#all good! hope a worried vamp works for this lol
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feistyvampire · 3 months ago
Edgar had been dangling from a low tree branch, but he let himself drop mostly gracefully back onto solid ground, ears perked in the direction of the voice. By the tone, company isn't what was expected all this way out here, but he could say the same- sometimes it was just nice to get away from the loud bustle of the city when you had sensitive hearing, as was the case for Edgar.
"I actually didn't realize someone else was around." Is what he admits, carefully treading over patches of snow, but he stops where a little distance is left between them.
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"You sure? You don't look like you're doing too good and I don't think this is the safest place to leave someone alone at this hour."
{ ✧ Edgar | @feistyvampire }
"If someone's trying to sneak up on me, you're not doing a very great job at it."
Needing some time to decompress and do some form of breathing exercise away from the general public was something Lloyd found himself doing quite often. Especially when there were so many questions on his mind - especially when they plagued him so heavily. It's no surprise that he finds himself deep in the forests late at night. Not like he could sleep, anyways.
Lloyd keeps his eyes closed, taking a deep breath through his nose, trying to remain calm.
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"...But, if you're just trying to get by, ignore me. Forget I ever said that."
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tiredlilguy · 2 years ago
Hi! May I request kunikida x goth vampire reader? I had a thought about this and thought it would be cute to see how he would react to one.
Let me set down the basics and details of reader. They dislike garlic (obv), holy water, and uncomfortable looking or seeing a wooden stake and can't be in the sun at all, unless they have they're sun hat (or maybe they can and but they just get sun burns easily up to you for this reader). They are a cold, mean person at first but once they open up they are sassy, sarcastic, and stubborn but overall really nice.
Of course since they wear all black they have a whole closet full of black clothing and accessories to wear for anytime of the day. Including a black sun hat. They mostly drink animals blood to survive cause they don't drink human blood at all. They have sharp nails that are claws, and they can manipulate blood of any person/animal.
(sorry if this is bad I'm trying here lol) anyways have a good day/night 🫶 take ur time to do this request and if I went overboard pls let me know.
don't worry! you're request isn't overboard ^^ i thought this was really cute, but i had a hard time trying to figure out what i wanted to write for this, but i had fun while making it! i hope you enjoy :D
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pairing: Kunkida X Goth!Vamp!GN!Reader cw: N/A, not proofread description: Kunikida forgot his bento you made him, so you have to go deliver it to him.
You and Kunikida were an interesting couple to say the least. You usually kept to yourself in the shadows and the only time you were really out and about was during the night. You usually hunted at night, as it was really your only time to feast. If you weren’t dating an Agency member, people would’ve thought you were affiliated with the Mafia, but no… you were just your own person. The night was just the only times when you went out. Though, there would be a few “rare” occasions where you would actually go out during the day: if there was a nice library/cafe you wanted to visit, or if you were delivering something to Kunikida.
Today was one of those days, and unbeknownst to you, there was a new Agency member who’s just joined recently: Atsushi Nakajima.
To start off though, quite early in the morning, as you were reading besides him on the bed, Kunikida happened to sleep through his alarm. You were about to wake him up on his scheduled time, but looking at his tired face, you couldn’t help but feel a little bit bad. The bags under his eyes were only getting worse: not to mention his stiffened back and shoulder. He often slept next to you, as you usually didn’t prefer to be touched (you’d let him lie on you though if he had a particularly rough day). Not to mention, he laid on his stomach because of the back pains. On occasion, you’d run a hand through his hair, and hear him groan, relaxing into the mattress.
You times just about five minutes in your head before you woke him up. He seemed at peace until you told him you let him sleep in five minutes. His eyes widened as he got ready, while at the same time somehow yelling at you to wake him up on time. You knew he wasn’t actually mad, so you only shrugged at him with a dead face as he paced about the room: changing into his work outfit. Before you could say anything, he ran off: leaving his bento lunch, and you without a goodbye kiss. You couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed, but then again it was you who didn’t wake him up on his alarm.
Standing up, you decided that you’d deliver it to him.
Now, here you were. It was quite hard to find something casual, as most of your wardrobe was gothic, but you opted for some black slacks and one of your ruffled black shirts. You finished off your outfit with some glossy black shoes, and a black umbrella, as you collected the bento that was sitting on the counter… and you were off.
Opening the door to the Agency, you were met with the sight of most of the members doing work. A few of them waved your direction before continuing on. However, you noticed Dazai standing up from his chair to greet you.
“ Ah, (Y/N)!,” he seemed enthusiastic, as usual,” It’s been a while since we’ve seen you.”
“ It’s nice to see you, Dazai,” you answered with the same blank face,” Just here to deliver something to Doppo.”
“ Okie dokie. He’s out shopping at the moment, he’ll probably be back in a couple minutes though. It was a quick trip,” the brunette replied with a smile,” Would you like some tea while you wait?”
“ No thanks. I’ll just wait here,” you sat on one of the waiting chairs, picking up one of the magazines that was on the coffee table. Usually Dazai was quite lazy, never greeting anyone at the door, but you and him became close, as your seemingly cold attitude attracted him, though not in a romantic sense. He understood your sarcastic and quiet nature, and so you both became good friends. The screen between the consultation “room” was folded back as there was some storage boxes that were being moved.
By now, most of the Agency knew who you were. You usually didn’t talk to most of them, but either way, they treated you just like they would with any other person. It was nice… the Agency was like your second home, where no one would question you for having a large umbrella in the daytime or why you didn’t want to step outside. They knew you were passive, as you’d only eaten animal’s blood. It was fine until you felt a pair of eyes on you.
“ Hey, kid,” you looked up at a boy with a glare,” I don’t like staring.”
The boy shivered, but quickly put his hands up in defense,” Sorry! I didn’t mean to stare…”
“ It’s fine, just makes me uncomfortable,” you replied, folding your magazine in your lap,” Anyways, you look new. Did you join recently?”
He nodded,” Yes, I did! My name is Atsushi Nakajima. I’m sorry for staring.”
“ Like I said, it’s ok. My name is (Y/N) (L/N),” you adjusted the umbrella that was over your shoulder.
“ They’re a real life vampire, ya know,” Dazai muttered over to Atsushi,” Isn’t that cool?”
You smirked, the canines of your fangs becoming prominent as you chuckled at Dazai’s remarks,” You’re funny, Dazai… Anyways, yes, I am a vampire. Though, don’t worry, Atsushi… I really hate human blood.”
“ Ah I didn’t exactly think that…,” Atsushi shrugged with a smile.
“ They’re also Kunikida’s romantic partner! Isn’t that interesting, Atsushi?,” Dazai gossiped.
“ Eh-“
“ Something wrong about that,” you asked, raising a brow.
“ No no… It’s just, you two don’t seem anything alike,” Atsushi waved his hands in defense.
“ I’m just messing with you,” you shrugged,” Sorry… Dazai’s been rubbing off on me. Anyways, we get that a lot, so it’s really nothing.”
Soon enough, you heard the door open, revealing your boyfriend with a hand with a plastic grocery back.
“ I’m back,” he called out, walking over to his desk with the bag as others greeted him a welcome back.
“ Psst…,” Dazai poked over to Kunkida.
“ What now? I’m a little annoyed that you make me break my last pen, so make it quick,” he answered. Dazai pointed over to you.
“ I have your lunch, Doppo,” you spoke, walking over to him with the bento in your hands. You offered it to him.
He turned to you, gently taking it from your hands. A little embarrassed that he was in front of Dazai, he held himself back from greeting you with a kiss. “ You really shouldn’t be out you know,” he lectured,” It’s really bright outside today.”
“ Well, you forgot a couple of things,” you replied simply. “… and you woke me up late,” he sounded a little rude, though, you knew he didn’t mean anything by it.
“ I only let you sleep in because you looked tired.”
“ So mean, Kunikida,” Dazai muttered under his breathe as he watched the scene in front of him.
“ Well… you should get going. I don’t want you getting burnt,” Kunkida’s hands lingered on the bento before placing it on his desk off to the side.
“ Hey, you still forgot one thing,” you frowned.
Kunikida only raised a brow. You looked at him, still with a blank expression,” You forgot your goodbye kiss before you left.”
Dazai placed a hand over his mouth as he lightly giggled to himself.
“ N-not right now…,” he turned his head.
Your frown only got worse,” You’re cruel, Dop-“
In a flash, he smashed his lips into yours, throwing you off guard. It wasn’t anything intense, but the initiation was rather passionate. He kissed you again before pulling away.
“ Sorry…,” his face went red,” I just… didn’t want to…”
A rare smile went to your face,” It’s fine. I just like making Doppo nervous.”
You placed a soft kiss on his cheek, your fangs grazing his skin but not enough to actually harm him, before pulling away and walking towards the door.
“ I’ll be off, Doppo,” your umbrella was now off your shoulder as you held it in your hand,” Take care.”
His hand was on the cheek that you kissed,” Yeah…”
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wyrmskulls · 1 year ago
I havnt recovered from the Caz fight yet. BUT
here are some genuine thoughts on Astarion from my- knew nothing of baldurs gate before playing run: (from me the Ace with no sense of self preservation)
"Oh great a sexy vamp man- bet friend XYX is all over that, they are romanceable, right? like dragon age?"🧛‍♂️
".... that 'don't touch me' sounded too real.... hope im wrong"
" I mean if we are cool with Shar worshippers and devil pacts why not a vamp, join the club buddy."
"he is a cagey little fuck I think I'll go after him this play through love his little faces"
"I'm not into pain, thinking this was a bad choice" chains and whips to not excite Tav XD
"I mean maybe it's the years of slavery and not sexual trauma???" 🙏
"noooo, I mean of course the sexy vamp wants to fuck, I probly have to- to get more of his story...." proceed to worry stupidly about unskippable sex scenes and noises for no reason (you can press x any time to get to the next thing / dialog)
get propositioned again at party.... "maybe this relationship won't work out, he's way to thirsty least there wasn't another sex scene lol dun worry buddy, I'll help you murder that guy that hurt you, just can't keep up with the horny XD"
"so I just feed him bad guys and tell him he is pretty? yup that checks out"
act 2
Start working on wyll, he seems like a cool guy... "whoa bud, is this you first romance scene.... by saying yes to a dance... feels icky cause I know sex happens at some point, like some entitled jerk at a bar, least astarion was real upfront about it" ( in hind sight this was unfair to wyll, but everyone was being so horny and the only scene I had was astarions so I drew some incorrect conclusions with wyll being a 'good guy' asshole)
"I mean we has evidence that deals with devils are bad.... or is it demons... anyways I support you in a friend way, getting raphel to Facebook stalk your abuser to make sure he not still pineing after you is OK with me."
Got his Act 2 scene "OHNooooooo I was right it was a sexual trauma 'don't touch me....' ohhhh noooooo. he didn't wanna fuck either????? baby boy, you never gotta sex again if you dun wanna, we can hug forever!" cried a while ngl
"look here blood witch- no means no, if your house wasn't destroyed, I'd destroy it myself."😈
"i mean he said he kills kids, so it's ok to kill him, then raphy boy will tell us if you back is bad news or really bad news <3"
"It's really bad news..... so no big astarion lover of cuddles l, will help you kill the guy who ruined your life. that's what romantic partners do. we kiss and nothing else and I will murder people to keep doing that <3" pondering an evil play through honesly
"he was so upset when Tav died in battle.... like doesn't he know rez scrolls are a thing? it's ok Tavs gonna live forever.... not sure how we will figuer that out" researches dnd lore to find several solutions XD
"Gale bud. friend. pal. I care about you and your life. your ex is shitty for asking you to do this, but also if you do blow up you'll take us all with you.... and even if you don't, #1 priority over there will be back under vamp thrall so this is a no go, put your shirt back on."🙃
act 3
found a cliff in the camp before act 3 with a song that made me cry again it is for sure astarions "wtf dude I was emotionally stable now what have you done"
"circus lady, here are all my loves deepest secrets- oh no she's a shapeshifter???? oops, it's ok love we will kill her too why not" No one can know how hurt you are but meeeeeee 😋
"a statue of my boyfriend in camp don't mind if I do~☆ aww now he has a halo so everyone can see he is a good boy who totally doesn't cause me to murder people and would never murder anyone himself" 😇
"Astarion NO, we are not gonna kill a bunch of other spawn just cause you are scared. I get it, and you don't have time for therapy but trust me that not gonna feel great in a few hundred years"
"ooooo blood bitch is back and you fucked up. look at this boy standing up for himself - yes that's right take us to your private house so we can kill you at our leisure.... man oh man I used to have morals now I got Astarion."
and now I'm tired XD
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because-of-a-friend · 4 years ago
Seventeen Reaction: You Suddenly Being Shy
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Thanks for the request anon! Hope you like it!!!!
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He thinks is the cutest thing in the world and he also cannot believe he has that kind of sway over you. He's like????? They're shy around me?????? He'll do a lot of cute little things to try and get you to relax around him and be more comfortable being yourself around him. When you're not super close, he'll do random things to make himself look ridiculous so if he's intimidating to you at all, he seems less so. Then as you grow more comfortable with each other, anytime he notices you becoming quiet he'll do something like plucking your chin or some other cute gesture that he knows you'll have some sort of witty comeback for. He appreciates and adores both sides of you, but always wants to make sure you feel comfortable around him.
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Jeonghan will likely match your energy depending on how you're feeling. But he does have a habit of challenging your more sarcastic side because he tends to talk quite bluntly, so he thinks those conversations are more fun. He honestly has a lot of fun figuring out how to push your buttons until you two are ceaselessly teasing each other. He'll leave you be if it really seems like you're not up to it and respects when you're more quiet. He can always easily go with the flow depending on your mood.
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Josh tends to also get shy around new people or one on one with people he doesn't know that well or in other moments he's not prepared for. So if you suddenly get shy, it'll probably trigger his shyness as well. He'll suddenly be unsure of what to say or where to look or how to act. Moments between you and Joshua tend to be very sweet and lighthearted since both of you are very careful towards each other. Any sort of friendship/relationship with each other with each other will progress slowly because it takes you two awhile to fully open up to each other. But it means that you two also eventually feel very comfortable around each other since you spent so much time building up trust.
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He probably hates this lol. Not because of you but because he just can't stand awkward silence and puts all the pressure on himself to fix it. He also doesn't really get it????? Like you were fine around him when you were hanging out with other members or friends????? He watched you roast Wonwoo with no hesitation earlier???? But now that it's just you and him you're so shy?????? Get ready for chaotic Jun because he's going to be pulling all of the punches to get you to laugh again. Honestly when there's an awkward silence he can't really help but keep talking to fill it in, so you might learn a lot more about Jun in five minutes than you thought you would in years lol.
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(Sorry for using such a big gif but he really is the prettiest man on earth omfg)
Might also be a little awkward when you suddenly get shy. He worries that he said something to offend you or that maybe you don't like him. So he tends to approach you carefully when he notices that you're shy around him to make sure that you two are on good terms. He'll actually make an effort to talk more quietly around you and try to sit really still and not make any sudden big movements so he doesn't catch you off guard or upset you. He tries to be as polite as possible and will make a real effort to start enjoyable conversations. Probably asks other people stuff like what movies you like or what songs you listen to so he has something to talk to you about when he sees you.
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Pls this is his worst nightmare. He's not confident in handling social situations so when you suddenly get quiet around him, he has no idea what to do. He'll awkwardly blurt out some random questions and cringe inwardly every time it doesn't lead to an actual conversation. He'll wonder what's up since you seemed so confident around other people. Like Soonyoung, he'll worry over you not liking him for some reason. He'll probably actually end up pulling back and letting you approach him in the future so any contact between you two can be on your terms so he knows you're comfortable.
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May not fully notice. Jihoon tends to be off in his own world anyways so your mood change around him may fly right over his head. He's not always conscious of people's behaviors and changes in them because of his tendency to zone out. Honestly it's sort of a relief. If you're feeling a little more nervous as you spend one on one time with him, it's almost nice that he seems to continue on with business as usual. It's nice that he won't really point it out or make a big deal of it. He's usually pretty gentle during conversation anyways so it's not like there's anything he's doing to be intimidating. If he notices you being shy, he might get a little shy as well, but he'll do anything he can to make you comfortable and get on your good side.
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Seokmin is such a people pleaser so you suddenly going quiet is going to be a problem for him. He needs you to like him so much. He's going to figure out what makes you feel the most comfortable around him. Do you want him to take the lead in conversations? Would you prefer he back off a little? Do you like it when he's joking? More serious? He'll test the waters and feel out what brings back your more confident side so he can tell what makes you more comfortable around him. He'll navigate every conversation with care so you'll enjoy talking with him.
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Also the type to kind of slip up when this happens. He doesn't know how to continue when you suddenly get shy around him. It highkey gives him butterflies, he thinks it's so cute. So then he's shy around you, leading to him doing awkward things, all while he's trying to help you feel less shy around him. He's a giggling/blushing mess around you 24/7, which definitely helps him seem less intimidating. But he very much genuinely wants you to feel comfortable around him so he'll always be as kind and friendly as possible.
[A/N: So Tumblr has suddenly decided I can only add ten imagines to each post even tho up until now, I was able to add gifs for all thirteen members. Soooo I was wondering if you guys preferred for me to either separate maknae line and hyung line for reactions, or if you want me to leave gifs out and have all members in one post for reactions, or if y'all want to do it by request??? Until I get a good read on what y'all want I'm just gonna cut the gifs are where I have to lol. Please let me know what y'all want me to do!!!!]
Myungho takes this in a silent stride. When he notices you suddenly get shy around him, he'll just sort of quietly take note of it. He'll try to encourage your usual sarcastic side to make sure you know he's comfortable with it. If it doesn't seem like it's working, he'll back off and try to take things slow and gentle with you until you feel more comfortable around him one on one. He'd never admit it but he is ecstatic when your sarcastic side starts to show. Any biting remark you have for him is met with a smirk and an equally biting remark. He's fine when you're more shy but he'll feel uneasy himself until you're comfortable around him.
Seungkwan will have an "oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no" moment when he realizes you're suddenly shy around him. He also wants everyone to like him and be happy around him. He will also wonder if he did something to offend you and be incredibly nervous and unhappy until you're comfortable around him again. He's constantly hesitant when approaching you and then as conversation progresses, he'll pull out the big guns with his humor to get you laughing and hopefully back to your normal self.
This may also go over his head. Vernon isn't always super in tune with the people around him just depending on what's going in his head. He also usually lets the people around him lead conversations anyways, so he'll just follow your vibes conversation to conversation. When you're shy he'll just speak to you casually and keep it light. When your more sarcastic side shows, he'll vamp it up and match your energy (although with him, he'll use sarcasm as a way to casually flirt for sure lol). But overall it's hardly even noticeable to him.
Dino probably also gets shy when you get shy. He may not notice your change at first but as soon as he does he just goes "oooooooooh" and then backs way off. He's the type to awkwardly laugh every other sentence when speaking to you, desperate to make sure the conversation feels light and happy. He's not really the best at navigating meeting new people and learning how to connect with them specifically. He's happy to try anything and everything to help you feel more at ease around him, though.
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jadegrey711 · 4 years ago
Hi, I don’t know if your taking requests at the moment but I was wondering if I could get an imagine with Eric Northman where he falls in love with the reader who happens to be Tara Thornton’s sister? Please?
Love your writing❤️😃.
Eric Northman x Black Fem! Reader
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A/N: I hope you like this! It’s definitely been a minute since I wrote for my fav vamp boy Eric! So i hope everything is consistent to the seasons. I did more of a first meeting with Eric and Reader, so I hope that’s okay. I also apologize for it being long but I’ve been in a writing slump for so long that I just kind of let it take me where it wanted to go until i ran out of juice for it lol. I hope it’s not too much of an abrupt cut off. 
Warnings: None 
Word Count: 1227
Source and Credit for this gif is located in the tags. This is not my gif
If you like my stories you can check out my sideblog @jadegreywriting​ to see all of them and my masterlist without filtering through my main blog.
I own all rights to this story and do not give permission for my stories to be published, translated or reposted anywhere else. The only places I have published my stories is here on Tumblr and on my AO3 account (LadyAuthor711) 
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It had been a month since you'd seen your sister, this mainly having to do with the fact that she was now Vampire. Which you knew she had a hard time adjusting to especially after everything she went through with Franklin. But you think that one of the main things that helped her with her transition was that no matter what you still remained a constant in her life.
Although this was the first time you'd be seeing your big sister in person, you'd called and texted each other constantly making sure that she still had some kind of normalcy in her new life. But from what she had been telling you after that first initial week she had adjusted well enough to be expected and even got a job at the place where her maker worked as a bartender. And that's where you were planning on meeting her tonight; Fangtasia.
You'd never been to a vampire bar. Not that you were prejudiced against them, it's just you never really had time for going out to bars and clubs with school literally keeping your social life shackled. So, you were both excited and nervous. You conveyed your feelings to Tara and she told you that there was nothing to worry about in the bar and if anyone did decide to mess with her big sister she'd take care of them personally.
You laughed her off but told her you appreciated it.
When you walked into Fangtasia it was nothing like you expected it to be. With it's red leather walls and stripper poles evenly spaced out in the place. Not to mention the massive bar that took up most of the space of the right wall and dead center was a stage with a lone chair or could you even call it a chair? It was more like a throne; that was sitting in the dead center of the stage with an obscenely handsome man sitting in it. His long legs spread out almost as if in invitation as he scanned the crowd of swaying bodies of both vampire and human. As he scanned the crowd his intense blue eyes suddenly made contact with yours. 
You felt like a mouse staring into the mesmerizing eyes of a snake as you held you captive with those eyes you felt your heartbeat quicken and saw a smirk spread on that stoic marble face. Could he actually hear your heartbeat from this far? And with all of this noise going on in the background? 
Suddenly you felt a hand around your arm and were pulled away from those transfixing eyes. 
“Y/N!” Tara smiled and instantly wrapped you in a hug. It was definitely a tighter hug than your used to from your big sister but you embraced her back, with a smile on your face. 
“Tara! I missed you so much.” you said as you continued to hug her before she pulled away. 
“I missed you too Y/N.” she said and you felt your heart expand at the sight of Tara’s genuine smile. “Come on let’s get you a drink. You’re going to need one if you’re going to deal with all these weirdos tonight.” she said as she pulled you towards the bar, without giving you a chance to sneak another peak at the mystery man on the throne. 
“Okay so we have to talk about the elephant in the room.” You stated as you watched Tara walk to the back of the bar as she started to pour the both of you drinks. 
Tara gave you a quizzical look and she almost looked wary. 
“Now does a drastic change in fashion sense come with being a vampire? Or is this just part of the job description?” You let out a chuckle and you felt your heart ache a bit as you saw Tara breathe a sigh of relief, before letting out a laugh herself. 
“It’s mainly for the job. So you don’t make the weirdos feel out of place.” She said just as two heavily pierced goths came up to order something at the bar. You quickly stifled a giggle at their pissed off expressions to which TAra just quickly shrugged them off and started making their drinks.
As you were talking with Tara the next thirty minutes you felt this ever present presence behind you like someone was boring holes into the back of your skull, demanding that you look at them. 
You swiveled in your seat, trying to find the source. You scanned the club, but felt your eyes mainly gravitate towards the center stage and the hulking presence that was seated there. 
You tried not to stare but he evidently had no problem with staring as he scanned down your body; those blue eyes seemingly taking in every minute detail of you. And in return you did the same to him. Taking in the short blonde hair, chiseled jaw and those massive hands; which sent a shiver down your spine at the thought of all of what those hands could do. 
“Oh hell no!” Tara shouted, gaining your attention again. “Don’t you dare go messing with Eric fucking Northman, Y/N. He is trouble with a capital crazy “T”.” 
“I’m not messing with anyone. But he’s gorgeous, you can’t say that he isn’t Tara.” You defended, feeling your cheeks heat. 
