kangenshopindia · 11 months
Benefits of Kangen Water
KANGENSHOP.IN explains you the benefits of Kangen Water. (Electrolyzed Reduced Water)
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Kangen Water Shop in India
Hydration and Drinkability 
Ionized alkaline water® is an excellent source of healthful hydration because not only does it taste better with a superior mouth-feel, it is more readily absorbed by the body. This increases the “drinkability” of water by reducing the usual feeling of being “bloated” from drinking the recommended daily allowance of 8 glasses per day. In side-by-side tests, most people can taste the difference! 
Micro Clustering 
Preliminary studies have evidenced a phenomenon identified as “micro clustering” which refers to the exceptionally small “structured” molecules of alkaline water. Numerous benefits have been associated with this phenomenon. 
Free Radical Scavenging 
Ionized alkaline water® supports the wellness of bodily organs while promoting the health of those same organs. Part of the reason for these benefits is that ionized alkaline water has been demonstrated to be an anti-oxidant free radical scavenger. 
Encouraging Longevity 
Scientifically recognized benefits of water include the support of wellness and longevity. The natural benefits of water are encouraged and enhanced by alkalinity. Alkalinity is the state in which water is most harmonious with its physiological wellness benefits. 
Water is the universal solvent that our bodies rely on for flushing toxins and waste products from the body. With its negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP) and great taste, you can count on ionized alkaline water such as Kangen Water® to aid in the neutralization of free radicals and address all of your body’s hydration needs. 
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scientia-rex · 11 months
Why does your body have different systems for liquid and solid waste?
Trick question. It doesn’t. Urine isn’t filtered off feces—it’s filtered from your bloodstream. Your kidneys rely on seeing a lot of blood flow, and they have intricate mechanisms for tightly regulating the chemistry of your blood. Kidneys are built to keep our blood within the very narrow range of acidity where we can stay alive. (Which is why “alkalinizing” diets are generally going to be bullshit.) They keep us from having so much salt that our brains stop working, or so little that our medullas explode. They regulate our potassium so that our heart doesn’t go into a fatal arrhythmia due to membrane instability. Kidneys do break down many chemicals, including NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen), but they have one fundamental job—keep our blood from making our bodies an unlivable environment. And they do that by using water from our blood to carry away whatever we don’t want at a given moment.
Bowels, meanwhile, handle food. After food gets churned to chyme in the stomach, it gets squeezed into the small intestine. The small intestine is very long but smaller in diameter than the large intestine. It has one job: retrieve nutrients. The digested-digesting-food slurry makes it way through the small intestine thanks to rhythmic, longitudinal muscle contractions called peristalsis. After about 30 feet of this, it reaches a hard turn into the large intestine in your lower right abdominal quadrant, where the appendix hangs off the main channel. The large intestine goes up to the diaphragm, turns about 90 degrees, runs across your belly at the top just under your ribs, and at your left side makes another hard turn down, hanging a right at the spleen to dive down the left front side of your belly and then back and down to your rectum and then your anus. The large intestine, also known as the colon, has one job: get water back out of the food slurry, now that the water has helped the body absorb nutrients by creating a lot of surface area for contact with membranes lining the small intestine. So the longer stool spends in your colon, the more water gets sucked out of it, the harder and drier your stool gets, and the more difficult it is for the combination of peristalsis and your conscious effort to get it to move down and out of your body.
Anyway, eat lots of fiber. Drinking water won’t make you poop; your kidneys are way too good at regulating your fluid balance. Only fiber and indigestible sugars can save you now.
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multifandomgirl08 · 2 months
She's Not Acid Nor Alkaline [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Dad!Max Verstappen x Mother!Reader (Established Relationship)
Summary: Max and Reader have a night away from the kids in Santorini for the 2027 FIA Prize Giving Gala.
Warning(s): Implied sexual content
A/N: Title taken from Alkaline by Sleep Token
Words: 1.1k
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
Another late-night Gala, another trophy to fill up space on the built-in shelves in the living room back home. You and Max were in Santorini for the FIA Prize Giving Gala. Max was playing on his laptop while you were in the bathroom getting ready. You had showered earlier and had just finished up your hair. You ran through your normal makeup routine, making your eyeshadow a little darker than normal, and would put on your lipstick right before you left.
When you walked out of the bathroom, Max was sitting at the table that looked onto the living room, his eyes glued to the screen, talking to the team Redline guys, trading jokes, and screaming when a match was lost.
“This is unfair,” Max said to no one in particular. It was a few moments before you heard back again. “Gianni, it was 1 and 3, and now…”
“No! Chris. Why?!” Max yelled. You stood there in a tan silk robe, laughing at Max. He got so passionate when it came to sports, even if he wasn’t the best at it. You lightly tapped your knuckles against the doorway before Max looked up from his screen to you. He gave you a good up-and-down look, and you thought you could see his cheeks blush a light shade of pink. He pulled off one side of his headphones.
“Bathrooms free.” You said. Max dropped his eyes back to the screen, and if you didn’t know better you would think that he was spacing out looking at the screen. You could hear a light commotion from his headphones.
“I’m not distracted, I can only stay on for one more.” Max quickly rattled off into the mic pulling his headphones back on fully again.
You quickly left the room after, going to pull out the dress that you were going to wear to the gala, and the shoes out of the dust bag that was in your luggage.
Just as you unzipped the dress from its hanger you could hear Max’s bare feet against the tile of the floor. Max came into the bedroom holding a bottle of sparkling water, placing it on the dresser in the room while you pulled the sash from your robe off.
“You distracted me from the game, Bennett was yelling at me,” Max said, still standing there in his sweats. He would need to get changed in a few or you would be late.
“Next time you talk to Luke tell him I’m sorry.” You moved to pull on the thigh highs you were going to wear under your dress. You pulled the right one on and then quickly followed with the left, being able to clasp them into place so they connected to the garter belt that you wore.
You could feel Max’s eyes on you again, watching you before you stood up and moved towards your dress.
“We lost to the computer, mijn leeuwin.” It didn’t sound like Max was all that upset about losing to the computer.
“I’m sorry, Maxy. I didn’t mean to make you lose.” You teased him with the dress in your hand, careful not to wrinkle the fabric. You peeked up at him through your lashes, noticing that his blue eyes looked like they were a shade darker than normal but that just had to be the lighting. You didn’t have time to… do what that look would normally suggest.
“Can you zip me up?” You asked. Max gave a half-hearted nod. You quickly stepped into the dress, pulling it up so Max could zip you in before feeling him pull you in closer by your hips, carefully spinning you around to zip up the dress all the way up past your strapless bra. His hands moved up a bit, his long fingers dancing over the fabric before you turned back to look up at him again.
You let your eyes drop to Max’s lips, seeing him press them together into a line and then letting his plump lips settle into a crooked grin, with a deeper pink covering his lips. You leaned into him just a bit more, letting your lips brush his, just as his hands grabbed your hips.
“Nu uh,” You said, pulling away knowing that Max would be able to take you out of the dress you had on in record time. “We’re going to be late.”
“Tease,” He said, standing there watching as you walked away to get your shoes.
You laughed picking them up from the floor. You heard Max let out an audible huff as he pulled his t-shirt and pants off, moving to pull out the black slacks you had sent to get ironed this morning.
“I’m a sure thing and you know it.” You placed your hands on your hips. Max dropped his slacks to the bed, pulling you into his arms, and made sure to kiss you hard. His hand cupped your face, running the fingers of his other hand over the zipper at the back of your dress, pulling you to the closest flat surface that he could find.
You were so glad you weren’t wearing lipstick right now.
