#agents of shield season two
agentsofmarvel · 1 year
because y’all really liked the last one, here’s
some of my favorite agents of shield fun facts (season 2 edition)
this is part one! i have a lot of season 2 facts so i split it into two parts!! 🫶🏼
- clark gregg found out coulson was the new director of shield a few days before filming.
- chloe bennet said playing skye in season two was almost like playing another person as skye’s bubbly personality has become more “muted”. chloe said some skye’s more muted personality is due to learning it from may as her SO.
- i don’t know if i just forgot or never payed too much attention to it (as i don’t remember this happening), but it’s said fitz’s hypoxia also caused him to lose function in one hand.
- elizabeth only found out she was going to start the season undercover days before filming. she also didn’t know it would be hydra until a day or two before filming.
- the character of hunter was created to be a direct opposite of coulson, but still on the good side. they pretty much made hunter a character to see how funny it would be for him to piss off coulson.
- in season one, skye was created to be the “eyes of the audience” when it came to shield. in season two, they made bobbi the new “eyes of the audience” as she’s new to coulson’s shield and the characters.
- henry simmons has auditioned for multiple roles in the MCU before he was called in to read for mack. they were nervous to cast him as he was said to be “too handsome” but they liked how sweet he was doing the scenes involving fitz so they gave him the role.
- the executive producers and showrunners had a two week break between finishing season one and starting season two.
- in the scenes where fitz is really struggling with the effects of hypoxia, some of them took multiple tales because elizabeth would start to cry and they would have to pull her aside and tell her simmons wouldn’t cry right now and restart the scene.
- the simmons that fitz imagines throughout the season is wearing the exact same outfit from the season one episode “FZZT”. before this simmons had never repeated an outfit in episodes, which is why the producers said her wearing a duplicate outfit was a sign this simmons may not be real.
- the set designers made the Playground dark and old-fashioned design-wise to provide a direct contrast to the new, bright Bus from season one to show shield going back to its 1940s routes as it rebuilds from scratch.
- they didn’t put a toilet in ward’s cell because it was an open set and the crew said they didn’t want to look at a toilet out in the open every time they worked there.
- the character of hartley was created to show the audience that nobody is safe and that a character can die just like that. damn they really said “don’t get too comfortable, they can all die that fast”
- chloe says there is a ton of easter egg’s throughout the show of skye and the number three. she says one is that she only wears three rings after season one but the fans should figure out the rest.
- to make it seem as if coulson’s team has become more experienced during season one, the cast went through a solider boot camp where they even had live-firing exercises with loaded g*ns.
like i said, this is part one of the season two facts. i’m working on season two part two and season three right now and i’ll post them ASAP :)
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marvellousgifs · 9 months
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Jemma Simmons in AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013) | 1.06 - FZZT
Oh, please, as if I forced you to follow me anywhere. You said, and I quote "Oh, Fitz, it's the most perfect opportunity for us to see the world! We'd be fools to pass this one up!" I hate it when you use that voice. That's not even how I sound. And you were just afraid of going into the field. I was not afraid. And don't you dare act like these last months haven't been the highlight of your entire pasty life! Pasty? Oh, really? Well, when did you become so sun-kissed? Because I'm pretty sure that every minute of every day, you've been stuck in a lab right beside me. At the academy, at sci-ops, this plane — you've been beside me the whole damn time!
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apocalyptichearts · 4 months
May's potential betrayal from Daisy's perspective isn't talked about nearly enough.
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When you think of the character that would take the hardest hit, obviously Coulson is the first to come to mind. They have the history, the established and complicated relationship, and we see the anger and the fallout of that single moment where he doesn't know whether he can trust her or not.
What’s not really dwelled on, however, is Daisy's reaction.
She and May might not have the same kind of history or well-defined relationship, but there is something there. Something you'd imagine to be pretty important to a girl who's never had a stable "home", let alone a positive female/mother-like role model. If May had ended up being the Hydra mole, this image she'd constructed of her, this almost unwavering belief in her would've crumbled.
