#all the Zeldas who used a bow are also BUILT
multbasa · 3 days
Can I just...the rapier and fencing is not more feminine than a broadsword...
I have no idea where these ideas of "feminine" combat came from including fencing and archery. Neither of those things were historically a woman's weapon so the idea that these are the feminine alternative to a broadsword or great sword is very odd to me. If anyone knows where these ideas originated, I'd be curious to know. The excuse I see is "women are weaker than men" which suggests that fencing and archery use less muscle which is absolutely hilarious.
Weapons are not male or female because anyone can learn how to fight—including fencing and archery. Fencing and archery doesn't require less strength than a broadsword, so they are not suitable for those who lack muscle. Anyone who uses these weapons regardless of gender needs to build muscle in the right areas to fight. Neither weapon can be given to anyone to simply pick up and fight with for the first time.
If you want a weapon that anyone could pick up, an axe is a better bet because it's easier to use (as many people have used one before) and can be a two handed weapon as well which allows someone to use twice as much strength than any one handed weapon.
There are also polearms that give someone a lot of reach as well as being a two handed weapon which, again, benefits those with less strength in their arms compared to single handed swords and especially archery (archers of either gender are absolutely BUILT). Wooden polearms are very sturdy, have a reach advantage and can be used to deflect blows which is all very advantageous for people who are less experienced.
I'll be real: I'm really tired of this idea of gendered weapons. A weapon is a weapon in the hands of a man or a woman; one weapon is not more masculine or more feminine and all of them require some sort of skill and the right built muscles. If someone is looking for a weapon suitable for an untrained and weaker fighter regardless of gender, then there are some options but they aren't archery nor fencing.
Anyway, if Echoes or Wisdom Zelda were to use a weapon, polearm Zelda or two-handed axe Zelda for the win.
...I don't think there's anything wrong or shameful for this Zelda to be a caster. If anything, the difference in playstyle means that we could see more playable princess Zelda games or see Zelda as a playable duo with Link rather than her just being Link but a girl. I don't think a female character has to prove herself to be "just as strong as a man" by wielding a sword because not being a swordfighter doesn't make her less capable.
There will always be morons who claim women can't do "this or that" based on sexism but a female character wielding a sword in a video game won't change their mind. Those people attack women who weight lift or work in male dominated trades regardless of how accomplished we are. We don't have to prove anything to morons like that because they will always move the goalpost. You can't argue with stupid so just ignore them/block them.
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katskitscat · 3 days
If they ever make a DLC for TOTK, I want them to add two or three cutscenes that have Queen Sonia in it.
(I gotta emphasize real quick. I'm not gonna claim that these are inherently good or would make everything better, they just would make me very happy to see. Even just one of these or something similar would make me pleased, because in the end what I crave is lore above all else.)
We learn from the Steles that Rauru was more of a fan of hunting then ruling, so to me that implies that he often left governing to Sonia.
1) One idea I had is a scene of Zelda learning to use her recall ability in Sonia's study. She is trying to make the small blade come back to the air when she sees Hyrulian tapestries of how Hyrule's monarchy was founded. One of marriage, one of alliance, one of conflict, one of coronation. Rauru and Sonia's wedding, their alliance with the other races of Hyrule, the war with the Gerudo, and then the crowing of Rauru and Sonia as king and queen.
The one I would use for this scene is a tapestry of Sonia securing their alliance under Rauru's reign with the Zora. While Rauru is front and center, it is Sonia's diplomacy that secured their support.
(This also helps give the opportunity to add more info about the ancient sages, especially the Zora sage who in this context might very well be the same Zora that Sonia made a alliance with)
Sonia is a priestess, possibly a diplomat, and likely was already a person of influence in hyrule before her marriage. So I would like to think that Zelda takes notice of this, and Sonia tells her that wars must be fought but that a good kingdom is built, or rebuilt, on strength, courage, and wisdom. All three depend on the monarchy's ability to make connections with their people.
Zelda takes on a more political apprenticeship of Sonia, being reminded of a broken kingdom and a Queenhood that is waiting for her back home.
2- It's my own personal feeling that Rauru was over confident and Mineru similarly resonating. As Zonai, I strongly believe that they were treated like Gods or positions of authority even in their infancy. The last of a mighty dynasty. I think it makes them blind to the present, especially because it looks like to me that Rauru and Mineru had very little interest in the past and is possibly enthralled by the future.
In the throne room tear memory where Ganon swears false allegiance (or even a new memory of their first meeting), I think that Rauru should accepts the oath but carelessly agitates the Gerudo by standing quickly after, staying some informal words to Ganon, and leaving. Ganon and his company probably viewed this as rude, like the swearing of a whole culture to his reign was not as important as his hunts. Like he is so above them and their conflict even tho a entire proud warrior race just bent the knee to him in defeat.
This is mostly fed by the claim Ganon makes in the game that Rauru is arrogant. Considering that Ganon doesn't actually hate Link in the games, and honestly seems to respect him or otherwise is amused by him despite having conflict, it kinda tells you he may have good reason for this claim.
This scenario gives Sonia the opportunity to mend some broken or miscommunicated social etiquette. She stayed seated despite Rauru leaving as the Gerudo bow their heads. She has a expression of disbelief and slightly annoyance, of which turns soft and sweet when addressing the Gerudo. She thanks them for their time, and orders her guards to take them to comfortable sleeping quarters where they can stay before they take the long road back to the desert. She says that she looks forward to their budding friendship as they turn to leave, of which a singular Gerudo woman, possibly the future sage, looks back to her before following her king out.
Zelda probably has been trying to tell him about the calamity Ganon in the past, but he brushes that off as a villain he, a powerful light bringing Zonai, can fight off. He speaks to her in a comforting tone her like she is a frightened child who is scared of a monster in her closet, despite Zelda having actually thrown hands with said closet monster for 100 years. I would imagine he does this rather gently, if he was completely delusional instead of slightly overzealous it wouldn't be the same Rauru. He has never seen anything like the calamity or the demon king yet, so of course he himself is probably the strongest thing he has ever known.
Zelda tries to tell Rauru that Ganon shares a aura and name with the beast that she trapped for 100 years, thought conflicted since her history books claim the Calamity had never had a host or it's own body. This uncertainty makes Rauru dismiss the theory that Ganon is more then just a fellow king. He prides himself on being a king who acts on certainty, which likely would Upset Zelda since she was forced to share a body with Calamity and could be theorized that a part of her Triforce energy being depleted because her own body was infected with Ganon's aura.
Sonia confronts him on his blunders, he does not listen very well and has forgotten that different gestures are interpreted differently by the other races. They have a slight argument, where Nintendo finally gives us the confirmation of a child that they share together. I strongly believe that it's a daughter that Sonia sent to train in light magic, being watched over by three ppl who I believe should be Sonia's sisters who all reside in the ancient goddess Shrines protected by the dragons. Sonia talks about her divine heritage, her ancestor being the goddess Hylia's reincarnation during the legendary Eras. She believes that Rauru coming to the shrine of the light god all those years ago was fated, their souls bound by the divine light of the goddess who gave them their gifts. (My personal belief is that the stones were created by the primordial goddesses when Hylia took a human form centuries ago, and protected by Hylia's descendants in a shrine forgotten by time. The sacred stones were in the possession of Sonia before they were given to the sages)
She urges him to think of the legacy that their daughter will inherit once she activated her powers, and to not think that just because Zelda exists that it means that their legacy is prosperous by fate alone. Rauru hears her and accepts her critique, and he hints that he is thankful for his queen to keep him on track. Sonia jokes that he better shape up, since Zonai out live Hylians she won't be there forever to steer him back on course (foreshadowing of her early death). In the back, we see Zelda but this is the appearance of Puppet Zelda.
3- the Last idea I had. Sonia's funeral. We should be given a opportunity to see more Hylian culture before Rauru had them temporality take the culture of Zonai. Sonia's funeral involves interring her body in a ancient crypt that can be revealed to be the time shrine that we start off in (being the only one that has a Hylia goddess statue) or a crypt that had collapsed on itself on the normal earth. The memory included Zelda being farther away from the ceremony, and watching as Sonia's sisters, Rauru, and a hidden 6 yr old daughter and heir bury the queen.
I like the idea that her grave has a stone slab statue on-top of it that looks like Sonia sleeping. The statue has a sundelion in its grasp.
I think it would help out more of a impact on the viewer about Sonia's end. If Link awakens all the bright bloom and shrines, he should not only get the ancient hero aspect but discover the hidden tomb of this queen. Better yet that it was once kept there as part of Sonia's own personal blessing, likely put in the crypt by her own daughter who may have been the first Zelda to fight the Calamity with the Legendary hero.
That's pretty much most of my thoughts for Sonia and the royal family. I love TOTK for what it is, but I understand that Nintendo is a game mechanic first kind of company instead of story driven one. I would love to see comics or even a dungeon mini series for this timeline of Zelda where the reward is knowledge about the Zonai and the workings of the goddess Hylia. (even tho the guy in charge of the game is saying he's exhausted everything for it, I personally think he's wrong and Nintendo needs to have him work with someone who prioritized story telling first.)
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elegiacmarquise · 7 months
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👑🏰Zelda of Hyrule - Concept art for some incarnations🏰 👑
Click below for better view and some infos about them!
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a. 18 years old
The first princess born in 100 years, Zelda was raised by well meaning but overwhelming parents, thus living sheltered and highly dependent on the mother. Unfortunately, a phantom of Ganondorf who came from another version of Hyrule broke out into the castle. Zelda sent her help with the weak telepathy she had. Link, the only one who heard her, came to the castle. Together they fought the monstrosity, in vain. In fact when Ganondorf seemed defeated he immediately regenerated himself, mortally wounding Zelda’s mother and destroying Hyrule’s castle in the process. Without knowing what else to do, Link and Zelda fled towards Kakariko village, where they could be protected by Impa, Zelda's old caretaker. This Zelda is a shy and compassionate person who holds a great sense of duty but is easily overwhelmed by her feelings and is prone to not listen to her needs in fear of disappointing anyone. During the course of the story Zelda found a job by assisting Impa in her role as the village’s mortician and developing some meaningful friendships. Since then she gradually accepted her grief, enhanced her values, she developed her spirituality further, to finally help Link throughout his journey, thus defeating Ganondorf for good. b. 16 years old
The golden child of her family, as well Link's older sister, this Zelda is born in Hiruela, a small village said to be found by Link and Zelda of Skyloft, by a farmer family. When she was a child, she had a dream thanks to which she found a well which saved her village from a drought. Since then she was regarded almost as a deity and was sent to study in Kakariko with Impa in order to fully master her powers. Although she seems a cheerful, generous and brave person, her confidence is built on frail foundations: after many years she didn’t manage to control her magical abilities, as they seem to appear and disappear without any reason. She compensated for her lacking by mastering swordplay and languages, her true passions, even showing off these sides of her. It seems that some mysterious race from space spied on Zelda for a long time, looking for the perfect moment to take advantage of her weaknesses and taking her with them to fully experiment with her magic.
c. 80 years old
In a now tropicalized Hyrule, many millennia after the first game's events, Queen Zelda ruled peacefully for a long time. However, widowed and with her sons patrolling distant places in Hyrule, she felt lonely, until she found two abandoned newborns in front of her castle: an Hylian and a Gerudo she called respectively Link and Miregan, who she lovingly raised as her own. Zelda is a kind and protective person who can also be abrupt and strict. Unbeknownst to most, Zelda has an extensive knowledge of witchcraft, which she used to protect her kingdom in the past and to cover up the bad results of her culinary attempts. Unfortunately, when Link and Miregan were eight, the latter got sick and passed away shortly after. Since then many mysterious events are plaguing Hyrule and Link, willing to help his grandmother, left the castle to find out what happened there.
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d. 25 years old 
Many centuries before the events, all Hyrule’s races united and revolted against the Royal Family, founding a republic in its place, giving life to an apparently strong government. This Zelda, known with the name of Gilda, is the legitimate heir of the Royal Family but she’s more interested in acting, as she’s part of a traveling company. After years of apprenticeship, she was about to debut as the protagonist of a play about a knight princess who, with her bow, would protect her kingdom. While her company was in the midst of the premiere, Castle Town was invaded by an army of monsters commanded by Vaati, leading everyone to flee, Zelda included, losing sight of her fellow actors. Zelda felt forced to collaborate with Link, a police officer with whom she argued before regarding the contents of her play, the one brave enough to find a solution to save the republic. During the adventure, Zelda playfully teases Link about his beliefs, especially after she revealed to him about her true identity. Nonetheless, she guides him where they could find the Aulos of the Stories, a magical instrument said to recall what happened in the places around before. However, it seemed to be cursed…
e. 40 years old 
The newly crowned Queen, Zelda is the daughter of the late King of Hyrule and Impa, taking proudly the latter’s heritage and culture. She rules her kingdom together with her husband Link, with whom she had two daughters named Linkle and… Zelda. She’s also the director of the major hospital of the kingdom. She rarely goes out of her castle, preferring to spend her time in her huge laboratory to experiment as an alchemist, trying to develop a fluid capable to create endless energy. While may appear aloof, she’s actually an enthusiastic person who loves to think about her experiments, admittedly her only interest. Lately Hyrule is afflicted by a terrible plague which was hurting each race in the same way, leaving the patients seriously debilitated and endlessly agonizing, without causing the patient to die. While Zelda stays in the City to care about her patients and her daughters, she now struggles night and day to find a cure, which she found the recipe but which ingredients are rare to obtain, being located in the most remote angles in the kingdom. So, she pleads with Link to find the ingredients for the medicine she would later enhance with her light magic, with the hope of strengthening its effect.
f. 60 years old
Formerly the Gerudo matriarch, Zelda left her role in the favor of the newly came of age Ganondorf, who leads the tribe with the same if not more charisma than her. However she still retained a certain authority there, as she now is the fortune teller, using her special cards to advise the king whether or not to engage in a battle or to conquer a territory. However one day they foretold to her not trust the king anymore, as he began to hold some dangerous ambition to conquer all of a now scattered Hyrule, an ambition that could cause her tribe’s destruction and a civil war with another Gerudo Tribe. Devastated by the prognostications, Zelda does her best to use her influence to change Ganondorf’s mind before and later outright lying about consulting the cards in order to keep him in his place. This Zelda doesn’t interact much with Link and is too old to fight but she perceives his good intentions, offering some food, a bed and some advice disguised as prognostics, in which she tells him some important information about Ganondorf and some treasures he hid around Hyrule. Her cards would later reveal themselves as the Triforce of Wisdom, passed from generation to generation of leading women.
g. 6 years old
The little princess of a fully industrialized New Hyrule, this Zelda was lovingly raised by Link, her babysitter and Impa, who also rules the place as a regent in place of her mother, who is said to have mysteriously disappeared some years prior.Zelda is an energetic and carefree little girl, with a pronounced tomboy streak and a curious attitude. She’s pretty fascinated by clockwork gears and the air, dreaming to pilot an aircraft one day. She always carries with her a korok shaped plush, which she claims to be gifted by her mother. One day, she also disappeared suddenly, leaving a message to Link in which she said she dreamed about her mother on the verge of dying. Link immediately sought for her and found the child crying in front of a mysterious statue depicting a beautiful woman covered by all sorts of plants.
h. 37 years old 
The Princess whose statue Link and little Zelda found in the cave, a statue which she uses to communicate with people. This Zelda renounced her title and her throne to meditate as a monk and trap within herself a seed in which contained the spirit of an evil sorcerer who attempted to possess the kingdom many years prior. She evacuated the people of New Hyrule from reality to a virtual world she created for the scope, letting them live safely while she let grow within herself the evil sorcerer's seed, fighting him alone in meditation. In order to concentrate better, Zelda rejected every part of herself she deemed distracting to her duty, sacrificing her humanity in the process. Unable to completely eliminate them, they assumed the form of the little princess, a testament of this separation. This Zelda doesn’t directly speak with her alter ego or Link until she defeats the sorcerer, after she can break her vow of silence. She instead communicates with them with telepathy.
