#all his 💕💕💕
fine-fae-prince · 4 months
Somehow sleepy and horny are coincided in my brain. Sleepy, cozy, warm..... perfect time to use my mouth💕 let me stick my tongue out for him and just let him fuck my face💕 grinding against my face, using me, holding me where he wants me💕 once he finishes, teases me about how wet I've gotten just from that, how i nearly came without any touching at all, just my mouth on his cock💕 I wonder if I could really do that💕💕💕
Then, if he feels like it, he can fuck me💕 I whine and whimper and moan, sleep sapping the little strength I have... not that it would help anyways💕 pressing me into the mattress, pinning my arms down💕 starting off slow and deep, making me feel every inch until I'm begging you to move faster💕 whining and cumming around hid cock over and over until he cums inside me, filling me up💕 keep his cock inside me as he pulls me close, overstimulated, sleepy and sweaty💕 falling asleep filled, like I should be💕💕💕
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seagreenlaurin · 2 months
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nibbelraz · 4 months
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Svsssaction prompt for @harpieisthecarpie!
Thank you so much for donating! I hope you enjoy!!!
Shang Qinghua adopting every dangerous beast he meets, all while Mobei Jun refusing to acknowledge them before succumbing and loving all his babies 💖
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kingkatsuki · 1 year
Imagine Dynamight going to a school to be interviewed by the little children there, sitting down in one of the chairs in their classroom that is far too small for his hulking form but he sits down in it without complaint as the kids sit down in front of him with crossed legs.
And he loves it, because they have no filter— just like him, and they end up asking him the most blunt questions without hesitation. And some of the questions he’d never usually answer if they were coming from broadcasters or reporters, but he can’t lie to these kids so he keeps responding openly and honestly.
Even when one of the little girls asks “Mister Dynamight, do you have a girlfriend?”
It’s a rumour that’s been circulating for months as the media try to work out who the mysterious woman is in his life (if there even is one!) and it’s confirmed immediately when Bakugou answers with a, “Yeah, I do.”
And as his PR manager is having a meltdown in the corner, Bakugou’s grin is wide when the little boys in the room sound out a simultaneous chorus of “ewwwwwww”
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methoughtsphantom · 1 month
halfas are the found family trope foster child
they all adopt each other. it’s the reason Vlad wanted so badly to have Danny as his son and the reason Danny immediately went with sure you’re my cousin now with Dani. it’s a survival mechanism from being so very few of their species. Sooo, halfa!Jason except he sorta isn’t yet cause Jason’s core is extremely ruptured from the lack of ectoplasm involved in his forceful resurrection. So when Danny finds Jason in his catatonic state he can’t quite tell the dude’s been dead and remains some, just that the guy for some reason seems very friend-shaped. Danny doesn’t mind his friend is braindead, and is also a john doe, he gives familiar vibes and that’s apparently enough for Danny to constantly find himself in the hospital doing his engineering homework on the room with the guy, and talking for hours about the updates on the absolute clusterfuck of the city and how he was from a freaking ghost town and he can almost even draw comparisons. he blabbers about how he’s not homesick enough times to even corner himself to talk about a ghost lore many times and how he’s just finding himself a little more prone to violence and in constant pain since none of the people he has adopted as his family are here with him and he can’t consider a place a lair if there’s isn’t someone of his in it.
But Danny could never drag someone with him just because of some it, after all it was Danny’s choice to come to Gotham to collage and not stay where at least his parents (good parents Jack and Maddie) were in Amity.
Ironically, Danny essentially can’t feel that his core has been spoon feeding ectoplasm to Jason. As months go on, the little ball of energy builds in anticipation practically vibrating in the waiting pulse of something (Danny doesn’t know but more often than not has he found himself laughing in happy confusion. it weirds him out in a good way) It’s really that he’s feeling the slow healing process of his friend (brother brother brother) ‘s core.Imagine it’s just about to properly, correctly heal when canon strikes back and Jason gets snatched by League assassins. Danny is left feeling like his core got torned out. His core had spend months helping another’s only to feel the other’s imprint and to not be able to protect it in return is— forget it being an obsession; thats like having your newborn baby being ripped out of your arms. An all assuaging feeling of helplessness that is devastating. Danny just beginning to feel like home lair when out of nowhere the rug is swept under him. Danny suddenly struggling to not flunk all his classes and beat every single liminal that he can feel crossing paths with him to the ground. Danny suddenly having his chronic pain (that hadn’t been so bad lately) dialed up to the point that there are just bearable and bad days.