During the confrontation scene, you can even see the fear on Daisy's face. She's not mad like Coulson is or even scared in the same way Fitz is, she looks genuinely heartbroken and betrayed because not only did she look up to May, but in order to get closer to her she had to open herself up in a different way than she did with the rest of the team (essentially compensating for how two people might open up to each other seeing as May wasn't doing any of it) and for someone who grew up the way Daisy did, opening herself up that way left her incredible vulnerable, and for that to be wasted like it might've when she was younger and naive is terrifying to her.
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My follower count is currently 779. I know that the vast majority of you follow me for Good Omens content, not Shadow and Bone. I'm well aware that some of you, maybe most of you, have never heard of Shadow and Bone. However, as a fellow human being, I'd like to ask you to spare less than 5 minutes to sign the petition to save the show. I know it might be for nothing. But I believe that over 60,000 signatures in two days is a promising sign. Think of your favourite show in the entire existence. I know that for some of you that's Good Omens, which is currently also balancing between renewal and cancellation. Imagine if it got axed unjustly, with the story left unfinished. Some of you follow me for Agents of SHIELD or Once Upon a Time. Remember how the later seasons were the best out of these shows. Remember Agents of SHIELD season 4. Remember Once Upon a Time season 3. Imagine if these shows were cancelled before producing their best seasons. My follower count is currently 779. If each one of you signed this petition, it would make a difference. Not an enormous one, but it would still make a difference. Please, from one fan to another, from one consumer to another, from one human to another, I'm asking you for help. It would cost you nothing to help, but 2 minutes of your life. Thank you.
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Okay it happened. My first time writing for Agents of Shield. My heart and mind are taken over by Coulson and Daisy and well, girl gotta do what she gotta do and ✨process✨ those feelings. Full thing under the cut because I accidentally hit over 2k with this thing and who knows, maybe it'll end up on AO3 as well! For now I'm just testing waters.
@skoulsons @outer-edges I hope you'll enjoy this little tearjerker.
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"There's no S.H.I.E.L.D. without you."
Maybe. But to him, there's no S.H.I.E.L.D. without her. He's the past, but she's the future; she's the one who will bring this pile of ashes back to life, who will lead with her giant heart and a brilliant mind and create something extraordinary. She's the legacy he couldn't be more proud to leave behind.
"There's nothing without you," Daisy sobs as she breaks down in front of him, and Phil's heart shatters to pieces in his chest like she just hit it with her powers. He answers its call, its desperate plea to bring her closer, and he pulls her in, a soft come here on his lips as he gathers Daisy in his arms and lets her fall apart against him.
Her tears soak into the collar of his jacket. She's shaking, wrecked by sobs she can no longer hold back. He brings a hand up to cup the back of her head, and he closes his eyes at the softness of her long, brown waves under his calloused fingertips, letting it overcome him.
Holding her had always been quite a difficult task for him because, once he had her in his arms, he never wanted to let go. But he had to. Because duty called, because he was needed elsewhere, because she had to go. There was always something that forced them to pull apart, always something that had him stepping away and releasing her, always something that made him let go.
Now he's dying. He could be gone in an hour, a day, a week.
This time, he's not letting her go.
She seems so small in his arms. This force of a woman, powerful, brave, and fierce, now a sobbing little girl who wants to hide in his embrace and never leave. Phil feels a lump form in his throat as he thinks of a time when she really was little, when she had no one to hold her and dry her tears, when she had no one to go to. It only makes him hold her tighter and squeeze her against him so hard that he could crush bones if his body wasn't too weak for it.
If only he had known back then. If only he had found her sooner. How many nights did he spend thinking about this? How long had he sat by her bedside after she'd been shot, going over all the what-ifs in his head? For how long had he held her hand against his lips, staring at her pale face, wondering what it would've been like if he had the chance to raise her?
Four years together doesn't feel like enough all of a sudden. He's one foot in the grave; he accepted his fate and made peace with it, but if there's one thing he regrets, it's not having more time with her. If he had found her sooner, they would've had a whole life together; he would've watched her grow up, graduate from the academy, he would've been privileged to see the road she's been on to become who she is now from beginning to end. Instead, he's only a blip in time, there one second and gone the next.
