#alexei x kent
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ao3feed-patater · 2 years ago
for the wild and free (we are the life)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/BnLExh2
by bandaid_boy
Bitty has graduated, Jack is still an anxious mess, and they're going to get fucking married. What could go wrong? (A lot, it turns out.) -title from The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience-
Words: 1976, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Check Please! (Webcomic)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: (yes i will have to check back for names in the comic because my memory is ASS), Shitty Knight, Jack Zimmermann, Jack Zimmermann's Parents, Eric "Bitty" Bittle, Larissa "Lardo" Duan, Alexei "Tater" Mashkov, Kent "Parse" Parson, Providence Falconers Ensemble (Check Please!)
Relationships: Eric "Bitty" Bittle/Jack Zimmermann, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Larissa "Lardo" Duan/Shitty Knight, Alexei "Tater" Mashkov/Kent "Parse" Parson, Shitty Knight & Jack Zimmermann, Alexei "Tater" Mashkov & Jack Zimmermann
Additional Tags: Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Sexual Content, Swearing, zimbits - Freeform, they switch a lot, but emotionally it's, Top!Bitty, and, Bottom!Jack, Light Dom/sub, Light BDSM, more emotional bdsm than anything, but also i'm a sucker for praise kinks, jack has a praise kink a mile wide, Praise Kink, Size Difference, we get kinky in this house, bitty no longer lives in the haus, this is post-canon, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, they are engaged, Wedding Planning, Wedding Fluff, Engagement, shitty WILL be the best man., Moving In Together, jack fixes things with kent, they aren't friends because kent is a dick, but they aren't mortal enemies, background alexei/kent, jack sort of deals with kent for tater's sake, patater, ignore the summary because the angst honestly isn't that bad, just a ton of feelings, Fluffy, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Anxiety, Anxiety Disorder, Autistic Jack Zimmermann, Autism, Autism Spectrum, Neurodiversity, Neurological Disorders, trans author, Queer author, neurodivergent author, all the autism shit is speaking from experience, i know what autism feels like don't come at me if you don't like the way i write jack's autism
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/BnLExh2
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longwuzhere · 9 months ago
My Adventures with Superman Season 2 Easter Eggs
Welcome back everyone! Here we are season 2 of My Adventures with Superman! What a fantastic first two episodes and as usual they're full of fun Easter eggs which I will point out and explain to those who aren't familiar so you can be in the know with the comics book readers! My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 5 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 7 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My season 2 episode 8 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 9 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 10 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
Spoilers if you haven't seen it
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I might be reading too much into it but maybe this is a subtle reference to the Adventures with Superman comic title or it could just be a complimentary episode title to My Adventures with Superman. Who knows.
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The episode starts with Waller waking up getting ready for her day (shout out to Waller's daily affirmations btw) and she goes down to meet Sam Lane, Lois's father who I talked about here.
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Nice call back to Season 1 Episode 3 when Lois and Clark break into Stryker's Island again and entering into Siobhan McDougal's cell again but this time going under the island's jail to Task Force X secret operations. I talked about Siobhan McDougal aka Silver Banshee and Stryker's Island here.
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Later on we see Clark and Lois infiltrating the Task Force X hideout and Clark uses his X-Ray vision but can't seem to see through the walls here. If you know your Superman lore, these walls are made of lead.
Jerry Seigel and Joe Shuster, Superman's creators, first introduced X-Ray vision to Superman in Action Comics #11 (1939) where Clark is investigating some shady dealing involving oil and the death of someone involved in this deal. It wasn't until later in Action Comics #69 nice (1944) [W: Jerry Seigel, P&I: Ed Dobrotka] that we see there is a limit to Clark's X-Ray vision.
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Superman rescues Lois from the Prankster and his henchmen after surveying the area with his X-Ray vision and seeing that one of the buildings is made of lead and can't see inside it and he goes in to save her.
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Later as Sam, Lois and Superman escape the compound Waller sics one of her soldiers after them, a green skull-faced, radioactive soldier aka Atomic Skull.
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MAwS Waller calls Atomic Skull as Agent Martin, so we can assume this is a reference to Joseph Martin, the second Atomic Skull who first appeared in Adventures of Superman #383 (1991) [W: Jerry Ordway, P: Jim Fern, I: Doug Hazelwood, C: Glenn Whitmore, L: Albert DeGuzman]. In the comics Joseph Martin was a student. Later in Action Comics #670 (1991) Joseph, at a S.T.A.R. Labs for a check up, gets struck by a grounding cable and that triggers his Metagenes as the building collapsed. He was able to escape but stumbles back to his apartment and begins to lose his hair. Trying to figure out what is wrong Joseph gets jumped by some muggers and Joseph murders them and walks into the theater that is playing an Atomic Skull movie (yes in the post-Crisis on Infinite Earths continuity Atomic Skull is a movie character). Superman investigating the muggers murder discovers Joseph Martin at the movies and sees that he has changed and takes up the name the Atomic Skull as seen below in Action Comics #670 (1991) [W: Roger Stern, P: Bob McLeod, I: Denis Rodier, C: Glenn Whitmore, L: Bill Oakley].
