#all the advice like “hey just go do it right now doesn’t matter when” has never helped me because it’s a routine thing for me
stimmingandstruggling · 8 months
it’s such a simple thing but i am so proud of myself for brushing my teeth.
i never built up the habit. it was sensory hell as a little kid and i very quickly learned to avoid it, which then created a sort of irrational fear of it. fast forward years and i still struggle. it isn’t such a nightmare anymore, but my gums are sick and sensitive and painful, and i just. don’t have the habit. and routine changes are scary.
there were times i’d be like okay, i’m finally going to commit to it, twice a day every day, and then slip up in less than a week and feel like shit and go back to avoiding it all. but then my dentist said something that literally changed the game. “don’t just go full throttle, you won’t stick with it. pick a couple days a week and be consistent with those.”
so i started keeping my toothbrush and paste and floss in my shower bucket. and for the past few months, i have brushed my teeth EVERY time i have showered. this is fucking HUGE for me! it’s not ideal, but once every two days or so?? I HAVE NOT BRUSHED MY TEETH THIS MUCH SINCE MT PARENTS LITERALLY DID IT FOR ME. and it HURTS less! my gums don’t bleed anymore! i looked in the mirror today and they were mostly PINK. PINK!!!!! i cannot remember a time when my gums were not red and puffy but they’re pink and they don’t bleed and they don’t hurt!
i’m thinking of ways to make a transition to every day smoother. and i WANT to now. i actually WANT to! routine changes are hard but i WANT this to become a part of my routine because i actually FEEL BETTER. woah
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retroaria · 27 days
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 boyfriend nagi.ᐟᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ another set of bf headcanons finally !! ⊹ ࣪ ˖
warnings: this is post Blue Lock, not a high school!au
BLUE LOCK M.LIST | enjoy 🌵 - aria
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pre-boyfriend!nagi who spends weeks, months even, questioning what exactly it is he feels for you because he just can’t wrap his head around it. doesn’t know why his heart throbs when you say his name, why his hands get sweaty when you sit close to him, why he feels the need to lie about certain things to make himself look better, why he feels the constant urge to just fall into your arms and lay there forever.
pre-boyfriend!nagi who goes to Reo for advice on the matter only to be called an idiot and have his own feelings explained to him at his big age
pre-boyfriend!nagi who now can associate those feelings with wanting a relationship with you, it’s all he thinks about. he yearns for you so bad. wants to have you in his arms, nap with you, teach you how to play games, let you cook for him (and feed him lol), introduce you to choki, show you all his cool soccer moves. it makes him really sad that he can’t just have you already, and it’s gonna be a hassle to ask you out.
pre-boyfriend!nagi who isn’t ready to ask you out but still wants to share his affections with you. He’s very touchy, always hugging you, leaning on your shoulder, brushing strands of hair out of your face so he can see your eyes. Asks you to hang out with him almost every day, even if he knows you’re gonna be busy, he still has to ask just in case you can.
pre-boyfriend!nagi who realizes that holding his feelings in is way more of a hassle than confessing so he does exactly that. He’s very straightforward about it. “Hey, I’ve liked you for a while now. Wanna go on a date?”. If you say yes he’d probably just kiss you on the spot. He hasn’t even taken you on the first date yet but in his head you guys are already dating.
pre-boyfriend!nagi who takes you to an arcade on the first date, beats you at every game, but then wins you a bunch of claw machine stuffies to make up for it.
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boyfriend!nagi who asks you to come live with him early on the relationship. He has such a straightforward mindset that he can’t wrap his head around how you guys are together but not “together”, as in together all the time (if that makes sense). He has to learn the concept of personal space in a relationship and eventually even after you guys start living together understands why he can’t cling to you every second of every day. He’ll still try sometimes and gets sad when you go off to do your own thing but gets over it once he’s preoccupied watching matches or playing games.
boyfriend!nagi who gets jealous very easily, but not in the stereotypical sense. He doesn’t get mad or aggressive when he’s jealous but he’s totally the type to deadpan you with “do you not love me anymore?” If he sees you giving anyone else more attention than him. This feeling he gets isn’t just towards guys or even people your age, it’s anyone. “Why were you talking to that old woman at the store for so long? I was right there.” “Nagi, she was ringing us up, she’s a cashier, it’s her job.” He actually has very little reaction to other guys flirting with you because he simply thinks that’s a stupid thing for them to do and is confident you’ll reject them.
boyfriend!nagi who lets you dress him up, style his hair, do his makeup for fun, would honestly let you give him a tattoo if you really wanted to. His mind doesn’t have negative preconceived notions about many things, and he thinks it’s adorable watching you have fun with him. Really likes when you do his hair just so he can feel your hands on his scalp. Same with doing his makeup, thinks both activities are relaxing and hassle free bonding moments for you two. All he has to do is sit there and look pretty.
boyfriend!nagi who mentions you unconsciously all the time. Along with football and video games, you’re a focal point of his life and you’ve become integrated in almost everything he does or thinks about. So much so that when responding to questions and such, he’ll say “we” more often than ”I”. “Nagi, did you get a chance to watch that match last week?” / “Yeah we watched it the other night.” / “There’s this new manga that just came out I think you’d be into it Nagi.” / “Oh alright, we’ll definitely check it out.”
boyfriend!nagi who drops the love bomb very early on because if he had feelings for you strong enough to even notice or care about, he’s confident it has to be love. He has different variations of “I love you”, the most commonly used ones are groggy and drawn out, “love youuuu~” or “Mhmm, love.” It’s a pet name and a confession all in one, verbal shortcuts make life easier (nagi logic 101). When he really wants you to hear it, he’ll say “I love you” in full but repeatedly. Either while he’s burying his face in the crook of your neck or following you around the house begging you to forgive him for sleeping all day instead of the chores you asked him to do.
boyfriend!nagi who wants to put more and more effort into himself and his lifestyle now that he has you. He wants to be the best he can be, give you everything you want and need, show his love for you in a million different ways. It’s so bad that he sometimes cries to himself thinking about all the ways he might mess up the relationship, he doesn’t know what he would do if you left him, he’d just feel so empty. :((
boyfriend!nagi who clings to you at every moment that he can, his heart stings at the feeling you leaving his grasp even if it’s just for a moment.
boyfriend!nagi who is absolutely whipped and unafraid to admit it. He’s so open and honest about his feelings with you because it’s a pain to not be able to tell you things. Is constantly reminding you how much he thinks about you and yearns for you. So much love with this boy <3
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fluentmoviequoter · 3 months
Girls' Trip (Plus Tim)
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x shy!fem!reader
Summary: You and Lucy go on a road trip together, but Tim crashes your girls' weekend when the car breaks down.
Warning: just fluff, the car breaks down but Lucy + r are safe
Word Count: 1.3k+ words
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
Picture from Pinterest (this is Tim when Lucy doesn't invite him😂)
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“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Tim says as he clips Kojo’s leash to his collar.
“No, you won’t,” you remind him softly. “Lucy and I are going out of town for the weekend, remember?”
“Right,” Tim agrees skeptically. “Because you and Lucy alone for a whole weekend sounds like something you’d do.”
“Yeah, she’s picking me up in the morning.”
“Call me if you need anything, okay?” You nod, and Tim gently lifts your chin to meet your eyes. “Anything at all.”
“I will.”
Kojo licks your hand in farewell and wags his tail as he follows Tim outside. You release a breath before you walk to your room to double-check that everything you need for the weekend is in your bag.
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“Good morning!’ Lucy cheers when you step outside. “This is going to be so much fun! Our first girls’ trip!”
You smile at her enthusiasm and try to fight off your building shyness. Since you started dating Tim, Lucy has become one of your closest friends, but her outgoing attitude can bring out your shy side.
“Okay, get comfortable, but not too comfortable,” Lucy says as you walk toward the car. “We’re stopping before we get far to load up on snacks. We have to get essentials.”
“Sounds good,” you reply as you buckle your seatbelt.
As Lucy reverses out of the driveway, you text Tim to let him know that you’re leaving, you love him, and you will see him and Kojo when you get back.
“Hey, since you have your phone out, you can control the music for now. Partly because we need good music for a girls’ trip, but I also don’t want to accidentally wear you out by talking the whole drive.”
“Have you had coffee already?” you ask, though you think you already know the answer.
“You and Tim both do that,” she points out. “But, yes, I needed to make sure I had the energy to get us all the way there and then make our spa appointment.”
“Thanks for planning everything,” you say before turning on a playlist with songs you and Lucy both like.
“Of course, that’s what best friends and future maids of honor are for,” Lucy answers.
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After a quick stop for snacks, you get on the interstate to begin the several-hour road trip to the resort Lucy reserved for you. The trip seemed last minute to you, but you found out after she invited you that Lucy wanted to get to know you more and ran everything by Tim as she planned the weekend. Having a friend like Lucy is a big step for you, but you already love her and think she is maid of honor material. If you and Tim get there, and you aren't too shy to say yes when he asks, of course.
“Okay, so I was thinking,” Lucy begins before she trails off and looks at the gauges on the dash.
“Is everything okay?” you ask.
“Something feels weird. We have gas and the temperature is okay, but it doesn’t usually feel like this. I’m going to get off at the next exit.”
You alert her to the upcoming exit and give her directions to a nearby truck stop. Tim taught you the importance of stopping somewhere safe no matter where you are or what you’re doing, and you unconsciously follow his advice today.
“It won’t go back in drive,” Lucy laments as she fiddles with the gear shift.
“Do you want me to call Tim? We’re still pretty close,” you offer.
“He’ll kill me for this,” Lucy whispers before she says, “Please.”
You pull your phone out as Lucy turns the ignition off. Tim answers immediately, and before you finish telling him what happened, he is in his car and asking for the address of the truck stop. He tells you to stay with Lucy and in the car, for the fifteen minutes it will take him to get there, and he ends the call.
“He said he’ll be here in fifteen,” you tell Lucy.
“That means he’s bringing a shop and acting like it’s a code 3 emergency,” she muses with a smile.
“He treats most things like they are, especially if I’m involved.”
“He loves you,” Lucy says. “A ton.”
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Tim’s shop pulls up beside your door, and Tim surveys the area before he gestures for you to open the door.
“Nice job picking a safe location, Lucy,” he says as he hugs you.
“Oh, that wasn’t me.”
Tim winks at you before he rounds the car to pop the hood. You watch him as Lucy tells him what happened. He looks good, you think, though he almost always does. He’s still in civvies, so when he bends over the front of the car, you don’t worry about him messing up his uniform. Lucy chuckles beside you, and you look away from Tim quickly.
“What?” you ask her.
“Nothing, you’re just staring at him. It’s cute, like Sam in Transformers.”
“Wouldn’t that make me the girl?” Tim calls.
“How did he hear that?” you murmur to Lucy.
“I’ve been dating you, my hearing improved,” he jokes as he stands. “Try it now, Lucy.”
Lucy gets in the driver’s seat and turns over the ignition. It shifts smoothly into drive before she places it back in park and thanks Tim from her seat.
“Thank you for coming so quickly,” you say as he closes the hood.
“Of course. I want to follow you for a few minutes to make sure it keeps running okay. It looked like it was just the transmission fluid,” he explains.
“No!” Lucy calls, leaning over the console. “You can’t crash girls’ weekend! You get her all week; I want a turn.”
“I’m not crashing anything, Chen,” he explains, shifting into his grumpy TO voice. “I want to make sure you get to the county line, if that’s okay with you. Or do you want to break down somewhere there isn’t a well-lit truck stop?”
Lucy huffs but waves anyway. Tim kisses your head and opens the passenger door so you can join Lucy. As she pulls out, Tim follows her and stays close as you get farther from LA. Half an hour later, you get a text from Tim that he’s turning back, and you promise to call him if anything else happens. His responding text that he’ll miss your voice makes you look away from your phone like it’s him. Hopefully, he won’t manage to make you shy all weekend from several hundred miles away.
“And we’re free,” Lucy muses as she watches Tim exit in her rearview mirror. “Does he always make you that shy?”
“Usually,” you answer.
“Well, it’s a good thing you have me then. I can protect you from his vicious onslaughts of attention.”
You laugh at Lucy’s phrasing, and then you both yell together when you see a billboard for a homemade candy and ice cream store at the next exit. Despite your delay and Tim temporarily crashing your girls’ weekend, you and Lucy are already having a great time. By the end of your trip, you may have a maid of honor for a wedding you haven’t even thought about.
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Tim walks into the bullpen and sighs. He misses you already, and the velvet box hidden in his nightstand has been on his mind more the past few days.
“You miss her,” Angela accuses when she sees him.
“Of course I do, she’s not as annoying as the rest of you,” Tim replies.
“That’s why you started dating a shy girl? So she wouldn’t talk as much as the rest of us? That’s messed up, Timothy.”
“Well, if that's how you feel,” Tim begins before pausing. “I guess I’ll ask someone else to help me plan the proposal.”
“I’m sorry,” Angela says while she reaches out to grab Tim’s sleeve. “Let me help, it will be perfect.”
“We have to one up girls’ weekend,” Tim points out.
“Trust me, we will.”
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colourstreakgryffin · 3 months
Hey there, fellow writer! How are you doing? :) I just wanted to request a platonic Angel Dust x Nephew (or Niece) reader who is the son/daughter of Molly from when they were alive. Angel hadn’t really got to know them as he had died when they were little, so now that he's reconnected with them in hell, he's trying to bond with his niece/nephew as they are older now
Oh, Hello, fellow writer! I have returned from being dead and this is quite fun! Awww. Another Angel request and of course, it’s hella wholesome. I love it! Can do so! Have a great day, loves!