He won't see her restore S.H.I.E.L.D. to its former glory. He won't see her reach the full scope of her gift. He won't be there to watch her finally find the love and happiness she deserves, won't walk her down the aisle like he secretly dreamed he would one day. He won't hear the laughter of her children as they run into his arms with her smile on their faces and call him 'grandpa'.
He wanted that. More than anything, he wanted that.
And now…
Here she is. The daughter he never had but had always wanted. Breaking apart in his arms because soon he'll be gone and there's nothing she can do to stop it. She will try; he has no doubt about that. He can give all the orders he wants, but Daisy will move heaven and earth to keep him alive. It's a futile task, really, but he'd be lying if he said he wouldn't do the same thing if the roles were reversed. He had done the same thing, and they had only known each other for a few weeks at the time.
He already loved her even then. A few short weeks, and she was already everything to him.
A violent sob shakes her frame and makes Daisy cling to him tighter. His jacket strains against his back when she grabs fistfuls of it and trembles, her breath hitching in her throat. This time, when he squeezes his eyes shut, a single tear rolls down Phil’s cheek.
"Daisy..." His voice is breaking.
"No, I can't, I can't..." She shakes her head and chokes on a sob that turns into a wail, muffled only by his shoulder. It's like a knife plunged into his heart and twisted around.
"Shh, shh… It's okay," he whispers into her hair, even though the words taste like ash on his tongue. He's leaving her, it's not going to be okay. Not for a while. She will grieve, she will hurt, she'll need time and space. There will be a hole in her heart that nothing will ever fill again. He knows because the same hole opened in his chest when he held her lifeless body in his arms, blood oozing from two gunshot wounds in her stomach staining his hands red. It was stitched together and closed, but the fear of it reopening again remained, making itself known every time he watched her head out for another mission.
"Daisy," he tries again, Skye at the tip of his tongue. It's the name she had given herself — the name of someone who didn't know her story. Everybody laughed at him for having a hard time getting used to the change in the beginning, but Phil couldn't help it when the name alone made his heart beat louder. Her true name has the same effect on him these days; it pumps life into his veins whenever he says it, and if only that were enough to keep him alive, he'd take it.
Daisy burrows deeper into his shoulder.
"Please don't," she weeps. "Don't tell me it's okay. I can't– I can't do this. I can't lose you."
His hands automatically move to cup her cheeks as he pulls away. When her eyes find his, they are bloodshot and brimming with tears; he makes no attempt to conceal his own. They are both barely holding themselves together, but they need this. Daisy needs this to survive after he is gone.
"Listen to me," Phil pleads, leaning in close. "I might be gone, but I will never leave you, okay? I'll be here," He taps her temple with his finger, then presses his palm right above her heart, "and here."
Tears roll down his face now, and his voice cracks and trembles, but the smile on his face couldn't be brighter. "I don't know if there's Heaven or anything else waiting for me. I didn't stay long enough last time to find out. But whatever happens, I'll be watching over you, Daisy. I promise."
That's the one thing he's absolutely sure of. No matter what the other side holds for him, he is not leaving her side. His teachings, his guidance, his care, it will all help her carry on through life. She'll find him in herself but also in others — a whole bunch of people who love her just as much as he does and will be there for her every step of the way. He might be leaving her, but he's not leaving her alone.
Her hand lands on his over her heart, and holds on tight. It's warm, soft, and so gentle, despite holding the power to crack the world apart. Her eyes stay locked on his own, deep brown wells of pain and sorrow and for a long moment she stays quiet, only looking into his eyes.
"Dad," Daisy sobs out, and Phil feels all the air leave his lungs in one sweep. "Dad, please…"
"Oh, baby girl."
Before the impact of these words can knock him to the floor, Phil crushes her back to him, and he holds her closer than ever before, tighter than his body has the strength for. His back hits the wall with a soft thud as he presses a kiss to her temple and begins sobbing into her hair. Daisy collapses against him, nestling into the crook of his neck, and they both slide down to the chilly concrete floor.