The worse thing is he doesn’t know why.
Jason had only been a guy.
It’s only a three weeks before Jazz tells him she accepted a job offer in Gotham.
(and the guilt only makes him feel worse when he can feel himself feel better because of it)
whimsical time skip ✨
Danny is now on his feet again and friends with a Wayne of your choice (or maybe they were friends a little before Jay dissapeared and it was badTM cause Waynes? liminal 🥲) Danny definitely didn’t enjoy snapping off to his friend like that. anyways it’s been a year since that and he and his friend are having a grand time playing civvies, uhh let’s say dick because I want them to meet while ice skating, Also Dick because he definitely turns a blind eye when Danny goes airborne for a second there yep. He’s just having too much fun.
anyways as alwaysTM Danny doesn’t clock celebrities and like why would he, Dick is just the random guy who’s was fast to turn Danny’s slow day in the ice ring into a competition one day and brighten when Danny matched up his puns. So he totally doesn’t get why the guy’s so gloomy one day, anyways as you can figure, it’s Jason’s deathday and Dick is a deprecating bean, Danny tries to cheer him up by having him remember his brother instead and Dick attempts to, but even skipping through some photos in his phone make his eyes burn.
It is because of that that he doesn’t notice Danny absolutely freeze up at the photo of his friend Jay (Jay because he’s a John Doe, but that’s just too impersonal and so the first letter is J *wink wink*)
Danny absolutely doesn’t know what to do with this information, barely catches himself from asking Dick how did his brother die. Most importantly when because Danny just saw Jay—Jason less than a year ago, and this somehow doesn’t feel too recent.
Annd that how we find Danny digging into the Wayne second son tragedy. Staring at the date of death while the knowledge that they met almost six months after burns his forefront of his mind. Danny spends a day going over all the questions running through his mind over how the fuck he couldn’t sense Jay was a ghost—err was… in past tense?? what the fuck?? Danny would really like a refund on his ghost sense.
Anyways Danny goes check out the grave (now that he knows there is one) and boom although intangible he somehow triggers those shitty ass sensors/alarms that somehow didn’t go off when jason was literally digging himself out.
Obviously the bats get in the case immediately. And boy are they absolutely enraged that someone would steal Jason’s body.
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shedontlovehuhself · 1 year
Misha loved the destiel town "where's Misha?" art and has it on his phone now.🥹💕
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So cute and funny explanation 🤣
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link to tweet source in the tags.
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peanutsoutofcontext · 7 months
Snoopy of the Day
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tatakaeeren · 3 months
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"Everyone. I'm counting on you. There's only so much I can do by myself. Let alone, it's impossible for me to look out for everyone in this school. So I'd like to leave it up to you guys. Watch your friends closely wherever you are, and help them out. Please."
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sowhat17live · 2 months
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Coup's birthday post pics🥹
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herewegobebe · 1 month
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TAEMIN ✦ 'Horizon' | Music Bank 240323 [x]
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rocketbirdie · 1 month
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*enters my own password* "i'm in"
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yoonstudios · 6 months
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kooberry! 🫐 | for -> @pauls-mccharmly ↳ run bts: ep. 143
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mobius-m-mobius · 10 months
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liking a male character like... (insp)
LOKI APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | for @dailyloki Day 4 : Favorite Character or Variant : Mobius M. Mobius (ft. Don 😘)
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veinsfullofstars · 6 days
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💝 MetaDede Week 2024 Day 3: Gifts 💝
(ID: Kirby series fanart of King Dedede and Meta Knight giving each other a gift. Top - the boys sitting side-by-side, MK looking up with a pleased smile behind his mask as DDD excitedly flips through a green leather-bound book the knight has given him, the spine titled “Fight the Stars!” and an arrow pointing to it that says “book of famous intergalactic wrestlers.” Bottom - the boys seated at a table, a chocolate parfait in a large handled glass between them, the treat layered with fudge, mousse, and ice cream, topped with brownie bites, edible silver pearls, and a fanned wedge of chocolate emblazoned with MK’s mask. MK, delighted by the gift, leans forward with wide eyes and spread wings, practically leaping onto the table in his eagerness to dig in, while DDD reclines with his elbow propped up and his head resting in his hand, gazing at the knight with a soft smile. END ID.)
