#alex sobrino
doodling-doodle · 1 month
Dear Doodle
I believe it is time for more ABO
Well, as you wish!
Kyle was now six months along. Six months... It felt like not much time had passed.
But he knew it had. When his belly was so heavy and his baby girl was kicking all the time, how could he not?
He found himself lying in bed one morning, tired but unable to sleep. Alex was holding him, his arm acting as his pillow while his hand was on his belly, rubbing a line into the swell.
Were they still on the middle name debate? Yeah, but they hadn't talked about it in a while. But he was thinking of names that they could maybe compromise on...
He just felt tired. He was sore, he was tired, he was swollen, and he was honestly ready to have this be over so he could meet his baby.
"You okay?" Alex asked, voice raspy from sleep.
"I wanna sleep but I can't..." He replied, tearing up slightly. Stupid.
"I'm sorry, baby..." Alex said, sighing, "I know it's only three... I can go make breakfast? We have to get on base in a few hours- you know what, I'm going to call Price and tell him you won't be on base today, I think you need a break."
Normally he would fight it... but he couldn't disagree, he needed rest and a break.
"I'm not too hungry right now..." He said, "Maybe if I just get up and do something, I'll exhaust myself and force myself to sleep."
"Ah, ah, ah, that's not good." Alex said, sitting up, "Don't do that. Right now, you need rest, for both you and Rosa."
He sat up slowly, rubbing his belly as he did, groaning, "I don't know what else to do..."
"Why don't I... make you something warm? That might do something." Alex said, rubbing his shoulder as he held his hand on his belly.
He nodded, and Alex kissed him and his belly before turning on the bedside lamp and yawning, walking out of the room and downstairs, passing the now fully decorated nursery as he did.
He found himself looking in the living room as he waited for water to boil so he could make Kyle some ramen. He smiled softly, thinking about holding his baby girl on the couch, playing with her, feeding her, rocking her to sleep... Oh, he was so excited. He was going to cherish his little girl. Just had to help Kyle through these next few months. He knew it was getting harder on him, but he always said it was worth it. He fought a little when Price decided to take him out of training recruits and running drills and purely put him on desk duty, but ultimately took it when he realized just how hard it was for him to actually run drills. It was hard for Alex to see him in pain, whether it was from Rosalie kicking or from Braxton Hicks, he always felt so bad seeing him either curling up in pain or crying, and all he could do was hold him.
But he would always do it. That was his husband and father of his future child. He was more than happy to help them. He would always help them, he truly loved doing it.
He would love his child more than anything. He already did.
Kyle hummed softly as he stood from his desk, walking out of his office and to the mess hall. He did get quite a bit of paperwork that morning, mission reports, deliveries, and things he needed to write up. But he was starving, so he would take the break. Even if he didn't really like whatever was in the mess-
"Hey, mi sobrino!"
He turned to the common room, seeing Ale and Rudy in the kitchenette.
"Come here, we got our own lunch." Ale said, smiling, "You deserve better than the slop of the mess hall."
He smiled softly, walking in as Ale patted his shoulder, marching him to the couch, "But don't think for a second you're doing more work."
"Tío, I'm fine, I'm just doing paperwork."
"Doesn't matter. You are growing a whole human inside of you and that's hard work." Ale sat him down, making sure he was comfortable, "Stay there." He said as he walked back to the kitchenette.
He pouted, but stayed there and leaned back slightly, mindlessly rubbing his belly as he closed his eyes, listening to Ale and Rudy as they cooked.
He perked up when he heard his phone go off, seeing a text from Alex.
"Almost back now. How are you?"
He smiled softly, "I'm fine. Ale and Rudy are cooking and telling me to sit down, like I haven't been all day."
"You're not used to being told to relax, huh?"
"I still miss working with recruits!"
"I know, but you might be back at it after she's born."
"What if I don't wanna wait?"
"You have to :) Be back soon!"
He rolled his eyes, chuckling softly.
"Alex?" Rudy asked.
"Alex..." He sighed happily, "He's on his way back from Farah's... Something came up, she needed something."
"Field related?"
"No, something else... He should be here soon." He smiled softly, hearing Rudy chuckle.
"Shocked he took it up, considering how attentive he is to you." He said, bringing over a plate.
He chuckled, taking it from him, "I kinda volunteered him for it."
"You're not used to being so taken care of, huh?"
"Not really... Feel more bad for him than anything, he always needs to be around me. Trying to give him a break."
"So you sent him off?" Ale asked, chuckling a little.
"You don't know how to be pregnant, Kyle. You're supposed to be taken care of!"
He glared at Rudy, chuckling softly, "Maybe so... I will say, it is nice to be taken care of like that..."
"Of course it is."
He smiled softly, putting his now empty plate down as he sighed, "Fuck, I scarfed that down, Rudy... Love your cooking."
He chuckled, "Maybe I'll start cooking more when you have to stay on base... though that's increasingly rare."
He giggled softly, "Even so-" He winced slightly, feeling Rosalie kick him hard and a sharp pain in his belly, "Rosa... Please..."
"You okay?" Ale asked, sitting closer to him.
"Just kicking me..." He said, holding his belly softly as he breathed, "... And Braxton Hicks."
Ale nodded softly, holding his hands as he winced again, whimpering slightly.
"You're okay, you're okay." He whispered, holding Kyle close to him, "It'll be over soon, just breathe."
"I'll get you some water." Rudy said, standing and going back to the kitchenette.
"Al-Alex will be back soon, right?" Kyle asked, leaning against Ale softly.
"Yeah. He's almost here, don't worry, okay?"
Kyle nodded, trying to breathe through the pain and letting Ale rub his back and his belly while he rocked him softly. It helped a lot, but it, thankfully, stopped quickly, and he didn't even notice when it all stopped.
"Sometimes I hate being pregnant..." He said, huffing out a chuckle.
"I think I can see why." Rudy said, sitting beside him and handing him a glass of water, "But... it will be worth it in the end, right?"
"Of course..." He smiled softly, "But damn it, sometimes it's so annoying!"
Ale chuckled, letting go of him softly, "You're doing hard work. You're gonna do just fine as a father, I know it."
He truly hoped so... He wanted to be so bad.
For days, almost two weeks after Alex returned, Kyle would curl up next to him, or in his arms. As much as he wanted to give Alex a break, he really missed him. And Alex missed him too. He was happy to hold him for hours, kiss all over his stomach, and cook whatever he wanted that day.
He just finished up with the training for the recruits, telling them to go enjoy the next few hours before they would go to the shooting range.
He went to go find Kyle in his office, seeing him sitting at his desk and writing up papers on his laptop.
