#pm 10 and pm 2.5
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curiosity-killed · 4 months
I rlly wanna go to class tonight bc it’s one of my faves, I haven’t been in months & won’t be able to for a while in the future, and I want to test out my janky ass pointe shoes but also I got ~4.5-5 hr of sleep and I want to go to bed So Badly
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pietroalviti · 4 months
Frosinone, i cittadini chiedono di controllare le polveri ultrasottili allo Scalo, e a Ceccano?
Le Associazioni civiche di Frosinone chiedono di monitorare le polveri ultrasottili nella centralina Arpa installata presso la Stazione, che attualmente si limita soltanto alla PM10, come quella di Ceccano. Si tratta di un problema molto importante, che andrebbe verificato visti i danni che le polveri ultrasottili causano alla salute umana e non soltanto. In un comunicato stampa, che riporta la…
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shuawonie · 6 months
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with you.
pairing | yoon jeonghan x fem!reader
genre | pure fluff </3, babysitting au, established relationship au, non-idol au, comfort
word count | 5.6k
warnings | just jeonghan with kids :’), use of pet names (love, angel), kissing, mentions of pregnancy and having a child, cuteness everywhere, sneaky jeonghan, what should i say more- joshua as your brother and a dad ^^
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summary: babysitting your brother’s daughter was always one of your favorite things to do. but you didn’t know that it might be even better if someone joins you, especially someone who you love the most.
a/n: here is a small drabble that has been rotting in my docs for so long already.. ㅠㅠ after watching TOO MANY (oops-) videos with jeonghan with kids i couldn’t stop myself… but hope you’ll enjoy it ! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。♡
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“Gosh y/n, you’re literally an angel!”
Joshua, your brother, said enthusiastically as soon as he walked into your apartment.
Him, together with his wife were invited to a meeting with their old classmates, as it was already 10 years after their highschool graduation. However, the problem was that they couldn’t go there with their 3 years old daughter, Minji as they wouldn’t probably have that much time to give her the attention. Come on, after all they really wanted to meet their friends calmly, even though Minji wasn’t a big troublemaker.
So you decided to help your sibling, and for one day you volunteered to take care of the girl. You consulted everything with Miyoon, Joshua’s wife, so when your brother got to know that you’ll take care of Minji while they’ll be gone for a day, he was all over the moon as the problem of who they should leave their daughter with was giving him sleepless nights.
Your brother gently placed his 3 year old in your arms, kissing her cheek sweetly to which she let out a cute giggle. Miyoon was standing silently right next to Joshua. She was smiling lovely, while looking at her daughter and husband with such admiration shining in her eyes.
You chuckled, “Seriously! It's no problem for me. Spending time with this little sweetheart is pure pleasure, and taking care of her is hassle-free. Right, Minji?” the girl in your arms placed her head in the crook of your neck, while nodding gently.
Your brother cooed at Minji’s reaction and you laughed under your nose, while hugging the little girl closer to your body.
“I hope that she won’t cause any problems though.” Miyoon uttered, making you shift your eyes at her.
“If anything would happen, let us know immediately, and we’ll drive back to pick her up.” the girl added with Joshua nodding at her words, and you sent them a reassuring smile while affirming to them that you’ll call instantly if something happens.
“Minji mostly goes to sleep at 8 PM and if she’ll have any troubles with falling asleep, you can heat up some milk for her, she really likes it. But you can also read her a bedtime story or hum a song.” Joshua said in the doorway, and you placed the girl on the floor to run around your apartment with her favorite plushie in her hand.
She immediately ran up to your golden retriever, who was happily observing what’s happening the whole time.
You smiled at your brother with pity visible on your face, “Shua, please. It’s not my first time taking care of Minji.” you crossed your hands over your chest, “Seriously. You don’t have to worry about us.”
Miyoon chuckled as she watched how flustered Joshua got at your point. Then she gently patted his arm, “Babe, we need to get going. We still have around 2.5 hours to drive.” she muttered softly, and your brother nodded at her words while sending her his bright smile.
For the last time, Joshua and Miyoon thanked you, and (hesitantly) the two of them finally left your apartment, leaving you with Minji who was currently busy gently petting Seoli, your dog.
You watched her from the side for a bit, before you melted at her cutest behavior. Slowly, you approached them and Seoli immediately ran up to you, bringing Minji right after her. The girl gripped tightly around your leg, showing her gummy smile to you.
“Hi angel.” you crouched down, and poked Minji’s cheek to which the girl let out an adorable giggle. She wrapped her arms around your neck and hugged you tightly, making you smile widely.
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“Please hold still, auntie! I’ll get the band-aid for you~” Minji melodized, and she ran quickly towards her pink backpack where she had all of her toys hidden, looking for the band-aid for you.
You two were in the middle of playing ‘doctor and patient’ and you sat on the couch, acting as if something happened on your cheek. Minji of course was the doctor, and she played as if she had to cure you.
Seoli, already tired after following everything you two did, was now laying on the fluffy carpet next to the sofa, silently observing both of you.
It was already 3 hours since Joshua and Miyoon left, and you were desperately trying to do anything with Minji until the time where you two would eat lunch, and then take a small nap.
So during this whole time, you already drew and coloured in Minji’s coloring books, played with her tiny animal figurines, played in a hairstylist, and had a small snack break.
But all of it was actually pretty much fun and you couldn’t complain. Minji was a really cute and happy child, which she probably got from her amazing father. However, she also got the softness and care that you could observe in the way of how she treated you as the ‘doctor’, from her sweet mother.
After a minute, Minji ran back to you with a pink colored band-aid that had smiley butterflies on it. She sat on the couch to get closer to you, and started sticking the band-aid to your cheek.
The girl was doing it with such patience and focus that it gave you an opportunity to look closer at her. And you immediately noticed how beautiful her eyes looked, as she had taken after Shua.
You were always jealous of your brother’s eyes as he was the one who got your mom’s eyes. Even though your eyes also looked similar to his, you also had a lot from your father.
The girl started to giggle as she was excited, and you couldn’t help but melt at her cutest behavior. And just as Minji was about to finish sticking the band-aid, the two of you twitched as you heard a voice in the room.
“Did I miraculously wake up in the future, and you’re playing with our little daughter?” your boyfriend’s still a little hoarse voice rang in your ears, immediately putting your heart in calm, bringing a warm smile to your lips. But you couldn’t stop blushing because of his statement.
“What? Hannie, no!” you chuckled at his words and added “This is literally my niece!” to which the boy pouted in disappointment because of the harsh reality (deep down, he really hoped that you would say yes).
“How are you, hm? Do you feel better?” you asked, smiling at him as the boy approached the two of you slowly, laying down on the couch while placing his head on your lap.
“Yup. I feel much better now, love.” Jeonghan replied smoothly, while getting comfortable on your lap.
Then he shifted his eyes on Minji, who was already observing him, curious about his sudden appearance. The boy smiled at her to which she smiled brightly, tilting her head to the side.
