#ai gaming tools
solo-rpg-rambling · 8 months
Solo + LLM, some ideas
Throwing together some thoughts on playing solo TTRPGs with help from LLMs (Large Language Models, "AI", GPT, etc.). I'll throw up a cut so people who hate the idea can click and move on. Mostly I've been using LLMs as a way to expand or contextualize oracles, tables of words or phrases that are used to inspire what comes next.
Lesson 0: If the Answer is Obvious, Don't Use an Oracle (or Mechanic)
I'm sure many people have done this at least once, tried something impossible in a game hoping for an "automatic success" (natural 20 in D&D terms). At the other end of the spectrum, there are playstyles where you roll (or ask to roll) for trivial tasks and observations.
Oracles are useful for those moments when you don't know what happens next. Your characters (and you) are bored with travel scenes, so you need something to spice things up. But your brain is just churning on a lot of nothing.
Lesson 1: The LLM is a Bad GM
LLMs (at least as of 2024) are bad at synthesis, facts, math, and long-form storytelling. They are ok at making surface-level connections, suggestions, and "what happens next" (within the limits of what something trained on wikipedia, twitter, and reddit can do.)
Lesson 2: Provide Context
GPT is a "conversational" LLM. It can (within limits) remember earlier parts of the conversation. Give it one paragraph of the story so far. Describe genre and setting.
Lesson 3: Brainstorm
"Give me five ideas for..." Asking for one answer will likely get you something that doesn't quite work. Instead, ask for five suggestions and pick the one you like best.
Lesson 4: Critique, Argue, Rewrite
IMNSHO the real challenge of writing or GMing isn't ideas it's development. Treat LLM suggestions as thumbnail sketches or scribbling on a whiteboard. Take the most interesting idea, and argue with it. Keep what works, critique or rewrite what doesn't. Arguing with a bad idea helps clarify what you want from the scene.
Unleash your internal editor on those ideas.
Lesson 5: If it's not Fun, Do Something Else
I enjoy bouncing ideas off of a group or LLM. Other people use notebooks or rubber ducks. If it's not fun, and not moving your game forward, try something else.
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ladyyomiart · 15 days
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Here's the last old Hakuouki art I'll be posting today! (I've got more but I don't want to spam the fandom tag, lol). ⚔️🌸 Chizuru bringing some tea to the Shinsengumi captains! 🍵💚 (2017).
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mexipoopy · 4 months
On Repeat - OC Tag Stuff
I was tagged by @acidheaddd to do this and AH thank you I've been mulling over this A LOT and it really made me think hard on my OCs and their stories. Credits to @elderwisp(a cool guy) for the idea.
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OK! Onto the LORE
Ai [FSU -BigKlit]
1 shot, 2 shot, 3 shot, 4 Fuck it up, I wanna see the bodies hit the floor 5 shot, 6 shot, 7 shot, 8 We don't give a fuck, we burning down the whole place Fuck shit up, I wanna fuck shit up, I wanna fuck shit up
Rage, rage, rage. That's definitely a word to describe this guy. Ai is very aggressive due to good old trauma~* but despite his violent tendencies he's full of highly energized spite and fun, so this song encapsulates his personality pretty accurately with its fast pace and aggressive lyrics. A fist with a bright shining smile to accompany it.
Marisol [Holy Weather -Civil Twilight]
It’s not too late to go home Passion is this weight on my shoulders So why did you follow me into this den When all the bluest stars paint your name In a sky of black You must go back
Are you lost little soul? Marisol is a bit of a wanderer, who lets her curiosity dictate her actions. But where that curiosity leads her is full of a darkness that beckons her soul to light her path. She is constantly told to turn back by many colorful characters, despite this, she persists. There is a particular entity who crosses paths with her soul and is unable to escape her tenacity. This song with its regretful lyrics and soft instrumentals, parallel the dynamic of her affect on those around her especially the one that holds her soul closest to theirs and the consequences that happen because of it.
Isaiah [Daydreaming -Radiohead]
Beyond the point Of no return Of no return Then it's too late The damage is done The damage is done This goes Beyond me Beyond you
Liminal. Inhuman. Existence. Isaiah, if that is his true identity, is an individual full of whimsical mysteries and questions. What happens when a person dies, and who will lead us into the afterlife? Will the reaper come to aid us in our desperate confusion upon our passing? Where will you go? This song, compels the listener to wander and be lured by its ethereal instrumentals and the darkness that looms around it, much like how the darkness and uncertainty of death lingers among the living.
