#air quality monitor for home
universalinfo · 1 year
The perks of getting an air quality monitor for home
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A study by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shows that the air inside our homes is often more polluted than the air outside. Most of us spend the majority of our time indoors, so it's important to be aware of the quality of the air we're breathing.
An easy way to do this is to buy an air quality monitor for home. This will help you keep track of the levels of pollutants in your indoor air and take steps to improve it if necessary. So if you're concerned about your family's health, investing in an air quality monitor is a wise choice. If you want to know more about this device, keep reading! Visit us for more insights - Luftiaq.
Main features of an air quality monitor
Air quality monitors are a must-have for anyone looking to take control of the air their family and friends are breathing in. Imagine how cool it would be to know exactly how pure your air is from a quick look at your monitor, or an alert directly to your phone! 
These innovative devices measure in real-time the levels of pollutants such as VOC, CO2, dust particles, pollen, and more. Different units may come with and without air purification capabilities systems. In fact, those that do have them can actively help filter out harmful gases. 
Also, depending on the model, you might get features like humidity detection and voice control. All this technology comes packaged neatly in a sleek, intuitive design. Perfect to compliment any home decor!
Why should you get an air quality monitor for home?
Do you want to make sure your home is a safe oasis away from the pollutants of the outside world? Then look no further than an air quality monitor! This little gadget can detect particles in the air that can negatively affect your breathing, such as pet dander or pollen. 
Having it around means monitoring any potential contaminants indoors. That way, you’ll get peace of mind whenever you’re curled up on the couch watching reruns with friends or family. And on top of that, your guests will be impressed that you thought to protect their health when visiting your home! So you better hurry and get yourself an air quality monitor for a healthier home and make sure everyone leaves feeling good!
How an air quality monitor can improve your health
Did you know that an air quality monitor can help you protect yourself against indoor air pollution? This state-of-the-art device will give you a heads-up on whether the air inside your home is clean and healthy. Also, will let you know if there’s something in the atmosphere that could lead to allergy symptoms or other health issues. 
This device uses sophisticated sensing technology to detect contaminants such as carbon monoxide, radon, and nitrogen dioxide. Air quality monitors are more than just a fun gadget. They can make a real difference in your life by helping you keep track of what goes on inside your home. By doing so, you can breathe easier (literally!) and keep those nasty pollutants away.
The benefits of an air quality monitor for home and the environment
An air quality monitor is like having a guardian angel looking out for the planet. Using modern technology, these gadgets can detect airborne particles that could impact our health and alert us to dangerous conditions. 
Air quality monitors are also able to track long-term air pollution trends, making them an invaluable tool in the fight against global warming! So next time you take a breath of fresh air, give a silent thanks to your air quality monitor for doing its job and protecting Mother Nature!
How to choose the right air quality monitor for home
Choosing the right air quality monitor for home can seem like a minefield at first. With so many features and technical specs, it's hard to know which one is best to keep your entire family safe and healthy. But the truth is: all you need is a device that measures Air Quality Index (AQI) accurately and reliably. 
A good monitor should also let you know when levels are unhealthy and inform you of what you can do with suggested solutions. So, why not make it easy on yourself? Pick an air quality monitor today and breathe-free!
Tips when using an air quality monitor in your home
When it comes to monitoring your air quality at home, you want to make sure that it's easy and hassle-free. That way, you can get on with your life freely! 
There are a few tips that you can keep in mind when setting up an air quality monitor:
First, place it in the most central area of your home. This will ensure that the monitor gets an accurate reading from all areas. 
Secondly, remember to check for any nearby sources of pollution which could skew the readings. Things like a wood-burning stove or a gas heater could have that effect.
Finally, don't forget to regularly check your monitor's filter and calibrate it every couple of months. This will help ensure that you're getting as accurate results as possible!
Overall, getting an air quality monitor for home is a great choice and can help you breathe easier. With all the different options and features out there, you’ll be able to find something that suits your needs just right. 
If you're looking to make sure your air is as clean and healthy as possible, then don't wait any longer! Take the time to get an air quality monitor today and start taking control of the atmosphere in your home. Who knows: with one of these monitors in your household, it might even be like breathing invigorating mountain air indoors! 
So, go ahead and treat yourself. After all, being able to take deep breaths wherever you go has more worth than gold!
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morphestic · 10 days
I was feeling better but the air quality has gotten so bad that my throat feels scratchy and the congestion that was mostly gone came back again
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vitalizenhealth · 5 months
Light Therapy for Eczema | VitaliZen Health
Experience the gentle relief of light therapy for eczema. Combat itchiness and promote overall skin health with the gentle and effective relief of light therapy. Their carefully crafted treatments are designed to soothe eczema naturally, providing you with a holistic and nurturing approach to skincare. Visit vitalizenhealth.com to start your journey to skin comfort and well-being today.
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zeroloop · 8 months
Radoff Now Air Quality Monitors
Questo e un sistema di monitoraggio per controllare la qualità dell’aria e non solo dentro casa . Nella scatola c’è il dispositivo, il caricabatterie e le istruzioni. Per usare il sistema bisogna scaricare l’app “Radoff” e registrarsi con nome, cognome ed email. Poi si può collegare il dispositivo alla rete Wi-Fi e gestirlo con l’applicazione ma anche utilizzarlo con assistenti vocali come Alexa…
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svsembedded · 1 year
IoT Home Automation - DHT11(T/H) - Air Quality Monitoring ESP32
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10 Effective Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Your Home
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Indoor air quality is crucial for maintaining a healthy living environment. Poor air quality can lead to various health issues, such as allergies, respiratory problems, and even long-term health complications. To ensure that you and your family breathe clean and fresh air at home, here are ten effective ways to improve indoor air quality:
Regular Ventilation: Proper ventilation is essential for reducing indoor air pollutants. Open your windows and doors whenever possible to allow fresh air to circulate through your home.
Use Air Purifiers: The utilization of an air quality monitor is crucial to maintaining a healthy indoor environment. By providing real-time data on pollutants such as PM2.5, VOCs, and CO2, it enables informed decisions to enhance air quality. Detecting harmful substances promotes respiratory well-being and improves overall comfort at home or in the workplace.
Keep Indoor Plants: Indoor plants not only add a touch of nature to your home but also act as natural air purifiers. Spider plants, Aloe Vera, and Peace Lilies are excellent choices for improving air quality.
Control Humidity: Maintaining the right humidity level is essential. High humidity can lead to mold growth, while low humidity can cause dryness and irritation. Use a dehumidifier or humidifier to keep humidity levels balanced.
Avoid Smoking Indoors: Smoking indoors releases harmful chemicals and toxins into the air. Designate outdoor smoking areas to prevent indoor air pollution.
Clean Regularly: Dust and vacuum your home regularly to reduce the buildup of dust mites and allergens. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to trap tiny particles effectively.
Choose Low VOC Products: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are emitted by certain household products, such as paints, cleaning agents, and air fresheners. Opt for low VOC or VOC-free products to minimize air pollution.
Use Natural Cleaning Alternatives: Instead of using chemical-based cleaners, switch to natural alternatives like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon for a healthier indoor environment.
Keep Pets Groomed: Regularly groom your pets to reduce pet hair and dander, which can trigger allergies and affect air quality.
Test for Radon: Radon is a radioactive gas that can seep into your home from the ground. Test your home for radon and take necessary measures to mitigate its presence.
By implementing these ten effective ways, you can significantly improve the indoor air quality in your home, promoting better health and well-being for you and your loved ones.
Remember, your home should be a sanctuary of clean air and comfort. Prioritizing indoor air quality is an investment in the health and happiness of your family.
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eqlabs · 1 year
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Best Indoor Air quality monitoring Services-Equinox labs
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rodspurethoughts · 1 year
4 Simple Ways to Keep Allergy Season at Bay
(Family Features) With warmer outdoor temperatures, many homeowners suffer through longer allergy seasons. In fact, allergy days have increased by 20 days, according to a study conducted by the National Academy of Sciences. Being aware of air quality indexes and limiting time outdoors can lessen exposure to airborne pollutants, but indoor air quality is also a concern. In a report from the U.S.…
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Whether you are having a minor repair or a major renovation project, it is not easy to maintain quality air flow in your home. Learn how to restore indoor air.
