#tsireya fluff
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- My Heart -

Pairing: Aged!up Tsireya (18) x fem! Metkayina!deaf!reader (18)
Synopsis: You and Tsireya have been friends for years and you’ve always wondered if she liked you. You felt like there was a spark between the both of you until something happened and blew the fire away… or did it?
Content: childhood friends to lovers, slight angst, miscommunication, a little hurt w/ comfort, super fluffy, kiss at the end, courting gift, courting proposal
Author’s Note: This only took me two days to write! Writing for Tsireya is so fun for me, Im going to try and write for her more often! (So if you have requests for her feel free to send them in)
- ‘Sentences bolded and italicized indicates signing’
- Please excuse any mistakes!
Word Count: 3.2k
Glossary: Tsakarem - Tsahìk in training || Skxawng - idiot,moron || yawntutsyìp - little loved one, darling || Olo'eyktan - Clan Leader || Tsahìk - Spiritual Leader
Extra: requests are open! Please read rules prior to requesting!
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Ever since you were a small child you knew you were different. You couldn't hear the ocean waves crashing into the sand, the laughter of children playing, or the voices of your parents when they attempted to communicate with you.
When your parents noticed that you didn't react to loud noise, them calling your name, or anything else related to hearing they immediately took you to the Tsahìk hoping that she could cure you.
Ronal tried multiple rituals, herbs, and techniques but nothing was successful.
That's when you were deemed deaf.
You were never mad or sad that Eywa made you this way. You felt like the Great Mother blessed you with a deep connection to her world. You always believed that not having one sense heightened your others.
Wherever you looked or touched you could feel her presence. The wind gliding across your skin, the coolness of the ocean water as you swam around, looking at the beautiful aquatic creatures, and the way your body absorbed the sun's warmth.
You admired every aspect and detail of Pandora.
You always loved collecting shells and incorporating them into your latest hairstyle, weaving them into necklaces, bracelets, or gorgeous headpieces.
Growing up you didn't have many friends due to your condition. Children in the village weren't fond of being your companion because they felt like you wouldn't be able to keep up with them.
You and Tsireya met for the first time when both of you were ten years old, she had seen you walking around the village multiple times and she always wondered why you were alone. One day Tsireya and Ronal were walking to their marui when Tsireya saw you from afar, sitting in the sand drawing different images with your fingers.
"Mother, why is she always alone? Why doesn't she talk to anyone?" Tsireya questioned her mother
"She is deaf yawntutsyìp therefore she cannot speak since she's never learned how. Whenever someone tries to speak to her she can't hear them" Ronal knew how much of a loving and caring heart her daughter had and she knew that Tsireya wanted to get to know you, "Maybe you should go play with her one day, I know she would love your company"
And the next day Tsireya came up to you in hopes to create a friendship. You were doing your normal routine, playing in the sand. As you drew pictures of your favorite fish you felt a tap on your shoulder which startled you a little. You turned around and came face to face with Tsireya, 'Hi, I'm Tsireya what's your name?' she signed to you with a friendly, bright smile
'I'm y/n'
'Do you want to make necklaces with me?' Tsireya gestures to the basket next to her filled with woven string, shells, polished stones, and other materials.
You were surprised by her offer. That someone wanted to do an activity with you, especially the Olo'eyktan's and Tsahìk's daughter, 'Yes I would like that. Necklaces are my favorite thing to make' you sign to her, feeling a sense of excitement swirl inside you.
Tsireya sat down next to you and placed the basket in between both of you and began to create beautiful necklaces to wear around the village. That was one of your favorite childhood memories, the day you made your first friend.
After that day, both of you were inseparable from each other including today. Both of you were now eighteen and were still stuck to the hip. Every day you and Tsireya spent together her heart filled with love for you.
She loved watching you teach young Na'vi children sign language. The way you were patient with them, the excitement on your face when they mastered a new word or sentence, and the passion you showed while teaching them new things.
You and Tsireya would spend any waking moment together. While Tsireya did her clan duties she would always ask you to tag along with her and of course, you didn't mind. Some days while her and Ronal would work on creating new healing herbs you would sit in the corner quietly, just observing, and sometimes Ronal would let you assist.
Tsireya had such an effect on you. The way your body tingles when she taps you to get your attention, the way your heart skips a beat when she signs your name gracefully, and you absolutely loved it when both of you would sneak out at night and stargaze under the beautiful moonlight.
Even though you had love for her, you never wanted to admit it out loud. You felt like Tsireya could do so much better than you. Multiple people wanted to be Tsireya's future mate which you knew. She had multiple potential suitors, hearing suitors.
Your deafness made you feel inadequate because you would never be able to hear her speak sweet nothings to you, if you ever decided to adopt children you wouldn't even be able to hear their giggles, and if they got hurt you couldn’t speak comforting words to them. Just the thought of it that and more made you feel insecure that you couldn't provide Tsireya what she deserves in a significant other.
For the past few weeks, you and Tsireya haven't been spending as much time together, due to her teaching the Sully children the way of water. You wished you could see her more often but you knew she had a numerous amount of duties due to her being tsakarem.
Since Tsireya wasn't around as much you've been spending more time with Ronal, helping her with her duties which she didn't mind because she loved having you around.
'y/n go get Tsireya for me, she should still be at the beach teaching the Sully children' Ronal requested as she organized her collection of herbs.
You nodded in response, pushing yourself on your feet and began walking towards the beach. As you walked you were getting slight butterflies at the thought of seeing Tsireya. You haven't seen her all day so you were anticipating seeing her beautiful face and feeling her touch.
As your feet planted on the sand you begin to look around for Tsireya but you didn't see her, as you wander around the beach you ran into Ao'nung, 'Ao'nung, have you seen Tsireya? Your mother is asking for her' you signed to him hoping he could help you with your search for his sister
'Oh yeah her and that skxawng are over there' he signed with an annoyed look at the mention of Lo'ak
'Okay thank you' you begin to walk over to the place Aonung said Tsireya was.
As you walk to the other end of the beach you see Lo'ak and Tsireya sitting next to each other. Right when you were about to make your presence known and walk into their line of sight you saw Tsireya place her hands on Lo’ak’s chest.
When you saw the way Lo'ak looked at her, the way his eyes frantically tried to avert her gaze as he blushed made your face contort. The way Tsireya touched him didn't seem platonic, it seemed loving, the way you wanted her to touch you she touched him and it made you feel multiple emotions at once.
As you continued to watch them your stomach began to churn. Watching the person you love be with someone else in this way made you feel disgusted. You couldn't believe that she was into Lo'ak, she never said anything about him that gave the notion that she liked him so you were taken aback.
You could see Lo'ak begin to lean in and that just sent you over the top, you had enough. You turned your heels in the sand and stormed away. Knowing that they were kissing right now made you feel an agonizing pain in your heart, you felt so stupid for having feelings for Tsireya when you knew that her heart could belong to another.
You felt dumb for thinking someone, thinking Tsireya, the next heir of the Tsahìk title could ever love someone like you.
You didn't even walk back to Ronal's marui. You went to your marui instead and began to sulk, cry, whatever you needed to do so this melancholic feeling could subside.
You've been avoiding Tsireya for almost a week now. Every time you say her even attempt to walk in your direction you turned the other way. You couldn't even look at her without seeing an image of her and Lo'ak, the thought of her loving him made your skin crawl.
Currently, you and Kiri were talking while sitting at the pier, 'Kiri I love your shawl, your going to have to show me how to make one'
'Yes, of course, you can come by my mauri tomorrow and I'll show you'
As you and Kiri continued laughing and conversing your mind couldn't do anything except drift off to Tsireya. As much as you wanted to get her out of your head you couldn't and thinking of her not seeing you the way you saw her just made you feel sick to the stomach.
'y/n what's wrong? Are you okay?' Kiri noticed how your once happy expression turned downcast in a matter of seconds
'I saw Lo'ak and Tsireya together almost a week ago' As your hands moved your eyes held nothing but sadness, just talking about the situation made tears want to evade your eyes.
Kiri saw your expression and she was slightly confused, she didn’t understand why you would be saddened by that, ‘Why is that bothering you?’
‘Because…’ you hesitated on signing the rest of the sentence. You felt like if you signed it, it would feel too real, ‘I like Tsireya but she doesn’t like me back’
It all clicked for Kiri, she noticed how you’ve been avoiding Tsireya and it all made sense to her, you were lovesick, ‘oh y/n, I’m so sorry come here’ Kiri pulled you into a hug, rubbing your back in a comforting manner.
As Kiri comforted you, you could see someone walking in the distance. Once the person got closer you could see their face. It was Tsireya, the person you didn’t want to see.
you pulled back from Kiri’s embrace and pushed yourself onto your feet, 'I'm sorry Kiri, I have to go' As you signed your eyes began glossy from unshed tears. If you stood there another minute you felt like you would breakdown completely so you just took off.
As Tsireya watched you scurry off it made her ears pin to her skull, she couldn't understand why you'd been avoiding her. She has missed you dearly. She missed hearing your laugh and watching your face light up with a smile. She couldn’t understand why you’ve been so distant all of a sudden so she was determined to get to the bottom of it.
She walked up to her Kiri and began to ask her questions, “Do you know what’s wrong with y/n? She’s been avoiding me and I don’t understand why”
“Well… I don’t feel like it’s my place to say…” Kiri didn’t want to out your feelings because she didn’t know if Tsireya knew how you felt about her or not.
“Please Kiri, I need your help” Kiri could hear the desperation in her voice, she knew that Tsireya really wanted to know how to fix it with you.
“All I’m going to say is talk to her. The reason she’s avoiding can be fixed with honest and open conversation”
“Okay, I’ll go talk to her, right now. Thank you Kiri” Tsireya began to walk around the village with a determined look on her face, trying to find you so she could make this right.
You were sitting on the edge of your bed crying, wondering why you felt so upset about this. You knew that Tsireya could have feelings for another person but deep down you hoped to Eywa it was you, that she felt a burning desire for you.
As the tears flowed freely down your cheeks, you began to see a shadow of someone walking inside your marui. When Tsireya walked in she saw you frantically wiping your tears which made her feel a twinge of pain in her heart.
‘Why are you here?’
‘Because I haven’t talked to you in almost a week, you’ve been avoiding me and I want to know why’
You began shaking your head. You didn’t want to tell her because you felt like it didn’t matter. You figured there was no point in telling her your true feelings if she didn’t like you back, ‘No Tsireya, I’m not telling you’
Tsireya's face began to contort into a confused expression, ‘Why not?’
‘Because it doesn’t matter anymore Tsireya’
‘Why doesn’t it matter? Tell me, I want to make this right, I want to know what’s bothering you’ Tsireya placed her hands on your shoulder, gliding her thumb against your skin lightly.
Oh how you missed her touch, the way her hands felt against your skin made you want to melt into a puddle but all you could do is think about how that same hand was on Lo’ak, ‘Stop Tsireya’ you stand up abruptly and walk over to the other side of your mauri. You could feel all the sadness stir into another emotion, Anger.
‘Stop what?’
‘Touching me, just stop okay?! Why don’t you go and touch Lo’ak!’ Your hands were beginning to move at the speed of light, the more you signed to her your heartbeat began to increase.
‘Touch Lo’ak? What are you talking about?’
‘I saw you and him at the end of the beach, you put your hands on his chest and then he leaned and… kissed you’
‘y/n wait that’s not-’
‘You know I really thought you could like me, that you would see me the way I see you but it’s clear that you like him instead of me. I feel like such a skxawng for thinking you would want someone like me, someone who can’t even give you what you need in a mate’
From this moment there was no going back for you, you were starting to ramble and there was no possible way to take back any of your words. You didn’t want her to find out that you liked her this way but it was too late.
‘You deserve someone who can listen to your problems. Someone who can vocally tell you words of love and affection, someone, who has the same abilities as you and I can’t provide any of that’ Your hands began to shake as you signed, sobs began to try and emerge from your throat but you tried your best to reduce them.
‘I know you love another and I can’t help but be upset, I can’t provide you with the same things that he can and it makes me feel horrible’
The only thing Tsireya could do is shake her head, the way she saw you talk about yourself saddened her. She feels dumb for not telling you her true feelings before. She felt like if she would’ve admitted her fondness for you this whole thing would’ve been avoided.
‘y/n, I do not like Lo’ak’
‘You don’t?’
‘No, what you saw was me working with him on his breathing lessons and he interpreted it as flirting. When he leaned in attempting to kiss me I told him that my heart already belonged to someone’
Tsireya walked up to you and placed your hand on her chest, letting you feel her heartbeat.
As your hand made contact with her skin, you felt shivers run down your spine. The anger and sadness you felt in your heart were replaced with joy, the joy that your assumption about her liking Lo’ak was false.
‘My heart belongs to you, it always has. From the moment we met as children, I knew you were special and you are. I do not need to hear you vocally speak because you speak to me with your heart. I don’t need to hear your words when I know they are genuine and kind. I don’t need your words when just your touches and your presence is enough, all I need is you y/n’
As you saw Tsireya’s words, seeing how she felt about you made you become overwhelmed with emotion. Your lips began to tremble as you attempted to hold yourself together. This was the moment you’d been waiting on for years, to know that Tsireya loved you just like you loved her.
‘You are not inadequate because you can’t hear like me, it only makes you unique from everyone else. The way you see the world is amazing. The way you care for Eywa, our clan, the young na’vi you teach’ Tsireya takes a small breath, feeling a tear fall down her cheek, ‘The way you love and care for me speaks volumes to where you don’t have you to’
‘I can’t fathom living this life another second without having you by my side…’ Tsireya reaches into her pouch that is around her waist and pulls out a beautiful necklace adorned with small iridescent seashells and delicate beads.
‘I would love nothing more than to court you’ she smiles brightly, the same bright smile she gave you eight years ago when she introduced herself to you. She was still that kind and patient person you meet many years ago, she was the same person you fell in love with.
Your stomach immediately began doing backflips, it felt like butterflies were fluttering inside you. The thought of Tsireya courting you made your heart swell to an unreasonable amount, ‘I would love for you to court me, nothing would make me happier Tsireya’
Tsireya's tail began to swing excitedly behind her, she was filled with bliss that you agreed. As you noticed the movement of her tail it made you let out a small laugh. The same laugh that Tsireya missed, the laugh that could brighten up her day no matter the circumstances.
‘Can you put the necklace on me?’
‘Of course, I can’
As you lifted your hair Tsireya placed the necklace around your neck with ease. You rubbed your fingertips against the smooth shell and all you could do is smile. You couldn’t believe Tsireya just asked to court you, everything happened so fast but everything felt so right. You wouldn’t want it any other way.
As Tsireya stood in front of you her oceanic eyes were staring at you in awe, she couldn’t believe that she had someone as beautiful as you. She felt like the luckiest Na’vi on Pandora to have you.
To her, you were one in a million.
Tsireya gracefully moved her hands up to your face, gently caressing your cheek. Your breathing began to increase slightly, you were in anticipation about what was going to occur next.
Tsireya pulls you into her, pressing her lips gently on yours. As your lips collided you felt a warmth fill your chest.
The kiss was soft yet fiery.
You could almost taste Tsireya’s desire for you on her lips, it made you feel amazing that you could make her this happy and that she felt loved by you.
When you and Tsireya finally broke the kiss you felt the need to gasp for air, you felt breathless yet you loved every second of what just occurred.
As you looked at Tsireya her cheeks were painted bright red, you could tell she loved the kiss just as much as you, ‘I see you y/n, I’ll forever see you’
‘I see you, my heart will forever belong to you’

I hope you enjoyed💗!
Previous fic
Like, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated💗!
A/N - I’ve been wanting to write a fic like this for a while and @ghoul-bonez convinced me to finally do it! Check out her story ‘I love you, I see you, I trust you’ (Ao’nung x Fem! Deaf! Sully! Reader)
- Also let me know how y’all feel about this type of story because I have more character x deaf!reader ideas

Taglist: @number1gal @liyahsocorro @iwantjaketosullyme @fanboyluvr @kapyzkms @ladespedidas @navegaluv @teyamsbitch @haileymsstuff @onlyloaksgf @kierys-blog @myh3artttt @julyytsireya @gamerxpfighter @h3l3na-pandora @skyv-n @potatoknishesofficial69 @downbadforloak @yetanotherattemptatanaccount @yeosxxx @bakugouswaif @hc-geralt-23 @iluvpandorawomen @myheartfollower

©️inlovewithpandora ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
#❖ — 🌳: 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑯𝑨𝑽𝑬 𝑨 𝑺𝑻𝑹𝑶𝑵𝑮 𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑻.!#tsireya x deaf!reader#avatar x deaf!reader#avatar james cameron#avatar fanfiction#avatar the way of water#avatar fandom#atwow#atwow tsireya#atwow x y/n#atwow x you#atwow fluff#tsireya avatar#tsireya x fem!reader#tsireya x reader#tsireya x y/n#tsireya fanfic#tsireya#tsireya x metkayina!reader#tsireya x you#tsireya fluff#atwow x reader#atwow imagines#atwow fanfic#atwow fics#avatar tsireya#avatar fanfic#avatar fluff#avatar loak
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𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕤 & 𝕐𝕠𝕦

tsireya x reader
word count: 2.7k
language: Syulang- flower, Kalweyaveng- son of a bitch, Oel ngati kameie- i see you
description: Tsireya, a girl you have loved before you even knew what the word meant. A girl that made you feel ugly emotions you did not know were possible. The girl you would connect to by a small little seashells.