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toronbo · 10 days
obligatory echoes of wisdom thoughts post on main because im The koholint blogger and theyre doing it in the koholint style
kinda wack that theyre just reusing the la 19 style and in a way that feels... Bland?
for la19, it was at least building upon an existing thing and it was Fresh compared to gameboy. revamped graphics, some reused models from albw, but made Nicer. albw built upon alttp too, but they did it in a way that was definitely Fresh as well. the 2d sprites to 3d shift on 3ds and all. this is definitely based on alttp hyrule, but with the la19 look? and it doesnt look. Good
as my friend put it, the zoomed out view makes it look so Plain and ugly and they just "copy pasted tree models," and yes, la19 did that as well, but they were more Spread out so its not as noticeable? even in albw it didnt look as bad because they had proper placement and had other things going on in the environments
the way they kinda started out with the oot setup with zelda in the crystal? and alttp/fallen timeline exists because oot link falls/fails? and this is Very much so alttp hyrule? makes it seem like "maybe this will be an exploration of what happens before alttp or how they avoid it and get link back" or whatever, but also nintendo has shown us via totk that they couldnt give a shit about established stories or even establishing a story (as well as what theyve said in that interview that does not bode well for the future of loz)
but at the same time. maybe it will be good. we have a new top down zelda. people that hate on top down zelda games have no taste so idc about their opinions, but i suppose i get some peoples gripes about "well why doesnt her first game get to be a 3d action adventure"
at the same time, top down zeldas can have Depth and can be good. you just dont know how to approach them
some people dont like that she isnt using a sword, and like, tbh i couldnt care less about what shes using :| we have playable zelda. is that not whats Important here. shes a magic user and uses bows. maybe we'll get bows later. swords are cool, but like. twipri zel didnt actually Use use hers either? she used it when possessed by ganondorf, but that doesnt Count? anyway Lol. tell me you havent played a side/non canon loz game without saying that directly, lmao. zelda uses other things and is generally a magic user jfc
we hate totk in this house for its lack of story, shitting on the established characters and world that were brought in through botw, The Racism thats somehow worse than in other loz games, as well as just being glorified $70 garrys mod. you just build things. along with the pathetic excuse of dungeons/temples and barren sky islands, and its lazy parallels to skyward sword . wont spoil for others but iykyk. the way zelda is handled, fi being brought up as just. The Sword, the stuff happening w the sword, the zonai ??? who they tried to lazily throw in as "yeah they were here early on" bitch where in skyward sword were they. unless youre trying to say the remlits crossbred with some other species or the mogma suddenly cared enough to Make Things, no other furries existed ? lol. and again going back to the barren sky islands. in ss, at least they had shit to do on them or "hey return later to do a thing" but most of them in totk didnt even have anything you could do? pointless sky shit that had . no reason to even be there other than to lazily attempt to draw a connection to ss that doesnt exist.
went off on a tangent there but with all of that being said. idk if we can trust them with the story for eow at all. there is POTENTIAL for how this game could go. but there was potential for totk as well and it was all fuckin blown to hell there
as well as them throwing in a Building mechanic for eow? not very uh. positive so far as thats not exactly a classic zelda thing. but also a piece of heart is visible on the promo art? so maybe there can be hope. who knows.
people that hated the la19 style try to talk shit about this as well are also irritating, as well as people trying to tie this game to la. like, dog this game is just using the assets of la19, holy hell.
ngl i lost steam while writing this because i am Busy but i have so many gripes about the game, Hesitance/Skepticism, and annoyance towards others being stupid about la
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abyssal-cryptid · 1 year
Even more Tears of the Kingdom thoughts (SPOILERS)
I cant figure out how long after Calamity this game is set. It's got to be at least some years, everyone else has changed but Link and Zelda
Link and Zelda have lived this time together in Link's house in Hateno <<33
Their Well holds Zelda's secret room
Also yes every well in this game has something so my favorite thing rn is just jumping into wells
Zelda had a school built to Hateno because she loves kids
I hate how so many people in this game who should know who Link is dont know him
You mean to tell Ive been living in Hateno for years and no one recognises me
Zelda is still referred to as princess which implies she hasnt allowed herself to be crowned queen
Ive spent like three hours just strolling in Hateno
I did get the camera and my enjoyment of the game has increased tenfold
Im so excited I missed seeing these everywhere
Purah's room has drawings of them and the divine beasts
You can just pick up the koroks who need to be reunited w their friends with ultrahand and carry them wherever they want to go. They also roll down hills
Me @ the forbidden ruins in Kakariko: "Let me in, let me innnn"
THEY SAW US SHIP LINK AND SIDON AND WENT "none of that here is his gf"
This game has cheese. I can die happy now
I am taking the elevator up every time I see a falling rock
Went to Akkala Citadel Ruins. Was looking at the views. SUDDENLY EVERYTHING GOES RED AND HANDS ARE CHASING ME WHAT THE FUCK
The way they dont let my boy have his long hair out on any fits is criminal. Could have tweaked the armor sets that much
Why is Zelda appearing everywhere and being an evil menace??? Zelda tf is going on w you?? Arent you supposed to be in the past
They looked at me, specifically, loving side quests more than my life and going "we have to give them more" and this is a good day
There's a golden horse???
Also I heard Yunobo is a dick in this??? Not my boy :(
I go to the Zora tower and there is a man nearly dead
Man was dying (Lets hope this doesnt age poorly because I dont think I could handle it)
So its been like five years at least since BOTW ended and like. Why does no one remember me and also where did all these new people come from that didnt exist here couple years ago?? Where were yall?? Having tea??
Kilton has a little brother <3
I should get back to the "first" main questline as in the Rito are dying in a blizzard but there's pretty flowers and mayoral elections
Did I already mention they did not nerf bows? They didnt and I love that, archers for life
Also I lost Hestu again and I need more inventory
I am afraid to venture into the Korok Forest
Stables are so fun. You get points from first visit, staying the night, registering horses etc AND THEY GIVE YOU REWARDS
I got the Traveler's Gear for General (my baby boy horse)
I found Big Horse and named him Babylon
Also saved this one guy stuck in a cave
Starting to get to a point where enemies drop 15-30 fuse power parts and life is getting easier
Ive activated like 20 shrines since I last did a bunch. I havent done them because what if I have to build vehicles (bad)
I miss cryonis
Havent done much in the sky tbh
I want my champions tunic. I however dont feel like going to the castle
Where the fuck is Ganondorf
I could always see him in BOTW I dont like this
I am kind of disappointed they didnt change the looks of old armor sets. HOWEVER. Cece's hat is all Im going to say. I wonder if I can wear that to Gerudo town
Im still a one shot to so many things
The Zora are dying (their water is turning into mud)
Gorons have malice pink eyes so dont trust theyre doing too well either
Barbarian armor fits so well with Link's messy long hair
Im still kind of shocked that the sheikah tech is just gone
How do I get into Hateno tech lab
Some of yall are actually building vehicles? Im avoiding that like the plague
Still salty about Sidon
I get taken for a little while and he gets engaged
His fiance did refer to Sidon as "my best friend"
The quote went "Im Prince Sidon's... oh forgive me. I am your best friend's fiancee"
She us cute but still
Why cant I marry him
Sidon carries Mipha's trident now (sobs)
When you meet him he goes "Its good to see you my friend" so happily
"By the way... I hope you know that I am truly happy to see you again after such a long time apart, my dearest friend"
I sobbed
He loves us so much
Just go visit him
Sidon wont marry me and Sonia and Rauru are married, cant a man find some love in Hyrule
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cosmetichorror · 2 years
Too old for this
TLDR Link(Wild) is 44 and gets dragged on an adventure with a bunch of other Links and he’s not pleased.
To say he was too old for this would be an understatement. Link has lost everyone, died more times then he can count, fought every monster at least twice, defeated Ganon twice, and now Hylia wants to send him on another damned adventure. Yeah, quick question. What, how and why the hell?
Do these other Links seriously expect him to go along with them?
It all started one sunny morning. After the defeat of dehydrated Ganondorf a good twenty-five years ago, he was determined to settle down. About fifteen years ago, he gave his house in Hateno up to Zelda and built himself a little cottage out in the forest of spirits on the great plateau, far away from civilization. While, yes, Link was happy Hyrule was returning to its glory days, that doesn't change the fact that he hates crowds. And when Hateno became too much for him to handle, he decided to go live the one place that only those who could fly could reach. Robbie and Purah did an amazing job destroying the stairs to the great plateau, it's not climbable unless you have great stamina- like he does- or if you have the sheikah slate.
For a while Link moved around everywhere, trying to find the perfect place where no one would bother him. He lived in the lost forest with the great Deku tree for a while, but there were too many Koroks. The beaches were good, until people started flocking to them. Near the great fairies were cool, but people started going there too! The great plateau was really a last resort, but kind of poetic in a way. This was where it all started, and he was sure this would be where it all ended. By all means, he intended to live out his life in that old cottage he built from the ground up, but of course he couldn't get even that.
The sun rose early that morning, birds chirped and squirrels ran about. It was a perfect morning. Link got up with a stretch and went to make his morning cup of tea (he gathered the herbs himself) and added in honey (that he also got himself). Really, the only things Link didn't get himself was all the furniture. (He commissioned Bolson his finest furniture and took it up here with the sheikah slate)
As he drank the hot, yet not too hot tea, he reminisced of his past. He brought animals up here with him using a fine mixture of octorock ballon's and planks of wood. Some chickens (his sister loved them. That is all he remembered of her), a beautiful dog (what would Daruk think?) and his beloved horse, Epona (I miss her)
Over the years, each one passed on, and he gave them all a propped burial. (He'd be lying if he said he didn't think about using the shrine of resurrection on them. But that would be just cruel of him. They don't deserve to go through what he went through)
So now he lives alone. It's not so bad, Zelda comes to visit him every week to check up and make sure he isn't dead yet. The silence was terrifying at first. It wasn't right to not be surrounded by the noise of all his critters (I miss them) but he learned to live like that. It took time, but he's made it this far, and he's been through far worse. All it takes is time.
After he finished his tea, he got up and put on his hylian tunic, trousers and cloak and went out with a bow and some shock arrows. He walked to the nearest pond that was full of hylian trout. (A whole lot of things are named "hylian", he wonders what the other races think of that) knocking a shock arrow in the bow, he aimed carefully and shot. A wave of electricity shot out from the pond, sending some sparks his way. He doesn't hesitate to jump in and grab all the fish. This should last breakfast and lunch.
Hyrule is coming back to an advanced civilization, new technology was being invented everyday, like things called "stoves"
Call Link old fashioned all you want, but he just prefers the old cooking pots. It gives him a sense of nostalgia, bringing him back bit the early days. Back when he wasn't sure if you could eat bokoblin guts and bugs, back when making an edible dish made his whole week. Now that he's an amazing chef, he doesn't really have that same feeling of euphoria after cooking a good meal, but that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. It's just not the same. The smell of roasted fish fills the air, making his mouth water. One thing he can never tire of is the smell of a delicious home cooked meal.
Another thing Link learned in his journey is ideal hearing. He could hear a twig snap from a mile away, and right now, he hears seven- no- eight people? They're talking to each other about... something. Okay, his hearing may not be as good as it used to, but that is to be expected with age. He quickly stands up, placing his half raw fish on a plate so it won't burn, placing it on the window sill before running off in the direction of the voices. He had a bit of a limp, but despite that he was still fast. One question was on his mind- how in the three did so many people get up on the plateau? Are they professional climbers or something? When he gets close enough, he can eavesdrop in on the conversation.
"This place is familiar. Time, do you think...?"
"Could be, pup. If what you told me is true, then we may have a new member."
"God I hope there's a way off this stupid lump of earth."
"We'll be fine Vet, stop your bellyaching."
"Hey, no fighting!"
"Well excuse me, but being here has me on edge."
"He has a point for once, we haven't seen a single person or exit."
"Well, maybe our visitor knows a way off this place?"
Link winces from his place behind the trees. How was he spotted that easily?
"Visitor?" One of them question.
Link sighs and walks out from behind the trees. "I believe that visitor is me." He says, his voice rough and grainy, either from age or disuse, maybe both. The group eye him wearily, he supposes he may look a little threatening.
He has long since abandoned his old blue hair tie, instead letting his slightly tangled hair go free. His hylian clothes were still soaked from when he jumped into the water. He was covered in scars, most notably the large burn mark that goes from his left ribcage all the way up to his face. And most noticeably, his arms. One arm had a hand with only four fingers (he can thank the yiga for that) and the other- how could one describe it.... It looks like it had been burnt to a crisp, then adorned with golden lining. While that hand has all its fingers, his nails are look unnaturally sharpened, even though it's very much natural. (He tried shaving it down, but they just grew back just as sharp)
"How did you get here in the first place?" He asks, his eyes stone cold and his scratchy voice unwavering. "We climbed, but now we're lost." The oldest one says. He has golden hair, bares silver armor, and he's got a scar right over one of his eyes. He appears to be the same age as Link, if not a bit younger,
He narrows his eyes at them. The yiga were almost completely destroyed a decade ago, but then again, he wouldn't be surprised if a few rouge ones came back to take the rest of his fingers. "You sure about that?" He has a right to be suspicious, the yiga have gave him more then his fair share of scars.
The scared man nods. "Positive." Another with scars and a wold pelt steps forwards, eyeing him up and down. Something about his eyes sparked nostalgia in him. "We haven't introduced ourselves. I'm Twilight, this here is Time, Legend, Hyrule, Warriors, Wind, Sky, and Four," he points to each one in turn "and you are?" A few alarms went off in his head, so he took some time to asses this. He had shock arrows on him, good, that could buy him enough time to run back to his house and grab a weapon. The only ones he feel he has to worry about is Time, Twilight, and Legend. The rest he could probably take. Time and Twilight look strong, but Legend is covered in strange magic, and so is Twilight. But then again, Hyrule's magic feels like... fairy magic? That can't be right.
"Link." He responds. The others look between each other, and Sky steps forward. "And are you by chance a hero?" Sky asks. Link thinks for a second, before nodding. Is he being smart? Absolutely not. But if it's his time to go then it's his time to go. He's not afraid of death, he hasn't been since Vah Ruta, and not having Mipha's grace won't stop that. "Link, this may be hard to understand, but... our real names are also Link, and we're hero's from the past. O-or future! We don't know your placement yet. I am the hero of the skies, the very first Link that we know of, and forger of the master sword." Sky says, unsheathing the master sword and holding it out for Link to see. Link stares wide eyed. it's really her, isn't it? She looks... and feels so new. Surely this is all a dream. "You can touch her, if you'd like. She doesn't bite!" He jokes, but the burn scars on Links hands from his first two times pulling her would like to disagree. Carefully, he reaches out, placing a hand on her sheath. A chime fills his head, one he only heard in his first final moments all the way back at fort Hateno. "Welcome, hero of the Wilds." She speaks, her robotic voice devoid of emotion. He yanks his hand back as if she burned him, not taking his eyes off the sword. "Hero of the Wilds, huh? Nice to meet you, Wild." Sky says. The others seem pleased by this.
"Wild, huh? I wonder if you'll live up to your name." Legend speaks. Twilight won't take his eyes off of Link- Wild.
"What do you want from me?" Wild asks, eyes still wide in shock. This is a lot to take in, after all! "We're chasing a being far stronger then anything we've faced so far through portals. These portals take us to different time periods and worlds, it's how we got here." Wild doesn't like where this is going. "We need you to join us and help us take down this foe." Wild thinks for a few seconds, this would mean leaving behind everything he knows with a bunch of past reincarnations of himself. Really, the answer was clear.
Wild turns and begins to walk away from all this bullshit. "Hey, wait!" The others just follow after him. "Look, I know you don't want to join us, believe me I didn't want to join either, but we don't really have a choice." Legend explains.
"There's eight of you already, you don't need me." Wild replies, not looking back. Sky speeds up as to walk closer to him. "But we do need you! Even with eight of us, we're still struggling! We need more fighters, and you're-" Wild turns around, glaring daggers at all of them, even the little kid Wind. "Then IM not who you're looking for! Go find another Link! Stop by here ten thousand years ago, there was a really good Link then! I'm not a fighter anymore, I'm rusty, and I'm old." Sky goes to speak again, but Link interrupts him. "Look, if you came by here twentyish years ago, I probably would have agreed. But the thing is, I haven't fought a thing in over two decades. Monsters don't spawn up here anymore. While your whole adventure thing sounds fun, I'm just not cut out for it anymore." Sky once again goes to speak, but can't make out a syllable before Wild interrupts him once more "I've been dragged through hell and back by the scruff of my neck on multiple occasions. I lost a finger, I lost my arm, I lost my family and friends, and if I go on this adventure I just know I'm going to lose my life. I may not be afraid of death, but I promised myself I'd die out here on this plateau. And I'm not one to break promises." He says, before walking away once more.
"Wild, Link, please understand that if it's Hylia's will, then it will happen. She'll find a way to bring you with us, she did the same with Legend and Warriors and it wasn't very pleasant." Sky explains. "Then Hylia better be knocking on my doorstep and dragging my out by the hair or else I'm not going." Wild replies. Legend rolls his eyes "At this point she just might." He mumbles.
Wild continues to walk all the way to his little cottage in the woods, ignoring all of their attempts to make him join. "Wait, are you injured?" Hyrule asks, probably noticing his limp. He sighs in response. "No, I just have a limp. All the more reason to not join you." He responds. A few years ago he had a nasty fall, breaking his leg in a few places, he hasn't been able to walk right since. Hylia, if he could still pull off that gerudo outfit he could probably get a message therapist to fix him up. it doesn't take them long to reach his cottage "Hey, this is your house? It's super cool!" Wind says, walking up to block him from entering. "But please, we need you! It's for the good of all hyrule!" He begs. "Move it, kid. You're twenty-five years too late." Wild responds, taking him by the shoulders and pushing him away.
