#last holiday
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imaginaryprotagonist · 2 months ago
Dean Winchester's unbridled joy over Christmas decorations is special to me.
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dailyflicks · 2 months ago
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LAST HOLIDAY (2006) dir. Wayne Wang
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champagnemoon · 2 months ago
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Queen Latifah in Last Holiday (2006)
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cyhaino · 1 year ago
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LAST HOLIDAY (2006) + letterboxd reviews
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shirtlesssammy · 2 months ago
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Dean Winchester every day -- 320/326
Supernatural 15x14//Last Holiday
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samwinchestersgirl83 · 4 months ago
Yes Dean, we saw you checking out Sam all dressed up. No Dean, you can’t mask that initial look you gave your little brother when Sam said he was going on a date with Eileen which was unfiltered jealousy.
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angelstills · 2 months ago
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Last Holiday (2006)
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thisusedtobeafanpage · 3 months ago
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soullessjack · 1 year ago
okay but like. cogs turning .. last holiday truthing cwt maxxing… the sheer difference in dialogue between the script and the episode is killing me. the deliberate choices made to change said dialogue and even the ending…
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like am I alone in thinking that this whole exchange in the dungeon was very oddly disjointed? very “nobody fucking talks like that” core. they just say shit but it doesn’t land with the other’s response.
and especially when you compare it to the draft:
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for some reason or another, the writers deliberately cut out jack’s lamentation that he is still dangerous, that mrs butters is right to be doing what she’s doing, and that nothing has been the same between him and the Winchesters since he’s come back. they deliberately cut out dean saying “you’re one of us, and you have a chance to make it right.”
there’s also the glaring difference between how sam and dean defend jack in the episode vs the draft. in the draft, they say this:
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D: “You said you didn’t want to destroy this family, but Jack is our family.”
S: “You hurt him, you hurt us.”
Mrs B: “No, he’s infected you. I have to keep you safe.”
D: “By trying to kill the people we care about?”
Mrs B: “No, he’s a monster!”
D: “Aren’t we all?”
not only do sam and dean say that jack is their family and someone they care about, but they also explicitly hold themselves on the same monster totem mrs butters holds jack to (much like what dean said in tombstone, “we’ve all done things, so if you’re a monster then we are too,”
…which all then gets cut and turned into “He can save the world.” no, don’t kill jack, he’s our family and we care about him and he is good despite his mistakes -> no, don’t kill jack, he can save the world.
the explicit choice to center jack’s worth on his usefulness rather than his inherent value as the winchesters’ family and even just as a person, rlly speaks so much to the way he’s essentially narratively doomed to be dehumanized as a tool/weapon/device.
and the fact that this is all eventually preceded by Cas saying “you never needed absolution from sam or dean or me. we don’t care about you because you’re useful or because you fit into some grand design. we care about you because you’re you,” (which in turn is preceded by jack fitting into a grand design and fucking off to the raindrops forever), makes it seem either a painful inconsistency or some weird twisted inside joke between the writers (cough season 16 cough cough puke).
I haven’t posted about it a lot but I truly think there’s some vast trapped-in-the-narrative horror working around jack constantly being dehumanized both within the show as a living weapon and by the writers themselves as a plot device.
shits wack I guess
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haveyouseenthismovie-poll · 11 months ago
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nero-neptune · 1 year ago
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in the new year, try to laugh more, love more, see the world, and not be so afraid!
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queenlytheeastrobabe · 2 months ago
Queenly's Astrology Observations & Film Analysis ♕✍︎🎬
PSA: 📌Don't Steal My Work!! Don't. Be. A. Dick, Don't plagiarize. You may share, like, & comment on this post. The rights to this astro content was created by and belongs to @queenlytheeastrobabe
Spoiler Alert‼️ Don't cross this line if you haven't seen the movie yet!
The Last Holiday🎄
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Synopsis/Logline: Georgia Byrd is a conservative retail employee top of her department operating on autopilot, while unfulfilled in her career & life. She receives a terminal diagnosis after bumping her head and decides to take matters into her hands and start living her true purpose.
Location: Louisiana ⚜️
QL ( Queen Latifah)/Georgia Byrd has her Venus Line and Pluto Line on New Orleans.
Venus square MC: Her obligation to her family and career gets in the way of her romantic life and wanting to live in her soft girl era. She is a single career woman, who has a passion for culinary arts! ( Screams Mars & Saturn)
North Node Sextile MC: Her dream and life path of opening a restaurant, being a chef, and traveling the world begins here. However, she has to leave and rediscover her purpose to find that out.