He's not sure how long they sit there. Could be minutes, could be hours. Daisy is curled up across his lap, leaning sideways against him with her head pillowed on his shoulder. Phil rocks her slowly, like a child who wakes up after a nightmare and needs comfort. He wishes it was only that — a bad dream he can chase away, kiss her forehead and dry her tears, then put her back to bed with the promise that no monster can get to her. He holds her, both arms encasing her and keeping her close to his chest, where her palm rests, feeling for the drum of his faint heartbeat through his shirt.
Phil rests his cheek against Daisy’s hair with a sigh. If only it didn’t have to hurt so much. If only there was a way for him to go without leaving her in so much pain.
Her sobs die down after a while, and when they do, she just stays there, limp against him, forcing herself to breathe. She's exhausted, he can tell, and if he wasn't still feeling so weak after fainting earlier, he would've picked her up and carried her to bed. All he can do instead is tuck her closer and let her rest for as long as she needs, right where they are. Wait until she's able to stand back on her feet and walk back to the base with her head held high.
Because she will. And she will let Hell break loose to save him. There will be nothing he can do to stop her.
"I am not giving up on you," Daisy says into the empty space around them, as if reading his mind. Her rough voice scratches against the walls of her throat.
Phil closes his eyes. "I know."
She lifts her head and looks at him. There's fire in her gaze that knows no objection, a determination as strong as her powers are. She's taking her grief, and instead of letting it break her, she's using it to fuel herself.
"Please, don't make me give up on you."
And what can he possibly say to that? He won't convince her. He won't change her mind, just like she won't change his. Daisy has always been stubborn, but so has he, and over time, Phil came to terms with the fact that he might have accidentally bestowed even more of that stubbornness on her.
He smiles, stroking her cheek instead of saying anything, and the way Daisy leans into his touch with a sigh melts him. It's a rare occurrence when they get to be like this, when they allow themselves to be this close and open with each other, and he doesn't take a single second of that for granted. Only wishes it was happening under better circumstances.
"You're good?" He asks, ducking his head to catch her eyes.
Daisy wipes her face with the sleeve of her shirt and nods. "Yeah, I'll be fine."
They both know she won't be, not for a long time. But for now, it's enough. He's not gone yet. They still have time. They still have work to do.
Phil lifts her to her feet, and the two of them take a deep breath, trying not to think about how much of a mess they are. He hasn't let go of her yet, and now Daisy is staring down at their joined hands, her face obscured by a curtain of hair. Her chin wobbles, but Phil is fast; he reaches out and tilts it up, making her look at him.
"You'll be okay," he tells her.
Fresh tears glisten in her eyes.
"How do you know?"
He catches one drop with his thumb.
"Because I know my little girl."
Her smile is everything to him. It's sad and a little shy, her cheeks blush when she drops her head to try and hide it, but it still lights up his chest like fireworks on the Fourth of July. He'll hold onto that smile for as long as he can.
When he wraps his arm around her shoulders and pulls her to his side, the rest of Daisy's tears are gone. She rests her head on his shoulder, lets him kiss her hair one more time, and as they head back to the others, they both feel somewhat lighter. A lot will change in the next few days; the weight of the world is still on their shoulders, but as long as he's here, Phil can make sure Daisy won't crumble under it.
After all, she's humanity’s shield. And her father's daughter.
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anchored-trident · 8 months
Lincoln going “we’re not bad, just misled” was… wow
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ex1ra-1erres1ial · 2 months
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rudikawhy · 9 months
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season Two
While watching season two, I took some notes of my thoughts. I only started on S02 E09 so before that there isn't too much.
Sorry, this is going to be mostly Fitzsimmons but you can't really blame me, because it's THEM
But first, two last things for season one "I couldn't live if you didn’t" "Well, I feel the same way. There has to be another way." "You're taking it" "Why would you make me do this? You're my best friend in the world!" "Yeah, you're more than that, Jemma" seems to now live in my head
Also the desperation and intensity in Jemma's voice, while Fitz's is so calm and kinda trembling, but both are absolutely heartbreaking in their own ways
But now to season two:
Fitz having trouble with words is both absolutely adorable and heartbreaking
Bobbi reminded me at first of the person (?) from Asgard who helped them get Lorelei
I am curious why Hunter says that his ex-wife was so horrible because so far, I love Bobbi
I just can't shut up about Fitz. But no-one I know in real life would know what the hell I'm talking about, so I just think about him and write about him
(S02 E03) When Jemma wakes up by the sound of her alarm and the song started playing, I thought "Hold on, I know that song", and yes, I love "God help the Girl"
Also it's kinda ironic because it says "God help the Girl, she needs all the help she can get" just as she steps into the lift which brings her to her work at Hydra
(S02 E04) Hunter: "Guys, drop everything!" Fitz: "No, this is worth a fortune. I'm not gonna drop it."