The first time you saw Tsireya you did not know why you were so drawn to her. A little voice screaming in your head to be her friend. She seemed like an angel in your small eyes, the most beautiful girl you had ever seen, and you just couldn’t tear your gaze away. Completely tuning out your breathing instructor it was as if she had put you in a magical trance. “Y/n stop gawking at Tsireya and please pay attention. This lesson is very important!” Snapping her finger in front of your dazed face your teacher wore a stern expression. Obviously unamused with your new found interest in the small girl. A series of giggles echoed through the small group of children at her public scolding. Embarrassed, you casted your eyes to the floor a dark purple hue rising to your face. You did not miss the way Tsireya giggled with the rest, her voice seeming to stand out to your ears, only deepening your flustered state. It was the first time in your whole 5 years of life you felt truly flustered, a feeling you would get use to as you spent more time around Tsireya.
Thankfully, your teacher was quick to shush the children’s giggles saving you from farther humiliation. “There is no reason to laugh, now let’s wrap up this lesson.” Voice soft yet commanding all the children listened to the older na’vi. Big eyes all zoned in on her as she pressed her hands to her stomach explaining how to breathe from your belly. While you could not help but steal a few glances at the girl across the circle from you. Her big blue eyes seeming to hold the stars as she payed all her attention to her instructor. The class seemed to end too soon as your teacher dismissed you all. The girl you now knew as Tsireya rising to her feet. You did not expect her small body to walk over to you, eyes widening in shock. “Im Tsireya. You kept looking at me does that mean you wanna be my friend?”
“O-of course!” Tone radiating happiness you quickly rose to your feet. The girl was obviously a bit younger than you as you straightened yourself out standing a few inches over her. “I’m y/n” Smiling Tsireya giggled at your excitement seeing your emotions so obviously on display. “Wanna collect seashells with me?” Small hand outstretched you invited her to take yours. Excitedly nodding her head Tsireya placed her hands in yours. A joy like no other filling your body as you guided her to your favorite spot. Allowing the waves to lap over you feet as the two of you search the sand for a hidden gem. Creating a memory you would never forget. The moment that bonded you and Tsireya together.
Now in your late teenage years the two of you still shared the same habit. Tsireya had just finished her training of the day running to your form as you waited for her on the beach. “Y/n!” Ears perking up at the familiar voice you turned your head. As expected Tsireya wore a bright smile as she prance towards you . “I finished this last night wanted you to have it.” Voice soft the girl attempted to catch her breath, words coming out in a jumble. “You have always been a master weaver.” Accepting her gift you slid on her small bracelet. Seashells the two of you had found carefully placed in between the strands of fabric. Tsireyas big eyes watching your every move waiting for your reaction, comfortable placing herself next to you. Holding her gift up to the sun the seashells seemed to sparkle, a soft smile gracing your lips. Butterflies invading your stomach as you brain could not help but imagine this as a courting gift. “Is it to your liking?” Gaze shifting to the girl who still rested a few inches below you a warm feeling filled your stomach as you met her glimmering eyes.
“Of course syulang, I love it.” Shying away from your gaze her small hand came to her lips. A futile attempt to cover her smile. “Now come we must add to your collection.” Boldly taking her hands in your you guided her to the shore of the ocean just as you did many times. Tsireya, allowing you to drag her along as butterflies erupted in her stomach. Eventually Tsireya ventured on her own picking up the seashell she deemed the prettiest. A soft smile covering your face as you ‘looked’ with her, while in reality you spent most of the your time looking at her. “Ah! Look at this one!” Voice shrill Tsireyas voice seemed to raise a couple octaves as she rushed towards you. Smiling from ear to ear she presented a seashell morphed and smoothed into a heart shape by the ocean waves. “Look how it shines!” Giggling she help it up to the sun and it did in fact shine with the sun rays. A beautiful color that almost mirrored the shade of her baby blue eyes. “It’s a wonderful color, might just be my favorite shade of blue.”
“Really?” Cocking her head to the side Tsireys seemed to examine the seashell more. “I will make you more jewelry in this shade!” Proudly announcing her will it was as if a tiny light bulb had gone off in her head. “When I think about it I have not known your updated favorite color for a while now. What shade do you like syulang?” Turning to face you Tsireya lifted her head slightly. Her brows scrunched together as she thought, a habit she had kept ever since her toddler days. Suddenly bringing her hand to your face her thumb traced just below your eyes. Shocked, your pupils dilated slightly as the place she touched began to burn. Although, she had touched you thousands of times before it still sent fire racing through your skin. A fear rising in you that she would hear your heart thumping against your chest as you met her puppy dog eyes. “I think it might be your eyes, Eywa blessed you with a beautiful color.” Parting your lips you attempted to say something but to no avail. It was as if she had knocked the words out of you as you felt the temperature in your face begin to rise.
Seeming to notice this a smile made its way onto Tsireyas lips. Her touched slowly sliding down your face to your neck as she admired the markings adoring your body. “I will see you tomorrow? I must be getting back now. I have an important dinner to attend.” You did not miss the way her face slightly dropped at the mention of the dinner. You felt a pity for her knowing the stories of how incredible boring they were. “Of course, same spot as always.” Patting her head you ushered her off, not wanting the young girl to get in trouble because of you. Watching her form prance away you could not help but relish the heat of her lingering touch. Smacking your cheek you attempted to rid yourself of your emotions. “She is the cheifs daughter it will never work.” Muttering words you had said a million times. Words that had suppressed your growing emotions for years.
Sitting on the beach you gazed at the ocean. Finding peace in how the sand welcomed your form and the waves lapped against the shore. It was a beautiful day for taking a simple stroll on the beach. The sun was radiant yet not too hot resting calmly against your turquoise skin. A sigh breached your lips as you doodled in the sand an impatience growing within you every passing secant. You had secured a stone you deemed close enough to your eye color hoping to gift it to Tsireya. You had spent most of your morning crafting it into a similar heat shape as the one she found the other day. Using your weaving skills make it the center of a new top you had been crafting for the girl. Position the stone just right so it would rest upon her heart, a place you yearned to be.
Hours seemed to pass as you began to doze off head dipping from exhaustion. Your body seeming to flinch back awake every other minute. Finally having enough of waiting you rose to your feet a slight fear entering you. Tsireya had never stood you up. The girl Always telling you if she could not make it or at least stopping by for a few minutes before reporting back to her duties. Hopping to your feet your legs carried you in a hurry back to the village. Eyes scanning every na’vi passing you in hope one would be her. Almost near the end of your search a familiar giggle filled your ears. Body whipping around you felt you muscles visibly relax when you eyes set on her. Tsireya’s usual smile decoration her face.
“Reya-“ Cutting yourself off mid sentence you bit your tongue as another na’vi entered your view. You felt your stomach twist with a disgusting jealousy as you watched her interact with the male you knew as Ateo. Knowing by the look of desire swirling in his eyes that this was no platonic interaction. Eyes shifting back to the smaller female an anger seemed to mix in with your ugly emotions. Body moving as if you were possessed. “Oh! Y/n!” Noticing your presence Tsireya turned herself towards you. Noticing your mood a confused expression covered her face not sure why you seemed so upset. “Is there something wro-“
“You ditched me for this Kalweyaveng!” Voice dipping with venom you glared at the na’vi to her left. Fury dancing in your eyes. “Who do you think you’re talking too?” Eyes narrowing Ateos glare rested apon you. His tail whipping in aggression. “Wait, wait let’s all calm down.” Attempting to mediate the situation Tsireyas voice fell to death ears as Ateo took aggressive steps towards you. The male had always been arrogant and short tempered. Ateo stood slightly taller than you and seemed to be trying to use that as intimidation. You wanted to scoff at his pathetic attempt to make you cower. Bearing your teeth to Ateo you proved he did nothing to you. “You mad I stole your bitch?” Taunting words left the males lips and it made you want to rip his juggler out then and there. “Have some respect before I make you.” Hands shoving his chest you pushed the na’vi back slightly. Waiting for his short fuse to break.
“I said calm down!” Tone sharp and loud Tsireays voice drew the both of your eyes away from the other. An instant regret crashing over you as you saw her glossy eyes glaring at you both. “You are acting like children get a grip! And to call me by such a name Ateo?” Body shaking in anger the offense was evident in her voice. Body frozen you waited for the next words to leave her mouth but they never did. Seeming to stop herself from speaking Tsireya turned the other way her overwhelming emotions evident in her body language. “Dickhead.” Muttering the insult you quickly followed after Tsireya unraveling her top from your small bag. You did not worry about knowing the destination. Already knowing where Tsireya was headed. Knowing the female since childhood came with its perks.
Dragging your feet in the sand you purposely took a little longer to get to the spot on the beach. Wanting to leave time for Tsireya to calm down. Eventually, her form came into view as you quietly approached her, placing your body in the sand. Although she did not meet your gaze you knew she was aware of your presence as her ears twitching with each movement you made. “Hey syulang” Voice soft you allowed your hand to rest on her back, your finger trailing small circles on her skin. You felt her inhale deeply before meeting your gaze. “I am sorry.” Voice soft a pout rested upon Tsireyas face. “I did not mean to stand you up. It’s just my parents announced him as a potential mate and insisted I spent some time with him. I could not find the time to tell you.” Hearing her explanation it was like a knife to the heart. Shame washing over you in waves as you cursed your jealously fueled actions. Heart banging with regret and sadness at the mention of her mating.
“I am not mad. My reaction was very….. over the top. I am sorry.” Giggling slightly Tsireya seemed to recall the recent memory. “You looked like you were about to rip his head off! But, you did save me from having a horribly disrespectful and hot headed mate so I can not be mad.” Smiling slightly you felt relief wash over you as Tsireya seemed to accept your apology. Her normal cheerful mood returning. “I could never stay mad at you y/n. But why did you get so angry? Were you jealous?” Voice having a teasing tone to his Tsireya skillfully pried. Not wanting to let her true emotions out before she knew yours. Cheeks tenting at her suggestion you could not hold her gaze. Eyes casted out at the ocean. “I need to practice keeping my emotions in check.” Sighing at your answer a frown crossed Tsireyas face. She was tired of your indirect answers, she simply wanted to know what was going on in your head. “What is wrong syulang?”
“Nothing, I just need to find more suitors. I am of mating age after all.” Covering up her feelings she lied. Watching closely as you seemed to cringe at her words ears downturned. “I can make better things than any other suitor could.” Handing her the top you made Tsireyas eyes seems to sparkle. A shy smile making its way onto her face as her hands ran over the fabric. Tuning to dig into her pouch a confused look covered your face as you watched her rummage. Taking out a necklace with the seashell that matched hers but sewn into a dangly piece of jewelry. “We can match now!” Handing you the necklace with the seashell resembling her eyes you could not help the hue casting over your cheeks. “Tsireya we can not, only mates or family match.” Attempting to move the necklace back into their hands she resisted a stubbornly.
“Do you not wish to?” Eyes hurt she flashed her puppy dog look. The frown she wore minutes ago now placed upon her face again. Not being able to resist her beautiful eyes you placed the necklace on with a sigh. Thoughts spiraling in your head as Tsireya eyes lit up at the action. Turning her body around she began to undo her top. Air catching in your throat your eyes watched the fabric fall. Her slim back on full display. Her bare skin soon covered by the top you crafted, as she skillfully tied it around her neck. “Now we are matching!” Voice cheerful Tsireya launched herself onto you. Her body resting comfortable on your legs as she hugged you close. Heart beating rapidly against your chest you placed your arms around her. The warmth of her body seeming to burn as you temperature rose. “Tsireya-“
“I am not 5 y/n I know what the clan will think if they see us.” Leaning back Tsireya met your gaze. Her arms still around your neck and body comfortable seated on yours. There was no doubt your cheeks were every shade of purple as your eyes widened. Trying to wrap the meaning of her words around you brain. “Then I will court you.” Statement clear you looked into her ocean eyes. Searching for a reaction that was soon to come. A joyful screech left Tsireyas lips as she brung her body back to yours. Pressing herself impossibility close as your heart leaped in joy.
“Oel ngati kameie y/n”
“Oel ngati kameie, tsireya.”
Words of affection whispered you did not let Tsireya leave your hold. Eclipse settling in as the two of you cuddled in the sand. Your head on Tsireyas chest as the two of you looked up into the sky. Your matching seashell glowing with your bioluminescence freckles as they connected. The two hearts seeming to have once been one of the same shell. Reunited by two painfully oblivious na’vi finally making a move.
a/n: I hope you like my first Tsireya fic! I can not get enough of the Metkayina siblings. 🤭
tag: @yeosxxx
#avatar tsireya#avatar the way of water#avatar#atwow#tsireya#tsireya x fem!reader#tsireya x y/n#tsireya avatar#tsireya x you#tsireya x reader#gn reader#atwow fluff#atwotw#tsireya fluff#tsireya atwow#metkayina#male reader#female reader#metkayina reader#tsireya x lo’ak#avatar fluff#avatar x reader#pandora avatar#pandora#neteyam#loak#aonung#avatar 2022#na’vi avatar#metkayina clan
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her range...
#bailey bass#avatar the way of water#avatar#avatar 2#avatar 2009#awotw#awow#interview with the vampire#tsireya#tsireya avatar#tsireya fluff#claudia interview with the vampire#louis de pointe du lac#lestat de lioncourt#louis x lestat#avatar 2022#avatar memes#avatar fluff#neteyam sully#loak sully#kiri sully#jake sully#tonowari#ronal#ao'nung#tsireya fanart#tsireya x y/n#tsireya x lo’ak#tsireya x reader#tsireya x you
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masterlists .ᐟ ..
boku no hero academia
jujutsu kaisen
who i write for (overall)
izuku. katsuki. shoto. azula. toph. zuko. shinobu. ahsoka. tsireya. neteyam. yuji. megumi. satoru. shoko.
unofficial / other characters
only you — azula
red lipstick stain — azula
whispers in the dark — toph beifong
disflavored — kochō shinobu d
to be yours — ahsoka tano
sunset — ahsoka tano
affection — ahsoka tano
a loving feeling — ahsoka tano
once more to see you — ahsoka tano
one another — ahsoka tano
heart to heart — ahsoka tano
beauty in the snow — ahsoka tano
moonlight on the river — ahsoka tano
it’s alright now — ahsoka tano
when memories snow — ahsoka tano
#ahsoka#ahsoka tano#ahsoka tano x fem! reader#ahsoka tano x reader#ahsoka x reader#the clone wars#i love ahsoka#avatar the way of water#tsireya atwow#tsireya avatar#tsireya fluff#tsireya x fem!reader#tsireya x y/n#clone wars ahsoka#tsireya x you#ahsoka star wars#demon slayer show
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Their Love
synopsis: a little blurb of Lo’ak’s and Tsireya’s relationship
pairings: Lo’ak x Tsireya
genre: romance, fluff
author's note: just a little something for you guys to hold onto while I continue working on my fics and requests. proofread once- I got this out on a rush.
word count: ~400
Perhaps it was the way she was always smiling at him so genuinely or the way she gently held his hands.
“I see you.” Those three words are what pushed him over the edge. Lo’ak knew right there and then that he fell for her. And he fell hard. Tsireya was never wavering in her kindness for him, always full of patience and care for Lo’ak. Slowly and carefully teaching him her people’s ways and helping him adjust to a new way of life. But most importantly, making him feel like he belongs.
Lo’ak has always struggled with feeling like a burden, an outcast, and one big disappointment. But with Tsireya, he found his way in life. She made him feel worthy, and made him feel loved.
Love, a new feeling for Lo’ak, one he wasn’t used to. Perhaps he was always used to tough love. Tough love that his family gave him since he was always getting into trouble. But Tsireya, she didn’t mind. She was always gently advising him on what to do and what not to do. Always guiding him in the right direction, but with care. Care for his well being, care for his emotions, and care for him. Tsireya’s care for Lo’ak was something he wasn’t used to. But she made him open to it, made him open to seeing how wonderful it is to be loved and appreciated. Appreciated for being alive, and appreciated for being him. Lo’ak’s wild nature was something she never took for granted. Tsireya didn’t wish to change him, only for him to be more careful but because she cared about him. She never wished for him to change his personality or to act like somebody else. Because to her, Lo’ak was the one she wanted, he’s the one she loves.
Tsireya’s loving and gentle personality with Lo’ak’s wild and adventurous side were thought to automatically clash by many, but no. She brought sound reasoning to his mind, and he brought adventure to her life. They fit each other perfectly, like a puzzle. They completed each other, like a match made by the great mother herself.
And so when Tsireya, with the utmost care, held Lo’ak’s hand and said “I see you.” He knew that he loved her and couldn’t be more sure about anything else in his life. That he was loved, loved by her.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
comments/reblogs are always very appreciated💙
do not steal my work and please don't post it on ao3 or wattpad
colors used for gradients: {214,163,245} {102,191,254}
#lo'ak#lo'ak x tsireya#lo'ak fluff#avatar#avatar 2#awow#avatar the way of water#lo'ak sully#tsireya#tsireya x lo'ak#lo'ak fic#tsireya fluff#omaticaya#metkayina#atwow#atwow imagines#atwow loak#atwow tsireya
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This is so cute omg 😭😭😭 I love Tsireya so much ahhhhhhhhhh
She's so sweet, i just wanna snuggle and hold her forever 😭🤭

My Sweet Tawtute.

