#aggy writes
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littlemissagrafina · 8 months ago
Let The Bugs (Arachnids!) Hit The Floor
this was originally supposed to be for comfortember 2022 but here we are lol
The rehab line is from this post from @irondadmadlads
Tony watched, almost as if everything was playing over in slow motion, as Peter flew through the air. His breath stuck in his chest, yell frozen before he could make a sound as Peter hit a nearby apartment building with a shout of pain and a sickening crack.
"Tony! Tony!" Rhodey’s voice yelled over the coms, bringing Tony out of his frozen state. "Go! Get to Peter, we have this!" His friend urged him, blasting at the tentacles of the massive, horrid green monster that had somehow burst from the sewers.
It was supposed to be an easy fight, he thought as he engaged his thrusters and shot off towards Peter, Friday's voice informing him of the med-evac that was on the way; they had been called automatically when a proper reading couldn't be taken from the obviously damaged sensors in Peter's suit.
Tony landed in front of Peter's crumpled form, feeling sick as he took in the rips and bloody scrapes littering the teenager's back, visible through his torn suit, as well as the unnatural bend to his lower leg.
He deactivated the suit, not taking any chances of accidentally jostling Peter with the (admittedly streamlined) bulk of it. Kneeling carefully at the teen's side, Tony lifted a hand and let nanobots encase it until his gauntlet was firmly over his palm. Holding it over Peter, he let Friday scan him, face paling as her voice rang out with cracked ribs, fractured vertebra in his back, broken fibula, probable whiplash, and a dislocated shoulder, as well as a multitude of cuts and scrapes.
Tony took a breath, panicked internally for just a second, and let it out. Peter needed him. He forced his hands to steady, letting calm wash over him. He could panic later.
"Talk to me, Fri."
"The injuries listed seem to be the only ones he has sustained, Boss. I can't get a reading for any possible concussion or internal or further spinal damage but I suggest a full scan upon arrival of the med evac and subsequent arrival at the tower med bay. In the meantime, it is safe to deploy nanobots to brace him."
Tony nodded his head. "Okay. Deploy the 'bots for me, brace his neck and spine fully, I'm not taking any chances." Tony leant forward slightly and rested his hand as gently as possible against Peter's uninjured shoulder, letting the nanobots slither down from his reactor to form a brace where needed.
Peter shifted slightly when the brace settled into place, the lenses on his mask fluttering open, squinted with pain. Tony knew his face would be chalky underneath the mask. 
The teen mumbled something unintelligible, voice too soft for Tony to make out any words.
Tony's hand found Peter's gloved one, and he squeezed it reassuringly. His heart clenched at the way the teen's hand trembled. The way his chest rose in short, pained pants. "Hang on, Roo. Med evac is on their way. You'll be just fine, Bud."
Peter seemed to hear him, or at least Tony hoped that he did, because the eyes of his mask fluttered closed. Which, no. They had a rule.
Tony patted his cheek, gentle incase of any injury that he didn't know about, but firmly enough to bring Peter back to his senses.
"Peter. Hey, no. No passing out. We can't get a good scan of you with the damage to your suit, you have to stay awake, Spidey."  
He ignored Peter's groan, satisfied when the eyes of his mask stayed firmly open.
"Good job, Kid. Keep them open and I'll even let you tinker with an old suit next time we're in the lab." Tony squeezed his hand again, relief palpable.
"Med evac is 30 seconds out, Boss"
Tony could hear the faint whirring of the quinjet's engines, a stray thought to mess with the stabilisers to minimise the noise even further crossed his mind before he focused, once again, on Peter.
"Cho's almost here, then we can leave you to her expert care. You even have better tasting meds this time!"
Peter hummed. "Mhm. 'S apple now. Not gross now like the berry."
Amusement filtered through the fading panic, exhaustion trickling in with it.
Peter hated strawberry flavoured anything and if it wasn't already banned from the tower because of Pepper's allergy, Tony knew the kid would "throw hands" with it. How he would do that, Tony didn’t know.
What he did know was that Peter would be just fine.
Peter squinted awake, wincing at the, although dimmed, lights assaulting his eyes as he tried to figure out where he was. He blinked, the fuzziness clearing to show the now very familiar surroundings of his hospital room in the compound's med bay.
Turns out that Cho and Tony's threat of getting him a personal room if he got hurt too many times was true. But hey! The room was comfy so he wasn't really complaining. There was even a plaque with his name on the door. That had been pretty embarrassing at first but he’d actually grown to like it.