“I think you have a real patient here, Minji.” you chuckled under your nose, “Uncle Jeonghan had a biiiig~ headache this morning, so maybe you can take care of him now.” you started to gently play with Jeonghan’s dark hair.
It was really soft in the touch that you couldn’t stop yourself from playing with it, and starting to loosely braid it. Not as if Jeonghan minded you doing that.
The girl nodded happily while running again to her backpack, taking all of the needed supplies to play with Jeonghan.
“Should I be scared?” Jeonghan whispered to you with a playful smile on his lips, looking at the pink band-aid still stuck to your cheek.
“No, don’t worry.” you chuckled softly, glancing at Minji who was busy searching for her toys, “Doctor Hong is really gentle with her doings.” you added, and Jeonghan chuckled as you sent him a bright grin.
Not so long after, Minji joined you two again and Jeonghan was forced to (unfortunately) sit up from your lap as she started to play with him.
You observed all of this silently from the side, with a big smile on your face, and your heart growing with love. The way Jeonghan was playing with her, using his baby voice while speaking with her, and treating her gently as if she was the most fragile thing in the world was making it really hard for you not to fall in love with him even deeper — if that was even possible.
“Auntie!” Minji’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts, to which you quickly moved your attention to her.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“You have to give uncle Jeonghan a kiss.
You froze.
“W-what?” you stuttered, and the girl blinked at you with confusion.
“You have to give a kiss of love to uncle, so it will make him feel better! You know.. kiss of love! He said that his head still hurts..” Minji pouted, and looked at you with her shining, doe eyes.
Oh.. how could you refuse her?
So you looked at the main reason for your currently pink cheeks, and your eyes immediately locked with Jeonghan’s, dark one’s. His gaze was addicting for you. You could stare into it all day long.
But the way he was looking at you right now, with that smirk and playfulness dancing freely in his eyes, was making you feel really flustered.
“Come on, y/n. You have to give me a kiss~” Jeonghan urged you, holding himself from laughing out loud because of how much he loved to tease you this way.
You knew that he was feeling fine now, and that his head didn’t hurt anymore. It was normal for Jeonghan that sometimes when he came home late after an exhausting day, the boy got headaches as soon as he woke up in the morning. That’s how you always made him stay in bed and sleep more, most of the time with you by his side.
But now, he was just using the fact that you had a soft spot for Minji (and also for him) so you couldn’t refuse her requests. And without any other choice left for you, slowly, you leaned closer and placed a sweet kiss on Jeonghan’s forehead. But just when you were about to pull back, his hands softly cupped your cheeks and attached his lips to yours, connecting you in a real kiss.
Quickly realizing what just happened, you pulled away from the boy, making him confused at your sudden change. Minji was squealing from happiness while jumping on the couch and hugging you tightly. Gently, you hit Jeonghan’s arm while trying to act as if you’re mad at him. The boy let out a giggle that made you smile even wider.
“Now I feel much better.” Jeonghan uttered, to which you snorted and rolled your eyes at his behavior, resting your chin on top of snuggling to you Minji.
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“Are you ready, Ji?”
Jeonghan asked with a big smile shining on his lips, feeling as excited as the little girl who was currently jumping beside him. He was crouching in front of her while trying to help her put on her jacket and a fluffy hat with bear ears on the top.
You were tying your shoes as your lips curved into a soft smile. Your boyfriend was chasing after Minji through your apartment as just a second ago the girl stole his scarf. The sight of how Jeonghan was happy with your niece was making you chuckle, while feeling warm deep in your heart.
As the snow continued to fall throughout the day, you all decided to go on a walk and play for some time in the snow. Minji immediately accepted that idea, saying that she really wants to go out with her favorite (right after her parents) people, and see the snow.
“You guys can already leave, I’ll join you in a second.” you stated, and Jeonghan nodded at your words with a soft smile spreading on his lips.
He quickly tapped Minji’s head, shouting, “Tag, you’re it!”
Then he ran out from the apartment, just to have Minji running just behind him, screaming his name.
You decided to pack a snack for Minji in your bag in case she gets hungry, and also take warmer clothes for the three of you. You had no idea for how long you’re going to be out, and as it was already the middle of January, so the evenings were really cold.
That’s why you took a small, pastel pink hoodie from Minji’s bag with spare clothes that her lovely parents left for her, and two Jeonghan’s sweatshirts (one for him, and also one for you of course). Some hand warmers and you were ready to go.
Being in a relationship with Jeonghan for almost 5 years now (and 15 years in friendship), has taught you many things. For example, you should always watch your back, if he’s not planning to pull any of his stupid pranks on you (which you actually adored). Always watch his hand movements carefully, he will always try to cheat. Never let him in the kitchen or you want to get it burned down.
And also his really low cold tolerance. He could get cold really easily, so you always had to be one step ahead by having a hand warmer hidden somewhere in the pocket of your coat for him. His reaction was always the best as he always got shy when you sneaked the hot pack into his hand, ostensibly to hold his hand.
As you finished zipping your bag, you were finally done with packing all of the necessary things. You took your keys from the drawer and left the apartment, locking the door behind you.
When you left the building, Minji was clinging to Jeonghan’s arm, who was crouching, busy doing something. From this proximity you couldn’t really tell what they were doing, but as soon as you got closer, you noticed a stray cat sitting by them.
Jeonghan was petting its head gently, cooing at the cat while Minji was observing everything behind Jeonghan’s arm. A smile spread on your lips as you approached them.
“Only a minute without me, and you already found my replacement. You are so toxic, guys.” you chuckled, and the two of them raised their heads to look at you.
Jeonghan quickly sent you an ‘are-you-serious-right-now’ look, before getting up and gently kissing your cheek. He placed his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“And only a minute without me, and you’re already saying nonsense, love.” he uttered as he sent you a lazy smirk, cupping your face with his hands.
“I would have never replaced you.” Jeonghan left a sweet kiss on your lips, to which you quickly turned away when he pulled away from you, chuckling at your sudden reaction.
You hoped he wouldn't notice that rose blush which suddenly appeared on your cheeks. But you blamed it on the cold weather, not the fact that you got embarrassed. However, the butterflies in your stomach were saying the opposite.
Minji observed you the whole time, wearing a gummy smile. The hat which was falling over her eyes was making her look adorable. She was struggling to see anything, but Jeonghan was quick to notice it. He untangled himself from you, and fixed her hat with a small pat on her head and a baby-voiced coo.
Jeonghan as usually had to forget to take his own hat. The snowflakes that were gently falling down the sky rested on top of his dark hair strands. His cheeks were already tinted in light pink from the cold breeze, making him look even more breathtaking.
Quickly, you took out a hat with long bunny ears that you also decided to pack, and put it on Jeonghan’s head. Gosh, he looked so cute in it.
In the meantime, the stray cat ran away somewhere, and you decided to finally start your small stroll to the park that was located in your neighborhood.
