vibeechecker · 1 year
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.. Yuuna…
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Koube.. :((
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guccixstyless · 10 months
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Pairing: Ryu Shi-Oh x Reader
Word Count: 1058 words
A/N: Sorry for the long hiatus, currently I'm obsessed with Ryu Shi-Oh, well Byeon Woo-Seok in general, so here's a lil one shot of his character. Also its been a minute, so I apologize if the writing seems rushed.
The loud sound of alarm wakes up Y/N, she groans waking up and turns off the alarm before turning beside her to see Shio sleeping peacefully. Oh how she loves seeing him asleep, he looks like a baby. She wishes she could protect him from all the stress he faces in his office, she knows how pure his heart was and how genuine his love was for her. She starts to wake him up gently by peppering light kisses all over Shio's face.
"Mhm... babe let me sleep," Shio mumbled sleepily.
"Wake up sunshine, you will be late for the office," she replied.
Reluctantly he opens his eyes and once he adjusts his eyes to sunlight he smiles at his lover. His dimples on display.
"Good morning," he smiles fondly at her.
"Good morning, lets have breakfast together," she suggests.
He looks at his phone that was on the bedside table and complains about how he is running late, "but we will have a dinner date tonight," he takes her hands and kisses sheepishly.
"Okay fine," she sighs, "but baby I'm worried about your health."
"I'm fine, I promise," he replies before going to shower.
She went downstairs and goes to the kitchen and makes herself a cup of coffee. She hears footsteps Shio's hurried footsteps after a while, while she was making a toast.
A smile tugged in her face as she felt Shio's arm snake around her waist. She turned around and felt his lips on her, a gentle yet passionate kiss was shared.
"I'm leaving, see you tonight darling," Shio smiled.
"Can't wait, I love you," she smiled.
"I love you more," he smiled and kissed her quickly before rushing towards the door.
Shio felt anger bubbling when he learned that one of the jackets were missing. His day was going awful and all he did since morning was yell at everyone. Everything is frustrating and he was on the verge of breaking down.
He also had to attend meetings and was trying to figure out what to do with the missing jacket situation. He will be working late by the looks of it, he sighed and continued working stressfully, completely forgetting to inform Y/N about rescheduling the dinner date.
Y/N kept waiting for Shio to call, she got all dolled up and since he was taking her out and didn't say where yet so she waited till Shio could pick her up.
Shio was supposed to be home by 7pm, it was nearing 9pm, she got worried and tried to call Shio multiple times but every call went straight to voicemail. At this point she wasn't even worried about missing date, she was extremely concerned about his whereabouts. She called Shio's manager and got to know Shio was staying late because of an urgent matter.
She understood his situation and felt bad for him. Her poor baby love was so stressed, she decided she wanted to go surprise him at the office by bringing him some food as well. She knows how much he overworks and how he tends to forget to eat when stressed.
She called an Uber and made a stop at his favorite chinese takeout place and got his favorite items, then she proceeded to go to his office. She checked the time, it was 10pm by the time she reached Doogo headquarters.
She was greeted by his assistant, the office was empty and dimly lit, and only his bodyguards and assistant were there. She went inside his office room, as soon as she entered she felt chills run down on her spine. Shio looked different, he looked paler than usual and as she got closer, she could see his veins- long and darker- she made eye contact with him. He had this fierce look and she saw his hands were in a fist.
"Don't come closer," he said lowly, the voice itself was something she never heard before.
He went outside taking long steps. She was horrified, she never saw him in this demeanor. She started to think what was happening, she couldn't figure out what made him act like this, and what was with those veins?
He came back after half an hour, while she was lost in her thoughts. She snapped back into reality and observed his movements, he quickly went to his office table and drank a blue liquid, he then turned his back away from her and it looked like he took a deep breathe before turning towards her.
She was seated in one of the sofas placed in the middle of the room, he quickly came towards her and knelt before her, she slightly flinched. Shio felt hurt... was she scared of him?
"What are you doing here, love?" Shio asked softly, "how did you get here?"
"I-i took an Uber, brought food for you," she replied.
"Uber?! Don't you know how dangerous it is to travel late at night?" he slightly raised his voice, he was always so overprotective of her.
She closed her eyes, slightly scared, considering his early behavior.
"Hey, hey, look at me, what's wrong babe?" he asked.
"Nothing, I'm sorry I came, I'll just go," she said starting to get up.
"Wait no," he stopped her from getting up.
"Why are you acting like this?" he gulped.
At this statement she got angry, she shoved him away before saying, "are you just gonna pretend now that you didn't act weirdly when I entered? What was that? Where did you go for 30 minutes and why was your veins popping?"
Shio sighed before trying to take her hands, "baby calm down, I can explain."
"You better explain," she huffed.
"Please can I explain later? I'm just too tired now, it was a long day," Shio begged.
"What are you hiding, Shio?"
"Please trust me, its better if you not know."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"I don't want to lose you, I cannot lose you," he sobbed.
"Shio, you're scaring me, what's going on?" she argued.
"Please just let it slide, I will tell you when I'm ready," he cried.
"You can tell me anything, you know that right?"
"I'm involved in mafia...."
Link to another fluff Ryu Shio Story
First love fic
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luvscrazy · 2 months
"I can save you." Pt3
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Katsuki Bakugo x Fem reader
Summary: (Preview if you wanna overlook the series idea, the quirk, and the timelines that will occur.) You were born with a medical quirk called Life-Link, which means you can transfer your vitality to others at any time. You decide to take it upon yourself to apply at U.A. What will happen with your non "Heroic" quirk, at this school? Will you achieve your dream of becoming a hero? or are you just useless, like you've been thinking?
Warnings: Minor Language. Mentions of death, most will be gory. (For future reference.)
Parts: Part1 Part2
U.A, a new beginning. 
💥 The first day at U.A. is bustling with energy and excitement. Students rush to their classes, form new friendships, and experience the thrill of being at one of the most prestigious hero schools in Japan. As I walked through the corridors, I felt a feeling of anxiousness and determination. 
💥 My homeroom class was class 1-B. The differences between !-A and 1-B are that 1-A focuses more on combat and the students have the most “Glorious” quirks, they get more hero practice than Class 1-B. In class 1-B, it focuses on combat and strategic skills, with a strong emphasis on teamwork and support roles. We aren’t out there as much because we have to do more training than them, but we're almost on the same level. 
💥 Class 1-B is good for me, as is my ability to heal and analyze injuries/ the injured. It makes me a good candidate for a class that balances hero and support roles. This is perfect for me! 
First impressions: 
💥 As I walked in I was looking at a classroom packed full of students. I noticed there were 20 people, including myself. They all made eyes on me. I felt a pit of anxiety in my stomach forming. So many eyes on me. This blondie with blue eyes stared at me for a while, his eyes were piercing me. Jesus, can he look away? He suddenly spoke, “So what's your name?”. I gave him a few blinks as everyone went silent and was waiting for me to say something. “Y/N L/N,” I said. He smirked at me, “So what's your quirk, Y/N?”.  “My quirk? It's a medical type of quirk called Life-Link, where I can bring back the dead and or heal the injured, by putting my life force into them.” I proclaimed. I fiddled with my hair looking at everyone's faces, after I explained my quirk. 
💥 “HA! HA! HA!, How the hell did YOU get in with a quirk like that? You've got nothing for Combat! You're just a silly saint who comes and saves people. You and the recovery girl would be best friends! HA!” He laughed at me. Suddenly a girl with orange hair slapped the back of his head hard. “I'm so sorry, Y/N. He's just an asshole sometimes, I think you're an amazing addition to this class along with your quirk! Welcome to class 1-B, My name's Kendo!” She smiled widely and waved at me. “Thank you…” I exhaled a big breath. Maybe class 1-A is nicer than this class, because what class did I just get myself into? The sweat on my forehead started disappearing as suddenly a girl with hair for vines came up to me. 
💥 “Your quirk is so unique and endearing! You're a double hero, you can save people and bring them back to life, and when you learn combat, you can fight crime also! That's amazing!” She exclaimed to me. Her praising me encouraged me on the inside, maybe I really shouldn’t care what that blondie said. A wide smile appeared on my face, and my heart fluttered. “Really? Thank you!” I replied. “No Problem, my name's Shiozaki!, but you can call me Shio” She smiled at me, grabbing my hands. “Okay, Shio!”I squeezed her hands gently. I made a friend finally, and there might be more to come. Maybe this first day of class isn’t so bad after all. 
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mysouleaten · 5 months
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PLATONIC! younger! yotsurugi siblings x older sister! reader
summary... you're braiding the hair of the longer-haired siblings and it seems hibaru wants his hair braided too!
warnings... fluff, brothers bickering, the siblings are around 7-11 y/o, hibaru and kou fight, name trying to keep peace, name is blood-related to hibaru
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sitting cross-legged on the couch, [name] the oldest of the yotsurugi siblings is braiding the ninth adopted son of the yotsurugi-- taira
taira was sitting down on the floor in front of his older sister and watching a show that was playing two men fighting with katanas
many of his siblings were here, talking amongst themselves or resting by [name] kuran was laying his back against the left side of [name] and kou was sitting beside him on the floor as well
shikaba was laying his head on the arm rest of the couch while laying his feet on [name]'s lap
shio and satsuki were sitting together playing cards and his other brothers went to join them, his other sister was also sitting on the floor with him but was on her phone--seeming to play a game on it
while....hibaru and terasu... were nowhere to be found, hopefully not causing any trouble..
he spoke too soon...
"[NAME]! I WANNA- huh? what are you doing?"
hibaru jumped up and leaned over the right side of the couch to peek at what his older sister was doing, terasu doing the same
she looked over at him and smiled "I'm braiding taira's hair"
taira looked over his shoulder and lifted his chin, he was proud of his hair "it's cool, right?"
hibaru nodded "ya! really cool!.. [name]! can you braid my hair too??"
[name] laughed lightly "i don't think you have enough hair for me to braid, hibaru"
hibaru's happy smile faded off his face and he touched his hair, but his smile came back "don't worry! ill grow it out like taira's! then you can braid it!"
before [name] could answer the cheerful brother, kou did
"pft...doubt it.." kou remarked
hibaru whipped his head around with a scowl towards kou "what was that!?"
"i said! you're bald!" kou yelled, "kou..please-" [name] couldn't finish before hibaru grabbed the pillow under shikaba--who groaned-- and plunged it at kou's face "eek!!"
"hibaru!-" [name] got interrupted again by hibaru, he jumped over the backside of the couch right onto the half-asleep shikaba
"ow!! hibaru!"
hibaru couldn't apologize right that second and flew at kou and they both tumbled around the carpeted ground--shouting at each other
"take it back!"
"no! get off!"
"take it baack!!"
"ow! no!"
"[NAME]!!" both kou and hibaru shouted in unison
[name] had to put down the unfinished braid and stood up to lift hibaru off of kou "kou...hibaru, please" name pleaded
both of them looked up at their older sister's disappointed face, before hibaru hid his face into [name]'s neck and mumbled "he...called me bald.."
"you are.." kou murmured
"wha-" [name] placed her hand over hibaru's mouth "ah!.. no more of that"
she felt hibaru's cheeks puff up under her hand but she didn't acknowledge it, "kou, after I'm done braiding taira's hair, it'll be your turn, ok?"
kou shook his head in understanding, [name] then turned around to see kuran waiting patiently to lean his back onto his sister's side again, and taira was waiting for his braid to be finished
she sat cross-legged on the couch again and placed hibaru on her lap
she felt kuran lean on her side again and turned to shikaba "are you okay shika?"
"yeah..are you okay? im sorry for jumping on you.." hibaru apologized to his older brother
"yep, im okay...just got crushed..thats all" he yawned, he placed his feet onto terasu's lap--who was now sitting next to [name], terasu looked up at her and smiled "hello"
you smiled softly "hello" terasu--after smiling back-- rested his head on the side of your shoulder and watched the show that was continuing to play
carefully leaning over little hirabu she took taira's unfinished braid "here hibaru you can help me braid taira's hair, ok?"
