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Best DCA Computer Course provided by CV Raman University, see more at: http://www.cvru.ac.in/computer-science-information-technology.html
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Best preschool learning activities provided by Brainy Bear, see more at: http://brainybear.in/PreSchool-Program.aspx
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Things you should know about Logo Registration
Designing a good logo for a business is extremely important as it represents your brand and helps you to stand out from competitors. If your logo is eye-catching, it will not only make your brand memorable but also help in attracting new customers. However, protecting the design of your logo before launching it in the market is as essential as having a good logo. You can protect your logo by registering it through trademark law. Here are a few important things that you should know before applying for your logo registration in Hyderabad, Mumbai or any other cities in India.
What is a trademark?
A trademark is any sign, design or expression that acts as an identity for a brand. It can be a logo, business name, slogan, tagline or caption. A trademark distinguishes the products and services of a brand from those of competitors.
What can you protect by registering a trademark?
The main purpose of registering a trademark is to protect the identity of your brand in the marketplace and prevent others from using your intellectual properties. When you register a trademark, you get a claim of ownership over its use and also the right to file a lawsuit against the unauthorized use of your mark.
Who is the owner of the logo trademark?
The ownership right for a trademark is applicable when it is put into commercial use. The designer who creates the logo is not considered as its owner. The logo trademark is owned by the business owner who uses the trademark for advertising his products or services in the marketplace.
When is a logo considered as a trademark?
When a logo is used for a product by adding it on the product's label or packaging and customers start to associate it with a brand, it becomes a trademark.
How to identify if your logo is eligible for registration?
There are certain rules for an intellectual property to be eligible for registration. It should not be deceptive or misleading. Also, your logo should not be identical to any existing trademark as this may cause confusion among customers. Official marks such as flags, official hallmarks, and emblems of states and international organizations cannot be used as a trademark. If your chosen logo falls under any of these categories, then your trademark application will get rejected.
When can you file an application for trademarking your logo?
It is recommended to file the application as soon as possible, even before launching your business. The registration process is very long and takes around 12 to 18 months. So, apply for trademark registration in Hyderabad or other parts of India immediately after designing your logo.
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How to Protect Your Trademark
Trade mark is a division of Intellectual Property right. Any word, symbol, name or any combination used to differentiate the goods / services of one manufacturer or seller from goods / services manufactured or offered by others. In short, a trademark is a brand name.
Intellectual Property is the most valuable asset of the modern business. Intellectual property is a combination of copyright, design, trademark, patent, industrial design and geographical indication. Intellectual Property leads to healthy competition in the market as a result the manufacturers and traders develop better products.
It is very important to protect the trademark as this will help in case someone infringes the trademarks. To give trademarks stronger protection one must register them. There are several steps involved in successful trademark registration in Gurgaon or in any other city of India such as research, proper application, follow-up, and regular monitoring.
Below are some steps one must take to protect and maintain trademark:
·Complete Certainty about Trademark: Before registering logo or trademark it is very important to have complete certainty about the trademark. There should not be any confusion regarding the trademark. Trademark registration office will not register the trademark if there is any confusion with another registered trademark. Confusion often arises when the trademark is similar to other company’s trademark involved in manufacturing similar goods or offering similar services. Ensuring that the trademark is capable of being defended prior to registering goes a long way in protecting it.
 ·Register Everything Associated with Trademark: It is very important to register everything related to trademark. This includes company’s name, slogan, logo, and product names. By owning these trademarks, one stops others from using those trademarks for themselves. Until and unless the trademarks are registered it is advisable to keep them secret from competitors. If the competitor registers a trademark before you get it registered then you have to rework on your marketing strategy or pay the competitors for the rights.
 ·Maintain Your Registration: When it comes to registration of your logo it is important to stay up to date with your logo’s status. If you have registered your logo from Mumbai then the firm provided logo registration in Mumbai will not send reminders for maintenance of documents. After certain years, it is required to update documentation. Failing in doing the complete paperwork may result in cancel or lost the rights on the mark.
 ·Monitoring the Trademark: Monitoring a trademark may sound simple, but it is definitely not an easy task. One can start using the registered trademark once the trademark registration is approved. However, the efforts to protect the trademark should not end here. Sometimes monitoring happens naturally during the daily course of business but most of the times one has to keep close eye on the competitors or companies that is using a name or logo that is similar to the registered trademark of the company.
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What do I do before I get a patent?
Many people have great ideas for new products or services, but they do not have the means to bring them to market and often look for a large company to help them. If your idea is so unusual that it is patentable, before you prove it to be, you want to have that company on hand to sign a confidentiality agreement promising you will not steal it.
Get an patent attorney in Mumbai with experience in your industry to help you write the same. Some agreements explain exact monetary sanctions if it is discovered that the signatory has violated the agreement, although it does not want terms so hard that nobody would sign it.