It took another 30 minutes before Max helped fix the skirt of your dress back into the right place, was finally buttoning up his white dress shirt, and then slid his shoes on. You finished applying your lipstick standing in front of the mirror, Max had come up behind you holding his bowtie up. You always found it funny that he still insisted on wearing the one that was slightly oversized. You had placed the lipstick tube down, turning around to tie it around his neck.
“You look so good,” You said to him. Max truly didn’t know how good he looked in a suit, however he had yet to complain about how ridiculous he thinks he looks.
“I feel like a damn doll.” He said as you straightened the bowtie. There he went again.
“Well, I think you’d give Ken quite the run for his money.” You reached up to peck him on the lips. He gave you a small pout slightly furrowing his brows with his hands clutching at the fabric at the bodice of your dress. You moved to lock your arm around Max’s, lightly pulling him out of the bathroom with you.
He pulled his tux jacket off the back of the desk chair, and you got your shawl and bag off the top of the desk.
Max quickly lifted your hand up to his lips, kissing the band of your wedding ring, and then opened the door for you letting you walk out.
You would both be suffering through the Gala together until it was time for Max to get up on the stage and accept his trophy, again. You would be the one person in that room who was the most proud of Max, after Christian of course.
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Mini Verstappen taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn, @glow-ish, @nonsensical-nonsence, @champomiel, @gothicwidowsworld, @lighttsoutlewis, @itsalwaysgay, @minkyungseokie, @mynameisangeloflife, @ursforever129, @aundercover, @bborra, @mindless-rock, @cixrosie, @barcelonaloverf1life, @taylorslovesswifties13, @konsti081, @mellowarcadefun, @smnthnclj, @brekkers-whore, @lpab, @thedecalcomania-blog, @xoscar03, @em-gvf01, @haikyuen, @shelbyteller , @geniusalpaca, @princessria127 , @mysticalnightenthusiast , @green-thots , @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp , @ellelabelle
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being-addie · 1 year
Morning Routines
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We're all looking at those Instagram influencers who somehow manage to wake up at 5 am, do meditation, journal, do a 15-step Korean skincare routine, and go to the gym. And then they make a green smoothie and avocado toast, get dressed in a Chanel outfit and then sit at their fancy desk with a vanilla latte and a croissant.
This is not realistic. You probably already know that, but it likely won't stop you from trying to change your routine bit by bit to look a little like theirs. That didn't stop me, at least.
But now I've come to realise that no matter how much I try, I'll never be able to have a routine like the ones I see online. Because it doesn't exist. It's all curated for aesthetic appeal and generates a sense of false productivity in the watcher's brain. We feel motivated looking at those videos and never get around to changing our own life because we're too busy living vicariously through our phones.
Here's some things you should add to your morning routine, not to be fancy, but to feel better. This is coming from someone who's tried the unrealistic routines, and I now incorporate all of these into my routine. You can skip or add things according to your schedule.
S-T-R-E-T-C-H: Do your body a favour and loosen up your muscles. Nothing better than having a good stretch that wakes your body up.
Drink water: Before you put anything in your system, drink water. Not coffee, not tea. Plain warm water. And I don't mean lemon water. Some people might not agree, but lemon water strips your teeth of the enamel. It also is acidic, so all that bullshit they talk about it being "alkaline and pH balancing" is nonsense. Warm water is the way to go.
Make your bed: A clean bed should be the first thing you do after you wake up. At the end of the day, you'll thank yourself because it will be clean, and fresh and you can fall into bed immediately.
Hygiene: Wash your face to get rid of crusty eyes and sleep. Do a basic skincare routine (cleanser, moisturizer) so you'll feel fresher. Brush your teeth and hair.
Move your body: It doesn't matter what you do, even if it's for 15 minutes. Go for a walk, do a Zumba workout, or squeeze in a HIIT session. You can find lots of tutorials on YouTube (Caroline Girvan, growingannanas, Chloe Ting). Either way, working out will help you feel more motivated and happier. It's the endorphins.
Clean yourself: Set aside some time for showering, slathering on lotion, and doing your (real) skincare and makeup routine. Pick an outfit that makes you feel good about yourself.
Eat something: ALWAYS make some food. Your body has been famished for hours on end, give it some fuel. Make a healthy breakfast, or prep one the night before. If you don't get very hungry in the mornings, have a banana, and pack a mid-morning snack beforehand so you don't reach for chips.
Do 3 things: Make a to-do list of everything you need to do today. Don't overwhelm yourself. Then, knock off 3 easy tasks from the list that you can do quickly. You'll be filled with a sense of motivation, and it'll be easier for you to complete your list. It can be chores, it could be some assigned reading. Just get it done.
Gratitude or prayer: You don't need to sit for 15 minutes to practice gratitude. You can think of things your thankful for on the way to school or work or practice deep breathing/say a small prayer on the subway or bus. You don't HAVE to do it, but it definitely makes you realise how much you have in life and appreciate it more.
Kindness: Start your day with kindness. Compliment your barista, smile at the old lady on the street, pet the stray cat. There's so much love in the world, and you have so much love inside you, and it's beautiful to be a part of it.
No longer will I be stuck in a rut. I cannot be confined to being a bitter, unhealthy person when I know there's a smiling, healthy, happy version of me in the future. Deep breaths. You'll get there babe.
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afeelgoodblog · 11 months
The Best News of Last Week - October 30, 2023
1. Bill to Ban Hidden Fees in California Signed into Law
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California Attorney General Rob Bonta has released a statement regarding the signing of Senate Bill 478 (SB 478). SB 478, coauthored by Senators Bill Dodd and Nancy Skinner, will eliminate hidden fees, also known as 'junk fees,' in California starting from July 1, 2024. Hidden fees are deceptive charges that sellers include in transactions, either through obscured disclosures or later revelations, impacting consumers negatively.
2. New Portable Water Treatment System Vaporizes 99% of ‘Forever Chemicals’
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A startup based Washington has devised a portable system capable of removing the vast majority of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, from water.
The system uses hydrothermal alkaline treatment, or HALT, to eliminate 99% of forever chemicals from water.
3. Tumor-destroying sound waves receive FDA approval for liver treatment in humans
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of sound waves to break down tumors—a technique called histotripsy—in humans for liver treatment. Technique developed at the University of Michigan provides a noninvasive alternative to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer
4. Japan's top court says trans sterilisation requirement unconstitutional
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Japan's Supreme Court has ruled that it is unconstitutional to require citizens to be sterilised before they can officially change genders.
The 2004 law said people could only change their gender if they have no reproductive capacity. Wednesday's ruling came after a transgender woman filed a petition challenging the law.
5. Abandoned golf courses are being reclaimed by nature
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Golf courses, despite occupying large green spaces, are not necessarily good for the environment.
Conservation nonprofits and local authorities are looking to acquire golf courses that have been abandoned due to high maintenance costs, low player numbers or other reasons, and repurpose them into landscapes that boost biodiversity and build natural defenses against climate change.
6. NSW court allows health officials to give blood transfusion to Jehovah's Witness toddler
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Regional New South Wales health officials have won a court order authorising them to give a blood transfusion to a Jehovah's Witness toddler if needed in surgery. The Supreme Court has been told the girl, three, who can only be referred to as JI, is in need of two surgical procedures. 
On such an application, the overriding criterion to be applied by the court is the best interests and welfare of the child.
7. North Atlantic right whale population has steadied, scientists say
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The population of critically endangered North Atlantic right whales appears to have levelled off after a decade of steep decline, according to updated data released this morning by Canadian and American scientists. Scientists in the consortium said Monday that the 2021 estimate of 340 North Atlantic right whales in existence has been recalculated to 365 primarily because of the number of calves born that year.
