#ahsoka tano x y/n
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Vow to Peace
A Ahsoka Tano x reader fanfic PT4 masterlist
Ahsoka looked at you with a fondness no one ever felt for you. Her gaze felt like honey, thick and sweet, as it poured on everyone of your features, and like a thirsty bee, you drank it, even bathed in it for that is all you had ever wanted. All your life you had been taught that wanting something like that was wrong, but if that were true why did this feel so right? Why did her eyes full of what you could only describe as love pierced your core to then engrave themselves in the deepest parts of your mind? And why did they leave such a sweet trail to it? It felt blasphemous, yet at the same time right, to look at her the same way, you wanted to share the blame of such a delicious sin so your hand found it's way on top of hers, only for it to be returned. You were in absolute bliss, you felt like you were resting in a bed made out of clouds with the very woman you now knew that you loved, and from the way she was looking at you, Ahsoka loved you as well. Both of you kept quiet, for there was no need for words, and instead allowed your bodies to show without shame just how much they desired for the other. Her calloused hands ended in your hips, bringing you closer, and yours held her cheeks softly as if she was made out of glass. First you rested your forehead against her in case she didn't want this, but after a couple of agonizingly slow second you pulled her close until finally her tempting lips claimed their rightful place on every single one of your nerves, numbing you to whatever else was going on outside, after all nothing else mattered.
It wasn't just that one kiss, there were many more that came afterwards, each one ending somewhere else on your body or hers, the trail that they left made your skin tingle all the way until the morning after when you woke up with her nude body resting on top of yours. When you first woke up you were afraid that such a sweet night had only been a part of your subconscious, yet feeling her warmth against you all doubts left you. In their wake, however, a path of fear for what the future might bring for the both of you and for the insecurity that one day you two might be separated made their bitter way to you. You bit your lips in discontent and chose to instead look at Ahsoka, she wore a soft expression while one of her cheeks rested on top of your chest, then you looked around you to the multiple bottles of alcohol resting on every surface. You stopped your contemplation when you felt her shift and slowly wake up, it was a wish come true to be the very first thing she looked at after she woke up and the smile she gave you easily ascended your soul.
—g'mornin—Ahsoka said softly with a rough tone before yawning, you moved your hand to her montrals and ran it thru them.
—Good morning, if you allow me to get up I will make breakfast for the both of us—you said in a whisper, Ahsoka only moved after a big sigh and you got up to the kitchen.
Luckily there was no one on the ship to question the stupid smile plastered on your face, and as you finished preparing the tea cups and setting them in a tray you couldn't help but think about her, about how a gurgling feeling moved around in your insides, leaving a viscous trail everywhere it touched. Around your heart you felt something aching to a chain connect the both of you, the only difference is that yours suffocated the organ and the links of it, red hot, left their imprints on it. Yet it wasn't as bad as described, or at least it could be worse, the weight of the need to protect her from everything and everyone could be crushing you, it could impair your walking as it manifested into cannon balls tied around your ankles, yet still, despite how bad it actually was, you were willing to experience it all of it was for the sake of her safety. Should someone peep into your mind in this moment and the only thing they could get out of it were the abhorrent acts you would commit just to maintain her happiness.
A liquid running thru your fingers stopped your train of obsessive thoughts. The metal mug you held in your hand was deformed in the shape of your hand. You stared at it in a mixture of horror and amusement, like detailed before, your physical strength was below average at best for a force sensitive person, so while you kept staring at you hand you couldn't help but feel worried, these emotions you felt weren't right, I mean, what if instead of being a mug or any type of cutlery it was Ahsoka's hand you broke? Immediately your started making a new batch yet worried thoughts couldn't escape your mind.
Such strength could only mean one thing: you were turning to the dark side since it was impossible for you to be this strong with the side your had always been on, yet the idea of it wasn't all that farfetched, after all not even the chosen one could witness such a traumatic event as the purge was and even live on a sith temple for years and not fall. "Falling to the dark side" was, at first, not a common theme of discussion within the temple, at least not one to speak about outside of your room with your most trusted friend, yet when the war started it slowly became more popular and, for some reason, you always ended up in the right place to hear such conversation; speaking from complete ignorance, people said that falling felt like being burnt alive, or like you were drowning, even if none of them had ever experienced it they had a million and one ways of describing it and all of them had one thing in common, it was painful. You didn't think that was the case though, you had always thought that it wasn't something that would happen from one second to the other, from what you had seen it probably took years for someone to completely fall and unless pointed out they probably never even realized it, after all, one never notices that they have gone mad until someone else tells them, and even then they might not even believe it. Still, such a thing couldn't be happening to you, for if that was the case then very person you spent the night with would have noticed.
—What's taking you so long?—distracted by Ahsoka's voiced you looked at her, she was leaning on the doorframe as she watched you.
—I—you paused for one second to decide whether to tell her or not but ultimately deciding not to—I was distracted and got the sugar confused with the salt—you lied, a lie so simple it would go right past her.
Ahsoka's laugh echoes in the hallways and kitchen.
—Some times you can be such an airhead—you feigned a blush of shame and walked up to her with both mugs—let's go to bed already, the ship's cold—she rubbed her hands on her shoulders to prove a point and as she hurriedly walked to the room you followed behind her.
She covered you first with the sheets and then her, in the middle of both you placed the mugs.
—Do we not have a job today?—you asked, scared that something would stop this dream you were in.
—Not today—Ahsoka reassured you—the Force as been stagnant lately, don't you feel it too?—you nodded even though it wasn't the case—when it feels like that it's better to take some time off, to meditate and recenter yourself. It's easy to loose oneself, especially after all we've been thru, so you have to be very careful.
You agreed with her and was also relieved that you infact hadn't started to fall to the dark side. The remainder of the day you spend it with her, from meditations to naps neither of you wanted to leave the other and so, even though you always came back to what had happen in the morning you didn't care too much about it, even if it was something serious you would procrastinate today and think about it tomorrow.
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shrenvents · 1 year
My Bounty.
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Warnings: Smut. Vaginal, unprotected sex, force play. Minors dni
Pairing: Clone Wars (single) Anakin Skywalker x Bounty Hunter reader
Summary: Anakin Skywalker goes above and beyond to make your life difficult, taking whatever he wants without explanation. So when reader confronts him, things don’t go exactly as planned.
Word count: 1.7k
The meddling nature of the Jedi was nothing compared to the nature of Anakin Skywalker. His darkness seeps its way into everything. His dark robe, gloves, boots, curls, eyes. He was the darkness enveloping me in a dizzying spiral of hate and desire. And he did it again. He stole my bounty just so he could give me that dark look.
His gaze observes the way my fists clench and how I chew my bottom lip. A wicked smirk dances on his face as clones praise and pat him on the back. He knew exactly what he was doing, watching me with an intensity, that had me shaking.
Finally, Anakin’s eyes move away from my figure, beckoned by his Master. He stalks towards Obi-Wan Kenobi and his mocking facade breaks instantly. I nearly scream at the sight. What was he hoping to achieve? Stealing my potential profits is certainly an interesting pastime, not one you would expect from “the chosen one.”
I huff out my frustration, deflating my tense shoulders. With his back now turned, I relax. Pivoting on my heel, I hurry away from the scene. On to the next hunt, before Skywalker gets the chance to take it from me.
Frankly, I have no clue how it started, his fixation with making me miserable. I almost feel paranoid, as if I’m making up the whole debacle. But from the way he looks at me, unspeaking, I know this truly is my reality. Anakin Skywalker hates me.
Now glaring at my reflection within the confines of my room, my restraint runs thin. I’m not gonna do it. I’m not gonna do it. I’m not gonna do it. I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna confront him because that sort of thing always goes well.
I head out towards the Jedi temple where Skywalker is most likely training his Padawan. While marching over, I contemplate the arguments I will bring up when face-to-face with him. How I will look into those comet-like eyes and not get distracted by his plump lips.
Moral of the story, I’m going to put an end to this one-sided game we play.
Once my vision connects with his broad back, his name escapes me without hesitation, “Anakin.” Saying it takes me by surprise, seeing as though I’ve never said it before. But clearly, it shocks him more, as when he turns around, his eyes are vaguely wider than I’ve ever seen them. “Y/n,” he says back flatly, face becoming neutral. Now I’m really taken aback by the way my name rolls off his tongue. Quickly, I collect myself and remember my well-thought-out points.
“What are you doing?” And out the window they go.
Anakin quirks his head quizzically. His silent reply to my rather stupid question ticks me off further. I’m practically vibrating with rage. “That was my mark you stole today Skywalker, you realize that?”
As if he’s finally understood my inarticulate speech, his lips part dumbly in “awe.” There he goes pushing my buttons, silently watching me unravel. “You think I wouldn’t notice?“ My face flushes red as I elaborate. “All the crooks you’ve miraculously caught are always the bounty that I’m after.”
There's a beat of silence where he inspects the way my chest heaves in exasperation. Then he speaks. “About time you did.” He states matter-of-factly. My jaw drops. “Excuse me? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I’ve been waiting for you to notice,” he remarks with a bored look.
“Notice what?” I spit out, scowling at him.
“Me,” he finishes plainly. Silence engulfs us again and I take note of how close we’ve become. “Why would you want that?” I question, utterly perplexed.
“What do you mean?” Anakin’s brows furrow.
“I mean you’ve never spoken to me before.”
“Neither have you.” He counters. My fists tremble.
“Why then? Why do you need me to notice you?” I demand.
“What other reason can there be?” He grumbles while giving me a once-over, and then something clicks. My face falls.
“Those looks you give me-”
“Say just how much I want you, more than words ever could.” He ends my sentence, his face remaining stoic. My heart hammers wildly. I suspect he’s now waiting for me to make a move, to say anything, maybe even reject him. Instead, I hastily circle my head around, surveilling for bystanders before frantically grasping at his robe and pushing him into a nearby room. His facade flatters once again and I see puzzlement consume his face.
After I awkwardly turn the door knob and take us into the empty room, I shove him away. Anakin staggers back, looking completely disoriented, almost regretful. “Y/n?” He trails off. My anger is radiating off my body, and I know he can feel it.
“You should’ve said something,” I assert, seething.
“I’m-“ Anakin is abruptly cut off by my lips smashing against his. With my arms reaching around his neck, I can feel his body freeze. After a short moment, I start to peel away, dejected by his stillness. But Anakin instantly chases after me, no longer shying away.
He gropes my waist, and one arm pulls around it, while the other slides up my spine to rest between my shoulder blades. A moan evades my throat and is met with a deep groan.
His palms carve out my figure and fist at my clothes. Whines rush out my mouth as his tongue mingles with mine. He vigorously makes work of me, and I have to pull away. Though his lips instinctively follow me, I’m out of reach, so he settles for my neck. Sucking fervently, one may fear the spots he’s making, but in this moment, truthfully, I couldn't care less.
