#alevel English
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clopeh-sekka · 1 year ago
Does anyone have any book recommendations for my Alevel coursework. I was thinking about doing 'crime and punishment' or 'Iron widow' but I have no clue what to compare either of them with.
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emiipurin · 1 year ago
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— saturday 2nd march
81 days until alevels
despite having work and a nail appointment today i got quite a bit of schoolwork done!
3 hrs 48 on forest 🌲
completed today:
othello act 3 annotations
congressional oversight notes finished
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alexandria-alexis · 6 months ago
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Journalists trying to spin quotes into something they’re not in order to create drama? No way. They wouldn’t do that, right?
Or Daniel was making a joke because obviously Max won’t care. Lando made a joke, he didn’t threaten Max 😭 These two are still friends. Friends joke about even if they are fighting against one another for victory.
The media LOVE benefiting off of whatever drama they can twist. Even if Max didn’t like Lando saying that, saying that Daniel sent Lando a ‘warning’ conveys a negative message. That’s exactly what they want.
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art--harridan · 5 months ago
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[Image description: A digital drawing of a shot from the film La semana del asesino. It shows three hands holding a pair of binoculars. The hands belong to the characters Marcos and Néstor, although it is unclear which hand belongs to who, as they are indiscernible from one another in size and colour. One hand cups the bottom, and two hold onto either side. You can see the beginning of both of their shoulders, with Marcos' shoulder on the right and Néstor's on the left. There is a vague suggestion of a room in the background, with panelling and curtains. The lineart is a dark blue, and has very pronounced shadows. The colours for each element do not have any shading or lighting outside of this, except for the gleam on the binoculars. The colour scheme is desaturated and cold, mostly comprising of blues with small sections of yellows or even orange (for the binoculars' strap).]
Inktober - Day 5 (Binoculars)
Film - La semana del asesino (Eloy de la Iglesia, 1972)
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deepdeanvsweston · 1 year ago
It's Halloween, which means it's time to consider the haunted house implications of Fallingford,,, I know it's NOT but yes I consider Arsenic For Tea a gothic novel
Daisy and Bertie are never out of that house, they never get out, Fallingford will always follow like a whisper, one step behind. They can't dig up their roots, their growing up at Fallingford, without doing damage to themselves...
The whole thing about everyone being freaked out by the fact Mr Curtis was being left in a room to rot, like Daisy and Bertie weren't already experiencing an emotional rotting of sorts being in that house, like gone off food of some sort,,, and then the whole idea of the tea party, Lady Wells trying to cling onto when Daisy was little so she can't see how Daisy how's changed to something she doesn't want or recognise (she even forgot how old Daisy was turning)
The entire way through the novel, (for me personally) something felt off, with the illusions of grandeur hiding secrets in plain sight, alongside the fact that even the murder was committed in front of everyone,,,
The entire book felt exactly like the sentiment 'if walls could talk'... the overlap between ideas of your classical haunted house, compared with being haunted by rumours/secrets,,, the whole combination of these with the idea of a curse (something actually scary, a concept used in spooky media, but also knowing it relies on words to work)
Also just the fact 'fall' is in the name, like ofc they was gonna be a destined fall from grace it's in the name of the house!!!
Idk if this is coherent thoughts but I hope I get my point across???
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nwjws · 1 year ago
Ship your mutuals with idols? 👀💞 Love your work btw
thank you! 🫶
@okwonyo and jungwon - they’re similar in ways that their personalities fit
@isawritesss and jay - think jay would love to take care of her
@yenqa and niki - would have a lot of fun together yen would make him laugh and vice versa
@euncsace and hyuka - they fit well and he’d bring out a new side to her maybe
@nightnaera and ricky - they’d goof off a lot me thinks
@manooffline and gunwook - he’d be so caring and comforting
i’m pulling stuff out of my ass here LOL
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honeybee2807 · 19 days ago
Question: Why inheritance of color pattern can be described have having multiple alleles
Question much earlier: clearly states that there were 4 alleles
Me: nah the answers too obvious. (proceeds to make a convoluted answer)
Markscheme: gene has 4 alleles
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astranauticus · 10 months ago
listening to the ivantill version of my clematis and i cannot stop thinking about the difference in the way ivan and mizi deliver the 'my god, my universe' line.... mizi declares it like a revelation (handed to her from her only god) ivan whispers it like a secret (to be kept hidden from his only god)
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space-opera-slays · 1 year ago
Currently so glad i have the English school system purely for alevel physics because things are so cool
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very-uncorrect · 1 year ago
So I've been off for 3 days in a row (flu got me bad) and this is something that happened today, the day I finally got back to school
One of my English teachers whilst picking up a school book: by the way, Sarah, I wanted to talk to you about something
Me, thinking it's gonna be about the work I missed: oh sur-
Teacher: this opinion journalism homework you did was absolutely phenomenal, it's almost completely flawless and I was wondering if I could use it as an example of good essay writing for other students if you don't mind
Me, completely taken back:
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un-lawliet · 9 months ago
i’m so scared about my english a level tmrw
everyone wish me luck (i will die if i do bad)
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killa-trav · 9 months ago
Any book recommendations?