Jasper [You Don't Own Me -Tamino]
You may keep me hеre You seem to know just how To pin me to the ground Each timе you come around Take away my home Obscuring what I am And plague me all night long And lay claim to freedom's song
What good is greed if you don't possess yourself? Even the strongest can fall folly to abusive, parasitic relationships. Jasper, even in his conception was never meant to enjoy the freedom of individuality. Being a prisoner inside his own body and shackled by family ties and a predatory lover that only wishes to possess him, his autonomy is never of his own volition. Still, his soul persists, fighting and gnashing at every opportunity to break free from those that hold him captive. This song is one of rebelling to that which wants to possess and control you, which bears a haunting resemblance to Jasper's own struggles.
Anabelle [Do You Feel Real -Sevdaliza]
I thought I'd heal from you Or you'd escaped from me Maybe I'm too scared to forget you I just can't remember how it feels like to function without Absorbed in total free fall It's a waste of time It's not that serious
My void is one that comforts and cures a loneliness that it causes. What do you do when the only thing that comforts you is the presence of evil? When that is all that you are used to? Anabelle was born spreading death and misery wherever she went. But why? Is it the shadow that follows her and protects her as everything else withers away? Accompanied by low and drawn out instrumentals, the lyrics of this song perpetuate a relationship that is parasitic and addictive in nature, one that you thought you overcame but it persists. Anabelle craves love from the living and dreads the darkness that lingers and keeps her isolated. Still, she is plagued by her need to have it close or else her loneliness will destroy her.
Ira [Daisy -Brand New]
I'm a mountain that has been moved I'm a river that is all dried up I'm an ocean nothing floats on I'm a sky that nothing wants to fly in I'm a sun that doesn't burn hot I'm a moon that never shows its face I'm a mouth that doesn't smile I'm a word that no one ever wants to say
I am nothing. I crave to become everything. Ira is an anomaly. He exists but in a plane that no living creature can exist, all he knows, he knows from a dream that connects to his. She is beautiful, living, while he is nothing. Envy feeds his hunger, but nothing ever happens. HE shouldn't exist, yet he does. A paradox, much like the message of this song. The dream persists and reminds him that he should exist. But why is he here and not there? Maybe she can help him become real, and not a dream.
AND that's it for that lol! I have way more characters that I have music for (but i don't have official finalized sim versions of them) so i just included these guys for now, I could include my Envidia story characters but i felt like this post is pretty long as it is sajkfa my bad. LOL all my song choices are existential/depressing save for Ai, because he's built different lol.
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maria-de-salinas · 2 years
A lot of arguments against ai art deal with technical/legal/ethical considerations and those are solid and good but for me there are things that are less tangible and harder to articulate but basically just...I don’t want to be a prompt generator. I don’t want to be a passive consumer of cool pictures. I want to connect and communicate with other people. Human creativity is good and deserves to be nurtured and protected.
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doedipus · 8 months
the fact that people keep vagueposting about palworld discourse makes it very difficult to blacklist posts talking about palworld. I don't care whether you think it's neat or not, just at least say the name of the game when you're talking about it so people who aren't on twitter don't have to think about it. thanks in advance.
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mrpuzzle · 7 months
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scarletfasinera · 7 months
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Got blocked before I could ever even see the message lmao. The answer is that I am a Communist, and as a Communist, I've read Wage Labor & Capital. hope this helps
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landlordevil · 25 days
Idk I also find it frustrating because sometimes you meet people who design but have zero understanding how to make that achievable in reality, and that's something everybody has to face at some point (I'm still learning too obviously!) But it is like. If you're specifically looking at generative models like the ones people have been using for art (which is generally what people are referring to) you're going to get a rude awakening when shirts don't work like that in real life
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callowayy · 1 month
i don't trust inzoi 😬
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l-1-z-a · 2 years
Emergent narrative in The Sims 2
Matt Brown at AIIDE 2006
Notes from Matt Brown's (EA/Maxis) invited talk at AIIDE 2006, entitled "The Power of Projection and Mass Hallucination (Practical AI in The Sims 2 and Beyond)".
The general gist of it is that The Sims 2 is a sandbox world that provides some small bits of narrative-promotion to try to encourage emergent narrative sequences to actually emerge, by matching them against pre-authored snippets that seem desirable. In general, Matt Brown has a very AI-minimalist style of AI design.
Some points and claims:
Perception is key: how to seem intelligent, not how to be intelligent ("Big A, little i")
Complicated behind-the-scenes computation is usually interpreted as random behavior by the player, so don't bother
Players have short memories and quickly move on, so your AI should too
Correlary to the above: Local intelligence is good enough, at least for something like The Sims. Just focus on making sure everything makes sense in relation to what comes immediately before and immediately after, and players will fill in appropriate long-term stories themselves.
