#all my older stuff will be staying on ao3
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By Any Other Name - Prologue and Chapter One
From now on I'm going to be posting my writing exclusively on Tumblr, so I'm transferring over my current long fic and a few other stories that were never posted here in full for continuity's sake.
Fandom: Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous
Rating: M to be safe
Warnings: None
Relationship: Commander/Daeran/Woljif (F/M/M)
"Oh tell to me Tam Lin” she said "Why came you here to dwell" "The Fairy Queen caught me," he said, "When from my horse I fell. And at the end of seven years She pays a tithe to hell” - The Ballad of Tam Lin
Once upon a time, there was a witch.
She lived deep in the woods, in a small cottage with her daughter. The witch won’t pretend she was good, or kind. That would be a lie. What she was, however, was powerful. So powerful she was forced into hiding, to perform in craft in secret and isolation. That worked for her, though. For the most part.
The only company she had was that of her daughter, whom she raised far from civilization and all its trappings. The girl grew up curious and inquisitive, and in time bloomed into a wild and mischievous personality. The witch did not mind. Many things could be said about her, most of them were horrible, but one of them was this - she loved her daughter very much.
One day, her daughter decided she was tired of living in their small cottage, deep in the woods. There was a whole world out there, or so she’d heard. She wanted to see it, and so she put a plan into motion. She scoured her mother’s spellbooks, day and night ,and formulated a plan. It was brilliant, she thought. Her mother couldn’t possibly be mad at her, not with how clever she was! And even if she was - she’d be gone before she even noticed.
Naturally, this did not go as planned. The plan backfired, and the witch’s daughter paid the ultimate price for it.
In her grief, the witch contemplated many courses of action. What good were all her powers, if she couldn’t save the one person she loved?
It was that thought she held onto, as she began to formulate a plan of her own. One that would see her daughter alive and whole again. One that would take a very long time to set in motion, and require extraordinary effort on her part.
It was brilliant, she thought. No one could possibly fault her for what she was about to do. And even if they did - they’d be gone before they could do anything about it.
Chapter One
“What kind of name is Heaven’s Edge for a village, anyways?”
The question that’d been on Ariadne’s mind was voiced by her mother, who was sitting next to her in the carriage. Judging by the sly, sidelong look she shot her, she knew she’d just been itching to ask this herself. Ariadne smirked in response, which was most inconvenient, since she’d resolved to be as glum and gloomy as possible on this journey.
Her father and stepfather sat across from them, and they exchanged their own look. It was half amusement, half exasperation.
“I believe the name is related to the Arendae ancestral home. The village sprang up around it, and I suppose it’s only natural to adopt the pompous name the landed gentry you tithe to decided was worthy.” Elvandir shot her a conspiratorial grin, which she couldn’t help but return. Damnit, she was supposed to be the picture of a sullen teenager!
“Yes, well, let’s make sure to save those scathing criticisms for the evening over supper, hm? At least until we know how much the town guard expects as a bribe to forget we’ve said anything.” Her father gave Elvandir an admonishing look as he spoke, one that slid effortlessly to her mother a moment later, then her. The twinkle of mischief in his eyes was unmistakable, but it didn’t have the desired effect. Now, instead of her resolve to be the most dour daughter imaginable, she just felt guilty.
It was her fault they were having to pack up and move to the northernmost part of the country, despite what everyone told her. If she’d just been a bit more careful, a bit less invested in her reading and a bit more aware of her surroundings, she wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Her chest ached, the edges of the closed wound burning faintly in an ever-present reminder of the burden she’d become.
Her father’s mirth dissipated as her demeanor shifted. “Ariadne, are you all right?”
She nodded too quickly, lips pressed into a thin line. It did nothing to reassure anyone. Her mother scooted closer to her, wrapping her arms around her and pulling her close. Ariadne let her head rest against her shoulder, all conviction to be morose forgotten.
“We should be arriving soon. Everything in the house is already set up, so how about you get some rest while we get things set up on the farm?” Ariadne started to protest, but the concern on her parents’ faces shot killed the objections in her throat. Instead she nodded slightly, closing her eyes and rubbing her chest through her dress as she let the rocking of the carriage lull her to sleep.
If there was one thing Woljif Jefto knew, it was that tieflings got no respect in a place like Heaven’s Edge. So when he overheard two of the town’s biggest gossip mongers trading whispers about a family of tieflings moving into one of the newly established farmsteads outside town, well, he couldn’t resist the urge to sneak out and see for himself.
It was easy enough to sneak away. School had just let out for summer vacation not even a week prior, and Gran didn’t expect, or even want, him back until nightfall. She'd probably kick him out of the house for good if the rumor mill would let her, but sadly for her the family that owned the tavern, the Vaenics, were the pious sort who looked down on things like disowning your flesh and blood. If she wanted to keep easy access to her favorite vice, she had to keep her grandson around, no matter how much she loathed him.
That suited him just fine, because he hated the old windbag too. There was plenty around the town to keep him occupied. Lots of good shops to scope out, lots of annoyed shopkeeps to outrun…why waste his time at home getting knocked about the horns when he could do that in town and maybe get something shiny out of it to boot?
But that did leave one question, one that bounced in his head like the coin he so desperately wished was in his pocket, and that was, what tiefling family in their right mind would move out here? None, it turned out, because it wasn’t a tiefling family. At least, not entirely.
He snuck up to the farmhouse, no easy feat as it was set almost dead center on the small plot of land. As got closer, he heard the voices, just barely managing to hide in the hedges lining the house before a trio of people rounded the corner.
One of them was a tiefling, with dark red skin and curving horns. His dark hair and neatly trimmed beard were shot through with grey, but besides that he didn’t seem terribly old. Walking to one side of him was a woman who seemed human at first glance, until he caught sight of her eyes - one dark brown, the other ice blue. Changeling. Despite having never met one, he just knew that's what she was. She was pretty, but unnerving, and the only plausible explanation his mind came up with was that she had some fey in her. Rounding out the trio was an elven man. He towered over the other two, his dark skin offset by the pure white of his hair. He had a wide, friendly smile, one that didn't alleviate the creepiness of his eyes in the slightest. Woljif had seen an elf before, and he knew those eyes were typical of their kind. Didn't change the fact they were off-putting at the best of times.
So, not a family of tieflings, but not the most usual dynamic either. Woljif watched as they walked past his hiding spot, holding his breath, just waiting to be found out. They just kept walking, though, chatting happily amongst themselves. Woljif sighed with relief when they were out of earshot, pleased he hadn't been found out. That feeling lasted all of five seconds, because just as he opened his eyes again, something slammed into the side of his face.
“Ow! What the -” His curse was cut off by the sight of a girl crawling out of the window above his hiding spot. She stared at him, her expression no doubt mirroring his own. He watched her pupils go from cat-like slits to full blown and back again. In hindsight, that should've been his first clue that there was something different about her, but it wasn't until she launched herself off the windowsill and onto him, her hand clamped over his mouth, that he realized she was a tiefling as well.
“Shh!” Her voice was a harsh whisper, her eyes darting past him. While she attempted to scope out whatever it was that had her spooked, he took in the sight of the small curved horns on top of her head and the tail lashing in the air behind her. If anything was going to give them away, it was that, but with her hand still silencing him he couldn't exactly voice that thought.
After a moment, she pulled her hand away. “I think they’re gone,” she said, tension bleeding out of her. She then turned her gaze to him, looking at him like he was a puzzle or riddle to figure out. “Who’re you and why are you beneath my window?”
He considered turning the question around on her, but that wouldn’t do him any good. Besides the obvious tiefling features, she was the spit of the changeling woman he’d seen. It wasn’t hard to figure out that she belonged here, and he didn’t. That made this situation rather precarious, no matter how relaxed she now seemed.
“I was just comin’ to meet the new folks in town. Ya know, bein’ neighborly and all that.” It wasn’t exactly a lie, but it still sounded weak to his own ears. If she thought the same, it didn’t show. Instead, she inclined her head slightly, taking him in with interest.
“Is that so? I’m afraid you’re ill-prepared for it,” she said, a small smirk playing on the edge of her lips, “Don’t you know you’re supposed to bring a baked good of some kind?”
“Oh? Well damn, if I’d known that I woulda swiped those cherry rolls from the baker’s after all.” It was strange - normally he’d never admit to something like that to anyone, let alone a stranger, but this girl, with her big, earnest eyes and mischievous smile, made him feel more at ease than anyone else ever had. That probably wasn’t a good thing - he’d heard what happened when people fell for pretty faces and charming smiles, and it’d always been a fate he wished to avoid. But at the moment, he didn't have it in himself to care.
Her eyes lit up. “So there’s a baker’s in town? What else? Is there a bookshop? Or a library? An apothecary?” She leaned further into him, fingers lightly resting on his chest. He blinked. That was not the barrage of questions he had expected to be asked if he got caught, and coupled with her proximity it was making him feel uncomfortably warm in a way that had nothing to do with the summer heat.
“Why you askin’ me? You can just go see for yourself. It’s not like it’s far or anythin’,” he said with a cough, finally breaking eye contact with her and hoping she didn’t clock the blush that now stained his cheeks. After a brief silence from her, he glanced back. She was looking past him again, biting her lip as her tail swayed gently close to the ground. His own was cramped underneath him, but despite the fact it was starting to go numb he didn’t move to shove her off him.
Finally, she looked back at him. “I’m supposed to be resting, but…I really want to see the village. Will you take me?”
Questions upon questions burst forth in his mind. Why did she need to rest? Why was she trusting a boy she just met to guide her? What perfume was she wearing that made her smell so good? Hells, what was her name? He decided to go with the one that was easiest to ask.
“Mind tellin’ me your name first?”
Surprise flitted across her face, quickly replaced by a slightly sheepish smile. “I’m Ariadne. And you are?”
“Woljif. Woljif Jefto.” He said it with as much bravado as he could muster. It was a nothing name that didn’t mean anything to anybody but him, but he liked it all the same. For some reason, he hoped she did too.
Daeran Arendae was hopelessly, hideously bored, and he was ready to make it everyone else’s problem.
He stared idly at the window display of the town’s trinket shop - pardon, it’s Antiquities and Mysteries shop. Nothing about any of the items he saw was particularly mysterious; it looked more like a place where passerby could pawn whatever was in their pockets to a proprietor that was no doubt going to spin a yarn and sell it for ten times what it was actually worth.
The gnome who ran the place had just moved to Heaven’s Edge a year or so prior, once word had gotten to Kenabres about how bustling and booming the town was becoming. A part of him wondered if the gnome felt cheated once he got to this backwater and saw the truth. The fact the shop was still in business, and bustling as ever, was answer enough, he assumed. That was for the better, as it was the only store within walking distance to town hall that also offered any shade.
It didn’t take long for him to become aware someone was watching him. Besides the servant his mother had insisted accompany him, that was. She was a pale, silent older woman who stared at him like he was a miracle given flesh. He was used to that reaction by now - aasimar were rare this far north, so he and his mother were likely the first she’d ever met. He had no doubt she had eyes on him, even now, but she likely wasn’t the source of the fervent whispering he was hearing from nearby.
“…do you know he even has anything good on him? He’s the same age as us!” This voice was female, with a light accent he couldn’t quite place. It also sounded fairly incredulous to be having this conversation.
“Yeah, so? That shirt alone’s gotta be worth a fortune. Even if all I get is lint, chances are it’ll be worth its weight in gold!” This one, slightly deeper, was affected by the local accent. Judging by the tone, the person who the voice belonged to was dismayed to find that voicing these words didn’t make this plan sound any better.
“Lint doesn’t weigh anything.”
“So you’ll get nothing?”
“Yes! I mean, no.” There was a long pause. “I’m confused now.”
“I’m not. Under no circumstances do I think you should go through with this.”
“You want one of those cherry rolls or not?” More silence, this time from the girl. After a moment, the boy added, “Thought so. Now just wait here, I promise it won’t take long.”
Daeran stood still, pretending he was enamored with one of the objects in the window. It wasn’t an easy task, as every item his gaze landed on was more hideous than the last. Finally, he felt a small, barely perceptible tug on his shirt. He had to hand it to the boy - if he wasn’t aware he was the mark, he might not have even noticed. But he did, and the thrill that ran through him as he casually slid his hand down to grasp the thief by the wrist was addicting.
He turned just as the boy let out a startled yelp. The quip that formulated in his mind comparing his would-be assailant to a dog died in his throat as he caught sight of him. Dark curls, purple skin, golden eyes wide with surprise…he was quite handsome, for a thief. The horns had a certain charm to them too, he supposed. And the tail…! Movement caught his eye and he looked past the thief to see his companion, a tiefling girl of about the same age who was just fetching, her eyes a dark shade of amber with a smattering of freckles across her nose and lips to die for.
A rather strange time to discover he might have a preference, all told, but he wasn’t going to complain. His afternoon had just gone from boring to exciting in a matter of seconds, after all. Now he only needed the perfect opening line.
“If you’re so desperate to see what’s in my pants, you could’ve just asked.” All right, perhaps that was a bit too forward, but the blush that spread across the tiefling boy’s cheeks made it worth it.
“I-I wasn't…I mean, it's not…” The boy spluttered as he broke out of his grasp.
“Not what? What it seems?” His lips twisted in what he hoped was his most charming sneer. Sure, he might find the two of them attractive, but that didn't change the fact they’d just been attempting to rob him. He was the scion of his house, and it was most unbecoming if he just let this slide. And besides, having your pockets rifled through was annoying, no matter how dazzling the perpetrator. “Either you were attempting to grope me, or relieve me of my possessions. So which would it be?
Behind the boy, the girl rolled her eyes. He probably should have been annoyed at the gesture, but instead he found a grin blossoming on his face instead. It grew when she said, “I think you know it was the latter. No one’s gonna try to cop a feel on someone who could clearly have their hands cut off for doing so.”
“By that logic, isn’t your friend’s attempt to pickpocket me equally as likely to result in that outcome, if not more?”
The girl scowled at him, in a manner quite ill-befitting her pretty face. He smiled in return.
“You’re right,” she said, grabbing the boy by the back of his shirt and pulling him away from Daeran. “We’re sorry. We’ll just be on our way.”
“Ari,” the boy hissed, “This is Countess Arendae’s son.” His eyes were wide, his riotous mass of black curls trembling slightly.
“What?” Now it was her turn to look surprised. He found he liked this expression on her much more. “Of all the - why did you try it with him!?”
“I didn’t recognize the back of his head!”
“As amusing as it is for you two to talk as if I’m not here, I really have to insist you stop.” Really, he was genuinely amused by this. It was rare for anyone who wasn’t his mother or his tutors to directly interact with him, and he found he rather liked it when said interaction was with people his own age. Though the alarmed looks they kept giving him would prove to be a problem…
“We’re sorry,” the girl repeated again. After a moment, she added, through gritted teeth, “Lord Arendae.”
That he scoffed at. “Please don’t. Call me Daeran, if it’s all the same to you.”
The tieflings exchanged a glance at that. The boy still looked like he wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow him whole, but the girl’s fear and annoyance was quickly being replaced by what he believed was curiosity.
“All right, Daeran,” she said, “We’re sorry we tried to rob you, and for talking like you weren’t here. Now, mind telling us why you haven’t called a guard or something?”
Daeran had to bite back the immediate retort, which was that he didn’t particularly want to see them arrested. If they knew that, they might just take off. That was precisely what he didn’t want. This was the most fun he’d had in a while, and he wanted to ensure his continued entertainment. And the best way to do that…
“You know, this shop supposedly has wonders from all over the world inside it.” He could tell they didn’t quite believe him. Not that he blamed them - he didn’t quite believe it either. “Why don't we go inside and take a little look? And if you see anything worth taking, well…it would help to have the Countess’ son along, right?”
Part of him didn't believe the words that had just come out of his mouth. He might be a spiteful little shit, as he’d been told, but aiding and abetting thievery was new, even for him. Still, when he saw their faces light up in cautious excitement, he couldn’t help but feel that damned warm, fuzzy feeling that all the books he read claimed existed.
If this was what having friends was going to be like, he couldn’t find it in himself to regret this decision for a moment.
Chapter Two
#my writing#fic: by any other name#oc: ariadne trias-arendae#ch: woljif jefto#ch: daeran arendae#now that the urge to write is coming back slowly but surely#i feel the need to make a few changes#and honestly ao3 hasn't worked for me in a long time#so here we are#the only other thing i plan on moving over is all roads lead to here#all my older stuff will be staying on ao3#ship: glitterbomb
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So this is the family photo for those who seen the movie. I have dreams okay and I need this. Details about the pic without giving too much detail. It’s an 8 years in the future family photo of the Wachowski family.
The kids (well mostly young adults here) all have bandannas, and bracelets on Amy’s part, of each other’s colors to show that they are always together even when they have to be apart. Since they are older they travel and go out on adventures more. They even tend to stay gone for months but even then they always find their way back to their found family. They do bring gifts back to their parents when they travel to different places on Earth or even different worlds. Amy’s hairstyle (quill style?) is a call back to her old design before they gave her the iconic bob.
Okay so some rambling and head cannon below.
I’m so sorry this got long as hell just straight rambling. My bad, read at your own risk bro 😭
I drew Shadow and Amy as a part of the Wachowski family because I know they would welcome them no questions asked even after the debacle with Shadow if they ever go that route moving forward. But I have been reading a little fanfic recently that I saw mentioned in another Sonic tumblr post I’m sorry I can’t remember who called “Welcome to Green Hills Shadow” on Ao3 and I have been eating goood! Shadow having his found family before he meets Rouge and Omega is a head cannon for me. Even after he meets them he keeps their colors to show he cares. Something Sonic will always point out when they meet up. Amy of course would probably live with them like the trio. I can see her sticking mostly to the trio before she opens up to Maddie and Tom. Them at first not knowing just how strong she is would try to have her stand back with them and let the boys handle the dirty work but she shuts that down by saving them and help in obliterating the enemy. Her and Maddie doing some girl bonding while Tom bonds with the guys. Just a wholesome family at the end of the day.
So we know Shadow ain’t dead, you can’t kill him off without getting into the niddy griddy of his story and we know that they are going to make a spinoff movie about him. I can see Shadow joining the family but not like…. living with them like The heroes gang just on and off he’ll stay, bond with the fam and be like, “I need to find out more about myself. I need to know where I come from.” Then pew, off he goes and a few weeks later he comes back brooding but with some good news. Him and Tom talk about what he finds and they bond and stuff. Maddie and him bond for a bit, she does some embarrassing mom things that make Shadow smile and chuckle. He gets into some shenanigans with the trio and he’s off again.
Since we know Amy is gonna be in the next movie which I for one CANNOT wait for. All I ask is that they keep her a badass and not clingy. I like Amy I do and want her to be the daughter Maddie always wanted so they can do shit together heck even do a tag team rescue! Like, Tails gives Maddie some gadgets to go on a mission with them because they need their mom’s help for something and the boys can’t go because they’re the distraction and while on this mission Maddie and Amy bond… bro I need Sonic 4 NOW!!!
#art#taiiofkaon#sonic wachowski#sonic movie 3#sonic the hedghog fanart#sonic#knuckles#knuckles the echidna#knuckles wachowski#knuckles fanart#tails#tails the fox#tails wachowski#amy rose#amy the hedgehog#shadow the hedgehog#shadow#shadow Wachowski#sonic fanart#sonic 3#tom wachowski#maddie wachowski#Tom#maddie#my art#sonic 3 spoilers
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Beer and Sex
Chapter 6 to Joel Miller x Reader Smutshot Collection

Pairing: F!Reader x Joel Miller
Summary: You, Joel and Tommy are at an event in Austin that includes being outdoors, drinking & games! Well, long story short, you and Joel end up heading back to his place for some indoor fun
Status of your guy's relationship in this one shot: Friends
WC: 3.0k
Type: NSFW
Warnings: No outbreak (AU), Usage of alcohol, Buzzed sex, Dirty talk, Making out, Breast play, Living room sex, You ride Joel, Unprotected sex, Choking kink, Clit rubbing, Denial of orgasm, doggy style & you ride him
A/n: Hi! Hope you all enjoy. Please check out my masterlist, there's a lot of stuff there. You can get to know me, you can see the rules of my blog and then you can see all of my fanfictions. You'll be able to find the previous chapters to this fic and upcoming ones. You'll also be able to find my Wattpad & AO3. Comments, reblogs & likes are appreciated. Thank you
You sat back down whilst laughing. Picking your beer back up, you sipped it and put it back down. You haven't drinken in a while, it's nice to finally do it again. You're usually so busy with work that you never have the time or energy to get some alcohol in your system. Your friends Joel and Tommy convinced you to go with them to this event in town though and when you saw there were drinks, you couldn't refuse.
The only reason Joel and Tommy are here is because Maria is hosting this event. She's very big with the city council and hosts events like this from time to time. You don't mind coming. You're actually enjoying yourself. Just a bit ago you were playing darts with Joel and then tether ball with Tommy. You're slightly buzzed too. You can't get full blown drunk though, you need to still drive home.
