdJapan e Amazon JP (consultate la nostra guida QUI per saperne di più). Maggiori informazioni verranno rilasciate nelle prossime settimane!
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FONTE (e tutte le info sugli artisti): KIRAMUNE OFFICIAL WEBSITE
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luciousx310 · 2 years ago
Cabin Sekai Characters
(Placing 2 together for better mobile scrolling format)
Ken Miyashita & Hanzou Akabane
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Ken Miyashita - The head of the group and an American transfer student, he's a positive fellow who can't seem to not focus on music. It's a core factor in her life, which leads him to connect with others through shared songs or introducing songs. They can play various instruments due to their unending interest in music, but that leads her to struggle in subjects that don't translate to music that well. Moving to a new school is hard enough, so Ken retreats into his love of music to ignore outside pressures.
Hanzou Akabane - Assigned to help Ken in her first few days at school, Hanzou is Ken's first friend at Kamiyama and the second member of the group. He is more reserved and stand-offish, but tries to help others the best he can. His parents divorced after their arguments got to a breaking point, and lives with his mom. She lets him do whatever he wants, but he just wants her to spend time with him, as she is rarely at home at the same time as him.
Nobutoshi Akabane & Yuuto Yoshinaga
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Nobutoshi Akabane - Hanzou's younger brother, he's aloof and free-spirited. After an incident that scarred him, his parents divorced and he lives with his dad. His dad provides guidance and gives him attention, though Nobutoshi would wish he'd lighten up as he's too overly protective. He tries to reconnect with his older sibling, but to no avail.
Yuuto Yoshinaga - The fourth member of the group, he is stoic, level-headed, and way too formal. Adjusting to a more normal life after running from a yakuza gang, he makes friends with Hanzou as they take things more seriously. He is pretty emotional, but is conditioned not to demonstrate so.
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luciousx310 · 2 years ago
Cabin Sekai Masterpost
The Beginning Rants
Initial thoughts
Sekai title
Boy band decision
Picrew designs
Yuuto sketch
Nobutoshi sketch
Hanzou sketch
Ken sketch
Character Information
First character introductions
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cocotome · 1 year ago
Do yall remember this post about Hirarin participating in a Kiramune live drama reading event?? Well, they've finally updated the site with the story and cast photos, along with a video on their official Youtube channel!
Here's a very rough translation of the synopsis: After the fourth World War has destroyed nations and continents, the world looks very different. Our main character, Kudou Makoto, who works for a manufacturing company, gets called in by the company president. He's given a document with the word N.A.O written on it, which confuses him since he's never heard of them before. When talking to his former university professor, he's handed a business card that reads "N.A.O., Area J branch manager" and is told that his strength is needed. His ordinary days are about to end as he questions his beliefs and the existence of good and evil.
Each reading will be performed by separate casts so there are two people playing each role. General info below~
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^Kudou Makoto - Eguchi Takuya and Kamiya Hiroshi^ After graduating from Tachikawa National College department of Robotics, he became an ordinary man who developed products to aid in disaster relief. Was invited to to develop for the N.A.O Area J branch by his mentor and former teacher Tachibana. Lives his life upright, and strives to help others. That was until his supervisor, Kureha, revealed a hidden truth to him...
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^Idzuru Yakumo - Kimura Ryouhei and Namikawa Daisuke^ Makoto's childhood friend. Graduated from the same department of Robotics at Tachikawa College of Technology and works in Area A after transferring from N.A.O Area J. Decided to go back to Area J on the same day Makoto was moved to that area. Confronts Tachibana about moving Makoto to Area J because he's known him for so long and worries. He has a strong sense of justice and excellent grades. He also has internal struggles of his own that come to a head.
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^Tachibana Seiichirou - Miki Shinichirou and Konishi Katsuyuki^ He's the N.A.O Area J Branch Chief of Staff. Taught both Makoto and Yakumo in college. He's the one who personally recruited Makoto to work in Area J. Is gentle yet strict with a flexible way of thinking. He makes the best decisions he can in the moment, ven if he has to remove his own emotions in the moment. Left behind his wife and daughter in the country side to work hard.
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^Sakuma Hideo - Seki Toshihiko and Furuya Touru^ Commander in Chief of N.A.O Area J Branch. Ruthless and will protect Area J at all costs. He doesn't speak much and carries out his decisions without second guesses. He is beginning not to trust Makoto. Lost his wife and child in the previous war.
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^Aoyama Keigo - Yonaga Tsubasa and Okamoto Nobuhiko^ N.A.O Area J branch operator. Knowledgeable in IT and works hard. He believes you cannot protect what's important to you without power. Has a lot of admiration for Sakuma and does his best to help Area J in his own ways. His older brother and parents in the last war.