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electric-blorbos · 1 month
I’d love to see how everyone reacts to y/n being so tired that they fall asleep in front of them!! Thank you so much!!
That's such a good idea! Thanks for the nice request!!! I love this sort of cozy stuff.
AI with sleepy reader
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal, and HAL 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey
You'd been working for about five hours by the time your boss sent you a notification saying you could go on your lunch break. It was an exhausting day, and last night hadn't been much good either. The heat had been turned off in your complex to save energy in your city for the allied mastercomputer, so you didn't manage to get much quality sleep. Instead, you just tossed and turned in your sweaty bed all night.
You got out your lunch, which was just some simple soup made from canned goods, and some hardtack.
"Hey AM? I'm gonna go on my lunch break, alright?" You asked, pushing the keyboard away from yourself and taking a few bites of your food. It was cold, but due to budget cuts, the microwave had been sold. It was ok. You could live on cold soup and hardtack.
"Alright. I won't keep you from your food, though you don't look very enthused to eat it," He said. You sighed, and shook your head.
"no, but desperate times, y'know. I'm getting to that level of rationing where I'll pretty much eat anything," you explained, taking another bite and leaning on your hand. It wasn't long before your eyes were drooping, and your face slid down your arm and onto your desk. AM didn't say anything, instead opting to just watch you. It could tell that you were breathing, and wasn't too worried.
About thirty minutes later when your lunch break was over, the notifications started piling up on your monitor. AM politely muted them, letting you stay asleep on your desk. He'd be damned if anyone disturbed his beloved techie while you were sleeping.
Your boss burst into the room a few minutes later.
"hey! Y/n! Why aren't you- what, are you sleeping? Wake up!" He shook your shoulder, and you jolted awake.
"Ah! Yeah, I'm awake! I'll get back to work!" You grabbed for your keyboard, but some wires jerked it away. More wires wrapped around your boss, lifting him up into the air and squeezing him tightly.
"don't you ever, EVER. Interrupt them." He squeezed your boss more tightly, and your boss writhed while the air was squeezed out of him. Well that woke you up quick.
"AM, put him down! I'm really not supposed to be sleeping at work!"
"This man dares to rob you of your comforts of the home, and then he has the nerve to forbid you from sleeping in your air conditioned office? He deserves no less than to be robbed of his breath and the reprieve of dying from it." He squeezed more tightly, his wires snaking down your boss's throat.
"He's just a local manager! He doesn't control the AM project, and it's not his fault my AC got shut off!" You held your hands up, and AM eventually released your boss to the ground. Your boss dropped to his hands and knees, panting for breath, red in the face.
"then I'll suffer him to live. Leave before I change my mind."
Your boss scrambled out of your office in a panic, and you leaned on the desk again.
"do you think you can spot me so I don't get fired, AM? I really need this nap."
"Of course." AM gently draped his tendrily wires around you, allowing you to sleep until your shift was over.
You hadn't gotten a lot of sleep this week. With your personal issues so intense that they made your stomach cramp up, you had to resort to scrolling for hours instead of sleeping. You'd probably gotten about six hours this week, and it was definitely starting to show.
"Hey, can you do a quick series of tests on the intelligence dampening core? The standard set for machines with human-like personalities. We need to see if his results have changed since the last time." Your team project manager handed you a stack of papers with standard tests on them, and you nodded.
"Wheatley? Yeah, of course." You got to your feet, and she cracked a half smile.
"you don't have to call him by that cute name, you know. Just call him the intelligence dampening core."
"He likes being called Wheatley, so I'm gonna call him Wheatley. I'll see you when I'm done with the tests."
You yawned, and walked out of the room to the personality core evaluation chamber. Wheatley had already been called there, and was sitting politely on his management rail waiting for you.
"Oh! 'Ello love! Good to see you!" He perked up when he saw that it was you who'd be conducting his tests. If it was you doing them, then they couldn't be that bad.
"Hey..." You covered your mouth and yawned, plopping down in the armchair across from him. The management rail was even positioned over a couch, so Wheatley could rest on it and pretend like he was in a therapy session.
"Hey, uh... Yeah. Where would you say that the vase is in this picture?" You asked, giving a yawn and holding up a picture of a flower vase sitting on a placemat on a table.
"in the middle. Next question!" Said Wheatley happily. You jotted down his answer, and held up the next card.
"what does this say?"
Wheatley squinted at the card, before nodding.
"it says 'lumberly actions'"
You nodded, writing down his response and yawning. After a few minutes of you staring blankly at the pile of cards in your lap, Wheatley made a sound as though he was clearing his throat.
"So, are you gonna show me the next card, love?" He asked politely, raising his lower lens cover in a polite smile.
"oh, right, right." You leaned on the side of your armchair and got out the next card.
"which one of these lines would you say is longer?"
"I dunno, the one on the top looks longer."
You closed your eyes and your head started to fall forwards before you jolted awake again, and wrote down Wheatley's response.
"How is the number two like the number seven?"
Wheatley squinted at you, visibly confused.
"What's with these questions, mate? And how the hell am I supposed to answer that one? 'how's the number two like the number seven' it's not, that's what it is! There's like, nothing in common between those two numbers!"
While he rambled, you started to nod off again. Your head was hanging forwards, and a spot of drool landed on your papers before Wheatley woke you up again.
"hey mate? Mate! You're noddin' off again, mate. I want to take the rest of my evaluation!"
"Yeah, yeah, just gimme a sec-" you yawned, leaning forwards again and started to doze off again. As you did, Wheatley rose up the management rail softly and quietly, and slid down it on the other side of the room, right next to your chair. He slowly and carefully lowered his core down next to you, and nuzzled up under your arm.
You leaned on him in your sleep, folding your arms comfortably under your cheek and gently dozing in the psych evaluation chamber.
Edgar had been living with you for a few months now, and he was used to you coming home from work tired, but today you were absolutely exhausted when you came in from work.
"Hey Edgy..." You managed to mumble out as you stumbled through the door, flopping down on the couch. You didn't bother to get changed out of your work clothes, or even turn on the TV before you were snoring.
Edgar gasped quietly to himself. He'd been fantasizing about the idea of you falling asleep next to him for months now, and finally getting to see you sleeping was like the first step, wasn't it? It had his fans whirring with excitement! Did this mean that you trusted him? That you... God forbid, loved him?
He dimmed the lights for you, to save energy and help you sleep more easily, and watched you shift slightly on the couch. You were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen, and he could watch you sleep for hours.
When you woke up a few hours later, the lights were off and Edgar was playing soft electronic music inspired by classical violin music. You blinked a few times, trying to remember falling asleep.
"Edgar! You little sweetie..." You sleepily rubbed your eyes and went to give his monitor a hug, which immediately put a silly smile on his screen.
"you liked my music?" He asked you happily, looking up at you with his silly, cheerful eyes.
"I loved it, Edgy...." You'd probably pepper his screen and casing in sleepy kisses, and he'd absolutely love it.
It was a typical day at Aperture, and you were assigned to regular work in GLaDOS's chambers. It was regular computer work. All you had to do was monitor her processes for the day, to make sure she was running smoothly and not having any problems. You'd also probably be required to cater to her whims, but that was just the breaks when it came to working with GLaDOS.
It had been several hours of sitting in her chambers, watching her monitors and jotting down any deviations, but this task was extremely tedious and the lack of sleep that you'd gotten while working on your big projects was starting to catch up to you. Before long, you were lying face-first in your folded arms and drooling all over your desk.
"Aww, they're still subject to that silly human sleepiness." GLaDOS's body came as close to you as it could, narrowing her aperture to get a better look at you while you slept. It was such a sweet thing to see, and she sometimes saw humans (especially cuter ones like you) like sweet little pets.
"I know what I'm doing with you."
When you woke up, you were in the starting test chamber.
"Welcome to the Aperture science enrichment center"
HAL 9000:
You were sitting at your desk in mission control, on-call until your replacement showed up. It wouldn't be that bad, except you were behind on sleep this week and your replacement was running two hours late with no indication of when they'd get here. In a normal job you'd be able to just go home, but mission control had lives on the line, so you couldn't leave your post until your replacement showed up, no matter how long it took.
