#albino iguana
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space-salaman · 5 months ago
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[nma] nathan the hermit engineer
more realistic look at the albino iguana, by @gaertan
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tardigradeinatrenchcoat · 23 days ago
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I Don't Believe In Dinosaurs,
But I Know,
Ghosts Are Real.
Oh wow, orange "lizard" stimboard, that's crazy
(DNI; bigots, alt-rights, zionists, anti-mogai, truscum, transmeds, (pro)endos, proship, NSFW, ddlg)
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colorsoutofearth · 1 year ago
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Albino iguana
Photo by Michael D Kern
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ironwoodwizard · 2 years ago
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szmaciarz-pospolity · 11 months ago
Okay so I've seen modern normal world aus turn Appa into a dog and also Druk as a cat. But I have a better idea. Hear me out hear me out. Highland cow Appa and Albino Iguana Druk.
Yeah it's almost imposible to keep cows in big city but who says Aang has to live in a middle of big city!! Let's put Aang on a fucking farm near a city!! Or just a village house with a barn!! Just a chill life!!
And with Iguana Druk, I truly see no issues to put him in any setting. All this boy needs is a good terrarium!!
I don't have any strong opinions on Momo, he can be any creature in modern setting really. Tho I like the most idea of him being like a silly ferret.
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aelyosos · 6 months ago
📖 9/12 ...
i've been terrible at keeping up w a journal, go figure. neway, gonna try n resurrect my commitment to this again.
i've gotten into bjds & mjds (as of may). 😌 it's so fun to diy a doll, but my wallet has been crying a lot.
the pond is thriving, the water runs so clear i can see the bottom. for about a month and a half now baby albino red-ear slider turtle hatchlings have emerged, squiggles (the green iguana) happily eats the koi food and basks nearby, and brown watersnakes keep attempting to make their home in the pond. 🐍
i've been learning wordpress + elementor since the beginning of aug, but keep having to reschedule w my tutor quite a few times this week and last. i'm learning a lot, but the sessions r intense sometimes so i've honestly been glad for the small breaks.
i've been playing tes daggerfall unity for the last four days or so, and while i keep trying to get into it, there are quite a few aspects of it that readily break my immersion. (like the guards being able to detect that i'm stealing smth thru the walls!) luckily i've had ethan/@vape-president to bitch at abt all my misadventures, lol.
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konnorhasapen · 2 years ago
I think this may have turned into an oc thing💀
Lasko's listener: I just established the other day that they own an axolotl named Cella (that Freelancer is hellbent on calling "Celery" and Huxley loves her ((the axolotl))sm) and this is canon to me now. They also have a Chinese water dragon named Lotus bc I said so :)
Freelancer: do rats count as an exotic pet?? (Google says they do-) They named her Gribby. This is also canon to me.
Angel: they 100% have a sugar glider named Goblin (and David is terrified of him.) They want a fennec fox and they will get a fennec fox and they will name her Deedee. Short for Speed Demon.
Baabe: snake. They own a snake and they named her Rory and Asher loves her to death.
Sweetheart: chameleon. His name is Karma and he and Aggro are besties to the max.
Darlin': a fucking raccoon. Or a badger. Either one named Cujo.
Lovely: they own a bat named Valentina.
Bright Eyes: also owns a rat, but they didn't him Remi. They couldn't remember the rat's actual name so instead they ended up naming him fuckin Ratatouille💀
Starlight: albino ferret albino ferret albino ferret and she's named Carina :)
Seer Obscura: literally owns a barn owl named Tiresias.
Cutie: they have a couple mice they named Allen and Atlas.
Honey: iguana named Geechee, but he also responds to the name Bee for some odd, unknown reason (*cough* Guy-)
Warden: snake. Burmese python. I feel like they would want to name her, but wouldnt know what to name her, so they'd settle for Mesii (to base it slightly off "burmese")
Mentor/Baby: four ferrets. Four ferrets that are specifically named Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde.
Smartass: they have a bearded dragon named Ivy and she vibes with Aaron.