“Mhmm.” she said not believing a word of your crap. “I’m warning you Y/N, you're better off not even think-” Tara was cut off as you felt someone looming behind you and you suddenly realized that Tara wasn’t the only one who had gone quiet. 
“Hello there little mouse.” His voice was like sin covered silk and you felt your body instantly heat. “And who might you be?” 
You took a deep breath and turned in your seat. “I’m Tara’s sister, Y/N. '' You said softly as your eyes connected with his. Your breath caught in your throat as you took in all of him. Chiding yourself at noticing how big he actually is, so much so that you had to tilt your neck just to meet those pretty blue eyes. 
His smile reminded you of a wolf as he looked from you to Tara. “I didn’t know you had a sister Tara. And one that was this beautiful as well.” 
“She’s my kid sister.” Tara said, making you flinch at how she emphasized the kid part. 
“Does she have your mouth too?” Eric chided and you felt the slap dealt to your sister and got up from where you were sitting. 
“Yes, she does and she is also sitting right here. So if you have any questions why don’t you ask me and leave my sister alone.” You said, raising an eyebrow at him. 
He raised an eyebrow at you in return, turning his gaze back onto you, before stunning you with one of his wolfish smiles. 
“What?” You asked hesitantly.
“You are a very welcome surprise tonight, Y/N.” 
You felt a spike of bravery run through you, you’d decide later if it was a stupid streak of bravery later as you looked back up in those hungry eyes. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
You watched as his tongue darted out and wet his lips before he said “ Definitely a good thing. A very good thing.”
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prose-for-hire · 4 years ago
Me and You
Pairing: Faith x fem!slayer!reader
Request: Hi, could you write a faith x female reader (maybe also a slayer) story where the reader is like Faiths opposite, really responsible and serious (sorta like Kendra) and her and Faith keep squabbling but end up falling for each other? If not I completely understand, its your call, thanks :)
Requested by: Anon
A/N: I absolutely love Faith, I want her to hold me lol 💖🖤
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As soon as you had been called, your life had completely slotted into place. You were a Slayer. One of the chosen ones. You had perfectly crafted a ten-point plan and highlighted all of the goals you wished to reach now that you were on this path.
You took studying very seriously, you read more than the watcher that you had been assigned. He was actually pretty hopeless, you wondered why he had been assigned to you.
But, you did respect those in authority. So, you assisted him and somehow the correct tome made its way to his desk as if by magic. You respected the status quo for the most part. The way that everyone had their place and yours was to fight vampires and other kinds of demons.
You had arrived in Sunnydale, having been told there were already two slayers there. You weren’t really used to friends and so you didn’t know what to make of them. Faith had taken one look at you and decided she knew everything she needed to know about you.
“Yes! Isn’t it a gift?”
“Yeah, the kind you return” She had rolled her eyes at you and dipped. Not needing to hear you recite the entire Slayer manual to her backwards.
As time went on, you got on with Buffy although you felt she wished you would switch off as well. But you had a duty, it was what you had trained for. You couldn’t relax for a moment, you didn’t want to.
However, you entirely didn’t get along with Faith. You were always squabbling. You infuriated each other. You never agreed. Especially not on slaying. But it ended up bleeding through into all parts of you lives.
You just couldn’t stop arguing. Sometime sit was heated and one of you had your hand curled into a fist. Other times it was stupid and petty and you both knew it, but it didn’t mean you would stop.
However, as this continued, you began to find yourself becoming increasingly attracted to her. It confused you and you hadn’t understood at first. But soon you were watching her lips as she spoke. Imagining kissing her. Having those toned arms wrapped around you.
You only snapped more at her when you realised. Didn’t want anyone to notice, much less her, the way that you felt. You had never even considered that she felt the same. And she really did.
Buffy had said you needed to patrol. There was a nest of vamps and she needed you to take the west and you would meet your patrol partner there.
She had chosen to have her actual friends with her so that she wasn’t bored and decided to pair you and Faith up on the far side from where she would be. 
“You?!” You squeaked, your voice higher in pitch than you had expected it to be.
“Yep. Just me and you” She grinned at your expression walking past you her stake in hand. You exhaled, sighing audibly in frustration as you stalked after her to catch up.
You were going to be alone together. You didn’t know if you were annoyed or elated. You couldn’t help imagining what it would be like to be her girlfriend.
It took about three steps before you began to squabble again. As you usually would. Your voices had carried across the cemetery you had been walking through. It wasn’t your usual stealth. Because of how much attention you were paying each other and how engrossed in the interaction you were, no matter how heated it was getting, it meant you hadn’t noticed the vampires that were beginning to surround you.
You walked for a while until you made a left turn and suddenly found yourself surrounded. A nest of vampires were apparently a whole army of vampires.
But they had a mastermind behind them. They had rushed you, you managed to thin the herd slightly but not by enough. You and Faith retreated into an old tunnel system. You fought hard, but it was no use. You were strong but there was too many.
You had began fighting in-sync but you had soon ended up as if you were fighting your own battle. Getting in each other’s ways. You shouted at each other but it was no use.
Suddenly as more vampires could be heard running to join the fight overhead, there was a loud cracking sound above your heads. The foundations weren’t solid in this area. The ground above had caved in and left the concrete crumbling into the tunnels.
Luckily, you and Faith had been left in one half and the vampires in the other. Unluckily, you had hit a dead end and had been sealed in.
Now you were trapped. Together. Because you had been paying more attention to each other rather than the threat.
“Well, that’s one threat gone” She shrugged as you just stared incredulously. You hadn’t taken out the nest and now you were trapped. There was no good side.
“Oh yeah, well done. I could have handled it”
“You and what army, huh? You’re kiddin’ yourself” Faith shook her head at you. At the way you were so self-assured you were giving her a run for her money.
But despite her faults, of which you had pointed out many to her as she had to you, she was perceptive. She noticed something about you. She wished she could pretend she hadn’t been taking notice of you on purpose. Because of that guilty affection she harboure for you. The one she couldn’t dare name. She didn’t want to get hurt, she would rather stick to relationships with guys she didn’t care about. She only had to pretend to care for a night.
With you, it was different. To be vulnerable with you and to have you reject her. To not be affectionate with her the way she was embarrassed to admit she had dreamed about.
She didn’t usually do this. Let you see that she took notice of you, but she couldn’t help saying it.
“Not everything is you havin’ the whole world on your shoulders y’know?” she asked, her tone had changed. Almost… softened. You didn’t take care of yourself at times, she had noticed. Sacrificing yourself for your duty.
“Yeah you wouldn’t know” You snapped back at her despite the tone you had thought you caught from her. But your voice was wavering. Every second you spent trapped you began feeling worse and worse.
Faith didn’t take your snapping personally, she never did. In fact, she found herself enjoying it. Finding herself noticing the absence if you hadn’t interacted that day. Even if it was just you at each other’s throats.
It had been hours. You had both barely spoken since. You had to take your jackets off as the room began to heat up. You were beginning to sweat. Your breathing irregular. You were pacing.
“I-I can’t do this!” You suddenly shouted, “I need to get out of here!”
“Hey, y/n/n-”
“Help!” You screamed, pounding on the wall. Hoping that someone, anyone would hear you. But Faith, as you usually would, knew that this could bring threat. You were panicking so Faith clasped a hand over your mouth, muffling your shouts. You missed the way her other hand lingered on your shoulder in your panic.
She expected you to push her off but you just sort of let her hold you there. The proximity to you was agonising and your breathing was heavy. From the fear. From the way her skin felt against you.
But rather than argue, you just stopped. She moved her hands away and you moved against the wall, sliding down it to sit at the bottom on the floor.
You put your head in your hands. You didn’t like this. You were truly scared. She had never seen you this way. You were always cool. Taking everything as it came at you. You took on every duty that was expected of you.
But now you just couldn’t handle it. Couldn’t follow protocol. You didn’t want to be stuck here. Didn’t want to have to wait it out. To possibly never see the light of day.
She saw that you were scared. Genuinely scared in a way you would never usually let her see. She presumed you were so cool all of the time. A robot. Y/n the slayer-tron.
You were visibly worried. Expecting the end. She watched you for a moment, debating whether to comfort you. Before her mouth decided for her.
“Hey, don’t freak okay? B knows where we are. Her and the others’ll come” She shrugged, sitting down beside you on the floor.
But she wasn’t as sure of herself as she came across. She was being strong. For you. She had never seen you be this vulnerable before. You would never admit you were scared. But being confined here it made you rethink everything. Your very purpose.
“What if we die down here?”
“Hey, don’t sweat it, huh? It’ll be cool” she said firmly.
She looked at you for a moment, wanting to put her arms around your shoulder. Provide some kind of comfort. She couldn’t explain it. She cared about you, she had just never known how to show it. Arguing and working up a lot of sexual tension was so much easier.
“B-but it’s real, isn’t it? That we could die. That we will die… sooner than later” You never allowed yourself to think of it, much less discuss it. But this situation had gotten to you somehow. Had made you question your resolve. Your duties. How you just listened to the rules without questioning them.
This also made you incredibly guilty. You prided yourself on how seriously you took your duty. On the way you were a watcher’s dream. How you had saved the world.
It shocked her, that you would include her in your thoughts. Gave her this strange feeling. Hope. Or, a feeling that you trusted her in some sense. Could rely on her in the way she wished you would sometimes.
“Look, I don’t know about you but I’m here for the long haul. We’re good at this, we’re survivors” She offered, talking of you both as a unit. As something that appeared to meant she was by your side. That you weren’t alone in how you felt.
“Yeah, when we’re not getting ourselves trapped” You berated yourself more than her. You didn’t want to be stuck here, but you would be lying if you hadn’t imagined having her to yourself this way. In a conversation that was kind.
“Accidents happen. Me and you, we’re, uh, the ultimate team. We’re- we’re gonna get through this, right?”
“Me and you” you repeated and she nodded, smiling. As if telling you ‘that’s the spirit’. But her smile dropped a little when she saw the look you were giving her. Your lips were parted slightly and she couldn’t help scanning your face. You were so close she could map out every feature so clearly. She was making a mental picture so that she could submit it to memory.
The temperature had been rising the entire time you had been stuck there. The proximity of the way that you were sitting made those words feel intimate. You had wordlessly shifted closer as you spoke.
The meaning growing as you both leaned in. Agonisingly slowly. Heat rising around you, but you still reached for her weaving your fingers through her shiny brunette hair. She felt so good under your hands it propelled your forwards her lips were waiting. She had waited so long for this moment.
Driven herself wild with want. With the lust she had, the thoughts she had drove her crazy. That she wanted all sides of you. Even your stick-by-the-rules nature. She was fond of you. She had such deep feelings.
Your lips met. Crashing against each other in your haste. In your innate need to connect with her. Through the arguing. Through the frustration. Focusing only on her lips, the way her tongue entered your mouth urgently.
You couldn’t get over how good she tasted. How you never wanted to stop. You were addicted to her touch. To her.
But of course, you knew this already. You were only confirming it. And this was no mere kiss. Not to either of you. This was Earth-shifting. Ground breaking.
You had kissed her. She was surprised at the way you had initiated this. She didn’t expect you to actually feel the tension the way she did. But she fucking loved it.
You were hungry for more. For her. In that moment, you were willing to forget your situation. Hell, you were ready to forget every responsibility. Your very destiny. Just to keep her lips on yours. To have her reciprocate your feelings even if it was only physical for her. But it wasn’t just physical to her. This meant something.
Suddenly you heard something. A spell had broken through the barriers that had blocked you in. A flash of light and you had sprung apart. Both breathing heavily, trying to catch your breath. Chests heaving. Eyes glancing towards the other, making sure it wasn’t dream.
Some guilty secret. Somehow, you both knew that wasn’t the last kiss you would share.
Your rescuers all pretended they hadn’t seen anything. But your friends were all as relieved as you, it had been about time.
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alison-anonymous · 4 years ago
I Want to Write a Mikayuu Series
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So um.
If you're reading this, HELLO. All of you long time ONS fans probably don't know me, but I'm Alison and I'm a hardcore Mikayuu, Mitsunoa, Gureshin, etc shipper. I've been in the ONS fandom for almost a year and dear god. The amount of people telling me that Mikayuu is queerbait is just making me really sad 😅 I'm a writer, and I'm the type of person who honestly feels like the author of a series should have the ability to choose how a story ends without influence of their readers. I mean, if it's their story, then it should be their ending, right? However, I also do have some qualms when it comes to how this "love triangle" between Yu, Mika, and Shinoa is being portrayed. This is entirely my personal opinion, but I feel like Shinoa seems to be forcing herself to love Yu. I honestly don't think she cares for him in a romantic way, but more of a very deep-rooted admiration or even envy that she's trying to convince herself to be romantic love. And Yu has said multiple times that he values Mika's life above his own, that he doesn't know what he would do without him if he were to die again (I mean the fact that he suffered seeing his best friend and potential lover die a first time was definitely scarring enough, PLEASE STOP TORTURING OUR POOR BABIES). And it's basically confirmed by now that when Mika said I love you in the manga, it was in the romantic sense. Even though I wish, I hope, I dream, and I pray that Mikayuu will become canon, I honestly can't say for certain what I think will happen. I think it could sway any way, with Mikayuu becoming canon, Yu and Shinoa becoming canon, or it being one of those ambiguous endings where it's heavily implied but nothing actually happens. And in order to make myself feel better when stuff like this happens, I tend to rewrite the entire story with the ending that I would have liked to see ;)
You're probably wondering where the hell this stranger is going with this. Well, I want to write a book. A series, actually.
One that's inspired by Seraph of the End.
Now, if you're interested in hearing me out, then feel free to keep reading. But if not, continue on with your scrolling, no hard feelings. But if you do, and I really hope that you do, give me a chance to explain.
I want to write a series inspired by Seraph of the End called Bloodsucker (working title, obviously). And this series is going to be a reimagination of ONS with an ending that I would have loved to see in the anime and manga. I plan to have three main characters (please keep in mind that I'm going to have name changes): Yuichiro, Mikaela, and a brand new character, Epic.
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Now, I would begin this series a bit before the anime and I'm assuming the manga begins. I'd start with introducing our main three characters as they meet in the orphanage (yes, Epic would be a part of this orphanage as well) and how Epic and Yu try to make moves to run away only to be stopped by Mika and Akane.
I plan to include a scene between Epic and Akane where Epic tries to run out in the middle of the night only to be stopped by Akane, and this is what caused Epic to develop a crush on her (Epic is a girl btw). Then I would begin the whole shit with the vampires and how they set the world on fire and shit, but instead of the apocolypse, I'd make it so that most of the adults died in the fire while the kids were taken alive (because young blood is better and whatnot). This includes our little Hyakuya family. The directors would have tried to trade the kids lives for their own, and due to their selfishness, the vamps killed them and took the kids anyway.
This would begin my first story arc: the prewar.
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Epic, Akane, Mika, and Yu would all be living under the vampires at this point along with the rest of the kids in their orphanage. I plan to include lots of moments of bonding that heavily imply Epic loves Akane even though she doesn't know it yet and Mika loves Yu, but Yu is fucking oblivious. The four begin to plot their escape, but while Mika and Akane (yes Akane too) are making deals with the vampires to help out with their family, Epic is constantly finding herself getting dragged along to visit Queen Krul. The pink haired vamp has a soft spot for her for some reason and often tells her that Epic and her family are "special" or sum shit. And she's super confused and semi grossed out. But none of the vamps ever dare to hurt her so she thinks it's fine. Then one day they all plot their escape and it's much more planned out and lengthy and less rushed than it is in the anime. Things almost seem to work out until the vampires stop them
And Mika and Akane DIE.
I know. I'm horrid.
Epic is standing here in shock as she watches the love of her life die before her and Mika BEGS for Yu to take Epic and run while they can. So while in the series only Yu survives, he obeys Mika and both him and Epic survive this. They're found by Guren (a new character I haven't come up with yet lol) and Yu is super protective over Epic, not wanting anyone to take the only piece of his family he has left (he's a fucking mess without Mika let's just be honest) and Guren ends up taking them under his wing.
Now we hit the second arc. Still with me?
The War.
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Hold onto your hats everyone because this is where shit is about to get complicated. So I do plan to have a bit of a time skip into the current spot where Yu and Epic are attending school with Guren as their father figure and they've become very close. So close that Yu refuses to work with anyone else but her. They end up getting onto Shinoa Squad (obviously going to be completely different in my version) and they get put onto the battlefield. But here's the catch. Well, two catches.
Yu and Epic do have demon weapons. I do plan to try to incorporate that into this. BUT the backstory is different. I plan to make it so that the vampires obviously see the humans as fies. Insignificant things that are more playthings than threats. And they didn't want to have to deal with killing all of them, so they sent demons in their place to handle it. But the humans were able to form deals or "contracts" with the demons and therefore turned the vampires' own secret weapon against them.
Now, catch no. 2
So, Epic, Mika, and Yu aren't seraphs in this. But they are something else. I'm going to try to explain this as simply as I can, but each of them (besides Mika since he doesn't have a demon) have 3 souls inside their body:
Soul 1 is their current soul, the one that identifies as Mika or Epic or Yu.
Soul 2 is their demon soul, like what Asuramaru is to Yu.
And soul 3 is their archangel soul (I might change that name later on).
So I'm just going to come right out and say it. In this series, Epic is the villain.
You read that right.
Epic is the villain. But she doesn't know that she is. These Soul 3s were reincarnated into the current bodies of Mika, Epic, and Ari (and I know that's not exactly how it works but screw logic this is just a fucking concept) from their lives centuries ago.
These souls existed way before vampires existed and Epic (or Essie) was very close friends with Yu (or Aytigin). Aytigin was in love with Haru (Mika) but for one reason or another, they couldn't be together. Essie wanted to do something, willing to do anything to make the two of them happy. So she made a deal that brought the vampires into creation so that Haru and Aytigin could be happy. She was willing to sacrifice everything that they stood for so that the two of them could be in love together.
She had good intentions, but of course Haru and Aytigin were furious because now the vampires were turning against the humans and they all basically died. Until they were reborn respectively, but unknowingly.
Now picking back up in the present, Yu and Epic are fighting in one of the main battles and the two are very confused when the vampires make a very deliberate attempt not to hurt Epic. They're unsure as to why, but Guren tells them not to worry about it.
Suspicious bastard.
Anyway, it's revealed finally that MIKA IS ALIVE
Yes he is a vampire. And Yu falls in love all over again upon seeing him, and after a bunch of struggling, Epic gets kidnapped. At first she gets strangled by Lacus and then she gets kidnapped by Ferid who doesn't kill her surprisingly.
Oh and uh... Ferid is nice in this. He's still a fucking creep, but he's a lot nicer than he is in the series. I plan to make Queen Krul or whoever I turn her into be the villain.
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Anyway, they take Epic back to the vampire palace or whatever and Queen Krul and Epic are reunited! And Krul is the one who reveals to Epic exactly who she, Mika, and Yu are and this is what sparks Epic's fall to insanity.
I mean, she's the killer. She's the one who brought them into this world. She's responsible for every death the vampires cause.
I would go crazy too.
So, she manages to escape (partially thanks to Mika) and the two join Yu and the others again and it's revealed a second time exactly what is going on. And while no one actually blames Epic on the Shinoa Squad, that doesn't stop people like Kureto and even herself from blaming.
And this causes her demon to go haywire.
She begins losing her marbles, almost killing her teammates and trying to kill herself, all while the three begin to experience dreams or visions of their Soul 3s.
While all this shit is going on, there's heavy romance between Mika and Yu because these two lovers just got reunited and FUCK did they have glow ups but yes -
Oh. And there is another spark for Epic, even though she doesn't think she's worthy of love.
Okay. I'm just gonna say it.
Lacus falls in love with Epic. Yes. You read that correctly too.
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I plan to make the two of them get trapped together at some point and they have to work together to escape. It's during this time that Epic realizes he's not all that bad and has some form of self control and he realizes that she's the most interesting thing he's ever met in this disgusting and boring life and damn do her eyes look pretty-
But yes. She forms a permanent alliance with him that he jokes about as marriage and they meet on other occassions too, but lol yes.
Anyway, blah blah blah, more fall to insanity, the Soul 3s take over their bodies on multiple occasions and there's a lot of bonding and fighting and Epic and Mika somehow manage to get some of the vampires on the human side.
And in the end, Epic and Yu basically sacifice themselves to save the human race and kill Queen Krul. It's a very rough ending I haven't quite perfected yet, but Yu has a moment like he did with the King of Salt. But though he inflicted a lot of damage, it's not enough. So while the team is worried about him, Epic takes this opportunity to fix her and Essie's mistakes.
She allows both Essie and her demon to take control of her body and dies on the battlefield. Queen Krul is eliminated. Most of the vampires are gone. The humans won.
Epic is dead.
Kinda. Yu and Mika take her back home and this is the preview to the last arc where everyone's in the hospital and Epic's in a coma. Mika and Yu barely ever leave her side and it's only when Lacus of all people comes to visit that she fucking wakes up.
Okay. Are you still with me? Now come with me to the final arc.
The Post-War.
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No my friend. It doesn't end there. Because Mika and Lacus are still vamps and life still sucks and I drank too much coffee this morning.
No it's not over yet.
So flash forward a couple years and Kureto and Crew are working as the heads of this city. Stuff is being rebuilt, people are settling down in homes, Lacus and some of the other "good" vampires find jobs, and Mika, Yu, and Epic get a house together (in case I didn't mention before, Epic is pansexual. She loved Akane dearly and I plan to include scenes where she sees her in her mind and dreams like Mikayuu so she's never truly gone, but she falls for Lacus too when he's not being a sadistic asshole). Things are going strangely when
BAM. Epic and Yu come up with a cure for vampirism.
How, you may ask? I don't fucking know, I haven't read about it in the manga yet but before we come up with an idea for it, imma say they came up with it through a spell. They share their findings with Guren and soon all vampires are being cured, most notably Mika, Lacus, and even Rene.
BUT and there's always a but, Kureto passes a new law claiming all vampires to be property. That any vampire or previous vampire or even vampire supporter/owner that tries to disobey these new laws is to be killed immediately. Now Epic and Yu are in jeopardy because their ex-vampires are in danger (Epic and Lacus have been hanging out a lot more and he's proven himself to be a decent guy. Contrary to popular belief, I headcanon him as not really knowing what to do when he actually cares about someone since he's been a heartless vamp for so long. So when he turns to Mika and begrudgingly asks him for LOVE ADVICE of all fucking things, Mika is ready to die). So basically, Mika and Lacus end up getting locked up along with the other ex-vamps (including Ferid which was a pain in the ass) and did I forget to mention that there's a proposal?
Oh yeah, Yu proposes to Mika and the blond still has yet to give him an actual answer because poor baby is still having a hard time accepting that Yu can love a "monster" like him.
But anyways, now Epic and Yu are furious and SHINOA SQUAD IS BACK IN BUSINESS. With the help of Guren and Shinya and everyone, they form a sort of rebellion and blah blah blah they manage to get Mika and Lacus and everyone out and blah blah blah they all get separated and Lacus begins to get INSANELY protective of Epic and ends up confessing his feelings to her before he nearly dies and blah blah blah did I forget to mention that I'm making Mitsunnoa and Kimizuki x Yoichi canon and blah blah blah.
Epic kisses Lacus as an instinct. Lacus kisses her again. Mika accepts Yu's proposal then almost dies AGAIN. I kill off some characters for emotional tugs and after a ton of more fighting and revenge and psychological breakings later, Kureto is killed. And Guren (or someone else haven't decided yet) is the new head of their city.
Epic, Mika, and Yu finally let Akane and the kids go. There's a lot of Shinoa Squad bonding but this is a summary so I haven't included much besides the main three. Epic and Lacus becomes canon. Mika and Yu get married. Guren and Shinya get married. Shinoa gets pregnant.
I do plan to be slightly ruthless like the creator and include a lot of heartbreaking scenes, but it's going to be much different than ONS but I still want it to hold on to some core relationships.
