#daimon hinako
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atlaszxu · 2 months ago
kuzumira family tree with arisu, chishiya, and daimon as their kids is real to me 😭💔
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miraofhearts2point0 · 2 months ago
Chishiya and daimon had flirty gay banter only gay people do and straight people will never understand. They think it's heteros flirting but it's not it's just two gay people who spotted each other and like to have FUN.
Chishiya attracts women not bc they want him but bc theyre lesbians and he is a gay man trust. like why else would he and Kuina find each other and stick together that is such a random ass pair up...until you realize it's a trans lesbian and a gay man -- their relationship was built off queer solidarity !!
and for Daimon....shes smart, she can read people, she probably took one look at Chishiya and went "ah yes, another queer person hey twin" and that was settled. str8s think hes dating one of the two bc of their silly banter, but the reality is he has the worst fucking taste in men and hinakari (Kuina and Daimon) would make fun of him for it BELIEVE ME TRUST I WROTR THE MANGA REMEMBER YOU GUYS
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your-loan-shark-girl · 1 year ago
honestly being a game while people are desperately screaming about numbers and I just forgot basic addition is so real like, I’m just a girl
-H. D!
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ryoheiii · 17 days ago
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sumi-aib · 1 month ago
Besides Chishiya, Arisu, Daimon and Momoka, I also thought of Enji and Urumi as Kuzumira children, but I discarded them because I didn't want to fill my parents with children.
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fern-thee-otter · 2 years ago
Well yk what they say, keep the family close
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mawaru606 · 4 years ago
Alicen in borderland women pt1
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Pt2, Pt3
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leefi · 2 years ago
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daimon was right to freak out at him here because if he had done that shit to me I would have gorilla ripped the restraints off my chair and attacked him like a wild dog
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miraofhearts2point0 · 1 year ago
they’re literally sooooo iconic we deserve more K◇ AUs
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your-loan-shark-girl · 1 year ago
Thanks a lot, Kuzuryu!
I've been trying to get it for a good while, wish it wasn't so high up... it's a good book though, so the effort was worth it!
Thanks again, old man!! -H.D.
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diamond-attorney-keiichi · 2 years ago
You are quite smart, by stealing my glasses and managing to run away, given the fact that physical activities, especially running, aren't exactly my strongest point, so I'm impressed to say the least. And "nerd" isn't a term I am rarely called. To no one's surprise, "glasses guy" neither. However, I feel like what I am about to say will make you return my property: revokation on the rights to mochi dangos for 5-7 business days
By the way, Chishiya isn't particularly "annoying" me as of now. I feel like he's somewhere within the building, thinking of/working on a new weapon (how does Hatter not realize he's making weapons, I still have no idea).
Besides, how come I didn't know earlier that you arrived at the Beach?
- K.
A little birdie told me glasses guy was here; how ya doing @diamond-attorney-keiichi is Chishiya still annoying you?? I think I’ll join him;) actually, *steals your glasses and runs off* CATCH ME IF YOU CAN NERD!! -Daimon
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sumi-aib · 3 months ago
I'm talking to a moot and she gave me the idea of uta x daimon
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kingofthenorth · 4 years ago
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Filed under “Posts That Alice in Borderland Fans Won’t Find Funny Until Season 2 Finally Airs”
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diamond-attorney-keiichi · 2 years ago
@brdpch first of all, I can pretty much assure you that it's not cocaine. All the bags look like any regular flour bag.
Second of all, I had it coming that it could've been your hand, Daimon. Did Chishiya teach you those hiding spots ( @chishiya-of-diamonds you weren't involved in this, huh? I have to get my hands on a copy of the building map)?
But look, as I said earlier, the shirt is actually nice. I never said anything otherwise. it's just... not formal enough. Sure, I might wear this any other day but when you're a high-rank executive trying to keep this place running because your boss is way too indulged in random personal matters or drunk-driven shenanigans to actually aknowledge the issues the beach is facing, therefore leaving all the actual leading on my and other executives' shoulders, the chances are pretty slim to be seen wearing this.
However, I guess I can satisfy these demands of yours in exchange of my stolen shirts (Not before giving you a lecture, of course. I'm not one to let things slip that easily.). Yet one question still remains. What's with the flour?
- K.
Who is responsible for this?
Mira? @chishiya-of-diamonds? @daimon-the-great? Was it perhaps one of you?
A little context: I return from my daily patrols around the Beach and when I return to my room for changing my shirt into a new one, I find all my usual shirts missing and they're replaced by... bags of flour and a funky shirt.
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Look, I'm not mad about the shirt, the design is actually nice, but where in Heaven's name are my other shirts and why are there so many bags of flour in my wardrobe?
- K.
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girl8890 · 3 years ago
What your personality says your AIB game speciality is ♣️♥️♠️♦️
100 Followers Special!
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{ Alice in Borderland Master List }
Notes: Oh my God! Thank you all so much for getting me to 100 followers! I haven’t even really been active until just recently, even though I started on Tumblr years ago, and I wasn't expecting to even get a NOTE on any of my works. Now we're at 100 FOLLOWERS!!!!! This is so surreal... Thank you to everyone that’s been loving my works and commenting such nice things too! Even if I don’t answer to all your requests/messages I do see them and they always make me cry like a little boy. Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart! Let’s see if we can get to 200 next XD 
Until next time, My Curious Cats! ఌ
Tags: @starjane312 @dream-escaper
*·゜゚·*:.。..。.:*·'(*゚▽゚*)'·*:.。. .。.:*·゜゚·*
Diamonds ♦️
- People with the same speciality: Shuntarō Chishiya, Suguru Niragi, Keiichi Kuzuryū, Rizuna An, Amon Komayama, Hinako Daimon, Takashi Asuma, Benzō Yashige.
