#alien observations
Isylhejif - A Deep-Sea Gentle Giant
An easy-going, gentle and easily excitable beast who roams the deeper zones of Autania's oceanic biomes, the Isylhejif's flowing fins and vibrant glows are a sight to behold - to anyone who dares to swim so deep.
(Displayed here - artwork of an Isylhejif from a distance, during the Crest season)
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The Isylhejif is one of the larger oceanic creatures, considered a leviathan by some, scaling in at over 216 meters (706 ft) in length from snout to tail tip. It has two sets of fins, and lures stemming from the ends of each and underneath its jaw.
The Isylhejif often presents its colors as deep shades of blue, the color varying slightly depending on the season. The membranes are primarily a shade of deeper turquoise, and these also rarely vary. It's bioluminescent markings do change color with the seasons - the depiction above is during the Glowcrest season.
It has lures, similar to many aquatic and semi-aquatic creatures of Autania. The beings tail ebbs off into a large, flowy fin, which runs up the length of its neck. It has a bell atop its head, which is a jelly-filled cap that produces poison and secretes it onto the Isylhejif's skin.
The Isylhejif lives in a part of Autania's oceans where the bioluminescent light of lunar fern kelp can barely stretch through the dark, and seeing is no longer a reliable way to hunt or navigate the rockier sea-soil clumps. So, Isylhejif rely on musatehkit, echolocation, and sound cues, traveling through the water to find their way around.
While they are larger hunters, Isylhejif are often found in large pods, and are sometimes accompanied by smaller fish and creatures. They enjoy play and games of hide-and-seek, with the younger, more adventurous members of the Isylhejif pods hiding a bit further out into open ocean to challenge each other. They also engage in games of pretend, to help develop skills for hunting later in life.
Isylhejif produce passive musatehkit (also known as worldsong) displays, and they commonly display Draping Choirs. Draping Choirs are the long notes of the Symphony, echoing low and resonating with those who hear them for cycles after.
(Displayed here - headshot of an Isylhejif, actively singing below water, during changeover from Crest to Echo seasons)
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These passive displays often resemble long, thick ribbons of color, flowing in wave-like rhythms across the dark skies or through water. As Isylhejif are passive displayers, when the entire pod is focused and in-tune with the worldsong, beautiful shows of flowing color will trail through the waters behind them. The resonant frequencies of the Isylhejif's notes can typically be felt ringing through one's ribcage if you're close enough to a pod.
Other creatures
World 5000
(Click the images for better quality)
(This creature was based on @onejellyfishplease so go look at their stuff too!)
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njuakvzofwuar · 2 years
People are assumptive creatures
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[ content warning: discussion of in-canon sexual abuse ] Maybe it’s just because I’m not too active in the ALNST fandom and mostly observe from afar, but I think this fandom brushed aside way too quickly the fact that Till was sexually assaulted. I have never seen anyone talk in depth about like, what that actually means in terms of his arc and the storytelling of his character. Which I find deeply, deeply upsetting because holy fucking shit.
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This man right here has been told, basically his entire life, that not only is he himself not worthy of being treated as a human, but that his body is not his body, but a piece of property that can be owned. And whoever owns his property can use it for whatever, and however they wish. Now, dehumanization is nothing new or unique in this world, obviously. The very concept of Pet Humans is dehumanizing by nature, leaving all six of our main characters as victims to it, even those who are more well-off like Mizi. But Till is a specially fucked up case almost distinctly unlike the rest, because he is actually treated like a fucking dog.
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(x) Ivan: If you keep rebelling like that, they won’t ever remove your collar you know? Till: This annoying bastard… — Ivan: I told you so, didn’t I? You didn’t listen? Till: This annoying bastard... (translation courtesy of @leiikos on youtube)
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An unruly animal who needs to be leashed up and put in it’s place. Animals, as is common knowledge, are not on the same level as a human being. But they are ordained to follow the commands of those above them. And if someone (thing) isn’t doing as it is told…
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It deserves to be taught better. But I’m getting ahead of myself. This is the mindset that has followed Till his entire life by the ones who were supposed to take care of him. He is not human, even less human than the existing inhuman. He is a pet, even more so than the other pets, an animal. A thing. Property. Something to own. And the best thing about owning something?
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You gain the ability to do whatever you want to it. Till’s body was not his from the start. It was used as something to toy around with, experiment with, to train and train and train, presumably for his whole life. His body, his skin, his flesh and bone and blood, it was all nothing more than a plaything. So what if he screams? Just ignore it. Or don’t. If this competition has taught us anything, voices have the most value of all. On top of it being reinforced that Till is not deserving of humanity, he is also not deserving of his bodily autonomy. People are free to do whatever they want with his body because it’s not his body, it’s theirs. And that brings us, finally, to the scene itself
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He can’t sing her song, he refuses to. This isn’t the first time he’s refused to do something, far from it actually. What was once an innocent puppy with dilated hope in his eyes has grown into an angry, disobedient mutt. And we know what happens to an animal that refuses to do what they’re told. But there’s something interesting about dogs, or rather about the ones they descended from, the wolf: When the circumstances call for it, they will bite the hand that’s supposed to feed them.
