#alix fray
hepatology · 28 days
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subhero77 · 6 months
The Tales of Bunnyx and Apex Hunter
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Commission made by: TheFalseVyper
This is my current and so far most ambitious (pun intended) project. It has 5 chapters posted with the next one currently in the works. I've been pouring my heart and soul into this and it's been my guiding light for the past year or so.
As dawn rises on the first day of Lycée, a new threat looms over Paris, forever changing the lives of Alix Kubdel and Lance Armand.
The first, unwavering in her drive to help others, will aid the struggling heroes until her day comes to take up the mantel and join the fray, but all in due time.
The second will be given a great burden in return for even greater power. A daunting ordeal shall be placed upon him to prove his might and rise above all, for the world needs not a hero but a hunter.
Both will fight for a better future as their bond grows deeper in the present.
“Hey!” A voice from behind called out to him. ”Gotta free spot here if you still need one.” His focus turned to find the speaker, a red-haired girl with gleaming blue eyes, two rows below him. Her slim figure was leaning by its side against the desk while her head lazily rested on her closed hand. Her gaze was relaxed yet expectant, clearly awaiting an answer. “OH! Yeah, thanks. I’ll take you up on that,” He said as he hastily climbed down to his new seat and began grabbing his books from his backpack, his mind still processing everything that had happened in the last minute. “Besides, something told me if I'd let you take any longer, the class would have been over already,” Quipped his new deskmate, snickering as she flipped through her book. He sighed in agreement. “The last thing I need right now is to start Lycée falling behind on classes, so…thanks again for the seat; my name is Lance, by the way, in case you somehow didn't hear Jules shouting it,” he replied, slightly self-conscious at his friend's reaction. “Call me Alix, and also...” She stopped on a page with a wry smile. “Don't sweat it with introductions. I'm pretty sure at least half the school knows your name now.”
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Creepsters AU - Important Students Part 1
Alya: An aspiring investigative journalist in the same class as our heroes. Though she has faith in Kagami and Adrien, for some unknown reason, she is deadset that Marinette’s intentions are not as good as she claims! Constantly attempting to prove her claims, her bombastic way of going about her sleuthing makes it difficult for people to take her seriously.
Alix: One of Marinette’s closest ‘normie’ friends, Alix is a headstrong daredevil who is never afraid to jump into combat with the creepsters, despite their supernatural abilities. While she will typically be the one to reign Marinette in, she’s also the first one to test an actual invention no matter how crazy. Close with Nathaniel as well, she is often the one comforting him over his shame at his maniacal ancestor.
Mylene: Marinette’s other best friend, Mylene is a witch who uses the natural magic of the earth to heal the wounded and sick. She often serves as Marinette’s voice of reason, advising her when she starts to go over the edge, as well as trying to keep Alix out of the trouble. Though she is kind and gentle, she often comes off as frightening with her manner of speech and her wicked-sounding laugh. She has a very loving and sweet relationship with her boyfriend, Ivan, a werebear. Mylene assists the hero trio with healing potions and protective wards. She gets along quite well with Herushingu, as well as Adrien, though he does find her frightening at times.
Nino: A friendly young aspiring DJ, Nino is Adrien’s best bud, always encouraging him to get out and have fun. He’s also fond of Chat, backing his hype whenever his triggers an appearance. He’s also a devoted boyfriend to Alya, trying fruitlessly to convince that Marinette isn’t on the side of evil.
Ondine: Kagami’s longtime best friend and a fellow monster hunter, Ondine is the optimist to Herushingu’s pessimist. Ondine prefers to take a non-lethal approach when hunting, though she will end a monsters life if necessary. She and Herushingu love to bicker for the sake of it, often betting chores on who wins. She absolutely loves her boyfriend, Kim.
Max: Marinette's childhood friend and the only one that's on the same level of intelligence as her. An inventor who sticks to robotics, The Kante's and Von Bugg's have been close with each other for generations, collaborating on innovations in science. A studious and collected young man, who often serves to translate to the other classmates what his friend is trying to say in a way they'll understand. He helps out the heroes via lending them his tech to use on occasion.
Marc: The descendant of the wicked Count Marcula, Marc is a shy boy with a passion for writing, especially comics. He despises his ancestor and everything he stands for, so he is learning the trade of killing vampires from Herushingu. His companion in this is his boyfriend, Nathaniel.
Nathaniel: Marc’s boyfriend, the descendant of the deeply unsettling Nathfield. A shy boy with a sharp tongue, he uses snark to mask his insecurities. Due to his loathing of his ancestor, he avoids painting of any kind, sticking to drawing in his sketch pad. He trains alongside Marc with Herushingu.
Ivan: Mylene’s boyfriend, a tall and burly teenaged boy who happens to be a werebear, changing into his large and hairy ursine form when the moon is out. A gentle and kind boy at heart, he uses his strength to protect others, especially from the creepsters, who cursed him into this state. He makes sure to stay calm, as he doesn’t want people to fear him. He absolutely adores his girlfriend, Mylene, they love snuggling together when he’s in his bear form.
Kim: The captain of several of the schools sports teams, Kim is a friendly guy who’s not always the sharpest tool in the shed. He’s always ready to jump into the fray with the creepsters, and trusts new people rather quickly. He’s a bit of a jokester, though he never means any harm. He’s very devoted to his girlfriend, Ondine.
Chloe: Spoiled rotten and convinced she is more popular than she is, Chloe treats everyone around her like garbage. She uses her father’s influence to force people to do as she wants. Though she harassed the descendants of the creepsters, she is in truth working behind the scenes to fund their exploits. However, she may be about to learn a hard lesson.
Sabrina: Chloé’s ‘bestie’, though that’s not a title she happily holds. Sabrina tries her best to keep Chloe in line, though more often than not, her efforts are in vain. She harbors a secret love for sports, which she grows to embrace as she breaks away from Chloe, making new, more genuine friendships.
And that’s merely part 1! There are loads of important characters studying at DuPont! A huge thanks to Weeby for providing the summaries, I couldn’t do it without her. As usual, make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask to share the content. @artzychic27 @msweebyness 
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celestiall0tus · 1 year
Salvation, Alix
Alix Kubdel is a young, rebellious teen, living her best life among her closest friends. When villains rise, she doesn't hesitate to jump into the fray, always ready to take names and kick ass.
Alix takes the mantle Tigrix, skater girl hero of valor.
Alix seeks no salvation except for maybe her friends. Otherwise, she's here to fight and have a good time.
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milarqui · 1 year
Scarlet Lady: Sapotis
Directory | Despair Bear
It was all hands on deck chez Césaire: not only had Marinette come to help Alya with her twin sisters, Nino had also come (along with his little brother Chris) and Adrien had joined them for the sleepover (the first he'd had in years, and even then, it had only been with Chloé).
Which led to right now, with Alya running after the twin terrors while Marinette reassured their mother.
“Yes, Mme. Césaire, they're in bed – well, almost! Enjoy your evening!”
As she hung up, Alya finally caught up with Ella and Etta.
“Alright, little monsters, bed! You've had enough mischief for today!” she exclaimed, grabbing her sisters and carrying them as if they were bags. “You have to sleep to be in top shape for the amusement park!”
“No fair!” Ella complained, while Etta pointed at Nino's brother.
“Why does Chris get to stay up!”
“Chris is a year older so he gets one more hour than you,” Alya replied as she made her way towards the bedroom.
“Hm!” Chris hummed, happily nodding as the twins angrily glared at him.
“The Sapotis are gonna get you Chris!” Ella said as they disappeared up the stairs.
While Chris asked about the tablet she was using, Nino turned to Adrien.
“Hey, guys, thanks for agreeing to help with the kids,” he said in a low voice, mindful of his girlfriend. “Alya really needed the distraction.”
“What do you mean?” Adrien asked, curious.
“Dude, you saw Scarlet Lady at the party. Alya's totally in shock that her idol is a bossy show off,” he explained. “Though I already knew that.”
“Ooh,” Adrien replied, clapping Nino's shoulder. “Well, hey man! We'll cheer her up! Good looking out for Alya!”
Nino smiled, blushing.
“Heh, thanks. I'm trying to be better about these things!”
“I wonder why we didn't notice it,” Adrien and Marinette said in unison.
They couldn't see it, but having to deal with Scarlet Lady's meltdown had made them numb to that sort of thing.
When Alya returned from putting the girls to rest, she brought out an orange juice jar, several glasses and a couple of cantaloupe slices.
“Hey, Alya, what's a sapi– sapo–?” Marinette tried to ask.
“'The Sapotis'?” Alya corrected. “Little prankster monsters from Creole legend. They spend their time getting into mischief.”
She then pulled out her cellphone and brought out an image Marinette recognized from their visit to the Louvre, the day Alix's brother got Akumatized.