As you watched some of the younglings run around and play, you felt the weight of the table increase as Joel sat down. It's a muscular man. He weighs a good bit. "Hey." You said in a friendly tone. "Hello." He replied, sipping his tall boy. "You got another one? Shit, don't make me go get another one too, I still have to drive home." You joked, resting your head in your hand. Joel chuckled. "My house is just a few blocks away and I walked here so I ain't even bothered." Joel stated.
That's right, he lives in the suburbs. That's not something you'd expect from a country boy like him. Then again, being country is defined by where you live. "Where did Tommy and Maria go?" "No fuckin' clue," Joel snickered, "Probably fuckin' in the bathroom or something." He teased. You laughed and nodded. "They are newly weds, what can you expect?" You said whilst giggling. Joel nodded. "True that."
Joel was once married, he even had a daughter with the woman. Joel has been single for years now though. Everyone jokes he's out of commission but he just says he's waiting for the right lady. Sarah, his daughter, is almost twelve. She's getting older and cuter by the second. You've met her quite a bit, even babysat her, she's a dear. Joel told you she's with her mother right now, so he's free.
"At least Maria is getting some. It's been a good few months for me." "Months? Try years darlin' and it ain't by choice." You cackled at his words. He isn't wrong. He's celibate from what you've heard. "Sorry Joel, that has to suck." "It sure fuckin' does." He took a shot of his beer. You nodded and sipped off of yours too. The beer was getting warm. Gross. You sighed deeply. "I'm going to go get a new beer, I'll be right back."
You stood up and headed towards the cooler. This cooler was brought by Tommy himself. He decided to provide it for everyone. It's the good stuff too. You bent over and picked up a new one. It was ice cold to the touch. "Hell yeah." You murmured, cracking it open. You're currently wearing a black tank top and short jean shorts. It's hot during the summer, you have to stay cool somehow.
When you turned around, you saw that Joel's eyes were on you. He looked like he was trying to play it off as if he wasn't just checking you out but he totally was. You can't lie, you've checked him out too. Those big muscles and that handsome face are a sight for sore eyes. He's a hottie, admittedly. You giggled and sat back down beside him.
"You were totally just checking me out, weren't you?" You said with a laugh, tipping your beer into your mouth and drinking it all while looking into his brown eyes. He snorted and nodded. "You caught me." Oh, so he was? You don't mind. You knew Joel would be there and that did somewhat take part in what you're currently wearing.
You've always thought he was sexy. The day Tommy introduced you to him you though that. That was only two years ago. Your guy's friendship has been great but you're awfully surprised the two of you haven't hooked up yet. You've definitely flirted and hit on one another. You've even went as far as to having him lick salt off of your stomach before taking a shot of tequila and that had you soaked.
It is very surprising.
"But you can't deny you were checkin' me out earlier." Joel whispered to you with a husky voice. You giggled. "Guilty as charged. You've also caught me red handed." This isn't just the beer talking. You totally were. When he was putting the cooler down earlier, you were indeed gawking at his veiny, buff arms. You giggled and bit your lip while looking up at him. "How drunk are you?" You asked him. "Not drunk enough." You rolled your eyes at his words.
You looked around the area. You still have no clue where Tommy and Maria are. "I'll shoot him a text. Let's get out of here." He whispered to you. You scoffed and breathed in deeply. "Alright." You giggled. He got off of the picnic table and took your hand in his, helping you out of the table as well. You smiled at him. Your guy's hands stayed interlocked. Is this actually going to happen? Are you going to fuck Joel Miller? After all this time?
"My house ain't too far from here." Joel said to you in a deep voice. "I know." You smiled, walking alongside him. You don't feel drunk. You do feel buzzed. It isn't anything you can't handle. You're a heavy weight. It takes you time to really hit the drunk point. The trees around you and Joel brought you two shade, but you're already too hot, in more ways than one. He looked down at you and chuckled. "I can't wait to fuck you." He admitted. You huffed out. "Good." You bit your lip to hold back a big grin.
You glanced over your shoulder. You hope no one will wonder where you two are. You'd rather keep this between you and Joel for now. "Will we come back once we're done?" "We'll have to, I left my goddamn brother back there." You laughed loudly. "That is true... He'll be fine, right?" "He's a grown man, he's fine. Like I said darlin', I'll text him." You nodded. You just don't want them to come looking for the two of you.
You'd rather not be in the middle of getting fucked when Tommy and Maria show up.
As Joel opened his front door and locked it behind him, he chuckled and grabbed you, smashing his lips against yours. You kissed him back. His messy beard scraped against your face. "Mmph." You moaned, wrapping your arms around his neck. He picked you up into his arms like you were a feather. You giggled and continued to kiss him. His hands were on your ass cheeks, squeezing them as he took you two to the living room area.
"Baby?" "Hmm?" "Bedroom or living room?" You snorted at his question. At least you get a say in this. You thought for a moment. "Let's keep it fun-living room." "Glady." Joel smirked, kissing you again but this time, his tongue found it's way into your mouth. You didn't mind. It made you even more horny. Your guy's tongues fought for dominance. You wanted to explore every crevice of his mouth. You moaned loudly as he sat you down on him. You could feel his erection through his stained work jeans.
You giggled and kissed him before reaching your hands down to the end of your tank top and pulling it off. Joel just stared in admiration. He thinks you're gorgeous. "Look at you," He purred, "You're beautiful." He whispered. You grinned. "You're handsome, and so sexy." You spoke seductively before licking his lower lip and kissing him again. His hands went to your tits, he squeezed them gently. Joel is more of an ass guy though.
After making out for a little bit, Joel finally pulled away to take deep breaths. "I'm fuckin' twitchin'." He sighed deeply, looking down at his bulge. You think that's the sexist thing ever. You love when a man is vocal about how he feels or what you're doing to him. "I'm so wet for you, wanna feel?" You whispered against his ear. Joel's breath shuttered. "Badly." And his hands went to your shorts, undoing them and helping you out of them as well.
Stepping out of your shorts, you climbed back into Joel's lap and sighed. "Feel." You whispered, kissing his neck and jawline. Joel brought his finger down to your core and pulled your panties to the side. As he dipped his fingers through your folds, he let out a low groan. "So fuckin' wet, just for me, hm?" He whispered, nibbling on your jawline. You giggled. "Just for you." This surely isn't the first time you've gotten wet thinking about Mr. Joel Miller.
Joel swiped his fingers through your folds, picking up all of your juicy wetness. You continued to kiss him. He seemed desperate, like a wild animal. He's hungry for you. You bit his lower lip and once again swiped your tongue along his. You moaned so quietly, it was more of a whimper.
He pulled his finger away and grunted. "Need to feel you from the inside." He murmured as he pulled his cock out of his jeans. Oh yeah, he's big. You're excited. It's been so long, especially for him. You hope you're as good as he'll be to you. Grabbing his member, you yourself pulled your white panties to the side before you then sat down on his dick. Both of you made sensual noises as your folds and cunt enveloped him. He was already so deep inside of you. It feels so good.
"How's that?" You chuckled, your arms around his neck. He snickered and gripped your ass tightly, landing a smack onto it which caused you to jolt slightly. "You feel so good. Now fuckin' ride me." He began to squeeze and slap your ass and you started to ride him. You went slow at first. Your movements were just simple grinds back and forth but you'd occasionally lift your ass up and back down, literally bouncing on his cock.
You wanted to savour this. You haven't felt this good in awhile. Having sex with Joel tonight was not on your agenda of plans but seriously, it is a welcomed surprise. He feels amazing. He knows what he's doing too. Each time he pinches your ass cheeks or spanks you playfully, it either makes you moan or kiss him even harder and more passionately.
Now, Joel is holding your hips. You began to ride him faster too. His dick is so deep inside of you, you can hardly believe it. "I've wanted this for a long time." You moaned out, looking him in the eyes. His eyes got darker and even more full of lust. "Me too babygirl, me too." He then swatted your ass again before going back to squeezing your hips. You're sure you'll have red marks all over your cheeks by later in the evening.
Bouncing on him, each thrust was just a mark bringing you closer to your climax. His member is deep inside of you and is shoving itself against your tight walls with each movement. "Yes baby." He groaned, kissing and licking your neck. He thinks you smell amazing. You did put on your perfume before going to the event. You're glad it's doing it's job.
"Babygirl, turn around, cowgirl, y'know?" You giggled at his words. "Yes sir." You teased and lifted yourself off of him slightly to turn around. You were surprised he asked you to switch positions, but you aren't complaining. You pushed yourself down onto his dick again and you both made whimpering noises. He seems to be feeling good. That's all you want. It's been years for him, you better make it good.
Once you got comfortable, you moaned loudly as he started to thrust up into you. "Joel!" You practically screamed, tossing your head back against his broad shoulder. He cackled and kissed your neck, leaving numerous bites and hickies onto it too. How are you supposed to go into work on Monday? You're sure these'll last a few days, hopefully not. "Need to make sure I still got it." Joel grunted, now he is the one fucking you and man, it's heaven.
Joel noticed your head was still tilted back against his shoulder. He smirked. He brought his left hand up to your neck and held it, choking you now. You moaned and turned your head slightly, kissing his messy hair and giggling. "You're so deep inside of me." You panted. "Yea? You're takin' it so fuckin' well too baby." Joel replied, kissing your cheeks numerous times, making you smile and chuckle.
His free hand, his right one, was one your lower stomach, holding you in place. You wanted to look down to see him moving inside of you, but you couldn't. With his hand on your neck, there's not much you can do with your head. You aren't complaining. You think it's hot to be choked. He does it so well too. "Been thinkin' about fuckin' you for awhile now," He whispered against your ear. His breath was warm. "You feel better than I ever could've imagined." That made you whimper in pleasure.
You felt his right hand slither down from your waist and to your clit. You whimpered. "Oh God!" You whined out as he began to rub your clit fast and with pressure. It felt so good. He works well with his fingers. He continued to thrust up into you, which made the experience a million times better. "I'm gonna cum." You whispered to him. "No baby, not yet, hold it in." What!? How are you supposed to just hold it in? "What?" "You heard me babydoll." He licked behind your ear and bit on your lobe. "Do not cum yet." He sternly stated.
"How?" "Just do it."
How are you supposed to hold back your orgasm? No hookup has ever asked you to hold it back. Actually, they need you to cum quickly or else they'll finish before you. You whimpered and bit your lip. No, you're going to cum. "I can't," You panted, "I just can't." Joel didn't respond. "Joel!" You moaned out, reaching your hand behind his head and tugging on his hair. He grunted and bit down on your neck.
"Cum for me."
That was it. You moaned softly as you coated his cock in your fluids. You let go of his hair. Shaking in his lap, Joel continued to rub your clit until you came down from your high. It overstimed you even. "Holy Christ." You moaned. You went to turn your head to kiss him but he lifted you up and chuckled. "I still haven't finished." He then pushed you down onto the couch, doggy style, and began to pound into you.
You moaned loudly and gripped the couch beneath you. Your knuckles even went white. He moved so skillfully inside of you. Each pump was one of excellence. "Wish I could cum inside of you." He whispered, running his hands up and down your back before he ultimately rested them on your rear. Joel gripped your ass, squeezing it tightly before leaving multiple slaps onto it, all of which made your moan or squeal.
With just a couple more thrusts, Joel finished. He quickly pulled out and stroked himself. He finished all over your ass and lower back. "Fuck sakes." Joel groaned, caressing your ass as he came. You pushed your ass against his manhood and giggled. He spanked you again and snickered. "One sec." He leaned over and grabbed a random wipe, cleaning your ass and back off. He tossed the rag to the other side of the living room and you chuckled.
Joel heaved deeply and lifted you up by your waist and pulled you back into his lap. You were basically completely naked, only in panties whereas he was fully dressed. So unfair. "Was it good?" You asked him, resting your head against the arm of the couch. He glanced down at you, still breathing heavily. "You're a funny girl." He leaned down and kissed you softly. "It was fuckin' glorious." He then nibbed on your jawline, making you giggle cutely.
You hummed and looked up at him. "You're the only man whose ever denied me of finishing, by the way." You snorted. "That's because you've only done slept with boys who finish too quickly. I think it's sexy to see a woman be restricted of her pleasure." You giggled at his words. "It felt better." "That's the point babydoll." He caressed your cheek and you brought yourself closer to his face, kissing him gently.
He breathed in deeply and cupped your face firmly, holding you in place. "Don't convince me to fuck you again." He said with a smile against your lips. "If you can't handle it..." You bit your lip. You acted like you were about to get off of his lap and you suddenly squealed as he tossed you back onto the couch and put you in missionary. Your legs went over his shoulders and you smiled.
"Oh I think I can handle it."
That was where the next of many rounds began.
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: None (Yet) in chapters to come there will be smut (and lots of it) and possible violence/blood/gore
Chapter Word Count: 668
A/N: My first Supernatural fic so I hope it doesn’t suck ass. Only proof read by myself, so pls let me know of any errors so I can correct! Also I know at this point in the series Dean is more serious, however I love pre-Hell Dean so imma bring some of those vibes in here. This is also posted on my AO3.
I’m Not Your F*ckng Maid
Dean was awoken with a slam inches from his face and he sprung to life, almost losing his balance before he realised where he was. He’d fallen asleep at the table with his face in a book and surrounded by heaps of paper - many of which he hadn’t even started to read through yet. Blinking awake and gaining his bearings, he heard a familiar voice ring through the room.
”You boys are disgusting, how do you live like this?” The older Winchester finally looked up to see Charlie lifting a plate of half eaten, day-old pizza whilst kicking several beer bottles aside so she could pull out a chair and take a seat next to Dean, who was pinching the bridge of his nose.
”Yeah well, we’ve been a little busy recently if you haven’t noticed,” his voice was gravelly from the sleep. Charlie put down the plate of old food and sat down, worry crossing her face as she looked at the man next to her. She knew they’d been under a lot of pressure lately with their work, so much so that the brothers were starting to neglect themselves. It had been months since they’d eaten proper food that wasn’t instant or take-out, they rarely went outside, always locking themselves away in the bunker to do research and the bunker itself was getting cluttered with bin bags and pizza boxes. Not to mention the piles of laundry that she’s noticed slowly starting to form its own ecosystem in the washroom.
“Yeah I get that, but you really have to look after yourselves. When was the last time you ate a vegetable?”
Dean scoffed.
“Yesterday, obviously,” he gave her a look like she was from another planet, and she rolled her eyes.
“The pizza sauce doesn’t count, Dean.”
He looked puzzled, raising an eyebrow, “Why not?”
Before she could even humour him with an answer, Sam emerged, rubbing his eyes.
“Oh hey Charlie, when did you get here?” His voice was equally as gravelly as Deans, so she assumed he’d also just woken up.
“Five minutes ago.”
“She called us disgusting Sam. And she said the sauce on pizza isn’t made from vegetables,” Dean gestured to Charlie like she was the fool as he looked up at his younger brother who now stood across from him on the other side of the table. Sam went to open his mouth to respond, but closed it again quickly and furrowed his brows, clearly unsure how to reply to his older brother without opening a can of worms. Charlie huffed.
“You guys need to sort yourself out. I only dropped by because I hadn’t heard from you for a while and thought you might’ve worked yourself to death. I can’t stay long because I’m meeting a friend for a drink. She’s already at the diner waiting for me”
“A friend?” Dean wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and the redhead smirked.
“I wish, sadly she’s into dudes,” she paused, a thought crossing her mind, “Come to think of it, she’s actually looking for work, you guys might be able to help.”
Dean and Sam shared a glance.
“She’s a hunter?” Sam asked.
“Not exactly. Her uncle was, so she knows about stuff, but from what I know she was just a research girlie,” Charlie peered at the mess of papers on the table, “and it looks like you could use the help.” She looked between the brothers as they stared at each other, like they were having some sort of unspoken conversation. A few moments passed before Dean slapped his hand on the table and stood up.
“Sure ok, but we’re coming with you today to meet her,” he went to grab his jacket from the back of his chair, an eagerness in his movements before Charlie put her hand out to stop him.
“Great!” She grinned, before raising her eyebrows and pointing to them both, “but first you guys have got to shower, because I can taste your BO from here.”
Up Next
Chapter 1
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Work Wife - Nine
Summary: Working as a Secretary at Miller & Sons Construction, you fall hopelessly in love with the eldest son Joel. What you don’t realise is that Joel’s completely in love with you too. What will it take for the two of you to realise whats’s right in front of you?
Pairing: Young Joel Miller x Reader
Warnings: Like AO3, I choose not to give any so the plot isn’t spoiled. This fic is 18+ (Well... sorry this took so long. Safe to say, life has been a bit mental lately. Lando is currently cutting two teeth at once so yeah... bit grizzly. We've also put our flat up for sale so yeah. Lots going on. Hope this was worth the wait 🥹)
Series Masterlist - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven, Eight
Your hands were shaking so violently that you weren't really sure how you made it to the hospital. You parked and ran into the ER like your life depended on it. Soon finding a particularly shaken Simon with his head in his hands, along with Joel's parents and younger brother.
"Pip, sweetheart." Joel's mother said sweetly as she swept you into her arms hugging you tightly "I'm so glad you're here."
"Any news?" You asked as your eyes flitted between her and Joel's father who was cradling a sleeping Sarah in his arms.
"Nothin' yet." Replied Simon, pulling your attention away from the older Millers "They had him all strapped up in a body brace 'n everythin'... He wouldn't wake up no matter what they tried..." Simon trailed off as he again threw his head into his hands.
You were quick to drop to Simon's side, pulling into a sideways hug as you tried to comfort the distraught man.
"This ain't your fault son." Replied Cole Miller as he took a few sure steps towards you and the younger man "It was an accident, plain n' simple."
"But I didn't even see it happen... If I'd just-"
"No one saw what happened, son." Cole interrupted "You cannot blame yourself for this. This stuff happens. Unfortunately, it comes with the job."
Simon nodded in reply but, you knew that he wasn't convinced by Cole's argument. You knew that until he knew that Joel was going to be okay... He would never stop blaming himself for this.
"Miller family?" Called out an unfamiliar voice and you all perked up as you turned to find its owner.
"That's us." Piped up an uncharacteristically quiet Tommy and a moment of guilt washed over you for not speaking to him when you arrived.
"Is he okay?" Asked Lucia as she hooked her arm with her husbands and you looped your own with Simon's.
"He's a very lucky young man." The doctor replied and you all breathed a collective sigh of relief "He's shattered his left arm and broken his femur. He will require surgery to repair both so he is going to be off his feet for a while. He's also got a pretty nasty concussion so we will want to keep him in for observation for that also. All things considered, he's lucky to be alive."
The doctor's words hung over you all as you took them in.
Lucky to be alive.
Joel could have died.
And you have been giving him the silent treatment over a kiss that you weren't entirely sure was really a kiss at all. You could have lost him today, without ever really having the chance to see where this thing between you could go.
You had wasted so much time.
"When can we see him?" Asked Cole, pulling you from your spiralling thoughts.
"We are going to be taking him into surgery shortly so it's going to be a little while yet." The doctor answered honestly"My advice would be to go home, get some rest and come back in the morning. The surgery is going to be extensive andthen he'll likely be in recovery for a few hours."
"But what if-"
"We will call you if anything changes but you need to get that baby home and you're all going to be no good to Mr Miller if you're all dead on your feet."
The doctor had a point and you all knew it. Yet the idea of leaving the hospital and Joel didn't sit well with you.
"I'll stay. Keep you all updated." You said and Cole and Lucia gave you a small nod before gathering up Sarah's things.
"We'll see you in a few hours Pip." Said Lucia as she gave you a peck on the cheek.
"See you soon." You said softly "Go get Sarah into a proper bed."
They left then, Tommy trailing behind them both and not sparing anyone a glance.
"Can I stay with you?" Asked Simon softly and you turned to see him standing across from you, his hands wringing together as he waited nervously for you to answer.
"Of course."
You were woken by babbling. Your neck was sore from resting it on Simon's shoulder whilst you waited on news of Joel. Cracking your eyes open, you were greeted by Lucia stood across from you with Sarah in her arms. Your sitting up abruptly grabbed the baby's attention and she squealed and reached for you, her small hands grabbing at you. You didn't hesitate, you were on your feet in a heartbeat and pulling her into your arms.
"Oh, baby girl." You sobbed as you placed a kiss on the top of her and breathed her in "So good to see you." You breathed as you held her tight.
"Any news?" Asked Lucia and you shook your head.
"Where's Cole?" You asked as you noted her husband wasn't with her.
"He stayed home with Tommy." The older woman replied, "Kid's a little beside himself so we felt it would be better for Joel to have a less stressful environment to wake up to."
You nodded in understanding. Tommy's a pretty hot-headed young man and struggles to keep a level head. As much as you knew the kid would want to be with his brother and no doubt Cole wanted to be there for his son, it was best to keep away till they knew what condition Joel would be in.