Featuring. Tsireya [20] x Fem! Human! Reader [20].
Anonymous Request. hihi !!! I was wondering if you could write a fluffy fic of tsireya x human!fem!reader? it’d be cute to see her with someone smaller than her considering how short she is herself :).
Summary. Ever since she saw you, she knew that you were the one.
General Tags. Fluff.
Content Warnings. Ao'nung and his friends are jerks.
Word Count. 622.
Index. Vrrteps — [demons], Exopack — [lightweight atmosphere filtration system developed from civilian rebreather technology that allows humans to survive on Pandora with a minimum amount of equipment.], and Tawtute — [sky person/people].
Notes. Anon, I hope I did your request justice!! I hope you don't mind that I did it in hcs format. This is my first na'vi x human fic so I'm excited, I have a couple more reqs that have the dynamic, one for Tsu'tey and a few for Neteyam so I hope to get them out soon. Let me know what y'all think of this by either commenting or sending an anonymous ask!!
Extra. Requests are open, please read my rules beforehand! / Comments, likes, and reblogs are highly appreciated but not pressured.
Starred Links. Navigation + Masterlist + Prompts + Taglist
𑁍 When Tsireya first saw you when the Sullys’ sought uturu in her home, she was intrigued by you, it was the first time she saw a tawtute in person. Only she heard of them was that they were vrrteps and how they were bad people but as she looked at you admiring her home with a round thing on your face that she learned later that it’s an exopack that helps you breathe, she couldn’t help the feelings start brewing inside of her, to her you weren’t bad.
𑁍 It took some time for Jake to convince her parents in letting you stay but the moment she heard them finally give in, she smiled knowing the fact that she’d be the one to teach you the way of the water.
𑁍 One thing she absolutely loves is how short you are, you only went up to her chest but she loves that she can tower over you since she was short herself, and basically anyone towered over her so she was glad of the change.
𑁍 She loved how eager you were to learn the way of the water, sure it was harder for you but you never gave up, you kept trying.
“Breathe from down here,” Tsireya says softly as she places one hand on your lower abdomen and the other on your chest after gaining permission to do so. “Breathe in,” you do as she says, breathing deeply. “And breathe out,” you exhale as you turn to look at her “[Name], your heartbeat is fast,” she looks into your eyes as your cheeks heat up. “Sorry.” “Try to focus.” you slightly nod and she smiles at how cute you were.
𑁍 One thing she learned about you is how fragile you were so she swore to protect you, always carried an extra exopack if the one you were wearing ever crack on the walks you and her took, a thing y’all pick up on doing to get to know each other. She’d protect you from her brother and his friends' bullying, making sure to let their father know of how Ao’nung was acting and always making sure he and his friends apologized to you.
“You know you didn’t have to do that?” you voiced as you looked up at her earning a frown from her. “Do what, protect you?” you silently nod. “[Name], I won’t let people step all over you just because you’re different than them, I love my brother but he should know better.” You leaned more into her touch whispering a small ‘thank you’ and she smiles. “Now come on we have a date?... with an ilu.” you let out a chuckle as she leads you to the ocean.
𑁍 Of course, Ronal was not happy with you dating her daughter, all the Metkayinan women and she chose a tawtute for a girlfriend, she would never understand it but as she watches the two of you more, she sees what Tsireya sees in you and slowly accepts you in her family.
𑁍 Tonowari was more accepting of you cause he knew you had a strong heart and you didn’t look like you could hurt his daughter, hell you couldn’t hurt a bug. A smile would form on his face whenever he saw you two talking to each other with huge smiles on your faces, as long as Tsireya was happy, he was happy with your relationship.
𑁍 Tsireya knew you were the right one for her and why not seal the deal, sure you can’t mate like na’vis’ can but the two of you bonded in a different way, something so passionate that the two of you would treasure for the rest of your lives together.
🔖 @zanabelle99, @moonchildxoxx, @jakescumdump, @btsiguess-kpop, @sweetdayme4427, @ronalsskimwing, @shit-i-say-shit-i-think, @23victoria, @tsireqas, @kittenw, @violilaqrs, @valentinqee, @kiriswifejayden, @neteyamyawne, @glimmering-darling-dolly, @ducks118, @lilmackiee, @kasai-https, and @neo-novaa.
© teyamsbitch 2023. | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
#☄. *. ⋆ reblog#tsireya x reader#tsireya x fem!reader#tsireya x human reader#tsireya headcanons#tsireya x you#tsireya x y/n#tsireya x human!reader#tsireya fluff#tsireya fanfiction#tsireya atwow#atwow x you#atwow x reader#atwow x y/n#atwow headcanons#atwow tsireya#avatar jake#avatar jake sully#avatar 2009#avatar x reader#avatar#avatar 2#avatar 2022#avatar angst#avatar fic#avatar fluff#abandoned#avatar headcanons#avatar imagine#avatar james cameron
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Hey saw tou were open!!
Could you do a ronal x platonic female reader, who is having her first mother's day as a new mom. She goes to ronal and explains the earth holiday. As part of her tradition she gives ronal a mother's day gift and ronal gets to see cute teeny tiny human baby!
Hellooooooo~!! So when I read this one, I knew just where to put it! Enjoy~!!
Irayo pt1
Irayo: Best mama's around!
Ronal kept herself busy these past few days. More busy than usual. Anything to distract the lingering worry of her friend, Irayo. It has been 8 days now, Ronal counted since her last visit. Not just ronal who worries, but her daughter young tsireya is now questioning where her auntie is. Her, and slowly the villagers begin to worry.
Not to make her worries any better, Ronal has no way to communicate with Irayo. She remembers clearly, the last time she was her friend. Everything was fine that day, irayo behaved normal, acted as normal as she could be. Made another set of friendship bracelets, helped take care of tsireya, did her part in the village. Everything was normal.
So why now is she gone? Are the sky demons preventing her from returning? Did they deem her useless now? Is she alright?
So many questions linger in Ronal's mind. Anything she does, her worries are not calmed down. If by day 10 irayo does not return, ronal can only fear the worse.
“A little bit dramatic, don't you think?” Irayo asks as she plays patty cake with little tsireya. Ronal was too busy hugging her from the side, saying how worried she was and what possible routes irayo was going through.
“Not dramatic, only worried,” Ronal says, a bit stubbornly.
Irayo can only laugh at the tsahik’s antics.
“What happened? Why were you gone for many days?” Ronal finally asks. Needing to know if whatever happened, that irayo was alright.
“I am fine, its just I wasnt feeling well and I had to be examined to find out what was wrong” irayo answers. This made Ronal more worried. “And? Are you well? Why didnt you come to me? I could have helped you” ronal gently scolded. Irayo only shook her and answered in her own way.
She smiled and grabbed Ronal by the hands, guiding them to her belly.
“I am pregnant”
Those three words echoed in ronal’s head, slowing taking in what the human just said. Her eyes were wide, almost unbelieving what she said.
Irayo laughed at Ronal’s reaction. Tsireya laughs as well even though she doesn't know why.
“And who is the fool who believes he is worthy of you?”
Word spread of Irayo’s return and the news of her pregnancy, the people went a bit wild. Welcoming her back, many gave her gently hugs, being mindful of her belly. Even though irayo said she was only 2 weeks pregnant, none took it lightly. Pregnancy at an early stage, any stage really, is the most important. Anything can happen.
So the villagers, and by extension ronal and tonowari, made sure irayo only did safe, light tasks. Some had given her many things for her baby when its born. Children would follow irayo and ask her so many questions, like what is the difference between a na’vi baby and a human baby. Will the baby be blue or a different color? Small or big? Cute or ugly?
So many things and Irayo was just happy to resume it all. Even more now that soon, her little one will get to experience the same excitement as she does. Her stage is still early, but no doubt her motherly instincts kicked in.
As time goes on, ronal allowed irayo to take care of tsireya more often, to practice in how to take care of a baby. Would talk about her experiences in taking care of an infant and so on. However Ronal does not know how much of the information will be useful to her friend. As she does not know how different a human baby is to a na’vi baby.
And as the months go by, ronal witnesses irayo’s belly growing. While she may not fully show it, Ronal is secretly excited for the baby to arrive. One day, when Irayo was 4 months pregnant, she asked a sudden question.
“Would you like to feel the baby?”
This question surprised ronal.
In na’vi customs, pregnant females only allow their mates or really close family members to touch their bellies.
Is it the same for humans?
“Can I…?” Ronal asks hesitantly.
Irayo nods and gently places ronal’s bigger hands onto her growing belly.
“The baby is still small, but in future months, they will move and might even kick,” irayo explains. Being still, Ronal can sense a small heart beat. From her experience, this small heart beat sounds healthy.
“You baby is strong,” she comments. Irayo giggles, she doesn't doubt ronal. She can feel her baby.
“Baby?” little tsireya echos the word as she waddles over to the two mothers. Practicing how to mother with the little one, irayo feels she is ready. But slight doubt still lingers in her.
Playing with the child's hair, Irayo confesses her inner struggles.
“Ronal…do you think I will be a good mother?” she asks.
Ronal looks at her friend, a sad smile on the human's face. “Of course you will be. Perhaps not perfect, but a good mother. I have seen you around my child, with the villagers' children. Why think you will not be?”
“I don't know, maybe it is just my mind playing games. I see how you raise tsireya, when she was born to now. You are wonderful to her. You have far more experience than I. the other women, I see how they handle their babies. I fear that whatever I will try, it won't be enough. That maybe I will fail and-”
Ronal places her hands gently on irayo’s cheek, making her look at her.
“You will be a wonderful mother to your baby. Anything you will do, shall do, will be seen as perfection to your baby because it will be all that they know. I am not perfect irayo, no one else. I make my own mistakes, but we learn and so will you”
“Learn!” tsireya repeated.
Both ladies look down at the little girl with soft smiles.
Irayo leans a bit to kiss tsireya’s head.
“At least my baby will have someone to look up to”
9 months had come to completion. Ronal wasnt able to see irayo for a while. Irayo explained she will need to be under constant supervision since the due date was nearing. Ronal understood, but the inner fears and anxiety creeps every night.
Will irayo be alright? Will the birth be safe? Will the baby be healthy?
So many questions, ronal even suggested she helps to deliver the baby. Willing to push aside her own personal views of the sky demons for the sake of her friend. While irayo was happy, she couldn't.
And it wasn't for another 3 months that finally, irayo returned. This time she wasn't alone.
She came to the village with her baby.
Everyone was so ecstatic!
They all surrounded her and her baby. Welcoming her back and welcoming the baby as well. Her baby was so cute! Mothers praised the little one, seeing how healthy the baby looked. And many more for being curious, it was the first time they have seen a human baby! Who knew they could be adorable?
However the crowd was quickly disbursed by the presence of ronald and tonowari with tsireya in her father’s arms.
Ronal of course was the first to hug irayo, letting out a long relieved sigh.
“Thank Eywa you have returned” she whispers. Looking at irayo, she didnt know if it was the sun, or something else but the human had a natural glow in her physic. That motherly glow all females have after birth. It made irayo look stunning.
“I am happy to be back,” irayo says.
Soft babbles were heard, in the small bassinet was the human baby.
Leaning down, ronal took a good look at the human baby.
“Has your eyes…” she comments.
The baby stared at ronal, no fear, only fascination.
“Would you like to carry my baby?” Irayo asks, knowing ronal wants to. Without needing to answer, ronal carefully and gently holds the baby into her arms.
“Baby!” tsireya squeals.
Tonowari chuckles, “yes me’ite, it is a baby. We must be careful and be gentle” he says, tsireya nodding.
“Your baby is so beautiful…oh Eywa, maybe you bless this baby with a great life and a wonderful future” ronal prays.
Tonowari gestures irayo to a certain direction, “come, there is much to talk about”
Tsireya was entertaining the baby, showing many toys and singing little songs. Never keeping her eyes away from her new friend.
Irayo sits beside ronal, “I have a gift for you~” she teases.
“I wonder what it could be”
Already knowing what it is.
As predicted, irayo brought out 4 bracelets, “new BFF’s bands!” irayo says happily.
Carefully tying it around ronal’s wrist, doing the same for herself, tsireya and her baby. “We shall commemorate this day as our first mother’s day!” she goes on.
Ronal looks at her curiously.
“Mother’s day? What is that?”
“Mother’s day is a human tradition. Once a year on a special day, we celebrate our mothers. Giving them gifts, a day to relax, and appreciating them overall. So, this is my gift to you and to myself. It is not often celebrated here with my co-workers but at least I can celebrate it with you!” irayo happily answers.
Looking down at her new bracelet, tracing over the beads and sea glass, she likes it.
“Gifts huh…well then, I have a gift for you as well” ronal says.
This makes irayo get closer, already excited.
“What is it?” irayo answers. Ronal answers deadpanned.
“I am pregnant”
NGL I got carried away but I like it! So, until next time! See ya!
#avatar#avatar the way of water#na'vi x reader#na'vi avatar#avatar 2#na'vi x human#ronal fluff#ronal x reader#ronal avatar#ronal x tonowari#ronal x y/n#tonowari#ronal x you#tsireya#atwow#metkayina#tsireya x y/n#tsireya x reader#tsireya avatar#tsireya atwow#tonowari x you#tonowari x reader#tonowari x y/n#tonowari x ronal#avatar way of water#metkayina clan
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Avatar Incorrect quotes#50 Na'vis first pastries
You introduce to the Na'vi the wonderful world of pastries...and Tea Time, As if the concept of giving everyone you hold close a pretty rock wasn't enough but now... you're giving something you MADE?...
In Metkayina clan Beaches
Ronal*Holding a thing called "Banana bread" and sniffing it curiously*So...It's bread made from Bananas the yellow fruit from your world...
Y/n*Smiles and nods*It is
Ronal: YOU made this bread
Y/n:I did!
Ronal: You can put stuff on it?
Y/n: I meaaan i wouldn't recommend making a sandwich with it but knock yourself out!~
Tonowari*Is happily chewing at a bread but he is confused by the taste*...This one doesnt taste like bananas...
Y/n*Gleams seeing him eating it* That one has Oreos on it
Tonowari*Stares at the bread and spots the white n black thing you called "Oreo Cookies" that you shared with him once...and that he found very delicious, pupils dialating and his tail curling*...I like Oreos...
Y/n:Me too!
Tsu'tey*Looking at his own bread that is different from Ronal's and Tonowari's*...What's in this one?
Y/n: Chocolate chips!
Tsu'tey*On brooding stare at you*...why?
Y/n*Shrugs, looking back at him with a derpy grin*Why not?
Tsu'tey*Stares longer at you*Your invited to my next hunting trip...
Y/n*Gleams knowingly but spots the kids*??
The Kids are enjoying their own desserts nearby you the Sully's and Spider teaching Tsireya and Aonung how to eat the bread
Aunong*Putting slices of meat and cheese...and making a sandwich with the bananabread*Mx Y/nsully when you say you wouldn't recommend making a sandwich out of it, this is a suggestion, correct?
Y/n:Its not illegal-
Aunong*Putting the things you call "Chips" into it and closing it,drooling*Good...Imma need more of this, okay?
#avatar 2009#avatar#avatar na'vi#avatar x reader#avatar x y/n#avatar x human reader#na'vi#na'vi x human#na'vi x reader#y/n sully#ronal x reader#ronal x y/n#ronal x tonowari#tonowari x reader#tonowari x y/n#ronal x reader x tonowari#tonowari x reader x ronal#tsu'tey te rongloa ateyitan#tsu'tey x reader#tsu'tey x y/n#tsu'tey x human reader#spider te rongloa ateyitan#spider socorro#avatar kiri#avatar neteyam#avatar loak#avatar tuk#avatar tsireya#avatar aonung#avatar fluff
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〴 📘 — AU!𝙃𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣!𝙇𝙤’𝙖𝙠 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨

𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚜 : @jioohyo @bambithewriter @rivatar @sunofpandora @xylianasblog @ikeyniofthetayrangi @plantgirliewholovespandora @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @pandoranbean @literallynpbody
𝚍𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚋𝚢 : @cafekitsune !!!
Subject that human!Lo’ak doesn’t like ?
MATH. ANY type – algebra, geometry, calculus, precalculus – human!Lo’ak might be shit at it
Or rather, people THINK he’s not very good at it — geometry, algebra, calculus, precalculus, anything math related — and he even believes that he is not good at it because he just lets others’ opinions get to him
It isn’t precisely that he doesn’t like the subject - it just has too many numbers, strategies, and – letters???
I’m sure he’s the type to think once he sees letters involved in an equation that he will be very, very dubious and not at all try to solve it.
“Why can’t you just let numbers have their own category and leave the fucking alphabet out of it bro-”
HOWEVER, if he does try, he comprehend and is actually very good at it.
Very smart, just people think him to not be “Neteyam smart” that it pisses him off, drains him, then he doesn’t give a shit in trying anymore
Leave the poor guy alone though, he tries his best and is VERY INTELLIGENT.
… I see Lo’ak being into video games — try tearing the guy away from a game console.
