#all of you can agree on shit that never happened and debate the reasons and results of shit you made up
starlooove · 3 months
Oh also In my mind WFA and vivs shit exist in the same sphere as people thinking it’s groundbreaking work bc it’s fanfic tropes someplace “official” but it’s these same people who hem and haw for DECADES on why fandoms conveniently ignore queer women and BIPOC and think reading fanfic is the same as reading books
#the fanfic books one is more complicated in my mind but like the gist of it is#you think it’s groundbreaking bc ur the one doing it#or enjoying it#and It’s like no u Can love shit sometimes it’s ok#and like no something Im never gonna shut up about is how fandoms are preached to be so inclusive or progressive#but god forbid you tell people to stop mischaracterizing a black character and to care about women#suddenly it’s think pieces on think pieces that boil down to ‘canon only matters when it excused my bigotry’ and ‘i don’t wanna’#on that first point#It’s hilarious when ppl go it’s harder to care about female characters bc they’re not given attention by writers#like girl you ship goku and vegeta. u ship Naruto and sasuke. u ship Harry Potter and Draco malfoy#you know damn well it’s not the author stopping you#and thats old shit to remind you how prevalent it’s always been#u made up a shrimp allergy for tim Drake#AND THIS IS RHE THING#when it comes to the way female and bipoc are treated that excuse is so funny#especially in dc#Bc ur depictions of shit you made up manages to stay consistent amongst fandom as a whole#all of you can agree on shit that never happened and debate the reasons and results of shit you made up#ie tim doing the Bruce quest#‘alone’ or being threatened to get sent to Arkham or carrying the batfam and being abandoned or ignored or being treated badly by Bruce bc#of Jason etc.#y’all can make METAS on all that shit but the second I say it’s weird that Duke is always the normal one or chaotic gremlin with nothing to#who he is yall get mad
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andy-wm · 25 days
i'm wondering how your thesis of "idols will come out when they want" fits into your insane shadow analysis attempting to prove jimin and jungkook fucked in the middle of their travel show (amongst other things)? like do you get joy out or trying to drag someone out of a closet they might not be in? or is it something else? just curious! 😀
Hey wdcmaxy
Since you have the guts to use your name I'll respond :)
So, you read my thesis?
*Sips whisky*
Cool. And you read my insane shadow analysis too?
Hmmm... do you come here often?
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Let me answer your question then.
I think we both know the shadows analysis isn't really insane - it's based on very basic earth science. Shadows grow longer as the day progresses because of the rotation of the earth on its axis. You sound reasonably literate so i assume you know this already.
I guess your description of my shadow analysis ( I think I'll name my next racehorse 'Shadow Analysis') as insane is an attempt to discredit the idea that a fair bit of time passed while Tae was out of the house? But that was kinda silly on your part. Even children know that shadows change as the day passes.
Nothing insane about it.
He was gone for hours, no debate.
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Now let's move on to the fucking part, and when and how idols choose to come out.
This is actually worth discussing.
As flattered as i am that you think my tiny insignificant blog could be a game changer for anyone, let's be real.
How many people, besides yourself, do you think read my blog?
Serious question.
I'm estimating maybe 100. Double that on a good day. Maybe 300 if i write something REALLY profound which doesn't happen often.
I am way less excited about my impact on the world than you are, because I'm a realist.
BUT if by some strange twist of fate my blog came to the attention of someone whose opinion mattered (I'm not counting you, don't worry) do you think they would take it seriously? Do you REALLY imagine a random tumblr post about shadows could make someone believe that an idol was gay if they didn't already believe it?
Here's a great example of how that wouldn't happen:
You, dear reader.
You're my example.
You came here to tell me I'm speaking shit and that I should pull my head in, correct? My insane shadow analysis hasn't changed your beliefs at all. You're here, throwing a tantrum on my page, because you don't agree with what I'm saying, not because you suddenly believe it.
Or ...
Perhaps you suspect it's true and that scares you. Maybe you can't be absolutely sure I'm wrong and that's why you need to yell at me? Could that be it? Time for a bit of self reflection?
Either way, it's not going to make an iota of difference in the grand scheme of things.
We are all just dust motes floating through time and space, my friend. You dont need to worry so much. The universe is unfolding exactly as intended.
However... There are a couple of things we should agree on:
The fact is that the shadows grew long and therefore, time passed. And Tae was out for several hours. Maybe he went out for a bit of afternoon delight himself? Maybe Jimin and Jungkook played Pokemon Go all afternoon, or prayed, or practiced their English, or braided each other's hair.
Regardless of whether they did or didn't fuck, or how many times, or on what surfaces, the time still passed.
And whether I write my blog or not, people will believe what they believe. And they will be gay or they won't be gay.
And even though I never mentioned anything about them fucking in that post, whether you like it or not Jimin and Jungkook might be fucking right now, as you read this.
One last thing...
Please bear in mind, through all of this, that fucking is not the be all and end all of life. Sure its a lot of fun if you do it right but the notion that it's more meaningful than sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings, or giving someone your time and energy, is bullshit.
You can have a roots-deep love for someone and never even think of fucking them. Or you can meet someone in a public toilet and have at it, and leave without even knowing their name.
Sex does not equal love. Fucking is not that big of a big deal.
Unless you're fucking someone the patriarchy doesn't want you to fuck. Then its a major issue.
Hear me out.
The need to control who we fuck is based a patriarchal need to control material wealth.
To control material wealth, the patriarchy needs to control reproduction (so they can be sure their wealth stays with their bloodline, because wealth is built over many generations) and to do THAT they need to control womens' bodies.... and to do that, of course they need to control who women fuck. And who men fuck too!
Do you know what the ACTUAL issue is with men who like dick? They don't automatically buy into the patriarchal way of life. (where's the solidarity, lads?)
Why don't they?
Because lifelong monogamy and marriage and nuclear families don't matter as much when you're not equating love with sex, and sex with reproduction. When your goal isn't to accumulate wealth and pass it down to your children.
Same thing applies to women who love women. They aren't focused on being demure and pleasing the men in power. They aren't focused on making themselves wife material. They will challenge the status quo and maybe even (shock! horror!) decide not to have children. How the heck do you make sure your money and power stays in the family, how do you build an empire, when the women are perfectly happy having sex with each other and don't want to love, honour and obey??
And whose fault is all this?
Its got to be the damned queers, right? They're making people think there might be other ways to share your life with those you care about! That's why its important to squash down gayness whenever you can, right, wdcmaxy?
Look at them destroying the fabric of society!
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If Jimin and Jungkook ARE fucking every chance they get, good for them. I hope they're balls deep and breathless, hitting all those sweet spots for each other having a really good time.
And if they're not fucking, it actually doesn't matter to me because the way they support each other and share their hearts is beautiful. (I do think they are fucking though)
Truthfully, whatever they're doing, as long as they're happy I'm happy.
Can you say the same, wdcmaxy?
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waechan · 8 months
nct dream hyung line; small moments
just little moments with each member.
fluff, slight angst (mostly cute)
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lee mark:
you two have been best friends since birth
he knows everything about you, and you know everything about him
he has a soft spot for you, confessed when you found him pacing at your doorstep one day with flowers
pretty quiet at school, sorta nerdy, but cute nerdy!
likes computers, plays basketball for fun
always sends you game pigeon as an excuse to develop conversation (even though you two are already dating)
plays guitar for you to help you fall asleep
you sing along with him sometimes and he always stares at you, smiling softly
works at his friends moms daycare and helps check the kids in and out
its late, 1 in the morning, and he calls you
you pickup, his voice is groggy
"can you come over?"
"of course."
you're there in an instant, you open the door, and you see him standing there in his pjs, looking lost
immediately you walk over, hug him tight, and he holds you, refusing to let go
"what's wrong?"
"i don't know what i'd do without you."
it's all he says, and it's all he needs to say.
"i love you too, mark."
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2. huang renjun:
he was your tutor, and hated you, actually.
well, before you two started dating. and he fell for you without realizing. and you made him confess because you were tired of him being stubborn.
you were social, he wasn't
that's really all there was to it
you two basically competed for teachers pet privileges
it didn't start out that way, but you two got competitive for no reason
obviously he was smarter than you
"can you just shut up and listen to me for once?"
"can you just man up and admit you have feelings for me?"
yep, that's how it went.
he blushed
stumbled over his words.
you kissed him
he fell even harder.
little bickering moments like this always reoccurred in your lives, and sometimes people were convinced you actually hated each other
one day the two of you hang out with some of your mutual friends
you leave the cafe after having an intense debate about whether or not mint chocolate chip ice cream is overrated or not, leaving your friends behind after you had to go
"honestly, it tastes like toothpaste."
"can you just agree with your girlfriend? that's all there is to it."
he holds your hand and kisses the back of it as the two of you walk back, and nods
"yes maam."
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3. lee jeno:
he was every girls dream
how did you manage to end up with someone like him?
by far the most popular guy at your school
everyone he looked at managed to become flustered
you were the sweet, yet quiet girl in the back
he still noticed you, every day he would look back at you without you noticing
one day, you were having a hard day
you just wanted to go home, wanted to sleep, wanted to forget about all the events that had happened prior which took a negative toll on your health
you see a piece of paper fall on your desk and the silhouette of jeno's shadow passes by
you look up and see him staring at you across the room
he nods
"open it." he mouths, his eye smile appears
you do so, and you immediately smile as you see what's inside
"turn that smile upside down!"
god, of course he had one chance and messed it up. it was so cliche, yet so jeno
and you didn't care that it was a bit on the cheesy side
you walk by him at the end of class
"i think you meant frown?" he gives you a look of confusion.
"wha- oh. oh shit."
popular jock, quiet girl. observer, and recipient.
sometimes though he needs help from you too
one night he stops by without even telling you
he walks through the door, hugs you, and pulls you into the living room
"nap time. please." he sounded so tired, so done.
you chuckle.
angel sent from above. that's what he was.
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4. lee haechan:
best friends older brother
shouldnt even be an option tbh
but haechan was haechan, his teasing made you blush, his small acts of care for you never went unnoticed
the three of you went to a cafe
your best friend ordered, then went to the restroom
you ordered your drink
he pushed you to the side
ordered his drink as well
paid for you like nothing happened
"haechan you really didn't have to-"
he puts a finger to his lips as his eyes twinkle, and he smiles gently at you
"i wanted to"
fast forward
you're official and he will not leave your side
always attached to you, in public he glares at any guy who stares at you for a millisecond too long
you walk into a clothing store and the worker smiles at you
"hi, do you need help finding anything?"
haechan pops out of nowhere and grabs your hand
"uh, no, i think we're good, thanks."
he pulls you away immediately
"what was that for??? he was just asking for help..." you whine
"nuh uh, no he wasn't. i know how guys work."
you chuckle. just go with it.
whatever makes him happy.
let me know if you want the maknae line version! it's my first post on tumblr:) i am taking suggestions as well
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robobarbie · 9 months
ROMANCE/ANGST. being the light of nightowl’s life, the most important person to this man, but being just as insecure as him, so when he starts interacting with a pretty person in the server you’re left there wondering if you’re really worthy of him. (i’m projecting again, i’m the anon who sent the nightowl deep dive 5 times, i really hope it doesn’t happen again😭)
side note (this is the most e-dating, discord, online relationship-ass prompt ever)
# general
--- mystic_pizza has joined the server ---
Quest Oh?
nightowl whoa! a new member???
lovelylola hello!!
two2 nice 2 meet u!!
mystic_pizza hehe, hi everyone <3
BIGLADY how'd you find the server? O_O
June Yeah, didn't @BloomBot disable invites?
BloomBot It was getting stale around here.
xyx LMAO
NakedToaster LMAO
salociN Hello ! Mystic Pizza !
onionthief "Stale". That's an opinion for sure.
nightowl ??
onionthief Would just like to know how BloomBot has decided our presence is "stale".
onionthief We've done nothing different, kept chatting at the same rate (I've checked), and always focused on the webnovel to a degree.
onionthief I don't understand how that's "stale".
NakedToaster bro just answered the question by speaking
xyx bro doesn't see what we see
onionthief What?
BIGLADY @mystic_pizza who's your favorite character?
mystic_pizza Damien. So easy.
nightowl oooooooo, mine too!!
nightowl why do u like him?
mystic_pizza i just think he's misunderstood... breakups aren't super straightforward a lot of the time, you know
mystic_pizza like, it's not even up for debate!!! people are just being rude to damien for no reason!!!
nightowl my god
nightowl where have you been...
June hahaha
mystic_pizza are selfies ok btw?
BIGLADY yeah!!
two2 hey bloombot wh y did u always allow selfies?
two2 isn't that like a personal ident thing or someth
--- BloomBot is now offline ---
two2 what..
xyx @mystic_pizza post face so we can read your aura
xyx i got them aura glasses on
NakedToaster that's just not a real thing
xyx wow
xyx post a selfie of yours then and let me read you
NakedToaster fine
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(pic from xiaeom)
NakedToaster read me bitch
xyx holy shit
xyx holy fucking shit
BIGLADY what do you see?? O-O
salociN A very handsome man !
June Salo!! Remember, toasty is NB!!
salociN Oh , my sincerest apologies . I'm still learning.
salociN A very handsome person .
NakedToaster fuck yeah salo, you are so right
xyx no no no. no. all of you, shut the fuck up.
xyx i see
xyx i see a person with
xyx with
xyx with no balls
NakedToaster motherfucker
BIGLADY that's not an aura reading...
xyx absolutely no balls in sight
BIGLADY @mystic_pizza!!!! WHERE'S THE SELFIE!!!!!
NakedToaster yeah xyx's time on earth is a little limited
xyx you'll never find me
mystic_pizza hehe, okay! <3
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mystic_pizza that's me on th e right
nightowl omg i love ur smile!! so cute!!
BIGLADY agreed!!! U R RADIANT!!! <3
mystic_pizza awww, thank u!!! u are all so nice around here!!!
nightowl we just wanna make sure everyone has a good time u know?
nightowl and damien enjoyers must be protected!!!
mystic_pizza i agree!!
mystic_pizza ah, fixed my flair
nightowl OMG
nightowl U AND ME!!!
mystic_pizza U AND ME!!!! XD
nightowl do u wanna call rq?
two2 can i join?
nightowl YA!
mystic_pizza yea sure hehe
nightowl @lovelylola you wanna call too cutie?
June The "cutie" in chat again..
onionthief Please keep that to DMs.
nightowl blah blah blah
lovelylola i'm kinda tired, i think i'm gonna sleep
nightowl awww okay
nightowl i'll call u later!!
BIGLADY gnight lola!!!
Quest Rest well!
salociN Have sweet dreams !
lovelylola good night!
xyx holy fuck
xyx @mystic_pizza
mystic_pizza yes?
xyx your aura
xyx your aura is just
xyx it's like the color of a
xyx of a war crime
mystic_pizza huh?
NakedToaster i have ur new IP bitch
xyx FUCK
you close the laptop and sigh. it's okay for nightowl to have fun and meet other people, it's just...
gah. mystic pizza's selfie wouldn't leave your head. they're so cute... and seem to pair up pretty well with nightowl. you're sure the call is just going too well... at least you're assured it won't go too far since two2 is there.
but that's barely a reassurance. nightowl doesn't hesitate to flirt when he wants to, regardless of who's around.
you thrum your fingers on the desk and gnaw on your bottom lip. should you actually join the call? no, then you'd look insecure. do you already look insecure? is everyone wondering if nightowl likes mystic pizza more than you?
you look down at your frumpy clothes with a tired expression. ugh. maybe it's okay for him to flirt, if he wants to. this is what he's stuck with after all. who wouldn't want to flirt with someone who looks like that?
you try to ignore the pang in your chest as you stand up and get ready for bed.
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yexthiccxa · 1 year
The Angel With Horns Pt. 2
summary: the man you despise, satoru gojo is unfortunately your mentor at jujutsu high. he agreed to help you get with your childhood crush, suguru geto, but things have taken a bit of a turn after that last "mentoring" session
this is a continuation of part 1, but if you don't care about plot, feel free to read this as a one shot (:
wordcount: 9.7k 🙃 (i guess i just get carried away. this is also 4 chapters btw)
c/w: gojo/fem!reader, geto/fem!reader, gojo/oc, geto/oc, modern!au, teacher!au, smut, fluff & smut, some plot, plot what plot, rough!sex, flashbacks, asshole!gojo, flirty!gojo, cocky!gojo, soft!geto, rough!geto, cousin!shoko, mutual pining, confessing, teasing, flirting, playful banter, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, sensual tension, sexual tension, pet names, degradation, fingering, f!masturbation, oral, fantasizing, choking, light gagging, multiple orgasms, inappropriate use of cursed energy, inappropriate use of cursed techniques
a/n: hiii thanks for the love on pt. 1! again this is my first fic so feedback is very much appreciated! will be working on part 3(some) ;)
Read Part 1 Here!
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✦✧✸✧✦ 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT ✦✧✸✧✦
Chapter 5: Regret
I’m alone with my thoughts, trying to stop the embarrassment from consuming me. I look out the windows before peeking down the hallway—no sign of Satoru anywhere. I realize I’m searching for someone who doesn’t want to be seen.
The intimacy I shared with Sugu—I mean, Satoru, has me conflicted. My mind thinks one thing, but my body feels the other, ultimately bringing me right back where I started. But this time around, my thoughts are coherent enough to take over.
If there’s anyone who would leave without saying goodbye, it’s Satoru. If there’s anyone who would be an absolute tease, it’s Satoru. If there’s anyone who would fuck now and not give a shit later, it’s Satoru. After all this time we spent together, I thought things would change. But now it’s crystal clear: Satoru Gojo will never change.
“Satoru is so annoying,” Shoko grumbled as she barged into my room.
“What’d he do this time?” I asked. With graduation around the corner, all I could think about was passing my exams.
“I asked him out, but he shot me down. He told me it’s because he likes someone else,” Shoko revealed. 