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The original Atomic Skull, Albert Michaels, first appeared in Superman #303 (1976) as a piece-of-shit but smart AF scientist for S.T.A.R. Labs. Twenty issues later in Superman #323 (1978) [Cover art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez] , Albert Michaels dons the Atomic Skull costume after siding with SKULL and is given a radium implant in his brain that would grant him the ability to harness bioelectricity from his cranium and convert it to energy to shoot out from his visor.
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Back at the Daily Planet, Jimmy is called out by Perry for not giving him a video and we see that the Flamebird team is composed of the Newkid Legion and Steve Lombard. I talked more about them here and here.
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We get one Wilhelm scream as as Task Force X soldier gets carried back into the dark hallway by Parasite/Ivo who I talked more about here.
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And finally after stopping Parasite from attack Waller, Lex Luthor shows up finally giving his name to Waller striking up a new partnership.
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Lex Luthor first appeared in Action Comics #23 (1940) [W: Jerry Seigel, P: Joe Shuster, I: Paul Cassidy] where he was exploiting European countries in WWII. This iteration of Lex goes by Alexei Luthor. Still smart like his other Lex Luthor counterparts with a knack for machinery technology. He apparently dies in his debut issue.
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In Action Comics #125 (1948) [P&I: Al Plastino] we see the debut of silver age Lex Luthor . In the comic Alexis Luthor here, uses his scientific genius to manipulate a hermit who's making prediction come true. This Lex Luthor has beef with Superboy back when he and Clark were kids. He swore revenge on Superboy for ruining his research after a fire broke out at his laboratory causing his hair to fall out thanks to the chemical fumes. This iteration of Lex is the one who creates the famous warsuit that Lex Luthor is usually depicted in.
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Post-Crisis on Infinite Earths Lex Luthor makes his first appearance in Swamp Thing #52 (1986) [W: Alan Moore, P: Rick Veitch, I: Alfredo Alcala, C: Tatjana Wood, L: John Costanza]. This version of Lex is the scientist and business man that pop culture knows and he goes by Alexander Luthor. His origins is rewritten so that instead of Lex being from Smallville and having met Superboy back then, he meets Superman in Metropolis where he created Lexcorp and almost everyone is under his employ whether they know it or not (see the Man of Steel miniseries from 1986). In that miniseries, he also has the red hair and eventually he goes bald. This version of Lex was also a former President of the United States.
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Post-New52/DC Rebirth, because of some comic book shenanigans and retcons, some of Lex's origins pre-New 52 blends in this this current continuity now where Lex Luthor joined the Justice League as shown on the cover of Justice League #30 (2014) [Cover art by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, and Rod Reis], was Superman when New 52 Superman died as shown in the variant cover of Action Comics #967 (2017) [Cover art by Gary Frank and Brad Simpson], and started the Legion of Doom seen on the cover of Justice League #5 (2018) [Cover art by Doug Mahnke, Jaime Mendoza, and Wil Quintana].
And with that episode 2 is done! Come back next week for episode 3's references and Easter eggs! My Easter eggs lists for season 1 is here if you haven't seen it!
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman comic issue 1 post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and refereces in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 5 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 7 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My season 2 episode 8 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 9 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 10 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
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eludin-realm · 1 year ago
Character Name Ideas (Male)
So I've been browsing through BehindTheName (great resource!) recently and have compiled several name lists. Here are some names, A-Z, that I like. NOTE: If you want to use any of these please verify sources, meanings etc, I just used BehindTheName to browse and find all of these. Under the cut:
A: Austin, Aiden, Adam, Alex, Angus, Anthony, Archie, Argo, Ari, Aric, Arno, Atlas, August, Aurelius, Alexei, Archer, Angelo, Adric, Acarius, Achilou, Alphard, Amelian, Archander B: Bodhi, Bastian, Baz, Beau, Beck, Buck, Basil, Benny, Bentley, Blake, Bowie, Brad, Brady, Brody, Brennan, Brent, Brett, Brycen C: Cab, Cal, Caden, Cáel, Caelan, Caleb, Cameron, Chase, Carlos, Cooper, Carter, Cas, Cash, Cassian, Castiel, Cedric, Cenric, Chance, Chandler, Chaz, Chad, Chester, Chet, Chip, Christian, Cillian, Claude, Cicero, Clint, Cody, Cory, Coy, Cole, Colt, Colton, Colin, Colorado, Colum, Conan, Conrad, Conway, Connor, Cornelius, Creed, Cyneric, Cynric, Cyrano, Cyril, Cyrus, Crestian, Ceric D: Dallas, Damien, Daniel, Darach, Dash, Dax, Dayton, Denver, Derek, Des, Desmond, Devin, Dewey, Dexter, Dietrich, Dion, Dmitri, Dominic, Dorian, Douglas, Draco, Drake, Drew, Dudley, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan, Danièu E: Eadric, Evan, Ethan, Easton, Eddie, Eddy, Einar, Eli, Eilas, Eiljah, Elliott, Elton, Emanuel, Emile, Emmett, Enzo, Erik, Evander, Everett, Ezio F: Faolán, Faron, Ferlin, Felix, Fenrir, Fergus, Finley, Finlay, Finn, Finnian, Finnegan, Flint, Flip, Flynn, Florian, Forrest, Fritz G: Gage, Gabe, Grady, Grant, Gray, Grayson, Gunnar, Gunther, Galahad H: Hale, Harley, Harper, Harvey, Harry, Huey, Hugh, Hunter, Huxley I: Ian, Ianto, Ike, Inigo, Isaac, Isaias, Ivan, Ísak J: Jack, Jacob, Jake, Jason, Jasper, Jax, Jay, Jensen, Jed, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Jonas, Jonas, Jonathan, Jordan, Josh, Julien, Jovian, Jun, Justin, Joseph, Joni, K: Kaden, Kai, Kale, Kane, Kaz, Keane, Keaton, Keith, Kenji, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kieran, Kip, Knox, Kris, Kristian, Kyle, Kay, Kristján, Kristófer L: Lamont, Lance, Landon, Lane, Lars, László, Laurent, Layton, Leander, Leif, Leo, Leonidas, Leopold, Levi, Lewis, Louie, Liam, Liberty, Lincoln, Linc, Linus, Lionel, Logan, Loki, Lucas, Lucian, Lucio, Lucky, Luke, Luther, Lyall, Lycus, Lykos, Lyle, Lyndon, Llewellyn, Landri, Laurian, Lionç M: Major, Manny, Manuel, Marcus, Mason, Matt, Matthew, Matthias, Maverick, Maxim, Memphis, Midas, Mikko, Miles, Mitch, Mordecai, Mordred, Morgan, Macari, Maïus, Maxenci, Micolau, Miro N: Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Niall, Nico, Niels, Nik, Noah, Nolan, Niilo, Nikander, Novak, O: Oakley, Octavian, Odin, Orlando, Orrick, Ǫrvar, Othello, Otis, Otto, Ovid, Owain, Owen, Øyvind, Ozzie, Ollie, Oliver, Onni P: Paisley, Palmer, Percival, Percy, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phineas, Phoenix, Piers, Pierce, Porter, Presley, Preston, Pacian Q: Quinn, Quincy, Quintin R: Ragnar, Raiden, Ren, Rain, Rainier, Ramos, Ramsey, Ransom, Raul, Ray, Roy, Reagan, Redd, Reese, Rhys, Rhett, Reginald, Remiel, Remy, Ridge, Ridley, Ripley, Rigby, Riggs, Riley, River, Robert, Rocky, Rokas, Roman, Ronan, Ronin, Romeo, Rory, Ross, Ruairí, Rufus, Rusty, Ryder, Ryker, Rylan, Riku, Roni S: Sammie, Sammy, Samuel, Samson, Sanford, Sawyer, Scout, Seán, Seth, Sebastian, Seymour, Shane, Shaun, Shawn, Sheldon, Shiloh, Shun, Sid, Sidney, Silas, Skip, Skipper, Skyler, Slade, Spencer, Spike, Stan, Stanford, Sterling, Stevie, Stijn, Suni, Sylvan, Sylvester T: Tab, Tad, Tanner, Tate, Tennessee, Tero, Terrance, Tevin, Thatcher, Tierno, Tino, Titus, Tobias, Tony, Torin, Trace, Trent, Trenton, Trev, Trevor, Trey, Troy, Tripp, Tristan, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Ty, Teemu U: Ulric V: Valerius, Valor, Van, Vernon, Vespasian, Vic, Victor, Vico, Vince, Vinny, Vincent W: Wade, Walker, Wallis, Wally, Walt, Wardell, Warwick, Watson, Waylon, Wayne, Wes, Wesley, Weston, Whitley, Wilder, Wiley, William, Wolfe, Wolfgang, Woody, Wulfric, Wyatt, Wynn X: Xander, Xavier Z: Zachary, Zach, Zane, Zeb, Zebediah, Zed, Zeke, Zeph, Zaccai
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smash-or-pass-otome · 1 year ago
Tags and Links A-M (In Progress)
Some might still be missing cause I just went down the Smash or Pass tag on here and there's some i forgot to tag
Also I put links for the Lovebrush guys cause I didn't want to list each version
If any links don't work please let me know. I tested some but not all
The * is just me marking where I stopped when making the list
Alice in the Country of Hearts
Elliot March
Amnesia Memories
Arcana Twilight
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Toichiro Yuri
Yakumo Koizumi
Backstage Pass
Adam Eaton
John Brandon
Matthew Partridge
Baldur's Gate 2
Anomen Delyrn