"okay!" hibaru cheered
taira smiled softly at his younger brother's happy voice and relaxed into the bottom of the couch, kou also quietly leaned into taira's side
the other siblings seeing the relaxed state everyone else was on the couch, had made their way to them and sat in the open areas around their siblings
everyone happily watching the show together in peace
"I love all of you..so much" hibaru murmured and [name] kissed the top of his head
"we love you too...so much"
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first short fic for astro royale!! I LOVE THEM SM<33 and sorry for any mistakes I didn't proofread
edit: ok everything should be edited now!
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
[Fuma, Titas, Shio, Nieves Z and Geed are hanging out together when they find Akari’s Slugger axe wedged in a stone pillar, thinking she’s forgotten it Fuma decides to return it to her.]
Fuma: I’m sure Akari is freaking out about her...missing.... (pulls the handle.) Axe! rgh...*Keeps pulling* It’s stuck!
Geed: let me try! *Geed pulls at the axe and fails miserably*
Shio: Two’s better than one, right?
Nieve: Right.
*Shio and Nieve tried together...nothing....*
Titas and Beta Smash Z: Let’s go!
{They managed to move the axe a little bit, even their combined effort failed, then Fuma got the idea that they all do it together, they all grabbed the Axe’s handle and pulled... And for brief second it seemed like it was working, until they realized the axe wasn’t moving they were all slipping! the teens all fell back into a pile as Taiga arrives and looks down at his friends oddly.]
Taiga: What are you guys doing?
Titas, pointing at the rock: We found your cousin’s axe wedged into that pillar there!
Fuma: And we were trying to get it out...
Shio: But it’s either wedged in there good, or weighs a bejillion tons!
{Taiga sees Akari’s axe wedge into the stone pillar like they said, Taiga examines it for a moment before he reluctantly grabs the handle and gives it small tug, the axe comes loose with barely any effort, Taiga looks at them all baffled.]
Nieve: What?
Geed: How did you do that?
Taiga: Whaddya mean? I just picked it up!
Fuma: But when we tried to pick it up it -Woah!-
*Fuma went to take the Axe from Taiga and was suddenly was pulled to the ground by the shear weight of it.*
Shio: Taiga pick up the Slugger Axe...
Taiga, again picks the axe up like it weighs nothing: Seriously is this a prank? cos it’s not funny.
Shio:...Huh, neat.
Z: What is?
Shio: I think I figured out why Taiga can lift the axe, but we can’t. but just to be sure...*looks around and spots someone* Hey, master Regulos? Taro? can you help us?
Regulos, coming up to them: Yes?
Taro: what is it?
Shio: Master Regulos, can you hold my friend’s axe for a moment?
Regulos, as Taiga hands him the axe: I don’t see why no-Ack! *gets pulled down by the sudden weight* What the??? *Tries to lift the axe but fails* 
Shio: Okay...Master Taro?
[Taro reluctantly grabs the axe and picks it up with no effort at all]
Regulos, stares in disbelief: What?
Taro, twirls the axe around: *Hums*
Shio: thought so...
Geed: C’mon tell us!
Shio: I think only people who are biologically related to Akari can lift the axe...
Taiga: Like how the AI in Reiya’s lab back on earth would only activate with your blood sample?
Shio: Right.
Titas: So, Besides Taiga and Taro both Zero and Ultraseven can lift it too?
Shio: Well yeah, They’re Akari’s brother and father all. 
(Taiga notices the mischievous glint in his father’s eye)
Taiga : Dad? Are you going to use Akari’s axe to play a prank?
Taro: What??? No!.....
Taro, shifty eyes:  I’m just going to return this to Seven’s daughter now...*Flies away*
Taiga: He’s totally going to use the axe to “test the strength” on the other ultra-brothers...
{The others nod in agreement.)
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kawaikith · 9 months
☾ my views on strong girl : namsoon .
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I’ve just started watching this drama two days back, and I must say, it is intriguing to watch it, so far, namsoon has met her mother, i really wanna know what wooseok’s character is up to with the whole drug thing.
I see heesik’s heart beating for our girl namsoon, that face expression of freeze on his face, when she lifts something heavy, or jumps, or saves someone, he has this brief moment of shock and awe on his face that i really love to watch. Seong woo played his character so well, i’m already in love with him. 🫶🏻
Oh, how can I forget geumju, she’s the kind of mother i’ve always wanted my mother to be, and if i was to be a mother, i would be like her, she’s kind, but fierce at the same time, mhm! The perfect combination as a mother, I love her character so much!!! I enjoy watching her so much, that i’m cheering for her through my screen, lol!
I’m even more curious to know what ryu sio plans to do with namsoon, because he seems to want to have power, lots of power, and he said that he likes speed in the first episode, or the one ep, where namsoon saves the airplane from crashing.
Okay, let me take my statement back, geumju is a great CEO but, not a good mother, since she completely ignored namin, and only focused on namsoon, which led to namin taking drugs, to loose weight, and ending up almost dead, I was screaming at the screen.
Anyway, it got dealt with, she got the antidote, and he didn’t die.
Ryu sio has finally found out who gang namsoon is, and I feel pity, anger, and empathy for him.
He’s just a child who was made to feel powerless by the Russian mafia- Pavel, and it’s not his fault to want power, but what he is doing is wrong, and selling drugs, so many people died because of that, isn’t right.
I want to help him, but he’s not a person who would change for good, so i don’t know what namsoon might do, after knowing that he knows her identity, and may want to kill her.
So, i’ve finished watching the drama, and I have so much to say....!
I knew that namsoon won’t die, since it is a kdrama, there will be something that saves her.
There’s still some story behind ryu shio’s death, I feel like binbin and nozh have something planned for sure.
I feel so many emotions behind ryu shio’s death, he had a tragic past, and all he wanted was power so he won’t feel so powerless like he did back in his childhood.
He also wanted someone trustworthy he can rely on, he had namsoon, maybe if namsoon wasn’t a spy, and just an ordinary girl, he would’ve protected her, somewhere I feel like he did have feelings for her.
I didn’t think that he would die so easily.
There’s something fishy especially after the revelation of nozh, that is bread song, I knew that he must a meaningful character, his name also sounded so stupid, also if he was not important why would he even be on this drama?
I for sure know that there’s gonna be a season three, there has to be, also where did binbin escape to?
Binbin didn’t betray his friend, but will he betray Pavel as well?
Something just doesn’t sit right with shio’s death and all.
For a second, i thought shio didn’t die, but then again they didn’t have much time to swap each other, the police has already infiltrated the boxing gym. (Stupid me) 🤦🏻‍♀️
Anyway, i enjoyed this drama so much, that i didn’t sleep, because i was busy watching this.
Oh, and the end, they show that boy, Jang Chung dong, who is a mutant, they say, and geumju met his mother to take him under her wing, i’m excited to see what the writers come up with in season three!
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meadowmines · 1 year
OC-Tober/Tojoctober Day 4: Claws
[Hopping over to the Tojoctober list today because fuck it, Aoyagi can have some cat cafe shenanigans as a treat]
This is what you call a "soft open" in the business. The Neko-Kai Cafe is not yet open to the general public and won't be until Saturday, but tonight Aoyagi has opened the doors just for friends and family. He uses that term loosely and tries not to think too much about what the latter half of it used to mean.
New town. New cafe. New name. New everything. It's a lot to not think about.
He spends most of the evening in the kitchen, mixing and kneading and churning out piles of baked goods. Paw print cookies, kitty-shaped anpan, scones in both sweet and savory varieties. Nothing sticky or messy, nothing that requires utensils. Coffee, too. The barista thing is not his strongest suit but he can pull an espresso and make a passable latte art paw print. (he will have an actual barista who knows what the hell he's doing when the place opens for real, but tonight it's just him running the show.)
The cats are handling themselves fine, too. Some of them were a little skittish about all these strangers in their home at first, and Shio and Kosho are still kind of huddled up at the top of the cat tree staring down at the guests and other cats like they're wondering what the hell they've gotten into. Not Miyuki, though. She took a little nudging, because she's deaf as a post and didn't know there were people here to see her. But now Aoyagi watches her work the room like she's been doing this her whole kitty life and wonders yet again: what kind of monster would dump a sweet kitty like this at the pound in the dead of night?
(rest assured that about three years from now Aoyagi will find out exactly what kind of monster would do that, and that monster will absolutely get what's coming to him)
He's putting a fresh batch of biscotti in the oven when he hears someone yelp in the main room. Ah, shit. "Everything okay?" he calls over his shoulder.
"Uh, yeah--" That sounds like Chiba, and he sounds uncomfortable, and at least two other people are laughing hysterically. "Yeah, I just--yow! Easy there, sweetheart! Here, lemme just--no, honey, no, just--hey, Amano? Little help here? Please!? Miyuki-chan's got a--"
However Chiba finishes that sentence, it's drowned out by the siren song of a very happy cat that can't hear herself, followed by even more laughter, which gives Aoyagi time to remember that oh, right, he's Amano.
"The hell ya doin' to my number one girl, Chiba-han?" Aoyagi shucks off his oven mitts and heads into the main room. "Am I gonna have to bounce ya?"
"Looks like Chiba's got a new girlfriend," Sugihara snickers.
"Well, the girls at the club are all going to be glad to hear that," Shiori needles. She has plenty of room to needle. She's a hostess at one of Chiba's regular haunts, after all.
At first glance, everything seems fine. Miyuki is snuggled up in Chiba's lap purring like a muscle car's engine, majestically fluffy head leaning against his chest, lovingly gazing up at him with those big sparkly blue eyes, enthusiastically kneading his thigh. But then her little paw clenches tight and Chiba grits his teeth and makes a weirdly high-pitched noise.
"She-she's fine," Chiba laughs nervously, sweat starting to bead on his forehead. "It's just--she's kinda perforatin' my leg here n'--ow! Honey, I'm beggin' ya, lemme--she's just gettin' awful close to my two best friends, is all!"
"What!?" Shit. He checked before he opened. He knows he did. He... thought he did? "Hang on--" Aoyagi ducks into the cats' "dressing room" and grabs the nail clippers. "Sorry, sorry, I thought I disarmed all the murder mittens this afternoon--c'mere, Miyuki-chan."
"MEEEEEEEEEHHH?" Miyuki hollers cheerfully as Aoyagi unhooks her paw from Chiba's pants leg. Chiba just heaves a deep sigh of relief.
Miyuki takes this like a pro too, lets Aoyagi sit her down in his lap and check her paws until he finds the concealed weapon, doesn't even squirm when he nips the razor-sharp tip off it. He reaches over, snags a cat treat off Sugihara's tray, and feeds it to his number one girl. "Awright, back to work with ya," he says, giving her a scritch behind the ears before she hops right over the table and back into Chiba's lap.
"Yeah, that's more like it," Chiba says, feeding her another treat off his own tray. "Not that I ain't thought about gettin' the snip, but that wasn't how I planned on doin' it."
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40 Day Anime Challenge Day 34- Most messed up anime you’ve ever watched: Happy Sugar Life (2018)
*Trigger warning: mentions of pedophilia and sexual assault*
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Synopsis (from MAL):  Satou Matsuzaka is a beautiful high schooler who has...a chance encounter with a young girl named Shio Koube [that] makes Satou realize that this is her first and only true feeling of love...Satou secretly shares an apartment with Shio. Despite her innocent appearance, Satou is willing to do anything to protect her beloved, resorting to desperate measures to ensure that their ‘happy sugar life’ remains intact.”
Okay look (I feel like I start a lot of these off that way lol) I’m a connoisseur of messed up anime. And something I’ve realized in my history of watching messed up anime is that most of the time, there are some redeeming qualities, especially if the anime ignores some of the more disturbing parts of the source material, particularly regarding children. For example, Kodomo no Jikan addresses the changing role of the school in student life in Japanese culture and the delicate balance between the school’s respect for family privacy and the duty to intervene in suspected child abuse cases. Bunny Drop and If It’s For My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord both showcase found family and adjusting to the responsibilities of parenthood, particularly in a society that historically has not been friendly to adoption or adopted children. IF we ignore the fact that in the manga versions of all 3 anime, the adult caretakers of these 5-8 year old children become romantically involved with said children when they become teenagers. The anime studios felt the anime would be better received if they just stopped before reaching that point, which was probably a good move. So even anime that show some...less than healthy blips along the way (probably most evident in Kodomo no Jikan), there are some good things to be found.
