#ainsley and reed.
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virtualsangel · 9 months ago
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˖ ࣪ . 🧸 ࿐ ♡ ˚ . "ah, they're fuckin' mint they are, wish my bird had those. excuse me," ainsley pulled over one of the retail workers gently. "have you got these in size my bird waxes her pussy with sellotape?" she asked, holding up a pair of the ugliest shoes known to man, all in spite of the man standing with her. / @inferrnos
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pupsmailbox · 10 months ago
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NAMES ⌇ acantha. adela. adley. aetheria. aiden. ainsley. alis. allison. amos. angle. ankova. antler. apollo. apple. arches. arden. argent. ari. aruna. ashworth. aspen. asteria. astralyn. atlas. barberry. bay. bee. belina. bellamy. belle. blair. blake. blossom. bright. brighton. bryn. butter. butterfleigh. butterfly. cadi. cai. calesia. cali. canary. carson. cayana. chai. cherry. chouko. cinnabar. cistus. clancy. clifden. cloud. clover. cosmia. crimson. daisy. dakota. december. dewick. dorian. dot. dusk. dust. eclipse. eilira. eilliot. ellison. elnora. emerald. ermina. ermine. esmerelda. esther. evelyn. evern. falena. fern. finley. fisher. flora. fly. flynn. forest. fox. foxglove. galatea. galium. garnet. ghost. ginny. greta. grey. haden. haven. hawk. haworth. hayden. heath. herald. hesperia. holli. hollis. isabella. ismeria. isola. jael. jayden. jersey. july. june. juniper. juno. kahli. kai. karran. karson. kentish. kimko. kit. kori. lace. lackey. langmaid. lepida. light. luca. lucy. luna. lunar. malam. maple. march. mariposa. marlow. marrow. mars. may. micah. mirza. mocha. molie. monroe. moth. mothra. mothy. nettle. november. oak. ocaria. oleander. opal. palmyra. paru. parvaneh. peach. pearl. pepper. pine. pinion. plume. poppy. psyche. quinn. reed. reid. rekoa. remi. riband. ricki. robin. rose. rosy. rowan. ruby. rufous. sable. saffron. saga. saige. scarlet. scotch. sibylla. silver. skyler. sula. swift. tara. tate. tatum. tawny. tera. thora. tiger. una. vanessa. violet. virginia. weaver. winter. wren. yara. zephyr. zephyra. zion. zoumi.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ admir/admiral. ant/antenna. anten/antenna. antler/antler. apple/apple. blood/blood. blue/blue. bu/butterfly. bug/bug. butter/butterfly. carpet/carpet. chalk/chalk. cherry/cherrie. chrysalis/chrysali. clear/clearwing. cloud/cloud. cocoo/cocoon. cocoon/cocoon. dagger/dagger. dark/dark. dew/dew. dot/dot. dusk/dusk. dust/dust. erm/ermine. eye/eye. flame/flame. flap/flap. flow/flower. flu/fluttflutter. fluff/fluff. fluff/luff. flutter/flutter. fly/fly. forest/forest. fri/fritillary. frit/fritillery. goat/goat. gold/gold. hair/hairstreak. hawk/hawk. hawk/hawkmoth. heart/heart. hide/hide. hook/hook. in/insect. insect/insect. lace/lace. lamp/lamp. leaf/leaf. lepidoptera/lepidoptera. light/light. lu/luna. luna/luna. lunar/lunar. maple/maple. mo/monarch. mo/moth. mocha/mocha. moon/moon. mor/morpho. moth/moth. nec/nectar. night/night. night/night. nocturnal/nocturnal. noct/nocturnal. oak/oak. plume/plume. reed/reed. riph/ripheu. rose/rose. sallow/sallow. shark/shark. sil/silk. silk/silk. small/small. snout/snout. squeak/squeak. squeak/squeaker. stripe/stripe. sul/sulphur. swa/swallow. swa/tail. swall/swallowtail. swift/swift. tiny/tiny. tuss/tussock. wax/waxe. wing/wing. ☁️ . ⭐️ . 🌕 . 💡 . 🦋 .
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queersrus · 6 months ago
request for cottagecore + sad-ish? id pack? please + thanks!
here's my attempt!