(S02 E07) "Would anyone like to leave before we get started" I would have raised my hand too
(S02 E09) Mack: "A Storm's coming" - Fitz: "No, weather's fine, actually. There's not a cloud in the sky. I checked."
[Jemma knocks on table] "That's not wood, is it?"
Why is literally any conversation Fitzsimmons have killing me? The "I can work for you, I just can't work with you"? I beg your pardon? How am I supposed to accept that?
"Come home, Jemma" (S02 E11) HQ's their home :D
Fitz's hands trembling :(
(S02 E12) This moment when you recognize the face of the woman that came from the ocean but can't recall WHO it is (Lady Sif)
Fitz seems so left out when Jemma tells him about them changing the ICER
Why is Jemma saying "Sir, the boys were right" so funny to me?
Nooo, Coulson said "Fitz and Simmons", they're no longer one and the same
I mean I agree that it wasn't right that Fitz lied to the rest of the team about Skye but please, can Fitzsimmons just be at least friends and work together
(S02 E14) Jemma: "Oh, Fitz!"; Fitz: "Well, don't 'Oh, Fitz' me!" - I kinda waited for him to say that
I am so confused by this whole "real S.H.I.E.L.D."
"No, it's not that. You're afraid 'cause of what happened to me and Skye, how we both changed. But you know what the scariest change is, Jemma? It's you." You know what? At this point maybe I don't want them to talk at all anymore, if every time they do, I just sit there and think "Why are you doing this to each other?"😭
(S02 E15) "I told you, Leo,[...]" Okay, Jemma, this doesn't feel right, calling him by his first name, I regret asking in the first place
I am REALLY confused by the real S.H.I.E.L.D.
I'm glad that even Fitz puts the USB in the wrong way at first
Did Fitzsimmons finally make up when sitting on the ground by the table when "real S.H.I.E.L.D" attacked?
(S02 E16) Don't do this to me, Jemma, don't say you want Fitz off the plane!
Don't leave Jemma alone, Fitz!
Okay, I've changed my mind. Apparently there was a plan behind Fitz leaving that I didn't catch. ("Nice work, Jemma")
Also: Proscuitto + Mozzarella, Be Safe! Love, Jemma 🥲 - The world's most dangerous sandwich is back
I know it's actually a bit late but I have honestly no idea what S.O. means (I suppose it doesn't mean Significant Other) (Rewatching parts of season one reminded me - Supervising Officer)
I really want to like Bobbi (and I still do) but I am afraid I won't much longer
(S02 E17) I kinda like Lincoln
Skye telling the story about not being anywhere longer than two years despite being 25 (or actually 26) actually brought me to tears
Okay, THAT I didn't expect. That this was Skye's mother
"The Girl. I couldn't save her" I didn't know May could make me cry
I thought that when Fitz was in that public bathroom with Coulson's cube (I forgot the name) that Ward was outside knocking and I already saw Fitz getting captured
(S02 E18) That was quite a run, Fitz, I would have been fallen down at least five times (not to mention my lack of stamina), three times alone on the stairs (I know that others have run more and under different circumstances but still)
I feel for Fitz, rocking his leg, I totally understand
Don't you dare, Ward, talking to Fitz!!
Grateful for Coulson's and Hunter's quick reaction
(S02 E19) Was it worth it, Ward? Betraying S.H.I.E.L.D. for leaving Hydra again like half a season later?
I'm glad Fitzsimmons finally talk to each other again like normal people
"Mistakes were made..." - "By you" "...and people got hurt..." - "By you"
No, I'm not okay. "Be careful, Jemma"😭
"So, how does this work? You just click your heals together and whisper, "There's no place like home"?" Is this a S.H.I.E.L.D. director thing? Quoting The Wizard of Oz?