“But check this – the Ladybug existed since Ancient Egypt! But no way is Scarlet Lady that old!” Alya exclaimed, so sure of herself. “Which means the Earrings have changed hands loads of times, see?! So maybe the Scarlet Lady at Chloé's party was someone else–”
“I'm gonna stop you there,” Marinette said, feeling awkward at the straws her friend was trying to grasp.
“Hey, where's the orange juice?” Chris asked, and Alya turned to see that the jar was now completely empty.
“Ah!” she muttered, already knowing who was the guilty party.
“Heehee! Sapotis did it!”
Yeah, girls, way to cover up your involvement.
“Oh, the cantaloupe too!” Adrien said, seeing the fruit now completely eaten.
“Sapotis did it! Haha!”
Alya's left eye twitched in annoyance as she walked to the twins' room, where she found them both allegedly under the sheets, but her keen sight could easily tell they had both rushed back in just moments before.
“Ella! Etta! If I see you up again you're not going to the amusement park, got it?!”
The two girls giggled, completely unaware of the danger they were both in.
“It's not us, it's the Sapo–”
Alya's temper frayed, and she pointed her fingers at both girls with the face only a thoroughly annoyed elder sister could do.
“I. MEAN. IT.”
The two girls were somewhat cowed by the fact that Alya was angry.
Not enough, though, to really understand how close to the edge she really was.
With Alya back in the table, Nino thought it was better to distract Alya from the current situation.
So, he started to bring up heroes, and made a question to Alya.
“So, what would you call yourself if you were a Ladybug hero?”
“Justice Bug! No, Superbug! Scarabella!”
Nino rose an eyebrow.
“Can I be a beetle instead?”
“Hey,” Chris suddenly said. “What's the TV doing?”
“Huh?!” Alya said, turning towards the TV.
Which was on.
And someone was clearly meddling with the TV remote.
And it wasn't difficult to ascertain the guilty party.
She returned to the main hall, where she found Ella and Etta lying on the couch, Ella with the remote in hand, acting as if it was something funny.
“Haha haha!” Etta laughed.
“It's not us, it's the–!”
Alya's frayed temper snapped.
And the girls realized too late that they had pushed her too far.
That was when Alya issued her punishment.
“But Alya–” Ella tried to protest, but Alya was having none of it.
“No! The boys will be going by themselves because you two can't behave!” Alya berated the girls, who were now realizing their disobedience had consequences.
“WAAAH!” they both cried out.
“Ahh, the life of young children is no fun at all,” Hawkmoth said through his newest Akuma. “They should be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want!”
He looked around, and nodded when he became certain that Nathalie was nowhere close to him with a recorder.
He didn't want her to play this back at him in the future.
It came all of a sudden.
“Whoa!” Marinette said, shocked.
“You okay dude?” Nino asked in worry. Adrien picked a handkerchief from the box Marinette offered and blew his nose.
“Yeah, I have the feeling someone was talking a lot of BS related to me.”
As Alya returned and detailed what had been done with the twins, Chris broke down crying, and had to be held by Nino.
“I didn't mean to get them in trouble...” he said between sobs, as Nino patted his back.
“It's not your fault, Chris!” Alya tried to console him. “I'll take them some other time!”
“Yeah, little dude! The park's not going anywhere!” Nino added.
Now officially fed-up with her sisters, Alya ran again to her sisters' room and slammed the door open.
“SERIOUSLY?! Don't try and tell me it's because of–”
Then she had a look at who was at the room – and it wasn't her sisters, but two little goblins wearing something that looked like the twins' helicopter hats.
“S-Sapotis?!” she said, stunned.
The two little monsters jumped on Alya, causing her to fall to the ground as they escaped the room.
“Alya?!” Marinette shouted, worried.
She got her answer when the two monsters landed on the table and began to eat the food laid on it.
“My cookies...” Adrien lamented: they were Dupain-Cheng cookies, and he hadn't got around to enjoy them!
The obvious Akuma did, and as they did another of them popped in the air between them.
“They multiply when they eat!” Marinette exclaimed, while Chris held onto her leg.
And then the monsters turned towards them.
“Get him!”
Before anyone could react, the Akuma had swarmed the group, grabbed Chris and jumped for the balcony.
“CHRIS!” Nino shouted as his brother tried to reach out to him.
“Help! Nino!” Chris said, crying, as the Akuma took him away, laughing without a care.
“C'mon, we gotta catch'em!” Alya said, bringing her boyfriend's cap.
The four teens quickly ran out of the house and spread in order to stop the Akuma.
Two of them ran into different alleys.
“This is getting crazy! We need to intervene!”
“Sure, Banana Boy.”
“Plagg, Claws Out!”
“Now, while we have the chance!”
“Yes, My Queen!”
“Pollen, Buzz On!”
All over Paris, the Akuma started to cause chaos.
Two of them took control of Jagged Stone's car – while he and Penny were in it.
“Ahh!” the rocker shrieked.
“What is thiiiis?!” Penny asked, shocked.
As the car swerved around, another four of them were stealing a rickshaw while laughing, and another pair was jumping to take a sweeper's vehicle.
“Ah!” the poor man said, as Alya attempted to grab one of them.
“Knock it off!”
And, in another street, Nino was running after a group of the monsters that had stashed Chris in a shopping cart.
“Get back heeeeere!”
Temporarily ignorant of the goings-on outside, Chloe was currently relaxing in her father's hotel's spa, eating cookies, while Tikki just floated in the water with a kwami-sized towel on her head.
“Ahh, I earned this,” she said, even though she hadn't actually done anything to do so.
Then, a small army of tiny monsters swarmed the spa, causing great ruckus around her and bringing their chaos to the room.
“Ah, wait–!”
“What are these things?!”
Annoyed, Chloé turned around to yell at the closest of the monsters she could see.
“Do you mind? I'm trying to relax–”
Her complaints were quickly muted when one of the creatures found a bowl with mud intended for facial treatments and decided it would be fun to throw it at the girl's face.
Where it landed with a SPLAT!
Chat Noir and Marigold were getting irritated – the Akuma were multiplying as they found more and more food, and each time they fought one, it was clear it was only a clone.
“Get back here!” Marigold yelled at a laughing clone, as Scarlet finally deigned to show up.
“Hey lackies, why haven't you cleaned up yet?!”
The two heroes glared at their 'teammate'.
“The Akuma is in the hat, but...” Chat Noir began.
“... only in the original, not the clones,” Marigold finished.
“Seriously? There's sooooo many!” Scarlet replied. “So lame. Hey, how do you know all this stuff?”
Both heroes became startled at Scarlet actually pulling the thread for once.
“Oh! Um!”
“You see–”
“Whatever, Lucky Charm.”
Thank goodness she's an idiot! both heroes thought as the ladybugs formed...
“A teapot?” she asked, surprised. “Do I throw it? It's ugly.”
Ignoring the opening she had created, Chat Noir was instead helpful.
“The Akuma's too young for tea!”
“That's it!” Marigold exclaimed, grabbing the teapot. “Chat Noir, I think you need to go work on your Kung-Fu!”
And, as she winked at him, he understood the message.
“You're right, I think it'll definitely help! Be right back!” he replied, throwing a wink back.
“Is this some gross new way of flirting you're doing?” Scarlet asked, disgusted – and caused both heroes to flush.
Adrien opened the door to Master Fu's home, Plagg in tow, with a bit of a hurry.
“Master, Scar's Lucky Charm was a clue to come see you for help!”
“Ah, I see,” the elder man said, a cup of tea in hand. “I believe the Lucky Charm is telling us you'll need a power beyond what you three can offer.”
Standing up from his seat, Fu walked to the gramophone that hid the Miraculous Box.
“You must entrust this power to someone you trust, who will return the Miraculous.”
“I know just the person!” Adrien stated, causing Fu to look at him in askance.
“It's not Marinette again, is it?”
“Ha!” Plagg laughed, while his wielder blushed.
“N–No! I have other choices!” he replied, covering up that Master Fu had been accurate.
Nino was at his wits' end, trying to corner one of the little gremlins that had kidnapped Chris to force the truth out of them, but right now the group he had found was more entertained toying with a merry-go-round.
“Dammit, tell me where you took my brother!” he yelled, but got ignored as the merry-go-round twirled.
“WHEEEE!” the Akuma yelled.
“This is your stop!”
Chat Noir suddenly landed next to the merry-go-round and forced it to stop, causing the Akuma to fly off – and two of them popped out as they hit the ride's bars.
“Chat Noir!” Nino said, stepping forward. “Dude, please, you gotta save my little bro! He was taken by these Sapotis Akuma things!”
“Nino Lahiffe,” Chat Noir replied, pulling out a small wooden box from a pocket. “Wouldn't you rather save him yourself?”
