#aks most canon couple honestly
randmsapphic · 1 year
every time I think franka X liskarm shippers can't win anymore they somehow keep winning first a whole manhua now a whole theme that's very not subtlety a song about them.
(dw I know its a blacksteel theme)
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the-badger-mole · 2 years
There's A Difference
I think I've said this before- in fact, I'm almost certain I've said this within the last few months- but the reason I can't let Aang's actions be dismissed by his age is because his worst traits are never addressed in canon. The reason why I personally find him very incel-ish is because the grown men who created him and project onto him strike me as incel-ish (and yes, I'm aware that at least one of them is/has been married. Incel is more of a frame of mind than an actual state of being). Aang could have had a growth arc, but instead Bryke chose to either ignore his flaws or make them out to be virtues. I'm judging Aang as a character, not a child. Because Aang is not an actual child. An actual child might have been confronted on the things Aang did. Aang is a character whose creators want fans to think is perfect, even when they themselves introduce the idea he might not be (Aang's being a terrible father is not that surprising to me, but even then Bryke had to scramble to tell us he wasn't actually that bad 🙄)
I am a lot less harsh with Zuko because he actually faced the consequences of his poor decisions. He worked to make amends not only for himself, but for his family. I empathize with his losses and his personal tragedies because the narrative actually cared about how those things affected him in just about every episode, unlike Aang, whose devastating losses are only touched on when they're convenient to that episode's plot. Otherwise, he is the picture of unbothered to the point that I question if he even knew most of the time that he was in a war (the answer, it would turn out in the penultimate episode, was no, apparently not). There's not much I can criticize Zuko on that wasn't already touched on within the show. Why would I judge Book 3 Zuko based on Book 1 Zuko (who btw, I still think was a much better rounded character than Aang in any of the series)?
When it comes to Katara and the misogyny inherent in how she was treated in her canon ship? Well, I can only point to canon and aks to be proven wrong. Katara had very little to do with the development of Kataang during the series, and that little was usually prompted by someone or something outside of her own thoughts and feelings bringing the idea up. Meanwhile, we know from the beginning that Aang likes Katara (well, he likes how she looks anyway). His feelings matter to the narrative: Katara's not so much. Then the disastrous comics where Katara's character from the show is completely stripped from her and she ends up being the cheerleader girlfriend of the Avatar. I know some of that is walked back in the more recent comics, but we already know how it ends for Katara and her kids. Also, the post LoK scramble to give Katara more agency honestly just makes me think that my original assessment of her relationship with Aang was spot on.
Zutara, in my opinion, would have been a great relationship for them both. They would've been just about perfect together, because as hot tempered as they can both be, they also both get really good at communicating with each other, which is something that Katara never really has with Aang. That's why it doesn't surprise me to find out how dysfunctional their family is. Katara and Zuko know how to work together as a team. In a relatively short time, they got comfortable opening up to each other. They are both passionate to the point that they can be really hot-headed, but they are both also extremely empathetic and compassionate. They are a couple that would've helped each other grow, and would have been so much more interesting than anything that happened with their actual canon relationships.
I get that there are people who would rather believe that Aang could outgrow his selfishness. That's totally valid, and has made for some great stories. However, I don't think saying the way he was written in canon has shades of incel is wrong. Especially by Book 3. I could see that guy growing up to be a viciously obnoxious narcissist. I bet those of us who know an "Aang" IRL can picture that, too.
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You think the Descendants books are canon? And who's you're least fave AK and why?
Yes and no. I think the books color in canon, and things like the shrimpy debacle and Cruella’s abhorrent parenting certainly seem to fit in very well with the movies, but I don’t think they’re straight up 100% canon. Mostly because the rotten four in the movies are very close and behave like they’ve been besties since birth. They have a clear, deep bond and behave like they’ve known each other since forever. You cannot tell me with a straight face that they met in the same year that the movies happened. Also, their parents live together in the movies and they don’t in the books. Well I guess it’s not explicitly stated that they do, but how else do we explain them being together whenever they’re onscreen, and stuff like Evil Queen knowing how the “safe” works? It’s the most logical conclusion to me. Aside from that, Ben and Mal give no indication of recognizing each other in the movies, so the dreams aren’t canon either unless I’m supposed to believe that Ben made a declaration based on his dream, partially to get that one girl off the isle, and then didn’t recognize her when she stood in front of his face. To me it seems some parts of the books are canon, some are canon-esque, and the rest are creative liberties for the sake of telling a good story.
My least favorite AK is Chad, I hate his guts. Or rather his lack thereof.
It was a tossup between him and Audrey, but Audrey has redeeming qualities and a reason to be the way she is. I briefly considered going with Jane but she’s only kinda unlikeable in the first movie and just like Audrey has good qualities and a reason to be Like That. Chad does not. Like- at all. He doesn’t have a single good thing about him, he doesn’t do anything other than act horribly, and his only merit is that he’s so unlikeable we can laugh at him every time he face plants into the mud. His main character trait is that he’s mean, he’s judgmental, and he uses his good looks and status to get what he wants (like making girls do his homework and then dumping them/not following through on his end of a deal). Then in D3 he’s lost all the charming front and has turned into a pathetic coward who licks Audrey’s (fabulous) boots and that’s it. That’s all he has. His reason for being that way?
Good question, I’d love to know too!
Actually no at this point I honestly don’t care, but I guess I’d hear it out if we ever got anything. That’s why I dislike Chad so much though, there’s nothing to him. He’s an antagonist making our villain protagonists’ lives harder because he can and he’s something for the audience to laugh at or yell at, but he’s got nothing beyond that. I can’t analyse him, I can’t really talk about him in any meaningful way because there’s nothing to talk about. Audrey, I can talk about for days, because she’s fascinating and a lot deeper than you’d think in the first movie, but Chad just isn’t. Jane was only kinda mean in the first movie and it’s clear that it’s because she’s been an outcast all her life. Of course she’ll do anything to keep her newfound popularity once she’s finally accepted! When you get what you’ve wanted all your life you’ll do stupid shit to not lose that again, especially if you’re an insecure teenager. And Audrey was told since birth she’d be the queen of Auradon, her grandma (who she clearly cares about a lot) puts a lot of pressure on her and even talks down to her when Ben breaks up with her in a way I’d say borders on verbal abuse.