I just want them to be happy. And I just want to make other people happy because fuck I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY
So. Yeah.
That's Bloodsucker...
So my question to you is... if I wrote this shit.
If I sat down and typed about 30 books roughly inspired by Seraph of the End and Mikayuu and Mitsunnoa and shit...
Would anyone read it?
♡ a.a.
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 4 years ago
I Just Want My Heart Back: Sam Winchester x Reader
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A/N: Hello friends! Well, I thought it was time to update my Supernatural masterlist since I’ve been writing so much for Marvel and Harry Potter. It’s been way too long since I wrote something that wasn’t holiday related for Supernatural and after talking to a very good friend, I came up with this! 
BIG shoutout to @calaofnoldor because she gave some wonderful little nudges and suggestions for this and I’m quite proud of how quickly I put this together. The title for this was her idea, as well as this GIF so thank you lovely for all your help!
Warnings: Angst, swearing, breakup, jealous!Sam, mentions of sex, boobs (yep that’s a warning lol) and implied sex but nothing too filthy cause y’all know that’s not how I roll (and I want y’all to use your imaginations too ;))
Word Count: 4,383 
Supernatural Masterlist| Masterlist of all Masterlists
Feedback is greatly appreciated! Tag lists requests are OPEN as well as my inbox!
*Italics are flashbacks and POV*
“I don’t think this is working out,” Sam says, coming to you one day after a hunt gone bad.
“What isn’t working out?” You ask, looking up to the taller Winchester.
“Us, you and me. You living and working with us. All of it.” He says, refusing to make eye contact.
“What? What do you mean it’s not working out? What’s the problem? I’ve been living with you and Dean for the last two years! Why is there suddenly an issue?” You question.
“Well lately, (Y/N) you’ve been really reckless on these hunts we’ve been going on,” he answers, still not looking at you.
“What? Reckless? I’m a hunter, Sam. I take chances just like you and Dean do and they don’t always go as planned, like today.”
“Exactly, that was really stupid of you to go in that warehouse by yourself,” he says as you’re taken back to the events of the day.
“Alright, Sam, you and I will scout out the warehouse, see if we come across any vics. (Y/N) I need you to be on the lookout and alert us if someone’s coming,” Dean said, with Sam next to him, guns aimed and ready to fire. But they looked to you and you were nowhere to be found.
“(Y/N)?” Dean whisper yells for you.
“Dean!” Sam says, panic filling his voice. The youngest brother pointed in the direction of where he was looking straight ahead, seeing you running inside the warehouse.
“Son of a bitch!” Dean yells as he and Sam run after you.
You were too far ahead to hear them running after you until it was too late. An entire pack of vampires had rushed you, trying desperately to sink their teeth into you. A good dozen or more were surrounding you and you began swinging, taking your knife to slice off the heads of the monsters as they grew too close. Screams of the victims could be heard as you fought hard, soon realizing you went alone. Just as one vamp lost its head, another was right behind you and sank its teeth into your shoulder. You scream out in agony; the venom was quickly spreading through your body.
“(Y/N)!” Sam yells to you, watching as you fall to the ground; the pain bringing you to your knees.
“Sam, we can’t stop, there are too many vamps out here!”
“She’s going to turn into one of them if we don’t help her, Dean!”
“Cas! If you can hear us, get your feathery ass down here and save (Y/N)!” Dean yells and then, a fluttering of wings came down in front of you.
“Hello (Y/N), let me take a look at you,” Cas says, kneeling beside you and carefully moving your collar of your shirt away from where you were a bit. You hiss out in pain as the wound was now exposed to the air around you.
“Alright (Y/N) luckily I was able to get here just in time before it got too bad so I can heal you enough now to transport you back to the Bunker but I’ll have to extract the venom from you later. okay?” Cas explained.
“Just, do it!” You cry and a blinding light flashed around you, causing you to lose your sight for just a moment but the sound of vamps being killed was the last thing you heard.
 “Alright, I admit, that wasn’t the best decision I could’ve come up with but I’m okay!”
“Yeah, but today wasn’t the first time you got hurt really bad on a hunt!” Sam yelled, suddenly making himself seem even bigger than he already was.
“What are you saying, Sam? You want me to leave?”
“Yes. I can’t keep worrying about you getting hurt because you’re too damn stubborn to listen to a damn thing Dean or I tell you! We’re more experienced hunters, (Y/N), we know what’s safe and what’s not. We can’t that burden over our heads,” He says.
You felt the tears brimming to the surface of your eyes but with the words he just spoke, you couldn’t let him see you upset.
“Alright, um, I’ll go pack my things and be out of your way.” You say, brushing past your now ex-boyfriend, but making sure to hit him hard as you did so.
When you reached your room, a photo of you and Sam sat on the end-table beside your bed, the smiling faces just mocking you. Grabbing the frame, you throw it across the room and scream at the broken glass now scattered across the floor.
“Fuck you, Sam Winchester!” You yell, hoping to anyone that he was listening.
You and Sam had always been close and just recently started dating. Sure, it was challenging but you thought since you were in the business too, it would be easier to work out any differences you may face; you were clearly mistaken. Taking a duffel bag from out of your closet, you throw all your clothes and toiletries inside, packing up furiously. When you were sure you had everything, you find a scratch piece of paper and write up a note for Dean. You and he were close too; he was like your older brother.
I am so sorry to be writing you this letter but I’ve been informed that I should not be living or hunting with you and Sam anymore. Apparently, I am a burden to you guys and you don’t want to have to worry about my well-being on every case. I guess I am just like you though; stubborn as a mule. I thought that was a good thing but according to Sam, it’s not. I thought he and I could work through anything because I became a hunter too, but I was wrong about that, too.
I’m not sure where he and I went wrong, but today was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I love him, Dean, I really do, but I guess he doesn’t love me enough to keep fighting for a relationship with me. I have a friend who’s a hunter who offered a place for me to stay and is willing to teach me new skills to improve myself as a hunter and who knows, maybe by then, Sam will actually want me around as a partner.
I’m going to miss eating greasy burgers and staying in cheap motels and watching Western’s with you but this is for the best. I can’t be around someone who doesn’t want me around and Sam has made that very clear that he doesn’t care about me anymore.
Here’s my address of where I’ll be staying at for a while; just don’t tell Sam where I’m at. I need to grieve the loss of one of the best things that have ever happened to me. I wish him well though, please tell him that.
I hope to stay in touch with you; you’ve always been like a big brother to me. I love you Dean and I’ll call you when I get to my new home.
Love, (Y/N)
Folding up the paper, you grab your bag and your keys for your car. Walking past Dean’s room, you slide the letter under his door and knock on it, before rushing towards the stairs out when you heard Sam calling for Dean.
“What’s up, Sammy?” Dean asks when he opens his door, noticing the note in front of him.
“I think I found a case for us to work. What’s that?” Sam said, looking at the paper in his brothers’ hand. Just then, the sound of a vehicle starting and driving away interrupted them.
“Who’s leaving?” Dean asked, walking out to the War Room; Sam remaining silent. “What?”
Sam remained quiet for a while until Dean starting growing angry.
“(Y/N) left,” Sam finally said.
“What? What do you mean, (Y/N) left?” Dean asked, still furious with his little brother.
“Where did she go, Sam?”
“I don’t know,” Sam said, avoiding the conversation he just had with (Y/N).
Just then, Dean remembered the letter that was on his bedroom floor. He reached for it from his back pocket and opened it.
Sam watched as Dean’s eyes bounced back and forth across the page; he was starting to feel guilty.
“You told her to leave?” Dean asked, in a calm voice but Sam didn’t peak.
“Answer me, Sammy! Did you tell (Y/N) to leave?!” Dean’s voice escalated.
“Yes,” Sam simply answered.
“Great, you know she’s gone, right? She said we see her as a burden? Did-did you tell her that?!”
“Oh my God, Sam! That’s just great! You know she was the best thing that ever happened to you and you just push her away like that? Why?”
“She was always getting hurt, Dean? What was I supposed to do? Tell her she was doing a good job at constantly getting hurt?” Sam yelled back to his brother.
“Yes! She was stubborn like we are but she was willing to become a hunter just so she could be with you, Sammy! She loved your dumb ass and what, because she got hurt all the time, you stopped loving her?”
“No, I-I never said I don’t love her anymore,”
“Well, she thinks you don’t love her! And you know what else she said in this letter? She said she needs time to grieve the best thing that ever happened to her!”
Sam was quiet for a minute, letting his brothers’ words sink in. The girl he was in love with, was gone forever, all because he hated how stubborn she was and how she never listened. She was just like him and that bothered him. He didn’t want her to be like him, so broken and hurt, but she was also good. She was beautiful and had a positive outlook on life; always bringing happiness to the brothers when they were down. She was young and full of life, always caring about everyone else before herself and maybe that was why she always got hurt. But she loved Sam and he couldn’t understand why, but he felt lucky to have her. Maybe he was overreacting; he got hurt a lot too. It was part of the job to get hurt saving people’s lives and not everyone could do it but (Y/N)? She was good at it because she cared for people so much, way more than he or Dean even could.
“Did she say where she was going?” Sam suddenly asks, growing worried about where she had gone.
“She did, but she doesn’t want you to know. You really hurt her, Sam,” Dean said.
“I know, I fucked up bad. I thought if she wasn’t here anymore, that she couldn’t get hurt, and then I wouldn’t have to worry about her so much. At least, if she went away, she would be safe, but I don’t even know that to be true,” Sam confesses.
“Your plan just completely backfired on you,”
“Yeah, I made things worse, and for what?”
“Because I thought this was the best way to protect her and when she got hurt, Dean, she was almost always near death. I-I couldn’t stand seeing her like that because I knew there was a better way but she always had to go down the harder and more painful path.”
“Yeah, and you know why she did that?” Dean asked.
“Because she was a Winchester. She was stubborn and hard-headed but she is a fighter and she always believed in the best in people. And what did you do? You tried to penalize her for it,” Dean said.
“I know, I really fucked up here. I gotta try and find her, Dean. Tell her I was wrong,” Sam said, going to grab keys for one of the vehicles the brothers owned.
“Dude, she doesn’t want to see you,” Dean reminded him of the letter.
“Well, she didn’t leave that long ago. She couldn’t have gotten too far; I have to try,” Sam argued back.
“Want me to go with you?” Dean asked but Sam shook his head.
“I need you to stay here just in case she comes back home,” Sam says before realizing the Bunker wasn’t (Y/N)’s home anymore. “Just stay here.”
Sam grabbed a jacket and his phone before rushing off to the garage and jumping in behind the wheel of a car. Just before he sped away, Dean came out to the garage with a set of keys in his hands.
“Here,” he said, tossing the keys to Sam.
“Baby? You’re letting me take her?” Sam questioned, surprised that his brother trusted him with his most prized possession.
“Yeah, she’s pretty reliable and will get you where you need to go. Plus, (Y/N) loves her. If you do end up catching up with her, the least you can do is show up in a good-looking car,” Dean smirked as Sam threw the other keys back to him. 
Throwing the car into drive, Sam sped out of the garage, desperate to find (Y/N) and hoping he wasn’t too far behind her. He wanted to apologize to her, tell her he still loved her, and was only speaking out of frustration. Of course, he wanted her to stay and keep hunting with him and Dean but he worried about her a lot, and seeing her hurt all the time, wasn’t good for anyone. Maybe he was being selfish but he thought he was doing the right thing for everyone when he really was hurting the one person who meant the most to him. He pushed the gas pedal down as hard as he could, not caring about the speed limits, and looking around to see if her vehicle had stopped anywhere, as his mind kept wandering off to the letter she left for Dean. Why didn’t she leave one for him? Did he hurt her that bad? 
Sam’s POV
Damnit, I shouldn’t have told her to go and now, I can’t find her. What if I do find her and she doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore? She easily could tell me to go to hell; I mean I did that already but it would be worse hearing it from her. Would she ever let me explain where I was coming from? If she didn’t, I don’t think I would blame her; I wouldn’t let me explain. I hadn’t realized how long I had been driving for but it was starting to get dark. My speed had decreased drastically as I figured I should pull over and rest for the night. It’d be no good for me driving at night when I was this upset over the whole situation. Maybe this still made me seem selfish but I didn’t want to end up dead before I got to her. Seeing a small bar off the side of the road, I go to pull into the parking lot, searching for (Y/N)’s car just in case she had done the same as me. 
Getting out of the car, I lock Baby up and head inside, anxious to see if (Y/N) was there. Looking around the room, I’m met with a bunch of unfamiliar faces. I walk to the bar and order a shot of whiskey. The liquid burned as it went down my throat and temporarily made me feel better but that feeling went away quickly. Just as I was about to order my next shot, I look over out of the corner of my right eye and see that familiar face; the one who had been driving me insane. 
She was sitting at a booth with some guy who couldn’t keep his hands off of her but she didn’t seem to mind. Was she crazy?! This guy is disgusting! How could she be okay with him touching her? I’m the only one who is allowed to touch her. Wait, no, I can’t think like that; I’m the one who broke up with her. But did she have to be looking at him with those big (y/e/c) eyes? And that perfect smile? She used to look at me like that all the time and now? My last memory of her was the look of pure sadness and somber; like I just kicked a puppy or something. No, I just broke her heart. Alright, I hate myself but I need to do something about it instead of just sitting here and watching her fall all over some random guy. I may regret this later but I figure I should go with it and see what happens.
“Hey baby, there you are. I was starting to worry about you,” I say, pulling a chair over to sit on the opposite side of where her “date” was. She looked over at me with a look of disgust but my jealous side told me I was doing the right thing. 
“Go away, I don’t want to talk to you,” she says, turning back to the other guy, so I did the next best thing I thought to do. I stand up and wrap an arm around her waist, hoisting her over my shoulder. She screamed and started cussing me out, causing everyone to look at us. 
“Just our honeymoon is all, she’s a bit nervous,” I lied, looking at the bartender who just nodded his head and smirked; dirty old man. Walking back out to Baby, (Y/N) hits my back several times, telling me I must’ve lost my mind to be treating her like this and she is going to fucking scream when I finally let her down. 
“(Y/N) please, just let me explain,” I say, finally setting her down but still holding onto her arm.
“Why should I Sam? You made it very clear that we were over and that I was a burden to you; why can’t you just let me go? I just want my heart back because you destroyed it,” She says trying to wiggle free from my grasp.
“I can’t let you go,” I say, letting her out of my hold.
“You just did a few hours ago!” She says, growing frustrated with me.
“I didn’t mean anything I said back then; I’m so sorry,” I try to reason with her but I can tell she’s not buying it. 
“Why even say it then?” She scoffs, rolling her eyes at me. 
“I was talking out of my frustration. I hate seeing get hurt; you’ve almost died more than once. I hate that you’re just as much a Winchester as Dean and I are; just as stubborn. But you’re a damn good hunter and we’ve gotten better at this job because of you. I can’t imagine not having you hunt with us anymore; you’re too damn important to me now. I want you to stay; I need you to stay.”
She was quiet for a minute then spoke up, “you told me I was a burden to you, Sam. Do you know how that made me feel? You made me think you didn’t love me anymore. So when you told me to leave, I couldn’t fathom the words that were coming from your mouth. I sat in my car about a mile outside the Bunker and balled my eyes out. Do you not realize what you mean to me? I love you, Sam, but you just tossed me aside like I was nothing.” 
“That wasn’t my intention, (Y/N)! I-I thought I was protecting you!” I yell.
“Okay you really don’t want to be yelling at me right now when you’re already on thin ice here, Winchester,” she warns and I apologize. 
“I promise, that wasn’t what I meant to do. I thought I was protecting you by telling you, you were a burden on us. I knew that if I asked you not to hunt with us for a while, you’d just argue with me about why that’s not fair, so I figured if I told you that it was becoming too difficult for us to always care for you, that you would sit back yourself. And then it spiraled out of control from there and I kept up with the act that I didn’t care about you because I had to make you believe that you weren’t safe hunting. I never told you I didn’t love you; I can’t believe you thought that. I love you more than I’ve loved anyone else and I know that’s a lot to hear because we’ve only really been dating for a short time but we started off as friends first and I knew from that very first day you came to us for help on a case, that I loved you. And then when you told me you had feelings for me too, I was so happy because finally, here’s this amazing woman who understands the business because she does it herself and I love her. But I talked to Dean and he made me realize I probably made the biggest mistake of my life and I am so, so sorry. I only said everything I did because I cared too damn much about your well-being. And I know, it’s dumb and doesn’t make any sense but it’s the truth. I hope you can forgive me and we can go back to just being us. And I am so sorry you cried; I hate when you’re sad. But if you’ll let me, I want to make it up to you.” 
There was silence was settled between us for an agonizing amount of time before she did something I wasn’t expecting. She quickly closed the space between us and grabbed the back of my head to pull me into a kiss. Instantly, I grab onto her hips, holding her into place, while my lips let her know how much I truly missed her. I was growing tired of leaning over so I lifted her to my level, easily able to intensify the kiss. She held onto the back of my shirt like she was afraid she was dreaming and I would disappear at any minute, but I tried to convince her that I wasn’t going anywhere; I was too far invested in this. I broke the kiss for a minute, looking at the beautiful girl in my arms. 
“I have an idea,” I said, setting her down and unlocking the car. She watches me closely as I unlock the door she was standing closest to and open the door to her. 
“Get in,” I say. She does but doesn't understand what I was implying until I grabbed the bottom hemline of my shirt and lifted it over my head. When she realized what my idea was, she followed my lead, lifting her shirt over her head and threw it on the floor of the car. I duck down and make my way inside to the back seat, hovering over her as she lays across the seat. She looked up at me, never breaking eye contact until I kissed her again. My hands traveled down her body, and she reacted to my touch, back arching into me. She pulled away to remove her bra before attaching her lips to mine again. As more and more articles of clothing were being removed, she broke the silence for a minute.
“You know, Dean is going to kill us when he finds out we had sex back here.” 
I laugh, knowing she was telling the truth and thinking what my brother’s reaction was going to be.
“Well, he doesn’t have to know; we’ll get her cleaned before we go back to the Bunker,” I say, trying not to make a big deal out of what we had planned. 
“Oh, I don’t know, plus, how many times has he had sex back here?” She asked and I paused to think about it.
“You know, you’re probably right. I’m sure it’s been numerous times! Wanna just go check into that motel over there?” I suggest, throwing my head to the side to motion to the motel. 
“I mean, that’s tempting but equally as disgusting. You know how questionable those rooms are! If we’re going to have sex, I want it to be special!” She kept her stance on the topic. 
I sigh but realize she was right. I didn’t want to just sleep with her in the backseat of a car or at a dingy motel. As much as I was really wanting to go through with this, I figured we would have a much better time back at the Bunker. 
“Alright, how about we just make out like some crazy teenagers for now and save the rest for later,” I suggested, wiggling my eyebrows at her. She laughs for a moment before reaching down to pick her bra back up but I stopped her.
“Why don’t you just leave that off for now,” I say, eyes trailing down to ger exposed chest before a devilish grin made its way across my face. Her cheeks redden but she throws the bra back and brings me back for another kiss, my hands traveling their way over each breast, savoring the way her skin felt against mine. I missed this feeling; having her with me and exploring every part of each other. And not just for a day or just to ‘scratch an itch,’ but because we loved one another and I needed her to know just how vital she was to my life. Without her, I cannot go on; I know this from experience so I knew I needed to do whatever it took to make her realize that I loved her. 
And after a while and we began our journey home, my hand in hers as she sang along to the cassette tapes Dean had, I knew I finally found the happiness that I thought I couldn’t find because of the life I chose to lead and a life I prayed would never change. It may have been selfish to desire a happiness such as this but I also know I struggled to find peace so now that I have it, it’s like a precious artifact that I will fight to protect at all costs, no matter the risk to my own life, because that I what you do when you love someone. 
Taglist: @tloveswriting @calaofnoldor @thinkinghardhardlythinking @440mxs-wife @angeredcrow @baby1967impala @suckmysupernatural @slutforfics @sam-winchester-admiration-league @awesomesusiebstuff @hobby27 @spnjediavenger @polina-93 @simpleb00x​
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kikis-writing-world · 4 years ago
Who’s The Boss
Summary: Max has a late night meeting with his boss to discuss his recent poor performance. She might have an idea or two on what he can do to keep his job.
Pairing: Max Phillips x F!OC (It is written third person, but there are very few descriptors. Could be read as F!Reader)
Word Count: 3.8k
Rating/Warnings: 18+ SMUT! D/S dynamics (sub!Max, use of “ma’am” and “good boy” honorifics), abuse of power (consensual boss/employee,) oral (f receiving,) squirting, fingering, p in v sex, unprotected sex, role playing, established relationship, aftercare conversation (he’s a vamp and doesn’t really need any, but it’s brought up CUZ ITS IMPORTANT!) Swearing. No beta/editing. As always, if I miss a tag please feel free to let me know! I wanna keep my bbys safe <3
A/N: Idk why I thought I should write Max being dommed? I guess I wanted our vampire frat boy to be put in his place?. Anyway... here it is, I’m only mildly ashamed lol
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Max watched as the final person boarded the elevator, finally leaving the office. He’d been anxious all day, uncharacteristically so, for the rest of his coworkers to leave for the night. He nearly felt like shooing Elaine out of the office by the time she was packing up. With the floor empty, he finally turned towards the closed door of the office.
She’d disappeared into the office about 40 minutes ago. The door was closed but the light was on, bleeding through the crack under the door. He steeled himself, not truly knowing what he was going to meet on the other side once he knocked. Grabbing the nearest file folder off the nearest desk, he shook his arms loose and crossed the room. His knock was answered by a clipped voice, calling for him to enter.
She was sitting behind the desk, looking over various papers and reports. Her bottom lip, perfectly painted bright red, was caught between her teeth. The cardigan she’d worn earlier in the day was draped over the back of the chair. The top two buttons of her tight blouse were undone, the third looking ready to pop open over the swell of her breasts. He cursed the desk from blocking his view of her lower half. He’d seen the pencil skirt she was wearing as she walked the office earlier and he would love another look at her bare legs.
“Can I help you, Mr. Phillips?” She drawled. Her voice oozed with boredom and she didn’t even look up at him. Something about his disinterest had him aching to catch her attention.
“Uh, yes, Mrs-”
“Miss.” She cut him off with a sharp glare before he even had a chance to say her name. It was so abrupt, he almost felt like he was slapped with the syllable.
“It’s Miss.” She repeated, eyes boring into him. “I’m not married. What use would I have for some useless husband?” She scoffed, sitting up and giving him her full attention. His eyes dropped to her chest, seeing the way the movement put even more strain on the fabric covering her.
“Well? Are you wasting my time for a reason, Phillips, or are you here to stare at my breasts?” She snipped, eyebrow quirking up in challenge. Her lips pursed, proud of herself for catching him. He might have blushed if he was physically capable.
“It’s my sales numbers.” He grimaced. She was already in a bad mood and it was about to get worse.
“I’ve already seen your numbers, Phillips.” She sighed, standing up. His eyes followed her hands as they smoothed down the front of her skirt. “Have a seat,” she ordered, gesturing to the chair opposite her. He sat as requested, keeping the folder in his lap as she rounded to the front of the desk. The red patent stilettos she wore nearly made his mouth water.
“Now Max,” she paused to perch on the edge of the desk. He fought to keep his eyes on her face and not the long legs on display in front of him. “May I call you Max?”
“Of course.” He nodded, desperate for her approval.
“Max, we had very high hopes for you when you came to us but lately your numbers have been dropping. You’re not quite up to par. What’s going on, buddy?” She asked with an exaggerated pout.
He struggled to answer, not only because he was scared to disappoint but also because she crossed her legs as she spoke. Any thoughts he had about defending himself disappeared, the only thoughts on the smooth inner thigh and scrap of red fabric she’d flashed him.