Happy Sugar Life is NOT one of those anime. Happy Sugar Life is a “love story” (aka Stokholm/Lima Syndrome story) between a 17 year old girl and the 5 YEAR OLD GIRL SHE KIDNAPPED. Multiple people die as she tries to keep the kidnapping secret. Also for some reason EVERYONE wants to get with this 5 year old, except for the ones who want to get with the teenage characters in the show. I don’t think there is a single adult character who isn’t a pedophile and/or hebephile. The only person in this show who actually likes someone her own age dies for discovering the truth. And there was no real point of it all. All we really got out of it were glossed-over tragic backstories of the perpetrators that are somehow supposed to make us forgive their actions. And look, I love a good tragic backstory and redemption arc, and with the right amount of screentime dedicated to each, I’ve found I can forgive a lot. And admittedly, I’ve also shipped plenty of ships between an adult and a consenting teenager (who is usually of the age of consent in Japan.) But I have yet to come across a story that can make me forgive the two greatest atrocities of this anime: sexual assault against an unconsenting teenager, and a romantic relationship forced on a prepubescent child. (With sexual relationship implied but thankfully not depicted.) And if an anime is going to try to redeem that, it better try a whole hell of a lot harder than it actually did. Although (having lived through the 2010s and the golden age of villain redemption) I realize there are people who may be able to forgive this kind of horror, which can cause problems if they also start to forgive it in real life. Which we already see in too many court cases.
Basically, my criticism of Happy Sugar Life can be summed up as: it had too much harmful shock value with no justification for it. And this is coming from someone who loves shock value and finding what motivates these horrifying actions most are too scared to look at. I mean, look at Kodomo no Jikan- is it horrifying to watch an 8 year old throw herself lewdly at her teacher every 5 minutes? Yes. Is it useful to remember that there are children who act like this because that is what’s modelled for them and that educators, social service workers, and anyone else who interacts with children needs to be able to recognize that this behavior means something is horribly wrong at home and intervene appropriately? Also yes. Happy Sugar Life just didn’t have any sort of moral to teach underneath the shock value and exposed viewers to disturbing content for no reason.
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minorisato · 7 months
i gently place a kiss on your drowning hands
original work / shichi / wc: 704 / warnings: NA / notes: the first fic i ever wrote with my girls~
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"What'd you order for dinner?" Chie asked, tossing her purse to the side, honestly uncaring whether the contents got damaged or not. She probably should care, her glasses were in there, but she couldn't be bothered. "The train got so delayed 'cause of the snow. I'm starving."
Shio chuckled, walking with the receptionist to their small kitchenette. "Is that why you were so late getting back? I was starting to get worried."
"Well, it doesn't help that my phone lost signal," Chie sighed. "I swear, this town is not built for snow."
"It's really not," Shio agreed. "Though it has been seriously coming down lately. But, uh," she grabbed a brown bag with an M on it and handed it to the shorter woman. "Rent's coming up, so I decided to go cheapo, just in case."
Chie nodded. "Probably a good idea. Did they at least get the order right?" She squinted at Shio. "Did you remember what I always get?"
"Of course I did!" Shio assured, a bit offended. "You always get a chicken sandwich with nothing on it, and a medium fry, and a six-piece nugget. You also like getting sweet and sour sauce for to dip the nuggets in." She tapped her chin. "You also sometimes get a milkshake, and you like whipped cream, but I don't. I just didn't get the milkshake 'cause I figured it'd be melted and gross and foamy by the time you got home."
Chie's jaw dropped. "Holy shit, you actually remember." Frantically, she searched through the bag, unwrapping the sandwich as well. "Holy shit, they actually got the order right!"
"Do not ever doubt me again," Shio chuckled, returning to the living room. "We literally live together, of course if you always get the same thing, I'll remember it."
"Okay, then what's my Wendy's order?"
"One at a time!" Shio barked, waving her hands, and Chie cackled as the silver-haired women sat down on their floor-futon, unpausing the game she was playing.
"What game is it today?" Chie asked, setting the brown bag next to her as she leaned against Shio.
"Link's Awakening remake," Shio explained, as Chie began to shovel fries into her mouth. "I'm in Eagle's Tower right now. This dungeon has a really cool gimmick where you need to break pillars to bring the top of the tower down to you. It was really ahead of it's time on the Gameboy," she elaborated, as Chie nodded along. "It might not necessarily be impressive nowadays, but it's still cool."
Chie took a bite of her sandwich. "Who's the boss?" She asked, only minorly muffled.
"I actually forget," Shio admitted. "This game isn't like Ocarina of Time, the bosses aren't really that memorable. This game is honestly- primarily- remembered for the ending. Also because the original was hard as balls."
Chie hummed. She continued to watch the other play in silence, allowing the sounds of the game to wash over her, working in tandem with the cheap fast food to drain her of her stress from work. She glanced at their balcony- small, barely big enough for both of them- and saw that the snow continued to fall, seemingly harder, faster than it had before. "I seriously don't get this weather," she sighed. "I didn't think this town ever got it that bad. Not any worse than we did back home, anyway. It's like it's blizzarding." She looked back at Shio. "Blizzarding? Is that a word?"
"I think so?" Shio replied, also casting a glance at the window, causing her to take damage in-game. "Geez, it really is coming down. You might even get a day off 'cause of it."
Chie huffed. "Don't get your hopes up."
"I'm not, I'm not, I'm serious," Shio insisted. "With it being this bad, trains will probably be shut down tomorrow, right?" She figured. "So you'll have an excuse to call out."
The brunette hummed, considering this. "Well, I guess so. Unless it's all melted in the morning."
Shio clicked her tongue. "It better not melt overnight, I haven't even gotten to enjoy it."
"Would you be upset?"
"I would be upset!" Shio exclaimed, "I love snow! I hope it lasts forever."
Chie chuckled. "We'll make it count."
0 notes
maleyanderecafe · 2 years
hii only if you know, what do you think about taiyō mitsuboshi from happy sugar life as yandere? I know there is another yandere in the anime but the one that caught my attention the most was him and his obsession with shio
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Yeah! I do remember the reason I read Happy Sugar Life when back when I was reading for yandere guys (before I had a blog). It's been a while though so while I did read all of the manga, I don't have a very clear memory of it. I did skim over it so I could remember it (and asked @lovechaosdragon about it) though after this specific scene above my memory wanes pretty hard.
From what I recall Mitsuboshi was one of those kinds of "purity" yanderes, where he feels tainted by something and finds someone who is able to make him pure again. In his case, he was defiled by a women, causing him to become really afraid of them and gains the idea that he's defiled as well. Upon meeting Shio, she believes that she is an angel and even attempts to bring her home with him and gets stopped. He is a much bigger force initially, being obsessed with the missing posters that he has in his house, but does eventually try to break out of it, only for Sato to reel him back in with one of Shio's socks. Afterwards... I feel like he sort of doesn't become incredibly important to the plot. Sure he does sort of help Shio's brother Asahi Kōbe find her, but to be honest, he didn't really do much afterwards. It's also a bit unclear what happens in the end with him since while calling his mom, he states that he's okay, possibly already being cleansed by Shio (in his heart). Like I said, he seems like a bigger threat in the beginning of the series then kinda becomes dragged around by various other characters.
I'm always a little iffy on purity type yanderes since a lot of times what the yandere considers as "pure" is left pretty vague, but I think for Mitsuboshi it's pretty defined that he believes Shio can cleanse him, though the reason to why exactly he sees her as pure (much like the reason for why Sato sees her this way) still remains a mystery to me. I mean yes, the reason is because she is considered pure because she's a child who still doesn't really understand the world and is a generally kind person, but I feel like this is something that could be applied to many children and not just specifically Shio. I guess that's just the twisted aspect of Happy Sugar Life that happens when you have a bunch of traumatized characters looking for some way to be cleansed. I suppose at the end, you could consider him a redeemed yandere since he seems he already has been cleansed by Shio and we don't know if he knows that Shio is alive at the end of the series.
Other than that I have heard a couple of comments stating that Mitsuboshi is somehow worse that Sato, which I personally don't agree with. For one, while its not like Mitsuboshi is always good, he did at least try to run away from Shio's influence before Sato eventually drags him back into it and in the second part, as I've said, he basically becomes kicked around by different characters. Sato on the other hand is always consistently doing bad things for the sake of Shio and mostly getting away with it, even at the very end when she dies. It's probably because of the double standard that Mitsuboshi is considered worse because he's a male and Sato more gets away with it because she's a cute anime girl and because from what I remember she's not sexually attracted to Shio. I might be wrong on all of that and that's not how people view it, but that's generally my opinion on it.
In any case, Happy Sugar Life is a ride and its a very interesting look on yanderes in any case of the word.
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genshinarchives · 3 years
Villainess!Y/n x Reader when
I- Okay-
The reader(? LMFAO IDK ANYMORE XD) is gender-neutral.
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You've been hearing rumours about the Onigasaki Clan having an eldest son. This was news to you since you knew that the prestigious clan only had a daughter and a son, both of whom were problematic in their own ways.
A villainess daughter and an alcoholic son... Despite that, you will admit that they'll still get a high score in the looks department.
You were cleaning one of the tables in Uyuu Restaurant when you heard the door slide open. Turning around, you were about to greet your new customers but then faltered upon seeing Yoimiya enter the restaurant with a (h/c)-haired man that looked oddly familiar.
'Is he the Onigasaki Clan's eldest son?' you thought, recognising the distinct colour of his hair. He caught your stare and sent a quick smile your way, causing your heart to skip a beat.
He's handsome.
When the pair sat down at a table, you snapped out of it and quickly grabbed two menus before rushing over to serve them. Your hands shook slightly as you held your notepad, and while waiting for them to state their orders, you stole glances of the handsome individual.
"I'd like to have a bowl of shio ramen please!" Yoimiya piped up.
"I'll have tsukemen," the man- wait, he sounds like- "Hmm? You look shocked. Did I successfully trap you with my appearance?" (Y/n) smirked at you as Yoimiya laughed loudly.
"Th-that's the third person today!" Yoimiya exclaimed with a wheeze.
"I guess I'm just that attractive~" (y/n) said before returning her attention to you, "Well, go on then. Get our orders to the chef unless you want me to punish you for not doing your job. I am Inazuma's most evil villainess after all."
You couldn't believe it. So the rumoured eldest son was actually Lady (y/n)? You gaped at her in shock. (Y/n) arched an eyebrow when you continued to stand there like an idiot, and she then rose to her feet as she slammed a hand on the table. This attracted the attention of the other customers, who watched the scene unfold with bated breaths.
"Tch, stupid server. Can't even do their job right," (y/n) uttered, slowly approaching you. You backed away from her until your back hit the wall, where she quickly caged you in. "Do you want me to punish you that badly?"
You think you're going to faint.
And that's exactly what happened.
(Y/n)'s eyes widened when you suddenly collapsed, and she swiftly caught your body in her arms. "Ah, I think I went too far this time..."
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I’m a Villainess but I’m Not Evil! (Navigation)
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guccixstyless · 10 months
Hii 💛💛,sound very odd but can you a imagine where the reader & Ryu shi oh have kids, a cute lil family.
A Sunday At Ryu Household
Pairing: Ryu Shio x Reader (married)
Word Count: 885 Words
A/N: Thank you for requesting this one shot, hope you like it!
The kids: Twin Boys (Kai, Sooho -aged 7 years), One girl (Mirae -aged 5 years) and One boy (Timmy- aged 3 years)
The sunlight filtered through the curtains signaling another new day. Y/N stirred awake and felt the space between her to be empty, she was confused, where was her husband?
She reluctantly got up from bed and headed downstairs, the aroma of something delicious filled her nose as she approached the kitchen.
There was Shio, wearing an apron over his last night's pyjamas. The apron was a gift from his kids from father's day. It had "Best Daddy In The World" written in blue color with bold arial font. Shio loved it and wore it whenever he cooked.
"Hello mister," Y/N said leaning on the kitchen door.
"You're awake," Shio smiled over his shoulder looking at you.
Y/N went closer to him and he flipped the pancake before placing it on a plate. It was already stacked with lots of pancakes. He then turned off the stove before turning towards her.
"Good morning love, did you sleep well?" he spoke softly while tucking her hair behind her ears.
"Like a baby!" she smiled.