"Wait, please listen-!" He slams the door on them so hard the pictures on the wall shake, and one particularly old one rattles a bit too hard and falls. Wild gasps and runs, skidding to a stop and catching it right before it hits the ground. He lets out a relieved sigh. He checks over it, making sure nothing broke. It was the only thing he had of the champions now. When he moved out of his old home in Hateno, he and Zelda agreed the champions weapons would be better in the hands of others. Revali's eagle bow went to young Tulin, who has recently mastered Revali's gale with much practice and help from Wild. Urbosa's scimitar went to Riju, and her daybreaker shield Zelda kept. Mipha's trident went to Sidon, and Daruk's boulder breaker went to Yunobo. In the photo, Daruk smiled brightly in the background, Mipha and Revali are falling forwards, looks of surprise forever plastered on their faces. Zelda is leaning back to avoid falling over as well, and Wild is in the process of falling as well. A small smile creeps up on his face as he reminisces about that day. He stands up and puts the picture back on the wall.
The bittersweet moment is interrupted by knocking on his door. He groans and walks to his room, ignoring them completely. He doesn't care what they say, there's eight of them already! He's forty-four years old and tired, he'll only slow them down. His bones ache and his scars burn when it rains, what about that says "adventure material"? Hylia's a clown if she believes he'll go along with this stupid plan of hers. He's been through enough, hasn't he? What if he dies? He's all Zelda has left! Impa passed on shortly after their second adventure, Robbie following after. When Purah fixed her de-aging rune and turned it into an aging rune, she only lived for another week before death took her too. He's the only person from before the calamity she has, he's all she has left just as she is all he has left. At least if he dies on the plateau she can rest easily after a proper burial. If he dies out there, he may never get a burial. Zelda may never even know he's dead! What if she lives out the rest of her life waiting for him to return? The mere thought makes his heart ache. He's not afraid of death, he's afraid of leaving his best friend.
A few hours pass, and the other Links don't leave. They try reasoning with him, but it all falls on deaf ears. He really wishes they'd just give up, he's starving and the fish he was cooking earlier are too raw for him to eat. Sure, he might have been able to eat raw fish when he was nineteen and be fine, but he's in his mid forties now, he just can't do that anymore. Oh to be young and carefree again.
Then, a strange, pulling feeling tugs at his chest. The others start knocking on his door even more. "Uh, Wild? You miiiight wanna come along with us. A portal has opened." Wind announces. "Good, time for you to go. Bye bye, see you never." He responds, plopping down on his comfy blue chair, it's the same shade as his champions tunic. He can't fit into it anymore, but it still hangs proudly on his bedroom wall. He reaches over and pulls out a book, deciding to read the strange feeling in his chest away. "Look, if you don't come with us, Hylia will still find a way to take you with us, it'll suck. Trust me, I'd know." Legend yells out. Wild ignores them, not even gracing them with a response.
"Your funeral." Warriors tells him from the other side of the door, and distantly he can hear them walking away. He lets out a sigh of relief, it took them long enough. Minutes pass and the tugging feeling only gets worse, until eventually it's exhausting to breath. He stands up on shaky legs and begins to walk outside for fresh air. One step after another, until one foot doesn't reach the ground. Is that a... portal? Well, shit. Wild is sent tumbling through a colorful portal, a similar feeling to teleporting via sheikah slate, just stronger.
Wild lands face first in the wet sand, his gasp only lets him inhale sand and sea water. He chokes and coughs, and soon enough he feels someone patting his back. After a few agonizing minutes, his airways are cleared. He wipes the tears from his eyes and looks up at whoever was patting him. It's non other then the hero of legends, Legend. "Told ya it wasn't pleasant. Should have just came with us when you had the chance." He tells him. Wild glares at him. "Oh fvck off, you." He replies. "Language." Time interjects. Wind laughs. "Oh please, let the old guy swear! I promise it's nothing I haven't heard before, I'm a pirate after all!" He announces. Wild sighs. "Where am I?" He asks.
"Welcome to Outset island! You're in my hyrule!" Wild groans. "This is how I die." He mumbles, struggling to his feet. Hyrule walks up, helping him off the ground. "I'm fine." He tells him, brushing the sand off of him.
Wild looks around and groans. "And of course, no weapons, no armor. Just dandy." Legend chuckles. "Once again, we warned you. Hylia's a little shit." He tells him. Isn't this great? Zelda was supposed to visit him tomorrow, she's gonna be worried sick! When will he be back? He needs to get back home! "Hey, you okay?" Wind asks.
"Obviously not." He snaps. Was that mean of him? Yeah, but he can't help it! This is the most stress he's been under in decades! He's not a fighter anymore! He has no supplies, he has zero idea what's going to happen, and he's on a random beach! What if these other hyrules have large crowds? Just the thought makes him anxious! And he's gonna need to be around eight other men? He's already feeling claustrophobic. How in Hylia is he going to manage?
Well, the only way out is forward, he supposes.
23 notes · View notes
raeynbowboi · 3 years
How to Play as Link in DnD 5e (2.0)
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With the release of both Mythic Odysseys of Theros and now the new big expansion in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, I figured now would be a good time to reexamine Link with the context of new subclasses, class features, and game mechanics that weren’t around the last time that I built him. While I won’t do this for every character I’ve built before, characters who have new options made available with these updates will get a new rebuild for 2021. If you want to compare and contrast this build to the original, I will link that build right [here].
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The Spirit of the Hero
Link’s a Hylian and that’s just a fancy way of saying elf. His best racial options are either the High Elf, the Wood Elf, or the Half-Elf. Half-elf’s extra skills are tempting, but as Link is never given any parents or an ancestral family tree, we can’t really justify him as a half-elf. We’ll call him a Wood Elf for the extra +2 to his Dexterity and the +1 to his Wisdom as well as that woodsy vibe. But if you wanna go for a Half-Elf for the power build, I won’t tell anyone.
Link’s alignment is tricky. On the one hand, he is shown kneeling before the monarchy, defeating the forces of evil and darkness, and doing odd jobs to help the common people he comes across. However, he can also start forest fires, break into people’s houses, smash pots, steal people’s life savings or personal belongings, and attack the chicken population until they attack back. I’d wager he’s Neutral Good if for no other reason than his morality is highly dependent on the player.
My first choice for Link’s background would be the Folk Hero for Animal Handling and Survival. However, Link’s background is so inconsistent, it’s easier to just list out the skills he tends to have and tell you to pick a background that has those skills, or create your own: Animal Handling, Athletics, Investigation, Nature, Perception, or Survival. There’s a case to be made for other skills as well. Acrobatics works a little and his jumps did involve sick flips in Majora’s Mask, but Link doesn’t tend to balance or platform jump very often. Link can play instruments fine and danced in the Subrosian Dance Hall in Oracle of Seasons for Performance proficiency, but he’s usually playing instruments to activate effects, not to actually perform for a crowd. Link shows some Stealth skills in Breath of the Wild, but this hasn’t been a longstanding skill of his, so I didn’t lump it in with his main skill list.
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Becoming a Hero
When it comes to his build, Link has made some use of spells in the past, but he’s nowhere near the spellcaster that Zelda and Ganondorf are. Link is definitely more of a martial fighter who augments himself with a wide arsenal of magical items. So when it comes to picking Link’s class, we have a few things to keep in mind.
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Link is a talented young man, and he has had magical instruments in a few games over the years, as well as dancing in Subrosia, among other things. While I don’t subscribe to the idea of Link being a bard myself, I understand why people would come to this conclusion, as Link isn’t really bad at anything... except talking. And lying. And looking threatening. Or haggling. Yeah kind of hard to depict Link as a CHA caster who isn’t proficient in any CHA skill checks. 
Spirits (UA) This doesn’t fit for every Link, but especially for Breath of the Wild where Link gets help from the spirits of his fallen comrades, the flavor of calling on the dead works for Link. For a non-BotW example, maybe Link can tell stories of his past lives, and the memories he shares with each of them.
Valor This college has the downside of being built as a cheerleader, while Link really should be built for solo-combat since that’s how he approaches most fights. But Valor is better than Swords and also gives Link proficiency with martial weapons and shields, while Swords does not.
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While there are many martial classes, the Fighter differentiates itself by being the most down-to-earth option. It’s not beholden to rage, or smites, hunting, or sneaking. It is the simple skill of the blade, and this is a skill Link has in spades. From the earliest games, Link has been a master of the sword, the shield, and the bow.
Battle Master Link is a strategic fighter. He looks for weak spots, and he exploits them the best he can. Of all the fighter subclasses, none is more clever than the Battle Master. Its many maneuvers resembles the numerous sword techniques Link has learned especially in the later games. Even in Smash, Link showcases how clever he is by being able to combine his arrows with his bombs and shoot a bomb arrow. To my knowledge, none of the other characters can combine their abilities like this in Smash.
Cavalier The subclass is poorly named, and was better in its initial name as the Knight, as that is really what this subclass is. It is the idea of the knight in shining armor. They can also be flavored as bodyguards, a traveling sellsword, or castle guards. So Link does not have to be glued to Epona to make use of this subclass. The main reason to want this subclass is the Warding Maneuver, as giving Link the chance to either block or reduce all damage he takes is going to seriously improve how well he can tank a hit, and help keep him in a fight longer.
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More than any other class, the Paladin actually stands for something. They fight for a value or a belief. They swear their life to a cause and are prepared to die fighting for it. Link works on a lore level as a Paladin. Especially when he’s dedicated multiple lifetimes to the same cause. Across every timeline and game over screen, Link has always returned and stood in defiance against whatever evil may come. 
Ancients This oath makes Link sworn to the forces of nature, such as the Great Fairy, and protecting the balance and harmony of the light, life, and love against death, decay, and darkness. The Ancients Paladin is all about protecting the balance in the world and valiantly opposing evil wherever it might arise. It also has a druidic or fey aspect, which kind of works for Link.
Crown With this vow, Link serves the Hyrulian Royal Family. This makes Link the princess’ personal knight, and an agent of lawfulness, order, and peacekeeping in the land. While 5e has backed away from typecasting Paladins as Lawful Good, this is probably the most Lawful subclass one could pick, as it places the authority of the royal family above all else.
Glory Instead of being sworn to the light or the law, the Glory Paladin is the harbinger of the goddesses. They are flavored as legendary heroes of destiny, possibly being demigods or the personal errand boys of the setting’s pantheon. This subclass is clearly focused on being a frontline warrior, and the features make Link a true force on the battlefield.
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Anyone who’s played Legend of Zelda knows that Link is very good at surviving. The games don’t tell you how to navigate the wilderness, Link just has to figure it out for himself. What’s more, Link may be willing to venture into the wilderness, but he’ll be hard-pressed to find many NPCs that far outside of settlements or cities. Yet what they fear, he thrives in. And it’s no wonder that this is the class most peole would assume for Link.
Hunter This conclave is the slayer of all things that threaten civilization. They can choose to be better at chipping away at one enemy, counter attack bigger monsters, or mow through hordes of minions with more ease by taking out multiple at a time. Especially at higher levels, this conclave excels at ripping apart Ganon’s forces with nary a golden curl out of place.
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The rogue doesn’t need to be a wanted criminal on the lamb. They can be a clever fighter with a variety of skills and a knack for evasion. That speaks a lot more to Link’s skill set than one might assume at first glance. It’s not a perfect fit for Link, but it’s really not that inaccurate either.
Inquisitive This roguish archetype is defined by being clever in combat, looking for weak points to exploit. They’re also much more observant, making them better at discovering clues or secret passages, or telling when they’re being misled. At higher levels, their ability to look for weaknesses can even increase their sneak attack damage. This especially fits some of the older games where boss fights were focused on using items to exploit the dungeon boss’ weaknesses, rather than hacking away at their health bar. In these older titles, Link was less of a straight up warrior and more of a clever trickster pulling off strategic victories.
Scout The Scout Rogue has heavy Ranger vibes, as they get free expertise in Nature and Survival, enhanced mobility, the ability to disengage from fights more easily, and at higher levels become masters of ambushes. This fits well with Link’s sneakier sniper playstyle that can be done in Breath of the Wild, as Link can take out entire camps without ever being seen.
Thief While Link is not a standard cutpurse, Link is a treasure hunter, a dungeon delver, and the jokes about him robbing the people of Hyrule and breaking into people’s homes doesn’t exactly help. The thief also gets to use more magical items, allowing Link to use things such as enchanted instruments without being a bard.
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Link usually isn’t the hero of his own volition. He often starts his journey with Triforce of Courage, a source of power gifted by his patrons. It’s honestly a weak connection, but it loosely works, so I’m including it. 
Celestial While this subclass is geared toward serving something other than a god, I don’t see any reason why a Celestial Warlock couldn’t serve the Triple Goddesses of Hyrule or even Hylia/Zelda directly.
Hexblade The most obviously martial warlock option, this is a good choice if you want to incorporate Fi into your character.
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Link’s Toy Chest
Hero’s Sword - Longsword (+1-3) Mirror Shield - Repulsion Shield Hero’s Bow - Oathbow Gale Boomerang - Storm Boomerang Fire Rod - Wand of Fireballs (requires spellcasting) Mastersword - Sword of Zariel, Holy Avenger Longsword* Hylian Shield - Shield of the Hidden Lord  Goddess Bow - Ephixis, Bow of Nylea Golden Gauntlets - Gauntlets of Ogre Power Zora Tunic - Cloak of the Manta Ray Pegasus Boots - Boots of Speed Hover Boots - Boots of Levitation Hook Shot - Rope of Climbing
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Sidekicks are a new edition from Tasha’s that let Link bring allies on his hero’s journey. Experts are skill monkeys who focus on Help actions, Spellcasters dip into the INT, WIS, or CHA spell lists, and Warriors are trained to fight and don’t have to talk, so they can be animals.
Epona - Defender Warrior Riding Horse Navi - Expert or Healer Spellcaster Sprite Sidon - Attacker Warrior Merfolk Sheik - Expert Noble (Elf) Wolf Link - Attacker Warrior Wolf
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Theros Piety
The Piety System from Theros lets us be devout to a god and earn features from worshiping them. As far as I’m aware, this is an optional feature, and not every DM will make use of these, but if you’re able to, here’s a handy guide. These gods really stood out as the clear choices for Link to go with.
Iroas - God of Victory
Domains: War Virtues: Achieve a great victory, Overcome slim odds honorably, Defeat a foe in single combat, Perform a great feat of strength or skill Sins: Being a coward in battle, Beat an honorable foe through deceit, harm innocents Piety Bonus: +3 Learn Compelled Duel spell +10 Learn Crusader’s Mantle spell +25 For 1 minute, creatures cannot gain advantage on you +50 Increase STR or CHA by 2 to a max of 22
Keranos - God of Storms
Domains: Knowledge, Tempest Virtues: Solve a riddle or puzzle, defeat an unwise enemy, plan ahead for an upcoming challenge, build or restore a temple to Keranos Sins: Jeopardize others through foolishness, ignore a wise course of action, fail to plan for a challenge, give in to anger or self-destruction
Piety Bonus: +3 Add 1d6 lightning damage to melee attack up to INT mod turns. +10 Reroll a failed INT or WIS saving throw +25 Advantage on Initiative rolls +50 Increase INT or WIS by 2 to a max of 22
Nylea - Goddess of the Wild
Domains: Nature Virtues: Help any wild animal, stop those who hunt for sport or profit, win an archery competition, slay an aberration, fiend, or undead Sins: Kill an animal without reason, Dedicate a building to or make a sacrifice for any god (including Nylea), protect a city from a natural disaster
Piety Bonus: +3 Learn Hunter’s Mark +10 Learn Speak with Animals +25 Attacking creatures must pass DC 15 WIS save or change targets. +50 Increase DEX or WIS by 2 to a max of 22
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Cunning Tactician
Battle Master Fighter (12) Inquisitive Rogue (8) Fighting Style: Dueling Maneuvers: Brace, Disarming Strike, Feinting Attack, Parry, Precision Attack, Riposte, Sweeping Attack Tools: Thieves’ Tools, Mason’s Tools
While Link is brave and strong, he is most defined by his clever mind and unorthodox solutions to boss fights. With this class split, Link has prioritized strategy and tactics over everything else. While it leaves him a little squishier, Link is still a very capable warrior. As a Battle Master, he got a free tool proficiency. Mason’s Tools allows Link to find secret passageways in stone walls, which most dungeons tend to be made of. On top of that, with his Feinting Attack, Link can give himself advantage, meaning he can use Sneak Attack even in a 1v1 fight, which fits his solo adventurer playstyle.
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One-Man Army
Battle Master Fighter (12) Hunter Ranger (8) Fighting Style: Dueling, Archery Maneuvers: Brace, Disarming Strike, Feinting Attack, Parry, Precision Attack, Riposte, Sweeping Attack Hunter’s Prey: Colossus Slayer, Multiattack Defense Tools: Mason’s Tools
I used this build once in a level 10 campaign. 6 levels of Fighter, 4 levels of Ranger with a +2 Longsword, and let me tell you something. This build creamed the competition, which was the other PCs at the table, who were also built as level 10 characters. Link nearly defeated his first opponent in a single round, dealing around 70 damage between his four attacks. When I say this is Link’s “power” build, I mean it. I didn’t even sweat when an adult blue dragon showed up after the tournament ended, that’s how much faith I had in Link’s ability to fight. I honestly forgot to even use Link’s battle maneuvers, he was just dealing so much damage that it slipped my mind. You could swap Battle Master for Cavalier, but for me, the Battle Master is more accurate to Link’s favor of techniques over basic hack-and-slash.
