#alberta wildfire
godbirdart · 2 months
Jasper, a town in Alberta, Canada, was recently taken over by a tragic wildfire. As of July 26, 2024 at least 30% of the town has been destroyed, 358 out of 1,133 structures, with 25,000+ residents being forcibly evacuated for safety.
The Alberta government had cut back millions in funding for wildfire preparedness programs, leaving residents of Jasper floundering with little to no support while the United Conservative Party of Alberta fumbled its way through an arbitrary Treasury Board process trying to justify their decision to wait seven days before responding to emergencies.
if you're able, please consider donating / supporting the community of Jasper:
Rocky Mountain Relief Fund [Banff Canmore Foundation]
Canadian Red Cross
Samaritan's Purse
Jasper Community Team Society
Other Links:
Parks Canada Wildfire Status: Jasper
Parks Canada Fire Information and Updates: Jasper
Jasper Municipality Homepage
Alberta Government Wildfire Status
ArcGIS Interactive Wildfire Map [Alberta]
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Well a fire that started in British Columbia (one of three in the surrounding (kind of distant) area has officially crossed the border into Alberta and an evacuation alert has been set in place for part of the area to the west
While the evacuation alert is still over 21km away (from my hamlet) and its just an alert right now, the wind and temperature is not helping the wildfires
Between the fires and the hamlet I live in, there’s a reservation that’s working tirelessly to create fire guards and protect structures in the areas affected
The wildfire is burning at 1,250 hectares and is currently out of control
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Painted my smoky hellscape of a morning today. Smoky McHugh Bluff, 2023. Oil on canvas. 9 x 12 in.
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fuzzysquidink · 4 months
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To all the firefighters out there, busting their butts to save lives and properties - thank you for everything you do. Please stay safe!
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vintagecamping · 2 months
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Entrance to the Valley Of The Crooked Trees.
Jasper National Park, Alberta
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coffentyme · 2 months
Hey- so, not a normal post for me, but if you have mutual(s) living in BC or Northern Alberta, Canada please keep them in your thoughts. Wildfire season is no joke and we’re now entering evacuation season too. Jasper, AB has already been evacuated due to severe wildfires ranging over hundreds of hectares worth of forest, and now a sect of my home town has received an evacuation alert as well from a lighting caused fire of over 133 hectares and is rapidly growing by the hour.
Knock on wood but times are getting extremely worrisome, each summer is getting hotter and more deadly than the last, and people are being displaced from their homes at an alarming rate. Not just people but their animals too.
I know in the grand scheme of things this is not the most troubling thing happening in our world but it’s scary none the less.
A gentle reminder for any one living in BC or Alberta, Canada. Be prepared, be informed, and be ready. If you haven’t already you can download the BC WILDFIRE SERVICE app to keep updated on fires in your area, updates, notices, evacuation alerts, etc.
Please don’t forget to love one another and help your neighbours. Please reblog if you can ❤️
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whereifindsanity · 2 months
Jasper, Alberta Canada.
No words.... so devastating, prayers to all those affected.
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death-of-the-flowers · 2 months
I'm kinda mad that one of Canada's beautiful and historic national parks has nearly burnt to the ground and no one is talking about it like... at all. If this happened to an American national park I bet I'd be hearing about it.
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The wildfire that burned a third of the buildings in Jasper, Alta., to the ground is now under control, Parks Canada officials announced Saturday. "That means that the wildfire has received sufficient suppression action to ensure no further spread outside the defined perimeter of the fire," Landon Shepherd, a Parks Canada incident commander, told reporters.  The wildfire perimeter is an estimated 278 kilometres, while the area is estimated to be at 32,722 hectares. Smoke and flames will still likely be visible inside the fire's perimeter into early winter, Parks Canada says.
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @abpoli
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jelibaen · 2 months
My entire province is on fire again. Jasper National Park, our park in the Rockies, is burning to the ground. All of its history is in flames. Fires are popping up every day and we dont have the resources to fight them.
I can no longer remember a summer without most of it being obscured in smoke.
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On Saturday, NASA's GOES-18 satellite captured this image of early-season fires raging out of control in Alberta, Canada. On the same day, the Canadian government declared a state of emergency for Alberta. Thousands of people have faced evacuation while the wildfires have burned approximately 1 million acres. Plus, smoke from the Alberta wildfires has swirled into the northeastern U.S. Image via CIRA at Colorado State and NOAA. Read about the wildfires.
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cupsofsilver · 2 months
Seeing Jasper, Alberta burnt to a crisp has my heart aching in ways I never expected to feel about a place.
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vox-anglosphere · 2 months
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Our thoughts are with the 25,000 forced to flee forest fires in Jasper
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nutmegs-tired · 4 months
Hey guys, as wildfire season is starting in Canada friendly reminder to people in the States (those that don't usually get wildfires not like pnw I see you) to stop making jokes about it!. "Canada's trying to kill us!" "Blame Canada" are things I have already seen this year. Reminder that people's homes and livelihoods are being destroyed. People are losing their lives in the fires here. Please stop making fun of it.
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ireton · 2 months
Jasper, Alberta, Canada - devastated from forest fire.
As a National Park, Jasper is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Canadian Government & trudeau does not like Alberta.
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mistress-of-words · 2 months
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