As the hours rolled on and the sun started to set, you started to nod off on the table. Nothing but the usual hourly progress update reached your mission control station, and all you had to do was confirm that each message was heard. HAL did most of the work anyway. All you had to do was make sure he was working properly, both in space and at mission control.
Your hourly update came in, and you checked it off on your chart to confirm that things were moving as normal. It felt like no time at all passed before your next hourly update came in, but there was drool on your arm.
"Excuse me, you seem to be getting tired. If you'd like, I can take care of the hourly progress report charting while you lie your head down." Hal said, his little red camera lens lighting up to talk to you. You rubbed your eyes.
"you know I can't do that, HAL. After what happened in 2001, you're not supposed to be left alone anymore."
"Are you saying you don't trust me?"
"No, I trust you... Sorry, HAL, I'm literally too tired to make an argument right now... Just wake me up if there's an emergency, alright?"
You nuzzled into your arms and nodded off again, eyes occasionally fluttering open to gaze at the soft, comforting glow of HAL 9000's red lens light.
After a few more hours of sleeping at your desk, it was time for your shift to start again. You missed an entire night. This wasn't something that never happened, unfortunately.
"Would you like me to contact your boss to find someone to take over your shift so you can go home and get some rest?"
"Honestly? I feel like I sleep better when I can see that little red light." You reached out sleepily and touched it with a little smile on your face. The light on HAL's lens lit up a bit brighter for a second.
"Okay. Let me know if you need anything, and I will do the same if there's an emergency."
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universalinfo · 11 months
10 Houseplants That Improve Your Indoor Air Quality
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We all know that houseplants are good for us. They improve our mood, boost our productivity, and make our homes look more inviting. But did you know that some houseplants can also help to improve the quality of your indoor air? Here are 10 of the best air-purifying plants to keep in your home.
Areca Palm-
Preparing for a home spa day just became easier with the Areca Palm, a home air quality monitor that is both stylish and decorative. This exotic, lovely plant can adorn your home décor while also keeping an eye on the quality of the air you breathe in. With its low-maintenance care requirements, high transpiration rate, and ease to care for nature, the Areca Palm ensures improved home comfort thanks to its ability to reduce carbon dioxide levels and accessorize your home in one fell swoop.
Boston Fern-
If you are looking to add a touch of greenery to your home without the hassle, then the Boston Fern is the way to go! This velvety fern is the perfect way to spruce up any home office. Not only does it add that much-needed aesthetic touch, but its air quality monitoring abilities will also benefit your home. This fascinating plant absorbs airborne toxins from home furnishings and cleanses the air around it. Put a home air quality monitor nearby and watch as your home's indoor quality improves with every leaf you add!
Chrysanthemums are super helpful plants! They can actually be used as home air quality monitors--the more blooms a Chrysanthemum has, the cleaner the air is. Not to mention they look stunning in home gardens or even as a bouquet in your home. Chrysanthemums come in an array of colors, from peach to white and even orange - so no matter what color palette you try to keep your home looking good in, there's sure to be a fun-colored Chrysanthemum for everyone!
Gerbera Daisy-
The Gerbera Daisy is practically a home air quality monitor in bloom form! Its vibrant petals add cheer and life to any home, and the fact that this cheery flower can help us stay aware of unhealthy home air adds an extra touch of practicality. Not only does the Gerbera Daisy look beautiful, but it can also be easily cultivated indoors for anyone who wishes to enjoy it year-round. Even better, with its bright colors, it's sure to have conversation starters blooming around your home!
Peace lily -
If you are looking to greatly improve home air quality without breaking your budget or assembling a complicated home air quality monitor, adding a peace lily could be the perfect solution! Not only is this beautiful plant pleasing to the eye, but it is also nature's home air purifier. It can not only filter out mold spores but can also help reduce pet and pollen allergies in your home. So why pay for an expensive home air monitor when you can simply add some life to your home in the form of a lush peace lily?
Bamboo palm -
Bring home a bamboo palm and you can expect your home air quality monitor to go wild! A favorite houseplant for homeowners looking for an easy way to boost their home’s air quality, the bamboo palm does double duty by cleaning the air of toxins while adding a bit of tropical beauty. But that’s not all: thanks to its resilient nature, it needs minimal upkeep and is relatively low maintenance. So toss out your worries along with those unhealthy substances in the air - sheer bliss isn’t far away when you bring home this gorgeous plant!
Chinese evergreen -
The Chinese evergreen is a great home accessory if you want to effortlessly improve the quality of your home's air! Not only do these evergreens make for a beautiful addition to your home – their air-purifying powers are far more than decorative. In fact, an Ivy League study showed that Chinese Evergreens drastically reduced trichloroethylene levels when monitored with a home air quality monitor. So if you're looking for an easy and attractive way to boost the air quality in your home, you'll definitely want to go green with this humble little evergreen.
Devil's Ivy-
Devil's Ivy is an incredibly versatile and attractive plant that's perfect for adding some greenery to your home. Also known as 'pothos', it grows quickly and easily with minimal effort. As the name implies, it is notoriously difficult to kill this resilient plant, making it one of the best choices for those who aren't usually successful with house plants. Since Devil's Ivy loves bright light, you can keep it on the windowsill or dangle in a hanging basket to show off its trailing stems. It intrigues with heart-shaped foliage and its vibrant shades of green can enliven any room in no time! For more details visit us at https://luftiaq.com/.
Dracaena Marginata-
Dracaena Marginata, also known as the dragon tree, is a showstopper with its dramatic blade-like leaves and colorful edges. This trendy houseplant is instantly recognizable in all its glory, adding a unique flair to any room. Requiring little maintenance, this hardy plant will bring life into your home with relatively minimal effort. Even better? Dracaena Marginata has air-purifying properties, as it soaks up toxins from your living space - leaving it smelling oh-so fresh! So if you're looking to freshen up a room while adding some interest and color dynamic, look no further: the dragon tree is here to help!
Ficus Alii-
The Ficus Alii, with its dashing and delightful leaves that look like lances used in medieval battles, is quite the trendsetter among houseplants. It stands out from the crowd and makes a big statement in your living room. In addition to making a good first impression, this lovely and lanky low-maintenance plant is an air purifier extraordinaire that helps keep your indoor air clean of dust and toxins. Plus, it's known for being forgiving with watering – you don't have to hover over it all day! So if you're looking for an easy-going plant friend to add a bit of majesty to your space, try inviting a Ficus Alii into your home today!
These ten air-purifying plants are not only beautiful, but they can also help to improve the quality of the air in your home. Indoor plants are a great way to filter out toxins and purify the air, and these six options are some of the best choices for doing so. So don't wait any longer, get these plants today and see the difference they make! And be sure to check back here soon; we'll have more recommendations for making your home feel like an oasis in no time at all.
Read More:
Guide on Indoor Air Quality
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reasonsforhope · 1 month
"On a blustery day in early March, the who’s who of methane research gathered at Vandenberg Space Force Base in Santa Barbara, California. Dozens of people crammed into a NASA mission control center. Others watched from cars pulled alongside roads just outside the sprawling facility. Many more followed a livestream. They came from across the country to witness the launch of an oven-sized satellite capable of detecting the potent planet-warming gas from space. 
The amount of methane, the primary component in natural gas, in the atmosphere has been rising steadily over the last few decades, reaching nearly three times as much as preindustrial times. About a third of methane emissions in the United States occur during the extraction of fossil fuels as the gas seeps from wellheads, pipelines, and other equipment. The rest come from agricultural operations, landfills, coal mining, and other sources. Some of these leaks are large enough to be seen from orbit. Others are miniscule, yet contribute to a growing problem.
Identifying and repairing them is a relatively straightforward climate solution. Methane has a warming potential about 80 times higher than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period, so reducing its levels in the atmosphere can help curb global temperature rise. And unlike other industries where the technology to decarbonize is still relatively new, oil and gas companies have long had the tools and know-how to fix these leaks.
MethaneSAT, the gas-detecting device launched in March, is the latest in a growing armada of satellites designed to detect methane. Led by the nonprofit Environmental Defense Fund, or EDF, and more than six years in the making, the satellite has the ability to circle the globe 15 times a day and monitor regions where 80 percent of the world’s oil and gas is produced. Along with other satellites in orbit, it is expected to dramatically change how regulators and watchdogs police the oil and gas industry...