1 Absorb Elements, Ensnaring Strike, Hunter’s Mark 2 Cordon of Arrows, Healing Spirit
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The Hero of Hyrule
Battle Master Fighter (12) Glory Paladin (8) Fighting Style: Archery, Dueling Maneuvers: Brace, Disarming Strike, Feinting Attack, Parry, Precision Attack, Riposte, Sweeping Attack Tools: Mason’s Tools
As a Glory Paladin, Link is driven by a desire to be a legendary hero, and at least in the UA version, the Glory Paladin served the gods, as Link does. Like the two builds above, Link balances the brute might of the Glory Paladin with the tactile diversity of the Battle Master.
1 Cure Wounds, Divine Favor, Guiding Bolt, Heroism, Protection from Evil and Good, Searing Smite, Thunderous Smite, Wrathful Smite 2 Branding Smite, Enhance Ability, Find Steed, Magic Weapon, Warding Bond
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Oaths and Promises
Glory Paladin (12) Celestial Warlock (8) Fighting Style: Dueling Pact: Blade Invocations: Eldritch Smite, Improved Pact Weapon, Maddening Hex, Relentless Hex
The builds from here on are more for the flavor than necessarily Link’s character. As a Blade Pact Paladock, Link becomes a CHA-focused martial with some extra spell slots that turn his smiting sword strikes into a bokoblin slurry machine. This build focuses Link more as a servant of the gods than anything else. Just make sure he has the Hex spell, but you can replace Maddening Hex with Agonizing Blast if you want to use the Master Sword laser beam at full potential.
1 Divine Favor, Guiding Bolt, Heroism, Protection from Evil and Good, Searing Smite, Thunderous Smite, Wrathful Smite 2 Branding Smite, Enhance Ability, Find Steed, Magic Weapon, Warding Bond 3 Blinding Smite, Crusader’s Mantle, Elemental Weapon, Haste, Protection from Energy
C Blade Ward, Booming Blade, Sword Burst 1 Armor of Agathys, Cure Wounds, Hex 2 Lesser Restoration, Misty Step, Shatter 3 Spirit Shroud, Summon Fey 4 Galder’s Speedy Courier
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To Serve and Protect
Battle Master Fighter (12) Crown Paladin (8) Fighting Style: Dueling, Interception Maneuvers:  Bait and Switch, Brace, Disarming Strike, Goading Strike, Parry, Riposte, Sweeping Attack Tools: Mason’s Tools
Link is Zelda’s knight, bodyguard, and servant. So this build prioritizes features that makes Link the loyal emissary of the Princess of Hyrule. As such, this build changes Link’s role to be more of a defender to the princess than a solo hero. This build assumes that the princess or someone else who needs to be protected is joining Link on his adventure.
1 Command, Cure Wounds, Divine Favor, Heroism, Compelled Duel, Searing Smite, Thunderous Smite, Wrathful Smite 2 Branding Smite, Find Steed, Warding Bond, Zone of Truth
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After all is said and done, I hope I gave everyone a lot to work with. Of course my suggestions are not law, and if nothing else, I hope it gives you an idea of how you want to build him. Last time I built Link, I gave one set build for him, but I still laid out other options. Recently though, I’ve been trying to show multiple builds at the end of my build posts to offer a wider idea of what building a character can look like. Happy 2021 everyone, and let’s hope this year goes smoother.
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4n0da · 3 years
"Fly through the earth, run through the sky, eyes of the sky and eyes of the earth"
Chapter 1: The Return of the Legendary Warrior
Snap, snap.
The arrow released by the boy was not blown away by the air currents and broke the shiny blue target in a straight trajectory.
"Holy shit! Link's as good with a bow as Mr.Revali!!"
A small Rito boy who was watching the scene (he was probably still new to handling arrows, since even a small bow seemed to be too big for his body) commented with a twinkle in his eye on the boy...Link, who had already broken all the targets in a few moments.
It is the name of a young warrior who was chosen by Rito to defeat the evil 100 years ago.
The arrows he shoots pierce the fine.
His flight through the sky is like a gale.
He handled the bow, which was as tall as he was, with ease.
Even though it is only in literature, his name and strength remain in the village of Rito, and even today, all men grow up being told to "become a warrior like Master Revali," and this is passed on to their children when they are born.
"Hey Dad, did you see that?"
"Of course."
The dignified-looking, white-feathered warrior of the Rito tribe, who was called "Dad," was named Teba.
Teba had been sitting in front of the cooking pot earlier, but he stood up and came over to Link with his son, Tuli by name, and laughed and showed his white breath.
"You're always so good at what you do, I'm going to have to start making targets again."
The place where the three of them were was a place called the Flight Training Center, which was built by the old chief to help Revali hone his skills.
In this place where the updrafts are always blowing up from below, he created an unconventional technique called "Revali's gale", which is a vertical leap.
According to his diary, which has recently been found, he allowed the children of the village to use this place freely, not only for himself, but also for all the warriors of the village.
Thus, the availability of Teba and Tuli was a remnant of this.
It was quite rare for a Hylian Link to have access to this place, and it was safe to say that Teba's recognition of his high level of archery was the reason why.
Now after the defeat from the disaster,
The hero of Hyrule, the boy Link, and the princess Zelda, who possesses the power of the seal, and,
Unbeknownst to the people of present-day Hyrule, the disaster was safely contained by the divine beasts controlled by the four champions who had become souls and were waiting for them.
Maybe there's no reason to fight anymore.
However, in order to protect their loved ones, both Link and Teba spent their time training as knights and warriors.
Teba wanted Tuli to become a great warrior, and whenever Link stopped by the village of Rito, she asked him to teach Tuli how to use a bow, saying, "There are other men besides the Rito who are good at archery.
"By the way, Link."
When his name was called, Link, his face flushed from the cold, looked back at Teba.
"What about the Steller's sea eagle bow? I'm sure you can handle it no problem, can't you?"
The bow said to have been used by the former champion Revali.
That is the Steller's sea eagle's bow.
It is made of wood so that it is easy to use in the air, and it is no different from other Rito bows in that the master craftsmen of Rito can draw the string faster than other bows, making it easier to shoot in rapid succession.
However, the weight was increased by four stabilizers, which were like weights, and there were no Rito who could use them to get the right arrow flight, not only at that time, but even now, 100 years later.
Of course, Teba tried to use it, but although he could pull the string, the weight of the bow greatly reduced her speed in the air.
This fact must have made Teva and many other warriors envious of Revali, and passed his name on to future generations.
And Link, this thin-armed boy who showed great skill in the air, might be able to handle this bow.
After the two of them sank the divine beast, Va-Medo, Teba told the chief about entrusting the family's treasure to Link, and he agreed, saying that of course the descendant of a champion would do it.
Teba wondered if it was his imagination that Link had muttered "nostalgic" when he handed him the bow, even though no one had been let out of Rito's village in a hundred years.
With that in mind, Teba let Link try out a shot at the flight training area.
Link dropped a number of targets in a moment, just like the legendary champion. After Teba finished her praise, "That's great," most of the visible targets were gone.
Even though it is an excellent bow, there is inevitably an affinity between the bow and the user. And bows are different depending on how they are used.
Teba had heard that the bows of the Gerudo region were suitable for hunting in the desert, and that the bows of the beast kings were powerful enough to finish off their opponents.
What Link was holding now was not a Steller's sea eagle bow, but one that had been adjusted for the Hylians, but would a Steller's sea eagle bow really be suitable for his purposes?
That bothered Teba, so he called out to him.
"...I think I'm going to confuse you."
That's what Link says back.
"Confused? You didn't break it, did you?"
"I didn't break it.
"Did you lose it?"
"I didn't lose it.
"What do you mean?"
Just then, He heard a gurgling sound of wind.
Teba and Tuli peeked to see if the wind was blowing up from the flight training area, but there was clearly one updraft that was stronger than usual.
The Ritos have ten times the visual acuity of other species, and also have excellent kinetic vision.
They could clearly see a bluish or black-feathered Lito in the middle of the current, carrying a Steller's sea-eagle bow and climbing up the current like a swimming fish.
The dry snow fluttered in the wind and hit them cheeks.
"I got it back."
As soon as he heard the sound of the strings being pulled, three bows were released and snatched Link just short of his hair.
No way, no how, no how.
Teba didn't blink and stared at the Rito warrior.
There were no details of his appearance in the literature, only that he was not that tall, as the Steller's sea eagle's bow was as tall as he was.
Four braids of jade, interlaced with thin cloth.
The red of his cheeks showed that he was not yet of age.
"Dad, is that..."
Shortly after Tuli called out, the Ritos landed on Link, Teba and Tuli.
"Do you know me? Well, of course I do."
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deiliamedlini · 3 years
Whumptober 2021- The Darkness I Know
Chapter 4
No. 4- Trust fall
“Do you trust me?” | taken hostage | pushed
Fic Summary: After the world as she knew it was destroyed by the corruption of Malice, Zelda allies herself with her saviors from captivity: a disgruntled former governor, an alert paramedic, a cocky pilot, an excessively overt optimist, and a blind strategist. While the corrupted, malice-filled Yiga Clan looks for revenge on them, Zelda has to learn how important it is to find family in others... and how much more dangerous the stakes become if she fails to protect them.
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Zelda’s room was an absolute prison.
There was no way that someone built this room for comfort, or peace. No one would find a sense of calm and relaxation in here. It was built to inspire fear, and that’s exactly what it did.
The door was locked, of course. No amount of jiggling the handle would do anything to help her. But when she turned, she was met by a sickening, neon orange wall, with white floors; her eyes hurt simply from looking at it all.
There was no window in the small room, but she hadn’t expected it. She figured they were in the middle of the compound, just based on what little information she’d managed to gather. But there was nothing on the walls, nothing but the painful color. It left the room feeling barren and empty; a cold place rather than somewhere warm and inviting.
The bed was small and set on a metal frame, and when she sat on it, she sank into an uncomfortable gap that had been left by an apparent, numerous occupants. And the sheets didn’t appear to have been changed in the time between people either, given their frayed, tattered, and—to Zelda’s utter dismay—odorous state.
No, this room was not meant to be lived in. This was another tactic, another measure for her to overcome. This was to scare her out of joining the Yiga, as if she had any other choice right now. Joining was the only way out.
She sat in the corner of the room on the floor, hoping that was a safer bet than the bed was, and pictured just how many people were gathered in that room. Not one of them tried to defect? Every one of them was here of their own volition?
Zelda shuddered. What if there was a ploy, a twist? What if somehow, they really could convince her to become a Malice-loving zealot? Who would she even be?
Perhaps the room was meant to test her in more ways than one, because the only time the door opened was for someone to drop off food that she was too afraid to eat, and then they’d leave with the tray and Zelda would wander the empty room trying to keep herself entertained.
She’d been in the Yiga’s hideout for a week now: three days in the cells, and four in the room.
Four, right?
She’d lost count, honestly.
On day… two—she believed—she accepted the food with caution. They wouldn’t try to pull the same trick twice, right?  Besides, she’d need her strength if she wanted to have a chance of fighting.
That was what this room really did: broke people until they no longer had fight left inside them.
Before the Malice had taken over, Zelda was fresh out of school. She did some sports in high school, and she ran in her spare time, but athleticism wasn’t her forte. After, however, Zelda had become proficient in fending off the more annoying crazed creatures, and the occasional human. She could use a bow, a knife, and herself to throw an enemy off balance. But here? Here she was surrounded and completely alone.
Zelda loved rulers, but there were none in the room.
She took her arm and placed it beside the pillow she refused to use on the bed she wouldn’t sit on. The pillow was about 1 ¼’s of her arm. The blanket was 5 arms in length, and 3 wide. The door was 2. The room was 14.
Goddess, there was little else she could do to keep herself entertained.
She took her place on the floor, stretched out and groaning as her bones snapped and cracked, begging for her to be kinder to them. She flipped onto her back and let out a heavy sigh as her back thanked her.
“Let me out,” Zelda said to no one in particular, and in a very normal voice. She didn’t shout or call for help, but she needed to speak. “Please, just let me leave this stupid room!”
Her stomach growled. Weak. She was weak with hunger. Her legs didn’t want her to stand back up, and she was okay with that.
How many fibers were on the frayed end of the blanket, Zelda wondered?
It was faint, but Zelda’s ears perked up at an unfamiliar noise outside her door, causing her to sit up faster than she ever had before. It was quick, and gone in an instant, but it was there.
She crawled to her door, staying low in case… well, she didn’t know why. Just in case.
With her ear to the door, she closed her eyes to block out her other senses, and listened.
Zelda shrieked and fell backwards as the sound of something hard and heavy connected with her door, shaking it with her head still against the wood.
There was the unmistakable sound of a scuffle, and the door shook with several thuds, occasionally followed by a grunt or two.
Then, it was silent.
Zelda ran to the door and pressed her ear there once again, but she heard nothing.
“Hey!” she finally called, banging her palm on the door as hard as she could, a surge of adrenalin bursting through her tired, sore, and hungry body. “Hey!” She tried, banging incessantly.
Zelda had hoped it would get someone’s attention. She hoped someone would open the door, and allow her to escape.
She didn’t expect to hear a man’s confused voice on the other side.
Eyes bugging out, Zelda banged the door again. “Hey! Who’s this!? Let me out!”
She heard the man grunt. “Who is this? Why should I let you out?”
“Aren’t you a Yiga?” she asked jokingly.
Zelda let her hands slide along the wood, trying the door handle one more time, fruitlessly. “My village was massacred, I was betrayed, and they’re trying to kill me! Please let me out!”
“I don’t know you,” he said with a scoff.
Zelda banged her fists on the door. “Please! Let me out! It’s locked from the outside!”
“Stop doing that and maybe I will!”
She saw the doorknob jiggle before it stopped. “Hang on,” he said, just before she heard retreating footsteps.
She wanted to beg him not to go, but she simply held her breath and waited, trying to think of the best way to attack. There were literally no possible weapons in the room, so she imagined the door opening, and her coming out swinging instead. Of course, if they had a weapon, she’d be done for and back in the room.
Footsteps were on the other side again. “You in there?” he asked.
“Where did you think I went?”
She could hear him chuckle. “Help me out,” he said to someone else.
A woman muttered something that she couldn’t hear, but there was a thud, and the door shook.
“Back up!” the man called.
Zelda did, wondering what they were doing.
And she yelped when a giant metal sword pierced the wood.
Then again.
Another sword, and the wood was splintering.
“Goddess,” she mumbled, watching the wood be torn to pieces in random places.
It didn’t make sense until there were a few more thuds, and the center of the door was a hole just big enough for her.
Zelda waited, unsure if they were just going to stab her when all was said and done. But that was probably too much effort.
“Damn,” a woman said, her voice deep and authoritative, but also melodic and charming. “That was fun.”
“Good thing we cleared this area,” the man said, his voice moving, as if he were looking around.
“Hey,” the woman said, peering at Zelda in the room. She was hunched over, so she was very tall, and her red hair was long and wild and wavy as it hung in front of her face. “Coming? We’re on a tight schedule.”
“Yes,” she breathed, rushing toward the gap.
The woman disappeared. “Can you help her out? I’m going to go find Daruk.”
“Yeah, go ahead.”
Zelda watched the woman run by the door, and a new figure replaced her.
The man was not nearly the same height as the woman, and Zelda wondered if they might actually just be the same, judging from where he stood. His partially gloved hand ran along the gap just before he shoved his whole arm inside, ready to take Zelda’s hand.
“It’ll be a tight squeeze. I’ll help pull you out.”
“How do you know I’m not really a Yiga?” she asked. “How do I know you’re not a Yiga? Am I supposed to take you at your word?”
“That would be silly. Let me prove it to you instead,” he said, wiggling his fingers.
Hesitation was not something Zelda liked experiencing, so she fought past it and gripped the man’s hard, calloused hand. His fingers closed tight around hers. “Let me know when you’re ready for me to pull.”
“I will,” she said, getting her leg up, but then getting stuck. “Oh, this is just going to hurt a bit.”
“What is?”
“I’m stuck. I think… just pull me. I just want to get out of here.”
“We don’t injure people for no reason, he said with an exasperated sigh. Come on, let me help.”
His hand didn’t move, waiting for her permission. “Fine.”
“What are you wearing?”
Zelda’s heart was already racing from the nerves, and the excitement of getting out of here. But this man… was something. “Excuse me?”
“I can’t see well. What are you wearing?”
“Pants and…”
“Good enough,” he said, reaching forward and sliding his hand quickly down her back before grabbing her by the waist of her pants and pulling her with him.