assuming id pack includes more than just the usual npts i'll throw in a few cottagecore and sad related labels i found
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ambrose, amos, ansel, acacia, ada, adelaide, arwin/arwen, ava, avery/averie, aviva, amaranth, able, arbor, art, arty/artie, asher, ainsley, acheron, adalia brandy/brandi, branwen, billie/billy, bryony, bill, banner, booker, bram
barley, brion, brian, bryce chloris, chandra, cyrene, cayenne, cade, clyde, chester, cliff denna, diana/dianna, diona, donna/dona, derby, dallas, danica, daphne, dixie, dawn, dylan
edmund, elenore, elodie, eudora, elenore/eleanor, ebony, erica, eila, eira, eve, eithne, everlee, elize, eliza, elizabeth, everlyn, elwood, emerson, elowen finnegan, freddy/freddie, frederick, fallin/fallon, florance/florence
fable, frank, frankie/franky, franklin/franklyn, faine, filbert, finneas ginny/ginnie, gale, georgia, george, georgina, granger halcyone, hana/hanna/hannah, harriet, harry, hayley/hailie/hailey, halie/hallie, heather, harlowe/harlow, harrow, hadar, hawl, hayes,
huck, holden, huso ilana, illiana/iliana, ingrid, ivory jane, janet/janette, jesse/jessie, josie, jose, jack, jackie, jackson kingston, kodi/kodie, kodiak, kylan
lupin, lian, liana/lianna, liane/lianne, linc, linden, lyle, lucius maisie, matilda, maude, mabel, merle, marin, mica/mika, mason/macon, martin, miller, miles nellie, nyssa, ned, nick, ness
opholia, oliver, olive, olivia, oleander, odell, oriel, oscar paisley, poppy, posie, phineas, parker rose, rosemary/rosemarie, rosy/rosie, rory, rosette, rosetta, rue, rosabel/rosabell/rosabelle, rosa, rosabela/rosabella, rosella, rosaria,
rosario, rob, robert, ray, reed, ridge, ryland, rowan, roan shiloh, sharon, scarlet/scarlett/skarlett, sam, samantha, samuel, sunny/sunnie, sawyer, shaw, shay, steve, stevie, stevia, sorell/sorrell, seb, sebby/sebbie, sebastian, saddie/sadie, sade
theodore, theo, tori, toria, tamie/tammie, tawny, terra, timber, tim, timothy, tanner, teddy/teddie, trevis/travis, trevor, tyler, tristan/tristin, tristah/trista, trystia verginia, vicky/vickie, victor, victoria, viola, violet/violette,
violeta/violetta, valerian, vernon winnie, willa, winston, winifred, winslow, will, william, willow, wade, wagner, warren, watts, watson, wilhelmina yvonne, yves zephyr/zephyre, zara, zinnia, zion
appleyard, ashton, ashwood baker, brookstone, butterfield catkin, cobbler, cooper, copper, copperwood, copperfield, crestfallen dogwood, direwood, direbrook, direfield, desperfield, downyard
doleman fenlon, falkner, forlorn greenwood, greenfield, golding, goldwood, goldfield, griefman, griefwood, gardner
hilbrook, holbrook, heath, horsewood, horsefield, hawksley, harrowing, hawkswood, hawthorne, hawkner, hawkfield, holloway, hallowood
larken, limewood, lockhart, lovejoy mourner, mournwright, mournman nettleship
plowman, penrose, penwright redbrook, rosedale, redwood, rosewood, redfield summerfield, sweetnam, seawright, sorrowfield, sorrowbrook, shamewood, shamewright
thacker, thatcher westfield, wainwright, write/wright, wagonwright, woodsman, wyrmwood/wormwood, winterwood, winterrose, wretchwood, wretchman
system names:
the cottagecore *system, the sorrowful system, the melancholic cottage system, the mourning flowerbed system, the gloomy garden system, the tearful system, the harvest system
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1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ci/cotte/cottagy/cottagine/cottageself hi/he/hy/harvestine/harvestself gi/garde/gardy/gardine/gardenself si/sade/sady/sadine/sadself si/sorre/sorry/sorrowine/sorrowself mi/me/mely/melancholine/melancholyself
2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
co/cottager/cottagers/cottagerself ho/harvester/harvesters/harvesterself go/gardener/gardeners/gardenerself so/sader/sadders/sadderself so/sorrower/sorrowers/sorrowerself mo/melancholer/melancholers/melancholerself
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
co/cottage, cott/age, cot/cottage, cot/tage, cottage/cottages, cottage/core har/vest, ha/harvest, harv/est, harvest/harvests gar/den, gar/garden, garden/gardens, garden/core farm/core sa/sad, sad/sads, sa/ad, sad/sadden, so/sorrow, sor/row, sorr/ow, sorrow/sorrows, sorrow/sorrowful mel/melancholy, mel/ancholy, melan/choly, melancholy/melancholies, melancholy/melchancholic
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the weeping gardener, the mourning farmer, the sad cottage dweller, the melancholic planter, the sorrowful woodsman
**one who lives a sad cottage life, one who mourns within ones cottage, one who weeps amongst ones gardens, one who copes with sadness through cottage life
book titles:
the sad little cottage, a melancholic villager, the weeping willows, the mourning garden, the sorrows of an old cottage, a pitiful harvest
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cottagegoric(link), cafdreamian(link), cottagecrittean(link), cottagecoric(link), Cálidatierramielgender(link)
orientations: (n/a)
cottagecore bpd(link)
many can be found by searching cottagecore genders/mogai/liom as well, there are many versions of cottagecore flags especially for lgbt related labels so they should not be hard to find if you feel like looking!
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*system can be replaced with any alternative (ex. cluster, collective, hoard/horde, etc)
**one can be replaced with any prn
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diceriadelluntore · 2 days ago
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Storia Di Musica #356 - Lou Reed, Berlin, 1973
L'ultimo libro del 2024 è stato lo strepitoso Kairos di Jenny Erpebeck, ambientato nella Berlino Est a fine anni '80, tra gli ultimi anni della DDR e la transizione verso la riunificazione. Quel libro mi ha ispirato per la prima serie di dischi della Rubrica del 2025, che sarà dedicata a dischi che hanno a che fare con Berlino. Due tra i più famosi, Heroes di Bowie, fulcro della cosiddetta Trilogia Berlinese (insieme a Low e Lodger, in verità in primo solo in parte registrato lì, il terzo pensato a Berlino ma finito fuori dalla Germania) e Achtung Baby! degli U2 sono stati già protagonisti delle storie di musica. Ma fortunatamente la città tedesca è stata fonte ispirativa per altri grandiosi capolavori musicali.