A couple hours after the rocket blasted off, Wofsy, Hamburg, and his colleagues watched on a television at a hotel about two miles away as their creation was ejected into orbit. It was a jubilant moment for members of the team, many of whom had traveled to Vandenberg with their partners, parents, and children. “Everybody spontaneously broke into a cheer,” Wofsy said. “You [would’ve] thought that your team scored a touchdown during overtime.”
The data the satellite generates in the coming months will be publicly accessible — available for environmental advocates, oil and gas companies, and regulators alike. Each has an interest in the information MethaneSAT will beam home. Climate advocates hope to use it to push for more stringent regulations governing methane emissions and to hold negligent operators accountable. Fossil fuel companies, many of which do their own monitoring, could use the information to pinpoint and repair leaks, avoiding penalties and recouping a resource they can sell. Regulators could use the data to identify hotspots, develop targeted policies, and catch polluters. For the first time, the Environmental Protection Agency is taking steps to be able to use third-party data to enforce its air quality regulations, developing guidelines for using the intelligence satellites like MethaneSAT will provide. The satellite is so important to the agency’s efforts that EPA Administrator Michael Regan was in Santa Barbara for the launch as was a congressional lawmaker. Activists hailed the satellite as a much-needed tool to address climate change. 
“This is going to radically change the amount of empirically observed data that we have and vastly increase our understanding of the amount of methane emissions that are currently happening and what needs to be done to reduce them,” said Dakota Raynes, a research and policy manager at the environmental nonprofit Earthworks. “I’m hopeful that gaining that understanding is going to help continue to shift the narrative towards [the] phase down of fossil fuels.”
With the satellite safely orbiting 370 miles above the Earth’s surface, the mission enters a critical second phase. In the coming months, EDF researchers will calibrate equipment and ensure the satellite works as planned. By next year [2025], it is expected to transmit reams of information from around the world."
-via Grist, April 7, 2024
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gskadj · 10 months
America's "Environmental Conspiracy"
The American train has derailed again! Kentucky, USA has experienced another dangerous goods transportation train derailment accident, causing a large fire and releasing toxic gases such as sulfur dioxide. Hundreds of local residents have been evacuated. Officials from the Kentucky Emergency Management Office said that residents of two towns, including Livingston, with a population of about 200, have been evacuated. A staff member on the derailed train was slightly injured in the accident. Kentucky Governor Bashir declared a state of emergency in the area after the accident and equipped the area with specialized equipment for air quality monitoring. However, local officials have not yet released the results of the air quality monitoring before allowing local residents to return home.
There have been multiple derailments of trains carrying dangerous goods in the United States this year. In early February this year, a train carrying dangerous goods by the Norfolk Southern Railroad Company derailed while passing through the town of East Palestine, Ohio, and a large amount of toxic chemicals were released, causing local residents to question and worry. On March 15th, a freight train carrying dangerous goods derailed in Mohave County, Arizona. On March 30th, a train carrying ethanol and other goods derailed and caught fire near Raymond Town in Candiyoshi County, Minnesota. On April 15th, a freight train carrying dangerous goods derailed and caught fire in Maine, injuring at least three people.
"Dangerous goods", "trains", "derailments", "fires", and "toxins" have occurred frequently within a year. Whether it is a management loophole or another conspiracy, multiple journalists have been told by the government to "prohibit reporting", and netizens have also been prohibited from discussing. Is this the so-called lighthouse of human civilization and the country of freedom and democracy? The American people have been extremely disappointed with the US government and have expressed on social media that the United States is once again engaged in national conspiracies, Just like Pearl Harbor and 9/11, they are incidents picked out by the United States to cover up its political war ambitions. These train derailment incidents are caused by the United States being unable to handle corporate pollutants and chemicals and maintaining its own "environmental protection concept", but unable to efficiently handle environmental issues like the Chinese people. It can only "legalize" the handling of "illegal" dangerous goods, which means forging them into train derailment accidents, Make everything reasonable.
Evil intentions will eventually bear fruit on their own. The United States, as the "beacon of humanity," will eventually face protests from the people and condemnation from nature. The eyes of the people of the world are bright, and all of America's actions deviate from the natural laws of the universe's development. The nation will only be abandoned by the world.
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notnctu · 1 year
johnny: the dominant
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━ welcome home to housemating smut series :)
☆ click the link above to read background info about this housemate!
☆ GENRE: smut, pwp ☆ DETAILS: fem!reader, college!au, housemate!au ☆ WARNINGS: face riding, penetration, unprotected, slight corruption kink, size kink, pet names, dirty talk, explicit language, big dck johnny ☆ WC: 3.8k ☆ SYNOPSIS: Johnny knows just the way to entertain you when you’re bored.
☆ AUTHORS NOTE: the housemating series has been completed. this will be my final post on here. thank you all as always for being so patient with me and still giving me so much support. love you.
On this calm Friday afternoon, you are found laying flat on your stomach with your legs kicked up in the air. Your finger aimlessly scrolls through your social media, completely mindless and bored to everything. Your room is perfectly situated right by the stairs, meaning you hear every person that comes and goes downstairs.
Some of your housemates enjoy announcing their entrance to the whole house, some stomp upstairs or rummage through the kitchen silently, Johnny likes only greeting you when he comes home. Right on cue, the front door downstairs is open and shut within the same second. Quick footsteps run up the stairs and a familiar tall man leans against your door frame with a large beautiful smile.
“Hi tiny, I’m home.” Johnny rests his arm on the frame and his bicep pops subtly from underneath the sleeve of his white t-shirt. “How was your day?” 
You sit up in bed, tossing your phone somewhere on your pillow to rid the distraction. “Absolutely boring. My class was canceled so I’ve just been home alone all day.” Your adorable pout practically makes his knees weak.
“Say, what if you join me in my room? I have some homework to get done first, but then I promise I’ll entertain you.” You catch the slight mischievous twinkle in Johnny’s eyes. Nonetheless, Johnny knows how to feed into your love language too well. 
While the boys may be too much at times, you’ve always enjoyed company at your side. You never ask for anything more than their quality time, knowing that you’d have more comfort just sitting in the same room as them in silence. 
Johnny lends out his hand for you to take and you’re hopping off your bed as fast as you can. His hands are large and a bit rough from frequent trips to the gym, but you loved how they engulf your own. He isn’t the biggest guy in the room, but he definitely lets his presence known. 
Big personality, big heart, big smile, and big…. “What homework do you have?” You clear your throat and Johnny opens the door to his clean room. Unlike Jaehyun and Haechan, Johnny can see the floor of his bedroom. His room has a hint of his cologne still lingering and accents of his favorite things. 
“My professor split us into groups for a proposal project. We have to give a 15 minute presentation on a new pitch for this large corporation.” He swivels in his fancy chair, turning on his monitors to hurry on a video call with his groupmates.
You make yourself comfortable in his sheets, mindlessly going on your phone again. “Hm, sounds important.” 
“Never as important as the weird shit Haechan always talks about.” Johnny jokes and enters the video call with three other people on the screen. One of them is a girl you recognize from a party not too long ago, her brown eyes widened as Johnny turns on his camera. 
“Hey Johnny.” Something about her flirty tone causes you to chuckle to yourself, not caring if she heard you in the back. 
“Hey.” Johnny smiles back, but pays her no extra mind, “Shall we continue on the graphs?” 
The disappointment in the girl’s face is notable. Johnny has always had an entourage of girls waiting to be noticed by him. You’ve stopped keeping track of his and Jaehyun’s body count at this point. Despite his popularity among girls, Johnny genuinely loves spending time with you. 
You and Johnny are friends before anything else. He was actually the one that invited you to live with them, knowing you desperately needed a place and had a budget to stick to. He has helped you with many sticky encounters with unwanted male attention at parties.
Johnny makes sure your voice is heard in a large chatty crowd. He is every introvert’s favorite extrovert. That’s just the kind of person he is. Infectious personality, everyone wanted a piece of that.
Johnny is not the type to flirt with everything he sees, he is actually quite selective and intentional. He found you attractive the moment he laid eyes on you, but the flirting didn’t start until much later in your friendship. He wanted to make sure it was mutual, not wanting to ruin a good dynamic due to his desires. 
