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ponydoodles · 1 year ago
can i please get a lesbian princess cadence ? <3 love y’all’s work <33
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the princess of two different L words
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shirecorn · 2 years ago
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Neither unicorn nor pegasus, Alicorns appear to have traits from both species, but are so much more beyond that.
The first alicorns are known as The Two Sisters, a pair of unicorns with magic so potent, they changed the face of the sky forever. After growing wings, the young alicorns were called princesses and treated like royalty, thanked for their gift of the sun and moon. But as time went on, it became clear that these were not simply horses with extra features, but something else entirely.
When mature, alicorns are massive deities that stretch across the sky, ferrying the sun and moon to all corners of the world, leaving magic and dreams in their wake.
Being larger than the tallest mountains, goddesses generally don't interact with ponies on an individual basis. When they do, it is a terrifying honor; one that will alter the course of your life forever. Listen to the Sun speaking into your mind, and pray you are still the same pony when she is done.
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skyscrapergods · 1 year ago
has being fucking Massive and Immortality changed the alicorns’ perspective on regular ponies? I imagine they’d get more condescending and distant and stuff
You are surrounded by flies. If you pause, and look closely, you realize the flies are iridescent, with deeply colorful eyes, and beautiful wings like stained glass. It cannot see the colorful windows of your world, but you can try to describe them. But know that doing so take up the creature's precious time. Years to them is mere hours to you. In a long conversation about the stars, you and the fly share ideas and perspectives. You come away delighted with a new view on constellations and what they mean to the common folk.
The fly comes away dazzled, haunted, and halfway to the grave. What was to you a wonderful conversation was years of study, communion, and dedication on the part of the small creature. He gave up any other pursuits, he constructed his life around this cause. He lost his friends, family, and home. You lost your lunch break.
You love this creature. You love the small being that you once were. You want to talk to him again. You want to tell him of the stars, of dreams... but to speak with him twice, at least meaningfully, would take from him the rest of his life. Could you demand that from him for the sake of your own curiosity? Years passed for him already. In the time it took you to draw a breath, his childhood ended. Do you summon him again? Or do you let him go to live his life, what's left of it?
It is painful for everyone. It hurts something in your chest, it breaks the heart of a god. It wounds his family to watch him leave them behind for the sake of what? A mere whim? He had ambitions! He had a story! It's all gone now. Rewritten for your musings.
You leave him. He cries for you but he needs not a goddess. He needs to live, to turn from the sky to his fellow bugs.
That's what he is. A fly. A mere insect to you. To hold him down is to pin him through his soft center, and display his corpse as a record of his extinction.
So look away. Forget the color of his eyes, the sound of his voice, and the intelligence that stirred you to pluck him out his world and keep him in yours. There, he would be a wildflower with a cut stem. He would be beautiful, but he is so small, and so quiet. He would be just a decoration on your table; made to dance and sing for your amusement and then tossed out with the rubbish when he breaks.
You miss him. You love him. But he is a crawling worm and you are the rain. There are many others like him, but you must be careful to only speak a few words to each. Or better yet, say nothing at all. Let them fade and mix into a writhing blur without name, stories, or opinions on stars.
You are surrounded by flies.
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heckyeahponyscans · 20 days ago
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Glittery horns, wings, and eyeshadow . . . Was this the original vision for Princess Gold Lily and Princess Sterling? I found these on Taobao from a seller that sells MLP factory seconds.
The seller had multiples, so my theory is that these aren't prototypes, but more like . . . the factory started making them like this and then Hasbro was like "no, no, the glitter is too expensive", and so the ponies who already had it applied were tossed off to the side.
Anyway, the glitter does make their wings look WAY more natural, especially Gold Lily (the yellow pony).