Minamoto Yoritomo
Blind Griffin
Blooming Panic
Boyfriend Dungeon
Crow "Scarecrow" Miller
Helvetica Orsted
Limbo Fitzgerald
Mozu Shepherd
Shu Lyn O'Keefe
Cafe Enchante
Canus Espada
Ignis Carbunculus
Il Fado de Rie
Kaoru Rindo
Misyr Rex
Charade Maniacs
Akase Kyoya
Futami Ryouichi
Iochi Mizuki
Mamoru Chigasaki
Cinderella Phenomenon
City of Love Paris
Louise Paquier
Cloud Meadow
Code Realize
Impey Barbicane
Saint Germain
Collar X Malice
Takeru Sasazuka
Court of Darkness
Fenn Luxure
Cupid Parasite
Alan Melville
Gill Lovecraft
Raul Aconite
Ryuki F Keisaiin
Shelby Snail
Cute Demon Crashers
Dangerous Fellows
A Date With Death
Grim Reaper
Sir Brash
Devil butler with Black Cat
Berrien Cliane
Devil Kiss
Dragon Age Origins
Dragon Age 2
Dragon Age Inquisition
Cullen Rutherford
Error 143
Micah Yujin
Even If Tempest
Tyril I Lister
The Fate of Wonderland
Fire Emblem Fates
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Claude Von Riegan
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Edelgard Von Hresvelg
Felix Fraldarius
Mercedes von Martritz
Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 4
Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town
Hatoful Boyfriend
Kazuaki Nanaki
Shuu Iwamine
Hustle Cat
Grave Serling
I was a Teenage Exocolonist
Ikemen Sengoku
Masamune Date
Sasuke Sarutobi
Ikemen Vampire
Arthur Conan Doyle
Kamigami no Asobi
Anubis Ma'at
Loki Laevatein
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Mamoru Kishi
Shuichi Hishikura
Knights of the Old Republic
Carth Onasi
Love Spell Written in the Stars
Enix Gray
Florian Atlas
Jamie Niro
Marcello DiNucci
Lovebrush Chronicles
Ayn Alwyn
Cael Anselm
Clarence Clayden
Lars Rorschach
Blake Bailey
Lover Pretend
Asagi Eiichiro
Kamikubo Kazuma
Makino Harumi
Sena Yukito
Riku Nishijima
Lullaby of Demonia
Max Gentleman Sexy Business
Samuel Finch
Vicki Lestrange
Vlad Nibblesome
Wu Xiang
Metro PD: Close To You
Katsuyuki Kyobashi
Monster Prom
Damien Lavey
Moonlight Lovers
Mr Love Queen's Choice
My Candy Love University Life
Mystic Messenger
Jumin Han
Saeyoung Choi
Yoosung Kim
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tacticalhimbo · 2 years ago
woah! these bitches gay! it's pride month and i have a bunch of queer characters. here's a list of them, actually <3 happy pride
enjoy a gay little picture of my fursona in the meantime (creds in bio)
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ace zavala // welcome to the game → bisexual
alastor rosales // fandomless → bisexual
alexey khorkin // fandomless → bisexual
alice preda // fandomless → bisexual
aliénor laurent // red dead redemption 2 → bisexual
ambrose walten // scp foundation → polyamorous nonbinary bisexual
aretmis riveros // the outer worlds → polyamorous nonbinary bisexual
bailey hill // watch dogs → bisexual
briar fontenot // resident evil 7 & 8 → agender
constance fox // resident evil (franchise) → bisexual
constanitia valellian // skyrim → lesbian
darya shipova // fandomless → bisexual
demeter vincze // fallout new vegas → gay
devenni tabris (hero of ferelden) // dragon age origins → lesbian
eden shepard // mass effect trilogy → transfem
emery beaumanoir // dragon age inquisition → bisexual
emilia "candy" kent // grand theft auto 5 → bisexual
erebien the swift // skyrim → bisexual
faye choi // grand theft auto 5 (online) → polyamorous transfem bisexual
françoise couturier // the outer worlds → polyamorous bisexual
hawke // dragon age 2 → transfem bisexual
hyejin ch'on // squid game → nonbinary (agender) bisexual
inquisitor feynrith lavellan // dragon age inquisition → bisexual
isemaya lavellan // dragon age inquisition → bisexual
ishza v'atze // skyrim → polyamorous lesbian
isis eskandarani // far cry 3 → homoromantic (wlw) asexual
jarvaca ardaan // dragon age inquisition → gay
jean-baptiste dominique // cyberpunk 2077 → genderqueer femme (x-gender) asexual lesbian
jennifer massey // far cry 5 → homoromantic (wlw) asexual
jingyi zhuan // far cry 4 → gay (closeted)
jocasta "judas" navarro // red dead redemption 2 → lesbian (closeted)
jody knapp // stardew valley → polyamorous genderqueer gay
joel delgado // breaking bad → gay
jolene atkinson // far cry 5 → lesbian
joseph bascet // better call saul → gay
jovelyn wyatt (the security captain) // far cry new dawn → lesbian
julia adranos // dragon age inquisition → bisexual
konstantin mozgov // better call saul → gay
laverne alba // grand theft auto 5 (online) → bisexual
lucien boutin // the outer worlds → bisexual
léonie winter // red dead redemption 2 → bisexual
lý phan // fallout 4 → polyamorous lesbian
maddox ross // grand theft auto 5 (online) → polyamorous gay