Minji was quick to hold Jeonghan’s and your hands, ready to walk with you two by her sides. You had to walk much slower than usual because of her small steps, but you didn’t complain. The already setting sun looked alluring, with the pink and violet rays spreading on the sky.
Suddenly, the girl unhooked her hands, and ran straight towards the open area with lots of snow on it. She jumped into it, giggling, while taking the snow into her hands and throwing it above her. You followed right after her, playing together with the snow.
What you didn’t expect to happen next was a snowball hitting your arm. When you looked to the side, you quickly noticed the culprit, laughing soundly with a playful grin on his face.
“Come on, Minji,” you grasped her hand, “We have to win this battle.” a smirk spread over your lips as the little girl giggled in excitement.
And that’s how your snowball battle started. You couldn’t believe it but while playing, you suddenly felt as if you were 15 again, having a battle with your friends after you finished your classes. When Jeonghan and you were only friends, and when you never imagined that in the future you’ll fall for each other.
It’s obvious that at the end Jeonghan of course ended up winning against you two (you still question if he didn’t cheat while . But you didn’t really care about that. Him still being with you after all those years, smiling like a kid, having his best time with your beloved niece was more than enough to make you feel happy.
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Hot chocolate tastes the best after playing in the snow. And you can’t disagree with that.
The three of you got back home 30 minutes after you finished the battle in the snow. Your clothes were all wet and Minji was already whining about how her legs hurt, so on the way back home Jeonghan gave her a piggy ride.
After changing into some fresh and most importantly dry clothes, Jeonghan was quick to suggest that you all should drink hot chocolate to warm up. Minji, having her uncle as the most amazing person after giving her a piggy ride home, begged you to make them hot chocolate.
And that’s how you ended up in this situation — Minji sitting on Jeonghan’s lap, snuggled into his chest. She was already done drinking her hot chocolate, watching a cartoon on the TV.
The boy kept stroking her hair gently, putting her into a deep sleep. Jeonghan’s warmth, together with the tiredness and soft sound of the programme they were watching, worked like a lullaby for Minji’s exhausted body.
You sat beside them, not being able to focus on anything else than the love of your life acting like your niece is his own child.
“Should we put her to her bed?” Jeonghan whispered after a while as he looked at you, his hand still on Minji’s head, hugging her closely.
“Yeah, I think so.” you replied softly, “She already fell asleep, so it’s even better.” you smiled, and the two of you got up from the couch as quietly as you could to not wake the little girl up.
When Jeonghan went to the guest room with Minji, you sent a short text to Joshua, saying that Minji is already sleeping and everything’s alright. You left your phone on the coffee table and went after Jeonghan to the guest’s room, stopping in the door frame. You leaned against it, observing how your boyfriend was gently tugging Minji to sleep.
When he finally noticed you standing behind him, he sent you a questioning look with a smile spreading over his lips. You chuckled softly, shaking your head as you headed to your bedroom. But on the way there, a pair of arms quickly sneaked over your waist.
You let out a squeak when the boy suddenly lifted you up, spinning you around. “Hannie, put me down!” you whispered firmly while laughing, as you didn’t want to wake Minji up.
“But I don’t want toooo~” he whined, keeping his face in the nape of your neck, but eventually the boy placed you back on the ground, turning you around to face him.
“You know..” you started, placing your arms around his neck, “I didn’t know that you’re that good at taking care of kids.”
“Oh please,” he laughed, “What am I not good at in the first place.”
“Hmm, I don’t think there is something like that.” you looked deeply into his eyes, which shone brightly in happiness and tenderness.
Jeonghan leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your nose before suddenly lifting you up in a bridal style, taking you to your bedroom (despite your protests).
He gently placed you on the bed as if you were the most fragile thing before showering your entire face and neck with butterfly kisses. Your giggles filled the room, enjoying your sweet time together.
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It was already past midnight when Jeonghan came out of the bathroom. He had his hair still slightly damp after showering. You were laying in your bed, scrolling through social media. Joshua posted some photos from the gathering, and seeing your brother together with his wife, enjoying their time was making you feel really happy.
“What are you looking at?” Jeonghan asked suspiciously, observing how widely you smiled.
He dried his hair with a towel while standing at the end of the bed. But when you didn’t reply to him, the boy immediately pouted, annoyed that you’re paying more attention to something in your phone than him.
“Hello?” he said louder, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh yes, sorry. Joshie posted photos from the gathering, and they look so happy together.” you explained in awe, showing him the pictures in your phone. Jeonghan only hummed in response, not really interested, while putting the towel aside.
You could immediately notice a shift in his behavior, so you put your phone on the bedside table. Jeonghan got under the bedsheets next to you, quickly pulling your body closer to him.
You looked at him worriedly, “Hannie, what’s wrong?” you asked, but the boy just snuggled closer to you. Gosh, he’s so clingy.
“Nothing, let’s just cuddle.” he muttered tiredly, quickly earning a chuckle which in a split of a second caused the corner of his lips to raise.
While being tangled in his protective arms, you talked about the day, how much you enjoyed it and how much you’d want to experience something like this once again. Jeonghan (being already half asleep) listened to your subdued voice, humming in agreement.
What you didn’t expect was to suddenly hear a faint knock on your door. Quickly, you straightened up on the bed, unfortunately hitting Jeonghan at the same time. You whispered a soft sorry as the woken up boy looked at you, pouting while massaging his jawline.
You got out of the bed, and approached the door. On the other side you found a teary-eyed Minji, gripping her plushie tightly in her hand. The bare sight made your heart swell immediately.
“Minji, baby, what happened?” you asked her as you crouched in front of her, bringing her close to you, “Did you have a nightmare?” you added, while hugging her to your body.
You could only hear Minji’s sniffs, “Y-yes.” she whispered, snuggling into the crook of your neck.
Trying to calm her down, you picked her up and you got back to the bed. Jeonghan was already sitting, observing you silently with worry written all over his face.
You sat on the edge of the bed, Minji sat on your laps while hugging you tightly. Her sniffles were already gone, but you kept stroking her back and swaying her shaking body. Jeonghan took some tissues from the bedside table, and shuffled closer to you on the bed, gently wiping Minji’s tears away.
When the girl was finally calmed down, you looked at her shiny and slightly red eyes, and smiled.
“Do you want to sleep with us tonight?” you asked.
Oh. If only you knew how Jeonghan’s heart skipped a beat when he heard you spoke those words. Through out the day, he actually started to feel more as if Minji was his own daughter, and seeing you, so gentle and careful with the little girl only confirmed his thoughts about you being his only one.
Minji nodded, and you quickly took her off your knees, placing her in the middle of the bed. As your bed was king size, there was no problem for you three to sleep together.
Jeonghan helped Minji lay down, bringing her plushie closer to her. You also got back under the sheets, laying down next to your niece.
As previously, your boyfriend started to stroke her head, and also between her eyes as he once read somewhere that gently stroking that place makes babies fall asleep faster. The whole time you were looking at Jeonghan, as he was focused on putting Minji to sleep.