"You alright, baby?" He asked, making Kyle look up, smiling.
"I'm fine. Just about done with these." Kyle replied, clearly rubbing his belly as if Rosa had just kicked him, "We still going out for dinner tonight?"
"If you're up for it." He walked up to him, sitting next to him and pulling two containers out of his bag, "I got some lunch."
"Aw, love..." Kyle smiled, leaning over to kiss his cheek softly, "You're the best."
"Don't I know it."
They both chuckled, and Kyle leaned back, opening the container and eyes rolling back when the smell hit him, "God, you're so good at cooking these."
Alex smirked, closing Kyle's laptop for him and turning to him as Kyle started eating. He just watched him for a minute, almost forgetting he had his own lunch as he was enamored with his husband.
He found himself staring at Kyle all the time, when he was just doing anything. Eating, sleeping, sitting down- anything. He always thought he was the most beautiful man in the world, but now, he saw their baby with him, and it was like his beauty just enhanced by one thousand.
It had been almost seven months. Seven. There were only two and a half months left before they could meet their baby girl.
"What are you looking at?" Kyle asked.
"The most beautiful people in the world."
"Oh, she's sharing that place with me now?"
He chuckled, "I have a feeling she's going to look like you. So yes."
Kyle blushed softly, rocking his chair side to side as he kept eating, "Sh-Shut up..."
"Aw, come on, you don't want her to look like you?"
"I think she'll look like you!"
"Wanna bet?"
Kyle rolled his eyes playfully, "You hope she looks like me, don't you?"
"I hope she gets your smile, how about that?"
Alex laughed, shaking his head slightly.
They both knew they would love her no matter what. They already adored her.
But Alex did have hopes that she would look like Kyle. Because he was the one doing all the work. He deserved to have her look like him.
At seven and a half months, Kyle got his final ultrasound. Alex struggled watching Kyle decline slightly, how he needed help to walk, was a lot more tired, and was sad about Price officially putting them both on leave. But the joy was above the struggles for both of them.
Kyle thought that they would be used to it, so Alex wouldn't be hovering over him in the doctor's office, but no. He was still right there next to him, holding his hand and his other hand on his shoulder. This was common for all appointments, but, Alex would always step back when he needed to, just watch over him with such care and attention, it always made him tear up a little.
"How's she looking?" Alex asked, snapping Kyle from his thoughts.
"Looking good and healthy." The nurse replied, "Heartbeat sounds normal, looks like she's fully developed- oh, that was a kick, wasn't it?"
"Yep, it was." Kyle said, chuckling, feeling the lingering soreness. Then, he watched- and felt- her hand run against his womb softly. He swore Alex nearly broke down in tears.
"She looks great. Even a little bigger than a normal seven-month..." The nurse said, then her face shifted ever so slightly. He wasn't going to say anything, but Alex did.
"Everything okay?" It was soft, with concern barely hidden.
"Normally, babies would have at least started to turn on their heads." The nurse said, "She isn't moving. Which is not all that concerning, maybe she'll flip soon, it's not uncommon."
He squeezed Alex's hand.
"Is... there a higher chance of her being a breach birth?" Alex asked.
"Maybe slightly- not enough to truly worry about."
They both nodded.
The rest of the appointment went fine, but both of them were quiet. Alex kept holding his hand, even while driving back to the house. He didn't know what to really say.
"Are you okay?" Alex asked when they got closer to the house.
"I... Don't know." He replied quietly.
"Me neither..."
"Why hasn't she even started turning?"
"Aren't there ways to... try and help her turn?" Alex asked as he parked, "Do you want to try it?"
He nodded, smiling softly, "How do you stay so calm? Wish I had that."
Alex chuckled slightly, "I'm really not calm, but, one of us has to try to be."
He laughed, almost forgetting all about the reason he was worried in the first place as Alex opened his door, and he followed after him, holding his arm as they went inside, Iris laying over his legs as he laid on the couch, head laying on Alex's lap, feeling him play with his hair, which he, admittedly, had stopped taking as good care of. It was more frizz than curl now, and had even grown about an inch.
"You hungry?" Alex asked after a while.
"Oh, yeah I am." Kyle replied, slowly rolling over to look up at Alex, "I'll take anything you make, I'm starving."
Alex chuckled, slowly moving him to get up, "I'll make some pizza."
Oh yeah. He has the best husband ever... He loved his Alpha...
He knew that he would be a fantastic father. He already loved his daughter, he knew he would do anything for her... Alex had spent hours just sitting in the nursery, smiling and thinking.
On all the rough days, when he just wanted to curl up and try to get her to stop moving so much, there Alex was, giving him a massage, or holding him for hours, getting him anything he needed. Alex would kiss his stomach, talking softly, as if talking to Rosalie. Sometimes he would sing to her. And the best part was, he could feel Rosalie calming down and stilling once Alex started talking to her.
Alex was the best husband an Omega could ask for...
"You alright over there?" Alex asked, smiling softly.
"Yeah... Just thinking..." He replied, looking over and realizing Alex was gazing at him, damn near sparkles in his eyes.
Alex could never get tired of looking at him. He'd admit, he was going to miss seeing the baby bump once she was born.
But he was going to love seeing her grow up...
He helped Kyle up the stairs to their room after dinner, and Kyle went to sleep quickly. Which he was thankful for...
He cried. He left the room, went to the nursery, and cried. He was scared. He was scared that his child could be in danger if she didn't turn. He was scared that his husband could also be in danger. He just wanted them to be safe. He couldn't help Kyle much, if at all, with this. He just had to hope to God that she would flip over soon.
He finally calmed down. He quietly went back to their room, carefully crawling back into bed to hold onto Kyle, his scent making him feel much more relaxed.
"I love you, Kyle... I love you, Rosa..."
Kyle was finally eight and a half months along. They decided to get one more ultrasound, and found that Rosa had finally, slightly, started to turn, which made them both relax a lot. They were both officially put on leave when he hit eight months, as per Kyle's request, and everyone had started to visit them as much as possible. Graves had gifts from the Shadows, which kept pouring in. Alex's parents had been sending things in, and Ale and Rudy were dropping off anything and everything. Ale's sister had made matching baby and full-sized blankets for them, too, which they loved.
Kyle was a lot more tired now, a lot more frequently. He felt kicks a lot more often, and had Braxton Hicks a lot more. He even had a full false labor once last week.
Everyone was guessing what her exact birthday would be. It was really heartwarming to see everyone get so excited, getting her clothes and toys, and getting Kyle "Post-partum" clothes.