To keep our conversation short, I replied with, “Yeah that sucks I guess, but I’m sure you’re better off just being friends.”
Shoko plopped herself onto my bed, lacing her fingers behind her head while she stared at the ceiling. “Honestly, that’s totally fine—but that’s not the annoying part,” she started. “The annoying part is that he won’t tell me who. He talks about all the girls he hooks up with, but now he wants to keep it a secret? I just don’t get Satoru.”
I let out a sigh, “Maybe he’s just messing with you the same way he does with me. After all, Satoru is such a dick.”
I spend the evening doing chores in hopes of forgetting what happened earlier this afternoon. If Satoru is going to be like this, the best thing I can do is to leave the past in the past. With my mentorship being over, I have no reason to even think about him anymore. All I need to do now is stick to the plan and keep my energy focused on Suguru.
Oh, right. Suguru. As the image of him forms in my mind, I’m reminded of our date. I’ve been so caught up with Satoru, I realized that I’m nowhere near prepared for tomorrow.
He said to meet at his place, but are we staying there? Or just meeting, then going out? Should I dress up? Or down? Heels, boots, or sneakers? My internal debate goes on for far too long before I finally decide to give him a call. 
The phone rings and I’m greeted with his signature velvety tone. “Did you miss the sound of my voice?” Suguru asks.
I’m immediately paralyzed, unsure of how to reply.
He lets out a little chuckle, “I’m just kidding. What’s up?”
“Ha. ha. Very funny.” I begin to ease up but butterflies still linger in my core. “I actually just wanted to ask what we’re doing tomorrow. I’m trying to figure out what to wear.”
Suguru pauses for a moment, “I don’t want to give away all the surprises, but let’s keep it simple and say dinner. I can’t tell you where, but just wear whatever makes you feel good.”
A surprise? My body tenses in excitement. “Okay, fine. I can work with this. Thank you! I’ll talk to you later!”
“No problem, see you tomorrow,” He replies.
Before I can hang up, Suguru calls for me one last time. When he gets my attention, he finally says, “I’m really excited for our date. I can’t wait to see you.”
“Me too.” I hang up the phone, and I can’t seem to wipe the grin off my face. I’m finally going on a real date with Suguru.
The next day arrives and at 7pm, I find myself standing in front of Suguru’s door. I’m fixing the dress that I picked out the night before. It’s a black velvet mini dress with sheer cuffed sleeves. The sweetheart neck accentuates my chest, while the fitted flare skirt hugs my curves—the perfect blend of cozy, but classy. My nerves increase after the first knock, but it washes away when the door opens and I see Suguru’s face. 
Although the door is only halfway open, his physical presence still commands the space. His smile is pure and his eyes gaze at me with sincerity. “Please come in,” he says.
When I walk inside to take off my shoes, he closes the door and his footsteps echo towards me. I feel his hand cup the small of my back and a shock jolts through my body. His fingers brush against the zipper of my dress. As he slowly leans down to my ear, he whispers, “You look beautiful tonight.” The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and my heart begins to melt.
“Aww, thank you. You’re looking quite handsome yourself,” I reply, smiling in adoration. 
I take a moment to look around the apartment and my eyes widen. Flower petals line the hallway floor, leading me to the living space. The space is larger than I would expect for a Tokyo apartment. Across the room, windows stretch from the floor to the ceiling, making it feel ten times bigger. The lighting is soft, but the glow from the lamps warm up the space.
My eyes continue to wander until they finally land on his dining room table. Though the table is set for two, it’s completely filled with several plates of food. I see perfectly formed pieces of nigiri, various bowls of soup, an array of grilled fish and meats, and bowls of rice neatly placed on the side. 
“Oh my god, Suguru…did you make all of this?” I ask in disbelief.
He nods, curling his mouth into a smile.
“Do you do this for all your dates?” I challenge, raising my brow.
“Nope, just for you.” He makes his way towards the table. “Since you recently moved back, I wanted to make it feel like home.”
I can feel my jaw drop. I try to speak but nothing comes out. “I—I don’t even know where to start,” I finally reply.
He pulls out a seat and offers his hand to me, “You can start by eating.”
It takes everything I have to resist eating everything in one bite, but the taste is so delicious. Each bite is a burst of flavor that sends me to the moon. Even if our date ended here, I would easily be satisfied. When we finish up our meal, I help him pack the leftovers and clean up.
As we’re washing dishes together, I turn to him. “Suguru, thank you for cooking. You’ve always taken such good care of me. I really don’t deserve you.”
He pauses to turn off the water and wipe his hands. I watch him move towards me to cradle my face while his fingers trace the edge of my jawline. “I told you once before and I’ll tell you again, I like taking care of you. Always have, always will.”
We gaze into each other’s eyes, and for a moment, time stands completely still. I gently place my hands on his chest. His heart beats fast, like it’s trying to challenge my own. Is he just as nervous as I am? As I slowly grasp the wrinkles of his shirt, his pulse quickens and his breath becomes shallow. When I see his smile begin to form, I close my eyes and pull him down to meet my lips.
Suguru’s mouth molds into mine and it’s everything I could’ve ever imagined. I love how his lips are soft and his grasp is warm, nothing in this world can compare. As he guides me to the sink, my back arches and I can feel myself getting engulfed into his body. It’s covering me with comfort and protection. I’ve imagined this moment many times and it’s absolute perfectio—he pulls away.
Suguru walks towards the dining room and he mutters something with his head in his hands.
I follow him, tugging at his sleeve. “Hey, is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?”
He finds his way to the couch muttering, “No, no. It’s not you.” After a moment of thought, he continues, ”Sorry, I just thought I could do this but I’m scared of what might happen to us. I don’t want to hurt you, and I definitely don’t want to lose you again.”
I take a seat next to him, placing one hand on his shoulder, and the other over his knee. “Hurt me? Lose me? Again? Suguru, what are you talking about?”
He brushes my arm, hesitant for what comes next. The room is quiet and I can almost hear his heartbeat with mine. “During your last summer here,” he starts. He takes in a breath and slowly lets his words tumble out. “I was talking to Satoru for you—basically telling him to lighten up on the jokes and all that. He seemed to  take it well, but I remember him saying, ‘Fine. But she’s leaving soon anyways so it doesn’t really matter.’ I wasn’t sure what he meant at first, but he ended up telling me that he overheard you talking to Shoko… about moving away.”
My heart drops as memories of that day slowly piece back together…
“Are you really going to leave?” Shoko asked.
I gave an apologetic nod. “It’ll be good for me to get out there, you know? I’d travel the world, learn from other teachers, see if there are bigger and better things out there for me.” I let out a sigh. “I feel like there’s not much here for me anymore.”
“I get it. Well, just know that I’ll miss you. I’m sure the guys will too,” Shoko said as she gave me a hug.
I laughed, “Doubt it.”
I return to the moment and look at Suguru. When he sees tears forming in my eyes, he wipes them away. His hand tightens around mine before he says, “I didn’t think that was true until you told me yourself. It hurt me so much inside but, who was I to stop you from finding yourself or seeing the world? You deserved to do all the things you wanted to do.”
But all I wanted was you. Are you saying you wanted me too? Droplets trickle down my face, but I keep my eyes locked onto his—taking in every single word.
“After you left, I was a mess. I stopped training, so my cursed energy weakened. Then during one of our missions, I fucked up and part of my soul merge with a cursed spirit. When it took over my body, it was strong. It’s a long story, but the main point is— I’m scared to get too close. I don’t think it’s safe.”
I bring myself in closer, moving my hand to his face. “But Suguru, I always feel safe when I’m with you. It’s always been like that, even now…especially now.”
“Yeah, but that’s because I’ve trained myself to control it. When I lose my senses, it slips out, and when it slips out…it isn’t pretty—it just doesn’t feel like me. Even though I’m still the same person physically, everything else becomes more intense. The rage, the aggression, all the things in between.”
He pauses, placing his hand around my cheek. “I like you, a lot. But if I ever let anything happen to you…or worse, if I let myself do anything to hurt you, I don’t know what I would do.”
My heart is pounding, my mind goes blank. The world goes silent as his voice becomes an echo. Is this…real? I open my mouth to let my words out, but nothing. I eventually muster up the strength to ask a question, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was going to, but when you said that you didn’t have anything left here… well, I thought that also meant me. I never wanted to be the one to hold you back.” He retracts and his face becomes resigned.
Before he can pull away, I bring my face to his. “Suguru, I’ve liked you for a very long time. And I appreciate you for letting me live my life, but I promise you—I’m ready for this. For you. For all of you.”
His face softens and shows a smile of relief. “All I want to do is take care of you,” he starts. I can feel his hands tremble. “But I’m scared of the person I’ll become.”
“Suguru…” I lift myself up, slowly climbing over to straddle him. His frame is large, but I still feel myself fit comfortably around him. As I settle myself onto his lap, I feel his bulge pulse against my center. The tension in the air grows as I move myself closer. I let my mouth linger inches away from his and whisper. “I trust you.”
He stops momentarily, savoring every last word that fell from my mouth. His eyes ignite and I can feel fire coursing through his soul. In one second, I feel his breath and in the next, I feel his mouth. He plants a kiss onto my lips, letting his hands roam around me.
Unlike before, this kiss is searing with passion. One hand grabs my hair while the other grabs my ass, and he lays me on the couch until his body is covering me. He pulls away for just a moment before he growls, “Then let me feel you, beautiful.”
Chapter 6: Rough
Something in the room has changed, as though the air has warmed up around us. Traces of Suguru’s cursed energy illuminate the room, forming a blue haze that floats above us. I let out a breath of awe—everything in this moment feels like a dream.
My attention floats back to Suguru as his kisses effortlessly consume me. It’s like he knows all the spots that make me tremble. As he kisses his way down my neck, his hands move to the contours of my curves. When he gets to my chest, he uses his fingers to pull down the neckline of my dress. My heart beats out of me as I’m completely exposed.
He stares for a moment, slowly cupping his hand around my breast. His tongue works my nipple, while my hands grab his hair. The tie on his bun slips and I feel his locks gently fall. The Suguru I’ve known has always been proper—pristine, but the way he looks right now makes him absolutely primal.
As his lips are tugging on me, I feel his hand slip between my thighs. They’re large and overpowering, but they feel so soft as they dance against my skin. There’s no doubt in my mind that his touch is absolutely perfect. His tugs turn into nibbles and a surge of liquid gushes between my legs. As my back arches with pleasure, he pulls off my panties and gently caresses my folds. Suguru brings himself up to kiss me and purrs, “Baby girl, you are soaking wet.”
He continues to treat my breasts with care and I can feel him rub the edges of my slit. I relax myself back into the couch and let the rhythmic passes of his fingers take me—teasing me with every stroke.
“Please Suguru,” I breathe. My voice is needy, unsteady.
He picks up his head while the edge of his mouth curls to the side. Easing his fingers into me, he rumbles, “Anything for you, my love.”
His fingers barely enter me, but the sheer size of them is enough to make me whimper. The thoughts in my head no longer exist. It’s just me, him, and the rush of desire flowing through me. As he glides them back and forth I can feel my juices slip out. My walls contract and pleasure grows between my thighs.
He slides in nice and slow, feeling every inch of the warmth inside of me. The ridges of his fingers press against me, massaging every crevice he can find. Oh how I wish this would never stop.
“Do you like when I touch your pussy like this?” Suguru asks. His voice is sultry and slow.
I can’t find the words so all I do is nod.
He slows down to give me a kiss before his smirk grows into a full on smile. He slides down the couch until he’s near my entrance. “Spread your legs and I can make you feel so much better.”
Whenever he speaks, goosebumps travel across my skin.
He lowers his head and drags his tongue across my slit. It’s wet and warm, emulating the essence of the cream between my legs. His mouth moves all over my center and I can feel myself pulsate against him. He sucks me, licks me, completely consumes me, and all I can do is yell his name. I lock my fingers onto his hair every time he makes me moan.
“You taste so good.” The vibration of his words travel through my walls.
Just like his kisses, his mouth is rough and needy, wanting to taste every bit of me. He swallows every bit of liquid that oozes out and I can tell his mouth is drenched because of me.
As he continues devouring me with his tongue, I feel the length of his fingers tease my entrance. He slides them into me and my moans begin to amplify. My back arches further and the tension continues to build.
His tongue and his fingers move perfectly in sync, I can’t take it. It’s wet, sloppy, and the drumming around my clit leaves me enchanted. I can feel myself reaching my limit.
“Don’t stop,” I pant. My moans become louder and I can feel the tingles creep into my core. “I— I’m gonna come.” 
His pace remains steady, but that doesn’t stop the pleasure from climbing. He doesn’t pick up his head to speak, but the way he drives into me lets me know he’s saying, “Come for me.”
The thought leaves me in absolute heat. I let out one last moan and I feel the orgasm flow through my body. Waves of ecstasy slam against every end of my body. For a moment, I stay still, taking deep breaths and feeling every tingle leave my body. The clouds of Suguru’s cursed energy are still floating around us and I remember that this time, it’s not actually a dream.
I keep my eyes locked on Suguru as he climbs off of the couch. His hair is disheveled and his shirt is wrinkled, but he still looks as handsome as ever. He offers his hand to pull me up, and greets me with a kiss. I feel him pull away, but he remains close and utters softly, “I’m not done with you yet, beautiful.”
He gently turns me around and starts to unzip my dress. As his fingers brush off the fabric on my shoulders he tells me, “I’m warning you now… I’ve done my best to remain steady, but if I start to slip I can’t promise that you’ll like who I become. Are you sure you still want to do this?”
My dress drops to the floor and his gaze roams my body.
I slowly lift up his shirt and pull him close. “It’s okay Suguru, I can take it.”
Suguru grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls me into a fevered kiss. His body towers over me as I race to take off the rest of his clothes. When I make my way to his pants, I let my hand graze the length of his cock. He immediately hardens beneath me and the air takes another shift. The haze of blue swirls fade into red and his skin runs hot like fire.
I can barely pull down his slacks before he grabs my waist to pull me up against him. His skin is smooth, his chest is hard, and I can feel him brush against my center. When his strong grip takes a hold of my ass, I wrap my legs around him while he walks us to his room. 
He sets me on the bed and guides me down until my back presses against his sheets. The lights are off, but the red fog illuminates the room—allowing me to make out the contours of his body.
He looms over me and begins to rub my clit. I hum in pleasure and roll my head back.
“You’ve barely even touched me and I’m already breaking,” he growls. He takes another look at my body and I can feel the hunger in his eyes. “You are god damn beautiful.”
Suguru uncovers his cock, and I can feel my eyes widen. He’s big. And I mean big. As he tugs against it, I feel my eyes locking onto him—he’s mesmerizing.
“Is something the matter, princess?” he smirks. His brow arches like it’s a challenge. “Like you said… you can take it.”
I do my best to bite back a smile as my heart continues to race. The haze grows brighter around us.
Suguru lowers himself onto the bed, guiding himself into me. He stretches me so wide, forcing me to moan—but I know it’s only the tip. He continues to ease himself inside and I can’t help but gasp for air.
Once my walls adjust to his size, he grips my thighs and picks up his tempo. I can feel his whole length beat against my cervix. I cry in pleasure as my back arches and my eyes begin to shut.
“Eyes on me, baby girl. The whole time.” My eyes shoot open and see a fiendish smile dance across his face. “Now show me how much of a slut you can be.”
He moves one hand up my body, stopping to stroke my nipple, before landing on the edge of my neck. His fingers gently press on the sides of my throat, leaving just enough passage for air to flow through. His touch is violent, his voice is stern, but all of it has me dripping in delight.
My mind goes numb, registering only the feelings of pleasure and pain. I knew he was large, but the magnitude of his cock leaves me speechless. I keep my gaze fixed on him as he drives inside me, making me cry out louder each time. All I can make out is, “Fuck, Suguru.”
“That’s my girl. Louder,” he growls. “Let me hear how much you need me.”
My moans begin to amplify, but that only makes his thrusts go deeper. I don’t know who this Suguru is, but he tames me like an animal and fucks me like a beast. Everything about this makes me crave him so much more. My thighs clench at the thought, making the juices leave my body. “Fuck—that feels…so—good.” My words are breathy and labored.
“Your pussy is so tight. Fitting for a little slut like you.” He releases briefly and forcefully flips me over. As he grabs a fistfull of my hair to pull me close to his face, I feel him whisper. “Let’s see how well you can take me from behind.”
He keeps his grip wrapped in my hair, and my head presses into his chest. I feel his power surge through me as he pushes his way back inside. My center is so wet, he makes driving into me seem effortless. When he rams into the front of my walls, I feel myself squeeze around him.
Suguru releases my hair, but he wastes no time. His fingers move to hook into my mouth, leaving every part of my body filled. His other hand remains painfully gripped around my waist. I struggle to catch my breath when his pressure doesn’t let up.
“You feel so good, baby girl. I could fuck you forever.” The vibration of his voice tickles the side of my throat. His pace is steady but his movements are rough and relentless.
Every beat has me screaming in desire.
Suguru lets his hands trail from my mouth to my center and uses the wetness on his fingers to rub my clit. I’m overwhelmed with pleasure as I feel my folds throb against him. With my mouth free, he plants hungry kisses onto my lips and I can feel my body wanting to release.
His hips continue to strike into me, causing tears to well into my eyes. They fall down my cheek, but his tongue slowly cleans it up before he returns his mouth back to mine.
The pressure inside grows and I feel my climax calling for me. He’s so good. All of him feels so good. I can’t stop thinking about the way he looks, the way he feels, how perfect he is inside of me. “Please don’t stop, I’m—gonna—” I can barely speak, let alone breathe. “Come.”
“As my little slut should. Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” His breath quickens and the way his body moves tells me he’s close too. “Do you want me to come inside of you?”
I moan with pleasure and that’s the only confirmation he needs.
Suguru roars in desire, but the volume of my cry rivals him. I feel him release inside of me as tides of my orgasm flow through my body. My ears are ringing and my fingers go numb.