Il disco di oggi parte da un assunto: dopo che ci aveva quasi rinunciato, e proprio grazie a Bowie era diventato di nuovo leggenda, Lou Reed è ormai un artista di successo oltre la leggenda che lo accompagnava dai tempi dei Velvet Underground. Dopo Trasformer, ha una necessità particolare di fare un disco particolare, personale, ardito. Lo spunto glielo dà il giovane produttore, che diventerà uno dei più grandi di sempre, Bob Ezrin, chiamato dalla RCA a districare le idee di Reed. Ezrin chiede a Reed: tu scrivi grandi canzoni, che però non hanno mai una fine. Che fine hanno fatto per esempio i protagonisti di Berlin (canzone del primo disco solista, Lou Reed, 1972?). Reed fa sua questa osservazione e costruisce un concept album che racconta la storia dei due protagonisti di quella canzone, Jim e Caroline, coppia di americani che vive a Berlino. Una coppia che vive una vita drammatica, oscura, terribile tra droghe, abusi, maltrattamenti, figli non accuditi. Un viaggio nelle tenebre, nella disperazione, nel caos psicologico (con molti accenni autobiografici) di uno dei maestri narratori di questi viaggi, ricordo a tutti che Reed si laureò cum laude alla Syracuse University in Letteratura Americana.
Musicalmente, Reed in Berlin, che esce nel 1973, registrato tra Londra e New York, ripesca nel suo archivio di bozze, scritte anche per i Velvet Underground, e costruisce con Erzin canzoni dai grandi arrangiamenti, con archi, fiati, accompagnato da un gruppo di musicisti eccezionale: l'ex Cream Jack Bruce, Tony Levin mago del basso, Ainsley Dunbar che fu nel gruppo di Frank Zappa, Steve Hunter e Dick Wagner chitarristi di Alice Cooper, e i fratelli Brecker ai fiati. Berlin, che apre il disco, ha perfino un Happy Birthday, sciorina poi nel suo pianoforte quella sensazione di tristezza e angoscia che, volutamente, permea la storia di Jim e Caroline. Lady Day, un omaggio a Billie Holiday, morta prematuramente per abuso di droghe e alcol, è metafora di ciò che caroline va alla ricerca. Men Of Good Fortune (Men of good fortune often wish that they could die. While men of poor beginnings want what they have and to get it they'll die) è l'amara constatazione della loro condizione materiale. How Do You Think If Feels è il brano più autobiografico di tutto l'album: c'è la drammatica paura di Reed di dormire, dovuta alle serie di elettroshock a cui i suoi genitori lo obbligarono a sottoporsi da adolescente, per curarlo da una latente omosessualità. Oh Jim, è la versione di "autoanalisi" che Jim fa a sè stesso, cosa che Reed fa fare a Caroline in due brani, Caroline Says e Caroline Says II, che partono da una canzone pensata per i Velvet, Stephanie Says: soprattutto la seconda è un pugno nello stomaco per ciò che racconta Caroline: Caroline says\as she gets up off the floor\Why is it that you beat me\it isn't any fun (...) But she's not afraid to die\all her friends call her "Alaska"\When she takes speed, they laugh and ask her (...) as she gets up from the floor\You can hit me all you want to\but I don't love you anymore. Da un lato l'umiliazione sociale (La Gelide Alaska, così la chiamiavano gli amici), dall'altro l'abuso fisico. The Kids, così straziante per il pianto dei bambini, ci descrive la squallida situazione familiare in cui vive la coppia, con i bambini che vengono portati via alla coppia. Il finale è potentissimo: The Bed parte dal suicidio di Caroline, Jim prova una struggente nostalgia per lei e la "racconta" elencando tutti i suoi oggetti rimasti: la cronaca ci dice che in quelle stesse settimane la prima moglie di Reed, Bettye Kronstad, tentò un suicidio tagliandosi le vene. Il disco si chiude con Sad Song, che è tra il dolore e l'assoluzione (I'm gonna stop wasting time, somebody else would have broken both of her arms).
Il disco all'epoca fu osteggiato dalla RCA, che si convinse a produrlo solo perchè Reed firmò un contratto per altri due dischi (che furono un live, il fantasmagorico Rock'N'Roll Animal del 1973, e il glam rock sbiadito di Sally Can't Dance nel 1974), e snobbato da pubblico e critica, che lo bollò come un disastro. Con il tempo, le continue trasformazioni di Reed e nella generale riscoperta della sua musica (che ha una data precisa, cioè quando gli U2 lo chiamano a cantare Satellite Of Love durante gli show dello Zoo Tv Tour) il disco viene riconsiderato uno dei suoi grandi capolavori, nonostante la sua dolorosa e tragica natura. Che tra l'altro fece una vittima illustre: Bob Ezrin ebbe un esaurimento nervoso dopo le registrazioni, probabilmente per aver osservato troppo tempo quella oscurità, ma avrà comunque una carriera stellare, a fine decennio produrrà un altro concept leggendario, The Wall dei Pink Floyd. E un verso di The Kids, Oh, I am the water boy, the real game's not over yet\Oh, but my heart is overflowin' each and everyday, arriva fino ad un ragazzo irlandese, Mike Scott, che chiamerà la sua band The Waterboys.