The estimate for 2022 is 356.
That's it for this week :)
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The sound of the waves collide // Part Four
So it is time for the last part.... I still cannot believe that I managed to write something and look forward to post more
This chapter is very explicit - for my taste at least.
Song for the chapter - Alkaline by Sleeptoken
English is not my first language
Na Baron Feyd Rautha x Atreides!Reader
shameless smut
All feedback is welcome <3
Part One // Part Two // Part Three
1.695 words
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The encounter with Feyd leaves you so shaken that, come morning, you avoid seeing anyone. It feels childish and less dignified, your mind circling around the memories of the evening like vultures. It's as if he doesn't even need to touch you to make you forget years of training and let your emotions get the best of you. And he visibly enjoys it, your pain and humiliation making it even more luxurious for him. Frustrated and unable to concentrate, you put Irulan's gift away and lie down in a lounge chair on the balcony overlooking the small garden. The sun's rays are softened by the huge trees and reflected in the pond below. Its crystal clear waters appear like a mirror - calm and serene, a painful contrast to your mental state. You close your eyes and try to ground yourself in the moment, repeating the mantra „I am alive in stillness“, but to no avail. The fever that has been ignited within you consumes your mind and body. Your hands seem to develop a life of their own and, as if guided by a puppet master, they find their way to the small band of your tunic. The warm air touches your skin and you close your eyes, letting your fingers slide over your breasts, caressing the nipples that instantly stiffen under your touch. Your hand continues to slide down as your eyes flutter shut. It is almost as if you are picking up where he left off. The heat concentrates under your fingers, and letting your intuition guide you, you move your fingers in circles, dipping in and out of your cunt. The orgasm is so intense that for a second you forget where you are. You can't stop yourself from moaning his name and you feel like coming up for air.
Two days later it is time to say goodbye. Your father kisses you on the forehead and your mother seems to think the same as you - "I will not fear". Letting go of Paul's embrace seems almost impossible, but when all is said and done, you make your way to the Baron's ship. His gigantic form floats in front of you, while your betrothed follows at the same level as you.
Even if he doesn't look at you, you can't help but feel his presence. Each step seems to be part of a well-orchestrated choreography and reminds you of a wild animal, ready to reveal its murderous nature at any moment. At the last glance, you turn your head to see your mothers signing "Good luck" to you with a small flick of her wrist. The connection to what was familiar is tethered and you are not sure of the tumultuous feeling your gut that the now empty space in your soul is son tobe filled with a new home. The change is almost tangible, as if when you pay close enough attention, it glow like a dark halo around you.
Once on the ship, you are left to your own devices. You can call upon servants at any time, but they seem to anticipate your wishes before you know them. Food and drink are brought to you, as well as an army of new clothes. Your favourite is the black dress with heavy beading around the bodice, covering your torso like a shield. Paired with a translucent black veil and a small gold chain around your neck, connected to your torso, it feels appropriate to take your first steps on the planet you will call home.
Your unease is heightened when, upon your arrival, neither Feyd nor the Baron are to be seen. A tall, slender man who introduces himself as Piter de Vries escorts you to the Feeds chambers. You immediately recognise the characteristic traces of spice in his eyes, the only thing that seems to have any colour in this world. Shielded from the harsh black sun, you reach Na Baron's quarters, only to find an army of monochrome grey, white and black surroundings. The palace seems to be the essence of the Harkonnens, with hard, clear lines, yet graceful and spacious.
"If you need anything, there are always two servants at the door," says Piter. The servants resemble guards, but you decide not to share this observation. Piter's eyes linger on the glass box with the fir tree. "Do you want to have a closer look?" You ask. "Only if you don't mind. I have never seen anything like it". "It was a parting gift from my father. On Caladan, fir trees grow as tall as these walls, more of them than you can count. You may take it with you if you promise to return it in one piece tomorrow." Pieter seems to understand your bid for connection and bows his head „I am indebted to you, Na Baroness“ Its the first time some one dresses you with your new title and you barely suppress a shiver. And as if the title was a spell, Feyd Rautha appears in the doorway. Piter bows and leaves at once, holding the precious piece of your home in his hands. He moves so siletly, that you begin to wonder if the planet is not only devoid of color but also of sound. Blood seems to rush to your cheeks as you meet Feyd's gaze. "Is everything to your satisfaction?" His voice echoes. "Yes, thank you, Baron." His arms are behind his back and before you realise why, you see droplets of thick, almost black liquid collecting on the floor behind him. Slowly he unclasps his hands, drops to one knee and holds out a slim silver knife to you, covered in more of the same substance. "Is… is it blood?" You don't know why you question it. "Yes, it is. Please accept this as a token of my devotion to you. It is…" his blue eyes find yours, "the proof that my body will be yours alone. No other being shall touch it."
"Your pets…" you feel almost dizzy as the understanding dawns on you.
"No more pets," he says, still on his knee.
You slowly take the knife and place it on the white table beside you. Some of the blood gets on your wrist. He grabs it and licks it off. While a part of your brain screams that you should be afraid, your body seems to find the spark he struck on Kaitain again. His tongue flicks across the sensitive skin as he rises and begins to undo the buttons on your shoulders, the need to touch him overwhelming you and you reach out with your palm to his cheek. He leans into your touch with more tenderness than you ever expected. But as soon as your dress falls to the floor, pure hunger returns to his eyes. He presses into you and you feel as if your insides have melted on the spot. You try to feel his length through the fabric of his tunic. „So needy, Na Baroness?“ He purrs, enjoying the dominance he has over you. With a swimming motion, he pushes you onto the bed, holding your arms above your head. His tongue descends to your collarbone, moving deeper as he takes one breast in his mouth, sucking the tender flesh. You moan under him, already feeling washed away from any security of a shore into a whirl of need. His tongue continues to drive you mad as he bites you, the pain searing and glorious at the same time. Your hand reaches for him again, but he holds your wrists down as his tongue continues to run between your legs. He looks up at you, and it is the last thing to break the tiny shreds of your resolve. But he doesn't let you go, his tongue still swirling between your folds, drinking in your sweetness. Suddenly your hands are connected and a split second later you realise why: he uses his left hand, with slender, graceful fingers, to push your thighs further apart. You feel wanton and still needy, and as one of his finders curls inside you, you moan his name. "Feyd, Feyd, Feyd." Your own voice seems alien to you, high-pitched and desperate.
"My Na Baroness seems to want more," he smiles devilishly and inserts two more fingers at once. You whimper and throw your head back into the pillows. It feels like the stars are exploding behind you and feel the second orgasm coming as he stops and pulls away from you. You can barely hold back a frustrated squeal. Your body feels hot, the only antidote to this madness his skin on yours. You try to concentrate on his form, seeing him remove his tonic first, then his trousers, leaving nothing to the imagination. His body is pure perfection, not a mark on his porcelain skin, he kneels on the bed again and moves towards you. The tip of his shaft is already pink and covered with pearls of pre-cum. It touches your clit lightly as it settles between your legs. "You'll have to learn to control yourself. So responsive to my touch, so desperate…" he hisses as the black of his pupils replaces the blue, making them almost invisible. His tip touches your entrance and then disappears completely inside you. You feel torn apart and put together at the same time, pain and pleasure mixed into something new, a delicious cocktail of discovery that leaves you drunk and breathless. You want to close your eyes, but he says "Look at me" you hear him murmur and you are lost again. With every movement of his hips, your whole being seems to refragment and reassemble like a kaleidoscope. Your walls convulse around him, his name like a sacred chant. Your nails dig into his back and he lets himself fall, speeding up and thrusting into you with even more abandon. You feel his use of you, your name on his lips. For a few seconds you are speechless, your shallow breaths filling the room. He holds your hips as he lies down behind you, still inside you to the hilt. „Welcome to being my wife, dear Na Baroness“
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3liza · 5 months
I heard that baking soda/power with water works as an eye flusher for pepper spray, is that true?