Sunshine: they have chinchilla siblings named Nimbus and Nebula :3
Anton's listener: they have 2 tree frogs named Mika and Aivo, and a chinchilla named Seria (I like my chinchillas, okay?? I've always wanted one-)
James' listener: hedgehog named Morose and he's the cutest little baby James has ever laid his eyes on.
Asset: they found a mouse in the vents one time and they've kept it ever since. They named her Thias. They like to show Thias to Anton. Anton likes to see Thias(Thias reminds him of Seria). They have also introduced Thias to Brian. Brian also likes Thias. Most of the people working with/on Asset know Thias.
Precious: they aren't allowed to own a pet. Because owning a pet means giving their love and affection and attention to someone other than Regulus.
Bonus Bits!
Damien: ...Freelancer, I think you have rats.
FL: huh?? Oh, no, that's just Gribby.
Damien: *petting Gribby* who names a pet "Gribby"?
FL: I do. Oh- don't touch her left back leg.
Damien: why? Is she hurt?
FL: I got her checked out first few times it happened, but they said nothin' was wrong.
Damien: then why..?
FL: she just starts screaming.
Damien: what.
David: Angel, I'm—
Goblin, who escaped his habitat: *zooms up the fridge and soars straight towards David, landing on his face and getting comfy on his head*
Angel: Goblin, where'd you go!? Oh! Aww! He loves you!
David: *frozen with fear*
Sam: Darlin'?
Darlin': hm?
Sam: why's there a raccoon/badger on your kitchen counter?
Darlin': that's Cujo.
Sam: ...Cujo was-
Darlin': "mEhMeHmEhMeH cUjO wAs a dOg tHoUgH" let me name my trash panda/rage skunk whatever tf I want.
Vincent: you got a pet bat?
Lovely: yeah! I wanted to name her Vincent as well, but then I thought you might get confused, so I went with Valentina instead! ^-^
Vincent: *teary-eyed* you wanted to name her after me??
Vincent: ...wait- you thought I'd get confused-
Vincent: did you buy a rat?
Bright: I found it in the trash can and he's mine now.
Vincent: o..kay. Does he have a name?
Bright: um, duh. Anyone who owns a rat and doesn't name it Ratatouille is committing an actual crime against humanity.
Vincent: ...hold on.., wasn't the... wasnt the rat's name Remi?
Bright: ...
Vincent: ... I-
Bright: y'know what Vincent?
Vincent: wha-
Bright: shut the fuck up.
Chat: you have a pet!??
Honey: yeah *fetches Geechee from his habitat* His name's Geechee
Honey: iguana*. Anyway, this is Geechee, but I've noticed he also responds to the name "Bee" and I have some speculations as to why that is.
Guy, in chat: I haven't the slightest clue what you could possibly be talking about.
Baby: I found these poor little guys in a box thrown in a trash can.
Baby: yes, we're keeping them and no, I haven't named them yet.
Ollie: ..suggestion?
Baby: I suppose.
Ollie, immediately: Inky Blinky Pinky and Clyde!
Baby: *sigh* goddamnit, those are gold.
Ollie: Inky Blinky Pinky and Clyde?
Baby: *nods* Inky Blinky Pinky and Clyde.
Ollie: YES!
Asset: hi Marcus!
Marcus: jEsus chRIst- you scared me half to-...
Marcus: what do you have?
Asset: I found someone!
Marcus: you... found someone..?
Asset: *opens their hands to show a petite lil mousey* I've decided to name her.
Marcus: oh- y-yeah? And.. what did you...name her..?
Asset: Thias!
Asset: good evening, Anton.
Anton: good evening
Asset: Thias says hello, too!
Anton, with a tired but genuine smile: hello and good evening to you as well, Thias.
This was fun. I had much fun. This was so much fun :3
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sparklingandtwinkling · 4 months ago
Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart Characters as Mobians
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Nagisa Misumi/Cure Black - Ginger Chipmunk
Honoka Yukishiro/Cure White - Black Squirrel
Hikari Kujou/Shiny Luminous - Blonde Horse/Golden Unicorn
Mepple - Cure Chao
Partner of Cure Black
Mipple - Cure Chao
Partner of Cure White
Pollun - Cure Chao
Partner of Shiny Luminous
Older brother of Lulun
Lulun - Cure Chao
Younger sister of Pollun
Magical Allies:
Queen - Golden Alicorn
Is the ruler of the Garden of Light.
