#alicorn redesign
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shirecorn · 2 years ago
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Neither unicorn nor pegasus, Alicorns appear to have traits from both species, but are so much more beyond that.
The first alicorns are known as The Two Sisters, a pair of unicorns with magic so potent, they changed the face of the sky forever. After growing wings, the young alicorns were called princesses and treated like royalty, thanked for their gift of the sun and moon. But as time went on, it became clear that these were not simply horses with extra features, but something else entirely.
When mature, alicorns are massive deities that stretch across the sky, ferrying the sun and moon to all corners of the world, leaving magic and dreams in their wake.
Being larger than the tallest mountains, goddesses generally don't interact with ponies on an individual basis. When they do, it is a terrifying honor; one that will alter the course of your life forever. Listen to the Sun speaking into your mind, and pray you are still the same pony when she is done.
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proxycrit · 1 year ago
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Me thinking about honses.
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(Are they gods? Or unfortunate magical experimentations? When did the world blink, and they’ve grown— but not old, nor wise?
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At least they’re sisters, and they have each other.
At least.
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At least.)
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Anyways here’s my doodles for a possible luna and celestia! They’re ancient alicorns, ascended during a great war that would later shape equestria as a primarily pony continent. (The modern alicorns are made with love. The ancient alicorns are made with desperation. Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker are not accidents.)
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haystarlight · 9 months ago
Audio: The Moon Rises (fan song by ponyphonic)
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bishopony · 1 year ago
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the bride and her ugly ass groom......
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gorjee-art · 1 year ago
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he pulled a literal goddess just by being goofy...good on him.
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cracklewink · 11 months ago
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My Mane 6 Redesigns all together! I was going to post them separately but ended up finishing them all before I got around to it lol
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squilko · 2 years ago
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CELESTIA AND LUNA DOODLE...little babis...
i redid my luna redesign hehe
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ponku-po · 10 months ago
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Celestia & Luna🌙☀ - sharpycharot
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lilspitefuldemon · 24 days ago
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Princess Luna redesign redraw
Celestia redraw
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paichi-art · 10 months ago
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Finally done with the Canterlot Wedding cast
Princess Cadance I leaned a bit more into her being the ruler of the crystal empire and gave her crystal hooves. I think she would've looked even better with a crystal horn. Might have to do another version at some point.
Shining Armor Didn't change much, but I like him much better like this lol
Queen Chrysalis Sorry, no cheese legs. I wanted to lean more into the insect aspect of her. I tried to make her hair look like thick spider webs, but idk if that really comes across lol
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porr0ki · 20 days ago
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bishopony · 1 year ago
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spike isn't as into the new princess errands as twi (alts under the cut v )
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meanlittlepony · 1 year ago
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The Sisters of Harmony ☀️🌙
My young princess designs and what elements they hypothetically each held when they once shared them together before the mane six..
Celestia with magic, generosity, and kindness
Luna with honesty, loyalty, and laughter
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cuttlekiss-mlp · 11 months ago
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thought i might attempt to start off strong with my mlp infection au
this is still a pretty big WIP, especially with all of the characters. i've been very thorough with how i want things to go, so i've been taking my time with it.
stuck with a sketchier style bc it fit the vibe of what i wanted so well
!!!TW: DESCRIPTIONS OF GORE!!! "Dear Princess Celestia, I have made a grave mistake, and my judgement is no longer sound. I have ruined everything. I am in search of a cure for what I have created. It cannot be destroyed. Normal magic cannot undo what I have done. He is gone, but maybe I can save the others. I am sorry that this letter has not been sent to you in a timely fashion. He is gone. I had to send this letter via pony mail. Please forgive me for all I have done. Friendship is not strong enough to save us. My friends have abandoned me. They know what I have done. Your faithful student, your failure, Twilight Sparkle."
Between all of the commotion of Sombra's defeat and Twilight's ascension as an alicorn, no one was quick to notice a very important missing person. As soon as Twilight realized her favorite baby dragon was not there to greet her and celebrate, she felt sick to her stomach. Where was he? Spike was found by Cadence. He was delivered to Twilight wrapped in her large pink wings, wounded beyond what could be saved. He was already dead when he was found. Her baby dragon was gone.