marcella "mars" livianna antonius // fallout new vegas → lesbian
marjorie douglass // fallout 4 → homoromantic (wlw) asexual
matteo pichette // scp foundation → polyamorous agender homoromantic asexual
maxwell hill // watch dogs → transmasc gay
mickey araceli de león → transfem queer (unlabeled sexuality)
mikhail lupin // fandomless → aromantic bisexual
murileis leroux // monster hunter world → lesbian
noami hassan // cyberpunk 2077 → lesbian
noemi peterson // fallout 4 → polyamorous bisexual
patricia "rascal" jones // fallout 3 → biromantic asexual
phoebe blackwell // grand theft auto 5 → bisexual
ramón gutiérrez // grand theft auto 5 (online) → gay
rayford douglass // fallout 4 → transmasc
rhys "ghost" meyer // grand theft auto 5 (online) → nonbinary
roman zemlin // fandomless → bisexual
rüdiger pracht // local 58 → gay
sacha yannis boone → gay
sappho nikolaidi // fallout new vegas → lesbian
sara ryder // mass effect andromeda → bisexual
satre aley // destiny 2 → lesbian
scarlett romero // welcome to the game → lesbian
scott ryder // mass effect andromeda → gay
shepard fleming (the sole survivor) // fallout 4 → transmasc bisexual
tomo otsune (the lone wanderer) // fallout 3 → nonbinary pansexual
vera lynn // cyberpunk 2077 → transfem lesbian
veturia petasia // dragon age inquisition → lesbian
vincent hale // cyberpunk 2077 → genderqueer (transmasc) bisexual
virgil hendrix → polyamorous transmasc bisexual
virgo decius rex (brutus) // fallout new vegas → gay
wendy curtis (the settler) // fallout 76 → transfem lesbian
willie patterson // red dead redemption 2 → gay
winifred annker // fallout 4 → bisexual
xiuying shî // fandomless → lesbian
yagdurash bolhmnag // skyrim → lesbian
zakari marshall // far cry new dawn → two spirit (transmasc gay)
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abovepaygradebelowwonder · 2 years ago
Welcome all! Stark here, and I'm looking for some discord partners. Generally, keep things ranging from 2-3 paragraphs. Sometimes, it's longer, rarely ever shorter. Replies range from daily to every few days. Between health and my job, I don't always have availability, but try to at least send messages outside of the rp.
Currently looking for partners to double. I typically write the male role but don't always wanna be stuck with it. Would love to write against some of my wanted characters.
Fandoms: Marvel (MCU, NMCU), DC (Gotham, comics, Smallville), Stranger Things, Pacific Rim, The Walking Dead, Supernatural, What We Do in the Shadows, Detroit: Become Human, Good Omens, Stargate Atlantis, Hellboy, Sons of Anarchy, Underworld, House, Resident Evil, Call of Duty, Top Gun, Ted Lasso
Pairings: MxF, primary canon x OC
Like to write against: (current wants)
Donal Logue characters (Quinn/Blade, Harvey Bullock/Gotham, Kevin Tidwell/Life, Hank Dolworth/Terriers, Alex Balder/Max Payne, Declan Murphy/Law& Order SVU)
David Harbour characters (Hellboy, Jim Hopper/Stranger Things, Alexei Shostakov/Marvel, Doug Dennison/Sleepless, Santa/Violent Night, Jack Salter/Grant Turismo, Frank Masters/The Equalizer)
Jon Bernthal characters (Frank Castle/Marvel, Sam Rossi/Sweet Virginia, Shane Walsh/The Walking Dead, BJ Rose/Grudge Match, Griff/Baby Driver, Ethan Sawyer/Those Who Wish Me Dead)
Rodney McKay (Stargate Atlantis), Coach Beard (Ted Lasso), Dewey Finn (School of Rock musical), Beetlejuice (Musical)
Like to write for: Peter Parker, Matt Murdock, Eddie Brock, Steve Rogers, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon, Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington, Negan, Carl Grimes, Rick Grimes, Connor, Dean Winchester, Jax Teller, Chibs Telford, Chris Redfield, James Wilson, Jake Seresin, Bradley Bradshaw, Jamie Tartt, Jason Scott, Simon Riley
Ocs: Several on standby but am always willing to make one up with a wanted FC if you want to play one of my wanted characters.
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theebigstink · 5 years ago
why cant i have commitment to any fic because i would die to write some kind of patater right now, god i am soft for those boys 
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willdexpoindexter · 6 years ago
fictober18 Day 2: “People like you have no imagination”
Kent hadn’t exactly expected to run into the Falconers in a bar after their game but he wouldn’t say he wasn’t hoping to. Jack hadn’t been with them and that’s frankly for the better, even if his traitorous heart disagrees. But all that was beside the point, because he was currently being grilled on his plans for his next Cup Day by one Alexei Mashkov.