"A lifetime of planning gone. Our family status gone. Audrey you were supposed to be his queen and you let him slip through your fingers."
"Your mother could hold on to a prince her sleep."
Imagine someone you love deeply telling you that because your boyfriend broke up with you. Look at that and tell me queen Leah hasn’t been pushing Audrey to become queen since forever. Audrey herself says she and Ben were supposed to be a couple from an early age, practically betrothed, that whole thing was not her idea and I can imagine her boyfriend singing a love song for another girl in front of the entire school isn’t gonna inspire nice behavior. Was Audrey a little vain? Yes, but again she’s clearly had much pressure put on her to be perfect (she and my Anthony would get along great with the instilled perfectionism, I might write about them bonding one day 👀). Her behavior can be explained, and given her lyrics in Queen of Mean we can assume that she was very nice to people who weren’t the VK’s. As you can tell by the length of this, there’s a lot to talk about with Audrey. I can’t do that with Chad because there’s nothing there. He’s not a good person, and that’s all we get.
The most I can do is tell you he’s a representation of the nature vs nurture themes, with his parents being heroes and him being the way that he is, but not only is that very obviously his purpose in the story aside from driving the drama of the plot, he’s also not the only character serving that purpose. Queen Leah does it better than he does given the way she treats Audrey (her grievances with Mal and her behavior towards here are unjustified, but they do have a basis), and Audrey is just a more interesting angle to take in that theme. Jane’s little “mean girl” phase is better than Chad’s whole character, because it shows in just a few scenes how good people can become assholes in certain circumstances.
So yeah fuck Chad, at least he’s an easy pick for when I wanna write drama and need an inciting incident. He’s perfect for that if nothing else.
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runolllo-fanboygirl · 3 years
annoying revali anon again... im sorry but I want to ask more, your post about link's age was really thoughtful, even though most of the info is in the game I didn't think about it and I never saw other people talk about it (even if so many people are always aking guesses about link's age!) so I want to ask, do you know Revali and Sidon's age too... please and thanks...
Ok, Sidon is easy but Revali is a tough one! And I don’t have the time to source properly. I’ve actually been writing a post about the ages of all the relevant BOTW characters (that’s why I had this info at hand for that other Link post too!) but adding quotes, screenshots, etc. takes a lot of time.
So here is a very informal answer until I manage to compile everything:
- Adult Sidon is, canonically, older than 100 (obviously XD) but younger than 130, I estimate around 110ish since we know he’s much younger than Rivan (who’s over 130). Sidon is also canonically considered more on the “young adult Zora” side than on the “middle aged Zora” side (for comparison, Bazz and Gaddison are confirmed middle aged). Zora a bit younger than 100 are more or less already considered adults or late teens (like Dunma) so Sidon might had been an adult for a while. I hope this made sense lol.
Regarding the current twitter drama: Zora mature in a very different way, much slower in general, and not necessarily perfectly proportionally slower than the other races. You can’t equate Zora age to Hylians, don’t ask “would that make Sidon around 23 in human age” that makes no sense... he’s a +100 young adult by Zora standards because he’s a Zora.
- Revali’s most likely just barely an adult, and somewhere around the same age as Link (17-19). For reference, this is everything I had to say about Link’s age / LINK /. Anyway back to Ravioli Pasta Boy, we can only make a good guess about him being around that awkward age between teen and adult. I’ll try to explain as short as possible:
- I’ll start saying that, unlike the case of the Zora, Rito age and life expectancy are the same as for Hylians. We can infer this from Revali’s own dialogue in the Champion’s Ballad, as well as from Creating a Champion. The book also tells us that Kass is considerably older than Teba, but we have nothing to compare them to Revali, that I have found. While the Zora talk a lot about their age (since it’s relevant to Link’s past and his old bonds with them) we have no numbers to compare for the Rito, sorry. STILL, go on and read:
- Revali uses “boku” to refer to himself in Japanese. It would be very awkward for anyone other than a male child/teen to use “boku”. An adult man would use boku in some settings, not in the way Revali does in my opinion (I explain why on this other post) but some people disagree... so I won’t say this is conclusive evidence on it’s own BUT I can stack this hint with the next few ones:
- Urbosa's Diary: “Revali is of the youngest Rito generation” (the diary has different wording in the different localizations but ultimately says that).
- Urbosa’s diary putting Zelda, Link, Revali and Mipha in the same age group (yes, Mipha too, don’t ask me I didn’t write this game lol)
- Revali’s considerably shorter than the other Rito adults (and I’m not even talking about Teba who is actually taller than the other Rito men).
- Other more speculative hints: 
- Revali still has the same face markings as the Rito children. It might be just a design choice but why not mention it. A lot of the stuff in this game is very deliberate, so yeah.
- Revali’s emotional immaturity; 
- The fact that he was designed to be Link’s rival (stated in Creating a Champion); 
- The fact he didn’t have any descendancy, unlike Urbosa or Daruk, even though he loves his homeland and his people so much, he gets along with children, and all he ever wanted was to see the Rito thrive. One would think, he didn’t have the time to have a family :(
- The age gap between Revali and Teba matching the trend of the other co-pilots in which one is an older adult (Urbosa, Daruk, Teba and Sidon) and the other a youngster (Riju, Yunobo, Revali and Mipha). Creating a Champion says Yunobo is “a young adult Goron still growing” and I think all of us can see how that’s very possibly the same case with Link, Revali and Mipha.
