#alien technologies
awesomecooperlove · 7 months
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risestarkiss · 6 months
Rise Ramblings #265
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Well that explains this:
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...and possibly this?
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shinobicyrus · 2 years
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When your entire species is so hyper-engineered to be supergeniuses you have to outsource your “so stupid it just might work” plans.
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Text: The halos were gifts, from something not of earth. They glow silvery white when placed ceremoniously over the heads of new leaders. But not even they know how to use them.
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thisisrealy2kok · 2 months
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Capoeira character in Bust A Groove
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identityquest · 6 months
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allysion... girl i havent drawn u in 3 years
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Lowkey, I think one of my favorite little things about Rescue Bots is how we get to learn a little more about Optimus when he shows up. Like, not war stuff or Orion Pax stuff, but just little things about Optimus.
One of his favorite Earth stories is The Little Engine That Could. Does he read in his spare time and if so, how did he find Little Engine?
He tells Heatwave that he has also been learning from humans. What has he learned? The phrase "Nothing much, double dutch." Who the fuck taught him that? My money's on Miko. Jack would not have the audacity to add that to Prime's vernacular.
He has a motherfuckin' rocket powered car carrier capable of hauling four bots. And since Team Prime had four four-wheelers on the team prior to Darkness Rising, you could reasonably assume that he has used it with Cliff, Bee, Bulk, and Ratch
Optimus knows what a pogo stick is. That isn't anything noteworthy, I just think it's funny.
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It’s hard to talk about this without it sounding like a Mass Effect crossover (which is not what I’m suggesting), but I genuinely think that some/all of the evanuris have been to outer space.
A very straightforward interpretation of “the Void” is space. Like the only reason we don’t instantly think it’s space is because we’re in high fantasy.
Ditto for “Forgotten Ones”.
The astrarium sidequest encourages us to connect old gods with the stars.
Falon’Din walks the night, where the People cannot live, through “airless skies”.
He’s also associated with uthenera, aka cryosleep.
Some very alien monsters are now appearing in Thedas, and also in Ghilan’nain’s workshop(s), which seems to have some connection to the Blight (darkspawn and wardens are the ones being “treated”).
Where does the Blight come from? Oh yeah, that’s right, the Void. A place so hostile Andruil had to don armor of the Void to enter it. 🧑‍🚀
tl;dr the reason the elves lost control of the Blight is because it’s alien terraforming tech. Yes it can injure the titans; yes it may grant you power. But there will be a couple very unwanted side effects.
BTW I know not everyone is a huge fan of sci-fi crashing into fantasy stories, but I think it can be fun if everything is through the eyes of the fantasy characters. You get very poetic interpretations of what’s happening, which is a different angle than what you usually see in sci-fi. If this theory turns out to be true, I imagine everything will still be treated largely as magic, with the sci-fi elements remaining slightly ambiguous.
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bruh-please · 1 year
HSO thought
So, doctors will sometimes cauterize wounds to stop or minimize bleeding (I think), I guess it's just kind of crazy to think about that. But imagine an alien visiting their human friend, and for some reason cauterization gets brought up, and the human friend casually talks about themself getting a wound cauterized and the alien friend is horrified bc that isn't something that happens in space?
Idk y'all, human medical technology and techniques are absolutely wild and bonkers, we see it all as normal and whatnot, but what about aliens that have never seen or heard of techniques that we use regularly?
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retroreverbs · 8 months
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freshbaked-bread · 17 days
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hapyp pride month heresjack and ianto doing eachothers tshots
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pokemon-cafe · 6 months
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Elgyem stimboard!
x | x | x
x | x | x
x | x | x
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👽 ~ The Mothership ~ 👽 (dylan81092)
(Credit if you use) (ko-fi)
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bizarreauhavre · 10 months
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scopostims · 10 months
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alien stimboard with y2k technology and glowing stuff for anon :•]
[ID: A 3x3 stimboard of 9 GIFs.
GIF 1: Glowing green slime falling down onto a table.
GIF 2: A gold and black Nintendo DS being opened.
GIF 3: A model of a glow in the dark succulent being shown off.
GIF 4: Two glittery green resin charms with black alien faces on them being shown off.
GIF 5 (center): A drone decorated to look like a UFO with an alien on it falling on the ground where the camera zooms in on the glowing alien.
GIF 6: A pair of glittery, green, alien face earrings being shown off.
GIF 7: A light-skinned hand pressing buttons on an old, light blue nokia phone.
GIF 8: Glowing green bubbles drifting up and down in a lava lamp.
GIF 9: A white tamagotchi with a pink flower design on it being tilted around.
End ID]
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spaceadvances · 8 months
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An eight-billion-year-old burst of energy has been discovered, demonstrating that we can detect and measure matter between galaxies. The discovery opens a path to using fast radio bursts to explore the expansion of the Universe and ultimately even 'weigh' the Universe. But it will require even more powerful telescopes.
Read more: https://rb.gy/s3kiv
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