#alien stage oc guardian
ivanttakethis · 2 months
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Height difference between my Alien Stage OC Tov and her guardian Cassio
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kofeedoggo · 1 month
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bittersweet-adagio · 16 days
hi. lore. @bluemoonscape @rockwgooglyeyes @aakaneeee @starry-skiez @4listr wait let me see about the other tags if they work this time @pwippy @apriciticreveries @paradisedisconcert @nottoonedin
— Did you see the article?
What article?
— The one about Vera.
I couldn’t care less about her right now. Did they find her dead?
— Yes, but it’s more interesting than that, there’s a little snippet I think you should read
— I’ll send it in a second
020689, otherwise known as VERA, has been murdered by an unknown individual years after the competition’s completion. We do not know the motive, but we are aware that the killer is another pet human. They were last seen wearing one sock and a long purple coat. They also appear to be young with a child-like stature. Their whereabouts are unknown. The segyein who witnessed the events will have their identity obscured for the time being until we continue investigation.
This makes my job a lot easier
I don’t have to track her down anymore and have one of the littles kill her, which is good because I’m not sure how they’d react to killing their big sister…
— You sound disappointed, Kora
— You’re quite cruel, haha…
Speak for yourself. I’m sure you don’t treat your Nene much differently than I’d treat my youngest, Chiara.
— As if
— I try to keep her healthy at the very least, Chiara’s probably suffering from you keeping her on camera day by day
That’s because Nene is sick. Chiara is perfectly healthy and you know that. Use your brain. Chiara can handle everything perfectly fine.
— Right…
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tinypaperstar · 8 days
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@4listr's Azure ✨
Hope I got his stage outfit right!!!!
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lookatmysillies · 1 month
Round 6, Eddy POV - The Aftermath
Eddy’s vision was a blur.
“…infirmary! Contact its guardian!”
“What are those marks on its chest?”
“Does it matter if they’re gushing blood? Come on, we’re running out of time, AREPH will never let us live it down if this one dies.”
Lights. Color. Music. It had all faded to a dull, shiny spatter across their senses. Their hand twitched and reached out for something from the stretcher that was no longer there.
Blown pupils. A trembling frame.
The human had been very scared. Eddy wondered why they were so scared. It was just going to return them to safety. It was trying to help.
Wasn’t it?
Their fingers spasmed, and the outstretched arm fell back to the stretcher, a choked gurgling sound leaving their mouth.
One of the guards pulled their mask from their face to help them get air, and Eddy receded further into the hazy, swimming downpour of sensation around it, blocking out the brush of cool air against deformed flesh.
A new towering, skinny figure danced before their eyes with several sets of arms in eyes, shiny black skin stretched over its frame.
“Arol?” Eddy murmured, delirious. “Am I g’nna—g’nna be okay?”
One of the guards said, “…What did it say?”
Darkness settled over Eddy’s mind, and as warm and heavy as they felt, it was easy to fall into it.
For hours until they woke to spidery hands covering its sweaty forehead and bandaged, trembling chest in a loving apology, Eddy would know no more. Nothing but the mantra echoing in the back of their dreams.
Why were you
(If anyone couldn’t tell who the person in question is, it’s Solei, lmao. Solei belongs to @solei-eclipse. Thanks for a wild Round 6, guys)
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paradisedisconcert · 30 days
Aegaeons head was spinning
She had lost so much already. Her friends, her little siblings that arent exactly her siblings and now her lover?
She didnt want to sing. Her voice drowned in her throat. A breath managed to escape.
They were dancing.
One last act before the curtain call.
Saachi was leading the dance. Maybe she would've loved it if the circumstances were different.
Her voice was lovely.
Like a helpless call for god
Like a melody that will be her last.
Their round was ending as they were still in each other's arms. A breath was taken away, as a gun was shot.
It was Aegaeon.
She had shielded Saachi as if she was the most important thing for her. She had nothing left.
The second and the third bullets shot Saachi, the person they were meant for.
Aegaeon was nauseous. She started running as she got her head back. Wildly and aimlessly. Her guardian, Chimeri, was really calm in such situation as if it didnt matter, as if they expected it.
They had raised Aegaeon to run away, to be rebelleous. They only cared the views and the money. Hurt? Doesnt matter. Lost a limb or two? Adds spice to the show.
Maybe thats why they let Aegaeon shield Saachi.