Wisdom - Chao
Helper Cards - Flicky/Chao
Omp - Rooster Flicky
Nelp - Beagle Flicky
Palp - Pink Bluebird Flicky
Shiklp - Labrador Retriever Flicky
Purilet - Red Chao
Atalp - Light Blue Chao
Yaop - Yellow Chao
Meap - Orange Cow Flicky
Swiep - Yellow Bear Flicky
Beautip - Rose Chao
Elder -  Ancient Flicky Maltese Dog
Heartiels - Chao
Evil King - Black Alicorn (with broken horn and torn wings)
The ruler of the Dotsuku Zone.
Pisard - White Platypus
Gekidrago - Bull
Poisony - Crimson Vampire Bat
The only female of the Denizens.
She has a younger brother, Kiriya.
Kiriya - Dark Green Vampire Snake (Dotsuku Zone)/Dark Green Snake (Mobius)
The youngest of the denizens, and Poisony's little brother.
Ilkubo - Albino Alligator
Belzei Gertrude - Light Silver-White Dragon(Dotsuku Zone)/Gray Hedgehog (Mobius)
A Seeds of Darkness.
His human alias is Yuuki Hidehiko
Regine - Silver Gorgon (Dotsuku Zone)/Ceylon Cat (Mobius)
The only female of the Seeds of Darkness.
As a human, she has much lower confidence than when she is in her real form.
Her human alias is Koyama Shouk
Juna - Hellhound (Dotsuku Zone)/Dobermann (Mobius)
A Seeds of Darkness.
His human alias is Kazukawa Ryuuichirou
Circulas - Golden Retriever
One of the Four Guardians.
Uraganos - Bull
One of the Four Guardians.
Viblis - Pinkish Spotted Hyena
The only female of the Four Guardians.
Baldez - Vampire Iguana
One of the Four Guardians.
The strongest of the Four Guardians.
Takashi Misumi - Black Chipmunk
Nagisa’s father.
Rie Misumi - Brown Rabbit
Nagisa’s mother
Ryouta Misumi - Black Rabbit
Nagisa’s younger brother.
Taro Yukishiro - Prairie Dog
Honoka’s father.
Aya Yukishiro - Chipmunk
Honoka’s mother.
Sanae Yukishiro - Chipmunk
Honoka’s grandmother.
Chuutaro - Dog Flicky
Honoka's pet.
Akane Fujita - Red Panda
She is Hikari’s self-proclaimed cousin because Queen's power caused her to believe so.
Hikaru Kujou - Golden Unicorn (Evil so has a black horn)/Blonde Horse (Good)
The "life" of the Evil King while going through resurrection. Later after splitting from the Evil King he becomes Hikari’s younger brother.
Supporting People:
Rina Takashimizu - Red Fox
One of Nagisa's best friends.
Shiho Kubota - Red Squirrel
The other friend of Nagisa.
Yoshimi Takenouchi - Deer
The teacher of Verone Academy's Cherry Blossom class.
Shougo Fujimura - Australian Shepherd
Honoka's childhood friend, whom Nagisa has a crush on.
Kimata - Siberian Husky
Shougo's best friend who is also part of the football team.
Yumiko Nakagawa - Brown Goat
The present captain of the lacrosse team and a senior student.
The Principal - Tarantula
The principal of Verone Academy.
Kyouto Kometsuki - Beaver
The vice-Principal of Verone Academy.
Previously: ❌ | Next: 🌸🕊️🎐🌕
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crowsyart · 1 year ago
Never actually listed everyone out before so here’s the list!
Maka - Desert Hare/Red Fox
Soul - Arapawa Ram (with distant unknown wolf lineage)
Black☆Star - Indian Peacock
Tsubaki - Black Leopard
Kid - Swamp Deer
Liz - Coyote
Patty - Coyote(maybe mixed with terrier breed? Coywolf?)
