tiburondientes · 8 months
"I think we can do better than this."
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"We most assuredly can." The response was without pause or hesitation as she made note of the man's presence beside her. Looking out to the ruins of Las Noches. Certainly he'd displayed his ...enthusiasm in spades thus far. From his intrigue with the defensive systems in the structures themselves, and his...... passion for his occupation.
"But more importantly. What is it that's driving you to imrpove things? You're no Arrancar. Regardless of your hollow corruption. Your task has been to serve as a liason, and yet you seem rather invested in our success." She observed, turning to give the man a pointed look.
"What is it that's motivating you?"
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tiburondientes · 8 months
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The arrancar didn't make much more than a groan as she deposited them onto the ground. A slash running up the length of their side, they were entirely unconscious. It wasn't a serious wound, were they a hollow it would have healed in no time. But for arrancar, these sorts of wounds were rougher to handle.
"They sustained injury during a patrol. A laceration from the rib cage to the left hip. Just an inch or so deep." She reported calmly enough.
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tiburondientes asked:
"You seem distracted. Is this a bad time?"
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"Depends on who you are. It's hard to tell what I'm doing to heal when I'm blind."
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tiburondientes · 8 months
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Her 'tits' are always out. She doesn't see what the big deal is.
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tiburondientes · 8 months
Like this post for Tier to go into your Inbox.
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tiburondientes · 8 months
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She simply nodded in response to his intentions toward his Fraccion. She doubtes they would give the man too much trouble. At worst they'd simply tell him to fuck off, but they weren't the violent types. And he didn't seem the type not to take rejection.
However, as she was about to turn, he proceeded to ask her a question she imagined was on a lot of individuals minds. She halted in her tracks and turned to look at the man directly.
"I'm not in charge." She stated calmly. "The Gotei has notions of command, and for the purposes of their negotiation, they presume me, as the one dealing with them, to be the leader of our group. In that respect, I keep the others in line. But I don't go around handing out orders. Our kind needs to persist, and so I ensure that happens. But my role merely extends to that."
"Perhaps I will speak with your Fraccion in the future then." He'd remark bringing at hand to scratch at his chin in thought, the apologetic smile on his face shifted ever so much to that of curiosity.
It wasn't strange, he guessed, that Harribel had taken time to speak with him. It was just a little surreal to him. He had missed many of the events that led to Aizen's betrayal and the war, but she was now something of a nominal ally. Well. Perhaps an ally if the old men in the Courts could see the future.
"Not to pry or anything, but how does it feel to be ya' know, the person in charge of all this? I don't take you for the monarch type, or at least to want this power. There's nothing really stopping you from just, leaving. So why don't you?"
His tone is inquisitive.
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tiburondientes · 8 months
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It was a little apparent to see the sudden sparked interest in the mechanism behind Las Noches' infrastructure. It wasn't something that surprised her too much. She'd noted the reports about Szayel's fight with Kurotsuchi, and of course having met Aizen, she knew that plenty of shinigami had such niche interests in studying things.
"You'll have to ask My Fraccion. Emilou seemed the most interested in such things. Her and Cyan. They're the ones who managed to reset some of the areas." She noted in placid seeming indifference to the matter. She herself had probed the areas a number of times, but really only got involved with them at the request of her Bestias.
"I would offer to show you the control center, but we've yet to remove all the traps. At most one of my Fraccion could direct you to one of the remote consoles." A mental note to keep her senses sharp for Grimmjow or Nnoitra. She imagined they would be cross about a shinigami snooping around, ambassador or not.
Hayden's eyes did not focus on Tier as she spoke about Granz, and their intentions with the corridors. There was a brightness that appeared in his eyes, as if something had been activated in his brain. He takes a few steps towards one of the edges of the corridors, examining the pathway for a second.
"I'd assume I'd be preoccupied with her, it seems only right to give your full attention to the person you intended to visit? But I'm sure she wouldn't mind yours, or others, company." He'd remark as rubbed his chin, as if in thought, his back slightly to the queen. Before finally moving his hand from his chin, snapping his fingers as if he discovered something.