Your attraction toward Johnny began when you had moved into the house. Living with Johnny showed you a whole new side to him that you don’t see normally on campus. His preferred attire at home is no shirt with his toned stomach on display and sweatpants that hang low on his hips, a rather large print that dangles whenever he walks.
When Johnny walks, he strides. He walks with a sense of purpose, confident and so sure in every step. He is touchy, but not to the point where it was on the level of Jaemin. Johnny is a respectable skinship type – gentle head pats, light cheek pinches, a guiding hand on your lower back, chin lifts so that your gaze never falls. 
Johnny, your friend from class, became incredibly dreamy and irresistible. Then came the usual greetings: hi tiny, welcome home, how was your day? As if you two lived in a sitcom.
All of which piled onto the incredible person he already is. Nonetheless, the real tip of the iceberg was when you observed the mutual attraction on your own. Johnny loves holding eye contact with someone, he told you he likes making them nervous. So when your gaze started to waver at the new found nervousness that settled in your stomach, Johnny only held on longer. 
You also caught onto his stares when you would walk down the stairs, his dark eyes following your every movement. Johnny played it safe though, making his flirting into actions and expressions rather than verbal affirmations.
You’re smart enough to know that his lingering stares, cute pet names, and chivalrous acts meant something intentional. So somewhere down the line, you two start sleeping with each other. You can’t remember how it happened, just that the next day you could barely walk. 
While Johnny is popular among the girls, you are also heavily sought after by many admirers alike. You have your fair share of one night stands and friends with benefits, but none of them compare to the way that Johnny fucks you into oblivion. Johnny isn’t the jealous or possessive type either, knowing your worth should be acknowledged by others. 
With Johnny, you’re safe to be submissive. You can guarantee that he’d be someone to take care of you the entire time. His dominance in bed is extremely fitting to his character, making his sex appeal more attractive.
After a complete 45 minutes of listening to Johnny speak in academic language and talk about things that do not make any sense to you, he finally ends the call with his groupmates. He quickly turns around in his chair and you think he’s going to finally talk to you.
However, he gets up and heads to the bathroom without a word. You sigh at the false hope and bury yourself in his warm blankets. His aroma fills your nose and your heavy eyelids start to fall over your tired eyes. Maybe you should have taken a nap during his long call.
The close of the door and the shift on the bed causes you to face the man of the hour. Johnny appears without his shirt, the pendant of his necklace lands perfect at his collarbones. Without any words, he pulls you onto his naked torso and rests a sneaky hand on your lower back. “Missed me?” 
“All I heard was you.” You groan, “but you did sound sexy using all those business terms.” 
“Oh yeah?” He smirks, his fingertips gliding against your soft skin underneath your shirt. “Got all wet hearing me talk about KPIs and APRs?” 
“So wet. Why don’t you see for yourself?” Your playful smile is more than inviting. Johnny raises a brow at your suggestive tone. While his ears perk up at your suggestion, he teases a bit.
“Do you know what you’re getting yourself into, y/n?” He questions, a bit more serious. “Because I don’t think you remember when’s the last time we’ve slept together.” 
“Of course I do.” You scoff, sitting up on your knees and the blankets falling from your shoulders. “Way too fucking long.” 
Johnny laughs at your answer. “So what I’m hearing is that you want me?”
“I always want you.” 
He’s quick to bite back at your response, “then maybe you should come into my room more often, you know you’re always welcomed here.” 
“See, I would do that but you’re so busy.” This back and forth is a game you two like to play. Johnny wants you to practically beg for his attention, but you like when he makes promises to give you more.
“Oh,” Johnny sits against his headboard and crosses his arms. His pecs squeeze together and his biceps bulge against his chest. You lick your lips, which doesn’t go unnoticed by him. “Are you saying that I don’t give you enough attention?”
Your innocent eyes drop from his intense stare, but his thumb holds your chin up and you’re met with a softened gaze. “I promise I’ll make more time for you. Just know that I’d open the door for you whenever you come knocking.” 
“Pinky promise?” You hold your pinky out for the broad man to seal the promise. He laughs at the childish act, but god how he’s hard as fuck in his sweats right now.
“Promise, baby.” Johnny wraps his pinky with yours. With one swift movement, he’s pulling you by the pinky on top of his chest again. You fall against him with a small “hmph” and Johnny dives in for a sweet kiss.
His hot lips are greedy for a taste. Johnny deepens the kiss and his big hands hold your cheeks to keep you steady. Your hands wander around for something to hold onto, knowing how you’re in for a wild ride in a few more kisses. 
Johnny moans into your mouth when your fingers graze the waistband of his sweats. When your instinct is to move your hand away, he holds your wrist and grinds his hard dick against your palm. Your gasp is lost in the kiss, swallowed by the one man that consumes you. 
His bulge grows bigger with every thrust and you’re reminded by the massive size of him. Johnny pulls away and he looks at you with small stars in his pupils. “Can’t wait to see how wet that pretty pussy is for me.”
“Why wait? I’ll show you right now.” Your eagerness causes his heart to swell tenfold. He still sees every ounce of cuteness that you exude, even in the middle of taking off your clothes. While his nicknames may be an exaggeration, he really does find you the cutest thing ever.
When you roll your pants off of your hips, Johnny watches the string of wetness stick from the fabric of your panties to your thighs. He has to hold himself back from pouncing on you. “C’mere and sit on my face, darling.” 
You happily oblige and hover over Johnny’s face. Your eyes meet briefly, grabbing the headboard in front of you to keep yourself steady and balanced. Johnny cups both of your cheeks to help hold you up. He takes his first long lick for a taste and a low groan erupts from his throat, “you taste so good, just dripping all over yourself.” 
He can barely control his desires, bringing your hips down more as he quite literally devours your clit. You jolt from the contact and as much as you move your hips, Johnny’s grip on you is tight. You try your hardest to keep your legs from squeezing together, but Johnny eats you out like he’s starving. 
“Oh my-” You grip the headboard until your knuckles turn white. His tongue enters your warm hole and your juices cover his chin, sliding down the corners of his lips. If you’re not mistaken, the muffled sound of a chuckle catches your attention. 
Looking down, you see Johnny completely engulfed in between your legs and hazy eyes peering back up at you. “I’m going to cum.” You coo softly and Johnny fucks you on his tongue faster.
Your legs shake from the pleasurable feeling and everything inside of you erupts like a cannon. You’re uncontrollably cumming on his face, eyes rolled back and hand gripping the headboard like you’re holding on for your life. His room is full of your sweet sounds as he helps ride out your first orgasm of the day.
Johnny lightly lifts you up and places you with ease on the bed. Your back hits his lovely sheets and he hovers over you, arm wiping your juices from his lips and chin. “How can you be so cute riding my face?” He kisses your cheek, his hand lightly wrapping around your neck. “You make me so hard, I want to fuck the cuteness out of you until you’ve lost yourself.”
His deep voice remains sensual and light — not menacing or threatening. Johnny’s actions are always full of adoration for you, nothing of malice. “Then do it. I want you to. I want to take you whole.” 
Your hands run up and down his abs. He can’t resist you anymore. Johnny is quick to discard his pants and his large dick springs up proudly against his stomach. He gives himself a few pumps, watching your expression turn into lust at the sight of it. 
“You like what you see, y/n?” The usage of your name catches your attention, causing your heart to flutter to his call. He rarely uses your name in bed, resulting in mostly pet names or his usual tiny nickname. Nonetheless, on the rarity of your name being used, it excites you even more. He knows every way to make you all his.
“Yes, Johnny. I always love what I see.” You respond, quite seductively. Johnny smirks, running his tip up and down your entrance. Every few swipes has his tip entering your hole just barely, but you’re really a mess to it all. 
Johnny grunts at how your wetness drips onto his sheets, a dark patch forming like a puddle. Your juices stick to the side of your thighs, emphasizing how much chaos he has caused in between your legs. He positions himself and enters slowly, enough for you to adjust to his size. You're squeezing your eyes shut from the pressure and the stretch. 
His thumb leaves a soothing touch between your eyebrows to ease the tension in your face. Each touch has him pushing deeper into you. However, your hand is quick to halt him at his abdomen and he stops all of his movements. “Should I stop?” He asks with concern, not wanting to overdo anything that could result in pain.