Angel Dust- Little Spiderling
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You know, right away, Angel drags you back to the Hotel when he finds out you’re his niece/nephew by pure accident. You aren’t the little one he remembered once seeing his beloved Molly having but you’re still a minor, not eighteen yet! So, he must protect you! And he will!
Angel has a barley functional life down here and is really struggling through it but the one thing he knows how to do is express his love for people so he does it a lot to you
He tries SO hard to let his walls down to bond with you, to let you know you matter to him and he won’t shut you out. You are really the only person he doesn’t act like a sarcastic prick to but he will not tell you his problems since you’re his family, not his therapist
He really wishes he got to know you when you were both alive, he was so wrapped up in his own life, he didn’t acknowledge you. He barely remembered your name and he is clueless on what you like so he just tries to bond with you by trying to seem like that ‘cool Uncle’
Angel asks for advice all the time. He asks Husk, Charlie, even Vaggie. Advice for how he can try bond with you better and how to talk to you better. He already became your guardian… at his own word, so he needs to know how to connect with you
Angel often gets you gifts, it’s how he sees making you happy with him. Like, he’ll buy something whilst he’s out than he’ll offer it to you when he’s back at the Hotel, smiling so nervously and hoping you’ll like it. He is that one awkward but loving Uncle!
Angel basically dies again, of pure joy, when you express love or appreciation. He already has so much guilt for how little he knows you and how little he paid attention to you back on Earth but now, he wants to try again and he really wants to rekindle so he believes all his effort is always rewarded with the way you smile at him and say ‘thank you’ or ‘I love you’ or ‘I’m glad you want to join’
Angel is also that uncle who goes ‘aww, you’re so pretty. I remember when you were so little! Now, you’re big!’. If he had pictures of you, he’d be admiring them whilst crying
Angel does seem like a selfish man but he’s really only selfish with… everybody else. When it comes to you, he spoils you. He kinds parents you. He doesn’t know how to tell you your mom’s in Heaven so he distracts you with other stuff and he even shows off his beloved Fat Nuggets, to make you smile
Angel has a habit of picking you up, since he is much taller than you, and putting you on his back when it is time to go. He only does this when you escape the Hotel or leave against his wishes, and he can always keep his eyes on you this way
He also puts you on his back if you’re tired or want a nap or even miss him. You weigh nothing to him, and he can handle it well
Angel also loves taking you out to shopping trips with him and Cherri. He loves dressing you up in feminine/masculine clothing and praises you so you feel confident. You look great, and in-fact, he’ll buy that outfit so he can see you in it again and boost you up like a good Uncle does!
Angel actually trusts Cherri with you. He is very protective over you so really, only Charlie and Cherri have the permission to take care of you when he is busy
Sinners often confuse you for Angel’s son/daughter, mainly for the way he treats you, and even Valentino has called you ‘Angel’s kid’ before but he doesn’t take that shit from anybody and sets it straight. You’re his beloved sister’s baby and whilst he loves you, he’d never act as if he is your parent. He is your guardian, get it right
Angel teaches you how to cook the meals of the family. He loves cooking and he’s happy to be a mentor so he’ll ensure you know how to take care of yourself if you’re ever without him and know how to whip up a fine Italian cuisine. Cooking together is one of his personal made bonding methods
As well as baking. Angel knows you like baking so he tries to bake with you. Four arms are very useful and yes, he messes up a lot but the way you laugh at his attempt makes it feel like his eggy crispy frosting mess of a cake was totally worth it. You’re growing to like him more and not be annoyed with the fact he didn’t really care for you much in your past life
I will say now. Angel apologises a lot for the past but you take it maturely and understand his point of view. Though, your acceptance doesn’t remove Angel’s guilt and he takes a long time to feel better about himself, even when you two grow closer and you become more and more fine with him being your guardian
Angel doesn’t understand why he didn’t acknowledge you all those years ago… you’re so cute. What is there to not like?
Angel always sees his twin sister in you. You even look like her, so it means you look… more than a bit like Angel too, and he’s glad. It reminds him that he’ll always have a piece of his beloved sister with him as well as a family member who doesn’t dislike him
Angel’s kinda clingy, straight up. He cries whenever you do something he considers ‘cute’ and mews and calls you ‘Spiderling’ whilst hugging you. Angel is also THAT type of Uncle but it’s pretty cute how attached to you he is
Once more, he does get jealous of Arckaniss. He wants to be your favourite! Not his older brother so he sweeps in and steals you away from when you were talking to Arckaniss too much for his comfort. He is soooooo much better!
Really. Angel, in this entire situation with you, is trying and always trying. He tries to be the best guardian for you, he tries to be the best best friend for you, he tries to be the coolest best uncle for you! He tries and he hopes it works
He is actually fine with you calling him ‘Anthony’ over ‘Angel Dust’ and to make it fair, he calls you your real name over your demon name too!
“Spiderling? Hey! Hey! You’ve been out all day! How come? I thought you liked our shopping trip together! I’m your coolest uncle, aren’t I? You liked that scarf I got you! Should I get another? Yeah? Yeah? What do you think?”
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8. I can’t sleep without you here and 10. do you need a place to stay tonight? with sonny x reader maybe he and Amanda aren’t working out
thank you sm for the request! hope you enjoy :)
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You’re about to fall asleep when your phone vibrates on silent. For a moment you contemplate whether to pick up or not but seeing Sonny’s name on the display, you decide to take it. He usually texts, unless it’s really important.
‘Sonny?’ you answer.
‘Hey…sorry, I know it’s late. I just-...umm…’ he sounds like he regrets the phone call already.
‘What’s up?’ you sit up in your bed.
‘Can I come over?’ he asks anxiously.
‘Now? Sonny, just tell me what’s going on.’ 
‘I sorta just packed up my shit and left.’ he finally admits after a few seconds of silence.
It doesn’t surprise you to hear that. For weeks now Sonny had seemed unhappy, on edge, had confessed that he had doubts about starting this relationship in the first place. Being a supportive friend, you had listened and offered advice, even though deep down you couldn’t help but feel hopeful. Of course you wanted him to be happy but you also weren’t able to ignore the pull you felt toward him any longer. You tried not to let it show, had locked all these thoughts away inside a box which you had buried deep down, too afraid to ruin your friendship, too scared of unrequited feelings. 
‘Do you need a place to stay tonight?’ as soon as the words leave your mouth you wish you could take them back. Why the fuck would you invite him over? 
‘Yeah, hmm. I know it’s weird but I’m already here. Started walking and well, for some reason I ended up outside your door.’ Sonny says, sounding very much embarrassed and nervous. 
And you swear your heart skips a beat. You jump up, and more or less run down the corridor to buzz him in.
An hour and a few drinks later you hand him fresh sheets and pillows for the couch, his makeshift bed for the night. Sonny seems oddly cheery, almost as if a weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. You had talked for a while and shared half a bottle of whiskey, just enough for you both to loosen up and say some things you probably wouldn’t have said in a sober state. 
‘I knew it was a bad idea. I was just tired of being alone, y’know?’ Sonny had admitted.
‘Well, better to be alone than miserable, right? I’m sure you’ll find the right person eventually.’ you had replied and he had looked at you in a way that almost made you feel as if he knew. 
Now you’re in your bed, unable to fall asleep. The fact that he’s just outside your bedroom door, wrapped up in your sheets, the fact that he had come to you for comfort, it all keeps you awake. All these thoughts are back, swimming through your head, and this feeling deep within you, as if someone had punched you in the gut. As soon as you close your eyes, these scenarios take over. You don’t even remember when it had started but for months now you had imagined him and you, together. 
Maybe it’s the alcohol that makes you brave. Maybe it’s the things he said. Maybe it doesn’t matter. And when you open your bedroom door, you find him looking at you as if he anticipated you coming back.
‘I can’t sleep without you here.’ you confess with a lump in your throat. Here it is, the box unearthed, and opened. 
Sonny gets up from the couch and walks over to you until he’s so close you can feel the heat of his body. You look up at him, and the way he looks at you makes you more confident. Inhaling his scent, you lean closer. 
‘Will you come to bed with me?’ you ask and he nods without hesitation, softly taking your hand. 
And the kiss he places on your cheek is even softer. Sonny’s lips linger there for a moment before they travel up to your temple, your forehead, down the bridge of your nose, the corner of your mouth, and then, finally, your lips. The tenderness of it all makes your entire body shake, and you reach out to touch his chest, feeling his fast heartbeat beneath your hands. You grab at his shirt, willing him to take it off and he does, breaking the kiss just for a split second before you pull him against you again. Everything feels like a fever dream as his tongue slips into your mouth, his desperate need for you utterly palpable. Suddenly it’s all obvious. All those moments you had shared in the past, people thinking you were involved, even his now ex-girlfriend always looking at you with a hint of jealousy. 
‘I’ve wanted you for such a long time.’ Sonny breathes as you guide him toward the bed, pushing him down on it. 
You give him a knowing smile, covering his body with yours and he runs his hands up the side of your thighs, under your oversized shirt, making you shudder as he pulls your hips down onto his. Your wetness begins to soak through your panties as you feel Sonny’s arousal against you, and he moans, realizing just how mutual the feeling is. 
‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ you want to know and Sonny blushes.
‘I always thought you were too good for me.’ he replies and you can’t believe what he’s saying.
‘Too good for me? Sonny, you are perfect. So perfect.’ you run your hands over his body, kissing him again deeply as he sighs at your words. 
It’s a slow burn. Even though the urgency is apparent, you relish each other’s touches, kisses; exploring and discovering every inch of newly exposed skin. His neck is his favorite place to be kissed, you find out, and your mouth would have lingered there for an eternity if he hadn’t flipped you over, his hands beginning a journey over your body that soon has you panting his name. You can’t help but arch your back as he slips into your panties, fingers finding your clit and he presses down into your damp folds. 
‘I love how wet you are for me.’ Sonny mumbles, leaning his forehead against yours, eyes staring into yours as he begins to circle your most sensitive spot.
‘I thought about this so many times.’ you moan, meeting his lips again for a heated kiss. Fuck, his touch feels amazing. 
Even better than in your wildest fantasies, and in your head you’ve had him in every way possible. You thought about things you had never thought about before. And while your pleasure starts to build, you can’t believe this is really happening. Finally. 
‘How was it? In your thoughts? Tell me every little detail.’ he whispers as he gets rid of his underwear before pulling off yours. 
So you tell him. And he follows your lead step-by-step. It’s incredibly thrilling to watch and feel him fulfill your fantasies, making it an even better reality. You’re close to your first orgasm when he kneels between your thighs, pulling you up, open and ready for him. When Sonny is finally pushing inside you, the sensation is almost too much, a whimper leaving your mouth as he holds your waist with one hand, the other one still busy with your clit. Your eyes roll back, your thoughts in disarray as you feel him hard and throbbing so deep within you. 
‘Fuck.’ he groans, looking down at you as your legs wrap around him. ‘You are so damn gorgeous.’ 
You do feel gorgeous with him. No shyness, no self-consciousness. Even though you’ve never been this exposed, in every sense of the word, you don’t feel vulnerable, on the contrary. Sonny pulls back, just to plunge into you again, slowly but deliberately, with just the right amount of force. 
‘Yes, just like that.’ you cry out, one hand reaching for his arm for hold, the other one gripping the sheets in absolute bliss. 
He feels wonderful, his cock plunging into you, stretching you, hitting your gspot at the most perfect angle. Sonny increases his pressure on your swollen clit, his thumb circling faster, expertly bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Just watching him burying himself into your pussy is enough to send you over but you hold back, digging your heels into his back to get him even deeper. He moans your name, and you can feel his thighs tense under you with each thrust.
‘You’re so hot, baby. Shit! It feels so good to finally be inside you.’ Sonny leans down to kiss you before sitting back again, pulling your hips toward him to pick up the pace a bit more.  
You love it, being handled by him, being fucked by him. And you’ve always wanted to see him come undone like this, to lose control. 
‘Fuck me harder.’ you beg, voice shaky, and Sonny obliges, withdrawing his fingers from your clit to grab your waist with both hands and tilting your pelvis for even better access before bucking his hips against you harder and faster.
Holy shit! You don’t know if you’re able to hold back for much longer, having him pound into you like this, the ache between your thighs almost unbearable. You want this to last but you want to come, want him to come. And you know he’s right there with you as you hear his breath hitch, and he pauses for a moment, his cock swallowed by your tight, wet warmth. 
‘Sonny!’ you sound more frantic than you had anticipated, being so close to bursting, your walls already fluttering around him.
‘I love you.’ he gasps, eyes lost in yours. 
‘I love you, too.’ you reply, reaching out to touch him. 
He smiles, still not moving, and you are getting desperate now, grinding your hips against him. Sonny gets the hint, his fingers back on your pulsing clit, starting to pump into your glistening cunt again. His movements are erratic now, and he’s close to his own orgasm, as you whimper, your velvety walls squeezing him. You come hard, almost choking on your own breath, and as your body convulses you feel him jerk, flooding your hole with his release. 
‘F-fuckkk, Sonny! Yes, yes, yes!’ you cry out as you see stars, shaking around him. 
‘Jesus, fuck!’ he curses, pumping his cum into your twitching cunt, making you shudder again and again. 