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And here is where I intrude to remind you that this is the only time we see anyone physically fighting back against the aliens in the confines of Alien Stage. We see Hyuna and Mizi fucking up aliens in All In, but that was after they had escaped from the cage. And you could make a case for Mizi trying to escape the grasp of the guards that grabbed her in Ruler of My Heart, but from what we saw she didn’t actually lay a hand on them and more so just tried to force herself out of their grasp. though if you disagree with me on that that's fine Here though? Till has this bitch’s face grabbed into his palm with a bottle in hand ready to smash it directly in between it’s eyes. I consider this to be the first act of physical violence shown against the aliens within the uncomfortably tight enclosure. And it’s triggered not because of anything personally done to Till, which on its own could probably fill a list that reaches the ground. But because of the prospect of Mizi being dead. Till knows that this place is shit, that his life is shit. Said so directly on his profile.
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Dislikes: Everyone, including Guardian Urak (translation courtesy of @kh47uo on twitter)
But he stays regardless because Mizi is there. If Mizi is dead, Till has absolutely nothing to lose…Right?
I can almost imagine him thinking: There’s nothing you can put me through that’s worse than every other way you’ve hurt me. …But there was. Oh there was.
A final, disgusting message to the pet to put him back in his place. Back on his leash. Making sure he will never forget where he stands for the rest of his days.
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And that is really what the sexual assault of Till represents to me. It is a cruel reminder to Till that fighting back is impossible, having hope, being free, it might as well be a fool's fantasy. He will always be less-than-human, less than anything. His body will always be the property of the ones that were supposed to protect him, claimed, and then used used used until it’s worn out and dead.
And the aliens chose to exemplify that fact in the most direct way they possibly could.
So what if he screams? Just ignore it. Or don’t. If this competition has taught us anything, screams have the most value of all
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Earth as seen from planet Mars (Curiosity rover photography) credit to NASA.
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crustyfloor · 2 months
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I get a little crayz seeing this specific shot of Ivan...Ivan putting on a mask makes me crazy. It's the way his expression doesn't reach his eyes, the lack of sincerity in his smile.
But in the second image, he looks so annoyed he can barely care to school his expression and you can SEE the grimace in his eyes (EYE LINES!!!). There's such a stark difference in the persona he puts out there for people perceive him as vs how he naturally is gthybwsdgyc__(I need to see more of Ivan's natural expressions)
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quaranmine · 3 months
i'm going to be honest, as someone who mainly uses tumblr and has had my likes visibility turned off since the beginning of time, i do not quite get why xitter is burning itself down over likes being private now. to me this is the ideal, if i want someone to see it then i share it, if i want it for myself i like it. i have never really been happy that my likes were public on twitter.
however regardless of my confusion i AM proud of them for continuing the trend of vocally complaining about random semi-pointless changes to websites because we need to stay constantly vigilant that ceos dont get too comfortable making social media even worse than it already is. i am pro complaining constantly about every minor webbed site change. also i hate anything elon musk does ever
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luv-indigo · 2 months
OLNF Week Day 5: Sci-fi
this was heavily inspired by those alien cat memes. in this au, i like to think nadine and cheyomi would be siblings. they were hatched from an egg or something. incubator buddies?? :3c
wyd if two aliens pull up to golden grove in a space shuttle?? @olnfweek2024
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these two are on their first mission on earth to conduct research on the local environment. they’re not supposed to interact with the humans but they’re just so fascinating. they can’t help it if they watch the locals from afar (especially two particularly interesting individuals) and are incidentally spotted…. oops.
nadine and cheyomi panic at first thinking they blew their mission but to their surprise, the two humans approach them. they declare a new side mission! observe (befriend) the two humans!
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thereadingaddic7 · 4 months
So like, it's no real secret that the Bohrok were inspired by the Xenomorphs from Aliens right? The way their nest looks, the Exo-Toa/Power Loader, the Krana pull double duty as both facehuggers and as the human skull you can see in the Xenomorphs head under the right angles and lighting, the way the Bohrok head snaps forward to knock your mask of is similar to the Xeno's little mouth darting out to bite your face off, and ofc the Lehvak using acid (like the Xenomorph's blood) rather than air as it's element, even though the other breeds matched theirs up with the main six elements. The references are all very obvious in hindsight, though probably went over most of our little kid brains.
With all that in mind however...
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...was this literally just another fucking Aliens reference?
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coffeeadict61 · 1 year
Humans Are Weird: Auditory Processing Disorder
Report # 306
Topic: Auditory Processing Disorder
APD: disorder of the auditory (hearing) system that causes a disruption in the way that an individual's brain understands what they are hearing.