Human!Lo’ak is that guy during gaming nights—loud, animated, and absolutely relentless. He’ll trash-talk like there’s no tomorrow, but he’s the first to cheer everyone up if they lose.
From COD to Minecraft and Fortnite and NBA2k24 and Roblox and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
it is freaking WAR when the entire family plays Mario Kart.
Just imagine that. Paint the picture, folks.
Don’t want to? Fine, I’ll more than gladly paint it.
I think while Neytiri thinks and finds video games to be stupid, she overhears Lo’ak saying she just sucks and is scared to lose.
It may be war with the entire family playing, but it is scorching HELL when she’s playing only against him.
Even Jake sheds a sweat, and he’s already out of the round.
Kiri, who didn’t really want to play to begin with, actually perks up a bit while sitting on the sofa, even cheering and siding with her mom
Tuk would be that one person who doesn’t know who to cheer for so she’s cheering for them all —
Best believe momma Neytiri is gonna beat the shit out that game though.
And a rolling on the floor while sobbing Lo’ak too after savoring her victory.
Jake is so proud to call her his wife akakkssklksls
Oh, and COD, call of duty, is definitely his father-son bonding time with Jake. They’re a badass duo when playing a match— it’s like the one of the rare times that they’re on the same page and Jake’s giving him compliments back to back—
Prides himself with all them compliments, even rubs it in Neteyam’s face who would just smirk and roll his eyes but let his little brother have his enjoyment
Human!Lo’ak probably teaches Tuk how to play video games —
While he’s doing his own thing she probably goes into his room and plays on his computer or X-box.
Tuk will definitely get him to play other games like Stumble Guys or download apps on his phone that he pretends not to like but secretly plays them on his own.
tuk : “hey how did I get 1st on the leaderboard??”
She’s not complaining tho —
Also, plays Roblox a LOT with Tuk, Kiri, and if Neteyam is not busy with his own thing, even him.
Group chat between the Sullys, Spider, Ao’nung, Tsireya, and Rotxo.
When they all play roblox, it gets wild.
Human!Lo’ak definitely gets banned for a week from the dumb shit he be saying with Ao’nung — even sometimes Neteyam.
“Mom, you’ll never believe why Lo’ak got banned from [👠HEELS baddies]”
“Kiri, shut up! — ”
One time invited Tsireya to play rainbow friends with Tuk
Tsireya would be sobbing as to why her crush / boyfriend and his little sister play such things —
Human!Lo’ak is intelligent— VERY intelligent but like … chooses not to use that intelligence quite often and wounds up in trouble?
Definitely let’s intrusive thoughts take over.
He’s washing the dishes, holds a spoon, stares at it for awhile before putting it under the water when already knowing it’s gonna create a whole frigging waterfall.
Human!Lo’ak is very goofy — this very natural charm that’s almost so ridiculous?
But, human!Lo’ak has the best sense of humor, naturally funny — can make one laugh with anything.
If he heard someone try to crack a joke that’s not exactly funny, he pats them in the back and just gives them a small smile and laugh. “Bro— you tried.”
Acknowledges the joke though, because he know how it feels to be in awkward situations and how it feels to go by ignored.
And if he heard someone make a joke that makes someone uncomfortable or is just something mean and stupid, he looks at them with a ‘wtf’ stare, or looks at them as if they’re high and tells them to shut up.
Definitely had an Xxxtencion phase, a Captain Underpants phase, a Dog Man phase, and a Rocket Raccoon phase.
Human!Lo’ak tries and pretty much is caught up with the latest rap music — he vibes to it.
Give this guy some Afrobeats — he thinks he’s the shit
Human!Lo’ak would be randomly bursting to song in Neteyam’s perplexed face or Kiri’s annoyed face while Tuk sings along with him and makes the identical face Lo’ak makes.
I’m certain human!Lo’ak discreetly listens to K-Pop.
Kiri and Tsireya — even Rotxo gets him into it.
“What’re you guys even listening to? This is so lame.”
Meanwhile, his AirPod is blasting ‘Cherry bomb’ by NCT 127 —
Oh my gosh, Kiri would be listening to “House of Cards (Full Length Edition)” in her room and Lo’ak could come in to ask her some random ass shit while the main part of the song is playing, and he could be getting into some body rolls to go along with the song’s rhythm.
Meanwhile, Kiri’s just sobbing in the corner because of the meaning behind the song — (iykyk)
Very much The Neighbourhood and Chase Atlantic coded.
Even Bryson Tiller — he can vibe to SZA too.
Definitely yells the lyrics to her SOS album — especially Open Arms to Tsireya as he holds her face in hands, singing Travis Scott’s part to her.
Meanwhile poor cutie is just confused but is allowing him to express himself in however way he needs to, lmao
Sprinkles of Bruno Mars and Coldplay. Ali Gatie, Arctic Monkeys and MANESKIN too in his taste of music ( just my opinion —)
Human!Lo’ak loves snacks and always seems to have a stash of chips, candy, or homemade treats. He’s also the one who combines weird flavors (“Trust me, it’s good!”) and gets surprisingly defensive about his food experiments.
I also feel he can be one of those guys that can eat 5 cheese burgers, yet also remains shockingly toned and fit?
While going to the gym is somewhat a priority for him, he might skip leg day here and there. ( regrets it tho, Kiri could make fun of his skinny legs. Even Neytiri tries to feed him more.)
Human!Lo’ak enjoys adventure. Growing up close to the land (thanks to Jake and Neytiri’s influence), he has a deep respect for the outdoors.
I think while he enjoys his video games and playing sports ( see him doing basketball and baseball. Would even try soccer ) he likes departing from that for a bit and wants to go exploring.
Wether it be around the neighborhood, a random Walmart, the park, forest, hiking
He has a hobby for photography has a secondhand camera that he takes everywhere, snapping candid photos of his adventures, friends, and the moments that matter to him.
His photos are raw and authentic, capturing life in a way that reflects his love for the untamed.
He’s the type to go to the park and walk with siblings ( spider included ), friends, and while you’re down the path you’re supposed to be following, and if there’s a deep forest to the side he’d definitely be the one to suggest — more so already be doing — to go down there and check out if there’s anything interesting.
He hears a branch break? He’d either be, “nope, why’d you make me do this” or, he’d hold it together and tease the others if their scared when he’s the one secretly crapping himself —
Human!Lo’ak is definitely sensitive, but chooses to mask the hurt with something harsh or very, very teasing when it’s actually a jab of an insult.
Human!Lo’ak has a loud laugh and loves making others smile with his antics, but he sometimes uses humor as a shield for his insecurities.
He hides the fact that he feels like he doesn’t quite fit in anywhere.
Human!Lo’ak might cry when he’s angry or very frustrated. The browns of his eyes become more clear and their shape more prominent — he looks so much like Neytiri when this occurs.
When human!Lo’ak is alone and he trips over air, he definitely laughs to himself and gives himself a face smack.
Human!Lo’ak’s room is a chaotic blend of random posters, discarded clothes, and half-finished DIY projects. Despite the mess, there’s an undeniable charm to it—it feels alive and uniquely his.
Eats cereal out of the box and drinks milk out of carton — Neytiri smacks him for it while getting Jake to scold him ( even though it’s Jake that taught him how to do that when he was little and ever since has always done it —)
Human!Lo’ak wears the necklaces Tuk makes for him — pretending he doesn’t like them and makes the excuse that they don’t go with his fit, but, he still wears it because why would he not?
At some point him along with the rest of his siblings, including his parents, have matching jewelry because of Tuk
Human!Lo’ak has a phase where he wears Kiri’s old magnetic earrings before she got her ears pierced because he was too scared to get his own pierced.
Eventually he goes and gets them pierced with Kiri who’s getting, like her fourth piercing on her ears —
Human!Lo’ak messes with Kiri just for fun, but he likes hanging out with her — won’t admit it to her of course , but if anyone else bothers her, he’ll beat their behind — no matter if they’re 10 times bigger than him.
Definitely gets introduced to customizing his shit because of Kiri.
From his sneakers to his backpack, Lo’ak loves personalizing his belongings with graffiti-style art, stickers, or patches. Everything he owns reflects his bold and creative personality.
Human!Lo’ak sings at least one of Taylor Swift or Britney Spears’ songs very randomly — or if he hears Tuk singing a Disney song, he’d get into character and dramatically sing along — even if he hears Kiri softly singing to herself, he’d do the same too.
Gets into character, gets a little sassy and does these hand waves.
( kiri definitely records Lo’ak without him noticing and later on sends it to the gc they have with their other friends)
Oh my gosh I’m sure him and Spider had the idea to start a band and join the army, including Neteyam when they were between 7–10
Neytiri, despite thinking Spider might be some kind of bad influence on her kids, allows this — she even records them ‘performing’ when they’re just really banging shit and singing God knows what —
They look so goofy when they try playing soldiers, they’re wearing Jake’s and Quaritch’s old clothes that’s too big for them, but it’s adorable
Human!Lo’ak looks very happy, jumping over Neteyam’s back as his big brother smiles largely and freely, while Spider’s head is hooked beneath Neteyam’s arm with a two-front teeth gone smile, and Kiri’s in the back using the camouflage gear as a way to blend and connect with nature —
Human!Lo’ak is not used to physical touch.
He somewhat shrinks away from it, unless it is from someone he is 100 percent comfortable with.
Physical touch is not a major thing I think is included in his family. Unless it’s something grand.
HOWEVER, I do think when it’s an s/o, he’d like the idea of them being around.
Not entirely PDA, but he would have their arms ‘accidentally’ bump into one another while walking side by side, or s/o catches on, and just lets their arms touch at all times.
100 percent a hopeless romantic.
Human!Lo’ak has a soft spot for love stories, even if he’d never admit it.
He’s the type to scribble cheesy lines in his notebooks and go all-out for someone he cares about, like creating a mixtape or planning a starlit picnic.
Human!Lo’ak was definitely dropped by Jake as a child, so many fucking times to the point where Neytiri did not allow Jake to grab him.
Neytiri dropped him once too though— that was Lo’ak’s fault for squirming too much though, Jake never let her hear the end of it whenever Tuk was born and she was hesitant to let him hold her.
Human!Lo’ak fell off the bed a lot during his nap times as a toddler
Definitely almost accidentally always bangs his head against something 😭
At this point, do not be surprised if he’s in the state of memory loss
Human!Lo’ak definitely let’s put a random screech of anger after doing something that’s so frustrating for a long time
Human!Lo’ak is a magnet to stray animals — they’re practically drawn to his energy.
He’s the type to bring home stray dogs or befriend the random raccoon that keeps raiding the trash.
His family often rolls their eyes, but most definitely find the whole thing amusing.
Tuk goes to school and flexes that her brother is King of Animals —
Neytiri ensures her kids remain connected to their heritage, and human!Lo’ak appreciates it more than he lets on.
He wears small tokens or bracelets that symbolize his culture and finds solace in its traditions, even when he feels out of place.
Human!Lo’ak dreams big, even if he doesn’t know how.
Lo’ak often talks about grand ideas—traveling the world, building a better future, or making a name for himself.
He doesn’t always have a plan, but his enthusiasm is infectious.
#lo’ak x reader#lo’ak headcannons#avatar the way of water#avatar#avatar james cameron#𝐍¥𝐑𝐑’𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐍 !*ೃ༄#¡¡ ŋყཞཞ !! 🪼🪼#atwow#avatar 2009#jake sully#neteyam#neytiri#Tsireya#Kiri#tuktirey#human!lo’ak#human!Lo’ak x fem!reader#lo’ak x fem!reader#lo’ak x reader fluff#lo’ak x y/n#atwow loak#loak sully#lo’ak sully x reader
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- Time spent together -

Pairing: Agedup!Tsireya x Fem!Metkayina!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Request: [ @iluvpandorawomen ] Hey gorgeous 🤗 , just got back on here after a break im almost done with my kiri fic part two but i was here to ask how are you ? and if you could do a small drabble for kiri or tsireya ?? 🥰
Synopsis: You and Tsireya spend some quality time together
Content: Pure Fluff, established relationship, them just being cute
Author’s Note: my first ever drabble & Tsireya fic, I was so excited to write it! I hope it meets your expectations @iluvpandorawomen!
Word Count: 444
Glossary: Tanhì - Star; bioluminescent freckle || Yawne - Beloved
Extra: requests are open! Please read rules prior to requesting!
Links: Navigation || Masterlist || Taglist
Likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated💗!
"Come on y/n." Tsireya whispered to you as she stood in the entryway of your mauri.
It's the middle of the night and both of you decided to sneak off and have one of your nightly dates like you've been doing over the past few weeks.
"Okay, okay, I'm coming." you whisper back as you try to slowly step around your family who were sleeping peacefully on their mats trying your best not to wake them up.
You were finally able to make your way to the entryway, "Are you ready to go tanhì?" Tsireya reached out her hand for you to take, ready to intertwine her hand with yours.
"Yes, let's go." and with that, you grabbed her hand and both of you began walking toward the beach. As both of you walked hand in hand Tsireya felt all giddy inside, even though both of you have been dating for a year it still feels like the first time both of you went on a date.
Tsireya loved spending this time with you, being able to be alone at night as the moonlight shined so perfectly on your teal-green skin and how your light blue eyes shined with love.
The beach was beautiful at this time of day, from how the stars were shining in the night sky to the water that was glowing from the bioluminescent flora and fauna within it. After a while of walking along the shore both of you decided to settle down near a palm tree.
You sat down first, leaning against the tree as Tsireya sat on your lap. You wrap your arms around her torso, loving every moment you got to touch her. As Tsireya felt you snake your arms around her frame, a redness spreads across her cheeks. She loves when you touch her just as much as you did. She loves the feeling of your fingertips gliding against her body and the way your hands roam in places that were only accessible to you.
“I love you y/n, you know that? You make me feel so loved and protected.” Tsireya leans back, resting her body against yours and placing her head in the crook of your neck.
“I love you too yawne, you make me the happiest na’vi on Pandora. My life wouldn’t be complete if you weren’t in it.” You end your statement by planting a loving kiss on her cheek. Times like this made you feel so lucky to have Tsireya by your side.
Both of you continue stargazing, looking around at the world that Eywa created. The atmosphere was filled with a warmth that you never wanted to end, you wanted to bask in this feeling forever.
I hope you enjoyed💗!
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©️inlovewithpandora ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
#❖ — 🌳: 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑯𝑨𝑽𝑬 𝑨 𝑺𝑻𝑹𝑶𝑵𝑮 𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑻.!#❖ — 🪸: 𝑾𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑵𝑬𝑪𝑻𝑺 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺.!#avatar fanfiction#avatar james cameron#avatar the way of water#avatar fandom#tsireya avatar#tsireya#tsireya x y/n#tsireya x you#tsireya x reader#tsireya x metkayina!reader#tsireya x fem!reader#tsireya fluff#atwow x y/n#atwow tsireya#atwow fanfiction#atwow#atwow drabbles#atwow fluff#atwow x you#avatar fluff
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💗 — Threesome

『 Pairing 』 Lo'ak x Fem!Metkayina!Reader x Tsireya.
『 summary 』 Your betrothed pissed you off but your best friend and her boyfriend are more than ready to please you.
『 warning 』 cunnilingus, blowjob, lazy sex, revenge sex? All are aged up, GxBxG, pussy eating, explicit.
『 word count 』 650+ proof read
『 Glossary 』 syulang - Flower.
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You knew exactly what you were getting into, your betrothed was an asshole and you wanted to pay him back, of course you did or else you wouldn’t be here right now, not in this state anyways, out of breath and panting, though it was cut short when Lo’ak slid his cock right back in your mouth as you kneeled in front of him, the thick head parting your soft wet lips once again, only for you to moan around his shaft when Tsireya licked a long line up your slit, sucking on that sensitive clit, her head nestled between your thighs as she laid on her back.
“You don’t have to go back, you know? He was an asshole anyways.” Lo’ak croons as he fisted his hand in your hair as he slowly pumps into your mouth, fucking his way down your throat, but you’re too drunk on lust to listen as Tsireya grips the fat of your ass, her chuckle vibrating against your pussy.
Only a grumbled reply was your response, sucking on his cock dutifully to the hilt until he was groaning himself “Look at her, dripping like a fucking stream” Tsireya mumbled over your clit before pulling your thighs down to make you sit down on her face which only startled you more as she pulled on your tail, arousing the tightness.
Lo’ak laughed as he watched your desperate attempts to moan as they were blocked by his dick down your throat, pistoning his hips, riding your mouth as all you could do was hold onto his waist and get lost in the perfect rhythm of lust and oblivion, the tightness in your belly grew, toes curling, back arching, hands clutching for support as you orgasmed for Eywa know how many time all the while Tsireya never stopped licking or swirling her tongue around your clit.
He sped up, gripping your jaw as your body goes slack while she gobbled up your slick as if that was what she lived for, his hand pulling at the strands of your hair when he lets out a guttural moan, spilling his seeds inside your mouth, the slightly salty flavor filling your tastebuds, cock sliding out shining and glistening in cum and your saliva.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“That's it, babygirl, just like that…” lo’ak whispered, his own head thrown back, eyes closed in physical bliss, his fingers digging their shape into the soft plush of your hips, his cock filling up your hole deliciously, while keeping you bent over Tsireya’s lap, your face buried in her sweet leaking cunt.