Crona - Lavender King Snake
Ragnarok - Shield nose cobra
Medusa -Rhinoceros viper
Marie - Cheetah
Stein - Gray Wolf (reptile lineage)
Spirit - Red Fox
Death - Irish Elk
Justin - Alpine Goat
Giriko - Golden Jackal
Eruca - Glass Frog
Mifune - Arctic Fox
Sid - Belgian Draft Horse
Naigus - Gemsbok
Asuza - Border Collie
Angela - Carpet Chameleon
Hero - Lion
Joe - Golden Mole
Arachne - Spider Tailed Horn Viper
Asura - Fallow Deer
White Star - Albino Peacock
Kilik - Asatic Golden Cat
(His weapons) - Flat Headed Cats
Kim - Galapagos pink land iguana
Jackie - Greater rhea
Ox - Yorkshire pig
Harvar - Giant anteater
Vajra-Nilgiri marten
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theunusuallyferret · 1 year ago
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This is an incomplete sketch of the default dark urge. Made this around three days ago. Just "finished" it real quick because I'll just lose interest in it. Could have done the scales better. I prefer to do segments than the lizard skin version. Anyway, I think the albino iguana is cute. Just have a soft spot for demon and dragons dudes. Also, white and red is my favorite color duos. In my evil run at the moment. Astarion, Gale, and Karlach are dead, wyll left, and idk were Halsin went. Still have the Shart and frog lady. I think I'll get the drow later? idk, she still alive tho.
I'm also surprised with the sudden people. Expect slow post and all. lol
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space-salaman · 21 days ago
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proportion shading more real?
trying more realistic style, what do you think big thanks to jomooval for help with photo reference!
~ ~ ~
bsky 🦋  | furaffinity 🐾 | discord server 💽 | telegram channel🎨
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ch0cocrave · 1 year ago
So here's like some of the ideas for like the TPOT monster object au thing... Like the animals they would be and whatnot...
Marker: Salamander
Fanny: Cat
Tree: Deer
Lightning: Canary
Pie: Raccoon
Remote: Armadillo
Pillow: Sheep
Bottle: Glass frog
Pen: Bluejay
Black Hole: Literally just a void snake lol
Snowball: Polar bear
Bell: Copper colored hummingbird
Foldy: Chameleon ( teal colored )
Grassy: Leaf bug
Basketball: Tiger
Robot flower: Galah
Eggy: Lavender albino pall python ( long name... )
Tennis ball: Green ringtail possum
Golfball: Chinchilla
Eraser: Galapagos pink land iguana ( give me better suggestions pls T^T )
Pin: Red lory
Coiny: Meerkat
Needle: Anteater
Doughnut: Fennec fox
Barf bag: Skunk
Saw: Prairie lizard
Gaty: Possum
Yellow face: Banana slug
If you have any better suggestions, pls let me know!
I know this is not all of the characters but this is all the ones i could think of at the moment lol
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tsunflowers · 9 months ago
"the drowned world" by jg ballard isn't a book you read for the plot or characters or any of that shit. you are reading this thing for the vibes alone. the descriptions are so lush and engrossing that you feel trapped in the heat-haze of the novel's environment. it's set in a world where the sun got really big for some reason, which has melted the ice caps and turned the planet into a primordial jungle. the main character is a researcher with a military expedition out to the sunken ruins of what used to be london, now swarming with iguanas, ferns, and towering fungi. he quickly becomes entranced by what he sees as a reversal of time, but other people have an even more dangerous fascination with the ruins
I would say it's a good read except it's quite racist. the villain has an army of black men who follow his every order bc he's an albino and they think he's a powerful ghost. two of the men are named but they're never really characters and they're given grotesque physical descriptions. it was written in 1962 but it's still no good. if you really love annihilation and you want to read about a person becoming mesmerized by an unknowable alien environment, then it might be worth it with the knowledge that it gets uncomfortable
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sebastianshaw · 2 years ago
Assumption: Shaw wouldn't be a pet owning kind of guy but if he ever did it would be something that he treated as a living display that he could use to boost his image. A huge iguana enclosure in the middle of his office? A teigu enclosure? How about a caiman pool? Maybe not snakes I can't see him with big snakes but I can see him with geckos or chameleons . Maybe a melanistic macaw. If it has to have fur it's gotta be a Ferret colony nothing says nefarious like a Ferret randomly stealing your pen and running off after you sign over your life to this doucheyatch.