Nino rose an eyebrow.
“Hooooow do you know my name?” he asked. Chat Noir managed to skip answering the question by handing over the box to him.
When he opened it, a flash of light revealed a small fox-like creature now floating in the air, along with a pendant that resembled a fox tail.
“Whoa, awesome!” Nino exclaimed, while the creature giggled. “Hey, little dude, are you some kind of genie?”
“Ha!” the creature said, smiling, and Chat Noir laughed.
“That's what I said!”
“I'm way better than those guys!” the small fox replied, winking. “I can make you a hero! Just say, Trixx...
The two girls were getting surrounded by the Sapotis clones, and they were struggling with dealing with the group, so much so that Scarlet had collapsed from the struggle.
“There's so many of them!” she complained, while Marigold's top kept twirling around them.
“Get up, they're still coming!” the Bee heroine replied.
“Sorry for the wait!”
In the blink of an eye, two boys – one in black, the other in orange – went on to attack the crowd of Sapotis, making them pop out with strike after strike.
“Not so tough now!” the fox-like one said, hitting one with a large flute.
“That'll teach ya!” Chat Noir added with a swing of his baton.
“Chat Noir! And – a fox hero?!” Marigold said.
“Sup,” the newcomer replied with a smile.
“Another Volpina, get him–!” Scarlet tried to say, but Marigold quickly grappled her away.
“We're already dealing with an Akuma, relax!” Marigold yelled at her as she pulled away.
Alya was still running after the copies of her sisters' Akumas, and her earlier snapping was back.
“If you think being Akumatized will convince me not to discipline you in the future, you've got another thing coming!” she yelled.
With the crisis temporarily held back, Chat Noir went on to present his superhero-ed friend.
“Ladies, meet my super pal, uh...”
Oh, right, they didn't have a name lined up for him.
“Um, Fox Trot!”
“Nice,” Chat Noir said, smiling.
“Well, new fox face, don't forget who's in charge here, got it?” Scar stated, and Chat Noir rolled his eyes at her. Fox Trot crossed his arms and smirked.
“Obviously, I'll take my cues from the established Heroes of Paris. Chat Noir and Marigold.”
Scar's face turned thunderous as she took in the comment.
Marigold looked at Chat Noir with a smirk.
“You chose well.”
He nodded.
However, the time of fun had to end, and the heroes (along with their assorted load) went back to the battleground, where the Akuma copies had kept multiplying in spite of their effort.
“They're coming! By the hundreds!” Fox Trot noted.
“Guess I'll try this again,” Scar replied. “Lucky Charm.”
“A unicycle?” Chat Noir asked. Seriously, that power gave out such a weird list of objects...
“What do we do with that?” Fox Trot asked as Scar struggled to hold the Lucky Charm.
“Here, guys, I'm gonna need these objects to make it work!” Marigold replied, bringing out a piece of paper that Chat Noir picked up.
Construction Cones
Trash Can
Broom Handles
Chat Noir looked up from the list and at Marigold.
“When did you have time to do this?” he asked, honestly curious. Where did she get the paper and pencil from?
“No time for questions!” Marigold exclaimed, clearly wanting to avoid having an awkward conversation.
The objects were surprisingly easy to find (Paris was a big city, there was always bound to be some place under construction or repairs, and handles were thrown to the bins on the regular), and as they moved towards the place Marigold had suggested for setting up the trap, Fox Trot brought something up.
“Do you always make it this complicated to save Paris?” he asked; in the past, they (mostly Chat Noir) tended to go with simpler methods.
“Only when Her Highness calls the shots,” Chat Noir jokingly replied.
“We can't all have the sophisticated method of hitting it in the face,” Marigold joked back.
“Attention please! Sapotiland, the amusement park of the future, is now open!” Marigold announced through the megaphone as she pedaled on the rickshaw. “At Sapotiland, all pranks are allowed!”
At the top of a building nearby, Chat Noir and Fox Trot had been waiting for the signal, and the veteran hero looked at his friend.
“Alright, Fox Trot, you're up!”
“This'll get my bro back?”
“Of course!” Chat Noir replied, putting his fingers to his temples while winking. “Focus on exactly what'll attract those little Sapotis.”
“I know just what they want,” Fox Trot replied, and put the flute to his mouth. “Mirage!”
And, at the tune of his flute, a shining, majestic amusement park grew from nothing, catching the attention of all the clones.
“Whoa,” Chat Noir said, astonished by the illusion crafted by Fox Trot.
“SAPOTILAND!” the Sapotis said in unison, and quickly marched in that direction. “SAPOTILAND!”
As the crowd passed by, Chat Noir noticed the one individual in the crowd that wasn't like the others.
“Fox Trot! There!”
“Chris!” Without a thought, Fox Trot jumped down and grabbed his brother from the crowd that had kidnapped him. “Gotcha!”
“Wah–!” Chris exclaimed.
“This way to Sapotiland!” Marigold shouted, keeping the Akuma distracted from trying to get Chris back.
Today was probably the worst night Chris had ever had. He had thought he'd have a good time with Nino and his friends, but then the twins had done those things, they had been punished, they had been Akumatized, and they had grabbed him because they blamed him for all of that.
But now, he was in the arms of a hero that looked like a fox, that had rescued him, and was looking down at him with a smile.
“Hey, little dude, you okay?”
This... this was what a hero was truly like!
So amazing!
The Sapotis were led to a narrow corridor that would take them to their target.
Not knowing that it was a trap, for the device Marigold had constructed was spinning around its axis, the broom handles swatting their hats off their heads and into the trash can the heroes had collected earlier.
“Watch your foot!” Fox Trot commented as another hat flew.
“Got it!” Chat Noir replied as they moved the can right into the path of the hat.
“That's all of them!” Fox Trot said, grinning, and Chat Noir primed his attack.
“Cataclysm!” he said, and the entropic energy coming from his hand hit the full can, which started to vanish. Then he turned to Chris. “Wanna break it?”
As the Miraculous Cure did its work, Ella and Etta woke up in the middle of the street, no longer the Sapotis, but now confused.
“Where are we?” Ella asked.
“I don't know, how'd we get here?” Etta asked.
“Ella! Etta!” a voice they knew all too well shouted, and the two young girls turned to see their bigger sister running towards them.
“It's Alya!”
“Uh-oh, we're in trouble.”
But the gloomy expectation didn't come to reality as Alya just about tackled her little sisters into a hug, much to their surprise.
“I have been looking all over the city for you!” Alya exclaimed, huffing as she held onto them for dear life. “I'll kill Hawkmoth!”
The girls chose to just take the good fortune for as long as they could have it, and hugged their sister back, until two people walked up to them.
“Marigold! S–Scarlet Lady!” Alya exclaimed. “Have you seen a little boy–”
“Don't worry, Chris is on his way home right now,” Marigold explained, causing Alya to sigh in relief. “Would you girls like a superhero escort?”
“As for me, I have to go,” Scarlet Lady said, her earrings beeping. “After all, I'll be very missed if I'm not–”
“I didn't expect anything from you anyway,” Marigold dismissively interrupted her, as she and the Césaire girls were already walking away.
“Bye!” Etta cheerfully said, but Scarlet Lady didn't care.
By the time they arrived to the Césaires' home, the twins were fast asleep in their arms, and both hero and reporter did their best to put them back to bed without waking them up.
“Thanks for this, Marigold,” Alya whispered, as Marigold struggled to get Etta to let go of her.
“No problem.”
The two of them head the balcony window close, and Alya stood up.
“Oh! That must be Chat Noir with Chris. I'll be right back.”
“'Kay,” Marinette replied, giving her a thumbs up.
Alya tiptoed her way to the sitting room, where she found another figure.
“Hey, thanks Cha–huh?!”
The reason for this reaction was that this wasn't Chat Noir, but another boy dressed up like a fox the same way Chat Noir resembled a cat, and that he was holding Nino's brother in his arms.
“Ah! Shh! He's asleep!” the unknown hero whispered, a finger to his lips.
There was a torrent of questions she wanted to make of him, but Alya managed to cover her mouth before it came out.
The hero was clearly confused.
“Uh, I can't understand you,” he admitted.
He knew that his girlfriend was enthusiastic and wanted to learn about the heroes for the Ladyblog, but this was a bit excessive.
“What's your name?! Are you a new hero?! Hey, what's your Miraculous!” she rapidly fired as she took photos from every angle. Finding the bed they had prepared earlier for Chris, he carefully set him down and took his glasses off so he could sleep.
“Fox Trot, Temp, and that's a secret Mlle. Reporter,” he replied after chuckling, while he covered Chris. “G'night, little dude.”
As he turned around, Alya turned her phone and began to check on the photos she had taken.