Aegaeon had finally made it outside with the adrenaline pump and all, not noticing her arm going numb. Saachi was still in her arms as she checked for her pulse.
"W..ake up." She chanted. She thought her god would never leave her.
Maybe she was covered in false images, just like god.
@billwasnot @starry-skiez @pwippy @season39
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billwasnot · 2 months
Photyne (Stasya's Guardian)
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Here they are in their full glory!
More about them under the cut
Photyne is an emotionally volatile individual, who, by a stroke of luck, ended up in posession of a large inheritance, but severely socially isolated.
They work from their home. They have no neighbors. They have no friends. They have no one.
So they decide to get a pet. Humans are social creatures, right?
They only do cursory research into the topic, not actually intending to get a pet for a while.
However that's not how things play out. One day, they have to take a trip away from their isolated mansion into the common living blocks.
There, at the market, they encounter a Segyein selling humans. A seedy kind of guy. All children, as young as newborns.
On impulse, Photyne buys one. A baby. They start properly researching how to care for human pets only when they're back at their house with a screeching bundle in their arms.
The fuss over taking care of this thing is more stimulation than they've had in years. They get attached very quickly and stress over their new pet's wellbeing on a daily basis.
Despite their spotty knowledge and lousy caretaking, the human survives. Grows. Develops a personality.
Now, Photyne's little tamagotchi is also a conversation partner.
Stasya proves to be surprisingly receptive to whatever thoughts or interests Photyne imparts on them.
More importantly, Photyne makes a friend.
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Shockingly adaptable, the human learns how to deal with Photyne's explosive and overwhelming emotions, which the guardian pours and pours upon them.
It helps that Stasya, by themself, is quite reserved, and as such Photyne doesn't have to worry about emotionally supporting them back.
(That's not a good thing)
Photyne is Stasya's best friend, family, as well as, for the longest time, the only being in the world they know. The two are inseparable.
Perhaps by nature, perhaps because of isolation. But Stasya doesn't particularly... feel human, nor do they care about being one.
In their mind, they ought to be the same thing Photyne is. Their physical form is simply inadequate compared to this.
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(the poem featured on the drawing is "my cat is sad" by Spencer Madsen)
As they age, Stasya displays some impressive talents in multiple areas, but music especially, so Photyne decides to help them become famous.
This is about getting more money, yes (their job doesn't fully cover their spendings, and the inheritance is starting to drain).
But more than that, it's about becoming well-known. Photyne is starved for attention, and, well, being the owner of the universe-famous human is bound to bring admiration.
Stasya, willing to do anything for them, agrees.
They know the risks, but believe it to be worth it.
Naive decision.
Over time, it starts to drain them more than they expected. Prolonged separation from Photyne weighs on them, but also gives them some time to think. It starts to feel more and more that Photyne only loves them for what they can give. Not as a person.
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apriciticreveries · 3 months
rewriting aurien’s personality ! ( if she even had a full one to begin with . . )
info about aurien ! :
guardian : guardian ei
appearance based off a butterfly, but kind of uncanny in a way . like you know she’s supposed to look like a butterfly, but something feels . . off, in a way .
she’s pretty strict, and can be overbearing, and controlling at times . though she’s neutrally caring towards aurien, acting as what she thinks a mother would “ act like ”.
insists on aurien calling her, “ mother ” . ( also to kinda detach aurien from what would be her biological mother . )
she hyper - fixates on aurien a lot, as aurien is her only pet . leading to a lot of her behavior / attitude towards aurien .
strict mostly on aurien’s grades, behavior, and performance in all subjects . controls a lot of things in aurien’s life as well .
can also be a bit smothering towards aurien . mostly physically .
signed aurien up for anakt garden despite aurien’s stress and repeated refusal over wanting to attend the school .
irritable . hates when aurien shows any kind of negativity in behavior over her choices for her . sometimes snaps at aurien .
works in the law .
wants aurien to be more social, to the point of sometimes forcing her to interact with others .
aurien ! :
id say she has a lot of sides to her personality .
though she generally wants to be seen in a positive light . to her classmates and teachers, she is an quiet and kind girl . almost to the point where she lets people step all over her .
shes naturally different around the people she’s relaxed around, or people that she would consider her friend's .
talks a lot more . probably to yap yap yappity yaperson level .
bonds with people pretty easily, though has trouble starting conversations . often has to be done for her .
