#all the homies hate childe
anotherferalrat · 4 months
Imma say it.
From what I've seen so far...
Thoma is a sweeter version of Childe
Well-connected and seems to know everyone and be everywhere, flirty/charismatic (for better or worse), I'm sure there's more but I literally just started this quest like an hour ago sooo...
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t00muchheart · 9 months
Thinking about the differences between how Dean raised Sam and how he handled Jack being born and how much John Winchester is at the heart of that difference. Dean believes that John raised Sam, and always saw John in the father position (since it was technically true), and so he focused on taking care of Sam, providing for him and keeping him safe—all the things that made him far more of a father to Sam than John ever was. But in filling the role of father for Jack, Dean falls back on the example he had, which is John’s parenting, not recognizing that he already knows how to be a good father because he already had to be one.
Additionally, I think that’s why Sam does a little better with Jack (not that he was perfect, especially at the beginning when he was trying to use Jack to get Mary back): because his example of a good father figure is Dean, who provided for him and taught him to survive.
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numberfiveisback · 10 months
"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to"
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Imagine if CC had a single friend when he was alive. Someone who genuinely cared about him no matter what. Someone who helped him face the monsters the scared him. Someone who never would've let him get dragged to the stage and killed.
Imagine that.
(meanwhile Cassidy is seething at me in the corner because I've been focused on the boys more than her)
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cye-wiz · 2 months
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happy graduation to the wettest cat of a man in the spiral <3 (infodump in the tags)
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ravenquingvax · 2 years
Thinking about little Vax being abandoned by his sister, curling up crying on the ground because he's okay being nothing to everyone else, but she's his whole world and he needs her so badly.
He would take every scolding, every beating, meant for her.
He would stand in her way and take every arrow meant for her.
He would sell his soul for her.
But she doesn't need him.
She doesn't want him.
He's a child still, really.
Barely a teen, having just ran away from a horrible life that only wanted to hurt him.
If it meant having her back at his side he'd go back to Syngorn and endure it all just for her.
He would take every nasty insult and closed fist his father threw their way if it meant Vex would stay by his side forever.
But she's gone and he's all alone, unwanted and unworthy.
Little does he know that he's so worthy that a Goddess has already laid claim to his very soul.
Little does he know that one day it would be his sister in his position.
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animehime94 · 2 years
Hunter is the child Caleb and Evelyn didn't get to have 🥺💔
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He got his father's bones and his mother's magic essence so he would be their son if Belos actually let them live a peaceful life 😭😭😭
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hahaalaine · 3 months
Thinking about one of the biggest lies our society is built on, that capitalism relies on, but is not talked about enough is the nuclear family vs self-sufficiency.
Our society places extreme emphasis on independence and self sufficiency, to the point the programming starts in infancy and literally shapes our brain, and expects us to "make something of ourselves" starting at age 18.
Entire industries rely on the precariousness of starting out on your own so young - student loans, credit cards, apartments, retail & food service jobs plus way more- but the reality is the plan for almost anything in life is meant to fall back on the family.
Those student loans are meant to be cosigned by parents; that credit card debt is expected to be supplemented by parental allowance; that apartment cant be rented without the credit score and guarantee of that parent; the shitty job isnt supposed to cover every cost of living because there is an implicit understanding that it will be on top of what is provided by familial wealth. Absolutely no first time home buyer can purchase a house without family connections and/or monetary assistance.
Those parents themselves cannot get any assistance with groceries, childcare, transportation, or other familial needs unless they receive it from other family members.
Yet we deride people who "still live in their mom's basement" even though the highest rates of homelessness comes from people who age out of the foster system and dont have family to fall back on.
We scream, cry, and throw up because we think our lives are ruined because we didnt accomplish everything in our 20s, and we're soooo old in our 30s, despite the fact that most institutions dont even look at you as an adult until youre 25 (and even then penalize you for being so young if you dont have that parent cosigner).
We look upon those parents with disgust that need assistance because "they should have thought about the cost before they had kids" as if they could have predicted the sudden loss of grandparent support or the loss of a job that can't be covered by familial wealth or any number of unplanned emergencies.
The entire care plan for disability and old age is relying on unpaid domestic labor of family members, even those nursing homes are paid by family.