“... even a temporary hero does more than Scarlet Lady on his first day...” she contemplated... and that was when the dam cracked.
When she realized that everything she had done for Scarlet Lady had been for nothing.
When the illusion that kept her from seeing the truth broke.
“What else have I been ignoring?” she asked, and tears pooled and fell down her cheeks as she sobbed.
“Ah! Um! Uh!” Fox Trot said, struggling against the desire to just hug Alya and dry her tears. That was Nino's job – if he tried that right now, he doubted she would take it as well. But there was something he could do. “Y–You know, I was also bad at picking up hints and stuff, but hey! Now you know, so now you can fix things!”
“Fix things...” Alya replied, clearing her tears. “M–Maybe I could... talk to past Akuma victims? Or focus on the real heroes...”
“Yeah, great idea!” Fox Trot replied, smiling.
Which, of course, was why his pendant now bothered to warn him that he was running out of time.
“It's beeping!”
“I know!”
“Quick, hide in my room!”
As Fox Trot rushed to hide in Alya's room, Marigold came down to investigate.
“Alya, who're you talking to?” she asked.
“Umm...” Alya mumbled, trying to distract her while Fox Trot left.
Unseen by the girls, Chat Noir was helping Nino come down the balcony in a rush without being discovered.
Fortunately, their escape from Césaire Home was successful, and Chat Noir brought Nino to a nearby alley, where he took off the pendant and put it back in its box.
“Thanks for trusting me, Cat-Dude,” Nino said, giving him the wooden box.
“Cat-Dude,” Chat Noir repeated with a chuckle. “I never doubted you.”
“Whew, that was fun!” Trixx said, floating. “You sure know how to set a scene!”
“Aw, thanks!” Nino replied, scratching the back of his head. “One day, I want to be a movie director, so–”
And he gasped.
“Can I keep the fox to make movies?!” he asked. Chat Noir noted how Trixx was clearly using some of its power of illusion to make sparks and bubbles float around them. But, in spite of the puppy-dog eyes both of them were putting out, he had to be firm.
Alya was wondering where the others were: it had been at least ten minutes since Ella and Etta were deakumatized, they should have already returned by now, right?
Just as she thought that, someone knocked on the door, and she ran to check.
“Coming!” she said, and as soon as she opened the door Marinette was glomping her.
“Alya! You're okay!” the pigtailed girl said, widely smiling.
“You too!” Alya replied. Alright, that's one–
“Woo, found you!” Nino shouted, glomping both of them.
“Ah!” Alya exclaimed. Nino had rushed so fast that she had nearly fallen from the impact, but she had managed to stay on her feet.
“You're safe!” Adrien exclaimed, also glomping the group.
And, like wafer thin mint into the gullet of a morbidly obese eater, everything went to hell.
In their case, Alya lost her balance.
And she was trapped under the weight of her friends.
The morning after, everyone gathered for breakfast at the Césaires' kitchen, with Marlena bringing a plate full of pancakes for everyone to enjoy.
“So, how was your night, kids?” Marlena asked.
“Oh gosh, maman, listen to this–” Alya said, getting going on her explanation of the previous night's events.
Meanwhile, Nino turned to Adrien.
“Hey mec, what do you want on your pancakes?”
“Huh? Oh...”
That made him realize something.
Actually, even though Nino says he doesn't notice stuff, aren't I the one who doesn't tell him stuff? he thought, realizing that he was doing his best friend a disservice.
“I... I like blueberries,” he decided.
“Nice,” Nino said, passing him the bowl with the berries.
Shouldn't I rely on him more?
Any further musings were interrupted with the arrival of the twins, who had bed hair and were trying to shake off her tiredness.
“Good morning, girls. Sleep well?” Otis asked, worried as Alya had mentioned how they had been Akumatized.
“Mmn,” they mumbled in unison as they sat down.
“Chris, we're sorry for kidnapping you,” Etta said.
“And pranking you,” Ella added.
“Have fun at the amusement park,” both finished.
But Chris was of a different opinion.
“Who cares about the amusement park! I'm helping Alya talk about Fox Trot in the Ladyblog!” he exclaimed, waving his fork. “Don't worry, I'll teach you guys all about him. It's okay, Nino, you're still the coolest.”
Adrien smiled as Nino covered his blushing face, knowing very well the cause.
“Marinette, I want Fox Trot PJs,” he asked.
“If you say please.”
@zoe-oneesama Alya's finally seeing the light after only seeing the shadow for too long. Opinion?
BTW, that's 397 pages, 158139 words and 851574 characters.
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liebgotts-lovergirl · 2 years
Fire On Fire: Chapter 20
(Ch. 19) ... (Ch. 1)
II Gallery II Symbol Guide II
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Summary: Being a spy, Alix is accustomed to lies. But then, maybe the lies that hurt the most are the ones we tell ourselves.
WARNINGS: Angst!!!! Heartbreak!!! Mixed Signals!!! (w/ a side of worried Skip & Don)
A/N: Normally I would wait longer to post this but alas, I have no self-control lol 🤭
Taglist: @latibvles @softguarnere @brassknucklespeirs @mccall-muffin @lieutenant-speirs @emmythespacecowgirl @holdingforgeneralhugs @parajumpboots @hxad-ovxr-hxart @sleepisforcowards @indigo-luvers @ax-elcfucker-blog @chaosklutz @mads-weasley @vibing-away @wwhatev3r
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Contemporary: October 24th, 1944. Driel, Netherlands.
Being that Easy Company had settled for the day, mail call was a great opportunity to put names to faces and Alix was taking full advantage of it.
"Lipton!" A particularly pompous PFC barked as he read off the envelope in-hand. "First Sergeant Lipton!"  
A seated trooper with downturned eyes and a weary smile raised a hand from his spot about a yard away, sending the orderly scurrying over to him with his delivery in-hand.
Seconds later, another announcement and another package: 
“Welsh! Lieutenant Welsh!” 
“Right here!” a voice shouted and Alix saw a curly-haired trooper with a wry, gap-toothed grin jog from his foxhole to retrieve the parcel, too impatient to wait.
"Next is… Talbert! Sergeant Talbert!" 
This time, the private was waving a fistful of envelopes about 2 inches thick, each a different shade of pastel.
“Over here, Vest!” a pleasant-sounding voice rang out from another foxhole nearby and Alix heard the footfalls of the messenger scrambling his way to him as well.
“That’s Bunny for ya,” Skip chortled from beside her, nodding to the speaker, a young man with a square jaw and ash-brown hair who was collecting his letters with a satisfied smile.
“Fastest guy in the company and I don’t mean with a gun. Gets around like you wouldn’t believe.” 
Alix couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows. 
Talbert was alright-looking, she supposed, but particularly special. He was no Gene Kelly and he was certainly no Joe– 
“Liebgott!” The orderly’s voice rang out, cutting through the spy's ruminations like a knife. 
"Corporal Liebgott! Anybody seen Corporal Liebgott?" 
Alix's head shot up but he was nowhere to be found. 
Moments later, the spy's head whipped around at the sound of leaves rustling and Skip snickered because it wasn't Joe she spotted coming through nearby foliage, it was just Nixon, tramping through the leaves with all the grace of a bull in a china shop.
"On his way back from an interrogation," her handler informed the orderly before taking a seat in the dirt by Lipton’s foot. 
"Just got the radio transmission. He should be here in maybe half an hour." 
"Well I'm not waiting till then," Vest replied snippily before removing the giant bag of mail he had been carrying and unceremoniously dropping it to the ground.
"I gotta take a leak." 
Turning to his left, he half-tossed the letter in Alix's direction, letting it flutter to the ground carelessly near her instead. 
"Give that to Lieb will ya?" he instructed brusquely over his shoulder. 
"You'll prolly see him before I do."
Before Alix could protest, the imperious orderly had stalked off into the brush, leaving a bewildered Alix behind with a letter that did not belong to her sitting just an arms-length away. 
It had fallen mere inches from her, the words “T/5 Joseph D. Liebgott” written in looping script on its face. 
The handwriting was unmistakably female and in the upper left-hand corner, she vaguely spotted the name Millicent along with a return address somewhere in Oakland, wherever that was. 
As the pungent scent of perfume wafted from the paper, curiosity began gnawing away at Alix’s stomach like a rapidly-fraying rope. 
Who was Millicent? 
So when Skip too vacated his spot beside her to heed nature’s call, Alix scooted to the foxhole's edge and strained an arm out to retrieve the envelope. 
Upon inspection, Alix noted quickly that surname was different-- Burke, not Liebgott-- so whoever she was, Millicent was clearly of no relation to Joe.
She was probably just a family friend or the like, writing to check up on an old acquaintance while he was at war. 
But still…Alix chewed on her bottom lip as the rumbles of jealousy stirred within her like distant thunder.  