Surprisingly, that advice which Jeonghan used turned out to be true, because soon later Minji was back in her sweet slumber, and you two could finally go to sleep.
You were still looking at him, and when your eyes met, you felt those butterflies in your stomach waking up again. You found Jeonghan handsome and very attractive almost every time. When he had his hair done perfectly, with his black shirt on and that stupid smirk. When he was helping you cook something, politely obeying your orders. And when he was completely focused during building his lego sets.
But this sight. Oh dear lord, please have some mercy.
Him in front of you, in the most natural circumstances ever, with his dark hair soft but slightly messy, his shirt falling down a bit too low while exposing one of his collarbones, laying in the same bed with you and being the same (or even more) exhausted than you. It felt different.
He was the most beautiful, the most attractive and the most handsome person you’ve ever laid your eyes on.
“Angel, I know I’m handsome, but you don’t have to stare at me like that.” he commented with a smirk spreading on his lips.
You quickly got back out from that daze, “Oh shut up.” you whispered, while turning around in the bed, making him face your back.
“Good night, love.”
“Good night, Hannie.”
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Just when you thought that nothing could look better than Jeonghan last night, you got your thinking changed once again.
Waking up in the morning with the sun’s light rays resting on the floor and walls of your bedroom, while laying next to your beloved boyfriend, and your niece cuddled up closely to him, officially became your new favorite sight ever.
They looked so fragile, so delicate and so adorable, while sleeping peacefully, that you couldn’t help but take some photos of them.
As soon as you got out of bed (and finished your mini photo session), you went through the new notifications. It was only 8 am, but you still got some throughout the night.
At around 7:30 am, Joshua sent you a text that they will eat breakfast now, and then try to leave around 9:00 am. So you still had 4 hours until they arrived.
After dressing yourself up as quietly as you could, you walked out of the room, closing the door behind you. You decided not to wake them up, but surprise them with breakfast.
You spent some time debating over what you should make, and if it should be savory or sweet, but you eventually chose to make sweet breakfast. Quickly, you began to make the batter for the waffles, also preparing coffee for Jeonghan and you while Seoli accompanied you. You of course didn’t forget to also give her food.
After some time, you were already making the waffles when a pair of arms suddenly sneaked around your waist, with the feeling of someone’s chin on your shoulder.
“You left the bed too early today,” Jeonghan’s still a little bit hoarse voice sounded right by your ear, as you were busy putting the done waffles on the plates, “You know I like to wake up and see your face as the first thing in the morning.”
“I know, I know, Hannie,” you laughed, pouring the batter into the waffle mold, “But I wanted to make a surprise for you two. Speaking of, where is Minji?” you asked, turning around to face Jeonghan.
Oh shit. He looked breath-taking.
“I helped with her morning toilet, and then we went to the living room. She is busy with her coloring books, but still kind of sleepy.” Jeonghan explained, and you nodded at his words.
The boy grabbed his cup of coffee, and took a sip before leaving a soft kiss on your cheek while saying thank you. You smiled back at him, finishing the waffles.
Soon, you took all of the waffles that you prepared, and placed them on the table. In the meanwhile, Jeonghan took out all of the toppings for the waffles, and went back to get Minji.
When you finally sat down, your boyfriend came into the kitchen with Minji holding his hand, and slowly walking towards you right by his side. As soon as she noticed the waffles on the table, she sprinted towards the chair and quickly got on top of it, already taking one of the waffles. Jeonghan joined right after her, and the three of you began to eat your breakfast.
The rest of the morning went really fast. Jeonghan dressed in something else than his pyjamas while you helped Minji to pick her outfit. Then you finally did your makeup, and the three of you just spent more time together.
You didn’t understand how it’s possible, that even with your tendency to have a low social battery, you didn’t feel tired or bored by your boyfriend and niece. It felt so natural now to have them around, that you just got used to it.
While Minji was playing with your dog, and Jeonghan was teaching her how to make Seoli do the tricks, you were busy thinking about how you actually can see your future like this.
Now, after yesterday, you were sure that you could picture your future with Jeonghan, and even see yourself as a mother. You were sure that the boy would be the best father, spoiling his kid while also pulling his stupid pranks on you with them.
But you were sure that with him it was possible.
A few hours later, a doorbell’s sound rang in your flat. Seoli immediately ran to bark at the person behind the door, but you were sure it was Shua with Miyoon. And you weren’t wrong. As soon as you opened the door you could see the young parents standing in front of you, greeting you happily as you kept Seoli from jumping on them.
Seconds later, Jeonghan came from behind the corner with Minji in his arms. She had her head pressed to his cheek, observing patiently who came over. And just when she saw her mommy and daddy, she grinned happily and wiggled in Jeonghan’s arms. The boy put her down, and she ran straightfully to her parents. They hugged their daughter closely, and Jeonghan joined your side, placing his arm over your waist.
“We hope she didn’t cause you any problems.” Miyoon uttered, patting the little girl’s head.
“No, not at all!” you quickly protested, “Minji is such an angel, we spent an amazing time together.” you leaned your head on Jeonghan’s shoulder.
“She’s the cutest. I’m so jealous of your daughter.” Jeonghan commented, earning a laugh from everyone.
You handed Joshua all Minji’s things that they brought, and it was finally time to say goodbye.
“Nooo! I don’t wanna say goodbye!” Minji whined, while cuddling to your leg.
“Ji, baby, you’ve been with your aunt and uncle for a whole day. Now we have to go back to our house.” Joshua explained, “We have to let auntie and uncle get some rest.”
“But I love them so much..”
You couldn’t control the coo that left your lips as soon as the girl said how much she loved you and Jeonghan. Your boyfriend only smiled briefly, observing everything.
“You’ll see them soon again.” Miyoon took Minji’s hand, bringing her closer to her to put the hat on her head.
“Promise.” you replied, while intertwining your pinky finger with hers, “You’ll probably see us earlier than you might think.”
“I can’t wait already!” she shouted enthusiastically, and for the last time Minji hugged you and Jeonghan tightly, and patted Seoli. Then, the young parents left your flat, leaving you two alone, again.
Suddenly, Jeonghan let out a groan which startled you by the sudden action.
He headed towards the living room, “I want to have a kid.” he whined, and you chuckled under your breath, following Jeonghan’s steps.
“You know, we still can have one in the future.” you answered, and the boy immediately turned around, looking at you with his eyes widened and his mouth parted a little bit. “Only if you want one.”
Jeonghan was quick to run up to you, and spin you around, while holding you tightly. Your giggles filled the room once again, being the prettiest melody to your boyfriend’s ears.
“Of course I do, my love.”
He was sure. Jeonghan was sure that he couldn’t wait no more, and that maybe it was the right time to take out that velvet box which he hid deeply in the drawer by the bed, and finally put it into use.
Because he knew one thing. That if he wanted to spend his entire life together with someone, then it had to be with you.