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sunshinies · 2 years ago
⋆✧ Venti inspired names/pronouns/titles ! 𝄞⋆
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art by x! for anon and @the-astropaws !
🎼 names: aerith , ainsley , ambrose , apple , arbor , archer , asher , aster , autumn , blaine , bramble , carmen , cedar , cosmo , flynn , forrest , gael/gale , glen , goldie , hadley , honor , leif , leighton , linden , linus , lupin , melody , oakley , poe , reed , rory , rowan , russet , rye , saffron , sage , sawyer , sorrel , sunny , tawny , teryn , wilder , wren , yarrow , zephie , zephyr
🏹 pronouns: strum/strums/strumself , bard/bard/bardself , wine/wines/wineself , hum/hums/humself , anemo/anemos/anemoself , god/gods/godself , breeze/breezes/breezeself , whoosh/whooshes/whooshself , wind/winds/windself , harp/harps/harpself , sing/sings/singself , song/songs/songself , joy/joys/joyself , cheer/cheers/cheerself , free/frees/freedomself , melo/melos/melodyself
any other variation pronouns of these may be used , of course !
🍃 titles: the god of gentle freedom , the windborne bard , patron of the angel’s share , he who spells windswept stories , his musical embrace , the god of melodic prayer , the spinner of skyward sonnets , the conductor of holy choruses , his beautiful breeze of rebellion
prns and gendered terms may be replaced.
additional tags: @eternoelle @hauntingidol @delusielle @puriette @cocajimmycola @ladyth
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What's next ?
Other brackets that could happen soon :
Could use more submissions :
- Names meaning garden / plain / meadow / something similar : Sharon, Bryony, Hortense/Hortensia, Carmilla, Carmen, Gardner, about every English name finished by -ley, -leigh such as Ainsley, Leslie etc.
- Names for plants' parts related to root, pistil, stamen, branch, etc
- Aquatic plants are also welcome : Nymphaea, Reed, Calamus...
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fulgurmancy · 1 year ago
Names and Titles based on Forests / Nature . . . for @hisreturn's 150 follower event : a non-character thing you relate to
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Titles, notes, and plain text below cut.
NAMES ,, rowan , birch , aspen , ash / ashwood , sequoia , redwood , sycamore , fir , pine , maple , allthorn , arrow / arrowwood , alder , elder , buck / buckthorn , boxwood , beech , cy / cypress , myrtle , cedar , ches / chestnut , juniper , hazel , holly , hawthorne , hickory , rose / rosewood , yew , oak / oakley , elm , willow , pop / poppen / poplar , mulbery , almond , fig , fern , moss , lichen , ginger , wormwood , thistle , valerian , hyrcinian , vercors , river , creek , reed / reid , shaw , wild / wilder , ainsley , amber , autumn , vern / vernal / vernon , clover , elwood , fern / ferne / fearne , florence , forest / forrest , rain / raine , ridley , robin / robyn / robynne , yale , wren , any flower name , any bird name , any animal name
( many are taken from my own hoard )
EPITHETS* ,, the forest guardian / forest guardian {name} , the woodsman , of the fallen leaves , the {forest animal} , the antlered one , the ent / {mythical forest creature}
SOBRIQUETS** ,, {prn} of the fallen leaves , {prn} of the towering trees , {prn} who sits in high branches , {prn} who guards the meadow , {prn} who dances in the glades / meadow / forest / woods , the {title of nobility*** / noun} of the glades / meadow / forest / woods , guardian of the woods / etc. , keeper of the woods / etc. , beloved by nature , beloved of the woods / etc. , {prn} covered in bark / (fallen) leaves , {prn} of the earth , {prn} to whom the forest belongs
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*meant to be used following a name, but some can be used in isolation
**meant to be used solely in isolation
***examples: lord / lady / laird, duke / duchess, king / queen / monarch
[ Plain Text: Names and Titles based on Forests/Nature ... for @/hisreturn's 150 follower event (link to event post): a non-character thing you relate to. End Plain Text. ]
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justkeeponsimming · 2 years ago
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One house, seven generations apart…
Reed hangs up on her mother, Esme, as she stops outside of the white wooden-clad and brick house. She waits impatiently for some photos to be sent through. She needs to know if the property listing is true. Did this house once belong to the founders of her family, Fabian and Ainsley Quick?
Minutes feel like hours as Reed finally receives a photo from her mother. She bites down on her bottom lip, eyes scanning the image before trying to place the shrubbery in the same place in the photo. It’s a match. This is the house that her ancestor, Fabian Quick, purchased as his first family home with his spouse, Ainsley. 
Reed: “Is this what fate feels like?”