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ywraa · 10 months ago
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I tried redesign the timeskip design for twilight :0
Left is my ver while right is my attempt to make it show accurate
Some change I did:
- I decide to give twi cadence’s body type since the timeskip is like 20 years or something I don’t remember and not like hundreds years so it won’t make sense that she would become as tall as celestia
- I decided to give her normal mane instead of wavy one, idk how magic hair work in mlp but I feel like it would take a long time for her hair to go wavy like Tia and Luna (I think it also need a lot of magic)
- Her hair is inspired by her crystal design and I add some tiny star as well cause why not
- Since her crown is a fusion of celestia and luna’s crown, I try to add some ref of the sister to the crown like the moon and the sun
- Instead of gold accessory, it’s silver and blue cause I think it suit her more
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kingkars · 6 months ago
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More Elden Ponies! Miquella and Malenia this time ^^ Miquella is kinda forever stuck as a young Alicorn, while Malenia's been mostly taken over by her curse. They both lack cutiemarks due to their curses!
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kaidacresto · 1 year ago
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Luster Dawn Opaline Arcana, The Last Alicorn
After hearing of Twilights plans of limiting magic, Luster dawn went into a craze, trying to take all the magic she could in attempt to preserve it. Her rage at the situation transformed her into Opaline, similar to nightmare moon and The Pony of Shadows. Twilight had no choice but to banish her away before completing her mission
Now Opaline covers herself horn to claw in magical artifacts in attempt to keep a semblance of her power, anything she can do to maintain it, shes doing. Even going to the extreme of eating gemstones like dragons do! Its the only reason she can still do a little magic even without having friendship. Her castle is a treasure trove of precious gems and artifacts, even built on the foundations of a withered Together Tree. She is forever spiteful and mournful of what Equis has become, devoid of true magic, of beauty, of home. Her vengeance has corrupted her original intentions, instead of keeping magic for everyone, now she only wants it for herself, to reclaim the glory she once was
Do not re-upload, sell, or trace my art without my permission. You can use it as reference but you gotta credit me
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franki-lew-yo · 8 months ago
ALL my feelings towards Friendship is Magic could be so easily summed up as:
" -Twilight Sparkle should never have become an alicorn princess in season 3 of a series with 9 seasons - ''
She should have always had it in the books to eventually become an alicorn, but her becoming one in season 3 is where literally all (my own) problems with the show stem from and almost all of those problems are about the show in execution, NOT in theory. 
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Everything about later seasons Friendship is Magic’s writing reeks of the writers trying to make their ideas, fan ideas, and Hasbro’s ideas work all at the same time with so little time. They were told to make Equestria Girls, Princess Twilight, Flurry Heart and the movie “work” while also juggling writing in Starlight and her whole arc (and the characters attached, like Sunburst), the CMC getting their cutie marks, the reformed changelings, griffons and dragons, their Starswirl the Bearded stuff; WHILE ALSO making sure Discord and the Princesses (mostly Luna) and the ‘fan fav’ characters worked on their own and come together.
In my opinion, it just didn’t.
There was always too much going on with little to no time to breathe or appreciate the characters -how far they’ve come, how much further they have to go- at all. And it made later bit of lore and characters feel frustrating. It made potentially great characters deeply unlikable. Starlight and Discord are the biggest victims.
I want to like them. I really do. I can’t though because Starlight is not only a ‘madeawittlemistake’(aka ran a cult)-villain redemption, BUT she has to share her stories with the main six. They underdeveloped her while also trying to make her important and it just made me dislike Starlight and Twilight so much. It made me get mad at Starlight for being in the way of a Twilight episode, it made me wanna scream at Twilight for getting in the way of what should be Starlight’s time to shine!
Discord now had to share his ‘redeemed baddie’ spotlight with Starlight and others meant he had no time for his development which, when it was done* (ALL of Season 4) was abysmally fast, badly paced and in my view insulting. It made Discord, even in episodes where he had a point to be there, feel useless because fundamentally was overall. Season 4 assassinated Discord’s character to me and I didn’t remotely like him. For years I thought I just didn’t like FiM simply because the show and the fandom clearly preferred Fluttercord to Dislestia and I was just butthurt. Which, to be clear, I am. My mega revelation regarding this show was realizing that, no- what I hated wasn’t Fluttercord, it was Discord himself. How he was being handled, how he was written from s4 onward (ALL THE EPISODES WHERE HE’S YANDRE TO FLUTTERSHY SHOULD HAVE BEEN BEFORE HIS BETRAYAL. ALL OF THEM. NO YOU WILL NOT CHANGE MY MIND IT’S FINAL) pissed me off so much as a person who really loved his potential character in season 2 and 3. Discord and Fluttershy being besties and possibly more could and should have been adorable...but it wasn't because the Discord we got was a horrid character. Fluttershy deserves better.