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© shuawonie | 2024, all rights reserved.
reuploads and likes are highly appriciated ♡
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fictionproblem · 1 month
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Running June 6 - June 20, ending 10 pm EST. Grab em here!
They’re double sided and glittery!! The top charm is 3 inches while the bottom is 2.5!
Further shipping information and preorder specifics in the item’s listing!
Reblogs are very helpful and incredibly appreciated!!
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Good morning maggots it's 10 pm, I just woke up from a 2.5 hour nap, and I'm in the mood for mischief and chaos :") Just a warning because I love you all.
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mochimellowd · 1 month
Due to unforeseen circumstances I will unfortunately not be dropping this restock with new merch, as it appears that it will be on hold for over two months.
The second wave of PREORDERS on my Dethklok Spinners will go live JUNE 1ST (today!) and last until JUNE 22nd at 10 PM EST. After then there will be VERY LIMITED STOCK for a while until these go back up with what was previously planned.
-ChaosCabras, (formerly ChaosDoodle)
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Don't forget to pick up some gear tattoos on the way!
Linktree for my Shop and Ko-Fi
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WIBTA for abandoning my assistant at our new job?
I (22F) am a grocery store department manager and my assistant (26F) is my best friend. We previously worked at nice, low-volume, good work culture type store for a year and a half together while she was still a clerk. The notoriously horrible and constantly-falling-apart store down the street suddenly had two openings for our department for manager and assistant manager. She was definitely overqualified to become an assistant and I had good reports as the manager at this location, and thought we could work some magic on that place and really shape it up. So we made a plan, applied for the transfer and we were accepted. Once we started working there the department started performing amazingly and the people within the department were very happy with us as the new management crew.
Two issues - number 1 there is a store assistant manager who is racist, homophobic, and sexually harasses employees (she has 15+ HR complaints against her and it’s beyond me why corporate doesn’t fire her). She has targeted my assistant and within her first 5 days of working there, she wanted to call for a replacement, and called her lazy. I knew about this person before transferring but my assistant didn’t. I warned her beforehand and encouraged her to use the corporate HR hotline to report any and all behavior. (I have been a victim of this lady too, she asks me invasive sexual questions…)
Number 2 - I am now being worked 7 days a week, 10-12 hour days, and various start times anywhere between midnight and 1 pm. I’ll be off at 4 pm from a day shift, have to go back in at midnight, work midnight to noon, and then cover the evening call out by going in for another 2 hours from 4pm-6pm. Because I’m the manager, I can be worked like a dog but other people are not allowed to even stay an hour of overtime per week. My sleep deprivation has led me to faint, be hospitalized, miss doctors appointments, etc. All around awful. My store managers recognize that I’m suffering but due to corporate standards for scheduling, there is no escaping this, unless I want to make my poor assistant go through what I’m going through, which I refuse to allow another person to experience this.
I can’t take it anymore. I finally broke when I showed up to a scheduled overnight shift 2.5 hrs late due to pure exhaustion, and started having hallucinations on shift. Corporate surprised us at 8 am that day and gave my department a bad review, and I broke down in the middle of the sales floor in front of corporate, customers, and my store managers screaming “FUCK THIS I CAN’T FUCKING DO THIS ANYMORE.”
I was surprised that I wasn’t fired but store management was surprised that I didn’t walk out. I didn’t because I have rent to pay. But the incident finally made me realize that this store is hurting my health and I’ve decided to send applications out to other jobs. Stepping down within the company or transferring back to the old store is not an option because department head is not open and even if I stepped down, they’d still work me like a department manager because they know what work I’m capable of. I want something new, a fresh clean slate.
However my assistant very badly needed this pay raise and guaranteed full time contract. She wouldn’t leave. She has an upcoming wedding and needs to put food on the table for her child. She is my best friend outside of work and we’re very close. I would feel terrible abandoning her in an already shitty work situation that I dragged her into - it was my idea and my reference for her promotion. I made promises to take care of a certain portion of duties if she did another portion. If I left, it would be ALL on her, job of both assistant and manager either as an assistant or if she’s offered manager. Either way, that would be a worse schedule than what I’m going through right now. And she would have to deal with that terrible store assistant alone. Anyways, I’d be scared to lose her friendship if I left. But I can’t take it anymore. She recognizes that too, however, she’s sympathetic to the literal medical faults my schedule is causing.
I feel like it’s my fault that she got harassed in the first place, and I feel like it’s my fault that she’s now unhappy with her job. I don’t want to lose my best friend.
WIBTA for leaving my job?
What are these acronyms?
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millenniallust4death · 11 months
I have a 2.5 hour class this morning and I cannot stress how much I don't want to do anything for 150 minutes straight without breaks. Let alone listen to a person drone about searching the medical literature. Learning is always structured around ease of scheduling and not around people's brains. Last year, I had three straight hours of statistics from 7 PM to 10 PM and let me tell you, my brain tapped out at 8:30 PM so the last 90 minutes were a total waste of time. I love recorded lectures so that I can watch them in 20 minute increments and then go do something else. Fuck this live lectures are the only way to truly learn bullshit.
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zzzinternetperson · 1 year
I think I'm sitting in seat #9!
[changed to seat #4]
You don’t look very wealthy, David, why are you in first class? Oh that’s right, you were too dumb to understand how to book a seat and picked the wrong class.
— — — — — — — — — — —
Sexuality ; Homosexual
Status; bottom, very submissive and dumb.
Musk ; 6.5/10, mostly your feet that smell like cheese, and also some manly teenager armpit stink.
Butt size ; 4.5/10, it’s flat.
Dick size ; 2.5/10 3 inches hard, doesn’t even leave a bulge in your underwear.
Farts ; 9/10, holy shit. Can’t go 10 minutes without sprouting one of your quiet but horrible smelling farts. You’re too dumb to even understand that it’s you farting.
Intelligence : 3/10
Overall looks ; 8.5/10
If you have any questions about your story, go ahead and ask them in PMS! (Anyone may ask for follow ups)
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ros3ybabe · 8 months
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Day 2 - 90 Day Challenege 🎀
I had a decent day yesterday and feel pretty happy with what I've accomplished so far!
🏋‍♀️ Physical Health
Drank 2.5, 16oz water bottles ❌️
Did not stretch before bed ❌️
🧠 Mental Health
Read 2 chapters of Atomic Habits ✅️
Completed my PM guided journal ✅️
❤️ Emotional Health
forgot to answer a journal prompt ❌️
read 2 sections of 101 Essays ✅️
📚 Intellectual Health
Did not complete any homework assignments ❌️
Planned and scheduled study rooms for Thanksgiving break ✅️
planned study sessions for upcoming final exams ✅️
set up my bullet journal language tracker for next week ✅️
🥳 Social Health
chatted with co workers at work ✅️
zoom called my boyfriend ✅️
talked to my dad on the phone ✅️
🥰 Self Love/Care
did a nightly skincare routine + face mask (felt so good) ✅️
did not oil, wash, or mask my hair ❌️
Now, on to today. I know I'm posting this late, so I'm going to keep it simple as I worked a 10 hour shift today and am so exhausted.