His come feels hot as it shoots up through me. As his grip tenses around me, I can feel them leaving bruises on my skin. He catches his breath and slowly glides his way out of me. I can feel his liquid dripping down my thighs.
I let myself settle back down onto the bed, feeling the remnants of my orgasm drift away.
Suguru adjusts himself so that his mouth hovers inches away from my ear. “Thank you for gracing me with that perfect little pussy.” he whispers.
No, Suguru. Thank you.
Chapter 7: Relax
The morning comes and the sun beams brightly through the windows. I wake up and see Suguru’s arm wrapped around me. His embrace gives me comfort, and I never want to let go. As I adjust myself to see his face, I notice how the rays of sun bounce off his back. The light illuminates the outline of his silhouette—he is truly an angel.
I think back last night—how raw, powerful, and commanding he was. But as I look at him now, I see that there’s no sign of the animal he once was. His eyes are softly shut, his mouth is calm, and his hair is gently swept across his face. I brush back the strands that have fallen, and place a delicate kiss on his cheek. With one last look of admiration, I slowly inch my way out of the bed to grab a glass of water.
“No, don’t go,” he softly groans. He’s half asleep, but his grasp pulls me right back next to him. He caresses the contours of my naked body, and I’m reminded of how good it feels to have his hands around me.
I let out a little chuckle, “I’m getting water, I’ll be right back.” I give him another kiss and he surrenders. I hear him grumble but he doesn’t fight back as I wiggle my way out of the bed.
I make my way through the living room, and back to the kitchen. Sunlight pours through the windows, unveiling the aftermath of our night. Our clothes are everywhere, the furniture is skewed, and the pillows from the couch have been dumped on the floor.
As I pick up the mess, I hear the door unlock and my heart immediately drops into my stomach. Fuck. I’m completely bare. Running back to the room would take too much time, so I race to put on the shirt that Suguru wore the night before. Who the hell is even at the…oh, it’s Satoru. I forgot they were roommates.
When I realize it’s Satoru, I feel my heart stop and a powerful rage fills me. I’m reminded of the anger, the horror, and the embarrassment I felt Friday afternoon. I thought I could look past it, but I let my emotions consume me.
As the door closes, I hear a vexing voice drifting my way. “Looks like someone had a little fun last night.”
I march up to him as the hems of Suguru's shirt brush against my knees. “What the hell is your problem, Satoru?”
He continues setting down his belongings. “For someone who looks like they had great sex, you seem a little feisty.” His tone is mellow, his grin is smug. It’s everything I hate about him. 
All I want to do is scream, but with Suguru asleep, my voice remains hushed. “One—yes, I did have great sex, thank you for noticing. But two—I’m furious with you. What happened on Friday? You literally just left me there.  And three—What is your problem? What kind of sick person does that?”
Satoru leans himself against the table. “Listen, angel. I did you a favor.”
I rush in front of him to block the noise from traveling too far. “Keep it down,” I snap at him.
Satoru picks himself up and takes a step towards me. His face hovers over me and I can feel my heart shudder. Our gaze latches onto each other as he softly whispers in my ear. “You seemed like you were enjoying yourself there, and trust me… while I would’ve loved to go further, I couldn’t take that away from Suguru.”
My arms cross and my stare remains unwavering. I scoff in his face. “You are so annoying. What makes you think I would ever let you have sex with me?”
“You wouldn’t?” He fires back quickly.
My jaw drops. I want to shoot back, but I’m at a complete loss for words. The hesitation is enough for his look to become even more self-assured.
He steps a bit closer and the heat from his body warms the air. “I’m just kidding angel. Although, I’m sure Suguru wouldn’t mind sharing.”
I push him back with enough force for him to bump the table. “Satoru!”
He makes his way around me and charges straight for the rooms. “You know what? We can just ask him about that right now. Hey Su—”
“Satoru, shut up!” I try to pull him back but his force is too strong.
A raspy voice emerges. “Good morning,” Suguru appears from the hallway leading to the room. He looks at us and breaks into a gentle laughter. “I guess some things never change with you two.”
He walks over to me, wrapping his hand around my waist to give me a kiss. “Nice shirt.”
My cheeks flush as I'm reminded that all I have on is Suguru’s oversized tee. I cling to him in embarrassment.
Satoru watches us move to the couch as he grabs a drink from the refrigerator. His brow perks up with interest. “This is new. Looks like you two had a fun night,” he calls from across the room.
I feel my eyes burn as I glare at him.
Suguru wraps his arm around me as a gesture of reassurance and I settle into his arms. “Satoru, relax. Don’t you have other women to fuck or bother? Leave mine alone.” He kisses me on the forehead and I look up at him with affection.
Satoru grabs his drink and strolls to his room. “Yes, your majesty,” he mocks Suguru lovingly. He turns to me with a sarcastic bow. “Sorry m’lady, please go about your day.”
I roll my eyes at him before directing my attention to Suguru. “How do you do that?” I ask curiously.
“Do what?” he replies.
“I don’t know, wrangle him? Satoru always listens to you.”
“I get him out of so many things, he basically owes me for life.”
“You’re always looking out for everyone, aren’t you?" I smile because this is the Suguru I know and love. Nothing about him could ever scare me away.
He turns to look at me like I’m the only person in the world. “But it’s only fun when I get to do it for you.”
Our morning together is exactly what I hoped it would be. We spend a good bulk of our time preparing breakfast—grilling fish and whipping up tamagoyaki, just to scarf it down with a side of rice.
Unfortunately for me, Satoru joins us for the meal. However, I’m pleasantly surprised when he decides to keep the conversation tame. As much as I hate the guy, he’s not completely intolerable. We spend a few moments cracking jokes and I watch them playfully argue about who would win in a fight. As I look around the table, I smile. I’m overjoyed with the feelings of nostalgia that whip through my soul.
After we finish cleaning up our meal, Satoru heads back into his room while Suguru and I plop ourselves on the couch. He rests one elbow on the armrest, and the other around my shoulder. I snuggle myself into him and rest my head on his chest. He plants a kiss on my forehead and His eyes light up with his genuine smile.
I've shared many years of my life with Suguru, yet none of them have been quite like this. His cuddles comfort me, his kisses revive me, and his touch—well, his touch ignites me in ways I can’t describe.
“You know, I could stay like this forever,” I say to him.
“What do you mean?” His brow lifts.
“Being cuddled up against you. It’s the best feeling.” I smile because it’s true.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, this is great,” he begins. “But I can think of a couple more things that might feel better.” He moves from the armrest, letting his fingers graze my chest and dance down my body. He lifts up the hem of my shirt.
A jolt of arousal runs through me when I feel the pads of his fingers rub against my panties.
“Suguru!” I playfully push him off with a smile.
He raises his brow and smirks. “What’s wrong? Don’t think you can handle another round?”
“Satoru is right there,” I murmured, carefully keeping my voice down.
Suguru adjusts himself to get a better angle of my lips and presses his mouth against mine. “He can fuck off. Let him see.”
My attention is immediately averted when I hear a passing voice coming from the bathroom.
“I’m right here,” Satoru calls out as he crosses the opening in the hallway.
Without breaking the kiss, Suguru lifts his hand from me, and I shift my eyes to see his middle finger raised at Satoru. I chuckle.
Satoru returns to his room and shuts the door. Once we’re back to being alone, Suguru returns my kisses and focuses his attention back to my folds.
The pleasure rises as I feel his lips part and he slips his tongue into my mouth. He hums against my lips as his fingers gently rub my clit. No matter how many times he touches me, I still feel a rush. My body gets lighter as it drifts away, in search of euphoria and I mutter curses under my breath. I wish this feeling would never stop. My thighs begin to clench as I feel liquid form between them. This is so— 
Buzz. I hear his phone chime on the table. He silences it and stays fixated on me. 
Buzz. He tries to ignore it, hoping it will pass.
Buzz. He hesitates. Now completely distracted, he momentarily breaks away. “I’m so sorry. Do you mind if I take this real quick?”
I nod, moving from him so he can get up to take the call. I can’t really make out the conversation, but judging from his tone, it doesn’t seem great.
He hangs up the phone and shoots me with an apologetic smile, “Yaga needs me to help with some curse clean up, but it shouldn’t take long. I promise. Do you mind if I step away for a little bit?”
My brow furrows. “Why doesn’t he ever call for Satoru’s help?”
“For what it’s worth, he does call him. But have you met Satoru?”
“Yeah you’re right.” I remember our conversation from earlier. I get him out of so many things, he basically owes me for life. Damn you, Satoru. You owe him—or rather me, big time. I let out a sigh as disappointment washes over me.
Suguru gives me a soft kiss, though he knows that isn’t enough to satisfy the arousal between my legs. “I’m so sorry. Feel free so stay if you want, make yourself feel at home,” he starts. “It’s 12 right now, so I’ll probably be back in an hour—two hours, max. I promise.”
As he gathers himself together, Satoru approaches from his room and appears in the hallway crossing. He rests his arm on the edge of the frame and directs himself to Suguru. “Hey, I heard some shuffling, are you going somewhere?”
My eyes widen as I notice Satoru’s body stretched along the wall. He’s only wearing a pair of sweats while his top is completely bare. The sun from the windows hits the contours of his muscles, making his skin glisten. His white hair rests gently on his face as he tilts his head in curiosity. The blue in his eyes are centered on Suguru but the color still pierces my vision from afar.
My gaze goes from the top of the frame and travels down the length of Satoru’s forearms. It reaches the subtle curves of his bicep and slowly creeps down to the lines of his chest and the ridges of his abs. His build is lean, and his body is defined. My eyes slowly roam as they follow the lines of the V-shaped trail that leads right down to—fuck. Stop.
What am I doing?
I snap out of it and return to find myself plugged in mid-conversation.
“...I can go if you want,” Satoru finishes. 
Suguru continues to round up his things, but pauses to place an arm on Satoru’s shoulder and sighs. “I would love that, truly. But no offense, you’d probably get yourself into trouble. Yaga would just call me anyways to clean up your mess too.” He turns to me with a regretful look, pleading for forgiveness. “It’s just faster if I do it myself, I promise I’ll be quick.”
Satoru huffs as he rolls his eyes. “You’re right, but offense has still been taken.”
One more kiss and Suguru heads to the door. “Be a good mentor and take care of her while I’m gone. Try not to be an asshole.” His voice trails, but he stops momentarily to give me one last heartfelt smile. The door closes and my gut churns as I’m left staring at a shirtless Satoru.
Satoru lifts himself off of the frame and heads back to his room. Before the door shuts, he mockingly calls out, “Don’t worry angel, I’ll keep my hands to myself.”
I shake my head and let out an exasperated breath. Even when he’s being cordial, he still gets under my skin.
With Suguru gone, I’m unsure of what to do. My core still feels tight and there’s the lingering arousal between my legs. Satoru has locked himself in his room, so it feels like I have most of the apartment to myself. I use this as the perfect opportunity to draw myself a bath so I can finally relax. 
Stepping into the tub, the immediate warmth cocoons me. It reminds me of being wrapped in Suguru’s embrace. I take a few moments to unwind, feeling the comfort of the water against my skin. My head rests on the edge of the tub as I close my eyes and let my mind drift…
My vision jumps to Suguru as he hums into my breasts and teases my folds. His touch is warm and playful, but it’s no surprise that I long for more. The image in my mind is clear, but the feeling falls short. I let my hands slip between my thighs and let the gentle pressure of my fingers fuel my fantasy.
The image shifts, and I envision how Suguru’s frame completely overpowers me. His shoulders are wide, his muscles are thick, and I let my eyes trail down his beautiful body. The contours of his abs feel like steel, but his skin is smooth as his hips rock against me. My gaze reaches his cock and it’s already trickling in arousal.
He teases me, gently sliding the tip across my slit. I bite my lip to hold back my whimper. When he sees how needy I am for him, he guides his length into me and I feel him expand my walls. I let myself mimic the motions with my hands and a rush of pleasure flows through me.
Suguru grinds his hips, thrusting everything he has into me until my pussy is completely filled. The rhythmic motion leaves me dizzy and I can feel my vision beginning to blur. The tension inside me boils as I imagine the friction of his cock massaging me. All of his ridges compliment my own and I can feel myself drip with desire.
Suguru’s presence invades my thoughts and a moan escapes my breath. As I feel myself pulsate against the pressure of my fingers, a devilish voice drifts through my head. Though I can’t make out the voice, the thought just fuels my fire.
“He would tell you you’re soaking wet,” I continue working my clit until I’m on the brink of pleasure. I squirm as the tingles of my orgasm begin to peek over the horizon.
“He would say you’re god damn beautiful,” The words make my core flutter and my center continues to throb. I’m close, so close. The image in my head flips.
“Does he make you feel good?” Yes. So good. A vision of Satoru pounding into me resonates through my body. I’m about to—
“Yes, angel. Come for—” Fuck.
My eyes immediately shoot open when I realize the narrator of my thoughts. No, no, no, no. That did not just happen. I feel like I just woke up from a mortifying nightmare. But…if it’s a nightmare, then why do I still feel myself quiver? Stop.
I grab my towel and I shake my head to wipe away the image. As I let the bath drain, I find myself deep in thought. Why the hell is Satoru in my head and how do I get him out? I press my fingertips against my temples. Please just leave.
I try to collect myself, but memories of Friday with Satoru flood my brain. I get flashbacks of his fingers pressing into me and I immediately feel weak. I remember his tongue on my center and it makes my heart skip a beat. Stop. In my haste, I bolt out the door and collide into a large figure. 
I lift my head up to see Satoru standing before me. The warmth of his skin bounces off of me. “What the hell are you doing?” My voice is raised, but he doesn’t realize it’s because he invaded my thoughts. 
Satoru furrows his brow with one hand holding a towel around his waist, and the other raised up in defense. “Whoa, can’t I take a bath in my own house?”
My pupils dilate when I realize our towels are the only thing in between our bodies. It takes every bit of willpower to not let my eyes linger below his waist. I decide to keep my head down and swiftly maneuver past him. “Oh, right. Fine, just go ahead.” I get to the front of Suguru’s door, and my hand hovers over the knob.
Before I can turn it, Satoru calls out to me. “By the way, I noticed you were a little loud in there.” I try to move, but my body stands still. ”Were those moans for me?”
I’m frozen in shock. I tilt my head to see if his gaze is darting towards me—it’s not. Instead, all I see is his towel drop, but the door shuts before I can see it hit the floor. Nice ass—Stop.
My cheeks flush, my heart races, and I’m pretty sure my entire soul has left my body. How do I leave every interaction with Satoru feeling absolutely mortified?
Chapter 8: Repeat
Were those moans for me? No. Yes—I mean kinda? So what if they were? Fucking hell, this cannot be happening right now. Stupid Satoru and his stupid charm.
As I struggle to push the thoughts aside, I check the clock and it’s 12:30 pm. It’s only been thirty minutes since Suguru left. That’s okay, I can just relax in his room and avoid Satoru for the next hour and a half. I let out a groan and try to figure out my next move.
I set the towel down and look at my options for clothing—Suguru’s shirt from last night, dirty. The dress that I wore here, dirty. My panties sitting on the floor, soaked… and dirty. With my options limited, I settle for a fresh t-shirt from Suguru’s dresser, hoping he won’t mind. Similar to the last one, this one barely grazes my knees—but it’s cozy nonetheless.
I spend some time mindlessly scrolling away on my phone, until my stomach starts to growl—I haven’t eaten since breakfast. I tiptoe my way to the door and press my ear against the wood to see if there’s any sign of Satoru in the common space. It seems quiet, so I think the coast is clear—but of course, it isn’t.
Satoru is sitting at the dining table with his headphones in. He looks like he’s intently watching something on his phone. His hair is a bit wet, and he still hasn't gotten around to putting on a shirt. Can’t blame him though, it is his apartment after all. After a moment, he notices that I’ve stepped out of Suguru’s room and pauses the video to talk to me.
“Oh hey, you’re alive! I thought you were either masturbating, napping, or dead so I didn’t want to disturb you.”
I give him a half smile, spotting an unfinished plate of food resting in front of him. It reminds me why I went out in the first place.
“You’re probably hungry. Here, I can warm up something for you.” Before I can protest, he’s already up to grab me a plate, some chopsticks, and containers from the refrigerator.
“Oh okay, thanks.” Satoru hasn’t teased me yet. In fact, he’s actually being nice? So far so good. I take a seat at the table and try to figure out what’s playing on his phone. “What are you watching?”
“It’s this movie about some mad scientist who turns—”
“People into worms,” I help finish off his sentence.
He smiles. “Yeah, Human Earthworm 4. You know it? One of my students keeps pestering me to watch it. It’s messed up, but I actually think it’s kinda funny.”
“Yeah, I knew I recognized it! I’ve seen this one before and it’s pretty good. Unlike the others, this one feels more like a romance.” I reply with a laugh. 
After setting down my food, Satoru disconnects his headphones and moves his plate to the spot next to mine. He props his phone in between us and we spend the last 20 minutes of the movie eating our lunch, huddled closely together around his phone. His body heat radiates as our shoulders touch, sending a brief shock through me.
When we finish our meal, I wipe down the table while he washes the dishes in the sink. We laugh about the movie, share sentiments about the storyline, Satoru even comes up with theories on what Human Earthworm 5 would be like. In moments like this, I’m reminded of the times in our mentorship where we actually got along. This is nice—this Satoru is nice.
As I finish putting the last container back into the fridge, I hear him turn off the faucet. I turn around to see him dry his hands and lean on the edge of the counter. I can tell something in his demeanor has changed. His mouth opens to say something, but he decides to keep it shut.
“Is everything okay?”
He looks away, scratching the back of his head as if he’s nervous to speak. “So, you never answered my question.”
“What question?”
“Your bath. Your moans. Were they—”
I immediately cut him off while my eyes roll, and my shoulders drop. I was hoping he wouldn’t bring it up, but I should’ve known better. All Satoru wants to do in life is get under my skin. “I really don’t understand you. I know you’re capable of being a nice and normal human being, so why do you insist on antagonizing me like this?”