Her feet crunch in the sparkling snow as she wanders around the side of the house, looking at the back of the property. She hasn’t called the estate agent to arrange a viewing, but she does want to look around.
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themomsandthecity · 2 years ago
Bryce, Jordan, Jude, and 200+ More of the Best Gender Neutral Baby Names
There are plenty of reasons you might want a shortlist of gender neutral baby names. For instance, if you're not finding out the gender of your baby before their born, but you want to have a name decided on ahead of time - picking a name that works for any gender is the perfect solve. Or maybe you just prefer gender neutral names to baby names that are more traditionally masculine or feminine (although, of course, we love using a baby boy name for girls!) Gender neutral baby names cut across categories. You can find gender neutral names amongst Victorian-era baby names, trendy names, and more unique picks, which means you can find the perfect gender neutral baby name no matter what "vibe" of name you're going for. And to get your creativity going, we rounded up more than 200 unisex names that will suit your baby no matter what. Ahead, find some of our favorite gender-neutral names for babies, from A to Z. A * Adair * Adan * Addison * Ade * Adrian * Aiden * Ainsley * Alby * Alex * Ali * Amari * Andy * Angel * Ari * Ariel * Aries * Ash * Asher * Aspen * Atlas * Aubrey * August * Austen * Avery * B * Baker * Bailey * Bali * Banks * Bellamy * Beckham * Berkeley * Billie * Blaine * Blair * Blake * Bobby * Bowen * Brett * Briar * Brighton * Briley * Brinley * Brooklyn * Bryce * C * Caelan * Cairo * Camden * Cameron * Campbell * Carey * Carson * Carter * Casey * Cassidy * Celyn * Chandler * Charlie * Chris * Cody * Colby * Cole * Collins * Corey * Cove * D * Dakota * Dale * Dallas * Dana * Dane * Darryl * Declan * Delta * Devin * Dorian * Drew * Dylan * E * Easton * Eli * Elliot * Ellis * Ellison * Ember * Emerson * Emory * Evan * Ezra * F * Fallon * Finley * Florian * Flynn * Frances * Frankie * G * Gabriel * Gale * Glenn * Grayson * Grey * H * Harley * Harper * Hayden * Hunter * I * Indiana * Indigo * J * James * Jamie * Jayden * Jaylen * Jesse * Jordan * Jude * Julian * Juniper * Justice * K * Kaden, * Kai * Keegan * Kelly * Kendall * Kennedy * Kerry * Knox * Kyle * L * Lake * Landon * Landry * Lane * Lee * Lennon * Lennox * Lincoln * Linden * Logan * London * Lou * Lucian * Lumi * M * Mackenzie * Madison * Marley * Mason * Max * Maxwell * Micah * Milan * Mina * Monroe * Montana * Morgan * N * Nash * Nevada * Nico * Noah * Noel * O * Oakley * Ollie * Ore * Ozzie * P * Palmer * Paris * Parker * Pat * Perri * Peyton * Piper * Phoenix * Q * Quinn * R * Reagan * Reed * Reese * Reign * Remy * Rey * Riley * River * Roan * Robin * Rory * Roux * Rowan * Royal * Rudy * Ryan * Ryder * Rylan * S * Sage * Salem * Sam * Santana * Sawyer * Saylor * Scout * Seven * Shannon * Shawn * Shiloh * Skylar * Sloane * Spencer * Sterling * Stevie * Sunny * Sydney * T * Tanner * Tatum * Taylor * Terry * Theo * Tony * Tory * Tracy * Tyler * U * Umber * Unique * Uri * V * Val * Vesper * * W * Wallace * West * Winter * Wrennyn * Wyatt * Wynne * X * Xoan * Y * Yael * Z * Zion https://www.popsugar.com/family/Gender-Neutral-Baby-Names-34485564?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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pollard-zero · 9 months ago
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gideon. it/its, 21+ ♡ romantic || ☆ platonic or familial || 𝗫 enemies or broken up
aella, child of ares (cyprus) aeon (the changeling exchange) aeryn gilmore (inner demons) ainsley langford (wayhaven chronicles) alcyone ("retribution," he cries) alenya wierszy (bladeweaver) alouette vogelsang (vögel der rose) ambrosia manes (cursed ambrosia) anharen (raiders of the caravan) apeiron ward (spellbound: a ghost story) arabella (the catalyst) arden fields (infinite blue) arden "little weasel" set (these reluctant years) ariarissa (the abyssal song) athena "bug" argent (into the shadows) "atlas" (valhalla) "atrax" (respice finem) atticus verissimo (next in line) aubrey graythorne (crème de la crème) aurelia "aura" crown (we wretched creatures) aurora (swallow the moon) avalon (villain's promise)
"boring bailey" miller (ghosted) ballad io (sentience) beckham "beck" oleander (home sweet) bee whitlock (such happy campers) bellamy fairchild (the error) benton crowley (when life gives you lemons) berry bloom (heaven's dog) beverly "badger" clearwater (roadkill) billie fischer (the lonely shore) blaire velvet (water to blood) blythe steele (social services of the doomed) bryn fleetwood (greenwarden)