🏋‍♀️ Physical Health
walk 10k steps
🧠 Mental Health
Read 1 chapter of Atomic Habits
❤️ Emotional Health
understand that life happens and not everything will always be perfect
📚 Intellectual Health
go to bed by 930pm
🥳 Social Health
zoom call with boyfriend
talk to roommates
🥰 Self Love/Care
moisturize my face before bed
I wanted to go easy on myself today and stay in line with my energy levels. my hope is that I can still stay productive while still being mindful of myself.
That's all for today!
til next time, lovelies 🩷
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milks-thoughts · 1 year
hear me out... headcanons of Donnie having a s/o who's like Wednesday? if not then maybe him having a s/o that has problems with remembering things? have a good day/night!!!
I can’t do Wednesday, s/o would turn out like Thursday. BUT I do struggle with memory problems so yeah I can do that ^^
summary: Donnie’s s/o can’t remember shit that’s it, that’s the plot
Sticky Notes
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⚛︎ homeboy is frustrated by it
⚛︎ can you really blame him? he’s a genius! and you’re forgetting when your appointments are.
⚛︎ so, he starts leaving you sticky notes. Some small like ‘ Doctors Appointment at 12 PM ‘
⚛︎ if you miss those, he’ll make you your own AI to remind you
⚛︎ like a second S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. someone to keep you company and remind you of things
⚛︎ you learn to love it…eventually…he just wants to make your life easier!
⚛︎ You hummed as you got a email “ hey Angelica, set a reminder for 10 AM, April 17th that I have a meeting to go to “ the A.I. beeped a “ of course “ before hearing that all familiar ding! of a notification. Donnie made Angelica for you and a first you hated her, but she’s grown on you. especially because she’s taken the form of a beloved animal, you adored Angelica now. Speaking of your softshell boyfriend he was at your door, you stood up and opened the door. his three fingered hand rested on your cheek as you touched foreheads. You placed a hand on his before kissing his snoot and closing the door “ I hope Angelica 2.5 has been working correctly “ you nodded “ shes been very helpful “ the robot walked over and beeped at Donnie, which scratched her head. You smiled and opened your apartments windows. The spring air filtering in, you turned and smiled at Donnie who was looking at you with a lovesick look. You felt your cheeks get warm before you sat back down. “ I was just wrapping up work my love “ you smiled at Donnie who flushed at the nickname, he mumbled before sitting down. He smiled “ Angelica 2.5, set a reminder for 5 PM on April 20th for date night “ the familiar “ of course “ and ding! filled the space as you stared at him with a blushy face. He only cheekily grinned back.
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pingxie-exchange · 1 year
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Hello, everyone! Apologies for the short notice on this post going up, but it's been a doozy of a week for me. OTZ
Pingxie Exchange 2023: Schedule and Guidelines Post
Hi and welcome to the Pingxie Exchange: a fic, art, and fanvid exchange about the Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling pairing.
In this exchange, participants will be anonymously matched to create gifts for one another during a five week creation period. The gifts will be revealed on August 17th: the day Wu Xie welcomed Xiaoge back after his 10-year-long absence behind the Bronze Gate.
This exchange is open to all the DMBJ canons (adaptations featuring Wu Xie or Xiaoge and the original novels). It will take place on AO3, so you need an AO3 account to participate--if you don’t have one, you can request it here; if there isn’t enough time, no worries - contact the mods at pingxie-exchange[@]hotmail.com, on DreamWidth, or on tumblr, and we can send you an invitation! There have been some changes this year, so please read this post carefully before signing up!
Sign-ups open: June 5th Sign-ups end: June 15th 11:59 PM Anywhere On Earth (what time is it for me?) Matching: June 16th - June 21st Assignments out: no later than June 21st Assignments due: August 10th 11:59 PM Anywhere On Earth (what time is it for me?) Gift reveals: August 17th Creator reveals and treats deadline: August 24th
Further information behind the cut...
This is a ship exchange: as such, all the works created for this event must be focused on Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling. Works with threesomes/moresomes or other pairings involving Wu Xie and/or Zhang Qiling are not appropriate for this exchange, but background ships of other characters are fine.
You will be expected to create a gift matching your recipient’s request. Filling any specific prompt is not obligatory, but try to create something you honestly think your recipient will enjoy!
You must not include anything stated as “do not want” in your recipient’s sign-up.
The minimum requirements for the gifts are 300 words for fic, one sketch on unlined paper for art (traditional or digital; no manips), or 30 seconds of video for fanvids.
After the matching is done, all the requests will be made visible to everyone to allow for treating! There are no minimum requirements for treats (but remember to mind your recipient’s do not wants!). You can also create manips for treats.
Please note: Now that AO3 has changed the way that gifting works on the archive, if you wish to be eligible for treats, you need to select the option "Allow anyone to gift me works" under the "Collections, Challenges and Gifts" section of your AO3 preferences.  You must also indicate that you are open to treats in your exchange sign-up.
This is an anonymous exchange: refrain from discussing your assignment in public. After the works are revealed, there will be a one week anon period when the creators remain anonymous before the creator reveals.
If at any point you need to drop out, just click on the “default” button on your AO3 assignment page (https://archiveofourown.org/users/YOURNAME/assignments); we’ll find a pinch hitter to create a gift for your recipient instead. If you need an extension to finish your gift, contact the mods before the deadline.
After the reveals, comment on your gift.
Most importantly: be excellent to each other!
Sign-Up information
Sign-ups will take place on AO3 here, starting on June 5th. There, you can fill out details about your request and offer. You can edit your sign-up at any time until the sign-ups close.
When signing up, you will be able to choose fandom, "character" (this is actually going to be the fanwork type: fanart, fanfiction, or fanvid), and genre tags, as well as specify any additional details.
You will have to select the DMBJ canon you’re interested in creating for and receiving a gift in:
Novels: The Grave Robbers’ Chronicles
TV: The Lost Tomb 1
TV: The Lost Tomb 2 - Explore with the Note
TV: The Lost Tomb 2.5 - Heavenly Palace on the Clouds
TV: Ultimate Note
TV: Tomb of the Sea/Sha Hai
TV: The Lost Tomb Reboot/Reunion: The Sound of Providence
Movies: Time Raiders -- rare canon
Video Games: Time Raiders (mobile game) -- rare canon
Note: If you choose a rare canon (Movies: Time Raiders or Video Games: Time Raiders (mobile game)), then you must also choose at least one non-rare canon.
You are not limited to requesting or creating a work during the canon timelines for those series/books. It’s just to mark which canons you’re familiar with to allow for easier matching: some participants might have a preference for a particular canon era, some might not be familiar with all the versions. You still have to choose your preferred canon eras even if you want to create or receive an AU.