“Ani,” I whimper, and he growls against my nape in response. “Fuck, I need you,” I whisper. I feel his movements lurch and he mumbles something, but I can't seem to hear it over my haggard breathing.
He tears himself away from my neck, still keeping my body pressed against his. He then shifts his gaze around the room. “There’s no furniture here, I’ll just have to fuck you standing.” An audible gasp flees my mouth as Anakin slings my body around his torso, legs straddling his hips. His hands clench around my thighs as he hoists me up, securing me in place.
Fortunately, the short gown I threw on this morning made it easy for Anakin's crotch to caress my core through his pants. I push down on him and he groans at our proximity. "I was wondering when you would snap," Anakin mutters into my ear as his grip tightens. I whimper. "Screw you."
"Be patient. You will." He soothes. Digging my front teeth into my bottom lip, I drop my forehead to his shoulder as our lower halves grind against one another.
The sounds of our moans crowd the room and I can't take it anymore. "Kriff patience, I'm done waiting, General," I command in the most sensual voice I can muster. Evidently, my attempt to provoke him works because one of his hands leaves my thigh and clutches my hair in a fist, tugging my head back so his lips can crash into mine again. His other hand shifts down to his slacks. His breath hitches when he releases his cock, and so does mine when it springs up to my clothed clit. "Oh maker," I just about scream, head falling back.
His hands make quick work moving my underwear aside, and his member brushes against my folds. I shudder and screw my eyelids shut. I feel Anakin's gaze fixate on me. "Look at me." Hearing his order, I immediately obey.
Eyes fluttering open, I look into his lust-filled ones. Getting flustered by their heat, I squirm. "Y/n." He hushes, breath blowing across my face. Glancing at his features briefly, I nod, communicating what we both desperately need.
We both hold our breaths as he brings me down on his length in a slow glide. His cock pierces my entrance, and I clamp down on my incoming yelp. He was big. I hear him distractedly repeat my name, face buried in my collar. My eyes look to the ceiling in prayer.
His movements dissipate midway, and I feel his stomach clench. "You take me so well." He mumbles almost to himself. All I can do is bob my head in response. In this short pause, the pain disperses and all I feel is him - pleasure, darkness. His arms snake around my waist while mine harden around his nape.
Suddenly, he plunges into me, filling me up completely. My cry echoes throughout the room and I instantly sink my teeth into the cartilage of his ear. The growl that leaves him is next to primal. His rhythmic pounding begins to pick up speed, and I can barely keep up with each stroke. "Kiss me," he stammers out. Reeling back, I lock eyes with him before diving my tongue into his mouth.
His hips snap into my own, over and over. His stomach clenches once more and he pants into my mouth, "I'm close." Though I feel incredible, I'm not quite close to my limit, and he senses it.
One of his palms unravels from my body, steadily hovering over my center. Thinking he's going to touch me, I arch my back away from his embrace to allow space for his digits to meet my clit. But, as I wait, an unexpected pressure attacks my core. I gasp away from his lips and I peer down, leaning my forehead on his.
His hand isn't physically touching me, yet I feel as though I'm close to climaxing. Bewildered, I shoot my eyes from his floating hand to his lewd expression. His grin is strangely smug as he watches me. Then it registers: he's using the force to make me cum. Completely stunned, I simply bore my eyes into him, mouth agape.
Our orgasms come at once and wash over us at his charge. He puffs out a loud sigh of relief and continues to hold me, pumping slower than before, til the action ceases.
"Maker," I huff, "Next time, just use your words, and I'm yours." A smile forms on his face. He sheepishly nods, "Next time."
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Y/n: Hey, Anakin
Anakin: Yes love- I mean. Yes, Master y/l/n?
Y/n: Have you ever realized that if you replaced the "y" in your surname with an "i" and added an "n" after it, you would be Anakin Skinwalker?
Anakin: What the fuck is a skinwalker?
Anakin: You don't even know what a skinwalker is
Ahsoka: True, but it sounds like something really ugly and creepy, Master Skinwalker
Obi-Wan, who was silently listening to the conversation from the door: Anakin....how did you just call them???
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aurora-starwars · 2 years
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yourneighborhoodporg · 11 months
The Guardian
Series Masterlist
Rating: T
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Summary: When Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka crash land on the desolate, ice planet Hoth, they meet a stranger with great power and deep connections to their past. You join the trio, hoping to face your destiny, which has long been foretold. But when the Separatists and Sith threaten you and your newfound family, you’re forced to make sacrifices to defend your friends, fulfill the prophecy, and protect the man you’ve grown to love.
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Part I: Rescue of the Fates
The Hoth Arc
Chapter 1: The Accident
Chapter 2: The Revelation
Chapter 3: The Escape
The Arrival Arc
Chapter 4: Arrival— Part 1 & Part 2
Chapter 5: Identity
Chapter 6: Patience
Chapter 7: Master
The Dark Waters Arc
Chapter 8: Blackened Water— Part 1 & Part 2
Chapter 9: Ancient Instruments
Chapter 10: Troubled Water
Part II: Dawn of Enmity
The Malevolence Arc
Chapter 11: Alone— Part 1 & Part 2
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anakinskwkler · 1 month
Just thinking about how Anakin and Ashoka were just babies during the clone wars☹️
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biggestsimponhere · 11 months
Hi there! Could you write a angst fic with either Obi wan or Luke x female reader either the prompt : Please don't leave
Like maybe the reader catches a really bad illness and (obi wan or luke) is by their bedside pleading. Readers fate could be left up to you :)
Sickness - Obi-wan Kenobi x f!reader
Mysterious illnesses were not new to the jedi order, what was new however was it taking out one of their best jedi. You’ve been sick in the med bay for several weeks now. They’re doing extensive research on how to help you. Meanwhile Obi-wan has been by your bedside for as long as the council has allowed. It was nearing the middle of the night when Anakin walked in. “Obi-wan? Why are you still here? You need to sleep” Anakin said walking over and laying his hands on his brothers shoulders. “I will sleep, when she’s awake anakin” Obi-wan said rubbing his tired eyes.
“She wouldn’t want this” Anakin said moving in front of obi-wan. “I know she wouldn’t want this, but what if I leave and she wakes up and then i’m not here” He said stubbornly. “At least go take a shower, please, i’ll watch her and you’ll be the first to know if anything happens” Anakin said calmly. “Fine, a shower, a quick one though” The man said finally standing up. Before he left he leaned over leaving a feather light kiss on your forehead.
Once anakin was sure obi-wan was far enough away he started talking. “I- well i don’t typically do this, you know that, but i miss you, and obi-wan misses you, so please wake up soon yeah? Who else is gonna boss me and ‘soka around?” He said his voice lacking the usual spark of joy. He received no response which of course he knew was gonna happen. “Just come home okay?” He said bringing your hand up to his lips to place a soft kiss. Almost as soon as your hand was set down obi-wan walked back into the room. “I’ve showered” He said as he moved back to your bedside. “I see, please rest a little even if it’s just right here” Anakin said squeezing obi-wans hand.
“I will try anakin” Obi-wan promised laying his hand on top of anakins to squeeze it back. “I’ll be back later and you better have rested” Anakin said before leaving the room. Obi-wan moved as close as he could be to the bed without getting on it. “My love, please come home, p-please-,” he swiped away a tear, “Please don’t leave me” He continued to sniffle and cry as quiet as he could. Typically in a situation like this he’d look for guidance from his master but all of this is just reminding him that you, his only pillar since qui-gon passed, could very well die.
Another few hours passed as obi-wan slept soundly in his chair next to your bedside. Then your fingers twitched, not very noticeable, but significantly enough that when the nurse who came in to check that the machines were working properly, she noticed. She moved to check your vitals and saw that whatever you came down with was passing. She left quickly and went to fetch the doctor. When they came back in the room they noticed that you were now wide awake and looking frantically around the room. Your eyes darted over every surface before landing on obi-wan.
You then looked over to the door that had just opened. Noticing the doctors you moved to ask what happened but then you started coughing. The nurse quickly rushed over and passed you a glass of water. Once your throat felt better you spoke. “What happened?” You said softly. “You were sick, you were out for several weeks but you’re doing much better now” The doctor spoke in a volume much too loud. You raised your hand to your lips in a ‘Be quiet’ motion before pointing to obi-wan still soundly sleeping next to you.
The doctor nodded and quickly left taking the nurse with him. It wasn’t until an hour later that obi-wan woke up. He looked up to see you looking down at him with a soft expression. “You’re awake! Did the doctors come in, you need the doctors, doc-,” He began to say before you cut him off. “Obi, i’ve been awake, i’ve seen the doctors, it’s okay”. He stopped yelling, somewhat reluctantly. “Alright, how long have you been awake?” He asked softly. “Only a little while, how long have you been awake? i know you haven’t left” You said reaching up to run a hand through his hair.
“How did you know that?” He said slightly shocked. “As it turns out whatever comatose experience i was in, i could still hear, at least i could when i was awake. I heard you and anakin earlier when he said you haven’t left, then i heard anakin and then you. I won’t leave you my love” You said scratching your nails gently along the side of his beard. “Please don’t” He said, tears forming in his eyes. “Come up here with me” You say softly, moving over slightly. He climbed into the bed with you and wrapped his arms around your middle.
“It’ll be okay” You say carding your hand through his hair. Eventually he fell asleep wrapped around you. Soon after Anakin came back in. He has clearly been crying you thought as he moved to the chair obi-wan was sitting in. He hadn’t looked up from the ground since he came in so you slid your hand under his chin to make him meet your eyes. “Anakin? What’s wrong?” You ask softly as you see tears glisten in his eyes. “I just don’t want this to happen again” He said leaning into your touch.