Consistency leads to player storytelling and ascription of personality
Some randomness helps avoid brittleness; keeps you from getting stuck in repeated or easily exploitable weird behaviors
The Sims/NPCs react to player-driven momentum, rather than initiating much of anything
Much of the local behavior is organized around story trees
Story trees are explicitly authored bits of story, very short
In their experience, the important thing here was the authoring tools, not the AI: given good tools, a few human authors can quickly create and maintain lots and lots of story trees. Important features were sorting of story trees by roles, easy searching/comparison/etc., batch creation/edits, and variable bindings.
He was pretty adamant that it's much easier to write authoring tools to make writing extensional definitions of "good story" feasible than it is to build a generative system with an internal notion of good story, since you'd have to do a lot of manual fiddling on the latter anyway.
Events are matched against all tree prefixes simultaneously, and of high-matching trees, the events that that tree says would come next in its story snipped is scored against a model of player interest ("player likes [x] events") and personality of the NPC, etc.
Players find it easier to give specific outcomes rather than traits — answering "likes hiking (y/n)?" is easy, while "x/10 for extrovert?" isn't.
Focus the player on the details you will actually use; in character design and personalities, don't try to faithfully model things that don't matter very much to your game
Anecdote: They had a complicated model for which urinals Sims would use: if there's 3, and someone's at the leftmost one, the Sim is supposed to use the rightmost one, not the middle one, unless they have some sort of weird personality. It wasn't reliably getting the responses they wanted, so they ripped it out and replaced it with a random-number generator, which people were just as happy to make up stories about and ascribe personality to.
A bit of an admission in the conclusion: As a sort of aimless "sandbox game", The Sims only really needs to make sure something interesting happens, but it hardly matters what. The player is responsible for making up stories (this is their sandbox after all), so the story-AI part of The Sims is only intended to provide some prompts and play off what the player does. That might not be the case in other types of games.
Follow-up: Maxis ended up deviating significantly from this view of Sims narrative with The Sims 3, bringing in Richard Evans to do a less AI-lite version of the AI, which included longer-term planning rather than purely emergent narrative. Evans has given a number of talks on that, which I unfortunately don't have good notes on, but here (archived) is a brief writeup someone else did of his AIIDE 2007 talk.
Mark J. Nelson, 2006-06-21.
<Note index>
Comments welcome: [email protected]
Many thanks to @andrevasims for searching in this post:
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kyonite · 3 months
man does it ever strike you how fucking useless 90% of the AI shit companies are trying to peddle is? like especially for creatives it's just so functionally fucking useless.
"oh but I can use it to write the manual for using this tool" is genuinely something my boss said to me earlier today and I was like. do you know how AI works? do you know that in order to effectively write the manual for that thing, it needs to reference another manual that was already written for the thing? another manual for the thing which was,,,, wait for it,,, written by a human.
it's just so many of the use cases that people try to point out for creatives are just like. functionally fucking useless for many reasons but esp because it's referencing something SOMEONE ALREADY DID. why do I want a robot to regurgitate some shit that a serbian man already wrote on a website in 2009. he already did a fine job. why is the robot here.
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ladyyomiart · 15 days
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Bringing more old Hakuouki art! ⚔️🌸 My part of a Hakuouki Secret Santa event (2016), featuring SSL Saito and Chizuru! 🎄💖 (If I remember correctly, the recipient of my gift was a user named "Kazama Hime" 😊).
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gutsfics · 6 months
tbh i think that the "is ai generated content art" argument is roughly the same as "is Duchamp's Fountain art". i think that the argument of if its art is what makes it art, because it is invoking some kind of feeling. starting a conversation. if that makes sense?
that being said, absolutely there is a time and a place for it (ie not replacing the work of paid artists). and it should only be trained on artsts who have consented to it.
i dont want to read fiction made by ai bc if you didn't take the time to write something, why should i take the time to read it? and for non fiction, it'll be riddled with incorrect facts because an algorithm "decided" that this word is the most likely to go next in the sentence based on what it's database says, even if its factually incorrect.
one of my favorite pieces of art is an ai image that was sent to a company that makes paint-by-numbers, and then filled out by a person. the artist, tumblr user rigatonidanza, asks "is this art? at what point does it become art? can it never be art because its ai, or because its paint by numbers? is it art because it elicits a response from the viewer?"
the point of art is to make you think, and to make you feel. does it stop being art if its not made by human hands, the way algorithmically generated images are? is it not art if its something mass produced, made for intentions other than what the artist uses it for, like Fountain? even if looking at it makes you feel something? anything? even if that "something" is a negative emotion?
all that said. if you use generative algorithms as an excuse to not pay real artists, you are a human tar pit. may you always immedeatly stub your toe after it stops hurting from the last time you stubbed it.