“I hear you take Cup to Samwell last time,” he’s saying.
“Yeah, but next time I’m going to do something more worthwhile than a college party,” Kent scoffs. “Like surfing.”
“You surf?”
“I’ll learn.”
“I think I take to my sister, let my nieces see it,” Mashkov says with a smile.
“People like you have no imagination,” Kent retorts.
“People like me? Russians?”
“Straight boys,” Kent smirks.
“I’m not being straight, Kent Parson,” Alexei smirks back.
“Well,” Kent drawls. “That changes things.”
When they leave the bar 10 minutes later, no one follows.
ao3 | ko-fi
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potrix-the-queerschlaeger · 7 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Check Please! (Webcomic) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alexei "Tater" Mashkov/Kent "Parse" Parson, Kent "Parse" Parson & Jeff "Swoops" Troy Characters: Kent "Parse" Parson, Alexei "Tater" Mashkov, Jeff "Swoops" Troy, Jack Zimmermann, Kent Parson's Cat, Original Characters Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Coming Out, Queer Themes, Paparazzi, News Media, One Night Stands, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Developing Relationship, Getting Together, Miscommunication, Confusion, Pining, Mutual Pining, Texting, Family, Team as Family, Found Family, Friendship, Boys In Love, Fluff, Happy Ending, POV Kent Parson, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language Summary:
It takes less than a week for Kent to snap.
He’d expected to get some extra attention during the off-season, given Jack’s little stunt after winning the Cup, but even after over half a decade in the NHL, he’d been completely taken aback by the sheer intensity of the entirety of the hockey media descending on him.
Getting drafted first overall didn’t hold a candle to being the former best friend of the league’s first openly queer player, apparently.
* * *
A/N: Now that all the authors and artists have been revealed, I can finally share my @kentparsonbirthdaybash​ story. Go check it out (and also all the other awesome gifts) and flail with me about dumb boys being in love. 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨💕
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lostinanimage · 4 years ago
So, physical description of Alex and Devon? Did I miss it? Or if I didn't, please provide one? I need to know how these characters look! Just imagine if we didn't know that Kent is blond and shorter than Alexei? These things are important! Better yet, pin a post with physical descriptions of all your OCs so we readers (AKA me, mostly) can take a quick look whenever we want (or fancast them until the cows come home). Love your OCs, can't get enough of them!
I'm going to try to give you a short answer first so that you can ignore the long answer if you want.
Alex: He's 6'3". (I know I've mentioned he outgrew Kent.) He is also just going to keep getting more swole like Jack. So with Alexei aging, he's really outgrown both his parents. I'm sure that I've mentioned that he's white and has brown hair somewhere, but I'd have to search for it. It's probably in the beginning from Kent's POV. I don't have a fan cast and I'm so hesitant to name one because I know I'll come across someone eventually and change my mind. Feel free to suggest!
Devon: I'm sure that I've mentioned that he's Korean, but it's probably back when he was hooking up with Mason and I feel like every time I tried to write him, no one took an interest then. (lol. I know. I get it. Mason/Micah felt like endgame so soon and I get that.) He's 5'7". (I mentioned he's shorter than Mason--who I know I've said is about 6'2" or 6'3") I googled endlessly for a fancast for him a while back and decided on Kim Woo-bin, but shorter and younger than he is now. Cupid: Rafael Silva but a bit taller. I sent Matt some random football player at the time that I had art done, but then I saw Rafael before I ever watched Lone Star and was like, "OMG it's Cupid." Mills: Aubrey Joseph. Mason: Lil Nas X, but without the body modifications that Mason obviously doesn’t have. Though Mason has tattoos that I haven’t written about. There's art for a lot of the other OCs, but let me know if you have more questions. You can totally stop reading here if you don't care about the rest of my rambling. Anyway, to be honest, I really wouldn't care if I didn't know what Alexei looked like. I tend to only care about physical characteristics as for how the affect a character's life. For example, Kent being shorter than average for a hockey player might be commented on in the media and he might have feelings about that. Race and culture matter, so I care about how that factors into how I write a character. If a character's appearance affects how people treat them in any way than it's worth thinking about--but I tend to focus more on that than the details of how they specifically look. So the truth is that no, I actually wouldn't care if I didn't know if Kent had blonde hair *unless* I felt like that really mattered for his character. I have moderate prosopagnosia so I really don't pay attention to faces much in general anyway. No one I date has ever looked like anyone else I date. (I have literally dated people for months and not been able to report their hair and/or eye color without looking but could recognize their speech patterns.) This is likely why I struggle a bit with describing things in general because I don't tend to care what *anything* looks like unless I have more of a reason to think that it matters. IE: Alex's scars on his back are something he's insecure about so it comes up in his head sometimes during sex scenes. Noah specifically liked his muscles so Alex's muscles came up in his head. I honestly picture Alex as being like me and not having a type--Noah and Devon look nothing alike--so if I want to describe Devon, I might have to switch points of view. I did have Alex mention the softness of Devon's hair because he's very touch-sensitive person. There's a part I haven't posted yet in Devon's point of view where Alex's size is mentioned because Devon is thinking about how Alex is such a huge guy but he kind of likes to try to make himself smaller to be held. (Noah also notices this.) To me this is relevant only because of the related action. This isn't to say I think you shouldn't care what characters look like. Different people notice different things. I am constantly trying to get better at descriptions, but as I literally skim those sections when reading myself, it's always a bit of a struggle. I'm always trying to make people who like descriptions happy while not boring people who don't. But since I'm a "bored with descriptions I don't care about" person, it's not always successful. I have to literally give myself a reason to care.