She tsked, stopped his ambling for a coherent thought. “That’s a shame. You had good credentials, good references, you did amazing in your interview.”
She leaned back onto her desk, both arms stretched behind her to keep herself propped up. He wished beyond wishes that button in the center of her chest would finally give way.
“If you don’t start impressing me, we’re going to have to let you go.” She stated.
Max’s eyes widened, tearing his gaze away from her body to her eyes. “There has to be something I can do. I need this job. I’m better than these numbers, I promise.”
“Hmm,” She hummed, biting her lower lip as she thought. Despite the worry over losing his job, he wondered how it tasted. “There may be something you can do for me, Max.” She decided, uncrossing her legs.
“Anything.” He breathed, and by god did he mean it.
The last thing he was expecting was for her to lift her leg, resting the arch of her foot on his shoulder. The overhead lights bounced off the shiny material of the shoe as it found its perch, the thin heel pressing not uncomfortably into his collarbone. His mouth ran dry as he followed the line of her leg up from her foot to where it disappeared under her skirt. The skirt that had ridden up her thighs as she lifted her leg high enough to pin him in the chair.
“Why don’t you show me that silver tongue you bragged about when we hired you.” She purred.
Max’s jaw dropped and it took his brain a second to catch up. It didn’t help that what little blood he had coursing through his vampiric veins was entirely focussed below his belt.
“Yes ma’am.” He breathed. He tried to move forward, but her leg kept him in his seat.
“You can start there.” She instructed, very glib for what she was asking him to do.
“Yes ma’am,” he repeated. He cupped her calf in his hand, pressing his lips to the inside of her ankle. He kissed it tenderly, eyes on her to see if he was pleasing her. Her lips quirked up, almost imperceptibly so but it egged him on regardless. He kissed her ankle, licking the soft skin. He tested the pressure against his shoulder, moving his lips farther up her leg. When he met no resistance, he continued upwards.
He nipped at the skin of her calf, worshiping every inch of skin she permitted him to reach. When she felt his teeth against her skin, she didn’t jump, but warned him not to bite. He glanced up at her, trying to show his apology in his eyes. She seemed appeased and didn’t say anything more, letting her leg drape over his shoulder as he moved higher.
He reached her thigh, looking up for permission to push her skirt out of the way. Instead of verbalizing a response, she hooked her other knee over his shoulder. Trapped between her soft thighs, he could already smell her arousal. She lifted her hips from the desk, pushing her weight onto him. He slid the skirt up to her waist, revealing the lacy red number that she had been hiding all day. He moved to pull the garment down over her ass, but she stopped him with a hard pull of his hair quickly grabbing his attention.
“Do you really think you’ve earned that yet?” She asked. He could tell it was rhetorical, that he hadn’t earned it. He responded by releasing the lace, which earned him a good boy. He didn’t have a chance to preen under the praise as she pushed his head forward to her core.
He gripped her thighs as he licked at her through her panties. The fabric was already damp and tasted of her. He groaned, gripping her plush thighs tighter.
She sighed above him, releasing her tight grip on his hair to stroke it instead. Her nails dragged along his scalp in the most delicious way.
The lace grew slick quickly, his own saliva mixing with her arousal as he worked at her. It clung to her skin, almost showing him what she looked like underneath. He longed to taste her without the damn barrier between them.
Her hand left the back of his head, but having received no further instructions, he kept licking and sucking at her. He pushed his tongue as deep into her as the underwear allowed, swirling his tongue against her walls before focusing back on her clit. Chancing a glance upwards, he saw that she had unbuttoned her blouse, her hands playing with her nipples through the matching red lace bra. He moaned at the sight.
“Focus.” She chided, although her tone was breathy with pleasure. He obliged, hoping that if he made her feel good enough, she’d give him more. “So easily distracted.”
“Sorry, ma’am.” He muttered, not daring to move away. He heard her breath hitch as his voice vibrated against her. He hummed against her, hoping to recreate the sensation.
Her hips bucked as she gasped. He smirked proudly against her, but a moment later she was pulling him away by his hair again. He looked up at her, licking her taste off his lips as he wondered what he’d done wrong.
“Take them off.”
He barely stopped himself from ripping the delicate fabric into pieces, instead sliding it hastily down her legs. He dropped the red lace to the ground, diving back into her core. He moaned at the taste of her with nothing blocking his way this time. He devoured her like a man starved.
His increased efforts seemed to be working for her, as she leaned backwards onto her elbows with a moan. He wanted to tell her how exquisite she tasted, but was worried taking his mouth off of her to do so would just annoy her. He tried to convey it with his actions, licking as deep into her as he could. He groaned as her juices coated his tongue, dripping down his lips and chin.
Her hand was back in his hair, firm grip directing him up to her clit. He obliged, circling the bud with his tongue. He tried different motions, listening for her reactions to find what she liked best. Anytime she moaned or gasped, he tried to make her do it again and again. His chin was soaked, but it felt like she was growing wetter by the second against him.
“Fingers,” she breathed, a pleading tone to her voice. The sound made him ache in his pants, her in-charge facade losing power as he pleasured her.
He plunged two fingers inside her, her walls fluttering around them as she whimpered. He worked them in and out, crooking them upwards against her muscles as he searched for the spot that would drive her wild. He knew he found it when her hips jerked against him, heels digging into his back as her grip on his hair grew near painful.
“Right there,” she confirmed, voice breaking. “Oh god Max, right there.”
He thanked whatever evil magic behind vampires that he didn’t need oxygen to live. Even if he did need to breathe, he wouldn’t have been able to pull out of her tight grip as she came. As her taste flooded his mouth, he acknowledged that this would have been a valiant death indeed. She ground her hips against him, using him to prolong her pleasure.
He only pulled away as her body went limp, her hand releasing the back of his head as she reclined against the desk, panting to catch her breath. He sat up, devouring the sight of her splayed out in front of him as he licked her from his lips. Her lipstick was smeared so slightly from biting her lips, her skin shimmering with a sheen of sweat. He could see her nipples peaked against the lacy bra. Her legs were still propped on his shoulders, giving him an exquisite view of her twitching pussy. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her as he began undoing his pants.
The sound of his belt clanking open had her looking down at him. She frowned, despite her relaxed stance.
“Oh no, no, no.” She practically sang, stopping Max in his tracks. “You think one little orgasm and I’m going to let you fuck me?” She laughed, breathless. “It’s going to take more than that. Especially if you want me to forgive those awful sales numbers.” She sat up, chest still heaving. She fanned her blouse, trying to cool her body.
When Max’s voice finally returned to him, he asked “What do I need to do?”
She cupped his chin, making sure he kept his eyes on her face. “Such a good boy,” she cooed, caressing his cheek with her thumb. He leaned into the loving touch, craving more of it. “If you want to make me forget those numbers, you better make me soak this desk. Make a mess of those reports and I won’t be able to read the numbers, will I?”
The grip on his chin tightened as she leaned forward, holding in place as she stared him down. “And then maybe I’ll let you fuck me. Understood?”
“Yes ma’am.” He gulped, staring deeply into her eyes.
“Good boy.” She smiled, giving his head a quick shake before she released her grip and laid back against the desk once more.
Max didn’t need to be instructed further. He wanted to fuck her. Wanted to prove that he deserved to fuck her, that he could make her feel so good if she let him. The second she laid back, he dove between her thighs once more.
She was still sensitive from her first orgasm, if her twitching muscles and breathless moans were anything to go by. He eased two fingers back inside of her, searching once again for that spot. She was tighter but wetter than moments before and he throbbed in his pants. He could feel his dick leaking with excitement, but he had to ignore it for now. It would be worth it if she finally let him fuck her.
He sucked her clit gently to start, easing her back into the sensations, but worked up to a feverish pace quickly. She was writhing under him in no time as his fingers twisted inside of her.
He heard objects falling off the desk as she squirmed. She was making a mess and he loved it. Anything that could serve as proof that he was rocking her world was good in his book.
“M-Max, I’m-” She moaned as something heavy clattered to the ground.
He growled against her, massaging and pressing inside her. If she wanted to make a mess, he’d make a mess of her.
He felt her whole body tense up and shake before exploding as she cried out. Her convulsing walls pushed his fingers out of her as she came, warm and wet against him. He moaned as it soaked him, drinking up as much of the sweet nectar as he could as he circled her clit with his fingers. He felt his shirt sticking to him as her cum dribbled down his chin and neck.
As quickly as it happened, it was over. She lay whimpering and twitching on the desk as he sat back against the chair beaming with pride. She didn’t even look up at him as he gently lowered her legs from his shoulders, bringing them into his lap instead.
He caressed her lower legs, grounding her and letting her know he was there as he waited for his next orders. He was almost painfully hard as he waited for her to come back to him, to finally give him the permission he craved. If he didn’t get to fuck her, god he was going to kill something tonight.
She sat up slowly, her hair a mess. She looked like the perfect centerfold of the dirtiest magazine he could think of, eyes hooded and dark. She reminded him of the MTV video vamps he jerked off to as a teenager, only hotter. Teenaged him would have blown his load twice-over by now.
“So, you can follow directions then.” She hummed.
Max couldn’t stop the laugh from bubbling in his chest. “When there’s an incentive.”
She chucked with him, leaning towards him. She reached out to wipe his face, collecting her juices on her fingers. “The carrot instead of the rod then.” She smirked before sucking her fingers clean.
“Whichever one gets to fuck you.” He shot back, adding a ma’am as he remembered himself.
“Don’t get cheeky,” she warned although she grinned. “But you’ve earned it.”
Max thought he might faint as she crooked her finger, beckoning him forward. He stood so quickly the chair toppled behind him. He stood between her legs, pressing as close to her as he could. He could feel his pants dampening across his thighs where he leaned into the desk under her. He was trembling with anticipation, but he waited for her permission to go any further.
She caressed his cheek, tiling her face in thought. He nuzzled into her hand, aching for more of her touch, to please her.
“You want me?” She purred.
“Please.” He nearly whimpered.
“How do you want me?”
“Anyway you’ll have me.”
“Good boy.” She grinned, patting his cheek twice. She turned his head, pressing her mouth to his ear to whisper “bend me over the desk and fuck me like your job depends on it.”
He was never so glad for super-human speed. She was bent over the desk, ass on display in a second. He heard her gasp as she was laid flat over the top of the desk, but he could hardly care. He was too busy pushing his pants down his thighs, finally freeing his cock.
He lined himself up, not daring to ask if she was ready lest she take back the permission she’d given. He thrust into her, groaning loudly as he finally sank into her warmth. She moaned, back arching under him. He had to pause, already so close to cumming after the long wait.
“Fuck, Max.” She panted as she adjusted to his size. It only took a second until she was wiggling back into him.
He gripped her hips tightly. Not having been able to bite her, mark her up, he hoped her hips bruised. Hoped she would have a lasting reminder of him taking her over the desk in the days it took to fade.
He thrust in and out, hearing the breath punched out of her lungs with every stroke. Her hands were scrambling for purchase, looking for something solid to hold onto as he fucked harshly into her. He grit his teeth, trying to stave off his own increasing pleasure. He had to make this last. She moaned beneath him, pushing back into his thrusts once she gripped the edge of the desk for leverage.
He was glad he’d had the patience to wait until the office was empty. There was no doubt what was happening in this room from the lewd sounds. Skin slapping skin; moans, grunts and cries. Watching her ass bounce against him, he was glad he hadn’t died between her thighs. He wouldn’t have wanted to miss this.
Feeling bold by the noises she was making, he reached forward and gripped her hair, pulling her head back. She whimpered before moaning his name loudly. He felt her tighten impossibly around him. Taking that as approval, he kept the grip tight.
“God, Max,” she moaned loudly, voice echoing off the walls. “If you could make sales with your dick, we’d be rich.”
He growled through clenched teeth, eating up the praise. Releasing her hair, he wrapped his hand around her neck, pulling her flush against his chest. She whimpered as it changed the angle inside of her, her eyes fluttering closed.
“‘S’at mean I’m keeping my job?” He huffed into her ear before licking a stripe up her neck.
“Seal the deal first.” She shot back. He nearly laughed that she was still trying to hold authority over him in such a vulnerable position. Her legs were shaking, her voice trembling and hoarse.
He released her neck to palm her breast. He squeezed at the soft skin as he nosed along her shoulder. She smelt like sweat and sex, her typical perfume all but faded. He swore he could even smell the blood in her veins, flowing so fast, so hot.
She cried out his name as he pinched her nipple. He pushed her back over the desk, feeling her legs close to giving out. He could feel her getting close to her third orgasm, her walls fluttering around him. He stopped holding back, ready to chase his own release. Sneaking his hand beneath her, it only took the barest flick to her sensitive clit until she was wailing beneath him.
His eyes rolled back as her walls clamped around him. Feeling her walls fluttering around him, convulsing with release, it only took him a few more shallow thrusts until he was joining her. His loud groans bounced off the walls of the small office as he buried himself deep within her. She whimpered softly, reaching back to hold the hand that was clasped around her hip.
As he came down from his high, he pulled his softening length from her. He watched her walls flutter against nothing, his seed dripping out of her. He gripped a cheek in each hand, massaging them. It made the milky liquid drip out of her quicker, spreading over her lips. It was hypnotic.
He stopped himself before any could drip down onto the carpet. He took a kleenex from the box that had miraculously stayed on top of the desk throughout the encounter, using it to clean her up. She whined softly at the touch, overstimulated and spent. He threw the used tissue in the bin with perfect accuracy.
Lifting his pants back to his hips, he rounded the desk to sit in the rolling chair she had occupied when he entered. He couldn’t help but laugh at the goofy sated smile on her face as she remained on the desk. She looked up at his laugh, eyes bright but tired.
“So, do I keep my job?” He asked with a grin, smoothing down her hair.
“Mmhmm.” She nodded, closing her eyes at his touch. “Are you okay? Do you need anything?”
He laughed heartily at that before pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Another round, maybe.”
“Ugh, vampire.” She scoffed, rolling her eyes. “I mean, I didn’t say anything-”
“No, you were perfect.” He promised her.
“‘Kay. Good.” She sighed. “Cause if you needed, I’d move right now. I would.”
“I believe you.”
She groaned as she stood up, stretching her tired muscles. She kicked her shoes off, legs shaky enough without the heels, and padded slowly around the desk, leaning heavily on the furniture for support. Max watched with a smug grin.
“Shut up.” She pouted, sitting delicately in his lap.
“Didn’t say anything.” He argued, wrapping his arms around her.
“You were thinking it. It’s not my fault I can’t keep up with you.” She complained, nuzzling into his neck.
“Nope.” He denied, letting the word pop. “I was wondering if I get to be your… what did you say, “useless husband” again.”
“I was getting into character.” She laughed softly. “You’re always my useless husband, Mr. Phillips.”
“Don’t you forget it, Mrs. Phillips.”
Tagging @wickedfrsgrl​ @din-damn-djarin​ @thisisthe-wayson​ @vonschweetz​ @insideafictionaluniverse​ @driedgreentomatoes​ @computeringturtle​ @gorgeousgrogu​ (you replied to my post about writing this, but I can remove the tag if you’d like)
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izartn · 4 years ago
On the The Host romance:
A lil note: @into-september as you’re reading Twilight, and your last post made me realise this, I thought it better to write my own post and tag you! Hope you don’t mind.
The Host is the first novel of an “adult” science fiction trilogy by Stephanie Meyer which never was finished. Published in 2008, the same year as Breaking Dawn, I guess she preferred gaining the benefits of her vampire saga to keep on writing. 
For shame, because for me, The Host is much better at establishing worldbuilding, a concept and its protagonists + a romance (not that there isn’t anything cuestionable in it, but to my taste it’s better done than in Twilight). Here is the first paragraph of The Host wikipedia’s section on plot: 
A species of parasitic aliens called "Souls" have invaded Earth, deeming the humans too violent to deserve the planet. When a Soul is implanted into a host body, the consciousness of the original owner is erased, leaving their memories and knowledge. 
Wanderer, a Soul, is placed into the body of Melanie Stryder. However, Melanie's consciousness is still alive and begins to communicate with Wanderer mentally. Wanderer's assigned "Seeker" suggests that she could be placed into Melanie to retrieve the memories before disposing of the defective body, but Wanderer makes several attempts to deny her Seeker's wishes. As Wanderer starts to uncover some of Melanie's memories of her younger brother Jamie Stryder and her boyfriend Jared Howe, Melanie gets her to follow a series of landmarks throughout the Arizona desert to find her Uncle Jeb, hoping that Jared and Jamie are with him. By doing so, she would be denying the Seeker Melanie's memories and the humans they would lead her to.
Just. Read that and have the face to tell me it doesn’t sound more interesting than Twilight I dare you. Of course the books are different genres, although the focus is in the... more sentimental part in both. It’s just that The Host story is more unusual and the worldbuilding dreamy and subtly horrific. 
Well I said I was gonna talk about the romance right? Spoilers incoming!
 A bit of more context is necessary; in The Host, Melanie, the human Wanda (nickname of Wanderer) is possessing, is in love with the boyfriend mentioned in the sinopsis, Jared. Wanda being in the body of Melanie, feels things for him. We can divine for context this is sexual attraction plus having access to some of Melanie’s memories and noticing Jared is pretty ok as humans not possessed are left on Earth. 
Melanie reaction to this oscillates between “don’t you dare touch my boyfriend alien” and “well of course you fell for him, he’s pretty awesome” to “if I can’t it’s ok if you want to” when she’s feeling herself disappear at one point. Which is bullshit bc her conscience comes back when Wanda goes to tell Jared to kiss her bc she’s feeling Melanie disappear and when he gets near Wanda, Melanie usually mounts a whole circus in her head. It works. 
Well that’s one part of the romance. The other is Ian, a human in the settlement who is pretty level-headed and who starts talking to Wanda, as her guard first and then as her friend. No previous contact with Melanie, so he mets Wanda in Melanie’s body and isn’t excessively hostile or sad. Bc you know, an alien is in the body of you “niece, girlfriend, sister, etc” isn’t really conductive to good first impressions although that alien has come bearing the news that said person is still alive somewhere in their brain. 
(Also the whole human group is so hilariously based on those paranoid about the government/end-of-days usa people... And it works! LMAO) (The social dynamics are interesting in this book ok? basic but ingenious)
So Wanda falls slowly without noticing for Ian; Ian falls first and confesses and everything. I think their first kiss was a bit sketchy? But generally they good. 
The interesting thing is this: Melanie and so her body, is in love and attracted to Jared. Wanda, inhabiting Melanie’s body, starts realising that although Jared is pretty ok and all that, he’s really Melanie’s love; she doesn’t exactly like his more violent tendencies. 
(Really he’s more apocalypse survivor hardcore, but he really was a dick to her at the start, bc alien possessing girlfriend and all. Also gave her mixed signals, etc. Very american male which, eh. Melanie is also very apocalypse survivor hardcore; the two mesh well bc of that lmao) 
Well, as Stephanie Meyer is SM, and she has some weird ideas about romance the thing is, Wanda doesn’t feel sexually attracted to Ian. Bc all the hormones in her body are signaling only Jared. But she really is romantically attracted to Ian, and loves him. When they kiss, she likes it, but it’s not super passionate nor does it brings the same high that the few occasions Jared kissed her. To Ian’s credit he doesn’t really get it at the start, but then is immediately acepting of Wanda’s boundaries. I think he pushes a bit? But this SM so. Sigh. (I like to think in the hands of another author he wouldn’t do the sterotypical male thing but yah)
What I mean is that Stephanie Meyer, without intention, created an ace romance. Sure, it bc really weird biological alien science, but if you take it to mean Melanie is demi and only feels attracted to Jared, that makes her body reactions logical when Wanda also falls in love. She isn’t occupying the body wholly; there’s the host original presence; so she falls romantically but not physically. If I’m saying great idiotices please correct me under; I don’t have any background on sexology or biology. 
Sadly, Wanda is also super worried of not being able of correctly loving Ian, so. Negation of ace identity in one, two..., warning to folks sensible to it. 
And well, she ruins it when at the end when Wanda is put outside Melanie´s body into one who doesn’t have a human conscience. She explained the others how to take “souls” out of humans without killing any part, and how to take the “souls” to the space ships where they’ll be transported to other worlds. But sometimes the humans have passed so much time suppressed, or have been taken so young, that there isn’t a conscience-anyone to recover. 
The Host is very weird, bc this is a race of genocidal colonist aliens who are weird beautiful little ribbons of silver in their original form, who after abandoning their original world by possessing another race who invaded them realised they could live whatever lives they wanted possessing people without dying and just. Went for it. They are a supposedly all peace loving gents, who cured all poverty and illness by their superior technology and like, very comunist-anarchist society. Who abhor violence, but don’t see eliminating other people identity as violence. 
They are weird and amazing; when they realise having and raising children as humans costs so much, they start acting as parents to those humans without going to have a soul implanted on their kid, bc they love them as they are. A mess of contradictions, and Wanda is so interesting bc of this. 
Sadly, SM acted again, and made Wanda one of the rare females able of auto-destroying to create more fragments of herself (aka other souls). The rest of souls don’t have any gender and chose bodies as whatever sex they like most. Guess Wanda being an alien was fine, but not having an explicit gender was too much, lol. To be fair, she says she prefers female bodies, but doesn’t really mind. Good on Wanda. 
There’s a secondary romance too; the search of Ian’s brother, Kyle (who almost kills Wanda once) for his abducted girlfriend, Jodie. Results the soul inside her body, Sunny has all of Jodie’s memories of Kyle and is like, already in love with him. She lets herself be abducted, and when they explain they’re gonna get her out and why, is like, cries and begs, but accepts it bc is Jodie who Kyle loves. She hasn’t ever heard her like Wanda did Melanie, though, so when like a week or two pass and Jodie’s conscience remains dead Kyle consents (bc the other relatives of Jodie are soulified) to bring back Sunny. Wow. What a clusterfuck. They don’t date but there’s this weird vibe where Kyle has stopped hating all souls after Wanda’s mess and his encounter with Sunny, and Sunny herself is like; yay! I can live with humans and Kyle and I’ll keep trying to awake Jodie. And the two of them are described as inseparable? 
It’s more intriguing than Twilight; I wished there were more fics interested in exploring cool canon divergences and all. I didn’t dive in the problematiqueTM aspects of the book but come on, this is SM and you have reading comprehension. I just wanted to talk about how interesting is the intersection of sexuality in romance in Wanda’s case >-< Still better than Twilight but I guess the aesthetic of vamps surpases The Host. Which. Valid ok? Each to their own. 
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kitkatwinchester · 4 years ago
So...considering we’re on the home stretch of the greatest show of all time--a show that has been a huge part of my life for the last eight years--I figured now was probably a good time to start doing reactions and reviews. I’ve seen a lot of Tumblrs do this, and I want to join in on that.
So basically, I’m gonna start by just doing a bullet point list of reactions as I go. Fair warning, I get very excited and very into this show, so the list’ll probably be pretty long. But hopefully you enjoy it! And, even if you don’t, this gives me something to look back on years down the line. XD
Also, my mom is watching it with me, so I might include some of her reactions/our discussion in my list too!
And, because I can, at the end of all of it, I’ll give a much more concise review/reaction based on how I feel after the whole episode’s over. Because why not. XD
Enjoy my watching! XD <3
Oh we’re starting!
...did I miss the “then” title card?
Oh wait there it is.
Dude we’re going FAR back on this “then”. I wonder what that means?
My poor baby crying again. :(
“It was. In the 50s.” Point taken.
My poor baby. :( :( :( :(
Oh so killing Amara is officially a plan? Okay then.
“I’ve killed Hitler.” I can’t believe he’s still talking about that! XD
Actually I can believe he’s still talking about it, I take that back.
Okay, I know this episode has something to do with them celebrating holidays because of a fairy or nymph or something like that, and this is already feeling like a light-hearted, fun, domestic Winchesters episode. I hope it stays that way. <3
Have you tried turning it back off and turning it on again? Hit reset.