Four days ago I was doing my monthly meeting with the electrical department, receiving updates on our monthly usage, needed parts, and checking up on general morale. (The transcript of that meeting is already turned in.) After the meeting we had refreshments and I discovered Lucy (previously mentioned in report #286) pouting in a corner. I inquired what was bothering her. She said, "The ship's head medic just diagnosed me with APD but he wasn't trained to treat it." I asked for further information on the condition. She listed several of her personal symptoms. "It means I don't always catch what people say. It feels like my brain doesn't want to listen. In one ear and out the other making me look stupid to however I talk to. It's connected to my misophonia, and the fact I was born really premature."
I was unsure how to comfort her so I made no effort. This seemed to work for Lucy kept speaking.
"And what's worse is there's nothing I can do! We don't have a speech therapist aboard or even any research materials! Its starting to affect my work performance. On top of decoding, hypersensitivity, and prosodic problems, I have integration issues which mean its really hard for me to focus on what people are saying when I'm doing something. Which freaking sucks when you're part of a team!" I had no clue what she was really talking about but gave her a hug (human gesture of enveloping one in your arms as a sign of comfort or safety), and she apologized for "venting" to me.
She then spoke on how her crew mates just thought she was "slow" or wasn't good at her job. They questioned if she was capable because she would follow directions incorrectly and she was worried she'd be replaced with someone "less problematic". I tried to assure her that I would help anyway I could on her behalf. Never again will I doubt a human's sincerity.
After some of my own personal research I have made a list of the different types and their definitions for your education on the subject:
Hypersensitivity – Hypersensitivity to sound is often diagnosed as misophonia or hyperacusis. Misophonia is when people have adverse physical reactions to sounds, such as becoming nauseated by the sound of chewing or slurping. Hyperacusis, on the other hand, is characterized by a sensitivity to sounds. For some, this means that white noise can be deafening, even causing physical pain.
Decoding – Decoding difficulties involve a lack of figuring out words that are spoken. They hear the sounds, but their brains do not process them as words.
Integration – Integration applies to those who struggle to do multiple things while listening. Such multi-tasking may be writing notes and listening, or having conversations while typing an email.
Prosodic – Prosodic refers to people who have trouble with tone, inflection, and implied meaning. A question and exclamation are processed identically in their brains. Their speech is also often monotone.
Organizational – Finally, organizational, or output, is often characterized by not recalling information in a specific order or having difficulty with noisy situations.
Honestly, Humans are so diverse and unpredictable. To think that different "problems" or " abnormalities " within their mind or body can lead to even more similar issues astounds me. They are so intricate in a way my species has never been. Despite the struggles that their disorders, and conditions being, I think it's strangely beautiful. Maybe that's just me, but I have a new appreciation for them.
I am requesting the presence of a speech therapist, whether physically or digitally, to be readily available to our crew. We must also add APD onto our medics research requirements. It is not an overly complicated subject to be fluent in. I also request that Lucy's diagnoses be added to her list of wrongful termination along with her gender, age, and race. No one should feel their position is at risk because of a disorder or disability. I also request that a written copy of daily instruction be printed for her if necessary. She is one of our best electricians and I mean to keep her employed here as long as she wants.
Human Observer #5743
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rsarts · 7 months
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some funky fanobesk I've recently cooked up
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Welcome, welcome traveler. Make yourself comfortable.
This is The 5000 Worlds. There are many places here, all of them wonderful and unique. We catalog the beings of these planets here, from the most elegant creatures to the most terrifying; the largest space draconians to the smallest insects.
Make yourself at home, and immerse yourself in whichever bestiary you choose - at least one of them is certain to provoke your interest.
And perhaps, one day, you can help us discover more creatures as well. I'll leave you to it, traveler.
World Catalogues
World 1 - Eden
World 243 - Ideolea
World 542 - Amia
World 1632 - Ouria
World 2341 - Cenotanion
World 3819 - Anneter
World 3982 - Inketania
World 4585 - Ciluna
World 5000 - Autania
Hiya! This is a blog for my worldbuilding project, and it's a sideblog of @idk-im-just-here-now! I post a lot more regularly on that blog, if you're interested in any of my other content!
I post the artwork in this blog on both my art blog ( @idk-its-just-art-things ) and on my Cara if you want to get a better look at them!
This is all part of an ongoing project that I plan on publishing as a novel series at some point!
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aliveko · 6 months
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Alien observer
In a world that isn’t mine
Going to take a spaceship
Fly back to the stars
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shakingparadigm · 8 months
do you guys think Till is aware of Ivan's feelings and chooses not to reciprocate, is a little aware that there's something more between them, or is just completely fucking dense
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I know the second one is probably the most accurate, but I'm personally leaning towards the last because. look at these man they fucking take me out. like he's not even LOOKING
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artifeast · 4 months
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As requested by @kingmakerpod: knife cat Telsie
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disease · 11 months
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