So now it was a waiting game, and Alex had all the time in the world. Every night, he would sit Kyle up and try to loosen his back. His muscles would get tight and uncomfortable, and Alex was more than happy to help. He would help Kyle bathe, help him get dressed, changed, anything. He helped Kyle calm down after finding out the labor was false, helped him through the false contractions. They were talking about her so much, thinking about her future, what she might be like, who'd she look more like. Even Iris was a lot more cuddly.
But he was so tired of being pregnant. He was looking forward to the following days now, counting them down to his due date.
Fourteen days. Then thirteen. Twelve. Eleven. Then ten. Nine. Eight. Seven...
"Feel better?" Alex asked as he softly massaged Kyle's shoulder, sitting behind him. Kyle nodded, humming softly as he leaned back.
"Thanks, love..." Kyle said softly, sighing in relief as Alex moved down his back, feeling one of his hands move to the side of his belly, where Rosa kicked into his hand.
"She's active today, huh?" Alex asked, smiling.
"Won't stop kicking my sides... God, I am excited for next week."
"Might happen before that." He felt Alex kiss his neck, near his mating bite, before moving to be in front of him.
"Want me to get your legs? I know you're sore." Alex asked, and he nodded softly, leaning back and closing his eyes as he felt Alex's warm hands on his thighs.
"This little girl will have you wrapped around her finger." Kyle said, and he heard Alex chuckle.
"Oh yeah. But I'm happy with that. I will spoil her." Alex replied, kissing his belly softly, and he giggled.
"Don't spoil her too much. Still raising her right, Al..."
"I am allowed to spoil my daughter to death, thank you very much!"
Kyle chuckled softly, "Fine, fine... A little spoiling is fine." He yawned, and he felt Alex shifting, helping him lay down and kissing over his face softly, which actually put him to sleep pretty quickly.
Six days... Six days left.
Or... should have been.
Alex woke up at about two in the morning, and he rolled over to find that Kyle's side of the bed was empty.
"Kyle?" He said softly, voice raspy.
He sat up, running a hand down his face and reaching for his water bottle on his nightstand as he swung his legs to the floor, and he realized that the bathroom door was shut and the light was on... He heard, what sounded like, shaky breathing.
He was worried now. He put his water bottle back down, walked to the bathroom door, and knocked softly.
"Kyle? You okay?" He asked. No answer.
"Kyle." It was firmer this time. No answer.
"Are you okay?" He was worried. But there was a somewhat answer.
"The- The doors unlocked..."
He quickly opened it, seeing Kyle curled up, leaning on the ledge of the bathtub, tears running down his face as he sobbed, cradling his belly.
"Kyle..." He walked up to him, kneeling down and slowly pulling Kyle into his arms, "What's going on?"
"I-I'm..." He took in a sharp breath, "I'm in so much pain..."
"Shh..." He rocked Kyle softly, letting him nuzzle into his neck, biting down on his scent gland, which seemed to relax him a little.
"You're okay... you're okay." He pulled back slightly, still holding Kyle's hands, smiling softly. The smile dropped when Kyle's face changed, whining in pain and gripping Alex's hands tighter.
"Breathe..." He whispered, trying to keep a straight face through his worry... and the pain he was in from the vice-like grip on his hands.
After about thirty seconds, Kyle breathed in again, and Alex cradled his face softly, realizing he was drenched in sweat.
"Just keep breathing... How long?"
"U-Uh... almost an hour...?" Kyle replied, "I don't know if it's real, I-I just-" He cut himself off, gripping Alex's arms tighter as he gritted his teeth.
"It's okay... You're okay."
He watched Kyle's eyes suddenly open as he breathed heavily.
"Hey, hey..." He gently rubbed Kyle's cheek, about to reach up and get a wet washcloth, but Kyle held him down.
"Alex." He looked panicked.
"My water just broke."
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realmadridnews · 5 months
Real Madrid - Cadiz CF 3:0
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Real Madrid is a step from becoming the La Liga champions. Girona CF needs at least a draw against FC Barcelona (today, 6:30 PM CET) to make it happen.
scorers: 1:0, Brahim 51'
2:0, Bellingham 68'
3:0, Joselu 90+3'
Real Madrid: Courtois; Carvajal, Militao, Nacho, Fran Garcia; Camavinga (81' Valverde), Modric, Guler (65' Bellingham), Brahim (73' Vinicius), Ceballos; Joselu
Cadiz CF: Ledesma; Zaldua (66' Carcelen), Fali, Chust, Javi Hernandez; Escalante, Alcaraz; Roberto Navarro (84' Alejo), Alex Fernandez (66' Pires), Sobrino (75' Maxi Gomez); Chris Ramos (75' Juanmi)
yellow card: Zaldua
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goalhofer · 7 days
2024 olympics representing non country of residence part 6
Mali: Ibrahim Cissé, soccer (Dreux, France); Mohamed Cisset, soccer (Montreal, Quebec); Brahim Diarra, soccer (Paris, France); Ahmed Diomandé, soccer (Séguéla, Côte d'Ivoire); Alex Kouma, swimming (Dijon, France); Coli Saco, soccer (Créteil, France); Wilson Samaké, soccer (Vitry-Sur-Seine, France); Fodé Sissoko, athletics (Lille, France) & Mamadou Tounkara, soccer (Épinay-Sur-Seine, France) Malta: Kyle Micallef, swimming (Melbourne, Australia) Marshall Islands: Will Reed, athletics (Adel, Georgia) & Mattie Sasser-Robert, weightlifting (Avon Township, Illinois) Mauritania: Camil Doua, swimming (Bordeaux, France) Mauritius: Rémi Feuillet, judo (Val-d'Oise, France); Kate Kune, badminton (Paris, France); Marie Perrier, athletics (Montpellier, France); Kim Pienaar, cycling (Pretoria, South Africa) & Anishta Teeluck, swimming (Milan, Italy) Mexico: Abe Ancer, golf (San Antonio, Texas); Prisca Awiti, judo (London, U.K.); Roman Bravo-Young, wrestling (Tucson, Arizona); Austin Gomez, wrestling (Bloomingdale Township, Illinois); Martha Gustafson, swimming (Toronto, Ontario); Carlos Ortiz, golf (Dallas, Texas) & Jessica Sobrino, swimming (Houston, Texas) Monaco: Théo Druenne, swimming (Quebec, Quebec) & Lisa Pou, swimming (Fréjus, France) Morocco: Jawad Abdelmoula, triathlon (Angers, France); Eliesse Ben Seghir, soccer (Gassin, France); Benjamin Bouchouari, soccer (Borgerhout, Belgium); Mehdi Boukamir, soccer (Charleroi, Belgium); Ilias Chakkour, soccer (Els Hostalets De Pierola, Spain); Oussama El Azzouzi, soccer (Veenendaal, The Netherlands); Imane El Barodi, swimming (Ozair-La-Ferriere, France); Ilias El Fellaki, swimming (Seville, Spain); Munir El Kajoui, soccer (Melilla, Spain); Bilal El Khannouss, soccer (Strombeek-Bever, Belgium); Houssam El Kord, fencing (Paris, France); Zakaria El Ouahdi, soccer (Hoboken, Belgium); Yassine Kechta, soccer (Paris, France); Achraf Mouh, soccer (Madrid, Spain); Yessin Rahmouni, equestrian (Hasselt, The Netherlands); Dean Reeves, cycling (London, U.K.); Michael Richardson; Jr., soccer (Nice, France); Mathis Soudi, canoeing (Rennes, France) & Youssra Zekrani, fencing (Lyon, France) Mozambique: Steven Sabino, athletics (Johannesburg, South Africa) Nepal: Duana Lama, swimming (Phuket, Thailand) & Alex Shah, swimming (Bangkok, Thailand) The Netherlands: Liemarvin Bonevacia, athletics (Willemstad, Curaçao); Taymir Burnet, athletics (Willemstad, Curaçao); Caspar Corbeau, swimming (Santa Cruz, California); Raf Kooremans, equestrian (Turnhout, Belgium); Kim Molenaar, handball (Copenhagen, Denmark); Eugene Omalla, athletics (Chawolo, Uganda); Jean-Julien Rojer, tennis (Dubai, U.A.E.); Ana Schoesser, archery (Tijuana, Mexico); Vivian Sevenich, water polo (Mataró, Spain); Kenzo Simons, swimming (Paramaribo, Suriname); Renzo Tjona-Joe, swimming (Paramaribo, Suriname); Odile Van Aanholt, sailing (Willemstad, Curaçao); Mathieu Van Der Poel, cycling (Kapellen, Belgium); Kai Van Westering, swimming (Bidart, France) & Lieke Wevers, gymnastics (Oslo, Norway) New Zealand: Sydnee Andrews, judo (Camberley, U.K.); Lachlan Bayliss, soccer (Darwin, Australia); Tyler Bindon, soccer (Los Angeles, California); Ko Bo-Gyung, golf (Orlando, Florida); Scott Boyde, field hockey (Brisbane, Australia); Georgia-Rose Brown, gymnastics (Melbourne, Australia); Ally Green, soccer (Sydney, Australia); Leon Hayward, field hockey (Darwin, Australia); Katie Kitching, soccer (Well, U.K.); Ethan Olivier, athletics (Vereeniging, South Africa); Risealeaana Pouri-Lane, rugby (Auburn, Australia); Maia Ramsden, athletics (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia); Akuila Rokolisoa, rugby (Lautokoa, Fiji); Indiah-Paige Riley, soccer (Albany Creek, Australia); Erin Routliffe, tennis (Caledon, Ontario); Kees Sims, soccer (Bracknell, U.K.); Lulu Sun, tennis (Geneva, Switzerland); Laticia-Leigh Transom, swimming (Brisbane, Australia) & Logan Ullrich, rowing (Brisbane, Australia) Nicaragua: María Schutzmeier, swimming (Freising, Germany) Niger: Evann Girault, fencing (Orléans, France)
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aserne · 9 months
El esquema implementado por el narco terrorista Nicolás Maduro, denominado «FURIA BOLIVARIANA» no es más que una estrategia represiva, que vulnera derechos humanos y el derecho a las protestas cívicas.
Los venezolanos mueren de hambre con salarios de miseria, pero también mueren en hospitales que están en el suelo, producto del saqueo que han hecho los chavistas de los fondos y recursos nacionales.
La ola represiva anunciada por el narco colombiano ya se inició con decenas de arrestos y ataques violentos en contra de la sociedad civil.
La traición de Gerardo BLYDE al negociar la eliminación de sanciones al régimen y la liberación de Alex Saab y de los sobrinos de la narco Cilia Flores, envalentonó al régimen tiránico y ahora muestra su despiadada bestialidad.
A los venezolanos no les queda otra opción que buscar apoyo externo para enfrentar a la bestia narco-terrorista en el poder. Desechar las ilusiones y prepararse para la lucha, la cual será dura, pero es la única solución.
No puede haber salida electoral cuando el enemigo que se enfrenta está encabezado por un psicópata ASESINO Y CRUEL.
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notihatillo · 2 years
El Hatillo, 13 de Marzo del 2023
Buenos días, nuestro acostumbrado resumen de noticias llega a ustedes gracias a @NotiHatillo /Alcaldía de @ElHatillo /Redes Sociales
- @eliasayegh En #ElHatillo persisten los problemas eléctricos. Hoy en sectores de la Intercomunal, La Boyera y Los Robles #SinLuz! #AlertaElHatillo
El Estado debe garantizarle servicios básicos de calidad a sus ciudadanos!
- @eliasayegh Apoyemos a nuestro vecino de #ElCalvario Alfredo Villalba a obtener su prótesis! Un granito de arena para un buen vecino hatillano. Ayuda dando RT! #12Mar
-@eliasayegh ¡A cada rincón de nuestro país a donde llegamos la gente clama CAMBIO!
Estuvimos desplegados en #Petare junto a nuestros líderes conversando con nuestra gente sobre ¿Qué harías #SiTuFuerasPresidente? #12Mar 🇻🇪
- @eliasayegh Desde @LaFuerzaVecinal seguiremos escuchando las propuestas de cada venezolano y llevando nuestro mensaje de esperanza y cambio! ¡Vamos rumbo a la #VenezuelaPosible! #12Mar 🇻🇪
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- Corea del Norte lanzó dos misiles crucero desde un submarino
- “Para que nos respeten”: El sueño de Daniel Ortega de tener una arma atómica de la mano de Irán
- Marea roja afecta a los habitantes del sureste de Florida
- Al menos 20 cubanos fueron detenidos al desembarcar en un cayo de Florida
- Dictadura de Nicaragua rompe relaciones con el Vaticano tras las declaraciones del Papa Francisco
- Política exterior de EE.UU ha fracasado a nivel mundial, sanciones de la OFAC mal aplicadas le han valido el repudio de millones
- Gobierno chileno afirma que no insistirá con reforma tributaria en el Senado
- Rusia no participa en las negociaciones para renovar el acuerdo de granos.
- Irán confirma la condena a muerte de un disidente sueco-iraní.