Sonny lets go of your hips, collapsing on top of you, capturing your lips in an exhausted kiss, his body still trembling. You wrap your arms around him, relishing the intimacy of more skin contact. You can’t believe he is really yours. 
‘I hope that was even better than in your thoughts.’ he whispers after a while, still a little out of breath.
You smile as you continue to run your fingers through his hair, your heart pounding in your chest which you’re certain he can feel. If someone had told you the night would end with Sonny and you, not only naked in bed together but confessing your love to each other, you wouldn’t have believed it. It doesn’t feel real but at the same time it’s the realest thing you have ever experienced in your life. 
‘So much better. And there’s so much more I’ve been thinking about.’ you smirk as Sonny lifts his head to meet your gaze, biting his lip.
‘I can’t wait for you to tell me.’ 
request a prompt from the smut prompt list 🔥
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archiveikemen · 5 months
『Love Sparks From A Mean Lie』 Collection Event
Ellis Twilight
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
Kate: … Haa…
Ellis: Nn… a little more…
Our lips finally parted, albeit reluctantly.
I loved kissing Ellis, but I also loved the moment when our lips parted.
It made me happy seeing the affectionate look in his eyes as he gazed at me.
Kate: … Ah.
Ellis: What’s wrong?
Kate: You smell like cigarette smoke…
Kate: Fufu. Must’ve rubbed off on you from Jude.
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Ellis: …
Ellis’ twilight coloured eyes flickered like a flame in the wind for a split second, but it was so brief that I thought I could've been mistaken…
Ellis: Can we… continue?
Our lips met again, the slight feeling of unease pushed to the back of my head.
Victor: … Come, let's go through again the plan for today's mission.
Victor: Jude, Ellis, Kate, the three of you will be attending a social party.
Victor: Our target for this mission is a noble who has been suspected for involvement in smuggling dangerous goods.
Victor: Jude will propose a business deal and observe the target’s response.
Victor: In the meantime, Ellis and Kate will keep an eye on the surroundings to make sure there are no suspicious activities.
Kate: Understood.
Ellis: Got it.
Victor: Jude, let’s discuss the deal you’ll propose to the target. We need to make it sound real!
While Victor and Jude went on with their talk, Ellis approached me quietly.
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Ellis: … Hey, Kate.
Kate: What's the matter? Ah… is it about the mission?
Ellis: Nope. Not that…
Ellis: Just wanted to tell you that the underwear I’m wearing today is incredibly sexy.
Kate: …
Kate: … HUH!?
(Ellis’ underwear is… s-sexy…?)
Unable to comprehend what he just said, for a moment it felt like any thoughts I had just got flung into the void.
Ellis: Fufu, look at you frozen. You’re so cute.
Ellis had an innocent smile on his face, like a little boy who successfully played a prank.
(I didn't hear that wrong…)
Kate: Um…
Victor: Ellis. Can we go through the weapons you’ll be carrying for the mission?
Ellis: Okay, got it.
Ellis: … Remember what I said, Kate.
Ellis: When I come home from the mission, I’ll show you what I’m wearing.
Without being able to confirm what he really meant by that statement…
Ellis went to check weapons with Victor.
(W-What is “sexy underwear!? I’ve never seen such a thing before…)
(Doesn’t Ellis always wear regular underwear…?)
Kate: U-Uhh… Jude. Has Ellis bought any strange things recently?
I asked Jude who had just finished talking to Victor, and he gave me a puzzled look.
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Jude: Strange things…?
Jude: Ahh, yeah he did. He bought something pretty damn strange.
(“Strange”... so he DID buy sexy underwear!?)
(... What is men’s sexy underwear?)
And so the mission began, and it went without a hitch…
All I could think of was Ellis’ underwear.
Even after we returned to the castle, my head was still full of Ellis.
(I want to ask Ellis about the true meaning of what he said and clear this up quickly, but…)
(He went to see Victor to report on the mission, so I can’t do that until he gets back.)
Kate: *sigh*...
Liam: Kate. The tea I carefully poured for you has gone cold, you know?
Kate: Oh… you’re right.
I drank the cup of cold tea in one go when Liam pointed that out.
Kate: Sorry, I got too carried away thinking about underwear…
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Liam: Underwear…?
Harrison: … Is that something we should be hearing?
Kate: Ah, not my underwear!
(It’s pointless fretting about this alone… I should ask the two of them for advice.)
Kate: Generally speaking… what does it mean when someone buys bold underwear?
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Liam: You mean something like underwear set aside for special occasions?
Harrison: … I have now decided that I’m disengaging myself from this conversation.
Liam: Hmm. It could also be to spice up their bedroom life with their lover, I guess?
Kate: Bedroom…
Liam: There could be other reasons too, of course; like buying it just because it’s cute or it gets them in the mood.
Liam: Ellis doesn’t seem to be the type of guy to care about such things, so he must've bought it for you.
Harrison: … He’s probably up to his usual “it’s for Kate’s happiness” shenanigans again.
Kate: Eh!? I-I never said it was Ellis’ underwear…
Harrison: If it isn’t about you, then it must be about Ellis.
Liam: Yeah. … It’s a whole other problem altogether if you’re talking about someone else’s underwear.
(It was that obvious…)
(To spice up our bedroom life… huh.)
(... Does that mean he’s unsatisfied with our current situation?)
Kate: … Okay then.
I made a decision and headed to my bedroom.
Ellis: Kate, I’m back.
Kate: Ellis…! Welcome back!
The man who had been running through my mind all day returned.
Kate: Um… about what you said earlier today…
Ellis: Fufu… were you curious about it the whole time?
Ellis noticed my fidgeting and laughed in amusement.
Ellis: … Okay. Want to check it out yourself?
Ellis removed his belt and guided my hand to his pants.
Kate: …
My heart was racing at the thought of finally seeing what he meant by “sexy underwear”.
— Or so I thought.
What I saw when I pulled down Ellis’ pants was none other than a pair of the ordinary underwear he has always worn.
Kate: … Isn’t this your usual underwear?
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Ellis: Yup. I was lying about the sexy underwear.
Kate: What!? Why would you…
Ellis: Remember when we were making out last night, you mentioned that Jude’s scent rubbed off on me?
Kate: I did, but…
Ellis: … I don’t like it. I don't like it that your mind shifted to Jude even for just a moment.
Ellis: That’s why… I wanted to get “revenge” for that by making sure I’m all you can think of today.
He was indeed all I could think of today, just like he intended.
Kate: … I see. I’m sorry.
Ellis: Don’t apologise, okay? It’s my fault for being so narrow-minded. Also…
Ellis: … I’m sorry for giving you false hope about seeing my underwear, Kate.
Ellis: I didn’t expect to see you get that disappointed when you pulled down my pants to see my usual underwear…
Kate: T-That’s not the case! Apart from being surprised because I’ve been curious about it for a while, I promise there’s no deeper meaning to it…
Kate: It’s because even Jude said you bought something strange recently…!
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Ellis: I bought something strange recently…? … Oh.
Ellis: Al said he wanted that, so I was only buying it on his behalf… that should be what Jude was referring to.
(I misunderstood…!)
Ellis: … I’m sorry for lying to you. Do you forgive me?
Kate: I forgive you. … But can you leave my room for a bit?
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Ellis: … Are you angry at me?
Kate: Not at all! It’s just… there was a misunderstanding…
Ellis: Misunderstanding?
Kate: … I thought that the reason why you bought sexy underwear was because you were unsatisfied with our bedroom life.
Kate: So…
Kate: … I-I put on that kind of lingerie too. … S-Sexy lingerie. Now I want to change back to my normal underwear.
Ellis: … You’re wearing it now?
Kate: Y-Yes…
Ellis: I want to see it. Show me.
Ellis forcefully pushed me onto the bed.
Ellis: … Since it’s something you prepared just for me, I want to appreciate it properly.
When he said that in such an endearing way, it made me feel like I had no choice but to give in.
That “thing” I prepared was perfectly effective…
My heart was once again filled with joy from the sweet feelings of love that sparked from a lie.
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lainiespicewrites · 1 year
Coach Syverson Part 2
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I really didn't think I was going to finish writing this so soon but ya'll loved the first part! and I love writing this so here it is the final part with all the good stuff! Also it's 4 am and I probably should have proof read this. but I didn't. Iwas so excited to get it posted because You guys BLEW UP the first part so THANK YOU!!!
Warnings: SMUT at the end, Oral (m and f receiving), (p in v), lots of cusring in the end , so much praising because you know he would!!
Sy was in coach mode with the team as I looked over the sign in sheet and greeted the students that were traveling to watch the game. Most of the students were loaded onto the bus now. Thank God because I was so distracted by him. There was something about seeing him like this, he was so in charge and in control. He had their full attention and he never had to work to get it. He had those boys respect the first time he walked out to the field. But he earned it too. He was such a good coach. I loved listening to the way he spoke with them.
“Alright boys,” I listened as he pulled the team into a huddle before they got on the bus next to ours. “Listen first and foremost I want y’all to go out there and pay hard. That’s what we’ve been practicing. We’ve watched their tape. These guys are a little bigger than you but that doesn’t matter. We’re faster. You come at ‘em low and fast they’re gonna go down. Matt I need your eyes on that ball at all times man! We just about lost some points last week because of misdirection and we ain’t gonna let that happen again right?” 
“No, sir! I got you coach!”
“Atta boy! Derek, you keep throwing that ball like you’ve been in practice this week and we’ll be in good shape!” Derek just nodded. Sy smiled. “Alright, now boys I don’t want any messing around in the locker room. You go in, and be respectful, I want them talking about how great of character our team has just as much as they’re talking about how good we play, understood?”
“Yes coach!” The boys chanted in unison. 
“Alright, load up let’s go!” The boys started cheering. I smiled. I loved watching him with them. The way he got them all fired up. And he matched their energy. He was so adorable right now. Joking around with the boys and 
“Hey Miss Plummer!” right, I’m not a teenager watching my crush, I’m an adult, I have a job to do. 
“Hi Caitlyn! Are you ready for the game tonight?” I smiled at her. She was all decked out with the eye under eye black and Tyler's jersey number painted on her cheek in the school colors. She and a few of the other girls made t-shirts and were wearing them to support a few of the players they were friends with. 
“So ready!!” She squealed, bouncing a little on the balls of her feet. She looked over toward the buses where the team was loading the bus with their equipment, where I had been staring off earlier. “He’s so cute isn’t he?” She said, I raised an eyebrow and smirked a little. 
“Are you excited to watch Tyler play?” I chuckled. 
“Yeah, But I meant coach Sy, are you two finally together? He totally likes you! Everyone knows it! And you two would be so cute together!! The students talk about it all the time. I mean you’re wearing his hoodie Miss Plummer!” Wow that girl talks fast. He likes… no. But if the students see it? Am I really that blind? He bought my dinner, He brings me coffee, he called me his work wife. But I’m not his body type. These things don’t happen. Are my insecurities really that deep rooted that I can’t take the advice I give my students? But still. When I was in school I remember rumors spreading about teachers seeing each other all the time and they usually…. Well actually. Now that I think about it. They normally ended up being true. Some of them were even scandals. I shook my head. 
“Slow down sweetheart,” I managed to let out a chuckle even though I kind of felt like I was having a crisis. “Coach Sy and I are friends, I’m just borrowing his sweatshirt because I didn’t have one. It’s sweet that you all care about us so much. I love that. I do. But well, that’s all it is, honey.” She nodded sadly. And looked back at the other bus and over at Sy. He caught us looking at him and smiled. 
“Miss Plummer,” She sighed exasperated, like me not understanding my own love life was exhausting for her.   “I don’t wanna over step but I overheard him and Mrs. Spencer talking. She came into his class at the end of the day Wednesday smiling and stuff. And like I wasn’t TRYING to eavesdrop but I heard them talk about you and I just couldn’t resist ya know? Anyway, she said she had this idea, she could back out of coming today so he could hang out with you and well…. Nevermind.” I raised an eyebrow. 
“Caitlyn, what have we said about gossiping?” I said. 
“Girl, It’s true though, that man’s got it bad for you Miss P.” I shook my head and smiled
“Get on the bus Caitlyn,”  
“Okay fine, But when you guys get married, can I be in the wedding?” I rolled my eyes. “Guess that’s a no.” She said and stepped on the bus. I looked over one last time. Sy was double checking something on his clipboard while the boys finished up. He looked up and we made eye contact. He winked and I blushed, giving him a little wave before I followed Caitlyn on to the bus. Things took off fast when we got to the other school. Sy took the boys straight to the locker room to gear up because we got a little stuck in traffic. Myself and the two other chaperones led the students to their section in the bleachers and about 15 minutes later we were at kick off. Sy was completely in his comfort zone out there. 
Our boys had the ball first. Sy had his couch voice on shouting a couple of corrections from the sidelines. The team made a good play but in the end the other boys were bigger and their defense was strong. We had to settle for three points instead of a touchdown. 
The whole first quarter of the game stayed that way. The boys managed to keep the other team out of the end zone. The start of the second quarter the other team had the ball. They made a play and when one of our boys Zach Owens went to tackle the player he lost his footing. It had rained earlier in the day and the  He slipped but still grabbed the player by the ankle. He got him down but he ended up at the bottom of a dog pile. Another player reached out to give Zach a hand to help him up, but he fell back immediately when he tried to stand. He was hurt. 
