#aib takumi maki
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styxfoxx · 7 months ago
trying so hard to not cry rn, the king of clubs always hits hard
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fern-thee-otter · 2 years ago
shitara, laying on the ground: if your leg got cut off, would it hurt?
goken: *rises up from the couch and sits in silence for a good 5 secs* DUH
shitara: how though?
goken: cuz your leg got cut off, fool
maki, also on the ground: where you gonna feel the pain?
goken: in your le- *realization hits*
shitara: *rises up from the floor* EXACTLY BRO! how you're gonna feel the pain in your leg-
all three: IF YOUR LEG IS GONE??!
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brokenloverr24 · 2 years ago
#the fact that kurube is in each and every one of them proves that he is, in fact, a dilf in training-
alice in borderland — imagine dad vibes
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dads who in their free time watches YouTube tutorials on how to design different hairstyles for their children, whether it be cut, dye, or simply designing it. in the end, became responsible for doing their children's hair and he thoroughly enjoys it. “daddy, daddy!” they come running up to him and once he's finished, goes to you to show it off
chishiya, kurube, tatta, arisu, aguni, yaba, kuzuryu
sneezes so loud, and it's not just the nose that's talking, it's the mouth too. like he just goes "aCHOOBRRBSJUHUBAH!" which scares/concerns his kid(s), best expect that they'd be running at you with concern/scared expression plastered on their face. " daddy's doing it again!!" and you'd tell him but his response is just, "so what?! let them be terrified!"
kurube, niragi, hatter, kyuma, aguni, last boss
dad jokes. need i say more? they're the bane of their child(ren) lmao. like, they just talk at the most bizarre moments, like one time your family is in a restaurant and he saw a fly, "what do you call a fly with no wings?" and everyone immediately groans, awaiting the punchline "a walk." the another set of groan—over the time they learn to ignore or let out a chuckle of two. needless to say, he never lets go of that humor.
maki, chota, kurube, hatter, enji, banda
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psychette · 2 months ago
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OKI YABA : 2/10 - i have never found someone who’s favorite is yaba and honestly he isn’t my favorite either bc of how low his screentime is but i think he’s an interesting character and has potential so if he’s not in s3 i’ll kms
KOTOKO SHIGA : 10/10 - sorry this is super biased i just think she’s cute STOP i was expecting her death the second i saw her but when they showed her dead body, my heart dropped i need fanfics of her where she’s alive and the reader is female
URUMI ARAMAKI : 9/10 - i want her idc. we will have the most toxic relationship ever and i will SUCK IT UP trust me. ok guys im joking, in all seriousness, i love her character and she should’ve survived because imagine her dynamic with the rest of the cast omg…
SUNATO BANDA : 2/10 - oh. a male. what an interesting breed… ok im joking. i love his little alliance with yaba omg ;-; he had little screentime and he actually was so smart. kinda cringed on the whole emo matsushita scene like “you use your hair to hide that disgusting soul of yours” oh ok … stop it��� plz..
IPPEI OKI : 6.5/10 - “you were too sweet for this world, ippei.” honestly he was just anxious and sweet the entire time. it’s kinda similar to chota, he was sweet and nice but really didn’t stand out to me so much. sawry!!
AKANE HEIYA : 1/10 - oddball. sorry not sorry. why does everyone hate niragi for trying to do hanky panky with usagi but nobody mentions how akane tried to do hanky panky with arisu?? also the fact she advanced on aguni. idc if it’s reciprocated, i’m pretty sure she was in highschool just a few mins ago and aguni literally looks like he’s in his early-mid 30s.
ISAO SHIRABI (KING OF SPADES) : 1.5/10 - isao was lowkey fine in a way i honestly don’t know how to describe it. “then why does he have a 1.5???” BECAUSE HE HURT KUINA. i also found it funny when kuina tried getting his ass using a food cart shes so cute omg “How do i make this about kuina???” ahh rating
GINJI KYUMA (KING OF CLUBS) : 10/10 - i miss you kyuma come back… he was so iconic and cool. also caught me off guard on his introduction bc i thought he was just a shirtless guy who likes to flex his muscles but NO HE’S A FUCKING NUDIST???? HELLO?????? his band is so funny about it too like “i think you’re scaring them, man.” “yeah put some damn pants on!” LMFAOOOOO. his whole thing about his band like “in my band, we are all equal.” really got to me. kyuma cared about his friends just as much arisu cared about his. kyuma reminded me of arisu a lot. the memories with the band reminded me of arisu with karube and chota.