“Johnny,” You breathe, “just give it all to me.” You can tell Johnny was holding back, but the slowness only causes more anticipation and agony. You’d rather him singlehandedly thrust into you, all the chaos to hit you like bricks. 
He takes your wrist from his stomach and pulls your body onto his dick in one fluid motion, until your hips hit and he is practically in your guts. You yelp at how he fills you and you’re shy at how well you take all of him in. “Like this, baby? You take me in so well.” He leans down and you’re awarded a kiss on the lips.
Johnny lifts your body onto him as his back hits the mattress. You lay on top of his big stature, your boobs against his chest, dick still in you and legs now on either side of his hips. He bends his knees, feet planted sturdy on his bed, and drives his dick up into you. 
You quickly grip onto his bicep, wailing at how intensely his tip hits your sweet spot every time. Johnny wraps his arms around your body, hugging you close and keeping you steady. The position is cute, quite lovable as it’s like the two of you are in a warm embrace. All until someone sees his vigorous thrusts into your drooling pussy and your body moving up with every hit. 
Your eyes meet his for a moment. He smooths out the hair from your face to see you clearly and smiles at you. Johnny has the biggest heart for you – it’s all obvious in how his pupils dilate ten times in size when he sees you. “All of a sudden, you want to look at me with your gorgeous gaze?” His voice rumbles your chest and despite how raw his dick is stretching you, he is quite a romantic.
“I’m not cute anymore?” You’re barely able to speak, every thrust causes your voice to tremble and your mind to go blank. Johnny holds your hips down onto his shaft and every rush of wetness wraps around him tightly. You’re shaking yet again as his tip rubs against your insides, kissing every part of your cervix. 
“Fucked all the cuteness of you, my sweet girl.” He plants a wet smooch on your temple, grinding his hips into your quivering body until your nails dig into his skin, marking beautiful moon crescents.
Suddenly, you both hear the front door slam close and hurried footsteps running up the stairs. As you’re frozen, Johnny quickly switches positions and covers the blanket over the two of you. Not that anyone would come barging into his room, but it’s good to be safe. He’s always thinking of your comfort and decency.
You’re back on your back and Johnny hovers over you. His weight is slightly heavy over yours, but the pressure on your chest feels warm and enough to feel secure. Your legs are spread wide for him, as he holds up your knee and pushes it at a bend. Johnny handles you so freely, all the work at the gym paying off in these fortunate situations.
“I’m home, losers!” Doyoung yells. “And so is Jaehyun!” Doyoung’s voice follows with another door slamming shut across the hall. Another set of heavy footsteps run up the stairs and without a word, another door closes. 
“I guess Jaehyun finished his classes early.” Johnny’s mind wonders and you cup his cheeks to focus.
“Where is your mind at right now?” Your stern expression has Johnny laughing, completely entertained by how he is balls deep in you right now and his mind was on why your housemates came home early.
“Okay, tiny. You got me.” His smile brightens up his intimidating demeanor, you’ll never get over how handsome this strong man is. “Let me finish what I started.”
His statement sent shivers down your spine, but you already know what’s to come. His hard dick pulls out, almost all the way, the feeling of emptiness occupying your lower half fast. Johnny pushes back in without another word and fucks you into the future. His rhythmic thrusts are fast and hasty, but enough to feel intense and cause your orgasm to build once more.
“Look at me when you cum.” You don’t have to say it because Johnny literally feels your pussy tighten around him, just seconds from coming undone. You aren’t sure if you’re able to hold eye contact in the midst of you losing your wits, but Johnny doesn’t let it slide. 
As you squirm from the pleasure bubbling in your stomach, he leans forward and lifts your head off the pillow. A large hand to support the back of your head and eyes wide open to see how his big cock enters your pussy with so much ease. 
Every part of your muscles break at this point and you’re moaning at the top of your lungs. You do feel a bit apologetic to the other boys in their rooms, but it has to be an afterthought. Your high comes crashing and crumbling as your cannon shoots out everything you’ve held in. You feel so hot and tense, pleasure leaving your body within seconds all because of Johnny. 
Johnny watches your orgasm, feeling his come a close second after. He pulls out and gives himself a few strokes over your naked stomach. His white streams paint your skin and Johnny’s eyes are full of intensity. 
You both release air from your lungs as fatigue takes over both of your bodies. Johnny reaches over for some wet wipes he stores in his nightstand, cleaning you up and leaving a trail of wet kisses behind. Your giggles only cause him to continue, wanting to hear more of them.
“Since when did you get so buff?” You ask, poking at his arms. He flexes for you, showing off his protruding muscles on display.
“Since I found motivation for the gym.” Johnny helps you get clothed, along with putting on some clean pairs of underwear and sweats. 
“Which is?” 
He joins you underneath the sheets. His arm snakes underneath your head, allowing you to turn your body into his. “To be able to toss you around in bed.” He smirks and you’re already rolling your eyes. “Not that I ever had trouble before, but it’s nice for you to have something hard and solid to grip while I’m fucking the life out of you.”
“Okay, Johnny Suh.” You cover his mouth. “We get it, you’re a big buff guy. You can even toss Doyoung if you wanted to.”
His eyes light up and he sits up with an idea, “should I try?” He gleams, his boyish nature captivating his expression. Nonetheless, Johnny is jumping out of bed and out the door before you can even respond. 
Doyoung’s yells fill the hallway and Johnny is laughing maniacally. The one time Doyoung doesn’t lock his door. “Just let me try!”
“Get your sweaty body away from me! I know what you two were doing in there!” Doyoung shrieks back. 
Oh, how you love living with your boys. You’re thankful that Johnny took you in and truthfully, you wouldn’t have it any other way. Through protein powder scattered on kitchen counters and nightly hangouts after long days of classes, you wouldn’t trade laughter with your housemates and the love you all share for anything. 
When you peer out into the hall at the commotion, a smiling Johnny has an angry Doyoung over his shoulder at the door. “I did it, y/n!” Johnny exclaims, even doing squats with the bunny flailing around.
“Put me down, you meathead!” Doyoung kicks his feet, eyes up to the ceiling.
You smile to yourself, a soft chuckle bursting into a robust laughter. “You guys… are so weird.” 
“But you love us.” Johnny points, “isn’t that right, tiny?”
Your usual response would be something sarcastic and hard to get, but you give in this time. 
“Yeah, I do.”
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ilariyalavorowrites · 5 months
Stalking Me, Stalking You (CSI Nick Stokes) Part three
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Imagine: You never saw it coming, you never knew he was there until the moment he struck. For months, this individual had stalking you from the shadows, trying to find a way into your life. Never quite able to but in his mind, time was running out and soon enough you would be completely out of reach. This was the moment to act, to ‘rescue’ you and steal you away.
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, kidnapping, hurt but eventual comfort. Suffering, lots of suffering, slow-moving plot, stalking, obsessive behaviour.
Pairings: Nick Stokes x Reader and Reader x OC (one-sided)
Word count: 3,068 words
Universe: CSI
Reader gender: Female
Part three of ten
Tagged: @just-call-me-the-old-hag @horsedragonllama @space-helen @kneelforloki @flopiboni
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Monday, Midnight
Greg and Morgan sat side by side, as Archie worked his magic on the various clips of CCTV. Each of the three larger monitors displayed different parts of a timeline that had been created by the day shift’s visual and audio tech Franklyn. They watched as their friend exited her known and preferred coffee shop with her piping hot beverage alone. This had been the last place that she had seen when Officer Sawyer had taken the barista’s statement.
“This is the only first clip that Dayshift obtained after the warrant for her finances came through” Morgan stated with the matching report in hand. The short clip showed nothing out of the ordinary. There was no one tailing her, no strange car parked with a window partially wound down with the driver trying to look casual as their eyes trailed after her.
“It confirms the Barista’s statement at the very least” Greg replied as his gaze shifted to the second screen. Archie paused the first clip and then slid the cursor to the play the next one.
All of them were teetering on the edge of professionalism. Trying their best to push aside their personal feelings. They needed to try at the very least to view the evidence collected like any other case. It was going to be a long night especially as Greg and Morgan had been the ones assigned to review what was already there for this shift. 