I immediately looked to Sy, I was on the first level of the bleachers standing against the railing. I was close enough to see him curse under his breath before running onto the field. The medic followed him out. I walked out to the sideline. Sy and the medic got Zach up but he couldn’t put any pressure on his left ankle. Everyone cheered for him while they walked him off the field. Poor kid was going to be out the rest of the game. 
“You’re gonna be alright man,” Sy said as they got him to the bench. “This guy’s gonna wrap that ankle and then you just chill here. Just breathe,” He clapped him on the shoulder and turned back to his place on the sidelines. The boys were starting the next play and already the other team scored a touchdown on us. I walked up to him hesitantly. He shouted something about tightening the defense. I jumped a little. I'd never been this close to him in coach mode. It was kinda hot though. What was I saying? I came up next to him brushing my shoulder against his.  He looked over and his shoulders relaxed a little and he smiled when he saw it was me. “Hey Sugar,”
“Is he gonna be okay?” I asked. He nodded. 
“Yeah, It’s not broken but he sprained it real good. He’s gonna be down at least a couple weeks. He’s our best tackle.” He sighed softly and his lips quirked up into a sad lopsided smile
“I know, that’s gonna kill us. But the boys can pull through. They’ve got you as a coach.” I smiled. He threw his arm around me and pulled me against his side squeezing my shoulder. 
“You’re so damn sweet,” he said. I blushed and turned into his shoulder to hide my face. “You’re freezing, darling,” He ran his hand up and down my arm for a minute “shit,” he mumbled. He pulled out a 10 dollar bill from his pocket “I told ya I pay for coffee tonight, meant to give this to you earlier.”  He looked down at me, his blue eyes briefly holding my gaze as he grinned. 
“Logan you don’t have to do that,” I said trying to push his hand away. He raised an eyebrow and shook his head. 
“You say that an awful lot. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t want to. Now quit arguing with me and take it.” He narrowed his eyes at me and nodded down at the cash in his hand. I rolled my eyes and sighed.
“You know, you can be a real diva when you don’t get you’re way.” I said taking it from him. 
“Are you complaining about free coffee?” He smirked and pulled me close to his side again keeping me warm. 
“No,” I chuckled softly. I looked back at the bleachers watching some of my kids for a second. A few of them were a little two close for comfort. “I’d better get back up there,” I said sadly. I really liked being next to him. 
“Yeah, I guess you should.” He left his arm around me a few seconds longer before he finally let me go. He was such a teddy bear sometimes. As I was making my way back to the bleachers I heard. A few of the boys on the team talking, 
“OOOOH Coach you look at you,” One of them said
“That was smooth. Can you teach me how to do that?” 
“You gonna be gettin some later coach.” The last one spoke. Logan’s voice was stern but still playful. 
“Y’all wanna match zach on the bench next week? I won’t hesitate. Watch it! What is that an extra 3 laps to the 5 you were already running on monday Tyler?” He smirked. 
“Damn Coach!! You Savage!” One of the other boys piped in. 
“You wanna join him, Jake?” He mused. 
“No Sir, I’m good!” He spoke quickly and I laughed to myself as I walked back up the bleachers. 
I sat with the students for a while breaking up a few young couples trying to get a little too close while they were away from mom and dad. I hated to be a buzzkill but they know the rules. 
Sy was back on high alert. At the start of the third quarter the boys were down by 10 points. They shouldn’t have been the refs missed and obvious penalty against the other team for shoving one of our guys. I was definitely part of the crowd that was screaming at that point. But right now Derek, our quarterback had gotten the boys down the field and they were set up for another touch down. They made the play. He threw a complete pass to tyler and they got the points! Every was cheering. With the extra kick good the boys only need one more touch down to get ahead. 
The rest of the quarter went by and then only 2 minutes left in the 4th quarter. The team was still down by 3 points. The clock was running out they had 45 seconds left we had the ball but we were only at the 40 yard line. We needed a miracle. But Sy taught our boys well. Derek found an opening and through a perfect pass down the field to Matt. The whole crowd was on their feet. He Caught the pass at the 20 yard line and ran the rest of the way down the field into the end zone with 10 seconds left. We got the touch down. The student section was shaking the bleachers jumping around. The game finished and we let the kids run down to wait by the gate to make  a tunnel for the team to run through. I walked down to the side lines to wait in a crowd of people to see the winning coach. 
While I looked over keeping an eye on the kids while they celebrated with the team. I held my coffe close to my chest too keep me and my hands warm. I loved seeing Sy like this. This is totally where he belonged. He looked famous talking with the other coaches and people asking him about what he was working on with the team. I over heard two ladies having a conversation a few feet infront of me.
“Their coach is so handsome,” The first one said. She was tall, Thin long blonde hair. Wearing some sporty leggings the looked super expensive and the other teams spirit wear.
“Oh I know! You think he’s single?” The other said she looked similar to the other woman but a little shorter and her hair was darker. 
“I don’t know I saw that lady with him earlier but, he’s gorgeous and well, I mean I don’t wanna sound rude but she seemed a little big to be his type.” The blonde said. 
“No I know what you mean when I saw him with his arm around here I was like… if that’s his wife… well he could’ve done better.” My heart dropped. I knew they were talking about me. I felt like I was going to be sick. I knew it. Everything, I’d always felt, every reason I told everyone they were wrong. These two just confirmed it. Logan would never see me as anything more than a friend. My insecurities just kept bubbling to the surface the way I felt about my body and what I’d worked on for years all came rushing back. I ran right passed them missing the shocked look on their faces. They hadn’t realized I’d been so close. It didn’t matter they were right. 
I didn’t hear him either. Excusing himself from the other men he’d been talking two and calling after me. I ran into the bathrooms locking the door behind me and took a deep breath. You’re not crying not here. You’re a big girl. Hold it in until you’re alone. I calmed myself down and took one last deep breath before walking back out. 
Logan was leaning on the wall outside the door waiting. 
“Hey Sugar, you alright? You looked like you were gonna be sick? Feeling okay?” Shit I didn’t even know he’d noticed me walk by. I nodded taking another deep breath and staring at the ground. 
“Yeah, just um, felt a little off for a second.” I said. “I’ll be alright. You’d better get back to the boys.” He put his hand on my shoulder and I shrugged him off. I looked up and saw the confused look in his eyes.
“I’m meeting the boys at the bus, it’s a late night so we’re headed straight back.” he stated. “You sure you’re okay sugar, why don’t you ride back with me, I can keep an eye on ya. And the boys wanna thank their good luck charm for being here.” he smiled. 
“No, I mean. No that’s sweet of them. And nice of you to offer but. It’s not fair to the others. I said I’d chaperone I can’t just leave them short like that.” I said. 
“They won’t be Carol will be …”he paused and groaned.
“What do you mean Carol will be there? She couldn’t come tonight.” I was confused now. 
“Damnit this isn’t how I wanted to do this. She was always going to be here. Uh she was helping me out… with…” 
“Caitlyn was right,” I cut him off. 
“I thought she was listening,” He chuckled and shook his head. “She told ya huh? Well cats out of the bag then, I uh,” He laughed and let out a shaky breath rubbing the back of his neck. “I really like you Darlin’, I have for a while.” He smiled sheepishly and bit his lip. My hands were shaking and all of a sudden I felt sick again. This is what I’d always wanted but I didn’t feel real. I couldn’t be here right now. Surely there was a punchline waiting there always was. This was a joke right. Those women from earlier are right around the corner somewhere recording. How could I be so stupid. I shook my head. Tears were welling up in my eyes. 
“I, I have to go, they’re gonna need my help loading the buses.” I said and ran past him toward the parking lot. He called after me but I kept walking. When I got to the parking lot only one of our buses was still there. I let out a slow breath and then sighed. “God I’m a fucking idiot,” I groaned. 
“I uh.. Sent the other bus ahead” I heard Sy say from behind me. I stood there for a second quietly and then just nodded. “Wait here, I gotta talk to the boys and then we’ll head out,” He said. 
I watched him walk over. Some of the boys started to whistle and holler. I couldn’t hear Logan but he shut it down quick. The boys loaded up into the bus and gestured for me to follow. He gave me a soft smile and followed me on sitting in the seat across from mine. Other than the boys celebrating the game in the back ground it was a silent ride home. How did I screw this up so bad. He planned out this whole thing. But, somehow I still don’t believe this. My phone lit up with a text from the girls. 
“How was the game? I saw you guys won!” Skyler sent. I needed them right now. I looked over at sy he was scrolling on his phone, or looking out the window, I didn’t know what to say right now. I texted the girls back. 
“The game was good, But I’m an idiot.” I replied. 
“How so?” Hayley texted back quickly. I poured out everything into the text. They knew why I felt he shouldn’t like me, even if I never said it. So I’m sure that was no surprise to them. I told them about what those women had said. And my little panic attack. Sy telling me how he felt and how I ran off. And when I finally clicked together that he had put this together so he could ask to take me out. And How I royally fucked it all up. 
“Oh Alayna, I’m sorry. That really sucks. But have you tried talking to him about any of this.”  Skyler said. 
“I didn’t have the time, and I can’t, He probably already hates me now and realizes I was never worth it anyway.”
“Stop it dude! I don’t wanna hear that from you. Clearly he thinks you are. He went through all that effort because he wanted to make sure he got the right opportunity. So he would care if you told him! You need to tell him what you’re feeling. I know it’s scary but you have to.” Hayley sent back. 
“She’s right Alayna, I know this is hard, but he’s not in this to hurt you, I know people have before but girl, You can’t believe for the rest of your life every man is the same. Pull him aside when you get back. You can fix this. We love you!!” 
I knew they were right. But I didn’t have much time to muster up the courage to do anything. When I looked up from my phone we were pulling back up to the school. The team got off the bus. “Alright boys! Get home safe, I’ll see you Monday morning for practice,” Sy said before letting them go. I grabbed my things from the bus and headed to my car. But when I got there I noticed something wasn’t right my shoulders slumped. I’d left a light on when I was searching for a jacket. God I hope it didn’t drain my battery. I got in and tried to start it. But of course. What’s that saying. If it can go wrong it will. I got out and slammed the door shut. “Fuck!” I shouted. I couldn’t help it now the damn broke and I couldn’t help but start crying “I’m so stupid!” I kicked at  tire and slammed my fist on the hood of my car. “Ow fuck!” I held my hand that was now throbbing. 
“Woah, Hey, What’s going on?” Sy asked coming up behind me quicking after hearing me shouting. 
“It’s nothing, I'm sorry. My… battery died. I left a light on. My car won’t start.” I hiccuped trying to control my breathing. He pulled me into his chest and hugged me.
“Okay, It’s gonna be alright. Breath. Good girl. Calm down.” He spoke softly. “Now,” he pulled away slightly to look at me in they eyes. “Do you have jumper cables?” I shook my head 
“No I, had some old ones and I threw them out and never replaced them I… forgot.” he nodded. And let go leaving me against his car to go check the tool box in the back of his truck.
“Shoot. Yeah, I thought so,” He mumbled to himself, “Sorry, sugar. I left mine in my garage.” He said. I nodded. “It’ll be fine here tonight, I can take you home.” Again I just nodded. I heard him let out a deep breath. “Did I,” He paused. “Did I do something wrong? I, I just thought... Maybe I was reading it wrong. I was just sure that you felt…”
“I do,” I said cutting him off. “ I do feel the same. I just don’t understand why, you feel the way you do. I …” I didn’t know what else to say I just kept staring at the pavement.
“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I? You’re gorgeous. Shit, I’ve been flirtin’ with you since I met you. You really couldn’t see it?” I shook my head. 
“No,” I said finally looking up at him. “I wanted to. I really wanted to, but I just couldn’t believe that a guy as good looking as you would find me attractive.” I said. He chuckled softly. “Don’t laugh at me!” I pouted. 
“I’m not, it’s just, baby, you might just be the dumbest smart girl i’ve ever met. Seriously, that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. And I coach teenage boys!” I smiled a little. “There she is. You wanna tell me what’s goin on in that pretty little head of yours? He asked. I took a deep breath. It’s now or never. 
“I was waiting to talk to you after the game, and I heard these women talking. They were talking about how handsome you are. And if you were single. One of them had said they’d seen me with you on the sidelines. She made a comment about my weight and that there was no way I would be your type. And The other girl said some things too. I felt really insecure. I already didn’t believe that you would be into me but when I heard someone else say it, it solidified it for me. And then when you told me how you felt. It felt like a joke. I felt like I was in high school again and everyone was going to gather around and start laughing. And to be honest. My experiences since then haven’t been great. I haven’t been with good guys. I just I was afraid I was going to be hurt. Honestly sometimes I don’t even know how I do this job because I can’t even take my own advice.” I looked down again. It was a relief to let it all out but if I looked him in the eye I was going to start crying again. I was already weak enough in this moment. 
Sy stepped back around the car to where I was standing. He gently put his hands on my hips and pulled against him. He brought one hand up brushing the hair out of my face and resting it on my cheek. “I wish you could understand how wrong they are. I know you don’t not right now. But I’m gonna help you see yourself the way I do Sugar,” He didn’t hesitate any longer. He pressed us further against the car and leaned down pressing his lips to mine. His lips were soft and his body was warm against mine. He kissed me slowly and soft his beard tickling against my jaw. I snaked my hands around his neck pulling him closer. And I felt him smile against my lips. He pulled away slowly eyes fluttering open still holding me against him. “Baby you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that. I don’t know what other people have said to you. Or what you’ve been through. But when I tell you you’re beautiful I mean it. And when say I wanna take you home with me, it aint no joke baby. Do you trust me?” He askes staring down at me holding my face in his hands. 