"Miller family?" Called out an unfamiliar voice and you all turned to look at the owner.
"Yes." You replied in unison and the nurse smiled "He's out of recovery and responding well." They stated "If you follow me, I will take you to him."
The three of you followed eagerly, desperate to see Joel after what felt like weeks of waiting. You were taken into a ward and then led to a small room just off from the main area. A bed sat in the centre of the room, equipment, cabinets and a few chairs lined the walls. Joel's leg was elevated by what looked like a bit like Sarah's door bouncer. He was sleeping. A dark bruise painted the left side of his face, a nasty gash along his hairline, neatly stitched but red and angry.
"He's been coming around for a little while." The nurse stated as she finished off her checks "Might still be a little while before he's coherent so be patient with him.
"He's been through quite an ordeal."
You all nodded then grabbed some chairs and placed them strategically around his bed. You sat with Sarah in your arms, smiling at her little snores beside your ear and with your free hand you took Joel's uninjured one, needing to touch him in some way to reassure you he was here.
He was going to be okay.
You almost missed it.
The slight pressure on your hand. Your attention set on a bird hopping around on the branch of a tree just outside the window. Lucia had taken Sarah home for a little while, the baby having grown restless from hours of sitting and waiting for her daddy to wake up. Simon had gone in search of Coffee and sustenance. The fact that neither of you had eaten in quite some time made itself known when your stomachs started to growl loudly.
Joel hummed as consciousness started to trickle through a little more. You were sat bolt upright in your chair. Watched as his brain almost visibly booted up and his eyes cracked open.
"Joel?" You uttered, leaning closer so you were in his eye line "Can you hear me?"
He nodded weakly, his eyes fluttering closed again and you deflated a little but soon perked up when they reopened a little wider.
"Hey." He croaked out and you sobbed, smiling brightly at him.
"Hey yourself."
"Where am I?..." He asked, trialling off as his eyes took stock of his surroundings.
"You had an accident on site." You replied, voice wobbling a bit as you spoke "You fell from the scaffolding. You shattered your arm and broke your femur. They had to operate to repair the damage but you're going to be okay. Got a nasty concussion too... Doctor said you're a lucky man considering what happened."
"Where's mum?" He asked, closing his eyes and taking a steadying breath as he processed what you'd told him.
He was lucky to be alive. That's basically what you had said in so many words.
"She took Sarah home. She was getting a little restless." You replied and Joel nodded "Oh! I should call her. She'll want to come see you now you're awake."
"Why are you here Pip?"
Joel's question took you by surprise. Your brows pulled together as you looked at him in confusion.
"What do you mean, why am I here?"
"Well, we've not exactly been close lately."
"If you're here because my parents asked you to be then you can go now."
"That's not..." You trailed off, shaking your head as tears started to pool in your tired eyes "I'm here because the man I love nearly died."
Joel's eyes widened at your statement and his lips parted as if to speak but no words were uttered. So you continued.
"When Simon had called and told me that you'd had an accident... Everything just flashed in front of my eyes." You choked "All the time we have wasted not just being together."
"I thought about that day with Anna... When I saw you kissing and the more I analysed it the more I realised that you looked as stiff as a corpse."
"Oh, thanks." Joel snorted and you playfully punched his uninjured arm. "Gentle... I'm injured remember? Injuring me physically as well as emotionally."
"You know I didn't mean it that way." You groaned "I just meant... It was clear that it wasn't something you wanted but at the time I just saw red and I..."
"I know Pip." Joel said softly as he took your hand in his "But, the reason you came to that conclusion is also because you don't trust me and if we're going to do this... that's something you need to work on."
"I do trust you Joel it's just..." You trail off as you think about what to say.
You let out a long sigh as you bring his hand to your lips and place a soft kiss on his grazed knuckles.
"We didn't have a good start you and I." You chuffed "After the incident with Sarah's mum I... Well, my confidence was knocked and I struggled to believe that you ever liked me.
"Then everything happened with Sarah coming along and you telling me you did have feelings for me but then I got pregnant and lost it and I-"
"Pip, sweetheart... You're ramblin' darlin."
"Sorry." You said breathily, rubbing the palm of your hand not holding Joel's on your jeans "My confidence has taken a real knock Joel and I just needed time to re-centre myself but not I realise that I just wasted precious time we could have had together."
You look at Joel then, eyes locking with his as you drive him what the point you really want to make with him.
"Joel... I love you... I'm in love with you and I don't want to waste another damn minute not being with you." Joel's lip quirks at your statement and you smile at him as you say "So if I'm not too late Joel Miller... Can we quit fucking around and just be together?"
Joel didn't say anything for a short while. His eyes searched yours for something but you weren't sure what. So you sat there on bated breath and waited for him to either reject you or accept you.
"If we're doing this... I need you to know that I'm all in." He states plainly and your brows draw together as you await his explanation "Not saying it needs to happen next year or even three years from now but... I want to marry you. I want to have kids with you. Raise Sarah with you." He continues and your heart swells "So I need to know that you're all in too. Because I can't get into something with you, only for Sarah to become even more attached than she already is and then you leave us."
"I won't." You practically squeak and Joel's smile spreads "I want all those things too." You state "I already love Sarah like she's my own and one... I want to have kids with you too. But perhaps give it a few years, eh?" You finish with a wink and Joel grins at you.
"Then what are you waiting for?"
"Hmm?" You hum, looking at him with a bemused expression.
"Well it's not like I can get over to you so... ya'll better come over here and kiss me."
You grin before standing up slightly so you can lean in and brush your lips against his.
"Love you, Miller." You whisper between pecks on his soft lips.
"Love you too Pip."
Three weeks later...
"There we go daddy." You said as you finished cutting up his food for him then placed the bowl within reaching distanceof him as he partially sat and partially lay on his couch. Leg and atm both propped up on pillows.
"Thanks, baby." He replied sweetly, puckering his lips for a kiss which you happily gave him.
"Dadadadada." Sarah babbled from her spot on the floor, stuffed pooh bear in hand.
"Come on then angel." You said as you scooped Sarah up and planted a kiss on the apple of her cheek "Time for your dinner too!"
You had easily fallen into domestic bliss with Joel. The man had been rendered utterly useless with his broken arm and leg but didn't stop letting you know how much he appreciated everything you were doing for him. Simon brought over care packages to keep Joel going when you were at the office, his mum taking care of him and the baby and during the day whilst you were at work.
Once dinner was done, you put Sarah down and puttered around getting a few chores done before joining him in the lounge.
"How's your pain?" You asked and Joel nodded.
"A lot better." He answered and you smiled "fancy coming over here for a cuddle?"
"Joel Miller's a... If you'd asked me a month ago I would have said no way... Who knew."
"Careful or I'll take the offer back darlin'"
"No!" You pouted before slipping onto the couch beside him with practised ease.
This is how you'd spent most evenings, cuddling beside him and making out a little before things started to get a little hot and heavy. The two of you having to cool it after that.
And that's exactly how things progressed this evening. Your leg draped over his hip as you try to get closer to him. Only this evening, his working arm wraps around your back and his hand, resting on your backside, urges you to rub your core against his thigh. Your core aches at the perfect pressure this gives your aching core.
"Take what you need baby." He whispers against your lips "You deserve it, baby."
"Joel." You whine, feeling your core tighten as your peak nears "Joel, fuck."
He hums against your lips, his hand urging your hips to thrust a little faster and you comply, feeling your orgasm racing towards you.
"Cum for me beautiful." He mumbles as he kisses you sweetly "Cum Pip."
You do. Kissing him hard, you moan into his mouth as your core pulses with your release and your legs shake this theintensity of it.
"Good girl."
"Want me to finish you?"
"No." He whispers softly "That was just for you. A treat for helping me."
"We'll get our moment baby girl." He interrupts, kissing you long and languidly "But for tonight... It's just about you." he finishes.
Kissing you hard again, he urges your hips to move again and you can't find it in you to disobey. So you dry hump his thigh till you're boneless. Three more orgasms later your underwear and leggings are a mess. Then once you regain the use of your legs you help Joel to bed. Slipping in next yo him again and relishing how perfect all this felt.
You just hoped that there weren't going to be any more surprises along the way.
For updates follow @albertasunrise-ficsblog
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Happening now: The Terror February Flash 2025!
The Terror February Flash is an annual fest celebrating our cold boys via fic, art, vids, and other forms of fannish expression.
Why February? Because Something Something Valentine's Day. Why Flash? Because this is a low-pressure, almost-anything-goes prompt meme with a short creation period.
This is mostly a P!atC Server Event, where we will rejoice and squee about each work coming in during February, but anyone with an AO3 account can participate. We'll also post a masterlist to Tumblr at the end of the event.
Schedule for 2025:
Sign-ups and prompt posts: Jan 28 - Feb 6 Prompt claims and creation period: Feb 6 - Feb 28 Works can be posted to the collection any time during the creation period.
Prompts and fills can be posted anonymously if desired.
Is this a fic exchange?
No. February Flash is a prompt meme, that means participants will not get matched one-on-one and assigned to a gift recipient as is the case in exchanges. So no one is guaranteed a "gift", but there's also much less pressure on participants. Members sign up and post prompts until the defined deadline (see the schedule). Prompts can be claimed by anyone who has an account on the AO3, and the resulting fanworks need to be posted to the collection any time during the creation phase according to schedule. If you need more detailed information on how a prompt meme works (e.g. how to edit your prompts, where to find your claimed prompts etc), please see this section in the AO3 FAQ.
Do I need to be signed up to claim & fill a prompt? What if I missed the sign-up phase?
Admittedly, the term "sign-up" is a tiny bit misleading. The "sign-up" form is for submitting your prompts; if you would like to claim & fill prompts without submitting a prompt yourself, then you do not need to go through the "sign-up" form. Just browse the list of prompts other fans submitted and use the "claim" button to pick whatever tickles your muse. When you claim a prompt it shows up under "My claims" on the collection profile and under "Claims" on your own dashboard. Use the "fulfil" button to post your work, please.
Is this an anonymous event? Will there be author reveals at any point?
Prompt submission happens anonymously by default; you can override this if you want. By default all works submitted to the collection will be anonymous. There won't be a big creator reveal at the end of the fest, but creators can choose individually whether they want a specific work to stay anonymous or not by letting the mod know.
Can I crosspost my fic/art/vid/etc. to Tumblr/Bluesky/Twitter?
Certainly, if you don't mind deanoning yourself! You can crosspost anywhere you want to (use the tag #theterrorfebruaryflash or ping @theterrorfebruaryflash on Tumblr), but in order for the work to be part of the collection, you need to also post it on the AO3 via the claim/fill button. Don't just link to your art, please, but embed it in the work page.
1. February Flash is an event for adults as some prompts or fanworks might be mature or explicit. By taking part you confirm that you are 18 or older.
2. The focus of your work must be on the show The Terror, season 1. AUs, RPF, and crossovers with other fandoms are allowed.
3. All ratings are welcome in this fest. Don't shy away from explicit stuff; prompt memes have a history of PWP works. However, when you fill a prompt please stick to the preferred rating of the prompter (if stated in the prompt).
4. All genres welcome, including darker subjects if the prompter asks for them (as long as DNWs are respected). Use the AO3 warnings if applicable.
5. All categories (slash, gen, femslash, multi, QPR etc.) and pairings welcome!
6. Prompts can be filled by more than one person. You can even fill the same prompt multiple times – the "fulfil" button will show up on the prompt you claimed even if you have already used it for posting a work before.
7. Participants can fill as many prompts as they want to. You can even fill your own prompt.
8. Please list your DNWs (Do-Not-Wants) in the prompt if you want to avoid certain types of content, e.g. rape or permanent character death or specific tropes. When you submit several prompts, please state your DNWs for each. We kindly ask you to not abuse the DNW system: keep it short and simple, and don't box in your creator. You cannot DNW a type of fanwork (e.g. art, podfic etc.) unless there is an honest reason for this (e.g. if vids make you dizzy or you cannot enjoy visual art due to medical restrictions, then it is of course important to mention this). When you fill a prompt, please respect the DNWs listed in the request.
9. All types of fanworks are welcome in this fest: fic, poetry, filks, art, vids, podfic, 3D-crafts, textile art etc. Embed your image/video/audio on the work page. Made a giant cake in the shape of the tuunbaq? Post the photos. Even if a prompt is phrased for fic, it can still be used as inspiration for all kinds of fanworks. The spirit of this fest is: pretty much anything goes as long as you respect the prompter's maximum rating, the chosen pairing(s) (if any), and the DNWs. A prompt is not a commission – artistic license is very welcome here, and our creators are encouraged to use the details given in the prompts as inspiration, not as a list of requirements.
10. Minimum word count for written fanworks is 100 words, with the exception of poetry (no minimum word count for poems). There is no maximum word count. Minimum for art: a doodle or clean sketch (on unlined paper, if you use traditional media); manips are permitted. No banner or icon art, please, unless it accompanies a work of fiction. Absolutely no AI-generated art or fic or vids allowed!!
11. Fanworks in languages other than English are allowed. As this is not a one-on-one gift exchange, but a prompt fest, fanworks in languages other than English are absolutely permitted and welcome! Each prompt can inspire a wide variety of fanworks, and as long as you respect the DNWs and the maximum rating of the chosen prompt, it’s all fine!
12. Works posted to the collection must be new (created for this fest and unpublished) and complete. No WIPs or placeholder uploads! If you post a work with more than one chapter, it must be completed before the end of March 2025. Podfics of older and published works are allowed, as the podfic itself counts as new work.
13. Last but not least: Be courteous to the other participants, act in good faith and assume good faith. For all questions, please contact the mod (here via Ask, or see the email address on the AO3 collection profile). We are happy to help!
#the terror#the terror amc#amc the terror#cold boys#polar explorers#franklin expedition#theterrorfebruaryflash
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Turning Point - Part 3
Characters: Poly!LADs x gn!mc
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Injuries, Angst, Loss of Arm, Lots of emotional struggle with disability.
Word Count: 3811
Written: 5th January 2025
Notes: Pre-relationship with gn!MC with all LADs, with my personal pov of the game and lil headcanons littered in. Unnamed MC, but using my personal MC's basic appearance and adjusted backstory. I take some liberties with what the game offers me. I'm not going to go into every detail of adapting to a prosthetic, there's a lot of stages. For anyone curious, MC uses a multi-grip prosthetic, that relies on electric signals from their residual limb to help communicate movement, using a specialised (fantasy) metal because it's adapted for their job. Also the general adaptive time for one can be up to a year, (even longer depending on how much it needs adjusting and how much active support you have). I'm cutting it down to six months overall (though they continue to learn better ways to use it going forwards). On account of the LADs world having stuff like... AI Robots that can have a conversation with you in the streets, and magic powers. I don't know how long this will be, or how many parts. I have a horrifying number of notes... I guess we'll see how long I can go before my brain shuts down.
Now Playing: The Line, by Twenty One Pilots
Masterlist AO3
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You spend the next few days going through the motions.
You exist where you should be striving, and you breathe where you know you're supposed to laugh.
It's empty, but the angry beast in your heart doesn't snap and growl and howl. Demanding blood as recompense for an existence you cannot justify.
Looking in a mirror has become… difficult, so when you brush your teeth, or wash your face, too stubborn to let anyone help when your hand trembles, and you spill your things on the floor. You stare down. At the floor, as you go through motions you know like the back of your scarred hand.
There are moments when life bubbles up, but it is short and it is tired and you only feel it when you have others around you to bring it out. To ease life back into a hand that's become a claw. Smoothing the stretching torn skin, and tending to broken nails.
You go through the motions, because they wait for you on the other side of the door. If you cannot live for you, you will always live for others.
Sometimes it is all you can do, to motivate your broken heart to beat one more day.
Zayne comes with you to the hospital, to check in with your specialist. A warm older woman, who reminds you too much of Gran to not make you feel like you're seeing ghosts. It's a feeling mixed with guilt, and a small amount of fear. Unbidden but lurking. Everytime she, Meredith, touches you, an ache sparks in your heart.
A memory like static hits you, and you have to steady your breath and your heart with a firm hand before you can resume listening.
If you can even be said to be listening.
You're checked over, made sure that your injuries haven't been made worse by your isolation and lack of care. You're lucky, you're told. That someone found you, that they came to you, brought you back to the hospital.
You want to snap back that luck doesn't tear your arm from your shoulder.
That you're not lucky. You're not brave.
You're not anything.
Zayne is commended for his sutures, and his quick care, he barely responds, hand firmly in your one. Squeezing, loosening his grip, squeezing. Self comforting himself as much as he is comforting you. You return the gesture, staring out the window. Trying to take yourself somewhere else. Somewhere without white walls, and terrible motivational posters.
Somewhere where this ghost of your grandma isn't hovering over you. Where you're not hearing talk about next steps.
Somewhere warm maybe.
His hand grounds you, keeps you tethered. Part of you wants to release and let yourself float, the other is scared to disappear into the clouds without him. So you stay, and you hold on. Like you're a balloon he keeps around his wrist.
"Let's check your prosthetic fit. It will need adjustments going forwards as you learn to use it."
You're somewhere in the room, staring at yourself as you nod, a hand on your shoulder as your shirt buttons are loosened. As straps are pulled and tightened around skin. Even half aware they feel raw. Itching and burning against you.
Unwanted. Unwelcome.
It's a distant pair of eyes that gaze at the limb fitted into place, staring at the metal. You blink finally. Clearing your head to look. Just… look.
You think back to the bathroom with Rafayel. His gentle hands soothing dirt from your skin, and his eyes glowing as they look at you. You think to a gentle hand stroking your head as you fall into sleep, starry blue eyes watching you carefully. You think about a crow bringing you snacks, of red eyes watching you warmly over a bowl. You think about a doctor's hand in yours, easing the scars over, like you've done to his.
You think about the pieces of you twisted and bunched and stuffed under skin that fits too tight. You think about the pain of waking up every morning now. Of avoiding your own gaze in the mirror.
You think of a limb you can still see the metal piercing through.
You aren't sure how to answer her. Too many things bundled up in your head, struggling to filter and file and understand which is which.
Zayne gives a gentle tug, looks down at you, forest eyes glimmering. Absently you think you see fear, like you're going to disappear, if he lets you go. Float away on a weak breeze.
It should shame you. Feeling this weak.
You're just so tired.
When he speaks, he soothes with his thumb, pressing into skin and drawing the infinity sign against you, "Is it rubbing painfully anywhere?" He clarifies the question.
The noise filters back a little, giving you a direct pathway to your answer, "The straps. They hurt."
The doctor nods to herself, she writes notes down and adjusts them. "They'll soften over use, you'll need to clean them weekly at least, leather conditioner can help ease the initial discomfort."
The raw rubbing softens a little, still too hyper aware of the feeling, you twitch away from her when she adjusts where the metal and sheath touches your skin. "Does it hurt?"
"No. Your hands are cold."
Her laugh reminds you of Gran too, and you can feel the walls getting closer. You have to hold it together. You have to keep it together.
You can't break down here. You can't. You have to be stronger than this.
It's like there's a lump in your throat. A feeling like you're going to be sick, maybe cry. Maybe both.
You can't be weak here.
"Can we take a minute, Doctor Rin?" Zayne asks, voice calm but cool. Like he isn't really asking, like it's a formality. Respect for someone who knows how to help you.
She leans back and nods, "Of course." She looks over at you and smiles, and it's too warm and kind to not make you flinch back, "Take a few minutes outside."
You can't respond because the lump in your throat is rising.
Don't cry.
With a steady hand on your back, Zayne leads you away from the room, steering you through the corridors of Akso. Out into the courtyards. Where it's quiet. Where no one can watch as you finally crack.
As you gulp, and cover your mouth. Trying to force it down as you hiccup and gasp.
There's a burning in your shoulder, everytime you feel the brush of metal, the chill through the sheath. You feel the cool straps, refusing to take your body heat. You reach up with your hand to pull them off but a hand takes yours. Holds it, as another releases the buckles. Removes the offending thing.
Gently. Carefully. Reverently.
He places it down on a bench, then pulls you closer. Rubbing warm circles into your shoulder and skin through your shirt. You cling to his, trembling until the feeling eases out. Relieved from your confines.
From the woman who brings ghosts to your door.
From the memories of ice cold pain and scorching blood.
"What do you need?"
You shake your head. Too much. You want this nightmare to be over. You want to wake up and things be easier. You want things you can't have.
You want to feel strong. Brave. Complete.
A hand, cool to the touch but accompanied by a warm gaze, turns your head. Looking up, as he wipes tears that have escaped against your will. "Do you want another doctor?"
Yes. No.
The ghost of Gran scares you as much as she comforts you.
Meredith Rin is top of her field. You know that. Logically it makes no sense, to turn down the woman who can have your back, get you through this.
If you want to move forward, you have to try. You have to.
"No." You choke out, shaking your head in his grasp, leaning into his palm, "No."