“Well i’ll try not to get sick again” You say laughing lightly. He sniffled and then spoke again, “Do you promise? Cause you’re the only mother figure i’ve had in my life since my mom passed and i can’t do that again” He said quietly. “I promise anakin” You say softly, “Would you like to come up here?” You say patting your other side. He hesitantly walked around the bed and climbed into the other side, wrapping his arms around you and obi-wans. Eventually all three of you drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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umeumeumee · 1 year
main masterlist
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only you
red lipstick stains
whispers in the dark
to be yours
a loving feeling
once more to see you
one another
heart to heart
beauty in the snow
moonlight on the river
it’s alright now
when memories snow
to see you
flower’s ambition
practice makes perfect
oe txe’lan ‘anla nga , ch.01 , ch.02 , ch.03
great mother knows all
where you are
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
love language star wars edition. (Rey, Kylo, Ahsoka, Ezra, Maul, Luke, Din, Anakin, Obi Wan)
Awww! I love these type of headcanons
Rey Skywalker - acts of service, words of affirmation
Ahsoka - quality time, words of affirmation
Ezra - physical touch, acts of service
Din Djarin/Mando - this man screams touch starved so physical touch and TONS of quality time
Obi Wan Kenobi - quality time, words of affirmation and physical touch
Darth Maul - gifts (albeit he’s getting used to giving and receiving), physical touch and words
Kylo Ren - all five of them (plus the therapy 👀), good things such as yourself rarely come in a lifetime and he’ll do whatever he can to treasure it
Luke Skywalker - gifts and quality time
Anakin Skywalker - I’m gonna say all five again for him because he’s one to love fiercely and passionately
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years
Hi!! could you please write a ahsoka x fem reader who is a padawan of obi-wan and they share longing stares during meetings and always seek out eachother and one day it all falls apart on one mission, and all of the feelings come out? pls that would be so cool! btw I love your writing <333
•°○♡𝐴𝐿𝑂𝑁𝐸 𝐴𝐺𝐴𝐼𝑁 ♡○°•
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano x fem!reader
Warnings: injury, gunshots, passing out.
Notes: [e/c] = your eye colour.
Tysm for the request and the compliment!! It means a lot and I greatly appreciate it. As usually my requests are open and any feedback is welcome! Ty for reading and enjoy!
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"Your thoughts are so loud I could hear them from across the yard" master Obi-Wans voice breaks my train of thought. I was supposed to be meditating in the courtyard, focusing on how to better myself in anyway possible. But I just can't help it, my mind always thinks of her. Obi-wan thinks that with a little time and effort I can get over my little crush, that it's just a natural response to being a teenager.
But what he doesn't know is that both you and Ahsoka have been feeling like this for God knows how long. Anakin knows it, of course he does. But he doesn't say anything. He wants the two of you to be able to feel what your feeling rather than get shut down and ridiculed. And Ahsoka- Ahsoka just pushes it down and pretends its not there so she doesn't give herself a mental breakdown.
"I'm sorry master." I say with a sigh. I mean it's not like I try to think about her, I just can't help it. "Don't be sorry padawan, just try again." He finds a seat next to you on the grass and starts his own meditation. Obi-wan is too patient, and yet he knows that forcing you to ignore it will just make the emotions stronger, like someone blowing on a campfire.
The next day your walking into the mess hall trying everything you can to just stay calm and focused and- "HEY [NAME]!" Baris shouts from a table, she's sitting with Ahsoka and waving you over to her. Just sit and eat with her, that's what friends do.
"Hey Baris...Ahsoka" jeez I can't even say her name without turning into a blushing mess. You attempt to make conversation with Baris but every time you steal a quick glance at Ahsoka she's staring right back, it's almost unbearable.
Later in the day you shuffle your way into you and your masters shared room, feeling like your emotions are about to explode. Your exhaustion hangs on you like a thick fog. When you enter the room Obi-wan is pacing and has his "I'm about to tell you something important so you better listen" face.
"Master?" You call out, breaking him from his moment of concentration.
"Oh there you are, sit down please."
You nervously sit down on your bed, dreading what news Obi-Wan was about to give you.
"Listen [name], I just received word from the council that you and I, as well as Anikin and Ahsoka will be sent on a mission -" I tense up and he gives out a knowing sigh before continuing. "to Felucia. I know how you have been struggling lately, but you mustn't let these emotions distract you. This is a important mission and I will do anything I can to make sure this- this- infatuation doesn't get the better of you." Taken aback by his choice of words your suddenly hit with the realization that maybe what you feel for Ahsoka is more than just hormones. Your exited you get to go on a mission with Ahsoka but nervous, what if something goes wrong? You don't want to disappoint your master either and don't want to make a fool of yourself in front of Ahsoka.
Sitting next to ahsoka during the briefing was like waiting for a bomb to go off. You just had to keep your mouth shut and your eyes on the two jedi masters, Rex and Cody. You could feel Ahsoka looking at you, and it took everything in you not to look back.
On the ship you had gotten bored and decided to go for a walk. You turned of your mind and just let your feet take you somewhere. And of course your feet just happened to take you to Ahsoka.
She was in a small room on the ship, meant to be a sort of living room I suppose. A couple small couches and a music player. There was no one else in the room but her. She was standing in front of the large window that showed the scene of stars all around us. Her face seemed to glow in the reflection of the millions of little lights. I was in awe, not just from her but from the view. On corosaunt it's rare to see stars, (air pollution things amirite?) so to see them this close was a dream come true.
"Aren't they beautiful?" She said and traced some of the stars with her finger on the window pane.
"Yeah...it is" I softly say and turn to look at her. "Yeah" she hums back and looks at me with a little smile. It was such a sweet moment before it was rudley interrupted with the announcement that we were landing shortly. We both went our separate ways to find our masters. "See you soon!" She waved goodbye and I did too.
Running through the jungle with Ahsoka would have been fun if not for the terrorists trying to kill us. We were supposed to scout around and report back to Anakin and Obi-Wan but did not expect to stumble into a camp full of separatist terrorists with guns. Lots of guns. We jump through the thick muggy leaves and avoid the blaster shots. Ahsoka jumps up onto a rock ledge above us and I stay runing on the dirt ground. We try our best to deflect the shots with our sabers but there's so many shots it's really very hard to. We're almost back at the camp I can see the familiar structures just a ways away. Ahsoka turns her head to check on the enemies, when did she manage to get that far ahead of me? As she turns she doesn't see the ledge coming to a end infront of her. "Ahsoka!" I yell but instead of drawing her attention to the upcoming cliff she turns all her focus to me, slowing down to a lighter jog.
A blaster shot to the abdomen. She falls and stumbles off the cliff falling to the hard ground.
No no no no no no please, no.
"AHSOKA" I run, I run farther than I could ever dream of, my legs burn and so do my eyes. By now the camp has heard my scream and blaster shots, clones coming to help us and shoot out the terrorists.
I can't focus on that though, can't even register someone calling my name as I drag Ahsoka into a bushy area to get cover from the shots. She's bleeding, a lot and her eyes open and close slowly. She's going to die part of me thinks.
"No" I whisper as tears start falling down my face. "Stay awake Ahsoka please". My grip on her is tight and I tear a peice of cloth to wrap around her waist. "[Name]...what's happening?" She looks weak and dejected, it's not a look that suits her. "Your going to be fine" I say with firmness. "Why are your crying?" She asks and brings her hand to hold my face and wipe the tears away. I haven't even registered Obi-Wan standing above me and crouching down to assess Ahsokas injuries. Anakin is screaming his head off at everyone and everything to get help. "[Name], you have to let her go. She'll be ok but we have to get her to the cruiser" Obi-Wan speaks softly to not upset me but I can barley register what he's saying. I do register him trying to peel my arms off of ahsoka which does upset me. I pull ahsoka tighter to me and cradle her shoulder under my chin."[Name]. Let her go, she will die if you do not let us help." I look down and notice she's fallen unconscious and I realize the fatal seriousness of the situation. I nod and kiss her head before handing her off to Obi-Wan so he can help put her on a stretcher.
When Ahsoka wakes up she is blinded by the white lights above her, she blinks slowly. There's machines beeping and iv's in her arm. She turns her head and sees you, asleep in the chair next to the hospital bed, your still wearing the clothes from the battle.
The battle. She remembers. She fell. And you were there.
"Yknow she hasn't left your side since you fell" Anakin speaks from her side. "It took me and Obi-Wan eons to convince her to get some sleep." He softly chuckles. Ahsoka admires your sleeping face, lips parted and brows furrowed. "How long was I asleep?" She asks, eyes still focused on you. "5 days." Her master replies with a sorrowful tone, she can tell he hasn't gotten any sleep either. "FIVE DAYS????!!@" She nearly yells and immediately covers her mouth remember that your sleeping right next to her. She sees you stir and blink slightly. You looks up and it takes you a few seconds to realize she's looking back and you, awake.
You jump up from your seat and carefully grab her hands and look at her with awe. "Ahsoka! You're- you're awake!!" You smile and feel your eyes tear up a bit, and breathe out a sigh of relief. You both just stair at eachother with lovesick little faces. Anakin clears his throat and begins to shuffle out the door.
"Right well, good to see you snips but I think I hear Obi-Wan calling my name." He quickly shuts the door and leaves the two of you alone.
"I'm sorry." You both speak at the same time. Small giggles fall from your lips and she laughs with you. "Wait what are you sorry for?" She asks worridley.
"Well um I mean the whole reason you fell is because I distracted you and then you fell and I didn't stop you from falling and then when you did fall all I did was-mmph" your words are cut off from her leaning up and kissing you with as much grandure as she can muster. Your cheeks are on fire and she pulls away just enough to look into your eyes looking for something in their [e/c] haze.
Both your heads whip to the door at the sound of someone speaking. Eyes wide with embarrassment.
"I'm going to pretend I didn't see that. See you at supper [name]" Obi-Wan playfully chides from the doorway and once again the two of you are alone.
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respectfulkitfistosimp · 11 months
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When I saw Ahsoka's sith eyes I literally had to take a second to calm down and fan my face. Like, I know that being a sith and therefore having sith eyes goes against her whole character but it got me thinking.
Imagine Sith! Ahsoka:
Who's just lost so much and she can't loose you too.
Who needs to have you in her line of sight the entire time.
Who has deep trust issues (and might not completely trust you either) so she's always up in you business.
And with trust issues comes jealousy, so she isolates the both of you in some planet and you'll have everything you need, which is her!
In the rare chance that you two have to go to a town or something she's always behind you, not just to keep you safe, but to keep you in check too.
Who is still soft spoken and has a beautiful smile but there's something sinister behind it.
Ahsoka genuinely thinks that you can't fend for yourself, but that's okay, that's why she's there!
If she can keep her hand on you the entire day then she will, even better if she can leave some marks.
You two are always together but just on a physical level, Ahsoka never tells you about herself or how she feels or if something is wrong or right...
So when Ahsoka finally opens up you understand her, not excuse her. Still, you comfort her, tell her sweet nothings, hold her close and try to make sense out of her jammed mind.
And Ahsoka is so grateful for that that even if she's still a little suspicious she lets you walk off her sight, after all you two have such a deep connection that she can sense if you're going to leave her, right?
So now you're presented with a choice: stay with Ahsoka or leave.
If you stay then she'll be more than happy, it will be practically impossible to bring her back to the light side, but there's always hope!
But if you leave then things will clearly not end well for you. Once she catches you and brings you back then Ahsoka will make sure one way or the other that you never leave her again.
Anyway, it's very possible that I'm not understanding the dark side and it's effects on people correctly, but a girl can dream, right?