If we go to exotics which I don't support but there are definitely ones I can see but tbh I feel like he'd think they were an inconvenience and he doesn't have time for that. A pangolin would be good. Or an ant eater. Honestly anteaters are terrifying.
ANT EATERS ARE SO FUCKIN TERRIFYING And yeah, I don't see Shaw as a pet type of guy for their own sake, but a "status symbol" type deal. I personally write him keeping expensive black draft horses but I also feel like he's had like, exotic big cats here and again (tho I feel those are more a Shinobi thing, Shin has totally collected shit like albino tiger cubs and stuff) "nothing says nefarious like a Ferret randomly stealing your pen and running off after you sign over your life to this doucheyatch." LOOOOOL @shattered-catalyst
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datauthorress · 2 years ago
Transformers: REDACTED [chapter 3: shelby - part 3]
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pairing: optimus prime / original female character / megatron, ratchet / original female character, thundercracker / original male character / skywarp, cyclonus / original male character, sideswipe / original male character / sunstreaker, knockout / original female character / breakdown, ultra magnus / original genderfluid character
summary: megatron has been missing for one year. the autobots can’t find him, until a weak energon signal makes the autobots realize he’s in the care of a kind human who decided to take him in, but there’s more to the young human than it seems.
rating: e
a/n: original story with some bases from transformers: prime and a few other series. takes place in early 2023.
march 6th, 2023
         when shelby went outside the next morning to check on her property, she wasn’t surprised to see the minimal damage. to be honest, she had thought everything was just some wild dream, but the fractured ribs and the bandaged hand told her otherwise that everything that happened the last few days had not been some crazy dream.
         even sorrel pinched her a couple of times to make sure.
         “make sure you rest today, no heavy lifting,” sorrel had told her before he had left for work. “tripp will be your baby-sitter and if you disobey the rules, i’ll make sure you won’t get out of bed for a week,”
         “uh-huh, sure,” shelby had snorted.
         sorrel was not joking. and neither was tripp. tripp stayed close, but didn’t get too much into her space because he didn’t want to crowd her. with tripp’s help though, she fed all of her reptiles and made sure their cages were clean.
         “we’re getting a snake tomorrow,” shelby said.
         “what kind?” tripp asked, glancing at her with a grin. he adored snakes.
         “a mini albino ball python,” shelby replied, stroking the chin of abraxas, the large green iguana that was hers. the reptile closed his eyes into the chin rubs, enjoying the attention. “she was surrendered by a family, but wasn’t taken care of very well. so the humane society got in touch with me and asked if we could rescue and take care of her until she found her forever family,”
         “poor baby, i can’t understand why people get a reptile if they can’t take care of it,” tripp sighed, holding a crested gecko in his fingers.
         “it’s the same as any pet,” shelby said, shaking her head.
         shelby heard a beep come from her phone and she pulled it out, noticing the notification that someone was coming up her driveway. she pulled the camera feed up and gave a soft smile when she saw the familiar red and blue peterbilt truck.
         “that must be optimus,” she said, giving abraxas one last stroke under the chin before she headed outside.
         the large semi pulled up in front of the house, parking. “good morning, shelby,” optimus spoke politely.
         “good morning to you too, optimus,” shelby said with a smile. “i’d invite you inside, but well, you won’t fit,”
         “i have a solution for that,”
         shelby was confused for a moment before she began to notice something happening in the air. they looked like particles, twinkling particles that began to clump together. her eyes widened slightly and she watched in awe as the particles began to take form, that of a tall human man.
         when it finally came together, the man in front of her appeared to be in his 40’s, and was tall (a complete foot taller than her) and he had blue-black hair that was short, with a few strands falling across his forehead, with neatly placed facial hair of the same color on his chin. his eyes were the same bright blue of his giant form. the human form had broad shoulders and was at least over twice her size. he was wearing a pair of silver-gray trousers with black boots, a skin tight black shirt and a red and blue jacket over it that had the symbol of the autobots on the bicep of the jacket on both sides.
         the man smiled at her kindly and shelby couldn’t help the soft flush that crossed her features. “w-wow, uh….very….very nice, is this a human form?” she asked, a stammer in her voice.