"Go wake up the kids, I'm making a special breakfast," Shio smiled.
"What's the occasion for this special breakfast?" Y/N wondered.
"Does there need to be one? Every day with you is special." Shio winked.
"So cheesy," Y/N snickered.
"Only for my love," he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before returning on making omelets.
"Smells so good, I will get the kids," Y/N said.
Shio was done plating and set the table up. He made nutella filled pancakes, cut up some fruits, made omelets, fried sausages and mushrooms, and made freshly squeezed orange juice.
Shio looked at the table proudly before setting the plates.
"Daddy!" Shio heard little voices and the smile on his face grew wider.
"Oh are we having pancakes?" Kai asked excitedly.
"Yes we are!" Shio smiled. Y/N came behind them while holding their youngest son Timmy.
Kai, Sooho and Mirae took a seat in the table beside each other, Y/N put Timmy in the highchair before going to sit beside Shio.
Shio served them all the food items before saying, "Dig in!"
The family sat down and enjoyed a delightful Sunday breakfast. Kai and Mirae shared stories from school. Sooho talked about his friends.
As the day unfolded, the family engaged in various activities. Shio, being the doting father he was, played games with the kids, their peals of laughter echoing through the house. Y/N watched with a heart full of joy as Shio chased the little ones around, their giggles creating a melody of happiness.
Shio helped them build blocks buildings. Kai and Sooho began running, so Shio gently warned them, "Be careful with those blocks, okay?"
The kids were very tired yet happy by lunch time. After a hearty meal, the kids went for a quick nap. Shio and Y/N enjoyed a cup of coffee while enjoying the quiet atmosphere of the house
"Do you remember when I proposed?" Shio reminisced fondly.
"Of course, the way you planned a scavenger hunt, it was truly iconic," Y/N giggled while twirling her wedding band.
"I was so nervous, I yelled at my poor secretary because you were running late," Shio recalled.
"Such a meanie you are, that man adores you though," Y/N smiled.
"Yeah at this point he is family too," Shio chuckled.
As the sun began its descent, casting a warm, golden glow over the living room, the family settled down to watch a movie. Shio lounged on the sofa, Y/N nestled against him, their children sprawled across the floor with blankets and pillows. Timmy was on his portable cradle.
"Best part of the day, isn't it?" Shio said softly.
"Absolutely. Sundays are my favorite when we're all together like this." Y/N smiled.
Shio wrapped his arm around Y/N, pulling her closer. The kids, feeling the cozy atmosphere, snuggled against their parents. The movie played on, but the real show was the love and togetherness that enveloped the room.
After the movie was finished, the couple took their children and bathed them before tucking them all in bed.
Y/N went to put Mirae in bed while Shio took care of the twins.
Shio tucked them in, placing gentle kisses on their foreheads before turning off the bedside lamp.
Y/N met Shio in the hallway and intertwined their hands before both of them happily walked to their room.
After their nightly skincare routine both of them crawled to bed. Exhaustion from the day finally kicking in. They both lie in bed facing each other.
"Today was perfect, wasn't it?" Shio whispered, as he stroked Y/N's cheek lovingly.
"It really was. Thank you, Shio, for making every day feel like a Sunday." Y/N whispered before placing a small kiss at the palm of Shio's hand.
Their lips met in a sweet, lingering kiss, a silent acknowledgment of the love that had blossomed and flourished over the years. Shio pulled Y/N into a warm embrace, the quiet intimacy of the moment speaking volumes.
"I love you Y/N, so so much," Shio said as they broke from the kiss.
"I love you too," Y/N smiled.
With a smile and contentment in their hearts, the couple drifted to sleep.
Link to another angst Ryu Shio story
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harveybwabbit92 · 1 year
Fuma, blushing and touching his forehead: .Did you....Did you just kiss me on the forehead?
Akari, mortified: I am so sorry, I’ve been babysitting my neighbors kids all week, as soon as I heard ‘ow’, I acted without thinking!
Fuma, dispirited: Oh....
Akari: Are you okay...You sound sad.
Fuma, mustering up the guts to confess: Uh, act-actually Akari I-....
{Fuma feels a chill go down his spine he looks over Akari’s shoulder and sees her older brother Zero watching him with a scary aura around him...]
Fuma: I have go meet Titas somewhere, see ya around?
Akari: Sure...
[Cut to Fuma getting a chop to the head by Taiga.]
Fuma: Ouch...
Taiga: Dude. You like my cousin? That totally goes against bro-code!
Fuma: How did you even-
Taiga: Zero told me he saw Akari kissing you, what the heck bro?!
Fuma: She didn’t mean to kiss me, it was an accident!
Taiga, scoffs: Oh, lemme guess... You tripped and your head just happen to land on her lips?
Fuma: Well...Kind of? I mean, did hit my head which caused her k-kiss me, so...
{Luckily Titas and Shio intervened before Taiga kicked Fuma’s butt.]
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happyocelot · 3 years
White Day
Despite getting married in just a few weeks, Naruto's culinary expertise revolves entirely around cooking various kinds of ramen, and Sakura decides that it's time to put her foot down for Hinata's sake. Naruto would learn how to make something non-ramen related even if it killed her, and what better time to surprise Hinata than White Day?
Ahaha, a thing I wrote a while ago. Tell me what you think!
"Gah!" Sakura scowled and poked at the ruined dessert with a lone pinky finger as though she was handling radioactive waste.
Then again, it was hard to begrudge her this reaction, not when Naruto's attempt at a slab of White Day chocolate had melted into a silvery, metallic-looking blob, despite her best efforts at supervising him. These efforts included shoving a cookbook under his face while brandishing a rolling pin in her hand. Throughout the ordeal, Naruto had busily stirred the butter, icing sugar, and vanilla extract together, one eye fixed on the cookbook in great terror, and the other eye fixed on the rolling pin in even greater terror.
And yet...
She was at a loss as to how he managed to screw up one simple recipe so badly, even with all the ingredients and cooking instructions conveniently laid out right in front of him.
Beside her, Iruka-sensei frowned as he inspected the toxic compound, Sakura's partner in bafflement. She was truly grateful to her old teacher from the bottom of her heart for his assistance. When she found out that despite getting married in only a few weeks, Naruto's cooking expertise extended only to making miso ramen, shio ramen, tonkotsu ramen...
Basically nothing except ramen...she may have snapped. A little. Okay, maybe a lot. But seriously, what was the fool thinking, that he would feed Hinata noodles 365 days a year? Someone in the back of her mind, someone who sounded suspiciously like the long-dormant Inner Sakura, said yes. And that was enough to make her...snap.
A vision of the coming days flashed in Sakura's mind, one of a poor pregnant Hinata waking up to her future husband subjecting her to meal after meal of ramen, because he thought it was "nutritious" and "healthy" for growing babies.
Another vision of Naruto torturing his future wife and children by taking them out to Ichiraku for every meal, even at three in the morning.
The newly-awoken Inner Sakura viciously supplied her with a third image of Naruto's future kids, tearfully accusing him of loving ramen more than his own family.
The frightening thing was, Sakura knew that these visions of the future were all within the realms of possibility. After all, how often had she, Sasuke, and Kakashi-sensei gone through such situations? How many times did her old team return from missions, exhausted, bone-soaked, and ravenous, Sakura craving nothing more than some anmitsu and hot tea, only for Naruto to drag them all off to eat ramen? How many times?
Even Sai and Captain Yamato had suffered along with her, despite being late additions to their team.
A ninja was one who endured. But too much was too much.
It was unacceptable.
Hinata didn't deserve a married life of eternal torment, so Sakura had decided to take matters into her own hands. Naruto would learn how to cook a non-ramen dish before the end of the month, even if it killed her. Iruka-sensei was more than happy to help, when she informed him of the dire situation at hand.
And what better time to surprise Hinata than on White Day?
Which brought her back to the problem.
"It tastes fine," Iruka said, breaking a small bit off the blob and taking a bite, his eyes widening incredulously. "But I don't understand how."
"It doesn't matter if it tastes fine, not when it looks like cat puke!" Sakura snapped, also taking a bite and chewing slowly.
"Cat puke?" Naruto snapped back.
Her lips puckered as she let the delicious taste of vanilla soak into her tastebuds and radiate across her tongue. Mmmm, not bad, not bad at all. If Sasuke were to ever give her chocolate like this, she certainly wouldn't have minded. To be honest, Naruto wasn't actually bad at cooking, despite his lack of experience with anything other than ramen. She glanced around the kitchen, taking in the horrific-looking remains of his attempts at fried rice and other concoctions. Not that those dishes tasted bad, either...
But food presentation was important. And Hinata deserved the best. She needed chocolate that looked good and tasted good, not this roadkill-looking stuff.
"Yes, cat puke, Naruto. Please, we've been over this so many times. You need to make food that actually looks appetizing. So that people want to eat it." Sakura groaned and put her head on the table. It had been hours. Hours and hours.
Teaching Naruto was tough. Her patience was fraying like old cloth, and the only reason she was still keeping her sanity intact was the thought of Hinata's radiant smile at getting homemade White Day chocolate, just for her.
"Iruka-sensei..." She lifted her head wearily. "How did you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Teach us all for so many years," Sakura muttered. "Teach Naruto for so many years. It's killing me. I don't get how you're so patient."
Their old teacher chuckled. "Well, compared to painting the Hokage Monument, this is small stuff. And I've had years of practice reading Naruto's gibberish handwriting, so the mess he's making now is nothing."
"His handwriting still looks like gibberish," said Sakura. "When he writes mission reports, Tsunade-shishou always has a stroke trying to read it."
Both sensei and student laughed.
"I'm still here, ya know," Naruto said grouchily.
"Sakura, watch and learn from the master," Iruka-sensei said, rolling up his sleeves. It was usually something that inspired terror in his Academy students, but today the effect was significantly diluted by the fact that he was wearing a cute ramen-themed apron over his clothes. "Naruto, if you can successfully make twenty bars of properly-shaped White Day chocolate by the end of the day, I'll...I'll..."
He took a deep breath, like he was agreeing to sacrifice his limbs. "I'll...pay for two weeks' worth of yours and Hinata's ramen expenses."
Oh my.
That's worse than sacrificing his limbs, Sakura thought. Poor Iruka-sensei...
Iruka-sensei's hands were twitching, like they couldn't believe how narrowly they had dodged a bullet.
"All right!" Naruto's gloominess vanished, to be replaced with a bright smile, as though the clouds had cleared to make way for the sun. "Let's go, Iruka-sensei!"
Sakura's eyes crinkled at the sight of Naruto puttering around the kitchen, looking gleeful at the thought of two weeks of free ramen and subjecting them to his culinary eyesores.
Yeah, she could definitely picture Hinata's radiant smile.
Even if Naruto fed her objects that belonged in a horror museum.
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spideymarvelws · 4 years
Hi uh idk if like requests are open but if they are could you possibly do nihachu x fem reader where they’re both streamers and accidentally reveal something on stream (like one calls the other babe or something like that) and lots of teasing from the other smp members ensues? Only if you’re like comfortable :)
I tried lmaoo i’m not the best at writing for real people over fictional ones but i really liked the request so i did my best!
Main Masterlist / Add Yourself To My Taglists
Warnings : nothing but floof :), some cursing
Word Count : 1.1k
Slip Ups
Nihachu x Fem!Reader
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Niki walked up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist and burying her face in the crook of your neck. Instinctively, you put your hands on hers, leaning back into her embrace. You were busy making sure your stream setup was perfect for later and after an hour of testing and moving equipment, you were glad to be back in her arms.
“Ready for tonight?” she said sweetly into your ear, pulling away so you could turn and face her.
“More than ready,” you smiled, kissing the tip of her nose, “I just hope the audio is going to be okay,”
“I’m sure everything will be fine,” 
“Let’s hope so.”
With a light giggle, Niki stepped away, moving to the small desk you kept by the door and grabbed two mugs. 
“Thought we could just relax a bit before stream,” she shrugged, handing you your mug and taking a seat on the sofa towards the left of the room.
You sighed, walking over and taking a seat beside her. You let her lean into you, throwing your arm around her shoulder, squeezing her close. You put your head on hers, taking a sip of the tea she made for you.