He seems relieved, face relaxing a little, "Very well, I've read her recommendations, testimonies from patients. I trust her abilities."
If he trusts her, you think you can too. You trust him right now, more than you can ever hope to trust yourself. Scared of ghosts and monsters lurking in the shadows.
Scared of yourself.
"Do you want to go home?"
Yes. You do. You do. You want to be anywhere but the hospital. You're so very tired of hospitals.
It is the feeling of fatigue. The feeling of knowing the corridors better than you want to. Of knowing the faces of the doctors. Of knowing the other patients who visit frequently.
It is not just Zayne that tethers you to the hospital, it is the heart in your chest, the illness in your life, the injuries from your job, and now the prosthetic on the bench.
"Darling." His thumb eases, soothes, wipes at fresh tears, "I'm here."
You think about hospital appointments that Caleb had joined you for. How he'd written notes and focused so you didn't have to. Keeping you tethered.
Zayne looks at you with warm, beautiful eyes, and offers you his stability and his brain to keep you standing. Where you waver.
So you shake your head, "I can do it." You can. You can do it. You're not alone, you can do it.
"If you need to leave, tap my hand twice, alright?" It's an offer to escape, but it's spoken with pride in his voice, as you stand a little taller.
Your nod is firmer than before, and this time when he picks up the prosthetic, you can look at it a little longer. Maybe soon you'll look at it and look forwards.
Rafayel is trying to focus on his work. He has an exhibition coming up, that he would cancel if he didn't have some degree of guilt for the stress it would cause Thomas. He doesn't mind tormenting the man occasionally, but breaking promises… it's not something he can bring himself to do. He's not a hypocrite.
If he waited every year for you to return to that beach, he'll carry out the promises he's made to finish his art.
He's only half paying attention to his canvas, though. Paint on his brush drying in the air, because he keeps looking over at you.
You're sat with Xavier, as you work through exercises to help with balance. He can see the strain in your back. A loose vest worn so you don't rub at the shoulder. You wince, but push.
Rafayel's paintbrush is set to the side, sketchbook picked up, and he works.
You are a vision in charcoal, when you finish an exercise you exhale in relief, before moving on. Every hurdle cleared no matter how tall, has you stabilise. Visibly relaxing, flinching less when Xavier's hands touch you. The prince is careful, gentle and observant.
There's life to his page again, he isn't sure he'll ever show you the sketches of you like this. Scars on your skin, hurting, but he keeps it in case there is a day you ask. So he can show you that you live and you move. That stumbling and hurting is ok.
Rafayel records you in sketches because he values every version of you, and he hopes one day you see that, and believe it.
As you finish for the day, falling to the floor, lying down. Breathing heavily, and worn out fully. He hears a soft laugh, "I'll get some water." The prince heads off to the kitchen, while Rafayel puts his work down, closing the sketchbook carefully, and approaching you. So that he can look at you, upside down, nose inches from yours.
"Hey cutie. Nice work."
You hesitate before smiling. It's not the smile you've worn before, but it's not a fake one. It's just tired. He might not understand the feeling fully, but he knows how hard struggling is. How it drains you. He also knows that no matter how proud you can be, stubborn and biting at the bit to be strong, that he should commend every action.
Even if you huff that it should be a simple achievement. It is not, not some days. Some days, he watches you give in. Some days, you power through better than others.
Today you almost gave up, before getting fiery and angry at yourself. Growling and forging on.
So he will commend you, because he wants you to value the effort.
"You're cute upside down too."
This time you do exhale a laugh, hand reaching up to poke his forehead. You miss, frown, and try again. "You're silly."
He joins you on the floor, lying with his head at yours, his legs up on your sofa. Face turned to you. Neither of you make a move to sit up, it is comfortable to simply lie, and stare up at the dimmed lights. "You're doing well."
A shaky exhale is his immediate answer, but you nod, "I'm trying."
He wants to say that trying is enough, he doesn't know if that's the right thing to say, but instead he reaches over towards your hand, and takes it in his. He can watch as the furrow in your brow eases, frown easing a little. He thinks you're finally trying to rely on them. To find comfort in their presence.
To not feel alone.
"It's hard," You speak, guilt in your voice, like you're confessing a sin. He squeezes, so you continue, "I feel pathetic, and sometimes I feel angry. So angry." You look at him, eyes glistening and he nods, "I want to give up."
"But you don't." He offers, watching your eyes waver, you can't hold his gaze for long, but he knows you're still keeping focus on him. Grounding yourself. "I'm glad that you're working through it."
Your exercises exhaust you, movement is harder now so he watches you fray. You let them handle things, food, cleaning, so you can focus on recovery. Rafayel is pleased, smug almost, that his presence here allows for that. It's a warm heat in his chest, like he's watching the tides, because if he can help you stand up tall again, he'll do anything for you.
You don't speak for a while, simply breathing through, relaxing and calming yourself. He reaches his other hand over to brush hair from where it sticks to your skin, revelling in the small shudder he gets from the sensitivity.
He will always be too sensitive to everything you do.
Xavier sits then, on your other side, and he looks up as you look at the glass in the prince's hand.
You release Rafayel's hand, pushing yourself up, shaking your head at the offer of help, and lean over a little to take the glass. Xavier's hand stabilising your back.
As he watches you, Rafayel thinks about your impatience, to be useful again. Back in the field. To overcome the hurdles despite the fact you wish to give up, he returns to his sketchbook.
With a quick pen, a dagger takes pride of place in the centre of his page.
"We are not eating fish every night."
"Who made you the boss?"
"Variation is important in a diet."
"Fish is good for you!"
"Except for one big one."
You leave your bedroom after a nap, to find Sylus, Rafayel and Zayne in the kitchen.
Sylus has instructions on his phone, as he chops vegetables, while Rafayel is sat on the counter, trying to… you assume sabotage his efforts.
Zayne has his head in his hands, trying to read what you can tell is your treatment schedule. "Can the both of you act your age?"
"Tell that to the fish."
"I have a name, crow!"
You feel the laugh bubble out of you unbidden. The image is so out of sorts, and so ridiculous. Sylus of the N109 Zone, and Rafayel the lemurian artist. Arguing in your kitchen. That's far smaller than either of them are probably used to.
While your doctor sits and grumbles at them, barely trying to keep them from killing each other.
They turn at the sound, three pairs of stunning eyes, focusing on you as you try to cover your mouth to keep the laugh from escaping.
It doesn't work though. You laugh, and you laugh, and you laugh.
It's almost hysteric. Like a collapse, like walls crumbling down, and foundations falling.
It's euphoric. A release of pent up feelings you keep struggling to let out.
It's relieving. Tears flowing with it. Hiccups starting, laughter into sobs, then laughter again.
It's stupid but it throws something off of you. A beast of a burden, clinging to your back. Trying to pull you down.
It settles at your ankles, clinging to you, but you can stand up a little taller.
The monster that lurks, that angers, that demands blood. The creature that tells you to give up. It silences itself, curling up, and slumbers. Not forever. It never leaves forever, but for a little while… it is chased away by the realisation that you have something still to see.
These foolish men, living their lives alongside you.
Sylus' eyes are molten pools of affection as he watches you, lips quirking into that small smile you know intimately. "What do you want, kitten?"
"Cutie will make the right choice!"
As you approach, sitting beside Zayne at the counter who wipes your face as you do so, you smile softly, "I want salmon."
Rafayel lets out a whoop, way too close to Sylus' head, who winces and glares at him.
"You truly are a cat, kitten." He tuts, but moves to the fridge to grab it from the groceries Xavier had picked up earlier before heading off for a mission.
Zayne had given him a strict list of food that are good to eat when you are in recovery… even if some cookies had snuck their way into the list.
You try not to think about how you should be out there with him.
Zayne lets out an exhale next to you, "Finally, that argument is over."
"The doctor was very unhelpful." Sylus inputs, raising a brow at the man.
"As long as it's healthy, I don't mind what you prepare." He pushes the schedule close to you, so you don't have to lean over to watch, "I've been making notes for what we can do at home to help alleviate the time spent in the hospital."
You blink at him, and he pushes his glasses up to smile, "Is that alright?" It's a small nod, you're not sure how to explain to him how seen you feel with them.
It's been a long time since there was security in your life. You wish it had come at a time where you also didn't feel like you're standing over the edge of the abyss… but the safety net you can see below you finally… well… going through the motions is looking less like a chore.
"When do you start your prosthetic training?" Raffy asks, swinging his legs.
You check the documents, because you truly can't remember much of what was said to you verbally, and you'd been avoiding reading them since you received them. "A week."
"I'll send a copy around to everyone, if you're alright with it?"
You nod, it's an easy thing to agree to. You think about them finding you curled up in the blanket. It can't get much worse than that…
"Is your exhibit going well, Raffy?"
The man in question jumps, and you think he looks a little guilty, "I have one more thing to finish, it's giving me trouble, but I'll get there. Promise you'll come see it?"
It's hard to promise anything, caught in jewel eyes, watching them like a shimmering luminescent sea. You don't want to let Rafayel down, if you can't go. If you're too tired. If you're sick. If you just can't bear to be out.
What do you want to do? Plays in a loop in your head. If you can, what do you want?
You think about how Rafayel holds to promises like they mean everything. You think about the feeling you have sometimes like you've broken one without meaning to. You think about how warm his voice is when he forgives you if you can't go out with him because you hurt too much or are too tired, long before now. In a way you can't fake your way through, despite how much you hate letting your body pull you down.
It's easy then. What you want… the picture is clearer.
"I promise Raffy." Because as long as you can, you will. Because he'll understand if you can't. If your body hurts too much, if your fatigue is too great, if you're drowning.
His smile is so relieved, so bright, you almost look away from him.
An artist could try to capture him, and fail a million times over. He is too beautiful, and too kind, to ever be recorded on paper or canvas.
"How come the invite wasn't extended to all of us, fish?" Sylus teases, flicking some water off his hands at Rafayel's face. Who instantly looks like a startled cat in response.
"Why would anyone want you there crow?"
"You doubt my eye for beautiful things?"
"I doubt your taste in anything but cutie."
The man laughs, amused and unbothered by the insult, "Perhaps you should paint them, I'll definitely appreciate the art then."
Despite your nap, as you watch them, as the room is warm, you find yourself leaning into Zayne. Eyes drooping, he adjusts himself to place an arm around your waist, "You should go to bed if you're still tired."
The disgruntled mumble makes him huff a soft laugh, but he allows you to stay leaning into his side, as he turns paper, and reads. "Your specialist's work is very clear." He hums in approval.
"Approval from Doctor Li." You manage to tease, "I'm in good hands."
"You are. Though it took a little while to convince Sylus of that."
The man in question half shrugs as he stirs a pot, "There is no compromise with your health Kitten, I'd drag a doctor from halfway across the world if I had to."
This time Raffy nods, as though it's an obvious thing. To have the money to do that. Or, you think in Sylus' case, the power to do that. You'd be a little worried about the doctor's state of mind though. Kidnapped by a criminal and dragged to Linkon.
"It'll be ok." You manage, though sleep is pulling you under yet again. The net is there, ready to catch you. You feel a kiss pressed against your head, but it is dim and it is far away, and you fall before you can respond.
#zayne#zayne x reader#rafayel#rafayel x reader#xavier#xavier x reader#sylus#sylus x reader#love and deepspace#lnds#lads#wonder writes#lads x reader#Zayne lads#rafayel lads#Xavier lads#Sylus lads#lads x mc#poly!lads#smau
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Stupid Sexy Tree Trimming
Prompt: Tree 🎄 Rating: T 🎄 Words: 999 Tags: Established Relationship, Suggestive Language, Pre-Thanksgiving Christmas Tree, The Party shenanigans, The Inherent Intimacy of Tree Trimming @steddieholidaydrabbles Ao3
“Ok, who’s gonna be my fluffer?”
Eddie pauses with the front door still open, dried leaves blowing in on the fall wind, and blinks at what he just heard his boyfriend say from the other room. He has to imagine it’s not what it sounded like, so he just shuts the door and drops his bag and jacket by the coat closet.
“I’ll get your balls!”
Now that brings him up short, because Jonathon has who’s what?! What’s he even doing here? Didn’t Steve say they were gonna have a nice, quiet evening in?
“Ugh no. You’re not fluffing right. Here watch this. You grab here and pull up, down, over. And then repeat that. Up, down, over. Up, down, over. See? Much better.”
Well, now this is getting ridiculous, because what is Jonathon and Nancy doing here? And doing something that involves fluffing, grabbing, pulling...and balls?
Eddie finally makes it down the hall and turns the corner to see...a mess. That’s what they’re all doing here: making a giant mess that’s taking up every surface of the room.
And at the heart of the mess is Steve.
Well, Steve and half a tree?
Eddie gives an impressed whistle at the display, startling several of the kids who are sitting on the floor with piles of old newspaper and ornaments around them,
Steve looks up at him and his face lights up.
Oh yeah, Eddie will never get tired of that. Definitely one of his Top 5 Favorite Steve Faces™
“Eddie! You’re back early!”
Not one of his top 5 favorite phrases though. That one always means someone’s up to something.
“Yeeeeah, sooo. What’s going on here? And why is that tree naked?” He says pointing at the limbless tree trunk Steve’s standing next to.
“Oh! Ha, yeah. It’s our Christmas tree!” he gestures toward the tree and then to the kids bickering on the floor, “The kids came over and then one thing led to another and I was dragging the box down from the attic and they were pulling down the boxes of ornaments and decorations and I know we were going to wait until December to decorate for Christmas but-”
“Hey hey,” Eddie gently steps through and around the kids and piles of stuff on the floor, pushing aside a huge cardboard box, “It’s fine! I was just surprised. And confused. When we talked about putting up a tree, I thought you’d want to go get a real tree. You know, chop it down and drag it home, all that.”
He made it through to the other side, Steve taking his hands so he could step over a pile of tree limbs without falling on his face.
“Nope, no real trees in this house.” He starts taking the limbs from the pile at their feet and matching the colors on the stems to the little holes on the trunk. Eddie grabs up a handful of branches to hand them one by one to Steve.
He continues, “My parents used to get a huge real tree before I was born and even when I was little, but after a few years they realized it was the tree giving me terrible sinus infections every winter. So they got this tree and I’ve had healthy Christmases ever since!” he huffs out a chuckle, “They also realized it was a lot cleaner without the pine needles falling everywhere and no one had to climb under the tree to water it. So a win win for everyone!”
“Huh, didn’t know you had tree allergies.” He says as Robin hands him a pile of fresh properly fluffed branches. He hands a few to Steve and starts adding his own to the little slots.
Humming to himself, he blithely continues, “We’ll have to invest in one of these for our place then. Only happy, breathable Christmases for us!”
Steve sucks in a breath, “Our place?”
Silence rings out from behind him. Eddie turns to see the older teens gathering up the kids, Robin trying to stay behind and getting bodily shoved out by Nancy and Jonathon.
“What?” Eddie turns back to see Steve gazing at him, eyes shining.
“You wanna move in together? Have Christmases together? Even though we’ve only been dating a month?”
“Well, yeah. Don’t you?”
And there it is again, quickly becoming his #1 Favorite Steve Face™, that light beaming from his wide smile and scrunched up eyes, all right before he picks Eddie up and spins him in a tight circle.
“Yesyesyes, of course!”
They come to a stop and Steve presses a hard kiss against his mouth, Eddie softens it holding his jaw gently. He slowly pulls away to rest his forehead against Steve’s. They can’t stop grinning and softly laughing.
“Can we come back now!”
“Are you getting engaged!”
“I still have your balls!”
“Ew! Stop saying that!”
Laughing, Steve pulls back to yell back, “Yes! Come back in! No! We’re not engaged!” he catches Eddie’s eyes and whispers, “Someday?”
Eddie presses his own hard kiss against Steve’s lips, backing up far enough to whisper, “Someday. Also. Why does Jonathon keep talking about your balls?”
Steve throws his head back, cackling.
“Christmas baubles,” He gets out through a laugh. “Mike hates it, so Jonathon thinks it’s hilarious.”
“Oh, I need to get in on that.” He pecks a kiss on Steve’s lips before turning around, throwing an arm out in proclamation. “I get to hold Steve’s balls next! Hand them over Jon, you’ve had them long enough. They’re officially mine now, almost engaged and everything!”
Mike glares from his spot on the floor. “Stop. You’re not funny.”
“Oh, I don’t know. Steve?”
“So funny, baby,” Steve wraps an arm around him, speaking low in his ear. “But, maybe we finish this tree now and then you can handle some other baubles later?”
Turning in his arms. he leers, “Oh Stevie, I can’t wait to trim your tree tonight. But this time? I get to be the fluffer.”
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you mentioned wife being the first person javi opened up to about his mother.
imagine him walking with her around his fathers ranch and just showing her all the places from his childhood, his favourite hiding spots etc and causally just mentioning his mum here and there. reader is clinging to his arm and just basking in the day.
at night they’re staying in his childhood bedroom since it got late and they had quite a few beers with Chucho and eventually javi is holding wife/then girlfriend close and just says “i’ve never told anyone about my mother before like this” or something like that ahhh
Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N: This is extremely personal for me to write about as a person who knows what it is like to lose a parent when you are young. I have written this with utmost gratitude to Hubby Javi because I can process some feelings through him. I hope you enjoy this harsh thing. I hope you know that this heals me and I hope it heals other people too. It might not be completely how you wanted it but I hope you like it better.
Summary: Javier opens up about the loss of his mother inside his childhood bedroom.
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader (no y/n)
Tags: +18 smut, angst, talk about abusive parenting, talk about grief, descriptions of a child experiencing grief and the loss of a parent, descriptions of cancer and its effects physically and emotionally, talk about death obviously, hurt/comfort, love confessions, openness is beautiful!!! kisses, clit stim, sex to deal with emotions
Word count: 4.7k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56911576
About two months ago, you promised Chucho Peña that you would help him with the annual apple harvest and suddenly, the leaves are turning brown, and September begins with magazines filling up with apple pie recipes.
Today, you have dressed the part for a weekend on your father-in-law’s ranch with your boyfriend. Dressing the part means that you have gone out to buy yourself a pair of denim overalls that make you look mostly like a caricature of a farm girl. Javier promises that he finds it sort of endearing, reassuring you every time you bring it up with embarrassment on your face.
“Stop worrying,” he says as he wipes his forehead with the back of his hand, standing on a ladder that you are holding whilst he plucks apples off what seems like the millionth tree in the orchard, “He likes you, baby.”
“I should have just gone with my usual clothes,” you argue with a little sigh. Javier doesn’t know how much it means to you that you aren’t seen as foolish, how much it would hurt to find out that you are seen as the butt of a joke behind closed doors. He doesn’t know how much you need this approval because Chucho Peña is the kindest and most gentle and attentive older man you have ever met, treating you like his own child with a soft mija (my girl/daughter) that had been enough for you to excuse yourself for a moment the first time you had heard it. He is not at all like your own father.
“You’re making an effort that doesn’t go unnoticed,” Javier offers as a consolation after you have stayed silent for a little too long, stepping down the ladder and taking off his work gloves. He stuffs them into his belt and kisses you with another reassuring smile, “He likes you.”
“I guess I'll just have to trust you,” you sigh dramatically and Javier pulls you into an embrace, the chuckle he lets out vibrating against your chest. You feel his lips pull into a smile as he rests his mouth against your cheek.
“You are kind and honest,” he compliments and sways you from side to side as he holds you close. You wrap yourself around him too, listening to his sweet words and breathing in his scent, “And he thinks the world of you. I might actually start to feel a little jealous.”
A little smile forms on your face as he squeezes you tighter and when he pulls back just a bit to kiss you, you nod at him, trying to play it cool despite thoughts of self-doubt nagging at you, “I did warn you about how I get around parents..”
“I know, mi amor (my love), I know,” he acknowledges and holds you close again, “But you did enough to charm him the first time to be invited back. And the overalls really do sell it.”
“Shut up,” you groan as he snickers in your ear. He always manages to make your heart flutter in your chest, teasing you relentlessly but grounding you as he does it. None of your baggage is too big for him, even as you present it with trembling hands from how heavy it feels to you.
“Just a few more minutes here and we can have a well-earned fucking break. I love you but not enough to skive off in my Dad’s garden,” he tells you and starts to loosen you from his embrace, “That okay?”
You nod and then you finally break apart. Javier gets back onto the ladder to pick the remaining apples off the tree in front of you. He starts the repetitive task once again, handing each one to you so you can carefully put them in the basket on the ground so they don’t bruise. While you do it, you find your mind drifting to the day you met Chucho.
You remember the drive to the ranch, your heart pounding in your chest at a million miles per hour, and the fake smile you had given Javier each time he had asked if you were okay. During your stay for dinner and drinks, and as you smiled and charmed, you hid the anxiety until you were all the way back at Javier’s apartment once more, only then letting your facade crumble and telling him that the dizzying nervousness he had seen on the drive back had nothing to do with his father and everything to do with your own.