         “holoform,” the man replied, optimus’ deep voice coming from it. “similar to a hologram, but much more physical and we can interact with humans on a smaller level if need to,”
         “i see,” shelby said, quickly able to remove the blush from her features. “would you like to come inside?”
         he nodded and shelby invited him inside, to where they headed into the foyer first, which led out to a large hallway and an open room next door which was the dining room. shelby led optimus across the hallway into the biggest room of the house, the grand room. the ceiling was a two story, and had one large couch with two recliners, a glass coffee table and a large flat screen television on the wall. the room had a large area rug in the middle, as well as a grand piano in the corner and large, sliding glass doors that led out onto the deck.
         “your home is beautiful,” optimus commented, glancing over at her.
         “thank you,” shelby smiled softly. “it came like this, completely finished and i love this place. my bedroom is next door, due to having a bum leg, so stairs aren’t an issue for me in the house for the most part. tripp’s and sorrel’s bedrooms are upstairs and they each have their own bathroom, as well as i do. i even have my own office and everything,”
         tripp walked out of shelby’s office, cradling one of the crested geckos in his hand. he stroked the reptile’s head with his thumb and glanced over at optimus. “hello, optimus, was it?”
         “yes, and you’re tripp, correct?” the autobot asked.
         “that’s me,” tripp grinned slightly.
         “what do you have in your hands?” optimus asked, curious.
         “oh, this is zippy,” tripp said, introducing the crested gecko in his hands. “she’s a crested gecko,”
         “i run a reptile rescue,” shelby informed. “most of them have been with me a couple of years now, but some of them have gone to their forever homes,”
         optimus turned his attention to the ground near shelby’s feet and shelby glanced down to see abraxas’s front claws attached to the back of her pant leg. she chuckled softly as the iguana began climbing up her leg.
         “how fascinating,” optimus mused with a gentle smile. “what kind of reptile is that?”
         “this is abraxas, he’s a green iguana. i’ve had him for…three years now. he just had a birthday not too long ago,” shelby replied, reaching up to gently stroke underneath the iguana’s chin as he came to take his place on her shoulder. “ah, have a seat, optimus. i’d offer a drink, but i assume you don’t eat human food?”
         “no, i don’t,” he replied, taking a seat on the couch not too far from her. “we consume energon as our source of sustenance,”
         “ah, that kind of sucks. most human foods are amazing,” shelby replied, setting her cane beside the couch.
         tripp took a seat in one of the recliners, so he could pay attention to what was going on.
         “how is megatron doing?” shelby asked.
         “i figured you were going to ask that,” optimus smiled. “he’s doing very well. ratchet said he’ll make a full recovery in a week’s time.”
         “that’s great!” shelby smiled. “i’m glad he’s going to be just fine,”
         “i cannot thank you enough for everything you’ve done for him, and us,” optimus said, reaching out to gently touch her hand with his gloved one. it wasn’t inappropriate, but merely a touch of thankfulness. “if it wasn’t for you, megatron would have never returned to me,”
         “i’m glad i found him,” shelby said, feeling her heart flutter a bit at the gentle touch. “he was pretty beat up and gave me the scare of my life when he woke up,”
         “i can imagine,” optimus chuckled softly.
         “megatron said you and he were….sparkmates?” she asked, trying to make sure she had the wording right.
         “yes, think of it as….a human marriage,” he replied, nodding. “when two cybertronians sparkmate, they are connected to each other for life. and when one sparkmate dies, the other’s spark is forever damaged, as in a permanent broken heart, per say. the one living would never be able to move on,”
         “that’s quite a commitment,” tripp commented.
