#best air quality monitors
zeroloop · 5 months
Radoff Now Air Quality Monitors
Questo e un sistema di monitoraggio per controllare la qualità dell’aria e non solo dentro casa . Nella scatola c’è il dispositivo, il caricabatterie e le istruzioni. Per usare il sistema bisogna scaricare l’app “Radoff” e registrarsi con nome, cognome ed email. Poi si può collegare il dispositivo alla rete Wi-Fi e gestirlo con l’applicazione ma anche utilizzarlo con assistenti vocali come Alexa…
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eqlabs · 2 months
Best Indoor Air quality monitoring Services-Equinox labs
Indoor Air quality monitoring Services, Request for free consultation, Air quality monitoring for home, corporate. Grab the opportunity for Air quality monitoring. Read more............
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pranshueq · 2 months
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Best Indoor Air quality monitoring Services-Equinox labs
Indoor Air quality monitoring Services,Request for free consultation,Air quality monitoring for home,corporate.Grab the opportunity for Air quality monitoring
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baka69317 · 1 year
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Indoor Air quality monitoring Services, Request for free consultation, Air quality monitoring for home, corporate. Grab the opportunity for Air quality monitoring.
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lassowond · 2 years
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Best Indoor Air Quality Monitors in 2022
Best indoor air quality monitors in the market have become a trending topic recently due to developing air pollution and several issues in the domestic atmosphere.
Air pollution can be caused by a variety of factors, including wildfires, industrial emissions, and even everyday household activities; as a result, we should be worried about the atmosphere almost all of the time.
Although weather apps and websites can provide you with a rough idea of the air quality in your neighborhood, having an up-to-date awareness of the atmospheric protection that your home offers is a critical prerequisite that these air quality monitors check for.
Before we make a choice, let’s talk about the Best Indoor Air Quality Monitors that Lassowond recommends that are currently on the market. That being said, read with delight.
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downbad4mark · 2 months
gamer!bf haechan be like:
HAECHAN sat in his dorm room, his eyes fixed on his monitor as he guided you through a game of league.
"okay, babe, you ready?" haechan's voice crackled through the call, charged with excitement.
you grinned on the other end, nodding eagerly, even though he couldn't see you. "ready as i'll ever be, mr. lee donghyuck!"
as the game progressed, haechan's patience was put to the test. your missteps and fumbles drew frustrated sighs and groans from him.
"no, don't go there! don't fight them now, wait for me to get back!"
you tried your best to heed his advice, but the adrenaline of the game got the best of you. when you met your demise at the hands of a turret, haechan's frustration boiled over. since you couldn't see him, he was throwing punches into the air and at his monitor, pretending to punch the screen.
"oh my god, man," he muttered to himself, swiftly pressing the mute button on his headset before letting out a loud yell of frustration. he took a few deep breaths before unmuting himself. "i can't believe this..." he exasperated, voice strained with irritation.
unaware of his muted tirade, you stifled a laugh, finding his antics more entertaining than the game itself. suddenly, a piercing scream erupted from your headset, causing you to jump in surprise.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" haechan's voice reverberated through the call, his shitty quality mic making his frustration sound funnier than it should've. "I TOLD YOU TO BACK OFF! WHY ARE YOU DYING TO THE TURRET AGAIN?!"
his outburst was so loud that it echoed in your ears, and you couldn't help but burst into laughter. "PFFT- 'm sorry, i'm sorry!" you managed to gasp between laughter. "your mic was always on, by the way. and your webcam too," you chuckled.
from the other end of the call, you heard a knock on haechan's door, followed by mark's voice. "dude, what the hell is going on? you're so fucking loud!"
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ilariyalavorowrites · 3 months
Stalking Me, Stalking You (CSI Nick Stokes) Part three
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Imagine: You never saw it coming, you never knew he was there until the moment he struck. For months, this individual had stalking you from the shadows, trying to find a way into your life. Never quite able to but in his mind, time was running out and soon enough you would be completely out of reach. This was the moment to act, to ‘rescue’ you and steal you away.