- Cayó presunto miembro del Tren de Aragua que acribilló a dos venezolanos en Chile
- Tras repeler más de 100 ataques enemigos en Bajmut, Ucrania prepara una contraofensiva inminente
- Zelenski destaca la muerte de 1.100 soldados rusos en Bajmut sólo esta semana.
- Responsables de quiebras bancarias deberán rendir cuentas, alertó Biden
- Temor a otras caídas: EEUU analiza crear un fondo que respalde más depósitos tras el derrumbe del SVB
- Continúa la debacle de las criptomonedas, se hace sentir el efecto domino que arrastra tras de sí las cotizaciones de dichas monedas virtuales
- Tío del dictador sirio Al Asad es juzgado en España por blanquear 700 millones de euros
- El beneficio de la mayor petrolera del mundo se dispara hasta los 150.000 millones, un nuevo récord. El gigante saudí Aramco gana un 46% más en 2022, el mejor año de la historia para el sector fósil.
- EEUU anuncia que frenará la caída del SVB y que los clientes tendrán acceso a los depósitos.
- Washington garantizará todos los depósitos del Silicon Valley Bank para evitar un efecto contagio. El 96% de los depósitos del banco quebrado no estaban protegidos por los organismos reguladores financieros de EEUU.
- Qatar espió a un fiscal suizo en una reunión de jefes FIFA en 2017.
- Meteorito se estrelló con la Luna y lo captaron
- Angustia en Perú: Venezolanos habrían sido envenenados por personas que hacían "actos de caridad"
- Más de 100 detenidos en Irán por envenenamientos de niñas
- Astronautas de la Estación Espacial regresaron a la tierra
- Interceptada tres semisumergibles de la Segunda Marquetalia en Colombia
- 95.ª edición de los Premios Óscar:
- Testigo Directo: El legado oculto de Pablo Escobar, los secretos nunca antes revelados
- Hollywood recordó a Alexei Navalny con el óscar al mejor documental
- "Todo en todas partes al mismo tiempo" se alzó con el Óscar a la mejor película
- "Sin novedad en el frente", óscar a la mejor película internacional
- Brendan Fraser se llevó el Óscar al mejor actor por "La Ballena"
- La dupla de Daniel Kwan y Daniel Scheinert logró el Óscar a mejor dirección
- "Pinocchio", de Guillermo del Toro, óscar a la mejor película de animación
- México dominó a EEUU propinándole una paliza este
- Venezuela derrotó a Puerto Rico 9 carreras por 6 y sumó su segunda victoria seguida en el Clásico Mundial de Beisbol.
- Barcelona vence al Athletic con más polémica arbitral.
- Clásico Mundial de Beisbol: Canadá noquea a Gran Bretaña.
- Cuba avanza a cuartos y Ohtani deleita con jonrón.
- 3-1. Nicaragua cae por segunda vez en el grupo D del Clásico Mundial.
- "¡A segunda!", le lanzaron billetes al Barça desde la grada en San Mamés
Tal día como hoy
1328 - en Navarra, Juana II y Felipe III de Evreux son entronizados como reyes.
1604 - un incendio destruye parte del Palacio Real de El Pardo (Madrid), perdiéndose cuantiosas obras de arte.
1741 - en Cartagena de Indias, durante la llamada guerra de la oreja de Jenkins, comienza la batalla en la que Don Blas de Lezo y Olavarrieta (1689-1741), cojo, manco y tuerto, contando solo con seis navíos, 2830 hombres y 990 piezas artilladas derrota a la flota inglesa, la agrupación de buques de guerra más grande que hasta entonces había surcado los mares al mando de Edward Vernon con 180 embarcaciones, 23600 combatientes y unas 3000 piezas artilladas.
1781 - en Bath (Inglaterra), el astrónomo alemán William Herschel (1738-1822) descubre el planeta Urano.
1809 - estalla una revolución en Suecia por desacuerdo con la política anglófila de Gustavo IV, quien fue depuesto.
1821 - Víctor Manuel de Saboya abdica en su hermano Carlos Félix.
1831 - Se forma el Estado de Sonora en la República Mexicana al separarse del Estado de Occidente que formaban en conjunto Sonora y Sinaloa.
1861 - se inaugura el ferrocarril de Sevilla a Cádiz.
1881 - el zar Alejandro II de Rusia es asesinado.
1888 - en Nueva Jersey, Nueva York, Massachusetts y Connecticut continúa desde anteayer la Gran Tormenta de Nieve de 1888, con vientos de 72 km/h. Hasta mañana caerán más de 120 cm, haciendo que la gente queda encerrada en sus casas durante una semana.
1900 - en Francia, una ley limita a 11 horas la jornada laboral de hombres y mujeres.
1900 - las Cortes Españolas aprueban una ley que regula el trabajo de las mujeres y los niños.
1902 - en España, dimite el Gabinete presidido por Práxedes Mateo Sagasta.
1902 - en Madrid, España, se matricula el primer automóvil, perteneciente al marqués de Bolaños.
1904 - en el límite entre Argentina y Chile se inaugura el Cristo Redentor, poniendo fin a tensos desacuerdos limítrofes entre esos dos países.
1913 - Da comienzo en Sonora México la Revolución Constitucionalista al mando del primer jefe Venustiano Carranza.
1921 - el país asiático de Mongolia se independiza de China.
1925 - en el estado de Tennessee (EE. UU.) una ley prohíbe la enseñanza de la teoría de la evolución de Charles Darwin por contradecir el dogma judeocristiano de la Creación.
1940 - finaliza la Guerra de Invierno entre rusos y finlandeses.
1957 - en Cuba se produce el asalto al Palacio Presidencial y la Toma de la Emisora Radio Reloj por parte del Directorio Revolucionario con el objetivo de matar al dictador Fulgencio Batista, al mando de José Antonio Echeverría, muerto por la policía batistiana ese mismo día.
1968 - en Carolina del Norte (EE. UU.) se funda el primer club juvenil Rotaract, llamado North Charlotte.
1986 - EE. UU. lanza la misión Giotto hacia el cometa Halley.
1989 - una tormenta solar azota Quebec (Canadá), seis millones de personas se ven afectadas por un gran apagón que dura 90 segundos, al paralizarse la red eléctrica de Montreal durante más de nueve horas, provocando pérdidas por valor de cientos de millones de dólares.
1996 - en Escocia (Reino Unido) sucede la Masacre de Dunblane.