         “it’s strange to think that humans aren’t like that,” shelby said. “well, most. i’d say about sixty percent of humans eventually get divorced, or the term of breaking a marriage. some fall out of love, some cheat on their partners, others just…leave and don’t ever come back,”
         “i cannot imagine my life without megatron,” optimus said softly. “we have always been close, even when the war drove us apart…but we came together to save our race and it brought us even closer together,”
         “how old are you…if you don’t mind me asking?” shelby questioned, raising an eyebrow.
         “not at all, let’s see….the last time i checked, in human years, over twenty-five million years old,”
         shelby gasped and tripp choked.
         “did i say something wrong?” optimus asked, confused by their reactions.
         “n-no, not at all,” shelby said, clearing her throat. “it’s just…we’ve never met someone with such age behind them…us humans have a life expectancy of about eighty to ninety years on average, while some have lived past one hundred,”
         “basically you blink and our lives are over just like that,” tripp said.
         “and practically anything can kill us,” shelby added. “even a small cut can turn into a fatal infection,”
         “how awful,” optimus said with a frown.
         “you get used to it after so many years. tripp and i are only about a quarter through our lives,” shelby said.
         optimus released a soft humming noise as he listened, nodding after a moment.
         “so, you said yesterday that you were appointing someone to watch over the property?” shelby asked, changing the subject.
         “yes,” he nodded. “during the day, i’ve appointed sideswipe and sunstreaker, who are brothers, to watch over the property during the day and cyclonus at night. sideswipe’s alt-mode is a smaller form, as well as sunstreaker’s. cyclonus kept his cybertronian alt-form, which is a jet. with that, a device will also be connected onto the highest point of the roof of your home. it will send out a protective force field around the house and the ten acre property. your property will not be detected by decepticon surveillance,”
         “so someone will be here 24/7?” tripp asked.
         “yes,” optimus nodded. “come outside,”
         the holoform dematerialized in front of them, and shelby let out a whistle before she and tripp went outside. optimus transformed and a small panel opened up on his chest, to which he pulled out a spherical device that had what looked like a rod on top. being careful, optimus set the device on the highest point of the house and it clicked, attaching itself to the roof. it glowed green and shelby watched with awe as a beam of light shot out from the rod. it went high up into the air and with a quiet boom, what looked like a transparent wall began to come down on all sides like a giant sphere. she could see it go down all the way to the ground and then it vanished, as if it was never there.
         “anyone but a decepticon will be able to see your property,” optimus informed her.
         “you didn’t have to do all of this, optimus,” shelby said with a soft smile, glancing up at him.
         the cybertronian got down onto one knee and reached out with a hand, curling his fingers until only his index finger was stretched out and the tip of it gently touched her chest. “we are in your debt, shelby. you risked your own life to help one of our own, out of the kindness of your own heart,”
       �� shelby’s body rocked back slightly when the massive finger touched her chest. “even if i knew what megatron was before i took him in…i still would have,”
         “you show bravery and compassion,” he said softly, his blue eyes glowing softly. “you are worthy of being an autobot, a dear friend,”
         shelby glanced over at tripp, who exchanged a glance with her. tripp grinned softly and nodded.
         “thank you, optimus. i appreciate your words,” shelby smiled.
         “good,” he said, with a bit of mirth in his voice. “cyclonus will arrive here around 6 PM. there will be twelve hour shifts between watching the property and if anything happens, we will be alerted immediately,”
         “sounds like a plan,” shelby nodded. “can you do me a favor?”
         “of course, what is it?”
         “can you tell megatron to make sure he’s resting? or i’ll kick his ass,” she said.
         optimus chuckled. “i’ll let him know,”
         optimus transformed into his semi-mode and both tripp and shelby waved as he drove off down the driveway.
         “well,” tripp said.
         “yeah,” shelby nodded in agreement.
         later that day, shelby was starting noodles for dinner when she felt her ‘tingling senses’ go off. it was a thing that came with her mediumship abilities, able to detect other presences that come within vicinity of her.
         “tripp, can you watch the noodles?” shelby asked, calling for tripp in the living room.
         “yeah, what’s up?” he asked.