“I trust you Logan, so much that is scares me.” I admitted. 
“I’d never hurt you like that Darlin’ that’s a promise.” I pulled him down and kissed him again. Harder this time. He groaned against my lips and squeezed my hip pulling me closer. He slid his hand into my hair holding me there as he started to gently suck on my bottom lip. We pulled away to catch our breath and had big goofy grin on his face as he leaned his forehead against mine.  “I’d love to do this all night baby,” He chuckled. “But its late and its only gonna get colder out here, I need to get you home.” I blushed. 
“Yeah, it’s almost midnight. We really should get going.” 
He  opened the passenger door of the truck for me and made sure I got in okay before he shut the door and got in on the other side. He started the truck and we pulled out of the parking lot. 
“Sy?” I spoke softy. 
“Yeah baby?” He looked over just for a second to let me know he was listening. 
“Did you mean it, when you said you wanted to take me home with you?” I asked. He literally snorted. 
“What do you think?” He smirked taking one hand of the wheel and resting it on my thigh. I could feel my heart rate speed up and I was blushing. How the hell was it so easy for him to turn me on?
“I want to.” I said. He looked like he was about to choke. 
“Yeah? You don’t have to Sugar, I didn’t mean… I mean I want you to. But I don’t want you to fee like I’m pressuring you or anything. Shit I ain’t even taken you out yet. Not really.” I grabbed his hand and squeezed it softly. 
“Logan, I really want to.” I said. He just smiled. 
“Alright, baby.” 
He drove us back to his place parking the truck in his drive way. “Right this way Darlin,” He smirked leading me up the front steps and unlocking the door. I followed him inside and he quickly shut the door behind him backing me up against it. “You really have no idea what your doing to me do you baby?” He licked his lips looking me up an down hungrily. I’d never seen him like this. The look in his eye was almost, animalistic. And it was so. Fucking. Hot. “Here I was thinking you were an innocent little thing.” He pinned my against the door holding me there in his hands. He leaned down crushing his lips against mine. This was different than the kisses we’d shared earlier , slow and sensual, this was hungry, needy. “Practically begging me to bring you home. You know how long I’ve been thinking about this? Getting you home with me? Under me? Fuck.” he breathed
He pulled me away from the wall and pulled at the bottom of his hoodie I was still wearing. I lited my arms and let him pull it over my head along with my shirt leaving them in a pile on the floor. We walked a little farther into the house. He pulled his shirt off tossing it next to us as he pulled me into his lap on the couch. I leaned back to admire his toned chest running my fingers throught the soft curls there. He slid his hand into my hair groaning into my mouth as he pulled me in for another kiss. He bit my bottom lip slowly dragging it between his teeth. He started. Peppering kisses down my jaw before leaving wet kisses along my neck. 
His hands were everywhere roaming over bra squeezing my breasts, running them down my sides and around grabbing my ass. I felt his hand move around my back plaing with the clasp of my bra. “Need this off baby.” He mumbled against my chest. He managed to undo it and I let it fall tossing it to the floor. “Mm fuck yes,” He moaned dipping his head down taking one of my nipples into his mouth and teasing the other with his thumb. I moaned and rolled my hips against his. I could feel his hard cock straining aginst his jeans. He groaned against me giving the other nipple attention. 
“You’re so fucking gorgeous.” He said stood from the couch picking me up and wrapping my legs around his waist. 
“Sy!” I Squealed. He carried me to his bedroom setting me on his bed. He crawled on top of me. His hands were already on the waist band of my leggings. 
“Is this okay,” He paused. I nodded eagerly and he chuckled. “Good girl.” He pulled them down swiftly with my panties leaving me completely bare infront of him. “Fucking beautful” he said as he starting kissng down my stomach. He nipped at my thigh leaving wet kisses there.  He pushed my legs open a little further and pulled me to the end of the bed. I was completely exposed to him but I didn’t care. I trusted him completely. He met my gazed and ran his and up my thigh before brushing his fingers through my folds. I moaned as his fingers brushed across my clit “God damn baby, all this for me? Fuckin soaked. “ He smirked He pressed his thumb to my clit rubbing in rough circles. 
“Fuck!” I moaned “Logan please!” I grabed his wrist the sensation already feeling overstimulating. It’s been so long. 
“We’ll get there baby.” He teased. Finally he kissed down my inner thigh and brushed his tongue against my clit.
“Oh my god!” I whimpered ran my fingers over his hair as he sucked on my clit. He slid two finger inside me pumping slowly. I squirmed against him but he used his other hand to hold my hips down. God he was so strong. 
“Keep still sugar. Don’t make me tell ya again,” He said before going back to work on my clit and curving his fingers in side me pumping them a little faster. I was seeing starts. I pushed his head down holding him there. 
“Oh my god, don’t stop!” I moaned. I came hard around his fingers and he slid them out and licked them clean. 
“Mm you taste so good baby. So fuckin’ sweet.” He stood up from the bed finally ridding himself of his jeans and boxers. His hard cock rested against his stomach. He was huge. I bit my lip and he chuckled. 
“I’ll go easy on you baby,” he said as he started crawling on top of me again.
“Mm wait,” He stopped raising an eye brow. I pushed him back against the pillows and kisses his lips softly. I kissed down his chest and finally settled between his legs. I bit my lip and looked up at him innocently “Just wanna taste it,”  He smirked. 
“Dirty little girl ain’t ya, mm” he pulled my hair back guiding me down. I licked the length of his cock. He groaned softly. I loved the sounds he made. So deep and almost feral. I finally took the tip in my mouth and slowly started to suck him off. I took him as far as I could letting him hit the back of my throat. He growled. “That’s it baby, good girl.” I kept bobbing my head on his cock and wrapped my and around the base where I couldn’t fit him in. I felt him tug on my hair and pull me up. “That feels amazing baby but I’m not gonna last if you keep that up.” 
He kissed me again and laid me down pulling leg over his shoulder. He ran the head of his cock up and down my folds getting it nice and wet. “You ready baby girl?” I nodded. He slowly pushed in. He held him self up bracing him self on one arm. He pushed in slow inch by inch letting me adjust to him. When he bottomed out he stayed there for a minute. “You okay baby?”
“Logan, it’s sweet that you’re asking but please fuck me.”  He let out a low growl and pulled almost all the way snapping his hips back into me. I moaned feeling him deep inside me. He grabbed my hip pulling me closer and kept thrusting into me. He moaned as he reached between us finding my clit with his thumb. The rythem of his thrusts and hitting just the right spot had me seeing stars. I came again around him moaning his name and other obscenities falling from my lips. “That’s it good girl.” He pulled out and flipped me over onto my stomach. He pushed back inside of me this new angle hitting that spot over and over again but I was so sensitive. 
“Come on baby, you got another one for me?” He growled against my ear. 
“Mm I can’t sy, It’s too much,” He reached around rubbing my clit in cirlces with his thumb.
“One more baby, please for me?” He picked up his pace hitting that spot over and over. I Moaned pulling at the sheets beneath me. 
“Fuck I’m cumming!” I moaned letting go around him
“That’s my good girl, cum on my cock.” His thrusts were becoming erratic and he stilled and groan cumming inside me. He kissed my shoulder and layed down beside me. He pulled out slowly and pulled me to lay on his chest. “Holy shit,” He breathed. He fingertips brushed up and down my back. He smiled down at me. “You’re incredible. I don’t deserve you.”
“Shut up Logan,” I blushed Hiding my face against his chest.
“I mean it, your too good for this world Darlin’,” He smiled and kissed my head. “I’m gonna marry you someday, I know I haven’t even really taken you on a date yet. But baby when you know, you know,” 
“Yeah?” I smiled  “I think I know what you mean.” He pulled the blankets up over us and held me for a while. 
“Good, now get some rest Darlin’” He said running his fingers through my hair. I smiled snuggling up against him. 
“Goodnight Sy,” I smiled. 
“Goodnight sugar.”
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saursoob · 1 year
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genre: fluff, random bf txt things, bf!txt x reader
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when you and yeonjun go on dates he takes soo many pics of you and the date you’re on! literally 30 million pictures of you he thinks you’re so beautiful he cant help it but if you’re not also doing the same and taking cute pictures of him as well he’ll get all fake upset “hey, i look cute too! take some of me” and he’ll pose all pretty waiting for you to take some of him 😭
if he playfully teases you and you get a little pouty he’ll definitely notice right away and pull you close and say something like “you’re so cute when you pout” and kiss you on your nose or forehead
he shares his food with you 24/7 “my baby always has to get the first bite” & will always ask after if you liked it “is it good my love?” he says it with such cute eyes UGHH he’s so cutie
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lovess movie nights with you but you especially love when its horror and he tries to act all tough but ends up screaming and hiding in your arms whenever there’s a jump scare and when the the movie ls over he says to you,“honestly that movie wasn’t even that scary” and says it so confidently too 😭
also the way when you make him laugh so hard to the point where he falls on to you laughing and/or shakes you slightly with his hands is literally so adorable + when he laughs his voice slightly squeaks at the ends of them
or the way he gets all flustered when you talk about how he was when you guys first met “you were just so shy soobin i cant help but tease you about it” and he comes up with sooo many excuses waving is hands in the air while a pink hue is tinting his cheeks, “well im just a naturally introverted person!” we all know its because it was love at first sight and that man was already so whipped for u
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loves loves loves being around you hes literally so clingy with you always playing with your fingers or hair he just loves being around you and he feels comforted by just that so cuddling with you is his fav & he absolutely loves when you play with his hair while cuddling especially during loser lover era when his hair was long <3
definitely will apologize first when in a argument but it will take him a while since his mindset is “why do i have to apologize? i didn’t do anything wrong, right?” but he will anyways because he cant stand you being mad at him for long
he loves teasing you but this time when going on a date with you he does it with his looks, tell me why this man pulls up to your date looking so scrumptious in a suit and tie ofc he teases “i look good right babe? i bet you can’t resist me right now” with that smirk of his so true i cant 🧎‍♀️
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taehyun doesn’t often show his affection in physical touch but instead buys you “gifts”, it doesn’t matter whether its food delivered to your house after you get home from work because he knows how tired you must be after a long day or something as random as something he picked up for you while shopping that reminded him of you he’s always thinking of u bae
also when you guys go on dates he is not afraid to spend money on you always making sure you get the best, taking you to five star restaurants and such + acts like its no big deal “babe are u alright?” NO IM NOT?? THIS IS SO FANCY? swear wouldn’t even care if one appetizer is 1000+ dollars like what. anything for u he says so 🤷‍♀️
definitely would “make” you go to the gym with him you went willingly to watch him workout okay at first you were gonna actually work out with him but how can you when your boyfriend looks so good lifting weights like that?!?! its actually impossible not to stare at that sight
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kai is such a reassuring boyfriend like any worries you have GO TO HIM!! not to mention so considerate like whenever you vent to him he’ll always ask “babe, do you want comfort or advice right now?” and by the end of it you’ll forget why you were even worried in the first place UGH kai is the definition of perfect bf
yk how protective he is with his plushes with the members? yeah not with you, he will literally let you borrow his fav plush and yes i say borrow because don’t get me wrong he LOVES you but he’s still a little protective with his babys also you guys definitely have matching plushies he bought you two pucca & garu
you two always talk in baby voices with each other def not in a cringe way though, it’s literally just became a normal thing for you two. at first it was to make fun of each other but now its just randomly. for the record though you don’t always respond back all cute 😭😭 “is it good y/nie?~” you give him the biggest side eye “well now im not hungry thanks!” LMFAO you both laugh about it so dw
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@saursoob reblogs r okay! please don’t repost
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woso-fan13 · 11 months
Whumptober 2023: 24 (Arsenal)
No. 24: “I’ve got a head full of chemicals; mouth full of ridicule.”
Goodbye Note | Neglect | “I thought they were with you.”
Football has been everything for as long as you can remember. You were good when you were younger, and your parents kept pushing you to be better. It took sacrifices from all of you, but it made you a better player. It doesn’t matter if you missed out on birthday parties for training or if you never had time for a sleepover. If you wanted to be the best, this is what you had to do. 
Your parents were right, and your hard work paid off. At age 17, you signed with Arsenal’s first team. Just a month later, you made your debut. Every sacrifice was worth it at that moment. 
It didn’t stop there though, your parents continuing to push you. Extra training, early runs, it was all part of being the best. If you wanted to get better, you needed to pick apart every mistake you made. Real winners don’t make mistakes. 
You adopted this mindset, continuously pushing yourself. You kept up with players older than you with ease, could control the ball without paying attention, could score a goal without looking. But it wasn’t enough. Because you still made mistakes. 
So you started working even harder. You stopped getting a coffee on your drive in in the morning, deciding that it made more sense to run to the stadium before practice. You stopped accepting invites from your teammates, using this time to train instead. You could almost always be found on the pitch or in the gym, only leaving overnight.
You had stopped eating as well as you should, scared to gain extra weight. It would slow you down, make you sloppy. You weren’t sleeping much, finding the quiet hours of the night were best filled with training. You avoided social media, you avoided your friends. Every part of you went to football. 
“Hey, Y/N, can we talk?” Leah asks. 
She’s just finished her rehab for the day, making her way over to you on the pitch. You go to protest, but you see Jonas standing behind her. This doesn’t seem like a conversation you can get out of. 
“Can it wait until after practice?” you ask hopefully, “I don’t want to miss anything.”