no! do not put this into your eyes. the high alkaline ph will fuck up your eye tissues and and undissolved particles of baking soda will scratch your corneas. do not put anything into your eyes except plain CLEAN water or preferably, sterile saline. get one of the big squirt bottles full of sterile saline for cleaning contact lenses. take the whole thing to the protest. the little squirt nozzle is great for controlling the amount and direction of the saline wash
WHY IS THIS A BAD IDEA? - a baking soda/water solution would only work on riot control chemicals that are ACIDIC in nature. acids are things like vinegar, lemon juice, sour candy like warheads, etc. if you put baking soda on chemical exposure sites that have been injured by other ALKALINE chemicals, it will make everything worse. alkaline is the opposite of acidic. when alkalis are strong enough, they will also burn you and injure the cells of your body. alkalis that we have in our houses include things like lye, baking soda/powder, and ammonia (for cleaning). understanding the concept of pH, and the difference between acids and bases (alkalis) is important.
this is the biggest problem with pH-based street medic treatments: we don't know what the cops sprayed/shot at us. we have to treat every exposure as if it is an unknown substance, because it is. riot control agents can be either alkaline or acidic. both will burn you. clean water and saline only, and also using a blow dryer or leaf blower or fan on yourself will help (but only outdoors/in a VERY ventilated area) because most of the irritants are actually PARTICULATE that is either free-floating, or being carried in some sort of binder or resin. either way, blowing it off your skin is a good treatment. water will temporarily activate it and make it worse but will also get it off you.
it's important to rinse the eyes of people who get tear gas/pepper spray in their eyes because the little granules will stick to your corneas and cause scratches. they can cause keratitis, infection and blindness if the scratches and burns are bad enough. eyes should be the first priority for treating riot chemical exposure.
no baking soda, no lemon juice, no vinegar, no anything. just water and saline in the eyes.
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eating disorder harm reduction
no one ever compiled this so that it what we are doing today. for people with eds and people whose loved ones do. please note: i’m not a doctor. this is a compilation of things from books and ed resource sites.
for people whose loved ones have an eating disorder:
try to make sure they know these things.
try not to force them to eat, they might feel uncomfortable eating in front of people. also, risk of refeeding syndrome.
if their life is in danger and you are seeking help for them, consult the person beforehand to make sure they will be safe and give them a heads-up so that they aren’t startled (especially if they’re neurodivergent! giving them notice will aid control!)
offer them ways of controlling things aside from food - practice consent, include them in conversations, don’t talk about them behind their back, compliment their makeup or hair.
be patient. the person may be irritable from lack of sleep, feelings of depression, worthlessness, etc., or malnutrition.
keep in mind that you can’t tell if someone has an eating disorder by looking at them. people of all weights do - only 17% of anorexics are underweight - and also, men and non binary people can also have eds.
drink lots of water, especially if you’re drinking lots of caffeine.
drink some electrolytes at least once a week - gatorade, electrolyte tablets, coconut water, doesn’t matter, just get it into your system.
if you are getting dizzy or flushed and can feel your heart beating, quick carbs will raise your blood sugar - sweets, bread, fruit, juice, non diet soda, whatever. keep snacks around pls.
your brain uses 400-500 calories daily. eat more than this.
take your supplements!
you still need protein, have an egg or something.
don’t take adderal or insulin unless you are actually diabetic or neurodivergent, because you are raising the price by buying them and denying access to those who need it.
throw a towel over the mirror. it’s not worth it if it’ll cause you anxiety.
try to limit disordered behaviours like body checking, purging, and weigh ins.
practice good dental hygiene.
put your scale somewhere where you have to actively look for it to weigh yourself.
avoid social media and for your sake don’t go on pro ed tiktok or tumblr or twitter or insta.
get a buddy who also struggles with the same thing if possible to support each other.
get regular medical check ups (if you can afford it)
practice things within your control - makeup, hair, clothing, etc.
push your rules - eat 5 minutes before your time, or 50 calories over your limit.
for people with restrictive disorders (e.g. anorexia):
do weight and resistance training at least twice a week to prevent musculoskeletal conditions such as osteoporosis.
don’t drink on an empty stomach.
try to put gaps between fasting periods.
don’t fast for more than 72 hours.
wear lots of layers to keep warm.
eat an extra 100-200 calories on your period if you menstruate.
have a metabolism day.
take care of your hair.
as horrifying as this is to many people, please go to the hospital if you’re experiencing heart problems or if you’re passing out for more than 30 seconds.
for people with purging disorders (e.g. bulimia):
if you would like to purge, wait 15 minutes first.
after purging: drink lots of water - the emptiness you feel is dehydration. don’t brush your teeth but rinse your mouth out, preferably with an alkaline mouthwash or baking soda mixed into water. do something you want to do, like reading a book or watching a show. don’t smoke. don’t have anything acidic. eat a banana or some chocolate or a rice cake to keep your blood sugar levels in check.
if you vomit blood or your vomit looks like coffee grounds, this is a sign of internal bleeding. you could be drowning in your own blood from a hole in your esophagus, essentially. go to the hospital or call 911/999/the emergency number in your area.
stay safe everyone. i hope this helps. also, i do not use these tags - i have them blocked - but i am using them so that people on these tags will find this because they need it most.
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Water 101 💦
The quality of drinking water can vary based on several factors, it's source, treatment, and the presence of contaminants.
Best Waters to Drink:
Spring Water: Sourced from a natural spring and is typically free from harmful additives and contaminants. It also contains beneficial minerals.
Purified Water: This is water that has been filtered to remove any contaminants. Methods like reverse osmosis, distillation, and carbon filtering can be used.
Filtered Tap Water: Using a good quality water filter can remove many of the contaminants found in regular tap water.
Bottled Water: While many people prefer bottled water for its taste and convenience, it's essential to choose brands known for their quality and sustainable sourcing.
Mineral Water: This is water that contains at least 250 parts per million total dissolved solids (TDS), which are minerals and trace elements. It can be beneficial for health due to the minerals it contains.
Worst Waters to Drink:
Unfiltered Tap Water: In some areas, tap water can contain contaminants like lead, chlorine, fluoride, and other harmful substances.
Distilled Water: While it's free from contaminants, distilled water lacks essential minerals. Drinking it exclusively can lead to mineral deficiencies.
Standing Water: Water from ponds, lakes, or puddles can be contaminated with bacteria, parasites, and viruses.
Water from Plastic Bottles Left in the Sun: The heat can cause chemicals from the plastic to leach into the water.
Untrusted Bottled Water: Some brands may not adhere to stringent purification standards, leading to potential contamination.
Quite a few brands actually combine their water bottles with non pure/non filtered water. However, there are several brands that are recognized for their commitment to providing pure water.
Fiji Water: Sourced from an underground aquifer in the remote Yaqara Valley of Viti Levu in Fiji, this water is naturally filtered and contains minerals like silica, magnesium, and calcium.
Acqua Panna: Sourced from a spring in Tuscany, Italy. The water takes a 14-year journey through the underground rock formations to reach the surface, which naturally filters and purifies it. It has a balanced mineral composition and a naturally alkaline pH.
Evian: Originating from the French Alps, Evian water is naturally filtered through rock and sand before being bottled. It's known for its balanced mineral content.