The point of all of this is to say that self-sufficiency, independence, and individualism is a farce propped up by obscuring the role of the family. Its completely intentional that this domestic care is hidden and implicit. You are meant to feel guilt for outright asking for help, or living with your parents, or not being capable of doing everything by yourself so you place yourself in really vulnerable positions and can be exploited more readily.
As long as you continue to operate under the ideology of individuality you wont notice how fucked up it is that you have to run back to your parents for everything because there is nothing else, and you most certainly won't be empathetic towards those that cannot rely on family.
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
Is ren/[redacted] good at all house duties except cooking?
✦゜ANSWERED: Essentially! He's very clean and well kept by nature, so he has experience with keeping his environment neat and tidy.
His father, Taylor, was also very strict on him while growing up, and often left Ren and his sister in charge of keeping the house maintained (while he was off pandering to his wife, Ichika).
And as much as I meme on him being a terrible cook (or a menace when it comes to getting blood splatter everywhere), Ren isn't really that bad. He just greatly prefers easy meals that he can quickly heat up or order over the phone — so it's not often that he has time to cook a full meal for himself.
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kronoose · 1 month
Hench agency au
Argo is 8 in this au
this is an ask au
tw child abandonment
The Commodore glanced down at the young water genasi with thinly veiled disgust as they approached the bland looking building with a large sign lit up announcing that they'd arrived at the Merrowpool Hench agency "why don't you head in there spray I'll be there in a moment" the Commodore said gesturing vaguely at some people who had gathered to see the great naval hero
Argo nodded slightly and headed inside and was greeted by a friendly voice "welcome to the Merrowpool Hench agency"they glanced around then down Argo "hello sir are you looking for a Hench?"
Argo looks up at the person talking to him gasping softly at the sight of another genasi though they seemed to be made of stone with sapphire flowing under their skin with a name tag that reads 'Calcar they/them' "no I'm here with the Commodore" Argo glanced back at the glass door where the Commodore was no where to be seen a brief look of concern crossed the earth genasi's face as they glanced out the door then back at the child "where are your parents young one?"
A look of pure despair settles on Argo's face"my ma just died we just finished laying her to rest" he mumbled as he starts crying
The Earth genasi vaults over the counter in a seemingly practiced motion and reaches down to comfort the child "hey hey it's ok kiddo"they offer him a glass of water and a box of tissues (thank you tumblr for this tip) "we don't need to talk about your ma" they open their arms to offer the small child
Argo tentatively takes the paper cup with shaking hands "I miss my mum" he sobbed
Calcar glanced back at a few of the henchs who have started to gather near the front desk they subtly nods towards the front door and mouths ' check for Commodore' before turning their attention back to Argo
A couple of henches head out as asked
Argo takes a small sip of water and leaned against them Calcar makes sure their sleeve is down before putting an arm around the smaller genasi and leads him into the back bringing him into their office and offered him some fruit gummies which were promptly refused "can i get your name little one or shall i keep calling you that " they chuckled softly
argo smiled slightly "my name is Argonaut Keene "
calcar nods "you can call me calcar"
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widowshill · 10 months
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pot kettle black my good man
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ayosdesignz-blog · 6 months
Spoilers for across the Spiderverse I guess.
Finally watched Across the Spiderverse and despite the spoilers and observations I'd read beforehand, I'm offended by both Spot and Miguel.
Like...to the point I don't understand why the content I came across generally really liked them? Miguel especially. FUCK Miguel. Good guy my ass. Dude has practically built a cult. And he's the unquestioned head who's word is law and doesn't have to listen to anyone just because.
I don't understand the vehement and persistent hate these 2 GROWN ASS MEN have towards a damn 14-now 15 year old boy. A goddamn child.
Both keep victim blaming and pushing and projecting their mistakes, the wrong doings of others, the plot of fucking KINGPIN onto him and I just DON'T understand. Miles literally did NOTHING wrong to get this kind of vitriol from a pair of strangers who Actually know what's up. Or that claim to anyways.
Spot over here claiming to be the scientist that made/had the spider that made Miles Spiderman. He also basically admitted to being one of the evil scientists that was under goddamn Kingpin's employ. The same Kingpin who cooked up and pressed and demanded his selfish world destroying demands be met. Yet he wants to blame the scared child who was literally only defending himself and trying to do good by helping to stop more ppl (including that family he claims he lost but had actually rejected him for reasons) don't die. Why is he not mad at his boss? Former boss? Why is he not taking responsibility for losing the spider experiment? Yet he wants credit in making the newest spiderman? Why does he want to make a literal child the root of his problem instead of literally any of the adults it could've been...like other Peter?