Leah shakes her head, “nah, I don’t think you’ll miss anything. C’mon.”
You shoot Jonas a pleading look, begging him to talk Leah into pushing the conversation. He doesn’t say a word. Firing one last shot at the net, you nod. 
“Yeah, let’s go.”
Leah nods, waiting for you to grab a water bottle before leading you to an empty room. It’s not one you’re in frequently, it’s an old media room that was mostly used for storage now. But it had a comfortable sofa and was quiet, and Leah figured that was all you needed. 
Leah pops onto the sofa, motioning you over. Hesitantly, you take a seat on the other half. 
“Good,” Leah starts, “I want to start by saying that whatever we talk about stays in this room. Unless it’s a major concern, it’s between me and you.”
You nod, staying silent. 
“Okay. I was talking with some of the team and we’ve noticed that you’ve been acting differently. I just wanted to check in and make sure everything was alright, see if there was anything we could do to help.”
“I’m fine,” you instantly insist, “I’ve just been busy. Busy is good though, and I think I’ve been improving. If you look at a comparison from the last few games…”
“You’ve been playing very well,” Leah cuts you off, “but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m not worried about you as a teammate, I’m worried about you as a friend.”
You’re quiet, unsure as to what to say. 
“You’ve been here constantly, and you haven’t been hanging out with any of us. I just want you to know that if something is happening, I can help.”
“Everything’s fine, really. I’ve just been sloppy recently, but I’m working on it.”
It’s Leah’s turn to be quiet now, clearly trying to plan her next words carefully. 
“Would you be open to some advice?”
You nod instantly. 
“I’ve been doing this for a while, and I’ve seen a lot of good players. All of the best players, though, love what they do.”
“I do love football,” you interrupt passionately, “I do, I promise. It’s the most important thing in my life.”
“I think that’s the issue. Right now, you don’t love football, but it’s the most important thing in your life. Right now, it's more important than socializing, eating, and sleeping. You’re neglecting yourself to prioritize football. Do you see what the problem is?”
You’re fumbling for an answer, “if I loved football more, I would be even better?”
“Maybe,” Leah says simply, “if you keep going on this path, you might be the best.”
“That’s what I want.”
Ignoring you, Leah continues, “you might also fail. At this point, I’m not sure if your body or your mind is going to fail first. Honestly, it might be both. Then what’s left?”
“What are you talking about, Leah? Football’s important to me and I love it. I’m fine.”
You move to stand up, Leah’s hand stopping you. She asks one question, a question which will undoubtedly change the course of your future. 
“Are you?”
You’re not. 
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Hey if we’re talking about Dean and angels, entirely in good faith I’m sure, you wanna see one of my most personally loathed Dean transgressions?
It’s this bit from season 9:
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[IMG: Dean Winchester with a phone to his ear, facing left, Sam is out of focus in the background of the shot. The captions read “Well, trust me, they’re just monsters with good PR.”]
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[IMG: A man leaning against his car on the side of the road with his phone to his ear, the other side of the conversation. The captions, continued from the previous image, read: “So, if you run into one, torch his ass with holy oil.”]
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[IMG: Later in the same conversation, Dean, leaning back and facing slightly right speaking into his phone. The captions read “And, uh, spread the word.”]
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[IMG: The same as above, Dean continues speaking, the captions now read: “The more hunters that know, the better.”]
I’ve cut for the relevant stuff but that’s Dean’s solution to the problem of a bunch of fallen angels being on earth. Warning hunters about them I get, but this? To Dean angels are monsters with good pr, helping them or even sparing them isn’t in the equation, the solution is to burn them alive with holy oil.
Just to be clear, these are the last words exchanged with Cas on the matter:
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[IMG: Castiel in the foreground looks back at another angel, Hael, who is looking around with concern, holding her harms to her chest and stomach. They are outside, framed next to a dumpster and an outhouse, Castiel is speaking into a payphone. The Captions read “Some are just looking for direction.”]
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[IMG: Dean Winchester holds a cellphone to his ear, listening and looking perturbed, he is in a hospital hallway. The captions, continued from the previous image, read: “Some are just lost.”]
Cas expresses that some of the angels are just lost and confused, that he met one and wants to help her.
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[IMG: Dean in the left half of the frame, looking down, speaking into the phone. The captions read “No Cass, I know you want to help, okay, I do.”]
Dean warns him not to, and I actually like and understand Dean’s point of view here. Dean might understand that Cas cares about the other angels, but he cares a lot more about Cas not getting hurt, and he’s personally seen that some angels are out for his blood, and considering Cas just finished getting tricked by an angel that caused this whole mess I don’t think it’s unreasonable for him to be skeptical of Cas’ judgment here. I mean, no more than his own considering what he’s about to do and also considering, oh yeah, it was Sam and Dean going to Metatron for help that put him back into play in the first place, but this is like understandable and in character. Dean wants Cas to prioritize his own safety, that’s cool.
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[IMG: Castiel, centre frame, looking off to the right, speaking into a payphone, he looks upset. The captions read: “And do what? Just abandon them all?”]
Cas for his part views not helping the angels that he can as wrong, not fighting against them or hurting him, but just not doing everything he can to help. The conversation gets cut off before they can really get into an argument about it, and Cas ultimately takes Dean’s advice and tries to leave Hael and go to the bunker alone.
Now you know and I know that Cas ends up having to kill Hael when she backs him into a corner, despite his attempts to leave peacefully. Dean doesn’t know about that, his last word from Cas is that he wants to help the angels.
Cas has done plenty wrong by heaven, and a lot of what motivates him to help is the weight of that guilt, but his desire to reconcile and repent for his mistakes, and to help the other angels is a well established and consistent trait of his. Dean knows about this, he literally says “I know you want to help.” He just doesn’t care.
Because angels are “monsters with good PR”
anyway this is why I can’t stand it when people claim Cas should’ve trusted Dean with the angel tablet back in season 8. Forget the fact that Kevin literally got kidnapped from the place they were keeping him (and planning to take the angel tablet) two episodes later, Dean himself is not someone who can be trusted with information about angels, not if Cas cares about the well-being of his species, and he does.
Anyway that’s my take on it you’re welcome to disagree obviously, but Imo just because Cas is the poster child for angel massacres doesn’t mean the fact that his best friend seems to consider him and everyone like him to be sub-human isn’t like. An issue.
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softrozene · 1 year
Comforting Female Reader Who Has Experienced an Assault
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Anon asked: Hey honey, I was too shy to ask off of anon... But do you think you could do some HC’s for the boys helping a f!reader who was previously sexually assaulted? I am having a really tough time right now. ( I am handling it all and I have people helping me too) it’s just really weird for me to deal with I guess Thank you sweet Ro!
rdr2 masterlist
I’m sorry to hear that stuff like that is happening to you but if you ever need someone to talk to just to vent or for advice you are always welcome to talk to me since I have experienced past sexual assaults and harassments. It’s always a no-judgment zone when talking to me fyi. Just remember everyone processes it differently but you are not alone and hopefully the people helping you are a strong support system.
I love you anon and I hope these make you feel better.
 I chose almost all the males I usually write for because they would all kill/die for the ones they love. 
Originally published on February 11, 2020
*Speaking to everyone who reads this: These can be taken as platonic relationships or romantic. Just know I am not romanticizing the issue. There will be solid advice. There will be dumb advice. These are after all my headcanons for how I think they would treat the issue with a fem!reader (I think with a male!reader they would act just a little bit differently. This is a sensitive topic so please read the warnings and just remember you are all loved.
Warnings: Angst, PTSD, fluff, mentions of past sexual assault
Hosea Matthews-
He would hear this from you directly
  Would be shocked before he drops everything in order to listen to you
  If you don’t wanna talk about it he won’t push you but he will hint that it may make you feel better
  If it happened all in the past he would piece together some of your tendencies that relate to the assault, what you tend to avoid and whatnot, and basically, he’ll help you so nothing at the camp will trigger you
  If it happened more recently he will try and urge you to tell him who it is so he can sick the boys on them, without your knowledge of course
  He’ll just say “It’s been taken care of Sweetheart. No need to worry about it.”
   Hosea is the most caring one out of them all and will constantly check up on you, see how you are doing/feeling, will get you whatever you want whenever you want, and more importantly will always put others in their place if he feels they are getting on your nerves or are crossing boundaries
  If you do daily talks he’ll always ask if it’s okay to hug you or hold your hand because he wants you to know desperately how much you mean to him and the gang
  If he sees you heading down the wrong path, he will pick you up without a doubt. Orders you to take care of yourself and if you don’t listen to him, he will send Arthur and John the most awkward boys in the universe to go and talk you into doing the stuff he told you to do
  He’ll do about anything you want in order for you to feel better and get past this traumatic experience
  “We can’t change what happened to us. That’s all in the past. However, we can change how it affects us now. How we’ll go on in the future. Turn this into something to make you stronger.”
  Dutch Van Der Linde-
  Will deadass go on a rampage after learning you’ve been assaulted
  All you have to say is that you got hurt by someone- He doesn’t need any details unless you want to fill up the rage he already has
  He will hunt down whoever they are no matter where they are with most of the gang by his side, it doesn’t matter how long ago it was, he wants to see that bastard/bitch who did this to you in the ground
  “And they will surely be dealt with” literally will be his words- Anyway after they are dealt with will he only focus on you
  He’ll be careful with you and probably the most annoying thing he can and will do is, treat you like glass
  It doesn’t matter anymore if this was in the past or more recently, he will make sure someone he trusts is by your side and preferably a woman so probably Miss Grimshaw
  Eventually, he will realize that he is overdoing it but he will give you one of his speeches saying it’s only because he worries about you
  You just gotta be upfront with him, tell him what you need and what you do not need, and he will fix himself after apologizing
  Expect a lot more gifts from yours truly
  By a lot, I mean a lot
  He will make it rain jewelry for you if it means you know how much he cares
  Can’t say that about the money though
  If it still lingers over you he will without a doubt, try and help you through the process of at least accepting what happened well happened
  “Try and focus on the now and make yourself better for the future” Or something along those lines would be his advice
  Arthur Morgan-
  Is a saint no matter what he says
  You would have to tell him face-to-face and rather bluntly that you were assaulted. If you hint at it, he may take a moment before he realizes what you mean
  He won’t act fast but he will sit down with you and have a talk with you
  Of course, he wants to act, his blood would be boiling at the thought of someone even touching you without your consent but for your sake, he will take a breather and wait until you are done venting to him
  He would treat you the same
  He wouldn’t necessarily tread lightly on certain topics unless he sees that it makes you uncomfortable and omg if one of the boys dares to mess with you he will be on their ass in a hot second
  Basically, he may hover but he won’t realize it since he’s treating you the same way as always
  It’s up to you as well to decide the fate of who hurt you
  If you want them dead, he’ll go do it in a heartbeat
  If you want them beaten, he’ll go do it in a heartbeat
  If you want them threatened, he’ll go do it in a heartbeat
  If you don’t want anything done, he’ll just keep an eye on you and make sure you are faring well
  When he’s not at camp he’ll have Hosea, John, or one of the ladies keep an eye on you
  He makes sure that you know you can bother him for anything, he may be grumpy about it but he’ll do it just for you
  If you’re having nightmares or just can’t sleep you can sleep on his cot and he’ll stay with you until you do fall asleep
  If nothing works to make you feel better you bet your ass he’ll take you with him, on rides to town just to get you out and about
  His last resort is letting you see his journal- That’s how you know this boy genuinely cares about you because no one touches the journal
  “People are not so kind. But you are. What I’m tryin’ to say is don’t let that bastard/bitch put out your light. I care ‘bout ya.”
  Charles Smith-
  He would be the most understanding like Hosea
  Would make sure that you are in a safe space mentally before he allows you to vent
  Will reassure you that you are safe no matter what but he will want to get back at this person
  It usually goes against his code for killing but he cares about you and no one deserves to get hurt like that so he will take time out of his day (probably go gather Arthur) and go and kill this person
  Whether you wanted that or not he would have convinced you this person would probably have another person to prey on soon enough
  Speaking of, he will remind you that you are not a victim but a survivor
  He’ll be there for you all the way
  If you need some company he’s there for you even if you don’t want to talk
  Charles can and will be your rock if you need it
  He’ll help pick you up and depending on if it’s okay with you, tell a selective few what happened so they can also help you
  It may be cheesy but I can see Charles in this scenario making you say positive things about yourself in order to ward away the negative thoughts
  “Repeat after me. I am a strong woman. I am resilient. I am a tiger.”
  May or may not be making fun of Mr. Pearson at the last one in order to get you to laugh
  Either way, he’ll make sure you to feed you positive lines almost every day
  If you need to get out he’ll take you on nature rides and remind you out beautiful the world is despite how cruel the people are
  He won’t exactly hover but he will be constantly glancing your way at camp to make sure you are all good
  Tells you venting is actually good without needing to hear the advice
  I forgot to mention it in the others but, all these males will make sure you know self-defense. They give you tips and tricks with each weapon of their choice that way no one will mess with you again
  You can always rely on Charles to give you good advice though. Understands that sometimes you just need someone to rely on so you know you’re not alone
  “I know you. You are strong and beautiful. Don’t give anyone the power to doubt yourself. Only you have that power.”