You will have to specify which "characters" you’re interested in:
(That's right, this isn't really a character selector; it was the only way I could include fanwork type preference in the matching.)
You will also have to specify genres you’re interested in:
Canon Compliant
Canon Divergent
PWP (only select this if you’re 18+)
In this section, you describe the gift you would like to receive.
Fandom - you have to choose at least one. If you’re willing to receive a gift in any canon era, you can just click “Any”!
Character (remember this is really fanwork type) - you have to choose at least one tag.
Genre - you have to choose at least three tags.
Optional Details - here’s where you can go into more detail about your perfect pingxie gift! You can include:
General Likes: your creator may, but doesn’t have to, include them. This isn’t a place for detailed prompts, just general themes you enjoy, like getting together or established relationship.
DNW (Do Not Wants): things that your creator must not include - squicks, triggers, things that you simply don’t like. Remember that you don’t owe anyone an explanation about why something is a DNW, and that DNWs are not meant to be taken personally. Just list the things you don’t like, “DNW: X, Y.”
Prompts/specific ideas: if you have any prompts, you can also put them here! You can be as general or as detailed as you’d like but remember that while your creator will try to make the best gift for you, filling a specific prompt is not obligatory. You can include a crossover prompt (with other DMBJ versions or other canons), but make sure it’s not the only prompt you have.
If you chose novels as one of your fandoms, you can use this field to list the ones you’re familiar with. If you're interested in receiving a Buried Tree Devil - Book 3 Donghua gift, you can also mention it here.
Optional Tags: You may use the optional tags to share more about your preferences, if you like.
The requests will be made publicly visible after matching is done, so that others will be able to create treats (additional gifts) based on them!
Fandom - you have to choose at least one. If you’re willing to receive a gift in any canon era, you can just click “Any”!
Character (remember this is really fanwork type) - you have to choose at least one tag.
Genre - you have to choose at least three tags.
Optional Details - in this field, you can tell us more about the kind of works you like to create, for example if you really prefer established relationship, feel best with certain kinds of AUs, or like writing darkfic. You can also tell us if you have a preference of which type of gift you will create (fic or art). We’ll take all of these optional details into account when matching!
If you chose novels as one of your fandoms, you can use this field to list the ones you’re familiar with. If you're interested in creating a Buried Tree Devil - Book 3 Donghua gift, you can also mention it here.
In the optional details of your offer, you can also name one person you don’t want to be matched to, for example your regular beta, and we will do our best to avoid matching you!
Optional Tags: You may use the optional tags to share more about your preferences, if you like. The offers will only ever be visible to the mods; never to anyone else.
Your assignment
You will be matched to create a gift for someone who requested at least one of the fandoms that you offered and one of the fanwork types you offered, with as many similar genres/likes as possible. This exchange will be matched using the AO3 algorithm to generate the initial matches and then tweaked by hand, if necessary, based on the information provided in everyone's optional details.
If you have any issues when you receive your assignment (you have a question about it or think there’s an issue with it), contact the mods as soon as possible. Do not contact your recipient on your own.
You will have to create a gift for your recipient, fulfilling the minimum requirements, and avoiding any stated "do not wants". Filling exact prompts is optional but try to create something matching your recipient's likes that they will enjoy!
You will have to post your gift to the exchange AO3 collection before the due date (August 10th), using the "gift this work to" option to give it to your recipient. Your work will remain in the collection only visible to you and the mods until the reveals happen. Remember to tag your work appropriately, especially if any of the major archive warnings apply, or use the "choose not to warn" warning.
Treats are additional gifts for the participants! To allow for treating, the requests will be made visible when matching is done. You can create treats at any time until the creator reveals! There are no minimum requirements for treats, and in addition to the fanwork types allowed for gifts, manips are also allowed. As with assignments, you have to respect the recipient’s Do Not Want, and while the optional details are optional, try to create something fitting the listed likes. One treat can only be gifted to one person.
Please note: Now that AO3 has changed the way that gifting works on the archive, if you wish to be eligible for treats, you need to select the option “Allow anyone to gift me works” under the “Collections, Challenges and Gifts” section of your AO3 preferences.  You must also indicate that you are open to treats in your exchange sign-up.
Pinch Hits
In case someone needs to drop out, we will look for a pinch hitter to complete their assignment. Pinch hits will be posted to the DreamWidth community and advertised on tumblr.
If you think you can finish your assignment, but you need a day or two more, you can always ask the mods for an extension!
Other important information
Make sure to check the email you use on AO3 frequently during the exchange, as it will be the primary means of communication. We might contact you if there is an issue with your sign-up or if your gift creator has a question for you. If you’d rather we contact you on your twitter or tumblr, please leave your handle in the offer section of your sign-up. Follow us on DreamWidth and/or on tumblr to avoid missing an announcement or a deadline! If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to contact the mods at [email protected], on DreamWidth (anonymous comments are allowed), or on tumblr.
A very large thank you to laireshi for writing the rules and guidelines being used for this exchange.  They are presented here with minor changes.
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jowrites · 1 month
Accidents can Happen - 25. Some things should be left alone (written)
Main Masterlist Here.
Prev. Next.
Disclaimer: Jake and Sunghoon are aged up, both 25. Reader is 24. Heeseung is 26.
TW: Cursing, sexual themes, sex in general? more to be added...
Jake checked the time on his watch, nodding, quickly closing his laptop and sitting back at his desk. He folded his hands and waited patiently for the arrival of his invited guests. The rest of the guys already left for the day, leaving him alone with a couple overnight security. It was just 10 minutes after 6 PM when he heard the door open and shut. One of the security had 2 people following behind him, looking at Jake as he stood up with a stoic face as the two people entered his office. 
As he took in their features, he realized just how much YN resembled both of them. Her mother looked ageless, wearing red lipstick, hair up in a long ponytail, eyes dark and looking straight at him. Her father wasn’t too tall, but built and looked like he did enjoy working out. Both of them glaring at Jake like he committed the worst crime possible towards them. They have no idea.
“So this is the man who got my daughter pregnant,” The man said.
“I thought she wasn’t your daughter anymore?” Jake questioned. “Please, have a seat.”
The two looked at him with curious eyes as they took a seat across his desk and he sat down, his demeanor and face not falting once. 
“So, did you invite us here to brag in our faces how you got the suit dismissed and our money is gone?” Her mother spoke with venom. 
“Oh no, that’s not why I invited you,” Jake shook his head. “I’m going to explain your options to you, as a real professional lawyer who never loses.”
“Where is she anyways?” Her father spoke up, dismissing Jake’s comment.
“Who? YN?” Jake asked.
“Wouldn’t she want to be here to yell at us?” He said back.
“Oh, please,” Jake chuckled. “She doesn’t need to waste her energy on you two, she has a daughter he’s busy with right now. Actually, our baby should be getting her bath right now right before bed. It’s around that time. She’s on a decent schedule.”
Jake could see the blood in their faces drop at the mention of Delilah, the baby they will never be able to have a relationship with. 