Javier had asked you if your parents had ever hurt you and with a shaky voice, you’d had to explain that while the answer was no, what you received instead of deliberate cruelty was cruel indifference.
“I don’t know what’s worse,” you had said with stinging tears in your eyes, “Being hurt or being invisible.”
“You’re not invisible to me,” Javier had whispered into your hair. He had held you tightly that evening, right in his hallway, feet planted on the floorboards that have become yours too, his arms a harbor of reassurance that things will never be like that again, “I will never allow anyone to treat you like that again.”
Now, as you place another apple gently in the basket, you think about how different Chucho Peña is from your father. Chucho’s attention is genuine and warm, listening to you with the same interest as Javier shows too, letting you know where some of your boyfriend’s mannerisms come from, whereas your parents’ show of care was always fleeting and conditional to the point where you wondered why they even decided to have you.
“Hey,” Javier’s voice breaks through your thoughts. He’s looking down at you from the ladder, concern on his face and gloves already off again, “¿Estás bien? (You okay?)”
“Yeah, sorry,” you feel embarrassed that it’s so evident on your face that you aren’t at ease but decide to be honest, “Just thinking about parents and overalls.”
Javier steps down onto the gravel again, laying the gloves on the top step of the ladder. He tuts, face serious for a moment.
“C’mon, you’ve been standing in the sun too long. Let’s take a break now and go for a walk in the garden. Still got a lot to show you,” he says with his hand reaching out for you. You take it with an unsure smile, but as you are interlocking your fingers and gently swaying your arms between your bodies as you start walking, you find that it feels more than alright to let yourself be comforted by him.
Javier leads you through the apple trees until you are out of the orchard completely. He talks quietly about the ranch but there’s a slight hesitation to dig deeper than the materials and the construction of his childhood home. You decide not to push it, knowing that it was not easy to reveal your secrets, and instead admire the many flowers that will bloom in next year’s Spring.
Javier seems to notice you taking in all the different bushes and flowers and you’ll never admit to seeing his shoulders slump slightly just before he starts talking again, “Mom loved this garden, you know. She spent hours here, tending to every single plant until her fingertips were green and dirt-smudged. I used to follow her around, pretending to help but mostly just getting in the way.”
“Didn’t get into trouble, did you?” You tease and lean into him as you walk.
“Loads and I would hide up there when she got angry with me,” he points to an old and slightly weathered oak tree, a rope ladder in even worse condition hanging down the trunk, “But she’d always soften if I apologized. Once she said she liked her hyacinths without their heads to make me feel better.”
“I’d swap parents in a heartbeat,” you sigh with your head on his shoulders and he moves to let you hold onto his arm instead. He goes a little quieter and you allow him to hold onto her memory by himself for a moment, looking up to see a slight crinkle on his forehead.
“Even when you’d only have one?” He eventually murmurs into your hair and from the way he exhales, you know that he regrets saying it, “I mean… I know you would.”
“You have beautiful memories of her, I can tell,” you say as gently as possible, “If you ever want to tell me more about her, I’m here to listen, you know.”
Javier clears his throat, “Thank you.”
A moment passes but nothing more happens. This would be the perfect opportunity but the silence stretches out until you walk beside him again, holding his hand instead of basking in his half-embrace. You want to say something but you are at a loss, searching for the right words to comfort him but failing just long enough for him to change the subject.
“We should go see how far Pop has gotten,” he suggests lightheartedly and steers you back where you came from, out of what used to be his sanctuary with his mother.
“Yeah, sure, baby,” you reply.
Another time then.
When the sun has gone down behind the horizon and the cicadas have come out from their hiding places, singing their hearts out, Javier takes you to his old room upstairs. The both of you have had alcohol with dinner and while Javier had offered to take a cab, his father had scolded him for even thinking about such nonsense, telling him that it was a joy to have him home so wholeheartedly. Your father-in-law had looked at you with a warm smile as he had said it.
Now, you lie in Javier’s old bed - just a little bit too small for the both of you - with the quilted bedspread lying neatly folded in the end. It somehow feels more intimate to be in his childhood bedroom than it would be to go through his underwear drawer.
Right above you, several posters are pinned to the ceiling and overlapping each other. The corners of the posters curl slightly and their colors have dulled since the 70s but they display the men of rock bands like Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. Some display the band logos too, they exist on the CDs that you have found in Javier’s glove compartment but he never listens to them when he drives you around. You make a mental note to casually put one of them on during your drive home tomorrow.
Seeing those iconic faces from the 70s stare down at you, you can’t help but glance fondly at Javier when he isn’t looking but instead standing by the open window on the opposite wall, smoking a cigarette. Suddenly, his wardrobe consisting of denim jeans, colorful shirts, and leather jackets makes sense.
You try to imagine Don Chucho coming in here with the determination to put out the cigarette in his son’s hand, holding in a lecture that would only have made the teenager roll his eyes. Then the snark that would have come out of Javier’s mouth, his face mustache-free and full of spots, and you smile so much that you turn around onto your stomach to hide your expression in his pillow.
It smells faintly of sweat and the cheap cologne only a teenager would have bought, so you turn to peek at your boyfriend again. He taps his fingers on the window sill, overlooking the garden that you have come to learn so much about earlier.
You spot small pieces of who he is everywhere; a stack of sociology books, paperback horror books with titles in both English and Spanish. The most worn down and loved one is El Resplandor which you guess to be The Shining. There’s also a corkboard on the wall with ticket stubs and polaroids, a framed photograph on the desk that you haven’t had the courage or chance to look at yet, beside it a figurine of La Virgen de Guadalupe that’s been tipped over in what seems to be frustration. Your smile drops a little as you feel the weight of the unfairness he must have felt.
From the window, Javier exhales a puff of smoke and reaches up to rub his eye with his free hand. You glance again at the photograph on the desk, curiosity getting the better of you as you rise from the bed and walk over to it.
As expected, the picture is of Javier's mother. What you didn’t expect is seeing your boyfriend at the age of what you calculate to be younger than ten. The resemblance is striking; her features are mirrored in his even with how much he still looks like his father.
You chew on the inside of your cheek as you pick up the religious figurine next to the picture, placing her upright once more so her head is tipped toward Javier and his mother. There’s a surge of emotion in your stomach that you try to suppress, a sense of urgency to reach through the photograph and comfort the little boy who has lost half of himself.
You hear him stub out his cigarette on the wood paneling outside, followed by the dry sound of him trying to brush the ashes off the wood again with his calloused hands. In his late thirties and still acting as if he’ll get caught by his father.
He turns back towards you and you act like nothing has happened, holding out your hand for him to take. He glances in the direction of his mother’s photo but decides not to say anything even as he notices the figurine standing upright once again. You flex your fingers to draw attention to your hovering hand, “Come to bed.”
You’ve both already been in your underwear for a while since it’s late and you’re alone - the overalls hang on the back of his door, scowling at you - so he simply takes your hand and you walk backward until the edge hits the back of your legs. You let yourself fall down onto the bed and into the mattress, moving backward until there’s room for him too.
Javier sighs the second he is lying down next to you, your shoulders touching from the missing width of the bed. He turns onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow and staring down at your face.
“What?” You ask with a little smile.
There’s a flash of something in his eyes and the fact that he hasn’t said anything yet makes you want to squirm nervously. He reaches out with the arm he has been lying on, splaying his fingers against your cheek as his thumb rests underneath your chin, and then he crashes your mouths together in a kiss that you know is him resolving back to past methods of dealing with it all.
However, you find yourself kissing him back at first, grabbing his wrist, and leaning into him to make out with him in a way that his younger self wouldn’t have believed was possible to experience. There’s a warm feeling in your stomach as you tangle your legs together, desire for him swirling below your belly button.
You gasp against his lips when his free hand slips into your panties, your heart hammering in your chest as he smears some of your wetness over your clit. He rubs you off until you breathe heavily, fingertip dancing back and forth over the hard nub.
“You’re so wet,” he moans quietly and slowly increases the pressure of his fingers. He really wants you to come, it seems. You didn’t have getting laid in your boyfriend’s childhood bed down on this year’s bingo card but you can feel your orgasm approaching so damn quickly that it makes you not able to think straight.
“Baby,” you babble, horny out of your mind from the intense emotions in the air, “I’m not gonna— in your dad’s house.”
“Yes, you fucking are,” he says in a low voice, kissing your open and panting mouth to shut you up. You might come but he won’t have you making noise loud enough to reveal what you are doing. He growls in the back of his throat, “You want my fingers? Don’t reply. Just nod or shake your head.”
You dig your nails into his wrist hard enough to create little crescent-shaped marks. You want to nod your head so badly but it feels wrong to be nothing but an outlet, a distraction from what you should be talking about. So instead, you shake your head with a moan, on the brink of bursting, “Stop, Javier. Stop.”
Javier raises his brow but immediately brings his hand to a halt, watching as you whimper from being edged. You clutch at your own chest, rolling away to not tempt him to fall back into his bad habit.
“¿Qué pasa (What’s going on)?” He asks with a crease on his forehead. He tries to kiss you again but you put a hand on his chest to create some space between the two of you. He scowls, “What? You’re not having sex with me because we’re in my Pop’s house?”
“That wasn’t sex,” you bite with frustration throughout your lower body, reaching down to fix the waistband of your underwear. The fabric sticks to you and your throbbing clit tells you to beg for forgiveness so it can have its release. You ignore it, “That was you avoiding the elephant in the room with intimacy and I don’t want to be a part of that.”
Javier lets himself fall onto his back, reaching up to push the heels of his hands into his eyes. He groans and lets his palms run down his face until his arms rest along his sides again. He heaves a big sigh, “Shit. Shit, sorry.”
“It’s alright,” you promise because it is. You aren’t even mad despite how you probably should be, only feeling the way your heart aches for the boy who had to grow up too fast. Without a word, you reach down to entwine your fingers and give his hand a reassuring squeeze, “I promise. It’s okay.”
“We talk about her but we don’t talk about her,” he says to the ceiling. You go quiet and choose to simply listen instead of breaking the streak of him opening up about something so vulnerable. Instead of using your words, you rub his hand in soothing circles.
“Pop likes to mention her occasionally but it’s with a little smile on his face and a funny story,” he continues quietly, “And that’s fine. Really, it is. I like remembering the good but he says all the right things without making it hurt. It feels as though he expects me to keep all the bad in check and believe me, there was a lot of awful shit. So much that sometimes it feels like I can’t move when I am reminded of it. Hospitals with never-ending halls, that poisonous shit they shot into her veins, her losing her hair, even her goddamn eyelashes, and suddenly not—“
He stops for a moment and swallows thickly. You turn onto your side and rest your forehead against his shoulder, still clutching his hand to let him know you are not letting go. He clears his throat to sound as if his voice isn’t wavering, “Suddenly not recognizing her anymore. This terrible sight of her turning yellow during her last few weeks. I was just a kid and it was horrible and unfair. I wish he’d acknowledge how horrible and unfair it was.”
You kiss his bare shoulder a few times. There are so many things you want to say but mostly, it is that you are so sorry for what he went through.
“I think I learned that nothing lasts forever,” he adds without looking at you, staring down at where his fingers are entwined with yours. He is quiet for a moment and you feel your heart pick up in rhythm as you try to find something to fill the silence with, something that debunks that belief. However, just as you are about to say something, he speaks again, “But I would like this to be. I would like us to be forever.”
“Javi,” you finally say softly.
He lifts his gaze to lock it onto yours. He looks at his most vulnerable, eyes brown and big as he waits for you to continue. You take just a moment too long and he is off again, suddenly very chatty.
“I know I haven’t asked you to marry me,” he says, “But I promise it’s coming. I just need to get it right.”
“You don’t have to talk about that right now. You know I love you and I know you love me too; I know it’s coming,” you say to reassure, pushing the idea of only letting him speak away because this topic is too big to stay silent on, “I’m not lying here with you because I want a ring on my finger, and I’m certainly not treating it like a condition for you to open up to me. I want to know you, Javier.”
“Thank you,” Javier looks grateful to hear that, saying nothing for a moment before looking at the ceiling again. He laughs softly, “You fucking terrified me, you know, the first time we sat down together.”
“I terrified you?” You furrow your brows, huffing out a laugh of disbelief.
“I pull my grief up to every table I share with a person I would like to have in my life, mi amor (my love). I was terrified the first time we were on a date,” he admits, “I kept thinking when you were going to ask about family… If I was close to my mother. I hated to imagine the way your smile and curiosity would drop but I don’t want to just focus on the way I want to remember her. You were so kind and thoughtful and damn bright-eyed - that was before I knew about your dad - and I didn’t want to share how I actually remember her because you might have not wanted to see me like that.”
“Javi,” you let go of his hand to put your palm against his cheek, turning his head towards you. You weigh your words, “I want to know everything about you. I want to know everything about her too. Especially if you’re gonna marry me.”
“She was incredible, loved music, always honest even if it meant war, and read so many books that Pop had to build her bookcase after bookcase,” he tells you with a tremble in his voice and a tear that threatens to spill down his cheek even as he smiles in remembrance of her, “But as warm and loving as she was hard. Believe it or not, Pop used to be the softie of those two.”
“I can imagine,” you say fondly. You let your hand fall down to rest on his chest, palm laying just where his heart is.
“I don’t think I’ve seen a woman so defiant in her ways but she grew up with a lot of expectations of how she should live her life,” he continues, “I think that hardened her a lot. I think it brought a lot of trouble too. She was so fiercely independent. She was fiercely protective of me and Dad too but sometimes even more of herself. I guess I know what it’s like to defend oneself from all the bullshit people give you.”
“Fiercely protective?” You tease, “Sounds like someone I know.”
“Yeah, I guess. Maybe I got that from her,” he admits with both pride and sadness. He puts a hand on your wrist, rubbing it with his thumb as a way to fidget, “That’s why it got so hard when she got sick because that defiance just crumbled. I was just a kid but I was old enough to see through the facade she put up every day. I was happy to eat takeout all the time - I was barely ten, so who wouldn’t be? - but I knew it was because she was too exhausted to cook. The music was too loud, the TV muted so she could sleep on the couch all the time or maybe it had the sound turned up all the way because she was throwing up in the bathroom.”
It seems he cannot stop himself now, hand tightening around your wrist and tears falling from his eyes, “She would look at Pop with a scared expression because she knew she had to leave him all alone with me. I don’t think we ever talked about that fact. I think I just realized it for myself one day.”
Your chest constricts at seeing him cry for the first time in your presence. You’ve seen him in the aftermath of it on the nights when Colombia creeps into his head as he sleeps, where he excuses himself to the bathroom and comes out a few minutes later with puffy eyes and a reddened nose. Seeing him now, upset like this, hits you harder than you thought it would and your heart aches as you listen to him talk about the loss of his life.
It is years of bottled-up cruel pain and sorrow flowing out of him, so you follow your instincts and throw your arms around him even if his arm is still trapped between you. You hold him tightly and feel his reluctance for a millisecond before he allows himself to tremble in your embrace.
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that,” you say softly, “You were just a little boy, and you had to watch your mom suffer. No one should have to go through that.”
Grief is a funny thing because as you close your eyes, feeling his shuddering breaths against your chest in the midst of his emotional motion sickness, you swear that it is not an adult Javier that you are hugging but rather the version of him that had to let go of his mother.
When your muscles start to ache from squeezing him so hard, you pull back a little to stare into his tearful face, watching his eyes glisten. You wipe a tear away but it is just replaced by another.
“I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to mess this up,” he says and you’re not sure if it’s him or the little boy in him that speaks.
“You won’t,” you reassure him, your voice steady like a lifeline that he can hold onto, “I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here.”
Javier sniffles with a hesitant smile. Like the instincts of a mother, you lift the hem of your shirt to wipe a few tears from his face. You lean close to kiss him afterward and then move to lie face-to-face with him, so close that your noses almost touch. Your voice is sincere, “I know she meant a lot to you and your dad, so thank you for telling me. It sounds like she was an amazing woman. I wish I could have met her.”
“She would have loved you,” Javier replies, “She had this way of seeing right through people, knowing if they were genuine or not. And you, you’re the most genuine person I’ve ever met.”
Despite the warmth outside, you feel a different kind flow through you at those words. You brush your lips against his in a tender kiss, “I need to make sure that I tell you that I love you even more when you are so open and gentle with me.”
He looks tired now but it’s the tiredness that fills the body after relief, “I love you too.”
“I think you should get some sleep,” you say softly.
“I’ve never talked to anyone about my mother like this before,” he adds, “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You never have to find out,” you tell him and reach to rub a thumb between his eyebrows, “Close your eyes, baby. I’ll stay awake until you’re asleep.”
He does as he is told and smiles until sleep takes over, his face relaxing, his mouth going slack, and his breaths slowing down. He is so beautiful like this, looking peaceful, looking like home.
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Chapter 2 of Sonic Boom! Stone AU
Love, Trust, and a handful of thread
Finally Stone gets to serve eggman a latte with steamed Austrian goat milk
Sticks and Shadow form an alliance, besties with different trust issues yay
EDIT: I accidentally posted the unedited version on here so it's better to read the fic on Ao3!!
Meanwhile back at the cafe:
Amy apologized profusely for Stick's behavior
"I'm so sorry Mr. Stone, she's usually way nicer..." The Hedgehog's ears drooped
Stone shook his head "No need to apologize, Ms. Amy, she's not the worst customer I've ever had."
It was true because Sticks wasn't even a customer yet, she was a whole other problem...
She was getting close to blowing his cover, her theory was dangerously close to the truth, just who was that badger?
A nut job according to her friends, but she wasn't the first person to be suspicious of the human, the cops (well, cop: singular) were wary of him, warning him from causing havoc, "Eggman is enough work already!" to which Stone scoffed internally at, Sonic and his team do all the work.
He didn't want to defend "heroes" but had to admit even if it pained him, they weren't so bad, if he could divide his time between his job as a barista and his..hobby then he'd be able to maintain a somewhat normal friendship with the rodents.
Were echidnas rodents? He'd look it up later.
A little kid was sitting next to his brother eating a cupcake, his little brother started fighting him over it until it dropped for the older brother's hand.
Stone grabbed two cupcakes from behind the glass display and went to give one to each boy.
"Here you kiddos, free of charge." He smiled giving each kid a cupcake, he also briefly glared at their mom who just sat there and let them fight each other.
Sure he may be a villain but he will judge bad parents, he needed good reviews for his restaurant anyway.
Amy internally cooed at how nice Stone was to kids.
Sonic took the last sip of his coffee and patted his legs seemingly looking for his wallet, even though he wasn't wearing any pants, Stone made a face at that.
"Crap, I forgot my wallet, let me just scurry back home and grab some money, I'll be back in a blink of an eye."
"You don't have to do that, this is the first time you guys grace my cafe with your presence after all, your orders are on the house."
"That's so nice of you mister!" Tails beamed at the man, "Yeah a little too nice, you give out a lotta free stuff, money doesn't grow on trees y'know" Sonic said, there was no malice in his tone.
"Yeah, we all know money comes out of printers." Knuckles spoke between bites of his brownie.
They all stared at him for a moment.
Tails sighs "Remind me to discuss Knuckles's counterfeiting habits."
A loud blast from outside interrupted the peaceful atmosphere.
It was Eggman, of course, "Told ya' Eggman would appear sooner or later." Sonic said to Stone, "Stay right here Stones, we'll protect the place."
The moment the barista's eyes landed on the villain beyond his glass doors his heart skipped a beat, suddenly no one else existed it was just him and that man.
That maniacal laughter only served to make the pink effect around him grow even brighter and more glittery.
Or however the hell you describe Shoujo vision in writing.
The team ran out to fight the man in the egg mobile, the fight went on for a minute while Stone stared in awe at the evil doctor, admiring his every command to his robots, and how determined he was.
"Why's your face like that, Mister? And what's with all the glitter?" the little kid from earlier asked
Stone realized how odd he was behaving, he'll have to get his act together if he wants Dr. Eggman to become his new boss.
Another laser blast hit the spot right in front of his cafe if it had been any closer it would've absolutely destroyed the entrance.
He quickly adjusted his clothes and hair and sprinted toward Eggman.
"Hey! You there! uh, sir!" Stone waved to the doctor, in return he raised an eyebrow at the unfamiliar man.
He lowered his egg mobile enough to not have to raise their voices to hear each other, he yelled anyway.
"What do you want?!...and who are you." Dr.Eggman questioned, looking the man up and down.
Stone breathed in, "This is it, don't mess it up", he thought to himself.
The barista grins, "I'm Stone..my name is Stone, and this is my coffee shop, I was wondering if you could move this battle a little further away from my shop, I don't want to be destroyed...is all." Stone cleared his throat nervously.
Eggman stared at him for a moment.
"Stone! What are you doing man!? He's gonna laser blast you!" Sonic yelled out, Amy prepared her hammer, ready to protect Stone.