One moment I really like Skye's mother and ten seconds later I can't stand her
(S02 E21) this whole show is confusing me. Who's on whose side?
Now Gordon too!?
Leave Bobbi alone!!!!
I'm not sure if I like Lincoln anymore
(S02 E22) Nooo, Bobbi!
That's what you've got, Ward! Now your girlfriend's dead
"There's nothing to discuss, Jemma" - "Maybe there is"😢😢 I can't with them
"Science, biatch" I actually squeak-laughed
"We're not bad, we're misled" Aaaaand I like Lincoln again
I need someone asking me out the way Fitz did, asap
I mean I knew what was about to happen to Jemma (I saw a GIF somewhere) but fuck, with sound and context it hurts SO MUCH MORE
Okay, that was it with season two. I know I need to step down a little bit with how many episodes I watch daily (because season two has only been six days), but no matter how much I know that, I just can't stop. But enough with this talk.
It was fun doing this, I think I'll do it again with season three.
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all-that-jazz-93 · 4 months
Anybody else think the Arena Club was supposed to be connected in some way to that specific branch of Hydra that worshipped Alveus?
They made a whole big deal on AoS about all the variations of the ram's head symbol. And the Arena Club logo looks very much like an inverted ram's head.
I'd have to double check air dates, but I'm pretty sure that part of season three was airing at the same time that Agent Carter season 2 was on.
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emleighbee · 4 months
It’s that time again — hating the “real” SHIELD hours.
The amount of stupidity around that table is unfathomable.
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maroonghosts · 1 year
I love that Tumblr has slowly become my way of maintaining a timeline of my hyperfixations. Like shadow and bone s2, midnights release, stranger things s4, moon knight, bridgerton s2, red tv, my aos phase
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agentsofmarvel · 1 year
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s2 will always hold a special place in my heart 🫶🏼
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marvellousgifs · 1 year
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Daisy Johnson in AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. (2015) | 2.15 - One Door Closes
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fire-for-you · 10 months
this is where the rest of our life begins - PART TWO
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pairing - l. fitz x g. ward
rating - teen and up (for part two: mpreg, boys in love, alpha grant ward, omega leo fitz, a/b/o dynamics, aos season 1, established relationship, kind of implied sexual content?, more like off-screen making out, morning sickness)
word count - 1,771
summary - telling the rest of the team the news!
how far along is fitz - 4 weeks
“Fitz, you’re pregnant.” 
Leo faltered, his half-smile falling into a shocked face. “Wh-What?” 
Grant’s hold on the scientist tightened as he came up behind him to ensure the Omega didn’t collapse with surprise, although he might. Fitz slowly turned his body to analyze his partner’s reaction.
“Are you okay-” Leo started, voice wavering.
“You’re carrying my pup?” 
The blonde could sense his Alpha beginning to buzz with excitement, his pine and chocolate smell growing more robust. “I-I guess so?” He still wasn’t quite sure if Grant was okay with it or not. 
Grant blinked rapidly, pulling his partner into a bone-crushing hug. “You’re carrying my pup.” He repeated as if he couldn’t quite believe it. 
Leo started to drip tears onto Grant’s tee. “Yeah, baby, I am.” The taller turned his head to kiss his Omega, picking him up and spinning him around the lab. After Grant set him down and gave him a giddy smile, Leo asked, “So, apparently, you’re okay with this?” 
“More than okay. I love you, and I know I will love this baby.” The brunette reached out to splay his hands over his partner’s womb, releasing strong possessive pheromones as he did it. 
Leo paused in his tracks again. “You love me.” 
Grant’s eyes flicked up to Leo’s. “I do.” 
“I love you, too.” They stood there for a few moments, just looking at one another before Jemma cleared her throat. 
“Alright, love birds. Congrats. I’m very happy for you, but it’s past my bedtime.” The Alpha said, getting tired of breathing in the strong smell of happiness flowing from Leo and Grant. 
Ward glanced down at Jemma on her little stool. “Thank you, Simmons.” 