“The baby? How is she?” Her mother suddenly questioned, leaning forward skimming for information.
“My daughter is thriving, you know, it’s very interesting how you claimed YN was an unfit mother when you yourself didn't even ask about your own child or even knew she had a daughter until recently, isn’t that funny?” Jake asked, tilting his head. “Why is that?”
“Are we here just so you can explain to us how we’re bad parents? If so, we don’t need to be here,” Her father said. “Constance, let’s go.”
“No,” Jake said. “As I said, you’re here so I can give you options.”
Jake gave them a fake smile as they stared at him, edging him to go on.
“Good, I’ll get straight to the point,” Jake said as he took out a document. “Here is a document that is a written suit against the parents of YN LN, Roberto LN and Constance LN, for the emotional damage and stress that you have caused to the recipient YN LN, and for the trauma that you have caused for 15 years. Now, this isn’t actually filed yet, but it can be and you will also be given a restraining order on YN and our baby, Delilah. You would expect to pay my legal fees along with yours, and pay YN out of $2.5 Million. And, I say my legal fee because I am representing YN and there’s no way you would win. We have witnesses who would testify against you. That’s option one.”
All the color on their faces drained immediately and they looked at each other, and Jake could sense the anxiety bleeding off of them. 
“Option two, which I recommend you take, as a professional lawyer, my advice would be to walk out of this office today, and never think about YN, never think about our child and any future children we have, and go on about your lives. You will not disrupt my family or YNs peace ever again. You will walk out of this building with whatever pride you have left, if you even had any to begin with, and never, ever think about doing something ill intended ever again. If she even says she sees you somewhere, you’re going to be hit with this. Do I make myself clear?”
The two of them sighed and nodded, Jake could see the tears start to build in her mothers eyes.
“It’s not like we don’t want to see YN again, w-we have tried reaching out to her too,” Her mother said. “But she just ignores us.”
“Yes, that day all those years ago, we regret everything,” Her father said. “We’re entirely sorry for everything that happened and how we treated her. She’s our little girl.”
“And I have a little girl too, this is what YN wants and I am going to support her in everything. Your tears do nothing to me,” Jake said. “YN has made her peace and she’s moved on. I suggest you do the same.”
“Please, can you give this to her?” Her mother took out a letter and Jake nodded for her to leave it on his desk and she did.
“This isn’t what we wanted, ever. We regret everything we did with Alexa and YN. So please, give us a chance to at least see the baby, just once,” Her mother begged. “Alexa and YN are the only ones we have.”
“No,” Jake said.
“No?” Her mother stood up. “Oh, this is ridiculous! You two are being too harsh and selfish. You’ll deprive your baby from seeing her own grandmother over something that happened years ago? We said sorry!”
“And YN has forgiven you, but she does not owe you anything and neither do I,” Jake said. “What the mother of my child says she gets, I will never betray because I love and respect her. Something you had a lifetime to do and you gave it up over your own bitterness. That’s on you. She is not obligated to do anything just because you’re blood. Get that through your head, or do I have to drain everything you own to teach you a lesson?”
“Constance,” Her father sighed. “He’s right. He’s right, Constance. This is our fault, this is the bed we made and we have to lay in it.”
“Roberto…the baby,” Constance cried. “We’ll never see our grandchildren.”
“And that’s the price we pay for being horrible to our children. Why would they want us to see their own children when they don’t even want to see us? We’re the problem,” He said, holding her arms. “It’s our sin and this is our lesson.”
YNs mother began to cry into her husband's arms as he comforted her. He turned to Jake and gave a genuine smile and held out his hand for Jake to shake. Jake stood up and shook it with a firm grip, understanding and silently thanking him for keeping this woman at bay.
“Thank you, for being there for my daughter and my granddaughter, and I’m sorry for trying to disrupt that,” He said. “We’ll be on our way and you will never see or hear from us again.”
“I would appreciate that, as will YN,” Jake said.
“I wish we could have met on different terms, we’ll go now and repent. This is all our fault,” He bowed slightly and took his wife’s hand and together they started leaving.
“Have a great rest of your night.”
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aerodaltonimperial · 3 months
so, when i could tell the writing was on the wall (lol) when it came to me and the publishing industry, i told my therapist that i needed to find something else to do with that time, and that i thought i might get really into running again. it seemed like a decent thing to do with my new time AND gave me the possibility to actually achieve goals and find success. he agreed whole-heartedly that this sounded VERY GOOD lol thanks bro you got my back. i decided i would join a seasonal running event through run across america (runs about 2.5 months).
i did the fall one last year! it was a great way to get me back into things again, but i set my goal as 50km and i just BARELY made it between vacations and getting sick. i set my spring goal at 50km again. it's been 2 weeks, and i'm at 35km already. ???? LOL looks like i'm going to need to up that goal to 100km. but not only that!! i am hitting sub-10 minute miles with WAY less effort than it feels like they should be. even on the treadmill, which i HATE and am so slow on because it's so boring, i can pound out 10-minute miles just to keep my speed through the bad weather spells when i can't run outside.
even when i was running 10ks, i never got down sub-10 on miles. i could hold a pretty decent 10:20 average mile pace, and would MUCH rather have run longer rather than faster. now, i have less time to run because of parenting (i can't run until 7:30 PM most nights) so now it's faster or nothing hahaha. and turns out, i can actually do that. i've gotten to some not super duper hard 9:20 miles which is really good for me. i'm SO happy that i was right. this is finally actual success! i feel good!! i'm seeing actual results from my hard work!!!! i WANT to run, half because i'm so desperate for those endorphins to feel normal BUT ALSO because i'm feeling so amazing after i do it knowing i've already come so far!!! i could cry. i'm so happy about this. this is BY FAR the healthiest thing i could have done in the wake of the fucking misery of losing my publishing dream. CONGRATS KATY ON FINALLY MAKING BETTER CHOICES IN YOUR LIFE. TOOK YOU WAY TOO MANY DECADES TO FIGURE IT OUT LOL
positive effects of this: the brain chemicals are the only thing making me feel like myself these days, which is quite huge. also i'm drinking WAY less beer because i know i have to run later. my clothes are fitting differently??? negative effects: MY FUCKING LEGS AND FEET HURT. so much fucking laundry??? i am so fucking HUNGRY all the TIME. i get sleepy and i collapse and i get nothing else done. i am COLD CONSTANTLY.
so if you wanna help pump me up!!!! i am feeling good!!! sometimes i don't want to go on the treadmill but i do it anyway and then i tell myself i have to keep going!!! this is the most consistency i have had since before i left japan!!! i believe in myself and everyone else, too!!! lol
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fictionproblem · 2 months
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Running May 9 - May 23, ending at 10 pm EST. Get em right here!
Each one will be about 2.5 inches, clear acrylic, with a layer of glitter epoxy on both sides.
Further shipping information and preorder specifics in the item description!
Remember, reblogs are very helpful and extremely appreciated! 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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