She didn’t land on the ground, but instead, found herself out of that cursed room, and in the arms of a total stranger.
Sudden tiredness washed over her. “Why did you even let me out? Do you trust me, or something?”
“No,” he snorted, letting her go when he felt she was solid. “No, but we’re already on a rescue mission. Let’s just add one more.”
“A rescue?”
“Yeah, a man with blue hair should be prisoner here. We’re here to break him out, but we’ve been scouring this place.”
“Wait, blue hair? I think I know where he is.”
The man’s blonde, messy mop hung in front of his eyes. It must be annoying, Zelda figured, but she wasn’t going to voice that opinion. Some of his hair was tied back, but not enough to be neat or helpful.
“You do?” he asked, his interest piqued.
“I believe so.”
“What’s your name so I can thank the Goddess for you at night?” he laughed, before picking up a long staff he’d leaned against a wall.
“Zelda,” she said, instinctively holding out her hand for a handshake.
“Zelda? Good to meet you. I’m Link.” He held his hand out beside hers. She stared at his hand like it were doing a trick before simply sliding her hand into his.
Smoothing her hand through her hair awkwardly, she looked around, getting her bearings. “Okay, let’s go.”
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jinmukangwrites · 4 years
Mutual (Mis)Understandings
Summary: Wild and Zelda seem to be engaged... and Twilight like the worried mother hen of the group that he is overreacts and misunderstands greatly. 
Or, Zelda and Wild are best friends, but they’re also both arcace and the only reason they’ll ever get married is for the Hylian equivalent of tax-benefits. 
Note: this was purely self indulgent and was written instead of my actual next LU fic. In the mean time, enjoy this. From now on I only write aroace Wild and Flora and if you don’t like it then don’t talk to me lmao
Twilight supposes it was only a matter of time before they ran into Wild's Zelda. Because, despite Wild's Hyrule being so much larger than it's versions before it, Zelda apparently was still a woman who could not be confined to the walls of her castle. If she wanted to explore and meet new people, then she would. According to Wild, that is.
Zelda is, at first glance, the embodiment of grace and beauty. Her hair is golden and her eyes the color of the grass that flourishes on the hills. Her lips are full, and colored not a perfect red but not a perfect pink either. Her hair, while chopped short, is braided and styled perfectly in a way that compliments her beauty even more.
But then, you look at her traveling clothes and the twigs in her hair, and you realize that Wild once told you a story about how she tried to force a frog into his mouth.
She stands in the center of Terry Town, near a beautiful fountain built around a small shrine for the goddess Hylia, and in a strange reincarnation way, a tribute for her as well. As the group walks into the town that's suspended on a circle of land that towers high over a small lake, she turns and smiles, delight sparkling in her eyes when her gaze lands on her knight. It's an unexpected reunion, one that started with Wild wanting to show them something he's proud of, and one that's turning out to be more of a treat than any of them expected. Especially, when besides Twilight, Wild lets out a happy gasp and runs ahead of the group, slamming into his princess with a tight and joy-filled hug. The moment is so touching that even Legend smiles.
The hug lasts a little longer before Zelda and Wild part, splitting to stand next to each other with shoulders brushing. They look perfect together. Like they were made for each other. Wild smiles at the group and Zelda matches his smile but in a more polite and curious way.
"I believe introductions are in order?" She asks, though it's not really a question. More like an invitation.
Twilight looks over at Wild, a matching look of awkwardness passing between them. Hyrule pulls at his collar nervously. It's always… strange to introduce themselves to people. While many people are named Link to honor heroes, it is still strange to have nine boys traveling together all introduce themselves as such. They really need to come up with better names than rancher and traveler and the old man.
Thankfully, Time is ever the wisest and the owner of the group's meager stash of brain cells. He steps forward with a respectable bow. "Princess Zelda," he says, standing up from his bow, "we have traveled with Link for a few months now and have found ourselves caught in… quite a complicated story. Perhaps, if I may be so bold, it would be wise to allow us a more private space for introductions?"
"I see," Zelda says, her polite smile turning into something a little sharper. Not in an offended way, but in a way that she knows something that they don't. Thankfully, she doesn't keep them waiting for long. "Yes, perhaps it would be wise. Though, it seems I must have to introduce myself as well before we begin. It's not princess. It's queen."
Twilight sometimes keeps himself up at night wondering about how his Zelda might take the news of there being eight more heroes carrying the name "Link" around. It's hard to tell with her, and it's not like they're close. Their relationship is strictly "Princess and Hero", and the most they have in common besides the whole reincarnation thing is Midna.
Which is a topic both of them tend to avoid.
So really, he cannot say for sure how she'd react. Would she believe it? Would she take it in stride? Twilight can really only imagine her taking in the information with a straight face before saying it doesn't concern her so begone.
One thing's for sure, she wouldn't react like Wild's Zelda does.
Because, well, if Twilight thought the kids at his home village were made of skin, bone, and questions, then the Zelda before him is made of questions, questions, and more questions.
"Who is the first among you? What year was it? Strange, it seems you used a different calendar than us. And it's peculiar you two have the same dates but live in completely different worlds- oh you and your Zelda were childhood friends? And you have two Zeldas'? What about you? What is your kingdom like-?
By the end of the afternoon, everyone's mouths had run dry from talking and Warriors was about to jump into the fountain at the center of town yelling about thirst before a tall Gerudo lady stopped him with a level look.
Zelda and Wild have broken off from the group; the town's people and the various guards who must be here for Zelda's protection (even though Twilight's sure she can definitely more than protect herself, it must be for their own peace of mind) have stopped giving them those you nasty foreigners looks and have actually started to seek out conversation in the form of you have money, I have things to sell, wink wink. As the sun crept closer towards the edges of Death Mountain, everyone one-by-one decided the beds promised to them at the inn sounded more interesting than sitting around and doing nothing.
Time being one of the first to retire, not that Twilight blames him. The question "Which one of you is the hero from ten thousand years ago?" weighs heavy on all their minds. The lore of that hero doesn't sound familiar to any of them, and it left the whole group wondering how many lives they have lived, and if they are destined to add more to their group of nine.
Regardless, Twilight finds himself one of the last members to head to bed, and not for the lack of trying. He had accidentally mentioned wrestling around a towering Goron and his little brother and had, in a sting of events he was entirely unwilling in, found himself wrestling Greyson with a whole crowd of townspeople watching with jeers and enthusiasm. Greyson wasn't a full grown Goron, so it was surprisingly easy to knock him out of their makeshift ring carved into the ground with a stick without the aid of his iron boots.
After winning that fight, the Gerudo lady who probably made Warriors wet his pants with her glare decided she wanted in on the action, to which Wind and Hyrule screamed out he was a coward for turning her down by saying he definitely already knows she'll win.
Because she definitely will win. He's seen fully grown pumpkins smaller than her biceps.
But, Twilight is ever the gentleman and absolutely not a coward and caved even though he knows he will walk away from this with a few new bruises.
Turns out, the kind of wrestling the Gerudo lady (who he finds out is named Rhondson judging by the "TEAR HIS ARMS OFF, RHONDSON!" that was yelled out from the crowd as she knocked his feet out from below him) was trying to do was different from goat and Goron wrestling, and he was completely unprepared for her to bring him to the ground and attempt at pinning him down like a madwoman. He's never been so terrified in his entire life.
He should have explained the rules better to more than just Greyson.
He was in the middle of trying to shove her off from him (because apparently a loss is being pinned down for three seconds as refereed by her husband and Twilight is not about to lose so easily with Wind in the sidelines laughing so hard he has tears in his eyes) when he notices Wild and his Zelda leave a building and quietly retreat towards the far cliff edges of town. Rhondson seems to notice this as well, because she pauses in her tortuous wrestling long enough to mutter under her breath "young love..."
To which. Twilight promptly short-circuits.
Young love?
And Zelda?
Yeah sure, he knew Zelda and Wild were close, but Wild was the most… rowdy and dirty piece of work he's ever met. And sure, Zelda isn't exactly the most poise and elegant creature in the world—the twigs still in her hair, the mud running up her boots to her trousers, the ever slowly becoming undone braids in her hair that she doesn't seem to truly care about are all testament of that. Twilight is just… well, he didn't think Wild had it in him. To catch the attention and affection of someone like Zelda… Twilight needs to hand it to him. He guesses Wild can be romantic when he wants to be.
Unfortunately, thanks to his little brain explosion, Rhondson manages to pin him down long enough for Hudson to smack the ground three times. (Seriously, what is up with the son part of everyone's name?)
Rhondson lets him up with a triumphant smirk and Twilight lays on the ground, winded.
"Young love?" He croaks, because his brain is still trying to process. It's like adding two and two together and getting goat.
Rhondson's smirk seems to widen even more as she extends a hand, golden jewelery clinking on her toned wrists. "Don't you know? The Queen and her knight are engaged."
She says it casually like it's nothing truly new or exciting as she lifts him to his feet.
Wind's laughter from the sidelines suddenly turns into choking noises. Twilight can only short-circuit some more.
Because what.
Rhondson doesn't explain anymore as she accepts cheering from the rest of the town. No one explains as the crowd disperses, the sun fully behind Death Mountain and the moonrise breeze moving in with the smell of the ocean. Soon enough, Twilight is still standing where he's been left, Wind sitting on the ground cross-legged with his chin in his hands, and Hyrule standing besides him looking unsure if he should suggest bed or something else.
Wild is seventeen (plus one hundred but that doesn’t count) years old and he's engaged.
He knows the age of adulthood changes every so often, but honestly at least wait until you're twenty before you commit! Or let Twilight be married first!
He slowly manages to crawl out from his churning thoughts back into his body, and the first thing he does is look towards where Zelda and Wild disappeared to and suddenly his brain is thinking of a whole matter of things the two of them might be doing. Alone. With no one to catch them.
He's moving to follow them before he can make himself rethink to maybe respect their choices and boundaries. Hyrule, perhaps thinking the same thing, grabs onto the tail of his wolf's pelt.
"Wait!" Hyrule says, trying to be the voice of reason, which is strange because normally that's Twilight's job, "maybe we should let them be… alone-"
"Traveler, are you a man or a mouse?!" Wind demands, catching up to the two of them, looking way too determined to intrude upon a potential make-out session.
Hyrule squeaks. "M-man!"
Twilight ignores them as he creeps towards the buildings the two love birds disappeared behind.
"Besides, the champion brought this upon himself," Wind continues. "He should have told us he was going to be the future King of Hyrule. He deserves it."
It; being a good sneaking up on. Twilight finds himself agreeing. They've known Wild for how long and he hasn't told them at all that he was engaged?
The topic of love and settling down has come up many times in their group.
"Champion, do you like anyone?" "Nah, the only thing I like is cooking." "Hey champion, after all this and settling down, what are your plans?" "To become a world renowned chef." "Cook! I saw the face you were making when Malon was talking about girls! Who were you thinking of?" "Food. Duh."
The sniveling little weasel. To think Twilight fell for it.
Twilight holds up his hand as they approach the buildings, Wind and Hyrule quiet down their conversations. It seems even though Hyrule took a rare attempt at peacekeeping, he has ultimately decided upon even though I don't like it I still want to come along. They poke their heads around the corner of the building and find…
No one is here.
How interesting.
Wind gives a groan of outrage and Hyrule releases a sigh of relief so powerful the grass waves a little. Twilight continues forward and looks at the soft dirt on the ground that leads to the sheer unforgiving drop of cliff. They should really fence this off, he's seen the children in the town and one of them could easily fall.
"I can't believe the cook, the sly fox," Wind was grumbling and not for the first time Twilight decides to not ask how the kid knows so much about stuff like this. Hyrule says something back about maybe there's a reason Wild's kept it secret but Twilight doesn't listen in too hard as his eyes catch on something in the ground.
There. Footsteps. Fresh. Two different sizes, one small and the other slightly larger. Could easily belong to a queen wearing muddy boots and a knight.
He follows the footsteps and his stomach jumps when he follows them to the edge of the cliff.
Did they… were they so... that they didn't notice the cliff?!
He rushes towards the quite literal edge of Terry Town and frantically looks down into the water below. It's hard to see with the light of the quarter moon creeping up behind them.
He can't see a thing, but thankfully Wind has a knack for looking into the horizon because his voice cuts through his internal panic with the pointing of a hand.
Twilight follows the pointing finger until his eyes land on the distant sight of two people sharing one lantern in the forest past the edge of the lake. One is vaguely femininely shaped and the other about the same height but with less curves. They're walking through the tall grass and wirey trees, past the empty husks of what Wild calls Guardians.
Until Wild points out something and they share a look before running behind one of the husks and staying there.
How… how unseemly! Didn't one of those things kill Wild?!
Twilight grabs at the grapple in his bag, thankful he decided to keep that with him instead of putting everything in the inn, and ties the end of it around one of the nearby fence posts. The shore of the lake doesn't look too far from here. He should be able to swim it. Easy.
Wind and Hyrule follow him down without complaint, as Twilight drops the other end of his grapple down with the fill length of chain extended. It takes a few minutes and a few stomach churning, chain wiggling moments with the wind for Twilight to finally find himself at the end of the line, just a short distance from the water.
He hopes there's no monsters in there.
Well. Here goes nothing.
He lets go of the chain and his stomach flips just a bit before he hits the surprisingly refreshing water. Not too cold but not worryingly warm. It's also shallow, his toes brushing the bottom for just a moment before he swims towards where he thinks the shore is and upwards until he reaches the surface with a gasp. There's two more splashes behind him and soon the three of them find themselves gasping and dripping on the muddy and rocky shore of the lake. Hyrule looks the worst out of all of them, perhaps not as used to swimming, but they at least all made it with no monster battles or near drownings. So a win.
The light of the two love bird's lantern is still a good distance away, and by the time they near most of the water has dripped away from their clothes and hair, leaving them uncomfortably damp.
And as they near closer, the louder they can hear… giggling.
Twilight puts a hand to his lips and stops Hyrule and Wind where they stand. Wind looks about ready to throw a fit with a string of embarrassing things like I know what sex is and 'm not a kid but thinks the wiser of it when Hyrule frantically makes cut throat notion, signalling yelling is not the best idea right now.
Twilight takes it upon himself to approach the husk of the Guardian himself. He feels… icky. Like he shouldn't impose. But there's such a thing as chastity and being too young to accidentally become with child. Twilight knows Wild and Zelda has been away from each other for some time, and the… urge must be strong, but he will not allow his protégé to make a mistake he might regret before he's even married.
"Oh Link, it's beautiful!" Zelda says, breathless.
Twilight takes a deep breath and walks around the Guardian with his hands on his hips. Hopefully Zelda doesn't order his death for this.
"What are you two doing?!"
And then he pauses, eyes wide as Wild jumps up from where he's been crouching, pulling out his sword and looking more angry than what Twilight's ever seen him, before shock and curiosity replaces the anger. Zelda is standing behind him, having jumped to her feet and pulling out a dagger, and behind her a green firebug flies away.
They're both fully clothed and looking at Twilight like he's grown a second head.
"Um." Twilight says smartly, his brain going back into process-mode as Zelda rolls her eyes, puts her dagger away, and looks behind her for the firebug that's flown away.
"Are they decent?" Hyrule's voice asks, which is something Wind doesn't bother to do before he steps around the Guardian to stand by Twilight with a disappointed face. Someone really needs to wash that kid's brain out with soap.
"Decent?" Wild asks, confused. Zelda doesn't say anything, she's crouched further into the forest and creeping up on another firebug.
They were… looking at bugs.
"It's okay, traveler," Twilight says, releasing a breath and thanking Hylia and all the other spirits for everything somehow being a misunderstanding. "We were wrong."
"Wrong about what?" Wild asks, sounding even more confused.
Twilight shakes his head and grabs Wind's head, wrapping his hand around the boy's mouth before he can say anything gross. Hyrule walks over, looking as relieved as he might if he were told the spirit of the demon Ganondorf was forever destroyed. Which is to say, he was looking extremely relieved.
"Oh good," Hyrule says as Wild mutters what's probably explicits behind Twilight's hand. "We thought you were having- mmph?!"
Twilight has successfully grabbed Hyrule's face with his other hand and covers his mouth too. Now, with both boys successfully gagged and pinned to his chest, Twilight gives Wild his best smile and hopes it doesn't look too conspicuous and nervous.
"We saw the light and thought you two saw something dangerous," he lies easily.
Wild gives him a slight suspicious look, his eyes flickering between Twilight's two captives and Twilight himself before shrugging and putting his sword away. Twilight had to fight to keep a straight face as Hyrule elbows his side and Wind licks his hand.
"It's Zelda's first time at Terry Town, and I wanted to show her the creatures that call this place home," Wild explains, not looking all that concerned that Twilight is still holding two of their group members captive by the faces. Hyrule is licking too now, but Twilight can't trust them not to say the sex word yet. Twilight grew up the perpetual older brother of four kids in Ordon, he's been in positions like this before with much more slobbery licking.