calista (the brightest stars) calliope "cali" beckham (the fernweh saga) camille "philippe" de gonzague (gonzague) cassian grahm (misplaced) "preacher" cassidy abrams (larkin) catherine leblanc (when clouds break) cèilidh antitho (kenneski) célestine vailia (reaper's bay) chandler hale (emberwood) charlie bloomfield (the fog knows your name) charm brightbird (soulmates inc.) chauncey lambert (bad ritual) cillian sweet (our life: beginnings & always) clarice "claire" montistteti (they all fall down) clementine "new kid" deacon (conspiracy in emerson) colette diremourn (those long dead) "collins" (dead weight) curie, aka "sidney perth" (saturnine)
daemon (the abyssal) daisy newton (two sides of a robot war) dallas "rookie" torrence (chop shop) daphne blake (body count) december moone (snakeroot) delilah "@lovely" hawthorne (blooming panic) denver (dark as night) diana copeland-smith (the murder of devon whicker) "ditto" (drink your villain juice) dolly kingston (infamous) dorian gray (decaying picture)
easter "bunny" montgomery (a life worth living) edelweiss hyde (when bodies collide) eiffel de angelis (take two) eirwen (swan song) elias "loser" machiavelli (error 143) elidyr lywel (from the ashes we rise) elliot wiseman (mind blind) elphaba "elphie" craft (witches of ferngrove) emilia thornton (twisted wonderland) enki (crown of exile) evîn cizîrî (a tale of crowns) everest "lifeline" graham (before we are ghosts) everleigh carter (second sight) ezra (blood moon)
farrah hartford (in ourselves we trust) fawn "bambi" becker (fallen hero) fen (manor hill) filipe addario (honor bound) finch hawkins (midnight diner) florence “flower” bannerman (get good or get lost) fortuna martinelli (college tennis: origin story) "four" (the numbers game) freddie "penance" lockwood (slaughter☆squad) friday mcallister (apartment 502)
gabriel (son of satan: the mortal coil) georgie kromberg (the shadow society) gianna de leon (press play) giles "guy" byrd (a comedy of manors) ginny "drizz" hendrix (creatures' cradle) guenevere (guenevere) gwendolyn "winnie" mccormick (our life: now & forever) gwenvaël "gwynn" venegard (the king's hound)
hadley maxwell (disenchanted) harper "heart" reed (speaker) hart avantus (leas: city of the sun) hawthorne de-ash (these reluctant years) hendrik wolfsbane (wolfsbane) hikaru lovac (the one chosen) honey faraday (homecoming)
imara (honor amongst thieves) imari (vanguard) imogene "genie" coffinwood (burning academia) ingrid "indie" morrison (circuit) iphis "phi" varyn (wayfarer) iris schwartz (the night market) isobel "belle" love (the zeus dilemma) isolde minh (split the body asunder)
january marconi (redsugarsociety) "jay doe" (when the sun rises) jericho "jj" jones (the spirited: origins) jett roe (superstition) jolene "joey" bishop (dahlia hills) josephine "josie" / rui min chan (merry crisis) jude hudson (the decoy) juniper "junie" nelson (you live and fern)
kasey downs (when twilight strikes) katya marsh (paranormal preparatory school) kerrigan holmward (myrk mire) kingsley ferris/müller (the hunt: demon eyes) kitty wilder (in the ocean of stars) krystal castle (gone to hell in a handbasket)
lacey gillespie (the bureau) lachlan "lake" rogers (more than me) lainey fulbright (sinners) lancelot (the great protector) lavencia (the night that feeds) leonin (touch of lies) libelle raygat (stigma: dragonfly) liliana vinteren (checkmate in three moves) lotte (folksaga) lovely boone (two against the world)
madeleine suleiman (the wrath of sekhmet) magdalyne cross (degrees of lewdity) manon rousseau (love♡verse) maria "marie" domingues (the overtaken) marion renaud (trouble brewing) marley woodbridge (ghost simulator) melrose (incubus) memphis "izzy" wylbourne (before dusk sets in) mercy karstark (the northern passage) merlin ivyflower (new witch in town) mikah "mikey" schmidt (ace of spades) mimir sonnen (ouroboros) mina harker (bleeding heart) mira "viper" reyes (subject zero) mirielle boone (citadel: a medical romantic drama) moira "momo" thompkins (one knight stand) monet "blondie" abernathy (love language: masked) mordred le fay (the bastard of camelot) morgan "ripper" daitan (hollowed minds) myrddin (the hunting of beasts)
nate hampton (swallow the dark) noelle "nellie" waters (model citizens: unmasked) "neo" (remember, you will die) nevada warvel (the monsters around us) nova d'arcadie (arcadie: second-born)