Only thing I can think of is that he's such a sad pathetic piece of incompetent shit that a damn (mostly)clueless child was the only target he could shift blame too and feel like he could properly threaten and win against. Only to be proven wrong and have the audacity to be offended that the child he's failing to harm doesn't take him seriously nor accept the false responsibility of his own problems he's trying to place on Miles.
And then there's Miguel's bitch ass.
Acting all knowing and despite being aware of the facts that Miles is OBJECTIVELY not at fault or aware of any problems (aside from Spot) is unnecessarily rude and hostile towards him from the very start.
And when he calms down enough to actually talk and explain some things like a rational person, it's essentially to give his own crazy (and mildly horrifying from implications cuz STALKER USURPER ALERT) sob story so he can tell a kid to let his dad be killed "because the worlds will end otherwise" and basically imply that since Miles saved Captain Singh they'll have to murder that cop to make things "right".
And then later, when he catches Miles outside after that ridiculous and hilarious chase was somehow compelled to tell this child, with words filled with (unnecessary) aggressive hate, that he's a "mistake" that shouldn't exist and should have never been spiderman.
Smells like self projecting to me.
And also, it's bullshit!
Based on what I recall from this movie I just watched, one or both of these men I can't stand is lying. Spot is claiming to be of Miles' dimension with the radio active spider but Miguel is claiming that spider is from a different dimension.
And the fact that Miguel rudely brings up more trauma, victim blames MORE, and tries to put the responsibility of a death caused by a murderous adult villain onto that same (child) victim only to later try to lament to the other spider ppl that Miles "won't listen" and "talking won't work" since he just tried it honestly put him on my character shit list.
Like I knew from spoilers that he was deemed attractive and interesting and that he didn't like this version of Miles but I didn't have like...any indepth details or whatever. I wasn't actively looking for spoilers.
I went into this movie expecting to like him, even just somewhat. But honestly? Fuck that guy. And not in a sexy way.
I mean...He immediately attempts to intimidate a child into submission upon 1st meeting for no reason after being rude as fuck while said child was trying to make a good impression and was honestly just happy to be there. And then he later tries to emotionally (and mentally?) break Miles verbally as if him loving his family, wanting his dad alive if possible is a bad thing. I had assumed, before going in that Miguel had at least started off civil and professionally polite with Miles. Figured Miles had purposely done something to his face that made Miguel go from cautious to distant. He hadn't. At all.
It's giving racist lowkey for the way he literally hates this mixed, primarily black presenting, child for existing and the way he said he wanted to just ignore/pretend that Hobie (another black male) was even there also made me raise an eyebrow. Maybe it's cuz of my own experience dealing with prejudice from ppl I least expected it from as a kid myself but Miguel is giving it and that's what I'm seeing and he's an asshat for it. He has no right and no reason to act as he did let alone say what he said. Fuck his ✨️trauma✨️ caused by his own mistakes as an adult who damn well knew better.
Mans literally stalked his own doppelganger and inserted himself into the other him's life once that one died only for it all to go to shit from glitches likely because he shouldn't have been there and what Kingpin was doing. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if he'd killed his other self to live that dream life he wanted so bad.
Yet he wants everyone to believe a child in the wrong place at the wrong time and being saved by a superhero before taking up the mantel of a hero himself in honor of his savior since shit just happened to him...in his OWN WORLD MIND YOU, is completely wrong and unacceptable.
He can miss me with that bullshit. He's wrong period in my book.
Also if Miles is considered the: "oRIgInaL anOmALy" and has been living life just fine with powers caused by a alternate dimension spider then there's probably a good chance he can change his world's "canon events" without things going to shit since according to bitchMiguel, Mile's has technically been doing that from the start by even existing.
Think about it: Miles became a spiderman with active spider ppl there to train him. He wasn't alone or even the 1st spider person there. He knew what was happening as he changed since it had happened before and was publicized. His love interest Gwen is not only from a different dimension but also spiderwoman. A civilian unrelated to him knew of him and the others and provided additional support without becoming a liability, his uncle may have died but was a criminal unlike all the (known?) others, he's had no glitch or issues with his powers, he has more powers than the basic spiderman w/o the need of a suit, he's got both parents and both love him and also think rather positively of Spiderman w/o knowing it's him. His cop dad willingly works with spiderman too.