Protagonist/MC: Georgia Byrd played by Queen Latifah who is a Pisces Sun/Martian dominant woman on a mission to fulfill her bucket-list before she dies.
Pushya Moon Nakshatra: cooking, nurturing, charity, devotion to god/spirit, connection to children, wise counsel & teacher. She was a parental figure to her young neighbor, Darius. She is an active member in her church choir and passionate about nurturing others with her food. She counseled Ms. Burns to make a career change and go back to school.
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( Aries) Ashwini Saturn Nakshatra : Her fictional "terminal illness" known as Lampington disease displayed as a brain tumor affecting her hearing and eye sight. She was only given 3-4 weeks to live ( emergency, aggressive) supporting her swift action to travel to Europe for the Holiday. Head injuries & swift travel are associated with Aries/ Mars. This nakshatra is also associated with Ketu ( past life, past-times, detachment) and the color Blood Red, which she adorns when she travels to Europe. She also wore red choir robes at her church.
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Location: Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic 🏂 🪂
Sun & Chiron Line Crossing:
Georgia took risks, sold her bonds, and finally invested in her well being. She reserved a luxurious suite at the GrandHotel Pupp in the Czech Republic as one of her possibilities. She gets a new wardrobe reflecting who she truly is on the inside and revitalized herself at the Hotel spa.
Georgia prevented Matthew Kragen from an attempted suicide and confronted Senator Dillings for his lack of support of their community.
She met Chef Didier and cooked with him.
She appeared on the cover of a Ski magazine after skiing the black diamond and went base jumping.
She won at poker betting on the number 17 3x because she had faith (8 is ruled by Saturn and represents the Star card in Tarot). She truly was the Star to everyone she met. She shone a light on what was hidden or needed to be addressed. Saturn rewards their children when they do their own work, embrace their challenges, and fight for injustice.
Doctor Gupta became a guru after he misdiagnosed Georgia and several other patients.
Ms. Burns went back to school and started a Spa management business.
Supporting Lead/Love Interest: Sean Matthews is played by LL Cool J who is a Capricorn Sun/Uttara Ashadha. Sean works in the same retail store as Georgia in the grill department and he shares mutual feelings for her. After reading Georgia's book of possibilities, he faces his fear of flying to confess his feelings and build a life together. He also was the only one that took the time to check in when Georgia went missing.
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Georgia is a Pisces sun/Martian woman known to be powerful manifestors. Georgia made a "Book of Possibilities" / vision board of what she intended to accomplish in her life. Her business, the food she wanted to try, the chefs she wanted to meet, and her wedding. When she detached from her current reality and started existing as she wanted to be, her reality shifted. Everyone was attracted to her personality, her wisdom & truth.
She finally returned to New Orleans with a new purpose and opened her restaurant, Georgia's Place.
This movie has always been a fav of mine because the female lead is a sexy curvy black woman and her narrative ended beautifully. I may do a part II on other characters in the movie or maybe not 🤷🏿‍♀️....
Y'all can leave feedback on this observation of what y'all noticed or if you liked this series.
Happy Holidays Y'all 🎄❣️
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Online Sources: https://www.rahasyavedicastrology.com/
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wholesomemorbid · 1 year ago
Lately I've been drawing Romcom Heroines ~ <3
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movies-to-add-to-your-tbw · 3 months ago
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Title: Last Holiday
Rating: PG-13
Director: Wayne Wang
Cast: Queen Latifah, LL Cool J, Timothy Hutton, Alicia Witt, Giancarlo Esposito, Michael Nouri, Gérard Depardieu, Jane Adams, Michael Estime, Susan Kellermann, Jascha Washington, Matt Ross, Ranjit Chowdhry, Jaqueline Fleming, Kendall Mosby, Chloe Bailey, Halle Bailey
Release year: 2006
Genres: comedy, drama, adventure
Blurb: The discovery that she has a terminal illness prompts introverted department store saleswoman Georgia Byrd to reflect on what she realises has been an overly cautious life. With weeks to live, she withdraws her life savings, sells all of her possessions, and jets off to Europe, where she lives it up at a posh hotel. Upbeat and passionate, Georgia charms everybody she meets, including renowned Chef Didier. The only one missing from her new life is her longtime crush Sean Matthews.
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rainyangelsuit · 2 months ago
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angelstills · 2 months ago
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Last Holiday (2006)
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