Peter shifted, trying to sit up when a wave of pain spread through his aching body. He tensed against it, stiff muscles and limbs protesting as the movement only succeeding in making it worse, when a hand pressed him back slowly in the bed. 
"Not yet, Pete." Tony said, leaning back into his chair next to the bed. "You're still a little too banged up to move around just yet. You got squished like a bug, Roo.”
“Spiders aren’t bugs, Mr Stark! They’re arachnids, which is a whole different class and–” 
“Kid, rest. Cho’s on her way now, you can give me the bug breakdown later.”
Peter sighed, but knew he was right. His shoulder and back felt tender, and his energy was drained just from attempting to sit up. He tried to tilt his head towards Tony but didn’t get very far before the telltale whiplash stiffness made itself known and he winced again. He saw Tony sit up again, but was distracted when the door opened and Cho peeked her head around it.
“My favourite patient is awake, I see.” She grinned at him, stepping fully into the room. “How are you feeling, Peter?”
Peter scrunched his nose, cataloguing how he felt because, yes, Mr Stark, even I know not to bullshit an actual doctor.
“I’m pretty uncomfortable and sore, but not the worst I guess? What’s on the list this time, anyway?”
Cho hummed, slipping her Stark Tablet from her coat pocket, no doubt looking at his chart. “Well, you’re definitely due some more painkillers, I wanted to hold off on giving you another dose until you’d woken up. Going off your charts and some scans from Friday, I’d say you're doing pretty good so I’ll up those for you now while I’m here.” She slipped the tablet back into her pocket and messed with the one line connected to the drip in his arm, before stepping back and ruffling his hair.
“As for the list, first up on the serious side, you have a fractured vertebra in your lower back, broken fibula, and dislocated shoulder. Those are all healing pretty well, but I want you to take it a little more easy and slow than you usually do. This is a few more injuries than you’ve had at once in a while so it will take longer to heal fully, even with your enhancements. As for the slightly less serious part of the list, you’ve got some cracked ribs, a good amount of scrapes and bruises.”
Peter watched as Cho dipped a hand into her pocket again, this time pulling out a lollipop. “Like I said, you’re healing well, but take it easy, and PLEASE try to stop coming in here with injuries like you’re working to cross them off a bingo board? You may be my favourite patient but that doesn’t mean that I actually like seeing you in here so much.”
“Now,” She said. “You tell me how you’re feeling again, and I'll hand this over before I go.” She waved the lollipop.
“Feel like I’m a giant bruise. But not as bad as the list sounds. Can I have the lollipop now?” Peter questioned, taking the sweet when it was held out in reply. He unwrapped it and stuck it in his mouth, humming at the cherry flavour –because screw strawberry flavoured foods and drinks–, his head dropping back against the pillow and his gaze drifting to settle on the ceiling above him. The very boring ceiling. Maybe he could stick a poster up there, or even paint a Star Wars scene. That would be pretty cool and it would look way better than the plain, boring grey it did now, and-
Tony’s face appeared above him, an eyebrow lifted in obvious amusement. “Kid, you can’t paint to save your life. Besides, you know the drill, anything overactive or strenuous is banned until you’re cleared by Cho.”
Peter frowned, only half listening as Tony and Cho chuckled slightly over statements of the pain meds kicking in.
“I could totally paint! MJ can teach me, and she’s awesome at painting,” He mumbled around the lollipop, huffing. The thoughts in his brain started turning fuzzy, different colour ideas for the ceiling mural spinning around.
His head tilted to the side, none of the pain that was there when he tried to move his neck earlier, instead he felt loose and floppy. Like cooked pasta. He whipped his head back up –which, okay, that was still a bit sore– with a gasp as his eyes widened when the continued conversation between Cho and Tony registered. “Rehab!? Mr Stark, I’m not on drugs, why do I need rehab!?”
His mentor outright laughed. “Kid, no,” He grinned, and in a slightly less fuzzy part of his brain, Peter was relieved to see that the look in Tony’s eyes was lighter than when he’d woken up earlier
“Cho was just mentioning that she doesn't think you’ll need any rehab because of the way your healing works. We’ll worry about that at a later point if we need to, Bud,” Tony shifted in his chair, leaning forward to gently nudge Peter’s head back to the pillow. “Why don’t you hand over the lollipop and  take a nap, huh? Sleep things off a little while you're on the good stuff.”