“Yeah, we could stay like this for a bit babe,”
She giggled in response, turning to peck the side of your cheek, “Babe? That’s a new one,”
“Just trying out new things,” you bit your lip, trying to suppress the heat rising to your face.
She thought for a bit, letting the silence linger for a moment as she took a sip of her own tea, “I like it.”
“Oh really?”
“Yes really,”
You kissed the side of her forehead, pressing your lips firmly against her pink hair, making her face scrunch up cutely.
“Then I better start using it often then.”
You yawned, adjusting the headphones on your head after stretching in your chair. You leaned in once again, speaking into the mic.
“Okay, maybe we should’ve used dark oak…”
“Well no shit Y/n,” Wilbur scoffed, jumping down from the structure you were building and punching your character.
You crouched, tilting your head to the floor, “Well sorry for having faith in jungle.”
“That was your first mistake.” Tubbo butting in, hitting your character as well but with an iron axe.
You grunted, switching to your netherite sword and chasing the boy down prime path.
Everyone else started to laugh in the call at your antics, the chat was enjoying it as well. Soon enough Tommy jumped in, chasing Tubbo along with you causing him to scream even louder.
“What the hell Tommy! You’re supposed to be on my side!”
“I’m always on a woman’s side Tubbo! Now get back here you son of a bitch and die for your crimes or I swear-”
“What do you mean crimes! What did I do!”
“You hit a woman Tubbo! Now you must lose a cannon life...”
“Since when was that a crime!”
“Since now big man! Since now!”
You noticed Niki’s character coming up in the distance. With a worn out sigh, you stopped sprinting and walked to where your girlfriend stood continuing to build her house.
“For the record, I think it looks great,” Niki said, giggling as you sneaked towards her.
You stopped in front of her, watching as the two boys kept on bickering and fighting. Passing a hand over your face you spoke tenderly, “Thanks babe.”
The call suddenly went quiet after your words. You chuckled nervously, looking around at everyone that started to surround you and Niki, all of them staring you down. In the other room, Niki was blushing. Looking at the chat in her second monitor, they began freaking out about your slip up and her reaction, making the red deepen on her cheeks even more.
“Uhhh-” you moved your arm, gesturing to the new audience, “Everyone alright?”
“What did you call Niki?” Sam asked, knowing fully well the answer.
You froze, eyes widening as you slammed your head on the desk, letting the mic pic up the loud bang. The laughs only amplified at your reaction so you decided to slide off your chair and hide under your desk, slapping your face into your hands to hide your flustered state.
“Aww, she’s embarrassed!” Wilbur snickered.
“Does this mean you both commit marriage fraud together?” Tommy cut in, laughing into his mic, “Because now i’m questioning this friendship Y/n… I can’t go to jail again.”
“Jail?! Again?” Sam exclaimed but was quickly interrupted by Tubbo
“Awwww, I think it’s sweet! Like honey from beeeeees,”
Niki laughed at everyone’s teasing, growing concerned that she wasn’t hearing your own giggles along with her. She looked at her chat again, all of them spamming to go check on you or asking if you were okay because your stream suddenly ended.
“Hold on guys, I’ll be right back,”
“Yeah, you should go check on lover girl, see if she’s doing alright,” Wilbur snickered.
“I will.” she said confidently, deafening herself on discord, switching to her waiting screen and playing ads, telling chat that she would be right back.
She walked into your room, cooing when she saw you under your desk. She walked up and kneeled beside you, gently placing her hands on yours and peeling them off your face.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that- fuck, I just messed everything up didn’t I?”
“No, no, no, Y/n. You didn’t ruin anything!” She reassured you, squeezing your hands in hers, “I mean... we were going to let them know eventually, now you get to say it all the time!”
“Yeah, let twitter freak out for a bit… oh god they’re going to have a field day!”
“We’ll be fine Y/n, trust me,” she passed her hand down the side of your face, letting you nuzzle your nose into her palm, “there going to love us together just as much as I love you,”
You sniffed, “That’s a lot of love,”
“Yes, yes it is,”
You smiled softly up at her, “I bet I love you more though,”
She blushed at your words, “Oh really?”
“Yes, really.”
“I don’t think that’s true,”
“Well I think it is,”
“Prove it then.”
She leaned in, brushing her lips against yours, letting you close the small gap she created. The kiss was soft and tender, your lips slowly moving against one another. It wasn't long for the smile growing on your face to break the both of your apart, grinning at each other like it was your first kiss all over again.
“Ready to get back to it?” she questioned, carefully pulling you out from under the table.
You thought about it for a moment.
“Sure babe,” you pecked her forehead, “I’m going to love getting use to that.”
Permanent Taglist (Dream SMP) : @ossinsworld @lunarinnit @chaosofsmarty @starstruckllamapuppy @shio-yuki @lovelychasbug @alice-blue-skies
Nihachu Taglist : @whenpugzfly
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straighttohellbuddy · 4 years
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how the light gets in {Corpse Husband}
2. you’ve gone way too fast for way too long.
Summary: Supernatural Creatures AU. Them/Them Reader. After the success of your first stream, you find yourself wanting to get back to your YouTube roots, and what better way to do that than with a cover by one of the bands who holds a special place in your heart? And maybe you’re using it to distract yourself from thinking about how coming back to YouTube means coming back to the things - the people - you’d left behind. 
Maybe it’s selfish, but Corpse kind of wishes you hadn’t come back to YouTube; honestly, if anyone else had taken the world by storm, he wouldn’t complain half as much, except it’s you and he’s still mostly convinced that you might be an angel like him... Except better. Because of course you would be a better angel, you’re talented and driven and personable and essentially everything an angel should be, and - bar the talented bit, Corpse at least knows some of his worth - you’re everything he’s pretty sure he’s not. Except it seems like everyone loves you, and he doesn’t exactly have a good enough reason to be bothered by you the way he is, so he has to act like he isn’t. Which is a lot easier said than done, when you barely say a word to him and it feels like all of his suspicions are confirmed. 
A/N: 8471 words. Reader in the fic is stated to be 24. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SUPERNATURAL THE TV SERIES. me, trying to walk the line between 3rd person omniscient narrator and trying to make the narration feel like its somewhat coming from the POV character?? it’s more likely than you think! as always, i really appreciate feedback.
{ m a s t e r l i s t }
Taglist: @nanasort @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian @theboywhocriedlupin @taikalinna @jaychirps @bingusmode @divine-artemis @realmejay @lovemelikepercy @balla-deer @miniritzcrackers @loraleiix @ppopty @easygoingtheatre @insanedeathwish @siriuslystupid @losvertown @janiathecat @wineandionysus @moonlightsimp @allylyew @chokingonflxwers @sicnesa @xxniksxx @mishisamess @preciousskye @yashinosakura @meleekabenjamin @whatamievendoinghere01 @lxurxn-02 @liljennyx3 @the-fusionist @benjaminka @lilysdaydreams @a-lonely-bic @letsloveimagines @melmachh @tama-chan-suneater @shio-yuki @fairywriter-oracle @easygoingtheatre @pixelbxtch @dreammoutlouddd @abysshaven @mediocrearistophanes @tsukishimawh0re @inkbyajm @jordiee95 @honkcorpse @kaiihaan @takenbyheartstrings @mrtony-stank1 @dangeroustreebread @xibrokensunriseix @corpseglider @artsyally @ellsbells2143 @machine-gun-casie @marvelsmurphy @bigmac-papi @danielle143 @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @starstruckllamapuppy @youretheonlyonewhomakesme @fee-btheweeb @parkerpeanuts @fanfictionenthusiast @evans-dejong @pancakebinnie @minbunbun @sabrinarahaman @thefangirl05 @jades-bullshit @fo-love @roses-and-grasses @thirstyfangirl @lovelysmp @325575 @wrongcielo @lukathecrime @lunariasilver @delicrieux @rebloogggs @kookiesandtae7 @mizxkii @effielumiere @happyyyandcrazyyy @teenageguitarist @prettylittlealiengirl @aroyalharknessblr @kylie-writes-stuff @annshit @haunteddeputymugpersona 
taglist is always open! message me if you’d like to be added xx
The day after your song drops, it’s on Spotify’s Top 50 Viral playlist, it’s charting on iTunes, it’s splattered across the internet, according to your manager, who sees fit to text you, congratulating you on what she assumed to be a masterful marketing tactic; releasing the song and immediately streaming alongside huge YouTube creators who have a wide and diverse fanbase, all plugging your music. She thinks it was a carefully calculated move, which makes you feel all kinds of scummy, like you were using your new friends. Thankfully, when you fire a somewhat defensive response about how you had no ulterior motive, that all you wanted to do was have fun and make friends, your tone apparently reads loud and clear, as you receive an apology a few moments later. Backtracking, she simply mentions that, even unintentionally, you had great timing, and she’s glad you had a good time, which is better, and you try not to dwell on your initial assumption. Years of your life had been spent worrying that the people you were close to just thought you were using them for views or fame; her words did little to quell that worry, so instead you tried to distract yourself, or at the very least, focus on the good that yesterday had brought about.
The best, of course, was Sykkuno, the hellhound who’d endeared himself to you almost immediately. Something about him makes you feel safe, though perhaps it’s that you’re unused to someone feeling so familiar; you like to think you’re a good judge of character, so for now, you’re trusting in your instincts, trusting in Sykkuno. The next best thing was a tie, between friends and freedom. Yesterday you’d been doing what you wanted to do, not what you thought you should be doing, not what was on brand, or carefully scripted; you were messy, stumbled over your words, and you laughed and deceived your friends as was the aim of the game, it was so freeing to be unfiltered. People kept saying it was nice to see you smile, to hear you laugh again. Huh. Part of you really doesn’t like that you know exactly what they mean, and more importantly, why people are saying that at all. But things are different now, are freer now; your brand was built on you, it’s nice to get back to that.
By mid-morning, you’d been sprawled out on your sofa for almost an hour, glad to be alone, to not have to worry about being seen, as you’ve phased your tail back into reality, and have it holding up your phone as you scroll through Twitter with one hand and fidget idly with the other. More and more you’re seeing supportive comments from people gushing about the few bars you’d sung of 5 Seconds of Summer’s Youngblood on stream yesterday. First your chat had loved it, now it seems the general consensus was that people would love for you to cover more than a few bars. While you tried not to listen too much to what other people wanted, you couldn’t help but admit that it was something you definitely wanted too.    
When you text your manager, new idea already taking hold of your focus, your earlier unsavoury text conversation seemingly forgotten, your manager reminds you that you should be working on your new album, putting together the tracklist for your EP. Ugh. 
It’s not that you didn’t have ideas, quite the opposite; you’re exploding with ideas, brimming, overflowing with them, for songs you wants to write and feelings you can’t express any other way, but the songs and collaborations you’ve already completed, their mp4 files sitting neatly on your desktop, you wanted to save them for the full album, like it was some sort of penance for getting to collaborate, getting to become friends with people you looked up to, people who inspired you. To you, their contribution was worthy of your full album. 
Well, that was part of the reason, the other part was that the songs you had designated for the album had a different vibe to your EP songs; albumtouralbumtour and imposter syndrome had both been written in lockdown, about very specific concerns you were having at the time. The EP was shaping up to capture a very specific moment in time, while the album was so much more than that. You couldn’t put read at five am on the EP, the collaboration you’d done with Troye, a lyrical-lament with a dissonant, upbeat melody, an apology for when you’re the one who cuts off contact with someone you’re close to and don’t know how to say why, and don’t know how to come back; yes, the fact that you and Ethan are talking again means that the song is technically relevant to this period of time, but it’s three years of regret and indirect apology compressed into in three minutes. It’s going on the album. 
But being stuck at home all day for months had made you all nostalgic for your roots, for when you’d started uploading all the way back in 2012, at 16, with no idea what a few videos would lead to. You missed covering songs you loved, the songs other people had written and that you had still connected with, the songs that made you want to write your own. Yes, you loved your own content, obviously, but from idea to video publishing, you knew a low-effort cover would take you maximum a day and a half if you were particularly inspired, which you clearly were. By now, you’d been doing this for so long that you knew the legality of it all like the back of your hand, and were in a stable enough place to be more than happy to pay royalties to the band you’d co-headlined alongside for your first international tour.