  John Marston-
  Is fucking awkward when it comes to this kind of thing
  He will 100% see red as soon as you tell him and no matter what no one but Arthur, Dutch, and Hosea can stop him from going after the person who hurt you (and those three will join him tbh)
  He is not the best to talk to about this so he’s okay if you just need the company
  May take you to a saloon and get you a drink or two just to ease you, will not give you more
  Honestly, I see John as completely awkward and not knowing what to do for this situation. He’s at a loss and if the problem (the person) has been dealt with wouldn’t know how to help you
  He would go ask the girls how to cheer you up or make you feel better, go to Hosea would be a better option and would finally just ask you what you need and how so you don’t get stuck in your PTSD
  Though he may understand but not in the way that is relatable. He’ll understand the nightmares and such but he won’t understand if you fear that person because his situations have always been near death
  He will desperately try to understand you though
  Will send Jack your way if that kid can cheer you up
  “Well fuck, y’know I always have your back. Just- I um don’t let ‘em get to you.”
  Javier Escuella-
  This man would have no idea what to say at first
  It’ll take him a minute to register before he asks if he can hug you- mostly to reassure himself that you are physically safe
  Once that is done and over he will get straight to business and ask what you need
  Murdering the person would cross his mind tbh but he’s too focused on you that he won’t ask till much later
  If you need to clear your mind he’ll take you fishing, show you how to fish and have Hosea come along so it’s all positive vibes
  He’ll write some songs and lullabies for you and serenade you to show you how much he cares
  I honestly think Javi bottles everything up when it comes to himself so he’ll be more than happy to talk to you about your PTSD or share stories and even his own past if he deems it right by you
  He would gut whoever you want like a fish for you btw
  “Hermosa, you’re strength inspires me”
  And it truly does
  It takes a lot of guts to admit and accept what’s happened and even more to want to reach out for help
  Javier would admire that and remind you whenever you need to hear it
  Sean Macguire-
  Ahaha if you thought John or Dutch had a short fuse for this- The minute he finds out he’s already spouting nonsense of them meeting their demise
  And if you allow it or they are not dead he will surely make them have a terrible death
   He would risk getting caught by bounty hunters again if that were the case
  As for comforting you, this boy doesn’t exactly know how to do that
  He laughs off his own traumatic experience so he’d probably be trying to get you to crack a smile or drink with him
  Homeboy would try and get you to kill some bloody people for the fun of it ngl
  Hopefully, his energy will rub off on you
  I don’t really see him as the sitting down type but if he cares about you he is more than willing to listen to you and also more than willing to give you unwanted advice and a shite ton of his opinions
  “Yer fuckin’ priceless. No mutherfucker hassa right to touch ye.”
  He will end the speech with something gory I bet
  *I was going to add Keiran and Lenny but I ran out of ideas but I hope the lovely lads I did write and their reactions/comfort help anyone who needs it
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Family Day Out (Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader)
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WC: 1.1K
Warnings: none
A/N: wrote one to feed dad!puli nation 🤭 didn’t proofread this and since i wrote it pretty quickly it may not be that good, so apologies in advance 🙂 hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 🫶🏻 apologies for any grammatical errors! feedbacks are highly appreciated 🤍
On a Saturday afternoon, Christian brought your little family to the Pulisic Stomping Grounds. Your children, 6 year-old Luca and 1 year-old Lucia, were wearing their USMNT home kit with ‘Daddy’ and number 10 on their jerseys – Christian customized those jerseys and chose Daddy instead of Pulisic because he thought it would be cuter, and he was right.
Luca and Christian – and sometimes you – play all the time at home. Your house has a small football pitch in the backyard – sometimes Luca would bring his friends to play there. Luca already said he wanted to follow his dad’s footstep to be a professional football player, and both you and Christian are very supportive of his dream – especially Christian, he cried out of happiness the day Luca told him.
Luca is taking every advantage he has of having a professional football player as a father. He loves to watch every game Christian has played in and practices his techniques whenever he can. Christian is very proud of his son and tries his best to help him reach his full potential – no matter how tired he may be, if his son asks him to train him, he will do it in a heartbeat.
When he built the Pulisic Stomping Grounds, not only did he want people – especially kids who love football – to put the stomping ground to good use, he also envisioned him bringing his kids there and happily playing football together. Now the day he has been waiting for has come, and he couldn’t be more excited.
Luca was so excited to finally play football with his dad at the stomping grounds. Because your family doesn’t live in Miami, you didn’t get to visit it so often. Luca was the one who decided to wear the kit because he wanted to make it feel like actual training – he even begged his parents to wear the jerseys too, so you and Christian did.
“Come on, Daddy! What is taking so long???” Impatient Luca shouted from the front door.
“Okay, okay,” Christian grabbed the car keys and calmly walked towards the door, “let’s go, buddy.”
Finally arriving at the stomping ground, Luca immediately got out of the car and ran into the field. He had been holding his favorite ball all the way to the stomping ground, and once he got on the field, he started running and kicking the ball around.
“Mommy, Daddy, Lulu, let’s go!”
“Hey, don’t start without me!” Christian ran towards Luca and started playing with him.
Lucia saw her dad and brother and immediately went to join them. You were behind her and were ready to catch her – she just started walking so you were being cautious. Christian saw little Lucia was coming and as she reached his legs, he picked her up.
“Lulu, do you want to kick the ball?” Christian asked her, and she said “ball” in response.
He then held her close to the ground and walked her near the ball.
“Look, it’s the ball… Kick it around sweety!”
He then swung her little by little, made her feet touch the ball and was able to move it.
“Oh good girl! That’a a great kick!” He sounded proud.
You filmed it on your phone, and Luca was cheering at the back.
“Great job, Lulu!” Luca clapped his hands.
“Mommy… While Daddy’s with Lulu, do you want to play with me?” Luca asked you.
“I would love to! Come on!” You accepted his offer.
You love to play football – not professionally like your husband does, but you can definitely play – and you did some touch and passing exercise with your son.
Christian couldn’t help but pay good attention to what you were doing. He would throw some compliments and advice once in a while.
“Whoo, Mommy, nice touch honey!” – when the kids are around, he calls you “Mommy”.
“Look at that pass! That’s my son!”
“Try practicing more on your left foot!”
“Daddy!” Luca called his dad.
“What’s up, buddy?”
“I want to play with you now!”
Christian looked at you before agreeing – he wanted to play with Luca but only if you were okay with taking over Lucia during.
You nodded, letting him know it was good.
He grinned. “Of course! Let’s go, pal!”
He then handed Lucia to you, ran towards Luca and started playing right away. You and your little girl were watching the boys playing from the side, cheering them on.
That afternoon was a lot of fun. No one was around but four of you – your little family spent a really nice time there.
Luca and Christian were screaming and laughing a lot during, and they played for quite a while – they seemed to truly enjoy the game. Luca got to nutmeg his dad a few times and Christian would act like he was annoyed by it.
“Bud, stop doing that to me!” He jokingly protested.
Luca giggled – he was very proud of himself.
Not only that, Luca would tackle Christian and Christian would playfully fall to the ground.
“Ouch!” Christian groaned as he fell.
“Daddy!” Luca laughed. “Get up!”
When Luca finally scored a goal against Christian, he was beyond happy. Christian pretended to be disappointed at the goal, then praised him for it.
“Mommy, look, I made a goal!” Luca shouted at you to proudly tell you about the goal.
“What a shot! Good job, baby!” You cheered him on.
Christian came over to him to give a high five, but Luca ran into a corner flag and kicked it just like his dad did when he scored a goal against Mexico in Nations League semifinals. You and Christian were surprised then laughed it out.
“Hey, that’s my move! I taught you that!”
After spending some time there, it was finally time to go home. Your kids were exhausted but they had a great time.
On the way home, the kids fell asleep. Christian looked at the rearview mirror and smiled, admiring his babies.
“You had a lot of fun today, yeah?” You said.
“I mean, I got to spend time with my family at my stomping ground. Of course I had fun!” He excitedly agreed.
“So, what do you think of Luca?” You asked him.
“He is about to be a great player, even better than me.” He answered.
“That kid has a huge potential, honey. I’m very proud of him.”
“Right? Well he learned from the best.” You winked at him.
He chuckled. He then grabbed your hand and kissed it.
“I love you. And I love our family. Thank you for our wonderful and perfect kids, Y/N. They are amazing because of you.”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @masonspulisic @swimmingismywholelife @chelseagirl98 @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @mortirolo @masonsrem
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Hey there! You already know I love love LOVE your writing. I never really have ideas to make requests but I feel like you’d really make this one special 🥺 Whenever you can get to it, I’d love a sort of Rise Leo x female insomniac reader type thing.
I’m an incredibly light and anxious sleeper and being woken up by the littlest thing at 3 AM like a phone notification or noise/talking right outside my door–or literally just not being able to stay asleep–and then not being able to fall back asleep no matter what despite being exhausted is the most frustrating thing… And when I say frustrating I really do sometimes mean like, tears in my eyes, pull my hair out, feeling the most untapped anger at a whole night of sleep being ruined by one lil thing, lol
I was wondering how you think Leo would help coax a restless sleeper back to a peaceful slumber with him? Ig it doesn’t hurt he’s such an insomniac too 😂
Ultimately however you want to do this is up to you of course! Thanks for inspiring a fellow writer 😄💚
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author’s note: i recently couldn’t fall asleep so this was pretty fun to write <3 i hope you enjoy
warnings: fluff, insomnia, crack, established relationship, unedited
And then, after sweeping her off of her feet, portaling us both into the lair, I’ll place her back down. Dip my totally unnecessary yet necessary sunglasses for heart fluttering effects and then pull back the curtain to my humble abode. Then-
“Whatcha writing?” Michelangelo was a tad too close and Leonardo had been so consumed in said writing that he hadn’t heard his little brother approach. “What writing?!” Leo squawked as he crumbled up the paper as fast as possible. He was up standing and leaning against his desk, desperately trying to seem nonchalant. Mikey gave him a once over, one brow bone raising.
“Okay you got me. I was journaling my thoughts like you suggested!” Leo spoke quietly, and lied smoothly. There was no way he was letting any of his brothers, yes even darling Angelo, know that he was planning a sleepover. No one could know. “Really?!” Mikey beamed, happy to hear his advice being followed. “Really really!” Leo cheesed, a smidge of guilt finding its way in as Mikey gave him a thumbs up and encouraged him to continue. “If you ever want to take it to the next step just let me know! We can talk about what you write down if you feel comfortable!!” With that Mikey departed, a skip in his step.
Leo counted down to five, then to ten just to be safe. And wouldn’t you know it at second seven Mikey peered his head through the curtains. “Yes?” Leo said, it was his turn to raise a brow bone. “Pizza later? We gotta do the rock-paper-scissors ritual to see who has to go pick it up.” Leo replied swiftly, “I’ll be there just uh- shoot me a text or something. I might be too concentrated on my writing again!~” with that Mikey gave a tiny salute and disappeared behind the curtain once more.
Another ten second countdown and Leo finally allowed himself to crash into his chair. “Too close…” he murmured to himself as he shook his head. His fist unfurled and a ball of paper revealed itself. He uncrumbled it as best he could, smoothing it out with his hand until the crinkles were bearable. “Now where was I?” Pencil in his three fingered hand, he tapped his chin with the eraser as he read over what was already written. For the life of him he couldn’t continue the thought and it frustrated him so much that the paper was crumbled and thrown into the trash bin next to his desk.
Screw it! He was better coming up with stuff on the fly anyways. What was the point in micromanaging like someone he knew when the unexpected was bound to happen. After tidying up his room, reading a comic or two, eating a slice or four from the pizza he didn’t have to go pick up (Leo losing? Hah unheard of!), he finally got the text he had been waiting all night for.
I think I’m ready! Portal in on the roof <3 -Y/n💙
Already there ;3 -LeontheGreatest
You had been in the middle of typing back a snarky reply when you saw a blue flash from your peripheral. You stopped typing and put your phone away as you turned to see him, in a grand pose of course. “Your portal awaits!” He smiled. “Well hiya Lee, nice to see you too, how was your day?” You mused as you strolled his way, being taken by complete surprise as he lifted you up, sleepover bag and all, bridal style. “Oh Y/n, we know each other too well for such pleasantries! But if I must, Hi beautiful~ how boring was your day without me?” Leo walked into the portal and the next second he was back in his room. Ack?! It was supposed to portal him right outside of his room!
He suppressed a groan, somewhat dismayed that he couldn’t do his grand reveal like he had thought up. “Just as you said, it dragged by! You can put me down now you goof!” You laughed, taking in his room for the first time in person. “Yeah I had a whole, outfit and grand entrance planned but tada! Welcome to my humble abode.” He gave you jazz hands. “Your portal entrance was grand enough” you smiled sweetly, he couldn’t let go of all the theatrics for even a moment!
He was giving you a detailed room tour, though you had to remind him he didn’t have to show you every single comic he had collected since mutation. The two of you settled onto his bed, talking more in depth about the day or anything else that crossed both your minds. The night carried on like usual, the only difference being that this sleepover was at his place instead of yours. Movie after movie, silly jokes, tiktok showcasing, shared snacks. It was perfect. Leo let out a yawn and a minute later you caught it too. “Should we call it a night?” He asked already reaching over to flick off the strung up lights. “We can try, I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep just yet,” you sighed and Leo gave you a knowing nod.
He knew it took you quite some time to fall asleep, and then be able to stay that way was an even harder challenge. He could relate, he probably had a sleeping disorder with how irregular he passed out. “No harm in trying, come here,” he opened up his arms for you to snuggle up under the covers with him. Once situated he was pressing soft kisses into your temple, murmuring how happy he was that you came over, saying how pretty you were, he considered himself a lucky turtle. As sweet as he was being, it didn’t help your case with trying to sleep, you were a blushing mess, heart pounding at his sugary words.