He takes a step forward, like it’s a challenge. “You’re not denying it, so I can’t be completely wrong.”
My mouth twitches open, but I hesitate. I guess I’m not denying it.
Satoru moves another inch closer, causing me to take a small step back. His powerful presence is all I can feel. His velvety tone delivers his words nice and slow. “Do you want to know the beauty of the Six Eyes, angel? It means that I can see everything.”
I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and I take in a sharp breath. Everything? What does he mean by everything? “Wh—What are you talking about?” I stammer.
His words are paced and methodical. “I see the way your cursed energy changes every time I walk in the room.”
There’s silence.
“...I can see the way it gravitates towards me when I rest on the doorframe, and the way it struggles to hold your gaze up when I’m wrapped in a towel.”
The sound of my heart fills the room.
“...I see the way it vibrates when you try to get a glimpse of my ass.”
My jaw drops open, but nothing comes out.
“...And I definitely see it sync with your heartbeat whenever I whisper in your ear.”
His hand grazes my shoulder while the other gently caresses my waist. I let him. My gaze locks onto his and I’m completely hypnotized.
Satoru slowly leans down and stops until his face is next to mine. “You want me, angel.”
I stiffen my spine, in hopes of him seeing that I won’t back down. But who am I kidding? I’ve already been caught in his trap. As I take in the scent of his freshly bathed body, I feel myself gush between my thighs. In that instant, I’m reminded that my only piece of clothing is an oversized shirt. “So what if I do?”
Satoru smiles, gently pinning me against the refrigerator. He places his forehead on top of mine and can feel his gaze burn through me. “Do you remember the rules I told you about on your first day back?”
One—If you want me, don’t want me.
Two—If you need me, don’t need me.
Three—If you need my help, help yourself first.
I let him lift my chin and gently kiss my lips. “I think they were for me more than they were for you. Because right now, I want you too.” 
When I kiss him back, I feel his touch become more needy. I haven’t said a single word, but he knows my actions speak louder. He grabs my waist and flips me around so that my hips are pinned against his counter, allowing him to go deeper into the kiss. His grip is demanding, desperate to feel every bit of my body.
“I played nice and let Suguru have his fun, but I’m telling you right now—I need you.” He briefly pulls away and I see a rush of desire filling his hungry eyes. “So please angel, help me.”
I direct one of his hands to the bulge of his pants and the other underneath my shirt and in between my legs.  “How about you help yourself first.”
“No panties? Angel, you’re making this way too easy.” Satoru tugs down his pants to reveal his cock, stroking it as he teases my folds. He drops his forehead onto my shoulder and I hear him groan as he pleases himself. The size of his length is enough to make me gasp. I watch his large hands tug on it before my vision is blocked by Satoru pressing his lips into mine.
My arms stretch back onto the counter and I can feel the coolness of the sink spike through my fingers. My head rolls back and the rays of sunlight blind me as Satoru kisses his way down my neck.
“I always thought you were a good girl,” he growls in my ear. “I never expected you to prove me wrong.”
The words send shivers down my spine and I immediately tangle my fingers into his hair. He slides his fingers inside of me and my slick oozes out onto his hands. I feel the warmth of his pads, the ridges of his knuckles, I feel everything. He glides himself in and out, and the pressure instantly makes my walls convulse.
He continues to jack himself off and his breath becomes labored. The warmth in his breath hugs me as his kisses move back to my mouth. He’s desperately clinging to my lips and I can hear his groans as I tug on his hair.
He breaks away, panting, leaving our faces inches from each other. “Do you want to know the real reason I left that day?” he reveals. 
My gaze locks onto his beautiful blue eyes.
“If I stayed, I would’ve wanted more. I would’ve dropped my limitless and it would be over.” Satoru slows down the pace of his fingers, and I feel myself dripping down on him with excitement. I guide the rest of his pants off and he gently lifts off my shirt.
The softness of his skin roams my body, leaving a trail of fire within me. When his hands are done searching, he drags them up to cup my face. “I left because… If I had the chance to feel you, and I mean really feel you, I would’ve fucked you until your legs give out.”
My mouth twitches and I raise my brow to challenge him. “Prove it.”
Before I can even think, Satoru’s hands race to grab a hold of my thighs. He lifts me up until my elbows are resting on the counter and my feet are off the floor. His grip is powerful as he drives his cock straight into me. No easing, no adjusting, just pure thrusting. I immediately throw my head back and moan in sincere delight, knocking over the dish rack behind me.
His hands venture over to my ass, squeezing so hard like he wants to milk every last bit of me. I don’t mind the bruises as long as it showers me with bliss. The pounding of his hips against mine reverberates through the entire room. All I hear is our moans mix with groans and he’s fucking me senseless like a messy symphony of pleasure and pain. 
As his cock drills into me, I feel my back ache as he presses me into the counter. The edges dig into me, but the arousal between my legs overpowers it all. “Fuck.”
When Satoru notices, he eases his stroke to pick me up, and carries me to the table. “Maybe this will be a little more comfortable for you.”
I feel my cheeks touch the surface and slowly lower my back onto the wood. Satoru picks up one of my legs and throws it over his shoulder. Once he settles, he resumes pace and doesn’t let up. Whatever angle he has me at has his cock ramming directly into the sensitive spot in my pussy. I struggle to find a grip on the table, causing the vase of faux plants to crash. 
“Angel, you are so tight.” His words have my moans growing louder by the second. How can I be an angel when Satoru fucks me like he’s the god damn devil?
His pace slowly increases and I feel my orgasm works its way to my core. “S—so close.”
Satoru removes his hold from my waist and brings his fingers to his mouth. He wraps his lips around them, before placing them on my clit. The initial shock stuns me, causing my walls to contract. He works with an even pressure, smearing all of my slick around me. The vibrations of his fingers build up inside of me and I can feel my body on the brink of release. He gives one last thrust, knocking down a chair and shaking the table, and I immediately crumble.
My orgasm shoots out from my core, down my legs, and through my toes. I let out a moan but it feels like my cry can be heard from miles away. The pleasure overtakes me and a rush of ecstasy floods my brain. My eyes snap shut, my body tenses, but as my orgasm fades, I wonder if I just died and got railed to heaven.
Satoru falls over me, panting hard to catch his breath. He lifts his head and curls his mouth into a smile. I return his smile with a complementary chuckle.
I slowly prop myself up when suddenly, a voice suddenly emerges from the hallway. “Satoru, you cheeky little bastard. When I said take care of her, I didn’t mean it like that.” Fuck. Suguru.
My mind goes blank and I can’t even move. Satoru’s head perks up as he turns to face Suguru. The air is tense and the silence lingers for far too long. Time slows down and it feels like no one has moved in what feels like hours. As I focus my attention on Suguru, I’m puzzled to see the reaction on his face. I fully expect anger and rage, but it’s…not?
“Hey, I—” Satoru starts.
Suguru lifts up his brow and the side of his mouth twitches into a smirk. “Well, are you going to let me join, or am I just gonna sit here and watch?”
As my eyes widen, Satoru turns his head back towards me. “See angel, I told you he wouldn’t mind sharing.”
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Read Part 3 Here
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Be kind to us Leah. terms of Endearment is too good but please, be nice to us.
I make no apologies for this because I actually think it fits the whole fucking aesthetic of who I am as an author and this is the type of shit you come here for. So read up Bitches. Masterlist linked here.
Angst Ahead!
“Listen—“ Bradley squinted as he levelled with the two-year-old who sat in her high chair with her pouty bottom lip and watery eyelashes. Bradley swore he could get lost in the colours her eyes exhibited—slightly different shades of blues and greens and browns depending on what mood she was in. 
Dot Dolan had been ripped away from her Christmas morning shenanigans playing with her abundance of new toys in favor of a quick breakfast. To you and Bradley this made perfect sense—for Dot? It was child cruelty. 
“Nnoooooo—!” She cried as Bradley placed some cut up banana on her plate. Slicing the potassium rich fruit with a butter knife against the pad of his thumb. Rolling his eyes at the tantrum beginning before him. “Nooo—!!” 
“Okay look, it just isn’t that deep alright?” Bradley chuckled as Dot tried to escape from her high chair, kicking her legs and crying her little heart out. She just wanted to play, he got it, after all it was Christmas morning. “Hey, okay now that's a little extreme don’t you think?” 
“Wanna play! I wanna play Tooster I wanna play—!” She was getting outta hand. A little tornado erupting before him as banana chunks came flying at his face before falling to the floor. But Rooster was calm, cool and collected as he picked the chunks up and looked your daughter in her heterochromia ass having eyes and made a square deal. One that to him seemed a two year old would agree on. 
“This isn’t up for debate Dot, I’ll eat my pancakes and you eat yours, mums gotta have a shower and when she comes back she’ll expect us to both be finished.” Sipping on the coffee he’d poured himself far too long ago for it to be enjoyable—Bradley broke apart the freshly cooked pancake just enough so Dot could use her fingers to pick up the pieces. “I’m sure if you eat all your breakfast like the good girl I know you are, mum will let you take one of your toys to lunch? Sound fair?” 
Dot looks at Rooster who’s looking at her. Did he just unintentionally enter a staring competition with a two year old? He isn’t sure—but to his surprise she nods softly and picks up a piece of cut up pancake while she dries her crocodile tears. 
“Otay Tooster—“ She got her way. Kinda. 
“Atta girl.” Before Bradley could sit back and enjoy his own stack of pancakes, his phone is sounding off on the kitchen bench. Jake's name appears along with the stupid icon of his. Bradley doesn’t hesitate, knowing it was probably just a checkin call and well wishes for the holidays. 
“Hey man, Merry Christmas!” Rooster beams through the phone. “How’s Austin?”
“How serious are you about Y/n?” Jake avoids the seasonal question and jumps right into the reason he was calling. Hiding from the rest of his family in his childhood bedroom contemplating jumping on the next available flight back to California. “I know I’ve been messing around and egging you on but I need to know how serious you are about her.” 
“Is everything alri—“ Jake isn’t playing games anymore. He’s panicked and can’t stop thinking about the worst possible outcome. He needs to get back to you as soon as he can, even sooner if Bradley wasn’t all in. 
“Just answer the fucking question Bradshaw!” Bradley here’s the way Jake's voice breaks on the other side of his phone. Something is wrong. “I don’t wanna ask you to help if you aren’t one hundred percent in this for her and Dot, I’m done messing around man—do you love her or not?” 
Rooster knows something serious must have happened, he’d never heard Jake sound so agitated and serious before. But when it was about you and Dot he’d put himself on the line. He’d risk it all, but if Bradley wasn’t in this he needed to leave now and cut the crap before he got too involved. Too invested. 
“I do yeah—yeah I’m as serious as I’ve ever been about anything ever, why? What’s going on?” Jake doesn’t answer right away because he’s holding back his own tears. He hates he’s this far away when you unknowingly need him to be there. “Jake? Hey man you gonna tell me what this is all about or?” 
“Jaidyn transferred to North Island—“ Bradley’s eyes fall to the little girl sitting next to him in her high chair. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do to protect her. “Penny text me yesterday but I didn’t see it till after ma mentioned she’s run into the fucker at the store.” Bradley still hadn’t responded, he was too busy listening and watching Dot eat her breakfast. “I already called Penny, we don’t think Y/n should find out on Christmas that he’s found her.” 
“I didn’t know he was in the Navy?” Is the only thing Bradley musters up. His head is running through a million scenarios. All ending with you leaving. 
“We went through the academy together, high school even, I just never thought he’d be stupid enough to pull a stunt like this.” Jake mentioned only briefly, knowing when he got home he’d have more time to explain the ins and outs. “He’s a fighter pilot, dunno what he’s doing here but if you run into a guy with the call sign Zeus don’t engage.”
“Zeus?” Bradley scoffed as he ate one of the banana rounds he knew Dot wasn’t going to finish. “As in the god?”
“As in Zero Effort Unless Supervised.” Jake explained. “He’s had the nickname since before the academy.”
“Do you reckon he knows she's here? Or if it’s just a really fucked up coincidence?” Bradley could hear the water shutting off from upstairs, you wouldn’t be long now. 
“He knows, he fucking knows she’s there he has to know.” Jake sighs through the speaker. Kicking the stump of his childhood bed frame in anger. “I need to know if you’re in this man, she’s gonna wanna run again—I’ve got Mav on it but he can’t promise anything will come of it.” 
“I’m in, always Jake—come on bro you know me.” Rooster knew Jake was only doing his best from where he was. It was hard for him to accept he hadn’t done enough to protect you the first time but he just didn’t know how bad it was. How bad it got before you finally ran. And here he was again, unable to protect you. 
“Rooster—“ Jake's voice was stone cold as it came through the phone. “He won’t hesitate to kill her if given an opportunity.” Bradley couldn’t breathe, he could hear you walking around upstairs, getting ready for Christmas lunch. “He almost did, far too many times and the last time he damn well almost did.” 
“Got it, I won't leave her side, I’ve got her Jake—“
“And don’t stay a thing until I get back.” Jake made sure to remind Bradley who sat stone cold at the dining table in his best friend's home. “If at the very least she deserves a good Christmas for once in her life.” 
“She deserves the whole world bro, the whole damn world.”
“Oh look at this.” Pete Mitchell had never seen a more wholesome site in his whole life. You and Braldey had just pulled up in the driveway of Pennys humble abode. Dot on Bradleys hip where she could be found most days when she wasn't in the mood to walk. Little lazy ass. It reminded him of Goose and the way Bradley would cling to his side at Dot's age. “That’s awesome Rooster–it actually looks like it fits too.” 
“It's so cute isn't it.” You beamed as you carried the bag full of gifts you'd gotten for Bradley’s extended family. All neatly wrapped because you just so happened to have an excerpt teacher in all things gift wrapping. “Although I don't necessarily think it's foreshadowing her future career–but I'll allow it for now.” Odette was wearing her new flight suit, a small pair of Naval Aviator glasses to match adorned her face, her cheeky smile just made your heart melt as Rooster placed her down near the front door before she took off running inside. “I'd rather my daughter not risk her life for the thrill of it.” 
“Get away, flying a jet is the most fun you can have with your pants on.” Bradley remarked as he took the bag of gifts from your hand before placing a gentle kiss to your cheek. “You ready to get your not so traditional Christmas feast on Fix it Felix?” You had gotten your name sake from the movie wreck it Ralph. That stupid little cartoon fucker Felix reminded one of your old co-workers of your inability to just go with the flow. You always needed everything to be perfect and accurate. Get the job done once and right. If someone went off the books about anything you used to lose your shit. It was your head on the chopping block if something went wrong and the guys at your old posting never let you rest. 
It was your way of trying to remain in control of something, anything. At home you were anything but. At work at least you could pretend to have your shit together. 
“So ready, I'm starving.” Bradley had stuck to his word. He never mentioned the phone call with Jake this morning. Although you did mention he looked like he’d seen a ghost with how pale he’d gone when you came downstairs. “I should have worn sweatpants, I feel like I'm gonna pop out of my jeans already.” 
Pete welcomed you with a warm embrace as did Penny before they both turned their attention to Rooster briefly as you tracked down your daughter. In the living room with Amelia. 
“You didn't say anything did you?” Penny asked with a little more seriousness in her tone than Rooster was used to. It was rather jarring if he was being honest. “Jake said he’d spoken to you–” 
“Called me this morning.” Rooster interrupted as he pulled her in for a hug, kissing the top of Pennys forehead as he did. A mother figure he’d craved since his mother left earth side to be with his dad. “What the fuck–I can’t wrap my head around it.”
“I'm gonna talk to the Admirals on Monday but I don't know how much that’ll do.” Mav explained as Rooster took his uncle in for a hug. “For now we keep it quiet, keep an eye on her and just play it off like everythings as normal for her as it can be.” 
Mav spoke sense—for once Bradley thought. He wasn’t about to be the one to ruin Christmas for you. He didn’t wanna be the one who told you your ex was in town either. He thought it would be smart to leave that conversation for Jake when he got back. You two had a far greater history that Bradley wasn’t even sure he was even able to register the expanse of. 
If anything, lunch was bliss. Penny had cooked the most delectable glazed ham Bradley had ever tasted. Pete had made something called a Pavlova—it quickly became your ranking number one dessert and every single one of you indulged in so much food it had you all sitting at the table with a stomach ache. But it was worth it. Oh so worth it. 
“How's house hunting going?” Penny asked from across the table as she played with the last few mouthfuls of the pasta salad remaining on her plate. “Anything yet?” 
“Not for staff housing no—but I mentioned to Jake that I might look at a private rental closer to town. Won’t be as convenient as something the Navy owns but still—he needs his own space back.” You explained softly, Bradley had been leaning back on his chair—arm around the back of yours as he sipped his iced tea, the designated driver of the evening. “He says it all the time that he doesn’t mind but I can’t help but to think I’m imposing, especially when he wants to bring his latest conquest home and he’s gotta maneuver around all Odettes stuff.” It was the gentle sounds of laughter that warmed your heart the most, this was what you’d missed out on growing up. The family affairs that just seemed so perfect and unattainable. 
“Did I even mention Hangman through me out of the Hard Deck once?” Mav was smirking as he took a sip of his beer and leaned closer. “Tossed me straight out on my ass—“
“You couldn’t pay your tan old man, what else was there to do?” Penny cooed as she looked at her Fiancé, beaming with so much love and admiration for the man beside her. If she looked closely, Bradley mimicked the way she looked at Maverick, only he was looking at you. “You guys wanna take some leftovers from home?” 
“Little bit of everything Pen, if that’s okay?” Bradley answered before you had a chance to politely decline the offer. He knew you’d say no. Never one to want to impose or feel like a burden. “Foods too good to go to waste.” 
“So what’s on for the evening guys?” Maverick asked as he helped Penny clear the table, you thought now would be the most appropriate time to start the process of cleaning Odette up from her wild time. She had food all over her face, in her hair, on her clothes and mushed between her fingers. 