“What if I call the boys and ask them?” You decided to just call your manager directly, tail curled securely around your phone where you’d put her on speaker, pottering around your kitchen trying to find something to eat. Alison, on the other end of the line, sighed deeply, having been fielding these sorts of calls from you about once a fortnight since lockdown had started.
“Have you finished moment before impact yet?” She countered, and you wrinkle your nose; its as if she can hear the expression through the phone with the way she continues on, not giving you a moment to cut in, “listen, I won’t tell you what to do, but you need to make a decision about your EP tracklist soon, okay? The label’s breathing down my neck, you know you have more than enough songs for it.”
“Alison, the vibes -”
“The vibes, Y/N, I know,” she sighed deeply, but you could hear the faintest smile in her voice.
“I promise I’m working on my own stuff; I think moment before impact is gonna be a collab, but I’m not sure who with yet, but if it makes you happy, once I record this 5SOS thing, I’ll work on a demo of moment for the EP,” you concede, and you hear her hum in approval, “I promise I have all the songs in my head, I just gotta make sense of which ones are the right ones for now, you know?”
“I really don’t,” you could hear her actually smiling now, so you let yourself relax for a moment, hands braced on your kitchen counter as you looked to your phone, “but I suppose that’s why you’re the musical one and I’m the manager.”
“My favourite manager,” you told her sweetly, and her answering laugh is more of a snort. 
"Call the band, maybe they can work something out for you regarding royalties, if you plan to monetise it," she suggested, and you hummed, "keep me updated, okay? Make sure you're still working on your own stuff though."
"Alison you're a national treasure," you tell her feelingly; you don't even have to see her to know she's rolling her eyes.
But you take her advice, sending 'what if I covered Youngblood and posted it to YT? I'll pay you royalties' to the mostly dormant WhatsApp group you have with 5 Seconds of Summer, despite it being about six in the morning in Australia. Callum sends back a thumbs up almost immediately. Its all the confirmation you need to get started.
As you’re hunting through your house for a pick, turning over cushions, looking through junk drawers, you hear your phone go off, and you take a moment to check, surprised by what you see. A message from Sean. Huh.
[I see you’ve finally decided to join us in the gaming community, took you long enough 😊 If you ever wanna play something, just gimme a yell, you know Id be glad to have ya on my team.]
Considering the fact that it had been three years since you and Sean had properly been in contact, you find the message both surprising, and strangely heartwarming. There were a few people you’d purposefully fallen out of contact with, plagued by your own fears and self doubts. The people who you’d seen in person almost daily were the ones who you’d felt the absence of the most, but Sean, just by his close association with those people, along with a few other international friends, had been regretfully left behind also. Here and now, you can feel just how much you’ve missed him, how guilty you feel for giving in to your own anxieties and the negativity spewed by others. 
But you know you can’t dwell on the past, on your mistakes, all you can do is be grateful for the opportunity to reconnect, and take it.
[ID: A tweet and reply conversation between @yourtwitter and @goldeny/n, followed by a single tweet by @ZeRoyalViking, and a tweet and reply conversation between @yourtwitter, and @5SOS.
@yourtwitter: someone yell at me for doing another cover instead of my original stuff. quarantine got me feeling 17 again. might do the cinnamon challenge next. or finally do that Roast Yourself trend 4 years too late. | @golden_y/n: BRUH YOU BEST NOT BE PULLING OUR LEGS | @golden_y/n: I would empty my bank account to see you roast yourself. | @yourtwitter: Please Don't Do That YouTube Is Free | @golden_y/n: 😳💀💖
@ZeRoyalViking: stream today with some familiar and not so familiar faces!!
@yourtwitter posted an image of Griffin McElroy from the My Brother My Brother & Me TV show. Griffin is a Caucasian man wearing glasses and a blue checked shirt. He is visible from the chest up and is sitting behind a desk with one arm in front of him, with his thumb out, as if counting. The image’s subtitles have been edited, now reading ‘My friends are very much into the following: Bullying me on TikTok.’ | @yourtwitter: @luke5SOS is just mad im gonna sing his song better than him. he doesn’t use twitter anymore so i have the upper hand here. | @5SOS replies with a gif of Jason Momoa, who is incredibly muscular, with dark hair down to his shoulders, a black tank top, and sunglasses on, holding a microphone, standing in a confrontational manner, captioned ‘No, no, no. By all means, speak your mind. You got a problem with my boy?’ | @yourtwitter: HE WENT LIVE UNPROMPTED TO TELL PEOPLE ABOUT HOW I WROTE NOTIMETOSLEEP IN THREE DAYS WITH NO ACTUAL SLEEP, OPENED FOR THEM IN ARIZONA, AND IMMEDIATELY PASSED OUT FOR 16 HOURS AFTER WALKING OFF STAGE | @5SOS: we just miss you tho... and it is kind of funny. | @yourtwitter: the minute im allowed to safely leave lockdown im coming to australia to german supplex the lot of you. ❤️
End ID.]
Corpse’s whole ‘not thinking about you’ plan goes down a lot smoother when you’re not actively stealing his friends- what kind of Angel goes around stealing another person - another Angel’s, no less - friends?! Except, right, he doesn't actually have proof that you're an angel, just a hunch he’s apparently committed to... and, okay, you don't know you're stealing them... Sykkuno and Rae are allowed to have more than one friend. Obviously.
"Honestly, I'm still kind of riding the high from yesterday's stream," Sykkuno’s all kinds of elated in the voice chat, and Rae's quick to chime in, matching his tone, his energy, as she agrees.
"I cannot believe Y/N played with us! I’m sorry you missed it, Corpse, I think you'd love them," Rae is adamant, to which Corpse, from behind the safety of his monitor, makes a face.
"What makes you say that?” Even as he says it, as he tries to keep the negativity from his voice, his nose wrinkles, the expression shifting his eyepatch just a little.
“I don’t know, just something about...” Rae’s voice turns thoughtful as she considers, though Sykkuno takes the chance to pipe up, voice brimming with his trademark sincerity.
“You guys have weirdly similar vibes, like kind of a similar energy?” He tries to explain before a faintly embarrassed laugh escaping him, even with Rae humming in agreement, “not the exact same, obviously, but like, I don’t know, I think you’d really like them.” The problem with having Sykkuno for a friend is that he’s almost always trying to be genuinely kind or helpful. The problem is that Corpse can tell he believes what he’s saying. 
An angelic ability that often goes overlooked, even by angels themselves, is the innate ability to tell whether or not someone’s lying. It’s like a faint buzzing, low grade tinnitus, at the sound of a lie, something that can actually be pretty effectively ignored and forgotten, but right now, the lack of buzzing with Sykkuno’s words is frankly irritating. Not that Corpse can say that, he has no real reason to be jealous of your fast forming friendships with his friends, well, not any reason he can admit to on stream.
"You know what,” Sean muses, finally joining the conversation, “It’s been a while since I properly spoke to them, but I totally get what you mean,” fucking great; of course he agrees, “did anyone invite them to play; would love to have them here if they’re up for it.” 
"I think they're working on a thing today, but I can message and ask?" It’s Sykkuno who speaks up, the barest hesitation in his voice, and to that Rae makes a proud little noise in the back of her throat. 
"You met yesterday on the stream that I organised, and suddenly you're all best buddies? Gonna be honest, I’m a little jealous,” she admits, to which Sykkuno huffs a soft laugh, uncertain of what to say, though Rae’s tone is fond and she continues on, “seriously though, good for you, dude, finally getting the recognition you deserve -"
And on the one hand, yes, Corpse would agree that Sykkuno deserved infinitely more recognition and praise than he currently received, but on the other, the speed at which you two had aparently become close - a day! It had been a day! - sets Corpse’s teeth on edge. It was all he could do to keep quiet as the others chimed in, all their sentiments mirroring Rae’s.
All this frustration and resentment was almost definitely unhealthy, he was more than aware, but something about you had fixed in his mind; if it had been anyone else, anyone less talented or personable or productive, he could have probably handled it, but you...
All he gets is two games worth of peace before Sykkuno announces that he’s gotten a reply. Aparently you’re in the middle of recording a cover. Something about knowing that fills Corpse with discomfort, with envy, like he should be working on his music instead of being here. 
"But they say they're gonna take a break in an hour or say, so they might join us for a few games," Sykkuno’s tone betrayed his bright smile, and suddenly the voice chat was flooded with excitement from almost all in attendance. 
"Wait, really? Just like that, we'll be playing with Y/N?" Leslie sounds disbelievingly hopeful, but thankfully it’s only a few moments until the next game beings. While none of the others had picked up on Corpse’s silence, his chat seemed confused. Purposefully ignoring their questions and comments on the matter, he instead gives a few comments on the game, trying to come off lighter than he was feeling. 
He’s not quite sure what he’s going to do if you join the stream, he’d never actually considered that he might one day talk to you, have to confront the person whose very existence got under his skin, who might very well be the only other person like him on this side of the world. Unsurprisingly, his head’s not in the game.
"Did you get enough sleep last night?” Rae feels the need to ask when whatever response he’d given in a meeting had just come out as an incoherent mumble. Of course he straight up laughs at her question, which is answer enough, and she clicks her tongue disapprovingly, “you’re impossible.”
“Have you drunk any water today -?”
“Sykkuno you’re dead,” Sean interrupts Sykkuno, who had broken one of the main rules of the game simply to question Corpse about his health; he’s far too caring for his own good, but moments like this make for good entertainment, “dead people can’t talk,” Corpse is grateful for all of five seconds before Sean turns on him, reiterating Sykkuno’s question like a traitor; “Corpse, have you drunk water today?” In lieu of a proper response, Corpse groans, playing at being annoyed.
“I say we vote him out because if he is the imposter, we win, and if he isn’t, he has time to go drink a glass of water,” Rae proposes matter-of-factly, which just leaves Corpse spluttering with disbelief.
“That’s fucking stupid; I’m not the imposter, you’re basically throwing the game -” but the votes are already popping up, and unfortunately, for the first time all stream, everyone seems to be in agreement.
“Drink water, Corpse,” Rae, clearly the leader of this mutiny, orders, as Corpse watches his character get flung into lava, and very begrudgingly heeds her words. He takes his sweet time drinking a full glass of water and refilling it to take back with him, intermittently glaring from his kitchen at his computer, despite the game still going on; he’s got several tasks left, if they don’t catch the imposters, they’re doomed, and honestly he doesn’t care. Once the game ends, with the crewmates’ loss, as he’d suspected, they all find themselves back in the lobby. Maybe they’re waiting for him. They can wait longer.
As he settles himself back into his office chair, he pulls on his headphones in time to hear -
“- earlier than I thought because of a whole thing on TikTok and then Twitter, and then my manager texted me telling me-” It’s like he’s turned twenty again at the sound of your voice; you, bright, earnest, rambling to probably Sykkuno or Sean or Rae, probably not even aware of him, but he’s never been more aware of you. Not that he’d ever admit it to anyone, but your second EP, hyperfocus, had been in heavy rotation on his Spotify since he’d discovered it, since he’d listened to the crack in your voice, the exhaustion with which you spoke on i’m going through some stuff when Lofi had just been taking off as a genre. He’s... conflicted, going through an internal crisis while you keep talking, blissfully unaware, “- anyways, I think she’s just worried that I’ll end up threatening to German Supplex Harry Styles, or the late, great, Prince, and I’ll end up cancelled.”
“Y/N,” your name sounds equal parts amused and concerned as Sykkuno says it, with the air of someone who’s been privy to you and your antics far longer than just one day. The response you give is just as bright and cheery as your rambling had been, assuring him that you wouldn’t threaten to German Supplex Prince.
“You sure about that?” Sean was obviously grinning, judging by his fond tone, “sounds like something you’d try -”
“I’ve changed, Jack- Sean- fuck,” your muttered swear undercuts your attempt at earnestness after you correct yourself, clearly not used to calling him by his actual name. To that, Sean gives a fond chuckle, before going right back to ribbing you.
“I’m pretty sure there’s still video evidence of you trying to square up with Mark in person,” Sean points out, to which you grow huffy and defensive, playing up your frustration. 
“Well, that was for a completely reasonable reason!”
“Which was?”