odette "dottie" kirby (unwilling souls) olivia edgecombe (the trials & tribulations of edward harcourt) omega (wolf set free) orange flowers (limerence) orcheil treles (of crowns and echoes) oz vanlaere (abyss)
parker caine (absentia) "lucky" penny maverick (venatici house) persephone (fields of asphodel) peyton brooks (demon bound) phoebe blackburn (ofna: birds of a feather) piper hadley (brimstone manor) poppy telleman (wolfebound) promise fauneus (spring panic) puppet (sol kha-ne lubri)
quincey "rich kid" james (golden)
ravinder "ravi" northbreaker (god-cursed) reagan "rae" callahan (novaturient) "reaper" (project hadea) reese (the one who made red) reid lancaster (tournament of souls) ri'en, harbinger of calamity (fell star) "the devil" rinesa (demon, fireforged) ronan powell (professor of magical studies) rosalind de vesphire (crown of ashes & flames) rosie macarthur (all trails lead home) rowan greenberg (psy high)
sable "sherlock" holmes (sherlock holmes: an affair of the heart) moon saetbyeol (precious: the eyes of shan) santiago "saint" hayes (smoke & velvet) saorise "lord blackwell" o'hare (thicker than) sawyer (last legacy) scout newman (the passenger) seelie (talon's end) seraphim mcknight (fellow traveler) signe (the wroth ode) sigrid butcher (my love will never die) sigurd vamirel, the white wolf (the exile) siiveth vyrenhal (aesemyr: the withering) the royal child silke (of royal birth & forlorn fate) sin (the story of sin) sinéad (na daoine maithe) siobhan "bliss" beaumont (the six that thrive) sirius ripley (supernova: renegade) skye donovan-rosovsky (witchcraft u) sloane sweetwood (the ballad of devil's creek) socks wheeler (mind games: trepidation) their royal highness, sofie (royal affairs) solaris pyre (throne of ashes) sora dexter (stars arisen) "warden sparrow" (within your eyes) stanza venture (moon rising) sterling johannson (the golden harp) stevie briggs (tricksters)
talwyn "wynnie" wildegarde (shepherds of haven) teaghan (courting the crown) temperance (summoner's return) tempest larnete (sinners & saints) thevira, "queenslayer" (regrets of the traitor) thistle emerson (to the whistling winds) "thrim" (seekL) thunder bat (top villain: total domination) tinsley "teddy" whitman (mirror mine) trace mccallum (solid/ground) "treasure" (wall) trystan "tryste" davenport (valiant)
valentina "little heart" kozlov (vendetta) valora, the mad princess (a prophecy undone) vaniya "erebus" kincaid (emberfate) venus "wraith" sokolov (safe house) verity fairfax (love undying) "the vessel" (the night abridged) vetra woodard-briggs (skin & scales) victory hellström (seven days in paradise) vierna (the soul stone war) violet van dietrich (noblesse oblige) virginia campbell (queenstown's detective) vizaria (court of the gilded roses) vedette "vivi" valles (the veiled star)
whitney markov (heart of the house) wilhemina "mina" reed (the midnight bay) "wraith" (lamb to the slaughter) wylan albrecht (twisted gold) wysteria harlowe (the edge of dawn)
xander hoffman (young's home for retired robots)
yaëlle (meraki: calais' gift) song ye-jin (crash course in you) yvette "star" rhys (fallen lights)
zed (hybrid) zelith evenvale (virtue's end) ziarin bellévé (witch blood) "zorlok" (zorlok)
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plumbobologist · 4 years ago
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You guys... not in front of Betsy....
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animeraider · 4 years ago
(via https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5k3LhlGIR02YQ0okqQuDjt?si=UpAjfoZpS7SxNIpBREG88Q)
A fantastic selection this week of far too many artists to list. Just press play and let the new music take you to wherever your mind goes with you listen to great music. Enjoy!
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northknot-hq · 4 years ago
Is that CRYSTAL REED? No, that’s just AINSLEY BLAKELY. They were born on 06/07/1778 and are a HUNTRESS living in Northknot Town. They work as a PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR. Some say they're DETERMINED and ADAPTABLE, but I’ve heard others say they're MANIPULATIVE and CLOSED-OFF. When you think of her don’t you think of BLACK NOTEBOOKS, HIDDEN KNIVES IN BOOTS & ROLLING EYES INTO OBLIVION?
Hey Ainsley Blakely! You’re a huntress, right? Is it just me or do you look like Crystal Reed? Maybe it’s just me... Anyway, you’ll fit right in here as long as you don’t disturb the peace! Just  Make sure to settle in within the next 24 hours and don’t forget to read the welcome pack so you don’t forget anything!