Parfait inspired by various MK-themed desserts from the Kirby Café.
Previous Day | Next Day | Prompt List (made by @/mtddweek)
Started 08/11/24, finished 08/16/24.
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cornflowersandspoons · 2 months
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Not to start a rumour, but I have a feeling that the manager is letting him win on purpose...😶🧐
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cocogum · 7 months
Amalia being Yugo’s first is WILD and here’s why.
When you really think about it, Amalia is technically Yugo’s first lover in the history of the krosmoz.
Just take a moment to think about it for a second. Let it sink in.
According to what we know about Yugo and what he was like in the past, the dude couldn’t stop moving around and never had a day off from his adventures with Adamaï.
That was back when he wasn’t king and had Chibi as the one leading the council of six (unless the story got retconned but it doesn’t change the fact that Yugo was extremely adventurous). Yugo would be spending his days on his original planet discovering and battling beasts regardless if he was unaware that he rinses and repeats every time he gets reborn.
According to the manga, Yugo and Adamaï’s room looked like a giant museum that was filled and piled up with so many things he got from their adventures that it was insane how much they went outside.
So this not only tells us that Yugo was always hyperactive but it also shows how much of a messy guy he is, hoarding around all his stuff. What kind of man has these habits AND has a steady normal relationship? His partner would continuously get frustrated by the amount of times he’s late and unprepared for their dates because he’s so busy doing his own thing.
Besides, even if Yugo did want to get married to someone, who was he going to go to? The only people on his planet are people of the same race as him which are mainly composed of his primordial siblings and his people who there’s a very high chance that they are somewhat related to him and his siblings (Because let’s be honest here. Mina, Chibi, and Qilby must’ve played a huge part in even having subjects in the first place. Why do you think they’re the “primordial ones”? Qilby must’ve just been curious tho lol “iN tHe NaMe Of ScIenCe”)
So no, Yugo couldn’t have gotten into a relationship even if he wanted to.
Amalia was literally his first which is WILD (but good lol) given how many lives he has had.
Also, it’s highly likely that Amalia is the only exception. Yugo’s life is filled with calamities and dangers to defeat. If the literal retired iop god and his daughter don’t have any clue as to why his life is so dangerous but “fun” (Dally told him that he remembers why Yugo’s his best friend BECAUSE of those dangers and Elely asked him how his life can be filled with so many to begin with), then I don’t know how anyone who doesn’t have a fearless spirit can even like staying with Yugo, let alone be in a romantic relationship with him.
And even if there was a fearless person who liked adventuring, the chances of being with Yugo are slim to none. Amalia was a good option because unlike anyone else, she had so many common points with Yugo that it almost felt like she was MADE for him (evidence presented here) like a cute Sadida doll made for a dragon. Or in this case, a cute sadida made for a demigod with dragon blood 💕💕
For crying out loud, she was even the only royal who wanted to go see the world and attempted more than once to leave her kingdom to do so. How many other royals do you see doing that?? They all have abrasive, snobbish personalities who can only think about themselves and reject anything different from them. The only one who used to act so differently from the other rulers was her mother.
Amalia is truly one of a kind.
(It could also be the fact that Amalia just looks extremely different, appearance-wise. The whole Sadida look stands out a lot. They don’t necessarily get confused by other races like forgelancers/iops/sacriers, enutrofs/fecas/foggernauts. The fact that she looks/wears/talks/protects nature might also be another thing that Yugo gave his attention to.)
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