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botanical-journal · 6 months ago
Alternative Disease Control in Organic Agriculture
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The text discusses the growing concern within society regarding the environmental impacts of agriculture, particularly related to the use of pesticides and contamination of the food chain. This concern has led to significant changes in the agricultural landscape. In recent years, market segments have begun to demand differentiated products, such as those cultivated without pesticides or those that carry certification seals ensuring sustainable practices. This societal pressure has resulted in the development of more sustainable farming systems that aim to reduce reliance on chemical products
The concept of sustainable agriculture is highlighted as promoting responsible management of natural resources, meeting the needs of present and future generations without degrading the environment. This approach shifts the priorities of traditional agricultural systems, seeking a balance between food production and environmental preservation. It encourages the use of biological processes and a reduction in the consumption of energy inputs. Alternative agricultural systems are presented as a viable option to conventional methods, focusing on natural interactions. They emphasize the management of biological relationships, such as the interactions between pests and their predators, as well as natural processes like biological nitrogen fixation, rather than relying solely on chemical products. The goal is to strengthen the essential biological interactions for agricultural production instead of simplifying them. The text also mentions one of the main challenges of sustainable agriculture: the control of diseases, pests, and invasive plants.
Many techniques used to minimize phytosanitary damage can, paradoxically, lead to environmental contamination or generate changes that compromise the sustainability of the agroecosystem, highlighting the complexity and challenges involved in transitioning to more sustainable practices.
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- Alternative Products Produced or Obtained in the Brazilian Market.
Initially, before the widespread availability of pesticides, farmers used natural products sourced from their surroundings or extracted from their own land. These traditional methods, which include more natural and localized techniques, have been almost completely abandoned with the popularization of pesticides, which became the norm for pest and disease control.
Today, with the growing awareness of the negative effects of pesticides on the environment and health, society is demanding a reduction in their use. This has encouraged research into more sustainable alternatives, many of which are methods that farmers employed decades ago. The text provides examples of products and techniques that can be used as alternatives to pesticides, such as:
Raw milk - for controlling powdery mildew (a fungal disease).
Biofertilizers - to prevent plant diseases.
Salts - for controlling powdery mildew.
Soil solarization - which uses solar heat to eliminate soil pathogens.
Solar collectors - for disinfecting substrates used in seedling production.
These practices aim to recover and value agricultural methods that are less harmful to the environment, reflecting a shift toward more sustainable agriculture.
- Alternative Products: Future Adoption!
Despite the existence of environmental legislation focused on eco-development, there are still significant limitations in promoting alternative and ecologically sustainable agricultural practices. Although there are many technical and scientific contributions on methods such as biological pest control, crop rotation, use of crop residues, genetic improvement, intercropping, physical control, and the use of natural products, government support to encourage these practices remains insufficient. Initiatives are considered limited, which restricts the adoption of more sustainable approaches.
Additionally, the text mentions that the increased use of alternative techniques, including pesticides, which have been part of the modernization of Brazilian agriculture since the 1960s, depends on effective public policies that promote these more sustainable practices. In summary, the author criticizes the lack of a robust agricultural policy that genuinely encourages the transition to more sustainable agricultural practices.
The text highlights that, in many situations, farmers do not apply the true philosophy of IPM (Integrated Pest Management), which advocates for the combination of different control methods (such as biological, cultural, and physical). Research on IPM began in the 1970s in Brazil, resulting in promising discoveries. However, despite these advances, IPM is still not widely adopted by farmers. In some cases, alternative practices are used to control certain pests and diseases, but not in a consistent or integrated manner. Instead, many still opt to use various types of pesticides, which goes against the principle of an integrated and sustainable approach. This suggests a resistance or difficulty in transitioning to practices that truly integrate different management strategies.
The text explains why the adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and alternative methods is limited among farmers. Three main factors are highlighted:
Cultural Practices of Farmers: Many farmers predominantly use pesticides due to their ease of use and effectiveness, combined with a lack of efficient public assistance for implementing IPM.
Training of Agricultural Technicians: The training of agricultural extension technicians often focuses on recommending pesticides as solutions, rather than addressing the underlying causes of pest and disease outbreaks or exploring existing alternatives.
Influence of the Pesticide Industry: The pesticide industry plays a significant role in providing technical assistance to farmers who adopt modern agricultural practices. Their representatives often promote pesticide use rather than integrated methods, reinforcing a culture of dependency on chemical products.