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weixuldo · 2 years
Enigma// Ch 2
Modern!Anakin x Reader
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(a/n: So I’ve got an idea about this story, but dont worry I’m gonna juggle this one and unconditionally :) as always ty for reading and I hope you enjoy this one just as much as my other stories)
as time goes on you grow closer to Ahsoka, though you still wonder about her friend...
Warnings: cursing, alcohol, mature content?, anakin is an asshole, PTSD, 
A few weeks passed without seeing the group from that night, though you had become closer with Ahsoka. The two of you had exchanged texts and did study sessions quite often. You found that not all D1 athletes were complete assholes. The two of you liked to go club hopping on friday nights and tonight in particular the two of you were already buzzed by 7:30. 
You enjoyed Ahsoka, she could make friends with about anyone, her jovial spirit mixed with her seemingly infinite wisdom drew so many people to you guys. But the more you hung out with her the more you remembered her friend, Anakin. 
You hadn't seen him since the night you first met him, though you wished you could have seen him more.
There was just something so interesting about him…
“Hey!! Ready for a shot?” Ahsoka smiled, placing two small glasses on the table in front of you. You smiled and took one from her. The two of you downed the vials of liquor and began to laugh. 
“Ahhahah, that one burned” she laughed making a face at the drink.
“I’ll get the next round, but we’re doing a mixed drink” you offered, to which she threw a thumbs up. 
She plopped down on the stook next to you and pulled out her phone. Ahsoka was a curious girl, she seemingly could drink forever and not have a hangover, but at the same time keep up her healthy D1 physique and talent. Tonight her hair was in box braids and she sported a simple maroon slip dress. 
You were also dressed up and the two of you were definitely collecting the attention of all kinds of people. You took a look around to look at your fellow attendants, there were some conventionally attractive people, but you couldn’t get her friend out of your head.
Shamefully you had tried to find him on all social media but were saddened to see he either didn’t have a profile or the one he did have, had no posts. You glanced up at your friend who was deeply invested in whatever text conversation she was having on her phone. 
You were filled with liquid courage so why not ask the question that was looming in the back of your mind for months.
“Hey, Ahsoka… remember your friend Ben and the other one?” you asked, trying to sound innocent.
“Yeah, Ben and Anakin,” she said, still typing.
“How do you know them?”
She set her phone down and smiled, “Yeah, so Anakin was my neighbor when I was a kid and he was friends with Ben. But we got a lot closer when they went to high school because they did ROTC and my dad was the Commander for their school. When they would have to go to meets I liked to tag along so they kinda made me like their little sister. but when I finally went to high school ROTC they were already in the real military, so yeah” she shrugged near the end. 
Makes sense why he had all of that military stuff.
“That’s really cool Ahsoka! Ben seems really sweet and so does Anakin… kinda… Is that why you were celebrating with them? Because of the military job? ” you trailed off.
She let out an abrupt laugh, “Sorry! Hah, Anakin isn’t the best at first impressions, and yeah funny thing is I’m gonna be doing basic training with the same sergeant they were under.”
“That's nice” you smiled “And yeah… I really don’t think he wanted anything to do with me”.
She gave you a funny look, “Well, he did let you stay at his house, so he doesn’t totally hate you”
“I was drunk, he probably woulda done that for anyone” you scoffed.
“Hmmm I don't know F/N, He’s quite picky as to who is allowed in his “cave”. He could've just said no.”
You pondered for a moment before speaking again, “Is he nice? Cause he was a little scary”.
“He’s honestly a sweetheart if you get to know him, he just keeps a lot of walls up because he’s scared too.”
“Scared of what?” you asked.
“Scared of people judging him or looking down on him for shit he’s done or shit he deals with” she said flatly. 
“Hmmm…” you smiled. “Maybe not the best time, but is he single?” you asked, alcohol heating your cheeks.
She grinned at that, “Yes, yes he is… why do you ask?”.
“Oh, I don't know…he was kinda cute” you looked away.
“Would you maybe want his number?” she asked
You snapped your head towards her, “Yes?!”.
Both of you started to giggle, “let's order the next round first” you offered.
Once you had your new drinks perched prettily in front of you she began to give you his number. 
“Sooo, I just want to let you know he has a lot of baggage… buuuut you should totally go for it” she smiled.
Baggage? You wanted to uncover his secrets. As you typed his number into your phone you realized neither Ahsoka nor you would be doing this, or even discussing this sober. You hoped she wouldn’t remember all of tonight. 
“just want to make sure, do you think he’d be comfortable with me having his number?” you asked sheepishly.
She giggled and pulled out her phone, “I think he’d be blushing on the other side of the screen”.
“Yeah, I know him really well and ever since we stayed at his place, he’s brought you up several times” she remarked as she sent the contact information.
“Really? Me?” you asked, astonished.
“Mhmm, he's been like “Where's your little friend Ahsoka?” and hinting at inviting my other “Friends” over when we hang out, and I know he knows you’re the only one I usually hang out with outside of them and school” she laughed as she brought her drink to her lips.
Once she was done she added, “and trust me, that is him showing interest. I haven't seen him like this in a long ass time”.
“I don’t think I did anything particularly outstanding to earn his attention” you lamented, adding his contact into your phone. 
She shrugged and finished her drink.
It was now around 10:30 or was it 1:00? Ahsoka was still going strong, dancing with some random people you two had just met. She was quite impressive.
You, on the other hand, were winding down at the bar. you drank more than you usually did and were debating if you should go back to the dorms tonight or find someone to stay with.
Your insides felt warm because of the alcohol sitting nicely in your stomach. Your cheeks were rosy and you were feeling fucking fantastic. You observed the people in the club, some were dancing, others heavily making out, but a couple across the floor caught your attention.
They were sitting together, hands entwined and you saw the guy crane his neck to kiss her head. They looked like they were supposed to be at a romantic picnic, not a club. They were so lovely, so caring, so perfect…
You wanted that. 
You wanted that so bad. 
The alcohol definitely made you bold, because you reached into your purse and pulled out your phone. Before you knew it your message was sent up in a small bubble.
You placed the phone back down but it dinged almost immediately. 
Who is this, and how do you get this number?
“Its F/N, Ahsoka’s friend, and she gave it to  me”
Why do you need my number?
You felt yourself blush, why did you need the number?
“Idk? I have just kinda been thinking abt u…”
He took a while to respond to that
It's Friday, the two of you must be out, how long have you been drinking?
“Maybee, and idkk”
You laughed at his concern, it was kinda cute.
Soon you heard your phone ringing, it was him.
“Hheelloo?” you answered
“How long have the two of you been out?” you heard him say from the other side of the phone. His voice was a tad raspy but just as good as you remembered. 
“Umm, I don't know since like 7:30??”
“Christ! Its fucking 3 in the morning F/N!” he growled.
You felt a nice sensation shoot to your core. Your name sounded so nice on his tongue. You wanted him to say it again.
“We’re fine, we were just gonna get an uber or somethi-” you were cut off by a wobbly Ahsoka.
“Who ya talking to?!” she asked
Giggling you told her “anakin”
She excitedly shouted, “Ahhaha! Hey Sky guy!! Come and *hic* party with us!!”
“Damnit, where are you two?”
Ahsoka giggled and told him the location.
“I’m calling Ben to pick you two up, you better be fucking glad he doesn’t have work tomorrow”
You were saddened at his words, why was he not coming?
“Where exactly is he gonna drop us?” you shot back, harsher than you intended.
You heard him sigh on the other side, “He’ll drop you two at my place, it's not safe for you two to be unsupervised”.
“Says who?” you said back.
“Me. i’m not going to stay on the line with some irresponsible college students”
Ahsoka butted in, “HEY! Don’t act like you were any better than we are, I know for a fact you do just as much as us Anakin Skywalker!” and with that she hung up.
She huffed and crossed her arms, “he thinks he’s so much better than us because, what? He’s older? Cause he doesn’t club? He’s just as bad, he just does it alone” she huffed with a frown. 
(A/N: ok, so if you dont know what ROTC is its basically like the junior military program in highschools, it may just be an american thing? But anyway, ik Ahsoka’s parents arent in actual cannon, so they wont be and integral part of this story anyways. Also I do not condone getting this drunk lmfao)
taglist: @dnamht @sxoulohvn @angeelcoree @wtf-andys @httpeachesblog @katsukiswrld @jetiikote
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Ahsoka: Ok, the plan is easy. You just go there, gently tap on her shoulder to have her attention and say "hi!". Possibly smiling
Obi-Wan, interrupting his reading: Are you really asking for advice on...having the most basic human interaction?
Anakin: Shut up. Do you think it'll work Ahsoka?
Obi-Wan, resuming reading and sipping his tea: Attachment is forbidden by the way.
Y/n, entering the room: Hi guys! What did I miss?
Ahsoka and Anakin in unison: NOTHING!
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adrunkskeletonsduck · 2 years
➜ Pairing: Platonic!Ahsoka Tano x reader
➜ Warnings: Angst, none
➜ Word Count: 0.8k
➜ Notes: This was originally supposed to be for a request but then I messed it up. Also, thank you for 400, you have no idea how much it means to me 😭🙏💗
Sᴛᴀʀᴡᴀʀs Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
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“Ahsoka!” You called to her, watching as she descended the steps of the temple, her head hanging uncharacteristically low as she walked. You’d heard the results of her trial and had been on your way back to the temple after your latest mission to congratulate her enthusiastically.  
It hadn't been fair, the way the council had turned their backs on her so quickly or how she was being accused of a crime that she didn’t commit. You knew how much it had affected her, and you were beyond upset that you hadn't been able to be there to support her. The council couldn’t have chosen a worse time to send you off on a mission. Or maybe the timing had been purposeful, who knew.  
Her head turned at the sound of your voice, eyes glossy and weighed down with guilt. A deep sense of dread pooled in your stomach. She’d proven her innocence, she had won, so why did she look so glum? You sped up your pace, concern painting your every feature and replacing your once cheerful attitude. 
“What happened? What's wrong? I thought Anakin proved your innocence?” the questions tumbled from your lips, one after another as you came to a stop in front of her. Her gaze flitted down to the ground as she answered,  
“He did but...” she paused, taking a sharp breath in. The words were painful, and she didn’t want to say it because it would make the fact that she was about to lose you all the more real. Part of her had hoped your mission would run a little longer so she wouldn’t have to face you. So, she wouldn’t have to be the one who broke the news to you. It was selfish, she knew that, and selfishness wasn’t something Jedi were aloud, but she wasn’t a Jedi anymore.  
 Looking back up at you she spoke again, “but I’m not coming back.” You furrowed your eyebrows, only now noticing the absence of her padawan beads and lightsabers that usually sat on her hips. 
“What do you mean?” you asked, you could feel the weight her words carried, it made your stomach churn uncomfortably.  