- Creating a Champion also highlights how adult/big/confident Teba is that he isn’t bothered at all by criticism, being mostly aware of his own shortcomings, feeling no shame and just working hard. A big contrast with Revali, who while being just as hard working, is a bit of a bratty kid and an overachiever who hates being caught in what he considers “a moment of weakness” (a moment of shame). So, again, deliberate decisions while designing the characters.
I might be missing something big but that’s all for now! I’m confident most of the facts are correct (please notice that I mentioned when I make estimations and when I speculate, versus when I’m giving actual canon data and quoting!). Again, I haven’t put together all my sources yet, the quotes are from memory an paraphrased, double-check before quoting me on this ;D
Also! Do what you want with this info, make your own conclusions. Link and Sidon’s age frames are a bit more restrictive and Zelda literally turned 17 the day of the Calamity (I think the only character with her age set in stone lol), but otherwise the game and book would be like “eh, Riju was designed to look around 12 but Gerudo mature faster... Paya was designed to be around Link’s age, between 18-20... Purah is, uh, 120, kinda......... Link found the Master Sword when he was 12 or 13, maybe........¿¿?...?” like, what do you mean, does Link not fcking remember if he got the sword when he was 12 or 15 lmao!!!! Assholes!!! XD  
So like, yeah ahahahha. You think Revali is 17? The game says Sure Why Not. You say Revali’s 24 and a short king? Perfectly possible too honestly. We stan short King Revali, wow much sass in such smol birb. Big bow go brrrr
Last thing about Teba and Revali because I wanted the Age of Calamity SPOILERSSS at the end: 
 - In Age of Calamity *SPOILERSSS*  Teba’s dad instincts kick in on a couple of occasions... there are many battle combos I haven’t seen yet, but at least once Teba goes to Revali to give some emotional support (in the battle before the last, I think); in another occasion to help him speak his true feelings (as in literally voicing them in Revali’s stead because Teba is that blunt and Revali is... you know, like he is.) As it happens between the other co-pilots, the older one often reassures the younger one (Mipha and Sidon still have an older sister/younger brother dynamic even if Sidon came from the future and is now literally older than her lol so the rule still applies! XD). So again, I feel like the age difference between Teba and Revali is noticeable, even though Teba is still a young dad himself... but I honestly feel that if someone wanted to say both Revali and Teba are like, 25, no one could tell them that the canon says otherwise XD
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dynamic-duo-deposit · 5 years
I have a question especially after seeing your Robin post... Is Nightwing name after Superman or after Batman? Because I remember in one issue that Dick said it was because of Superman legend and in another issue Dick saying something like "even my new hero name relates me with you". So whats the origin behind Nightwing name?
“Even my hero name relates me to you” sounds familiar but I’m drawing a blank on what that’s from?  Anybody know?
As for the rest of your question:    
It’s both Superman AND Batman per Dick’s original reasons for choosing the name in Tales of the Teen Titans #44.
“Both name and costume are based on other people… both mentors and friends.”
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The name “Nightwing” first showed up in Superman #158 in 1963, with Superman and Jimmy Olsen under the mask.
It’s also very explicit in text that they were inspired by Batman and Robin.
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In Summary- Superman and Jimmy were on Kandor and had to go undercover, so they decided to take a page from Batman and Robin and base their costumes on the local fauna.
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(I like to think that Supes showed up in the Batcave after the end of Superman #158 and they had a good laugh, which is also how Dick knows the story.)
Anyways, unless a knowledgeable Superman fan wants to come correct me, my understanding is that “Nightwing as a Legend” was a 1999 Chuck Dixon retcon  from Nightwing: Secret Files and Origins that established new post-crisis canon, with Dick going to Clark for support after deciding to leave Robin behind.  (The same scene would also show up again in Nightwing: Year One in 2005.)
So that’s the point we put aside the direct Batman connection and focus more on the Superman side of things.  (Although, we are still talking about a character named NIGHTWING.)
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Post New52, this is still the canon, although it incorporates some of the more modern world-building regarding the Kryptonian gods.  (Grayson Annual #2)
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And Post-Rebirth. (Nightwing Rebirth #1)
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Superman comics have also gone on to further develop the lore of Nightwing and Flamebird as gods/legends, with Flamebird developing into a female persona and her and Nightwing being Siblings/Lovers.  They have also put a couple of different characters in those superhero mantles over the years, with Chris Kent and Thara Ak-Var probably being among the most prominent.  But also, I’m less familiar with the various developments regarding the Nightwing/Flamebird mythos on that side of the DC universe.
With all that said, I want to unpack some of this for a minute, so have some other assorted thoughts:
It wouldn’t be entirely inaccurate to say that Dick named himself after Superman’s Batman cosplay OC, which he had localized for Kandor.  
Dick apparently traded out the jetpacks for a sweet disco collar.
The scene in TT #44 where Dick talks about how becoming Nightwing is a way of honoring everyone who has loved him still makes me weepy.  The name may be from Bruce and Clark, but he also talks about the influence of his parents and Kory on his growth as a hero.  Because becoming Nightwing isn’t just about leaving Robin/Batman behind or growing up, it’s also about the Titans and so many people who Dick loves, and has been loved by.
Honestly, I am strongly of the opinion that any DC universe that doesn’t acknowledge a relationship between Dick and Clark is made lesser by the absence, and I am glad that the name ties them together.  
One of the most interesting things to me about the Dixon story is that he makes the Kryptonian Nightwing out to be a solo hero when I don’t think that has ever been the case?  
I can see why Dixon did that thematically, and outside of full retcons, you can easily hand-wave it with an explanation that this is Clark telling Dick what he needs to hear and maybe not telling the whole story– since the fact that Nightwing has a partner might be a BIT of a sore spot at that point in his life.
But also– “I gave up being Robin because that tied me to Batman” *names himself after a hero that traditionally has a partner and was originally based on him and Bruce*
Seriously though, I do genuinely dig the mythology explanation a lot.