But Stone didn't waver or spare them a glance, he felt like this was his first test, to prove how worthy he was, so he stared right back.
Everyone in this village has a staring problem.
"...and why should I listen to you?" Eggman snarled, if it was anyone else talking to him he would've ordered a robot to throw him in the ocean immediately, but he was intrigued with this "Stone" guy, if he was speaking honestly to himself he'd admit that Stone was the most beautiful man on this godforsaken land.
Which doesn't sound that impressive since every other man was an animal.
"um... please?" Stone awkwardly tilted his head to the side.
Eggman groaned, "Okay fine! Now stop glittering!".
And with that Eggman's egg mobile floated away.
"Glittering?.." Stone parroted, he shrugged and just sighed with one last glance at Eggman.
The team quickly went after him, but Sonic zoomed back in front of Stone.
"Okay I don't know how you did that but that was impressive." He smirked before speeding back to his friends.
Soon, the team went back to their previous seats, they noticed that Stone seemed a little happier than before.
Then Eggman appeared, without his egg mobile and robots that is.
Stone's back straightened and his eyes went wide, he smiled again.
"Welcome, sir." Stone greets him as calmly as he can, "It's "Doctor"." Eggman corrected.
Stone nodded enthusiastically, "My apologies, Doctor."
The Doctor asked the questions literally everyone else has asked already, "when was this place even built?", "What are all these coffees?", "what's with the red stain on the ground?"
"Let me serve you something special, Doctor." The villain raised an eyebrow, "Just go take a seat and I'll bring it to you in no time."
And that's what the doctor did.
Stone started working on his special order, He gasped a little when he turned around and found Amy and Sonic right behind him, "Dude, do you want us to get this guy out of here?" Sonic offered, "Yeah, you don't have to serve him if you don't want to." Amy added.
"No! No no, don't do that, this is exactly what I want.." He looked back to smile at the doctor, whose back was facing him.
Amy can recognize that smile anywhere, and Sonic recognizes that pink aura...
"Oh boy." Sonic moans, "Don't be like that." Amy giggled and nudged her blue friend.
"What?" Stone asks while already turning around to resume making the drink.
"Stone..is there something you want to tell us?" Pinky sways gently.
"uh yeah, customers are not allowed behind the counter." Stone tries to hide his crimson face from the other two.
"She means about Eggman, don't tell me you got the hots for a guy that needs his robots to do every little thing for him"
"I can do every little thing for him." Stone thinks.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Stone shrugs.
Amy and Sonic exchange a look before chuckling together.
"Okay, but we're gonna kick his butt if he tries anything, just signal for us whenever." Sonic and Amy return to their friends, who have equally smug looks on their faces.
Stone finally finishes the drink and servers it.
"Here you go sir-I mean Doctor!" he stammers.
Eggman looks at it suspiciously before taking a sip, his expression changes for a second before going back to faux annoyance.
"This is...good...what is it?" "It's a latte with steamed Austrian goat milk." Stone beams, Eggman takes another sip, and Stone stands there staring at him with fond eyes.
"What? Are you just gonna stand there? Scram!" Eggman commanded.
Stone immediately obliged with the goofiest grin on his face.
Sonic and his friends were severely judging him.
15 minutes late Cubot and Orbot barged through the doors, "We fixed the Egg mobile, boss!" the two robots announced, the cube-shaped one pointed at Stone "Hey isn't that the handsome guy with the stupid grin you told us about?"
Eggman quickly got on his feet, "What? No! What are you talking about!?" And dragged his henchmen out the door.
Stone was sure that he might just die.
Sticks looked for the hedgehog, she knew this forest like the back of her claw, there were only so many caves she could look through before finding the morally ambiguous emo dude.
The purple glowing symbols on the cave's walls caught her attention, surely he was here.
She dragged her hand along the rough texture of the cave's interior, admiring it for a moment, she wondered if tails could decipher what was written.
"What are you doing here." She snapped her head around quickly to face the black and red hedgehog.
"You!" Sticks's grating voice echoed through the cave.
She stepped forward, "I need your help, this is urgent."
Shadow squints his eyes as if telling her to go on.
"There's this man- a "Stone" as he calls himself, he's pure evil I'm telling you!" She squeaked, "His coffee shop just appeared in the middle of town, and everyone seems to like him." She glared at the ground beneath her.
Shadow eyebrows furrowed his eyebrows ever so slightly, the badger's hands were at her side clenched tightly, and the hair on her head and back stood up, this was serious.
"What will I gain from helping you?" Shadow scoffs.
"It's what will you gain from not helping me, we'll all be under that man's mercy if we don't do anything." she flailed her arms around.
Shadow thought about it for a moment, he can't have somebody establishing dominance over the entire area, he can't let a lower lifeform do that...
"He wants to brainwash us all, I'm tellin' ya!", "and what good would that serve him?"
Sticks grabbes Shadow by the shoulders, "He wants to discover the village's most crucial secrets!" Shadow rolls his eyes "What 'crucial secrets' would this pathetic village even have?"
"Um, Comedy chimp's real name, the real secret ingredient in Meh Burger, Soar the eagle's shady past." She lets go of him and snaps her fingers, "Catch up, Shads."
"And why did you choose me specifically to help you?" he lifted his nose up high, "I'm sure the colorful bunch you call friends would love to help you sort this out."
"They don't believe me!" She screeched.
His face scrunched up and his ears twitched at her loud voice, "Chaos, I wonder why" The ultimate lifeform thought.
"And they're all probably brainwashed already! They ate and drank from that guy's food, it's definitely *full* of microchips." Sticks stomped her foot, "And I can't do this on my own, I need someone strong enough to handle him if I'm kidnapped!"
Shadow hums and thinks to himself...
Her theory sounded insane, yes, but anything is possible, he doesn't want to deal with the aftermath if they could deal with this before it starts to get ugly.
"...How about this." He approaches the brown and cocoa girl, "I need proof, something to go off of, I can't just dive blindly into action like I'm some...blue boy."
He puts a claw on her shoulder, "Prove to me that this man is something more than just a barista, then I will form an alliance with you."
Sticks's eyes light up with anticipation, "Deal!" she announced before grabbing his hand in a handshake.
He regrets this already.
The sun was almost setting, and Stone's off the clock.
He locked the cafe's doors and stretched his back, today was draining and eventful, now he had to go pick up some stuff for the shop and himself, and *then* he could go home.
He picks up the bag he was gonna carry groceries in.
From behind a tree nearby Sticks nudges Shadow, "Okay, he's out of the shop and he's heading for the market, we just have to wait until he's all alone, and *bam*! Catch him and make him spit out the truth!"
The hedgehog tapped his foot impatiently, "This sounds idiotic, if your theory about him being a government agent is correct how are you going to combat him to interrogate him?"
"I don't have to, I'll set up a net for him to tangle up in."
"Oh really? And how will you be able to do that if you don't know his specific path?"
"I'll follow him and when the time's right I'll run a few steps ahead and set up a trap."
Shadow snorted, "You can't possibly believe that you'll be able to set up a whole trap when you're only a few steps ahead."
Sticks crossed her arms, "are you doubting my skills? 'Cause let me tell ya' I've been hand-making nets, boomerangs, weapons, and all kinds of traps since I was a little cub! This is easier than..than.."
"taking candy from a baby?"
"Yeah!" she fumed.
"If you seriously believe that you can pull this off, then have at it, but I won't stand around and watch this pathetic display."
"Fine." She stomped and turned her back to him.
"He's gone by the way."
She gasped and stepped out of the tree's shadow and turned her head around frantically looking for the subject of her distress.
She turns back to Shadow, "This is all your fault-" Before she could point an accusing finger she realized that he had already left.
After a few minutes of looking and cursing Shadow out to herself, she finally found him.
She hid behind a stack of wooden crates staring at the human who was negotiating the price of some fruit with the merchant.
She sat there monitoring him.
The sound of the merchants, buyers, and kids all blended together as she started to space out, her thoughts becoming louder than outside noises.
Why don't her friends ever trust her? She was right that one time with Eggman's dreambot, was that not enough? Were her contributions to her team not enough?
And then here comes Shadow, her last resort.
They've only spoken once and at the end of that interaction, he dropped her from the sky!
The badger rubs her eyes before her tears fall, she was thankful that Amy wasn't here, the last thing she wanted to talk about was her feelings.
"I'll show 'em.." she mutters to herself.
She shifted her focus back to the government agent, he's been standing there since forever, what could possibly be that intriguing about fruits!?
She crawled out of her hiding spot and rolled over to hide behind a stand closer to Stone.
Her ear perked up as she tried to pick up on what Stone was saying.
"Beige berries you say?"
"I didn't say anything." The merchant deadpanned.
"A beige berry pie does sound good... you're prices are ridiculous though."
The merchant scoffed, "If you don't like it then how about you go pick the berries yourself."
"oh yeah I'll just venture into the forest while the sun is setting with zero protection just to pick berries for a pie, that sounds like a great idea."
There was a short pause... before Stone headed towards the forest to do just that.
"He's going to look for berries... I'll have to be quick and swift and precise, I only have one chance to catch him." she took a bite of her apple.
"Are you going to pay for that?" The merchant asked.
"Put it on the government agent's tab." she sprinted away.
Stone admired the forest, which I will not describe because you know what a forest looks like.
Walking through the forest at this hour was rather nice, it was quiet except for some chirping and other animal noises, and the vague sound of someone setting up a net which he would gracefully ignore.
He thought about the pie he was planning on making, would the doctor like it? Would he even come by again?
Stone didn't know why he was asking himself these questions, he wanted to be the man's henchman, nothing more, nothing less, so why did the mere thought of him make his heart flip, jump up, kick back, whip around, and spin?
He shook his head, this was no way to think of his future boss.
He kneeled to pick the berries from a bush, that bush didn't have enough to make a pie, so he'd have to continue his walk.
His mind wandered for a minute, how would he grab the doctor's attention enough to get him to even *consider* Stone as a worthy henchman? The only things he knew about him so far were that he hated the rainbow furry hero squad and he treats his robots like garbage.
Oh, and that he loved the latte he served him. Stone beamed to himself proudly at the memory, if he could sell his latte-making skills to Eggman then he could definitely sell his evil-doing skills.
He should've spoken more to him when he had the chance instead of creepily staring at him from the counter. Stone's smile fell and he inwardly cursed himself.
Whatever, what's ahead of him is more important, he still has time to figure out how to win the villain over.
"He hates those rainbow critters huh..." Stone strokes his beard, "Maybe if I can catch them for him.. he'll see how useful I could be."
He giggled to himself in anticipation, he looked back up from his feet and saw another beige berry bush a few steps ahead of him, that one will surely suffice for the pie.
He trotted towards the bush, and all of a sudden everything was upside down and his bag was on the ground with the fruits spilling out, he had let out a shriek before coming down from the initial shock with a few deep breaths.
He fought against the restraints of the net he was caught in but it just wouldn't budge, his arms were tightly bound at his sides, and his legs were also bound together, he huffed and looked around for help or any sign of whoever put him in this predicament, all he found was a wooden stick to the head and then darkness.
Stone groaned before slowly opening his eyes and quickly closing them again when the light assaulted them, which only served to make his pounding headache worse.
The sun had already set, and the only source of light was an electric lantern hanging from one of the tree branches, emitting a strong white light directly at his face, it brought back many unpleasant memories.
"Ugh..where am I?" His eyes adjusted to the light and he could make out the figure of a badger in front of him, holding his wallet, he knew this lunatic was going to be a problem, he could see a hut just a few feet away, it matched its owner.
"I'm the one that should be asking questions here Mar-...Mar-wane" She pronounced his name like it hurt.
"It's Marwan... honestly that pronunciation is more offensive than the stick to the head you just gave me..and being hung upside down on a tree." He rolled his eyes, thankfully he was off the clock and out of uniform now and he could disrespect people as much as he pleased.
And yeah his name is 'Stone Stone'
"Shut up!" The wallet fell from the badger's claw.
She stomped towards the man and pressed her finger against his chest.
"This is an interrogation."
"Oh really? I thought I was roleplaying a pea pod." Stone snorted but there was no humor behind it.
"The only role you're going to be playing right now is the victim."
Stone raised an eyebrow "Pardon?" he was unimpressed.
"That didn't come out right." Sticks scratched the back of her head, "But that's not the point!"
"The point is I want to know exactly who you are." Her voice got low.
"You were holding my ID just a second ago."
"I mean who you *really* are, I know that you're not just some barista." Stick put her arms behind her back.
Stone swallows.
"I see right through your act and I will not stand around and watch you hornswoggle those innocent villagers and my friends!" She circled him.
Stone made a face, *"hornswoggle?"* he mouthed.
"As much as I enjoy this 60's caveman detective persona you got, I haven't a clue what you're talking about."
Sticks noticed the shift in his tone immediately, she stopped in her tracks, and her jaw clenched, he was using his sweet talker voice on her and would spew out a bunch of bunk.
"I'm just a guy trying to get by you know?... My old manager wasn't the nicest, so I had to find my way, I quit my job and I just happened to have enough to move here and start my own independent business, just to serve happiness in the form of freshly made coffee." He fluttered his lashes
Sticks wanted about to barf.
"I'm not as dumb as I look."
"Unfortunately." His tone went back to his *real* one.
"Then explain to me how the crud did your shop just appear in the middle of town?" she interrogated.
"Let's just say that it was already built just...moved."
She squints at him, "And why did you choose this town specifically?"
"I just heard good things about it."
That's the biggest piece of horse junk she's ever heard in her life, the only good thing that could be said about this town is that you don't have to go there.
Sticks decided that she needed to try a different approach, accusations.
"I know exactly what you are."
"...Why did you ask then-"
Sticks clutched Stone's shirt in her hand and pulled his hanging form towards her until they were nose to nose.
She inhales, "You're a government agent that's her to plant microchips into our food to brainwash us and learn all of our secrets to rule this village and turn us all into soldiers! and when that works out for you you'll be promoted to general and then betray your agency and who knows what else!" She exhaled and pants.
Stone looked at her in a way that could only be described as something between disbelief, anger, and exhaustion.
"Why would I plant microchips into your food...When I could just use your damn phones for that?! And what agency!?" Stone argued.
"Because I don't got a phone, so you can't control my brain."
Stone closed his eyes tightly for a second and took a deep breath, she's so lucky he has his arms tied.
"The only way your brain would prove useful is if I scoop it out of your carcass with a screwdriver." Stone countered, making the author debate whether they should change the fic's rating or not.
"Your threats don't scare me."
The human sighs deeply and prays that this is all just a very bad poised-berries-induced nightmare, "Can you at least put me down? It's hard to focus with all the blood rushing to my head."
"No! You don't deserve to be put down! You will stay right there like an oversized bat mutant until I can prove to my friends that they can trust me." she let go of him and crossed her arms, continuing her previous route of circling him.
Stone's expression faltered at the confession.
"Your friends don't trust you?"
Sticks pressed her lips together, there was something more genuine about Stone's shift in tone, perhaps pity.
"Not usually..or maybe they do-or-ugh!" Sticks made a noise of frustration that was equivalent to a chihuahua choking on a kazoo.
The badger sits down on a conveniently placed rock, "I dunno..."
"At first I thought it was because they don't trust my intuition," By intuition, she meant insane theories, "But I haven't even had a conversation with Shadow before today, and he also doesn't trust me!" She kicks the ground in frustration.
Stone hated this badger, he truly did, but that didn't mean he didn't feel at least a little bit of empathy for her, he went through something similar himself.
"..it sounds like to me that this is more about proving yourself than proving me evil."
The badger wailed, "That ain't it it's- it's about both... maybe." she rubbed both hands through her hair frantically, "I hate feelings talk! I'm so glad Amy isn't here she would've- wait a minute." she paused abruptly through her vent.
Her head slowly turned to the hanging man, she jumped from her seat "You're changing the subject!"
"Oh, am I?" He rolled his eyes, though he wasn't sure if he was actually changing the subject or that he cared, His moral compass was jammed.
"You're trying to persuade me into being vulnerable and talking about my feelings like a- like-"
"A therapist?" Stone guessed.
"A journalist!"
That checks out.
"This isn't working... I'll grab something to get you to talk, stay right there!" she ran inside to her hut.
He wasn't going to wait and find out what it was.
It only took Sticks a few minutes to emerge from her home with a comically large feather.
"Now you'll think before you talk- where did he go!?" She yelped, and she ran towards the spot where the government agent was previously hanging.
All that was left was a net that was burnt to a crisp around some edges.
The realization consumed her before the anger did, "I was right... I'm not paranoid...I was right!!" she pumped her fist in the air, the feather long forgotten.
Her friends were going to be so sorry when they find out just how wrong they were, she started doing her little "I told you so" dance over the burnt net.
"What are you doing?" a hoarse voice a few feet behind her interrupts her short victory shimmy, she screeches.
"Shadow?!" She was almost happy to see him, almost, before she remembered that she was mad at him, she crossed her arms and turned away from him.
Shadow kneels down over the ruined net, "These burn marks... they're precise, it was a machine that had done this."
"You were right," Shadow said the words with hesitation, he hated being wrong.
Shadow narrowed his eyes when no reply came, the badger just glanced at him with one eye for a second before shutting them again and turning further away.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
She huffs and takes another step further away.
"Seriously?" He approaches her, "What has gotten into you? I don't have time for this foolishness."
"And I ain't got time for jerks either." She huffs.
"Is this about the trap thing?"
No reply, but she did turn slightly to glare at him.
"I was... wrong, okay? Now get over it."
She turned around again, they were back to square one.
"What do you want an apology?"
Sticks made a noise of frustration before sitting back down on the rock she was sitting on earlier.
"Speak up!" Shadow's patience was running thin.
"I want to understand why you don't trust me! You don't know me!"
"That's exactly why I don't trust you."
The badger's ears twitched, "oh.. that makes a little sense." her ears drooped.
The red and black hedgehog didn't want to get sappy with one of Sonic's hooligans but seems like he'll have to in the meantime.
He sat on a conveniently placed log next to the conveniently placed rock.
"I am..." He sighed, "I'm sor..." He groaned, "Sorry." it looked like he wanted to throw up, he looked down at his feet, "If we want to make this alliance work, we're going to have to trust each other from now on, happy?"
He looked down at his feet, he had the faintest blush on his cheeks, wow he was much worse than Sticks at this feelings thing.
Sticks smiled and gave him a pat on the shoulder, "No worries Shads', I forgive ya'."
"Never call me that." Shadow stands up. "Let's discuss our next move tomorrow, he probably already went home by now."
"Let's kidnap him!"
"Yes because kidnapping a man from his home would make people trust you way more." He snarked.
"Oh, you're right, that's why we need each other."
"I don't need anyone."
"Oh yeah? Why're you teaming up with me then?" she teased, leaning her face uncomfortably closer to his.
"Don't push your luck." He grabbed her face and pushed it away.
Does anybody else have this problem where they write so so much but there are more words than events actually happening? yeah same
sorry for the abrupt ending lol
#stobotnik#agent stone#boom! agent stone#sonic boom#sonic#sticks the badger#shadow the hedgehog#sonic the hedgehog#amy rose#Pls tell if this chapter is as good as the last djjsisjeis#dr eggman#dr robotnik#zee writing
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I deleted yesterday's cropped art cus it got flagged anyway, uh. But... I managed to reupload some of older spicy stuff on my AO3 and two new fanarts are there too now. We'll see how long they'll stay, heh.
And, um... I have one simple request, please. At least for those, who care a little: can you guys not be creepy about me sending you my spicy snarry art on priv? I will not do that. Yeah, I am drawing it from time to time and decided to share it with my beloved fandom for free, but that doesn't mean I feel 100% comfortable with sharing this kind of stuff (it's 50/50 fun and stressful). Especially with some random people I don't know at all. And some people are making it weird. Also, when those pics disappearing from AO or are not visible here - gosh, please, stop asking why and when I fix it, because you need it. Somehow I don't feel good, when people are crying about it, while I'm sharing a lot of other things. I may delete or ban this kind of messages and comments from now on, cus this is my comfy corner and I want to feel good here, okay? (・-・)
Thanks for hearing me out ɷ◡ɷ
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The Archon's Baby - Chapter 5 - The Next Morning
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request from ao3: Make one where they have a child but the female character doesn't tell Mavuika that she is expecting a child and distances herself from Mavuika please 🙏🙏
warnings/mentions of: pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms, there's some bra talk and bra scenes, an attempt at writing flirting...
Fic under the cut, don't repost my stuff on other platforms, i have ao3. Reader is not the traveller. Reader's adoptive sisters are Chasca and Chuychu.
The pyro archon is more than a trained warrior, a strategic mind, lightning fast reflexes, impeccable senses... and yet, she remained sleeping as you rummaged in your bag for another shirt. Finally finding one, you dropped your bag into the chair, moving to tug it over your head.