SmartWater: This brand uses a process called vapor distillation to purify its water. After distillation, it adds back a blend of electrolytes for taste.
Voss: Sourced from an underground aquifer in southern Norway, Voss water is protected from pollutants and is naturally low in minerals.
Penta: This brand claims to use a 13-step purification process, resulting in ultra-purified water.
Icelandic Glacial: Originating from the Ölfus Spring in Iceland, this water is naturally filtered through layers of volcanic rock, resulting in a low mineral content.
Essentia: This brand uses a proprietary process to purify its water, and then infuses it with electrolytes for taste. It's known for its high pH, which is alkaline.
Pure Life (Nestlé): Sourced from carefully selected springs, this water undergoes a multi-step purification process and is enhanced with minerals for taste.
Make sure that any water you drink, whether from a bottle or tap, is stored and handled properly to prevent contamination.
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Writing Notes: Wine-Tasting
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for your wine-tasting scenes
Enhance your wine-tasting experience and better identify different wines with these tips:
Cleanse your palate between sips. When tasting for flavors of the wine, you must cleanse your palate by using a spittoon and drinking water. “I regularly cleanse my palate with water. I like to use high-pH water, eight or above . . . . I find that alkaline solution of water cleanses my palate much better and reduces the acid in many wines,” James Suckling, a wine critic, says. “I also might have some bread, or olives are great with red wine. You want things that refresh your palate.” Cleansing your palate helps your taste buds enjoy more subtle flavors.
Do a blind tasting. “When I was starting as a taster in the ’80s, when I studied to be a master of wine, I was always blind tasting,” James says. Tasting blind means not knowing the kind of wine you are tasting—be it a zinfandel, rosé, pinot grigio, or syrah—so that will not influence your tasting. Moreover, tasting blind means not looking at the label; sometimes, a label plays up the fruit flavors or connotes an older wine, which can impact your interpretation of the varietal while tasting.
Get the wines to the right temperature to rate. Temperature is critical for wine tasting. “I think it’s important for whites to be between fourteen and sixteen degrees centigrade—not too cold but cold enough to be fresh. If it’s too cold, I’m not going to be able to discern the aromas, taste, and texture,” James says. “The reds I also like a little bit cooler than normal. A lot of people serve their reds at twenty-two or room temperature. I like them around nineteen or twenty.” Using wine glasses with a stem is essential, so you can adequately hold the glass without warming the wine.
Pay attention to scent. Articulating scent is an essential tasting skill. In trying one wine during a blind tasting, James notes “some warmth. Aromas of lemon curd, maybe some fresh basil. And I get a sensation of ash. Like, ash from volcanoes; there’s a number of white wines made in Italy that are coming from volcanic soils such as Etna in Sicily, Campania near Naples, and Soave near Verona.” Quality wines give you primary and secondary aromas, sometimes even tertiary ones. Breathe in your wine with your lips slightly parted to anticipate a wine’s flavor and notes. Take a small sip of wine and see if you sense wooden notes from oak barrels, high acid from citrus fruits, or sweetness from red fruits or tropical fruits.
Swirl your glass of wine. Getting your wine to move around enlivens its scent. “When you’re tasting, it’s really important to swirl the wine to get some air in there to bring out the wine aromas,” James says. “Also, it’s important not to have too much wine in the glass. I like to have about thirty or fifty milliliters in the glass. Then you can really give it a good swirl.” After swirling, note the viscosity and the tannins, the sediment along the bottom or sides of the glass. Use a new wine glass for each new bottle of wine in a blind tasting.
Taste in a clear space. Sometimes, you might taste wine in the cool climate of winemakers’ cellars or a busy room full of people as part of a wine club. To concentrate on the wine’s color and qualities, try to taste the wine in a well-lit, not-too-noisy tasting room. Light is essential when applying the [wine point] scale to red, orange, or white wines. “It’s important that the environment’s clean [and] well-lit,” James says. “I can concentrate on the wines. Sometimes that’s not possible if I’m in a cellar, traveling at dinner, or in a restaurant. But ideally, when I’m tasting, especially blind, it’s important to have a place where I can concentrate.”
Use the wine point system. Following the 100-point wine system can help you determine a good wine. The 100-point system is a rating scale for wine quality. Wine scores go up to 100 points, with 100 points going to the best wines. Whether you’re trying a dessert wine or a dry wine, this scoring system helps you better break down and comprehend the quality of a wine. “I think it’s an easy way to communicate about wine,” James says. “It's an easy way for you to understand quality.”
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cosmicseafoam · 2 months
Randy Moore on the Sunken Teeth Co live part2
part 1 about the drop here
These wont be super in order as I'm gonna try to group them
Dividers by @wrathofrats
He's in the middle of making a record so new music soon-ish
It's not a new band, he says this is a "Randy record"
It's being produced by his friend Henry Chadwick
They'll be in the studio this weekend to record more stuff
Someone said "I hope you're taking care of the Mothman enamel pin I gave you" and he said he transferred it from his jacket to a pin board in his room to keep it safe so he doesn't lose it
"Do you still have the Sunken Teeth Bracelet I gave you at the SLC show?" he said "Yes I do! Anything that anybody has ever given me, I still have and I cherish cherish cherish everything that people take the time to hand me and make. 🙏🏻 I'm very appreciative. You guys are awesome"
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He was fucking around a bit with a delay to make voice effects and said "I'm just trying to add some production value, y'know, just a little something, know what I'm saying?"
At one point he did something with the delay pedal and then said "never mind that was dumb and I've embarrassed myself"
He's excited to see the new Nosferatu
He doesn't have a dog but wishes he did
He's from the Bay Area
He drinks sparkling water
He's been watching The Sopranos for the first time (he's on s6)
He hasn't seen Twin Peaks
He hasn't gone to Spirit Halloween yet because he thinks he should wait for Lucy to get back from tour so they can go together
He hasn't watched Longlegs because he's "been busy doing stuff"
He's playing with Sweet Gloom in Santa Ana and San Diego on the 9th and 10th of August
He hasn't watched Over The Garden Wall
He really liked the Danzig dance scene in Abigail
If he was to get a Nightmare Before Christmas tattoo it would be of the masks that the three kids wear to represent him and his siblings
Someone said bring the 'stash back, he said "I don't think so"
He hasn't been to a Rocky Horror shadow cast and the thought scares him cause he doesn't want people to touch him while he's watching the movie
Someone asked which chipmunk he is, he said his sister Alyssa dubbed him Simon, herself Alvin, and their brother as Theodore.
He's not doing any overseas gigs any time soon
He said he's trying to recharge creatively and physically
He's an Aries
He uses the Ernie Ball regular slinky 10-46 guitar strings in the green pack
Someone asked if he plays mermaids he said "of course"
If he was a muppet he'd be "The Count. Obviously"
He has not listened to BRAT
He mains Dry Bones on Mario Cart
He likes Halloween because he thinks the weather is nicer, he likes sweater weather
He's never watched Baywatch
He gets scared of walk-through haunted houses
He is not going on the next Alkaline Trio tour
He likes Sisters Of Mercy
He has 10 or 11 guitars
He's been playing guitar since he was 11 or 12.
He takes his coffee with lots of sugar but Lucy drinks hers black which he "could never"
He doesn't know what he's gonna be for Halloween
He's not watching IWTV
He wants to visit Salem and the cemeteries in New Orleans
He has paper bats strung up on his shelf and he said "The bats keep my record collection safe. From... the sun! Idk."