GOKEN KANZAKI : 8/10 - his ass really thought he could get usagi FAWK NO!!!!!!! anyway i thought that scene with him and maki where he goes like “i guess kyuma put his guard down” and maki replied “says you” and they both laughed made me feel emotional holy fuck I WANT TO HAVE A COOL BAND FRIENDSHIP WHERE WE ALL BELIEVE WE’RE EQUAL AND JUST LAUGH OFF EACH OTHERS MISTAKES??
UTA KISARAGI : 8/10 - lowkey the gossip girl of the group i know it. ok sawry not the time for hcs but COME ON. i dont have much favorite scenes with her, i just really enjoyed her friendship with the entire group.
SOGO SHITARA : 8.5/10 - “i will continue to haunt you if you lose.” his death rlly got to me bc oh my fucking god?? this part really showed me the depth of his character—the flashbacksAHHHHHH BANDS WHO ARE EXTREMELY CLOSE FRIENDS KM FYJG..
TAKUMI MAKI : 8/10 - his ass really beat up kuina i loved that scene “why’d you let me brag, dude?!” GODDD THAT WAS SO FUNNY N CUTE. sorry i miss kuina so much i love her “how do i make this abt kuina” pt2
RIISA NAKA (QUEEN OF SPADES) : 2/10 - she was okay… ig… i didnt really care about her and i was just missing kuina the entire time they were showing the queen of spades game sawry. also usagi fr beat her ass like yes defend ur man
MIRA KANO (QUEEN OF HEARTS) : 8.7/10 - she’s pretty cool, her whole croquette shit was confusing me. i was staring at the whole mental hospital scene like “yap yap yap get on with it who the freak dies” can u tell i missed kuina screentime HELP. also can we just mention how she died with her arms like that cz it looked uncomfortable. super random. if i was arisu btw i would knock over the tea set and force her ass to play croquette idc. u cant have tea time if there isnt tea
KEIICHI KUZURYU (KING OF DIAMONDS) : 4.5/10 - im sorry i admit he’s well written and he’s hot (not to me, the fans out there) in an office siren nerdy way i get it, but i could not care less abt his death when i couldn’t even understand how the fuck that game worked because what the actual fuck was going on
ENJI MATSUSHITA (JACK OF HEARTS) : 3/10 - this ugly emo thought he could kill my bro chishiya shuntaro… also i saw an urumi x enji post and like lowkey… i see it. toxic bf and gf plz hear me out. OK MOVING ON. his whole plan was super good but even if chishiya wasn’t there, i think banda would’ve been able to win anyway. absolutely loved solitary confinement bc the plot was so baffling to me
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aliceinborderlandscrolls · 2 years ago
Just My Type
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Maki Takumi x reader
Decided to make my Maki headcannon into a one shot
I walked beside my best friend Kuina, the two of us still upset about our trio being broken up.
“Honestly, if he would have just took his hands out of his pockets and ran then he could have jumped into the car, but no he-” I could feel my heart beat faster as my eyes found with the cutest man I have ever seen in my life.
He looked so laid back, his hands in his pockets, raising up the oversized grey shirt.
“Wow.” I whispered.
“What is it?” Kuina asked.
“How… I… My god he’s cute.” I said as Kuina chuckled.
“Never thought I’d see the day.” Kuina joked.
I looked at her waving my hand in his direction discretely, “How can someone be so cute and look so cool at the same time?! Look at stance… How is he so laid back?” I pouted as I pressed my forehead against her arm, “Kuina why did I have to see him in a game, why couldn’t I get to ask him out?”
I thought I was being subtle with the harsh whispers, I really did, but when I turned to not so discretely look in his direction the sudden attention I drew from him had me quickly turning around in embarrassment.
“Do you think he heard me?” I looked at Kuina again with wide eyes, “I think he heard me.”
“Love, I think everyone heard you.” Usagi tried to be gentle as possible as she spoke the truth.
I groaned, leaning back into Kuina as we waited for the games to begin, “I suck at this.”
“Welcome! My name is Kyūma!”
I didn’t know what sound I made when thing King of Clubs entered. A mix of horror and amusement as I quickly turned the other way, slapping a hand over my eyes.