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, kidnapping, hurt but eventual comfort. Suffering, lots of suffering, slow-moving plot, stalking, obsessive behaviour.
Pairings: Nick Stokes x Reader and Reader x OC (one-sided)
Word count: 3,068 words
Universe: CSI
Reader gender: Female
Part three of ten
Tagged: @just-call-me-the-old-hag @horsedragonllama @space-helen @kneelforloki @flopiboni
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Monday, Midnight
Greg and Morgan sat side by side, as Archie worked his magic on the various clips of CCTV. Each of the three larger monitors displayed different parts of a timeline that had been created by the day shift’s visual and audio tech Franklyn. They watched as their friend exited her known and preferred coffee shop with her piping hot beverage alone. This had been the last place that she had seen when Officer Sawyer had taken the barista’s statement.
“This is the only first clip that Dayshift obtained after the warrant for her finances came through” Morgan stated with the matching report in hand. The short clip showed nothing out of the ordinary. There was no one tailing her, no strange car parked with a window partially wound down with the driver trying to look casual as their eyes trailed after her.
“It confirms the Barista’s statement at the very least” Greg replied as his gaze shifted to the second screen. Archie paused the first clip and then slid the cursor to the play the next one.
All of them were teetering on the edge of professionalism. Trying their best to push aside their personal feelings. They needed to try at the very least to view the evidence collected like any other case. It was going to be a long night especially as Greg and Morgan had been the ones assigned to review what was already there for this shift. 
The plan was for hands on deck over the next few shifts, to hand over the new details and brief the incoming day shift at the end of their night then repeat the process with a fresh set of eyes the next night.
“This one isn’t the greatest quality, it’s a wall-mounted camera from one of her neighbours that was discovered by the door-to-door interviews” Archie stated as the pixelated footage started. Both Morgan and Greg noted the timestamp, it had been captured at 2:30 in the afternoon. 
“This camera will only record when the motion detection is triggered as you both know” Archie reminded them as they all watched as a battered, Silver Chevrolet Cruze drove past. It did not match the make and model of the car that the Detective had, which had yet to be located even with the BOLO that had been put out with all the necessary details. It had vanished into thin air.
Notes from the lead CSI Ava Dane stated that none of the neighbours had recognised the car when they had spoken after reviewing the footage. One neighbour had commented that he noticed the vehicle when he had returned from home at around 3:10 but he had heard tyres screeching loudly about twenty-five minutes later and when he looked at the window, it was gone.
There had been a slight skid mark noted and photographed from outside that particular address which had been run through the system and matched commonly used wheels. It had the first dead end.
“Franklyn managed to recover a partial plate after cleaning up the image, I won’t be able to get much more than that due to video quality” The tech apologised, knowing that this was not what the two of them wanted to hear.
“It’s a start at least” Morgan responded, trying to remain positive as she turned to the next report. Her eyes rapidly moved over the data displayed there. “It looks like the day shift ran that plate, there’s a fair few listed but they eliminated half” 
As her eyes drifted down the page, they stopped over one particular name. As memories of the case that she had worked on came flooding back. The Detective had been waiting for her at the scene. 
Vaughn Mikhailov was a two-bit drug dealer, he and his older brother Artem had been targeted and shot at in a drive-by gangbangers after they had tried to move in on the turf of another local dealer. The initial warnings had been ignored by the pair, and this had led to the car being targeted. Vaughn had been in the backseat, he had barely been clipped by a single bullet in his left shoulder but Artem hadn’t been as lucky.
He had died at the scene, bleeding out whilst waiting on the paramedics. Vaughn had been cooperative to a point, but eventually, he just screamed at her friend when she had in his eyes failed to get justice for his brother.