“I thought it would be funny,” tone flipping completely, the words come out so sincere and bright it’s almost tooth rotting; if he didn’t know any better, Corpse would probably find himself being endeared by it, “and it was! Plus,” though here you give pause, and something about the tone of the conversation shifts as you chew on the words you’d almost said without thinking, “it was funny,” you said, softer this time. Sean, sensing the shift, does his best to pick the mood back up, reminding you that both you and Mark lost the competition you’d been taking part in anyways, and asking if you really had changed.
Before you had time to answer, however, Rae spots Corpse’s avatar moving ever so slightly, and immediately jumps on him.
“Corpse! Did you drink water?” She asks. He unmutes so they can all hear his deep, beleaguered sigh. “I can and will bully you into taking care of yourself,” her heart’s in the right place, and it is mostly a bit, so he can’t be too put out by the fact that she cares.
“I can’t believe you all voted me out because of it,” he chooses to respond instead, and Rae’s cackle echoes through the voice call.
“She also was the imposter, so...” Ze trailed off, a little sheepishly, to which Corpse rolled his eyes, not that anyone can see. Of course she was. But he’s not even given a moments before -
“You must be Corpse!” The moment the words leave your lips, every single goddamn nerve in Corpse’s body feels like it’s alight; everything overwhelming, unfamiliar,. white-hot, he’s suddenly desperately trying to keep his various abilities in check, since he really doesn’t want to short out his whole system, end the stream early, and probably cause his building to go into a blackout, just because of whatever this is. The whole world has changed with four words; better and worse and more more than anything. It’s... it’s a confirmation of some kind, and he tries to hold onto that vindictive feeling in his chest. You are familiar, you are something he recognises like no-one else he’s ever met before; you are like him. Is it better or worse now he knows it’s the truth?
“Must I be?” He manages to respond, keeping his voice as level as he’s able, shooting for vaguely amused and trying not to let any of the past few seconds sudden overwhelming panic and triumph bleed into his voice. But the moment you hear him, there’s a sharp gasp; that same something, understanding, recognition he’d felt, you feel it too.
“Y/N, you okay?” Ze had asked, and you made a vaguely muffled noise of unconvincing confirmation. Out of sheer, idle curiosity, Corpse opened a new tab and searched up your YouTube channel where you were streaming.
“Maybe we should have warned ya’,” Sean offers with a light laugh, before lowering his voice, immitating and announcer as best as he could, “warning! Corpse is about to speak!” Which at the very least got Corpse to laugh, though he refused to give anything away as your stream loaded, and the banter continued in his ears.
“Har har,” you muttered sarcastically into the voice chat, right as the stream finished loading, and - you. Well dressed, face in your hands, heels of your palms pressed against your closed eyes; honestly, he doesn’t exactly have any prominent initial thoughts about you, watching you scrunch your face up in your hands, dealing with the same thing he had to, though your face was live to thousands. Beside you, the text chat for your stream was going almost too fast to read, but he managed to follow a few threads of thought here and there.
[an eye thing! they’ve got an eye thing!] [someone @ y/n_creature_spec on twt!!] [who has an eye thing??] [lmao love that they were so shocked hearing corpse that it set off their eye thing] [hello!! vampire here!! we have eye things!!] [u cant be a vampire it’s the middle of the day] [THERE ARE COUNTRIES OTHER THAN AMERICA YOU KNOW] [i am willing to put MONEY on the idea of them being fae of some kind.] [^^yeah they just didnt want us to see their eyes sparkling like an anime character.] [that feels like smthn corpse could bring out in people]
And then you’re blinking back to reality, bringing him from his thoughts as for one terrifying moment, it’s as if his gaze locks with yours. Expression so bright and inviting, despite the way your eyes were watering just a little, you hold eye contact with your camera for a moment before looking at your screen, mumbling something about an eyelash in your eye; Corpse lets out a shaky breath. Chat seems unconvinced, but at least the other streams take you on your word. For a few more moments, he quietly watches you, watches the way your eyes roam your screen as you order your thoughts, and for all that he’s thought of you, he’s never properly looked at you. It’s taken him until now to acknowledge that there was definitely a reason for your success beyond just your talent; certainly you could have become successful from your music alone, but your career certainly wasn’t hindered by the fact that you’re actually quite- suddenly, Corpse is overcome by the sense that he’s intruding, exiting out of the window immediately, even going so far as to push back from his desk, fingers spread wide, braced against the edge, trying not to think too hard about... any of it. If he thought too hard about what it meant to have another angel in LA, he would drive himself mad.
“Well, Corpse, it’s good to meet ya, been told great things,” to him and him alone it’s so clear you’re trying so hard to play it cool, though Corpse couldn’t fault you for that, doing the exact same thing; again, when you speak to him, it’s like his whole being is hit with a rush of warmth; it’s less overwhelming this time, somehow scalding but bearable now.
“I see Sykkuno’s been spreading lies about me,” Corpse fires off instinctually, to which Sykkuno splutters protests at the implication, despite your bright laughter, and Sean’s shout to the contrary.
“Don’t be mean, Corpse, Sykkuno would never lie about you,” Sean is adamant, and Corpse can tell he’s being honest, just as the tell-tale ringing in his ears knows the next words from Sean’s mouth are utter lies; “me on the other hand? Y/N whatever you do, do not listen to Corpse’s music, it’s just the worst.” Before the implication, the reality of what he’s saying sinks in, for just a moment, Corpse feels a rush of affection for Sean, so clearly and earnestly plugging his music, right before your voice re-joins the chat and Corpse remembers exactly who Sean is plugging his music to.
“Fuck you, J- Sean, I do what I want,” while you played along, amused and light, Corpse himself was at a loss for words. You ask him - him specifically, he knows, he knows with absolute certainty you’re asking him - if he’s a musician, and everyone else chimes in before he can even think about finding his voice.
“Don’t search him on Spotify! Don’t do it!” Sean, on the verge of laughter, seems delighted by the turn this conversation has taken as the sound of aggressive typing fills the chat from your end. What the fuck. What the fuck?! No matter his thoughts and opinions about you and your possible supernatural origins, you were still Y/N, literal Grammy winner and Golden Child from the Golden Age of YouTube, playing along as Sean used the world’s worst reverse psychology on you to get you to listen to his music. Oh fuck, this is not how today was meant to go.
“I don’t wanna hold up the game, I’ll listen as I play,” you tell them, almost painfully polite, though Ze agrees to start the next game. If Corpse’s mind wasn’t in the game before, there’s no way in hell it was now.
Three minutes into the first round and he’s failing miserably at card swipe when he chances a look at his chat; people were spamming lyrics from Miss YOU! and Cat Girls Are Ruining My Life! which was sweet but nerve wracking, since he’s pretty sure it means you’ve already listened to one and moved on to the next. If you’re an angel, and you know he’s an angel, what in the hell would you think of his music? Honestly, even if you weren’t an angel, you’re still you, and his music was... well...
When the first meeting is called, and it’s discovered that you’ve been murdered, there’s a strange sense of relief that comes with it, even as he’s being accused of your murder. He’s got a solid alibi, so they end up voting out Sean, and the game continues. Despite the brief reprieve from your possible judgement, his heart still feels as though it’s skittering erratically around his ribcage. 
Rae comes along when he’s doing Simon Says, and shoots his little avatar. The moment he becomes a ghost, he lets out a long breath, giving himself a moment to relax, to collect his thoughts, catching back up with some questions with chat  he hadn’t quite realised he’d been holding, and chances a look at his chat again.
“Of course I’m tense,” he finds himself musing quietly to his chat while the remaining players were arguing over the top of each other in a meeting, “pretty sure most of hyperfocus has been in my Spotify wrapped every year since it was released,” for a few moments, it doesn’t even occur to him what he’s said, or that he’s said it out loud, but when it hits him- oh, oh no, it feels like too much to admit, and he has no idea what to say next, how to backtrack, how to at least pretend like he doesn’t think about you or your music any more than any other person would. However much he may resent certain aspects of it, he still knows he has a reputation to uphold, and panic and denial have never been a part of his reputation.
So he keeps his mouth shut, bites down on the half-hearted excuses and explanations that keep springing to mind, keep pressing against his teeth. He does his tasks quietly, thanks the people donating, and pretend it never happened until the round ends, heart in his throat. He knows, the same way a human survivor in a zombie apocalypse movie knows, that he’s just putting off the inevitable, and that someone’s definitely already clipped it and is probably uploading it to Twitter or Tumblr faster than he could protest.
“Y/N I’m so sorry!” Sean’s the first one to talk when they’re back in the lobby, which leads to your laughter filling the voice chat, telling him it’s okay.
“I didn’t even care, honestly I was just vibing,” the smile in your voice is almost enough to distract from the strained edge to your words, something not quite right, but so faint Corpse isn’t sure if it was really there, and he’s not quite sure anyone else heard it either. Except -
“Y/N?” Sykkuno says your name like it means something that no-one but you and him can decipher, something concerned, almost a question, checking in without being too obvious. 
“Yeah?” There’s that strained tone, just a little more audible this time, before you process who’s talking, how he’d said your name, and - “yeah,” firmer, calmer, a reassurance. 
“Vibing?” And he says it like that was his question all along, like the two of you hadn’t had a full conversation in three words. When the others started asking about what you thought of the music, it’s clear none of them have picked up on the hint of strangeness that had been in your tone, and you deliberate before answering.
“Am I- is it- it’s weird if I quote it, isn’t it -?”
“Jacksepdicy how I whip that!” Sean practically yells into his microphone, cutting you off and somehow making the line sounding even more Irish than he himself did naturally, which startles a laugh from Corpse, “it’s my name in a song, I think about it daily,” he announces, voice oozing pride, and despite the situation and headspace he found himself in, Corpse feels his heart grow warm knowing that even a line like that had brought Sean joy.
“I thought,” you pause for a moment, presumably to double check which song you were about to reference, “I thought Miss YOU was a whole mood,” you admit, the faintest smile in your voice, and something tightens in Corpse’s chest at that.
“You not gonna quote it?” Rae teased.
“Too nervous to follow Sean,” you fired back.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get there one day, Y/N,” Sean laughs fondly, and you all joke around, playing up the bit, while Corpse’s mind is stuck on the fact that you never once addressed him when talking about his music. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, it meant he didn’t have to deal with the sudden, fiery sensation your voice brought with it, so not bothered, persay, if anything he’s glad to know you liked it... But it’s weird that he knows so acutely -
“Hey,” and you don’t even say his name, but there’s that feeling again. Each time it grows less intense, like he’s been inoculated, and no instead of his nerves being ablaze, it’s as if he’s suddenly sitting beside a bonfire, each and every time you speak to him. The others voice their confusion at your sudden vaguness, but Corpse answers without even thinking, because of course he knows.
A few moments pass, while the others carry on amongst themselves for the moment. The two of you sit in this one moment together, neither quite sure how to feel about it.
“You’ve been awfully quiet,” you point out, though there was only the barest him of the earlier strangeness in your voice, now overpowered by something that made it almost sound like you were pleased. At this, however, even more confusion arises when the others figure out that Corpse had ‘guessed’ correctly, that you’d been talking to him. But he can’t really hear them, or, well, he finds himself tuning them out, swallowing hard before he pushes to talk.
“Am I not allowed to enjoy the moment?” He asked, trying to ignore the weirdness of it all, keeping his tone light.
“I’m just surprised; it’s your music after all.” 
“You like hearing my voice?” Despite the surprisingly cocky way with which he speaks, he regrets the words as soon as they leave his mouth, wincing internally. Of all the people he could have said that to...  
“I never said that,” and though your own tone matched his, something teasing, something that could almost be misconstrued as flirty in the right circumstances, he’d heard the faint thread of discomfort, feeling it all too much himself. But your words, and thankfully your tone, was overshadowed by both Sykkuno and Sean jumping in to assure Corpse that they enjoyed hearing his voice.
“If you and Y/N ever collaborated, you know it’d break the internet, right?” Rae interjects, all kinds of smug and knowing, followed by a chorus of approving voices all broke out in unison as the rest of the lobby considered the possibility.
“Rae, you know our Twitter mentions are going to be going off for the next month now, don’t you?” You groaned.
“Maybe it’s a sign!” Rae exclaimed, delighted, before her tone turns teasing and fond, “and besides, aren’t your mentions always going off?”