“I’m not coming back,” Ahsoka repeated again. And then it all clicked and suddenly you understood. She was leaving. You’d never see her again. Your face paled, your chest clenching as tears sprung to your eyes. 
 You opened your mouth, then closed it as you tried to find the words to voice all your questions and not break down at the same time, but all that came out was a broken sob. A trembling hand came up to cover your mouth as tears spilled over your waterline and down your cheeks.  
“I don’t understand – w-what happened?” You whispered from behind your hand. Your voice shaking as you spoke. A few hot tears of her own ran down her face.  
“I just need to figure this out on my own, without the Jedi,” she said quietly  
“What about me? Are you just going to leave me behind?” your voice twisted in pain, and you had to look away from her as you wiped at your face, a pointless effort as more tears fell to replace the ones that you’d wiped. She pulled you into a hug, wrapping her arms around you tightly and gluing her eyes shut. You reciprocated the gesture, holding her by the waist as the two of you cried into the others shoulder.  
“I-I’ll go with you,” you cried, “I’ll leave right now with you...I just don’t want to lose you.” 
She pulled away, holding you at arm's length and shaking her head, “You belong here, with the Jedi. This is your home.”  
“This is your home to though,” you tried to reason with her, although you knew it was unfair of you to ask her to stay and a pointless effort because she had already made up her mind. You took deep breaths as she answered, forcing yourself to calm down.  
“No,” she whispered sadly, “Not since the council turned their back on me like that,” you nodded in understanding, removing your hands from her arms to wipe at your face again. A raw chuckle escaped your throat, 
“I don’t know what I’m going to do without you.”  
Ahsoka smiled sadly, “You’ll be okay,” she whispered pulling you back into a hug, “You’ll be okay.”  
Her words were whispered as a comfort to the both of you, because you were sure you’d likely never see the other again, and just the thought broke your heart. Your glossy eyes shined brilliantly as you watched her descended the steps until her figure disappeared into the sunset. Watching as the girl you’d grown up with was slipped through your fingers and you could do nothing to stop it. The girl who’d gotten you through your worst moments, who you’d stuck with through thick and thin, who’d been the reason you smiled and laughed for so many years, that girl was gone.   
You’d shared smiles and tears, gone through your darkest and brightest moments together and now, you’d share heartbreak together, one last time.   
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yourneighborhoodporg · 11 months
The Guardian
Chapter 2: The Revelation
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Warnings: hella abandonment, angst, mention of deceased character, banter, fluff, self-doubt, lore-building, reference to enslavement, reference to life-threatening danger.
Summary: In the evening, as the four of you arrive at the shelter, Obi-Wan becomes curious about your past from this time of rest and conversation. While Anakin and Ahsoka conduct repairs the next morning, Obi-Wan decides to stay behind to find answers, his unclear intentions putting you on edge. What he discovers, however, will change his, Anakin's, and the Galaxy's future forever.
Song Inspo: Superwoman — Alicia Keys
Words: 7.2K (it's a big boi)
A/n: THANK YOUUU for the wonderful messages, likes, and reblogs. You’ve made my week! I'm planning on making a taglist so message me if you'd like to be on it. Was so excited to write this one for y’all. Keep your thoughts coming 🥹 Also, poor obi (we mess with him a lil’ in this one 😅)
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Sometimes a ‘mistake’ can end up being the best decision you’ve ever made — Mandy Hale
The journey to the shelter was tiring, but serene. Snow begun to fall a few hours into the trip, its accumulation gradually adding to the weight on your shoulders and boots. Yet you were distracted from the intensifying ache in every joint by the allure of nature’s frosty expanse. The beauty of each shimmering flake accented by the setting sun made you fall in love with Hoth all over again.
Oh, and that sunset. Its red and orange and yellow hues blended together in their final dance before dusk. A pleasant yet shocking contrast to the landscape’s muted whites and shaded grays.
Yes, it was challenging at times, and if you were truly honest with yourself, each moment felt like part of some long, never-ending trial. Everyday, the instant your skin met the chilly outdoors, you were perpetually on high alert. The wildlife was vicious and unpredictable, the terrain bare, the climate deadly.
But then, there were the majesties— the snowfall, the half-light shades, the way the light reflected off milky surfaces all around you. In moments like these, you felt deeply intertwined with the world, even though you’ve never really explored it. Yet despite your isolation, you’ve always found a way to make the most of it. You had a knack for manufacturing fun in the most bleak circumstances. But even that’s been hard to do in the last decade.
You missed him. You really did. And you wondered every second whether this would be the day he returned. Your friend, your mentor, your…
You couldn’t say it. Your heart ached boundlessly.
You’d tell him face-to-face once he returned. And you knew he’d return.
No matter how long he’d been away, sometimes months at a time, he would always bring you the most delectable treats from a place called Corellia. Sweet rolls, if you remember correctly. On the first day of visiting weeks, whether you were studying, training, or reading through old legends, the moment you heard the distant rumble of his shuttle’s engines, you took off sprinting. Up the ladder you’d go, holobooks thrown to the side in chaos, as you booked it to his favorite landing spot. You’d always forget your cloak, making your meeting with the freezing snow an unwelcome one. But you weren’t deterred, not even by the ship’s manufactured mini snow devils that swayed your stance and blinded your vision.
He was always quick to shut off the power before you reached him, opening the door to lightly reprimand you for getting too close to the ship when he was trying to land. But you had only one response.
“Did you bring the sweet rolls?”
And he would laugh, heartily. And reach into his robe to pull out the most mouthwatering fluffed sweet you’d ever seen. You’d grab it with a wide grin, biting your lip as you salivated before running back into the shelter. He’d smile gently at your retreating form. Not that you’ve ever seen it, but his fondness brimmed the air.
You’d wonder if he was reminiscing too, wherever he was. Maybe he was staring up at the same stars as you. Maybe he was on his way here at this very second.
Obi-Wan pulled you out of your fantasies with a gentle tap of the shoulder. You turned to him, continuing to walk alongside the man while Ahsoka and Anakin took their turn on Meetra. When you offered your spot to Obi-Wan an hour earlier, he declined, claiming he preferred to walk.
“Are we nearing the shelter? I don’t see any structures around us.” He questioned while observing his surroundings.
“Don’t worry,” you reassured. “It’s right up here.”
You took a few more steps, checking the distance for certain landmarks. The batch of ice caves to the Southeast stood about two kilometers from the small, folded ice mountains to the West. Yes, this looked right, you thought to yourself before kneeling to the ground.
The travelers watched you quizzically as you began to shovel away snow with your hands and arms, the sleet melting and soaking into your thick gloves. Anakin and Ahsoka demounted, inching closer to get a better look. After a few more labored scoops of hardened ice, a glimmer caught your eye. You cleared the sludge collecting around the metal panel, finding a handle, and pulling it up. The hatch fell open with a clang.
“I live beneath the surface.”
You pulled the sack off your back and dragged it in front of you, opening it slightly to grab a few tufts of lichen which you promptly tossed over to Meetra. She huffed contently, leaning over to enjoy her feast. After closing the bag and tossing it back over your shoulder, you shuffled to position yourself over the entryway ladder before beginning the climb down. One at a time, each traveler followed your descent.
Obi-Wan reached the bottom of the rickety ladder that swayed with each step before turning to take in the dimly lit shelter. He was amazed. The older Jedi soon realized that the entire structure was an old starship encased in thick ice and packed snow. There were stacks of holobooks, even some hard copy novels, scattered across the left wall around an old, tattered bunk. A built-in desk sat on the opposite side, a datapad lying neatly in the center. Most notably, colorful blankets with varying patterns, thickness, and textures were strewn throughout the cabin, some neatly folded and others stretched out like a Tooka cat. A large maroon curtain with reflective gold stitches and floral tones hung toward the far end, likely concealing a separate room. A table and two chairs stood in the nearby corner. Steel storage tins often used to store smaller items on starships were scattered against the walls, contents unknown.
“Your quarters are beautiful!” Ahsoka exclaimed as her feet met the floor.
She strolled right over to a particular forest green-based textile with honey-shaded swirls. The young Padawan lifted it, feeling the charming item between her fingers. “Where did you get all of these colorful fabrics?”
“I’m not sure. They were all gifts from a friend.”
Obi-Wan noticed your downcast expression as you turned away from the group, placing your bag on the desk.
Meanwhile, Anakin examined the shelter’s walls by the holobooks, similarly feeling the material with the pads of his fingers. He checked its thickness with a light knock.
“Huh,” he thought out loud, before turning toward the gracious host. “Is this a scouting vessel? It reminds me of something I’ve read about the old Duros vessels.”
Obi-Wan hid his astonishment, biting his tongue to hide a cheeky comment about Anakin’s reading escapades that seeped into his thoughts.
You turned back around, this time with a bright smile resting on your face. “Yes, it is! It’s been here long before I ever was.”
Anakin continued to pore over his surroundings, lightly crossing each arm.
“Do you know a lot about ancient vessels?” You inquired before opening the sack and pulling out a clump of… moss? You promptly examined it. “I’ve collected lots of information about them. It helps me understand this shelter better. You’ll probably find something about your ship in one of my holobooks, depending on its age.”
Obi-Wan watched as you finished your botanical observations, placing the moss on your desk.
“Thanks!” Anakin said, kneeling to inspect your collection. “Snips?” He motioned at Ahsoka who promptly joined him.
As the two searched for information about the shuttle from your extensive collection, Obi-Wan decided to try approaching you once more. He walked slowly, but confidently, warning you with his presence with a question.
“What is that?”
Your eyes grazed his briefly before returning your focus, pulling apart the mystery plant.
“This, is lichen.” You answered. “It needs time and space to defrost.”
You glanced at Obi-Wan who was slightly taken aback by the intensity of your unnaturally shimmering silver eyes staring deep into his, but he didn’t dare show it.
“Eat it before it’s fully defrosted and your stomach will not be happy.”
The older Jedi raised his eyebrows in amusement. “Duly noted.” He paused, combing over your words once more. “Is this what you’ve survived on during your time here?”
“Only recently.” You shook some ice dollops off a particularly shaggy clump of lichen. “I used to get rations and the occasional batch of medicinal goods, but that was many years ago.”
Obi-Wan’s head tilted. “Oh? What changed? Did cargo ships stop coming to Hoth?”
“No. Cargo ships had no reason to be here. The occasional group of hunters, sure. But as long as I’ve been here, I’ve never seen any working civilization that requested supplies.”
“So, who aided you?” He asked.
“A friend.”
He hummed, pulling at a strand of hair and twisting it with his fingers. Obi-Wan was intrigued by your vagueness, hoping to further inquire into your story and learn the details you seemed to openly avoid sharing.
“Here,” you tossed him a large clump of lichen.