1997 - en Phoenix () ocurre un avistamiento OVNI -los ciudadanos de Arizona, vieron como una serie de luces junto con un gran plato de forma triangular-
2010 - en Buenos Aires (Argentina), se realiza el concierto solidario Argentina abraza a Chile -organizado por el músico Gustavo Cerati- para recolectar alimentos y materiales destinados en ayuda a las víctimas del terremoto de Chile de 2010.
2013 - elección del argentino Jorge Mario Bergoglio como papa, con el nombre de Francisco, en el Cónclave de 2013.
La Cita de hoy
El hábito es como un cable; nos vamos enredando en él cada día hasta que no nos podemos desatar.
Horace Mann
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janhektymanny · 2 years
28 de enero ✅
Pues no hubo mucho de nuevo. Solo fui a comprar ropa a Tepito y pasé por el centro a buscar una calculadora científica porque sigo sin encontrar la mía, hasta dudé un momento si se la pudo llevar Alex, pero no creo. Regresé en la tarde y fui con mi familia a comer con mi tío Agustín y mi tío Carlos que viene de Estados Unidos, ambos hermanos de mi papá. Estuvo muy bien, fuimos a comer a Casa Toño y pude ver a mis sobrinos así que estuvo super lindo. Ya más tarde pensaba salir con Michael porque me sentía algo ansioso en la noche por andar pensando en que seguramente estaba Alex con su novi. Acepté su invitación e íbamos camino a Nicolás Romero pero por azhares del destino se le olvidó su celular a Michael y tuvimos que bajarnos y regresar, afortunadamente apenas íbamos en el Town así que no hubo problema. Ya de vuelto lo pensé mejor y preferí regresar a casa a hacer tarea. Y fue lo que hice, estuvo bien porque le avancé bastante y además mi hermana llegó más tarde y se quedó con mis sobrinos, así que fue mucho mejor. Jugué con Alan y lo anduve arrullando un ratito, trato de pasar más tiempo con ellos por lo mismo, es algo que además de quitarme la ansiedad, me hace sentir muy feliz.
Como último detalle, invité a Alex saliendo de trabajar a tomarnos unas caguamitas, aceptó sin problemas así que aproveché para platicar con él. De verdad su historia me sacó mucho de onda. Resulta que aparte de su media hermana tiene otro hermano, pero él sí es de sangre completamente. Me contó que hace unos años vivía con el papá de su hermanita pero que era una persona violenta, incluso le pegó a su mamá en dos ocasiones y Alex solo se quedó pasmado por lo mismo de que no sabía que hacer,, quedó shockeado. En una de ellas su mamá marcó a la patrulla pero el señor aventó el teléfono y le pegó a su mamá y ya en el suelo le apuntó con un cuchillo, y todo mientras tenía a la niña en brazos, afortunadamente alcanzó a reaccionar Alex y lo pudo detener, momentos después llegó la patrulla pero aún así fue una mala experiencia, algo que trauma aún a Alex y por lo que quiere ir al psicólogo.
Eso fue hace ya dos años, me contó que el año pasado metió varias demandas por negligencia y maltrato infantil, algo que obviamente no ha surtido efecto porque no le han dado la custodia de Alison. Ha sido desgastante porque han ido demanda tras demanda, según parece que ya en febrero es la última pero a ver qué pasa. Tampoco le dicen nada negativo a Alison porque a pesar de un año sin ver a su papá, sigue preguntando por él, y pues no le dicen la verdad por lo mismo. Es difícil para Alex porque el hecho de cuidar a su hermana todas las tardes hace que sea pesado lidiar entre una niña y las tareas del hogar y escolares. Debido a eso me confesó que solía faltar a la escuela un día o dos a la semana, lo cual lo perjudicó porque está recursando una materia pesada que es de taller y pues eso lo consumirá mucho éste semestre porque son muchas horas de esa pura materia.
Intentaré apoyarlo de la mejor manera, no hay mucho que pueda hacer más que escucharlo y tal vez algún consejo. Le dije que cualquier cosa que pasar me la hiciera saber. Me doy cuenta apenas que conviví más de un año con él y apenas me doy cuenta de todo eso que lo hace sentir mal. Es curioso porque es súper noble Alex, me contó incluso que lo chapulineó una ocasión su mejor amigo con una chica que le gustaba. Me contó que se sintió mal al principio pero que después lo meditó y se lo pasó sin problemas, me gusta su forma tranquila de ser.
Tengo un reto de Alex. Debo pasar una semana sin decir groserías. No creo poder pero haré el intento por no decir tantas y contar cuántas digo. Será a partir del lunes, a ver cómo me va. Jsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjs
Palomita verde porque por fin pude convivir y conocer mejor a Alex y tengo esa determinación para seguir escuchándolo.
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pierrotdugan0417 · 2 years
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THANKSGIVING 11/24/22 Thanks to Life that has given me so many friends, acquaintances who have become my family thanks to life for my beautiful eyes who are my LOVED nephews Benny, Laura and Max 🩸 and To my politicians, ANNE LIZA, Michael, Ricky, Alex, Dennis Thanks to life for my health, my prosperity and for my great love that is my partner BILL. Thanks to life for my pets that give me joy and unconditional love at every moment. thanks to life that has made me grow to be a better human being thanks 🙏 BUT MY POINT OF VIEW THANKSGIVING should be celebrated every moment, thanks 🙏 to the universe for giving me the opportunity to give thanks on thanksgiving day 🙏 ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS 24/11/22 Gracias a la Vida que me ha dado tantos amigos, conocidos que se han convertido en mi familia gracias a la vida por mis hermosos ojos que son mis AMADOS sobrinos Benny, Laura y Max 🩸 y A mis políticos, ANNE LIZA, Michael , Ricky, Alex, Dennis Gracias a la vida por mi salud, mi prosperidad y por mi gran amor que es mi compañero BILL. Gracias a la vida por mis mascotas que me dan alegría y amor incondicional en cada momento. gracias a la vida que me ha hecho crecer para ser un mejor ser humano gracias 🙏 PERO MI PUNTO DE VISTA EL ACCION DE GRACIAS se debe celebrar cada momento, gracias 🙏 al universo por darme la oportunidad de dar gracias en el dia de accion de gracias 🙏 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClVdpoxucKT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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realmadridnews · 5 months