“Where? Where is his- Where are your clothes sir?!” I yelled refusing to turn around.
A warm chuckle filled my ears, “At this point, I don’t think he believed in clothes.”
I lifted my fingers from my face to glance to my right only to find the warm voice belonged to the cute guy. I giggled, putting my hand down to answer him, “So he’s going to be like that for the entire game?”
“Sadly… Yes.” He mused before his attention was pulled away by his leader.
“I thought you approved of my lifestyle?” Kyūma asked.
“I approve, doesn’t mean I share the same thought.” The cute man answered.
“Kuina, he has a pretty voice too…” I sighed.
Maki’s gaze trailed back to mine waiting until his leader finished explaining the rules. I tried my best to concentrate, but it was hard with the calm way he was looking at me.
“He’s in a band as well.” The girl known as Kisaragi stated, a smirk playing on her lips at humorous interaction between one of her closest friends and the new player.
“You’re in a band?” Tatta asked, curiosity taking him over.
Maki nodded with a light shrug as if he was use to the attention, “We all are. I’m the drummer.”
“Oh…” I felt all the blood leave my body as my mind stopped functioning.
Kanzaki let out a boisterous laugh as he slapped Maki’s shoulder, “Dude! I think you broke her!”
Maki watched as his team began to leave to their side.
“A lot of compliments today, thank you…” His voice trailed off as he waited patiently for my name.
I told him my name with a small blush.
“Pretty name for a pretty you.” He teased as he walked away, “The name’s Maki by the way…” He glanced over his shoulder, a teasing look in his eyes as he said, “Catch me if you can.”
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chishiyainborderlands · 2 years ago
Sometimes i wish Maki and Shitara had more screen time I love those funky lil bitches and wish people wrote about them.
I wrote my own lil blurb for myself but it gave me only a little bit of happiness
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vumming · 2 years ago
alice in borderland — imagine insecurities
a/n : not that they won't worship all of you but these are how they act if you have them
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dark spots in your body? underarms, knees, inner thighs, even your buds? they're worshipping it all, not just because it is a part of you but they find it fascinating how the colors of your skin is different, like gradient in a form of a serene color, different shades of brown overlapping each other. pinches and pull at your skin, be it with their fingers or teeth—at some point on in your relationship, it became his habit to habitually pinch them. wordlessly telling you how much they dearly appreciate you.
arisu, kuina, tatta, chishiya, kyuma, kuzuryu
ohhh moles, as they likes to call it "beauty marks" they represent as stars in their eyes, counts them as their gaze travels, sometimes connecting them like how people does to freckles ( if you have one too ) their fingers maps and dance along your skin sending light and feather-ly touches. face focused and in awe as they do it. really likes this part of you, somehow, the sight of your marks is sorta therapeutic.
aguni, usagi, ann, kuina, enji, last boss, chota, lisa
stretch marks? they got you. to them, it's proof that you are real ( pre and post borderland ) and that you are with them, because they know, dreams cover up flaws and flaws exist in real time. worships them with kisses, maybe sensual, maybe innocent. may it be on your thighs, waist, or underarms. more often than not however, they leave their own marks on you far better than you can count over your stretches. it's that many.
niragi, hatter, kyuma, banda, maki, mira, kurube
and ofc, belly rolls—they love it. it makes them go feral. look, just imagine, thigh high, crop tops, hell even low waisted pants whilst your cute belly shows? oh they're ogling at it, respectfully <3
everyone ofc esp lisa
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aliceinborderlandscrolls · 2 years ago
Meeting Takumi Maki
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(Y/N): *walking beside Kuina* “Honestly, if he would have just took his hands out of his pockets and ran then he could have jumped into the car, but no he- You have got to be kidding me.”
Kuina: “What?”
(Y/N): *points dramatically at the man wearing a long t-shirt* “Look at him!”
Maki: *looks confused*
Kuina: *chuckles* “What about him?”
(Y/N): *groans* “He’s gorgeous!”
Maki: “Thank you?”
Kuina: *rolls her eyes* “Oh my god…”
(Y/N): *sits on the ground* “I can’t play this game.”
Arisu: “You kind of have to?”
(Y/N): “Speak for yourself! Imagine if Usagi was on the other team!”
Usagi: “You already have the bracelet on…”
(Y/N): *heaves a sigh* “Such a cruel cruel world…”
Taka: *laughs* Looks like you have an admirer.