No amount of friendship or comfort could console the new princess. She laid with her body curled around Spike, and her cries filled the courtyard for hours. It took two days for her to move from that spot and head home towards Ponyville, where Spike would be buried in front of her home. But she could not bare the thought. Spike could not be gone, not forever.
When she returned home, she holed up in her tree house. The doors locked, the curtains covered the windows, and there was nothing but silence. Twilight worked tirelessly for hours, using magic to preserve her baby dragon's body long enough to find a spell that would erase what happened. Spike would not be dead for much longer. The power of friendship and love would bring him back to life. It had to.
She explained to her friends that if they used the Elements of Harmony, theoretically, he could be revived. They had their reservations. No one thought it was a good idea...but Rainbow Dash talked them into trying. Twilight was hurting, she needed her friends to be there for her. However, their attempts were in vein. Spike was not revived.
Despite their failed attempts, Twilight remained stubborn and persistent. She could not let this happen. Spike could not be gone. Everyone was starting to worry about her, but no amount of convincing could change her mind. They refused to continue trying. They did not believe in her and that made her very angry.
Returning into hiding, Twilight's determination became concrete. She did not sleep, she barely ate. Dash visited frequently, while the others had resolved that Twilight needed time and space. She was the only reason the princess ate anything at all. Twilight soon caught reference to a spell in one of her books. This spell was in a particular book in Canterlot's library...and that is where she would go. She packed up and she made her way swiftly to Canterlot. Unfortunately, the book was locked away, for it's magic was forbidden and dangerous. But this did not matter to her. Twilight broke into the library, stole the book, and rushed off to Ponyville. She would not allow anything to stand in her way. Spike could not be gone.
The spell required an intense amount of magic. Twilight would need help to cast the spell, to bring Spike back. But, none of the other elements would help her. They insisted she lay Spike to rest. She refused. How could they ever say such a thing? How could they give up on Spike? How could they not believe in her?
Twilight took it upon herself to cast the spell. She took the Elements of Harmony and she wielded them herself. Bright beams of pink light flooded out of her curtains...
"Twilight. . ." A soft, exhausted voice called from the explosion that was her living room. Twilight could barely hear it's faintness, but his voice was unmistakable. She blindly stumbled towards the voice, to find Spike. When she found him, she was first overjoyed. Spike was getting up! Spike was alive!! Bright pink and sparkling ooze spilled from his chest as he rose from his bed. "Twilight?" His voice was louder and sounded panicked? "What is happening-" his voice cut off with a sickening gurgle. Pink bursted from his mouth, and he coughed and wheezed, trying desperately to regain his breath. His eyes were bleeding, or were they rotting? Twilight couldn't tell. She rushed to his side and she held him. Spike choked and convulsed, pink ooze spilling all over his bed and onto the floor and onto her. And then...he stopped. Unsure of what happened, of what to do, Twilight stared in disbelief, in heartbreak. Had she revived him only to suffer yet another painful death? Tears welled in her eyes and she cried out with unbearable pain.
Between her cries and uncontrollable sobbing, she didn't hear Dash break through one of her windows. She held Spike and cried and cried. The house was a mess and Twilight was a mess and covered in pink ooze and Spike was a mess and pink ooze was still coming out of him. Despite her best efforts, Twilight would not let go of Spike. She snapped at Dash to leave her alone, and that is what Dash did. She didn't want to, but what was there to do?
Twilight fell asleep in the midst of her crying, holding her baby dragon close and covering him with her wings.
She woke to a gurgling growl and a terrifying creature standing above her, with pink, sparkling drool dripping from it's mouth. It's eyes were dark and lifeless but little pink glowing orbs betrayed it's gaze. It stared and growled and breathed raspy, shallow breaths. Twilight pushed it away in fear, scrambling up from Spike's bed. That is when she realized what the creature was. It was Spike...but it wasn't truly. He twitched and groaned and dripped pink ooze.
Before she knew it, a knock came at her door. Spike's head snapped towards the sound.
The door opened.
Spike lunged.
Screams and Spike's growls erupted.
What had she done?
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definitely-jax · 10 days ago
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squilko · 2 years ago
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ah... hello sun princess....
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