He barely caught it against his chest in surprise, surveying you in delighted curiosity.
“Get to work,” you teased.
He smiled, pausing to watch you carefully before copying your actions with the frigid, crystallized vegetation. The olive-tinted herb felt rough beneath his fingers, and as he pulled it apart, he thought to himself.
There seemed to be more to you. Obi-Wan believed this largely in view of his past exposure to secluded beings. These encounters granted the bearded Jedi broad experience with aloof, nefarious, and aggressive personalities from pirates to wartime saboteurs. Yet his superficial impressions of your disposition— outward confidence and affable charisma— did not align with these assumptions.
That ushered him toward a new rationalization— you may not be here by choice. It could potentially explain your obscurity, Obi-Wan thought. Especially if you were being held here against your will, and feared your detainer. If he wanted to at least see if he could help, Obi-Wan would need to gather more information. It was the least he could do given the warmth you’ve shown three stranded Jedi, or who you thought were lost travelers.
“Found it!” Ahsoka yelled from behind Obi-Wan.
He finished tearing his last moss clod, leaving it on the desk before turning around.
“Emissary-class shuttle owner’s workshop manual.” She sighed with relief with a victorious beam as she shook the holobook in the air to make her point.
Obi-Wan watched as Anakin squinted at the media before turning to you quizzically. “Why do you have a holobook dedicated to obscure ancient manuals?”
“There isn’t much else to do as the sole sentient being on an ice planet,” you deadpanned.
Obi-Wan internally chuckled at your infallible logic.
Anakin seemed equally unimpressed. “Touché.”
Obi-Wan was shocked by how effectively a stranger dealt with Anakin’s lip. No argument, no snide remark from his former Padawan. Just, acceptance.
He gazed at you, really stared, hoping to get a stronger sense of your force. To better understand you. But when he concentrated on your life energy, he couldn’t find it. Despite the Force’s link to everything in the galaxy, it seemed that didn’t include you.
Maybe you were, in fact, a criminal. Extremely adept at hiding the truth. Obi-Wan thought it quite possible that he missed key indications of illicitness, thanks to this strangely dormant force signature within you. In that case, he would need to stay on guard. It would be unfortunate if the group of Jedi had to defend against an attempted robbery in addition to crash landing on a deserted ice planet, even if it was three to one. But it would be even more serious if this whole meeting was instead a larger Separatist ploy to isolate and trap two powerful generals. But Obi-Wan wouldn’t let that theory hold much water for long. He knew war had made him somewhat paranoid. Either way, the older Jedi found it necessary to learn more about you during this accidental detour to Hoth.
You interrupted the silence before he could continue his analysis.
“There will be plenty of time to read the manual in the morning.” You advised. “I recommend you all sleep soon. The shelter keeps us warmer underground, but the temperature will still drop drastically soon. It’s best to sleep through it.”
Obi-Wan was warmed by your compassion. “Thank you for your concern.”
He turned to his former Padawan with a knowing look. It was doubtful that Anakin would follow your instructions, he thought. But it’s still better to be polite. At least Obi-Wan certainly knew from the pull of his eyelids and the discomfort in his knees that he would accept your guidance. Even if you were a criminal, it was nearly impossible to steal from a Jedi, even during sleep.
“We will take your advice.”
“Feel free to use the various linens. The bunk is also open to you. Good night.”
Obi-Wan watched as you turned on your heel and walked toward the curtains behind you, disappearing behind them.
He stared at the shimmering, dark red screen that separated the two of you. His conclusion was that you were an enigma, and Obi-Wan found that fascinating. His curiosity was always piqued by the unknown, which would drive his exploratory mind. There seemed to be so much more to you, but he could only scratch the surface. Your intelligence, kindness, and resourcefulness reminded him of great leaders’ and soldiers’ personalities. And yet, here you were, a solitudinarian on a distant planet in the Outer Rim, spending your days reading old holobooks or collecting moss. More and more, he doubted that you had any unlawful connections. But there was still surely more to your story.
He needed to learn who you were, how you got here, and the identity of this mysterious friend, hoping that these answers assured you were here by choice. As a Jedi, however, he was primarily obligated to discover why he failed to register your life force. He wished, no, he found it imperative to solve this mystery before departing from the planet. Though he also hoped to respect your privacy, not prod into your being and mind when you were winding down to rest. Obi-Wan hoped to avoid that altogether unless absolutely necessary. He was The Negotiator after all, and he knew well that gathering information through a conversation rather than prying at your mind would lead to more trust and a clearer picture in the long run.
Obi-Wan’s ears caught shuffling behind him. He twisted to watch Ahsoka collect a few fabrics across the floor while Anakin hunkered down around the holobooks with a few nearby blankets. Obi-Wan snapped a mental image of the scene. He doubted he would ever again have the rare privilege to glimpse at Anakin and a pile of holobooks so intimately collected with brows dipped in concentration. He was clearly desperate to leave this planet, a cold twin to Tatooine. The moment they landed, Obi-Wan was sure that in the back of Anakin’s mind, he was struggling with his memories as a slave boy. This detour was too much of a reminder. Manuals and shuttle specs seemed to serve as his distraction, but he knew it wasn’t enough.
The older Jedi too began to prepare for night, strolling over to the empty cot. He sat in the center, elbows digging into each knee as he rested his chin on the backs of his fingers. For the first time in weeks, Obi-Wan felt comfortable, safe even. There was no last-minute mission, no sleeping on a battlefield, no late-night reports. And it was quiet, peaceful. He scanned the shelter once more, thinking he might get the best sleep he’s had in months.
And he was right.
You woke slowly, gently granting your mind room to register its consciousness. Your limbs stirred, testing the width of your linens. In time, each eye relaxed open. Stretching both arms, you sat up, settling into reality as you observed your comfy surroundings in dull lighting. Your bed was soft beneath you with four layers of blankets weighing your form down in its warmth. All that fit in the pilot’s cabin was your bed with limited walking room, but you enjoyed the small space with its elevated concentration of heat and bare walls.
The exhaustion and excitement of yesterday’s trek slowed your morning routine. Your thighs ached from the hours traveling with Meetra, and the detour didn’t help. Glancing at your damp gear sprawled on the floor, you determined it would be at least another couple of hours until your boots, gloves, and fur cloak had dried. You fell back into the mattress with a sigh, bouncing slightly at the impact. You would have been happy to rest for a few more hours. But the moment your head hit the pillow, you knew there was too much to do to lie around. Primarily, addressing the three travelers in the main cabin.
You threw your legs off the bed’s side and pushed yourself off to stand, tossing on a thinner cloak that hung next to you before drawing back the curtains in a slight stumble. Perhaps you should have taken more time to wake.
“Good morning.”
You looked up at Obi-Wan who sat comfortably at your table, legs folded and Holobook in hand.
“Mornin’.” You replied with a smile.
With a stronger gate, you sauntered toward the pile of lichen that had defrosted overnight. A ravenous ache pulled at your stomach as you reached the desk to determine its digestibility. In that moment, you realized you’d forgotten to have supper, and now you were suffering the consequences. Nevertheless, A quick test of the lichen’s plasticity between your index finger and thumb brought out its slimy texture. Perfect. Breakfast was soon to be served.
You briefly glanced back at Obi-Wan. He seemed engrossed in the text before him. “I’m glad you’re enjoying my collection.”
“You have more holobooks of The Old Republic legends than I’ve ever known any one individual to own.” He exclaimed, eyes glued to the screen.
“They’re my favorite stories.”
You leaned over beside the desk to reach into a storage box, pulling out a pair of plates and a couple forks. While in the middle of placing them on the desk, you suddenly recalled exactly who those stories were about.
“Sleep well?” You quickly interjected. The slight pause turned your head. Obi-Wan looked as if he was about to sneeze right at you, but it was more likely that you’d interrupted him mid-thought with your change in topic.
Seemingly disappointed, he readjusted, rolling his shoulders and returning to his story.
“Yes, I did.”
You began to line the plates with lichen. “You and your companions are welcome to my facilities. There’s a trapdoor behind the curtain that will lead you there.”
His features lightened once more. “I’m quite alright.”
Obi-Wan rotated, this time fully facing you in his seat, uncrossing his legs with a hand loosely holding the holobook to the side. “Are you usually this kind to strange travelers?”
Having finished plating the lichen, you picked up both dishes, making your way over to Obi-Wan.
“Only the charming ones.” You winked as you placed breakfast on the table.
Obi-Wan chuckled at your whit, but couldn’t hide the light blush that grazed his cheeks. He quickly buried his face back into the holobook, but you wouldn’t make it that easy.
“Where did everyone go?” You asked.
You used your fork to stick then toss a clump of lichen in your mouth. Its musty tang perfumed your senses, leaving a bitter aftertaste as it slipped along your tongue.
He examined the food before him curiously, picking up a fork to test its consistency.
“They went to fix the shuttle. Anakin stayed up all night reading that manual of yours then departed early this morning with Ahsoka.” He lifted a small piece and took an experimental bite.
“Where does he find the energy?” You exclaimed as you observed him struggle to swallow politely. You tried to hide your faint giggle with a cough.
He shrugged. “Only the Maker knows.”
The cabin echoed with the light clinking of your fork and plate as you continued to eat. “So why are you here?”
Obi-Wan eyed you pointedly. “I enjoy your company far more.”
Despite his confident demeanor, you sensed his intentions reached far beyond his outward manner. It didn’t feel malicious at all. Just, different. As if courtesy and inquisitiveness were not his only motivations.
Your imagination must be getting the best of you, you thought, brushing off your concerns fairly quickly. The man didn’t look like he could hurt a Saccorian grain fly. It was easy to assume that strangers on Hoth had ulterior motives, largely due to your many dealings with pirates and hunters in the last few years. Yet you continued to help them when you crossed paths, even though you were often betrayed. Whether that meant a robbery attempt or something more nefarious. But no matter the threat, no stranger on Hoth has ever posed much danger to you. This wouldn’t be very different.
“Do you say that to all the singular planetary beings you meet?” You teased.
He relaxed into a gentle smirk, returning to the holobook confidently. “Only the kind-hearted ones.”
You beamed at his charm.
Yet, concern still tugged at the back of your mind. He still seemed to be hiding something.
“So how did you come to Hoth?” He inquired.
You struggled internally for a moment as you examined the man. There was no cloud covering that statement, no alternative meaning. It appeared he hoped to understand you better out of pure curiosity, and not for any personal gain.
But why? Why not aid his companions to hasten their escape from this icy trap? Because your company was so pleasant? No, something wasn’t adding up. You must have been reading him wrong. Best to keep it vague. To stay safe, and keep your promise.
“I was brought here when I was young. There are some dangerous people who aren’t my biggest fan.”