There’s probably something to say about Bette in all of this, but I’m not touching that today, and mostly I’m left wondering how commonly known this Kryptonian legend or the tales of Superman’s exploits in Kandor are.
Anyways, have a little of Supes being proud from Grayson Annual #2 for the road.
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wezzaner · 5 years
Evie’s and Doug’s relationship develops the best, Pt. 2
So, here I go:
So, picking up from where Pt.1 left off, Evie and Doug made up after the coronation and before the after party.
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In Descendants 2, their relationship took the backseat to all the Mal/Ben drama, mostly Mal, Ben was a total idiotic care bear. And that’s okay, I am not complaining at all about Devie being somewhat benched. This is like Disney channel having its own trope of sidelining characters, story arcs and plot lines or just disregarding them completely.
Not the first time, won’t be the last. You get used to it, eventually. (Salty at High School Musical 13 years later, yes, that’s who I am)
You know, as they did with Evie’s intelligence, boxing her into the fashion corner only. Which I enjoyed, but there’s more to Evie than that and she could be both. And they butchered her further in Descendants 3, more on that later as well.
Also, unpopular opinion, Evie and Carlos are much better lead characters with better arcs and Jay fucking deserved better. Mal can go suck it.
Anyway, back to the topic:
Jumping six months later, Evie and Doug are running a business together from her dorm room. Her designing and him handling her finances, you know, like the power couple that they are. Right off the bat, couple goals already.
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Which should show how much they both do trust each other.
That should be surprising, given who their parents are. Again, everyone seems to forget that out of all the AKs/VKs couples shown in the movies, only Doug’s and Evie’s actually come from the same story. They should be enemies. They should not be trusting each other so much to the point where they share a business, let alone be in love. That, I suspect, might have slowed their relationship progress a bit. And it’s a very legit reason to be wary of someone.
Scenes breakdown:
Now, their first scene together hits with a banger right away, them sharing an inside joke.
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Six months into their (unlabeled?) relationship, Doug is shown to still be insecure about being with her. Actually, about HER being with him. Again, Evie is royal (whether Audrey likes it or not), she is ambitious, hardworking and will go places. And he’s, well...
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He’s telling her that through her hard work and dedication to her craft, she could be getting everything she had always wanted after all without needing a prince or marrying into it as she was bred and conditioned by her mother to do. That she can get there on her own and she doesn’t need to be a trophy wife. Also, offhandedly telling her that he will help her get there, that they could get there together.
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And her tender, reassuring reply is that she doesn’t need a prince because she has him. Like, come on, that’s all the vindication anyone would ever need.
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I mean, I would love for someone, anyone, to look at me the way Evie looks at him at that moment. Like, boy, you got nothing to worry about, not one thing. Just look at her face, please.
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Honestly, in less than thirty seconds, their relationship progressed more than Mal’s and Ben’s relationship did in that entire movie. I mean they had a conflict and they solved it in half a minute while Mal spent the entire movie erasing everything good about her already-established character. Ben deserves better.
So, moving on.
The next development in their relationship arc comes in a scene with no Evie whatsoever. Doug encounters Jay and Carlos and asks if they had seen Evie. Let’s break this one down, yeah?
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Doug is shown to be insecure about being the lesser of the two in his relationship with Evie and believes she deserves better. He is not the most confident individual, directly in contrast with Evie, who has this ridiculously confident aura around her.
And Jay and Carlos lying to him about Evie’s whereabouts couldn’t have helped. Especially because I believe at that point, Doug had become friends with Jay and Carlos to some degree. He wasn’t only questioning his relationship with Evie, but his friendship with Jay, Carlos and by association, possibly, Mal.
So, anyway, the crew got King Care Bear back and they arrive to Auradon prep the next morning. And Doug shows up, bowtie gone, disheveled and sleep-deprived to question whether Evie was seeing someone else or not.
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He was in panic over this, and she replies earnestly that she wasn’t, in fact, seeing someone else and she was on the isle with the crew saving Ben. And kind of calls him stupid for ever thinking that.
And Doug doesn’t even care about the whole Ben thing. which I find awfully hilarious.
To sum up:
Slow progress aside, Doug believed in Evie’s business, creativity and ability to be financially stable enough to buy her own castle before it even crossed her own mind. Just because he knew it was something she always wanted. He supported her wholeheartedly, to the point where he was okay working with her, handling finances and deliveries. And probably investing as well. 
The movie did go over Doug’s very obvious insecurities when it comes to his relationship with her. Made it obvious that he was flawed, normal and human, more so than any of the other characters. He gets jealous because he sees himself as the less in the relationship and his reaction is justified, to be honest.
I mean, this is Evie we’re talking about. One doesn’t just LET Evie go, that’s stupid. You don’t lose people like her. No one deserves Evie, she’s too good for all of them. But it’s not about deserving.
I believe they were already in love at this point (such a healthy relationship, too), but reached a mutual mental (or off-screen, really) decision to buckle down, take things slow and see where things go. This is because of who they are and how they came to be, not because of anything else. Actual brain cells, here.
And not everyone is Mal and Ben. Nothing against them, but they are under pressure, with their relationship being public and all. There’s always a sense of urgency with those two.
And with these gifs I rest my case:
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Off topic, but please!!
Has anyone noticed that, aside from being a movie musical, Did I Mention and Be Our Guest are the only canon-confirmed numbers? Be Our Guest was performed for family day as some form of (cringe) entertainment.
BUT Did I Mention is the only one that was deadass performed into a legit microphone? And then rearranged for the proposal. Am I the only one seeing Ben rushing out from the dressing room before the game to find Doug to ask him if he could have the band play it after the game? And then a year later gathering everyone else, letting them know he was proposing and then being all like; “Doug, I need you.”
 Doug is Ben’s wing man, and that is that.