Also am I the only one concerned that the so called sophisticated technology they have to send ppl back to their dimensions has semi regularly sent their captures back to the wrong place? Because the only thing they tried to do was stop the machine from sending him, so unless that affected the way it operates to determine where a person is from that means they probably have been sending ppl to the wrong places, unknowingly fucking shit up just as much if not more in the multiverse than b4 they tried to correct it.
I bet they're actually wrong about all kinds of things and their causes and just don't realize it.
But I am estatic Hobie is just as awesome as I was lead to believe. Watching him, listening to what he says, I firmly believe he was an op to the spider society from the start to learn what he could, try to get other spiders to THINK more, and prepare for when he decides to leave them so he doesn't need them to utilize the tools they had a monopoly on.
I mean bro made the tactical decision to quit when Miguel and others were fully distracted by Miles on some sketchy shit and I feel like that kept him from having to deal with a cult leader bitchMiguel trying to make an example out of him for doing so or something.
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canisvesperus · 4 months
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Until I get some ML content I don't have much to post but I have to cuz I won't shut up and since I'm obsessed with Spider-Verse again I will rank all characters in the film from best to worst:
10. I
9. Can't
8. Find
7. A single
6. Bad character
5. Cuz
4. They're
3. All
2. Brilliant
1. Kingpin
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suppenzeit · 6 months
if you want to know about the state of finnish trans healthcare, just know that the head doctor of the youth trans clinic believes in ROGD, and was a part of that cass review that came out recently. let me put this in simple terms: the head doctor of the trans clinic meant for minors does not believe that minors can be trans (at least not most of them)
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docterzerocare · 11 months
Doc the Fnaf kids make me go AOHTUF4HJCHJ
because like. technically we know next to nothing about them canonically, just that Charlie was kind and willing to help others, that Afton apparently fucked up so bad in whatever he did to Cassidy that they're not just a vengeful spirit but that they Literally Created A Personalized Hell For Him That They're Tormenting Him In For, Likely, Eternity, and that Susie had a dog that she loved.
but i wanna talk about Cassidy.
so like. Cassidy's nonbinary to me. but they're forced to look feminine-ish because. 1980's.
the personality i gave to them is that they're a bit sarcastic, moody and a bit aggressive (They're A Queer Preteen In The Fucking 80's Who's Bullied Practically For That Alone I'd Say They Deserve To Be A Bit Pissed), but ultimately mean well and would literally kill for their loved ones. death only ramps that anger up to a twenty five, and they become much more aggressive and violent.
they used to babysit Adrian, William's youngest son (my version of the Crying Child), and are the one who made him his Fredbear Plush
they have a crush on Charlie, one of the first and only people who were kind to them after they came out (aside from the other Missing Kids, Afton Kids, Henry, and Sammy, of course). Charlie reciprocated the crush (as much as one could in, again, The Fucking 80's), and the two of them were close as could be.
and then Charlie died. Cassidy swore that day that they would find whoever did it and fucking kill them. (*Afton Sweats Nervously*)
as their friends got slowly picked off one by one, Cassidy got angrier and more protective over Mike, one of the few people they had left.
and they died protecting him, dying in one of the most painful ways possible, their body discarded in a lake like it was nothing but trash.
their friends, along with their crush, were murdered by a man the two of them trusted.
of course they're fucking angry.
and when they finally corner him, and he makes the fatal mistake of thinking that his old tricks will save him, they watch as the springlocks snap right back into place.
Fritz covers Susie's eyes and turns to look at the wall; she's only six, after all, she shouldn't be seeing this. Gabriel and Jeremy both look at the floor, not wanting to see it either. even out in the hall, Charlie has Adrian's ears covered. the kid might have complicated feelings on his dad, but...it's still his dad.
Cassidy, however, looks the man straight in his eyes. they know exactly what he's feeling right now.
it's the very same pain he put them through over a decade ago, after all.
even as the others start fading away, Cassidy lingers behind, watching as Afton writhes in agony on the ground. they just smirk at him, and fade away like the others.
but they aren't free yet. no, that's not for another couple of decades, at least.
(tl;dr Cassidy my beloved <3 they went through so much shit istg-)
Oughghhh omg /pos
them <3
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vibeechecker · 1 year
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.. Yuuna…
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Koube.. :((
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