Without that protection, winning a lawsuit for infringement can be difficult. If you find an imitator, it may be worth hiring a patent attorney in Mumbai to investigate the merits of your case. If the other brand or manufacturer has replicated your packaging or product idea to the point of confusion of customers or copied something that is protected by copyright or trademark laws, you may have a strong legal case.
But a company is more likely to alter the product or design just enough to dodge any legal problem. And it should be kept in mind that enforcing such legal litigations in court can be quite expensive. In some cases, the lawyer will first send a letter of cessation and give up, describing the offense believed and requesting the arrest of the offender who produces the product and possibly pays damages. If the cards do not work, the next step is usually a lawsuit.
Keep in mind that a lawsuit can cost hundreds of thousands of Rupees in legal fees and take time off for your business. To collect money in court, you usually have to prove that you suffered damages from the actions of the alleged imitation - a feat if your sales are increasing. In the end, the best way to protect yourself is to be very cautious about who to share your idea with. It pays to talk extensively with others in your industry and get referrals before revealing your concept to anyone.
What is the most challenging in the legal process of patenting?
Patent application in Indiaof electrical systems has enjoyed high demand for many years. Patent litigation by field of technique goes up and down. Ten years ago the interference was a subspecialty with good demand, but the law changed, and they have almost disappeared now.
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5 Tips For Hiring The Best Patent Attorney
Protecting your invention from being labeled by any other entity is your prime concern as the inventor. No matter whether it is any scientific or medical invention, any kind of product or other items – you must try to protect it with the help of the patent law. Here you need the expertise of the skilled and professional patent attorneys.
However, hiring the right patent attorney can be challenging because you know the value of your invention but the lawyer is not aware of the same. Hence, you should look for the most professional and efficient patent attorney in Pune who can handle the matter with full confidence and try to secure the maximum protection for your products or ideas as per the patent law in India.
Here are some useful tips on getting the right patent attorney in India whom you trust.
1.      No matter what type of invention it is, you must find out the most experienced patent attorney for the same. The lawyer you would hire must have a vast experience of writing patent applications. Request him to send some of the samples of those applications before you hire him. Check them and ensure that he will be the right person for your invention’s patent too.
2.      Instead of taking the help of your social circle, search on the internet for some reputed and experienced patent attorneys. There are some secure websites where you can get the list of the top patent attorneys as per the patent office in India. It will save your time and help you to get some authentic, recognized and trustworthy names as per your needs.
3.      Never hire the attorney without a preliminary interview. Always remember that you have every right to know whether the attorney will be good enough to protect your intellectual property or not. Prepare a set of questions that you must ask to the attorney while interviewing him and know how easily and comfortably he can give you the answers.
4.      Patent filing fees is already a costly matter you have to deal with while protecting your intellectual property. On the top of that, you have to pay the fees of your patent attorney. Hence, you must find out someone with a reasonable fee for this job. However, saving money on hiring a patent attorney does not mean hiring someone less experienced or less professional.
5.      A patent attorney not only offers you the right service but also give you the best advice. He will check your intellectual property and suggest you the right advice about filing the patent. In some cases, it can be the provisional or non-provisional patent. Ensure that the patent attorney you are going to hire is interested in knowing your property and suggesting you the right tips for the same.
It is your concern to save your intellectual property, and the patent attorney can help you in this matter with his skill, experience, and efficiency.
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Advantages of Doing Part Time MBA
After completing BBA from BBA institutes in Mumbai, many students prefer pursuing full time MBA program. However, some students opt for job to gain some practical experience. Students opting for job also pursue part time MBA. Part time MBA program can be pursued without taking a break of one or two year or without quitting the job unlike full time MBA program. Opposite to the full-time MBA program where customary daytime classes happen, part-time MBA program takes place over the weekend or at the evening. Generally, part time MBA program take few years for completion. Recently, many Business schools are coming up with part-time MBA courses in Mumbai for individuals who cannot pursue full time MBA program.
There are various benefits that Part time MBA programs offer in comparison to full time MBA programs. Part time students are working and are full time employee. They study in spare time. Mostly, people pursue part time MBA so that they have source of income through their job.
Below are some benefits of part time MBA program:
Education is primary, not Networking: If you are already in the corporate world and want to accelerate your career without any interruption then a part time MBA program is the perfect solution. Part time MBA students have very less spare time as most of them are working and thus focuses more on education and less on networking and consequently spend very less time in socializing.
Flexibility: Flexibility of time is one of the main advantages of part time MBA. Part-time students generally decide the term they want to enroll for, depending upon the workload they have in their offices. Many choose their course so as to focus exclusively on a difficult course when they have less workload in office and later take a simple course when they have heavy workload.