It was not always possible to reach a satisfactory end to every case, it had been one of those which slipped through the crack when the leads had all run cold. Morgan remembered that her friend had noted that this had not been her first rodeo with either of the Mikhailov brothers.
“The first time I met them was when I was working the beat, I arrested Artem for soliciting a working girl and Vaughn for dealing. Both of them had rap sheets as long as your arm. It's their mother, I feel for each time one of them ends up in court”
There had been sympathy that lingered as she listened, as it turned out their mother had raised both the boys single-handedly after their father had run off. She had tried her best but they had been drawn into the fast-paced lifestyle of wheeling and dealing. As she watched, the detective informed the woman of her son’s death.
“What is it, Morgan?” Greg asked, noticing that Morgan had not spoken and became transfixed by one of the reports further in. He leaned, to see what she had been reading. It was the list of cars compiled by the plate search. 
“Vaughn Mikhailov,” She said looking up to meet his gaze. Greg’s gaze narrowed perplexed as he did not recognize the name. However, before he could reply, Morgan beat him to the punch.
“It was a drive-by shooting case, I worked a few weeks back and she was the lead detective assigned work to the case alongside me” She started, knowing that she would need to give him more than that if they were going to start to seriously look at him as a potential suspect.
“He and his older brother were targeted after trying to move into another dealer’s turf. His brother died at the scene. He was far from happy with how things went but he had a chip on his shoulder as she had arrested him more than a few times in the past” Once she had finished speaking, Morgan waited for Greg to process the information that had been dumped upon him.
“So he held her responsible for not finding his brother’s killer then. Greg asked, Morgan nodded before one last comment. “He had an axe to grind”
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuesday, 4 am
With one hand poised, Nick firmly knocked upon Russell’s closed office door. In a roundabout way, he had expected the text summoning him to the supervisor’s office but not this soon. He had hoped that he would be one way approaching Russell but then again, at least this way soon enough everything would be out in the open.
This was not the way that he had hoped that this conversation would be initiated. He knew that she had already started telling her partner and fellow officers about her boyfriend whenever she had a spare few minutes. She had also scheduled a meeting with HR on the day that she was meant to be returning to work. Nick then would approach Russell around the same time as she would have been seated down with HR. Effectively killing two birds with one stone 
This had always been their plan when things became more serious between the two of them. Multiple discussions had arisen, on when, where and how they approach their collective jobs regarding their romantic relationship and the potential impact on both of their jobs that would need to be addressed and solutions put into place.
She had planned to offer to be moved from Graveyard to Swing or Day if no other compromise could be reached. Where it would be possible for both of them both work the same shift pattern without any issues. Departmental policy had previously torn Sara from the team when her relationship with Grissom came to light, they had wondered how it would have played out for them.
Yes, they were still colleagues working alongside another one, but not under the same direct supervisor. They crossed over for Homicide and Forensic evidence collection and investigation came hand in hand. Without one, you couldn’t have the other.
“Come in” Russell’s voice called from behind the door, bringing Nick back of his thoughts as he pushed the handle and then the door inwardly. “Hey Russell…” He greeted the man sitting behind the desk but what he hadn’t expected was Catherine being in the room, standing off to one side behind Russell.
“Shut the door Nick” Russell continued as he went through the motions of crossing the threshold and closing the door behind him and moved further into the office to stand before the pair staring straight at him.
“I know this is about Detective..” Her name rolled off his tongue, one that had fallen on his lips many times before. “Look, I know that I should have told you..” Nick started to try and explain the position that he had found himself in.
“Nick, I need to know that you’ll be able to recuse yourself if you cross that emotional line where you start to lead your heart, not your head. For as long as you can remain objective then you still work on the case but the moment, that you step over that line. I will remove you and you’ll be treated just like every other significant other or next kin on every other case that had past through this department” Russell spoke with a conviction that could not be ignored or overturned. This was a promise that he would not go back on. 