(Y/N): *scratches back of neck* “Sorry… I just… You’re just…”
Maki: “I don’t mind, it’s cute.”
(Y/N): “Wait- So if we met in the real world, you would think I was cute?”
Maki: *nods* “I’d probably even take you out after a performance.”
Tatta: “You’re in a band?”
Maki: “We all are. I’m the drummer.”
(Y/N): *stops functioning*
Kisaragi: *laughs* I think you broke them.
(Y/N): *tears up* Cruel world…
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fern-thee-otter · 2 years ago
Updated version with the S2 squad :D
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Kyuuma (he/him but doesn't mind if you use others) - radiates pansexual energy. Look me in the eyes, look me in my damn eyes, and tell me if this guy looks like he gives a fuck about what his partner's gender is. Him and Kuzuryuu were boyfrie- wait, who am I kidding? They were husbands, try to change my mind on that (spoiler: it's impossible)
Uta (she/her) - Transfem lesbian and a huge flirt, dare I say. Managed to swoop both Mira (more like piquing their interest because ✨Ann✨) and Lisa by their feet. Honestly, I think she had a lot of fangirls pre-borderlands and I wouldn't blame them.
Maki (he/they) -Not gonna lie, he gives demiboy aro-spec vibes.
Goken (he/him) - That guy seems like the token straight of the group (who's on thin ice), idk. 100% supporting his buddies though.
Shitara (any pronouns) - Genderqueer, bisexual and a certified stoner. Mofo believes gender is a social construct (which, kinda is after all), just like how Kyuuma thinks clothes are. Take a look at them, take a close look at this fucker and tell me if i'm wrong. Had no problem in being in a polyamorous relationship with Uta and Lisa (speaking of which).
Lisa (she/her) - Demiromantic bisexual girlboss. In a polyam relationship with Uta and Shitara (the poly sillies <3). Besides, you can't tell me that she never got to be someone's gay/bi awakening.
Urumi (she/her) - She seems like an aroace lesbian who flirts with people, especially men, either to manipulate them or just for the hell of it.
Banda (he/they) - (got quite conflicted on whether putting him or not cuz I hate this bitch with all my guts in the manga but ig I grew a love-hate/mainly hate relationship with him thanks to Hayato). Gay, but not just any type of gay. He's that one type of gay to say all kinds of homophøbic/misogynistic (since he's canonically a misogynist in the manga) shit one second and then kiss a guy (Yaba) in the next. And don't look at me like I'm wrong cuz I'm not.
Yaba (he/him) - (another bitch that I hate with all my soul, yet here we are. And no, Maiguma doesn't give him the pretty privilege like Hayato does.) I'm telling y'all, that's a bisexual. Like, how are you having the devil's tango with a girl and then find a boyfriend in the span of not even a day, hmm? I know what you are.
(As I said, I hate Yaba and banda with a passion, but I can't deny, they're murderous husbands)
Enji (he/they) - Aroace or homosexual, there's no in between.
Shiirabi (he/him) - Aroace and homosexual. Whatever he and Apache had during that one scene from S2E7 (also counting the manga) was the same as what Aguni and Hatter had in S1E8; Neither he and Aguni wanted to kill their s/o but it still had to happen (oh, the tragedy.)
Akane (she/her) - Aromantic and a sapphic if you ask me. I just know that she kissed at least a girl or two... or five.
Daimon (she/they) - A bisexual with a preference for women. She likes her ladies
In honor of Pride Month, I decided to shoot my shot as well so: Alice In Borderland LGBTQ+ Headcanons
| m a s t e r l i s t | m a i n . m a s t e r l i s t |
[Disclaimer: These are (mostly) only headcanons. And yes, I use the official flag colors for the colored text. tw// mention of hōmõphøbia, tränsphøbia, sûìcíde, manga spoilers, etc.]
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Arisu (he/him) - Bisexual disaster. Also gender nonconforming. He likes traditionally feminine stuff. Kuina taught him how to do makeup and piss off bigots by simply being in their sight. Kinda gives off transmasculine vibes as well so... yea :D. And when dysphoria kicks in, he locks himself up in a room, usually with Usagi, with them recommending him to do activities he enjoyed in the original world, like video games and other stuff.