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sixty-silver-wishes · 7 months
I hate duolingo and what it’s done to popular conceptions of language learning so much. killing it with my mind
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heatobrienswife · 9 months
#my blog so imma post what i want#but I've been thinking abt two of my aus both to do with the second game fjhchgc but i don't think I've mentioned this one before soo#i like the idea of sera making an ai of my s/i just like she did with the others yeah it breaks my canon but idc#my s/i was always like an older sister figure to sera so why wouldn't she make my s/i too n of course her ai is shipped with heat c:#my other au revolves around the big incident basically sheffers isn't the only demon in that room#so ob is still shot but not fatally he's still bleeding out tho cause bros been shot but anyway sheffers leans down to do his whole#people are just tools thing my s/i either heard the shot n ran to see what was going on or she was there anyway but either way she kicks#sheffers straight in the face to get him away from ob n basically tries her best to stem the bleeding n keep him alive sera sees n hears it#as she does in game but in this version sheffers n my s/i become demons but while sheffers is just a ravenous creatute who slaughtered n ate#everyone in the facility my s/i is hell bent on protecting ob she basically stands guard over him like a guard dog n gets into a vicious#demon brawl with sheffers once he's devoured everyone else n has set his sights on ob n my s/i#she keeps him away till he's gunned down but cause my s/i shows no threat n is just ob's guard dog rn she's subdued n taken for studying#ob is taken for medical treatment cause he's barely hanging on n was one of the only two survivors from the incident#my s/i basically becomes his demon wifey n is pretty much glued to his side#they both still work for the Karma society but it's more to make sure seras safe then anything for the organisation itself#i do also like the idea of heat n ob meeting iyfyjfjhf#shut up rattie no one gives a shit lol
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flightyquinn · 1 year
I'd like to share something with you, Tumblr.
When I first played D&D 3.5, many years ago now, I played a bard named Wren, using a homebrew race that you could find on the official Wizards forums around that time called the Kassuri. He was a goofy little manlet with the ears and tail of a fox who knew no fear. He got to ride on the back of a luck dragon.
He tamed a shocker lizard and named it Tazer. He once drank a whole bucket of dwarven ale without getting drunk, and then shouted, "I said a large glass!" and another time bluffed a group of elven soldiers that the Half-orc paladin was his pet. When a demon killed his mentor, he avenged them and made a coat out of the demon's wings.
He fought his former friend turned enemy, almost died, and won. He got knighted by his king after starting the campaign exiled from his homeland, and then prayed so hard to be a better person that his alignment shifted right before going to face the final boss. When he realized the BBEG was sensitive to sounds and played a heavy metal lute solo so sick that it literally caused their Fortress of Evil to collapse.
It was a silly game, played fast and loose by a group that only half understood the rules, but it was a blast to play. After having some not-so-good experiences with AD&D (may I never forget The Exploding Cleric), it was the first game I ever played to the end of a campaign. I loved the game, and I love my group from back then...Hothgoth, Lios, Pixie, Elena, Leif, and even the others who came in later and didn't stick around as long. I've held onto those memories, and my beloved "first successful character", ever since.
Until the tail end of last year, I never had any decent art of him.
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This is Wren, almost perfectly as I envisioned him all those years ago.
The sad truth is, unless you're an artist yourself, it can be hard to get character art for TTRPGs. Most people I know in the hobby don't have a lot of money, and even if they do you never know how long a character may last before getting killed by bad rolls. Back in the day, for the game Wren is from, we just used a text description and imagined the character. These days, most people I know use a virtual table top. Characters need tokens (and usually profile pictures for when other players check the sheet), and for hardcore players like me that are in several games a week, that's a lot of art that could need swapped out on a moment's notice.
The sad truth is, people just steal it. Even the people I know who are artists steal art, only really drawing characters they get attached to. We discuss what images would be good for characters, show one-another what we've found, and it's not uncommon to decide details about a character based on what kind of a picture you can find for them. So...when AI art started becoming a thing, I got excited.
Artist Tumblr probably noticed right away that the picture up there is AI generated. It's a pretty good output, but there's still telltale signs. Yes I notice them, and no they don't bother me. It's better than any of the attempts I ever made at doing a picture myself, and even if I could afford a picture of that level of quality, who knows if the artist I found would be able to fully understand my description the way I see it in my head, or if they would be willing to put in the time and effort to revise it to my satisfaction. It was going to be imperfect either way, but I was able to take time (a frankly ridiculous amount) to tweak things and start over and try different approaches until it was to my satisfaction.
...and like I said, I make a lot of characters. Now, instead of just finding some picture I like and stealing it wholesale, I end up generating a lot of character art. It's just for my personal use either way, and thanks to AI, I get to express my own ideas.
I know some people out there are abusing the technology to make a quick buck, but please remember that's a fault of those people. There are people abusing just about every technology out there. For other people, who are only trying to use it to express themselves or to do things without needing an additional skillset they don't have, AI art is a godsend.
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