Tuition Reimbursement from Employer: Chances of reimbursement of your part time MBA course fee is higher than a full time one. There are many companies who pay completely for their employees' education, while some companies offer subsidized loans to their employees. Company supports such activities as by the end of the program you will have knowledge about new things and will become more valuable to the company.
Costly but Keeps Your Job: Fee for a part time MBA program can be as expensive as a full time program, but the source of earning will be there. Classes for part time MBA are generally in the evenings or in the weekends, so you can continue with your job.
Advanced Curriculum: Part time MBA program is designed for working executives. Curriculum is not same as that of the full time MBA program. It is designed to match the skills that are required for the senior level management. Part time MBA also offer specializations that are advanced and industry oriented.
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The Significance Of MBA Training In Banking And Finance
With the passing course of time, the viewpoint about career and professional goals has changed a lot. Nowadays, people love to be involved in professions that can directly or indirectly affect the society with some positive impacts. To fulfill their dreams, they look for the right training programs as well. MBA or Master in Business Management is one such training. You can obtain your MBA degree to start your career in various industries including banking and finance. The significance of MBA in banking and finance is huge. Currently, a huge number of students aspire to get the training to enter into the sector of banking and finance and run the field successfully.
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The Effect On Economy Of A Country
The effect of the global economy is very prominent in the business sector of almost all the countries. Thus, the investment and funding requirements can be managed thoroughly with the help of complete knowledge regarding the same. The students of MBA in banking and finance have that knowledge. They know how to create scope for new investment in the business sectors that have high potential to earn a good amount of ROI. That also affects the economy of a country and makes it stronger than before.
Knowledge About Global Economy
While attending programs like MBA for banking and finance or MBA in supply chain management, the students need to learn about the global economy. They know how to manage the extensive flow of cross-border capital to make the economy of a certain location affluent. They also learn about how to leverage the systematic risk worldwide. They can provide guidance about investing in assets once they complete their training from a reputed organization.
Anticipate The Investment Risk
As the trained banking and financial professional, they can anticipate the investment risk very well. The training program of MBA in supply chain management can help them to understand what can be the potential risks in investment in this sector. They also learn to mitigate the investment risk before it can harm the business. This can save the economy of a country to be in high investment risk and help it to experience rapid growth.
The Main Goals Of Such Training Program
Whenever you wish to join in such a training program, you should be aware of the main objective of the same. The program is designed to achieve certain goals, such as:
To make the successful students efficient banking and finance professionals
To provide them with special skills that can help them to accept the challenges of this field and find the right way to overcome them
To train them for multicultural business ambiance where they can show their skill and create the differences
Joining The Right Institute
It is critical to choose the best institute that can offer you the right training on this subject. The matter of business management in the banking and finance sector is not an easy one, and you need to help of the best team to learn the subject.
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Get Enroll with Kolkata BCA and BBA for a bright future ahead!
Nowadays, acquiring management qualification from India guarantees a blooming career in the business industry and undoubtedly, is quite affordable. Kolkata is a bustling city of India and is also popular as a prominent hub of top- level management colleges that excel in the field of education globally. Not only national students but students from overseas get enrolled to receive certification from Kolkata-based colleges and to join executive- level job positions. Grand exposure to the management industry with advanced teaching techniques and sound campus ambiance is the mission statement of a management college in Kolkata. Tailor- made syllabus, unique analytical assignments and competitive exam pattern are the core strengths of such colleges.  A good management college in Kolkata ensures the 360-degree growth of its students that includes empowering student's thinking to produce the best leaders for the industry.        
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Students, who are appearing for BCA, are eligible for applying for admission online for that a prospective can be requested from the campus. Best college for BCA in Kolkata invites the applications for all eligible students and grants the admissions as per available admission quota. Technical skills are nurtured by computer knowledge and by constant practice for which advanced computer libraries are built. Computer language experts, programmers and application experts are invited to deliver the lectures over computer algorithms.  
The best college for BCA in Kolkata provides an online tour of the campus to news students and their guardians for their satisfaction. Lecture rooms, practical domes, and computer labs are soundly integrated with cutting- edge devices and monitors to facilitate the students. This campus also focuses on students overall development that is commenced from high- tech sports rooms, lush green playgrounds and television rooms integrated with projectors.
What makes Kolkata BBA and BCA colleges the best in terms of the education system?
Excellent libraries with more than 2,50,00 books, magazines, and journals to support all academic programs and courses.
Academic excellence via industrial visits, guest lectures, and competitive education pattern
Hostel canteens and snack shops with North India, South Indian, East Indian and West Indian cuisines 24 * 7.  
Special focus upon soft skill development with modish skill centers. Exclusive group discussions and conversations just to enhance student's communication skills.
Low fee structure and accommodation fees with interactive scholarship schemes for poor and intelligent students
Colleges in Kolkata lead with a mission of preparing the student for a better future. Technical resources are available in order to empower the thought process and exposure of students.      
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