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ikkleosu · 5 years
So what's going to cone of Connie's crush on Daryl? Do you think she will pursue it and how will it play out in regards to Caryl? Honestly, the only thing I can see happening is Daryl admitting he has feelings for someone else and then ta da!!!, the door is swung right open to canon.
Quite! Frankly this development has me really excited for how things could unfold.
I also wanted to bring in @onedayyoujustchange comment here, about not being here for jealous Carol.
IF Carol does realise or get told about Connie's feelings for Daryl, I dont think jealous would be her emotion. I think what we would get is magnanimous Carol.
She us already terrified of her love for Daryl. And her feelings for him are tied up with a whole load of grief and pain and not a whole lot of self-worth.
I think she was see Connie - lovely, beautiful, kind, smart and happy Connie - and think that's just the sort of woman Daryl needs. He doesnt need her with her "sorry madam you'll have to pay $300 excess for that" baggage. And she'd be encouraging. Or at least positive in asking how he felt about Connie.
How this plays out depends so much in the next couple of eps, but I could see it going down a few ways:
1) No one else ever discusses it, and neither Connie or Daryl bring it up again. IMO this is the least likely scenario, as I think there would be more to this story than this one scene, given AK's comments about characters discussing it.
2) It comes up again between Daryl and Connie, and Daryl gently let's Connie down. In this scenario, my ideal is Connie saying "It's because of Carol isn't it?" And then Daryl gets all mega awkward.
3) Another character talks to Connie about it, and then to Daryl, in a matchmaker mode. Daryl again let's this person down gently on his feelings for Connie. And depending on the person, Daryl tells them why, or not.
4) Carol witnessed them together and talks to Daryl about it, encouragly or teasingly. Now, I know this isn't popular for so many reasons, but I like this idea best. And in some ways, i think it's most likely.
When you see that the next two eps seem to have Daryl and Carol largely together, it doesn't seem like there's be a lot of chance for someone else to tell him. And IMO the only candidate would be Kelly.
But we do know ep 8 has the group mission/outing/convention which includes Connie, Daryl and Carol. And I could see Carol seeing them together and thinking they either were together, or at least realising that Connie is into Daryl.
Now when Daryl dismisses the idea of him and Connie, whether or not he says why is something I am swithering about. I mean, in a perfect world he would say "how could I be interested in her when I've been in love with you for 9 years."
But this is not fanfiction world, lol. And also, tonight a new factor came into play.
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Well, well, well. It looks like we might be getting a little peak into Daryl's mind this season. Now I assume, like Carol, if we see Daryl's dream it's to show us something he hasn't verbalise. So we really could see his and hers matching Denim Dreams, which reveal their true feelings for each other.
I mean, it seems very fitting for the torture they like to inflict on us if we get to see their feelings, some time before either of them is capable of verbalising or acting on them. Ugh the beautiful agony!!
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a-mellowtea · 5 years
RWBY Issue #1: An Elegy For Continuity
I’ve never been one for comic books. I think I read a couple when I was younger. I seem to recall Spiderman. I did pick up the Bone series at one point and fell in love with it. But beyond that, they never appealed to me. Now that I’m older, however, and finding more of an appreciation for design and storytelling alike, I really want to go back and just smother younger me in superhero and fantasy comics to make up for what I missed.
When I heard that RWBY was making a venture into the comics scene thanks to DC, I honestly got excited. It’s a perfect medium to tell stories that canon may not have been able to cover, and with the promised content being set in the area in-universe -- between Volumes 3 and 4 -- we have the least specific information about, there was no conceivable reason not to be at least interested.
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RWBY #1 dropped on August 28th, 2019 under the subtitle “Prelude: The Elegy”. It’s narrated by Ruby Rose, one of the series’ titular characters and arguable ‘main’ protagonist out of the four, and covers in very brief form the Creatures of Grimm, the Huntsmen Academies, the fellow members -- Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna and Weiss Schnee -- of RWBY, the Color Naming Convention/Rule, Dust, Semblances and the Fall of Beacon. It ends with the finale of Volume 3, and Ruby uncertain if they’ll be able to carry on.
The quality of the artwork and layout varies, but overall Mirka Andolfo and Arif Prianto do capture the look and feel of the characters (although, they can’t seem to decide whether Weiss is left-handed or not). Whether or not some of it seems off is an entirely subjective matter. Personally, while I find some panels to be absolutely striking (such as Tai, Yang and Ruby at Summer’s grave, the Volume 1-3 era combat panels, the initial Battle of Beacon Academy page, and the final panel), I also find others to be a bit... lacking (the Volume 4 design splash page especially).
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An article by CBR appropriately labeled it an adaptation at a “breakneck pace”, which is honestly an understatement. The elements I mentioned get perhaps a page each, touched on in a manner I can in all seriousness relate to skipping a stone across a pond. Being a fan of the series, for me, that is perfectly fine; I already have as much of a grasp on things like Aura and Dust and the combat Academies as one who has been with the show since the Volume 2/3 hiatus could. On top of that, with Ruby as our narrator and speaking from in-universe, she may not see the need to go into incredible detail. However, someone just delving into RWBY with this as a primer or part of their proper introduction to Volumes 1 or 2 would in all likelihood be left winded by everything that zooms by with so little explanation. These elements are essential to the story and the world of Remnant. They, along with certain key events such as the Battle of Beacon, are the building blocks of the series.
On that front, it certainly doesn’t help anything that canon is shakily incorporated or, at points, firmly and summarily disregarded. See, the issue with RWBY #1 doesn’t lie in the art style or storytelling. Rather, it is with the connective tissue between the comic and its source material.
Most of these instances aren’t egregious oversights but are worth mentioning regardless. For instance, there is a panel in which Penny is shown wearing Beacon’s uniform, though she is from Atlas and was never shown wearing any of the Academy’s uniforms.