- You most likely went to college with a full ride. Got your masters or doctorate in something that not many people have the mental capacity to do themselves. 
- Always make calculated decisions and tend to only speak your mind when needed. Though, you always have an opinion and an answer to every problem.
- Doesn’t take a lot of risks, but if this risk involves showing your intelligence then your fine with taking it. If this risk involves putting other’s in danger though, you don’t care as long as you get what you needed.
- Best core subject in school were math and science.
- Even if an answer is simple you’ll go above and beyond the solution because your just that smart. Nothings ever simple in your mind.
- Prefers to be alone and hates projects that involve a lot of people. You consider yourself to be the smartest in the room, so why make it a group project when you only need one person to get it done?
- You also aren't a very physical person. You rather use your brain, not your energy. 
- Opposite speciality: Clubs 
-  Closest speciality: Hearts
Spades ♠️
- People with the same speciality: Yuzuha Usagi, Morizono Aguni, Takeru Danma, Takatora Samura, Isao Shīrabi, Akane Heiya, Takumi Maki, Gōken Kanzaki.
- Probably didn't go to college unless you needed to. Went to a trade school or went straight into working. You work in something that’s needed for more physical strangth than calculated thoughts. 
- You speak your mind most of the time, even if you know it’s not your place. If everyone thinks your opinions are wrong, you're right in your own mind and that’s enough to go with your ideas. 
- You’re always one to take risks even if it has bad consequences. 
- Best core subject in school was gym. You would rather get physical and skip any other class.
- Would rather let everyone else do the work on things, but would still be considered the leader of a group. You have a lot of opinions and usually the most strength in the group, so a lot of people would feel to intimidated by you to question your leadership. 
- Your okay with being around other people, as long as they don’t get in the way of your goals.
- Anything that involves extra brain power isn’t your favorite. Why over think things when there’s a simple answer?
- Opposite speciality: Diamonds
- Closest speciality: Clubs
Hearts ♥️
- People with the same speciality: Ryōhei Arisu, Mira Kanō, Hayato Dōdō, Ōki Yaba, Sunato Banda, Enji Matsushita. 
- Went to college for something specific. Didn't matter where it was, but they did it and graduated with the degree. Most likely a psychology or counseling degree.
- Your considered the outsider most of the time. Even if you're around a group of friends you had for years, you would still be the odd one out. Your the one that always creates crazy ideas of fun and are okay with taking risks as long as you don’t end up in danger. 
- Throwing other people under the bus your fine with too, but only to certain people you don't care for. 
- You speak your mind when you 100% know the answer, but if theres even an inkling you’ll be wrong you’ll stay quiet.
- Best core subjects were science and language arts. 
- Depends what the task is, but you would be the leader most of the time. If it involved anything too physical or tedious, you probably stay on the side lines for this one. 
- The more people around you the better, but not all the time. Sometimes doing things by yourself is just as fine as being around multiple people, but your not exactly a loner either. 
- Not everyone trusts you for past occurrences, but they also rather be by you because your intelligent in certain aspects of life. 
- Opposite speciality: Spades
- Closest speciality: Diamonds
Clubs ♣️
- People with the same speciality: Momoka Inoue, Ginji Kyūma, Asahi Kujō, Kōdai Tatta, Yūji Mahiru, Uta Kisaragi.
- College wasn't always your priority, but if you needed to go then you did. Have a pretty simple job like in a business or anything that involves a lot of people.
- In any type of group, you fit right in. Always the charismatic and talkative one too. It's easy for you to make friends or make someone that’s considered a loner talk to you.
- You thrive in groups and hate being alone for long. Group projects were your favorite type of homework growing up.
- You're not the smartest or strongest of the group, but you try to help in any way you can. Taking risks is apart of your personality. You don't want to wait around for an answer when you can just wing it and hope for the best.
- You do speak your mind a lot, but if there was a conversation going on that strongly didn't involve you then you’ll stay quiet. Most people will be surprised that you didn’t give at least one opinion the entire time.
- Best core subjects: Lunch... because you don't learn about anything you don't care about and can be with your friends.
- You don't consider yourself a leader even if your the most talkative of the bunch. You rather be the follower or the leaders right hand man. Someone everyone trusts and wants to talk to with their problems. 
- The more people around you the happier you’ll be. You just LOVE people! You’ll always be seen around at least one person. It will be a very rare scene if you're found by yourself. 
- Opposite speciality: Hearts
- Closest speciality: Spades
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an-from-forensics · 2 years ago
Hello!! You must be Ann, The Beach’s mortician, right? I’m new here, so I was hoping we could be friends, Kuzuryu said I should put myself out there:)
My name is Daimon Hinako and my speciality is ♢! Here’s some things about me so we can get to know each other!!
-my fav animals are raccoons and dogs:)
-I’m a sweet tooth and often eat sweet snacks
-I can’t handle pressure that well, but I try!
-swiftie right here:)
-another one of my fav artists is Melanie Martinez actually!
-Winter is my favorite season even though I’m always freezing lmao
What about you, Mrs. Mortician? I hope we can interact more:)
Well hello Daimon, it’s a pleasure to meet you! I am pretty sure we can be friends:)
As you probably know already, my name’s Ann Rizuna and I used to deal in forensics back in the real world. My specialty’s actually diamonds as well. There seem to be lots of clubs or spades based players round the Beach these days..hmm..
Anyways, it was very nice to meet a fellow player here, and I wish you well!
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