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Real Madrid: Courtois; Carvajal, Militao, Nacho, Fran Garcia; Modric, Camavinga, Ceballos, Guler; Brahim, Joselu
Bench: Lunin, Arrizabalaga, Lucas, Rudiger, Mendy, Bellingham, Kroos, Tchouameni, Valverde, Vinicius, Rodrygo
Cadiz CF: Ledesma; Zaldua, Fali, Chust, Javi Hernandez; Alcaraz, Escalante, Robert Navarro, Alex Fernandez; Sobrino, Chris Ramos
Bench: Gil, Almodovar, Carcelen, Juanmi, Mbaye, Samassekou, Alejo, Pires, Jimenez, Ocampo, Machis, Guardiola, Marti, Maxi Gomez
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goalhofer · 14 days
2024 olympics Mexico roster
Matías Grande (Ciudad Mexico)
Bruno Martínez (Ciudad Mexico)
Carlos Rojas (Ciudad Mexico)
Ángela Ruiz (Saltillo)
Alejandra Valencia (Hermosillo)
Ana Vázquez (Ramos Arizpe)
José Doctor (Ciudad Mexico)
Ricardo Ortiz (Ciudad Mexico)
Jesús López (Hermosillo)
Noel Chama (Chipata)
Ever Palma (Zitácuaro)
Uziel Muñoz (Nuevos Casas Grandes)
Edgar Rivera (Ciudad Agua Prieta)
Erick Portillo (Cuauhtémoc)
Diego Del Real (Monterrey)
Alma Cortés (Monterrey)
Citlali Cristian (San Juan De Los Lagos)
Cecilia Tamayo (León De Los Aldama)
Paola Morán (Guadalajara)
Laura Galván (La Sauceda)
Margarita Hernández (Toluca De Lerdo)
Alegna González (Ojinaga)
Ilse Guerrero (Guadalupe)
Alejandra Ortega (Ciudad Mexico)
Luis Garrido (Monterrey)
Miguel Martínez (El Salto)
Marco Verde (Mazatlán)
Fátima Herrera (San Luis Potosí)
Citlalli Ortiz (Mexicali)
Sofía Reinoso (Tlapacoyan)
Karina Alanís (Monterrey)
Beatriz Briones (Tijuana)
Ricardo Peña (La Paz)
Adair Gutierrez (Rincón De Romos)
Erika Rodríguez (Guadalajara)
Marcela Prieto (Aguascalientes)
Luz Gaxiola (Culiacán Rosales)
Yuli Verdugo (La Paz)
Jessica Salazar (Guadalajara)
Victoria Velasco (Monterrey)
Kevin Muñoz (León)
Osmar Olvera (Ciudad Mexico)
Juan Celaya (San Nicolás De Los Garza)
Kevin Berlín (Heroica Veracruz)
Randal Willars (Ciudad Mexico)
Alejandra Estudillo (Ixtacomitán)
Aranza Vázquez (La Paz)
Gabriela Agúndez (La Paz)
Alejandra Orozco (Zapopan)
Federico Fernández (Nopalucan)
Eugenio Garza (Monterrey)
Andrés Azcárraga (Ciudad Mexico)
Carlos Hank III (Ciudad Mexico)
Gibrán Zea (Ciudad Mexico)
Carlos Ortiz (Dallas, Texas)
Abe Ancer (San Antonio, Texas)
Maria López (Ciudad Mexico)
María Fassi (Pachuca)
Natalia Escalera (Ensenada)
Alexa Moreno (Mexicali)
Ahtziri Sandoval (Guadalajara)
Dalia Alcocer (Mérida)
Ana Flores (Saltillo)
Julia Gutierrez (Mérida)
Kimberley Salazar (Xalapa-Enríquez)
Adirem Tejada (Mérida)
Paulina Martínez (Guadalajara)
Prisca Awiti (London, U.K.)
Duilio Carrillo (Guadalajara)
Emiliano Hernández (Cuernavaca)
Mariana Arceo (Guadalajara)
Mayan Oliver (Cuautitlán)
Miguel Carballo (Ciudad Mexico)
Alex López (San Felipe)
Kenia Lechuga (Santiago)
Mariana Aguilar (Ciudad Mexico)
Elena Oetling (Chapala)
Carlos Quezada (Ciudad Mexico)
Edson Ramírez (Ciudad Victoria)
Goretti Zumaya (Salamanca)
Alejandra Zavala (Guadalajara)
Gabriela Rodríguez (Monterrey)
Alan Cleland; Jr. (Boca De Pascuales)
Jorge Iga (San Luis Potosí)
Paulo Strehlke (Cuernavaca)
Gabriel Castaño (Monterrey)
Miguel De Lara (Ciudad Torreón)
Regina Alférez (Ciudad Mexico)
Marla Arellano (Ciudad Mexico)
Itzamary González (Ciudad Mexico)
Luisa Rodríguez (Ciudad Mexico)
Jessica Sobrino (Houston, Texas)
Pamela Toscano (Ciudad Mexico)
Nuria Diosdado (Guadalajara)
Joana Jiménez (Ecatepec De Morelos)
Celia Pulido (Guanajuato)
Martha Gustafson (Toronto, Ontario)
Table tennis
Marcos Madrid (Heroica Puebla De Zaragoza)
Arantxa Cossío (Tototlan)
Carlos Sansores (Chetumal)
Daniela Souza (Tijuana)
Aram Peñaflor (Toluco De Lerdo)
Crisanto Grajales (Xalapa-Enríquez)
Rosa Tapia (Ciudad Mexico)
Lizeth Rueda (Guadalajara)
Janeth Gómez (Guadalajara)
Roman Bravo-Young (Tucson, Arizona)
Austin Gomez (Bloomingdale Township, Illinois)
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f00tballgeek · 2 years
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praza-teatro · 4 years
En Marzo do 2014 nacía no Porriño a Sala Ingrávida.
Nunha vila que debe a súa tradición teatral e, máis aínda, grande parte da súa actividade cultural dos últimos 15 anos á Compañía Teatral Xerpo, non pasou inadvertido o anuncio do peche definitivo deste Espazo de Gravitación Artística que nos salvou a tantas de moitas fins de semana baleiras.
Cousa das redes sociais, dos mass media, a nova, por suposto, transcende, e son moitas as mensaxes de ánimo e agradecemento que, me consta, a equipa de Ingrávida, está a recibir con moita emoción e moita gratitude tamén.
Como amigo orgulloso de Irene e Álex e como admirador do traballo, a entrega e a coherencia coas que levaron adiante este proxecto durante todos estes anos, non podía permitir que a despedida fora menos pública que o seu nacemento (non digo “soada”, senón pública), e por iso agradezo a oportunidade de facer este pequeno repaso e de enviar a miña mensaxe.
Que a Ingrávida pecha está en boca de todas, como non podía ser doutro xeito, xa que somos moitas as que debemos moito a este espazo.