“Fuck Reya.” your murmured whispers against her clit where enough to make undone, your eyes flying up see her take the bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes fluttering close, hand tightening in your hair as Lo’ak leaned forward with his chest pressed on your back, pressing his lips on the nape of your neck.
Only moans and heavy breaths filled the lonesome cave, this wasn’t on any of yours to-do list but it was welcome change, one they were too happy to oblige to, his little sweet nothings being whispered in yours, it was all the relief you needed in that moment.
The warm heat of tsireya on your mouth, the wet and slick as your tongue darts out, licking a line up her slit before your moan reverberates in her folds as Lo’ak sunk back in your cunt, reveling in the rhythm of moan filled desires, your eyes fluttering shut.
Your head was yanked back by your hair, beads and shells clinking together with Tsireya’s whiney groans as your mouth was pulled away, eyes rolling back while you held onto her thighs “ohh Eywa…hmm” she groaned before she came with slick dripping down as Lo'ak collapsed right beside you and Reya.
His warm breath hit the back of your head, heavy puffs on your nape while your body recovered from the high of the sex, cuddled together, Lo'ak sneaking his arm around your waist, pulling gently until you hear him yet again.
“One more time, Syulang…”
Yawne : @eywaite, @tallulah477, @luvv4j4ybe11, @pandoraslxna, @ikeyniofthetayrangi, @am-ka, @jooniexmoon, @wanabekanae, @luvteyams, @nerdybouquetofkittens-blog, @dhdidndidn, @erostothenus, @rO-xy, @jakesullywhore, @m3g215, @lis4lipsi, @your-lover-died, @heisbetterthanwaffles, @suinhee, @teymars, @taronyuhunter, @chesireleah1999, @moonchildxoxx, @celessO, @marydiva-17, @thepeonysbackup, @j1b-b, @huntthefreaky, @myloveforyourisforever, @st4rgi4l, @pheonixfucu, @nailOv3r, @neteyamsoare.
©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
#🏙️ : ᴄʜɪʟᴅ ᴏꜰ ɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ / ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ#🌁 : ᴡɪʟᴅʟɪꜰᴇ / ᴍᴅɴɪ#🌃 : ɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ / ᴏɴᴇ ꜱʜᴏᴛꜱ#🪷 : ʟᴏᴛᴜꜱ / ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ ᴘᴀɴᴅᴏʀᴀ#romancingpandora2024#loak smut#loak x tsireya#loak fanfiction#loak x reader#atwow loak#loak sully#loak#avatar loak#loak x you#loak x y/n#loak x tsireya x you#avatar 2009#avatar movie#avatar#avatar 2#avatar 2022#avatar angst#avatar art#avatar fandom#avatar fic#avatar fluff#tsireya x you#tsireya avatar#tsireya x reader#tsireya
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Treat me (decision based fic)
Lo’ak x omatikayan fem reader (all aged up)
Warnings: heavy smut, fingering, choking, slapping, hair pulling, p in v, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, soft-dom to DOM lo’ak.
Synopsis: when your friend group becomes alittle more advanced with age, you find it hard to relate to them, seeing as you were a late bloomer in the sex department. You turn to lo’ak for help but you end up quite…helpless.
You and your friends would always meet up and talk to each other about any and everything. Wether it be about hunting, partying, or just joking around, there was always a topic of conversation. As you all got older, that topic switched to something a little more advanced….sex.
It seemed to be the only thing your friends were interested in. And you being the late bloomer in all of this made the topic irrelevant to you. Made it seem like you had nothing in common with your friends anymore. They were growing up, and you felt as if you were staying still in the sex department.
As time progressed, your friends would ask you about your sex life, and to save yourself the embarrassment, you would lie.
“Oh, yeah! He told me I gave the best head in this clan.” You would say, chest poked out in confidence. And a flow of questions would follow after:
“Stop! Was he hot?”
“Did you swallow?”
“Omg girl, tell me your tricks.”
You finally felt like you belonged in your friend group again. Even if that meant lying to fit in. One day, the lying went alittle too far. And there was no turning back without giving your entire operation up.
“You keep saying “he”. Who is this mystery boy who’s getting all of your love, girl?”. Your heart stopped, realizing that you could either come clean, or continue this drawn out lie. Even though you wanted to do the right thing, the name you thought about was coming up like word vomit, there was nothing you could do.
“Oh, no one special. Justttt….lo’ak sully.” You sung. Your friends jaws dropping in shock and excitement for you. But regret burned deep in your heart, because you knew this would end badly. Lo’ak was like an older brother to you, and it seemed to be reciprocated on his end. He never really tried anything with you, which was new.
He was a very sexual being, and this was known throughout the clan. He was popular, strong, son of a great warrior, and he was hot. So this little lie was for sure to come out soon.
Again, you contemplated with yourself:
Should I just come clean? Or should I get lo’ak to go along with it just until it all faded out?
“Bro, you told them WHAT?” Lo’ak laughed, throwing his hair into a ponytail infront of his mirror.
“Listen, I know it sounds crazy. But I need you to do this for me, please!” You pleaded urgently, pacing back and forth nervously in his hut.
“Y/n…no.” He chuckled, turning to face you with his arms across his chest. You huffed, stomping to his cot until you plopped down on it in frustration.
“And I mean, you really went all out, too. Best head? Are you fucking kidding me? You’ve never seen dick in your life.” He lectured, walking over to your sprawled out body.
“You should HEAR the shit they talk about. I’ve never even heard of some of that stuff. Didn’t even know some of it was possible.” You sat up, looking up to him. He laughed out loud.
“Yeah, because your friends are a bunch of sluts. And you shouldn’t even be hanging out with them. You don’t need to impress those girls, y/n. Just stay innocent a little while longer, shit.” He leaned down, planting a kiss on your forehead, caressing the side of your head before walking back over to the mirror.
“Don’t “little girl” me. I hate when you do that.” You pouted, shooting him a stone cold glare. He smirked at you through the mirror, playing with his loincloth to make sure it was secured around his hips.
“you ARE a little girl.” He laughed, shaking his head before checking himself out in the mirror, vainly.
You rolled your eyes with a loud huff. “No I’m not! Skxawng.” You crossed your arms. Shooting him a deadly glare. He tilted his head, crossing his arms across his broad chest. “Oh yeah? Prove it.” He shrugged, eyeing you up and down through the mirror.
Your body began to get hot, shifting on his cot nervously. “Lo’ak…please. Just help me.” You sighed, hands together as you begged him to save you from the mess you dug yourself into.
He face turned serious, eyes rolling in frustration before shifting his body weight to one side.
“So let me get this straight. You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend untilllll?”
“Until I tell everyone we broke up. I just need a couple of months, lo’ak.” You reassured him, hoping that he would finally give in for you.
“A couple of months?! No fucking way.” He shook his head. “Why not?!” You whined.
“Because im just going to assume we’re not going to be having sex. And I don’t know if you noticed but….I like having sex.” He smirked at you through the mirror.
“Lo’ak, i-ive never done that before.” You reminded him. Crossing your legs nervously. He scoffed, watching you squeeze your legs together.
“Yeah, I know. Which is why this is a terrible fucking idea!” He chuckled. You began to grow more frustrated, finally blurting out what you truly wanted to say.
“Lo’ak! I don’t know why you’re acting so untouchable. Every girl In this clan has had you for gods sake! Just break me in already, what’s the big deal?” You rambled, glaring at him with a confused look, waiting for him to answer your question.
“Do you hear yourself? Like…seriously.” He spoke lowly , turning around to lean against the mirror, staring at you. Your ears shot up, shooting your head to him confusingly.
“I mean…you talk about yourself like you’re an object. Break you in? Like a fucking car? You’re so much more than that. Why do you wanna be treated like a slut? Please explain.” His eyebrows ruffled in confusion as he awaited an answer.
“I just- my friend’s talk about it like it’s the best thing in the world. All I wanna do is see what that feels like. To be used and dominated. To be fucked until I can’t take it anymore, and even then he doesn’t stop. Showing me no fucking mercy no matter how much I scream for him to slow down. I want someone to make me cum…over and over again until I have nothing left to give. I wanna be slapped, choked….treated like an absolute slut.” You explained, not even knowing the tone in which you spoke. You were so in your head that your tone was borderline seductive, making lo’ak forget everything he said to you before.
“I just need the right person to show me.” You smiled sarcastically, realizing that this conversation was probably going nowhere. You stood up, walking towards the door. You only opened it inches before it slammed back shut in your embrace. You could feel his body heat radiating on your backside as his hand laid on the shut door.
“And after all that…you think you’re just gonna walk out? I’ll have your little ass crawling out of here when I’m done.” He growled in your ear. You let a small whimper leave your throat, completely submitting to him. He spun you around to face him, pinning you to the door by your neck with great force.
“I’ve thought about it. Who am I to deny you of what you truly want, huh? What kind of… boyfriend would I be if I didn’t treat you how you’re begging me to?” He chuckled, titling his head at you. He scanned your trembling body for a moment before meeting your face again.
“Tell me you want it.” He whispered, bringing you closer to him by your neck. His hand slid down to your waist, drawing circles into the sides. You looked up at him with nothing but lust, so hungry for him. “I want it.” You moaned, nodding in his embrace.
“Talk to me, tell me how you want it.” He nodded with you before tucking his bottom lip in between his teeth.
“Take me right here. Use me, please.” You strained as his grip on your neck became slightly tighter. He nodded for confirmation before ripping your loincloth off, deeming it un-wearable. He immediately slid two fingers in between your soaked folds, making you throw your head back in his embrace.
He brought his fingers up to your face, your juices dripping down his knuckles. You looked at him with hooded eyes. You stuck your tongue all the way out, using the flattest part to lick his fingers clean. He watched you intently before pulling his fingers away, bringing you in for a fiery kiss. Your tongues fought for dominance, but his won. The kiss was slow and sloppy, just how you liked it.
He let your neck go, picking you up by your thighs harshly, lips still stuck to yours. He walked you over to the table, swiping everything away with one hand before plopping you down.
He trailed his hand down to your cunt, massaging your clit gently with his thumb while he slide one finger into you slowly. You detached from his lips, back bowing as you threw your head back. A series of loud moans left your throat as he took the opportunity to leave hickeys on your neck.
He slowly added the second one, scissoring your hole gently to open you up. “Tell me if I’m hurting you.” He whispered in your ear, playing with the squishy ball of nerves inside of you. You let out a whimper, bucking your hips into his hand. It was safe to say that you felt no pain, just pleasure. Yet and still you nodded at his request. You both watched as his fingers slide in and out of you, coaxing squelching sounds out of your soaked cunt.
Although it felt good, you couldn’t help but think about how his cock would feel. Filling you up just right. You needed him, right now.
“Please, fuck me. I want it so bad.” You whined, still bucking your hips into his hand. He looked into your eyes, scanning your seriousness.
“Oh baby. You’re gonna need to be stretched as much as possible before you take this dick. Be patient with me.” He spoke breathily, kissing your forehead.
“I-I can take it, lo’ak. I promise! Give it to me, please.” You pleaded, tears forming in the corner of your eyes from your incoming orgasm. He smirked, watching your legs tremble slightly.
“Cum first, and then I’ll let you have it. You’re so fucking close, don’t you want to finish, hmm?” He whispered in your ear, before tugging on the lobe with his canines. He sped up inside of you, massaging your sweet spot. Your mouth flew opened, eyebrows scrunching together as your legs shook violently around his waist.
“That’s what I thought. Go ahead, and cum for me Princess.” He spoke in your ear before pecking it. Obeying his orders, you clung to his neck, eyes rolling back as you released on his fingers.
“Good girl, such a good girl.” He muttered through a clenched jaw, pulling his fingers out of you. He brung them to his mouth, sucking them clean as he eyed your small frame.
“Can I have it now? Please?” You begged, tugging at his loincloth. He chuckled, licking his fingers one more time. He used his thumb to wipe his mouth clean before eyeing you up and down.
“Take it, if you’re bold enough.” He licked his lips, glancing down at his bulge before looking back up at you. With his permission, you untied his loincloth slowly as you both watched in anticipation. Once it was untied, you gently let the loincloth go, letting it fall to the ground.
Your eyes widened at his size. His cock sprung up, tip touching the middle of his belly. He was pulsating, oozing with precum. He watched your reaction, and the way you used your hands to slide back on the table slightly. He finally dropped his hands to his side, eyeing you like you were his prey.
“Scared?” He asked, eyebrow cocked. You watched his cock jump with every heartbeat, gulping loudly before squeezing your legs together to hide your little cunt from his huge cock.
“Mhm.” You confessed, nodding your head frantically, still staring down at it.
“It won’t fit.” You shook your head, shifting on the table nervously. He scanned your small frame once more, palming his cock to jerk It slowly.
“That pussy was made for me, baby. It’ll fit.” He spoke sensually, rubbing his hand up your thigh.
“Do you trust me?” He asked, placing his hands on either sides of your thighs. You nodded frantically.
“I’m gonna talk you through it, ok? Lay back for me.” He reassured, pushing on your stomach gently. You obliged, laying all the way back for him. He gently grabbed your legs, pushing them back to open you up.
He stared at your dripping cunt, your slick trickling down to the table beneath you. He ran his hands down his face before licking his lips, in awe at the site before him.
“All for me, huh?” He asked, tapping the tip of his cock on your clit. You let out a soft moan, the friction bringing you pleasure.
He then proceeded to rub his entire length in between your folds, bucking his hips ever so slightly. You both hummed in unison, watching the source of pleasure.
“Are you ready?” He asked, looking at you through his eyebrows. “I’m scared.” You pouted.
“Don’t be. You’re safe with me.” He reassured. Your heart was beating out of your chest, but this would be the most ready you’d ever be. You nodded, motioning for him to begin.
“Just look at me, ok? Don’t look down. Not until it’s in.” He commanded, caressing your cheek. He lined his cock up with your entrance, probing it with his throbbing tip. You tensed, looking down at the source.
“No, no, no. Relax, baby. Look at me, ok? It’s just you and me.” He nodded, caressing the back of your thighs. You took a deep breath, looking into his eyes. Grabbing his cock, he probed at your entrance again, slowly pushing his length in. Your face was scrunched up as you waited for the pain to kick in. Your eyes were closed, not even wanting to see how he was making this happen.
“Princess, You’re doing so good.” He spoke breathily, watching his cock slide into you at a painfully slow pace to ensure that he didn’t hurt you. However, you were stretched to capacity and the pain was starting to settle in.
“Fuck!” You whined, throwing your head back. You let your legs go, planting your feet firmly on the table in exhaustion. He watched you intently, becoming even more aroused by your reaction to his size. He bit his lip, thrusting half of his cock into you slowly to get you used to him.
“I thought this was what you wanted. Now look at you. A complete fucking mess for me.” He moaned, pushing himself alittle farther inside of you with every slow stroke. The squelching sounds were loud, his cock dripping with your slick.
“I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You blabbered deliriously, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt his tip graze your cervix. He chuckled, realizing that you were already drunk off of him, and there was really no turning back now.
“Sorry? Don’t be sorry. I like making little sluts like you my cock sleeve.” He moaned, gripping your neck as he bottomed out. He was the deepest he’d been, almost felt like he was in your stomach. You let out a series of whimpers, feeling as full as you could possible get.
“Open your eyes.” He commanded. You obliged lazily, finally looking down at the source of pleasure. Low and behold, his tip was poking into your lower belly. Your eyes widened, sitting up on your elbows in panic.
“Told you it would fit.” He chuckled, grabbing the sides of your waist, using them as leverage to thrust into you gently.
“You’re s-soo big, lo’ak.” You whined, pouting up at him with scrunched eyebrows. He nodded, watching his cock slide into you with ease.
“I know, mama. Tell me if I’m hurting you.” He moaned, focusing on his slow and steady thrusts.
“I-it feels good. So so good.” You moaned, running your hands down his abs. He tilted his head, scanning your relaxed demeanor. “Mmm, so no pain?” He asked, a devilish smirk creeping up on his face.
“Just keep it right there, don’t stop!” You whined, watching his tip make an appearance in your stomach with every slow thrust. Since it was your first time, he thought that he’d take it easy on you until you finally opened up to him. Little did you know the trouble you’d just gotten yourself into.
“That’s good to know, mama. So what was all that talk earlier? About being fucked like a slut? No mercy, remember?” He asked innocently, still drilling into you deep. You were already too fucked out to comprehend correctly.
“I-I remember.” You chuckled deliriously, nodding with hooded eyes. “Yeah? Well guess what, baby?” He chuckled, before biting his bottom lip, staring at your fucked out face.
“What?” You smiled, taking your bottom lip in between your teeth.
His smile fell immediately, sending you the hardest thrust, leaving it inside of you. You gasped, eyes going wide as you stared up at him in shock. He grabbed your neck harshly, pulling your forehead to his.
“I’m gonna treat you like the slut you’ve been dying to be.” He growled, pulling your legs over his shoulders, using your neck as leverage to fuck into you harshly.
“Ohhh my- lo’ak!” You moaned sharply, holding onto his wrists. He slammed into your sensitive sweetspot with every hard thrust, deeming the pleasure too much for you.