“Nice one baby—did you actually eat anything or just played with everything?” You mumbled as Bradley chuckled. 
“Got an invite for a few beers over at Fanboys place later on in the afternoon but I dunno if we’ll go. Might even just head home?” Rooster was talking to Pete but at the same time he was asking what you wanted to do. His fingers melding into your shoulder as you cleaned up Dot who you’d moved into your lap. 
“Whatever you wanna do Roo—“ It was just so easy with Rooster. “Dot needs a few hours to sleep though so maybe we just take it easy for a few and then call round to Mickeys?” For a few hours there—Bradley had even forgotten about the ever pressing matter that your Ex was in town. “Or if you just wanna pop around I don’t mind.” But at your casual mention of maybe not going, Rooster tensed slightly, you’d felt it briefly before he was shifting in his seat and clearing his throat. 
“If you don’t wanna go we don’t have to go—but we’ll either go together or stay home together.” Was all Bradley said before he was leaning in to kiss your temple. You hadn’t put a defining label on what you were—all you knew at this point was that you liked Bradley Bradshaw enough to let him into your life and he seemed to reciprocate the feelings you gave him. Which was an odd sentiment to think about—love had never been easy for you, hell you didn’t even know if you’d ever really been in love before. But there was something so easy about Rooster. There weren't enough terms of endearment in the dictionary to describe him accurately. “Also your daughter is a con artist, she’ll probably pretend to sleep and stay up planning my downfall or something.” 
“You’re just upset she got her way this morning—don’t give into the tears, Bradshaw, she knows you cave easily.” You couldn’t help but to bounce Dot on your knee a few times as she played with the doll she got from Santa. The toy she’d selected to bring to lunch. The toy Rooster had said you’d let her bring if she stopped crying and ate her breakfast. “Don’t you little miss? You’ve got Rooster wrapped around your little finger don’t you?” You cuddled into Dot as she giggled and squirmed. 
“She’s not the only one.” Mav smirked as he thumped Bradley on the back of the head. “I confiscated his phone the other week and you wanna know what he was looking up?” Pete asked as he stopped and turned his attention your way. Pointing the knife he held in his hand at you to emphasise just how much Bradley Bradshaw was down bad for you. “He was looking up if Broncos were safe for toddlers—“ Oh. Now that was precious.
“I was just doing my research!” A gentle hue of bright pink flushed Rooster's cheeks as he hid his face in your shoulder. 
“On my time!” Mav laughed. “Never seen him so distracted before a run—boy can’t even fly straight on a good day, now he’s too busy researching car seats that fit a bloody Bronco to focus on the parameters being set.” 
“Okay, do I need to remind you who saved your museum piece having ass a few months ago?” Bradley was quick to fire back as embarrassment riddled his veins. “Or do you wanna shit on me some more?” 
“Well if you’ve offering.” 
“Pete, enough—“ Penny broke off the not so serious fight Maverick and Rooster were messing around with. “Leave the boy alone, he’s got his priorities—at least it didn’t take him a million years to figure them out.” Your eyes grew wide as you tried to hide your smirk. Bradley didn’t try for a moment to mask the laugh that rumbled in his chest. His smile true and as authentic as ever. “Cut the shit will ya?” 
“We better get going.” You sighed when Penny handed you a whole bag full of Tupperware containing all sorts of leftovers that would feed you for days. “Thank You so much for this Pen, you don’t know how much I appreciate it—never had a Christmas so perfect.” 
“You are always welcome here dear, as is Dot.” Penny beamed as you stood and gave her a hug. It wasn’t long after that that you and Bradley were saying your festive goodbyes in the drive. 
“When’s Hangman due back?” Mav asked, having pulled Bradley to the side as you clipped Dot into her car seat. Jake's car the vehicle of choice. It was just easier to take his than to fiddle around with removing and refitting the car seat. Although Rooster kicked up a hissy about it. 
“Not till Thursday, but he said he might come home earlier since things have changed, I’m just gonna make up an excuse or six to hang around—don’t wanna leave her at home alone.” 
“Good, good strategy.” You turned around just as Oete was bringing Bradley in for one final hug. “Protect your family, nothing is more important.” He whispered and that stuck. You were Bradley’s entire world now, you and your little girl. You were his family. 
And he’d lay his life on the line for you if he had to. 
“Good Charlotte, really?” Bradley scrunched his nose as the beginning beats of Good Charlottes ‘Like Its Her Birthday’ played through the Bluetooth from your phone. “Y/n—seriously surely there’s a better song.” 
“Nope!” You beamed as you turned the sound up, stopped at the T-intersection red light just a few short minutes from the turn off to Jakes street. “It’s now a classic—“ Humming along as you turned to see if Dot had conked out yet, she had. “She looks like she had a good day.” 
“If I were her I’d say absolutely.” Rooster settled his foot on the break a little heavier, not wanting to move an inch as he turned his attention towards you for a brief moment. “Hopefully she remembers even just a little bit of it.” 
“I don’t think she will, more for me though, at least I’ll remember it.” You couldn’t really remember a moment where you’d been so content before. You had your daughter who was just so perfect, you felt safe and able to be yourself after so long of just surviving. You had Bradley and Jake and all these beautiful people around you, finally. You felt home. 
“Hey–” Reaching out for the volume button you turned it down before settling back into your seat. “Do you mind if I ask you a question?” 
“What's on your mind Fe.” You still hadnt quite gotten used to the fact Bradley wanted to know what you were thinking, how you felt. Those two things were never something that ever seemed like a priority in your last relationship. 
“What are we?” It wasn't that Bradley was taken aback by the question in and of itself. No. He was just taken aback at how quickly and how softly and under your breath you said it. Like you were afraid to ask in case his reaction and answer was anything less than what you had hoped it would be. “I only ask because I wanna make sure I'm not reading into anything wrong, we just haven't laid out what we are to each other and I dunno–I don't wanna misinterpret anything.” There was a second of silence that filled the car and for just a millisecond you felt yourself drowning in it before Bradley shook his head and laughed softly. Not at you, but at himself. “What's so funny?” 
“You want the truth?” He questioned as you nodded, although you weren't too sure if you really did want to know. What if Rooster was about to say he’d changed his mind. That he wasn't all in. that you weren't good enough or worth the risk. That as it turns out you were exactly what you said you were, a broken shell of a woman who was only just starting to see the glimpse of a light after being battered and beaten for years. That you, funnily enough–weren't actually worth Bradley Bradshaw's time after all. 
“I'd appreciate it, all the cards on the table.” Again, the silence was so heavy it felt like the weight of the world had settled on your shoulders. Bradley was the first man you'd ever given the time of day to besides your ex. Maybe you had rushed things, pushed too soon. Fallen too hard too fast and it was all about the blow up in your face like you knew it eventually would. 
Chuckling softly, Bradley shook his head as he groaned out a sigh, not in frustration or resentment. But in the softest of ways because he should have made it clear as day so much sooner. He shouldn't have let you get to a point where you had to ask what you were. 
“Well alright then.” He began, still parked at the lights. “I've never been so unconditionally in love before.” Wait, what? Were you hearing this correctly? “The day I met you? When you told me to fuck off because I was being too loud and you were trying to sleep, thats when I knew I wanted you in my life.” You couldn't believe what you were hearing. “Which probably makes it sound like I have a beratement fetish, which just isn't true, but I just wanted to get to know you and when you started letting me in I started to see just the most amazing woman.” 
“Oh no, no I'm not finished sweetheart.” You felt the heat rising in your cheeks at the term of endearment that so easily slipped past Bradley’s lips. “I can't get enough of you and all the weird shit you do, from the way you harass everyone about their upcoming services to the way you always move those goddamn shower heads in the changing room so that your hair doesn't get wet if it's not a wash day.” You couldn't breathe, did Bradley really notice the small things like that.  
“I wouldn't have to harass you all if you'd just follow the service roster properly.” Mumbling under your breath you smirked wildly, so in love. 
“And then there's Odette–” Oh. This was where the Penny dropped wasn't it. Bradley didn't want a kid that wasn't his–he was gonna say something like he’d date you if you were a mum wasn't he? That he didn't want the package deal. “And she is just the most amazing little girl Y/n, you don't know what I'd do to protect her if I had to.” Oh, yep. No that got you far too good. You hadn’t noticed you were crying until Bradley reached over to cup your cheeks in his hands, wiping the tears that fell freeling with the pads of his thumbs before he leaned in to kiss you through a sob that tried to escape. 
“I've never loved two people more in my entire life the way I love you and your daughter Y/n, so hear me know when I say–come heaven or hell I am in your corner and I am all in and I don't know what you're comfortable labelling what I am to you and Dot but I'm here and I'm obsessed with you and if you let me I’d never leave your side.” Bradley was pouring his entire heart out so much so he hadn’t noticed the light turn green until the car behind him was honking at him to move. “Shit.” He pulled away and took his foot off the brake, accelerating so he wasn't holding up traffic any more than he already had been. “You don't have you answer me right now, I know you've been through alot and still haven’t told me everything but god I’m in love with you Y/n, to the point where I know if Jake didn't tell me how stupid I am every day I would've asked you to marry me by now.” 
“Are you serious?” 
“Where in that declaration of admiration did I stutter dear.” Bradley beamed as you sat next to him, soaking it all in with a smile so bright he’d never seen heaven open its gates in the form of a smile before. “You’re all I want, your daughter too–I don't think I could ever not love you both now that I've met you.” 
“I want to say it back.” 
“No– no you don't have to, and believe me I won’t ever expect you to but–” Rooster caught the sight of something that shouldn't have been coming his way in his peripheral vision. “FUCK!!” He shouted as he saw the car coming at the driver’s side, reaching out to throw his arm across your chest at the collision. Jolting you both as the car spun out in the middle of the intersection. 
He had the right of way—he followed the rules, wasn’t reckless because he had such pressure cargo. But here he was. A bloodied nose with a horn that wouldn’t shut up from the airbags that had been deployed. 
“Y/n?” Bradley crocked out as he came to, not sure if he was out cold for two seconds, two minutes or two hours, but the sound of Dot screaming in the back seat had his heart lurching out of his chest. “Hey, shhh—you’re alright sweetheart, it’s okay.” Bradley smiled as he turned to see if Odette was still in her seat. She was. From what he could tell? She was unscathed, just shaken. “Y/n, baby you with me?” He groaned as the seatbelt crushed his ribs. It had done its job a little too well if you asked him. 
“Mmmhmm—“ You groaned as you slowly sat up, your head in the mess of a deflated airbag. Nose bloodied like Bradley’s. “What the hell happened?” You asked dazed before you heard Dot screaming again. “Oh baby, no no mammas here, don't cry, S’okay yeah, we’re all okay, aren't we Roo?” You asked, tears in your eyes as Bradley nodded. He was good. “I'm coming okay, it's alright, you're okay.” Odette was inconsolable as she screamed out for you, crying her heart out from her spot behind Braldey. Fuck if that car had hit you any further up the side panel theres no telling what could of happened. 
“Don’t move, what if you’ve got a spinal inju—“ It came out of nowhere, but it had sent you against the window at a speed that probably wasn’t too good. 
“My daughter is more important.” You snapped before Rooster could finish his sentence. It wasn’t a conversation you were going to have. You needed to get to your daughter, unclipping your belt, opening your car door, taking a few short steps around the hood of the car before whoever had so stupidly hit you was getting out of theirs. 
“I’m so sorry—“ He began apologising as you focused on getting to Dot. “I wasn’t watching and—Y/n?” You knew that voice, that tone. Stopping in your tracks you met his eyes. The man who stood before knew in that moment he still held so much power over you because for a split second you stumbled. Catching yourself as panic rose in your chest. “Found you baby, I’m so happy I finally found you.” 
Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt t @averyhotchner @emma8895eb @blairfox04 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @teacupsandtopgun @aemondssiut @feltonswifesworld87 @akalei349 @notjustsomeblonde
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velvetvexations · 4 months
I'm genuinely trying to not just be constantly negative and starting shit and arguing with people. I feel like even the people I mostly agree with are getting put off by it if they haven't already. I'm very self-conscious about my opinions and how much I talk on a given subject, and I know I do have issues that make my expressed opinions more pointed than necessary.
But like, me jokingly comparing the Bad Kids to the protagonists of 8-Bit Theater is interesting, because I love 8-Bit Theater to death, it's an extremely important work to me, it hurts a lot that I didn't hear about the scriptbook Kickstarter until it was over and I'll always be looking for a pre-owned copy for the rest of my life.
Like, I think the issue isn't that I have a problem with the Bad Kids acting so awfully. That's okay, especially in a comedy. Comedic sociopathy is a totally fine trope and I enjoy it on a regular basis. The issue that gets me is that it's such a hard counter to not only D20's usual tone, but also the way the DM, the players, the narrative itself, and most of all the fandom treat them and their actions.
That's why I soured on Kristen specifically so hard and so fast, because before JY I just thought she was like, A Lot, but not really a big deal and had some good, solid moments in SY (I did not like FY in general for completely unrelated reasons, sadly). But with JY, it was like, right out the gate she's ignoring Cassandra literally half to death, and I wonder if that would have seriously bothered me as much as it did if the fandom wasn't determined to completely excuse her for it in spite of the fact that it was clearly meant to be a personal character flaw and not just "unfortunately mental illness is happening to her".
Even then I was like, hey, I watched those promo videos, this is obviously something that's been planned ahead and will be dealt with. I'm very far from the first person to point out that we're now entering the season finale and chaos has not yet stopped being cute. Partially that in particular may have been hamstrung by the dice rebellion in the mall fight, with the original plan having been for Cassandra to not get separated from Kristen so fast and subsequently unable to have them actively work on their relationship and Kristen's commitment to her. Kristen running for president also likely threw a monkey wrench into decutifying chaos, because there was never any chance of Ally going about that by having Kristen put on a slick suit and say "I need to take this seriously and research school governance and formulate a policy I'll elaborate on in a debate with Kipperlilly". The race for president could only possibly be a bit the second it went to her instead of Riz, not because I don't think Ally could handle that kinna plot if they set their mind to it, Margret Encino would have killed it just as good as Riz, but because it's simply so far from who Kristen Applebees is as a character.
So anyway, I sat there watching this season waiting for Kristen to grow up because I had faith that was going to happen. But lest you think I just hate Kristen and possibly also Ally, these last few weeks they've been the least of the issue.
As hilarious as it was I don't understand how in the good Lord's name we're supposed to care about Oisin "making Adaine think she liked him" by acting a little flustered around her when Fig literally started catfishing Ruben on the first day of school ages before they had any in-character reasons to suspect the Rat Grinders of anything, all so she could...no, really, why the fuck did she do that? What was the impetus for that decision? I cannot emphasize enough how little motivation is given for this course of action:
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There is nothing to it except that Emily correctly pegged he'd be an antagonist later. It's like the detectives on Law & Order arresting someone because they recognized the special guest star.
And like, other people, I get it, other people who don't like the direction JY has taken can shrug it off more easily than I can, there are a million reasons to not treat this like the end of the world, but unfortunately my autism gets me stuck on shit and I just cannot reconcile things like this. I cannot take the show seriously and care about the protagonists as people and share joy in their triumphs and sorrow in their failures and ignore something as blatantly breaking the logic as stuff like this.
I'll grant you, okay, Adaine was understandably hurt but neither the Bad Kids nor the Intrepid Heroes were really like "oh now we have to really fucking ruin Oisin for being the worst person alive". The fandom treated it like he Frozen'd her but fandoms are dumb and should not dictate as much of my opinion as they do, I simply cannot fathom the kind of person who'll cry over the deep and traumatic emotional damage Oisin caused Adaine with his missed beer pong shots but doesn't think Fig should be in jail.
That's also not the end of it, though. I could keep going on just about Fig specifically and the fact that she is at least sex crimes-adjacent, not to mention Emily's infantilization of a very autistic-coded character, but I'm trying very hard to not just come off as being like the people who have harassed Emily and Ally over their roleplaying choices in the past. As I keep stressing, I like both of them and especially Emily because I've been a CollegeHumor fan longer than some D20 fans have been alive. I think I actually like Fig more accepting that she kinna canonically sucks and taking her as more a Complicated Woman than someone whose actions I need to reconcile with the expectation of her being better than that, although I know none of it will ever actually be addressed.
So yeah, all the Bad Kids have been fucking weird this season in ways they weren't in SY. Adaine's intense and completely inexplicable loathing of Kipperlilly was funny at first and then increasingly uncomfortable as it fed into the fans wanting to crucify her. Gorgug going full bully was weird but also like, a one line bit, but whatever. Riz stealing Kipperlilly's file was gross and would or SHOULD deeply hurt Jawbone if he ever found out, and you can say they had to do this horribly unethical action in the name of homeland security or whatever, I accept that there were extenuating circumstances, but it's given no thought whatsoever and absolutely no regard is given to the fact that she was trying to address her issues with the closest mental health professional available who Brennan goes out of his way to note is failing her by overcorrecting for his bias towards the BKs.
But as much as I genuinely believe Brennan has been planting seeds the Rat Grinders could be reached, he's not been great here either and like Mice & Murder these things are more on him than any of the players because he's the director here. Like, I'm embarrassed I got snippy with someone who guessed ahead of time that Kipperlilly desecrated the rogue teacher's grave, but nonetheless think it was a weird conclusion to reach and that it's just even more bizarre that it ended up being "right", except the way it's described doesn't even make sense.
Like, the goal was "find the rogue teacher", right? And the rogue teacher is dead. So to me, it certainly seems like bringing a back hoe to the graveyard is one hundred percent the right move! But even if we accept the apparent canonical intent that was Kipperlilly threatening to merely destroy the grave as an act of vandalism rather than retrieve the body, it's like...so what? Literally who cares? As if the Bad Kids or any other adventuring party wouldn't dig up a dead body to cast Speak with Dead or something, as if the foundational Dungeons & Dragons formula wasn't raiding tombs like 19th-century colonial archeologists? And why would any of that be necessary anyway, when Riz found Eugenia by just...walking up to the grave?