Peter squinted at them, “No, I want the lollipop. These are the good ones! They’re not strawberry.”
“I’ll grab another one for you when you're up later, Peter. I promise, but only as long as you sleep.” Cho assured him. “Doctor’s orders.”
He stayed silent, still squinting, but Tony gave him a look so Peter relented, relaxing back into the bed. Being suspicious was tiring and a nap actually did sound pretty good. 
“I want two, and they better not be strawberry.”
‘One, Kid.”
“Nope, now sleep. Spider bed-time.”
Peter listened
He got two lollipops when he woke up again.
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littlemissagrafina · 8 months ago
Just a lil something because I couldn't resist🤭
Buck's head fell back against the couch and he sighed, taking advantage of the relief the small time frame that Bobby had taken their house offline granted them.
It had been an almost nonstop round of calls from the second hour of their 24hr shift. They were currently on hour 11 and Buck was tired. Not only physically, because he was, their last call having him and Eddie on a rope rescue for far longer than they'd expected when problem after problem kept happening during the rescue.
He was mentally drained, too. They'd had a few losses early on during their third call out, an older couple with their visiting granddaughter, and it was weighing on the whole team. They'd split off silently after they got back to the station and showered off the calls. Bobby had called in a request to be taken offline for the next hour and a half.
Bobby had taken a few minutes in his office, presumably on the phone to Athena, before heading up to the kitchen and starting on a quick lunch. Mac and cheese based of the smell
Hen and Chimney had headed for the bunks and parking lot respectively with their phones in hand, Eddie still getting changed in the lockers. Buck spared a thought as to whether his friend was going to try and phone Chris before brushing it away. He was helping Eddie as much as could but the other man’s relationship with Chris was something that needed to be worked on by them. Not those around them.
It wasn't long before the others had tramped tiredly upstairs. Some going straight for the coffee machine, others the fruit bowl or, like him, flopping down onto couches. 
Ravi was rifling through the snack cabinet, though. Kinda unfair since Bobby hadn't even spared him a glance, whereas the last time Buck had done that while Bobby was cooking, he'd been stared down sternly until he put the packet of biscuits back and left the cabinet alone.
Buck leaned forward, his elbows propped against his knees as he pressed the palms of hands to his eyes. He felt heavy. 
Breathing softly, trying to relax the tension in his shoulders, he grabbed his phone from his pocket to text Maddie, see how her shift was going and hoping it was better than theirs when he saw a text waiting from Tommy.
Go up to the roof in 30 minutes and look up.
The timestamp said it was sent 20 minutes ago, roughly when they arrived back, and Buck frowned. The older man was on shift as well, though his was a lot slower than the 118’s today, as evident by some of the texts he'd sent Buck, chatting about the details of the plans they'd made for the weekend.
He sat for a few moments, before heaving himself up and finding Bobby in the kitchen.
“Hey, Cap?” He tilted his head, coming to lean against the counter next to his captain.
“Yeah, Buck?” Bobby looked up briefly from where he was sliding the mac and cheese into the oven before shutting the door and standing, his attention on Buck.
“Do you know if Harbour are doing any flight tests or of anything else happening?” Buck questioned, tilting his phone out towards Bobby to show him the message from Tommy.
Bobby gave a nonchalant shrug. “No idea, Kid. It's almost the time that Tommy said, though, so why not head up and check it out anyway?”
He clasped a hand on Buck's shoulder, leading him up to the roof without giving him a chance to answer, pulling him to settle in the chairs that they had all used on at least one occasion.
Buck shifted, drawing in a breath to ask Bobby about what he knew but the older man just waved him off.
“Just watch,” He murmured.
Buck pouted but settled back and listened to him.
It wasn't long until he heard the sound of a small plane, but it was still a bit too far out for him to see the actual aircraft.
The door opening and footsteps coming towards them pulled Buck attention away from the skies. He looked over his shoulder as Eddie, Chimney, and Hen ambled over to them.
“Hey, what are you guys doing up here?” Chim asked, popping his gum as he dropped into one of the chairs, Eddie and Hen doing the same.
The sounds of the engine got louder and Bobby gestured to one side. “Waiting for that,” He said.