Fitz looked at her too. “Yes, thanks.” He yawned, falling more into Grant’s grasp as his body finally gave into fatigue. 
“Alright, come on, baby.” Ward ushered him out of the lab and up the stairs, a hand on the small of his back. Jemma smiled, closing up the lab before following them. 
“Do you want me to stay?” Ward asked, leaning against the doorframe of Leo’s cabin.
“Yeah, that would be nice. I don’t sleep as well without you.” Leo admitted.
Ward grinned, stepping in and shutting the door. He removed his t-shirt and climbed into bed behind his Omega, pulling up the covers before wrapping himself around the Scottish man. 
Fitz hummed. As he drifted off to sleep, he heard Ward whisper, “I’m never going to let anything happen to you.” Then a rough but warm pair of hands drifted under his shirt and hugged his womb tightly. Leo purred throughout his dreamless sleep, feeling content and happy.
Fitz woke up with a start, jerking out of Ward’s strong embrace and rushing out of the room. Almost colliding with the bathroom door, he flung it open and fell to his knees before the toilet. Dry heaving for a few moments, the Omega started to throw up his fast food from the night before. Panting between heaves, Leo heard Grant stumbling around in the kitchen behind them. His Alpha walked in after one last disgusting hurl, a washcloth, and a glass of water in his big hands. The smell of dew-covered pines and dark chocolate washed over him. 
Grant squatted, kissing Leo’s cheek before passing the wet washcloth across his lips. “Hey, darling. How are you feeling?” 
“Like hell.” Leo sighed. “I suppose this is what I get for trying to bring life into the world.” 
Ward handed him the water. “Here, drink.”
The Omega took a large gulp. “Why must you be so perfect? And beautiful. I’m just going to get ugly and fat.” Fitz sniffed and bowed his head, discouraged. 
“Hey.” Ward put a finger under his chin, forcing Leo to look at him. “Don’t talk about yourself like that. I will always think you are gorgeous. No matter what you think you look like. Let me love you.” Grant traced his hand back to his neck, pulling him closer. The kiss was gentle, the Alpha pouring all his love and attraction into it. 
Leo finished his water while Grant flushed the toilet. “Are you alright to stand?” 
“Yeah, I think so.” Grant holds out his hand, which Fitz gladly accepts. 
“What’s next? You wanna go back to bed or something?” 
“Yeah, what time is it?” Leo asks, following Grant back to his room, hand in hand. 
“Around three,” Grant responds, checking his watch. 
Grant helps the other into his bed, settling under the comforter. “Wake me up when the rest of the team is up, okay? I want them to know as soon as possible.” 
“Sure, wait, hold on a second.” The brunette makes his way to the kitchen, grabbing a banana and handing it to Leo when he returns. “Here, eat this. Need something in your stomach. Please?” 
The Omega smiled, loving this soft side of his partner. “Of course.” He begins peeling the fruit as Ward stands, kissing Leo on the forehead. 
“Get some more sleep. Love you.” He says as he leaves, sliding the door closed gingerly. 
“Love you, too,” Leo calls after him, closing his eyes, and is asleep almost immediately. 
A hand was tracing Leo’s jaw. His eyes fluttered open, and he saw Ward smiling softly down at him, affection seeping off him. “Hey, sleepyhead.” Grant grabbed one of his hands and kissed the back gently. He traces a vein down to the dirty blonde’s wrist, licking against Leo’s scent gland there, tasting sea salt and caramel. 
Leo hums before the Alpha pulls his lips away. He stretched and asked, “Rest of the team up?” The specialist nodded, looking at him like he wanted to devour the younger man. Leo bites his bottom lip. “Kiss?” 
Ward grinned wider, leaning forward. Their lips met, and Grant licked at his partner’s mouth. The scientist let him in, opening his jaw, as their tongues tangled around each other. Grant breathed in deeply, pushing Leo down onto the bed lightly. He crawled up on the bed, crowding Fitz into the mattress. The taller moved away from his mouth, peppering kisses all over his face and neck, trying to give him the most attention possible. “Just love the thought of my pup inside you, gorgeous.” Ward sat up, pawing at Leo’s shirt. 