He hasn't watched the new Deadpool movie
He likes The Shining
"I'm a real vampire, it's confirmed"
"I can fit in your pocket. I can get in there, for sure. IIIIIII can get in that pocket"
Someone asked how tall he is and between questions he said "I'm 6 feet tall", "I'm LIKE 6 feet. I don't know what I am, I haven't measured myself since I was 12 so who cares", "I'm like 6ft on a good day. People shrink, fluctuate. Who cares. Who cares about anything", "Yeah I'm like 6 feet on a good day, it's not that big of a deal. 6 feet is like NOT that tall. Maybe? I don't know", "I'm ACTUALLY 7 feet tall. Let that be the takeaway from this." and finally "I'm two bats tall."
Someone in the chat said "Basically 6ft is not 6ft, why do men lie?" and he responded "I'm sorry. I'm just- I'm just a boy"
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Vampire movie: The Lost Boys, he later mentions it was filmed in Santa Cruz which is close to where he lives and he hangs out at the bridge sometimes
Beatles song right now is "I'm looking through you"
Chappell Roan song: Red Wine Supernova
BoyGenius song: "probably Satanist" but he really likes the first EP a lot
The Strokes song: either The Adults Are Talking or Last Nite
Cryptid: Mothman
Newer horror movie: Nope by Jordan Peele
Tattoo of his: ballerina on a tightrope or the crocodile underneath her
He owns a first pressing of Goddammit by Alkaline Trio and it's his favourite record of all time
Someone asked him to rate the 1990s ninja turtle movie out of 100 and he said "It's probably 100, it's maybe my favourite movie"
He can't pick between Creature Of The Black Lagoon and Dracula, they're his two favourites from the Universal monsters
Dogs or cats? "Dogs"
Metallica album: Master Of Puppets
Misfits song: Night Of The Living Dead or "Astro Zombies is always a favourite" and he did specify Danzig Misfits
Spirit World song: ULCER
Dracula: Bela Lugosi
System Of A Down song: Toxicity
Guitar model: Fender Jaguar
Dead Kennedys song: Kill The Poor. He said Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables is his favourite DK record.
He likes MCR, his fav album is Three Cheers and fav song is I'm Not Okay
Fall Out Boy song: Dance Dance
Fav song EVER: Sleepwalk by Santo & Johnny
Animal: Bats. No specifics, he said "I like 'em all!"
Alkaline Trio song from the new album: Shake With Me
Halloween candy: the pumpkin reeses cups
Concert: He saw Green Day do a secret show at Gilman Street which is a really small DIY venue
Thing about touring: he likes to see the friends he's made over the years cause he doesn't get to see them often
White Claw: Raspberry. He doesn't like Black Cherry so he gives those to Lucy
Cemetery he's visited: Hollywood Forever
AFI song: Fall Children
Zombie Film: Night Of The Living Dead
Horror movie actor: Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee
Pokemon: he's a Charmander guy
Place to travel: "My bed. I love sleeping"
Food: Pizza. He said he's a pineapple on pizza guy.
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Liv was in the chat and ask for a toy shelf tour
Pee-wee Dracula painted by Matt Skiba, given to Randy as a gift
He has a Green Day tour poster from when Dog Party (his gf Lucy’s band) opened for them and he said “super proud of Lucy, she’s the best”
Funkos: Rivers Cuomo, Dracula (which the lady at walgreens didn't charge him for), and Twenty One pilots but he's trying to get rid of his funko pops
He’s trying not to collect things anymore
Kiss Alive figures
Ozzy bark at the moon werewolf eating a mini brand ball taco
Ninja turtles 1990 movie figures
Fake ninja turtles ice cream
Alkaline trio Campbell soup cans from the my shame is true record
Metallica figurine setup
He thinks he has about 500 records on his shelf
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Someone asked for a tattoo tour and he said "that would take too long" but he did show off his arm and speed run through some of them.
crystal ball
rose through a heart
ballerina + crocodile
His first tattoo was a mermaid on an anchor on his upper arm. Her tail is "seafoam green" which he said is his favourite colour.
Most of his tattoos are in a traditional style, but he said he's "got some crazier ones" on his leg.
Ones he didn't specifically mention but that I've seen from photos:
a broken arrow
an astronaut lady
bats on his collarbones
portrait of a lady on the back of his arm
a few random roses scattered around
a large flower on his elbow
(what looks like) a rose inside a diamond with a straight razor underneath
(what looks like) a mummy/wrapped sarcophogus
dagger and rose
Elvis TCB lightning bolt
a small flower with a smiley face in the center
creature from the black lagoon
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ryan-sometimes · 2 years
as a biochem student, is there a biochem fact you wish the whole world knew?
Oh god can I pick 2. I have 2
Juice "detox" cleanses are BULLSHIT!!! Yes, consuming shit like beetroot and kale is good for you, but it's not "cleansing" you of any "toxins". Your liver, which comes for free with your body, does detoxing with more efficiency than any green juice could. If your body is truly being afflicted by "toxins," then I can assure you that the treatment is NOT just some vegetable juice.
Stop buying "special" kinds of water. And by that, I mean those expensive ass "raw," or alkaline, or pretty much any overpriced water that promises special health benefits. Water is water. If it's clean, free of pathogens, gets you hydrated, and has minerals in it, it's good enough.
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transmechanicus · 2 days
If one hypothetically wanted to get into sleep token which album would you recommend first??
Depends on what you’re looking for. Gut instinct says Take Me Back To Eden, but here’s a proper breakdown so you don’t gotta just take my word. They’ve got three albums, in chronological order being Sundowning, This Place Will Become Your Tomb, and Take Me Back To Eden. (color coordination for ease of reference if i use acronyms n stuff) There’s a couple other EPs and pre-album singles but they predate the full band and are not everyone’s cup of tea.
Sundowning is imo the most emotionally raw album, The Offering and Sugar are very hungry and erotic songs, Gods is arguably the angriest and most metal song in the entire discography, and Bloodsport is heartbreakingly sad and melodic.
TPWBYT is a more consistent and thematic album about depression, recovery, and manipulative relationships themed around water, sea creatures, and the concept of drowning in parallel to falling in love with someone dangerous. Alkaline is an absolutely gorgeous song, and the first of Sleep Token’s tracks i ever heard. Atlantic is very melodic and melancholy, but hauntingly alien at the end. Hypnosis, Mine, and Like That are all very enticing and erotic tracks that i adore.
TMBTE is the most recent, well developed, and varied album about missing old pains and moving on from them, and is front to back nothing but bangers. The first one i heard was Rain, which is very healing and is about finding a good relationship after a long time of mistreatment. Vore is the most angry and carnal metal track in the album and Take Me Back To Eden (the song) is incredibly rich in depth of soundscape and gives me chills every time. I also love The Apparition, Chokehold, and Ascencionism bc they got me through the pain of being left behind by an old partner. *Euclid at the end of TMBTE is a paired song with The Night Does Not Belong To God from Sundowning, so if you’re starting with one of those two albums, end with the opposite with TPWBYT in the middle is my recommendation to maximize emotional resonance and impact. For example, i had listened to all of TPWBYT, then all of Take Me Back To Eden, then Sundowning in my own exploration. Hope this helps, lmk if you’ve got questions or updates on your experience, have fun!! :D
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ariswul · 3 months
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Do you know your skin type?🩷
Hello everyone! This is my first post on here. Today, I'd like to share some useful info about skin, concerning skin types and skin health.
In today's society, there is a lot of emphasis being put on self-care, which invites us to take care of our bodies and minds, for us to glow inside out. The state of our skin is a very clear reflection of our physical and mental health and can tell a lot about ourselves and our habits. People can make judgments about us based on many factors, such as clothing and interests, but the main factor remains our face. This goes beyond appearances and good looks; It is not about being conventionally attractive and looking like today's beauty standard, but instead about the inner glow that you emit and the vitality that comes from within the healthy body.