[ID: The first four posts on Y/N’s Tumblr dashboard.
blueheart-anon hearing y/n and sean interact again after like 3 years unlocked memories like im a fucking sleeper agent. having war flashbacks to 2017′s ‘y/n is septiplier’s kid’ phase. how do i lock the memories up again im going to die of embarrassment why were we like that [tagged: #y/n #y/n y/l/n #jacksepticeye #sean mcloughlin #i WILL NOT add the ship tag i mentioned #blue talks] [7 notes] [▶️🗩↪️🖤]
fangloriousbastard  ↪️fangloriousbastard fangloriousbastard Rae: Y/N & Corpse Collab When? Y/N: 🔪 - fangloriousbastard Y/N IMMEDIATELY MURDERING RAE AND THEN CORPSE I- - fangloriousbastard Y/N MUTTERING THE JACKSEPDICY LYRIC WHILE MURDERING HIM WTF IS HAPPENING?? - fangloriousbastard SYKKUNO NO BBY IM SO WORRIED - fangloriousbastard Y/N IM BEGGING U TO STOP SAYING CORPSE LYRICS BEFORE U KILL UR FRIENDS - fangloriousbastard WAIT WHAT Y/N AND SYKKUNO BOTH VOTING FOR THEMSELVES INSTEAD OF EACH OTHER - fangloriousbastard “ride or die guess im gonna die” y/N PLEASE U MET HIM YESTERDAY - fangloriousbastard y/n’s still listening to corpse’s music we love to see it - fangloriousbastard WAIT NO ZE KILLED SYKKUNO IN FRONT OF THEM AND THEY WON OMG SO MUCH IS HAPPENING DID THESE MOTHERFUCKERS QUOTE AN ACTUAL THE OFFICE MEME AT EACH OTHER - fangloriousbastard Y/N: YOU KILLED MY BOY Ze: you’ve known him A Day! Y/N: you don’t have all the facts Ze: which are? Y/N: I love him. Y/N: Not in a weird, shippy way tho, but like, come on, man, look at him! Sykkuno’s avatar: 🌱                          👁👄👁 Sykkuno irl: 🥰 - fangloriousbastard ahem anyways corpse & y/n collab when? - y/n 🔪❤️ - fangloriousbastard 👁👄👁 - fangloriousbastard aren’t you supposed to be streaming?? [tagged: #HEWWO??? #among us lb #why do i only remember they’re following me when i post outrageously stupid content #btw y/n if u kill sean again i’ll cry] [43 notes] [▶️🗩↪️❤️]
fyahproof-y/n  ↪️ selkiey/n selkiey/n y/n’s explicit ‘i love him but not in a weird shippy way’ is the LOUDEST fandom vague i’ve ever heard in my life [286 notes] [▶️🗩↪️❤️]
crpshsbnd  ↪️ 221b-theres-a-bee crpshsbnd hope corpse is feeling okay he’s been kinda quiet this stream - 221b-theres-a-bee if someone suggested i make music with a grammy award winning artist i might be kind of quiet too - crpshsbnd asjdskldfjkdsf u right, still, hope that’s the reason. [tagged: #how do i always forget they won a grammy #actually i know why i keep forgetting #because every time i remember they won a grammy i remember the video where they jousted corndogs with joe sugg #and the winner had to deepthroat theirs for the camera #and y/n won but felt like an asshole for making joe deepthroat his corndog alone #and they ended up almost throwing up because they went too far with it #so hot #so talented #so very stupid sometimes] [3 notes] [▶️🗩↪️🖤]
Twitter is kind of a hellscape, Corpse decides, scrolling through his notifications as the stream’s winding down, seeing about a thousand different people tagging both you and him, asking for a collab, or seeing fit to show you both every single time one of you had mentioned the other in stream. Or had simply interacted. He’s not quite sure how to feel about hearing you mutter ‘make it rain, leave her wet, like a snowflake’. Unsurprisingly, a considerable few people had thought to clip the interaction where he’d apparently instinctively known you were talking to him, which he thoroughly regrets. There’s enough speculation about him online already, he doesn’t need people cluing into the fact that he might not be entirely human as well.
So now, he’s sitting idle in the lobby of the game as everyone’s thanking each other, discussing when they might get together to stream again; he’s quiet, disconnected from it all even though he knows he’s still live, he can’t help but stare at his phone, frown at your Twitter profile. You’re not following each other. A lot of his friends follow you, are mutuals with you, but you and he are not following each other, and he’s not sure if he’d like to change that. But it would make sense, right? It’s what’s expected.
Your pinned tweet is the single you released yesterday, which he still hasn’t listened to. The cover is cute; you’re - fuck. He refreshes the page. In the few moments since he’d clicked on your profile and now, you’d tweeted, thanking everyone for joining the stream, while you’re still in his ear, alongside everyone else, distinctly not addressing him. Maybe he should DM you, be upfront, ask about what you are, if his suspicions are true.
He hits the back button and goes back to scrolling through his mentions. 
“Hey.” Your voice, soft and earnest despite that warmth that crackles through him; he’s half distracted, hand moving instinctively to push-to-talk, and -
“Yeah?” God fucking damn it. Not again. He’s really gotta stop answering on instinct just because he knows you’re talking to him. He hates that he knows.
“Good to meet you, Corpse,” and there was a strange sincerity in your voice, and he responds in kind, but his heart’s not in it. There’s too much on his mind, too conflicted in his heart to tell the truth; his own words makes his ears ring. He can’t even lie to himself.
So he says his goodbyes, waits for the lobby to clear out and chatters away to his stream about when he might be on next. Upon ending the stream, he immediately opens the latest email from his producer, his latest project glaring back at him from the screen. 
Yes, his various ailments have his body aching, but the interactions he’s had with you are giving him a headache when he thinks too hard about them, and he feels woefully unproductive. Never Satisfied stares back at him, so close to being finished, mocking him. Scowling harder, he listens to what he has so far, making tweaks and notes, glad for the distraction, glad that his producer had as chaotic of a sleep schedule as he did. This was the home stretch; one more all-nighter and it would finally be done.
He texts Heartful that he’s getting to work.
It’s four in the morning when he finally stops for a break, his good eye starting to itch from staring at a screen for so long. With a yawn, he leans forward, out of his chair, groaning as he straightens up to a mostly standing position. Hands braced against the edge of his desk, he lets out a resigned sigh and wills his wings into existence. The weight of them curled up tight against his back, as was customary for them to be when non-corporeal, has him leaning a little further forward. Another yawn and he lets them uncurl, lets them stretch out behind him, knocking over an empty microphone stand as they went. He’d get that later. A grateful groan escapes him, it’s been far too long since he’d even had a half-assed stretch like this, wings helping to stretch all the aching muscles in his back that were simply impossible to stretch otherwise, no matter how much he’d twist. Even so, his studio wasn’t big enough to properly stretch them, and he really didn’t feel like laying on his living room floor right now; he’s kind of concerned he’d just fall asleep there. Instead, he kicks his chair to the side and hits shuffle on one of his Spotify playlists, doing what he can for himself in the limited space, and finally going to forage through his cupboards for something resembling a meal. Maybe drink water, Rae’s damn voice in his head.
At least with his wings around he didn’t need to bother turning on any lights; he’s gotta find joy in the little things.
Today, or well, the past twenty-four hours, was a series of cruel jokes, he decides, all leading to the moment he curls up his wings and sits back down at his desk. The moment he puts his headphones back on, he’s greeted by your voice, and he almost jumps a foot in the air, concerned that you’d called him.
"- who I became, dreading when the music stops, what if I just fade away?” In the split second he’s realised that it was just a song, just your voice, crooning, gentle and sad against a soft beat and the sound of rain, as i’m going through some stuff playing in his ears, it’s too late. Already his aura had gone off, and his computer cuts out, as his monitor cuts to darkness, so suddenly all he can see is his own, exhausted reflection in the monitor, backlit by his own wings... Not exactly flattering. 
Thankfully, it was only his computer that was affected, as he can still hear his refrigerator humming in the other room, so he wedges himself beneath his desk to reset the breaker for the power board that his whole system was connected to, grumbling to himself the whole time. 
If he was being honest, however, he was glad he didn’t have to hear more than a few seconds of your song. For a long time it had been one of his favourites, though at this point he’d rather die than admit that. Yes, it’s a good song, but it’s the last thing he needs to hear right now. If he listened to you voice half the fears he still tried to ignore, well right now it may kill him, and he was so close to being finished with Never Satisfied. So close.
Instead, he gives himself the moment in which his system is rebooting to scroll through Twitter and Instagram on his phone, checking his mentions for good fanart to appreciate, only to stumble across one of your stan accounts tagging both you and him in a clip that he hadn’t seen earlier. He’s not sure what possesses him to click it.
“Don’t follow me baby, swear I’m going to hell,” Corpse’s own words leave your lips as you’re focused on the game, on being imposter, leading Sykkuno into electrical to fix lights, and something about it sounds wrong and he can’t quite put his finger on it. He’d heard other lines of his leave your mouth, clips from the stream he’d been tagged in, and it always manages to surprise him. When you sing his songs, even just a little bit, something in the back of his mind, something that had appreciated you as an artist all this time, it’s grateful, it’s excited, it’s overwhelmed. He wouldn’t deny that part of himself, he couldn’t, it didn’t feel right, but upon hearing this line, that grateful part was overshadowed by a visceral bitterness.
The line had been a moment of self deprecation, the only Angel he knew of who, granted it was by some of his own choices, was almost certainly going to Hell, if you believe in that sort of thing of course. But you? Every single part of you seemed to be the exact antithesis to him; you’re what an Angel should be, and him? Well, the line said it all really. It’s just... it feels like you’re mocking him at every turn now that he knows, or well, strongly suspects. With evidence. Which you’re probably not; if you’re an Angel, you wouldn’t go out of your way to mock another angel, so now he’s all in his head, frustrated at himself for being frustrated at you for just... liking his song? 
He really should message you about earlier, clear things up, get out of his own mind and stop jumping to conclusions. Finding another angel was big, no matter his personal reservations, he should try and take this opportunity, right? Except that you hadn’t reached out to him either.
Damn it; he knows he needs to stop thinking about you and focus on his own shit. He turns off his phone and gently tosses it to the floor, out of sight out of mind. 
Maybe he’ll feel better when he finishes his song, feel more productive, feel... complete for just a few moments. Maybe he’d stop comparing himself to you. Maybe.
[ID: Two tweets, one from @sp00kybihh, and one from @yourtwitter, followed by a retweet and reply conversation between @ashton5sos, @yourtwitter, and @y/nirwin.
@sp00kybihh: why did y/n’s smile every time corpse just knew they were talking to him without them having to say anythign make me feel things?? u no we love day 1 ride-or-die y/nkunno, but corpse & y/n just seem to get each other wtf 🥺🥺
@yourtwitter: australians are asleep post forbidden youngblood cover
(Thumbnail of Y/N sitting in front of the camera, dressed casually, visible from the chest up. There is a black microphone on a stand in front of them that they’re holding. Their mouth is open, as if halfway through singing, their eyes are closed, their background is a simple, white wall. Above Y/N, in black, VCR font, is the word ‘youngblood’. There is a large play button in blue and white in the middle of the thumbnail, to indicate that it is a link to a video.
Link: youngblood - 5 seconds of summer | y/n y/l/n cover i miss my boys. i miss people. thank you 5sos for being cool about me covering this <3</i> twitter: @yourtwitter 🔗youtube.com)
@ashton5sos retweeted the link and commented: Y/N you said it was gonna be low effort, this is killer! All it’s missing is some drums. Reminds me, I’m still sad we never got to record that thing we wrote in New York. | @yourtwitter: ASHTON IT IS 8AM I HAVE HAD NO SLEEP AND WAS NOT EXPECTING SUCH A QUICK RESPONSE I WOULD DIE FOR YOU | @yourtwitter: also lmfao i forgot about that ny thing that was good, from what i remember. do u still have that recording of us?? i may or may not have forgotten everything about that night apart from it being a blast #bringbacknewyork | @ashton5sos: Calum has it but also its 2am and he’s asleep, which you should also do. You know the boys are gonna love this... #bringbacknewyork | @y/nirwin: thank u both i have decided to pass away effective immediately #bringbacknewyork
End ID.]
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