Buck tilted his head, looking towards where Bobby had gestured and– 
It was definitely an LAFD aircraft. A smaller plane, but other than that, Buck had no idea what kind it was or what they used it for in the LAFD. It wasn't one of the water carriers, or the water landing one. 
Everything Buck knew about the LAFD aircrafts was what Tommy had told him, but they hadn't gotten to talking about any of the planes yet.
Buck didn't have to see the station number on it to know it was from the 217 or that  Tommy was in the pilot's seat. And from Bobby's lack of curiosity or surprise, Buck was beginning to think that it wasn't only Athena that he'd spoken to while he was in his office.
“What did you do?” He asked, curiosity strong in his tone.
“I just mentioned that we were having a rough shift, I knew you wouldn't want to bother him while he was on shift too. All he said was to make sure you got up to the roof in time.” Bobby explained, smiling at him, expression soft.
Buck grinned back, feeling some of the weight of the calls lifting from him.
“Thanks, Bobby.”
The captain waved him off. Buck wondered if his arms ever got tired of doing that.
Eddie slapped his arm softly. “Buck, look.”
High up in the sky, higher than he wondered if the plane was technically allowed to go, a thick line of dense smoke started billowing out the back. The line cut off quickly, before the plane changed direction and another line was drawn next to the first one.
It was when the line cut off again and the plane change direction to shift into a long, smooth arc that Buck realised it.
Tommy was sky writing. How the hell he had access to a plane with sky writing capabilities or why the LAFD had it in the first place, Buck didn't know. If he asked, Tommy would probably just say that he knew a guy.
Within seconds, there was a big smiley face hanging from the sky, and Buck's phone was ringing.
“You know, it's really unfair when you do romantic shit and I can't kiss you for it.” Buck ignored the snickering and teasing gags around him, Bobby only rolling his eyes fondly at all of them.
“I'll cash it in when I see you after your shift.” Tommy's smirk was audible, even as he had to talk louder of the sound of the aircraft.
Buck chuckled, cheeks warm. “That was pretty cool. I can definitely say no one has ever written me a message in the sky.”
“Cooler than my mouth static?” 
“Definitely cooler than that.” Buck could just picture the pout Tommy would have at his answer. His boyfriend was such a dork.
“Hey, Tommy?”
“Yes, Evan?”
“Thank you.” Buck said, and he knew that Tommy heard what he meant.
He watched as the plane looped around, smoke billowing behind it again.
Tommy answered him just as the smoke cut off, a gigantic heart left next to the slowly fading smiley face.
“Anything for my guy.”
BuckTommy fans are you picking up what I’m putting down
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sad-leon · 1 year ago
hey what if i wrote a fic 👀
featuring a doodle i have of him:
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cosmicwolf978 · 1 year ago
WAAAAAH THAT WAS SO FUN!!!!!! Final canvas from last night :D
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big thank you to @slugs-at-midnight, @shu-bullshit, and @mea-trinitas-profana for hanging out so long, u were all awesome to talk and draw with :)
i will definitely be doing this again in the future :)
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tumblr absolutely killed the quality i hope these are easier to see 😭
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hazbinstohell · 1 year ago
When you compare Chaggie to other canon relationships in the universe, like Fizzmodeus, Moxillie... You realize how poor they really are in comparison. The fact that they are already a couple when the show begins is not an excuse, especially when you compare once again to these two canon couples already established that I cited above. Even StaticMoth vague secondary relationship seems more interesting from what little we've seen of it, not to mention the borderline mythological story of Lucilith which is extremely intriguing. Not to mention the relationships in development like Stolitz (frankly epic by the way) CherriSnake and Huskerdust... I mean, compared to all these other main romantic relationships that are already canon, those that are more or less canon but secondary, and those that are currently being developed... Chaggie is no match for me... I heard that they were originally just supposed to be best friends and that the designer changed that at the last minute ? Well if it's true, it shows. And a lot. And it's a shame, because they have great potential. But I don't find it treated well enough... It's very sad to be called homophobic by part of the fandom for this simple difference of opinion.
I agree. I feel like we have both - we have multiple canon relationships that have been done, but they are treated as relationships that are developing or organically working, such as Millie and Moxie. While I understand that Viv decided to make Charlie and Vaggie a thing, it would also seem that from pilot to Season, they could have added some elements that make the relationship much more organic and such. To make Vaggie her “protector” just ruffles me up a lot. Seeing them maybe have more conversation, engaging, flirting, and such would have made more sense. Not “You have to be careful!” Or “Maybe we shouldn’t do something” does not tell me that the relationship is working. Charlie has some grand ideas that Vaggie doesn’t seem to accept.