But regardless, that, you might say, is a matter of the Rat Grinders being unfairly presented as evil and not the Bad Kids being unfairly presented as good. When it comes to Brennan's part in it, though, these are the same issue, because as the creator and director of every atom of the world outside the PCs, he's just so very willing to go with what the players start to expect. That's fine for a home game, but this is like, a television show that people pay money for, and that's an issue. He'll plant enough seeds of the Rat Grinders being better than they're treated that a chunk of the audience will notice and think the players are being weird about them, but he won't push it further than that and instead just rolls with the players being weird because his first priority is their enjoyment.
Again, fine in a home game, obviously. But it creates this divide between the players and the audience because the world has been crafted in such a way that when the players being weird is noticed it's like, why are they being rewarded for that? Why are they getting zero pushback? Brennan and I both heavily, heavily value collaborative storytelling for good reason, it's why I love TTRPGs and actual plays, but if this were a story told by a single person you could either have the protagonists pick up on those hints, have it be a point that they didn't pick up on them, or just not even include them in the first place.
One of the reasons I really, really like Aabria's DMing, as I've said recently, is that she truly remains firm in her worldbuilding and is not shy about providing realistic consequences or acknowledging PC behavior is dissonant with what's going on around them. And it just makes it super ironic that Kipperlilly's whole deal is correctly identifying the fact that the world is warped around the Bad Kids, and in this season more than ever the DM is like, fully changing reality to accommodate them and giving them plot resolutions on a silver platter, to the point of letting them just full-on take back spells because the target turned out to not be there, which is pretty far beyond the quibble about the climactic move in Calamity's final boss fight.
It's not that I think D20 is 'rigged' exactly, because it's not really a game, or at least it's not really Dungeons & Dragons. This was a revelation I had when I watched Critical Role other than Calamity for the first time and was amazed by how they'd stand around after a battle looting bodies for random magic items. D20 isn't a sandbox TTRPG, it's a very on-rails shooting gallery with roughly as much choice in the narrative as a modern RPG video game, and it has to all wrap within a certain amount of sessions. That's fine, but occasionally it can feel deceptive when we pretend there's much chance of things going radically wrong. One of the reasons I liked the first half of Crown of Candy and all of The Ravening War so much is because they're the only times where failure has really, truly been on the table in an Intrepid Heroes season, but I still liked most of the other Intrepid Hero seasons nonetheless.
This season, I just, I dunno man. I don't believe Ice Feast just accidentally wah wah wah had the effect of completely neutralizing the primary threat of the final boss fight. And Blimeygate, like, I thought it was mostly a fun moment, but it also felt like the most exaggerated-for-marketing-purposes the "got'em!" bits have ever been.
But despite all that, I am still currently capable of enjoying the next season. I'm hoping next week does not make things dramatically worse.
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t0ast-ghost · 5 months
S2 episode 25 (Bread And Circuses) oh goodness oh my. I’m not ready. I’m so ready.
Okay get ready:
- They’re all standing on the enterprise bridge completely still. As if in tableau.
- Of course they’re beaming down to a dangerous planet with only the top three officers. Why even use reason at this point.
- Kirk outside the ship in his green shirt <3 (I keep thinking of it as his pjs)
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- McCoy is very hostile towards Spock today. Hope they don’t get put in a situation with sharp objects…
- “Once, just once, I’d like to land someplace and say, ‘behold, I am the archangel Gabriel.’” “I fail to see the humour in that situation, Doctor.” “Naturally. You could hardly claim to be an angel with those point ears, Mr. Spock. But say you landed someplace with a pitchfork.” This is proving my theory that they’re the angel and devil on Kirk’s shoulders
- “We come from another… province.” Canadian moment
- “What do you call those?” “I call them ears.” There is no end to Spock’s audacity
- “Captain, I thought you might find this interesting.” Spock hands Kirk a newspaper with a shirtless man on the cover
- “Will you help us?” No one can outright deny this twunk
- Spock in a hat
- McCoy in a regular short sleeve shirt and bell bottom pants is <3
- no words for this one
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- it’s like this episodes message is mirroring our own world or something… nah
- McCoy is already picking fights. Spock is indulging him. They’re not enemies to lovers. They’re enemies AND lovers.
- McCoy not afraid to slap a bitch
- So Merrick killed all of his crew… right?
- McCoy and Spock just flirting (debating) in public
- AND they threatened McCoy and Spock
- As Jim takes the communicator to assumedly order the crew down he has a shit eating grin… so it’s safe to assume he’s not gonna do that
- “Must you always be so blasted honest?!”
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- He’s just talking on his cellphone
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- Scotty is talking to his diary, Uhura is listening
- Jim is so scared for what’s about to happen
- McCoy and Spock about to face off against two shirtless men
- “I don’t mind fighting but… why you?” That gladiator took one look at them and went, ‘why are they making us fight these two nerds?’
- Camera goes to McCoy -> sound guy ups the catcalls
- I love Spock fighting really hard in the background and McCoy just.. he don’t want to
- “Do you need any help, Doctor?” “What ever gave you that idea?” “[random gladiator]Fight, you pointed eared freak!” “You tell him, buster! Of all the completely… ridiculous, illogical questions I ever heard in my life!” Then Bones falls on his ass and Spock comes to his rescue, happily ever after
- Those pants make Kirk’s ass look flat… unfair
- Spock trying to break the bars while McCoy sits in the most strange way possible
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- Spock has tried to get them out the same way fifteen times. He wants his boyfriends safe.
- Me: awww McCoy and Spock having a genuine moment… nope they can’t last ten seconds (maybe they are divorced)
- McCoy pins Spock against the wall of the cell to make his point
- Spock’s pouty expression…
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- “Why you wouldn’t know what to do with a genuine warm decent feeling.” “Really doctor?” They’re giving each other ‘fuck me’ eyes
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- Their fight ended with “I’m worried about Jim too” like McCoy knows Spock feels emotions but represses them and is ‘trying’ to understand him
- Kirk, I implore you not to kiss this woman- that went out the window so fast
- Never mind what I said about the pants making his ass flat. I was severely wrong. Forgive me.
- Ohhh Merrick stole the communicator
- Kirk giving commendation to Scotty for not breaking the prime directive is priceless. ‘Good self control, Mr Scott.’
- I love how Spock and McCoy are both saying things about Flavius (agreeing with each other)and as soon as Spock speaks about studying the sun religion, McCoy looks like he’s going to explode
I both like and hate the relationship they have with Spock and McCoy in this one cause it’s so magnetic but I don’t know if it’ll ever be evolved past this and that makes me sad.
Episode written by Gene Roddenberry and Gene L. Coon
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sillspore · 10 months
Now that brambleclaw and squirrelflight aren't mates, how would Alderheart and Sparkpelt being born? Most AUs (not saying those aus are bad) just have Bramblestar as a nothing character either as a villain with no personality or forgettable, with the personlity of wheat bread "man wife"
A lot of Bramnleclaw's character in/is about Squirrelflight and their love triangle with Ashfur. I can't really see (again no offense to you. Just airing my thoughts) as him being nothing character, if he isn't her mate than how would TBC happen or would that series never happen because Ashfur or Brambleclaw aren't mates with Squirrelflight. How would plotpointd such as his relationship with firestar would become? It would be jus them as adoptive siblings?
beware, this shit is long! soooo much more under the cut.
i’ve been thinking about this! basically, squilf would replace leafpool in the forbidden romance plot with crowfeather. during tpb, all of squilf’s romance will be with crowfeather. we get his pov during the journey, where he will be close with feathertail but crushing on squirrelpaw. we get squilf’s pov when they get home, where we can hear her internal debates over her feelings about crowpaw and missing him. she is attached to brambleshade (brambleclaw), but in a sibling way. in my head, firestar is a pseudo-dad to bramble, so a sibling dynamic makes sense. however, this isn’t reciprocated the same way. bramble grows to be in love with squirrelflight.
in twilight, squirrel and crow debate leaving, but decide against it and amicably agree to split. at the same time, leafpool is having the same issue with mothwing — mothwing cares little about the warrior code, and would much rather leave the clans and live their lives in peace, with a bonus of the fact that hawkfrost would never follow her and she’d be free of him. they run away, but come back just in time, like the leafcrow romance in canon.
as a note, because tc doesn’t share borders with rc, they had no idea it was mothwing that leafpool ran away with.
afterward, in sunset, squirrelflight grows closer to bramble and ashfur is scorned, much like in canon. she realizes he assumes she’s in love with bramble, and she lets this happen to dissuade him from trying to “win” her back. she feels safe doing this, because she assumes her sibling feelings towards bramble are the same from his side.
(note: squilf did date ashfur while she was arguing with bramble, but at first it was just friendship. she thought he’d make a great mate, and she could forget about crowfeather and maybe even have kits. but as he grows more controlling, she breaks up with him. soon after, she reconciles with bramble and ashfur takes this as badly as possible.)
after the whole saving her dad thing, squirrelflight is delighted. (side note again: bramble does become deputy, because longtail retires early. longstar would be too good of a leader, we need a shit one, for plot reasons.) bramble is delighted, because he thinks this means she loves him “again”. leafpool had no idea about the crowfeather thing, and tells squilf about the dream starclan sent of squilf and bramble walking side by side. squilf takes this to mean starclan wants her and bramble as mates (they absolutely do, the meddling weirdos), but with the way she feels about him? she isn’t fond of the idea. however, at the book’s end, leafpool tells her she’s pregnant. squilf knows exactly who’s they are — and she is both petrified and delighted. it’s complicated situation, she’s so overjoyed to have her love’s kits, but he will never know them and the clan will be suspicious. everyone knows she was courting ashfur but spends all her time with bramble now, so they’ll assume it’s one of theirs. so will the two cats in question. if she refuses to say who, it’ll be very obvious their father is not thunderclan. she tells this much to leafpool, who advises her to follow starclan’s wish and become bramble’s mate, for real. squilf tries to convince herself this will be okay, because it’s what starclan wants.
later, leafpool tells her she’s carrying mothwing’s kits, and they (TOGETHER) devise the plan to have squilf raise them, which will be easy because she’ll actually have milk here. bramble is over the moon at the news of kits, and squilf is dying inside. it’d be a depressing inner monologue, her trying to convince herself she can be happy like this.
leafpool fakes a starclan vision, saying squirrelflight must visit the moonpool immediately, for plot reasons. squilf gives birth up there, and crow stumbles upon them. there’s a unique herb growing in the cave that he was sent to retrieve for his “mate” (they’ve come to an agreement: crow takes night as his mate to look loyal, and the kits she has won’t appear as if they were fathered by a rogue, like they actually were), nightcloud, who’s about to give birth. he sees squilf’s kits, they get emotional and sappy. there’s two kits, unnamed. together, they name them hollykit and breezekit, and crow takes breezekit (the one out of rhe two without red on him) back to wc to be raised by nightcloud with her kits. he’ll blend right in with the litter.
a few hours later, leafpool gives birth to jaykit, lionkit (still haven’t decided his name change), and dovekit. after another day, a tc patrol comes to get them, wondering what took them so long, surprised to find squirrelflight’s four kits! they carry ‘em home, and squilf settles in the nursery, fussed over by brambleshade. about a week later, dovekit dies, and squilf is heartbroken. she grows listless and finds it hard to take care of her remaining kits, but later recovers and is a great mom.
power of three goes pretty close to canon, major plot wise. hollyleaf is not a member of the three, but it makes SENSE bc she wasn’t actuallt part of the three’s litter. dovekit was, who was later reincarnated into whitewing’s kit, dovekit, in order for the prophecy to be fulfilled. for the fire scene, it goes the same mostly, squilf claiming they aren’t her kits, ashfur says idc you love them anyway. i think i may have firestar save them from ashfur here, losing his final life. after the fire, squilf admits that hollyleaf is her kit, but the other two aren’t. hollyleaf pries the whole story out of leafpool, and goes STRAIGHT to brambleshade, before he goes to receive his nine lives. he thanks her for telling him, and he is heartbroken (because, apparently, his wife never loved him.) and furious. none of his kits were his, some of them were even leafpool’s! after he’s made bramblestar, he appoints hollyleaf as his deputy, citing that she’s the only one he can trust. things go to shit, sol, hollyleaf snaps and kills ashfur, hollyleaf tells the clans everything, including the prophecy, etc etc. hollyleaf dies, killed by the falling rocks in the tunnels. her role in the great battle stays the same, as does firestar’s, bc their ghosts can still kick ass.
after this, during omen of the stars, we see bramble actively punishing squirrelflight. everything is shit. i don’t know who i’ll have him pick as deputy, but they’ll die during the flood of bramblestar’s storm. jessy happens, etc etc, squilf and him make up. she apologizes, and he apologizes, but he kinda makes it about him, hmmm….
anyway, spark and alder are bramblesquirrel kits still. i haven’t thought about major plot for avos yet, i’ve barely thought about pot and oots. but, squilf is made deputy, and the broken code is a thing. bramblestar is freed of rhe possession, but there will be a scene where squirrelcrow have a Moment and bramblestar loses his shit. he accuses her of betraying him, of being cruel and evil, yada yada. brambleshade is a little weird, maybe kinda vindictive, but bramblestar is out of his mind. the sheer amount of power he has and his desire to use it against her is dangerous. he is very clearly an evil person, despite the sympathies he has. anyway, bramblestar tries to exile her, but spark stops him. she, and the clan, are OVER bramblestar, who was just as bad a leader as the imposter. he is stripped of his name and lives via rhe new warrior code rule, and the clan watches in horror as he loses all but his last life in real time. he’s moved to the medicine den. meanwhile, squilf becomes a star, and appoints ivyclaw (ivypool) her deputy. she gives brambleshade the option of leaving the clan or retiring, and he hobbles his old ass to the elder’s den.
after all this, crowfeather decides to join thunderclan, and squirrelstar happily accepts him, daring anyone to argue. they get their happily ever after, and it’s very sweet. maybe breeze even comes with his dad, tired of his clan’s scorn? regardless, it’s a very awkward time for nightheart watching his grandad spit obscenities at his step-grandad. wild.
pls tell me if this is incoherent ive never written my ideas out for the squirrelcrow bramblesquirrel plot before !!!
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sparrow-marrow · 3 months
CSOCW 24 day 4 - tragedy-
I think that a full story would take me a While so, I’ll make a bullet point story.
I’m calling it the Grim Reaper Rally caper
Since the Ivory Off Road Invitational is a very dangerous one
If you’ve ever seen Speed Racer, I’m talking like almost Casa Cristo level danger
multiple deaths and injuries
This is also set in summer while schools out
NOW some backstory
This rally is one of many that have been rigged by VILE in order to get the prize money
BUT this hasn’t worked in the last couple of races due to Jamie who somehow beat VILE’s racers
The Next rally would be the Ivory Off-road and VILE was determined to win this one
Now onto the story:
Player was doing his thing decoding the VILE harddrive when he found something that chilled him to the bone
It was a series of rally sabotages and fixings that hadn’t worked in the past few years due to Jamie of all people and now VILE had made it clear that No one would win the Ivory Off-road Invitational other than them
As VILE had planted a bomb in their racers bike, so the Driver could activate it if need be
And the Ivory was Jamie’s next race, one that they had been preparing for a while
“Jamie, please! You can’t race in this rally, you could die!”
But it was too late Jamie had already said yes to the invite and suddenly rescinding that would damage her rep as a racer
They called Team Red and Jamie vetoed any plan that would cause him to never race again
“This is one of the last connections I have with my mother, I won’t quit now.”
So after a long debate they decided on this plan
Jamie would race but have Ivy and Zack on crew, Carmen and Shadowsan following the race in the air, and Player on coms and cams
As Jamie entered the locker room, they could feel people’s eyes on her, specifically VILE’s own motocross racer, the Driver
“Good luck in this rally Bellamy, you’ll need it.”
With that chilling exchange out of the way, Jamie went and got prepared
Meeting up with Team Red in their tent, they fleshed out their plan
“When I give the signal, Jamie, you turn on the hidden body cam. Zack, Ivy, you keep watch for any sabotage on their bike. Me, Player, and Shadowsan will keep watch from the skies and cameras. The bomb will be almost invisible except for the timer, which will be on the front left. Got it?”
After agreeing to the plan, The team split off into their positions and started the race
From the beginning, the Ivory was difficult.
The terrain shifted from soft ground to rocky dirt and dust and it was full of twists and turns
But Jamie was focused, keeping an eye on the green and gray bike up ahead
About halfway through the race Jamie caught up to the Driver and something happened that changed all of their plans
“Shit, She activated the bomb!”
Then Jamie had an idea
“Change of plans, I’m turning on my camera now. Player, can you hook it up to the MC’s booth?”
In just enough time the MCs switched to Jamie’s feed and saw the timer, revealing the bomb to all who were watching
By now Jamie still hadn’t told Team Red what she was doing and they were worried
Player tried to get him to say what their new plan was and all he got was this
“Even if I win, that bomb is still activated, so I’m going to stop it.”
Immediate backlash from Team Red and for good reason
“Jamie you have no experience with this, you can’t-”
“I’m the only one who’ll make it in time.”
Jamie turned off her comms and sped to catch up with the driver
He forced the Driver off track and caused the Driver to get fed up with them
That’s when the fight started
Now the Driver had been trained by VILE and was definitely more skilled than Jamie, but Jamie was more stubborn and had the desperation and rage of a dying man
Jamie was getting a beat down, at least 3 broken bones, a bloody nose, a black eye, blood everywhere, but still kept getting up
The fight lasted until there was 5 minutes left on the bomb
After hearing the warning, The Driver ran off, leaving Jamie on the ground
“Shame you’re going to die Bellamy, at least you were a good opponent.”
Jamie had one thing to say to that
"Fuc-Fuck You"
To add salt in Jamie's wound the Driver stomped on Jamie's right hand
Raising her good hand, he turned on their comms again
“JAMIE! Your biometrics are all over the place! Red and Shadowsan are on their way to your coordinates. What happened?!”