"Oh that's good then, no danger!" Twilight says, keeping in a gasp as Hyrule elbows his side harder and Wind makes a mad grasp for his hair.
Thankfully, Zelda speaks up in a whisper-yell from where she's crouching. "Link! There's a wolf!"
Wild gives the other heroes a wide grin before he quietly sprints towards Zelda and couches besides her. The two begin to talk to each other in hushed voices.
Twilight let's a second pass, and then he releases his captives.
Hyrule takes in a deep gasp like Twilight had been strangling him—he wasn't—and Wind spits at the ground furiously like what he licked had been poisonous—Twilight is doubtful the palm of his hand tasted that bad.
Before either of them could recover, Twilight leans down and grabs them both by the points of their ears.
"Do. Not. Say. A. Word."
Wind whacks his hand away, scowling. "Okay okay! Geez-"
Twilight gives them both level glares and eventually they both nod in agreement. Whatever misunderstanding has just happened, Wild and Zelda were to remain unaware of it. Period.
With the unspoken agreement, the three of them walk up to Wild and Zelda, of which Wild is currently in a long ramble in the differences between all the kinds of wolves in Hyrule. Apparently, wolves in Akkala have slightly shorter snouts compared to Hyrule Field Wolves even though they have the same coloring. Interesting. Kind of useless to Twilight, but he'd much rather listen to Wild explain the slight differences of wolves than… other things.
When Zelda requests to see the two kinds of wolves side-by-side, Wild promises he has pictures of both of them on his little magic box thing.
And that's... pretty much how the next few hours go. Wild and Zelda run bush to bush, talking excitedly between each other about black winged butterflies and the abilities gained from eating a golden beetle, and the three other heroes follow along like lost puppies, not able to offer a single shred of new information to the chatty environmentalists. Twilight manages to get in a small comment about the Ordon goats—and ignores the triplet groaning from Wild, Wind, and Hyrule—but after he fails to produce a picture of his favorite animal Zelda loses interest and moves on to poking the leaves of some random flower.
Twilight sighs. Someday someone will worship the Ordon goats like they deserve.
Hours pass and Wind gives a huge very bored sounding yawn, which somehow earns the pity of Zelda. "You're right, small pirate Link. It is probably about time we should head back." She turns towards the Wild with a glint in her eyes. "I'm sure the guards are missing us."
Wild snickers and Twilight rolls his eyes before turning to look at where the cliffs surrounding Terry Town. Then, something occurs to him.
"Hey, you came down with your paraglider?" Twilight says and Wild nods slowly, patting the folded up contraption on his back. "How did you two plan on getting back to town?"
Matching looks of we didn't think of that flashes on Zelda and Wild's faces.
Twilight sighs, turning to Zelda. "Think you can climb a chain or do you want to walk up the long way?"
Zelda narrows her eyes and rolls up her sleeves. Her biceps, too, resemble that of a grown pumpkin. Twilight won't ask if she's sure, he bets she can take him down wrestling as well.
"Alright then," he says.
They walk back towards the lake as a group, and Twilight does his best to comfort Hyrule who's glaring at the water with resentment. It will definitely be harder getting back up than it was getting down. They'll have to swim the lake and climb up the cliffs a bit before jumping to the hanging chain and climbing the rest of the way up there. It'll be a fun workout.
As they walk, Twilight falls back to fall into step with Zelda and Wild. Wind and Hyrule continue onwards in front of them.
"So…" Twilight says under his breath, just loud enough for the two champions of this time to hear them. They both give him curious looks. "Engaged, huh?"
Twilight expected blushing or blubbering or something. What he got was a full on belly laugh from the queen and a rolling-of-the-eyes from her knight and husband-to-be.
"Who told you," Wild demands as Zelda laughs on, earning slightly concerned looks from Hyrule and Wind, "was it Rhondson? I bet it was Rhondson."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Twilight asks, ignoring Wild's (accurate) accusations towards Rhondson.
At this, a flash of guilt passes over Wild's face and Zelda quiets, looking interested. "It… never came up?"
"You forgot, didn't you?" Zelda asks. Wild gives her an apologetic look and she scoffs, looking shockingly more amused than anything.
"I didn't... forget. I was just focused on the quest!"
"It's okay, Link. I forgot too."
"Oh thank Hylia."
The two of them fall into some strange companionable understanding silence and Twilight is left completely and frustratingly out of an apparent inside joke or some sort.
He sighs. "Look, I know this might sound weird, coming from me," Zelda and Wild give him their attention with matching expressions of curiosity, "but I know you're both young and probably haven't been taught very well about… adult matters, so…" oh this is so awkward, they're looking confused, "if you have any questions about… um… urges or desires-"
"Oh!" Zelda says, clapping her hands together in front of her. "You mean sex!"
Twilight chokes on his words and Wild nearly trips into the dirt. Zelda looks like she hasn't said anything strange at all.
"Don't worry, Mr Goat Farmer Link. Link and I know all about sex and we decided we will not being doing it," Zelda says as if she's reassuring a worried soldier or something similar. Indifferent. Straight faced.
"Y-yeah," Wild says after he had refound his footing. "Strictly business. Our marriage."
"I was tired of Impa asking when I'll get married and produce an heir," Zelda explains easily, though she gave a slight disgusted tone at the word produce. "I am much more interested in so many other things, but Impa was getting insistent." Zelda rolls her eyes.
"So Zelda decided to ask me to marry her," Wild puts in quietly, "and I told her that um… I'm not interested in her or in anyone that way, but she said the same thing and then told me that it would benefit us both to marry anyway and so… yeah."
"Impa would stop bugging me about getting married and Link would have unlimited access to the castle kitchens once it's fully repaired. I can continue my journey to study and rebuilt this country in peace and Link can continue his dreams of cooking."
Twilight finds himself nodding, because it makes just as much sense as it doesn't make sense. Which means he doesn't get it but they do so he won't argue on it. "But what about… continuing the royal line?"
"The line will die with me," Zelda says. Like that wasn't a royal bombchu-shell . "Because I will not be bearing any children. We will adopt or I will choose someone I trust to take the throne when the time is right. We will decide when the time comes." She grabs Wild's hand and he squeezes in reply. "Together."
Twilight nods again, deciding against arguing that too.
"Is that what you thought we were doing, rancher?" Wild asks. "Having…"
Twilight's cheeks heat up. "Nope. Not at all."
"Oh, okay…"
Wild definitely doesn't believe it, and he's smirking, but it seems he will save Twilight from embarrassment for the rest of the night. No promises tomorrow though, Twilight's sure.
Turns out, Zelda can absolutely crush them all at swimming and scaling a cliff with a hanging chain. She is hardly even winded when they all reach the top. She bids them all farewell and heads towards the home that has graciously lended her a guest room for her stay. The guards all look extremely relieved to see her, and they disappear into the home with a final wave from Zelda towards their direction.
"I can't believe you're engaged, gremlin," Wind says through a yawn and Wild laughs.
"We're just really good friends," he replies, and Twilight smiles. The trust between the two of them must be so strong regardless of physical desire. He still doesn't understand it, but Wild looks happy and Zelda looks happy and they both clearly love each other.
In their own way.
And Twilight can respect that.
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maybeamiles · 3 years
Fanfic WIP (chapter 1 pt. 1)
Okay so I had an idea a while ago that was kinda dumb. Basically, it went, “what if the hero of men from minish cap was actually a woman” and then I began brainstorming ideas for it and it accidentally turned into a big ol’ emotional story with like, ideas on trauma and love and courage and stuff.
So, uh, IDK how to tag this so I’m probably not going to do much, but basically here’s the plot: Link is a woman who is gay and traumatized and avoiding her destiny, and then through forming relationships with other people she’s able to gain the courage to face her destiny. 
It’s basically all original versions of zelda characters / original characters in the zelda universe, so uh, yeah. 
A version of Malon and Talon make an appearance, and this first part is narrated by a Nonbinary picori called Ezle. Have fun I guess???
Oh also Hyrule in this version is hella suspicious of magic and stuff because reasons
I’ll share more info as it becomes relevant I guess
A cursed woodland is home to many strange and unusual things, but the strangest things of all are the people who live there as though it is normal. A witch you could expect. Fairies and monsters flourish in cursed places. Even the mysterious Picori, with their strange magic and tendency for generosity, are normal guides for the few children that wander into their lands. But a Hylian who lived amongst the woods as though they were their home? That was strange.
And yet, that was Link. A Hylian woman who treated the cursed Minish Woods as though they were the coziest mansion to exist. She was a strange one, to be sure. Stranger than the witch who lived in the swamps to the north. Stranger than the fairies who fluttered about their fountains. Stranger than the monsters who stalked the forest at night. Stranger than even the Picori. 
There were many things that would make Link strange to a passerby, not the least of which was the way she dressed. Link rejected traditional Hylian womens-wear in favor of a comfortable green tunic. On her back, instead of a scarf or basket, she carried a sword and shield. Instead of sandals she wore boots, adorned with magical symbols. Her hair was long, straight, and pulled back in a high ponytail, a shocking style for more traditional Hylians. On her wrists were a pair of bracelets that seemed to boost her power. A bow and quiver of arrows hung from her belt, and at her hip was a bag far too small to carry even the simplest of tools necessary for woodland survival. 
But the strangest thing about Link wasn’t her clothes or her hair or her gear. It was her magic. Few Hylians have a natural magic about them. The little they do have is mostly that of a homely nature. The kind that makes a meal taste incredible or gets a song stuck in your head. The few Hylians who can wield magic in a traditional sense are members of the Royal Family, whose princesses can channel their divine ancestry into powerful weapons of light, so long as the tradition is not forgotten. 
Link’s magic was not like those of other Hylians. She did not have the impressive power of the royal family, nor the homely comfort common to other Hylians. It was everywhere about her, from the way she walked, to her speech, to the way she used a sword. It defined everything about her, down to the thoughts she had in her head.
And yet, despite her magic being so innate, not even her closest friends had seen her use it freely. 
Ezle the Picori had known Link since she had, years ago, wandered into the Minish woods by accident. It was Ezle who led a sobbing Link out of the woods and back to civilization. It was Ezle who first sensed Link’s innate magic. It was Ezle who began to teach a young Link all about her destiny, and it was Ezle who gave Link a home when no-one else would. 
Ezle was a master craftsperson and loremaster amongst the Picori. They were among the first to sense the growing darkness in the world, and they were the one who forged a way to stop it. When Ezle met Link, they crafted and enchanted two magical items. The first was a sword, which granted any Hylian the ability to shrink down to the size of a Picori. The second was a box, granted to the royal family. The sword and box were linked, somehow, but Ezle refused to say how.
“The time will come,” they answered when asked by a young Link, “The time will come when you will wield that sword against evil, and your destiny will be fulfilled.”
Only now, Ezle feared that time would never come. 
“Put more spin into your spin attack,” they said as Link swung her sword in a  slow, wide arc for the third time in a row, “The attack is built on momentum, without it you leave yourself vulnerable to enemies.” And you need to put your magic into it.
Link glared at Ezle and put down her sword. Ezle was training her in the Minish woods, a moment of quiet from the bustling everyday that was their home in Picori Town. She was nearly eighteen years old now, and had been avoiding her destiny for years.
“I don’t see the point to this,” She said, “I’ve been practicing the spin attack all day. Isn’t there anything else I can do?” Ezle shook their head.
“You need to master the spin attack,” they scolded, “It’s crucial to facing your destiny!” 
Link sighed.
“I know, I know! But like, maybe if we worked more on my agility or-”
“No!” Ezle answered sharply, “A sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage. Courage is crucial to your destiny!”
Link rolled her eyes. “I know I know, it’s just- I don’t understand. Isn’t facing monsters and temples courageous enough?” “Courage is not the lack of fear, but continuing despite it,” Ezle reminded her. And you are more unmoving than Death Mountain.
With an angry sigh, Link went back to practicing her swings. Ezle watched her, concerned for their protege. What is blocking your magic? They wondered as Link completed another, lackluster attack, What are you so afraid of?
Ezle’s ears pricked up at the sound of horse hooves. In these woods? They listened harder. Yep, definitely horses. Without a word to Link, they scurried through several bushes to an old, abandoned road. There, they saw a Hylian cart, pulled by a young, strong horse, and leading an old milk cow. Driving the cart was a young redheaded woman with a determined face, and in the back was a young man who could easily have been her twin brother. They were carrying a bunch of crates, bundles, and boxes, as well as several pieces of what looked to be furniture or farm equipment.
However, Ezle’s observations were distracted by Link’s appearance in Picori form. 
“What is it?” Link asked, before noticing the cart and frowning in disgust, “What are they doing here?”
“They, as you put it so disgustingly, are your kind. You’re supposed to be saving them,” Ezle scolded. Link glared at him.
“I know that,” She answered, “But they’re not supposed to come in these woods either, are they?” Link looked back at the cart, and her gaze drifted up to the people driving it. As Link looked, Ezle noticed a change in her expression. Her disgust softened and the faintest hint of a smile grew on her face. As Ezle pondered the change in their pupil, they noticed a faint glow in Link’s eyes. They were, just barely, brighter, more alive, more free. Magic!
A grin spread across Ezle’s face as they recognized the change. Then, their grin widened, as an idea came into their head.
“Come on,” they said, hopping down onto the road the cart was travelling on, “Let’s see what they’re up to.”
Link hesitated, and the magic began to fade from her eyes as fear took hold of her face.
“I- I don’t know,” she said, “I don’t- wouldn’t it be-”
“They don’t have to see us,” Ezle reassured her, recognizing the source of Link’s fear, “Nobody but a child would be able to see you in this form. Besides-” and here Ezle felt the need to fib, “-there are a few settlements of town Picori I’ve been meaning to catch up on. This will give us a chance to do that.” There were no “settlements” of town Picori, as Ezle knew well, but the lie seemed to give Link the motivation she needed to join Ezle on the road.
“Alright,” she said, “Just to see what they’re up to.” 
Ezle smiled, and after some difficulty with catching the moving cart, the two were on their way through the forest and into the wider world of Hyrule.
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
Okay I'm going to judge all my ocs over how OBJECTIVELY attractive they are.
Main Ocs:
Luluco: As hot as i am IRL, i don't think Luluco would count as particularly attractive. Mostly because of the amount of body horror they have going on.
Bloody: AS MUCH AS IT PAINS ME TO SAY THIS, i don't think Bloody would be particularly attractive to the average person!! 😭 Like she's a huge milf yeah but she's really skinny and really pale and has a weird fashion sense so :/
Shira: Shira is probably one of the hottest of my ocs. She's tall, curvy, has good fashion sense, pretty long hair... She's just really attractive.
Sheina: Face wise? In universe and probably irl not very attractive, I'm once again remaking her scars but they are simply pretty nasty. Body wise, she has a very attractive body, big booba, low-key ripped, probably big ass too even.
Takochu: The other one of my main ocs who's the most objectively attractive. Takochu has a nice figure, cares about her image, wears very cute clothes, has pretty hair, and even with the eyepatch she can make it look hot. Takochu is the best.
Juan: This motherfucker ugly af. He is basically destroyed, he hasn't slept in a long time, he barley eats anything, and doesn't have enough mental energy to care about be wears. He was average to attractive when younger at least.
Lola: I think Lola is mildly attractive. She's young she has freckles, pretty hair... Nah, she's really attractive.
Raúl: Just like Lola, mildly to highly attractive. He cares about his looks, has nice hair, and is mildly built, so objectively speaking, hot!
Secondary Ocs:
Dasha: I feel like Dasha would be mildly attractive. Her appearance is nice, good hair normal fashion, also big booba and defined arms under her big sweaters.
Shanlier: She's both attractive but not really. She's one of those so called BIMBOS, have you heard of them? Queen has a nice body but would walk out the shower naked without realizing why that's bad, plus hasn't brushed her hair in a long time.
Sonae: God i swear Sonae isn't as ugly as she looks in her icon i need to do her justice bro 😭😭
Nomi: She's average, nothing too attractive about her, but she isn't ugly.
Thomas: I mean even if you found insane twinks hot, he's in a similar page as Juan, probably more scars but less chronic pain, Thomas is too weird to be considered attractive.
Ace: OBJECTIVELY SPEAKING.... Ace is pretty cute, like they care for their appearence and sometimes wear pretty clothes plus look at their face and their hair i just ;_; they murderous baby :/
Shenlly: She is kinda average. I think she's hot but she doesn't have any big things going on about her, she's just a lady.
Cash: Hot, pretty attractive. He's literally a Bad Boy™, have you seen his hair? He probably wears a jean jacket and a white tee. This guy is also definitely buff. Cash is hot.
John: Mildly attractive, he's a pretty boy with clear skin and long hair. Not a big deal but he did have a gf tbf
Zella: Or Zelda it depends on my humor. Hhhhh she's a complicated case. I mean, objectively? Her face is kinda weird man. Like let's be fair here she is from the sims 3. I think she would qualify as attractive.
Rose and Alyssa: Both attractive, you can pick and choose based on aesthetic lol.
Rhys: Rhys is pretty average, there wasn't anything particularly attractive about him, really.