Obi-Wan’s eyebrow lifted as he watched you carefully. “Dangerous people? What did you do?”
You grinned, finding his overly troubled demeanor for the safety of a stranger endearing.
“Nothing yet. They just don’t like the idea of what I might do because of an old story.”
Obi-Wan nodded, unconvinced. “And I assume your friend brought you here.”
“Yes, he understood my background and brought me here to train.”
Obi-Wan perked up, raising his eyebrows. “To train you?” He questioned, staring intently.
His interest was beginning to concern you. It was time for you to be more cautious when formulating responses.
“To protect myself.”
“Ah,” he nodded, but a hair dissatisfied. “What is he like?” He leaned back again with the holobook, as if pretending to be less interested. “You friend.”
“Well,” you thought for a moment. “I suppose he’s more like a mentor.”
His eyes shot up, and you hesitated once more. Obi-Wan must have noticed as he conveyed an encouraging smile, motioning for you to continue while returning to his story.
You sighed, looking up at the ceiling, your lichen long forgotten as you tried to picture him. You endeavored to visualize your memories on the cold, rounded metal hull above.
“He’s wise, soft-spoken, the kindest man you’d ever meet.” You emphasized. “He always makes sure I’m focusing on the here and now.”
You paused.
“Sometimes I’d put the weight of the world on my shoulders and he would always knock me down a peg.” A laugh escaped you, head falling in mirth.
Obi-Wan’s warm eyes glistened as you calmed. You took a moment to ruminate further, returning your gaze upwards, nose wrinkling.
“I-“ you paused as a wave of sadness washed over you. “I miss him.”
You looked back down at Obi-Wan. A swirl of emotions played on his face. Sympathy, mostly, but an air of curiosity seemed to bubble underneath.
“He sounds lovely.”
His words felt authentic, but the battle within Obi-Wan that danced so clearly around him was hard to ignore. You were beginning to question your delicate trust in the man. The many questions with veiled intent suggested that he may know your true identity. And if he avoided asking you directly, it could point to dark motives, or a malicious plan.
His highly inquisitive behavior up to this point had subconsciously fueled your anxiety. Your suspicions could no longer be shunned. Despite hoping to steer clear of invading the privacy of these travelers, it seemed that you had no choice. You needed to know more. For your own sake, if not for your mentor’s. He told you to stay safe, and you weren’t going to break that promise. Avoiding scrutinizing this group’s true intentions was too much of a risk to that.
His eyes were still set on you, so you returned the favor. You stared deeply into his gaze, preparing to investigate the roots of his being, until you saw it. In the reflection of his eyes, something strange sparkled. You refocused your vision on his retinas, a crease forming on your forehead. And what you saw felt like lighting to your core.
You launched from your chair, knocking it over as you stumbled a few steps away from the stranger, mouth hung open and eyes wide.
“Who are you?” You asked firmly, making each vowel distinct.
You felt tricked, made a fool. You let your guard down a few times in these many years of caution, but this time would be terribly different. This wasn’t the average hunter or trader. This was an entirely different animal. And you were about to pay the price of this mistake with your life. Unless, you did something quick.
Obi-Wan, on the other hand, seemed perplexed at your sudden change. He watched you with concern.
“Are you alright?” He acted carefully. “Did I say something wrong?”
But this time, you refused to believe his seemingly empty words. “No more games.”
He slowly stood with his hands up as if surrendering while your backward creep accelerated.
“Who are you?! How did you find me?!” Your patience was wearing thin.
Obi-Wan took a wary step forward, hands remaining lifted. “I’m not sure I understand.”
Another step.
“Could you explain?”
You felt the curtain brush against the pads of your fingers as you finally reached it. His continued steady approach had you feeling cornered. It was time to act now. You slipped your right hand behind the divide, feeling the wall for your hanging weapon while keeping your sight trained on Obi-Wan.
Finally, you felt the cold metal hilt. You wrapped your fingers around it and held it tight, keeping it trained behind the curtain.
“I’m warning you…”
He took another step forward.
There was no longer a choice. You activated and thrust your lightsaber in front of you, its gray hue created a pocket of hot light in the shelter between the two of you. Its tip hung inches from his chest.
“Not. Another. Step.” You warned rigidly.
Obi-Wan’s mind was racing. New thoughts and questions stumbled over each other in an endless stampede of disorientation.
Hours ago, he advised Anakin and Ahsoka to attempt shuttle repairs without him for the chance to discover your truth. He was convinced now that you were no thief. The older Jedi checked his pockets and lightsaber to ensure everything was in place when he awoke at daybreak. It would have been the best opportunity to strike, and yet, you didn’t take it.
Obi-Wan’s priorities centered. He needed to understand why your life force was unreadable, why your presence on this planet was shrouded in mystery, and why a person who seemed so dedicated to others chose to live in isolation, assuming you had any say in the matter.
When he explored your collections this morning, Obi-Wan was intrigued by the sheer number of Old Republic Jedi tales included. He found it especially telling when you claimed they were your favorite, but lost the opportunity to probe that declaration further.
Regardless of this small success, Obi-Wan’s efforts to connect with your signal proved fruitless. As the breakfast conversation continued, he tried to explore the space around and within you. But still, he felt, nothing. No matter how deeply he engrained himself into the Force, he could not glean one iota of life from you. It obfuscated his mind with theories as he struggled to rationalize this anomaly, but not one postulation had real merit.
So, he switched tactics, relying on his talents as a master negotiator. Yet even then, he perceived little progress. Obi-Wan did gain ground when he learned why you’ve spent so many years alone on Hoth. He was interested, yet bothered, by the possible threat to your life, wondering how a being so harmless could attract such dangers. Such conclusions opened the door to more inquiries.
But then, he learned about your ‘friend.’ How he taught you self-defense and emanated qualities of insight, thoughtfulness, and tranquility— all characteristics that were highly familiar to the Jedi. He reasoned, no, hoped that his suspicions were correct. That he knew this unidentified man. But just when he was about to pose that quintessential query, something went exceptionally wrong.
Now he stood very cautiously, hoping to de-escalate this rapidly spiraling situation.
At least one question had been answered. He finally felt a strong force signature within you, like water through a collapsed dam. And if all was calm, he may have even asked you how you were able to so completely conceal your energy readings.
But now, there were many, far more pressing inquiries that mandated answers, he thought, as he stared down the blade of a Gray Jedi.
“Y/n.” Obi-Wan soothed, dropping his arms beside him. “I promise I will not harm you. And I will respond to any questions you may have about who we are. But I must ask you something very important first.” He watched you closely for any change, but all he could feel was frustrated suspicion radiating off your figure.
“First, you tell me who you really are.” You demanded.
“I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi. We are tasked with preserving peace in the galaxy.” He explained, clasping his hands behind him.
“You’re a Jedi?” You questioned, the lightsaber’s point faltering slightly.
“Yes,” he continued in a calm, clear tone. “Y/n, I must know the name of your friend.”
You hesitated, causing his eyes to soften. Whatever he did to scare you profoundly triggered deep regret within him. He hoped to regain the trust of a possibly abandoned Jedi, especially if his speculations proved true.
“Please.” He breathed.
You loosened ever so slightly. “His name is Qui-Gon Jinn.”
Even though he somewhat surmised this truth, Obi-Wan was still taken aback. He took a step away, turning from you as he tried to wipe off the shock pooling around his parted lips. He sensed you further lower your lightsaber in confusion, now aiming it at the ground.
Obi-Wan breathed deeply as he reminisced about his former master. He remembers the many times throughout the years in which Qui-Gon disappeared without informing him or The Council of his travels. He always thought it was just his Master’s nature. His independence and desire to make his own path shine through. Little did Obi-Wan know, Qui-Gon Jinn was raising and training a new Padawan in secret. Yet still, some young piece of Obi-Wan was not surprised. This certainly seemed like something his old Master would do.
He turned back to you, a wistful expression poking through his racing thoughts. “Qui-Gon Jinn was my master.”
He watched as you deactivated your saber, letting your arm fall to the side at this revelation. Your lips slightly parted, eyes searching the older Jedi for any possible mistake before reluctantly settling into the truth. “Was?”
Obi-Wan sighed. “He died ten years ago fighting the Sith on Naboo.”
Horror invaded your features. Waves of sadness and despair poured out of your being as you gently staggered to a nearby wall, steadying against it with your head hanging between your arms. Obi-Wan’s heart dropped, knowing all too well how you felt. He swiftly moved behind you, gently squeezing your shoulder.
“I’m so very sorry,” he whispered into your ear.
Obi-Wan felt your shoulder rise and fall as long, shaky breaths filled the air. He couldn’t imagine not only losing your Master, but likely the only other being you’ve truly known. The blue-eyed Jedi realized your world was crashing down before you.
But somehow, after only a few moments, your breathing stabilized. Slowly, you stood up straight, removing your hands from the wall to turn to him. Deep roots of sorrow controlled your features, your face loosely stained with a few stray tears. Removing his hand from your shoulder, he watched you with anticipation.
“I think he told me about you.” Your eyes tethered to the ground.
Obi-Wan felt a morsel of hope tug at his chest as he watched you sympathetically. The possibility of learning something new about his former Master was tantalizing. After so many meditation sessions in which he failed to connect with Qui-Gon’s spirit, this could be his chance to feel tethered to his Master one last time.
“He told me that you worried too much.” A reminiscing smile graced your lips.
Obi-Wan couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him, relaxing shoulders he didn’t realize were tense. “That sounds like Master Jinn.”
Your sparkling, silver eyes met his intensely. "It's not how it sounds. It was his way of building my confidence."
Your sudden beam at the memory left Obi-Wan in awe of your strength. Your gaze trailed to your holobook collection.
“I read all these stories of amazingly powerful Jedi who seemed invincible in the face of the most dire odds.” He watched you motion to the piles of knowledge. “I never felt like I could quite live up to their memory, but Qui-Gon was always sure to remind me that like all great Jedi.” You paused to send him a lighthearted smirk through dejected eyes. “Including his Padawan, I had no need to worry. The Force would help me grow into the Jedi I’m meant to be.” Sincerity seeped from your words.
Obi-Wan felt as if the hole in his heart punctured at Naboo ten years ago just experienced its first stitch. To find another piece of Qui-Gon, another connection to him, was a dream made reality. Not just by words he never heard him say, but through you, his secret Padawan.
Although there was still much for him to learn, he already found you to be one of the more idyllic Jedi he’s met. Not only in your strong connection to the Force, but from your person. The fortitude, compassion, and honesty you’ve shown in only a day is an example often demonstrated to initiates. That thought brought him back to a question he needed answered.
“But why?” Obi-Wan exclaimed to no one in particular. He turned on his heel to pace in thought, a hand gently resting below his chin. “Why did Qui-Gon bring you here? Allow you to live your days in isolation?” He spun back around, now directing his thoughts at you. “Who was he hiding you from that The Order could not face? Did he even tell The Council?”