The first time she opened his mouth, they coughed up blood
“No-Nothing, just tell me how to defuse a bomb.”
Jamie used her good hand to haul himself to the discarded bike
It took some time to get there and even more for their vision to stop being blurry
She had 2 minutes to defuse this thing
The two got to work defusing the bomb, cutting it close when Jamie had to take a break
It was too close and now there was 10 seconds
Jamie had to stop as the worst of his injuries caught up to them
“Peter, if I don’t make it, promise me one thing.”
“Don’t talk like that! You’ll make it, you have to…”
“You have to tell our parents.”
“Promise. Please..”
“Alright, I promise.”
The explosion was deafening and the smoke could be seen for miles
During their conversation Jamie had found cover behind a large rock
As Jamie fell unconscious they caught glimpses of Carmen and Shadowsan running up to her, then all black
He was airlifted to a local hospital and then again to a larger one that was better equipped
Jamie ended up unconscious for the next 7 days, their condition critical but stable
Team Red were there most often and 3 days in, Player and her family came in. The organizers paying for their hotel stay.
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circular-bircular · 3 months
I’m not going to bother blocking (believe it or not, I agree with some of your posts, and I don’t enjoy cutting off discussions) but I also am not giving anymore notes to the post, particularly when the “very open to discussion” person blocks and hides people attempting to add to the discussion. They also seem quite agitated with me and said they’d block me if I interacted again, so!
We're normally a long post to be in detail about our points and topics we get, or small generalized posts with 0 to no explanation at all because we're tired or some other shit that makes us be lazy and don't talk in depth in a a topic
And that is absolutely fair! We do the same — quick, over generalized posts. The difference is, we 1) try to make those posts as open ended as possible, or open to others experiences as possible, and 2) we accept the criticism of others when they tell us it’s over generalized.
All my response was was a criticism pointing out the flaws in the over generalization, because I think your over generalization was absolutely heinous, and is used constantly to discredit singlets from a discussion that I find them vital to.
In all the topics, not only surrounding system topics/syscourse the generalization don't talk about all the cases, there's a lot of "it depends" in every topic you can imagine, we firmly believe that the best answer to any topic regarding the topic is "it depends" but we're just too lazy to elaborate sometimes, that's why in the repost we did you may see some "incongruences", it's just we did talk in more depth, we're just lazy lol
K. “I’m just lazy” really isn’t the best defense you think it is. I’m glad you can acknowledge that you over generalized, but at that point, I think it’s fair to accept criticism from others for that laziness. Syscourse is a high-octane conversation with nuance and depth; not a quick post you fling out from your bed in 5 seconds with no thought because you’re lazy.
I get it, I do; I’m currently sick with at least 4 different illnesses and I don’t have a lot of spoons. But I can still debate. I can still raise valuable points and dedicate time to things. Hell, my response to your originally was lazy, because I relied on the thing I find easiest — sarcasm — to discredit your point, hoping the slap to the face bluntness might get through to you the point. That obviously didn’t work! It typically does for my 11 year old students, so I guess that’s on me for assuming you’d react to sarcasm similarly.
So yeah, we tend to generalize and be short with no explanation sometimes, you just happened to encounter one of that posts, but those post are completely open to civil discussion, in those cases we do prefer not to quote the first post because it's a lazy generalized why of our opinion. I say this to have in mind for future references with our posts, if we're gonna talk in depth of this topics we might seem hypocrite or incongruent for this exact reason
Thank goodness this is a civil discussion then! So was sysmedsaresexist’s reply, but you still blocked that discussion. Unless by “civil” you mean “must concede points to me, even if they disagree with me, and must not sound angry at all.” In which case — yeah no, I have dampened my anger far too much in syscourse to allow some rando who’s spouting non-nuanced nonsense to earn my silence.
I’m allowed to be pissed off at non-nuanced posts. I’m allowed to be upset at things that further the split between singlets and systems in the system community! (Though, thank you, because as this is my last response to this particular post, it’s helped me realize I can dedicate this frustration toward yet another post about singlets and how much benefit they have in system discussions!)
“Civility” is a concept that doesn’t make sense to me in these situations. I’m never sure what someone means. From my perspective, I’ve been civil. I’ve also been insulting and mean. I’ve also criticized neutrally. I’ve done all those things! That’s all still civil to me. I didn’t harass you, I didn’t blast you on my blog — I just reblogged your points (which from my perspective encourage a dangerous mentality) and was mean about it. I think I’m well within my rights.
I do think is inappropriate to make a blog about syscourse if you're not a system, yeah, the problem might affect you because of people who are close to you and they might have some things to say about topics regarding system, but when it comes to syscourse most of the topics around it are about the community of systems that affects the community of systems, so a non-system talking about it it's just weird and doesn't have sence
You keep flip flopping. You described how it’s perfectly reasonable for my partner to participate in syscourse in the previous post, and now you say they shouldn’t, but with a new goal post added.
I disagree with you fundamentally about what syscourse is about. Syscourse falls into numerous topics. My partner primarily posts about respect and research into DID. Is it wrong of them to do so? I don’t think it is. But that is still posting directly to the tags, directly to systems, and into the syscourse community.
I don’t think that’s wrong.
They can talk about their experiences and how somethings do affect them, in the case is talking only experiences like I don't think that count as syscourse, and I also don't know that singlet's post so I can't really talk a lot about that
They talk about my experiences more. They ask I preview their posts but I wish they wouldn’t; I’ve never had to change a word beyond showing them how to tag things.
I’m not sure why you don’t count it as syscourse when it blatantly is from my perspective. As always, a debate boils down to a difference in definitions. You’re clearly defining syscourse as something other than “a tag on tumblr (or on other social media, but for this conversation, tumblr) that is dedicated to discussions about system discourse.” Anyone can have a discussion.
We also have singlet friends who are normally involved and affected into syscourse or system like topics, but they recognize entering to syscourse isn't right
I wonder how much of that is because their friend puts posts out explaining how awful it is for singlets to post in syscourse…
I encouraged my partner to make a blog because they’ve helped me so much to understand my own systemhood. I needed their perspective to be where I am now. Non-nuanced posts like yours lead singlets to avoid these spaces and systems to believe that’s a good thing. That’s what I was fighting against.
Don't get what you're saying here except you like to do the same shit you claim I do lol, also wtf is "The Other Side"??
Okay, let me explain in more depth then:
I saw your very non-nuanced post and thought, “God, not this shit again. We see this constantly. I do not have spoons or energy to explain yet again, in detail, all of the reasons this is wrong. So I’m going to respond with sarcasm, since that’s easier, and explain how they are wrong that way.” This wasn’t lacking nuance; it was just a different way of tackling a lack of energy.
My response to you was brief — there’s nothing wrong with low energy posts, and I’m not sure where you got that from in my response. The issue is over generalizing your ideas in such a way as to demonize A Side — the “Other Side.” In these spaces, there’s always two sides in the debate: Your Side, and the Other Side. I sit in a nebulous “both sides” nearly at all times, and it often seems like your posts are trying that — but in this case, Your Side is Systems In Syscourse and the Other Side is Singlets in Syscourse. One is right and one is wrong, one is black and the other is white, and there’s no swaying your opinion.
You saw a post from the Other Side — a singlet in syscourse or someone supporting singlets in syscourse — and it pissed you off enough to post a non-nuanced vaguepost. If you wanted to use low energy while keeping the nuance, you could’ve said, “Posts like X piss me off because it doesn’t feel like OP has enough experience with systems to participate.” But given that your whole issue is just… singlets having a DNI on their posts or a stance on their blog (based on the OG post you mentioned,) it came across as “Singlets having any opinion about system stuff online is bad.”
Combine that with a non-nuanced “singlets aren’t allowed to syscourse” blanket statement, and that’s what I have issue with.
Does that make more sense?
Didn't say that, if you understand that is a you problem, what I did meant to say it's you can engage but don't do it in a way that isn't outside a third eye perspective, the topics aren't about you, you might be affected to them but aren't about you, so the best if you wanna enter is to doing in a respectful way
Okay, so this wasn’t clear due to how non-nuanced your original post was. If you wanted to say this, then you should’ve said it. If you didn’t have the energy to say it, then don’t fucking post it. You need to be clear about your words. Like, let’s refresh ourselves on what you said:
When you're directly affected by that is obvious that you can have an opinion, and ofc it's gonna impact your online life if it impacts your irl live, but because of that it doesn't mean singlets should be actively entering in syscourse/system topics
“That doesn’t mean singlets should be actively entering syscourse/system topics” has become “If you want to enter syscourse topics, you need to do so in a specific way and be respectful.” Do you understand how different these two things are? Do you understand how it’s not a “me” problem when I am literally reading the words in front of me as they are?
They're not affected in the same way a system would be affected, they can be affected ofc, we said that in the post, read it again please, so yeah, dk what you want us to say in this part
What I want you to explain is how they are not affected the same was a system is affected. Because from my experience, they are.
I am stressed out by syscourse. So is my fiancé. I am triggered by syscourse. So is my fiancé. I have insights into systemhood and how it impacts both me and those around me, and so does my fiancé. In all of your responses, you’ve still failed to address that discrepancy; why should singlets not participate?
The most you’ve said is “they aren’t affected the same way,” but that’s so nebulous and uncertain and denotes nothing. My partner is affected in the same way! I don’t understand why you won’t take my word for that through all of this.
It's obvious people are gonna have other things outside their professions, that's common knwoledge genius, again, I don't get your point in somethin so obvious that you can't make out
“I don’t get your point.” My point is, there are so many therapists and medical professionals who participate in syscourse, which goes against your original claim. I’m uncertain how you missed that. Maybe it’s because you just flat out blocked SAS’s response about that topic? They spoke at length about those medical professionals. I would suggest reading that blocked reblog for some more perspective.
I'm not even gonna try to talk about the other things you say because it's just nonsence shit and you justwanting to attack me or shit like that, you're simply being someone inmature and I see you really open to civil talk, the main point of the blog here
“I’m not even going to try and address your other points because you’re just attacking me and immature, and I’m only interested in civil talk”
Pray tell, the other points I made are attacking you? How? I saw it as attacking your position. We’ve already discussed the “civility” thing (people are allowed to be mad, get used to it) but I see nowhere where I attacked you. I may have used some insulting language (I think I called your beliefs absurd at one point, so I could see how that would upset someone) but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t civil.
(The other points, for context, were further examples where singlets would have a place in these conversations, including final fused systems who choose to identify as singlets; these points are evidently attacking them.)
And I saw your posts, you don't care about breaking others boundaries, if you do that online what can I expect you do irl? Or you're just a incongruent hypocrite like you say I am? You don't want to engage in anythig real but hate and attack, and you see pround about that, or at least you don't see that as a real problem when it is, you're just bein an inmature hater
You mean my one post I’ve made, across around 7 years of syscourse at this point, saying I don’t really listen to DNIs anymore because they’re simply used to avoid discussion and spread misinformation?
Welcome to Ad Hominem, by the way! Why does what I do in my regular life matter? Why was that relevant to this discussion? (It’s not; it’s moralizing about me to try and demonize me because oof ouchie my words hurt your fee fees >;). To that point; I have written numerous posts about respect, understanding the other perspective, and the understanding of consent. I teach in my regular life how boundaries are vital and that students need to set boundaries with their teachers and parents, especially as a traumatized individual who lacked boundaries.
What do you do?
don't have time for inmature people like you and that's why mid reblog I just gave up because people like you can't appeal to civil disccusion which, again, is what this blog is about. And even with almost no boundarie and DNI you still manage to break it, I'm impressed in a bad way
Again. “Civility” is being defined by you were very differently than by me. Hilarious.
For me you're just a little hypocrite hater inmature and a bad person, other people might not see you as a bad person? Good for them, I don't fucking care, you care that I see you as a bad person? It's a you problem that I couldn't care less, you see me as a bad person? Good for you, it's the lastthing I would care tbh
I have to be perfectly honest, I can’t interpret this.
It seems like you just calling me an immature bad person? Not sure how that’s relevant to the discussion. We’ve just resorted to playground name calling it seems.
I really do not care if you see me as a bad person, and I certainly don’t see you as one. Not really sure where that came from, to be honest. What a non sequitur.
I can't have a real talk with someone like you so this "talk" ends up here, if you respond with another repost I'll just ignore it and block you, I recommend you ignoring me from now on, or if it helps your black hater heart block me, demostrate you can be mature shall we?
“If you reblog” (not repost, we use different language on tumblr) “I’ll ignore you and block you, or you can be mature and block me first.”
You still haven’t blocked me ._. ? Like. Okay, you know you don’t have to wait, right? You could’ve done so at any time.
I haven’t blocked you because I don’t feel the need; I enjoy conversations and the ability to see other perspectives. It’s just that your perspective is unclear. You’ve still not explained any differences that would necessitate that singlets not participate in syscourse, whereas I’ve explained in each of my posts situations where singlets would be welcomed. A vague “it doesn’t affect them” isn’t enough.
But sure; please feel free to block me and have any sort of opinion about me. Lord knows you’re not going to be remembered. The amnesia does that to me lol.
Have a good day!
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trashiewrites · 2 years
MW Halloween HCs
Happy Spooky day yall! Here are some HC’s i cranked up for the boys plus Farah 👀 spending time with you of the fateful day!
+you tried to do something at least decorate the house. He shut you down so fast.
+Plus, He doesn't believe in it and thinks it's a waste of money.
+You told him "THiNk AbOuT THe CHilDrEn JoHN" and I shit you not his response was "Sure I'll give them a good scare" As he pulls out his gun he carries.
+ You then make him aware of the potential lawsuits for you know BRADISHING A GUN TO CHILDREN
+He proceeds to put the gun away "No decorating"
+You ignored him, you bought small decorations anyway with your own money so he couldn't complain. Your favorite is a skeleton bowl that you placed on his nightstand one night after he fell asleep, woke up, and yelped because he woke up with a skeleton in front of him.
+Proceed to laugh in his face. To be honest, he laughs too cause it did get him pretty good.
+ Wouldn't be surprised if Soap signed up for a decorating contest cause I feel he would love to decorate these types of things
+He even makes custom stuff
+you help him OFC, mainly by going out and getting supplies when he needs them.
+ He takes such pride and you as an extra touch Help Soap Get costumes that help match the theme of the decorations for the wear so that way when you guys hand out treats together you guys look in character and can trick a few scared in!
+Soap loves interacting with the kids. Honestly seeing the kids walk up amazed at his work on the house is why he does it.
+DadTavish energy vibes are especially high. Like he is so close to having a full-on baby fever episode.
+He gets really sad the day after because he knows he's not gonna be able to keep his props. But you guys sell the props online because they actually have a big market for this kind of stuff. Saves up money for next year's theme!
+He tries so hard...
+He usually doesn't pay any heed to such a holiday but he wanted to try it
+TBH the only reason he never did is that kids are normally scared to talk to him due to his mask. He's always been marked as intimidating.
+he bought simple decorations for the outside of his house and a silly little skeleton bowl for the candy he was gonna give out.
+He asked you to help him set it all up. But it was really just for the nerves
+ Day of Halloween, he didn't really dress up per se. He just kinda wore the uniform.
+Halloween became his favorite holiday that day :)
+ "Wow Mister! I love your Skull Trooper costume!" He doesn't know where exactly it's from but it meant so much to him
+ After that night he was so silently happy. Whenever it happens, he looks over at you every time with a glow in his eyes. It is so fucking cute
+Now he looks forward to Halloween every year!
+He spent the entirety of the month chatting with you about different duos you both could be. This is the heaviest debate every year cause you two can never agree.
+you want to do a duo from your fav show while he would want to do the cliche couple ones like Peter pan and Wendy; just some Disney.
+You guys compromised this year by doing a duo from your favorite animated movie. (For example, Chihiro and Haku from spirited away, but you choose whatever) 
+ Once the whole costume problem ends, you can finally decide what you guys go do for the holiday itself. Which is something you guys luckily can easily get behind each other's ideas. At least, you guys have civil conversations about it.
+ he usually tries to bring up doing a haunted house and then heading to a party. This year Shut him down on at least the haunted house. Why you may ask, well Gaz doesn't do haunted houses very well... Like horribly.
+ It's either he gets too on edge and almost kills an actor, or he panics and passes out. Two years in a row... So you really don't want to deal with another hospital bill. Despite him saying He'll be okay and he won't do it... You highly doubt that... Cause he has always been pretty jumpy.
+He wanted to go trick or treating... REALLY BADLY. 
+ Yeah you didn't believe him at first when he asked you about you, "Aren't you too old for that Gary?" You wouldn't believe how loudly he gasped.
+ "YOU'RE NEVER TOO OLD FOR FREE CANDY!"  Gary shed a single tear as he ran to your shared bedroom. You couldn't hold your sigh as he went off on his dramatic antics again. Every time, this happens every single time...
+ When you finally agree to it, he celebrates and does a little happy dance. God the shit this GROWN MAN does that makes him the world's oldest 5-year-old. 
+ That happy dance stops when you ask one question, "So, what are you going to be?" He stops right where he is and stays for a bit before looking back at you... "u h h, shit... I don't know." 
+ He dragged you to the Halloween shop with him so he can try out the costumes, which might I add, took about 3 hours of your day.
+ He couldn't pick between being Michael Myers or some other creepy monster you didn't know the name of. Of course, he asked your opinion, aka you choose which one he picks cause he's so damn indecisive. 
+ On Halloween, he was practically jumping off the walls in the evening! 
+For you, enjoying a nice stroll in the cool breeze but seeing Roach so happy is nice too. Even better when you two stop for a break and he reaches into his candy sack and hands you your favorite candy cutely. "Thank you for coming with me (y/n)." 
+ Before anyone asks, yes, yes, he does get really weird looks because he is semi-tall... Like they aren't going to say anything cause he's wearing a mask and even if he wasn't wearing one, he has a baby face so he still would get his candy. 