“Nope! You’ve gotta take it now, baby.” He shook his head, thrusting up into you at a fast pace. Every stroke knocking the wind out of you to the point where you couldn’t keep steady breaths. You watched his cock slide in and out of you, showing itself in your lower belly with every thrust. Although you were experiencing euphoria, you couldn’t help but panic at the abnormal print in your stomach. It made you nervous, scared even.
“Lo’ak! It’s t-too big for me!” You whined, shaking your head nervously as you tried to push on his stomach. The pleasure was too much and your anxiety was through the roof. He smacked your hand away quickly, pinning you back down on the table by your neck.
“Don’t push me away. Ever.” He spoke sternly, his gaze turning predatory. He grabbed your cheeks harshly, squishing them together.
“GOT IT?” He asked in a harsh tone, eyebrow cocked as he waited for a response. With the grip he had on your jaw, there really wasn’t much you could say, so you nodded slowly, tears beginning to well in your eyes from the pleasure.
“Now watch it. Watch me play in your guts.” He chuckled, tilting your head down to look at the source. You whined, opening your legs wider for him as your stomach tensed. The feeling started to consume you. Your eyes were low, cheeks flushed, and it was safe to say you were officially drunk off of his cock. You had no words, no voice, nothing would come out anymore. All you could do was watch, and take every pleasurable stroke he sent your way.
“That’s right you naughty bitch. Take it!” He growled, watching your eyes roll back in complete satisfaction.
“Tell me you love it.” He muttered through a clenched jaw before smacking your face lightly. “I-I love it! I love it!” You moaned, throwing your head back in his embrace. He brought you up to him by your neck, looking you in the eyes as he rutted into you with no remorse.
“I’ll believe it when you cum for me. Go ahead, cum on this dick, baby. I know you want to, I can feel it.” He whispered in your ear, sending you into a moaning frenzy. Your hips began to buck into his, chasing that euphoric orgasm that was building up.
“Yesss! You feel s-sooo fucking good.” You whined, face scrunched together in pleasure as you stared into his eyes. He bit his lip, watching you fall apart underneath him. Your legs started to shake around his hips, squeezing him in as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Baby, you’re taking this dick like a pro. My good little slut. All MINE!” He whispered in your ear, angling his hips up to smack your sensitive sweetspot.
And that was all it took for you to come undone on him. Loud moans left your mouth as you clung to him for dear life. He thrusted into you slowly, nice enough to let you ride out your high.
He pulled out once you came down, watching your cum drip down his shaft and onto the floor beneath him.
“Turn around.” He commanded, twirling his finger. You slowly lowered yourself off of the table, legs shaking beneath you, making it hard to complete such a simple task.
However you managed to turn around slowly. Your back flush to his chest. Without warning, he bent you over the table, making you gasp audibly.
“Now that I’ve…broken you in.” He started, running his hand all the way up your slender back, reaching the back of your neck to squeeze it tightly.
“I’m gonna fuck you like the slut you claim to be. No mercy right?” He asked with slight aggression, sliding into you slowly. Your eyes widened at the familiar fullness, humming lowly when he started to thrust into you firmly.
“No mercy.” You muttered, eyes already crossing as you shook your head in response. He immediately started to rut into you like an animal, so hard and deep that your pelvis smacked against the edge of the table harshly with every stroke. You let out a few strained cries, your cheek finding comfort on the cold hard table.
“Don’t cry, now. This was what you wanted, Princess.” He grunted, shifting both of his hands to your hips, using them as leverage to drill into your tight cunt. The pleasure was unbearable from the start. Your knees started to buckle with every hard thrust. You were a whimpering mess, your lips becoming salty from your own tears.
“No, stand the fuck up! Stay still.” He growled, holding your hips In place to keep you up. Setting that unbearable rhythm again.
“I-I can’t.” You moaned, eyes rolling to the back of your head. You sat up lazily, holding your weight with your shaky arms as you tilted your head back. He reached around, grabbing your neck from behind.
“You will, though. I want you to keep the same fucking energy.” He whispered in your ear as he abused your sensitive sweetspot. Your mouth flew open, eyes rolling so far back that they might’ve gotten stuck.
“I-it’s sooo fucking deep.” You whined through a clenched jaw, reaching for nothing as you tried to get away from him. You swung your right leg onto the table, placing your knee on the edge to try and crawl out of his grasp. Soon realizing that you made a big mistake because all that did was gave him access to slide deeper into you.
“Nice try. But I already told you about running away from me.” He spoke sternly, wrapping your long braids around his forearm, using it as a leash to tame you. You let out a series of curses, tears rolling down your flushed cheeks.
“Lo’ak…y-you’re killing me.” You whined, voice rippling from each hard thrust. He tightened his grip on your hair, pulling your head back until your eyes met his.
“I don’t care. Shut up and take this dick.” He growled, his lip finding refuge In between his teeth as he watched you fall in and out of consciousness ever so often. You let out a high pitched squeal with every thrust, legs beginning to shake from your incoming orgasm. He felt you flutter around his cock, letting out a guttural groan as he stared at you.
His lips hovered over yours, you both panting loudly. He leaned down, kissing your lips passionately as he sped up his pace. Your mouth flew open against his. He smiled devilishly, nodding his head as he stared into your puffy eyes.
“You like that shit, huh? Gonna cum on this dick again?” He chuckled, both of you nodding your heads frantically in unison, all knowingly for what’s to come.
“Mhm! S- So close!” You whined drunkenly, eyes rolling to the back of your head once more. He used his free hand to smack your ass, watching you come undone for him.
“Oh I’m cumming, lo’ak! Cumming! *thrust* cumming! *thrust* cumming! *thrust*” you announced, chanting between hard thrusts. Your legs shook, releasing your essence all over his shaft.
“Fuuuck!” He groaned, watching his cream coated cock slide in and out of you harshly. He didn’t stop, he didn’t even slow down for you. The merciless rhythm turning you into a squirming mess.
“Too much, TOO MUCH!!!” You screamed, tapping his thigh to get him to ease up on you. He smacked your ass harder, leaving a purple handprint on your skin.
“Im not done yet, Princess. Stop fucking moving!” He growled, reaching around to your clit, massaging the ball of nerves.
“Ohhh shit!” You squealed, holding onto his strong arm to keep you up. Although you didn’t mean to, you continued to squirm under him, legs trembling uncontrollably, making it hard for you to stand. He huffed in anger, pulling out of you quickly. You fell immediately, your legs numb from his constant drilling. You took the opportunity to attempt to escape, lazily crawling towards the hut door.
“Bring your little ass here!” He shouted, walking to the front of you to pick you up. He held you by your ass, wrapping your legs around his hips. He walked you over to the wall, pinning you there to keep your back supported.
He wasted no time impaling you again. Your mouth flying opened at the single hard thrust. He stared into your eyes, thrusting into you with great force.
“You’re done when I say. Got it?” He grunted, fucking into you at the speed of light. You nodded your head frantically, words stuck in your throat. All that could be heard was aggressive skin clapping. Your legs started to shake around his waist, and your whines progressed in volume.
“Gonna cum for the 3rd time, huh?” He asked, placing his large hand above your head, using one arm to drill into you with no mercy.
“Yesssss!” You cried, wrapping your trembling arms around his neck as you came undone for the third time. You buried your face into the crook of his neck, muffling your loud cries.
Your sweet voice, and the way you sucked him in started to get the best of him. He threw his head onto your shoulder, panting loudly as he sped up his pace, chasing his own orgasm.
“Fuuuck, y/n. You’re gonna make me cum… sooo deep in this pussy.” He moaned, eyes rolling to the back of his head. Your legs began to tremble hastily. squeezing your eyes shut tightly as you whined loudly.
He began to pant, using his tongue to drawl circles on your exposed shoulder. He took a deep breath, inhaling your addictive scent. Letting it send him into a trance. He nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck in an attempt to scent you. He contemplated on wether or not he should mark you. Your pure, unscathed shoulder was practically calling his name.
He couldn’t take it any longer. He flashed his fangs, grazing your soft skin with them before he bit down, just enough to leave a mark on you. You hissed at the feeling, basking in the mixture of pain and pleasure. He pulled back, lightly sucking on the puncture with a low hum rumbling in his chest.
“Mmm, y-you’re driving me….fucking crazy.” He muttered drunkenly, letting his fangs graze over the new womb. The act alone sending shivers down your spine. Enough to make you come undone again with a loud scream.
“Oh my- shitttt!” He moaned, feeling your walls flutter around him. He continued his merciless rhythm, chasing his orgasm. You cried in his chest at the overstimulation.
“Shh baby, I-I’m almost done with you. Took me so fucking well.” He moaned, eyes rolling to the back of his head once more as his thrusts became sloppy.
You were a trembling mess. Feeling as if your entire body was going numb. You bit your lip , trying to suppress your loud cries.
“Mmm, cumming mama!” He grunted, sending you one hard thrust, nearly knocking the wind out of you as he painted your walls with his sticky seed. You let out a strained whine with every thrust that he sent to ride out his high.
You two stared into eachothers eyes, catching your breaths. He chuckled, pulling out of you to watch his access seed seep out. He placed you on the ground gently but your legs were too numb to stand on. You fell to the ground hard with an agonizing groan. He stared down at you with a devilish grin before bending down to be eye level with you.
He grabbed your neck harshly, before speaking:
“Now you really have something to tell your friends…”
Tags: @avatarsslut @neytirishottie
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You will forever be my always

Summary: It's been months, and he's still obsessed.
Pairing: Tonowari/Omatikaya!Fem Reader
Word count: 4.7k
Overall warnings: teasing, hurt/comfort, implied character death, fluff, mourning, edging, eventual smut⚠️
All characters belong to Avatar, and all rights are reserved to me.
A/N: This is my second original fic. English is not my mother language so if I have many spelling mistakes, please let me know. Hope you liked it <3
posted on ao3
Tonowari had been heartbroken, years back, when his mate had died during childbirth. Both Ronal and her baby died at the same hour. The clan grieved the loss of their Tsahìk; Tsireya and Aonung grieved the loss of their mother; Tonowari grieved for his mate and lost baby.
That was a long time ago, 4 years back. Tonowari’s grief came to a halt the moment he met you, the eldest Sully sibling, allowing your family to stay.
“You there. Sully child,” he called out to you, waving you over.
“Yes, Olo’eyktan. What is it?”
He gestured for you to follow. You noticed the other Na’vi staring as you passed by. He led you inside the chieftain’s marui. There, he shut the door-like fabric and sighed.
“Come here.”
“Is there something wrong?” you asked.
Not saying anything else, the Olo’eyktan closed the distance between you two. A pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close. Before you could speak, your lips were captured by the chief’s.
You stood there for a moment until you snapped out of it and moved away from him. “W-what are you doing?!”
He didn’t move, his arms still wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. He finally spoke. His tone was harsh, but not mean. More pleading than anything else.
“Give me a chance.”
“What do you mean? A chance...?” you questioned, bewildered and still shocked from what had happened before.
Tonowari let one of his arms slide. The hand he had on your waist was slowly placed around your back, pulling you even closer to him before his hand started to move upward. Instinctively, your eyes closed halfway and went to look at the floor, blushing.
“A chance at happiness. Let me make you happy.”
“But... I don’t understand, you...”
He stopped his hand from continuing the path it was making and sighed, trying to keep himself composed, hoping for your cooperation. Hoping for your understanding. With another movement, both his hands went to your waist again, holding you firmly.
“Look at me, please.”
You looked up at him hesitantly. His eyes held a lot of feelings you couldn’t decipher.
Tonowari’s hands tightened around your waist a little bit more. A hand lifted itself to your chin, raising your head as he stared straight in your eyes.
“Let me love you. I’ve waited and searched far and wide for someone like you. Someone who understands the grief of losing their partner, of losing someone precious to their life. I see that person in you.”
You stared at him in surprise. “How did you know...?”
He smiled at your confusion. It was obvious he was getting through to you. He finally spoke again, still gripping your chin to keep you looking at him.
“A person’s eyes speak volumes. There is so much pain in yours, and I know how you feel. The only way to make it better is to allow someone to ease it for you.”
“Tonowari, I... I don’t know if I’m ready for that,” you whispered, half scared and half anxious.
His grip on your chin tightened. He leaned closer to you, until only mere inches separated your bodies. His hands slowly started to wander to your hips.
“Let me make you ready.”
You gazed at him. His gorgeous ocean-blue eyes, his splendid tattoos decorating his face... He was undeniable beautiful. The truth is that he caught your attention from the moment you saw him the day your family got here, but he always seemed so untouchable, so intimidating and serious. Not that it didn’t stop you from having sinful thoughts for several nights though.
His hand moved further down from your hips and up to your back again as he continued to pull you towards him. Tonowari then let go of your chin, moving his other hand towards your neck with his thumb rubbing circles over your skin as his face moved closer to yours. Your breaths became heavier the moment your lips almost touched each other.
“W-wait... what i-if someone sees us?”
He chuckled, pulling you closer to his body. His hands traveled back to your hips again as he spoke.
“Let them see. I am the Olo’eyktan. I can do what I want... and I want you.”
“B-but... my parents, my siblings, your kids -”
“Forget about them.” His grip tightened even more... to the point it almost felt like a pinch, though it may have just been his strength. “They’ll forget about it too once we are together. Once I make you mine for lifetimes to come.”
You felt your heart would eventually burst out of your body with the speed it was beating. Suddenly, you could no longer think straight. The more you thought about Tonowari's words, the less you wanted to think at all. The amount of stress you had been subjected to for the last days had been crushing you. Your parents' expectations, the need to check on your brothers and sisters, the return of the sky people, the worry for spider, being forced out of your home and having to adapt to a new environment where its people did nothing to help you nor make you feel welcome. Even your past relationship, while sharing mutual affection, felt more like a duty to the people than a free choice. You no longer wanted to think about it. For once, you chose to be selfish. Tonowari was right there, declaring his feelings for you and after that simple proposal, your already dazed mind just snapped as you gave in and kissed him
Tonowari was surprised when your lips pressed against his. Your kiss was passionate, hot, and most importantly, filled with emotion. This wasn’t just some innocent crush; this was a deep and meaningful need for each other. His hand slid up further, gripping your hair a little bit. His other hand slid back down, to your back again, as he pulled you closer, pressing you against his body.
You couldn’t help that small moan that escaped from your mouth, but you no longer cared about being subtle. He had given his word that you would not be disturbed, and any rational thoughts you held on to had disappeared from your mind the second his skin touched yours.
His hand moved to your side, where he scooped you up from your waist. His lips never left yours, the intense feeling of lust and love both being satisfied at the same time. His other hand slid down once more, and this time landed on your rear... holding you tightly against him. His breathing was heavy, but he didn’t care. He was ready to spend a lifetime of pleasure with you by his side.
While this experience was extremely pleasurable to you, you were running out of air. He had no problem; he was Metkayina after all. They could hold on to their breaths for Eywa knows how long. However, despite having spent weeks in the clan, you were still learning. And the fact that this whole... everything had caught you by surprise didn’t help. Regretfully, you separated your lips from his and your breath came back in soft but hoarse gasps.
He was breathing heavily as well, though not as much as you. His grip on your rear and back loosened slightly. He didn’t want to suffocate you.
Tonowari stared at you with desire, his eyes flickering from your face to your body. He was about to say something when a knock was heard on the door. He growled low in his throat, annoyed at the interruption.
You were equally upset, but the logical part of you told you that this was to be expected. He was the Olo’eyktan, the leader of the clan. If his people needed him, he should be always open to help in any way possible. After slightly regaining your composure, you moved away from him. “You should go see what they want. It could be something serious.”
He nodded, his grip finally loosening fully. His face was flushed with adrenaline, and despite the fact that he was irritated at the interruption, he knew that you were right. He took a deep breath, walking over to the door and flapping it open.
While he left to deal with whatever had happened, you silently just stood there. You began to feel a little uncomfortable with the passing minutes. He was standing right outside the door, but it still felt weird to be inside his home. Having nothing to do but wait, your eyes unintentionally began to wander around. You knew it was wrong to peek at his personal things, but you felt like it was okay. Sort of. After all, you both had been kissing just a little while ago. While looking around, you could see Tsireya and Aonung's separate pods. You imagined being part of the leader's family gave you such benefits. You also saw spears held in the walls, different tools and furnitures. Nevertheless, one object under a blanket caught your attention. A leather headpiece carved with a big seashell on its front.
That headpiece was actually the symbol of the Tsahìk of a Metkayina clan. Tonowari had hidden it before you entered, as he didn't want you to see him as just a leader looking for a replacement, but as a man who loved and cared for you.
After a few minutes, Tonowari eventually returned, shutting the door behind him. As he stepped inside, his eyes caught sight of you standing near his children's pods, staring at the headpiece in your hands. He slowly walked over to you.
“Did this belong to the previous Tsahìk?”
Tonowari’s eyes widened when you asked that. He didn’t expect you to recognize it as part of his clan’s tradition, and it was rarely used outside of ceremonies.
With a nod, he replied with a soft tone.
“Yes, it did. My mate, Ronal... she wore it during her time as Tsahìk. That is, until her death. Sadly, my children never had a chance to witness their mother rule as Tsahìk.”
You hummed in understanding. It made sense for him to keep it. Ronal had been Tsahìk of the Metkayina and his mate for years. Still...
Tonowari realized how you were staring at the headpiece, and how your eyes were still unmoving. He walked closer and picked it up, gently placing it on your head. A sign of him naming you the future Tsahìk.