The state of our body is a clear reflection of all the things that we do and don't do, and I'd like to elaborate more about skin types so you girlies can know more about yours and make wise choices concerning products, that shall match your skin type.
The 4 skin types
{ There are 4 skin types : normal,mixed, dry and oily.}
Normal skin presents itself in uniformity, with no dry spots, rashes or discolorations. It may present a slight pinkish tone, and it is balanced in color. This skin type might be the one that we all are trying to achieve, but it is important to keep in mind that normal does NOT equal perfect. Normal skin can still present imperfections. The adjective "normal" can be simply used to describe a balance in the skin secretions, therefore not resulting in skin that is too dry or too oily.
Mixed skin might present some areas that seem uniform and properly hydrated, while others might be a bit on the drier side. Either way, it reflects a healthy skin type that is diverse because the secretions differ depending on the area. A way that mixed skin can manifest itself is through an oily chin and forehead area, while the cheeks are more dry.
Dry skin has reduced secretions, meaning that it is naturally not moisturized enough. This skin type doesn't possess much hydration by itself, and environmental factors, such as a dry climate (both hot and cold), can worsen the skin's dryness.
If your skin is dry occasionally, that might be due to :
a) Environmental factors (climate)
b)Lack of hydration. Drink lots of water!
c) Use of alkaline products, which strip the skin of its oils.
Also, washing your face with water and soap isn't particularly good for dry skin. This kind of practice strips the skin of its natural hydration, so it is absolutely not recommended.
Chronically dry skin is manifested through atopic dermatitis. The usage of adequate products for dry skin can help lock in moisture and keep the skin hydrated, something absolutely essential, since dry skin is naturally prone to aging. Keeping your skin moisturized will noticeably slow that process down though, and minimize the signs of aging.
Oily skin: This skin type has a large amount of secretions, making the skin appear oily. In comparison to dry skin, oily skin doesn't present dryness problems, which are linked to aging, making this a positive thing.
On the other hand, oily skin is more prone to blackheads and acne, and might require products that provide strong cleaning effects as well, stripping the skin of excess oils.
Healthy oily skin presents itself in uniformity, mainly characterized by a glowy appearance that is slightly oily. If the skin seems too oily, this might be due to inadequate cleaning products, or using face cream that is too dense for the oily skin. It is important to remember that oily skin does not need any over-the-top hydration, since it already provides this for itself.
Dehydrated oily skin is caused by a lack of hydration. The skin might look irregular, with some spots being dry while others are oily. This can be solved by drinking enough water , which brings the skin's uniformity back.
Asphyxiated oily skin is caused by using the wrong products for the skin type. It might look similar to dehydrated skin, in the sense of having an irregular appearance; the only difference is that asphyxiated skin's pores are closed, and it might look slightly mate. This issue can be solved by switching products, which I will talk about next.
All 4 skin types are valid; none of them represents a flaw or imperfection. It is simply different skin types based on different amounts of secretions. While all 4 skin types are okay, dry and oily skin might pose a challenge to the person who has that skin type, since they require different products. This does not necessarily mean extra care, yet better said, more awareness about one's skin and what might be a good fit or not for the individual.
About products for skin types
For normal, mixed and dry skin:
It is recommended to use cleansing milk. Cleansing milk is usually pretty gentle on the skin and can provide some extra hydration without drying the skin too much and removing its natural hydration. You can also use Syndet cleansers (synthetic detergents), which are particularly excellent for dry skin because they contain no soap.
Syndet cleansers are known for being very gentle on the skin, without washing away the little hydration that dry skin naturally possesses. You can also use a combo ( a mix between Syndet and soap) to provide some extra cleansing without modifying the skin's natural state too much.
For oily skin : It is recommended to use cleansing products that contain soap, due to their efficiency in eliminating excess oil from the skin. Soap is alkaline, meaning that it will provide a thorough cleanse. Oily skin will also benefit from peelings to help unclog pores, caused by excess oils.
Thank you for reading!
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angelsanarchy · 10 months
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series CH 24
Tagging: @ophelialaufey @madamemaximoff06 @forever-not-gonna-sink@ajmiila02@liquidsmoothdomme@shady-the-simp @auggiethecreator @tempt-ress @blacksoul-27
TW: Oral sex, Light Dom, Facefucking
Oystein was standing amongst his friends, hearing about what Faust did and seeing it on the news was like a wash of ice cold water being dumped over him. The shit they had been getting into since Helvete had become a thing for the black metal fans to flock to had officially crossed a line. It didn't help that he had Varg up his ass about being a poser because he hasn't been with him for all the church arson. Now he was involved and if Varg or Faust got caught up, so would he.
He walked into his apartment and started stripping out of his clothes that smelled like scorched wood. There was no saving some of the things he was wearing but he at least wanted to save his leather jacket. He shoved the clothes in a bag before jumping in the shower. He had heard the phone about 10 minutes after getting in and ran to answer it.
"Hello?" He answered out of breath.
"Hey it's me. What are you up to?" Y/n's smile came through the phone and Oystein felt a wave of relief hearing her voice.
"Well I'm currently standing naked and dripping all over the floor. You caught me in the middle of a shower." He explained.
"Haven't you heard of letting it go to voicemail?" She teased.
"Nah not for my favorite girl. What's up?" He asked towel drying his hair.
"I was just calling to see how your day was, nothing crazy. I may have sort of missed seeing you in the shop today." Y/n admitted making Oystein take a deep breath.
"Trust me, I missed seeing you too. My day was...uneventful. How was your day?" Oystein had never had a conversation with someone that felt so effortlessly normal.
"Not too hectic. I actually feel pretty good and was wondering if you would be interested in some company tonight. I'm off tomorrow-"
"Yes...a thousand percent yes." Oystein didn't hesitate and Y/n laughed.
"Okay okay, I'm out of here in about half an hour. I'll be there in a bit but put some clothes on before I get there. I don't want you putting any moves on me." She teased.
"I make no promises." Oystein looked around the apartment and knew the only thing he had to clean up was those clothes he was trashing. He tried to light a candle to get some of the charred wood smell out of the air. He ran to the corner store to grab a case of beer, some more air freshener and condoms...just in case.
By the time he had finished spraying the apartment, getting the beer in the fridge, Y/n had held the buzzer. He let her up and held the door open for her as she entered the apartment, full of smiles, a bag of food and a case of beer.
"I didn't really get you any housewarming gift so..." She held it up and he kissed her before taking it.
"I'm pretty sure you did but I'll always accept food and beer." Oystein walked the beer to the fridge as she shook her jacket off.
"Do you happen to have a shirt I could wear? I smell like work and it's driving me crazy." She asked politely and Oystein nodded retrieving one for her. She came out of the bathroom in just the shirt, her hair down and barefoot walking across the floor.
"You asked me to not put the moves on you and you come out of the bathroom like that?" She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
"It didn't go with my work pants...sue me." She joked letting him lean down to place another, more intimate kiss on her lips, his wet hair tickling her face.
"You smell good...better than you normally smell." She smiled.
"The shower and air freshener help." Oystein let her go as they walked into his small kitchenette.
"Are you staying the night or leaving late?" He asked holding two beers in his hand. Y/n bit her lip for a moment.
"Are you asking me to stay the night?" She asked cocking an eyebrow.
"Y/n...you're always welcome to stay the night with me." She still didn't answer and he let out a sigh walking over towards her and placing the beers down.
"Y/n would you like to stay the night with me?" He asked sweetly.