kinda controlling . from her mom . though she’s still more agreeable .
extremely unsure of herself when alone .
likes the warm but loves the cold . hates the hot .
when she feels a bit nervous in an environment, she often clings to whatever is familiar to her, like maybe a friend or so .
shows affection by physical touch, and appreciates physical touch in return .
sucks at comforting people . all she can do is hug them and listen to them .
doesn’t really actually know how it feels to love someone .
knows she struggles with expressions .
wants to speak more formally because she considers that being formal is cool
let’s be honest her personality depends on how the day starts
looks like a nerd and is a nerd
likes to listen to solei talk about “animals”.
gets stressed easily, especially when being watched
finds lang’s talent of taking things apart pretty smart
smart but also rlly dumb at the same time ? ?
mixed in nationalities biologically
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alien-til-i-stage · 1 month
Interviewer: Hello everyone! Today we brought in a rather unique person here! Let’s welcome in model, Lilith.
Lilith: Hello, it’s a pleasure to be here today.
I: No, it’s our pleasure. It’s not everyday we see someone like you!
L: Oh you jest, surely I can’t be that interesting. I’m no different from those on Alien Stage after all.
I: I didn’t expect one of the highest ranking models to be so humble as you! You’re surely to be a once in a lifetime phenomenon. I must say, your guardia-
L: Hm? My guardian? Surely you mean my father correct?
I: Ah yes, I’m sorry for that. You look so much like a human, I forget you aren’t. I suppose that’s your magic.
L: I suppose so. My father was quite dedicated when creating me. I have him to thank for getting me this far.
I: What an intelligent man, his name is Dottore correct? Perhaps we should interview him eventually, haha
L: I don’t think he’d enjoy that, sir.
I: Ah-, well um, Anyways, we have some questions for you today, if you don’t mind answering some of them?
L: I don’t see why not, after all this is an interview.
I: Starting us off, You seem quite invested in this season of Alien Stage, have any reason why?
L: Oh, I’ve always been interested in Alien Stage, it being my favorite show ever. I even have all the merch. With how round with Aurien being taken away from that strange creature, this season so far might be my favorite. My bets are on Sai!
I: How interesting, do you have any other thoughts on this season?
L: These contestants are quite intriguing I must say. I haven’t seen a season this interesting since season 35. I still think Milo should’ve won but I rest my case.
I: Sorry to disappoint, but some fans have asked, outside of Alien Stage, what are your other likes and dislikes?
L: Ah, that’s a shame, I enjoy speaking about Alien Stage. Well that’s no worries, I suppose it would be writing. Well, not writing per se, but writing letters. I enjoy communication as it was in it’s golden era. And perhaps partially as when I’m not modelling, my father doesn’t allow me out. He loves me too much to be hurt.
I: Writing letters huh? How charming from a girl such as yourself.
L: I enjoy it so, in fact I heard the 40th class of Anakt Garden is open to outside letters. I might try something out.
I: That’s definitely going to be fun for you! However I believe you still have dislikes to cover?
L: Oh I’m sorry. If I had to say…. I dislike the rebels and unladylike behavior. Everyone, both boys and girls should keep themselves to proper behaviors.
I: Of course, I might just have to ask you to hold a class on ladylike behavior, hahaha!
L: I don’t know, it is quite ungentlemanly of you to ask a lady for something…
I: Ah. Well uh, Well how about that hair of yours? I must say, it’s gorgeous and definitely not something you see everyday! It’s always in a new and different style everytime I see it!
L: Thank you, I try to keep it nice. I actually have many different wigs. They’re all supposed to mimic human hair, but it was too difficult to attempt to get human donors for my wigs. And the ones who did donate, well their hair wasn’t…. up to standards let’s just say.
I: Oh, so what is your hair made out of?
L: It’s actually made out of thread. It’s a lot of strings all made to look and mimic human hair but it’s done it’s job, wouldn’t you say?
I: Wow! I would never have guessed!
L: Ah, I apologize but it seems I must go now. My father is here to take me back home
I: Wait! We aren’t even done with the intervie- Come back!!
-Interview End-
Sai ( @junebluues / @bittersweet-adagio ) Aurien ( @aurienneirua ) and ‘strange creature’ ( @solei-eclipse )
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sotogalmo · 1 month
Love it when I can connect some shit.