I really like Charlie, and I want someone who could be supportive.
And then someone out there is going to be like “It isn’t Alastor!” I didn’t say that, however, he has done more for her confidence than Vaggie has, and I absolutely believe he is going to be a big bad for them, but then Charlie is going to lead him down a better path-which, unfortunately people STILL don’t seem to understand that that is the ENTIRE point of Hazbin-Sinners are not EVIL, they have made decisions that are not GOOD, and that Heaven themselves are also not making strict black and white choices with who they are putting there(Adam should be in Hell, change my mind).
Problem is, we have some great, GREAT characters! I love them all in their own way, but relationship mechanics? The story? Meh. I’m having fun with my own ship, and Chaggie can enjoy theirs. It’s as simple as that.
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avalonbards · 19 days ago
💙 drunken kiss / tipsy for tor and agravain because i think it's funny and agravain will try to kill him.
| 💙 drunken kiss / tipsy oh agravain is 100% going to try to kill him, but tor will say it's worth it
Tor liked to think of himself as a reasonable, mature man.
He didn't do anything unnecessary. For the most part he tried to get along with everyone. When needed he would scold Aglovale and Drian despite their higher statuses than his own because he was still, unfortunately, their older brother through a shared father. Hell, he even tried to get along with the children of King Lot, though of them all only Gareth was willing to return the effort.
Gawain always ignored him when possible, seemingly disinterested in interacting with anyone unfortunate enough to bear Pellinore's blood.
Gaheris did whatever Gawain chose to, following in his elder brother's footsteps like a puppy. It was almost cute, in Tor's opinion. Mordred would rage and snarl at him, spouting off hateful words as soon as Tor would step close, only to always be silenced by Gareth's bright smile upon their face. The twins almost always together, and nearly always did Mordred (reluctantly) go along with his sibling's decisions. Which left just one of the five.
The one that was Tor's personal favorite just for his reactions.
He couldn't help but tease Agravain, deliberately saying things that would make the younger man's head snap towards him as fast as an owl's. The way those amber eyes would light up like two hot coals from fury and indignation was too funny to ignore!
Which led to the current predicament.
With a sigh Tor set his cup of ale down, watching what would have been an ordinary disagreement with anyone besides Gawain and Lamorak begin to unfold into a full-blown argument. Gareth stood between the two sides, shoving each one back with a furious scowl on his face. Dinadan was standing up, ready to get involved if need be, and in the doorway stood an exhausted looking Bors, Lancelot, and Lionel. Likely finished with a round of training only to see the drinking had started early in the feast hall tonight.
All of this Tor watched over folded arms now, enjoying the buzz of good ale and good wine under his skin. But his eyes were drawn constantly towards Agravain the most, even if briefly they flicked over to where Bors hauled Mordred back with a hand on the other man's shoulder and a whispered word in his ear after Mordred said something that made Gareth look like she was contemplating his death.
A thought struck suddenly. An idea.
Humming to himself, Tor pushed himself out of his chair. Unsteady, but did he really did to be?
Making his way over to the bunch was easy enough, aside from a slight stumble or two. Tor grinned at Agravain once he was within arm's length of the man, winking down at him and earning himself a disgusted scowl.
"What do you want? Come to side with your brothers, Pellinore spawn?" Agravain hissed, voice low as to not draw his youngest sibling's ire
Tor laughed, shrugging. "No, not at all. Y'know I think it's so stupid that you're all keepin' this going."
That was too honest, if the affronted look he was given was anything to go on. But still, Tor's eyes were drawn down to Agravain's lips, the thought taking a new turn. Worst that could happen would be a beating, right?
He'd dealt with worse.
"How dare you-?!" Agravain's snarl turned into a startled and offended yelp, muffled by Tor's mouth pressing hard against his own. It was a short kiss, if it could really be called one. But Tor enjoyed it for those few seconds it lasted until a fist slammed into his cheek, sending him crashing to the floor. Laughing the whole time as Agravain stood over him, face dark with rage and brilliantly scarlet. Dead silence came from the others, and all Tor could do was laugh.
Laugh and say, with a smile that was just a bit bloody from where his teeth cut into the side of his cheek, "You're awfully cute when mad, Prince Agravain."