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vicioushyperbolizer · 8 years ago
Patater Week - 2/11 - cuddling
Kent and Jack rekindle their friendship and it's beautiful
Kent spends as much time with them as he can
hannukah, a new years eve party, a joint 4th of july/birthday bash
even the spare weekend off
the thing is, tater is always there?? for everything???
so, he flies to providence one day
his flight is delayed
his layovers suck ass
his coffee was decaf, I mean how do you accidentally make coffee decaf
(if wasn't an accident, the barista definitely decafed him on purpose because he was kind of being a dramaqueen and the barista just couldn’t handle it anymore)
he gets in late, like 2am, so he can't check in to his hotel because of course he forgot to do it online
so, he texts Jack and Bitty (about twelve times each until he wakes them up) and demands to sleep in their guest room
tater is there
he's always there
doesn't he have his own apartment?
“I live with ex. Ex kick me out. Jack offer I am stay.”
Tater heavily suggests he does not take the guest bedroom
“wall shares wall with zimboni's headboard. For small man, itty bitty makes big noise”
Kent triest the couch for 2.5 seconds before he realizes it's a giant piece of shit
he plans to take them shopping when the sun rises
Tater to the rescue: “I am staying on floor, you stay with.”
If he wasn't so fall down dead tired, Kent would say no
and how beautiful Tater is 100% doesn't factor in
or how Big he is, and how nice it will be to be cuddled in those arms
even though they're totally not gonna cuddle, it's just sleeping
tater takes forever to get their “bed” settled
it's the best floor-bed kent has ever seen
there are about a million pillows
all the blankets are in this uncomfortable looking nest
but oh good lord it's so nice
look. Kent doesn't mean to cuddle at all
he doesn't
even if thinking about it was, like, 80% of the reason he said yes
but he wakes up at around 4 all tangled with Tater
he was totally right about how amazing it feels to be wrapped in Tater's arms
kent's not as small as everyone makes him out to be, but Tater is just HUGE
he falls back to sleep
he wakes up again at 6
god it's so early Jack hasn't even gotten up yet
SO NOW YOU DECIDE WHAT HAPPENS- it’s choose your own adventure, y’all
Tater wakes up right after Kent
Neither one of them says anything, and they definitely don't mention the fact that they're cuddling
or how much they both love it
or how Tater's hand is rubbing soft circles over Kent's back
or the way Kent's hand is just the perfect size to hold on to Tater's shoulder
and they don't mention it when Jack and Bitty ask when Kent got in and was the guest room okay?
And they don't have to mention it when Tater slips his number into Kent's back pocket before he leaves with Jack on a run
kent realizes very quickly that he has A Problem
that is pressing very insistently into Tater's hip
and Tater seems to have A Problem, too
before he can manage to pull himself out of the tangle of limbs, Tater wakes up too
they both kind of fumble around about who should get up and that doesn't help the situation any
the fumbling turns more into dry humping than anything else
and then dry humping turns into kent riding tater's leg
then coming in their pants like teenagers
maybe it happens the next night, too, because kent already didn't check into his hotel one night, what's another night sleeping on the floor
or not really sleeping on the floor, more accurately
(they give Jack and Bitty a run for their money in volume levels)
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ao3feed-patater · 2 years ago
my footsteps always lead me home
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/mMh7DiC
by irreputablyyours
Alyosha thinks that he might have just met his match.
(Or: Alyosha maybe gets Kent Parson. It's a little frightening.)
Words: 3260, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of p.o.v
Fandoms: Check Please! (Webcomic)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Alexei "Tater" Mashkov, Kent "Parse" Parson, Jack Zimmermann
Relationships: Alexei "Tater" Mashkov/Kent "Parse" Parson
Additional Tags: Character Study, Language, Pre-Slash
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/mMh7DiC
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fandoms4lyfeandafter · 8 years ago
So, I just had a short holiday - and I kid you not- I went through every fucking fic tagged as patater on ao3 holy shit
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zombizombi · 8 years ago
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Check Please! (Webcomic) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alexei "Tater" Mashkov/Kent "Parse" Parson Characters: Kent Parson, Jack Zimmermann, Eric Bittle, Bob Zimmermann, Alicia Zimmermann, Original Characters, Alexei "Tater" Mashkov Additional Tags: chick flick re-writes, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting Summary: A love story built on a misunderstanding.