You sighed, your eyes falling down to your hands where you gently circled your thumb into your palm. “He hid me from the world, and The Council, because of the prophecy.”
Obi-Wan cocked his head. A prophecy? Another prophecy?
“What prophecy?”
You looked off into the distance. And while your vision was limited by the small confines of an ancient ship buried underground, Obi-Wan thought your eyes were taking you quadrants away. Then, you faced him.
“You should probably sit down.”
He followed the guidance of your hand as it lifted to lead the way back toward the table. The sound of wooden chairs slightly scratching across rusted metal colored the sudden stillness. Obi-Wan settled, glancing at you only to notice your eyes glued to the peeling Japor ivory below. Your finger graced a discolored patch with interest. Obi-Wan waited patiently, hands clasped before him, your hesitation driving his curiosity through the hull.
You raised your vision. “The prophecy tells of a protector, a guide, known as The Guardian. It tells of a Jedi to be discovered and trained outside of The Order.”
“A Gray Jedi...” Obi-Wan mused aloud.
“Yes.” You confirmed.
Obi-Wan’s mind circled through your words. “And who does The Guardian protect?”
“The Chosen One. The Guardian must do whatever is necessary to stand between the Sith and The Chosen One so that they may return balance to the Force.” You explained.
Obi-Wan watched as you peeked at him, a sudden amusement dancing upon your lashes.
“It certainly puts a target on my back for anyone who doesn’t want that to happen.” You chuckled.
Obi-Wan sent you a thin look of disapproval at your dark joke before returning to his thoughts. In all his research about The Chosen One when preparing to be Anakin’s Master, he not once saw mention of The Guardian.
Obi-Wan’s brows furrowed. “I’ve never heard of this.” He admitted quietly.
“Few have. Qui-Gon discovered the legend by chance in the Holocron Vault when he was retrieving something for his Master. I think he said it was part of the Jedi Archives at The Temple, but you’d know better than me.”
“You’re correct.” He confirmed.
You nodded gratefully. “Anyways, from what I understand, The Council feared this aspect of The Chosen One’s prophecy because of its transparent separation from The Order. So they hid it away.”
Obi-Wan took a moment to gather his thoughts. The ramifications of your words were astounding. Another entity, willed into existence by the Force, with the purpose of aiding Anakin on his journey. In a sense, he felt relieved, like a burden lifted from his conscience. Qui-Gon was supposed to train Anakin, but when he passed, the duty fell to him. He never really felt ready, stumbling through ways to guide the young Jedi when he himself had only just become a Knight. But it seems as if the Force works in mysterious ways.
He was equally disturbed by the prophesy’s wording. If a Guardian was needed to protect The Chosen One from the Sith, it suggested that Anakin’s fate was not sealed on the side of the light. And that terrified him. Anakin always struggled with his place within The Order, and while he was very proud of the man he’s grown into, he knew that Anakin still grappled with his intense fears and deep-seated anger.
“I need to know.”
Obi-Wan returned from his thoughts, motioning for you to continue. You watched him for a moment. Obi-Wan could see the gears turn through complicated maneuvers in your head. Then, determination settled on your face.
“Are you The Chosen One?”
Obi-Wan shook his head. “No, not me.”
He noticed your brows crease in confusion. Quickly, the older Jedi played over the morning’s events. His mind centered on what started this conversation in the first place.
“Is that why you were afraid?”
You shot him a questioning look. “I was not afraid, I was shocked.” You staunchly defended, erupting within him a subtle sense of amusement.
But the sudden downcast of your eyes changed his tune.
“I thought you were a Sith.” You candidly explained.
This time it was Obi-Wan’s turn for shock to contort his features. “A Sith?! Whatever gave you that idea?”
“It’s the beard.” You said stone-eyed, pretending to scratch phantom whiskers on your face with an embellishing movement of the fingers.
Obi-Wan nearly choked on air.
You burst out laughing, holding your stomach for good measure. Obi-Wan, however, was unimpressed with your antics.
He leaned back, crossing his arms as an exceedingly light smile garnished his feigned displeasure. “Very funny.”
Your cackle died down before you seemed to relax back into the gravity of the situation.
“In all seriousness,” you began, taking a moment to compose yourself. “When I looked into your eyes, I saw the reflection of my own, and they were silver.”
“And?” Obi-Wan questioned, not seeing the point of her observation.
“Obi-Wan.” You sighed, glancing down at your hands, which you now had clasped together on the table before you.
You raised your head, staring into his gaze once more. And to Obi-Wan, it felt as if you were gazing into his soul.
“My eyes are y/e/c.”
The older Jedi’s jaw fell open as his eyebrows raised. He was dumbfounded, not understanding how that was possible. The first thing he noticed when he met you at the crash site was your extraordinarily bright, silver eyes.
“The legend says, that when The Guardian’s journey begins, it will initiate their transformation. Their eyes will begin to shine the color of their fate.”
Obi-Wan hummed. “And how does that journey begin?”
“By meeting someone tied to their fate.”
Then, it clicked. “Ah, a Sith or The Chosen One.”
A hush washed over the two of you as Obi-Wan considered the connotation of your eyes. The two passionate orbs that dotted your face shined a color with deep meaning.
“And your eyes are silver. The color of balance, purity, peace.” He mused, a hand lightly stroking his cheek in contemplation.
“Which hopefully reflects the future.” You countered.
Obi-Wan’s eyes sparkled almost as bright as yours. “A hope we share.”
However, once more, his countenance was shrouded in rumination at a discrepancy.
“But your lightsaber is gray.”
He noticed the corner of your eyes crinkle. “My journey has just begun.”
Obi-Wan matched your expression. “Of course, and was Qui-Gon able to prepare you before…” he trailed off.
You exhaled. “He taught me everything I know, but I must admit, most of my saber and force training was advanced through The Muntuur in the last years.”
Intrigue gripped Obi-Wan, edging him to lean toward you, hands gliding along the table. “The Muntuur?”
“An ancient Jedi training gadget Qui-Gon found abandoned on a distant planet. He never told me where.”
“Interesting.” Obi-Wan mused. “I’d like to analyze this device, if that is alright with you.”
“That’s fine. But first, I must know.” You watched him keenly. “Who is The Chosen One?”
Obi-Wan opened his mouth to answer when a light thud sounded behind him, followed by a ripple of frosty wind against the back of his neck.
“Y/n, I could hug you!” Obi-Wan heard. He turned in time to see Anakin jump down the shelter’s entrance with a wide grin, avoiding the ladder completely in his excitement. Ahsoka made a similar entrance, her lips quirked up.
“That manual was detailed enough for me to salvage secondary parts from other sectors of the shuttle in the repairs! Who knew that bucket of bolts had so many adaptable segments? Had to use every single one.”
Anakin froze mid-saunter, a meager speechlessness overcoming him as he seemed to register the humorless faces watching him from the table, including his former Master who was particularly annoyed. Obi-Wan watched the young Jedi rub his hands together, partly from the freezing outdoors but mostly, it seemed, in an attempt to cut the tension.
“Am I interrupting something?” He chuckled nervously.
Obi-Wan spoke. “Anakin, we need to talk.”
“Is he…”
“Yes.” He finished your thought, glancing back at you to glean your reaction to that sudden divulgence.
“Wow.” You mumbled before sending Anakin an earnest look.
“You should probably sit down.”
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verybadatwriting · 2 years
Last updated 7/19/2024
About Me and Request Guidelines
So far: Star Wars, Marvel, Harry Potter, and The World of Mister Plant
Requests: OPEN!! :D
Please don't repost/claim as your own (reblogs are awesome, though!)
Angst - 😢
Fluff - ☁️
Violence/injuries - 🔪
Argos the Crossing Guard (and some art)
Warnings: Implied murder
Argos x Mr. Plant (no reader)
Star Wars: TCW & TBB
Young General - 😢 🔪 ☁️
Warnings: nightmares, mentions of death, unhealthy sleep
Cody, Obi Wan, and Rex x gn!reader (all platonic)
The Young General's Final Battle -🔪😢
Warnings: major character death, blood, crush injuries
Gn!reader x Obi Wan and Cody (platonic)
Medic -😢 🔪
Warnings: Injuries, General Krell, angst
Rex x reader, gn!reader
The Cyborg's Apprentice, one point five, Part 2 🔪😢
Warnings: self harm, injuries, in-world slur (for droids)
Sith!reader x Obiwan, Ahsoka, Kix, Grievous (NON romantic for all of them) gn!reader
Blood and Marrow 🔪😢
Warnings: Needles, improper conditions for prisoners, bone marrow stealing, surgery without anesthetic, torture essentially, kidnapping, in-world curse word, parental death, iv’s
Gn!reader, teen!reader, Rex x reader, Kix x reader (both platonic)
To Be Held 🔪😢
Warnings: Angst, blood, and wounds
Gn!reader, Tech x reader
The Winged One 🔪 (injuries) Part 2 😢🔪Part 3
Warnings: a fall from a great height, descriptions of fever, sickness, and infection
Bucky x teen!reader (platonic ofc), gn!reader
A Vigilante's Guide to Saving Spiders🔪😢
Warnings: Injuries, electricity, cursing
Peter x teen!reader (not romantic (yet?)), gn!reader
Runaway -😢
Warnings: Creepy fans, Steve and Tony being jerks, running away
Avengers x reader (platonic), Daisy Johnson x reader (platonic), gn!reader
White Fang - ☁️ & a little 😢
Warnings: Food scarcity, severely underweight reader
Avengers x teen!reader (platonic), Peter Parker x reader, gn!reader
The Healer: Series Masterlist, Part 1,(🔪😢)
Warnings: Injuries, trauma, bad sleep schedules, and bad eating habits, medical stuff
Avengers x teen!reader (platonic), gn!reader
Pre-Dog Tags, 😢☁️🔪 Dog Tags 😢('Dead' dad) 🔪
Warnings: Reader beats up some people, mentions of a dead parent.
Steve x daughter!reader, Nat x child!reader (platonic ofc), fem!reader
Just a Little Stab Wound🔪&☁️
Warnings: Stab wound.
Peter Parker x gn!reader (Aunt May also shows up)
Harry Potter
A Strange Pair 🔪😢&☁️, Part 2 ☁️
Warnings: Description of reader (hair), abusive & unsupportive parents, food insecurity, loneliness, nightmares
Fred Weasley x reader, gn!reader
The Herbologist and the Forest Spirit ☁️& a lil 😢
Warnings: Cuddles, fem reader, mentions of Cedric's death.
Neville Longbottom x Half-forest-spirit reader, gn!reader
Have a lovely day!
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