         “my tingling senses are going off,” shelby replied, grabbing her cane as she made her way to the front door.
         shelby made her way outside and glanced up, the wind running through her hair. she watched as a large purple and silver jet with unfamiliar symbols on the surface, lower itself down on a large clearing in the corner of her property that wasn’t too far from the house. this must have been cyclonus.
         shelby approached the jet cautiously as it turned off and then began to transform. the cybertronian, once fully transformed, was bigger than optimus and even bigger than megatron. he – well, she assumed it was a he – had large silver horns that protruded from his head and bright, red eyes that same color as megatron’s.
         “hello,” shelby said politely.
         “hello, you must be the human that optimus spoke of. shelby, was it?” the being asked.
         “yes,” she replied. “cyclonus?”
         “yes,” he nodded. “i was assigned to watch over you and the property during the night,”
         “yes, thank you. we appreciate it,” shelby smiled.
         “and i thank you for finding megatron,” cyclonus said, putting a hand on his chest. “i have known megatron for many cycles and i was relieved to hear he was being cared for,”
         “it was the least i could do,” shelby said with a nod.
         cyclonus gave one more nod before he transformed back into his jet mode and went dark, staying on high alert from what shelby could tell. she made her way back into the house, where sorrel had just walked in, arriving home from work.
         “what’s the jet in the backyard?” sorrel asked, arching an eyebrow at her.
         “that’s cyclonus,” shelby replied. “he’s our night watch. you okay?”
         “yes, just a rough day at work,” he replied tiredly.
         “dinner’s just about done,” shelby said, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek.
         sorrel made his way upstairs so he could shower, while shelby headed back into the kitchen to finish cooking up dinner. she felt her phone ping and she pulled it out of her pocket, opening up the notification to see a text message.
         [text to shelby]: hello. optimus relayed the information to me about you kicking my aft if i didn’t rest.
         shelby grinned softly and sent a message back.
         [text to megatron]: yes, i did. you better be resting.
         [text to shelby]: you are too small to be kicking my aft.
         [text to megatron]: get your holoform out and i will kick your ass.
         [text to shelby]: there she is.
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kaijutegu · 19 days ago
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Green iguana is the species name! The scientific name is Iguana iguanaˆand they actually come in a TON of colors. This is because reptiles make a lot of different types of pigments, so genes that knock out different pigments can combine in really interesting ways. Every single one of these is technically a green iguana, even though none of them are green!
Saban black iguana (a subspecies of the green iguana):
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St. Lucia green iguana (formally an ecotype, or a color morph that appears in a specific area; now we know this is a subspecies due to genetic analysis!):
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Albino iguana- these are yellow to orange. Albino doesn't actually mean "white," it means that the animal can't make melanin. Albino lizards still make other pigments, like yellows and reds, so albinos are often red/orange/yellow. (Albino alligators are one of the few truly white albino reptiles!) Most white reptiles are leucistic, and you can always use the eyes to tell you what's going on. Leucistic animals have black eyes (they still produce pigment there) or blue/grey eyes; albino animals have red or yellow eyes.
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My favorite morph, axanthic iguana. Not to be confused with the blue iguana (which is a different species in a different genus entirely, Cyclura lewisi), the axanthic green iguana can't make yellow pigment... and what happens when you take yellow away from green?
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Interestingly, the blue isn't pigment. Blue in reptiles is structural based on the way light scatters (same as in birds), so a blue iguana outside will look a lot more vibrant than one inside.
White iguanas- the easiest way to get these is to combine albinism (no melanin) and axanthism (no yellow). I don't actually think anybody who breeds iguanas has isolated leucism. The white iggies you see are often known as snows, and as they age, they usually pick up a greenish cast thanks to that light scattering. But they have this really cool white/blue iridescence as babies!
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Hypo red iguana- these range from orange to deep ruby red, and often have lighter heads.
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Super red iguana- Usually a deeper cherry red to dark orange, these guys have more melanin than hypo reds do.
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There's quite a few more, but this post has already turned into "do you love the color of the iguana?" so I'll cut it off here!
I wish we could teach each other how to love the way we can teach animals that aren’t supposed to be able to feel it.
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