#Canada fires
animentality · 1 year
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cj33333 · 1 year
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krystal-prisms · 1 year
Hey all for whoever doesn't know, my home province of British Columbia is on fire currently and tons of people are on evacuation notice, and I haven't really seen any media about it, so just here spreading awareness
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oca-rinn-a · 1 year
went out to lunch @12p and it looked like this; mild smog
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it has now (2p) progressed to this:
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nutmegs-tired · 4 months
Hey guys, as wildfire season is starting in Canada friendly reminder to people in the States (those that don't usually get wildfires not like pnw I see you) to stop making jokes about it!. "Canada's trying to kill us!" "Blame Canada" are things I have already seen this year. Reminder that people's homes and livelihoods are being destroyed. People are losing their lives in the fires here. Please stop making fun of it.
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allwitnobrevity · 1 year
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Just a little comic I drew while I was stuck inside with approximately the 907th severe weather alert of the year
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jerzwriter · 1 year
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Choking to death because of fires in Canada was NOT on my 2023 bingo card.
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buggbuzz · 1 year
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hihiitscai · 1 year
It has occurred to me that many people on the east coast are experiencing something of this caliber for the first time. I’ve been dealing with this almost every summer for nearly as long as I can remember. Ergo, helpful information post.
Moderate air quality means that health-wise, while it’s not great to be outside, if you’re not a sensitive group (elderly, asthma, heart condition, lung condition, very young), you won’t experience any health effects. Unhealthy for sensitive groups is exactly as it sounds, but we’re getting into “nobody do anything strenuous outside” territory. Unhealthy into hazardous is don’t exercise outside, don’t walk outside, don’t go outside unless you absolutely have to
If you have to go outside, wear a mask. Your best bet for smoke in the air is an N-95, which are sold at most hardware stores. Other masks work fine, but the best for smoke is N-95
When it comes to evacuation notices, there are three levels: level 1–get ready. Pack a suitcase or two. Clothes, toiletries, and things that absolutely cannot be replaced. It sucks. As someone who has done it, I’ve never felt more powerless than having to decide what was important enough to me that I wasn’t willing to let it burn. Level 2–get set. Pack the stuff up in the car. If you don’t have a car, reach out to neighbors. I don’t care if you’ve never spoken to them a day in your life. In an emergency situation you have to get out. Level 3–go. Leave and, if you’re the religious type, pray. It’s all you can do.
Edit: if the fire is coming towards a residential area, more specifically your residential area, and you have the means, take a hose and spray your house down. Just douse the motherfucker. It sounds unusual but wet houses are less likely to catch. Your water bill might jump, but at least you’ve got a house
Things are fucking scary right now. Breathe and plan. Do what you can. Regardless of what happens, you can make it through.
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tendie-defender · 1 year
Has anyone tried connecting this.
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With this?
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When ammonium nitrate burns it gives off Orange and Brown smoke.
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saintmichale · 1 year
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animentality · 1 year
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It's just an entire lyric of we didn't start the fire.
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z-mizcellaneous-z · 1 year
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pr0udn3rd · 1 year
This is an image from cinematography award winning Blade Runner 2049
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This is my grandmother’s backyard at noon today
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my city currently looks like it should be the setting for some post-apocalyptic movie. air quality here in jersey is plummeting so stay safe everyone in canada, new york, new jersey, pennsylvania, and any other north eastern state that might be getting hit right now
everyone should really be staying inside right now and keeping an eye on the air quality but i would also like to emphasize this sentiment if you have any kind of asthma, lung problems, or heart problems: STAY INSIDE! the air quality is NOT SAFE! going outside while the air quality is deemed ‘unhealthy’ is DANGEROUS!
as someone who’s been having lung problems ever since catching covid, i can tell you that my chest feels heavy and i’m coughing and it’s scary so please stay inside and take care of yourselves
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nutmegs-tired · 2 months
It's reached Jasper. Hope everyone gets out safe and that the responders are safe. Hopefully the building's can be safe but the people are number one priority
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