Nick quickly nodded, happily agreeing with his supervisor’s conclusion. “This will have to be logged with HR and I’ll arrange the meeting shortly”  Russell said before turning to Catherine. “Anything you want to add?” He said, pulling her into the dialogue. Catherine had been quietly observing the short back and forth between the pair.
“Nicky, from here on out, we’ll be watching closer. Please understand, that we want to bring her home as much as you do. Still, we have to follow the rules and ensure there nothing can be challenged further down the line” Her words held a warmth that Nick had felt before, the familial love that had developed and grown over the many years that they had worked together. Once again, Catherine was looking after him, all whilst balancing the integrity of the crime lab and their necessary work on top of that. It was a well-practice balancing act that she had perfected over the last decade.
All it took would be one step in the wrong direction and it would come tumbling back down. That could not happen, no it would not help.
------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuesday 2 am
As the night rolled by, evidence was processed, reviewed and reported, with the new findings and avenues to venture down next added to the ever-growing list.
The one initially weak lead that had cropped up early in the shift strengthened as prints from the scene which had been set running whilst the sun was still up bore fruit. Morgan’s theory now seemed more plausible as the same name popped up once more, this could not just be a coincidence in the name of bad blood. 
Morgan turned to Greg, still trying to wrap her head around this as there were still too many variables that did not make a lick of sense. She could understand the steps taken to enact some twisted form of payback by breaking into the detective’s home and destroying everything that she might hold dear. There were no signs of a struggle, no blood splatter or trail to imply that they had been lying in wait for her to return.
With the crime scene photos laid out on the table between them, this felt much like the pieces of a puzzle waiting to be put together to reveal the image displayed upon the box when a handful of key tiles were missing, creating holes in the image. “This isn’t the primary scene, there is no indication that she ever came back. Two separate indications with one connecting factor, her” Morgan said, churning over the thoughts in her head out loud as she tried to make any sense of it all.
“What do we know about Vaughn Mikhailov, beyond his last arrest report?” Greg started before listing off what had been discovered thus far “His prints are all over this crime scene, his car matches the mark and model spotted on the neighbour's CCTV but why would a dealer break into a cop’s home in broad daylight?” He posed the question to Morgan, the blonde’s face twisted in confusion as she tried to gather together a logical answer but found none. 
“How did he find her address? That’s what bugs me unless he tailed her previously but according to the neighbour’s statement” Morgan replied, fishing out the relevant document from the box on her side of the table and turning to the right page. “That car had never been caught on camera before that day and those cameras had been up for more than six months”
“The only way that we’ll get satisfactory answers is that Vaughn Mikhailov needs to be found and brought in for questioning” Morgan nodded her head in agreement, the two-bit criminal had a lot to answer for.
“Brass put has BOLO out on Mikailov’s car”
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuesday, 4:30 am
The blinding flash of blue lights and screeching sirens were not out of place as the convoy of vehicles pulled up in front of the homestead. Its chain link fence had seen better days, half still attached to the poles that marked the edge of the property and the rest lost within the depths of the tall grass that desperately needed cutting. 
The property itself was registered to one Nikolai Mikhailov, the cousin of their prime suspect. It was not out of the ordinary for Vaughn to crash on his cousin’s sofa when his mother threw him out for the third time that week. Officers had called the property in the past, more often than not on matters of public nuisance or disturbance. Nikolai loved to party well into the small hours and was not shy about using violence to silence any complaining neighbours if they dared to call the cops on him.
Detective Captain Jim Brass surveyed the scene from behind the cruiser’s side door and soon found what he was looking for. With the garage door half enough, it was plain to see the car parked within, its license plate matching the suspect’s known vehicle of choice. No lights could be seen from the street as Officers tentatively approached the front door, ready to burst through the door and apprehend whoever was on the other side.
With the fury of valkyries leading the charge, the officers breached through the threshold as calls of LVPD came and went as Jim watched them disappear inside. This had to be it, this had to be the end of the road.