Ummm...okay then.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, Jack is my favorite and Dean is my second-favorite.
“Language!” “That’s it I’m getting my gun.” XD XD
I can already tell that so many of my reactions are probably just gonna be me quoting and then laughing. XD
They don’t seem very concerned? Shouldn’t random people not be able to get in?
This lady is such a mom omg.
Mrs. Butters? XD
Wood nymph. Got it.
“Shouldn’t you be in the woods somewhere? Nymphing?” XD XD (P.S. That was my mom’s favorite line in this episode. XD)
You what now?
Necessities of life?
Hmmm….I like her, but she weirds me out. Something is off.
Dean’s “oof that’s awkward” face. XD
“2020.” Hearing that year said out loud just feels...oof. Just oof.
Poor nymph…
Wait, haven’t we seen those symbols before? Maybe I’m making that up.
HA! “It’s kind of been one apocalypse after the other.” He’s not kidding.
WAIT WAIT WAIT WHAT??!! A MONSTER radar??!! Dude WHAT?! Man, they’ve needed something like that for YEARS!
Wait wait wait...relatively nearby….it’s not gonna ping because of Jack is it?? SHE’S NOT GONNA HURT JACK IS SHE??!!
Oh okay nevermind. Just a vamp nest.
Say what now?
We can...that just...umm...okay then??
“Heck...heck yeah.” XD XD XD
Yeah I’m with Sam on this one. She seems innocent, but, like…
Dean does have a point though.
But also things like this never last. It’s too good to be true.
“She’s probably harmless, but just in case, watch yourself”?? Dean that was a terrible way to do that but okay.
Snickerdoodles. XD
My poor baby looks so lost. :(
I mean...Dean makes a good point there. But also the son of Satan is adorable and she’s suspicious. But anyways.
“Ignoring your trauma doesn’t make you healthy.” SOMEONE FINALLY SAID IT OMG!!! XD XD XD <3 <3 <3 <3
...Jack is hiding something? IS JACK HIDING SOMETHING?!
...do we know what Jack is hiding??
The only thing I can think of is that he knows about Cas’s deal with the empty, but he had a soul when that happened, and it wasn’t really eating at him then. Is it eating at him more now for some reason??
Jesus christ this is gonna bother me…
Okay but when has that ever actually worked, Dean?
I’m guessing they didn’t tell her he’s a nephilim? If they don’t really trust her--which they don’t--they shouldn’t. Is there a chance she knows already? I feel like she wouldn’t be acting like that if she did.
Vamps watching a movie with vamps. Classy. XD
At least they’re drinking from bags instead of from humans I guess?
Nice slicing at the same time, boys.
Huh. Well. That was easy. Too easy?
Their faces. XD
Okay she’s kind of adorable not gonna lie.
“We are so keeping her.” XD XD
If I can’t get adorable Jack right now, I’m okay with adorable Dean. XD <3 <3
Sam is still suspicious, but Dean is totally into it.
“Enjoy the world you’re fighting for.” That was really quick and so subtle, but d*mn that’s a good line.
Uh-oh. I don’t like the way she said “what are you”. DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH MY BABY!!!
“He’s a millennial.” XD XD
DEAN IN THAT NIGHTGOWN OMG!!! I know it was in the promo photos, but seeing it in the context of the episode is even funnier. XD
Sam’s gagging at his bro’s “down there” bits lol.
Oof. She is VERY absentminded by Jack and whatever he is. No likey.
...hmm. I still don’t trust her with Jack.
HA!! “I’m worried about your cholesterol.”
And Sam and Jack’s little smiles at that omg. <3 <3 <3
The way they’re running to their rooms to get ready omg.
And that cut to them being dressed and going.
Their faces! XD
The cinematography in this episode is AWESOME. Go Serge Ladouceur (and yes, I looked that name up. XD)
No crusts. Blessed knives. “I just waxed it.” She IS a mom!
Wait no. Take Jack with you. I don’t trust her with him.
“What shall we do with you.” LEAVE HIM ALONE IS WHAT!
Oh. They’re doing dishes.
...I don’t like the way she’s talking to him.
Oof. Mary. *gags*
Jack you’re adorable and I love you but please stop being so gullible and stop sharing so much personal information.
WAIT NO! I know you feel guilty, but DON’T TELL HER YOU KILLED HER!
...oh. That was actually super sweet, and honestly the EXACT thing Jack needed to hear. ...maybe she’s not so bad?
...wait what? She just...pulls those out of thin air?
Ha! Another hunt
Aww! Thanksgiving! <3
Where is Cas during all this? Talking to his angel friends I guess?
That finger gun at Sam omg.
It’s so EASY for them wow.
Halloween! Fitting given our current season.
Their little smiles awww!!
...I still don’t necessarily trust Mrs. Butters. BUT I LOVE SAM AND DEAN AND JACK!
Those faces for the lunches just get better and better.
Also that is an AWESOME shot.
BIRTHDAY!! Awww… <3 <3
OOF. Poor Dean. XD
Jack’s laugh and then immediately being like “oop” and bringing his head down but still chuckling when Dean glares at him I CAN’T. XD XD
AWW!! She made extra for him!
Okay, I like her. But I’m still cautious.
Oh. THERE it is.
What’s she doing??
Jack’s got you lady.
My mom is wondering why she has to walk away to make another smoothie when before she was just producing them. I’m wondering if maybe she has to near the ingredients to whip it into a smoothie magically, but that seems weird...continuity error?
Get her, Jack. My smart boi. <3 <3
My Mom: “You better hurry it up there, Jack.”
Oh it’s evil Men of Letters dude. NOW I get why we went that far back.
Oh! AND the Thule. NOW I get why Dean mentioned killing Hitler again. Wow. Nice connections on this episode all around. Go writers.
...she did what now?
HOLY S*** HOLY S*** HOLY S***!!!
Do NOT ask about tea or cookies after you just pulled sh** like that.
On a more positive note, the way Jack just said “son of a bitch” out of nowhere like that is so adorable because he, like, NEVER swears, but also that’s Dean’s saying and it just proves that he’s taking after his dads and just already growing up and AHHHH I LOVE HIM!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Also Jack please go tell your dads what you found.
Okay so during the commercial break, my mom and I looked up wood nymphs and had this big discussion and here’s kind of what we came up with:
So we were trying to figure out if wood nymphs are supposedly evil, and we didn’t find much, but they do have super strength (which explains her ability to rip off that dude’s head…), and the ability to control wood and nature, which might explain why she can pull smoothies out of thin air.
So then we saw on the SPN Wiki page for this episode that part of the description mentions that the wood nymph would do anything for her family, and that makes me wonder if she has, like, ulterior motives to protect her wood nymph family? But also, she said the Men of Letters were her family, so that translates to Sam and Dean now, right? So theoretically, she wouldn’t hurt them, she’d be trying to protect them. Which means they should be fine, because she only hurts threats. But then my mom pointed out that maybe she considers Jack a threat and that’s a really good point, so now I’m worried all over again. She’s still acting weird with him, and even though I did like that little advice she gave about second chances, maybe it’s all an act? My mom thinks she, like, poisoned his sandwich or something with anti-nephilim juice in order to try to hurt him, but that was before she knew he was a nephilim, right? I don’t know. I think my mom makes a really good point. I hope my baby winds up being okay. :(
Okay. Back to the episode now. 
Ahhhhhhhh noooooo. Where are the boys when we need them?
Wait, DATE?? EILEEN??!!
No. He isn’t. Go away.
Sam look at yoooooooouuuu. <3
But also please take a moment to notice how uncomfortable your son is and ask him what’s wrong please and thank you. (And yes, I will keep saying son thank you very much.)
Ha! She wants him to get a haircut just like Dean does. The joke’s about Sam’s (and, by extension, Jared’s) hair will never not be funny.
Ha! “Language.”
Okay the Sam and Eileen thing is adorable, and Sam and Dean’s banter is hilarious, but guys...look at your son please and thank you. :(
I’m so torn between wanting Sam to just be happy and enjoy himself and wanting him to help Jack ahhhhhh.
Sam can go on his date. I’m sure Dean can handle it.
Roses! Nice touch.
Ha! Dean with the supportive big bro action.
Such. A. Mom.
Wait nooooooo.
Okay but Alex’s acting right there...tip top. So subtle. Jack is trying so hard to be sneaky and warn Dean about what he saw, and the way Alex is conveying pure panic but also showing how sneaky he’s being is AWESOME.
Also that little “sh*t” or “da**it” or whatever it was that he mouthed? Somehow so cute and makes me so worried at the same time.
“The Dean Cave”?? XD XD
Dean I am BEGGING YOU, please take a cursory glance at your son.
The subtitles say “suspenseful music plays” XD XD
Wait Jack noooo. Don’t go after her alone! Chase Dean instead!!
She’s totally gonna trap him in there.
She’s being so condescending shut the fudge up.
What? No.
Does he still not have a soul? Is that what he’s hiding? That wouldn’t make sense.
Oh wait. I get it now.
They’re not. They know he won’t now.
He IS family!
...my mom literally just said “told you so” about the poisoning. ...which also explains why she walked away to make another smoothie, because she WANTED him to find the video, says my mom. And yes, my mom was right, AND I HATE IT!! SCREW YOU LADY!! LEAVE MY BABY ALONE!!
It IS safe you B**CH!!
HE’S NOT A MONSTER!!! :’( :’( :’(
Ha! He’s so excited about the sandwich and it’s adorable.
But also save your son!!
...wait what?
She’s...she’s really just gonna out herself like that?
Ha! YES!
Aww...Dean’s so disappointed. :(
BUT! He’s sticking up for his son! Because even if he’s mad at him for everything that happened to Mary (but also get over it, because she sucked anyways, Dean XD), of course he’ll still protect him.
Ha! The way he just takes it away…
Aww...poor baby. :(
He’s so disappointed. He deserves better. I feel bad for him. :(
Aww...looking at the sandwich, but making the right call.
AWW! He’s trying. Best of both worlds.
Take the deal, lady.
Screw you, lady.
He is NOTHING like his father, thank you very much!
Well...now what??
Oh thank god, Sam’s home. He’s smart. He’ll find a way to get them out.
Her calling him Samuel is both hilarious and annoying, somehow. I think it’s only annoying now because I hate her with what she just did to my boys. XD
She gonna out herself again?
Sam’s face when she said that about good news and bad news. XD
I suppose the benefit of having a bad guy who thinks they’re doing the right thing is that she’s not trying to hide it. So hopefully, if she outs herself again, Sam can deal with it a little better than Dean did, knowing Dean was not very successful lol. Dean let his love of her food get in the way. XD
She DID out herself!
Ha! “You were always the smart one.”
YES! Good job, Sam. Starting off strong. <3
YES! GOOD JOB SAM!! Nice manipulation.
Can’t believe she’s asking about the date.
Actually yes I can. XD
Wait, why don’t WE get to hear about the date? I WANNA HEAR ABOUT THE DATE DA**IT!
Well, DUH, Sam, you think they don’t know that?
Dean OMG!! XD XD
In Dean’s defense, he knew she’d wait for Sam, so...it’s not like they were REALLY in danger.
Do NOT try shooting her. Are you kidding me right now?
...really Sam? REALLY?! You’re going to try to SHOOT her?? You’ve seen what she can do, and you’re going to try to SHOOT her? She got the jump on JACK. POWERED UP Jack. Really? Call me crazy, but I feel like that’s not gonna work.
Yes. Yes he is. ...so much for Sam being the smart one.
I want to be mad at them for getting distracted by the holidays, but also I can’t exactly blame them given their childhoods, so…
Ha! The way they both react to the Boxing Day breakfast. Such brothers. XD
There ya go. Good plan. MUCH better than shooting her. Thank you boys.
WAIT WAIT WAIT!! Is this where we’re gonna get the “you sure this is gonna work” “let’s say yes” scene from the promo?? I THINK IT IS!! (Okay, so I MAY have watched that particular five second scene a million and one times because it had my boys in it, but I love them okay?? Sue me.)
Hey. Chill, Dean. Don’t yell at him.
Aww baby. :( :( :(
He doesn’t think you’re a monster. He’s just upset. :( 
...uh oh. This convo is gonna be bad, isn’t it? :( :(
:’( :’( :’( :’( :’(
WAIT! “For a while” YES! THAT’S A GOOD THING!!
Oh wait. “Still am a little bit.”
“Evil Mary Poppins” XD XD
AWWW!! SEE JACK?! He DOES love you!! <3 <3 <3 <3
OKAY NEVER MIND THAT CONVO WAS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD!!! I need to break that down for a second.
That convo was short and subtle and to the point, but it says SO much about Dean and Jack’s relationship.
First of all, the fact that Dean decided to be honest with Jack instead of continuing to pretend everything’s fine shows how much he really does care about Jack and how much he still trusts him and loves him. He doesn’t open up often, and I’m glad he finally did.
Second of all, he may have been blunt, but there was so much affection hidden in the way he addressed all of that. I mean, he tells Jack that he used to be really mad, and he still kind of is, but then he reminds him that just because they’re in a rough patch right now doesn’t mean he wants to lose him. Yes, Jack made a mistake, and yeah, Dean’s finding it hard to get over it, but Jack’s family through and through, and that means that, no matter what, Dean’s going to look out for him. It’s the same way he treats Cas and, more notably, the same way he treats Sam. He’s giving Jack the family treatment. And THAT is a BEAUTIFUL thing.
All of that said, between all of the OG Team Free Will, Dean’s relationship with Jack will always be my favorite (probably mostly because they’re my two favorite characters, but also because they’re amazing together), so this convo makes me so freaking happy. <3 <3 <3 <3
Sam you are being not very sneaky. 
I take that back. Sam is not being smart about this. *eye roll*
Actually quick side note, one that I’m adding now that I’ve finished the episode: not having Cas around TOTALLY makes sense. Explanation included in the review.
“Because you are my favorite.” XD XD XD 
She shouldn’t still be making me laugh, but dangat she’s too funny. XD
Wait noooo. No torture allowed.
Ha! Fixing his hands.
...but did the cuffs break at least?
HA! She actually converted him to not swear.
I love how Dean makes a point of swearing extra loud after he realizes what he did. I love him. XD XD <3
Oh frick, that didn’t break the cuffs? Are you kidding me? Stupid powerful magic…
OOH! Dean’s got an idea!
OH SHUT UP LADY! Are you still talking??
...okay so...trauma.
Please listen to Sam.
Just because he has blood on his hands doesn’t mean he’s not a kid. Just saying.
Okay so I kind of feel bad for her knowing what she’s been through, but also that does not excuse her behavior. However, I will take back what I said about someone ripping her head off. I suppose that isn’t really necessary.
That said, someone please do something. :( :(
My mom and I are both turning away owwwwwww.
Jesus Christ lady!!
“Pain is just weakness leaving the body.” Dean what?! XD XD
HEY! Smart! Way to go you two!! <3 <3
And still helping his son up YES! <3 <3 <3
Okay that could not have been a more in character moment between Dean and Jack right there. Between the “not so bad” and the helping him up and the helping him walk down the hall and Jack just following him along and I just...I LOVE THEM OKAY!! <3 <3 <3
...Dean honey that was the reset button…
There’s no way that did the job. Too easy.
Problem not solved!! Problem DEFINITELY not solved!!
Creepy green eyes!!
Oh she looks maaaaad. That’s not good.
HEY!!! What happened to not hurting family??!!
Which family??!! Cause YOU’RE the one destroying them!
No he won’t.
“You hurt him, you hurt us.” GREAT line!! YES SAM!! <3 <3 <3
Oooh!! He’s getting to her!! <3 <3
Oop. There’s our backstory. Mr. Cuthbert wouldn’t let her go back. Not that I’m surprised, given what he did to Dean all those years ago.
Yes. Yes he did.
YAY! Dean jumping in to save his son. <3
NICE! Good call, Dean! <3
THAT FACE!! Jack’s face!! <3 <3
YES!!!! YES!!! GOOD JOB BOYS!! <3 <3 <3
Awww….poor Mrs. Butters…
Okay now I feel really bad for her. And a little guilty that I called her a b***h. I’m still kind of mad at her, but...her motives make sense.
Hey yay! She healed him!
Wow, this nymph is POWERFUL. Now that she’s nice again, can we, like, actually keep her? Cause that’d be an awesome ally to have.
Aww...Jack being the one to voice their forgiveness. So pure, especially since she was after him all that time. <3
Awww….Dean wants her to stay. He’s so upset. XD
But he also gets it. :) <3
OMG!! That shot with all three of them looking at her and those sweet little smiles they give her as she’s talking about home. There was just so much...genuineness in that! I loved it! <3 <3
Jack being the voice again. <3
Okay, she looks hecka cute in that outfit.
Oof. That makes sense lol. It would be way too easy if it didn’t revert back.
...inter what now?
Oh shoot...that just proves Chuck destroyed all the worlds...lovely….
Awww!! <3 <3
Ha! Her little words of wisdom to them! To reiterate: SUCH. A. MOM. XD XD <3 <3
Sam and Dean’s smirks at each other when she tells them to do the same things they’ve been telling each other to do for years--eat your vegetables and cut your hair. XD
Awww….that little extra nose crinkle and smile at Jack when she tells him to save the world. <3
I also just realized that this breaks my theory that anyone who meets Jack instantly falls in love with him because of how adorable he is. Though, I guess she’s a little different given that extra little motivation to protect her family in the only way she knows how. Plus, trauma.
Oof. Bye bye extra magic.
Aww...this convo between Jack and Sam. <3 <3
Aww Jack… :( :(
You weren’t stupid, baby. You all fell for it. :(
Aww….he’s looking for faith from Sam.
And Sam just gave it to him. <3
I know the line seems desperate, and in a way, it is, but the way that Sam gave him a little smile shows that it’s more than that. They are desperate, and Jack is their only hope, but also, Sam knows Jack can handle it, because he does have faith in him. It’s a short convo, but it says so much.
That tin has a birthday cake for Jack, made by Dean. Calling it right now.
“He loves that apron.” XD <3 <3
I KNEW IT AND I LOVE IT OMG!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
THAT’S SO ADORABLE!!! And that is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT Dean’s way of telling Jack that he still loves him, and that he forgives him. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
AWESOME ending shot. It’s a great way to end a much more light-hearted episode while also setting us up perfectly for knowing that things are about to get heavy and serious. I bet whatever Jack wished for, it has something to do with taking on God.
Okay, so...those reactions were a lot longer than I was anticipating, and I want to apologize, but also, I did warn you. XD That said, review time!
I loved this episode! It was absolutely hilarious, but also sweet and touching. It mixed some crazy and fun moments with some of the most subtly emotional ones, both negative and positive. I absolutely loved all the Easter Eggs, and I loved watching the boys have a chance to celebrate holidays in a way that they never have before, especially with Jack. The facial expressions in this episode killed me. Between all of the little smiles and dorky excitement, I was laughing and smiling right along with the characters. Some stand-out moments/things for me: 
That convo between Dean and Jack. I already broke it down above, but seriously, I love how they did that. As a huge fan of Dean and Jack and their relationship, the way that those two interacted this episode was beautiful and really sets up the fact that they’re going to need to lean on each other for support as a whole family in the coming fight, and I loved that. <3 
Sam going on a date with Eileen! <3 Initially, I had a theory that Sam and Eileen would end up together at the end of all of this, but when she left a few episodes ago, I threw that idea out the window and it made me sad. So the fact that they went on a date and got to see each other again--even if we didn’t get to see it--makes me so happy and brings back my hope that they’ll end up being together. <3 That said, I am 100% going to write a fanfiction of that date, since Supernatural chose to keep it from us. XD
The acting really stood out to me in this one. Maybe it’s just because it’s been so long since I’ve seen them doing something new, but I honestly feel like J2 and Alex nailed it even more than usual. I mean, their facial expressions were seriously so amazing in this episode. Between the really dorky moments and the subtle emotional moments, I felt like their faces were always saying so much and I loved it. <3
One thing I want to address is the lack of Cas. I know a lot of people were upset that he wasn’t in it, especially since the boys were celebrating so many holidays with Jack, and while I agree that it would’ve been beautiful to have him there, it makes perfect sense that he wasn’t there based on the trajectory of the episode and everything that happened. For starters, if Cas had been there, the wood nymph business would’ve been solved INSTANTLY. Cas is always extra suspicious of people, so if she didn’t trust him because he was an angel, the odds of her getting the jump on him would’ve been slim. And yes, she did poison Jack with the smoothies, but, as this episode continued to point out, Jack is still a kid, so he’s still much more naive and gullible. Plus, he’s upset and guilty and confused and just generally vulnerable now that his soul is back, so it was easy for him to trust and be manipulated. But if Mrs. Butters had tried to do the same thing to Cas, (and I’m picturing that one scene with the milkshake in Peace of Mind here) there’s no way he would’ve fallen for it. More importantly, with how worried he is about Jack, he would’ve been really vigilant about the way she was talking to him and everything, and he probably would’ve caught the poisoning long before it could really hurt him. And you can argue that Sam and Dean probably should’ve picked up on it, which is true, however, even they admit that they get distracted in the fun of it all. While it would’ve been great to see Cas in on the festivities, he wouldn’t have been quite as distracted by it as the boys were, and with his vigilance, there’s no way any of them would ever have gotten hurt. He’d be watching Mrs. Butters like a hawk, and the second she did something suspicious, she’d be gone. That said, I can understand if people want to say that’s dumb, because if they didn’t want Cas to defeat the villain so easily, they shouldn’t have had a villain that could be so easily defeated by Cas, and I’m sure some people feel like that’s a stupid excuse. To which I also offer this. After seeing those convos between Dean and Jack and Sam and Jack, and knowing that the episode ends with the three of them celebrating Jack’s birthday, Cas’s absence makes even more sense: this episode wasn’t about him. I love Cas, but it didn’t need him. See, Cas already has an undying love for Jack. While Cas definitely saw Mary as family, he never had the same emotional connection to her that Sam and Dean did--for obvious reasons. But he definitely had--and still has--a very strong emotional connection to Jack. He’s always been the most involved in being Jack’s father--again, for obvious reasons. But even after the Mary incident, it was Cas who went to find him, who tried to help him, and who wanted to protect him. Cas always loved him and always trusted him, and he always will. But Sam and Dean lost a lot of trust for Jack after what happened to Mary...and this episode fixed that. Because Cas wasn’t around, it gave Jack a chance to prove himself to Sam and Dean again. Sam had already pretty much forgiven him, but Dean was definitely on the fence. He even says it. But the fact that Dean had that conversation with him and said everything he did proves that Dean still loves him, and it gave Jack the reassurance he needed that, while Dean is still mad, he doesn’t hate him, and he doesn’t think he’s a monster. And while Sam and Jack were on pretty good terms, Jack was still worried that Sam couldn’t trust him--that Sam didn’t have faith in him anymore. But when Sam tells him that he knows he can defeat God, Jack gets confirmation that Sam does still have faith in him. And after all of that, after celebrating all of those holidays together, and having both of those conversations, to then end that with Sam and Dean celebrating Jack’s birthday? That’s what this episode was about. Sure, it was a silly monster of the week episode. Sure, we got some adorable and hilarious moments. And sure, we got to see them celebrate things that they never got to celebrate in a real way before. But underlying all of that, we got to see Jack become part of Sam and Dean’s family again. We got to see them bond. And knowing that this is right before they all prepare to take on God--Jack needed that. The boys needed that. They needed to all trust each other again. And the fact that they celebrated his birthday at the end proves that they do. They’re a family again. They have each other’s backs. They trust each other. And they love each other. And as much as I love Cas, and as much as I would’ve loved to have seen him be a part of their holidays, he didn’t need to be. But those three did. And that’s why Cas wasn’t in the episode. So, frankly, full points to the writers for making that happen. While they gave us a fun episode, and they may have left out a fan favorite character, it created an underlying theme that’s really going to matter as we get into the big stuff of Season 15. And that’s awesome.