What if it was something more? 
It doesn't matter, she scolded herself. When it comes down to it, you barely know him. And wasn't it you who said this was no time for romance? 
Nonetheless, she supposed, it couldn't hurt to just take a glance at the letter's contents. Perhaps it could help to jog her memory. The censors had already opened it anyway, after all, so it wasn't like she was tearing it open herself.
But when she turned the envelope over, her heart sank like a stone.
There, painstakingly inscribed on the flap in flowery script, was "To My Love", sealed with a berry-red lipstick print.
Alix felt her stomach lurch as she traced the lipstick and the words over and over again with her eyes, unable to believe it.
He was already spoken for.
She didn't bother to read any further.
She didn't have to.
No wonder he hadn’t written while she was at the aid station, Alix thought grimly. He probably felt too guilty. 
He had been toying with her all that time, pretending that they had been a couple, fooling her and everyone else, while all along, he had “Millicent” waiting at home for him.
And she had almost believed him.
Alix felt sick to her stomach.
Had she learned nothing from her training?
╔══ •🖤🖤•🖤🖤•🖤🖤•══╗
1 Year Earlier: October 1943. Special Operations Executive (SOE) Compound, United Kingdom.
"Lies--" Instructor Flynn began with a crack of the yardstick on the board for emphasis.
“We tell them to each other and most importantly–” the seasoned instructor paused two desks down in front of Agent Perrault, who shrank under his scrutinizing stare.
“– We tell them to ourselves." 
Clasping his hands behind his back, Flynn resumed his methodical march across the classroom floor, the rhythmic stomps of his footfalls sounding almost like drum beats. 
"Save for your handler, take no one at their word: not assets, not acquaintances, no one." 
The instructor stopped again, this time in front of Alix’s seat. His eyes seemed to bore into her but the spy lifted her chin, meeting his gaze without flinching. 
“Trust your instincts, operatives, but always verify them with facts. Self-delusion is a spy's worst enemy. Is that understood?" 
"Yes, Instructor!" 
Contemporary: October 24th, 1944. Driel, Netherlands.
Feeling a hand on her shoulder, Alix jumped and turned to see Don's worried face just behind her.
"You okay, Pyro?" 
No, she wanted to say. Do I look okay to you?
But she forced a smile instead, internally seizing her heartbreak by the collar and stamping it viciously down into the dirt beneath her boots so her friend wouldn't worry.
“I’m fine.”
“Yeah and I’m the president,” the freckle-faced paratrooper quipped, plopping down in Skip's vacant spot with a slight grunt.  
"So what's really going on?" 
"God, is that obvious?" Alix winced and a warm voice from behind her replied, "To us? Definitely." 
With that, Skip clambered back into the foxhole.
"Other people? Probably not."
With that, the blond poked his head over the spy's shoulder like an inquisitive child.
"So Pyro, what's the dope?" 
Alix opened her mouth to make a denial but was cut off by a frowning Don.
"And it's not nothing so you can axe that excuse." 
But the sound of a twig snapping in the shadows behind them instantly took precedence and the three instinctively shifted into a defensive position with Skip taking the center-right and Don angling to center-left with Alix dead-center.
Instinctively, the spy had already dropped the letter into her bag and retrieved her gun, cocking it with her good hand. She was still undercover as a combat nurse but according to new regulations, medics were now allowed small arms in the field. 
She could shoot to kill if she needed to. 
But luckily, this time, she didn’t need to. 
Alix felt her chest constrict. 
She knew that voice.
“Whoa there,” Joe remarked as he entered the clearing, his sparkling eyes firmly fixed on Alix as he held up his hands in mock-surrender. 
“You really gonna shoot me, gorgeous?”
“I just might,” the heartbroken spy muttered bitterly as she lowered her gun, tucking it back into its proper place.
The flirtatious smirk playing on Joe’s face faded, replaced by a look of wounded concern that made Alix almost regret speaking to him sharply…Almost. 
“Hey," he said, softening his tone as he approached the foxhole's edge. “What’s eatin’ you, Ziskeit?” 
Her stomach twisted with a mixture of grief and rage.
How dare he pretend to care about her. She didn't need his fucking pity. 
“Nothing,” she returned coldly, avoiding his gaze as she boosted herself out of the foxhole. 
"And don’t call me that.”
Pushing past him, the agent began to limp away but Joe wouldn’t be deterred. 
“Hey, s'cuse me,” he interjected as he caught up to her, lightly catching her arm.
“D’you at least mind tellin’ me where we’re going?” 
“WE’ aren’t going anywhere,” Alix snapped, pulling out of his grasp. “And where I’M going is none of your business."
She had hoped blatant hostility might chase him off but it didn't. 
Even as she hobbled away, she could hear his footsteps crunching in the leaves behind her.
"You ain't gettin' rid of me that easy, Ziskeit," he called but Alix ignored him, gritting her teeth and continuing to trudge onward.
Truthfully, she wasn't sure where she was going; as long as it was away from him, it didn't matter. 
She wouldn't let him see her cry. 
But her injured ankle slowed her down considerably and he caught up to her a second time without much difficulty.
“Zees c’mere, lemme hel–” Joe began, starting to put an arm around her, presumably to help her balance, but Alix pushed his arm away.
“I don’t need your help,” she lied, trying to muster a scathing glare despite the tears pricking her eyes and the fire that seemed to engulf her swollen ankle with every excruciating step.
The sensation was nearly unbearable but she forced herself past one more foxhole when suddenly, her ankle gave out and her legs buckled beneath her.
But to her surprise, Joe stepped in and deftly snaked an arm about her waist to steady her in one fluid motion, their faces so tantalizingly close now that she could see every shade of honey in his mesmerizing brown eyes, his lips so near that her breath caught in her throat. 
His gaze flickered down to her lips which instinctively parted like flower petals and for a second, the world around them seemed to slow as all her righteous fury melted away like snow in Springtime. 
Joe's hypnotic brown eyes drank her in with tender admiration and Alix could've sworn her heart skipped a beat at the warmth within them, like hot chocolate on a winter’s day.
When he drew her closer in his deceptively strong arms, she offered no resistance, sparks seeming to dance across her skin at his touch.
"You didn’t think I’d let you fall, did you?” he asked with a cocky smirk and Alix could feel a reluctant heat rising to her cheeks. 
But before she could get any words out, a nasal voice from nearby cut through the tension, causing the pair to jump apart.  
"Hey, Liebgott!" 
It was the orderly from earlier, Vest.
"What?" Joe snapped rather sharply and the PFC visibly withered under his glare. 
"Just-Just wanted to make sure you got your letter alright," the younger man stammered but Joe looked perplexed. 
"What letter?"
Alix came back to her senses with a jolt. 
Suddenly, the forgotten letter felt like it weighed a hundred pounds and she took a heavy step back, guilt flooding her senses.
She had been about to kiss someone else's beau. 
"This one," she said curtly, digging into her bag and handing the perfume-soaked envelope over to Joe with a weak smile.
"Sorry, I forgot." 
Eyebrows raised, he turned the envelope over in his hands and a wallet-sized photograph dropped from it onto the ground, landing face-up to reveal a young woman, maybe a year or two older than Alix, with pale green eyes and mousy brown hair falling in gentle waves over her shoulder.
Joe snatched the photo off the ground but the damage had already been done. By the time he looked up again, Alix was gone.
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sophietdbquebec · 2 years
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Pour ceux qui ne seraient pas encore au courant, je vais passer les deux semaines de vacances à Montréal et alentours. Blandine (une copine du Master) et Adrien (son copain) sont venus passé un temps au Québec en PVT (permis vacances-travail), et, avec Alix (une autre copine du Master) et Romain (son copain), nous avons décidé de venir les voir et de profiter de l'hiver québécois.
Après un trajet un peu chaotique due à la grève de certains agents de Roissy (retard du premier vol vers Toronto, qui nous oblige à devoir prendre un avion pour Montréal un peu plus tard, puis presque une heure à attendre nos bagages), nous avons fini par arriver à Montréal en début de soirée. Ils avaient mis de la bière au frais et préparé un bon plat qui ont été très appréciés.
Nous allons surement aller nous promener dans Montréal aujourd'hui, et profiter des copains et de la neige !
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trendytessellation · 3 months
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👍💯💚🤩🎶❤️‍🔥💜💥💚🎵💙💝 love this springtime Chanel style the buttons are great the frayed edge is very reminiscent of the Coco brand & the poly- satin lining is a nice detail...there ARE metallic gold threads running throught the tweed that was not apparin the listing but it lends a nice bit of glamour for dressing up...or down with jeans added some accessories here all from aliX 🙂😉🤭😎 provided link
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ninorobreaugodard · 5 months
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Trois de mes meilleurs amis (Antonin Gabriel et Moïse, qui sont véritablement mes piliers) me suivent le 24 avril, quelques minutes avant l’heure de mon passage au ElCamino
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Belle photo on voit Penelope Alix Anaëlle et Zélie au premier rang, c’est mes gos.