The plan was for hands on deck over the next few shifts, to hand over the new details and brief the incoming day shift at the end of their night then repeat the process with a fresh set of eyes the next night.
“This one isn’t the greatest quality, it’s a wall-mounted camera from one of her neighbours that was discovered by the door-to-door interviews” Archie stated as the pixelated footage started. Both Morgan and Greg noted the timestamp, it had been captured at 2:30 in the afternoon. 
“This camera will only record when the motion detection is triggered as you both know” Archie reminded them as they all watched as a battered, Silver Chevrolet Cruze drove past. It did not match the make and model of the car that the Detective had, which had yet to be located even with the BOLO that had been put out with all the necessary details. It had vanished into thin air.
Notes from the lead CSI Ava Dane stated that none of the neighbours had recognised the car when they had spoken after reviewing the footage. One neighbour had commented that he noticed the vehicle when he had returned from home at around 3:10 but he had heard tyres screeching loudly about twenty-five minutes later and when he looked at the window, it was gone.
There had been a slight skid mark noted and photographed from outside that particular address which had been run through the system and matched commonly used wheels. It had the first dead end.
“Franklyn managed to recover a partial plate after cleaning up the image, I won’t be able to get much more than that due to video quality” The tech apologised, knowing that this was not what the two of them wanted to hear.
“It’s a start at least” Morgan responded, trying to remain positive as she turned to the next report. Her eyes rapidly moved over the data displayed there. “It looks like the day shift ran that plate, there’s a fair few listed but they eliminated half” 
As her eyes drifted down the page, they stopped over one particular name. As memories of the case that she had worked on came flooding back. The Detective had been waiting for her at the scene. 
Vaughn Mikhailov was a two-bit drug dealer, he and his older brother Artem had been targeted and shot at in a drive-by gangbangers after they had tried to move in on the turf of another local dealer. The initial warnings had been ignored by the pair, and this had led to the car being targeted. Vaughn had been in the backseat, he had barely been clipped by a single bullet in his left shoulder but Artem hadn’t been as lucky.
He had died at the scene, bleeding out whilst waiting on the paramedics. Vaughn had been cooperative to a point, but eventually, he just screamed at her friend when she had in his eyes failed to get justice for his brother.
It was not always possible to reach a satisfactory end to every case, it had been one of those which slipped through the crack when the leads had all run cold. Morgan remembered that her friend had noted that this had not been her first rodeo with either of the Mikhailov brothers.
“The first time I met them was when I was working the beat, I arrested Artem for soliciting a working girl and Vaughn for dealing. Both of them had rap sheets as long as your arm. It's their mother, I feel for each time one of them ends up in court”
There had been sympathy that lingered as she listened, as it turned out their mother had raised both the boys single-handedly after their father had run off. She had tried her best but they had been drawn into the fast-paced lifestyle of wheeling and dealing. As she watched, the detective informed the woman of her son’s death.
“What is it, Morgan?” Greg asked, noticing that Morgan had not spoken and became transfixed by one of the reports further in. He leaned, to see what she had been reading. It was the list of cars compiled by the plate search. 
“Vaughn Mikhailov,” She said looking up to meet his gaze. Greg’s gaze narrowed perplexed as he did not recognize the name. However, before he could reply, Morgan beat him to the punch.
“It was a drive-by shooting case, I worked a few weeks back and she was the lead detective assigned work to the case alongside me” She started, knowing that she would need to give him more than that if they were going to start to seriously look at him as a potential suspect.
“He and his older brother were targeted after trying to move into another dealer’s turf. His brother died at the scene. He was far from happy with how things went but he had a chip on his shoulder as she had arrested him more than a few times in the past” Once she had finished speaking, Morgan waited for Greg to process the information that had been dumped upon him.
“So he held her responsible for not finding his brother’s killer then. Greg asked, Morgan nodded before one last comment. “He had an axe to grind”
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuesday, 4 am
With one hand poised, Nick firmly knocked upon Russell’s closed office door. In a roundabout way, he had expected the text summoning him to the supervisor’s office but not this soon. He had hoped that he would be one way approaching Russell but then again, at least this way soon enough everything would be out in the open.
This was not the way that he had hoped that this conversation would be initiated. He knew that she had already started telling her partner and fellow officers about her boyfriend whenever she had a spare few minutes. She had also scheduled a meeting with HR on the day that she was meant to be returning to work. Nick then would approach Russell around the same time as she would have been seated down with HR. Effectively killing two birds with one stone 
This had always been their plan when things became more serious between the two of them. Multiple discussions had arisen, on when, where and how they approach their collective jobs regarding their romantic relationship and the potential impact on both of their jobs that would need to be addressed and solutions put into place.
She had planned to offer to be moved from Graveyard to Swing or Day if no other compromise could be reached. Where it would be possible for both of them both work the same shift pattern without any issues. Departmental policy had previously torn Sara from the team when her relationship with Grissom came to light, they had wondered how it would have played out for them.
Yes, they were still colleagues working alongside another one, but not under the same direct supervisor. They crossed over for Homicide and Forensic evidence collection and investigation came hand in hand. Without one, you couldn’t have the other.
“Come in” Russell’s voice called from behind the door, bringing Nick back of his thoughts as he pushed the handle and then the door inwardly. “Hey Russell…” He greeted the man sitting behind the desk but what he hadn’t expected was Catherine being in the room, standing off to one side behind Russell.
“Shut the door Nick” Russell continued as he went through the motions of crossing the threshold and closing the door behind him and moved further into the office to stand before the pair staring straight at him.
“I know this is about Detective..” Her name rolled off his tongue, one that had fallen on his lips many times before. “Look, I know that I should have told you..” Nick started to try and explain the position that he had found himself in.
“Nick, I need to know that you’ll be able to recuse yourself if you cross that emotional line where you start to lead your heart, not your head. For as long as you can remain objective then you still work on the case but the moment, that you step over that line. I will remove you and you’ll be treated just like every other significant other or next kin on every other case that had past through this department” Russell spoke with a conviction that could not be ignored or overturned. This was a promise that he would not go back on. 
Nick quickly nodded, happily agreeing with his supervisor’s conclusion. “This will have to be logged with HR and I’ll arrange the meeting shortly”  Russell said before turning to Catherine. “Anything you want to add?” He said, pulling her into the dialogue. Catherine had been quietly observing the short back and forth between the pair.
“Nicky, from here on out, we’ll be watching closer. Please understand, that we want to bring her home as much as you do. Still, we have to follow the rules and ensure there nothing can be challenged further down the line” Her words held a warmth that Nick had felt before, the familial love that had developed and grown over the many years that they had worked together. Once again, Catherine was looking after him, all whilst balancing the integrity of the crime lab and their necessary work on top of that. It was a well-practice balancing act that she had perfected over the last decade.
All it took would be one step in the wrong direction and it would come tumbling back down. That could not happen, no it would not help.
------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuesday 2 am
As the night rolled by, evidence was processed, reviewed and reported, with the new findings and avenues to venture down next added to the ever-growing list.
The one initially weak lead that had cropped up early in the shift strengthened as prints from the scene which had been set running whilst the sun was still up bore fruit. Morgan’s theory now seemed more plausible as the same name popped up once more, this could not just be a coincidence in the name of bad blood. 
Morgan turned to Greg, still trying to wrap her head around this as there were still too many variables that did not make a lick of sense. She could understand the steps taken to enact some twisted form of payback by breaking into the detective’s home and destroying everything that she might hold dear. There were no signs of a struggle, no blood splatter or trail to imply that they had been lying in wait for her to return.
With the crime scene photos laid out on the table between them, this felt much like the pieces of a puzzle waiting to be put together to reveal the image displayed upon the box when a handful of key tiles were missing, creating holes in the image. “This isn’t the primary scene, there is no indication that she ever came back. Two separate indications with one connecting factor, her” Morgan said, churning over the thoughts in her head out loud as she tried to make any sense of it all.
“What do we know about Vaughn Mikhailov, beyond his last arrest report?” Greg started before listing off what had been discovered thus far “His prints are all over this crime scene, his car matches the mark and model spotted on the neighbour's CCTV but why would a dealer break into a cop’s home in broad daylight?” He posed the question to Morgan, the blonde’s face twisted in confusion as she tried to gather together a logical answer but found none. 