In the panel talking about Semblances, Weiss’ Semblance is described as being able to “summon any Grimm she’s slain”. While true, that is a facet of her Semblance, not her power itself. Weiss’ Semblance is Glyphs. She also never summoned before the Battle of Beacon, making the page of her summoning a Grimm circa that time also inaccurate.
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In yet another, Ruby mentions rumors about the Maidens and magic. However, the only way she could have known about the Four Maidens before Qrow telling her and RNJR in Volume 4 Chapter 8 was through the fairy tale known as the “Story of the Seasons”. Only the Ozluminati (Ozpin, Qrow, Glynda and James) and Pyrrha knew in full about the truth surrounding the four Maidens. As this is being narrated at the end of Volume 3 (the “now”, as stated in the penultimate panel), Jaune also only knew that Cinder had acquired some sort of power; nothing of magic or the Maidens.
The worst of these errors come at the end of the comic, and are most plainly wrong. Ruby is shown having come back to Patch on foot, whereas she was most certainly entirely unconscious when she was brought back to Patch by Qrow. It is also implied that Ruby returned to help Tai take care of Yang; their conditions of consciousness somewhat perplexingly reversed from canon. 
Furthermore, though it is clearly stated and shown that Jacques was the one to take Weiss home after the events at Beacon, Willow also appears to be present alongside an AK-200.*
And finally, Taiyang is shown in the aforementioned penultimate panel waving goodbye to RNJR as they depart for Mistral.  The issues of this particular change are further-reaching than most of the others; Ruby leaving without a word to her father and sister other than a letter was brought up several times in Volume 4, and was part of what made Yang and Ruby’s reunion in Volume 5 such a good moment.
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Some things are also oddly worded (and that’s without mentioning the run-on sentences), leading to unnecessary confusion. For example, at one point, Ruby explains that “Atlas, Vale, Vacuo and Mistral -- every Kingdom in Remnant has their own way of dealing with Grimm. But only the Kingdom of Vale has Beacon, the legendary Academy where my mother and father went to become Huntsmen”. This makes it sound like Beacon is the only Huntsmen Academy in Remnant, and the other Kingdoms have completely separate ways of dealing with the Grimm. I doubt that was the authorial intent; it could be explained away rather easily as Ruby simply stating that none of the other Academies are as good; ie, there is only one Beacon.
There is also another rather odd panel following the aforementioned, in which a young Ruby and Yang stand with Taiyang, their father, and Summer Rose, Ruby’s biological mother. While this family shot is very nice and certainly pulls on a fan’s heartstrings, the composition is strange. If this is meant to be an in-canon moment, rather than a symbolic one, then Ruby and Yang’s ages at the time of Summer’s death are thrown into question yet again. As stated by Yang in Volume 5 Chapter 8, “My mom left me. Ruby’s mom left too. Dad was always busy with school, and Ruby couldn’t even talk yet”. This shot, with Ruby and Yang looking closer to 6 and 8 respectively, contradicts that.
That’s not to say that these errors, numerous as they are, completely ruin the experience of reading the comic. Paired with Mirka Andolfo’s artwork, RWBY #1 presents a decent introduction to RWBY until the end of Volume 3, heading into the timeskip territory. However, being a recap of elements and events already covered in the show, it is sorely lacking and has absolutely no excuse to be. I saw someone mention that it feels like the writer, Marguerite Bennett, skimmed the show’s Wiki or otherwise did the least amount of research possible on the series before writing. I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment.
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At the end of the day, RWBY #1 “Prologue: The Elegy” is a good attempt at summarizing the most basic and key material of Volumes 1-3, but ultimately fails, falls flat and devolves into a mess of inconsistencies, errors and nonsensical changes that fans should not consider being canon whether it has been stated to be in the category of “canon-until-it’s-not” or not.
I do hope they find their footing in the second issue of RWBY, as perhaps original content will provide better space for the story to flow largely unhindered by canonical information.
*Amendment: I originally stated that it was Winter in this panel. I’ve been since informed that that is incorrect. Apologies for the mistake!
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spiriituma · 4 years
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tagged by:  stole it !! tagging:  anyone who wants to !!
name of your favorite muse: mmm... i can’t pick favorites. sometimes i feel like writing one more than another, but i honestly can’t pick favorites.
name of your very first muse: my first canon muse was YJ!Dick Grayson. on this blog, though, the first canon muse i added was Sam I-Am
name of your meanest muse:  hm... canon-wise ?? Sam and Varian can get really salty.
name of your nicest muse: Peter
name of your most troubled muse: oof, they’ve all got issues, but probably Varian
character you have the most muse for atm: Ian
two of your muses that would never get along: tbh, all my canon muses are fairly similar, so i could see them getting along p well. 
two of your muses that could be best friends: Varian and Ian would probably be a little slow to start out, but they have very similar interests-- both are total science nerds, but Ian would obv insist on the existence of magic, so that would cause a clash at the beginning. Throw Peter in with them tbh, they’d all get along gr8
two of your muses that would make a cute couple: Varian and Ian ??? Varian and Ian
two of your muses that are most similar: oh, they’re all pretty similar ?? except Ian is the only one who has a mom. oof
name of the muse you’d be best friends with irl: oh god, Ian. or Peter.
name of the muse you’d probably hate irl: i love him a lot, but Sam would probably annoy the shit out of me
a faceclaim you’ve been eager to use: i don’t think i have any rn that i really want to use...
name of your favorite muse: ak;safksdlfjad they’re my childs, i can’t
name of your meanest muse:  TREVOR
name of your nicest muse:  Lava, followed by Jonas
name of your most troubled muse: Lee
character you have the most muse for atm: Lava
two of your muses that would never get along: Trevor and Jonas. I don’t want them near each other. That would be so bad.
two of your muses that could be best friends: Lee and Jonas
two of your muses that are most similar: mmmm... they’ve all got similarities to each other, but Lee and Lava are the most similar behavior-wise
name of the muse you’d be best friends with irl: Jonas !!
name of the muse you’d probably hate irl: oh man, Trevor. Ethan would probably bother me a little bit at first with his smartass attitude. 
a faceclaim you’ve been eager to use: none that i can think of rn !!