“Hey, hey.” The Omega whispered, arousal beginning to pool in his belly. “Isn’t the team just outside?” 
“Who cares.” Grant breathes onto the skin just above his keen hipbones. “Then they will know you’re all mine.” He bites gently on the taught skin, looking up at his Omega through his lashes. Leo can’t say no to that logic, but he does anyway. 
Closing his eyes, he wills away his inner Omega, screaming for Leo to let his Alpha claim him. “Babe.” The agent doesn’t respond, kissing up his partner’s chest. “Grant. Grant, stop.” Ward pulls away his lips, refocusing on Leo’s face to silently ask what he did wrong. “I don’t want to risk anything with this pup. I know I’m young, and there’s little chance of anything going wrong. But, I just don’t want to risk anything. Especially with your-” Leo searched for the right word. “Carnal aggressiveness.” 
Grant huffed out a laugh, his eyebrows rising in surprise. “Carnal aggressiveness.” He scoffed, smoothly moving off Leo to sit on the edge of the bed.
The dirty blonde sat up. “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t- well- I did mean that. You can be real rough, baby; that’s all I’m saying. You need any proof; just look at me.” Leo gestured to his invisible baby bump, still too early to show. Grant did look at him, a mildly hurt look in his eyes. 
“It’s my Alphaness.” Grant defended. 
“I know, Grant. And I love you for it. Just- no sex, okay?” His partner nodded, a smile returning to his face. “We can still make out- if you want?” The Alpha growled quietly, pouncing on Leo again.
A few minutes later, Grant pulled away and stood, looking proudly down at his disheveled Omega. Fitz rose, dazed, to look at his ruby-red lips in his bedside mirror, incredibly turned on by how much damage his partner could do in such little time. Leo combed a hand through his wild hair, trying to pat it down from the writhing he had been doing only seconds prior. 
They walked out into the kitchen, where the rest of the team was eating pancakes cooked by their resident Alpha chef, Jemma. Ward grabbed a few, piling them on his plate but only putting two on his partner’s, as Leo had a smaller appetite. He brought them over to the island where Leo was sitting. 
The scientist whispered a “thank you” to Grant as he sat beside him, the brunette rubbing Leo’s back gently. Fitz took a deep breath, clearing his throat. “Uh, hey, guys. Team.” He glanced down at his plate as all four turned to look at him. “I have some news.” 
“Good news?” May asked. The Alpha sounded amused. 
“Yes, ma’am. Very, very good news.” Fitz looked nervously to Ward, who was scarfing down at least three pancakes, being totally unhelpful. “Uh, yeah, well.” He started.
Coulson patiently sat his fork down. “Are you going to share, Agent Fitz? Or are you just going to keep us in-”
“I’m pregnant!” Fitz finally blurted. Skye screeched and ran to hug him.
“Who’s the dad?” 
Leo looked at her, perplexed. “Grant, obviously.” The man addressed grinned at the Beta, mouth full.
Coulson came over and lightly clapped his fellow Omega on the back. “Congrats, Fitz.”
Leo swelled with pride. “Thank you, sir.” 
He turned to Ward as May came by to congratulate them as well. “Agent Ward, if you do anything, anything at all to hurt that boy- or that pup,” He paused, thinking of a threat. “I will personally throw you off this plane - highest altitude. With no parachute.” His strong words made him sound more like an Alpha than an Omega, but Grant knew not to cross him either way.
“I know, sir. I wouldn’t dare hurt Leo.” Grant looked at his partner with bulging eyes. 
“Good.” Coulson held out a hand, his vast fierceness smell drifting off, satisfied with Ward’s answer. “Congratulations.” 
Ward took it, giving him a firm shake. ”Thank you.” Phil moved on, going back to his breakfast. 
Skye came up on his left side, looking expectant. “You’re going to be a dad.” 
“Yeah, I know.” Grant smiled in delight, picking up a piece of pancake on his fork. 
“Are you excited?” His best friend asked, her bubbliness surpassing his own. 
“Hell yeah.” 
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you can also read this story here
masterlist & other such things
MCU masterlist
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