All in all, I thought this was a great episode, and I’m so glad that this is how we get to jump back into the season. Not only was this episode hilarious and fun, but it was also a great set-up for the coming battle and for all the hard and serious things that are bound to come in the next several episodes.
Rumor has it that this was the last “silly” episode of the show, and while that’s a sad thought to think about, it totally makes sense with what they did with the episode, and frankly, I think it’s a beautiful silly one to have ended on and a great way to lead into everything that’s coming next.
My Rating: 10/10
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anotherkpopvictim · 4 years ago
Into a New World (Through the Gate) BTS OT7 Fantasy Story Chapter 2
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(Picture source)
A/N: Hello...I’m back sooner than I thought. I decided that Hoseok will meet the others a bit more slowly than I originally had planned. I think it will be more enjoyable this way, though.
Anyways, since it’s Yoongi’s birthday, I decided that we’ll be meeting him next...and perhaps someone else as well ;)
Enjoy! And Happy Birthday Yoongi!
Relationship: BTS X BTS
Rating: T (for now)
Words: 3424
Hurt/comfort, fluff, fantasy
PLEASE NOTE: I made an update to the worldbuilding notes about fairies in the last chapter, as well as a few small details changed in the story, so you might want to go back and reread that if you want all the information. Sorry for the confusion.
Chapter 2: Cabin in the Woods
Worldbuilding Note on Immortality and Aging: In this story, every supernatural creature is immortal, though some more than others. No supernatural creature will die from old age, but they can be killed. For example, vampires and witches are the hardest to kill. Vampires can only be killed if they are cut into pieces, and while witches are technically humans, they can gain the magic ability to create many protection spells and reverse their age. Any other supernatural creature holds enhanced healing. There are a few kinds of creature-specific sicknesses that can also kill, but it is very rare. Low magic energy levels are the only other thing that can affect a supernatural creature’s health, though it rarely kills.
As for the ages that creatures appear, vampires will always be the age that they were when they were turned. Witches will often use magic to keep themselves looking young. Most other supernatural creatures have an ageless-looking appearance once they reach adulthood.
Worldbuilding Note on Vampires: Vampires are created from humans. Vampires are not able to have children, so the only way they can come to be is if a human is bitten by a vampire and has venom purposely injected into their bloodstream and then dies with that venom still inside their body. When they are turned, the person that turned them becomes their sire and is lawfully responsible for keeping the fledgling under control until they’ve learned the tools to curb the bloodlust.
Behind witches, vampires are some of the oldest supernatural creatures. While most other immortal creatures are usually killed off before they reach one thousand years old, quite a few vampires have exceeded the age.
Random Worldbuilding Note: Earth has different countries and traditions similar to our world. However, everyone speaks the same language (I guess we’ll say it’s English). Different honorifics still exist depending on the country (hence why they still use terms such as “hyung” and “noona” in this South Korea). Some supernatural species have a special language unique to them, but they still speak English as well.
(A/N: So sorry if this is super confusing, I’m new to worldbuilding lol)
“-And this is where Jin-hyungie yelled at Namjoon-hyungie for breaking his vase. I think he said it was like thousands of years old or something...”
The little vamp’s commentary was cute, but Hoseok found himself a bit distracted by the beautiful mansion he’d been led to.
Jungkook had shown him the few miles back to the residence he apparently shared with five others. It was situated at the edge of the large forest Hoseok had been dropped into, an extravagant, nature-inspired mansion just before the tree line. Largely constructed of large logs of wood, Hoseok couldn’t help but admire the details in the craftsmanship. Fairies had an appreciation for nature, so he saw many houses just like this one back in Aurora.
Hoseok followed Jungkook through the front door and into a big entry room where the younger was currently rambling about random memories and his ‘hyungies’.
After switching their dirty shoes for slippers, they made their way up a grand staircase just beyond the foyer and ended up in a lounge room where Hoseok couldn’t help but freeze in his steps at the sight of another person.
A small man with pale skin and a dark, sharp gaze stood only a few feet in front of them with curious eyes. He was dressed in blue velvet pajamas and had matching sliders on his feet. He’d obviously just come through the door on the left side of the room that leads even further into the house. He looked at Hoseok with analyzing eyes. “Jungkook, is this a friend of yours?” the man asked, tone neutral.
“Oh, Yoongi-hyung!” Jungkook exclaimed, an excited smile on his face. “This is Hoseok-ssi, he’s a fairy! I just found him in the woods and told him he could stay here-”
“You what?” The man, Yoongi, hissed, eyes suddenly narrowing in on the young vampire. (Yoongi’s look)
Jungkook became wide-eyed at his hyung’s outburst and repeated unsurely, “I-I found him in the woods...”
Yoongi pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “Jeon Jungkook, what the actual fuck were you thinking?” Despite the angry worry in the words, Hoseok could hear the underlying fondness as well. Yoongi dropped his hand and looked at Jungkook seriously. “How many times have hyungs told you that you can’t just bring strangers into our house, especially a random fairy you found in the woods -,” his feline-like eyes cut to Hoseok, “- No offense.”
Hoseok waved him off, understanding. “None taken. It was a little strange that he seemed to trust me so quickly, but I thought it was perhaps just a custom on Earth.”
Jungkook pouted, slouched over next to him. He obviously took the gentle reprimand from his hyung to heart.
Yoongi was still regarding Hoseok with a calculating gaze but remained amicable. “Jungkook is still young, he doesn’t see new people very often.”
The fairy hummed in agreement. If Jungkook had been turned only seven years ago, that meant that he probably still needed to be close to his sire most of the time. Carrying on that train of thought, “Are you his sire?”
“I am,” the older vampire replied, before cutting to the chase. “Do you have any intentions of harming me or any of my pack?”
Hoseok could tell that Yoongi was quite a bit older than him by his aura alone, but the impact the vampire’s demanding words had on him left no room for doubt. His tone was laced with dominance, letting the other know that he really didn’t want to know the consequences that came with lying. Not that a fairy could straight out lie anyways.
Thankfully, the fairy just had to be honest. “I wish no harm to you or your pack,” he replied, hoping his genuine tone got across to him. “I apologize if I’m intruding.”
Yoongi sighed, “Well, Jungkook already invited you in and it would be rude to throw you back out.” The vampire took a moment to think before he said, “Follow me. I think we should probably talk about a few things.”
“I’m sure you understand that I need to know more about you before you can stay with us as a guest,” Yoongi said. He’d led them to another lounge room, one that apparently the pack used most often.
Hoseok agreed with a nod as he settled down onto the comfortable, plush sofa, the other two taking the pair of empty recliners across from him. “Of course I understand. We are strangers. I suppose I should be wearier of you as well but I honestly don’t think I have the strength at the moment.”
He’d been slowly feeling the energy drain out of him since he came through the Gate, but now that he was seated, he realized that his earlier tiredness was becoming increasingly greater.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook immediately asked, worry in his gaze. “Did your journey through the Gate take a big toll on you?”
“Gate?” Yoongi asked, eyebrow raised.
“Yes, hyung,” Jungkook replied. “Hoseok-ssi came through the forest Gate.”
“The gate in the Mysterious Forest? Our Mysterious Forest?” At the younger vampire’s confirming nod, Yoongi hummed thoughtfully. “That’s never a good sign.”
Hoseok frowned, “What do you mean?”
Yoongi shifted his gaze back over to him, “Do you think that anyone really wants to go to a place with a name such as the Mysterious Forest?”
Well, he certainly had a point there.
“I didn’t know where I was going when I went through the Gate,” Hoseok admitted. “Unfortunately, it was without my consent.”
The older vampire furrowed his brows in confusion. “If that’s all, why didn’t you simply go back through?”
The fairy sighed. “It’s a bit hard to...”
As he was trying to find his words, a new figure walked through the door to the lounge room. Hoseok watched as a short man with what could only be a dancer’s body walked in. He wore jeans and a black knit-sweater interwoven with bright colors to form random words. He was a sight for sore eyes with his bubblegum pink hair and matching plump, pink lips.
It was the color that first made him realize who the man before him was, then the familiar aura about him confirmed Hoseok’s suspicions.
This was Jungkook’s fairy hyung. What had the young vamp said his name was again?
The man’s eyes were also undoubtedly flashing the same shade as his hair as he took in Hoseok, his expression melting from surprise into an angelic smile. (Jimin’s look) “And just who do we have here?”
“Jimin-ah,” Yoongi greeted, a small but fond smile on his face. The same kind of fondness that he’d expressed towards Jungkook not too long ago. “You’re home early.”
The man, Jimin, replied to the older vampire but didn’t let his eyes stray from Hoseok. “Jin-hyung told me to go home because he says I’ve been working too hard lately.”
Before that conversation could continue, Jimin strutted across the floor with a light confidence about him and held his hand out towards Hoseok.
Blinking in surprise, Hoseok lifted his hand shakily, thankful when Jimin took the initiative to press their palms flat together in a traditional fairy greeting. Hoseok felt a rush of kind and loving flow through him - Jimin’s unmistakable aura. He knew that Jimin was probably feeling his own orange positivity and warmth. As fairies, they could sense each other’s intentions easily.
“It’s nice to meet you,” the pink fairy greeted, relaxed. “I’m Park Jimin.”
“Jung Hoseok,” the orange fairy breathed, relieved to find the reassurance of a kind soul.
Jimin’s eyes widened slightly, “You don’t happen to be one of the Jungs, would you? Aurora’s royal family?”
Yoongi’s eyes cut to Hoseok with that same sharp gaze while Jungkook looked at him with a bewildered expression. If they weren’t so unfamiliar with each other, Hoseok might have laughed at the totally stark contrast between the two.
As it was, Hoseok bit his lip and nodded in answer to the man’s question, unable to lie even if he wanted to. “Yes, I am part of the royal family.”
Jimin quirked an eyebrow at him, “Then what in the world are you doing here?”
“That’s what he was explaining to us before you arrived,” Yoongi said. “Jungkook was in the forest when Hoseok-ssi came through the Gate. He brought him back here.”
“Brought him back-” Jimin looked like he was about to explode as he desperately looked at the young vampire. He seemed to cut himself off before he could start scolding him. “Never mind, that’s not important right now. What is important is why Hoseok-ssi came through the Gate and why his energy levels are dropping. So, while I make some tea to help with that, he can continue his story.”
Hoseok was a little surprised by how forward the other fairy was, but he didn’t question it.
Perhaps it wasn’t the best idea to tell three nearly strangers his personal story, but Hoseok felt all the adrenaline of the last few hours wear off and bone-deep exhaustion take its place.
As Jimin made his way over to the corner of the lounge room, where a small counter sat, to turn on the kettle to boil, Hoseok took a deep breath. “I’m...my older brother is the King of the Fairy Kingdom,” he began, ignoring Jungkook’s immediate little gasp of surprise. “I...We had a disagreement during a council meeting and he...he, ah, he banished me from Aurora.”
Hoseok couldn’t help but feel embarrassed as he took in Jungkook’s shocked expression and Yoongi’s thoughtful one.
Jimin sat down bravely next to Hoseok and place a comforting hand over his own. “Your brother is King Minseok?” At Hoseok’s confirming nod, Jimin hummed understandingly. “He’s a...a bit of a loose cannon, isn’t he?”
Hoseok hummed his affirmation. “No one can predict how he’ll react to something, even the smallest of things. After our father was killed fifteen years ago, Minseok has had the throne.”
“I remember the coronation,” Jimin commented.
Hoseok vaguely wondered why Jimin had left Aurora, and if it had been of his own accord. However, he knew that he was the one being interrogated right now.
“I was under the impression that the current King was a good man,” Yoongi said, his brows furrowed slightly.
“He is,” Hoseok defended, almost instinctively. “I mean...he’s far from the worst ruler the Kingdom has ever known.”
“That’s not very convincing,” Yoongi rebutted.
“He has good intentions, but he is prideful,” Hoseok admitted. He’d never said such things about his brother out loud before, and it honestly felt really good. “He doesn’t like when someone has ideas that differ from his own.”
“H-He banned you just because you had a different opinion than him?!” Jungkook nearly shouted, incredulous.
Hoseok nodded, still a little ashamed. “I’m not allowed back into Aurora. He’ll kill me if I show up there ever again.”
A silence came over the room as everyone digested Hoseok’s story. Yoongi and Jungkook were both obviously lost in thought as Jimin crossed the room once more when the kettle whistled.
Hoseok watched as Jimin pulled a teabag out of a tall, silver container and placed it in one of the available mugs. Jimin then poured the water into the mug as well before adding in a bit of honey and stirring. In the back of his mind, Hoseok wondered if Jimin somehow knew that that was how he preferred his tea, or if it was simply a coincidence.
The pink fairy sauntered back over to the sofa and handed Hoseok the steaming cup of tea. “I could feel your energy levels sinking, so this should help a bit.”
Hoseok inhaled the scent of berries and a hint of citrus. Cautiously, he took a sip. There were floral undertones to the tea that seemed to send a spark of something through his veins, though he couldn’t quite identify what it was.
“It tastes wonderful,” he complimented. “I swear I feel more stable already.”
Jimin giggled, “I would hope so. Our Taehyungie worked on perfecting that blend for years.”
Another one of Jungkook’s ‘hyungies’, Hoseok guessed.
He hadn’t really wanted to admit to himself, but his magic energy truly was dropping low. He’d never experienced it before himself, nor had he heard many others’ stories of it, but Hoseok knew that’s what was happening to him. Low magic energy is one of the only ‘sicknesses’ that could kill a supernatural creature. Though typically caused by overuse of magic, it can also be caused by a spell or come about as a reaction to shock. Hoseok didn’t think that what he’d gone through that day warranted enough shock to cause it, but he certainly hadn’t overused his magic. Perhaps a spell had been cast on him by a witch, though that was highly unlikely. Oh well, that was something for future, not-tired Hoseok to worry about.
“Well, thank you,” Hoseok said. “Both for the tea and for taking me in. I don’t really have anywhere to go.”
“You should be thanking Jungkook for being reckless,” Yoongi replied. “If he hadn’t brought you here, we wouldn’t have been able to help you.”
Jungkook looked up at the older vampire then, all wide, puppy eyes and a pout on his lips. “H-Hyungie, I’m so sorry that I was so stupid. I realize now that Hoseok-ssi could have been a bad person and I let him into our house. I just really liked him and I wanted to help him,” Jungkook muttered, still ashamed. “I didn’t mean to put the pack in danger.”
Hoseok was surprised when, for the first time, Yoongi’s expression shifted into something else entirely, his typically stoic exterior melting completely at the younger vampire’s cuteness and innocence. He reached out and curled a hand around Jungkook’s shoulder, sliding to the edge of his seat so he could be closer to the younger.
“It’s alright, little one,” Yoongi reassured in a smooth, calming tone that filled Hoseok with warmth. “I know you didn’t mean to. You haven’t been in contact with many others besides us in years, I’m sure meeting a new person was really exciting. Just remember to be more careful in the future.”
Jungkook nodded almost feverishly as he melted into his hyung’s familiar touch. “I will,” he promised.
Jimin must have noticed the surprised look on Hoseok’s face because he couldn’t keep in his giggles. “Yoongi-hyung seems all scary, but he is truly the biggest softie in the whole world.”
“Park Jimin,” Yoongi replied, a fake-sweet smile on his lips. “Shut your trap.”
Jimin smirked, “Well, you can’t tell me I’m lying, hyung. I’m a fairy.”
Hoseok blushed a little in embarrassment about being caught staring, but he giggled along as well, albeit a bit more tiredly.
Jimin turned back to him and gave him a knowing smile. “After the day you’ve had, I’m sure you’re more than exhausted. Let me show you to a guest room where you can take a nap.”
“Wait,” Hoseok blinked, “So...you’ll allow me to stay here? Even though you don’t really know me?”
“You’ve been easily honest with us, which is rare, even from a fairy,” Jimin replied. “Plus, your aura has told me enough.” The pink fairy stood up and held a hand out for Hoseok to take. “Come on, you need rest.”
Hoseok looked over at Yoongi, who was now running his hands through Jungkook’s hair soothingly. The older vampire gave a single nod, “I’m cautious, but I trust Jimin’s intuition. I also know that I’m much older than you and that it would be foolish of you to try to take me on.”
Well, at least he was honest, even if brutally so.
Hoseok gave him a small, thankful smile anyways and turned back to the pink fairy in front of him. “Okay, lead the way.”
With Jimin’s hand occupying his right, and his left curled around the warm mug of tea, he followed the pink fairy through a maze of hallways. Unlike Jungkook, who excitedly pointed things out to him, Jimin was quiet, probably because he could feel how tired Hoseok was as their hands touched.
“Just in here is one of the guest rooms,” Jimin announced, pushing open one of a hundred doors they’d passed by. “Though, we don’t have guests all that often, so don’t expect much.”
The room greeted Hoseok with the same wood cabin style walls and floor that seemed present throughout the whole house, the walls decorated with a few abstract art pieces. A king-sized four-poster bed was the centerpiece of the room, with a set of drawers, a vanity, and a bedside table filling up the rest of the space.
Simple, unlived in, and a safe place to sleep.
“It’s wonderful, thank you.”
Jimin smiled brightly at him, his eyes nearly disappearing with the action, before he gestured towards the two doors to their left. “The en suite is through there, and the other one is a closet, though I suppose you don’t have any other clothes with you...”
“Jimin-ssi,” the orange fairy began.
"Thank you,” Hoseok licked his lips, suddenly feeling parched. “I really don’t know much about Earth and I’m really not sure how I would have faired if the little vamp hadn’t found me. As reckless as it may have been for Jungkook to invite me into your home, I am eternally grateful for his kindness. And yours and your pack’s as well, for allowing me to stay here.”
Jimin’s smile softened and he replied, “I would never leave a fellow fairy in need. Besides, your aura has given me nothing but positive feelings. My pack trusts that I can read your intentions well enough.”
Hoseok took a sip of the tea he’d nearly forgotten about in his hands, soothing his parched throat.
“Get some sleep,” Jimin said. “Hopefully that will bring your energy levels back up some.”
Hoseok nodded in agreement, setting the cup of tea on the bedside table and taking a seat himself on the edge of the bed. Moments after Jimin left the room, Hoseok laid down to sleep. He was out before his head hit the pillow.
A/N: Props to anyone that really worldbuilds in their story, it is not an easy thing. I feel like mine is kind of a mess, so I apologize. Let me know if you’re confused about something or have any suggestions for me <3
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spnreactions · 4 years ago
Alright! Let’s get started! 
This is actually copied and pasted from my main blog, where I posted this last night. From here on out, though, I’ll be posting them on here first and then re-blogging them on my main blog, because I can. 
And, fair warning, I get very excited and very into this show, so the reactions list will probably be pretty long. XD 
And now, without further ado, let’s watch 15x14: Last Holiday. <3 <3 
Oh we’re starting!
...did I miss the “then” title card?
Oh wait there it is.
Dude we’re going FAR back on this “then”. I wonder what that means?
My poor baby crying again. :(
“It was. In the 50s.” Point taken.
My poor baby. :( :( :( :(
Oh so killing Amara is officially a plan? Okay then.
“I’ve killed Hitler.” I can’t believe he’s still talking about that! XD
Actually I can believe he’s still talking about it, I take that back.
Okay, I know this episode has something to do with them celebrating holidays because of a fairy or nymph or something like that, and this is already feeling like a light-hearted, fun, domestic Winchesters episode. I hope it stays that way. <3
Have you tried turning it back off and turning it on again? Hit reset.
Ummm...okay then.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, Jack is my favorite and Dean is my second-favorite.
“Language!” “That’s it I’m getting my gun.” XD XD
I can already tell that so many of my reactions are probably just gonna be me quoting and then laughing. XD
They don’t seem very concerned? Shouldn’t random people not be able to get in?
This lady is such a mom omg.
Mrs. Butters? XD
Wood nymph. Got it.
“Shouldn’t you be in the woods somewhere? Nymphing?” XD XD (P.S. That was my mom’s favorite line in this episode. XD)
You what now?
Necessities of life?
Hmmm….I like her, but she weirds me out. Something is off.
Dean’s “oof that’s awkward” face. XD
“2020.” Hearing that year said out loud just feels...oof. Just oof.
Poor nymph…
Wait, haven’t we seen those symbols before? Maybe I’m making that up.
HA! “It’s kind of been one apocalypse after the other.” He’s not kidding.
WAIT WAIT WAIT WHAT??!! A MONSTER radar??!! Dude WHAT?! Man, they’ve needed something like that for YEARS!
Wait wait wait...relatively nearby….it’s not gonna ping because of Jack is it?? SHE’S NOT GONNA HURT JACK IS SHE??!!
Oh okay nevermind. Just a vamp nest.
Say what now?
We can...that just...umm...okay then??
“Heck...heck yeah.” XD XD XD
Yeah I’m with Sam on this one. She seems innocent, but, like…
Dean does have a point though.
But also things like this never last. It’s too good to be true.
“She’s probably harmless, but just in case, watch yourself”?? Dean that was a terrible way to do that but okay.
Snickerdoodles. XD
My poor baby looks so lost. :(
I mean...Dean makes a good point there. But also the son of Satan is adorable and she’s suspicious. But anyways.
“Ignoring your trauma doesn’t make you healthy.” SOMEONE FINALLY SAID IT OMG!!! XD XD XD <3 <3 <3 <3
...Jack is hiding something? IS JACK HIDING SOMETHING?!
...do we know what Jack is hiding??
The only thing I can think of is that he knows about Cas’s deal with the empty, but he had a soul when that happened, and it wasn’t really eating at him then. Is it eating at him more now for some reason??
Jesus christ this is gonna bother me…
Okay but when has that ever actually worked, Dean?
I’m guessing they didn’t tell her he’s a nephilim? If they don’t really trust her--which they don’t--they shouldn’t. Is there a chance she knows already? I feel like she wouldn’t be acting like that if she did.
Vamps watching a movie with vamps. Classy. XD
At least they’re drinking from bags instead of from humans I guess?
Nice slicing at the same time, boys.
Huh. Well. That was easy. Too easy?
Their faces. XD
Okay she’s kind of adorable not gonna lie.
“We are so keeping her.” XD XD
If I can’t get adorable Jack right now, I’m okay with adorable Dean. XD <3 <3
Sam is still suspicious, but Dean is totally into it.
“Enjoy the world you’re fighting for.” That was really quick and so subtle, but d*mn that’s a good line.
Uh-oh. I don’t like the way she said “what are you”. DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH MY BABY!!!
“He’s a millennial.” XD XD
DEAN IN THAT NIGHTGOWN OMG!!! I know it was in the promo photos, but seeing it in the context of the episode is even funnier. XD
Sam’s gagging at his bro’s “down there” bits lol.
Oof. She is VERY absentminded by Jack and whatever he is. No likey.
...hmm. I still don’t trust her with Jack.
HA!! “I’m worried about your cholesterol.”
And Sam and Jack’s little smiles at that omg. <3 <3 <3
The way they’re running to their rooms to get ready omg.
And that cut to them being dressed and going.
Their faces! XD
The cinematography in this episode is AWESOME. Go Serge Ladouceur (and yes, I looked that name up. XD)
No crusts. Blessed knives. “I just waxed it.” She IS a mom!
Wait no. Take Jack with you. I don’t trust her with him.
“What shall we do with you.” LEAVE HIM ALONE IS WHAT!
Oh. They’re doing dishes.
...I don’t like the way she’s talking to him.
Oof. Mary. *gags*
Jack you’re adorable and I love you but please stop being so gullible and stop sharing so much personal information.
WAIT NO! I know you feel guilty, but DON’T TELL HER YOU KILLED HER!
...oh. That was actually super sweet, and honestly the EXACT thing Jack needed to hear. ...maybe she’s not so bad?
...wait what? She just...pulls those out of thin air?
Ha! Another hunt
Aww! Thanksgiving! <3
Where is Cas during all this? Talking to his angel friends I guess?