He spoke, his hands placing themselves on your hips.
“If everything is alright with you, would you... come spend the night with me in my quarters? That is, if you wish to... become my life partner.”
Although you had accepted Tonowari's previous offer, this was too much. Especially after spending time in his home. You suddenly realized how much you didn't belong in that picture. He had two children the same age as your brothers and sisters. He had had a loving mate who he still loved; you could see it the instant he looked at the headpiece. He had a life made up, and you weren't sure how you fit in it. “Tonowari, you can't just name me the Tsahìk of your clan. I'm only an outsider, and you already have Tsireya as Tsakarem. Besides, I haven't even finished my training.”
Tonowari sighed softly, your rejection hitting hard. It hurt to see how you did not believe yourself to be a good match for him. He had thought that, perhaps, after all this time, you would grow to care for him and love him to the point where you would accept his office. He was wrong.
He slowly removed the headpiece from your head, placing the ceremonial piece on its previous place. Then, he turned around, walking over to a bag hanging from the ceiling, opening it and rummaging around.
You said nothing, hoping he didn’t take it very badly. In the best case, you could just forget about this and go back to your normal lives. Or maybe see each other without formalizing anything. At worst, you didn’t know what he would do. He was truly a gentle person but having power over a whole clan made him dangerous if he wanted to be. You just hoped your family wouldn’t get involved in this. Or find out at all.
After a few minutes, Tonowari took out something. He walked over to you, holding out a necklace in his hand. It was carved from a seashell, with the same emblem as the headpiece, though this one looked like it was made for you.
“This is a tradition I wish to begin. All Metkayina Olo’eyktans give a carved necklace to their intended. It is a sign of the beginning of a formal relationship. You have yet to answer, though. Will you be my mate for lifetimes to come?”
You stared at the necklace. Ot was beautiful, shining with various sea colors that made it look like some kind of precious relic. It appeared to be the perfect size for you, too. He must have somehow figured out your measurements. “I... It’s beautiful. I thank you, truly, I do, but... are you sure you want me?”
Tonowari nodded silently as you stared at the necklace. It was indeed the perfect length. He had studied your measurements on the few occasions he had happened to meet you at close range.
He smiled at your gratitude, but his smile turned into a sad frown as you continued your questioning.
“Yes, I am sure. If there was a doubt in my mind, I wouldn’t be giving you this necklace. I know that you are afraid, that you are insecure about being a proper match for me. But know this; my heart desires you.”
You sighed, feeling like your world was about to crumble depending on what you would decide. But, in the end, you had made your choice long before this conversation. “As mine does for you.” You turned around, waiting for him to place it on you.
He nodded again and moved to place the necklace around your neck. He was careful, not wanting to accidentally hurt you in any way. After securing it, he took you by your hips again, pulling you close to him.
“Now that you belong to me, let us celebrate. Come,” he opened the door to his pod, leading you inside.
Your steps started hesitant, then slowly gaining confidence. As your father would say: to hell with it. The more you thought about it, the better your choices seemed. Both of you were lonely, filled with responsibilities and under lots of stress and feelings too complicated to comprehend. This was a logical decision. There was nothing wrong with it. He was the leader of the clan, so what? You were Tsahìk- in-training, learning from your grandmother back in the forest and firstborn daughter of Toruk Makto. He was decades older than you? Well, there was not much to fix there. After being named a hunter and officially an adult, and having actively participated in the war as both a fighter and a healer, you felt mature enough. Besides, your family had begged to be allowed to stay here; becoming Tsahìk could help cement the decision.
The moment you entered his room, he closed the door behind you. He took you by your hand, leading you closer to his bed. His other hand went to your back again, tracing your curves with his fingers. His grip was firm, but the way he handled you was gentle, as if he feared hurting you. After your body made contact with the bed, he slowly laid next to you, pulling you into his arms.
His eyes never left you. He was watching intently you, looking to see if you were ready for this...
You exhaled heavily, opening your eyes to look at him. To really See him, which you did. You saw his tired but shining eyes, his scars obtained after arduous battles, his tattoos symbolizing multiple feats and memories. And you felt seen by him. Your insecurities, your weaknesses, your worries. Your emotions were like a wild current, indomitable and fierce, but he was the shore, gentle and sturdy, ready to receive you and adjust to you no matter the force you inflicted. He was your wall, your support. And you were his spark, like a river that stopped his heart from drying out and filled him with new affection at the same time. Without saying anything, you reached for your braids.
His heart skipped a beat as he saw you unbraid your hair. You were beautiful. Your silky hair was just begging to be brushed, just begging to be run through with one’s fingers. The way you moved towards him told him just how much you wanted this. He pulled you back into his embrace, pulling your head towards his to rest on his shoulder. A few moments of quiet passed as he just sat there like that, enjoying the peacefulness of the presence of your body against his.
“I want you, Tonowari.”
Tonowari closed his eyes as you muttered those words. Hearing them was what he had been waiting for. When the silence came right after, he pulled you even closer to him. He was your Olo’eyktan now, which meant that you belonged to him, and he belonged to you. This had been his wish for a long time, but now, he would make those wishes come true.
“I want you too.”
You slowly brought your kuru forward, letting the tendrils slowly interweave together with his. Right there and then, you felt it. Everything he was. Everything he had been. And everything he wished to be. With you. You closed your eyes again in pleasure, resting your head against his broad chest while your hands gripped his arms. Despite your previous experiences, this feeling could not be compared to them. The feeling of choosing and being chosen freely, without duties or expectations in the middle. It was impossibly liberating. You opened your eyes, watching through your completely dilated pupils the way he held you close and listening to his hard breathing.
Tonowari held you close, feeling your hands grip his arms and feeling your body press gently against his. His breathing sped up, just as yours did.
Your hands were brushing against the scars in his body, making him shiver slightly from the sensation. His muscles tensed underneath your touch, making his body move closer to yours. His breathing grew more erratic as your fingers tightened into his body.
With a soft moan, he pulled you even closer, his hands grazing against your lower back and sliding towards your hips.
You remained clinging to him as he took out your top and bracelets and pulled the cord holding your loincloth together. You gasped, feeling the cold air hit your now naked body. Combined with the newly made bond, everything you experienced felt multiplied by a hundred. Through it, you could see how Tonowari was looking at you, and it was turning you on too much for you to handle it.
Just looking at your body made him want you more than he ever had before. Your curves were hypnotic as they swayed with your movements. Your hips and breasts moved like waves on the ocean. Your skin was iridescent and soft, making him want to run his hands all over it.
He put his hands around your waist, bringing you to the edge of the bed. He slid the loincloth off, his eyes never leaving you as he did. Once he saw you fully naked in front of him, his jaw dropped. You truly were flawless.
“Tonowari... I need you.”
The sound of your voice was all needed to hear to snap him out of his trance. He pulled himself back to reality and gently laid you down, his gaze never straying your body. He slowly removed his garments as well. As he dropped each piece of his clothing, he stared at his body, unable to tear his eyes away from it. Finally, when he was completely naked, his eyes locked with yours.
“Say that again.”
“I need you.”
Those simple three words, when spoken with such desire, made his body respond to your command instantly. In a few swift moves, he was behind you. His hands gripped your hips tightly. His body against yours, pressing against your back, his hot breath was blowing on your neck. One hand squeezed tight against one of your tights, while the other hand brushed against your back.
“I need you; I need you, Tonowari, please.”
“You will always have me. I am yours, and you are mine. No one else can take me away from you. No one else can lay a finger on you. Not without suffering the consequences. You and your family belong to me now, and I mean that not as your leader, but as your mate. We belong to each other and all that comes with that. No one else will have you, and I would never let anyone take you away from me.”
His words made your already rapid-beating heart quicken its pace even more. “Wherever our fates take us. I will stay by your side – be it from the forest to the sea, from the start to the end of our time, together.”
Tonowari smiled. He was happy to know that you would stay by his side, no matter where or when. He knew that having you was the best decision of his life.
“You are mine. Now and forever. There are no boundaries between us. We will face everything together, and I trust you whole-heartedly. Now,” he gripped your hips tighter, if possible. “Show me just how much you need me.”
“How would you like me to prove myself?” you asked in a seductive tone.
“Make me feel like I’m yours. Make me feel loved. Make me want to hold onto you like I’m drowning and you’re my only saving grip. Make yourself mine. Show me how badly you want and need me. Be wild, be daring, be passionate.”
“Very well.” You leaned to whisper in his ear. “I will make you feel loved unlike anyone ever has. I will make you mine. And we will be truly united for ages to come.”
Tonowari's entire body tensed up as you whispered in his ear. His fingers gripped your hips even tighter. The way you spoke about making him feel, the way you spoke about making him yours, it was enough to make his body tremble in pleasure just from the words.
"Words sound good and all, but let's see if you can back them up."
His free hand went to your chin, and moved your face forward, his mouth meeting yours in a deeply passionate kiss.
While the two lost yourselves in the kiss, you subtly moved your body to be on top of him, your core meeting something hard, which made you release a moan that was drown by his lips.
He smirked at your subtle move, as he felt your soft body on top of him. He loved that you weren't shy with him, that you were willing to claim what you wanted. He loved the noise you made and quickly responded, his mouth taking over yours. He was lost in the moment, and he had no plans of stopping any time soon.
“Will anyone else be interrupting us? Your children?” While you were willing to let it passmthe first time, you couldn’t guarantee the safety of the next person who dared to interrupt you.
“My children will not enter without warning...” He paused to laugh at the suggestion of them just barging in, and he shook his head. They would never just walk in with something this sensitive going on. “But if they’re ever curious, I’ll inform you. A code only for you to know.”
“Like what?”
He gave you a mischievous smile, as he thought of a word for a code. His mind immediately went to your name, but that would be too obvious. So, he decided to use a word linked with your family and clan, one that no one outside of your family would know.
“If they ever walk in, just say: Meyo Na'vi, yotulka.”
“What does that stand for?”
“It means Child of the Forest, my love. Only members of the Metkayina clan would know what that means.”
“Mmm, I like it. And hearing it from you makes it even more special.”
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you onto him. Your hips were pressed tight against his, your chest pressed against his. His forehead rested onto yours, as he looked into your eyes.
“I have something else that I'd like to say to you before we continue. Do you want to hear it?”
“Of course.”
He grabbed your hands and placed them on his chest, your fingers feeling his heartbeat.
“This heart belongs to you, and only you. I pledge it to be yours and yours alone. If it stops beating, that is because I would be dead. It shall only beat fast when you are near, because it wants to be close to you. And when you touch it, it shall thump slowly for you, because you are my only desire. My only love. And nothing can ever replace you.”
“Tonowari, I love your caring words and affectionate speeches, and Eywa knows I would do unspeakable things for you, but please. Do not make me wait any longer.”
He chuckled at you being so impatient, and he took that as his cue to finally take control. He took hold of your hips, his hands on your thighs. And he began to move you. Slowly at first, he began to move you in a circular motion, his hips pressing against yours. The more they moved, the more the rhythm sped up, moving your bodies together in sync.
You whined at the sensation. You had fantasized about this moment for days, but it still felt incomplete. You needed more, needed him, to complete the bond in both body and mine. And he knew it. “Tono...wari... ah.”
The moment he heard your whine filled with desire, it was all he needed to hear. He was at your command, following every whim of your body. Every movement you made was the signal he needed to bring his movements in tune with yours. He leaned forward onto your neck, his breath hot and heavy on your skin. He bit gently on your neck, letting the sensation send chills throughout your body.
“Ah! Please, Ma’Tono... I want you now.”
The way you said his name sent a shiver down his spine, making him shudder in pleasure. Your body began to get him heated, making him want you even more. However, he just looked at you with a grin. You had said he spoke too much, so now he wished to tease you a little.
“I like hearing you beg. Say it again.”
“A-ah! Please!”
Your desperation turned him on like no other. And he knew he'd have you screaming his name soon.
“Still not a complete sentence. Say it again. And this time, say it like you really mean it. I want to hear it.”
“Gah! Ma'Tonowari, I beg you. Grant me the honor of finally being able to join you, without any type of limit. Let our union be complete and we may be united until the end of our days. Let our bodies come together and the fruit of this exchange result in a new life”
The moment you were done, he knew that the words that you felt towards him were more than just mere desire, but complete love and devotion as well. Your desire was his desire now. And it would always be that way.
"The honor is mine to have you with me, my beloved. We are now one in flesh and in soul. This is our union. So, I command you, my love, to join with me, and let our union be perfected."
“As you wish, my love.” And you dived in, eager to experience a future with him as your bodies became one. As your minds became one. Your love solidified in a moment, forever intertwined in a union that only they could truly understand. Their souls became one with their hearts beating in unison. And nothing would tear the bond they created.
Vocabulary list: Marui (pods built in the giant mangrove-like trees alongside the shores and are protected from crashing waves by giant reef barriers), Tsahìk (head shaman, high priest, interpreter), Olo’eyktan (clan leader), Tsakarem (Tsahìk-in-traning), Toruk Makto (toruk rider), Kuru (neural queue)
#atwow#atwow fanfic#atwow fanfiction#avatar the way of water#avatar 2009#avatar fanfic#avatar fanfiction#omatikaya#metkayina#james cameron#avatar fics#one shot#tonowari#tonowari smut#tonowari x reader#tonowari x y/n#tonowari x oc#tonowari x you#jake sully#neytiri#sully family#sully kids#tsireya#aonung#ronal#original fanfiction#ocs#y/n#tonowari fluff#luchipuchi's writing
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Neteyam and reader going on a diving trip together to catch fish, and Tuk and Tsireya catch them kissing underwater :D please??
Aww my heart :') this was too cute not to write ASAP lol
Fishing For Kisses
When Neteyam asks if you'll teach him how to catch fish underwater, you can hardly say no. You love your trips together, especially when no one else is around.
Word count: 1.3k
Genre: Fluff, friends to lovers
Reader’s name is Payo. She is of the Metkayina
“Please. Dad said I need to pull my weight around here.” Neteyam is pestering you to take him fishing.
There’s no way you’re going to say no, but you like holding out just a tad bit longer, watching as Neteyam pleads. It’s fun to watch his eyes turn serious, as he squints at you, waiting for an answer.
“Who says you’re not pulling your weight? You helped me mend the bridge just a few days ago.” You motion towards the new taut wrappings on the bridge, in front of your family’s marui hut.
“Not enough.” Neteyam comes a little closer, his hand brushing your forearm. You look up at him. “I should be able to learn fast, so I won’t have to bother you to come help me all the time.”
“Oh?” You peer upwards at him, a teasing smile working it’s way on to your face. “Are you saying you don’t want my company?”
“No, no-” Neteyam looks down, clearly shy. “I like that you help me, Payo. I just can’t be annoying about it, y’know?”
“It’s okay, Neteyam.” You giggle cheerfully, and he glances back at you, unaware of how enraptured he is when he looks at you. “The people are meant to stay together.”
He nods, not quite looking away even when you pull him aside to start walking.
“Okay.” You’re on your ilu, and Neteyam is on his. You’ve driven out a bit farther into the reef where there will be many fish swimming about. “You ready?”
Neteyam nods with a determined, steely gaze, taking the water bow that you’ve given him off of his back, and you motion for him to dive in the water with you, disconnected from your ilu.
Bubbles shimmer as you jump in, and Neteyam grins at the sight of the flora and fauna underwater, before you wave at him.
Follow me. You sign, and Neteyam swims after you. His gait is still a little awkward- his long legs that are great at being sturdy in the forest trees lack the fluidity that yours have- and as you swim with grace, your legs and long tail moving from side to side in a rhythm that Neteyam can’t replicate? He feels a little jealous. Maybe a little wistful at how cool you are.
You turn back, your hair making a flowing halo around you, and smile at him. Neteyam feels warm, pausing for just long enough that you stare at him in mild confusion. He shakes his head, trying to ignore the burgeoning feelings of attraction that seem to occur whenever he stares at you.
You’re too pretty.
You pull him beside some large weeds, and point to the large shoal of fish, swimming in the currents towards deeper parts of the oceans. Neteyam’s only got a few minutes until they all swim too far for him to reach.
Your arm brushes his as you wade in the water, and you pull out your own bow to show him exactly how to do it.
Neteyam, who seems extraordinarily focused, is already drawing back his own string, and before you can tell him not to get so ahead of himself, he lets go of the arrow, which immediately shoots deeply into the biggest fish.
It begins to sink, and Neteyam swims after it, holding it eagerly as you stare on in shock. You accidentally breathe out, a large gasp of air bubbles clouding your features, and you swim upwards to recoup your breath.
“Payo, check it out- I did it!” Neteyam waves the fish and arrow in front of you.
“Yeah, you did, Neteyam.” You’re silent for just a few moments longer.
You splash him, drenching his features, and Neteyam looks at you in surprise, spluttering.
“You- told- me- that you didn’t- know how to- fish!” You splash him with every single pause. “Why did you lie to me, huh?”
“I didn’t-” Neteyam tries to answer, but the water splashing is too much for him to speak through, so he slings his bow around his back again, and grabs your arms, holding them to his chest. Your hands splay out against his torso.
“You didn’t lie?” You look at him, not really mad about that. You’re a little too close to him now to really be angry.