Urak to me looks like the human skeleton (his face being the skull. We see his teeth yk) and so when I did that I made Sebastian's guardian-gaurdian (the one who adopted him; being Von) the skin of humans.
Urak is the dirty skeleton, and Von is the untouched skin
👍 :3
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junebluues · 2 months
*throws this at you* hey
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ivanttakethis · 2 months
Guardian Cassio (Tov’s guardian)
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I used this sci-fi/fantasy picrew to create a portrait of my alnst oc Tov’s guardian, Cassio (they/them)!
Cassio is short for Cassiopeia (like the constellation).
They come from an alien race called the Auru, known for their distinct shade of blue skin/scales.
Aurusians can take on different physical forms, similar to shape shifting.
Cassio shifted into a humanoid form when they bought Tov, hoping that it would be easier for the young human to become comfortable with them.
Their form isn’t a perfect replica of a human, though (see: horns, scales, and lack of pupils).
They stand about 7ft (~213cm) tall, but often wear heels or platforms that make them even taller. By comparison, Tov is 4’11 (150cm).
Tov doesn’t know what Cassio’s original form looks like, but they’ve told her that she wouldn’t be able to recognize/comprehend them.
Cassio speaks to Tov in human language.
Cassio's native language sounds a little like a human language if you hear it in the background. But the more you focus on it, the more un-Earthly it becomes.
They’re a very creative alien with lofty ambitions and a unique style. Some describe their personality as “whimsical” or “spiritual”.
Tov thinks Cassio is a bit flighty and kind of naive, but ultimately harmless. She doesn’t really have any complaints.
Like Tov, they love space and constellations. They have a tattoo of a crescent moon and a star beneath their right eye.
They own a fashion house called Cassiopeia and work on the outfit design team for Alien Stage.
Tov is their first and only pet. They don’t have any plans to buy another.
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hanatatami · 12 days
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Just realised I never posted my Alien Stage OC here. His name is Eto and his guardian's name is Qooo! He sings mostly gugak, joseon pop-esque songs; he's a bit of a jealous man and he enjoys the competition (as long as he comes on top) ✨ for his voice, I imagine it is similar to sEODo's in his sEODo band's songs !
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aakaneeee · 1 month
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muted pink hair and unique grey-ish eyes: a recipe for success. personality doesn't even matter when your facade is built well enough.
Yvonne was adopted almost immediately by an alien influencer, Rēcu, because of her pretty visuals.
She was well taken care of, dolled up, quite frankly spoiled. She was used to getting everything she wanted.
Because of her influential guardian, she easily got up in charts, representing brands, despite her personality being no less than eerie, wanting to have everything.
Of course, when she got into ALIEN STAGE, she was confident in her abilities. Afterall, she practiced a lot with her alien for their videos, she's like, technically the best, right?
Well, she wasn't really the best, but she was known, so it helped her.
(Finally finished my season 40 oc! I'm working on so many stuff right now it's crazy.)
(Anyone wants to be her victi- I mean, partner? :3)
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geospiral · 2 months
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“I want to be someone’s stepping stone; I want the memory of me to haunt that person so that I may live through them and be beside them without having to stay. I know that's selfish and cruel, but if the path has already been laid out for me and I have no choice but to die, then I want to at least be able to choose who I die for. And to be honest, I will probably regret this decision when I’m lying there and spitting up my own blood, but at least it will be mine… and I think I can rest easy knowing that.”
Moran, a top student when it comes to all things excluding singing, can best be described as being Anakt Garden’s very own “Thinker.” Often found sitting on the very left edge of the garden’s box, she is willing to lend an ear to those in need.
Alien Stage OC Base made by @shakingparadigm
Anakt Garden:
Moran is not a person who will intentionally seek other people out, but she does enjoy when others come to her, usually in the form of seeking guidance. This guidance can range from simply helping a fellow student with their class work to teaching others some of what she knows about the Segyein’s entertainment industry, a topic that she is familiar with due to her upbringing. 
She likes talking about philosophy, giving general worldly advice, and being a mediator to her fellow classmates, trying her best to be an impartial judge.
Moran also likes “reading” other people’s fortunes as a kind of game. It’s not anything serious; you ask her a specific topic about the future, such as “Am I going to pass the test?” and then give her as much information as you can about your chosen topic in order for her to make an educated guess. If she guesses correctly, you have to give her something, and if she doesn't, then she’ll give something to you. The items are nothing big, just small treasures like a pretty stone from the stream or an Anakt Garden lollipop. Moran also keeps a small collection of things she finds or is given in case others would just like to do general bartering with her; however, she doesn’t hold any real attachment to the things she collects and will usually trade her items away in exchange for short-lived treats such as candy, drinks, or a bubble wand.