That finger gun at Sam omg.
It’s so EASY for them wow.
Halloween! Fitting given our current season.
Their little smiles awww!!
...I still don’t necessarily trust Mrs. Butters. BUT I LOVE SAM AND DEAN AND JACK!
Those faces for the lunches just get better and better.
Also that is an AWESOME shot.
BIRTHDAY!! Awww… <3 <3
OOF. Poor Dean. XD
Jack’s laugh and then immediately being like “oop” and bringing his head down but still chuckling when Dean glares at him I CAN’T. XD XD
AWW!! She made extra for him!
Okay, I like her. But I’m still cautious.
Oh. THERE it is.
What’s she doing??
Jack’s got you lady.
My mom is wondering why she has to walk away to make another smoothie when before she was just producing them. I’m wondering if maybe she has to near the ingredients to whip it into a smoothie magically, but that seems weird...continuity error?
Get her, Jack. My smart boi. <3 <3
My Mom: “You better hurry it up there, Jack.”
Oh it’s evil Men of Letters dude. NOW I get why we went that far back.
Oh! AND the Thule. NOW I get why Dean mentioned killing Hitler again. Wow. Nice connections on this episode all around. Go writers.
...she did what now?
HOLY S*** HOLY S*** HOLY S***!!!
Do NOT ask about tea or cookies after you just pulled sh** like that.
On a more positive note, the way Jack just said “son of a bitch” out of nowhere like that is so adorable because he, like, NEVER swears, but also that’s Dean’s saying and it just proves that he’s taking after his dads and just already growing up and AHHHH I LOVE HIM!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Also Jack please go tell your dads what you found.
Okay so during the commercial break, my mom and I looked up wood nymphs and had this big discussion and here’s kind of what we came up with:
So we were trying to figure out if wood nymphs are supposedly evil, and we didn’t find much, but they do have super strength (which explains her ability to rip off that dude’s head…), and the ability to control wood and nature, which might explain why she can pull smoothies out of thin air.
So then we saw on the SPN Wiki page for this episode that part of the description mentions that the wood nymph would do anything for her family, and that makes me wonder if she has, like, ulterior motives to protect her wood nymph family? But also, she said the Men of Letters were her family, so that translates to Sam and Dean now, right? So theoretically, she wouldn’t hurt them, she’d be trying to protect them. Which means they should be fine, because she only hurts threats. But then my mom pointed out that maybe she considers Jack a threat and that’s a really good point, so now I’m worried all over again. She’s still acting weird with him, and even though I did like that little advice she gave about second chances, maybe it’s all an act? My mom thinks she, like, poisoned his sandwich or something with anti-nephilim juice in order to try to hurt him, but that was before she knew he was a nephilim, right? I don’t know. I think my mom makes a really good point. I hope my baby winds up being okay. :(
Okay. Back to the episode now.
Ahhhhhhhh noooooo. Where are the boys when we need them?
Wait, DATE?? EILEEN??!!
No. He isn’t. Go away.
Sam look at yoooooooouuuu. <3
But also please take a moment to notice how uncomfortable your son is and ask him what’s wrong please and thank you. (And yes, I will keep saying son thank you very much.)
Ha! She wants him to get a haircut just like Dean does. The joke’s about Sam’s (and, by extension, Jared’s) hair will never not be funny.
Ha! “Language.”
Okay the Sam and Eileen thing is adorable, and Sam and Dean’s banter is hilarious, but guys...look at your son please and thank you. :(
I’m so torn between wanting Sam to just be happy and enjoy himself and wanting him to help Jack ahhhhhh.
Sam can go on his date. I’m sure Dean can handle it.
Roses! Nice touch.
Ha! Dean with the supportive big bro action.
Such. A. Mom.
Wait nooooooo.
Okay but Alex’s acting right there...tip top. So subtle. Jack is trying so hard to be sneaky and warn Dean about what he saw, and the way Alex is conveying pure panic but also showing how sneaky he’s being is AWESOME.
Also that little “sh*t” or “da**it” or whatever it was that he mouthed? Somehow so cute and makes me so worried at the same time.
“The Dean Cave”?? XD XD
Dean I am BEGGING YOU, please take a cursory glance at your son.
The subtitles say “suspenseful music plays” XD XD
Wait Jack noooo. Don’t go after her alone! Chase Dean instead!!
She’s totally gonna trap him in there.
She’s being so condescending shut the fudge up.
What? No.
Does he still not have a soul? Is that what he’s hiding? That wouldn’t make sense.
Oh wait. I get it now.
They’re not. They know he won’t now.
He IS family!
...my mom literally just said “told you so” about the poisoning. ...which also explains why she walked away to make another smoothie, because she WANTED him to find the video, says my mom. And yes, my mom was right, AND I HATE IT!! SCREW YOU LADY!! LEAVE MY BABY ALONE!!
It IS safe you B**CH!!
HE’S NOT A MONSTER!!! :’( :’( :’(
Ha! He’s so excited about the sandwich and it’s adorable.
But also save your son!!
...wait what?
She’s...she’s really just gonna out herself like that?
Ha! YES!
Aww...Dean’s so disappointed. :(
BUT! He’s sticking up for his son! Because even if he’s mad at him for everything that happened to Mary (but also get over it, because she sucked anyways, Dean XD), of course he’ll still protect him.
Ha! The way he just takes it away…
Aww...poor baby. :(
He’s so disappointed. He deserves better. I feel bad for him. :(
Aww...looking at the sandwich, but making the right call.
AWW! He’s trying. Best of both worlds.
Take the deal, lady.
Screw you, lady.
He is NOTHING like his father, thank you very much!
Well...now what??
Oh thank god, Sam’s home. He’s smart. He’ll find a way to get them out.
Her calling him Samuel is both hilarious and annoying, somehow. I think it’s only annoying now because I hate her with what she just did to my boys. XD
She gonna out herself again?
Sam’s face when she said that about good news and bad news. XD
I suppose the benefit of having a bad guy who thinks they’re doing the right thing is that she’s not trying to hide it. So hopefully, if she outs herself again, Sam can deal with it a little better than Dean did, knowing Dean was not very successful lol. Dean let his love of her food get in the way. XD
She DID out herself!
Ha! “You were always the smart one.”
YES! Good job, Sam. Starting off strong. <3
YES! GOOD JOB SAM!! Nice manipulation.
Can’t believe she’s asking about the date.
Actually yes I can. XD
Wait, why don’t WE get to hear about the date? I WANNA HEAR ABOUT THE DATE DA**IT!
Well, DUH, Sam, you think they don’t know that?
Dean OMG!! XD XD
In Dean’s defense, he knew she’d wait for Sam, so...it’s not like they were REALLY in danger.
Do NOT try shooting her. Are you kidding me right now?
...really Sam? REALLY?! You’re going to try to SHOOT her?? You’ve seen what she can do, and you’re going to try to SHOOT her? She got the jump on JACK. POWERED UP Jack. Really? Call me crazy, but I feel like that’s not gonna work.
Yes. Yes he is. ...so much for Sam being the smart one.
I want to be mad at them for getting distracted by the holidays, but also I can’t exactly blame them given their childhoods, so…
Ha! The way they both react to the Boxing Day breakfast. Such brothers. XD
There ya go. Good plan. MUCH better than shooting her. Thank you boys.
WAIT WAIT WAIT!! Is this where we’re gonna get the “you sure this is gonna work” “let’s say yes” scene from the promo?? I THINK IT IS!! (Okay, so I MAY have watched that particular five second scene a million and one times because it had my boys in it, but I love them okay?? Sue me.)
Hey. Chill, Dean. Don’t yell at him.
Aww baby. :( :( :(
He doesn’t think you’re a monster. He’s just upset. :(
...uh oh. This convo is gonna be bad, isn’t it? :( :(
:’( :’( :’( :’( :’(
WAIT! “For a while” YES! THAT’S A GOOD THING!!
Oh wait. “Still am a little bit.”
“Evil Mary Poppins” XD XD
AWWW!! SEE JACK?! He DOES love you!! <3 <3 <3 <3
OKAY NEVER MIND THAT CONVO WAS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD!!! I need to break that down for a second.
That convo was short and subtle and to the point, but it says SO much about Dean and Jack’s relationship.
First of all, the fact that Dean decided to be honest with Jack instead of continuing to pretend everything’s fine shows how much he really does care about Jack and how much he still trusts him and loves him. He doesn’t open up often, and I’m glad he finally did.
Second of all, he may have been blunt, but there was so much affection hidden in the way he addressed all of that. I mean, he tells Jack that he used to be really mad, and he still kind of is, but then he reminds him that just because they’re in a rough patch right now doesn’t mean he wants to lose him. Yes, Jack made a mistake, and yeah, Dean’s finding it hard to get over it, but Jack’s family through and through, and that means that, no matter what, Dean’s going to look out for him. It’s the same way he treats Cas and, more notably, the same way he treats Sam. He’s giving Jack the family treatment. And THAT is a BEAUTIFUL thing.
All of that said, between all of the OG Team Free Will, Dean’s relationship with Jack will always be my favorite (probably mostly because they’re my two favorite characters, but also because they’re amazing together), so this convo makes me so freaking happy. <3 <3 <3 <3
Sam you are being not very sneaky.
I take that back. Sam is not being smart about this. *eye roll*
Actually quick side note, one that I’m adding now that I’ve finished the episode: not having Cas around TOTALLY makes sense. Explanation included in the review.
“Because you are my favorite.” XD XD XD
She shouldn’t still be making me laugh, but dangat she’s too funny. XD
Wait noooo. No torture allowed.
Ha! Fixing his hands.
...but did the cuffs break at least?
HA! She actually converted him to not swear.
I love how Dean makes a point of swearing extra loud after he realizes what he did. I love him. XD XD <3
Oh frick, that didn’t break the cuffs? Are you kidding me? Stupid powerful magic…
OOH! Dean’s got an idea!
OH SHUT UP LADY! Are you still talking??
...okay so...trauma.
Please listen to Sam.
Just because he has blood on his hands doesn’t mean he’s not a kid. Just saying.
Okay so I kind of feel bad for her knowing what she’s been through, but also that does not excuse her behavior. However, I will take back what I said about someone ripping her head off. I suppose that isn’t really necessary.
That said, someone please do something. :( :(
My mom and I are both turning away owwwwwww.
Jesus Christ lady!!
“Pain is just weakness leaving the body.” Dean what?! XD XD
HEY! Smart! Way to go you two!! <3 <3
And still helping his son up YES! <3 <3 <3
Okay that could not have been a more in character moment between Dean and Jack right there. Between the “not so bad” and the helping him up and the helping him walk down the hall and Jack just following him along and I just...I LOVE THEM OKAY!! <3 <3 <3
...Dean honey that was the reset button…
There’s no way that did the job. Too easy.
Problem not solved!! Problem DEFINITELY not solved!!
Creepy green eyes!!
Oh she looks maaaaad. That’s not good.
HEY!!! What happened to not hurting family??!!
Which family??!! Cause YOU’RE the one destroying them!
No he won’t.
“You hurt him, you hurt us.” GREAT line!! YES SAM!! <3 <3 <3
Oooh!! He’s getting to her!! <3 <3
Oop. There’s our backstory. Mr. Cuthbert wouldn’t let her go back. Not that I’m surprised, given what he did to Dean all those years ago.
Yes. Yes he did.
YAY! Dean jumping in to save his son. <3
NICE! Good call, Dean! <3
THAT FACE!! Jack’s face!! <3 <3
YES!!!! YES!!! GOOD JOB BOYS!! <3 <3 <3
Awww….poor Mrs. Butters…
Okay now I feel really bad for her. And a little guilty that I called her a b***h. I’m still kind of mad at her, but...her motives make sense.
Hey yay! She healed him!
Wow, this nymph is POWERFUL. Now that she’s nice again, can we, like, actually keep her? Cause that’d be an awesome ally to have.
Aww...Jack being the one to voice their forgiveness. So pure, especially since she was after him all that time. <3
Awww….Dean wants her to stay. He’s so upset. XD
But he also gets it. :) <3
OMG!! That shot with all three of them looking at her and those sweet little smiles they give her as she’s talking about home. There was just so much...genuineness in that! I loved it! <3 <3
Jack being the voice again. <3
Okay, she looks hecka cute in that outfit.
Oof. That makes sense lol. It would be way too easy if it didn’t revert back.
...inter what now?
Oh shoot...that just proves Chuck destroyed all the worlds...lovely….
Awww!! <3 <3
Ha! Her little words of wisdom to them! To reiterate: SUCH. A. MOM. XD XD <3 <3
Sam and Dean’s smirks at each other when she tells them to do the same things they’ve been telling each other to do for years--eat your vegetables and cut your hair. XD
Awww….that little extra nose crinkle and smile at Jack when she tells him to save the world. <3
I also just realized that this breaks my theory that anyone who meets Jack instantly falls in love with him because of how adorable he is. Though, I guess she’s a little different given that extra little motivation to protect her family in the only way she knows how. Plus, trauma.
Oof. Bye bye extra magic.
Aww...this convo between Jack and Sam. <3 <3
Aww Jack… :( :(
You weren’t stupid, baby. You all fell for it. :(
Aww….he’s looking for faith from Sam.
And Sam just gave it to him. <3
I know the line seems desperate, and in a way, it is, but the way that Sam gave him a little smile shows that it’s more than that. They are desperate, and Jack is their only hope, but also, Sam knows Jack can handle it, because he does have faith in him. It’s a short convo, but it says so much.
That tin has a birthday cake for Jack, made by Dean. Calling it right now.
“He loves that apron.” XD <3 <3
I KNEW IT AND I LOVE IT OMG!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
THAT’S SO ADORABLE!!! And that is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT Dean’s way of telling Jack that he still loves him, and that he forgives him. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
AWESOME ending shot. It’s a great way to end a much more light-hearted episode while also setting us up perfectly for knowing that things are about to get heavy and serious. I bet whatever Jack wished for, it has something to do with taking on God.
Okay, so...those reactions were a lot longer than I was anticipating, and I want to apologize, but also, I did warn you. XD That said, review time!
I loved this episode! It was absolutely hilarious, but also sweet and touching. It mixed some crazy and fun moments with some of the most subtly emotional ones, both negative and positive. I absolutely loved all the Easter Eggs, and I loved watching the boys have a chance to celebrate holidays in a way that they never have before, especially with Jack. The facial expressions in this episode killed me. Between all of the little smiles and dorky excitement, I was laughing and smiling right along with the characters. Some stand-out moments/things for me:
That convo between Dean and Jack. I already broke it down above, but seriously, I love how they did that. As a huge fan of Dean and Jack and their relationship, the way that those two interacted this episode was beautiful and really sets up the fact that they’re going to need to lean on each other for support as a whole family in the coming fight, and I loved that. <3
Sam going on a date with Eileen! <3 Initially, I had a theory that Sam and Eileen would end up together at the end of all of this, but when she left a few episodes ago, I threw that idea out the window and it made me sad. So the fact that they went on a date and got to see each other again--even if we didn’t get to see it--makes me so happy and brings back my hope that they’ll end up being together. <3 That said, I am 100% going to write a fanfiction of that date, since Supernatural chose to keep it from us. XD
The acting really stood out to me in this one. Maybe it’s just because it’s been so long since I’ve seen them doing something new, but I honestly feel like J2 and Alex nailed it even more than usual. I mean, their facial expressions were seriously so amazing in this episode. Between the really dorky moments and the subtle emotional moments, I felt like their faces were always saying so much and I loved it. <3
One thing I want to address is the lack of Cas. I know a lot of people were upset that he wasn’t in it, especially since the boys were celebrating so many holidays with Jack, and while I agree that it would’ve been beautiful to have him there, it makes perfect sense that he wasn’t there based on the trajectory of the episode and everything that happened. For starters, if Cas had been there, the wood nymph business would’ve been solved INSTANTLY. Cas is always extra suspicious of people, so if she didn’t trust him because he was an angel, the odds of her getting the jump on him would’ve been slim. And yes, she did poison Jack with the smoothies, but, as this episode continued to point out, Jack is still a kid, so he’s still much more naive and gullible. Plus, he’s upset and guilty and confused and just generally vulnerable now that his soul is back, so it was easy for him to trust and be manipulated. But if Mrs. Butters had tried to do the same thing to Cas, (and I’m picturing that one scene with the milkshake in Peace of Mind here) there’s no way he would’ve fallen for it. More importantly, with how worried he is about Jack, he would’ve been really vigilant about the way she was talking to him and everything, and he probably would’ve caught the poisoning long before it could really hurt him. And you can argue that Sam and Dean probably should’ve picked up on it, which is true, however, even they admit that they get distracted in the fun of it all. While it would’ve been great to see Cas in on the festivities, he wouldn’t have been quite as distracted by it as the boys were, and with his vigilance, there’s no way any of them would ever have gotten hurt. He’d be watching Mrs. Butters like a hawk, and the second she did something suspicious, she’d be gone. That said, I can understand if people want to say that’s dumb, because if they didn’t want Cas to defeat the villain so easily, they shouldn’t have had a villain that could be so easily defeated by Cas, and I’m sure some people feel like that’s a stupid excuse. To which I also offer this.  After seeing those convos between Dean and Jack and Sam and Jack, and knowing that the episode ends with the three of them celebrating Jack’s birthday, Cas’s absence makes even more sense: this episode wasn’t about him. I love Cas, but it didn’t need him. See, Cas already has an undying love for Jack. While Cas definitely saw Mary as family, he never had the same emotional connection to her that Sam and Dean did--for obvious reasons. But he definitely had--and still has--a very strong emotional connection to Jack. He’s always been the most involved in being Jack’s father--again, for obvious reasons. But even after the Mary incident, it was Cas who went to find him, who tried to help him, and who wanted to protect him. Cas always loved him and always trusted him, and he always will. But Sam and Dean lost a lot of trust for Jack after what happened to Mary...and this episode fixed that. Because Cas wasn’t around, it gave Jack a chance to prove himself to Sam and Dean again. Sam had already pretty much forgiven him, but Dean was definitely on the fence. He even says it. But the fact that Dean had that conversation with him and said everything he did proves that Dean still loves him, and it gave Jack the reassurance he needed that, while Dean is still mad, he doesn’t hate him, and he doesn’t think he’s a monster. And while Sam and Jack were on pretty good terms, Jack was still worried that Sam couldn’t trust him--that Sam didn’t have faith in him anymore. But when Sam tells him that he knows he can defeat God, Jack gets confirmation that Sam does still have faith in him. And after all of that, after celebrating all of those holidays together, and having both of those conversations, to then end that with Sam and Dean celebrating Jack’s birthday? That’s what this episode was about. Sure, it was a silly monster of the week episode. Sure, we got some adorable and hilarious moments. And sure, we got to see them celebrate things that they never got to celebrate in a real way before. But underlying all of that, we got to see Jack become part of Sam and Dean’s family again. We got to see them bond. And knowing that this is right before they all prepare to take on God--Jack needed that. The boys needed that. They needed to all trust each other again. And the fact that they celebrated his birthday at the end proves that they do. They’re a family again. They have each other’s backs. They trust each other. And they love each other. And as much as I love Cas, and as much as I would’ve loved to have seen him be a part of their holidays, he didn’t need to be. But those three did. And that’s why Cas wasn’t in the episode. So, frankly, full points to the writers for making that happen. While they gave us a fun episode, and they may have left out a fan favorite character, it created an underlying theme that’s really going to matter as we get into the big stuff of Season 15. And that’s awesome.
All in all, I thought this was a great episode, and I’m so glad that this is how we get to jump back into the season. Not only was this episode hilarious and fun, but it was also a great set-up for the coming battle and for all the hard and serious things that are bound to come in the next several episodes.
Rumor has it that this was the last “silly” episode of the show, and while that’s a sad thought to think about, it totally makes sense with what they did with the episode, and frankly, I think it’s a beautiful silly one to have ended on and a great way to lead into everything that’s coming next.
My Rating: 10/10
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years ago
15x09: The Trap
The Road So Far:
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Sam and Eileen are trussed up at Chuck’s casino. (Sam, if you tried hard enough, you could slip those zip ties.) Chuck admits to Sam and Eileen that he’s been manipulating her this whole time to get close to Sam again. He couldn’t watch his favorite show and it was killing him (LOL, CATCH ME IN JUNE.) 
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Sam and Chuck are connected and it needs to stop. Chuck pulls out a scalpel. And then utters the eight scariest words of a Supernatural fan: “All good things must come to an end.”
Meanwhile, in the bunker, the bickering exes continue on their line of bullshit. Cas is expertly making Borax bullets while Dean tries to reach Sam, with no luck. Dean’s worried that there’s something wrong.
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Chuck wants to cut out whatever festers in Sam that won’t allow their wounds to heal. Eileen surreptitiously calls Dean. Chucks senses it and ends the call before it really gets going. Dean knows that they’re in trouble though and wants to save them. Cas calls Dean “stupid” (will the bickering ever end?!) and tells him they have to find the blossom in purgatory to trap Chuck.
Sam notices Chuck’s hesitancy to torture him and mocks him a bit. Um, maybe now’s not the best time to bring out Sam Fucking Winchester, okay buddy? Eileen joins in the mockery (#soulmates) and in retaliation, Chuck gets Eileen to do the scalpel digging for him. He likes to watch. The scalpel digging is very squishy. A+ work sound effects. 
Dean and Cas are in purgatory and there’s still very much a rift in their relationship. 
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Dean wants to split up but Cas makes it clear that that also is a stupid idea. Dean brings up possibly running into Benny while there in Purgatory….and I just want to sit a little and think about that was practically Dean’s first thought. He thinks of Benny, and the friendship they had. I am sad. 
With a simple “C’mon”, Cas wins the argument and they start walking together. Something tracks them from the shadows. 
Eileen continues to be forced into digging into Sam’s wound. Through the pain, he tells her he knows it isn’t her that’s doing it. He’s bleeding out though and things aren’t looking good. Chuck sits back and plays on his guitar. What a nice douchey touch that is. 
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Sam talks reason to Chuck, and while that pisses him off, he also heals Sam’s wound as much as he can. Chuck can’t understand how Sam can continue to be so defiant. He realizes that Sam still has hope --hope that Cas and Dean will save them, hope that they can still defeat God. 
*Coordinated Domestic Dispute to Draw Out the Monster Alert*
Dean notices a corpse that he swears he’s seen before. Cas tell him he’s wrong. He has an excellent sense of direction. Dean gets down to look closer at the body and the leviathan makes his move. Cas hand waves him away. They interrogate the leviathan. He tells them that there’s a blossom that grows from them after they die. Dean wants to end the monster right there but he tells them it takes months for the blossoms to appear. He knows a place. 
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Before they get walking, Dean asks the Leviathan about Benny. BRB STILL CRYING. Benny’s famous --and he’s dead. (Cas’s concerned look to Dean as he hears the news will haunt me forever.) 
Chuck decides to take Sam on a Christmas Carol adventure into the future, and shows him what life will be like if they win. 
April 17, 2020
Sam and Eileen are looking up cases in the bunker. Dean’s “resting his eyes” in the corner chair. Cas shows up with beers for all. Things look pretty great. They all decide on movie night and popcorn. HUZZAH! 
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Well, until Sam gets a call from Jody. Claire’s dead, from a hunt gone sideways. HURMPH. 
Back at the casino, Chuck tells Sam that’s just the beginning. He pulls out the time clock of doom.
In purgatory, Cas, Dean, and the other dude, are walking. Cas expresses his condolences about Benny. Their hostilities come roiling to the surface. Cas calls Dean out on not accepting his apology about Jack. Dean is pissy that Cas just walked away. The other dude, presumably, just wants one of them to shoot him with Borax.
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January 6, 2021
In the burned out wasteland of the future, Sam and Dean drive. Things are going downhill fast. They’re not saving people. Cas is gone. (CaS Is GoNe) The monsters are winning. 