"Had Los Noches been able to utilize fully it's defensive structures, with modernized human weaponry adapted to spiritual beings, I dare say the design of this place would be almost impregnable- save for individuals of extraordinary power. But even then.." He'd mutter before realizing how mad he sounded, he turned to face her giving an apologetic smile.
"Sorry about that, at my heart I'm a soldier. Although I have been in a more diplomatic role, I dedicated myself to all aspects of soldiering. Spent, uh, a few decades in the human world in from the mid to late 1900s. So this design, it just, jogged loose some of those memories."
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tiburondientes · 8 months
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"If Nel was around, would you not be available to speak with?" She gently let her arms test just beneath her chest as she watched the man closely. Paying no attention to the direction he'd gestured. Nel was a bit territorial of course, and so she would have readily believed that her predecessor might have monopolized the young man's time. But even so, she was curious as to this man's perception of the arrancar.
"You can thank Granz for that. A number of corridors, though capable of being adjusted to lead to different locations, have simply been stuck in their confusing state since the invasion. We've managed to reset a few small areas. But the majority remains quite mazelike."
"Then I will satisfy your curiosity to the best of my ability. Since Nel is absent I'm rather free, care to walk with me?"
He'd suggest gesturing to the long winding corridors of Los Noches. Although his visits where frequent, he usually stuck to the same places.
"Place can feel like a maze sometimes..."
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tiburondientes · 8 months
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"Is that so? That's a shame. She could stand to have associates she feels safer around." She noted simply. At this point, however, she dud not sympathize with those who were confused. It seemed that there were a very large number of shinigami with hollow aspects to them. The numbers she'd run into all the more astonishing. But perhap that was simply natural attraction.
Still. His joke reminds her that he'd introduced himself. But it seemed one of her own wasn't necessary.
"I think it's natural to be curious. Especially how .....frequently you visit. "
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"Well, I wouldn't call it familiarization but I work with Loly sometimes. Nature of the work as the Special Envoy for ya'll." He'd explain bringing a hand to his chin, another on his hip as his head tilted up in thought.
"Mmm' none come to mind immediately, some Arrancar have approached me before confused by my energies. Bein' visored in wot' not."
He drops his hands from his chin and hip, looking down at Harribel before chuckling. "This an interrogation, Harribel?" He laughs slightly, it's clear he's joking.
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tiburondientes · 8 months
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So Nel was up to her usual Social antics. Certainly the other scents of humans had been growing a bit stronger, no doubt a result of growing more accustomed to her gift from Urahara. But it was interesting that a Shinigami was also in the mix.
She supposed it probably had to do with Nel trying to get Ulquiorra out and about. Well, if the Bat hadn't wandered off in recent years. He was always a reclusive type.
"And which other Arrancar have you familiarized yourself with?"
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Interesting. So he'd dodged.
Tier was not someone that one could easily bump into, but it seemed he had better reflexes than she had imagined. Still, she watched calmly as he swivels and offers a rapid apology.
So this was the scent she'd noticed around Nel.
"Don't worry about it. Are you here to see someone?"
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tiburondientes · 8 months
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Interesting. So he'd dodged.
Tier was not someone that one could easily bump into, but it seemed he had better reflexes than she had imagined. Still, she watched calmly as he swivels and offers a rapid apology.
So this was the scent she'd noticed around Nel.
"Don't worry about it. Are you here to see someone?"
Hayden was a fairly frequent visitor to Hueco Mundo, in fact one might say he had an off amount of time spent there. Considering he spent fifty years there, and made a small number of friends, it seemed to grant him some leeway.
Unfortunately, he had come to bring Nelliel a book he had promised to but she was busy with other things. Which left Hayden able to wander the quiet halls of the rebuilt Los Noches, and admiring the strange architecture.
As he rounds the corner, it is only by supernatural reflexes that he manages to shift to the side to not collide into the Arrancar who was also turning it. Who was none other than Tier Harribel herself, a brief look of surprise comes onto the scarred face of Hayden.