+I'm going to be completely honest with Ya... He seems like the guy that likes true crime.
+ SO, instead of typical Halloween stuff like Horror movies and cobwebs. You both are watching true crime documentaries while making little knife cookies! 
+Honestly you two get really sad at the end because you can't help but feel horrible for the victims of these killers you had watched. So, after the documentary binge, you both just relax and watch normal things. 
+Honestly Alex forgot it was Halloween until someone came to the door for a trick or treat. Sadly, he had to bear the bad news to the kids. He didn't have candy but offered a knife cookie. 
+ With the consent of the parents, he put them in a little sandwich baggie and gave it to them. 
+You looked back at him with a small glare at him giving the cookies, "what you want me to leave them empty-handed?" You nodded, "Oh come on (y/n), not like you're going to eat them all anyways." You took that as a challenge. 
+ you got sick the next day :D Alex was also mad that you legit ate all the fucking cookies. He only got to have like 3 out of the 14 or so.
+ So, Farah doesn't really get the purpose of Halloween. But she gets one thing. It is the one day she can scare the living shit out of you all day and you can't be mad at her for it. 
+She hinds in the most obscure places and somehow knows where you are going to go at all times.
+ Honestly, it freaks you out how many times she can scare you in one day... Her record is 20. 
+ Poor you get so anxious and somewhat competitive cause you want to catch her before she can scare you. Have you done so? no, currently you have zero points on that front...
+ "Boo!" you screamed and fell backward, "Haha! got you again (y/n)!" she lends you a hand as you proceed to tell her that this isn't what Halloween is supposed to be. "Well, it is this for me and I quite like this holiday. Keeps your senses sharp, doesn't it?"
+ You two don't really celebrate Halloween, the most you two do is buy decorations and make little Halloween snacks. Also, Alejandro has a weird obsession with candy corn...
+ You guys also watch Horror movies but that really is for Halloween, nothing special. 
+ You guys celebrate Dias de Los Muertos, which is really big for him! You guys have an ofrenda in your house and his family usually hosts a big party to celebrate the day which you are happily welcomed to! 
+ If you have ever been to a Mexican party, you can probably expect what it's like.  If you don't know, just know its fucking amazing! fresh food of all kinds, all kinds of booze, and top that with a loud stereo or a live band! 
+ Personally believe that Alejandro would bust out a guitar and play a song or two! Aka, I believe he has a killer Spanish singing voice, English... He's okay with it.
+Take this as you wish, But I'm telling you right now this man is way too fascinated with slasher films... I MEAN IT, HE LOVES THEM SO MUCH!
+ Legit you guys prob had a bucket that you would handle the trick-or-treaters because he won't leave that screen. HE'S SO FOCUSED!
+ It honestly shocks you how many of these types of movies this man can watch in one sitting cause honestly it prob gets boring after about 3 of them. I'm sure he watched maybe 14 movies throughout the entire day.  MIND YOU, THIS ISNT A FLEX!
+ Cheers and makes comments about the character deaths, "That girl totally deserved to die, like who the fuck is that stupid to go that way like honestly dear fucking god..." 
+ One character's head got, you know, smashed and I SWEAR, the first thing out his mouth was "Haha! Pop!" LIKE IT WAS NOTHING!!! not even a flinch... I refuse to believe this man isn't a walking red flag
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slutisnotabadword · 2 years
My Possible Unpopular TVD Opinions
DISCLAIMER: This is MY fucking opinions, lets be for real. If you don’t agree, then good. If you do, then great.
This fandom doesn’t realize everyone’s horrible. One thing I’ve noticed about this fanodm is that people really like to pick and choose who’s the worst or the ‘least worse’ character. Idk, I just find it weird that someone favors Klaus Mikaelson, but HATES Damon Salvatore. As if Klaus isn’t terribly worse. Almost every single character in this series has done a multidue of horrible things, especially the vampires, so it doesn’t make sense to people do that. I understand if it was based on personalities, but the way people express their likings, it doesn’t seem like it is. For example, the whole Damon versus Stefan debate. Some people hate Damon because what he’s done, but turn around and love Stefan even though he’s done the same shit, and even worse.
Damon didn’t need to be labeled as the ‘better man’. Look, Damon is my FAVORITE character. I love that man with all of my heart, but truthfully, I don’t think he should’ve been the “better man”. All Damon’s life he has been coming second to Stefan. With their parents, Katherine, Elena, and damn near everyone else. And honestly, I think it got worse with Elena because deep down, she wanted him to be “Damon with Stefan-like qualities”. But he’ll never be Stefan. And that’s okay. I think Damon’s arc should’ve concluded with him accepting the fact that he’ll never be the better man, and him being okay with being imperfect. Not everyone has to be the hero.
Bamon should’ve fucking happened! If Bamon has one fan, it’s me. If Bamon has no fans, I’m no longer on Earth. I just really, REALLY, love this ship, I don’t think you guys understand. Honestly, it might’ve been better than Delena. Damon and Bonnie have some underrated chemistry and tension since day one. And they had a great set up. Damon sworn to protect the Bennet bloodline and now he has this girl who pushes his buttons alot, while he’s constantly pushing her buttons—UGH, I love it. True enemies to friends to lovers. They should’ve ended up together, atleast once. But we all know why it didn’t happen *cough* julie *cough*.
Caroline’s such a fucking hypocrite. I love Caroline, but she also annoys the fuck outta me. And I think it’s just her natural personality. She’s just so judgemental that it drives me crazy, and personally, I can never be friends with someone who always has ann opinion on the shit I do. What really bothered me about her is her drilling down on Elena during the first part of season 4 about Damon. Which I would’ve understood considering her abusive past with Damon, however, she never mentioned or brought up that as a reason why she hates Damon or why Elena shouldn’t love him. Instead, she came off really fucking hypocritcial because not even five second after basically calling Elena an idiot for picking Damon, she’s LAUGHING WITH KLAUS?!?!? Aka the most evil mf in the entire series, like let’s be so fucking fr. Klaus is ten times worse than Damon and this bitch is laughing it up with him over champagne. And not to mention she sleeps with him later on.
Bonnie would’ve made a better protagonist. Bonnie’s storyline had so much potential to be stretched out. Like she came from a very powerful coven that dated back to the first creation of an immortal being AND the other side. Her ancestoral history with the Salvatore brothers. The way she became one of the most powerful witches—like she fucking stopped hell fire, bffr. And Bonnie’s fine asf, she’s that girl. I think her character arc is good, and would’ve been great if racism didn’t occur with Kat Graham.
Elena is not as bad as y’all say she is. Can she a be a little self-centered? Yeah. But it’s not hard to understand why. During the first few seasons, EVERYONE made everything about Elena—especially Damon and Stefan. Like Bonnie was about to die for her during season 2. Everyone has risked everything for her. Shit, if people treated me like that, I would think everything’s about me, too! And no, Elena’s not a crybaby. If I was going through everything she was going through, I would cry every day and night. Girl lost two sets of parents, her brother at one point, and both of her guardians (Jenna and Alaric). And at one point, lost the love of her life (Damon in S6). Not to mention, someone was always trying to kill her, and then she had to deal with an evil doppleganger. Shehas every reason to cry. And the weird thing about that is, everyone calls Elena a crybaby but not Klaus? Every damn picture I see of that man, he’s crying his eyes out. It’s always that same damn crying face too. I love Klaus but y’all really be pickin and choosin who to pick on.
Damon and Stefan’s background should’ve been talked about more. I still don’t know why the producers, or whoever, changed their origins from the books (as far as I know they were from the 1500s in Italy) but I think changing it was so unnecessary. I don’t know why people have such an obsession with 1800s, but it’s WEIRD how we collectively decided to treat that time as an aesthetic while this country was treating people like animals, but hey, that’s just me. ANYWAYS, I think they should’ve brought up the brothers’ history and background earlier in the series, instead of waiting till the end where the rest of the story was falling flat. Because if we’re being honest, in the early seasons, we don’t know much about them. Hell, I don’t even think we know their birthdays. Like we’re aware of their troubled past, but we don’t know their family backgrounds, and I feel like knowing someone’s familia backgrounds helps understanding their core.
“When I kill someone, they’re supposed to stay dead!”. Alaric should’ve stayed dead. Jeremy should’ve stayed dead. End of story.
Kai’s actions are not justified. This fandom and hundreds of others have a tendecy of babying these grown ass people. So what Kai’s family treated him differently. That literally happens to damn near everyone in this world. It does not give you anexcuse to kill your entire family, INCLUDING CHILDREN?? Bitch you deserve to get locked up. They should’ve killed his ass but that’s just me. But Kai’s fun, I suppose. I just don’t like it when people baby him trying to justify him killing innocent children just because his father didn’t love him enough. Who cares? Go to fucking therapy like the rest of us. And then y’all tried to ship him with BONNIE?? OUR PRECIOUS BONNIE?? It’s like y’all forgot how he made her life a living hell in that prison world, which led her to almost killing herself. Bonkai could burn, don’t ever bring up that garbage ass shit ever again in my presence.
Might do a part two
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ukftm · 2 months
URGENT (same anon asking about PALS if no extended pathway estimate can be given)
Sorry to split this in two parts, just didn't want to unload one massive chunk; I've also got another issue regarding my last appointment I was debating bringing up to PALS but I don't think it would do anything. I was referred to extended pathway because I didn't talk about surgery enough (says so on my follow up letter) which I did in as much detail as I could without being a bloody surgeon knowing exactly what I'm eligible for.
The only reason I agreed was because I was scared I'd be discharged if I said no. I also noticed I haven't got an official diagnosis of gender dysphoria yet which baffles me because it's what I've been describing to them the whole time. Does the diagnosis come at the same time they give the hormones or not?
It's all so patronizing I need to keep repeating myself; I'm thinking of making this clear to the next person I have an appointment with that the only reason I agreed was because I was scared of being discharged. What actually happens if you do disagree with them, because I don't think I could go through being discharged and the whole song and dance of waiting for an inital appointment again.
(Damn, sorry for the long rant but 9/10 times you guys are the only place I can find any info. Nottingham's website has jack shit on extended pathway appointments)
Hi Anon,
If you feel that you are not being listened to or taken seriously, you should make a complaint. You should never feel that you have to agree to things just to keep them happy. You should also not be made to worry about being discharged.
So write down clearly where you feel there are failing and how they are making you feel and put it in a complaint.
Lots of guys feel bad about complaining or worry about what will happen if they do. But complaints have to be dealt with and investigated properly and most times NHS departments do not want their work being investigated, so sometimes this can be used as a way of making sure the GICs know you won’t put up with being treated badly and you also know what to do when you are not happy.
In terms of a diagnosis, yes most GICs will give you a diagnosis of GID in order to prescribe you T. So once again you can question this in your complaint or you could email and ask why you have not been given a diagnosis.
Unfortunately more and more people are experiencing issues with their GICs and official complaints can often be the only means of getting your situation looked at properly.
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tsukimefuku · 7 months
Thanks for answering my ask. If you don't mind me asking (again), who are your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....
I always get to thinking HARD on this, trying to remember every favorite character I've had my entire life, and trying to put them in order of favoritism. I will just put every character I remember first and go from there, lol. They're not in order of importance. Also, this is based in a sense of storytelling, mostly (I hate Makishima in Psycho-Pass, but I appreciate him a lot as a character from a writing and story-telling perspective).
Shirley from Haunting of Hill House. I love the flanaverse with all my heart, and I adore Shirley because she is an incredibly well written and an actually flawed character who learns to grow past her stubborness and self-righteousness in a beautiful and very realistic way.
Makishima from Psycho-Pass. This villain is my favorite kind of villain: the one that, to a certain extent, you can agree with. He brings extremely important debates in the world he's inserted, and since I currently am studying AI applications in criminal law, well, safe to say I rewatched psycho-pass recently.
Abra from Doctor Sleep. I mean, can I get a hands-up for female characters that are incredible, amazing, badass, without having to resort into masculinization themselves, like doing things by force or violence? Abra is smart, witty and solves her problems using just that. I simply love her, so so so much.
The obvious one (1), Nanami Kento from Jujutsu Kaisen. I really like that this character is someone very dutiful, orderly and rule-abiding (in a universe in which the rule creators - Jujutsu Society - are a bunch of pieces of shit, for that matter) and yet, he's not utilized like "the annoying prick". He adds a much-needed dimension to how characters overall receive and react to the universe of Jujutsu Kaisen and Jujutsu Society's shortcomings.
The obvious one (2), Higuruma Hiromi, also from JJK. I'm a complete sucker for characters that are broken idealists, but never lose their ideals completely. Also, even if he appears very little in the manga, I feel like he might've given the first push on Yuji to learn to separate what is his responsibility and what isn't. From a criminal lawyer perspective, responsibility for your actions is paramount in deciding how to live your life, and I feel that his conflicts were incredibly well written overall.
Ginoza (Psycho-pass): This is the case of a rule-abiding character in an unfair and unjust universe with shitty rules. So, yeah, he begins like a pain in the ass. What I love about him, though, is his evolution to becoming much more than that and finding peace. It's a beautiful character arc.
Diane Ngyuen from Bojack Horseman. I love how they explore her and her relationships to convey how depression can take a hold of a person's life, but that someone is not their mental ilness, their depression, or even the traumas they suffered in life. We can find the joy to live even if we can't attribute any meaning or reason for the bad things that happened to us. We don't have to do that in order to heal. Sometimes, shit happens, and it's okay to let go.
Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel. Angel is in my favorite's list, but in my opinion, he should've been a she. The way this character was masterfully pieced together to convey such delicate topics like abuse and overt-sexual-behavior as a coping mechanism had me with my jaw dropped for the entirety of episode 4 - but these themes are usually more pervasive in women. Also, the performance aspect of it all (sexualization as trying to please someone and make the cycle of violence stop) is something very intense for women in our society. I think we'd have more layers to an already GREAT character if this character was female.
Fleabag. Firstly, I love how this character is a complete lunatic. But on a more serious note, I LOVED the beautiful and sad way Fleabag's grieving process over the death of her mother was portrayed. Grieving in not always pretty - I'd argue it's typically the opposite. Grief is UGLY most of the time, and I like how Phoebe conveyed that on-screen with a character that is so much more than her grief - she's smart, witty, knowledgeable, charismatic, egotistical, impulsive, flawed. Just mwah, chef's kiss. I'm a sucker for well written and layered characters.
Retsuko from Aggretsuko. I haven't watched season 4 yet (and don't think I'll ever get around to), so I'm stating this with only having watched until season 3. What I like most about her character is how you can be (and celebrate being) someone that wants mundane and simple things. She wants peace, a good job and a marriage. She doesn't chase a grandiose purpose - and it's OKAY to not be someone that aspires for anything beyond a comfortable and happy life. Life can be fulfiling, even if you're not chasing a grand purpose. I can totally vibe with that.
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Tumblr media
I don't care for Peggy Carter. I think as a character, she's just okay. I'm pretty indifferent about her. But Jesus Christ. The "Peggy Carter bad because Hayley Atwell bad" discourse is so exhausting. You can dislike a character. I dislike many characters. But going after the actress and accusing her of things repeatedly on this blog is so weird to me because I have no idea what any of us is supposed to do about it.
*If* Atwell is guilty of anything (again, *if*) I'm sorry to tell you we don't have the power to do shit. "But there's evidence-" We still can't do shit. It's not our job. Police exists, judges exist, lawyers exist, etc. Something similar happens with Tumblr's security. Sometimes users and blogs get hacked here, I'm sure you're familiar with some cases. Some people lose their blogs, some others are lucky and get them back/never lose them to begin with because they're still logged in and change their passwords, but I'm sure you're already familiar with the ridiculous amount of bots and... well, sometimes users get hacked. Plenty of people constantly complain about how Tumblr's security is not safe because they have day one exploits and vulnerabilities that staff refuses to fix, which makes this site a laughing stock for hackers. Okay. If staff refuses to fix them, what the hell are we, the users, supposed to do? We can't fix their shit for them. Staff needs to do better, not us. The fuck. There is no use in screaming at me or any other user about it. All I do is reblog superhero stuff. Complain to staff, not to us. Similarly, there is no use in screaming at us about how bad Hayley Atwell is and how bad Peggy Carter is. Because we can't do jack shit. Is it really so hard to understand? We're just trying to watch superhero movies, here. And she happens to be an actress playing a character.
At the end of the day you're just being repetitive. You're not engaging in constructive debate or making anyone agree with you. Giving us 3000 potential "better love interests than Peggy Carter" or repeatedly attacking Atwell is not going to have the effect you think. It's sad. It feels like some sort of wish fulfillment for you. I get it, the MCU has attractive people, we can dream. Self-insert fics exist for a reason and are valid. It's cool. But don't try to censor people or tell them how they should think or feel about a particular character. I am friends with people whose ideas about certain characters are completely different from mine, but we have fun debating because... these characters aren't real.
People are going to like what they like and ship what they ship, just like you do. Maybe you're struggling and feel like this is the only thing giving your life meaning, because I don't understand being this invested and fixated on a particular thing (and I say this as an autistic person. Hyperfixation has been a trait of mine since childhood, but I was never this full of hate - I've hated people, but not to this extent). I get it. No, really. For so long I've been emotionally attached to the GOTG because they are my comfort characters. But I never want to become a shitty person for them. I like them precisely because they make me better. I don't mean to say this in a condescending way, but get help. If you can't accept that people have different opinions, you are going to live a very unhappy life.
No fandom is perfect, clearly. But the world is crazy - wars, pandemics, suffering. Let's maybe try to be a little kinder to ourselves and each other. I expect this advice to be ignored, but I want to put it out there regardless. I think we need to humanize each other more often, especially when we're online. That includes actors, directors, etc. Ignore Hayley Atwell if her existence makes you this angry. You'll be happier. Let's not spend our limited time on this floating rock in space being angry all the time.
And for fuck's sake... it's fiction. Don't forget.
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