Moran gets along fine with the other students, and although she can be pretty blunt at times, to the point of unintentionally seeming rude, she does her best to stay on everyone’s good side. She was raised with many others under her Guardian, so she has always been used to living alongside her fellow humans; however, the experiences were not great, causing her to have trouble telling when others genuinely like her or wish to be her friend. It doesn’t help that it only seems that her classmates come to her when they need something.
Moran’s Guardian, Rheya, is a well-known and respected theater director with a theatrical troupe composed of the many humans under her, raising them from a young age to be her personal actors. By having her plays consist of an entirely human cast, Rheya is able to push the limits of her plays' theatrics in ways that she simply could not when working with her fellow Segyeins. Her plays are touted for their stories and visual spectacles; however, they can tend to be extremely dangerous for the humans involved, with many sustaining real injuries throughout their performances.
Despite the humans of the troupe referring to Rheya as their "mother,” they do not view one another as family but rather as competition when it comes to gaining their Guardians' affection. Bullying amongst the group is commonplace; if one person is punished, everyone is, which leads to that one individual being viciously humiliated and outcast by their peers and being sent down levels in the troupe’s personal social hierarchy.
(Note: The troupe’s hierarchy is loosely inspired by that of the video game Rule of Rose; I haven’t played it, and it's basically impossible to do so without pirating, but I got the idea from the video analysis of the game by RagnarRox.)
Rheya did not want to stop her storytelling at just theater production; however, she wanted to extend her reach further and saw Alien Stage as a chance to do just that, devising a long-term plan to craft what will hopefully be one of her best stories. She wants the story to go like this: she will choose two of her humans, one to send to Anakt Garden and the other to stay with her, molding him into the next big celebrity pet. The one sent to the garden, Moran, would be used as fodder in order to boost the fame of the other human pet, Adam, under the guise that the reason she trained for and performed in Alien Stage was to gain the other’s attention, subsequently dying in the competition. Upon finding this out, Adam would then go on to perform in the next Alien Stage season after her to avenge the women who loved him, winning in the process.
Rheya doesn’t have any faith that Moran can survive her Alien Stage season, and neither does Moran herself, but while Moran is in the garden, she hopes to find someone who she can truly die for in the competition, someone she actually cares for, unlike Adam, whom she barely knows and has never loved. If Moran must die, she wants it to be meaningful to her and the one she adores. She wants to make it her own choice.
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lookatmysillies · 2 months
ARCHIVES: Interview with Guardian Nabos, Guardian of Subject 026554, 38th ALIEN STAGE Site
Well, the final round is approaching fast! How are you feeling about your contestant's chances?
NABOS: I feel that this year is going to be different for me. I'll admit I didn't expect KYO to be my top competitor when I first enrolled him in Anakt Garden, but it's a testament to his education at Anakt Garden that he is now a finalist. I have high hopes for him in this round.
2. I think we all do! If KYO wins here, he would be your first ALIEN STAGE winner.
NABOS: ...Yes, true enough.
3. Three years ago, you had not one but two competitors in the 35th ALIEN STAGE, YE-JOON and SUNG. They both made it to the semifinals, where SUNG was defeated by YE-JOON. All eyes were on YE-JOON to win the finals, but he lost by 11 points. Do you worry your bad luck with YE-JOON and other previous competitors really is a curse?
NABOS: YE-JOON lacked a certain spark. SUNG would have had a better chance in the finals if she wasn't sick during their performance. But never mind, that was years ago. I don't think about YE-JOON and SUNG or their failures. The biggest part of this job is moving forward despite losses. Defeat is never easy to take, but I learn from my mistakes and use that knowledge to turn out better competitors.
4. So this is going to be your year, huh?
NABOS: I truly believe that.
5. If KYO comes through for you and wins ALIEN STAGE, would you put him through to next year's ALIEN STAGE, or use his fame for other purposes?
NABOS: I'd like to capitalize on his fame while it's fresh. I'd put him through to the 39th ALIEN STAGE and see if he can bring back another win.
6. Here's to hoping we'll be seeing much more of KYO!
NABOS: Here's to hoping.
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