I know you guys don’t wanna hear this same old worn-out critique about FiM, but I’m sorry I have to agree: when they weren’t being crowbarred into stuff that didn’t need their stories, Starlight and Discord were both forgiven -by the show- WAAY too soon. The problem wasn’t that they had redemption arcs and/or that other characters didn’t. The problem was their redemptions were badly done. The show didn’t treat them like they had been redeemed from something hurtful, it acted like they had never done anything wrong. And that was bad because it made it so, when the three baddies at the end of the series were officially crowned "irredeemable", the show felt biased. It felt mean spirited towards Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy when their end should have actually felt fitting and funny. It’s not about ‘morals’ or ‘punishing’ fictional cartoon horses voiced by John DeLancie for warcrimes or whatever tf Lily Orchard goes on about-- it’s about how the show FELT LIKE IT FAVORED some characters more than others. That was a thing that I loved Friendship is Magic for not doing in seasons 1-3, what made it and it’s character’s endearing and wholesome to me, and it’s why the handling of the main cast in later seasons felt so mean.
But to get back to the alicorn in the room; Twilight could have graduated or something for season 3 and then the whole show could build up to her actually outdoing Starswirl’s wrongs as she does in the pony of shadows plot. THAT could have been her ‘upgraded to alicorn princess moment’; but it didn’t. As much as I wish it were that way, it isn’t and that’s not what the writer’s did because they didn’t have the time or foresight for that. Sadly, even though lots of flaws and problems were always baked into the loaf from the start (Celestia being useless or 'sinister', ponies being racist towards everything else, bad and/or basic friendship lessons) Twilight becoming an alicorn princess, which DID ultimately change her character, her role and her presence even amongst her friends and the rest of Ponyville, was the start of all the problems.
We’re stuck with what we got and what we got was a series that -to me- only ever kept adding more and MORE until it felt overstuffed, hectic, and unfortunately mean spirited when it wasn’t trying to be. There’s nothing we can do now. Personally, I highkey am annoyed at other adult bronies saying I “didn’t get” the show and its decisions which is why I didn’t like it. No. Trust me I get “it”; the problem is that “it” wasn’t well done which is why I didn’t like “it”. “It” deserved better.
Of course, I also get some of why those bronies are so defensive. After all I was there when the whole 'Twilight becoming a Princess'-controversy happened. I remember how ugly it got and how annoying and entitled you guys were about it and Equestria Girls' existence (don't even get me started on ur #savederpy).
Something I want to make especially clear whenever I criticize writers, especially of kids shows, is that a criticism IS NOT an attack. Ever. Boycotts and callouts should be reserved for stuff that's actually morally wrong and yes they also count for stuff I like, not just stuff I want to be mad at. Lookin at you, Didney.
There was never and still is never a reason to bother, hurt or ask the writers for MLP gen 4 why they did what they did. No, not even if you're being 'friendly' about it. Leave M.A. Larson alone.
Granted, fans being entitled to creator's attention and creator's being entitled to fans' affection is it's own rabbit hole, but I truly think that FiM set an ugly standard for that with animated shows today.
Besides still being too thin skinned and not liking that a thing they've divested so much real life time into could be bad, a thing about cartoon commentary and criticism in the 2010s-2020s is they're really parasocial and demanding of writers and artists behind a show. The was always the biggest, ugliest, most uncomfortable aspect of Friendship is Magic to me: because it's creators were online and fans knew they were listening, could approve of fan's creations, and especially because they felt 'responsible' for a show's success, they were really into @ing writers about everything. When critics would call something out for being badly written it somehow always made it's way into becoming a personal accusatory thing. People were blaming writers for being human and working within time constraints and network decisions. You didn't have to be like that TinyToons guy who stalked Tress MacNeille about sexualizing Fifi in the 90s to be a harasser. You could just be an aggressively oversupporting 'stan' or angry nitpicking critic to make a writer who's just doing their job, uncomfortable
tl;dr: I disliked the writing of the later Friendship is Magic. I think it was bad because it was bad. None of that is meant as an attack on the writers who were trying their best and don't need to be roped into any fandom nonsense, positive or negative, and never should have been in the first place.