Penumbra: I know some of you guys would say the literal shadow is hot, but this is a objective rating so no, not attractive.
Rob: I need to shave his beard, that aside, he is probably mildly attractive, he's a tall buff (perhaps the most of my Ocs) bald guy with dark sunglasses. He's pretty cool, pretty attractive.
Tracy: Objectively? Not really attractive. Not because she's particularly ugly, i mean, she doesn't have any "ugly" features, other than perhaps a messy style. I will let you guys decide lol.
Elizabeth: LOL RICH KID!! Attractive.
Max: Objectively not attractive and she does not desire to change it. She prefers to keep it that way.
Personbug: They are actually pretty average, perhaps mildly unattractive if you think bad of eyepatchs, but it's not like they focus much on their outfits.
Bo: ...i don't know what to tell you.
Chad: He's attractive. He simply is. "Oh but he's f-" shut up. Leave. Chad is so fucking hot.
Donovan: He's a zombie, he has a free pass to being unattractive.
Dikx: I'm honestly not sure. Perhaps average, they don't have much going on. The body it's just that, a small body.
Matias: Average to attractive, he's just a twink.
Mateo: I'm sorry monsterfuckers but he's objectively NOT attractive.
Stardew Valley:
Mila: Attractive. She has a Russian accent. Do i need to say more? Well, i do, because on top of that she's buff. And she wears pretty bows and has a red lipstick. Hot girl.
Mora: Mildly attractive. She's pretty cute, hair is long and soft, but that's it.
Leon: Attractive, he's a hunk /hj, also cute pastel color fashion, that IS cute.
Genesis: Mildly attractive? His tits are huge, cool hair, dark glasses...
Damon: Complicated, because face wise i believe he is attractive, plus he's tall and has muscle definition. Problem is their fashion sense, but since they do change often, attractive.
Vinyl: Her character is still a sort of a big wip, but i think she's attractive too, she's Damon's twin after all.
Among us:
Usculbaba: Objectively unattractive. I mean, look at him. He's argentinian a mess. Only wears old band tshirts, hasn't washed his teeth in a long while, barely ever sleeps, his beard is a mess.
TransRight: Attractive. She's pretty cute, $100 smile too.
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the-soupiest-artist · 3 years
Legend of Zelda: Lost and Found
Chapter 2: Choosing to Follow the Call
This series of fics contains spoilers for SOH! You have been warned!
Also thank you to all who have been supporting me through this endeavor!! This wonderful story wouldn’t have happened without the beautiful minds of @s-kinnaly and @ridersoftheapocalypse
A quiet hum filled the courtyard of the palace, as the citizens of the grand capital started to fill the courtyard, and as the people gathered the quiet hum, turned into quiet singing. What was at first a small gathering turned into a choir of Healer and Hylian voices. All singing, waiting to see their chosen leader.
 The singing never ceased even in the grand hall of the palace. The walls lined with the elders of each district, each one singing, waiting for the leader and her family to enter.  As the side curtains to the main hall parted, the singing seemed to crescendo as the three daughters of Orlaithe entered. All dressed in white and gold but each had their own accented color.
 The eldest daughter present, Lilija. Dressed with accents of a cool purple. Her jewelry and flower details shimmering with an almost iridescent shimmer and complimented her brown curls. The youngest, Camelia, accented in a mixture of bright fuchsia and soft pink, her reddish hair dotted with her patron flower, Camelia. Finally, the Leader entered. The middle child and 3rd child of Orlaithe. Amaryllis, Her black ringlets under control and pulled up into her gold crown. Her dark indigo waste scarves flowing down to the floor, much like the statue of Din. 
 The elders bowed, their singing didn’t falter, the stone-faced leader outstretching her arms towards the crowded hall. The oldest of the elders, Sister Zillah, stepping forward. The other elders following, they all met in the back of the hall, Sister Zillah ahead of them, and in her aged freckled hands sat Akane’s Token. The necklace was gold, as was the color of the healers and of the divine goddesses who breathed them into existence. A beautiful green gem, set in the center of the gold metal of Akane’s Token, glinted in the light streaming through the curtains of the hall. Amaryllis stepped down from the marble platform she was standing on, meeting Zillah in the center of the hall. The Sister smiled and before her frail hands dropped the token into The Leader’s hands, she leaned in a whispered, “es deveenes weorkin behere fores netortum tore cheorsere hera.”  
The goddesses would be fools not to choose her
As the gentle touch of cold metal fell into Amaryllis’s palms, the leader nodded. Her eyes still cold and serious, as Amaryllis turned around and went back to the platform, the line of elders parted, yet they did not hug the walls as closely as before, instead, they lined the aisle. 
The double doors to the great hall opened, three young girls, entered. Each represented the golden goddesses, all of them dressed with their patron colors. As they walked down the aisle, each girl tossed a handful of colorful petals on the aisle. The girl representing Din, throwing petals of red. Nayru, petals of deep blue, and the girl adoring the green of Farore sprinkled her green leaves and flower petals. The young girls bowed towards the leaders as they came to the end of the great hall, the group giggling quietly to themselves and lining up against the wall. One of the elders, Oryn, shaking his head with a smile as he continued singing with his brethren, knowing the girl dressed in blue was his daughter and probably started the giggling. 
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Entering last, was the chosen girl. The one whose entrance everyone anticipated. Stepping into the dim hall, Mara. Dressed beautifully in the garments Camelia designed and crafted for her. 
Her palms sweaty, and nervous. The outside much more graceful than the inside, Mara felt like she was going to puke. She wanted to run by GODS RUNNING AWAY SOUNDED SO MUCH MORE FUN THAN THIS
But it was her duty….what would her mother say?? She was doing this for her, and her family. As she continued to walk down the aisle Mara couldn’t help but miss her parents.
The warm smile of her mother and the strong hugs and words of affirmation she used to give. Her father’s kind but determined voice telling her that she was the greatest thing since sliced bread. She missed them….she wished they were here, encouraging her..telling her that everything would be just fine.
She thought all these things to herself, then stopping at the platform her aunts looking down at her with so much pride and hope. Mara knelt as Leader Amaryllis started whispering the sacred prayer, Akane’s token held high above her head as the words of blessing in their native tongue were whispered on her lips. 
Amaryllis finally unhooking the clasp and attaching it around Mara’s neck her aunt tilted her chin up by her fingers with a proud smile. “I’m so very proud of you,” Amaryllis whispered.
Amaryllis was never one for feelings of any kind. So when Mara heard those words and saw her smile, she knew her Aunt was telling the absolute truth. Mara did well.
In fact, she did very well!!
That approving gaze and smile was all she needed to make her believe, for that moment, that she was ready for this weight that seemed to settle on her as soon as the little necklace hung around her neck. 
As Mara rose from her kneeling, Amaryllis composed herself as if that split moment of actual emotion was never there presenting her nice before the eyes of their goddesses and people. “GREAT COUNCIL OF OUR PEACEFUL NATION!” Leader Amarylis’s commanding voice boomed, “I PRESENT TO YOU OUR CHOSEN LEADER! MAY THE GODDESSES LIGHT HER PATH WITH COURAGE, WISDOM, AND POWER!”
Amaryllis raised her arms to her court as Mara stood before the council with her head lifted high, although her eyes flickered with anxiety. 
“AND WHEN HER TIME COMES MAY THE GODDESSES CHOOSE HER TO CARRY OUR PEOPLE INTO A BRIGHTER FUTURE!” The council cheered in response, “WE ACCEPT HER SHOULD THE GODDESSES CHOOSE HER!! LONG MAY SHE REIGN!” ~~~ The party and celebration went on without a hitch! Camelia got very drunk and ended up staying the night at some unknowing suitor’s home, which was not surprising to any of the family.
Amaryllis went to bed as soon as making the required appearance was met. She wasn’t a fan of parties, or rather any fun for that matter. 
Lilija made sure everything went according to plan after Amarylis went to bed, she even straightened out the beginnings of a drunken fight between a Hylian and a Healer. Lilija of course escorted the Healer to the infirmary while she healed the Hylian instantaneously with her magic. Although it seemed all the authority had excused themselves to other matters the celebrating did not stop, even the guard was off duty and spent their time drinking laughing, and singing harvesting songs with tankards in hand. The same songs their ancestors, and even the people still sang today while harvesting their herbs from the hanging farmland built into the side of the mountainous valley the Healer Capital was birthed in. 
As Mara laid in her bed the echoes of joyful singing rang in her head as she drifted off to sleep with a smile. Although she was forced to socialize without Link by her side, she still had a good time. Which she spent in the courtyard of the palace, watching the dancers and various magical shows of the many other talented citizens of the city.
Her head full of good dreams and the Healer CIty went to sleep for the night, all windows dark and the mood shining at its full beauty, there was an unsettling air that started to settle, even Din’s fiery light flickered and went out as the winds of change kicked up and swept through the palace or more specifically in the room of their newly Chosen. The call
There it was again…
Like a beautiful call to war, or an eery temptation the sound echoed and interrupted the slumber Mara had just started to drift into. She pushed the noise away, turning over in her blankets trying to fall back asleep. Again the voice called out to her, a bit louder. Mara groaned and snuggled her head beneath her pillow, hoping that would stop the intrusion into her pleasant dream. 
But the determination of this call penetrated all logic and shattered the state of unconsciousness that Mara really wanted to fall into. With a frustrated sigh, she sat up, rubbing her eyes and looking sleepily around the room. “I can hear you,” Mara mumbled. “I don’t want any trouble I just want to sleep.” 
Looking around the room, seeing as it was still empty, and yet the curtains that swayed with the eerie wind, the wind beckoning her to leave her room and into the hall. 
“Whoever you are…” 
Giving in to the voice’s alluring demand she slid off her bed, her white nightgown joining the curtains in their trembling dance. Mara peered into the hallway, it was empty, dark, and quiet. A little too quiet for Mara’s liking.
The call tempted her father into the hall, she followed the call that seemed to resonate and shake her soul pulled her body outside of the palace. Not in the courtyard, but in one of the side entrances. It was like a secret meeting as if whoever was calling her wanted to lure Mara in private. Like an assassin, or thief in the night. Mara’s breath hitched out of a new fear from her anxiety’s newly formed thoughts. Even still she followed. “What do you want? Is this a trap?” As if whatever this call was could sense her unease, a trail of Healer Flowers, her people’s symbol, appeared and lead her exactly in the direction in which the alluring call in Mara’s heart wanted to go. Mara’s eyes grew wide as her mind tried to make sense of what it was seeing, and what magic was being displayed. “Honorable Goddesses…” she exclaimed quietly, “Hylia is this your doing?” She touched the token that hung around her neck, there was no answer, she followed farther into the unknown. The voice guided her farther up the mountain and to The Great Thorn wall. The wall that secluded their city from whatever the outside world held. There the path that was once lit faded behind Mara and trapped her in a ring of Healer Flowers. Mara does a quick turn to determine the fact that she was indeed in the center of these flowers.
The voice echoed its trill
Mara waited silently for something else to happen. The notes the voice sang echoed again, begging her to sing. Without thinking for one second she sang the melody the calling had been repeating to her. The call harmonized with her as Mara sang with it. As she sang the golden flowers, Mara noticed, they were releasing their pollen, at first in a gentle sprinkle, and then in a thicker sheet as Mara felt herself fill with magic. Is this supposed to happen after The Choosing??
Are the Goddesses asking her to lead NOW??!!
OF ALL TIMES NOW?? Before her mind could swell with more anxiety Mara was given several obscure visions. She seemed to run on another force as she was frightened but the song still carried out through her lungs without any interruption. War
A land scorched, hurt, and trampled by battle, she could feel the very earth in the vision weep in sorrow and pain. 
A towering king with fiery hair and yellow eyes and his queen, wise and sure. She looked an awful lot like some of the paintings her people displayed in their palace. Several Other figures she didn’t recognize but all of them stood in front of the king and queen. 
The Three Goddesses. Din Nayru
And Farrore, split in half with a single swipe of a blade.
And Spring, with petals of pink, new life, and a promise for a bountiful harvest. That image stayed strong in Mara’s head as she sang, the power that seemed to course through her veins grew in its potency and Mara had no way to channel it, it was too much. She was a weak Healer as it was and this divine power, if she couldn’t get it out of her system fast, it could tear her apart from the inside out. As she belted a final note, all of that power was released. Mara forcing her hands down and a forceful golden flash scattered across the space. The divine power leaving her and Mara felt normal once more. The Healer Flowers disappeared as if they were never there, to begin with. Mara stood there, panting. She...she wasn’t dead, she even pinched herself to prove it. Mara lifted her head from staring at the ground, her jaw-dropping and her blue eyes glowing with excitement as she saw what laid before her. The Great Thorn Wall had been compromised.
As there, caused by Mara’s blast of power, stood a small gash in the wall. It was enough for a horse and rider to pass through. Whatever mysterious call she followed and whatever divine power it gave her in that moment, it gave her and Link their guaranteed safe passage to the kingdoms beyond the Healer Capital. If there even were Kingdoms anymore in the land beyond.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Having forgotten his past once, after waking from his hundred year slumber, Link keeps a journal as to not forget again. As he journeys to save Hyrule he's confronted with his past, present, and future. Making new friends only to leave them, grieving his fallen comrades new and old, and dealing with a threat that seems to weigh on him even more than Calamity Gannon; his own fears of isolation and loneliness on this long tiring journey.
A first person perspective of Link's personal journey as he saves the kingdom. Both the good and bad times, the highs and lows.
Entry 1: Great Plateau
 My name is Link. I’ve been asleep for a hundred years. I’m a knight, who is tasked with protecting the Princess named Zelda. A great calamity befell the kingdom which Zelda is the princess of. Princess Zelda is keeping the tragedy called “Calamity Gannon” from escaping the castle and from destroying the land. When the Calamity first appeared, I was gravely injured and placed in a device which healed me but took a hundred years to do so. The ghost of the late King of Hyrule requested that I, as the Princess’ acting guardian, defeat Calamity Gannon once and for all and save Princess Zelda from having to continue to fight. That is all I know about myself. I can’t remember anything from my life before I woke from my slumber. I do not know if there is any particular reason for this. Perhaps it’s because I’ve slept for so long, but that’s just speculation. Since I don’t know the reason, I plan on writing about what happens in this blank book, so should I forget again, I can just read through this.
I first awoke in a bed, but it was also a device. According to the Sheikah slate it’s called the “Revitalizing Chamber”. It’s what healed me. The chamber is located at the back of a cave in the Great Plateau. In this cave is where I found some clothing, and the Sheikah slate. A device made by the Sheikah people long before the Calamity attacked a hundred years ago. An eye with a single tear drop symbol is engraved in it and on all other Sheikah technology. When I reached the entrance of the cave, I ran without thinking till I reached a nearby cliff. The view was breath taking. Well everything outside of the cave was amazing, yet... It was beautiful, but many things were destroyed. Near the cave I slept in was a temple. The windows were shattered, a wall and some of the ceiling collapsed.
There were also these giant eerie machines surrounding the building. Though they were clearly not functional, I was... I was hesitant to approach them. According to the ghost of the late King, they’re called guardians, and they were to protect me as I was to fight Calamity Gannon, but that creature took control of them and other devices like them and turned them against us. As I was exploring the temple, I met an older man. He was the ghost of the late king. He didn’t tell me his true identity right away because by my... lack of a reaction to seeing him, he could tell I had no idea who he was, and he thought it best to not overwhelm me with too much information after having just woken up. He taught me many things on the very brief occasions I saw him. He taught me the basics of surviving in the “wild”... I’m still not sure what “wild” means exactly. He taught me how to make fire, cut down trees, how to cook, and a few other things.
One thing though, that he never taught me was fighting. There are many creatures about that are not... not animals, not ghosts, the moment they think I’m nearby they chase me, hunt me. The red ones I can deal with just fine if there’s only a few. I only have sticks and tree branches to use to defend myself. When they first started chasing me, without thinking I grabbed a branch and a large piece of tree bark off the ground and fought back. When I fight I don’t have the time to think, I just react. I used the bark to block their weapons, and the branch to hit them back. Not too long and they disappeared and instantly transformed into purple smoke after hitting them enough. They have wooden weapons, and shields. They’re not much better than what I get from trees, but it does help. I got a bow and a few arrows from one once.
While exploring the plateau I found these shrines and a tall tower. I climbed up it and found a small pedestal attached to it with the same symbol that was engraved into the Sheikah slate. When I placed the slate atop it, parts of the tower began to glow with that blue pulsing light, and a glowing blue drop fell on the slate. On the slate a map of the plateau appeared, and off in the distance I could see similar towers sprout up from the ground. There appears to be a soft orange glow coming from the tops of each of the towers.
Soon after that the little shrines also glowed orange at parts. They too, had the pedestals. When I placed the slate on like last time a door opened. After I entered, I was taken underground and solved puzzles. At the end there was a person encased in a cube of blue light. But like the temple they looked decayed. Only skin and bones. They told me some things that I did not know of the past. Then when they were done, I was at the entrance of the shrine. While I was down there, I unlocked a power of the slate. With these powers I can create bombs, freeze time for objects, create ice pillars on the surface of water, easily move metallic objects, and even help me find other shrines.