He was not the only one listening in, as the Officers inside cleared the scene. The investigated interest ran through from the bottom straight up to the top. She was one of them
‘419’ The code of a dead body came crackling over the airwaves, a dead body had been discovered. A chill rushed through him as he envisioned the very sight of her lying there, with empty, glazed-over eyes staring up at him as he wondered why.
’It’s not her’ The voice of Officer Mitchell soon followed as Jim released the breath that he hadn’t known he was holding back, then again he wasn’t the only one. Nick stood silently by, with bated breath as Morgan and Greg left with kits in hand. This was their scene now as they had been the ones to discover the connections that led to this.
Hodges stood in the doorway, reading the scene before him. The air was still tense as they all waited for the relief to set in but yet that felt too premature. The lab tech cleared his throat to try and catch Nick’s attention. He watched for a moment then tried a different approach.
“Nick, this was left at Reception for you” Hodges called into the room, as he held out the unstamped manila envelope for the other man to take. Nick Stokes was scrawled across the front in a large and unfamiliar hand. 
Nick frowned, he was not awaiting any post as he took it. “Thanks, man,” He said as he turned it over, inspecting it from every angle. There was nothing about the envelope that stood out, it was a standard A3 office stationery that was stocked by countless suppliers but the question arose of who had sent it.
As he carefully opened the sealed flap and reached inside, Nick quickly found the content. A series of photographs which he slid out. Hodges slid up beside him as he turned over the first which revealed little other than what he already knew to be true.
“Is that…” David questioned at the sight of his friends and colleagues locked in a rather passionate embrace. “Yes,” Nick curtly replied, annoyed at the very prospect that they had been followed and their privacy had been invaded like this as he turned over the next one.
It was the last one that drew a shocked gasp from Hodges, as he shook with a rage that he hadn’t felt for some time. The sight of her bound and unconscious in the boot of an unidentifiable vehicle with the words I WIN STOKES, SHE IS MINE written in bold, block capitals across the top of the image.
Each had focused upon her, she was the object of this maddening desire. A tail had been placed as her routine was documented. He held pride of place in a number of the images, whether he liked it or not.
He was taunting him, this was just his opening move.
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eqlabs · 2 months
Best Indoor Air quality monitoring Services-Equinox labs
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Indoor Air quality monitoring Services, Request for free consultation, Air quality monitoring for home, corporate. Grab the opportunity for Air quality monitoring. Read more......
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pranshueq · 2 months
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Best Indoor Air quality monitoring Services-Equinox labs
Indoor Air quality monitoring Services,Request for free consultation,Air quality monitoring for home,corporate.Grab the opportunity for Air quality monitoring
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baka69317 · 1 year
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Indoor Air quality monitoring Services, Request for free consultation, Air quality monitoring for home, corporate. Grab the opportunity for Air quality monitoring.
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headstrongblake · 4 months
[ swat ] your muse swatting mine's hand away from something they're not supposed to touch. / kassy & o / @thewholecrew
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for the afternoon it's nice to be outside. to breathe fresh air instead of the sterile hospital, she'd been dying to escape the second she woke up. this normal quality time in the sun with everyone surrounding her is exactly what she needs. & if octavia ignores the painful twinges in her stomach when she moves, it's almost like nothing terrible has happened at all.
she's still sitting on the picnic table with grant as nick begins to corral the group back toward them with his large plate of food. hunter and bellamy join them first before alec and kassy saunter up the hill together. alec encouraged rev to join them while it looked like kassy had enjoyed a nap under the tree, rubbing the sleep from her eyes before they sparkled as her arm linked through octavia's. "hi baby," o greeted her warmly, smiling as grant and her moved off the top of the table to the benches below. "alright, i cooked, you lot can serve yourselves." nick told the group as he smirked, setting out the last of the bbq while alec unpacked different sides and fruit trays from the coolers.
although her appetites had been low ever since the surgery, octavia couldn't pass up reaching for a plate to grab some strawberries before she withdrew her hand at kassy's smack. "hey!" her brows drew together, shooting her best friend a look. kassy simply shrugged her shoulders, "i will get you a plate all set," was all she offered as an explanation as octavia rolled her eyes, watching her best friend dish up an array of foods for her. even if she wanted to argue that she could get herself food, she knew it would do no good. it brought kassy joy to take care of them, and who was she to deny kassy after all she'd put her friends and brother through?