Neteyam’s gaze softens as he looks back at you. “Okay, fine. I guess I did. My dad always called me ‘the mighty fisherman.’”
“So there was nothing to be taught.” You bite your lip. “Then why did you want me here? Other than to impress me.”
Neteyam pauses for a moment, and then grins a little, having been caught, staring down at your mouth. “Would it be fair if I said I like having you around?”
“Sure, but you could have just said that instead of pretending you needed to be taught anything.” You smile upwards at him, and you come a little too close- any closer and Neteyam’s nose would be brushing your own.
“I still do. I can’t swim as well as you do.” Neteyam sighs, and the little puff of breath hits your cheek. You feel yourself turn warm under Neteyam’s gaze- it’s a lot to take in at once- it’s like he’s staring at you as if you’re some impossibly amazing girl.
“No one can swim as well as me.” You laugh a little, but Neteyam looks even more enamoured by that, his eyes not once leaving your face. “My dad named me Payo- little fish- when I was just a couple days old. I was already swimming a lot back then.”
“Hmm. Fisherman-” He points to himself.
“Fish.” He points at you. “See what I’m getting at?”
“Dork.” You try to pull away, knowing that he means something along the lines of catching you. You roll your eyes, smirking, but Neteyam doesn’t let go of your arms.
He grasps your face, pulling you close, and leans in, pressing his mouth against yours. Your eyes widen, and you close them, letting Neteyam’s lips move against your own.
When you kiss back, you both begin to sink under the water, as you’re not treading anymore. You think you should pull Neteyam upwards, but he stays firmly in place, kissing you softly, and you wrap your arms around his neck, not trying to go anywhere.
Tuk is swimming around in circles as Tsireya tries to wrangle her correctly.
Tsireya gently grabs her hand, and motions to swim forward. Tuk eagerly does so, knowing that Tsireya promised to show her some of the rainbow coloured pools that shimmer underwater.
Tsireya doesn’t notice it at first, but Tuk suddenly grabs her arm, little grunts coming out of her as she tries to call her attention.
What is it? Tsireya signs, and Tuk points just beyond the seaweed. Tsireya looks through, pushing aside a strand with her arms.
It’s you and Neteyam, both just floating underwater as you’re stuck together in what looks to be a very intimate embrace. His hands are tracing your chin and jaw, and your arms are gathered around his neck. Your lips are moving in sync- you’re in an entirely different world together.
Tsireya opens her mouth in surprise- and laughs. Tuk starts making sounds, and Neteyam and you both let go of each other, hearing the disturbance. You wave at them.
You all swim upwards, needing air, and Neteyam is the one who’s easily embarrassed, so he’s already putting his face in his hands, while you keep your arm around his side.
“So. What were you two up to underwater?” Tsireya teases, and you giggle as Neteyam’s arm comes around your waist.
“Just fishing, I guess.” You reply, and Tuk laughs, a mischievous look working it’s way onto her face.
“I’m telling mom!” She swims forward, and Neteyam groans.
“This is gonna be fun.” He sighs.
#neteyam x reader#neteyam x metkayina!reader#neteyam x na'vi!reader#neteyam fluff#neteyam#avatar x reader#avatar the way of water#james cameron avatar#avatar#avatar 2009#atwow x reader#atwow#atwow fluff#avatar the way of water x reader#reader#reader insert#x reader#female reader#fluff#tsireya#tuktirey#requests#avatar requests#atwow requests#drabble#one shot#neteyam oneshot
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hiii!! i’m new to this whole request thingy :/ but i was wondering if you could make a fic about aonung with a runaway bride basically something about him being in love with a girl who isn’t inlove with him so she runs away to avoid being with him BUTTTT he finds her a couple years later mated to neteyam!! you don’t have to do it it was just a thought thank you!!!>.<
ooooooooooooh okie Im gonna love doing this one! Sit back and enjoy~!!
It is now or never. She can't handle another day for as long as he is around. Quickly and silently tilayro packs only the basics that she needs. Making sure she doesn't alert anyone in her home. She hopes that one day, her family will forgive for what she was about to do. May Eywa forgive her.
Guilt threatens to rise up at the back of her throat, tilayro quickly shakes her head, no, now is not the time to doubt or have second thoughts. She will never have another chance like now.
Making sure she has everything, taking one last look at her home, tilayro leaves. Running down the beach to where her skimwing is, quickly connecting with her dear friend, tilayro leaves. Making the daring move to leave the borders. Leaving her home and all that she ever knew. But this had to be done. Tilayro would rather do anything else than be forced to mate with a man who will never see her as she is.
Neteyam slowly wakes up, letting his eyes adjust to the light in his home. Letting out a yawn, he gets up silently, as much as he could. His arm was tugged by his beloved mate who still sleeps soundly beside him. It truly never gets old, waking up and the first thing he sees is the love of his life. How did neteyam get so lucky? He thanks Eywa every day for having his beloved by his side.
“Mmnn…stay…” he hears her whisper, reaching out to grab his other arm.
Neteyam chuckles, how can he resist her?
He lays down once again as she gets closer to his warmth. Taking in her scent, neteyam lets himself be wrapped around with her arms. Its still early. He can attend his duties a little later.
Tonowari and his family along with a few clan members were getting ready for their long trip to the forest. Tsireya was pretty excited to meet a whole different clan and explore areas she never thought she would see. Ronal kept neutral of it, but tonowari can tell she looks forward to it. Ao’nung seems to rather stay and leave.
“Why must I go? It has nothing to do with me” ao’nung complains for the hundredth time. Tonowari sighs for the hundredth time that day.
“It has everything to do with you. You are the clan's future olo’eyktan, as well as tsireya being the future tsahik, so you have no option but to come as well” tonowari explains. Ao’nung just sighs and packs whatever he needs to pack.
“No option, it seemed she did,” he muttered.
Tonowari quickly turned to face his son again, “ao’nung, I know it still bothers you but its been 2 years now, your mother will look for a better match for you”
“Better match, there will be no other like her and she is gone, a coward she was” ao’nung said with spite and hate in his voice.
He still hasnt gotten over it. Still hurt from what the girl did. Tonowari understands his son.
His betrothed ran away before they were able to be one.
“Thats it, keep moving your legs to stay afloat. Tuk dont stop moving your arms” tilayro was swimming at a remote lake with some small na’vi children. Teaching them the basics of swimming, along with tuk who is her best student in the group.
Seeing the position of the sun, it was time to end the lessons.
“Alright everyone, lets get you all to the edge, come on come on” she tells while gently guiding them back on land. She makes sure they are all dry and drops them off to their families when they reach the village. Tilayro likes teaching the children how to swim, its part of her since birth.
“Til!” tuk jumps up and down as she holds her hand making their way to the sully home.
“Are you excited?? Aren't you arent you?” tuk asks rather excitedly.
Tilayro giggles, “yes Im excited, its not everyday we meet a whole new clan”
Weeks back Jake and mo’at announced they will be expanding their alliances to other regions of pandora. One of the first clans they managed to get in touch with is a reef clan. Its specific name has not reached tilayro’s ears yet but was given the position to assist when the clan arrives. Teach them how to adjust in the forest climate and environment.
“Maybe you will see your family again?” tuk asks, imagining seeing more of tilayro’s people.
“Who knows?” she responded, but secretly, she wishes she would never see anyone from the metkayina clan ever again.
Few days have passed and everyone in the clan prepares to welcome the coming clan that will hopefully be a new ally to the omatikaya.
Neteyam, being stressed out of his mind, is forgetting things all over their home.
“The feathers, where are they??” he mutters to himself.
“Right here my love” tilayro giggles lightly as she places the elegant feathers in his braided hair. She makes sure he looks presentable, first impressions are everything. Checking every detail is good and perfect. Her love is perfect. Truly embodied that of a warrior.
“Don't be so nervous ma’nete, everything will be alright. If eywa allows it, all will be well” she says to comfort neteyam. He sighs deeply, bringing her hands up to his face. Her teal blue skin met his dark blue. A stark contrast in shades but when together, they blend beautifully.
Neteyam stays silent, just feeling her hands bring great relief.
He moves a bit to wrap his arms around her, holding her tight. Stroking her hair, smelling more of her natural salty sea scent mixed with that of her favorite fruit, all his anxiety washes away. Only bliss and relief takes over his heart.
“Please stay beside me, I need you there” he begs.
Tilayro smiles, “of course, I will always be there for you”
Calls echoed throughout the forest, alarms and signals were being given. The reef clan has arrived and are being guided towards the omatikaya village. Jake, Neytiri and mo’at were at the border to welcome the reef clan.
Greeting each other, Tonowari smiles, feeling very privileged and honored to stand before the legend himself. His family greeting the same, all a bit nervous as they are clearly out of their comfort zone.
“Toruk makto, it is a great honor to meet you” tonowari says.
Jake pats him on the shoulder, “jake is fine, it is also an honor to meet you face to face”
Pleasantries were said, ao’nung trying his best to look like an adult to his family and the olo’eyktan.
Mo’at guided them into the village, many omatikaya were very welcoming and gave gifts to the reef na’vi. They all felt welcomed and easily enjoyed this whole new side of pandora they never seen.
Ao’nung especially.
The forest is beautiful, the village even more. Animals he has never seen or heard of were there right before his eyes. How the people behave and look, their style is so different. He was starting to enjoy it. Until he wasn't.
“Hello, my name is neteyam. This is my mate, tilayro”
She promised she would be by neteyam’s side. Always. But at this moment, she wanted to run away and hide in the darkest cave the forest has.
She has to be dreaming, this isnt real!
Ao’nung was standing before her, being shocked as much as she was.
“Your…mate…?” he asks very silently.
Tilayro can feel her heart pounding against her chest, its drumming rhythm going against her ears. Sweat started to form from her forehead. She can pass out at any moment.
“Yes, we have been together for 2 years now”
OH how tilayor wishes for neteyam to stop talking right now. He is giving more fuel to ao’nung without even knowing.
Even he seems to be confused by the sudden change of the boy in front of him.
Until suddenly, ao’nung’s teal blue eyes stared straight into tilayro’s eyes. Feeling cold chills run down her spin. He is angry, very angry. Feeling his anger rise, she needed to say something, anything!
“So this is where you have been this whole time…” was all he said before punches were being thrown.
A huge crowd was forming in the middle of the village, tonowari, ronal, mo’at, jake and neytiri had to stop what they were doing to see what was going on.
To tonowari and ronal’s horror, they see their son ao’nung fighting with the olo’eyktans son, neteyam.
“Hey hey hey!” jake called out. He and tonowari quickly get through the crowd and towards their own sons. Both of them were a bloody mess. Neytiri notices tilayro and tsireya crying in distress of what they witnessed. Kiri was there to comfort them both but neytiri still heads over to make sure they are ok.
“What happened?!” tonowari demanded to know from ao’nung.
His son had a bloody nose, scratches on his shoulders and a black eye forming already. But his words seemed to fall on deaf ears as ao’nung was ready to pounce on neteyam again.
Neteyam in return looked ready for round two until tilayro got in their way.
“You!! You mated with him?!” ao’nung shouted, accusing her like she did a heinous act.
Tilayro was shaking but stood her ground, protecting neteyam.
“I did! We mated before Eywa! It is done and there is nothing you can do about it!”
Ao’nung can only stare at her, as thought she betrayed him in the worst way possible. He couldn't form any more words once she said it.
“Oh shit…” was what came out of kiri’s mouth, quickly piecing together what is happening.
Jake, while still holding neteyam back, stared at neytiri who understood what he was feeling.
[I'm getting a sense of major deja vu right now] he thought.
Within the massive tent that had the leaders inside including neteyam, ao’nung and tilayro inside, no one was happy with what occurred. It was a serious situation that could tear what little could be salvaged between the omatikaya and the metkayina.
While tonowari is furious with his son, same with ronal, both were beyond shocked to see tilayro living among the forest na’vi. And mated no less. That in itself brought more confusion.
“Start talking boy, I want a clear honest answer” jake demanded. He was in no mood for humor or light hearted jabs. Kid or not, someone threatened his son, and to an extension, his daughter in law.
Ao’nung looked down at his hands, feeling shamed for what he did. Letting his emotions get to him, but just seeing tilayro brought a wave of new found anger he thought he could never with hold.
“Forgive me sir, I let my mind be shrouded in emotions. I should have never beatin your son and cause a gap between our clans” ao’nung says.
Jake was not satisfied.
“Let me be more clear, I want an explanation, not an apology. Why did you attack me son?”
Tonowari and ronal shared a look of concern, yes what their son did was horrible but they fear what punishment the olo’eyktan would do once ao’nung confesses.
“Tilayro…” ao’nung begins to say. Remembering his short time with her back at his home.
“When your son said tilayro is his mate, I lost all control. I grew mad, angry and jealous. I shouldn't, but I did. Not liking it, I punched your son out of my own selfishness. I am sorry. I will accept any punishment you will give me”
Neytiri leaned forward a bit, “what is tilayro to you?” she asks.
“We were arranged to mate,” tilayro starts to say.
She and neteyam were back at the comfort and safety of their home. She does her best to heal his wounds while making sure to not inflict anymore pain.
“My family and his believed it would be good if I and ao’nung were to be together. He was already chosen to be the metkayina’s next olo’eyktan. He just needed a tsahik. I was unfortunately the one”
Neteyam didn't speak, letting her say what happened 2 years ago.
He remembers exactly the day he met her. She was lost, had no knowledge of the forest and was scared of everything. Tilayro clearly stood out for how her body was different from the forest na’vi. Wider arms and lets, a thicker tail.
He remembers helping her adjust, remembers being close to her, remembers how he fell in love with the mysterious aquatic na’vi.
“For how long were you arranged…” he asks softly.
“Hmm…for a long while. I thought it would work. That I could be a good wife and a good tsahik to our clan. I was foolish. They had us spend more time together. In a way I was glad, because I was able to ao’nung’s true side”
Neteyam observes his mate’s expressions closely, her eyes filled with sadness and her body movement slow and not really concentrated.
“What was he like?”
Just from beating the shit out of that fish boy, neteyam concluded that ao’nung currently is still a child who has no control of his emotions. Still holding some grudge and won't let go of things no matter how long ago it was.
“Selfish. A brute, always wanting to be praised and having his ego stroked” tilayro lists as she rolls her eyes.
Neteyam slightly smirked, “isn't that what you do with-”
“I'm still talking”
“Yes ma’am”
“He always took me somewhere that mostly had his bunch of friends. Really I think those friends only hung around with ao’nung simply because he is tonowari’s son. He always showed off to me, to an extent its fine. But he did it way too much. And it was all about him, for him, to him. He never had a moment to spare for me. Never properly courted me. So I came to the conclusion that we aren't fit. I could not for the life of me spend my life with someone like him…so I….left”
A tear fell from her face, “I left one night and never looked back. But I don't regret it. If I hadnlt left…I wouldn't have met you”
Neteyam brought tilayro closer and gave her a loving kiss on her sweet lips.
“Im glad you did. You are the best thing to ever happen to me and I think Eywa every day for that” he says.
They shared a few more kisses before he picked her up and spun her around. Laughter filled the air once more.
A few days later the metkyaina packed their stuff to head back to their home. What happened tarnished what was supposed to changed their lives for the better. Ao’nung felt ashamed. He did throw the first punch. Now he must deal with the consequences.
But seeing tilayro, even from a distance, is panged his heart.
He wasnt good to her, he knows that now. But ao’nung secretly did care for tilayro. How he showed it wasnt the best. Look where it lead to now. But he couldnt leave without saying anything to her. It was no or never.
“Where are you going?” ronal asks her son, seeing him make his way to neteyam and tilayro. She panics, thinking what worse can her son do.
That omatikaya warriors were quick to stand in front of the couple, not letting aonung get close.
“Please, I wish to say something. I promise to not cause anymore harm” he pleads.
IT was a long minute before neteyam hesitantly agreed.
Ao’nung slowly gets closer to the couple, he bows his head.
“Im sorry for punching you. It was not my place to say terrible things and much less hurting you. I know I ruined everything and I will work on improving myself” he says.
Neteyam didnt say anything, only a mere hum.
Then ao’nung turned to tilayro who was showing fear in her eyes.
“Im sorry…for everything. I know I didn't do a lot to show I was good for you. That I hardly put any attention on you like you deserve…I did and still do care for you tilayro. Im sorry I never showed it until it was too late”
Tilayro can feel the genuine honesty coming from him, he was messing with her. He was being truthful, which is something she thought she would never see from ao’nung.
“Please, treat her well. Tilayro is a good person, too good even for me”
Ao’nung and neteyam shake hands, “thank you” he spoke.
One last looked was shared before ao’nung left to join his clan. Not looking back, ao’nung and the metkayina begin their journey back home. The omatikaya looked after them.
Neteyam wraps his arm around tilayro, wanting to feel her skin touching his.
“He is right, you are a good person my love. A good woman, a good mate. Even I must confess, I am glad he wasn't the one for you”
Tilayro releases a light giggle, placing her head on his chest.
“You will always be the one for me neteyam”
Choosing what she wants and how she wants, tilayro knows that is the best feeling. Having the freedom to whom to love and be genuin.
Aaaaaaand that was it for this one! I hope you all liked it! Until next time! See ya!
Tilayro = freedom
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���I want you to look at me, syulang”
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“You don’t like the way I’m looking at you?”
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