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kaz-blaker · 7 years
Thanks for tagging me @starkdelinquents Love you puth.
FAVOURITE CHARACTER WHO’S ALIVE: Honestly I hate choosing one between all my favs. But my most favourite alive character has to be Bellamy Blake.
FAVOURITE DEAD CHARACTER: I have to choose Jasper Jordan. He was one of the mains and a major part of the delinquent family. His character changed quite a lot throughout the four seasons. I love how real his character was. Not every human put into a post apocalyptic era can be strong minded or hopeful, there are others who can't escape the suffering and the horrors. Tbh, I think I would be the Jasper type of person in that situation. It sucks that his time was cut short, and I’ll definitely miss his dynamic in season 5.
FAVOURITE DELINQUENT: Can I choose two? I just hate choosing between Monty Green and Raven Reyes, both my pure, too good for this world babies. Like Monty, my hacker child. My love from him has grown to a point of I don’t even know. He grew from being a recurring side character, to one of the core fours. And Raven is the woman I strive to be, a fucking genius (in STEM), strong even through all the mental and physical pain, and a wholeheartedly true human.
FAVOURITE OLDER ARKER: Can I say David Miller?
FAVOURITE GROUNDER: 100% Lincoln. That man deserved better than what he got.
FAVOURITE SEASON: Season 4 will remain my favourite. I loved both season 1 and 2, but in terms of plot and climaxes in every episode, it goes to S4.
FAVOURITE EPISODE: Picking one is pretty impossible for me, so I’m gonna choose my top 5 favs: 2x05, 3x02, 4x03, 4x06, 4x13
FAVOURITE LINE(s): “We all have battle scars Finn. Suck it up and build a brace for yours.” Honestly anything Raven says is awe-worthy, but this specific quote opened my eyes, it literally gives me goosebumps whenever I hear it. “Whatever the hell you want” - Bellamy to Jasper, his actually cracked my heart. “Well, I think peace is overrated. It's the fighters who survive.” And of course you gotta love all the John Murphy quotes.
FAVOURITE FIGHT SCENE: Im all for fight scenes based around the war. But my fav has to be in 2x16 between Mt. Weather and the Delinquents. Genius moves swipe me off my feet. Another fight scene that left me staring at the screen blankly was the conclave. Roan and Luna dying was definitely the turning point. But the fact that those two characters died and Octavia got to live pissed me off.
FAVOURITE VILLAIN: Cage Wallace and Dr. Tsing (A disappointment to desi doctors everywhere)
FAVOURITE FANON COUPLE: Bellarke, Sea Mechanic, Minty.
FAVOURITE KRU: Skaicru (the geniuses)
FAVOURITE HEADCANON: Honestly any Bellarke betting trope is good with me. But Bellamy being consoled by Monty on the Ark would be magical.
FAVOURITE SURPRISE PLOT TWIST: That six time jump (I had no clue that their would even be a time jump)
FAVOURITE COSTUME: Raven in the space suit. Her smile when she’s wearing it lights up my life. SPACE SUITS ON ALL OF THEM IN 4x12-13 LOOKED GOOD.
FAVOURITE HAIRSTYLE: Bellamy Blake 1x02-4x13.
FAVOURITE SET: The dropship in season 1. That became my home too.
FAVOURITE SONG: Radioactive, Knocking on Heaven’s Door and I See You. 
I’m tagging @oh-haseena @bl-ake @bellsgirl @bellamyblakesgun @jhourdan @notweirdtoliveinfairytales and anyone else!
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onelittlesparkx · 5 years
Full name: Princess Audrey Briar Rose
Notable Parents: Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip
Special abilities: Since using Maleficent’s scepter there have been unusual, magical, incidents occurring around Audrey
Aesthetic: Pink everything, black feathers, heels,
Scars: Flawless skin, for now.
Tattoos: None.
Favorite phrase: “Uh ew.”
Vices: Self-absorbed. It’s all about Audrey and while she does TRY to be more considerate it’s just natural for her to gravitate back towards herself.
What was going on with them during D1?
Despite disagreeing with her her boyfriend about the proclamation, Audrey was determined to behave like a proper-future-queen and welcome their guests and organizing all the events. However, when Ben asked Mal out while spelled (neglecting to even break up with Audrey)  she was determined to maintain a proper demeanor. However, never having been really single before she immediately gravitated towards Chad. She thought she could be happy despite the hiccup but her perception and heart had already been damaged.
What was going on with them during D2?
Prior she eventually broke up with Chad, she had justifiable reason from her perceptive but failed to convey them to him. Then she started to date Ace of Hearts on the request of her grammy and the possibility that she could still be a Queen. However, not wanting to have her heart broke again she pointed out to Ace his love for Salem and urged him to pursue it. After that, she decided to go on a spa vacation and was left alone to stew in her thoughts about how she even got here.
What was going on with them during D3?
With Ben publicly proposing to Mal, Audrey snapped. She went to steal the Queen’s crown and instead was manipulated by Maleficent’s wand; it exposed what was already in her heart and multiplied it. She was eventually stopped but the damage had been done. Were it not for Mal and her father Audrey would have died.
How did they feel when the barrier to the Isle was brought down?
At this point, having had her own brush with evil, she knew she couldn’t judge. She didn’t hate the idea and even continued to organize mixers for the VKS and AKS.
What was their perception of the Core Four?
At first, Audrey was put off by them and this would continue to for many years. Recently, thought she’s careful to maintain a bit of distance, she’s grateful to them and supports Mal as Queen even if they continue to walk on eggshells around one another.
What was their perception of Mal and Ben?