These factors collectively hinder the widespread implementation of IPM and sustainable practices in agriculture.
In the end, the text discusses the responsibility of research institutions and funding agencies in the low adoption of alternative techniques for controlling phytosanitary problems. A survey of articles published in the journals Summa Phytopathologica and Fitopatologia Brasileira revealed that alternative control practices, such as biological, physical, and cultural methods, represent only 9% and 5% of the articles, respectively. These figures, which consider 28 volumes of the first journal and 27 of the second, indicate that there is still a very small number of plant pathologists in Brazil focusing on alternative control.
The author argues that it is necessary to increase the number of specialists in this area so that plant pathology can make a more significant contribution to the environmental and social sustainability of agriculture in Brazil. The text also emphasizes that simply replacing fungicides with alternatives is not enough to ensure more sustainable agriculture. It is essential to understand the structure and functioning of the agroecosystem as a whole and to redesign production systems to make them truly sustainable. The author notes that various examples of sustainable practices have been presented to the agricultural community, suggesting that education and awareness are key to promoting effective changes.az
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faggotfungus · 1 year ago
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A government agronomist examines a nutmeg from a young tree at the Plant Propagation Station, Mirabeau, Grenada.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 1 year ago
Where once we were all pretty much farmers, or very close to the land, and we rotated crops, studied yields, used livestock as land fertility aids and worshipped soil gods over lifetimes, not just financial years, now we just ring up the agronomist and order NPK. Where we once all felt, in our hands and backs and stomachs, the health of the soil that nurtured us, now we look at spreadsheets and averages and statistically relevant results. For a while, we lost the gratitude our forebears had for the soil they worked, the land they trod, the wisdom they garnered by growing stuff and watching the earth with more than passing interest, and more of a survival instinct.
"Soil: The incredible story of what keeps the earth, and us, healthy" - Matthew Evans
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farmerstrend · 23 days ago
What Makes a Great Agronomist? Unpacking the Traits of Agricultural Excellence
Agronomists are the unsung heroes shaping the future of farming. They’re the bridge between science and soil, the architects of abundance in a world hungry for both food and sustainability. Over the years, after sifting through hundreds of agronomist resumes and meeting countless professionals in this field, I’ve come to realize that greatness in agronomy isn’t just about a degree or a title.…
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wickedzeevyln · 27 days ago
“Lo, for the door neither bends nor widens, not by uttered words it stirs, for it’s encumbered upon its treader to shift into the form it accommodates. ” —e.d. maramat | erwinism A garden grows they way it does not by how a gardener talks but how a gardener listens to its appeal. Not far from where my grandparents lived were my friends, Aliah and Dais. Both were gardeners whose gardens sat side…
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loanalbuprefect · 7 months ago
Primele 10 abilități ale prefectului Ioan Albu pentru inginerii agronomi
Alăturați-vă nouă ca Ioan Albu Prefect, un inginer agronom experimentat, împărtășește primele zece abilități pe care fiecare agronom trebuie să le stăpânească. De la știința solului și managementul culturilor la valorificarea tehnologiei și promovarea durabilității, Ioan oferă sfaturi de specialitate pentru a vă ajuta să excelați în lumea în evoluție a agriculturii. Indiferent dacă ești nou în domeniu sau un profesionist experimentat, acest episod este plin de informații pentru a-ți impulsiona cariera.
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gianlucacrugnola · 9 months ago
Agronomist - Tutti Pazzi
Il branoTutti pazzi è il primo singolo estratto dal mio primo disco solista. Un brano inclusivo per i generi musicali e per gli esseri umani che celebra. Una matrice hip hop che danza su ritmi energici post punk e garage rock. Un testo che ho fatto fatica a scrivere e che mi fa piangere ogni volta che lo risento, perché scava nel profondo e dice la verità. Ho fatto forse un buon lavoro. “I…
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pugtai13 · 1 year ago
Agronomists Worry Moisture Deficits Will Contribute to Herbicide Carryover
Across the U.S., more than one-third of corn and soybean acres are in drought. Even if that improves, some chemistries applied in 2023 could still pose a risk to crops this season. Agronomists urge farmers to evaluate their risk potential. Full Article
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agreads · 1 year ago
Kagome, NEC and DXAS introduce agricultural ICT platform "CropScope" to tomato field in northern Italy, saving water and increasing yield
Kagome Co., Ltd., (Kagome) NEC Corporation (NEC) and DXAS Agricultural Technology LDA (DXAS), a joint venture between Kagome and NEC, have introduced an agricultural ICT platform, “CropScope,” which combines AI farming advice and automatic irrigation control functions compatible with pulse drip irrigation(1), to tomato fields in northern Italy and Portugal. In northern Italy, CropScope was…
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bonalejo · 2 years ago
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Me in agave field !