Karube (he/him) - I said it once. I said it twice. And I'll say it once again: Karube is one of THE bicons of A.I.B. He was even Arisu's bf, and this part from the 7♡ from the manga is pretty much some damning proof.
(A bit biphøbic/hōmõphøbic of Netflix to not include this scene imo :/ I mean, they were obviously more than friends if he wanted to live together with Arisu in Australia).
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Chota (he/him) - not a part of the LGBTQ+, but 100% an ally :D
Usagi (she/they) - Pansexual demigirl. Every so often they throw hands at anyone who talks shit about them and Arisu (especially when misgendering them both). Her father was supportive of her coming out. Unfortunately, that happened about a month or two before he unålïved himself.
Chishiya (he/they) - Transmasc. Started HRT when he was 12-ish or so (before starting puberty). The Mona Lisa and that one theory about her (manga readers, iykyk) was somehow his awakening. They cut their hair at 16 and went 'Yk what? I like it.' and that's how they kept it until now. Has top surgery scars and he's proud of it. Also a biromantic ace-spec. You can already bet your ass they had a black ring on the middle finger of their right hand before but they lost it once at a game and didn't bother buying/stealing another one. That's why we don't see him wearing it.
Kuina (she/her) - Canonically, she's transfem. By headcanon, she's also pansexual. She teamed up with Chishiya because t4t supremacy. She's the one who introduced Chishiya to eyeliner and do each others' make up every so often. And as I said earlier, she also taught Arisu how to do his makeup. She gets rid of bigots as a hobby (basically, everyone in here hates bigots, hōmõphøbes, tränsphøbes, and the list goes on).
Ann (she/her) - That's a lesbian right there. She's not into men at all, and all the fandom can agree on this.
Niragi (he/him) - Most likely bisexual (who had internalized hōmõphøbia before). His bullies were hōmõphøbic as well; might be another reason they kept calling him 'twisted', 'a freak', yada yada.
Last Boss | Takatora (they/them) - Mofo's got the three A's (Aroacegender). Slashes down everyone who misgenders them on purpose with their sword. On their free time, they look at the others at The Beach, judging them and talking to cats they find roaming around the place (or even with Cabot. Thanks @aceofspadegrass for coming up with Cabot a long time ago).
Tatta (he/him + neos) - Unlabeled and lowkey transmasc. Still trying to figure himself out. Experimenting with neopronouns. Kissed xyr fair share of people.
Aguni (he/him) - GAY, GAY, HOMOSEXUAL, GAY!!! Him and Hatter were husbands. I dare you to change my mind.
Hatter | Danma (he/him) - PAN AS FUCK, BABY! Discovered that he also liked guys in high school after making out with Aguni, and later on discovered that he's actually pan. He also has a love/hate relationship with the pan jokes (he either hates them or does them himself).
Mira (she/they) - Aroace, lesbian, demigirl and batshit insane (affectionate). Need I say more? Need I say fucking more?
Kuzuryuu (he/him) - Bisexual and tired. Let's just say that a certain nudist philosopher band leader was his awakening and does he regret it? Hell no. Also tired both from the bullshit from his life from the normal world and the blatant biphobia/queerphobia he came across.
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vumming · 2 years ago
alice in borderland — imagine dad vibes
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dads who in their free time watches YouTube tutorials on how to design different hairstyles for their children, whether it be cut, dye, or simply designing it. in the end, became responsible for doing their children's hair and he thoroughly enjoys it. “daddy, daddy!” they come running up to him and once he's finished, goes to you to show it off
chishiya, kurube, tatta, arisu, aguni, yaba, kuzuryu
sneezes so loud, and it's not just the nose that's talking, it's the mouth too. like he just goes "aCHOOBRRBSJUHUBAH!" which scares/concerns his kid(s), best expect that they'd be running at you with concern/scared expression plastered on their face. " daddy's doing it again!!" and you'd tell him but his response is just, "so what?! let them be terrified!"
kurube, niragi, hatter, kyuma, aguni, last boss
dad jokes. need i say more? they're the bane of their child(ren) lmao. like, they just talk at the most bizarre moments, like one time your family is in a restaurant and he saw a fly, "what do you call a fly with no wings?" and everyone immediately groans, awaiting the punchline "a walk." the another set of groan—over the time they learn to ignore or let out a chuckle of two. needless to say, he never lets go of that humor.
maki, chota, kurube, hatter, enji, banda
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