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Les photos sont de Milan, bravo mon Big, t’as l’air d’être vraiment bon dans la vie en tout cas t’es frais et t’as un bon niveau en photo, alors t’es mon gars aussi.🪢🪢
Nino Robreau Godard.
Ce concert c’est un superbe souvenir, j’ai eu l’impression d’être écouté et j’ai réussi à canaliser mon énergie dans ma musique l’histoire de 20 minutes, j’ai eu que des bons retours, l’après concert dehors était absolument formidable, y’avais tout mon monde, j’espère qu’ils savent que je les aime et que je suis reconnaissant qu’ils soient venus me voir. Merci pour cette soirée.
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Costa Rica Jour 4
Réveil original entre les singes hurleurs et les multiples oiseaux. Pour info le cri d’un singe hurleur est proche d’un évier que l’on débouche ou de mon ventre si je n’ai pas mangé à 13h.
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Nous filons prendre notre petit dej que nous devons préparer nous même: œufs frais du matin, fruits du jardin et café moulu : le bonheur.
Nous filons à Caro Blanco qui est le plus vieux parc du Costa Rica. À 9km de chez nous donc logiquement 35 min de route accidentée et pleine de bosses avec de belles pentes. Un bonheur à la conduite….
Nous arrivons et partons pour 2h30 de randonnée dans une jungle à 31 degrés et sans air … c’est assez difficile mais heureusement les Coatis et les singes dynamisent notre rando.
Nous arrivons finalement sur la plage de Cabo Blanco, totalement vierge. Et ce qui est vierge est rare.
Nous nous trouvons un spot où nous sautons directement dans l’eau pour nous rafraîchir. Au programme : repos, repas et rencontre avec un Coati pour Alixe.
Nous faisons le plein d’eau, et reprenons le chemin inverse toujours sous une chaleur terrible. Nos vêtements collent et sentent mais heureusement le retour se fait en moins de 2h.
À la sortie, nous nous arrêtons dans un petit bar local pour prendre un jus de fruits frais qui nous redonne de l’énergie et nous rafraîchi énormément.
Nous rentrons tranquillement chez notre hôte pour faire un tour de son beau jardin et déguster directement les fruits frais de ses arbres.
Après une énorme douche et beaucoup de savon, nous savourons notre bière face à la mer et aux singes grimpants aux arbres.
Demain, journée à Montezuma pour notre dernier jour à la plage avant de filer vers les montagnes !
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hepatology · 2 months
adorable art of alix and her boyfriend viggo..😭♥️ this is the best ending they can get… where they run from everything and just live together somewhere down in mexico….
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idevart-blog · 2 years
Il est important de saisir quelles options de livraison de commerce en ligne les clients en ligne souhaitent pour permettre aux détaillants de fournir le meilleur service possible, augmentant ainsi les taux de rétention et les taux de conversion. Nous examinons les choix de livraison spécifiques que les clients en ligne du monde entier souhaitent. La livraison des achats en ligne a parcouru un long chemin depuis les débuts du commerce en ligne, les nombreux sites offrant une gamme d’options pour plaire aux clients. À mesure que le marché du commerce en ligne s’est développé, les attentes des clients en matière de service et de prix ont augmenté. En effet, une récente enquête d’ Alix Partners a révélé que les attentes a propos les délais d’expédition sont plus élevées que jamais, et que cela est en partie motivé par Amazon Prime. Même quand la livraison est gratuite, les clients s'attendent toujours à une livraison relativement rapide, et les membres Amazon Prime davantage. Il apparaît que les grands acteurs du commerce en ligne comme Amazon orientent les attentes des clients en matière de livraison. Les clients veulent la gratuité, mais beaucoup sont aussi prêts à payer plus pour la rapidité et la commodité, la livraison le lendemain ou des créneaux horaires désignés, par exemple. 30 % des commandes en ligne sont livrées à d'autres endroits. 63 % déclarent que la rapidité de livraison est une considération importante durant leurs achats en ligne. 77% sont prêts à payer pour une expédition accélérée. 41 % des acheteurs ont commandé des articles pour une livraison le jour même. 58 % déclarent que la possibilité de voir les articles disponibles pour une livraison le jour même est importante durant leurs achats en ligne. Les services de retrait en magasin deviennent aussi de plus en plus populaires, et cela est en partie motivé par le désir de rapidité, de même que par la réduction des coûts. Les principales raisons étaient que les clients avaient un besoin immédiat, le désir d'éviter les frais d'expédition et une livraison lente. Quelles options de livraison en ligne pour le commerce en ligne les détaillants devraient-ils proposer ? Idéalement, les détaillants offriraient une large gamme d'options pour attirer le plus de clients possible. Par exemple, Schuh propose sept options différentes pour les acheteurs, y compris la livraison gratuite, le retrait en magasin, la livraison d'annonces aux points de retrait locaux. Cette liste d'options d'expédition devrait couvrir les nombreux préférences des clients et aide Schuh à convertir davantage d'acheteurs en clients. Offrir toutes ces options n'est peut-être pas possible pour tous les détaillants en ligne, mais il est logique d'offrir un certain choix. Une option gratuite de base est souhaitable compte tenu de la quantité de stock que les acheteurs y placent, ainsi qu'une option plus rapide mais plus coûteuse comme la livraison le lendemain. De plus, compte tenu de la popularité des services de retrait en magasin, ce sera une option que les clients attendent de plus en plus. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'avoir un réseau de magasins pour cela aussi. Amazon peut rivaliser grâce à son réseau de casiers, tandis que des services tiers comme UPS Access Point peuvent fournir des lieux de ramassage alternatifs. À quoi ressemble une bonne expérience de livraison de commerce en ligne en ligne ? Un choix d'options d'expédition pratiques, rapides ou à faible valeur est excellent, mais vous devez répondre aux attentes des clients en matière de performances. Cela peut être délicat lorsqu'il s'agit de coursiers tiers, de problèmes de circulation et de problèmes météorologiques, mais il est important de satisfaire les clients en livrant à temps. Les détaillants peuvent aussi améliorer l'expérience de livraison des clients, même s'ils rencontrent des problèmes. Suivi clair et précis en ligne. Cela peut économiser beaucoup de temps perdu et de frustration pour les clients.
De nombreux coursiers vous diront qu'une commande est en cours de livraison, par contre les options de suivi qui donnent des détails comme les délais de livraison prévus sont beaucoup plus utiles. Communication proactive (mises à jour par SMS ou par e-mail). Les notifications par SMS peuvent être très utiles pour cela. Par exemple, certains coursiers informent les clients des créneaux de livraison prévus ou offrent la possibilité de faire des ajustements. Bonne communication en cas de problème. Chaque détaillant rencontrera des problèmes de livraison de temps en temps. La clé est de communiquer avec les clients et de les tenir informés. Bon soutien du détaillant. Alors que les problèmes d'expédition puissent souvent être imputés aux coursiers, les détaillants doivent s'approprier ces problèmes, car les clients les tiendront finalement responsables. Il ne suffit pas de refiler les clients aux coursiers. En résumé Offrir un parcours d'achat sans friction à l'utilisateur est l'objectif ultime, en particulier lorsqu'il s'agit d'augmenter les taux de conversion en ligne et de réduire l'abandon du panier. Par exemple, l'utilisateur a montré une intention claire d'acheter le produit et ce serait un désastre pour le client de l'abandonner si loin dans l'entonnoir à cause des options de livraison. L'intégration d'excellentes options de livraison dans votre stratégie de commerce en ligne contribue aussi à la fidélisation de la clientèle et au service client. Pourquoi? Car la livraison fait partie de l'ADN de votre marque, si les clients peuvent compter sur une livraison rapide, avec les choix qu'ils ont choisies et un excellent service client, cela renforce la confiance dans la marque.