"o," bellamy's hand at her elbow startled her as she turned toward him. he held out some water for her before emerald hues watched his fingers leave her arm, moving to his pocket as he pulled out a bottle of medication. her teeth clenched as her insides excitedly reacted to seeing the pills her brother dispensed into his palm, "time for your meds," he said, offering them to her like she was still a child. it's for the best. both of them know it, but it only makes her feel weak. pitiful for needing her brother to monitor her pain meds until the stitches come out, and she can work toward kicking this again.
quickly, octavia washed down the medication with a silent thank you to her brother before she turned her attention back to grant and the plate of food kassy had created for her. while everyone chattered around the table, octavia slowly picked at the fruit on her plate, basking in the sounds of her family. grant's right...this feeling right here, how they support each other and linger in each other's company...this is what it's like to have a family. "hey guys... i have something to say," spilled out of her before octavia could really consider the consequences. this is her family, and she's only ever survived her addictions because of bellamy. his unwavering support as her family. maybe this time...it didn't have to be on just the two of them.
as the chatter ceased around her, emerald hues flickered to her big brother. she knew he already knew. he knows her better than anyone. has been there to experience her blissful highs and devastating withdrawals. "i wanna thank you all; really, these past few weeks are not how i wanted summer to end but it means the world to me the way you all rallied around bell while i was out, how all of you supported me while i was in the hospital..." she begins with her gratitude because although she feels incredibly undeserving of it, she loves all of them immensely. as she spoke her eyes wandered along her group, the addict side of her screaming to leave it at that. but she pushes it aside for her sake.
"i haven't been the most honest with any of you this summer..." she admitted, her eyes moving between grant and her best friend. by telling them the truth, she's accepting the long hard road to recovery. accepting that she no longer wants to shove everything beneath a glorious high. if she tells them everything, she admits the oxy is a problem too big for her to contain herself. "the massive drug debt chase had that got us shot? it wasn't just his. i've been using a lot of oxy and coke since july...thousands of dollars worth and um," shamefully, her head dipped from everyone's gaze as her hand curled against her sweatpants. "after this is all healed," she gestured toward her side where she'd been shot, "i'm going to stop using...i want to, but um, i guess you all are my family and i just...wanted you to know. tried of lying..."
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ystk-archive · 1 year
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I want to make music with a fashionable and "street" feel
It's been nine months since the release of "FRUITS CLiPPER." Creator Nakata Yasutaka and vocalist Koshijima Toshiko comprise the pop unit capsule, and they've already finished their eighth album, "Sugarless GiRL." Their previous work saw them switch their vector in one fell swoop from the lounge style they'd been doing to house/electro, and now they're sharpening their focus further.
"House music has always been a part of me, so I listen to many different types of it. Though as far as recent house goes, I think the sound changes depending on the people in the community around it. I wonder to myself what exactly house music really is, but while I'm creating it I realize it's music with a great sense of freedom. It can incorporate sounds from other genres, it's something you could dance to, you can even listen to it in your room. House easily reflects the current mode of the times."
Nakata Yasutaka, the all-around creator who handles everything from music to artwork for capsule, speaks about the appeal of house music. The new album's sound keeps in with its title: a hint of sweetness countered by an uptick in piercingly sharp guitar riffs that, together, form a contemporary crossover between rock and dance. Nakata's two regular parties — contemode saloon (held on the first Friday of each month at Shinjuku's OTO) and trick or treat (held on the third Monday of each month at Daikanyama's AIR) — exert a strong influence on his work.