Hopefully, that's one deadhorse finally beaten.
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someone-took-lost · 1 year ago
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wee woo ! let’s go , polypolypoly horses <3
i stan polyamorous luna, she strikes me as the type with a lot of love to give. and an adoration for having those around her she cares most caring the most about each other.
sombra and luna got together first. though fleur and luna were already very close, as fleur is also the ambassador from prance. and the night empress followed along once with fleur to her brief trip back to her home. both became very close with each other, and at the time of luna’s pursue of sombra, they considered each other best friends.
an unpopular coupling, sombra and luna were not a very favored relationship when they had gone public. they held off for a long time for being outwardly affectionate around others, but sombra warmed up to the idea more. and soon enough, they had eyes all on them.
there was some trouble at first. judgmental eyes saying some unkind things, and still in present it is done so. but it doesn’t stop the two from loving each other immensely. even if it can be challenging at times to hear some mean words, sombra and luna’s love handles it. and grows stronger.
fleur’s addition to the duo came as quite a surprise, as one night after some drinking and cuddling. she confessed how much she wished she had what they had, and romantic that she was, luna responded with an invitation to join them. sombra and her had already been discussing their feelings about growing their little relationship, and if fleur was willing. they’d both welcome her into their open arms.
happily she accepted. and they were extremely happy , right away , fleur was unafraid of the public eye. and openly showed off her love and appreciation for both her partners.
and while this lasted a good while, one trip to the crystal empire , and sombra found himself caught in a loop when a particular bumbling unicorn tripped over his own hoof the first time they’d met. the dark horse was charmed by this sweet little stallion , who seemed to be caught up in his own storm of words in the presence of this great king.
they both talked for hours, and when luna and fleur were brought to meet him, they too seemed to indulge in sunburst’s nervous but sincere disposition. some months went by, with correspondence and rumors of flirtation.
a smitten sombra, an adored fleur de lis, and a very engaged luna agreed to wanting to add the seer to their coupling. and in turn, sunburst took the invitation to the relationship, and the four of them have been tied by the tail ever since!
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ask-the-equuleus-verse · 3 months ago
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Wrapping gifts to celebrate the holiday!
Small possible info on Galaxia. She tries to use her magic as little as possible to become used to not having it. She doesn’t explain her reasoning for this but rest assure she’ll be ready if magic ever vanished.
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ponydoodles · 1 year ago
idk if this is too niche but maybe twiluna where twilight has the g3 twilight twinkle pallet and luna has the pallet from her lavender brushable with similar colors? i think the two pallets would be very nice together! thank you!
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pink & purple princesses! (and blue also)
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skyscrapergods · 1 year ago
Do alicorns stop needing to eat at a certain size? Or does their food source just change. Is magic itself and magically dense things like neighboring stars their food source now? Because I think regular food would do absolutely nothing for skyscraper alicorns.
I think they begin to be sustained by forces of their domain. Celestia studied the daylight, and after her and her sister's ascension she began to grow, but she didn't need to eat any more food than the other unicorns. The sun she crafted brought warmth to all ponies, and as their gratitude grew, so did she, bolstered by their love.
Eventually she became an ethereal force of nature that was undeniable. It doesn't matter if you believe in her or not, you can see her carrying the sun across the sky. She is in all the science books because she is just as real as rain and wind.
She never needed more nutrients than a normal pony did, despite her great size. As she grew past the largest earthly animals, she found she didn't need to eat at all.
It is the same with the other alicorns, though at different rates. They are sustained by dreams, friendship, and love. The more that they are "used" as sources of these forces, the more they are fed by them in return.
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zombeedog · 2 years ago
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twipie but there both alicorns anyone?
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ywraa · 10 months ago
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Did some human design for fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years ago
could you imagine if the alicorns had humanoid toes that grew out of their hooves, like a complete circle of them. they could scuttle around on them. would that be fucked up or what
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kaidacresto · 6 months ago
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Do you love your gods?
Do not re-upload, sell, or trace my art without my permission. You can use it as reference but you gotta credit me
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