Each of the shrines unlocked a power, and a person at the end whom spoke of the past. One of these people told me that these shrines were built to test and prepare me for the battles ahead. One of the shrines was located at a very cold snowy area of the plateau. It was so cold that even after only being there for a few moments I felt my hands freeze. I learned to make Spicy Meat and Seafood Fry. It just needs meat, fish and some spicy peppers. After eating it I felt my whole body heat up. With that I was able to traverse the snow without getting hurt.
After completing the shrines, the ghost of the late king revealed his identity and what had happened a hundred years ago. He told me that I should next go to the Sheikah tribe’s village. Though I only have a map of the plateau, the Sheika slate still shows me it’s general location. The King gave me directions, I’m to follow a road that leads to the “Dueling Peaks”, a mountain range.
The King also gave me a paraglider, a wooden device that allows me to glide through the air and reach the ground safely from the plateau.
Right now, I’m in a small decaying cabin behind the temple. This is where I found this book. The cabin has basic things like chopping axes, and a pot to cook food, but not much else. I plan on gathering more food before heading out. I’ll leave by next sunrise.
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writerman · 4 years
Holiday In The Sun
This is a birthday gift for the wonderful @neonelysium He is one of my favourite artists in the world and gosh darn wonderful friend.
So, just for him I wrote a SidLink to celebrate them being another year older!
This will also be going up on my AO3 later.
Word count: 1,595. Ship: Sidon x Link
Summary: Sidon and Link need a vacation away from their respective lives and where better than Lurelin Village?!
After the Divine Beast induced rainfall in the Zora domain, Sidon most definitely wished for the sunnier climes of Lurelin village, and so when he suggested it to Link on his flyby visit it was agreed they would go there on a short holiday to get away from their responsibilities. 
They would meet at the village when Link was free of whatever quest he had to embark upon, something small he had promised and Sidon believed him though he would offer him some leeway. Sidon was well aware of Link’s penchant for wandering Hyrule with no clear destination- and for a spell, he wondered how to help him rid the hero of such a thing trait, but it became clear this was how he decompressed and Sidon thought nothing more of it and was alarmed he had wanted to change something about the Hylian at all. 
It wasn't difficult for Sidon to travel to the coastal village, he merely followed the coastline enjoying the sea waters as he did so. He had decided to leave home a day late allowing Link to catch up should his quest have taken more time than he initially anticipated and giving more of an allowance for the wanderer to wander. 
But when he reached the entrance of the village Link was already standing there holding a drink in a coconut looking a tad sunburnt. It was clear he had gotten there early and had likely ended up helping out the village with some tasks.
No matter the place, Link was always on hand to help someone with their plight no matter how big or how small. That was what Sidon adored about the diminutive hero, but he also knew that the man stretched himself thin and the trip was supposed to help Link gather himself up again.
Any admonishments that Sidon had hoped to voice fled though when Link spotted him and gifted the Zora with a bright smile as he set aside his drink, and all but ran to Sidon throwing his arms around him in an embrace. 
They stood in the embrace for a long moment before Link pulled away to speak. 
You are the one that is late this time! The smug look he gave Sidon was enough to have him laugh aloud. Did you lose track of time? They both knew he hadn’t but they liked to play this harmless game it eased the ache that formed when they spent so much time apart. 
“I must have forgotten the date we set. My apologies, my love.” Sidon offered a flourishing bow and Link gave forth silent laughter at the sight of it. They made quite a pair in appearance and personality, an odd couple most would say but they made each other happy and it was really no one else’s business. 
The sky was already darkening when Link led him down to the beach. A fire had been built but not lit and a large tent had been erected further back on the beach situated far enough away from the shore that they would not be victims of the tides changing. The tent was a nest of pillows and soft blankets with a single ornate lamp hanging above them offering a soft golden glow. 
Everything seemed incredibly romantic and Sidon felt any stress melt away with the sound of the sea softly lapping at the shore and muted calls of sea birds as they nested for the night. The silks and blankets had been gifted to Link by the Gerudo chief for helping with their own Divine Beast problem, along with a myriad of other rewards, but nothing as exquisite as the brilliantly dyed fabrics that hung over every inch of their sleeping quarters for the next 3 days.
While Sidon stood appreciating the interior, Link was rolling up the entrance of the tent after having lit a fire, leaving them the perfect view of the sea and the stars above. It would soon be dark enough that the two would merge and they would be sat gazing into a galaxy with the calming sound of the sea to ease their frantic minds. 
How long had it been since either of them had felt peace like this?
A small hand on his side brought Sidon back to the present and Link pointed to the lamp and motioned for him to douse the flame within for him. Doing as he was told Sidon lifted a hand to the lamp and smothered the flame with his forefinger and thumb. 
It left them with the orange light of the fire only and the feeling as though they were the only two in the world. The darkness of the night seeped in around them in a velvety embrace that lulled Sidon into a comfortable state and he sat at the mouth of the tent feet buried in the sand alongside Link who had already gotten comfortable not moments before him. 
When these nights came while I wandered I would feel so alone. I am so small in a world so big it was hard to not feel so inconsequential, Link began though he seemed hesitant as he signed out his words. Rather than try to put him at ease Sidon waited to see what else was on the blond’s mind. 
For a second Link seemed unwilling to continue and the pink of the sunburn on his cheeks deepened as a blush spread over his face. But whatever had kept him from continuing must have passed because he lifted his hands again. 
Before I met you I was afraid of the sky. We know almost nothing of what is beyond the stars and that unknowing scared me. Then I met you, He paused to look up at Sidon with a soft and adoring smile, his eyes sparkling in the firelight, it is hard to be afraid of being so small when someone so big loves me. The sky is so big but it loves the stars… knowing that we are the same makes it easier to live beneath them. 
What I am trying to say is… I love you and you make me feel better about the world. When I am tired you are the energy I need to carry on. Did… that come out weird? Link hid his face for a moment to hide an awkward laugh. 
To save him from more embarrassment Sidon looked away for a moment and focussed on the way Link wiggled his toes in the golden sands around them as though trying to ground himself. He was so small and yet so strong- the warrior’s spirit inside Link was bigger than him bigger than the tallest peak of Death Mountain. 
“I love you too, Link. A heaven burden has been put on your shoulders and it is ok to be afraid of what is to come. It's ok to be afraid of the unknown- we are not born fearless and we are not born afraid we learn these things as we grow. You have done what no other has done before, it would be remiss of anyone to think you are not lonely.”
I’m not lonely. Not when I have you. 
Sidon waved away those words and shook his head. When Link dropped his hands to rest in his lap Sidon curled his fingers around one of them and gave it a comforting squeeze but did not let go after. 
“That isn’t what I meant. But for now, it doesn’t matter- we came to enjoy this time together and to relax. Let us enjoy the night together and in the morning maybe the world won’t seem so big.” The sun would come up and Link would scarcely recall his words from that night so wrapped up he would be in swimming and eating and drinking with Sidon. 
This would be the only holiday they would get for a long time and Sidon was adamant that Link was going to savour it and have as much fun as possible before they both had to return to their regular lives. 
Is this the part where you have your way with me? Link snickered at his own words but let out a silent cry of surprise when Sidon pushed him back into the nest of pillows. He pressed his forehead to Link’s and closed his eyes enjoying their closeness for a moment before he moved to press a soft kiss to Link’s lips. 
“It’s a holiday for both of us, we can do whatever you like.”
Oh, then yes, I want that and I also want grilled fish. As he said this his stomach growled and Sidon let out a loud laugh and he sat back allowing Link space to sit up. I didn’t eat anything today I was waiting for you to get here. 
And so they spent their evening in the shallows of the sea catching fish and grilling them on the open fire and enjoying the warm breeze that drifted from inland never unaware of the storm that gathered that would leave them particular washed out for the next few days. 
Ah, but there would be another time for a holiday when Hyrule knew true peace again when Zelda was freed, the darkness gone and no epic quest for Link to lose his days to. 
When that day came Sidon would feel the contentment of not only his soul but Mipha’s too. 
Until then he would remain at Link’s side as best he could to ensure the hero would see those sunny days again. 
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ashleyswrittenwords · 4 years
Whumptober No.7
I’ve Got You (Support | Carrying | Enemy to Caretaker)
Series Summary: After Calamity Ganon awakens, Zelda is left alone and heartbroken. Now something horrible has happened to Link and no more is she merely tasked with fighting the Calamity - but also what is left of her knight.
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Against her better judgement, Zelda unfurled from the ball she had cocooned herself into. Impa was long gone – back to the village that wasn’t too far from where she stayed stargazing. Chills snuck down her spine and her joints ached from the long period of stasis on the ground.
She rolled up into a seat, hands quickly rubbing at the crick forming in her neck.
There were a tumultuous number of factors that made this a bad idea. Even while knowing that, she didn’t feel the urge to return to the village where she knew she’d be safe and warm. There was a freedom in being alone, a hint of the independence she had always yearned for.
Now, her fingertips reached for the sky.
I believe he was looking for you.
Her movements stuttered and her arms folded behind her head.
The implications of that were obvious and to pretend they were anything else was childish, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t dwell on it any less. Nor would it spell that she would forget the way Link saw her for the brief span of time. It was almost him.
Behind her was a cluster of buildings and within that light from several pitched tents. Zelda wasn’t sure how long she had been away. The songs she could scarcely hear coming from the village had ceased and she assumed that the only ones awake were the rotating night watch. Her nose scrunched at the brief comparison to her former guard. These people were far from that. Though some had formal training, the majority were simply men and women who had lost enough to follow her in protecting what was left of Hyrule.
It was confounding because it was her fault after all. Normally Impa would scold her into “corralling her thoughts”, but Impa wasn’t here to read her mind. Zelda could be as unschooled as she pleased.
A short walk is what she needed, or that’s what she told herself. She’d be a fool to waste a night like this. Other than the slight wading in the snow, it wasn’t hard to convince herself to do just that. The land laid out in front of her, the darkness not as fierce when the stars were there to light the way. The snow, however, hid small crags that made her trip.
She made an embarrassingly uncouth noise, found her bearings, and glanced back at the town she was temporarily leaving. At that point the distance would mask any uncouthness she could muster and it suited her just fine. Zelda wobbled up the hill to gain a better vantage point.
Castle Town had been once formidable. It had fortified walls to keep its wealth within and its enemies outside. For centuries, it had endured and even grown. On a clear night, one could spy the lights of Castle Town from the peak of Mount Lanayru – she would know because she had done it. A chill not born from cold met her as she stared at the black abyss of where the city was meant to be. Nothing but the dull hue of Calamity Ganon illuminated the castle.
As the princess, she should feel anguish and she had for a time. Guilt, sorrow, and grief rolled into one wedged deep. But no one human can keep living with that weight, according to Impa of course. Zelda found that she had only gotten used to it; dulled it, adapted to live with it. None of that was communicated to her Sheikah friend. Some things were better left unsaid.
Below her was the snaking Regencia River, winding from Hyrule Castle’s moats and to the south. Zelda had seen is freeze over before, but she recalled remark from Purah about the downward temperature trends.
Ice skating. That was something she missed. She wasn’t particularly good at it, as much as her father bragged. To anyone that discussed his daughter with him, Zelda was a renaissance woman to the fault of where the kingdom needed her most. Who was to call him out when her days were spent studying in monasteries and venturing across the country for holy springs?
Zelda glanced back at the village while biting at the inside of her cheek. Scaling down the hill left her completely out of view, but her feet had their own mind.
Her mother, however, was a little too honest. It was her smile that Zelda remembered the most, toothy and unadulterated. Always so perfectly her and bursting with optimism. Before the doctors had barred Zelda from seeing her mother alive again, she promised her that she would be able to surface her power. In a sense, she wasn’t wrong but it couldn’t have been what she had expected.
Zelda’s boots toed the edge of the iced over river. Solidness against rubber felt safe enough and once she had smoothed back any loose hairs from her braid, the woman had a surge of confidence. It bubbled in her chest and twitched the corners of her lips upward.
The boot’s heel picked up in hesitance before stepping on the ice altogether.
This was silly.
She took another step and the liberty to slide it across the surface, her stance wobbling in uncertainty. Another step when she regained it. Pale hands outstretched on either side of her. They traded heights frantically as nervous laughter trembled on her lips.
Surely, she had gone mad.
With time she created a gentle shuffling of feet and her subconscious dared her to venture further. Whatever she was doing was a pitiful bastardization of ice skating, but she’d be lying to think that having the correct footwear would make any difference.
A noise made her whip her head back to the shore. The swiftness caused her to misplace her weight and her back foot slipped forward. Her backside hit the ice harshly, pain shot up her sides.
The curse froze on her lips when a sharpness pierced through the air. It lasted long, as if snaking through the air. Suddenly Zelda felt it and her hands scraped up the ice only for her to fall again. The bank was so far with her, nearly halfway across the river’s width. Another low, cutting sound caught her ears and then the ice turned to large sectioned puzzle pieces.
Zelda held her breath, scrambling upward to see the world turn and capsize.
Her environment muffled. Shock stalled her muscles as icy cold invaded her senses.
Cold, cold, cold.
She kicked her feet wildly only to realize that she couldn’t tell which direction was up. It wasn’t until the weight of her boot suctioned her further into the dark abyss did she begin pulling herself to the surface. The first attempt was lame, and already Zelda’s muscles burned fiercely.
Anxiety gripped her. She kicked again, then again until there was nothing more she could give. Cold solid ice scraped her fingertips and despite the force she applied to her pounding, it wouldn’t give. In the murky water, Zelda watched how more air left her.
Screaming. She was screaming.
It was foolish. All of this was, she decided suddenly when her hands left the ice. Born a princess, soon motherless, a life of falling dominos left her an orphan altogether.
What was the point?
Meant to be Hylia’s servant, maybe. And she had been for a time. Now here she was, drowning in a river caused not by Ganon. Her lungs met the unforgivable water. It would soon be all black due to her closing her eyes or falling deeper into the river.
Life was unforgiving too. All it did was take. Zelda was all too willing to give: her time, energy, opportunity. Had it not been good enough for Hylia?
She just wanted to be happy – even if it took taking a few dedicated moments back.
The water jostled her.
Had she taken too much?
Solidness gripped her arm.
Her mother seemed happy. Is that why she died?
Then, her waist.
Zelda’s lungs hurt. She wanted it to stop.
“Death is only good when it’s swift.”
It was as if he meant to add that he knew from experience. He watched her with stolen eyes. His coat, too, was most likely stolen. The winter weather an excuse enough to mask what Calamity Ganon had done to him. She had heard stories of him tricking clueless people into giving him shelter.
Zelda hated him. This was not Link. How dare he pretend to be the same man!
But the string of her bow relaxed anyway because nothing good ever came from hope.
There was pressure on her chest. So much pressure that came and went.
The woman was taken away by Impa. The town was built into the hillside, so she found herself on a rooftop. Zelda was stuck in a fight with him. His grin was wild, drunk until she read his steps wrong and her arm was caught in the crossfire of his blade. It was a shallow cut only because he jerked back at the sound of fabric tearing. Blood pooled in the wound, but she rebounded quickly.
The jacket she wore was roughly being torn.
Then, muttering anger. “…never walk on river ice…”
Her short sword balanced in her hand as she met him once more. Link appeared laxed, meeting her blows with an unreadable expression – staring uncomfortably at her arm. The roof was sloped, and with him taking the upper ground she expected this to be difficult. Zelda hadn’t expected to be tripped by his foot and sent tumbling into a snowbank. He was gone by the time she recovered.
Unexpected warmth enveloped her. She clung to it, shivering violently. It was a moving heat that adjusted her until she was comfortably cradled. There was a crackling fire singing in her ears and something that was distinctly not fire. A haven she desperately clung to.
Zelda couldn’t feel much. Her hands were the ice that trapped her. She pressed her fingers closer to that warmth – she wasn’t burned, just pulled tighter. Exhaustion took hold of her mild consciousness. There was a smell that was familiar, but sleep overtook her before she could figure it out.
The sudden light made Zelda squint. She buried herself deeper into the quilts.
“Princess, please. Are you alright?”
Light nudges stirred her to lucidity. She blinked, adjusting to the brightness and then to who was in front of her. Esme stared with wide eyes, adverting them with a flush. Zelda shivered and, to her horror, looked down to see pale nakedness. The princess yelped, pulling the blankets around her tightly.
She was at the entrance of a barn; the doors were ajar. Beyond Esme was her soaked clothes laid out nearly on hay bales.
Esme seemed to take assessment, already with a steaming cup in hand. “You have your people worried sick, love.”
“I-I um,” she swallowed, sitting up. It was difficult to form words. She looked down at her forearm to see intricate bandages around her wound from last night. “Did you see anyone else here?”
Esme gave her an odd look, glancing around the small barn.
Evidently not.
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