Lonely transit worker Kent Parson pulls his longtime crush, Jack, from the path of an oncoming train. At the hospital, doctors report that he's is in a coma, and a misplaced comment from Kent causes Jack's family to assume that Kent is his fiancé. When Kent doesn't correct them, they take him into their home and confidence.
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gutsybitsies · 7 years ago
fic recs (mostly zimbits)
Sense and Social Media  Zimbits. Jack is President Alicia Zimmermann’s son, and he has feelings for his PR person Eric Bittle. Bright points: Pining, Jack thinking that Bitty isn’t attracted to him, Ransom and Dex’s friendship, did I mention pining? 
Recipe For Love (No Added Magic)  Zimbits. In my opinion, this is the best Hogwarts omgcp fic ever. The author really makes you feel like you’re in Hogwarts, and that you believe that these characters are wizards at Hogwarts. People sneak amorentia into Jack’s food and Bitty is Not Having It. Buildup to a relationship, A++++ climax and ending. Read the whole series though, it’s amazing. If you love Harry Potter prose you’ll love this. 
Dream a Little Dream  Zimbits. The A/B/O x Victorian Era x Arranged Marriage combo you never expect but goes well together. The writing style focuses on details and not on big actions, and combined with the time period, the prose is quaint. There are some grammar and spelling errors but imo it doesnt detract from the style. The world building is really enjoyable to read, especially the build up of Jack and Bitty’s relationship. I can write a long long paragraph on the social dynamics of the world that’s being implied in the fic so that’s always a good thing for the author. 
we are climbing higher  Zimbits. Olympics au, Bitty and Jack are both nonpro hockey players going to the Olympics. The thing that stood out about this fic is the physicality and softness the author manages to show between Bitty and Jack. I liked that this managed to capture both the fluff of emotions and attraction between characters without detracting from how Big a Deal the Olympics are. 
sundown starts at half-past six Pimmbits but mostly focuses on Pimms. Hands down you read this if you like magical realism. Jack’s family is cursed so that whenever they love someone more than anything, and when that person loves them back more than anything, that person will die. Jack’s family here are AMAZING, they’re witches and they’re cool. Bitty’s also a witch and he’s ultra cool. Writing style? Amazesauce. Heartrenchitude? It’s there. 
And Miles to Go (before I wake)  Patater. Not for the reader who doesn’t like creepy stuff. Alexei sees a creature wearing Kent Parson’s face whenever he goes to sleep. The thing that brings it in for me is Tater’s longing not just for Kent but also for home, and then the climax action scene where all hell breaks loose. 
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theswallow-su · 8 years ago
Does Kent Parson Know How Fruit Works?
Turns out, he does! Or he does now that SMH’s tiny forward, ERIC BITTLE, has explained it to him with a (helpful!) diagram. Is it just us, or does our hockey team get closer and closer to NHL stars with every passing week? (And who wants to take bets that KENT PARSON is going to hire Bittle as his personal Fruit Tutor?)
Speaking of which, it turns out that JUSTIN OLURANSI is taking notes on the what it’s like to kiss a guy in preparation for planting a big one on KENT PARSON himself when he comes to town. It’s unclear if Parson is coming to town specifically to kiss Oluransi or if the timing is just a happy coincidence. (More on this story as it develops.)
In other NHL news, ALEXEI MASHKOV was seen playing beer pong (and losing) at one of SMH’s recent kegsters. Meanwhile, JACK ZIMMERMANN was seen talking about dicks on his blog.
Also, ADAM BIRKHOLTZ and KENT PARSON were seen talking about NHL prospects. Will Samwell have another pro alumnus come next season?
Alumnus B. KNIGHT will be turning in his lawyer badge and taking the stand as LARISSA DUAN prosecutes him for being a total nerd. (Our sources say that the honorable JACK ZIMMERMANN will preside.)
As for our favorite Samwell gossip, guess who spent Christmas in Maine with his D-man partner? That’s right! DEREK NURSE was apparently so loved by the family of WILLIAM POINDEXTER that he let the younger kids dress him up as a princess over the holiday. There’s still no official word on their relationship status, but nothing says boyfriends like playing dress-up with your partner’s little siblings!
It looks like we have a new pair to gossip about! Freshman RAFAEL WALKER was reported as sleeping over with fellow teammate TONY STEELE in Steele’s dorm room. Of course, it’s possible that the boys were having a good old-fashioned sleepover, but we at The Swallow are wondering...could this be another budding romance on the hockey team? (It sure seems like a popular place for relationships to develop!)
After the public debate between MARCH ANDERSON and JUSTIN OLURANSI, we’ve decided to put the question to a poll: Are ghosts real? (And have you had any supernatural encounters?)
Reply to this post with your answer and one lucky follower will win the right to give us the title of our next post!
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