"Well, this is a sight I haven't seen in a while..." a squeak escaped your lips, turning to spot Mavuika staring at your exposed body from the bed the two of you had slept in last night. "You don't need to hide, my love." Mavuika began to pout, noticing how you were holding the shirt over your chest and stomach to shield it from view.
"I... I just got back from breakfast and I'm kind of bloated. It's not pretty." Your words were laced with the truth, you had snuck out to breakfast, having grown hungry and craving Xocoatl and Cups O' Grainfruit. The bloating wasn't from that however...
"This is new..." Mavuika ran her fingers over the your shoulder, eyeing the bra strap with a sparkle in her eyes.
"Good morning to you too..." you hummed, leaning into her touch, her lips beginning to trace down your neck, "don't get any ideas, especially since you ripped the last one."
"I remember, I liked that one, but you looked better without it." Mavuika admitted, trailing her fingers further down your body until you began to squirm.
"That tickles!" the giggles began to escape your lips, the pyro archon's face lighting up at the sound, reminding you of an excited puppy whose tail was quickly wagging side to side.
Unfortunately the fun with your lover was forced to come to an end, as a voice grew closer towards your room at the inn.
"Chasca, are you sure she stayed here last night?" Chuychu sighed, turning towards her older sister, who had been leading the way since the two arrived at the Stadium.
"Mualani told Kachina and Xilonen that Atea had her walk our younger sister back here for the night. I spoke to Chanca, she served her breakfast then she went back to her room, which should be... this one." Chasca replied, heading towards your inn room door.
Your eyes widened, looking at the door as Mavuika's arms tightened around you instinctively. You could pray, but praying to the archon whose arms were currently around you was slightly pointless. Still, you were praying your sisters for once in their lives knocked on the door instead of barging in.
If they barged in, all the pieces would be revealed prematurely. Your sisters would find out it was Mavuika who you were dating and the mother of your baby, and Mavuika would find out you were having her baby...
Chuychu and Chasca continued to talk to each other, but the words weren't reaching your ears as you heard a knock, turning your head to see how Mavuika was reacting. Maybe she would jump out the window and escape? Was she even ready for your sisters to know?
Time was running out...
"Maybe she's asleep. Or this isn't her room. Chasca, I did ask if you were sure-"
"I thought I was... maybe we should wait at a table until she shows up." Your sisters moved away from the door, heading towards the dining area, "do you think she's spoken to whoever she's dating yet?"
"She'll probably have tried to but struggled with words. You remember how long it took her to talk when mom and dad took her in?" Chasca admitted, frowning slightly at the memory.
"They're gone, you're okay..." Mavuika pressed her lips to your forehead, "I'm sorry, this stress can't be good for you, or the baby."
She could feel the way your body tensed, hearing your breath hitch as you shakily looked up at her, "you know?"
"I only figured it out this morning. Your sickness in the mornings, your fatigue, tenderness, plus this bra. Did you think I wouldn't notice that it's a size up from your old ones? But it wasn't those that made me realise. Your hand on your stomach, it reminded me of my mother when she was pregnant with my younger sister." Mavuika confessed, her hand hovering over your stomach, waiting for permission.
"Oh..." you barely made a sound, gently leading Mavuika's hand to rest on your stomach, letting the shirt you'd been clinging to for so long drop to the floor. "Are you mad I didn't tell you before?"
"You were afraid. My only regret is that I made you feel as if you couldn't tell me." Mavuika paused, hesitating for a moment, "you were going to tell me, yes?"
"Of course I was, it was just... hard to get the words out." You let out a sad sigh before deflecting, "at least after your 500 year plan is complete, a piece of you will still be here." You could feel your eyes water but you blinked back the tears as best you could.
Mavuika winced at the ache in her chest, realising that she had forgotten about that. Natlan had less than a year before total destruction... she needed to die to save Natlan, to save you and now the baby the two of you are having too.
"Chasca and Chuychu know I'm pregnant, but not... that it was you. They... ugh, they just know its a pyro user. According to Chasca, I look pyro infused when using elemental sight," shaking your head at the recollection of your sister's words, "I don't know if they're more mad about the secret relationship, or that I'm the youngest..."
Mavuika's fingers began to trace patterns on your stomach, listening to you with a soft smile on her face.
"Chuychu kept asking who 'defiled' me and Chasca muttered something about 'cutting balls off' when she thought I couldn't hear." You admitted, trying to hide your amusement as Mavuika grimaced at your sister's threats, her hand frozen as it touched your belly.
"She won't... archon or not, she won't." You reassured her as your lover wrapped her free arm around you, pulling you closer so she could lean in and nuzzle her face into your neck.
"How far along are you?" She tentatively asked, hearing your intake of breath as you did the calculations in your head.
"Nearly 8 weeks... I found out with my sisters when I was nearly five weeks. I went to Chuychu because of the vomitting, Chasca thought I was just having a check-up but then the conversation changed to periods, and I realised I was late..." you began to ramble, but Mavuika took in every word, not wanting to miss a thing.
"Atea figured it out. I don't know how, but she knows we're together. She saw us in the hot springs, late that night. She thought... ugh, archons, she thought the baby had been conceived in the hot springs!" you shuddered in embarrassment as Mavuika smirked, recalling that night in detail as her hands drifted down your body teasingly.
"Ugh, you! Archon of War or Archon of Horniness, I can't tell sometimes. My sisters are waiting for me outside!" you hissed in warning, although your tone suggested otherwise as you held back your giggles.
"I've missed this." Mavuika confessed once the two of you had calmed down, "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too. I'm sorry-"
"Shush... you don't need to apologise. My role as the archon doesn't make things easier when it comes to working up the courage to tell me something so important. I only hope... we'll see each other more? I want to spend as much time, and be involved as much as possible before..." Mavuika hushed you, letting out a sigh as she remembered the burden on her shoulders. She had accepted her death over 500 years ago, but you and the life growing inside of you, made her want to live.
"Why would I deny you of that? I love you, Mavuika. I'm never going to stop loving you." You declared, holding back tears as your lover cupped your face in her hands.
"Never once in the 500 years since I was born did I think I would be blessed to meet you, let alone be your lover..." Mavuika leaned in, pressing her lips to yours hungrily, "I love you too."
"I wish we could stay like this for longer, but I need to see my sisters, and you have your duty as the pyro archon..."
"And what of my duty as your lover?" Mavuika pouted, disappointed as you ducked down to grab the shirt you had dropped onto the floor to put on.
"You have been fulfilling your duty well... and will continue to do so, but we cannot let our other duties lack- pfff!" you tried to be serious, struggling to do so at the pout on your lover's face, "you're adorable!"
"Fine, fine... I will see you later, my love, and my child," Mavuika pressed her lips to your forehead, her hand drifting to over your belly before she headed out... through the window? You didn't even think they opened?
"Wait! Don't tell anyone... I'm not far enough along, its too early to have many people knowing, so please-" you tried not to beg, but your eyes began to water against your will. Mavuika nodded, ignoring the capybara that awoke the moment her feet touched the ground.
"Archons... time to face my sisters." You whispered as you continued to get ready, heading out of your room at the inn to spot Chasca and Chuychu staring at you with their arms folded.
"Can you two not look at me like that? You're making me nervous." you cleared your throat as you sat down with them.
"Who was in your room with you?"
#mavuika x reader#genshin impact x reader#genshin x reader#chasca x sister!reader#chuychu x sister!reader#requested fic#turned into a series
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This Is Gonna Get Worse Before It Gets Better
Chapter 1
HIIIIIII!! This is my first attempt at writing a multiple part fic with an actual story line, so if it sucks, PLEASE tell me. My original plan for the story was a Toby x Reader, but I may end up making it a Toby, Masky, and Hoodie x Reader. Anyways, I'll try to update as regularly as I can. Reader is depicted as female. This story is cross posted on my AO3 as well: https://archiveofourown.org/works/61232158/chapters/156483289 <3
Warnings: swearing, use of cigarettes, violence, eventual smut in later chapters
A frustrated groan escaped your lips as you ran your fingers through your hair. As if being a broke college student wasn't bad enough, you also had treacherous amounts of homework. Your evenings were usually spent with Kimberly, your roommate who quickly turned into a close friend. It didn't matter if you were out all night or just staying home doing nothing, you were content as long as you were in her presence. Tonight, however was different. Kimberly has been gone all day. And she won't be back for the next two. She said she was feeling homesick and insisted going back home to stay with her parents for the weekend. You were bummed about her being gone all weekend, but you knew it would be selfish to attempt talking her out of it. Which is how you ended up in your current situation; sitting on your couch with your laptop attempting pointless assignments until you eventually give up and submit whatever half-assed effort you gave. After at least three hours of repeating the same cycle, you finally had enough. In almost an instant, you slammed your laptop shut, setting it aside.
You stood up from your couch and stretched. Sitting in one place for so long can make you cramp sometimes. You're almost used to it by now. You walked into your room and grabbed the first pair of shoes you could find before leaving your tiny apartment. The stress from school never failed to steadily increase your need for nicotine. Luckily, your usual gas station was only about a five minute walk from home, so there was no need to take your car and waste gas. Swinging the door open, you were met with the smell of cheap air freshener. Behind the counter sat just the man you wanted to see. Mr. Kurtz was always a delight to talk to. He also had no problem selling you cigarettes despite the fact that you weren't legally old enough for them yet. You're only a year away from being 21, it's really not that big of a deal, is it?
"There she is! Haven't seen you all week. How have you been, kiddo?"
"Evening, Mr. Kurtz. I'm alright. Just getting my ass kicked by school and stuff. Nothing new."
The older man let out a noise that sounded like a mixture between a huff and a chuckle. He turned his back to you, now facing the variety of cigarettes behind the counter.
"Let me guess. The usual?"
"You know me so well."
He let out another huff of laughter as he pulled your favorite brand from the shelf. He didn't even bother to ask for an I.D. He never did. Which was what led you to become a regular at his store along with his sickeningly friendly personality. You rummaged through your pocket until you found enough cash to pay your total.
"Thanks again, Mr. Kurtz. I'll see you again soon."
You grabbed the fresh pack of cigarettes and flashed him a friendly smile.
"Sure thing, kiddo."
Immediately upon exiting the store, you opened the small box and removed one of the cigarettes before placing it between your lips. You keep a lighter on you at all times. You fished it from your pocket and lit the end of the thin cancerous stick. Taking a long inhale, you closed your eyes in relief as the familiar flavor of tobacco filled your mouth and lungs. This is exactly what you needed.
The walk back home was uneventful. Finishing your cigarette, you stamped it out on the ground just before climbing the stairs to the small apartment you and Kimberly shared. With your key already in hand, you inserted into the keyhole on the doorknob. However, when you twisted the key, you weren't met with the familiar 'click' sound it always made while being opened.
“𝘏𝘶𝘩… 𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘰𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘐 𝘭𝘦𝘧𝘵.” You thought to yourself.
You jiggled the doorknob, and sure enough, it was already unlocked. You shrugged it off and stepped inside, closing the door back behind you. You stood in silence for a moment, your breath catching in your throat. Something was off. You weren't sure what it was, but the moment you stepped through the door, the sudden unshakeable feeling of dread took you over completely. It was almost as if you were being watched. No, you 𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙚 being watched. You reassured yourself that it was just your imagination, but your instinct told you to get out of there as quick as you could and never look back. Before you could process another thought, a hand made its way from behind you and was clasped over your mouth.
"W-we've got you n-now!~"
Your first instinct was to scream, however it was muffled due to how hard this fucker's hand was pressed against your mouth. You opened your mouth and bit down on the hand before you with all the strength your jaw could give. However, it only resulted in an increase of maniacal giggles from your perpetrator. He wrapped his other arm around your torso and held you tightly in place. You could taste the blood and small bits of flesh in your teeth from his hand and nearly gagged.
"𝘏𝘦'𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨? 𝘐 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘣𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝙡𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜?"
The only other plan of escape you had was to try and struggle free from his grip. You tried your hardest to pull yourself free from his death grip, but your efforts were about as useful as a lamp without a lightbulb. You grunted in frustration as his hold on you only tightened. You then felt something cold and metallic press against your neck. You tried to crane your head to the side for a better look, but quickly whipped your head back up was you felt the sharp object slide against your skin. Small droplets of blood dribbled down to your collarbone as you hissed in pain at the uncomfortable sensation.
"You're a f-fuh-feisty one, a-aren't ya?"
"Who the FUCK are you?! What do you want from me?!"
Before he had time to answer you, you heard heavy footsteps coming from the hallway. Approaching you was a man in a white mask. It was painted with eerie feminine features, but what caught your attention the most was the crowbar resting in his palms. Your breath quickened with every step he took closer to you. You felt like you were on the verge of fainting from hyperventilation. This was the first time you had ever experienced anything like this, and you prayed that if you survived by some miracle, it would be the last. The masked man took a few more steps until he was just inches away from you. He leaned down so that he was at eye level with you and just stared before letting out an annoyed scoff.
"For fucks sake, Rogers, you've got the wrong one."
"Huuuh? You mean sh-shes not our t-t-target?"
The man release his grip on you and you immediately collapsed to the floor. Your legs were shaking too much for you to stand on your own right now. Hell, your whole body was shaking. You looked up from the ground at the man who had restrained you. Like the other one, his face was also covered. Except instead of wearing a mask, he wore bulky orange goggles and what seemed like some type of mouth guard.
"No. But she is now. She's seen too much."
Oh, fuck no.
Adrenaline shot through your body as you stood up and bolted towards the kitchen. Quickly, you threw open a few drawers and looked for literally anything to defend yourself with. You wrapped your fingers around a large kitchen knife and defensively yielded it in front of you. This only caused the goggled man to let out another sickening giggle.
"Look, M-Masky, she's g-g-gonna try to f-fight back! H-how cute!"
The masked man let out an annoyed sigh, clearly losing his patience with the other man's antics. "Let's just get this over with."
"Get the FUCK away from me! Fucking psychos!"
You didn't have the guts to approach and attack them. Your mind raced as the masked man started taking long slow strides towards you. You then did the only other thing you could think of to slow him dow. You threw open the fridge door and grabbed the unopened gallon of milk with shaky hands.
With all the strength you could conjure up, you threw the gallon of milk directly at his head at full force, causing it to bust open on impact. He let out a grunt of both pain and annoyance and stumbled back a few steps. He clearly was NOT expecting that. The goggled man began to howl with laughter.
"HAH! Sh-she got you good, d-didn't she, Masky!"
"Shut the hell up, Rogers!"
He turned his attention back to you. He was a lot less intimidating when he was covered in milk, but still intimidating nonetheless.
"You fucking bitch!"
He wiped the milk from his mask with his arm and practically pounced on you. Your back hit the hardwood floor with a thud, the impact knocking the breath out of you. You threw you arms in front of you in a pathetic attempt at defending yourself, but before he could lay another hand on you, you heard the front door open. Another man with his face hidden made his way into your field of vision. He was wearing a tight ski mask with a poorly drawn frown on the front, covered by the yellow hood of his shirt.
"Both of you. We need to leave. Now."
"I'm not going anywhere until I've bashed this whore's skull in!"
"You don't have much of a choice. Neighbors heard the commotion and called the cops."
"Oh for FUCKS sake!"
With that, he roughly shoved you back to the ground and released you before heading towards the door with the hooded man. They were both followed by the shorter male with the goggles. He turned his head towards you again before walking out with the others.
"I'll see you ag-gain soon, p-princess!"
What the fuck. What the actual fuck. You were unable to move from your spot on the floor. Tears made their way from your eyes as your entire body shook. You definitely weren't gonna be sleeping tonight after that.
#ticci toby smut#ticci toby x reader#creepypasta#creepypasta x reader#marble hornets#ticci toby#masky marble hornets#tim masky#timothy wright#brian thomas#hoodie#hoody marble hornets#proxies#creepypasta proxy#slender proxy#slenderverse
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Recently rewatched Gravity Falls with its resurgence online, and I was itching to give my take on an older Mabel with an absolute unit of a Waddles (who is a regular farm pig after all). To go along with this, I also wrote some fanfic: a letter from Dipper to Mabel, about his return to Gravity Falls years after the show. Read it on AO3 or below!
Dear Mabel,
I hope everything is going well back home! I miss you already, but it’s so good to be back in Gravity Falls too. A lot has changed since our summer here.
The first week of my internship at McGucket Labs has been amazing. McGucket has really transformed Northwest Manor into a fantastic campus (though he still insists everyone call it “the Hootenanny Hut”)! There are so many brilliant scientists and engineers here, and most of them have a refreshingly open mind about the nature and use of all the weirdness you can find in Gravity Falls. My experience with all that stuff is already paying off big time. Yesterday some PHD dude asked for my opinion on practical applications of necromancy (I told him it was a bad idea)!
Candy says hi by the way! It’s funny, for me this internship is all the way across the country, but for her it’s practically in her back yard, even though we both got that scholarship. Also, she tells me Grenda is more or less officially part of the Austrian aristocracy at this point? Apparently she and that Marius duke guy got engaged, did you hear about that?? Turns out I’m completely out of the loop with your friend group.
Candy and I have been hanging out with, of all people, Pacifica and Gideon. Can you believe it? Pacifica works at Corduroy Lumber these days. Probably in some misguided sense to get back to her roots, but I think it’s doing her some actual good. Working with her hands has been teaching her valuable life lessons I guess. It makes it a bit weird if Wendy also comes hang out, because she’s technically Pacifica’s boss – but you know Wendy’s cool about that.
Gideon is still running the Tent of Telepathy, so, not all winners. But he’s turned into a more lovable kind of swindler I think, like a younger Stan. He’s honestly kinda funny now (except that he’s taller than me). Wendy also told me he has a thing for Pacifica, and once she did, I couldn’t unsee it. He’s all over her! Pacifica hasn’t noticed, even though they spend a lot of time together. Or maybe she just hasn’t deigned it with a reaction... Either way, both of them are a ball to go for a drink with, whoda thunk.
You also have a lot of hugs from Soos, Melody and the baby (Stan Jr is sooo cute). (Yes, I asked. Melody promised to make you godmother of the hypothetical next child. You owe me.) The Shack is as charmingly ramshackle as it was back when we were here, but Soos finally got the old man stink out. I’m staying in Grunkle Ford’s old secret office because our room was converted to baby chamber. I still haven’t gotten the Bill murals completely off the walls and I have no natural light down here, but I spend most of my time at Northwest Manor the Hootenanny Hut anyway.
Or in the woods! Being back here really was a good move for my Youtube channel, there’s so much more supernatural stuff here than in California, and people are loving it. (I saw you liked my last video, thanks!) I’m currently tracking down what I think is the actual Gobblewonker. I analyzed some detritus samples from the lake, and there were feces from a large reptile present. From what we know, none of the dinosaurs in the mine were aquatic, so my current hypothesis is that it’s an unrelated creature. Especially since, according to my research, the Gobblewonker story dates back at least a century. I also gotta show Ford some of my findings. You know they’ve come across some aquatic monsters in the Bermuda Triangle. (Have you also been getting his mails with scans of the fourth journal? Truly fascinating stuff.) Either way, I’ll keep you posted, and you’ll be able to watch the result online.
Give my love to mom and dad, and Waddles a tummy rub! Awkward sibling sign off, Dipper
PS. Along with the photo’s in the envelope is that stuff you wanted. Be safe with it! There’s a reason it’s illegal in the parts of the forest controlled by the gnomes. But also have fun, I have it on very good authority it’s the good stuff.
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Hello there!!! How’s your day going so far emperor?
Old time fan here! I’ve been catching up on Some of my old transformers fandoms ever since I watched transformers one, and I remember about this awesome project you and many other creators made (btw your work is outstanding, Keep it up!!!) and I’m amazed at how much has changed and it makes me feel incredibly happy that my favorite transformers prime fan-storyline is still here! I remembered finding your videos when it was back in 2020 during quarantine. I always played through the beta version of “mercy” when it first came out and I remember feeling so excited for it; and I’d always wanted to best path for starscream be at least a good guy since he was my favorite character (and still is today)
And now seeing that the game is still in the works and seeing so many new bots is so exciting and happy to see the dedication to this!!! I know I have to catch up on the lore and stuff but it’ll be a fun experience for me, though I just wanted to ask a few questions before I end my first ever question that wasn’t anonymous,
Question 1: is there a discord server where I could possibly join? I want to make sure I could keep up with the latest updates for this project!
Question 2: I know I’ll need to read the Ao3 storyline for mercy but how does predaking and starscreams relationship grow over time during one of the paths? (I can’t remember but I think it was the one where predaking spears him and just keeps an eye on him— along with the predacons going to live in the wild or something? Can’t remember much lol)
And for my last question;
Question 3: Hows the process of “Mercy” going so far? Seeing all the art being made its absolutely stunning and beautifully done!
And that’s all the questions I have for now; until then I’ll be catching up on all the transformers lore that I’ve missed for so many years! I hope you’re having an amazing day Emperor!
Thank you so much for being a fan of Mercy! I still work on it almost every day! Editing the stories to improve quality, writing new content, drawing, instructing artists, etc.