Definitely worth it.
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hoiburto · 2 months ago
Can fanfic writers [ & people who post digital stuff in general! ] please be mindful that the dividers that consist of repeated symbols, such as [~~~~~], or [+++++], (& others used too) are read out loud by the majority of text to speech programs. For example, if I were to add a break right tilde tilde tilde tilde tilde tilde tilde tilde now, that's annoying. People who use these text to speech programs for accessibility have to listen to every single symbol you add to your work, or manually skip past, which, for many people using text to speech- defeats the point of the tool. Not saying avoid those details entirely, but maybe they don't have to span the entire width of the page?
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littlemissagrafina · 8 months ago
Aggy's Fic Masterlist
AO3 links are embedded in the titles :)
I'm open to fic prompts for 911, Irondad, and Harry Potter to name a few, so send em my way!
- 9-1-1
Live, Laugh, Llama
Written Across The Sky
"Good News!"
- Teen Wolf
we're all in this (together)
Pain Drain Vegas
Before and After
- Harry Potter
The Fall Of Two
- Once Upon a Time
Let The Bugs (Arachnids!) Hit The Floor
Mongoose on Ice - also check out the adorable fanart by @call-me-coley > over here
No One Knows -
"Happy birthday, Kid."
Because You Need Me
A Man And His Bots
Worth, In The Eyes Of One, Is Different Than That Of Another
The Way That I Love You
"I'll Take My Heart Clean Apart If It Helps Yours Beat"
- Series
Comfortember 2020
Comfortember 2021
Comfortember 2022
A Year of Irondad - (on pause)
Tired Tony - Tumblr link
FNEF Irondad Fic Exchange Fics
Alone In The Dark (But Not Anymore)
I want you to be happy (to see me, to hear me, to love me)
Partners in Crime
Beautiful Boy
They say it's what you make (I say it's up to fate)
I wanna shelter you (but the beast inside, there's nowhere we can hide)
don't get too close, it's dark inside
to hold is to love
Discord Challenges
Every Minute (slips through the hour glass)
Purpose and Reward
When Your Colour Has Faded (We Will Paint It Back)
Like a boat out on the ocean (I'm rocking you to sleep)
You'll be okay (Cause you're never alone)
So much to tell you (and most of all goodbye)
was there something I could have said
Here Be Tumblr Prompts
Drunk Spider
Be safe (don't be gone)
Insomniacs in the Dark
Paddy the Duck
I'm Sorry (it's okay)
Fear said you'll never be enough (he is a liar)
Holding On (So Much More Than I Can Carry)
Say It Enough And You'll Believe It (I'm Okay, I'm Fine)
Smashed Windows and Identity Reveals
What A Wonderful World
Cuz if I don't leave this town, I might never make it out
You Look Happier, You Do
Dear Peter Parker, What To Say To You
can’t erase what I wrote in ink (tell me how can I change the story)
Connected (yet to be separate)
Don't Let Me Sleep, I'm Not Ready For Defeat
Everything has changed (and I'm not ready)
Remember the sun, little flower
we're just sunflowers waiting for a sunrise
His Heart Bloomed Sunflowers (and he wore them on his skin)
A Sunflower's Bloom
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hexarcana · 3 months ago
@ask-mister-mystery sent “I’m not the one for you. I’d only make your life worse, and we both know it.” (Whatever verse or time in the past/present/future you fancy)
From This List of Prompts
Gravity Falls, 1982. Late winter, Early Spring. Post Portal. The house of “Stanford” Pines.
“Stanley Pines.” She says firmly, forcing her voice to stay as level as she could. “That couldn’t be further from the truth.”
It had been a whirlwind, coming back to Oregon, inheriting her fathers house and money, and finding her long lost best friend from childhood. They had a lot to catch up on but Stan had made it clear it wasn’t ideal to be talking in town, though he hadn’t explained why. But she didn’t question it, she was just happy to see him. Actually, happy was an understatement. Apart from the birth of her son, seeing him had been the best moment she’d had since she was fourteen years old.