"It's not just music; there are lots of people at these events who are in fields like beauty or design, with their own worlds and things they can't lose at to anyone else. Being around them really inspires me to make music. Fashion magazine readers already know this, but things change quickly in the world of fashion. Rather than attracting musicians, my parties particularly draw in cosmetologists and people involved in the fashion industry who all rely on intuition for their jobs instead of pure information. Maybe it's unusual for a musician to go about things with a similar kind of mentality."
At these parties, he would drop new tracks from his current projects and monitor the floor's reaction. However, with its irregular feel and sense of betrayal — in the best possible sense of the word — woven together, this album marks a shift towards dance tracks that leave an impression the instant they're heard. Simply put, while they're concurrent with the emergent popularity of genres like new rave and electro-house, capsule are shaping their worldview around their own club events.
"There are many interesting things happening around the world. Each city sort of assembles its own unique culture from a variety of different ones, so in that sense I'd like to create things that are 'Tokyo style.' As for what 'Tokyo style' is... It's strong, sharp contrasts, a dazzling quality, fashionable but with a sense of urbanity. Something that's polished, yet still rough to the touch. That's my thoughts on it."
Translated/scanned by ystk-archive, please credit if sharing elsewhere
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whirlpoolsingapore · 30 days
Dehumidifier: Do You Really Need One for Your Home?
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Singapore, only 1.5 degrees away from the equator, has a tropical climate all year long. It's hot, humid, and has rain showers throughout the year. Imagine stepping into your home after a long day, only to be met with a stifling and damp feeling you cannot escape. This discomfort is a sign of excess moisture in the air, which can lead to a host of problems. Dehumidifiers work by removing excess moisture and controlling humidity levels, creating a healthier and more comfortable living environment for your family in this tropical climate. But, do you actually need one? Let’s find out.
How Do I Know if Excess Humidity is a Problem?
According to studies, the ideal level of humidity in your home should sit between 30% and 50%. Anything above this range leads to dust mites, mold, and mildew, which not only leave musty odors but can also trigger allergies and respiratory problems. Best-rated dehumidifiers for the whole house draw in moist air, condensing the water vapor into a collection tank, and then releasing drier air back into the space.
If you're unsure whether you need to buy dehumidifier for your house, there are simple ways to check your home's humidity levels. Signs like condensation on windows, a musty odor, or visible mold growth can all indicate excessive moisture. Humidity monitors are also readily available in the market that can provide you with the necessary data for surety. 
Dehumidifier and its benefits
There are other benefits of using a dehumidifier beyond just preventing mold.
Dust mites and other allergens thrive in humid environments. A dehumidifier helps control these allergens, making breathing easier for those with allergies and asthma. It also saves your electricity bill for running an air conditioner. In humid climates, a dehumidifier can ease the burden on your AC, potentially lowering your energy bills.
Excess moisture can damage furniture, books, and electronics. If you buy a dehumidifier, it will prevent warping, peeling, cracking, and rust on your household items by keeping humidity in check.
Last, but not the least important benefit of buying a dehumidifier is that it boosts the comfort of your home. Dehumidifiers create a more comfortable feel by removing dampness from the air. Dehumidifiers are particularly useful in areas prone to high humidity, such as basements, bathrooms, and laundry rooms.
Factors to Consider When Buying a Dehumidifier
Hopefully, we have convinced you to buy a dehumidifier. But here are some factors to consider when deciding the best dehumidifier for a house.
The size of your home:  Larger homes may require a more powerful dehumidifier.
Your lifestyle:  Taking frequent hot showers or drying laundry indoors, and other such activities can contribute to increased humidity. You can consider smart dehumidifiers with ionizer technology. It releases negative ions that attach to airborne particles like dust, allergens, and even some germs, making them heavier and easier to capture by the dehumidifier's filter or fall to the ground. This can result in improved air quality without needing an air purifier.