Have you seen all the art on the Ko-Fi page? I post the commissions there, so there are hundreds of images to see!
For all the latest updates, here is the Discord server. Just so you know, there is a glitch when you enter that doesn't let you interact right away. Stay in the server until I can fix that for you, then you can write your introduction to unlock the whole server. Please read the rules too.
For the storyline you are referring to, I have fully written the story where the Predacons live in the wild of Cybertron with Starscream as their guide. It is THE Starscream story of Mercy and is a tale of friendship. Your adventure gets dangerous later on, so it turns into a fun survival game too! This is the written version of the choose your own adventure story. It's called "Discovery".
The main paths of Transformers: Mercy are on AO3. There are three full length story games available right now and the fourth is in progress. Check out my complete list of works and you may be surprised just how much has been completed since the beta part 1!
Mercy Part 1 (2020): A collection of the various starts to the game. A bit under construction right now to adapt to new plans. Quality is being improved (and the videos will be redone)
Space Adventure (2021): the choice to work with the Autobots on the landing site/spaceport at the end of Part 1. Travel to other worlds!
Reformed Predator (2022): the choice to eat Starscream in Part 1. Become a carnivorous monster then get therapy.
Discovery (2023): the choice to live in the wilderness at the end of Part 1. Explore beautiful lands and befriend Starscream.
Monstrous Heart (2024): the choice to work with the Autobots in the city at the end of Part 1. Discover the dark secrets of the Autobots and Decepticons, thwart the Vehicon mafia.
Right now I'm trying to do a lot of editing for my older content to improve it. I'm also doing a massive effort to prepare Part 2 videos for the Mercy stories so far. And doing my own Mercy art, annd I really need to write Monstrous Heart to completion this year! One novel-length game every year is the goal.
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Two girls, one bed
Chapter 12 of RE Characters x Reader Smutshot Collection

Pairing: F!Reader x Ashley Graham
Summary: You and Ashley are staying at a Hotel whilst on a road trip. What the two of you don't realize is—you got a room with only 1 bed. Neither of ya's mind considering you're friends, so you share. One thing leads to another and, you two experiment a bit
Status of your guy's relationship in this one shot: Friends
WC: 4.5k
Type: NSFW
Warnings: Making Out, Dirty Talk, Slight breast play, Oral (Ashley receives), Fingering (Ashley receives), Clit rubbing (You receive)
A/n: Hi! Hope you all enjoy. Please check out my masterlist, there's a lot of stuff there. You can get to know me, you can see the rules of my blog and then you can see all of my fanfictions. You'll be able to find the previous chapters to this fic and upcoming ones. You'll also be able to find my Wattpad & AO3. Comments, reblogs & likes are appreciated. Thank you
Closing the room's door behind you, you let out a loud sigh of relief. You set your hefty backpack down on the beige recliner near the TV area and simply soaked in the fact you two are finally at the Hotel. That drive it took to get here was no joke; You were both in the car for over eight hours, resting is needed, not optional. You stretched your body out once again, needing to let all of your wiggles out after sitting in that small vehicle for nearly half of the day. You got in the car around noon and it's now almost seven!
Ashley then entered into the room and giggled, dropping her bag onto the floor and removing her white coat before hanging it up on the rack beside her. She is just as exhausted as you are, though the excitement is overpowering that fact. She removed her white beanie (Which had a fluffy ball on the top) and carelessly dropped it on the floor. It has been extremely cold & windy outside today so you both made sure to dress for the occasion.
The reason you two are traveling together at all is because you are on your way to Colorado. Reason being you want to see the mountains and also visit a resort you two have been rambling about for months. A drive from Maryland to there isn't easy - pit stops at Hotels will occur. Luckily, money isn't an issue. Not only have you saved up but so has she and plus, her father is literally the President of the United States so the last thing Ashley needs to worry about is running out of cash.
Ashley glanced around the room then made a puzzled look, which then confused you. You sat up and looked around. "Is this not our room or something?" You asked her, genuine concern lying in your tone. "No, this is our room, the key card worked. It's just that there isn't double beds in here, as I requested." She raised an eyebrow and ambled over to the Hotel room's stationed phone. She picked it up and read off the number on the paper whilst dialing it.
For you, only one bed isn't an issue but it's a bit annoying. You'd like to have your own space when resting but you aren't a very confrontational person.
"Hello? Yes, hi. I'm Ashley Graham and I am currently in room 105 but I have a complaint to register... Yeah, so the room I got does only have one bed despite me stating we needed a double. Over the phone about a week ago, I was told room 105 is in fact a double." She can be so bitchy when needed & you love it. For some reason when it comes to your best friend, a lot of what she does is appealing to you and you'll never quite grasp what that truly means in your heart.
"So you can't just switch our rooms? It's not that difficult." Ashley stated over the phone. Through the line you could hear some older man babbling so you knew Ashley was getting sick of it by the second. "Fine, but just know, you will be receiving a bad review for false advertisement." She then hung up the phone and scoffed. "You know I'm usually not mean in that way but that guy had some real attitude." Ashley stood up and walked over to you before sitting on the end of the bed.
"What's the sitch then? We have to share a bed?" "Guess so but don't worry, I don't bite unlike the probable bed bugs they have here." Ashley joked and unbuttoned her jeans, taking them off right in front of you. You felt your face heat up but you were quick to look down, acting like you were about to pull out your phone. You and Ashley are very comfortable around one another, that is no secret. Although, Ashley does things around you that cause you to feel ways you don't normally feel.
One time in your guy's dorm, she "playfully" grabbed your boobs and squeezed them and that sent you over an edge that night; It was literally all you could think about for a good while.
It isn't any secret that young adult hood is all about exploring your sexuality in many different ways and so far, you haven't been confused. You've remained unlabeled. You do often find yourself attracted to women and fantasizing doing things with them but it's never been taken that far in the real world. You aren't a virgin, you had sex for the first time when seventeen and now that you're twenty-one, you think about sometime trying it with a lovely lady.
Ashley slipped on a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top - this is the outfit she plans to sleep in. You brought a similar outfit but except for a tank top, it is a type of sports bra. You two really thought ahead. Knowing that Hotel rooms tend to heat up later at night, especially in this weather, you both brought casual and more lighter clothing. You got off of the recliner and opened your bag, grabbing your sleepwear out and glancing back at Ashley. "I'll go get dressed, then how about we order some room service?" "Sure thing." Ashley grinned at you whilst plopping down onto the large bed.
You entered the bathroom and closed the door behind you, though not all the way. You slid your hoodie off and instead replaced it with your night time shirt. Your leggings, they are black and thick, great for the cold weather, came off with ease as well. You put on your white & purple pajama shorts, making sure they were fit nicely. You checked yourself out in the mirror and smirked. One thing you've never been insecure about is your body. You are one sexy girl, you'll always believe that.
You tied your hair into a low ponytail as well. If you are eating, the last thing you need is greasy Hotel food managing to end up in your hair. You also snagged a white wipe from the counter and wiped off the minor makeup you have on. You just wore eyeliner & mascara today but still, you don't want to sleep in it and half of the time you forget to take it off.
Exiting the bathroom, you shut off the light and closed it behind you. You glanced forward and saw Ashley analyzing the menu provided to guests so they can order room service. She patted the bed beside her and smirked. "They have some good options, come look!" She said. You also realized the TV was on some reality show she must've put on. That is very Ashley of her. You sat down beside her and scooched close enough to see the menu and yeah, she wasn't fibbing.
You immediately spotted a meal you want to try - the smash burger with fries. You haven't eaten since around two so it's safe to say you're literally starving. "I want that, order me that." You pointed at the menu with a chuckle. She nodded and made a mental note. "That sounds good but I'm going to get a meatball sub, I can't wait to eat." She stated with a laugh before grabbing the phone once again and dialing the kitchen to order some delicious room service.
You hadn't really took it into account but she smells divine. All you can smell from her aroma is cherries & vanilla. It's a mixture of perfume and her body wash. It's delectable. You sighed deeply and bit your lower lip, ignoring her enticing scent as best as you could. Ashley is your best friend and you find yourself weird for having these thoughts about her. The most you two have ever even done is kiss a little bit and that was because you two were drunk, therefore, does it even count?
"Yep, that's all! Thanks." Ashley spoke kindly to the worker before hanging up the phone. "She said it'll be here in about ten minutes so until then, let's watch Gypsy Sisters!" Oh, so that's the stupid show she's watching, no surprise there. You snorted and nodded. "Yes, let's do it... Let's subject myself to torture." As you said that she nudged you and leaned back agaisnt the bedframe, her eyes locking with the TV and seemingly never leaving it - unless to look at you.
"Mmm." She practically moaned out as she took the final bite of her sub. You snickered and finished off the last few French fries you had left in the box they came in. She nodded and wiped off her fingers and face. Damn, that food was actually good. Well, it's probably only so good because neither of you have eaten for some time. Either way, you two are full and tired. You closed your box and tossed it into the trash can near the bed, Ashley did the exact same thing.
Whilst suffering while watching her stupid reality show, you two ate rather quickly. No complaints though, it was tasty and you feel dazed - as if you're food drunk. She laid back into the bed and covered herself up, grabbing the remote and turning down the TV. "Do you mind shutting off the light? I'm going to try and get some shut eye." Ashley emphasized on try considering she does often have a more difficult time falling asleep in new places. "Sure."
You got off of the bed and with haste turned off the light. The only lights now were from the television and the moon outside (During the Winter season, daylight savings is enacted). You climbed back into the bed and allowed yourself to relax. This feels different. You two are so close. You expected Ashley to move away from you but no, she cuddled up with her pillow and had her eyes closed. Not that you mind, you just thought she'd be as far away from you as possible.
Hopefully you'll be able to get a copious amount of rest tonight.
Slowly, you felt your eyes open. The room was so dark, so dark to the point you didn't even realize your eyes had fully opened up. With the slight moonlight casting into the room, you were able to spot the digital clock. It read of 2:45 AM. You got some sleep, but not as much as you intended and you already know it'll be difficult to rest again. You scratched your head and turned around and to your surprise, Ashley was simply laying there, eyes open but she wasn't doing anything.
"Oh, hey." You murmured, slouching back into the bed as you faced her. "Hi." Your best friend said with a soft, tired tone. It was cute. You smiled and sighed softly. "Can't sleep?" "Not really. You?" "I probably won't fall back asleep for awhile." "Me neither." Ashley chuckled and ran her slim fingers through her luscious blonde hair. You gazed at her though it was hard to see her due to the lack of light. For some reason, you just knew the two of you were looking into each other's eyes.
You bit your lower lip and looked away before whispering to her again. "It's so cold." You giggled, leaning up and reaching for the comforter, pulling it over the two of you. Ashley snorted and scooted closer to you in bed, allowing the comforter to engulf her smaller frame. With the two of you closer and the thick, heated blanket over you two, you felt your body heat back up in a way that almost thrilled you. The heat wasn't just thermal but deep within you too.
Looking back over at Ashley, you saw her looking at you again. Without being able to entirely see her face, you could tell something was different about her though you couldn't really pinpoint what it was. You closed your eyes and sighed; The best thing to try and do right now is get some sleep. However, you then felt Ashley's feet graze against yours, then her hand make it's way to your waist, her other hand supporting her head.
Your eyes shot open and you snorted. "You okay?" Now you were a bit concerned. "Sorry, should I move my hand?" She chuckled and moved it, feeling awkward now. Even she doesn't know what's gotten into her. "No," you grabbed her hand and licked your lips in a way that sent plenty of signals. "It's not a problem, not at all." She set her hand back onto your waist and chuckled before looking down, trying to think of what to say.
It's no secret that you and Ashley are close. Very close. You two do everything together. You two have also cuddled but in a way close friends would, but this? This is a bit different. You simply shrugged it off though.
Ashley caressed her thumb against your waist and let out a sad sounding sigh. She seems tired but also full of so much feeling, therefore it's hard to pinpoint what is going on with her. "Ashley?" You whispered but you were suddenly caught off when the feeling of her soft, floral tasting lips pressed against yours. You breathed in sharply and swiftly moved your hand to her cheek as you accepted the kiss.
That was surely unexpected.
You sighed softly and moved your lips with hers. Her hand gripped your waist and her mouth slightly opened, a clear signal. You giggled before slipping your tounge into her mouth, allowing your guy's mouths to conjoin. This is... Insane... You never ever thought this could even happen. You thought Ashley was straight so what is going on with her? You moved your hand up to her hair, playing with it and running your fingers through it's softness.
You don't know how to feel. You feel good, but when it comes to Ashley, you're clueless. She's never been this way before. "Ashley, Ashley, wait." You suddenly pulled away and caught your breath. Your hand didn't move from your face, but hers did from your hip. Now you're all sorts of confused. "What? I'm sorry, shit." Ashley wiped her lips and turned her body, facing the other way. Oh Ashley and her theatrics.
You sat up and set your hand on her waist in attempts to get her attention. "What is going on with you?" You whispered in a soft tone. You said it in a way that was kind and concerning, not demeaning and judgemental. She sighed deeply and began to bite her inner cheeks - a sign of pure anxiety. "Let's experiment some things." She sat up and glanced at you. Experiment? Ashley? This is comical.
You snorted and cupped her face. "You are straight, there's no experimentation needed." You chuckled. You could tell she was feeling ornery and irritated at your words. "That's the thing," Ashley sighed before rubbing her temple, "What if I'm not?" That's a question you've asked yourself numerous times. All you could do was slouch and cross your arms. "Why me then? You have other friends and even girls in your circle that are Lesbian, who would be willing to help you out." "Because I trust you and," she then climbed into your lap, earning a gasp out of you, "I do find you attractive."
Placing your hands onto her waist, you bit your lower lip and looked up at her. The room has gotten slightly brighter due to the moon's movement and you are able to see a bit of her face. She is gorgeous. You've always known that she was. "Okay." You simply said and with that, Ashley smashed her lips against yours, her tounge eager to connect with yours. You felt her tongue slide against your lips and you opened your mouth, allowing her entry into it and she was sure to be cocky with it.
You gripped her hips as you laid back agaisnt the headboard. You could just feel how needy she was and it seriously turned you on. Even if this is out of pure arousal, you don't mind. You find Ashley attractive too and it isn't always so bad to test the waters; You just hope this doesn't affect your guy's relationship at all. She moaned and pulled away from the kiss for a moment to pull off her tank top, leaving her in a bra and shorts. You are still in your sleepwear, it's practically the same as hers.
Ashley began to carefully grind herself against your lap. Fuck. You didn't think she'd do that. It's insanely sexy. Despite being able to hardly see her, picturing the clear image of her shifting against you sexually is arousing. "Oh," you whispered, holding onto her hips and helping her move against you, "That's it. Does it feel good?" You questioned her. "Yeah." She panted out and began to do it quicker, shifting her weight onto just one of your thighs now.
You are hers to use.
As she basically rode your thigh, your hands moved behind her and unclasped her bra. You've seen her tits before but never in a manner where you'd be able to touch them. "Can I?" You gawked at her breasts, just wanting to feel their warmth in your hands. "Mhm." She sighed deeply, her pussy becoming wetter by the second as she moved against you. You were quick to cup them both. You rolled her nipples between the tips of your fingers and you also squeezed them, their plushness was rather enticing.
She came to a halt on your thigh and her fingers gripped your bralette, removing it and throwing it onto the Hotel room's floor. You giggled and sat up, your chest now pressing against hers. It was so intimate. Even if this is just experimental, neither of you are able to deny the chemistry between you two. You kissed her gently and ran your tongue slowly along her lip before you two began to make out only now, it was slower and more passionate.
The sounds the two of you made together were ones of pure desire & horniness. Even with a man, you've never felt this way before. Is this a sign? Enough of that, you just want to focus on her for now. "Here." You lifted her off of you and laid her on her back. You pulled your hair back into a ponytail and that quickly sent signals of what you were about to do to her. Ashley felt her stomach heat up with need and she lifted up her hips, pulling her shorts and panties off with haste and allowing them to end up wherever on the large bed.
It's a bit difficult to see but you'll deal. You just want to show her how much more skilled a lady's tongue is compared to a man who knows nothing about a woman's oral pleasure.
Leaning down, you were face to face with her dripping cunt. She smells amazing, so feminine. You breathed in deeply before beginning to kiss & suckle on her upper, inner thighs. Ashley squealed and let out a soft noise of relaxation. Around you, she doesn't feel nervous. With the men she's hooked up with, she always has. She tends to feel unsafe with them. With you? She feels exactly how she does any other time except in the mood to get eaten out, funnily enough.
The popping sound your mouth made as you stopped sucking on her thigh earned a shutter out of Ashley. It feels so good for her. You are careful with her, sure to make her feel good inside. "You smell amazing." You whispered to her in hopes it'll relax her more and it did, truly. You switched to her other thigh and licked it before leaving a few more hickies on it. You marked what was yours for the night and if another man is to hook up with her soon, you hope the ass sees them.
Alas, her pussy. It's wet. You soaked her up real good. You are proud of yourself in truth. You licked your lips slowly before finally connecting your mouth to her special spot. Ashley gasped and her hands gripped the sheets beneath her. It's been a bit since she received head so naturally it feels amazing but for her, it being you doing it to her is a whole other & new feeling. "Oh God." Ashley sighed and spread her legs open further, giving you more space.
You chuckled and began to suckled on her folds. You lapped & licked at them. She tastes good even. "You taste... Divine..." It was hard to find a word to describe it but divine fit best. She takes good care of herself and it shows. You flicked your tongue against her clit before suctioning your mouth around it, sucking it up and rubbing your tongue agaisnt it in a way that was unique to her. "You're... God... Why are you so good at this!?" Ashley moaned, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as you continued.
Your nose slightly teased her nub as you lowered your head, focusing on getting her entrance extra wet. You stuck your tongue in & out of her little hole at a rate that she couldn't keep up with. On either side of your head, her legs were slightly shaking - you can only imagine how her legs are going to be here in a second. You moved away from her entrance after getting it soaked in your salvia and went back to her clit. That sensitive nerve, it is just begging for your smooth tounge.
Sucking on it again, you brought your two fingers up and chuckled, "Let me-" and before you could finish your sentence, she nodded aggressively. "Yes, please, fuck." She leaned her head back. Well, that was quite a way of saying yes. You then ran your fingers through her folds, picking up her wetness before ultimately sliding your fingers inside of her tight pussy, earning the most earnest moan from her yet. "Oh God..." She whispered. You felt her contract around you, she's already close, just from you sucking on her a little bit and now fingering her.
As your fingers slid in and out of her, you lapped at her clit and her folds. The combo was too much. Ashley could feel herself getting closer to her breaking point. For her, this is the fastest she's ever felt this way before. No man has broughten her to an orgasm this fast. "That feels so good, don't stop... Don't stop." Ashley begged you. She closed her eyes and just focused on the feeling which only fueled her soon to be orgasm more.
With just a few more thrusts of your fingers and a round of licking at her sensitive clit, she finally came around them. She let out a cry and her back arched. You felt her walls tighten even more around your fingers before you carefully removed them. As she came, you didn't stop eating her out. You continued and locked your arms around her thighs. You kept this up until she was literally shaking and telling you to stop. Unlike most men, you listen when told stop.
You pulled away and giggled, licking your lips and grabbing a tissue to quickly wipe away the access liquid from your mouth. Her legs were shaking and she could barely find the words to speak up. "Wow, I just... Holy fuck." She snickered and laid you back onto the bed. You shook your head no and tried to stop her. "I'm not a pillow princess Ashley, no worries." But she shook her head and giggled, "I'm not eating you out."
Then what is she going to do?
She pressed her lips against yours and you felt her soft, small hand trail down your body. You jolted at her hand over your clothed clit, then when she slid her hand beneath your shorts and underwear. "Just lay back, let me do this for you... I wanna see if I like it too." She admitted. Alrighty then.
The two of you kissed slowly and lovingly as she rubbed your clit. Her fingers are skilled, is she sure she hasn't done something like this before? Or... Well... She most definitely has... To herself. You giggled at the thought and considering your mouth opened as you did, she slid her tongue back into it and kissed you. The kiss was wet and passionate, but it was also everything you've been yearning for as of late.
Ashley's fingers sped up and you moaned softly, which you rarely do. "You like?" "Mhm." You said with a shaky voice. Her fingers moved quicker and with more pressure which was quick to make you cum. As you did, you kissed her, your hand holding the back of her head. She giggled and pulled away after you finished coming down from your high. "Well..." She said awkwardly, crashing onto the bed beside you. "I'll have to evaluate this experiment in the morning." You laughed loudly at her statement before kissing her cheek.
"I think the results are clear doc, you are gay." You joked and she giggled. "In all seriousness though, take your time. Sexuality isn't easy. Trust me, I of all people would know."
You then laid your head back onto the pillow and sighed deeply.
Now how are you supposed to sleep after that?
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