"Apologies for almost bumping into you."
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tiburondientes · 8 months
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The response was taken without much regards for it's face value. Tier was a perceptive woman, and not simply because of the gifts that elevated her with higher, and even additional senses that other arrancar could hardly enjoy. Gin's penchant for redirection was hardly something she wasn't privy to.
"Is that so? Then I'm certainly pleased that you've been keeping yourself entertained." She ventured, his attempts at diverting the topic of conversation were met as most were.
"When I was last around, I don't recall seeing much of you in the slightest. Or was your absence involuntary?"
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❝ H'oh, me? Keep to myself? You're forgettin' who you're talkin' to. Speakin' of that... since when'm I just 'Gin' to ya? Didn't realize we were so friendly with each other~ ...otherwise th' alternative's you bein' disrespectful. Couldn't imaaaagine it possibly bein' th' latter. ❞
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tiburondientes · 8 months
@godkilller made their presence known
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"And what of you, Gin? Are you still keeping to yourself?"
A perhaps pointed query to the man, but one laced with an underlying desire to be proven wrong.
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tiburondientes · 8 months
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"If nothing else. There's solace that so very little has changed."
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tiburondientes · 4 years
Do you enjoy sex?
Sinday Ask | Always accepting
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The question was not fully unexpected. Given the time of the week. And well, Grimmjow did not strike her as the type to leave little anonymous wonderings. A strange ritual to be sure, leaving behind little written questions with space for her to write an answer so that they might come back later and retrieve the reply. Some sort of practice from the world of the living or something like that. She didn’t question it. 
But Grimmjow was always the direct sort. 
She considered what manner of response he was looking for. 
“Sometimes. If my partner happens to live long enough.”
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tiburondientes · 4 years
It’s Sinday! Send dirty anons for my muses to answer to!
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tiburondientes · 4 years
Personally, the Captain couldn’t vouch for the battles of others. She hardly saw anyone else during that battle, her mind being preoccupied with fleeting flesh and muscle. Almost on cue, she flexed her left arm, giving a little dig into it with her nails as if to assure herself. 
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“Then you’re aware that my Lieutenant and I only worked well together out of necessity not because we have any ‘connection’.”  
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She glanced down at the reflex reaction. Not that she would have needed to. But it was a slight surprise. The poor thing. Shinigami had such strange practices. For all of their actions, they put so many restrictions and rules around themselves. 
“Hmm. I see.” She didn’t. What she actually saw was that the woman seemed professional about the subject. And after all, she was the Captain of the Punishment Force. She supposed it behooved the woman not to grow overtly fond of people she might eventually have to kill with her own hands. In her squad or otherwise. 
“It was simply a surprise. After all, the bonds of camaraderie are perhaps one of the more frequently touted reasons that shinigami say they are stronger than those of us in a more...individually-minded group. By that logic, I would have presumed that a squad that needed to be the strongest, would have had the deepest bonds.”
She gently dipped her head. 
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“I apologize for prying. I understand it is not your job to sate my curiosities. And yet you humored my questions regardless. It is appreciated.”
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tiburondientes · 4 years
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There was a considerable shift in the Captain’s reiatsu following the mere mention of that grizzly man’s name. It certainly was not one of her fondest memories that one and she still hadn’t properly thanked that Hachi fellow for his help back then…  
Her train of thought broke there, shifting gears as her Lieutenant was brought up. Cold and unyielding now, those gray optics narrowed upon the other.
“So you saw that, did you?” Soifon supposed she shouldn’t have expected anything less from such a high-ranking Espada. 
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The shift in reiatsu was to be expected Barragan was not an opponent that often left the one fighting them intact. Physically or otherwise, and even in victory she could only imagine that the name was not one that inspired pleasantries within the woman. 
“I did not. My sight was occupied with fighting the Tenth Division Captain. And then Later with the two Vizard women as well. But I was aware of your fight, yes.” She clarified. No doubt she imagined the Captain would have something to say about splitting one’s attention during combat. If nothing else, Tier was intrigued to see if the woman would say something. 
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