"Yes I think I would." She leaned on the counter towards him and he ruffled her hair.
"I'll get the beers open, go open the food before it gets cold and gross." She walked around the counter, allowing Oystein to walk towards the coffee table. He turned the TV on and started taking the food out.
"Hey, do you have a lot of sex in your kitchen?" She asked opening a drawer to look for a bottle opener.
"What? No? Why would you-" Y/n came out of the kitchen with the box of condoms Oystein had tossed in a junk drawer. The same junk drawer that held his bottle cap opener.
"I swear, I literally just bought those tonight." Y/n laughed at his response.
"Oh so you thought you were going to get lucky huh?" She teased bringing the condoms and the beers over to the couch.
"I'll take what I can get from you Y/n. I just got you talking to me again, the last thing I want to do is run you off or not be prepared in the event you do want to do more than..." Oystein sputtered off.
"More than rubbing one out?" She smiled. He rolled his eyes and pulled her into his side. She lived to tease him. He moved his body so that she could lean against him as they ate and watched TV. Oystein hadn't felt this content in a long time, if ever. Something about having Y/n with him, being normal and just relaxing together made him feel like his life wasn't as chaotic as it usually was.
The breaking news report of the church burnings came across the TV and she chuckled.
"This shit is ridiculous. These assholes think they're doing something by burning down random churches, like that's going to do anything." She shook her head.
"Well I mean...they're clearly trying to send a message. Burn down the institution..." Oystein offered. Y/n turned her head to look at him.
"Yeah but they aren't...they're burning down old, worn out buildings. Yeah they're sacred to them but that doesn't do shit to the expensive ones that people actually frequent." She waved her hand at the TV.
"Are you suggesting the targets need to be bigger?" Oystein eyed her surprised.
"No of course not. They haven't killed anyone yet just committed arson on a multi-billion kroner organization that gets hand outs from its constituents. Fire cannot destroy the church. They're just being idiots about what is oppressing them." Oystein no longer wanted to talk about it and Y/n was picking up on that.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to stress you out. I know they're trying to pin all this shit on satan worship and black metal. I'm sure that's got a few extra eyes on the shop." She rubbed his thigh comforting him and he nodded his head.
"Honestly, every day the shop is open I'm surprised. The way Varg keeps running these random neo-nazi's in and out of the black circle-" She turned the tv off and got up from the couch, holding her hands out.
"No Varg talk. Let's just go to bed and not think about all this other bullshit." Oystein took her hands, letting her pull him to his feet. He followed her to his bedroom and plopped down on the edge of the bed. She stood between his knees and let him rest his head against her torso. She rubbed his shoulders and he groaned.
"You have a lot of tension in your shoulders baby." She frowned trying to rub the knots out.
"My whole life is tension but that does feel really good." He admitted.
Without warning, she pulled his head from her body and got down on her knees in front of him. He looked at her confused but when she pushed her hands to his hips and pulling at his sweatpants, he knew exactly what she was doing.
"I thought you said you didn't want to lose your groupie virginity on my couch." Oystein chuckled.
"Well we aren't on your couch." She joked making him lean up and grab her hands.
"Y/n you don't have to-"
"Oystein, I just want to suck your cock and feel your cum in my belly. If you have objections to that, I will stop but if you don't then please...shut the fuck up." Y/n waited for him to protest some more but he was already hard from her palming at him. She freed his cock from the sweatpants and he kicked them off as she let her lips kiss the tip. His breath hitched in his throat watching her as she held his gaze. She wanted to take care of him, wanted him let himself relax and take the lead so that she could suck the tension from his body out of his cock. He let both of his hands rest on the back of her head as she started sucking him down. She raked her fingernails up and down his bare thighs as she gurgled and choked on his cock.
His breathing was loud and he tried to hold his moans to a minimum to avoid embarrassing himself but when she started to bob her head, he couldn't resist.
"Fuck just like that." He threw his head back, bucking his hips up into her mouth and listening to the sounds of her choking once more. The more her head bounced, the harder she sucked and he knew he wasn't going to last very long.
"Does it feel good baby?" Y/n pulled off and spit on his cock so she could stroke him while she spoke.
"It feels so fucking good. Please don't stop." He begged.
"I won't but I want you to cum for me. I don't want you to think about anything else, just me sucking your cock." Y/n commanded. He swallowed feeling how dry his throat was from having his mouth hang open to suck in air.
"I want you to talk to me." She waited for him to lock eyes with her before she put her lips back on him. He nodded in understanding and cupped her chin.
"You like sucking my cock? Like a good little slut? You want me to fuck your throat until it's raw?" He used some pressure on her jaw making her moan as she sucked.
"Be a good girl and swallow my cock down until you can't take it. I want to give you what you want. I want to cum down your throat so hard that you have to swallow it and let it fill your belly up." He could see her rubbing between her legs as she continued to choke and drool, spit hitting his hands as he moved from her chin to the back of her hair, grabbing a handful.
"I'm going to skull fuck you until your little cunt is soaking wet." Oystein moved his hips violently and Y/n moaned from the punishment he was inflicting on her throat until he was finally reaching the edge and cumming hard down her throat, stilling her motion with both of his hands holding her head in place. She coughed a few moments before swallowing and pulling off breathless. He pulled her from her knees and tossed her on the bed where he once sat, snatching her panties off with a tear and sucking on her already dripping clit. She screamed and trying to wiggle away from him but he had both his strong arms wrapped around her thighs, holding her in place as he pushed her to an orgasm.
"Oystein...I can't..." She tried as he pistoned two fingers into her cunt until he felt her squeezing around them. Her legs snaked up around him and he slowed his hands down, pulling them from inside of her and putting them to his mouth. His spent cock rest against her naked belly, collecting bits of his cum and her spit as she spilled out onto his bare knee that nudged against her sensitive core.
"I love you, you know that?" He pushed her hair off her face as they both tried to breathe. She looked at him surprised and he leaned down to kiss her sweetly. He didn't expect to her to say it back. He didn't want her to say it back to be honest. He just wanted her to know that she had him deeply and completely fucked for her. He could only hope that one day, she would feel the same way as he did.
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darkmaga-retard · 22 days
The liquified remains of dead corpses are being quietly and deceitfully pumped into the U.S. food supply, according to the testimony of several top scientists.
In 2019, “Human composting” was legalized in the state of Washington in Bill 5001 entitled “Concerning human remains,” that legalized the “natural organic reduction” of human remains.
Naturalnews.com reports: Coroners and embalmers are blowing the whistle on one of the grossest atrocities now happening to American food, water and cheap supplements. Alkaline hydrolysis, also called liquid cremation, is the process of decomposing a human body using ultra-hot water and a strong base solution. Mainstream media claims there’s no human DNA, flesh or pathogens left after the big melt down, but then, who believes anything Big Food claims anymore. Remember, they’re the ones who say canola oil is “heart healthy” and fluoride in tap water is “good for building strong teeth.” Sure.
This whistleblower coroner says this recycling of dead people into the food and water supply is happening in most U.S. states. Human bones are being ground up into powder and used as calcium phosphate for prescriptions that “treat” calcium deficiencies.
If you still don’t believe this is happening, just ask Katrina Spade, the founder and CEO of Recompose, a company that uses this reduction process as an “urban, soil-based, ecologically friendly death-care option.” This is further covered in the feature film Biosludged.
Who is already suffering from mad human disease, the human version of mad cow disease? Is that why dementia cases are on a sharp uptick? Combine that with millions of spike proteins lodging in the medulla oblongata and what have you got? People who believe the nightly TV news and are voting for a complete communist takeover — that’s what.
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