They’d caught up, filled each other in the last 15-odd years. She hadn’t revealed everything, nothing about the magic or her coven, but she had told him about her son (and introduced the two) and a bit about her semi-nomadic lifestyle. She got the distinct impression he wasn’t telling her everything either, but she couldn’t fault him for that. It sounds like his life had been hard too. Way harder than Aggie had ever imagined it could have been. That’s part of what kept her coming back to his house, offering food and company. He’d taken her up on it gladly, no doubt having home cooked meals was better than the survival scrounging he’d been doing. She was there every evening now, her son in tow as she cooked for a very exhausted Stan, who spent his days doing God-Knows-What, but he’d made it clear to her early on he needed those solid hours to do… Something. And it wasn’t her place to question that, but one thing she was starting to question was if he was feeling what she was feeling.
She’d loved him back then, as children. She loved him the way kids do, fully and completely. And she finds that those feelings are coming back as she watches him snooze at the table while she cooked or when he took some time to chat with Bobby, who had quickly grown rather fond of his mothers old friend. She thinks she could do this forever, seeing him every day, rebuilding what they’d lost. Building what they could have had, if their lives had been different.
Rejection would have stung but she could accept it. But that’s not what this was. Even with the unspoken things between them, secrets aside, Aggie knows he feels something too. He has to. People didn’t look at each other like they did, not unless if there was was something there. No, it’s not rejection. It’s trying to hide, and Aggie Yearling is sick of hiding. And he’s the one person she never wanted to hide from.
“My life got worse the second I left you in Jersey. It’s only gotten worse! The only good thing that’s have happened to me since then are having my boy,” She points out of the room in the direction of the spare room where Bobby was fast asleep on a couch. “And finding you again. That’s IT.” She steps up to him, looking into his tired eyes which age him significantly. What’s happened to him? What happened to the fiery spirited boy?
“I haven’t felt right since I lost you, Stanley. I didn’t even know it but I think I’ve been looking for you this whole time because here? With you? I finally feel like myself again.” She grabs his shoulders. “I don’t care what’s happened. I don’t care what you’ve done. I’ve done stuff too, bad stuff!” She can’t quite keep her voice as level now as tears sting her eyes. “I don’t care! It’s you, Stanley! It’s always been you, you’ve always been the person for me.” Her hands slip down his shoulders, taking his hands. “I just got you back. I’m not losing you again, you hear me?” Tears slip down her thin face, her grip on his hands tightening. “You don’t really believe that do you? That you’d ever make my life worse? All you’ve ever done for me is make things better, Stanley.”
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nyankonui · 2 years ago
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little babies.. very small..
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serpercival · 5 months ago
Finally watched some new to me MASH tonight (the existential horror of No More New MASH and my general preference for the farcical early seasons over the serious later seasons has kept me firmly in S1-5 territory for a while despite the fact that I left off in S8) and, as always, went to talk to my parents about the episodes afterwards because sometimes its nice to get out of the gaymash echo chamber.
Anyway. Nice to know that neither of them liked a beloved-by-mashblr episode I felt very meh about. I feel less insane now
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mikeythebikey · 1 year ago
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💉 Mr. Higgsbury himself!
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fanfiction-collection · 7 months ago
so chelsea training today seemed to just be a water fight:
- Guro sprayed water at Niamh then had to run away
- Millie sprayed water at ABJ. Got told to "choose peace, please" but chose to double down and tip the whole bottle over Aggie
- Niamh got targeted again, this time by Aggie pouring a whole bottle over her
- and Hannah Hampton filmed it all 😌
thank you chelsea fcw admin and Hannah for providing this water fight content 😌
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stridoll · 2 months ago
an Extremely long ramble about meat timeline dragées . told thru note screenshots . . or its alternate names; really toxic techum yaoi or aggie stand the FUCK up !
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taglist: @paulisperpostridie i cannot decorate tjis cutely rn bc im sleepytired and not the best formatted post to do cute stuff on. but youre the only one here and youre my strongest soldier . i hope u enjoy this LAWL ♡
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bcolfanfic · 10 months ago
if i make young vets au croz a little morally grey are you all going to beat me to death or can i sit inside his head in a way that’s nuanced and creates interesting group dynamics (:
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btsugarush · 1 year ago
how are you jumping from making a new fic when you’ve barely post new chapters & updates from your past works 🫤
Is reading and comprehension not your strong suit? I literally stated multiple times that nothing is getting started until Gangsta is finished. My poll is for what to work on next AFTER Gangsta comes to an end. Again, this is also my account and if that WAS the case I’ll start or write whatever I want. If you don’t like it bye bye. 🩷 I also said that my plan was to write Tracing Your Tattoos but I have stories that are more anticipated.
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