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goldenlilium-ocs · 2 years
Active OC List
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Header by @trashedits
Harry Potter
Curran Walters as Atlas Price || #atlas price
Diana Silvers/Annabel Scholey as Clara Bishop
Grace Van Dien as Danielle Price || #dani price
Gavin Leatherwood as Finneas Jones (Co-created) || #finn jones
Simay Barlas as Juliette Bishop || #juliette bishop || #noble house of bishop
Sophie Cookson/Emilie de Ravin as Kassandra Bishop
Madison Davenport/Kat Dennings as Katarina Bishop
Chance Perdomo as Kingston Chance || #kingston chance
Rabia Soyturk as Anastasia Duval || #stassie duval
Inde Navarette as Nora Riddle (AU daughter of Juliette Bishop and Mattheo Riddle) || #nora riddle
Hayley Lu Richardson as Ophelia Diggory - (AU daughter of Juliette Bishop and Cedric Diggory)
Harry Gilby as Owen Bishop || #owen bishop
Stranger Things
Skyler Samuels as Camilla Cunningham || #camilla cunningham
Maddie Hasson as Young Camilla Cunningham
Daisy Edgar Jones as Ginny Munson || #ginny munson
Daniela Nieves as Ramona Montero (wip) || #ramona montero
Maia Mitchell as Stella Bauman || #stella bauman
Madelyn Cline as Juliette Rogers || #juliette rogers
Vampire Academy
Simay Barlas/Inde Navarette as Malia Ozera/Ivashkov || #malia ozera
Desire Mia as Raden Novak || #raden novak
Rudy Pankow as Roma Ivashkov || #roma ivashkov
Other Shows
Diana Silvers as Aria Vance - Gilmore Girls (WiP)
Fivel Stewart as Jasmine Prescott - Outer Banks
Danielle Campbell as Juliette Samson - The Society/misc
Simay Barlas as Leyla Avci-Kilic - Deadly Class
Alexxis Lemire as Lucy McCall - Teen Wolf
Meg Donnelly as Phoebe Wyatt - Harlan Coben’s Shelter
Hande Erçel as Sera Halston - The Sex Lives of College Girls
Bruna Marquezine as Sylvia Alvarez - Daisy Jones & The Six
Other Movies
Avira Wayne - DC
Lily Collins as Diana Evans - TDATT
Adria Arjona as Rosalind Bardot - Renfield
Naomi Scott as Talia Quinn - Uncharted
Jenna Coleman as Bree Solo - Star Wars
Kaitlyn Dever as Bea Verena - Folk of the Air (WiP)
Ellie Bamber as Joan Nelson - Osemanverse
Marina Moschen as Niamh Telmar - Narnia
Lily Collins as Lucinda Fray - The Mortal Instruments
Harry Gilby as Alix Collins
Tarjei Sandvic Moe as August Balkesen
Jamie Chung as Bonnie
Madelyn Cline as Daniella Laurent
Josefine Frida Pettersen as Eisa Balkesen
Eleanor Tomlinson as Elara Seymore
Joshua Whitehouse as Elijah Warrington
Jessie Mei Li as Elizadine Gale
Deniz can Aktas as Emery Arslan
Wolfgang Novogratz as Fabian Dior
Thomas Hayes as Henry Adler
Tyler Young as Isaac Laurent
Danielle Rose Russell as Kenna Grace Ashford
Daniel Sharman as Killian Sallow
Alex Fitzalan as Nikolai Oriel
Gemma Arterton as Polexia ‘Polly’ Collins
Syvonne Karlsen as Theadora
Cody Christian as Zachary Smythe
Suus de Nies as Vivian Lowell
Kennedy McMann as Faye Anderson
Deniz can Aktas as Emery Arslan
Caitlin Stasey as unnamed oc
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celestiall0tus · 8 months
Ok one to go:
So for Siren’s Song!Alix, I'm thinking she would have her Salvation personality. So Alix Kubdel is a young, rebellious teen, living her best life with her friends. She also won't doesn't hesitate to jump into the fray, always ready to take names and kick ass. I also like to think that she's actually had her miraculous for a while now and has been secretly moonlighting as a secret vigilante and has become something of an urban legend in Paris.
And with that last one added, the characters are done
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symphonic-scream · 3 years
Hey did someone ask for
Differences in the Jocks Kwami Swap AU?
Season 2 edition!
The Collector
Ooooh boy do we got a doozy
Firstly Fu has a run in with Kagami to hand over Trixx as she's returning to school after being kidnapped at lunch
Then everyone turns up to a distraught Chloe and Nino cause Adrien's grounded for losing that book he didn't know he had
So the class decide to collectively ditch (while Bustier "runs to the washroom") to find the book so they can give it back
Meanwhile Collector becomes a thing and goes around trying to make a collection saying he's gonna grab the heroes and all that
Chartreux and Crimson show up first and are actually kinda struggling when suddenly a flute flies in and knocks the book off course and bam KITSUNE IS HERE
They take a moment to sus her out but she mentions her Kwami and that's enough for them so they get to fighting. Only Kitsune is actively pulling them back and scolding them for acting rashly
While this is happening, Master Fu realizes he has to part with the book again to return everything to a calmer state, and slips outside to sneakily put it somewhere for the class to discover
The fight ends, the class finds and returns the book, and Adrien is allowed back to school all's well that ends well right?
Only Kagami and her mom have another talk here at the end, and Kagami is starting to feel like maybe moving to Paris was actually good for them and their relationship
Prime Queen
Who wants an awkward interview? I do
Kitsune just answers no questions whatsoever
"no" "classified" "you don't need to know that" "I don't have to tell you that" "no"
Crimson and Chartreux are trying to get her to lighten up but then they get asked if they're dating and they burst out laughing
They probably take some questions and it's Adrien being a fanboy and Alya trying to ask them about their next interview and Chloe simping
When they leave the og duo try to get Kitsune to open up and relax but she tells them she's supposed to keep them in line because they clearly weren't doing well before her or something
Then bam akuma
It's pretty similar only they have mirage and stuff
Adrien probably gets kidnapped as their biggest fan, he gets all flustered when he gets rescued by Kitsune
But yeah pretty much the same I guess
Oh Kay so the ice cream thing is slightly different cause I need it to make sense to me
Everyone has a soul flavour that their partner would get, and they can be combined for the soulmate mixes
They class decide that since it's a hot day that they should take Kagami seeing as she's new to the city and never heard of it before
When they arrive Andre is doing his thing serving up mixes and singles but then oh god he comes across Kagami-
This is before he gets a chance to "evaluate" Marinette and Adrien btw
He pauses and says something's not right and he tries to narrow down the three he keeps coming up with to one cause there's no way she can have three perfect matches no way
Kagami is a little distraught at basically being told she's not normal, and some of the class jump in to her defence, saying Andre must be having an off day
This has him upset cause he doesn't have an off day he always knows he's the master of his craft
They leave to go get snacks at the Dupain-Cheng's, and he gets akumatized
They fight the akuma, and Kitsune still won't let them rush in without an actual proper plan but the duo are slipping past her more and more
The fight ends and Kagami goes back to Andre one more time, on her own, to give him one last shot
He smiles all soft and gets her a bowl with three small scoops- at her confusion he says it took him some thinking to realize what it was
"you're not broken, there's nothing wrong with you. You just have more love to give, and so do your matches"
Despair Bear
Chloe is preparing to have the girls over for a bit of a slumber party, in an attempt to bond and show that she doesn't need Adrien there to keep her in line she can be good on her own
They do a few things around the hotel and it starts off awkward but slowly, with lots of nudges from Alix and Sabrina, things start to smooth out
That is until they go up to Chloe's room to get some nail polish to use while they watch a movie
Jean is in there, and believing that the others wouldn't be coming into Chloe's room, he's taken Mr Cuddly out of his little hiding place and is tucking him under the blanket on the bed
Someone kinda snickers like "wow Chloe nice doll" and because of how stressed she is mixed with mortification of being embarrassed in front of the people she was trying to win over she kind of snaps
Alya probably made the comment and meant it to be teasing but Chloe isn't used to her tones and she's had a long night of frayed emotions
She's very emotional and kinda shuts herself away in the bathroom after lashing out at Jean, who exits the suite with the bear only to be akumatized
Alix and Kagami have to slip away awkwardly and Alya starts recording, sending Kim the notif that he needs to transform and help out
There's a small moment with maybe idk either Juleka or Marinette with Chloe alone, comforting her while she tries to calm down, believing she just undid all of her and Adrien's hard work
Talk of blah blah we all make mistakes, you didn't mean it, you can't change what happened but you can own up to it and all that
Of course then the fight happens
During the fight Kitsune's plan nearly fails, only succeeded when Crimson and Chartreux give it the good old Jocks Improv shit
After that's all over Chloe and Jean share a moment, Chloe telling him about how she didn't mean to snap at him it was a build up, and about how much she appreciates how much he cares for her
He apologizes for not asking her before moving her stuff, and nudges her back to her party while he tells her how proud he is of her progress (notably he doesn't say how proud Mr Cuddly is)
The girls go to watch their movie, Chloe taking Mr Cuddly proudly. This prompts some of the others to bring out their little comfort items too
So yeah here are the plans for the next few Jocks episodes! I'm excited, I've watched season 2 and some of 3, and I've got big plans ahead! I'll probably drop the next Differences post before I get to writing the Collector at this rate but oh well
Let me know how y'all feel about these and if you have any suggestions
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yumekastories · 3 years
Chroniques des Invisibles - 2.3 - Alix
Dans sa chambre d'hotel, Méline tournait en rond, fixant alternativement l'horloge et son téléphone. Il était bientôt dix heures. Pas de nouvelles des fêtards depuis le texto de Lulu. D'aucun d'entre eux. Elle avait appelé des dizaines de fois, sans la moindre réponse. Elle craignait autant une intervention du groupe qu'un accident.