You turned in his embrace, and he looked down into your eyes. “Leo!” You half whined, and he chuckled kissing your lips this time before saying, “Right right, sleep time!” His chin nuzzled the top of your head as you pressed a cheek into his plastron. It wasn’t complete silence since you were so close you could hear every breath he took, but the steady rhythm helped you relax and you slipped into a light sleep.
You woke up an hour later, surprised to have fallen asleep so quickly, but the astonishment was dashed when you realized quite quickly you weren’t falling back asleep. It was getting kind of stuffy pressed against Leo now so you tried to pull away without waking him. You stuck one leg out of the covers trying to cool down. You turned so you were lying on your back. Then you tried your stomach. Nothing was working and you felt time dragging on. The night had been perfect and why did your insomnia have to come and ruin it?!
You took in a deep breath, trying not to get too frustrated as you tried other remedies. Breathing in and out deeply. Letting your thoughts wander. Coming up with random scenarios. Trying to remember fuzzy dreams. Counting sheep for pete’s sake! Your breathing hitched as you looked over to Leo, you didn’t want to wake him, but maybe it was just better to go home. No! You shook your head and the hot tears started to fall. You covered your mouth with a shaky hand, blinking rapidly to get rid of the tears.
“Y/n?” Leo murmured, feeling the empty space where you had been cuddled next to him. You didn’t think you were ready to talk yet, in fact you were pretty certain you’d sob out his name. His eyes opened at your silence, and then he was quickly sitting up when he saw your body shake from quietly crying. “What’s wrong hermano?” His hands went out petting your hair and then rubbing those salty tears away. “Sorry Leo I’m just so frustrated,” you managed to get out. The tears didn’t seem like they were stopping despite his efforts.
He waited for you to explain, not wanting to assume. Leo hoped he hadn’t woken you somehow. “I was sleeping just fine but, n-now I can’t get back to sleep. I tried everything, I even took melatonin before coming here!” You blew out a breath. Utterly exhausted having gotten so worked up emotionally yet sleep still evaded you. “Lemme help, I got you to sleep before didn’t I?” Your eyes were big and glassy, the tears subsiding finally. You nodded and wondered what he would try, you really had tried everything!
“Do you wanna cuddle or is it too hot?” He asked gently, not wanting to crowd you since you had moved away. “It’s a little hot,” you confessed meekly, so instead of pulling you to him, Leo reached out his hand, finding yours and started to rub his thumb over the top soothingly. It felt nice, you closed your eyes wondering if this might work. But it didn’t stop there, Leo started to sing, he had a beautiful voice, you always thought it was quite funny he wanted to be the guitarist in the band with his brothers.
The words melted into him just humming. You gravitated just a tad closer to Leo, getting comfortable once more, his thumb still rubbing shapes into your skin. It didn’t happen instantly but you fell asleep and Leo couldn’t help his smile. Twice in one night, he was on a roll! Maybe he could be your new melatonin. His thumb spelled out, i-love-you before he finally drew his hand back. He hoped you would be able to sleep throughout the rest of the night, but even if you woke up again, or multiple times more, he’d help you go back to sleep. <3
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nostalgic-woodwind · 4 months
It’s Okay to Cry
CG!Husk, CG!Fat Nuggets, and Regressor!Angel
Plot: Angel has been crying nonstop, and Husk doesn’t know why.
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Request by @yourneurodivergentlady
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Heavily inspired and based on “The Crying Dame” from The Loud House
“It’s Okay to Cry” belongs to Barney and Friends
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Husk looked at his phone to check the time as he held Angel in his arms. The spider regressed to a headspace equivalent of a newborn and had been crying for about two hours. Husk didn’t know why or what had gotten Angel so upset. The caregiver tried everything to stop his tears. Angel didn’t need a change, he wasn’t sick, and he wasn’t hungry. Husk tried putting Angel down for a nap, but that was also unsuccessful since he wasn’t tired either. Fat Nuggets tried cheering the little spider with his comfort items (Angel’s Rainbow Puppy and Twinkle stuffies and favorite Blue’s Clues paci), but to no avail.
“I know, today’s just not a good day, is it?” Husk comforted in a soft, hushed tone as he rocked Angel from side to side.
Husk put Angel down on his bed to text Charlie for advice. Angel instantly bawled louder because of this.
“It’s okay, Legs. I just gotta text Charlie,” Husk said as Fat Nuggets climbed on the bed and walked over to Angel, nuzzling his cheek to calm him down. “She’ll help us understand why you’re feeling sad.”
Husk then texted Charlie on his phone.
Husk: “Hey, Charlie, I need help.”
Charlie: “Sure thing, I’m on my way.”
The winged cat sighed with relief as he put his phone away. He picked Angel back up and gave him a gentle bounce. A few minutes later, Charlie arrived.
“What’s going on?” Charlie asked.
“Do you know how to get littles to stop crying?” Husk questioned. “Fat Nuggets and I’ve tried everything for Angel and nothing’s working.”
Charlie scratched her chin as she thought long and hard about Husk’s question.
“How long has Angel been crying for?”
“Two hours,” Husk replied. “I just… I don’t know. I feel like I’m doing something wrong here.”
“No, no, it’s not that at all,” Charlie reassured Husk as she put her hand on his shoulder. “You and Fat Nuggets are doing a good job taking care of Angel while he’s little. I think it’s because littles who regress to an infantile headspace are similar to actual babies. Sometimes, babies cry for no reason, no matter what we do to soothe them.”
“So, what should we do?”
“Just let Angel cry it out and continue comforting him for as long as he needs it. No matter what age, we all need a good cry every now and then. I promise you, it’s nothing that you’ve done.”
Husk smiled a bit as Charlie rubbed the still-wailing spider’s back and walked out of the cat’s room. The caregiver then carried Angel to his rocking chair and sat down.
“You hear that, kiddo? We all need a good cry sometimes, and you know what? It’s perfectly okay to cry,” Husk said as he began slowly rocking Angel in his arms. “Just let it out. I’m right here, and so is Fat Nuggets. We’re gonna be here for you, no matter what.”
Fat Nuggets walked over to the rocking chair and climbed onto Angel’s lap to join in comforting him. Husk cleared his throat and began to sing.
When you feel a tear in your eye,
it usually means you want to cry,
So if you've hurt and it hurts real bad
Or if you have feelings that are making you sad,
Then it's okay, it's okay to cry.
‘Cause I know that when I'm done crying,
I can talk about what's bothering me
And though my face gets wetter,
I feel much better
If I talk about what's bothering me.
Crying is nature's way
Of helping bad feelings go away.
So if you've been hurt or are feeling bad,
Whether you're a kid or a mom or a dad,
It's okay, it’s okay to cry.
‘Cause I know that when I'm done crying,
I can talk about what's bothering me
And though my face gets wetter,
I feel much better
If I talk about what's bothering me.
Yes, that works for me.
Angel sniffled after the song, his cries subsiding to whines and whimpers.
“Shh, it’s okay, kiddo. You’re gonna be okay,” Husk smiled softly and continued rocking the spider until he felt better.
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
You’ve always been one of my fave writers, and I just have to know—in the “It was just one night” series we know Eddie keeps getting jealous of Steve—is that because it’s Steve? Or would he feel that way with anyone flirting with us?Especially in the early stages of pregnancy when it’s not too noticeable yet.
Hiiii babes!! Awe you’re so sweet😭 so in this series it doesn’t matter who it is flirting with you especially in the early stages, Eddie doesn’t like it😂 in his mind it’s because he doesn’t want random people around his baby even though it’s not born yet🙈 but I’ll happily give you some examples of how he handles other dudes flirting with you!💖
-find all things One Night Stand Eddie here✨
*Eddie is over seeing guys flirt with you while you’re about ten seconds away from punching him in the face*
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“You have really pretty eyes.” “Thank you…so what movie did you need tickets for?” “Whatever movie you want to watch with me sweetheart.” “Dude..word of advice…she snores and chews with her mouth open…she’s like a damn pig at the water trough.” “Uh…you know what? I think I’m good on a movie right uhm…now.” “Eddie what the actual fuck?” “What? I just did you both a favor.” “How the hell was telling him I snore and eat like a pig at a trough doing me a favor?” “Because you’re pregnant and he never stood a chance.” “He stood a chance…he was cute.” “Okay but you’re still pregnant with my child and I don’t want my baby around that douche.” “You’re so annoying…what are you even doing here?” “It’s your lunch break…so I brought you some food.” “Oh…thanks.”
“Hey you know her?” “Huh? Who?” “That girl that’s with that kid at the pac man machine.” “Oh yeah I know her…I heard she just got out of prison.” “Prison? What…for? She looks so….” “Normal? Yeah that’s how she gets you…she lures you in with her looks and normalcy and then next thing you know you’re talking the last nap of your life and all your money is gone.” “Holy shit…” “yeah…wanna meet her? I’ll call her over here if you want?” “No no I’m uhm…I’m good.” “Whatever you say man…have a good night.” “Who was that you were talking to? He was looking at me like I was…crazy.” “Oh him? No clue don’t know him….here’s your water and Dustin you get three more quarters then we are out of here.” “I don’t like water…” “and I don’t care…now drink it.”
“Edward Munson I’m about to kick your fucking ass.” “Uh…why?” “You told Rick I was a high profile escort?” “Did I?…hmm don’t remember telling him that…I thought I told him you were a recovering kleptomaniac.” “What is wrong with you? Why are you running around Hawkins telling every dude in the city limits horrible lies about me?” “Uhm let’s be so fucking real with ourselves sweetheart you have a stealing problem so…that’s not a lie.” “I stole a shot glass from the hideout because I didn’t realize I still had it in my hand when you walked me out to your van…” “ah so you also have a drinking problem?” “I’m going to kill you one day…I just know it.” “Besides you don’t need all these gross dudes hitting on you…while you’re in this..condition.” “This condition? You mean knocked up with your baby?” “Yes…that’s exactly what I mean.” “News flash Edward I am just carrying your baby…we aren’t together so I can flirt and be flirted with by anyone I want okay?” “No…not okay…i don’t want my baby to listen to you flirt or be flirted with by a bunch of assholes.” “Why? It already listens to you talk…might as well add some variety in the voices of assholes it has to listen to.” “You wound me…now go drink some water and have a snack.” “Don’t tell me what to do jackass…” “yup that’s the mother of my child right there…the picture of niceness.”
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rukia-writes · 2 years
hello !! i’ve been reading almost all your vinland saga posts, they’re AMAZING !! could i request a teenager!thorfinn x fem!reader headcanons about being in a relationship for the first time? such as how affectionate would thorfinn be, would he be shy around his gf? would they step any further into the relationship? basically like teenager!thorfinn x fem!reader relationship headcanons. thank you sm !!<3
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Well… his gf definitely has their work cut out. Because Teenage! Thorfinn is not affectionate. He’s going to have to be re-introduced to that affection because it’s just not him…right now.
The most affectionate side would be covering his gf from the cold; however! He would be protective of his gf and not the over bearing jealous kind but he’s like “Did you eat today or not?” Or fighting any guy that’s being rude to his girlfriend. Doesn’t like his gf hanging around a certain bald man. 😭 he’ll pout his lip.
If his gf plays her cards right Thorfinn would be willing to sleep on her chest.
Would he be shy? Yes and no. Like hand holding? No he’s not shy. But if his gf asks for a kiss infront of the other Vikings Yes he’s going to be shy because he would like a kiss but he has a reputation to uphold so you’ll see his cheeks turn pink a bit. Bathing together? He’s beyond shy and his gf just has to know to be cool with it.
Askeladd probably tells him that he needs to be kinder to his gf and while it may look like Thorfinn would rather not listen to Askeladd’s advice he knows he’s right. So lol ..Askeladd tries give him good advice last time he just casually said and wasn’t really thinking “slap her on the behind. that always get the girls in London.” And Thorfinn actually does it! (Hopefully his gf likes it 🤷🏼‍♀️ ) So, Askeladd tries to give Thorfinn good advice. ♥️
But! Thorfinn would be very loyal to his gf. No matter if a pretty girl tries to flirt with him he’ll be loyal to his gf. (Probably scares her away when he scratches his hair and fleas come out 🏃🏼‍♀️ girl PLEASE BRUSH THIS MAN HAIR)
Ooo and he’s going to say woman …a lot! But he thinks it’s a pet name 😭 because that’s what other Vikings call their lady of the night, so Thorfinn just calls his gf that a lot. If they like it, that fine but if she doesn’t she’ll have to be the one to say don’t call me this or call me that.
Again, and this has to do with a later chapter but. When I say Thorfinn’s gf has their work cut out for them lol she really does. Thorfinn believes women can just shoot out breast milk..so he’ll casually ask for some. “Give me some milk, (Name). Squeeze some out for me.” (😭😭😭) she has to explain how that works, but hey! Thorfinn learns something new.
Kissing? His gf has to teach him that too, and Thorfinn is an okay learner. He’s very rough and if he’s mad he’ll gently bite her lower lip. His gf has to teach him! Kissing 101!
Thorfinn picks on his gf a lot too; like if they are shorter than him he’ll pick on their height. If they are taller he’ll tease her too. (It’s his first time dating go easy on him)
All in all he’s a great boyfriend; the pros outweigh the cons. ♥️
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