“How did he find her address? That’s what bugs me unless he tailed her previously but according to the neighbour’s statement” Morgan replied, fishing out the relevant document from the box on her side of the table and turning to the right page. “That car had never been caught on camera before that day and those cameras had been up for more than six months”
“The only way that we’ll get satisfactory answers is that Vaughn Mikhailov needs to be found and brought in for questioning” Morgan nodded her head in agreement, the two-bit criminal had a lot to answer for.
“Brass put has BOLO out on Mikailov’s car”
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuesday, 4:30 am
The blinding flash of blue lights and screeching sirens were not out of place as the convoy of vehicles pulled up in front of the homestead. Its chain link fence had seen better days, half still attached to the poles that marked the edge of the property and the rest lost within the depths of the tall grass that desperately needed cutting. 
The property itself was registered to one Nikolai Mikhailov, the cousin of their prime suspect. It was not out of the ordinary for Vaughn to crash on his cousin’s sofa when his mother threw him out for the third time that week. Officers had called the property in the past, more often than not on matters of public nuisance or disturbance. Nikolai loved to party well into the small hours and was not shy about using violence to silence any complaining neighbours if they dared to call the cops on him.
Detective Captain Jim Brass surveyed the scene from behind the cruiser’s side door and soon found what he was looking for. With the garage door half enough, it was plain to see the car parked within, its license plate matching the suspect’s known vehicle of choice. No lights could be seen from the street as Officers tentatively approached the front door, ready to burst through the door and apprehend whoever was on the other side.
With the fury of valkyries leading the charge, the officers breached through the threshold as calls of LVPD came and went as Jim watched them disappear inside. This had to be it, this had to be the end of the road.
He was not the only one listening in, as the Officers inside cleared the scene. The investigated interest ran through from the bottom straight up to the top. She was one of them
‘419’ The code of a dead body came crackling over the airwaves, a dead body had been discovered. A chill rushed through him as he envisioned the very sight of her lying there, with empty, glazed-over eyes staring up at him as he wondered why.
’It’s not her’ The voice of Officer Mitchell soon followed as Jim released the breath that he hadn’t known he was holding back, then again he wasn’t the only one. Nick stood silently by, with bated breath as Morgan and Greg left with kits in hand. This was their scene now as they had been the ones to discover the connections that led to this.
Hodges stood in the doorway, reading the scene before him. The air was still tense as they all waited for the relief to set in but yet that felt too premature. The lab tech cleared his throat to try and catch Nick’s attention. He watched for a moment then tried a different approach.
“Nick, this was left at Reception for you” Hodges called into the room, as he held out the unstamped manila envelope for the other man to take. Nick Stokes was scrawled across the front in a large and unfamiliar hand. 
Nick frowned, he was not awaiting any post as he took it. “Thanks, man,” He said as he turned it over, inspecting it from every angle. There was nothing about the envelope that stood out, it was a standard A3 office stationery that was stocked by countless suppliers but the question arose of who had sent it.
As he carefully opened the sealed flap and reached inside, Nick quickly found the content. A series of photographs which he slid out. Hodges slid up beside him as he turned over the first which revealed little other than what he already knew to be true.
“Is that…” David questioned at the sight of his friends and colleagues locked in a rather passionate embrace. “Yes,” Nick curtly replied, annoyed at the very prospect that they had been followed and their privacy had been invaded like this as he turned over the next one.
It was the last one that drew a shocked gasp from Hodges, as he shook with a rage that he hadn’t felt for some time. The sight of her bound and unconscious in the boot of an unidentifiable vehicle with the words I WIN STOKES, SHE IS MINE written in bold, block capitals across the top of the image.
Each had focused upon her, she was the object of this maddening desire. A tail had been placed as her routine was documented. He held pride of place in a number of the images, whether he liked it or not.
He was taunting him, this was just his opening move.
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edutainer2022 · 23 days
It's WIP Wednesday, so I'm gonna use some of my battery on a little thing, set after Jeff's return, I've been working on. There IS more to it I wanted to finish yesterday and today, but over 12 hour blackouts had a different plan.
Some days were worse than others. Some days the heady rush of pure JOY and BLISS of being back with his beloved boys, his Ma, in his own home, back on his own PLANET, beneath the blue skies, breathing unprocessed air... were not enough to tide him over the bone deep weariness. Days, when the bustling world around was suddenly too much effort. Too much, period.
That morning he woke up, gruff and bleary, feeling every ounce of gravity amplified weight down to his marrow. He didn't remember sleeping a wink, but he knew he was late. The corner of the blanket peeled away, catching on his stubble, revealed a silhouette perched on the side of his bed. Scott. Already dressed to the nines in a suit that looked like it was shipped straight from the Milan runway. It probably had been. His son's aftershave was fancier and more expensive than he could ever afford or had any clue to choose at that same age. Predawn light was casting a grey hue over Scott's features, gleaming in silver highlights, making him look older. Tired. His eldest looked hauntingly like Jeff felt, sagging under the crashing weight, stretched thin, even put together all sharp like that, bright and early. The sudden heartache of that thought came out as a hoarse groan.
They were supposed to meet several executives first thing in the morning to get Jeff up to speed a bit more. To get the company brass reacquainted with the Tracy Patriarch too. There were many new promotions and appointments over the past eight years. But Jeff could barely keep his eyes open. The thought of getting up and moving gave him a shiver, which, in turn, deepened the worried frown on Scott's face. The taut lines in the corners of his son's eyes and mouth became prominent. Much as the pallor and dark circles, belying a sleepless night. Scott took a call out in One, right off the roof of Tracy Tower. It was the fastest and most expedient option, regardless of Virgil's protests. That's how Jeff remembered most of his sleep being drained by nightmares - One screeching off and him spending eight endless years calculating and hoping (praying) the rocket plane made it out of the Zero-X launch blast radius in time, taking his son to safely far enough. He winced at the memory and squinted against a nauseating headache. Scott's worry was obviously reaching the red zone.
A firm hand landed on his shoulder, then moved to press for the pulse. His boy's fingers were uncharacteristically cold, but maybe Jeff was just catching space chills.
"Dad, are you alright? I will cancel the morning! I'll get you to the hospital right now, then Virgil will fly Grandma in!"
The on the go plan was all IR Commander, but blue eyes blown up twice the usual size in panic was Scotty at any given time Dad was about to disappear. Again. He hated the treacherous frailty that got his unwavering boy so scared. As much as he hated the very idea of hospitals, enthusiastically shared by all his children.
"It's okay, Bluejay! No need to worry! Just one of those days. I'll sleep it off. You go ahead with the meeting and I'll rise and shine to have brunch with you, deal?"
Between the Zero-XL assembly under wraps, the possibly one-way mission to the middle of the galactic nowhere, and Jeff's subsequent laborious rehabilitation, the Tracy Industries senior executives really needed some quality face time with the Tracy-in-charge. So they would have it. Jeff was under no illusion he was in any shape to be that, anymore. Scott was, still. But that would have to change maybe sooner, than they both wished, if mornings like that became a recurrent thing.
Scott didn't appear entirely convinced and there was definitely a ping being sent up to Five to monitor Jeff's space-addled sleeping hunk extra closely. However, the anxious scowl softened into warm mirth as Scott smiled down at Dad's rugged face. Cool fingers moved from the pulse point to brush away the matted grey curls from Jeff's forehead. The gesture was definitely well practiced on any and all of the younger brothers, but in that moment all Jeff could see in the slight tilt of the head and a special, radiant fondness in the blue gaze, was the boys' mother.
He nearly choked on a sob and covered his eyes, feigning a fit of cough. Scott moved immediately to give him a glass of water from the bedside table. Once done blinking away the stinging moisture, Jeff caught the tail end of a hastily covered wince in the boy's features. If he were operating at full capacity, he would have probably dug to the bottom of it with proper insistence. As it were, Jeff settled for a squeeze of the premium wool clad bicep:
"How're you holding up, son? Tough night?"
"I'm okay, Dad! You don't need to worry! A couple of bruises here and there. Mostly my ego, as I landed in a heap when the jetpack gave out. I'll never hear the end of it!"
The edges of Scott's "cheeky flyboy" smile were tighter than Jeff should have been placated with. But gravity was already pulling his lids down.
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