At first she  hated it, considering she had never been properly broken up with and she always thought  it would be her and Ben. Now, she’s okay with the couple but continues to maintain a distance for her own mental health.
How do they feel about the Curse Enya cast?
Audrey doesn’t care for it ion terms of missing her parents BUT if she were honest, she does like that she no longer has the pressures of her parents and grandparents over her. She can be herself without any judgement.
What is a goal they currently have in the SL so far?
Audrey is beginning to notice some peculiar, magical, occurrences around her and so she’s discovering that. Her goal is to maintain her “good” behavior and help those who need it.
What was their childhood like?
Though she was loved there was a lot of expectations put on her about their future of their family and the level of their royal status. She never really got to be much of a kid.
How do they display affection?
Audrey was once very prude and subtle with her affection as that was what was expected of her. However, it comes naturally for her to be very physically affectionate in terms of holding hands or kissing. Even with a friend, she likes to maintain a physical connection like putting a hand on a shoulder. 
What are their biggest secrets?
She likes to be bad. Not in the “take over the world and curse everyone asleep” again sort of bad. But she does enjoy belittling someone (on either side) or yelling at them.
What are their fears?
She’s afraid that no one she could love would ever love her. And she’s afraid of anyone knowing that because it can be perceived as trivial.
What is their diet like?
She prefers fruits and vegetables. If she consumes meat it’s usually poultry or fish.
Quality they prefer in a significant other?
Tall, handsome, and recently devoted has been added to the list.
How do they behave in a relationship?
Whether good or bad, Audrey has a tendency of making that person the center of her universe.
What do they most value in their friends?
Honestly and loyalty, despite her flaws.
Do they have a natural talent for something?
Organizing and leading. She knows what she wants and knows what she expects of others and thrives in that sort of position and environment.
What is their living arrangement like?
She’s was in the process of moving around due to summer school and starting college soon after. As of right now she continues to remain in Auradon Prep while the council meets.
What’s their favorite pastime?
Organizing an event. It gives her a sense of control.
What do they do when they’re angry?
Now, she’s very vocal about her feelings and isn’t afraid to yell at someone.
What is painful moment in their life?
When her grammy learned about her break-up with Ben; she was given an earful about how it was apparently all Audrey’s fault.
How do they deal with bad memories?
She wallows. She’ll take a beat, maybe a few hours and grab a blanket and some comfort food.
What’s the worst thing your character has ever done?
Curse the land with a sleeping spell and hurt people.
What is a subtle (or not so subtle clue) that they are in a good mood?
Humming. If Audrey is humming that is a sure fire sign that she’s in a good mood. 
Four notable head-canons for you character regarding the group SL:
1. She actually feels a bit of sympathy for Mal and the responsibilities that were thrust upon her.
2. Having remained close friends with Ace of Hearts, she is a frequent visitor of the Red Court.
3. Her time with Maleficent’s scepter left a magical impression on her. She’s not some kind of master witch or anything but sometimes without knowing it, magic occurs. Like when she was scared about the curse and two suits of armor were animated to protect her.
4. She still wants to be involved with the kingdoms or diplomacy in some way.
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blastthatsadfm · 7 years
fandom: durarara!!
Favorite character: I/za/ya and Sh/i/zuo/. I’m really basic. I’m really easy to please.
Least Favorite character: There are a bunch of characters that I don’t care about tbh. IDC about the monocle-wearing-villain that messed up R//ur/i. IDC about IDK… R/a/n or k/u/j//ir/agi. Or about Ts/uk/um/oya. I just really don’t think about them at all.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): S/h/izuo/Izay/a. D/ota//rocch/i. Wa/lker/Erik/a (the only canon on this list besides Shi/zay/a itself. I’m not delusional, leave me alone)Ki/da/Mi/ka/do. Mika/Anri (+Saki).
Character I find most attractive: S/hiz/uo takes the crown. I do love Chikage though. 
Character I would marry: CELTY. C/elty/shin/ra might not be my particular cup of tea, but I absolutely get Shinra’s pure devotion for Celty. She’s just that lovable.
Character I would be best friends with: Also Celty?? I honestly love Saki and Saki’s philosophical moments, though. But maybe Erika. We would talk about manga and ships and it would be some serious business. Also maybe Simon. He’s some best friend material right there
A random thought: The best arcs are from Volume 1 up to Volume 5. After that it gets messy. Way more characters than what Narita could possibly and reasonably handle. Also characters from the beginning get pushed behind and have their development suffer from it. Like Anri.
An unpopular opinion: Shou and Ten and Ketsu and were honestly so messy in comparison with the novels they might as well not being producted at all. I would be fine without their existence. And living with the hope it might get a better adaptation someday. Now I’m just absolutely dissapointed with the adaptation it got. It holds nothing in comparison with the first anime adaptation.
My canon OTP: Sh/iza/ya, I’ll FIGHT for my vision, they’re the most canon that any couple other than Shinra and Celty ever got, listen, I have a power point presentation and two hundred essays ready.Ok, Erika and Walker tbh. I don’t mind Kida and Saki but they don’t necessarily bring the best of each other.
Non-canon OTP: also shi/z/aya/? I’ll begrudgingly admit is not canon. like, oficially. Shizaya, man. My hell.But YA KNOW. my favorite Kadota ship is actually: Kadota/Namie/Chikage. So let’s go with that.
Most badass character: Celty and S/hi/zuo. But this list seems fake without Iz/a/ya.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Anything that pairs Sh/izu/o and I/za/ya not with each other. I don’t hate it. “Not being a fan” seems like the most accurate description.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): JUSTICE FOR AN/R/I. She was supposed to be one of the Main Characters and the climax had little to nothing to do with her, fuck me.
Favourite friendship: The Raira Trio and Sh/iz/uo and Ak/an/e. Also Sh/in/ra and Iza/y/a is very interesting, although it has so many problems as a friendship, but then again, anything pertaining those two has problems. Still interesting.
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