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Hey I’m making a pinned post! Everything important about me is in my bio so this is just the basic information on my core headcanons (full names, pronouns, etc.) This includes characters from the main games, mods, and Meet The Cores, so if you don’t know who someone is, trying searching google for the bolded name plus one of those keywords. I was going to wait to post something like this until I make more references sheets, but I thought the designs themselves would be a reveal enough and I could share their names and stuff now. Things may get changed/added in the future, partially because I’m not sure how I feel about some of these names *glares at Turret Core* but anyway- If you’re new here, jut know getting into it that yes, all the cores are trans, and no, I will not be taking criticism
Main Cast
Chell: Chell (Undecided); she/her cis woman; pansexual
Wheatley: Wheatley Stephens; he/him trans man; bisexual
GLaDOS: Caroline Jones; she/her afab agender; lesbian
Adventure Core: Richard ‘Rick’ Dawson; he/him trans man; bisexual
Fact Core: Nathan Reed; he/him trans man; gay
Space Core: Pluto Sommers; they/he genderqueer; gay
Mod Bois
Virgil: Virgil Wright; he/they afab demiboy; gay
Nigel: Nigel Harding; he/him trans man; aroace
Raine: Raine Lockhart; he/him trans man
Grady (not technically a mod, but I didn’t know where else to tie him in): Grady; he/him trans man; bisexual
Portal 1 Cores
Morality Core: Morgan ‘Mo’ Edison; she/it amab nonbinary; lesbian
Anger Core: Via Winters; she/her trans woman; aromantic lesbian
Intelligence Core: Reese Vaughn; she/they amab unlabeled femme; aroace
Curiosity Core: Camille Collins; she/her trans woman; pansexual
Meet The Cores
Ego Core: ‘Onathan Taylor; he/him trans man; gay
Glitchy: Kenneth ‘Kenny’ Matthews; he/him trans man; gay
Ray: Ray Douglas; he/him trans man; pansexual
Dr. Alma: Julia Alma; she/her trans woman; lesbian
Rose: Rose Ainsley Gardner (yes I gave her a middle name); she/her trans woman; bisexual
Avery: Avery Ellison; genderfluid, pronouns change; asexual panromantic
Rusty: Russell ‘Rusty’ Mortimer; he/him trans man; gay
Turret Core: Tally Tucker (ngl one of my least favorite last name choices i made); they/she amab demigirl; 
Humor Core (underappreciated bastard): Miles Farlow; He/him trans man; asexual homoromantic
Omnisphere: Orion; he/him trans man; omnisexual
Fergus: Fergus; he/him trans man; bisexual
Chuck: Chuck; he/him trans man; straight??
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open-names-masterlist · 3 years ago
Earth Based Names
Boy/Masc Names Adair - English surname from Edgar Ainsley - Scottish, meaning “alone, solitary” and “woodland, clearing” Alder - Germanic meaning “old” Ash - English, literal meaning of residue from fire Birk - German, meaning “protection” and “brave, hardy” Bryce - Greek/English, meaning “son of Brice” Briar - English, meaning “thorny plant” Clay - English, a material found in the ground Colm - Irish, meaning “dove” Drake - English, derived from old Norse and Greek, meaning “dragon” Elm - English, a kind of tree Heath - English, meaning “one who lived on a heath” Huckleberry/Huck - American, meaning “a variety of shrubs” Hyacinth - Greek (Anglicized), a type of flower Jonquill - English, a type of flower Lake - English, meaning a body of water Lark - English, a type of songbird Oliver - French, meaning olive tree Pierce - English/Welsh/Irish, derived from Piers Reed - Frisian, meaning “counsel” River - Anglo-Norman French, meaning a flowing body of water Rowan - Irish, meaning “red” Spruce - English, a type of tree Terran - English, means “of the earth” Vernon - English, meaning “alder” Girls/Fem Names Amaranth - English/Greek, a type of flower Amethyst - Greek/English, a stone Beech - English/Dutch, meaning “dweller at the beech tree” Bianca - Italian/Romanian, meaning “white,fair” Brooke/Brook - English, meaning “lived near a brook” Clementine - French/English, the orange fruit Calla - Greek, meaning “gorgeous/attractive” Cerise - French, meaning “cherry” Daphne - Greek/Dutch/English, meaning “laurel” Eira - Welsh, meaning “snow” Estelle - English/French, meaning “star” Heather - English, meaning “flower” Hollis - English, meaning “holly trees” Jade - English/French, a stone Meadow - English, meaning “a plain of grass” Olive - English/French, a food Plum - English, a purple fruit Viola - Latin, means “violet”
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impossible-rat-babies · 3 years ago
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oc-tober 2021 is finished! I know I kinda limped my way through this year (adjusting to working again will do that) but I did manage to finish for the fourth year in a row!
thanks y’all for letting me borrow your characters and drawing a whole lovely smattering of them! every year i wish i could draw more of them ;--;
who is who under the cut!
1. pollux bixby (mine) 2. levy graham -- @possumgeist 3. oren malloch -- @syrcus 4. rae jung -- @bitchesofostwick 5. ephyra “effie” metaxas -- @coldshrugs 6. pippa hawke -- @captaintiny 7. nemo ainsley -- @starrypawz 8. una moore-- @sidestepping 9. november “noa” caine -- @marshalortega
10. walter luna -- @danielsullivan 11. charlie -- @rickety-goose 12. riley owens -- @kittlesandbugs 13. silas king -- @waspgrave 14. theo west -- @ellstersmash 15. katerina irakleidis -- @rosewoodcasket 16. rabbit winslow-- mine 17. tammy newman -- @mybookswerealltome 18. faustus valentine -- @veeples
19. kindcaid anderson -- @attraeus 20. leigh bennett -- @th-ink-first 21. aimee lin -- @losingface 22. antoine duman -- @punkranger 23. jericho lee thompson -- mine 24. rue basri -- @spike-spiegel-is-jewish 25. enasali lavellan -- @jewishtabris 26. valerie kalesko -- @winterkeys 27. nathair chernobog -- @sysba
28. nyx shepard -- @full---ofstarlight 29. einar helguson-reed -- @nephaltis 30. akos -- @pearl-kite 31. river lee -- @sdorran
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