- Mel?
Elle sursaute quand on frappe à sa porte. La voix d'Eloïse.
- On a trouvé la voiture. Ils sont sur le parking.
Elle sort de la chambre et se précipite sur place, suivie par le groupe. Les filles restent en arrière, de quelques pas. Elles se méfient de la réaction de Méline. Celle-ci ouvre la portière de la voiture qu'ils ont loué. A l'intérieur, Noah dort comme un bébé contre Deborah.
- La belle au bois dormant, on se réveille.
Le jeune homme grogne un instant, avant d'entrouvrir les yeux.
- Mh..? ...Ah, salut Mel.
- Salut? C'est tout ce que tu as à me dire?
Il se frotte les yeux, puis remarque enfin l'attroupement derrière elle.
- Il est dix heure Noah. T'étais sensé me laisser un message en sortant! Je savais même pas si vous alliez bien !
Il sort son téléphone. Vingt appels en absence.
- J'ai un peu forcé sur la bière, j'ai oublié...
- Tu crois que c'est un jeu?!
Il se masse le crâne, les paupières pressées pour se concentrer.
- T'énerves pas. Tu me fais mal à la tête...
- Si seulement ça pouvait te faire rentrer du plomb dans le crâne...
C'était sorti sans qu'elle s'en rende compte. Noah s'assombrit.
- On est revenu entiers. La prochaine fois, viens avec nous. ça te ferait du bien.
- Ton côté dragueur n'est pas ce qui me fait le plus décompresser.
- Ah!
Il tourne la tête, puis sourit.
- D'ailleurs, je t'ai ramené un cadeau!
Elle esquisse un sourire. Le soulagement a pris le dessus. Il est de retour.
Noah sort de la voiture, suivi par le jeune homme qu'il a rencontré hier. Ce dernier a un sourire nerveux sur le visage.
- ...bonjour?
Méline l'observe, les yeux grands ouverts, sourcils levés. Elle tourne la tête vers Noah.
- ...qui c'est?
Noah passe son bras sur les épaules d'Alix.
- Un ami! Je l'ai rencontré en boîte hier. On a passé la soirée à discuter. Je suis sûr que tu vas le trouver génial!
- C'est-à-dire?
- Y'a pas assez de mecs dans le groupe. Alors voilà Alex, qui va nous accompagner dans le road-trip !
- Je t'avais dit...
- C'est pas une fille. Et puis, ça va faire du bien d'avoir du sang frais! Et au moins, tu pourras essayer de discuter avec. Hein les filles?
Il cherche un soutien de la part des filles en retrait. Elles acquiescent, de façon plus ou moins bruyante. Elles n'avancent pas pour autant. Méline leur jette un regard, avant de revenir vers Noah.
- Je te l'ai déjà dit. J'ai pas le temps. Tu fais n'importe quoi. Faut quelqu'un pour veiller sur toi.
- J'ai plus cinq ans Mel. En plus, Alex te trouve super mignonne!
- ...c'est Alix.
- Ah, oui, désolé.
Méline s'approche un peu plus.
- Mignonne? En me voyant maintenant, et dans cet état?
- Je lui ai montré ta photo.
- QUOI?!
Alix a un bref mouvement de recul. Elle lui jette un regard désolé.
- Alix, excusez-nous quelques minutes.
- O...oui, bien...
Elle s'éloigne sans attendre la fin de sa phrase. Noah, lui, soupire avant d'enlever son bras des épaules d'Alix.
- T'en vas pas, hein? Elle est juste de mauvais poil parce qu'elle était inquiète.
- ...ok.
Il fait signe à Lulu de ne pas lâcher Alix des yeux. Il ne veut pas risquer une scène pour rien. Il s'éloigne pour rejoindre sa soeur. Elle lui tourne le dos, les bras croisés. Il sait qu'ils vont se disputer, encore.
- Qu'est-ce que tu veux Mel?
- ....t'es inconscient. Tu lui montres ma photo?! Comment je m'enlève de sa tête maintenant?! ça fait combien de temps?!
- Suffisamment pour que ça soit plus compliqué que tes petits tours habituels. Alors maintenant, tu vas devoir faire avec, même si ça te plait pas.
Cette fois, elle se retourne.
- C'est un type que tu as rencontré en boîte!
- Ana m'a aidé à trouver un candidat valide. Elle ne m'aurait pas laissé le ramener si elle avait eu le moindre doute.
- Ana n'avait pas à t'aider! Je t'ai dit que...
- T'as besoin de te trouver un meilleur hobby que de me gâcher la vie!
Méline s'arrête. Sa colère se mue en rage froide. Noah semble l'avoir vu aussi. Ils ont atteint un point critique. Il faut qu'il coupe court.
- Ecoute, t'es pas en état d'avoir une discussion calme. On va finir par se bouffer le nez encore plus. Je vais faire un tour dans l'hôtel, et toi tu fais descendre la pression.
Méline se mord les lèvres. Elle se mord la langue, réprimant ses pensées assassines, avant d'hocher la tête.
- J'ai compris.
Elle s'éloigne, sans laisser à Noah le temps de continuer. Elle ne voit pas son air coupable. Il ne voulait pas être aussi acerbe. Elle part s'installer à la petite terrasse de l’hôtel. En hors-saison, c'est assez calme. Elle se laisse tomber sur la chaise, la tête en arrière. Elle n'aurait pas cru la pique de son frère aussi assassine. Quelques minutes plus tard, un bruit. Elle se rassied normalement, pour voir Alix s'asseoir face à elle, avec un verre d'eau.
- Je ne voulais pas vous déranger. ...je ne savais pas ce que vous aimiez, alors dans le doute, je me suis dit que c'était un bon compromis.
Elle remet quelques mèches en place, puis force un sourire.
- Merci.
Elle fini par le regarder. Lui l'observe, sans pour autant qu'elle se sente mal à l'aise. Pas plus que lui, en tout cas. Elle saisit le verre et prend une gorgée, pour s'éclaircir la voix.
- La photo était fidèle à ce que vous voyez?
Soudain, il a l'air mal à l'aise. Comme s'il venait d'être pris en faute.
- Pardon. Je...en fait, je me demandais pourquoi il voulait à ce point nous présenter. Pour être tout à fait sincère, sa façon de m'aborder hier m'a un peu fait peur...
- C'est Noah. Il est comme ça. Et vous l'avez entendu. Je suis toujours sur son dos. Il veut que j'ai autre chose à faire.
Elle plonge dans le regard de l'homme.
- Il vous a rencontré en boite hier?
- Oui.
- Et ma photo, il vous l'a montré quand?
- Pas longtemps après. Vers 1h je crois...
- ...chier.
- Quoi?
- Rien. Vous portez des lentilles de contact?
- Ah. Oui, je suis myope. ça pose un soucis?
- Non. Simple curiosité.
Il se gratte la tête, un sourire timide sur le visage.
- C'est un peu bizarre comme question pour une première rencontre...
- Je suis une fille bizarre.
- ...en tout cas, ça m'a changé des filles qui m'abordaient pour le physique.
- Vous êtes du même acabit que Noah? Un dragueur?
- Non. Je pourrais plutôt dire que j'envie sa façon d'agir.
- ...tout le monde dit la même chose. Il est pas méchant vous savez. Il est juste tête en l'air et borné avec moi.
Elle se relève.
- Je ne vais pas me battre avec Noah une nouvelle fois. Tu vas rester avec nous. Je te conseille juste de rester en retrait. Si tu te mets entre mon frère et moi, tu passeras un sale moment.
Il sourit. Le tutoiement soudain est donc signe qu'elle l'accepte.
- C'est marrant, il m'a dit la même chose.
Elle s'arrête un instant, et esquisse un sourire.
- Ne t'en fais pas, on passe pas une semaine sans se prendre la tête. Tous les gens qui voyagent avec nous en ont fait les frais.
Elle se rapproche du car. Anastasia est partie ramener la voiture de location. Ludivine l'observe, inquiète.
- T'en fais pas. C'est comme d'habitude.
- Il a été un peu dur...
- J'ai déjà fait pire. Toi, tu l'aimes bien?
- Il a l'air gentil. Et il aime pas l'alcool.
Elle frotte les cheveux de Lulu.
- Merci.
Quelques minutes plus tard, elle retrouve le groupe de filles qui discute.
- Deb, faut qu'on parle.
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