Algunhas falan con verdadeira tristura (a inmensa maioría), algunhas outras falan con menos tristura e máis indiferenza (a inmensa e insignificante minoría) e outras, coma min, facémolo cheas de alegría.
Estamos alegres porque Ingrávida pecha no pico máis alto de rendemento da súa historia.
Trala inesgotable adicación da equipa desta sala ata conseguir un público habitual e fiel, unha programaci��n diversa na liña do teatro contemporáneo e, máis aínda, tralo seu labor como  Escola de Teatro que foi canteira para tantas futuras alumnas da ESAD de Galiza (alumnas que logo voltaron a presentar os seus proxectos), Irene Moreira e Alex Sobrino deciden que é a hora de voltar a mirada cara a outros horizontes.
E é que hai momentos na vida nos que unha pon na balanza o persoal e o profesional, as necesidades de verdade -as vitais- e as necesidades creadas. Hai momentos nas que unha ten a oportunidade de turrar cara adiante, coma sempre, con ánimo imbatible ou, pola contra (mais tamén con ánimo imbatible) parar un chisco, mirar dentro, mirar arredor, mirar máis aló e ir ao substancial. E decidir.
As que vivimos Ingrávida tan de preto que se converteu na nosa casa, en lugar de encontro, de nacemento de amores, e debates e algunha que outra borracheira de celebración e ledicia, celebramos esta nova etapa que comeza.
Botaremos en falta, o público,  poder gravitar cada venres e cada sábado.
As amigas imos aproveitar o feito de ter tempo de gozar da amizade e, sobre todo, de observar que a xente que queremos e admiramos pode seguir fazendo o que máis lle presta.
Hai seis anos, tamén, nacía coa Ingrávida o Grupo de Teatro Comunitario, A COMUNA, que seguirá a recoller historias para poñelas sobre o palco.
Seguirá, tamén, coa súa programación, O Cineclube Rebobina, que mudará de lugar de encontros para seguir sendo o único Cinema do Porriño.
¿Non son, estes, motivos máis que suficientes para estar ledas? Claro que o son.
Mais o que máis me aleda a min é este momento no que podo botar unha ollada a este pasado recente no que o Teatro e a Amizade, collidos da man, foron os piares da miña andaina por un camiño persoal agreste; botar unha ollada chea de agarimos de carne e óso que acompañaron o meu desenvolvemento tamén no profesional.
A vida é un “irevire” e eu, a trompadas coma sempre, rematei, cada vez, dando coas miñas pousadeiras no palco e nas butacas de Ingrávida.
Foi Ingrávida ese lugar no que sempre tiven onde caer morto. O lugar que me viu renacer de cada vez.
E como os lugares son as persoas que os conforman, eu boto unha ollada a Irene, a Álex, a Sonia (e a toda a familia da Ingrávida) e dígome: “Non, Ingrávida non pecha. O que pecha é unha etapa, un xeito de gravitar.
Ingrávida somos todas e, todas, seguimos moi abertas a todo o que veña.
Ingrávida é agora ese espazo que todas temos dentro e ao que poderemos retirarnos libres de gravidade porque, como di un cartaz que estivo moitos anos presente no número tres da rúa Pérez Leirós do Porriño, “aquí está permitido levitar””.
Amigas, sodes Maxia,
Samuel Merino
30 de xuño de 2020.
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(Coordinación e supervisión de Afonso Becerra de Becerreá)
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pensoakspaper · 5 years
music: a good day | la jeune fille en feu 
please support this film in theatres and/or the dvd release, they deserve all the love they’ve given us
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gabyalicecast · 6 years
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No es Raulito si tiene sus dos zapatos / sandalias / tennis/ etc etc puestos 😂 #sobrino #raulito #alex #love (en Salina Cruz, Oaxaca) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp5Bu0BACQ9b0YdCgEuQkks-6hJFijcRtTP2wM0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10afa9dicyr13
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katyfreakvip · 4 years
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Porque ahora ya las puedo compartir 😊 Cómo le sufrimos para elegir solo una 😅 #Alex #Sobrino #Catrin #MaquillajeChidoris #Mexicano #PuebloSeLaS #Sulte #DiaSeMuertos #photoshoot #iphotos #instamoments #Improvisado #Felicidades https://www.instagram.com/p/CHB7PWLn-JQ/?igshid=1nacdix7q85ot
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janhektymanny · 2 years
21 de enero ❌
Amanecí super crudo de tanta cerveza que tomé ayer. Ni siquiera terminé de leer el manga porque ya andaba bien pedo y no le estaba prestando mucha atención. Desayuné mientras terminaba de leerlo, acomodé nuevamente mi chifonier de las cosas que están en la parte de arriba (un año de la última vez que lo hice) me metí a bañar y me fui con Michael y Lilia a las miches de Tepito. Invité a salir a Karla y a Yair para que fuéramos a las miches, les había dicho inicialmente a las 2 pero Karla iba a llegar más tarde porque tenía cosas que hacer, así que les moví la hora a las 6. Eso me ayudó porque mientras estaba en el chopo con Michael y Lilia. Nos llevamos una caguama que nos terminamos en el uber y todavía armamos dos allá en el chopo y nos la anduvimos tomando ahí. Les pedí que me acompañaran a perforarme la nariz y la ceja, de hecho Lilia aprovechó y hasta se perforó ella también en la parte central superior del labio. De ahí fuimos a las miches de Lupillo, había muchísima gente, debería buscar otras miches. Total que se fue Lilia después de un rato y me quedé solo con Michael, después llegó Yair, nos alcanzó en Tepito pero pues ya era algo tarde, pasaban de las 5 y mejor compramos de comer, como teníamos poco efectivo lo disparó Yair. De ahí nos movimos a Bellas Artes, que fue donde llegó Karla ya después de las 7. Fuimos a la Puri, como era temprano no pagamos cover y hasta agarramos las super promos. Armamos como 5 cubetas, acabamos super pedos pero valió la pena, me la pasé muy bien, y creo que solo me besé con una morra que me latió, pero después me acordé de Alex y mejor me abrí y me puse a bailar con ellos, la salida estuvo super divertida, aunque ya salimos bien tarde y todavía compramos algo de comer, los traje a todos a mi casa. Michael se fue luego luego, Karla como a las 6 y el Yair hasta el día siguiente, ya eran como las 10. Creo que valió la pena, aunque desafortunadamente vinieron mis hermanas y mi sobrino y por haber salido todo el día no pude estar mucho tiempo con ellos. Aún así estuvo bien la salida porque ninguno se conocía entre ellos pero creo que congeniaron bien ya cuando entraron en confianza. Yo creo que ahora saldré más con amigos de la uni.
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