come to the wrong place for that pal, i don't and can't read
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emiipurin · 1 year ago
_ _ 🧸 emily ! ⊹
_ _ she/her `🧺` 18
_ _ ⤷ alevel history, politics, bio + english ☕️`
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ceoandslutler · 9 months ago
insane 15k sebaciel porn with plot oneshot coming soon, hopefully finish the editing tonight and post it, i have so much work tomorrow, pray for me 🙏
(it was supposed to be 5k but my horny soul was handcrafting the porn like a carpenter and kept adding new scenes. that, combined with shakespearean levels of flowery language, did not bode well for the word count. oh and also i was making a work skin and couldn't decide on fonts/colours 😭)
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mia-studyhaus · 2 years ago
5 Minutes, 5 Words - #143
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Disrepute /ˌdɪsrɪˈpjuːt/ (n.) - the state of being held in low esteem by the public.
Sarah's unnecessarily reckless behavior at the bowling competition brought our team many months of disrepute.
Pithy /ˈpɪθi/ (adj.) - (of language or style) terse and vigorously expressive.
Gary's pithy style of giving feedback makes him a valuable debate judge.
Plethora /ˈplɛθərə/ (n.) - a large or excessive amount of something.
I saw an adorable plethora of puppies in Rachel's backyard.
Potentate /ˈpəʊtənteɪt/ (n.) - a monarch or ruler, especially an autocratic one.
The kingdom was ruled continuously by ruthless and selfish potentates for many centuries.
Presage /ˈprɛsɪʤ/ (v.) - be a sign or warning of (an imminent event, typically an unwelcome one).
Cynthia drawing a deep breath presaged a long lecture coming from her about being more attentive to her instructions.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Definitions from: Oxford Languages.
IPA Phonetic Transcription (UK English) from: tophonetics.com
Sentences are fictitious, though they may be based on real issues that occur across the world.
Follow @studyhaus for more vocabulary content!
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discoddity · 10 months ago
OK i’m definitely doing history and psychology for a-levels but what should my 3rd choice be
don’t vote yet please!!!
don’t vote yet!!! read below the poll first pls
pros and cons
media studies
• i think the lessons would be very interesting
• we are exposed to media everyday! so i’d understand something i see all the time a bit better
• two of my english teachers that are also media studies teachers said i should do it
• i’d have the potential to make cool video essays and tumblr posts …
• coursework might be fun
• i’ve never done it before so i don’t actually know if i’d enjoy it
• i also don’t know if i’d do well in it bc of that
• i often struggle to understand picture sources in history (media has a lot of analysing of pictures i think)
• i understand words better than pictures
• coursework might be stressful
• i want to do the other two aswell :(
english literature
• i understand words better than pictures
• have been doing it at school for like five years now #experience #XP
• i get good grades at it in gcse, so i will probably be able to do well at a-level too
• i know i usually enjoy it
• i like reading
• the fact that an english essay’s marks could change from examiner to examiner makes me nervous, what if i get all the angry examiners who want to watch the world burn.
• what if i don’t like the books we learn about?
• idk what i’d do for coursework (comparing books you’ve read i think)
• apparently it is very different at a-level and more work / stress .. EEK!
• i want to do the other two aswell :(
• my teacher really wants me to do it
• have been doing it at school for like five years now #experience #XP
• i get good grades at it in gcse, so i will probably be able to do well at a-level too
• i think learning a language can be a v useful and good thing to do
• i want to do the other two aswell :(
• i struggle with the speaking and listening parts sometimes
• don’t think i’d be able to understand a full book or film in spanish yet (but ig thats the point of learning it,,)
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