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^Kureha Suguru - Yoshino Hiroyuki and Hirakawa Daisuke^ N.A.O Area J Branch Development Office Manager. He's doubted the intentions of others since he was a child and doesn't trust anyone, including his own family so he only opens his heart to machines because he knows they can't lie. He's an eccentric person who loves the machines he makes like they're his children but is very knowledgeable system development. Calls Makoto "Mako-chan"
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^Hino Mirai - Uemura Yuuto and Hozumi Yuuya^ A trainee at N.A.O Area J. Is a bright student and the top of his class but always falls behind Seira in their last skill exams but because of his personality he admires the other student rather than being jealous of him. After losing his parents, he now works hard to take care of his little sister, the only reaming family he has.
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^Sumeragi Seira - Yoshinaga Takuto and Horie Shun^ Another trainee at N.A.O Area J. Although he got the top score in the recent skill exam, he's only average at everything else. Is shy and rarely talks to his classmates. He lives alone and doesn't even know his parents.
Sorry if anything is off, I just tried to get the basics of each character. All the guys on the left side are one cast and all the guys on the right are the other cast. Anyways, the story sounds really interesting and the cast is obviously all star, no mater which performance you're talking about! I just need them to sell blu-rays or online viewing tickets!!!!!
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luciousx310 · 2 years ago
A while ago I used this picrew to make some bases for the group.
Ken Miyashita, Hanzou Akabane, Nobutoshi Akabane, and Yuuto Yoshinaga
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I'm still working on the drawings; I have 3/4 done as sketches (traditional), which I'll have to finish up (digitize) soon. Once I get them done digitally, I'll hopefully release most of the info about them.
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cocotome · 2 years ago
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Hirarin will be performing with some of the guys from Kiramune in a live reading!!!! So exciting!! I'm starting to take it personal when they don't sell event dvds/blurays lol. Tickets will be 9000 yen and location + cast info is below!
Tokyo Tachikawa Stage Garden
10.7.2023 Afternoon performance (open at 1pm, start at 2pm) Cast: Uemura Yuuto, Eguchi Takuya, Kimura Ryouhei, Seki Toshihiko, Miki Shinichirou, Yoshinaga Takuto, Yoshino Hiroyuki, Yonaga Tsubasa
Evening performance (open at 5:30pm, start at 6:30pm) Cast: Okamoto Nobuhiko, Kamiya Hiroshi, Konishi Katsuyuki, Namikawa Daisuke, Hirakawa Daisuke, Furuya Touru, Hozumi Yuuya, Horie Shun
10.8.2023 Afternoon performance (open at 12pm, start at 1pm) Cast: Okamoto Nobuhiko, Kamiya Hiroshi, Konishi Katsuyuki, Namikawa Daisuke, Hirakawa Daisuke, Furuya Touru, Hozumi Yuuya, Horie Shun
Evening performance (open at 4:30, start at 5:30pm) Cast: Uemura Yuuto/ Eguchi Takuya, Kimura Ryouhei, Seki Toshihiko, Miki Shinichirou, Yoshinaga Takuto, Yoshino Hiroyuki, Yonaga Tsubasa
Osaka Orix Theater
10.14.2023 Afternoon performance (open at 12pm, start at 1pm) Evening performance (open at 4:30, start at 5:30pm) Cast: Uemura Yuuto/ Eguchi Takuya, Kimura Ryouhei, Seki Toshihiko, Miki Shinichirou, Yoshinaga Takuto, Yoshino Hiroyuki, Yonaga Tsubasa
10.15.2023 Afternoon performance (open at 12pm, start at 1pm) Evening performance (open at 4:30, start at 5:30pm) Cast: Okamoto Nobuhiko, Kamiya Hiroshi, Konishi Katsuyuki, Namikawa Daisuke, Hirakawa Daisuke, Furuya Touru, Hozumi Yuuya, Horie Shun
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jyuhachi1994 · 6 years ago
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These boys are on my seiyuu list~
Especially you YUYA!!!
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rinrinrinrinn143 · 7 years ago
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Since no one posts pics from Kiramune fan meeting in Kageshima yet, I'm gonna leave these here and go crying in the corner. (It's been a while since I saw them, but wowww takuto grown up! )
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rinrinrinrinn143 · 7 years ago
Kiramune member that..
Looks like they could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll: Kamiya Hiroshi, Namikawa Daisuke, Yoshino Hiroyuki, Kimura Ryouhei, Hozumi Yuya, Chiba Shouya.
Looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you: Okamoto Nobuhiko, Yonaga Tsubasa.
Look like they could kill you, could actually kill you: Irino Miyu, Kakihara Tetsuya
Looks like a cinnamon roll,is actually a cinnamon roll: Yoshinaga Takuto, Horie Shun, Uemura Yuuto
Egu: Just egu
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rinrinrinrinn143 · 7 years ago
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Awwww so cute😍 Look! SparQlew have their own chibi chara now ❤❤💜💜
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