Once at the leviathan blossom site, Cas quickly realizes it’s a trap. The leviathan tells him that Eve wants a piece of Cas for killing the alphas and taking the leviathan. Others attack Dean.
He comes to later. The place is scorched and Cas is gone.
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November 3, 2021
Sam’s prepping for another hunt. Dean’s giving up. Sam wants to know what’s up. “Ever since..,” he starts. Dean jumps into why he’s giving up. They’ve lost everyone. HE had to bury Cas in a ma’lak box. Bobby and Jody (and Sam) all have death wishes. Sam wants to go out swinging, like Butch and Sundance. “We lost, brother, we lost.” 
Our Sam can’t believe what he’s watching. 
Chuck swans into the scene. He claims he’s “just the messenger” benevolently sharing his knowledge of the future. Sam can’t believe that Dean would ever give up, but Chuck swears he’ll tell no lie, stick a needle in his eye. 
Dean stalks through the quiet woods, calling for Cas. He’s got just under a half hour left to reach the portal. In desperation, he pauses and centers himself. “Cas,” he begins to pray. “I hope you can hear me.” Dean calls Cas his best friend and apologizes for letting him go.
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And then this show gently murders me because Dean looks around warily and, seeing that the coast is clear, kneels to finish his prayer. On one knee now, he cries as he unpacks the terrible anger which he’d turned against Cas. “When things go bad, it comes out and I can’t stop it. No matter how bad I want to.” (I’m with many other viewers when I point to childhood trauma and parental neglect and abuse as one source for that deep anger.)
For I am DEAD Science:
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Further pushing me deep into the grave, Dean continues, “And I forgive you. OF COURSE I forgive you.” He apologizes and sends out a desperate wish that Cas will be able to hear his prayer - wherever he is. Dean wipes his eyes, sniffs, and pushes himself up with a quiet “Okay.” It’s time to move again.
Back to the future, Dean stews morosely at a table in the bunker when Sam enters with a bag slung over his shoulder. Sam’s going to take out the vamp nest - alone, if he has to. Dean shakes his head sadly, then drags himself off to go with Sam. “I guess I don’t have a choice, do I?” They head out, two broken down, hopelessly alone men. 
“It can’t end like this,” Sam insists. So Chuck has him flash forward in time again using the magic watch. 
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It stops on December 9, 2022. End of the line! 
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In Purgatory, Dean has just over two minutes left before the portal closes and there’s still no sign of--- WAIT WHAT’S BEHIND THAT TREE? 
“You made it,” Cas sighs in relief as he stands to greet Dean. Dean hauls Cas in for the T I G H T E S T hug. Very good content! I approve! They check in with each other. Cas reveals that he was being marched to go see Eve when he spotted a leviathan bloom. Cas dropped the monsters guarding him, and snagged the bloom which he adorably describes as “a little smooshed.” Dean validates Cas’s achievements! It is very soft! I am emotionally compromised! (I have watched this scene at least 10 times.)
Cas reveals that he heard Dean’s prayer. They exchange soulful, meaningful looks, and then head straight outta Purgatory. I look forward to your post-episode canoodling codas, everybody.
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In the future, Sam and Dean barricade the door in a ratty old hotel. They’re being hunted by……….JODY AND AU BOBBY! (Jobby? Body? Ugh, both of those are terrible.) Current Sam watches in horror as his future counterpart (and brother) fang out. They’re both vampires now! Oooo. Awkward. 
There’s a fierce fight. Dean chews Jody’s throat clean outta her body, hissing like an angry cat the whole time. It would be awful if there weren’t so many funny memes of hissy Jensen floating around right now.
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Sam wakes from Chuck’s vision which was A LOT. Chuck apologizes for the terrible ending. (All these ending narratives in this season are the result of 15 years of exhausted writers room shit talking, right?) Chuck reveals a couple of things. 1) He “powered down” Eileen in a closet while he’s talking to Sam which is just….GROSS. And 2) The heroic and free ending which Sam aspires towards is actually awful. Is dying as monsters really worth locking up Chuck? 
Safely back in the bunker, Cas and Dean prepare the spell with the leviathan bloom. Dean pauses, questioning Cas’s choice to take on the Mark trapping Chuck. Cas insists that Dean can’t take on the Mark again, and that the only choice is for Cas to take on that burden. Dean agrees, remarkably not insisting on damaging himself this time, and the spell is completed. It all gets sucked up into a sphere. Since Cas will contain the Mark, Dean or Sam will have to destroy it (thus sealing Cas’s fate along with Chuck’s).
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In the casino, Sam shouts at Chuck. “We will beat you. I will make it better!” Chuck sneers at Sam, and accuses him of playing fast and loose with the laws of nature and magic. There’s a whole lot the Winchesters can’t know about the universe, Chuck insists. Only he - God - can grasp it all. As one, the Supernatural audience collectively fake-coughs, “Billie!”
Chuck prompts Sam to reflect further on the visions. Was the worst thing truly the way the Winchesters died, and all their friends were decimated? Or was there something even WORSE which befell the world after Chuck got trapped? In horror, Sam realizes that monsters were taking over the world. Chuck affirms this conclusion. Without him in it, the world descends into evil. (Somewhere, on a wholesome farm, Garth is asking, “Hey, who are you calling evil?”)
While we’re all trying to unpack this latest revelation, Dean and Cas break into the casino. They free Sam from his chair. Eileen, still puppeted by Chuck, comes in swinging but Cas tackles her away. 
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Dean punches Chuck. Chuck punches Dean. While they’re exchanging blows, Cas rolls the bespelled ball over to Sam to smash and trap Chuck when….
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Sam falls to his knees. He can’t do it. He can’t trap Chuck knowing what he knows about the future. The ball rolls out of his fingers. 
Suddenly, light flashes in Chuck’s shoulder. The Equalizer wound in both of them is healed at last! All it took is for Sam to...lose hope. FROWNY FACE! Chuck crushes the sphere and destroys the spell. That’s two anti-God weapons down and how many to go in the next ten episodes? 
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Dean confronts Chuck and he is 800% bluster at this point, cosmos bless him. He insists that Chuck won’t kill their motley band. Chuck wants his ending too much for that. After all, the “drafts” Sam saw in his visions--
Chuck interrupts that thought. All the “visions” Sam had were Chuck’s memories of other, actual worlds where Sam and Dean made those awful choices and destroyed each other. That move, in Chuck’s mind, is inevitable. “Just like you, they didn’t think they’d do it, either.”
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Dean growls. “No. Not THIS Sam and not THIS Dean. So you go back to Earth II and play with your other toys. Because you will never get what you want.”
“We’ll see,” Chuck says, rather ominously, and poofs out.
Back at the bunker, Sam and Eileen bid farewell. Eileen’s been puppeted back to life and romance...and she’s not sure what’s real. (Where have I heard THAT before?) She needs to head off on her own for a bit.
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Sam kisses her so sweetly. “Now that was real.” She caresses his face lovingly before walking out. (I firmly believe we’ll see her again - next time on her own terms!) 
A shaken Sam makes his way to the kitchen where Dean and Cas are decompressing.
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Sam brings up the botched Chuck trap, and tells them he believes Chuck showed him the true future. Dean accepts Sam’s choice, and his calm acceptance is a balm to my fucking soul. What’s next? “We find another way,” Dean says.
Cut to Jack in the Empty. He’s taking in the non-sights when Billie appears. “It’s time,” she says, and Boris and I throw a giant party!!!
I Don’t Know Why I Get So Quotey:
I hate missing my favorite show!
Come on, Eileen
Stop being so stupid!
Chuck, you dick
“Okay let’s split up.” “WHAT?!”
You still think you’re the hero of this story. You still think you can win
The Dean who raised me, he’d never give up no matter how bad things got
I should’ve stopped you. You’re my best friend but I just let you go, ‘cause it was easier than admitting I was wrong
Sorry, kid. It’s a crappy ending. You and your brother deserve better. 
We know about your galaxy brain idea. How you think this story is gonna go
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yakumtsaki · 5 years ago
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I taste just like ice cream, bitch I am so icy, heart cold like an ice queen, that's why they don't like me 🎵
-What the hell was that.
Traditionally I start Union updates with semi-relevant song lyrics.
-Why did you start an update at all.
Because it’s time, Shajar! I took a holy oath in my 2020 simming goals post to update Unions once a month, and I’m already a month late.
-But nothing interesting is happening. 
That’s never stopped me before. Now listen to Rico Nasty, cry some more about Sophie blowing you off, and shut up.
-Ugh please, I couldn’t be more over Sonia if I tried. I hardly ever texted her links to wedding pinterest boards and quizzes to determine if our parenting styles are compatible. 
Did she ever reply? 
-She did once and said ‘who dis’. Of course the letters unscrambled spell out ‘do wish’, meaning she did wish me to keep messaging her. I just don’t know where it all went wrong. 
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-Hey there, 17 year old girl, maybe you’ve had enough neat whiskey for the night? We’re actually running out of bottles. 
-Beat it, ponytail, I need to dull my pain. I’ve just been stabbed right in the gut by the love of my life. Just like my style idol and general role model, space opera fascist Kylo Ren.
Shaj I really hate seeing you like this, and not just because the red neon light is super unflattering on your complexion.
-You can fuck right off too, I was perfectly happy with my dads who hate me and my imbecile sister and my brother who might as well not exist, noogie-ing people all day AND night long, but you had to be all ‘OMG IT’S SOPHIE MIGUEL SHAJAR GO TALK TO HER’. Life-ruining-moron. 
But I was totally right about you two hitting it off, I mean look how sad you are now that she dumped- yea never mind, that’s not a good argument.
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-Look what I can do even though I’ve had 46 whiskeys!! How you like me now, Sophie???
-You’re paying for all these broken glasses, I’m going to need your name and a credit card.
-Yes, fair enough, my name is Cyneswith Union-
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Yea, you really should eat something to soak up all the alcohol. And not to kick you when you’re down, but you should also disregard all those cliches about ~a smile being the most beautiful thing you can wear~ because MAN. Watch out Joaquin, there’s a new Joker on the prowl. 
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-So.. 20 lobsters thermidor and our most expensive appetizers?
-Would you mind settling your bill now?
-Of course not! My name is Cyneswith Union and this is the credit card my parents got me when I was 6 because we’re super duper best friends! I love my parents! They don’t care about their other daughter at all, even when their other daughter is going through a really hard time because she got the emotional equivalent of a lightsaber wound in the gut. You know what, let me also get 20 bottles of your most overpriced champagne to go with the lobsters.
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Feeling better?
-Well it’s hard to feel bad when you’re spending your parents’ money recklessly and with malice aforethought.
It sure is. Alright well, the sun is coming up, maybe we should head home.
-What’s the rush? What is going to happen if I don’t go home, my parents will get worried? LOL
God your life sucks. Ok let’s hit a couple more places.
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-Greetings. Welcome to our establishment. I am a human employee from this planet.
Great, nice to meet you.
-I just want there to be no doubt that I am indeed an earthling, born and raised under the earth’s exosphere and not above it.
Leave us alone.
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-And I’m the resident community lot sim with that one face template you hate! There must be one of us on every lot you visit!
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-And I am here in my revealing outfit to use the dance sphere and make everyone uncomfortable!
You’re actually pretty, I need to keep you in mind for after Don Oates takes a wrecking ball to our genetics, but yea, let’s bounce, Shajar.
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Time to visit the happiest place on earth, Deh'Javu Modern Art Museum, home to my favorite piece of art in any medium, The Toilet of Fire. Shove that Fountain up your ass, Duchamp. How we feeling, Shaj?
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-This trash can reminds of Sophie :( She used to go around town throwing money she stole from charities in trash cans and then send them riddles for where to find them :(
Enough with Sophie, we’ll find you someone better! Like..
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..your aunt! Get the hell out of here Brit Brit, you’re taking up townie space. 
-I won’t be long, Gunther’s amazing close-up portrait of my hair was rejected by the museum so I’m here to set this shithole on fire. 
In other words Gunther just painted a canvas black and called it a day?
-His art doesn’t cater to plebs. Yes, offense.
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Our old friend Ugly Teen Townie is here so finally we can have some fun. Shajar had gone almost 12 hours(!) without noogieing someone and I was starting to worry for her health.
-Yes, yes, I’m starting to feel like myself again..
Good for you, Shaj!
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-Hope you’ve made peace with your God, Ugly Teen Townie, this water balloon is filled with horse feces! 
-I ordered it from some guy named Leod McGreggor.
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-How about a another joke, MuRRAY?
-Now you say, ‘no, I think we’ve had enough of your jokes’. Say it!
-No, I think we’ve had enough of your jokes.
-What do you get when you cross a mentally-ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash? Now you say ‘call the police, Gene!’
-Call the police, Gene!
-I'll tell you what you get..
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Alright I’m starting to feel bad for Ugly Teen Townie, first he had to come to all the toddler birthday parties during the Victoria/Komei era and now this, he has suffered enough at this family’s hands. Time to go home, Shaj.
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-Not so fast!
Wow, the Countess and Mrs. Crumplebottom on the same lot, top 10 anime crossovers.
-I have been sent here by the Limp Dick Vamps United organization to recruit Shajar Union.
Ugh you people are still around? Haven’t heard of you losers since the Count wouldn’t let Victoria bang him, which I’m still annoyed about. 
-Indeed we are, and it’s clear Shajar is ready to join us, dedicating her life to evil deeds without romantic distractions. I have no idea what Crumplebottom is doing here.
-I’m here to recruit Shajar to my own organization, Bitter Sims Worldwide Alliance. We’re always on the lookout for new members who want to spread their misery to their fellow Sim. 
It sounds like it’d be more effective if you guys just merged your organizations.
-I will NEVER merge my organization with someone who displays her bosom like a common whore. 
-Eat a dick, Crumplebottom!
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-Alright here I am, what the fuck do you want?
-Shajar, it is a pleasure to meet you! Ardent admirer of your work.
-What work, freakshow?
-Torturing everyone around you, what else!
-What? I don’t torture people around me, if anything they torture me.
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-Why don’t you talk to me about it?
-I’d rather not, you look like a bejeweled snowman.
-Look deep into my eyes, Shajar..
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-And now look deep into my razor sharp teeth..
-Ugh fine, let’s talk. 
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-Is that Victoria and Komei’s teen granddaughter hanging out with a vampire?
Yes it is Kennedy, keep it moving.
-God, wtf is wrong with this family. 
Nothing now that you’ve been removed from our social circle, go away! Just kidding, you’re an icon and I’m marrying you in at some point. 
-Hard pass. 
Your loss, hombre. 
-It definitely isn’t.
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-If I had known your turn on was vampires I would had set you two up!
STOP SETTING UP TEENS WITH ADULTS, LAKSHMI. And Shajar’s turn ons isn’t vampires, it’s fitness/fatness. Body positive queen. 
-Well, Shajar, you alphabetically listing all the people who have wronged you while I was trying to kill Crumplebottom telepathically has made for a very productive conversation. We’ll be in touch. 
-Thanks, Countess, it’s been real.
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Shajar!!! Who cares about Sophie when you might bag a hot, rich vamp??
I’m gonna need you to be more excited about this prospect because a vampire spouse might just be enough of a draw to beat the comedic factor of fucking Don Oates turning us into an unintentional uglacy and I’m doing whatever I can to avoid my fate.
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God I miss you Vic 💔
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-Donnie-bear, not to be not-nice, but mopping your pee off my front lawn is not exactly what I pictured doing during this date.
This guy won’t even mop up his own piss, what a catch.
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Wow, manipulative much?? You are a piss piece of work, Donaldo.
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-Don’t think we forgot about you, you 10-nice-point disgrace!
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-Finally, some peace and quiet.. Just me, alone with my broken heart, pondering my hopeless, loveless future..
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-💗💗💗OMG SIS THERE YOU ARE. DONNIE AND I MADE OUT!!! 💗💗💗 But then grandma’s ghost scared him into soiling himself. 
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-Good for grandma, hopefully next time she gives him a stroke. Now shut up and let’s eat in silence while I ponder my hopeless, loveless future.
-Okie dokie! 💗💗💗
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-Um, I think mine has vomit in it.
-Yea I did that, but it’s just whiskey and lobster, if anything it increased in value. 
-Awww thanks sis! 💗💗💗
-Stop patronizing me, you little bitch. God I want to poke your eye out with this chopstick so badly.
-I love you too Shaj! 💗💗💗
And I hate both of you. Where’s your brother, I haven’t paid attention to him in 3 days. 
-He went upstairs, I think he’s pusshurt we forgot his birthday LOL
-Don’t feel bad, I forgot it too! 💗💗💗
-I’m here, I just grew up and dare I say it could not have gone better! 
Really?? Finally some good news! Let me look upon you-
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-I was Mozart musical genius boy but now I’m a sk8ter boi! Character development!
Ok this is the most iconic birthday look since Gunther grew up in the pirate costume, we’re obviously keeping it. 
-Great! And as if the fact I’m a Wyatt face template with 0 Jojo genes wasn’t enough to make me unelectable, I also rolled family! :D I’m doing everything I can to ensure I live that sweet motherlode spare life! 
Honestly you should had picked another outfit cause now that you’re dressed like this I unironically want you to win. Hoisted with your own petard.
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lamiasluck · 5 years ago
Vampire AU Dark having to find and comfort little bat Eric is cute. Or Magic AU Dark finally having enough of the others nonsense and taking off to give Eric a ‘proper’ date - 🐍 Just some ideas from your idea generating snake
Sorry this took so long ;^; here’s a vamp fic! I really should work on that au more lol
For once, Dark was relaxed. He finished his work for the day, and surprisingly, no one barged into his office with some nonsense for him to deal with. A wine glass filled with a good amount of blood was swirled lightly in his hand, and in the other was a book he’s been meaning to read. It’s what he deserved after all his tedious tasks.
His peaceful solace was short lived, however. It always was short lived.
“Dark?” Bim knocked on the door. “We need some help…”
With a heavy sigh, Dark let Bim in. “What’s the problem this time?”
“Uh, well…” He shifted under Dark’s emotionless gaze. “It’s that new guy, Eric.”
Immediately, Dark tilted his head and glared at Bim. “What did you do to him?” His new pupil was to not be messed with under any circumstances, not unless someone has a death wish.
“It-It wasn’t me!” Bim squeaked. “It was the Jims! They wanted to play a prank on Eric, and scared him with loud noises… now he’s hiding under the couch. None of us have a tiny bat form so we can’t get him out.”
“Where are the Jims?”
“I don’t know, hiding from you probably?”
Dark didn’t waste anymore time. He stormed out of his office, leaving Bim behind, and went to the living room to investigate. He’ll deal with the Jims later, no one escaped his punishments. Right now he had a bat to save.
Just as Bim described, there was a lot of chaos surrounding the couch. Dr. Iplier was crouched down looking presumably at Eric, coaxing the bat with reassurances. Wilford was shining a flashlight under the couch in a vain attempt to help.  Dr. Iplier immediately straightened up when he noticed Dark. “Oh thank god you showed up,” he sighed. “I can’t get him out of here.”
No words were said as Dark made his way to the couch. Well, at least nothing was said to the others. He grabbed the flashlight as he looked under the couch. “Eric? Where are you?” Soon after he saw Eric’s handkerchief in a small heap. It twitched slightly upon hearing his voice. “You’re not in trouble, it’s okay.” A tiny head poked out from underneath the cloth, revealing Eric’s tiny bat form. Eric was more fluffed up than normal due to his cloth hiding space. If he wasn’t surrounded by his fellows, he would coo at the distressed vampire’s appearance.
A soft squeak left Eric’s trembling lips. He cautiously inched forward towards Dark, clumsily dragging his handkerchief along with him. Dark cast a quick, but stern look at the others. The silent command made everyone leave as soon as possible, though Wilford did chuckle at him and pat him on the shoulder.
“You’re safe now, darling.” His tone was much softer as he spoke alone. “Come along now, I’ll take you to my office.”
Eventually Eric crawled out and looked around, handkerchief held in his mouth. He didn’t protest when Dark gently scooped him up and held him in his hands. Hugging his handkerchief close, he curled up Dark’s hand and continued to shiver. In his bat form, Eric was no bigger than Dark’s palm, easily one of the tiniest bat forms amongst the egos. Undeniably adorable, but Dark wouldn’t say that out loud.
The trip to his office was quiet. When Dark closed the door behind him, he made his way to his desk and placed Eric on it. The bat squeaked quietly into his handkerchief, looking anxiously at Dark as he gazed at his scared form. Dark’s expression was often unreadable, but now Eric could have swore he saw a hint of sympathy.
“Would you like to talk about it?”
Instead of a tiny bat sitting on the desk, Eric changed forms and sat hunched over, legs dangling off the table. Dark didn’t protest his position.
“Th-The Jims… they - they snuck up behind me and, um, and they scared me,” Eric instinctively hid the scar on his neck, fingers twitching as they touched the ridged marks. He retracted his hand away as if he was shocked, instead using his hand to clutch at his handkerchief. “I’m… I’m sorry…” he said with his head hanging low.
“There’s no need to apologize.”
He kept his head down as he desperately fought away tears, shaking his head slightly at Dark’s comment. He shouldn’t have been so scared, so pathetic. How dare he cower in Dark’s presence and waste his time?
“If it’s any consolation,” Dark started, “I will be talking to the Jims later today about their behaviour.” Eric stayed silent at his comment, now pulling at his handkerchief. Dark’s eyes softened ever so slightly, but the gesture went unnoticed. Various words and sentences buzzed in his mind, yet none of them seemed right for his new pupil. He mindlessly glanced at the scar peeking above Eric’s shirt collar, commenting to himself how new the marks looked. A freshly born fawn sat before him, and it felt like it would take an eternity to teach him how to stand.
“Dark…” Eric’s weak voice started, “I can’t, um, I-I can’t-” His voice cracked and interrupted his thoughts. Quiet sobs were the only sound within the otherwise silent office.
The sound rang in Dark’s ears and made him frown. “You can’t what, darling?” His voice was uncharacteristically soft as he stepped cautiously closer to Eric. The younger vampire flinched when he placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, but Eric tried his best to relax soon after, though Eric was still shivering profusely.
“Can’t… c-can’t…” Coherent words barely left his lips. He took off his glasses in haste and buried his face in his handkerchief.
“Take your time,” Dark softly cooed, “It’s okay.”
Dark’s form was blurry from the tears, but Eric peeked up from his handkerchief. Through his unfocused gaze, he managed to see glimpses of Dark’s worried expression. “I can’t - it-it’s too much! Everything… it’s too much…”
“I understand. This is a hard environment to get used to.”
Eric whimpered, tongue tied. The scared, innocent look he gave Dark was enough to make any monster pity him. It was a look that made Dark feel more man than monster.
“Everyone is afraid when they first change,” Dark continued. “It’s a normal occurrence. Why, I remember being afraid when I was your age.”
“Really…?” Eric sniffled, disbelief clear in his frail tone. “Um, when - when did that happen?”
Dark pondered for a moment before shrugging. “Sometime in the 1920’s. This is going to be a slow process, but I’ll be with you every step of the way.” He reached over to his desk and picked up his leftover wine glass of blood, offering it to Eric. “You should drink.”
When Dark said that Eric realized he was starting to feel hungry. However, his shaky and unsteady hands made holding the glass a difficult task. Good thing Dark kept a firm grip. As the blood shook within the glass Eric retracted his hands again and placed them firmly on his lap. “Sorry,” he murmured.
“It’s alright.” Dark, instead of putting down the glass, reached over and held Eric’s hand to guide it towards the drink. Eric’s hand was still shaky, but Dark managed to help him until he could put the glass to his lips. “I’ll always be here to help.”
Eric drank a good amount of blood before pulling away. Dark’s words resonated with him, echoing in his mind. He has never heard such words before. “You promise?” He looked up at him with hopeful eyes, utterly surprised when he saw him nod back.
“You have my eternity.”
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