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botanical-journal · 7 months ago
Phytosanitary Sciences
In the field of plant health, there are several specialized sub-disciplines that focus on different aspects of plant well-being. Each of these areas has a specific focus and employs distinct techniques and knowledge to address issues related to plant diseases, pests, and other conditions affecting plants. Here are some of the key sub-disciplines:
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Definition: Phytopathology is the study of plant diseases caused by pathogens, including fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes. Focus: Identification and characterization of pathogens, mechanisms of infection, disease epidemiology, and control strategies. Activities: Disease diagnosis, development of control methods (chemical, biological, and cultural), and development of resistant plant varieties.
Definition: Nematology is the study of nematodes, small cylindrical worms that can parasitize plants and cause significant damage. Focus: Identification of nematode species, effects on plants, and development of control methods. Activities: Diagnosis of infestations, control of nematodes through physical, chemical, and biological methods, and research on plant resistance.
Agricultural Entomology
Definition: Agricultural entomology is the study of insects that affect plants, both as pests and in their interactions with crops. Focus: Identification of insect pests, their biology and behavior, and development of control methods. Activities: Monitoring insect populations, integrated pest management (IPM), and development of sustainable management strategies.
Plant Virology
Definition: Plant virology is the study of viruses that infect plants. Focus: Identification and characterization of viruses, their life cycles, and infection mechanisms. Activities: Diagnosis of viral infections, development of vaccines and control methods, and research on viral resistance.
Plant Bacteriology
Definition: Plant bacteriology is the study of bacteria that cause diseases in plants. Focus: Identification of pathogenic bacteria, understanding infection mechanisms, and development of control strategies. Activities: Diagnosis of bacterial diseases, chemical and biological control, and development of management practices.
Agricultural Mycology
Definition: Agricultural mycology is the study of fungi that affect plants. Focus: Identification and characterization of pathogenic fungi, infection mechanisms, and control. Activities: Diagnosis of fungal diseases, development of fungicides and cultural practices for control, and research on resistance to fungi
Definition: Phytosociology studies the structure and dynamics of plant communities in relation to environmental conditions and biotic factors. Focus: Analysis of interactions between different plant species and their environments. Activities: Study of plant community diversity and composition, and their responses to environmental changes and management
Definition: Agroecology applies ecological principles to agriculture to promote sustainable farming systems. Focus: Integration of agricultural practices with environmental conservation and promoting sustainability. Activities: Development of sustainable management techniques and study of interactions between agricultural systems and the environment.
Plant Genetics and Breeding
Definition: Plant breeding involves selecting and creating plant varieties with desirable traits, such as disease and pest resistance. Focus: Development of cultivars with genetic resistance to pathogens and pests. Activities: Research and development of new varieties, and application of biotechnological techniques to improve plant resistance.
These areas are interdependent and often overlap, with many collaborating to address complex issues related to plant health and sustainable agricultural production.
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abdallaaltahan · 2 years ago
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nonevahed · 6 months ago
Ming Dynasty 1566 episode 3
Of course the prince randomly offers 100,000 bolts of silk to his concubine's family when the government is struggling to come up with 500,000 for an important foreign trade deal
Yan Shifan triggers a 7-province flood for political advantage, "that'll get the farmers off their land so the silk merchants can take it over!" ... and that kind of out-of-control flooding probably isn't good for the land either
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donnieisaprettyboy · 8 months ago
please send help I don’t wanna do my soil science homework 😔
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gianlucacrugnola · 9 months ago
Agronomist - Tutti Pazzi
AGRONOMIST presenta TUTTI PAZZI, primo singolo tratto dal primo disco solista in uscita a fine anno (Orangle / The Orchard / Sony)     Il branoTutti pazzi è il primo singolo estratto dal mio primo disco solista. Un brano inclusivo per i generi musicali e per gli esseri umani che celebra. Una matrice hip hop che danza su ritmi energici post punk e garage rock. Un testo che ho fatto fatica a…
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glitchlight · 1 year ago
everyone who has been memeing about the USDA soil textural triangle for approximately the past decade doesn't even know the best part: there's another entire classification system that is far more widely used and more important
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