So, if you're struggling with excess moisture in your home or office space, consider investing in a dehumidifier and breathe a sigh of relief. You can find various best-rated dehumidifiers in the market. Consider your needs and budget, and keep this blog in mind while buying a dehumidifier and create a healthier and comfortable home for you and your family.
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teamcuriosity · 1 year
Extreme Cold Safety: The Basics
Due to uncharacteristically cold weather caused by Team Winter affecting the entirety of the Unova region, it's imperative now more than ever that everyone is informed on how to handle extreme cold safely and effectively. Extreme cold must be specified as there is a vast difference between what we are experiencing now and what many people are used to experiencing, even in the dead of winter. For those unaware, Team Winter has specified themselves that the temperatures will be dropping to -20°F at a bare minimum. They may fall lower than this, and Admin Thrash is keeping an eye on the live temperatures from the Hoenn Weather Institute, but for now, the advice in this article will be given based on the presumption that -20°F is the lowest possible temperature.
Skin Exposure
Leaving your skin exposed for any period of time in weather this cold is highly dangerous. All skin must be covered, especially extremities such as your fingers, ears, and nose. In -20°F degree weather, frostbite can occur within 10-15 minutes. It should also be noted that a light covering will not be enough to prevent frostbite, that your footwear should be waterproofed to prevent trench foot, and that your clothes should not be too tight in order to keep your blood circulating. We recommend reading through our previous reblogs for in-depth instruction on how to properly dress for the cold. Time spent unsheltered should be kept to a minimum regardless of your level of winter gear in order to minimize the risk of cold weather injury.
This advice should also be taken with pokemon who do not have extreme cold resistance. Grass, ground, flying, and dragon types are notably more susceptible than other types to extreme cold injuries, but even fire types should be cautious
Even if your winter gear is substantial enough to avoid frostbite, hypothermia is still a very real concern in extreme cold. Your body still has to take in air, and warming the air takes a lot of energy out of you. Hypothermia occurs when a person’s internal body temperature drops below 95°F, and can happen even happen when temperatures are above freezing. The symptoms set in slow, so if you're not being perceptive, you could miss them. Be mindful of your own body and limits. If you stop shivering but you haven't warmed up, that doesn't mean you're recovering. That means you are in the end stages of hypothermia.
Keeping well-fed and active is the best way to stay warm. If you can't move due to disability or injury, then at least keep fed.
Cold weather dries out the air so, much like an intense summer day, it can dehydrate you incredibly quickly. It's one of the biggest dangers in extreme cold, but it's also one that is severely underinformed about. Remember: do not eat snow. Your body will expend more energy trying to warm it than it is worth. So, make sure you melt the snow before you drink it, otherwise you could end up worsening your hypothermia symptoms.
Disability, Housing, and Age
People in certain age demographics can find it much harder to weather the cold. Infants in particular can become hypothermic much faster than your average adult, and should be carefully monitored and kept close during extreme cold. The elderly can also have more trouble with hypothermia as it can aggravate existing health problems, potentially permanently worsening them.
Some people also rely on medical devices which require electricity to run. Unova's grid is fairly robust, but if the power goes out, it could severely impair the quality of life for these individuals. There are also many disorders that can flare up during extreme temperature shifts including, but not limited to, fibromyalgia, migraine disorders, and COPD. This can leave some people unable to move to shelter on their own.
Unstable housing status also leaves people incredibly vulnerable. The homeless have the most difficulty surviving extreme cold due to a lack of stable shelter, but even those with housing can be in unsafe housing. Some buildings aren't built to handle the extreme cold, and will not retain heat savely. These buildings must be fortified from the inside or simply evacuated from.
I was going to finish this out with some sort of professional conclusion. Something you might see in an academic paper or at least a news article. I can't. I have nothing that could appropriately sum up my thoughts and feelings on the situation.
I just hope the temperature rises again.
—Dr. Ryan Alston
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