#again i am like on Episode 3 so dont expect me to have opinions on like episode 44 or whatever
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Also started Malevolent and I'm on Episode 3 and idk how relevant this baby is long term but the scene where Arthur freaks out about losing the baby made me generate this exact smashcut title. I know it's a serious podcast, but it's extremely funny to imagine the episodes getting an "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" titlecard.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 7 months
What are your opinions on each of the songs? (you can answer with as much or as little detail as you'd like)
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Big shocker that the songs from the 2 good episodes are in S and the only one that isn’t is still B tier/sar
The first 2 songs in S made me either tear up/shake violently or cry, and therefore they deserve to be up there IMO. Out for love is also just genuinely catchy and had actual build up to it. Also God “Ready for This” just. OOUGGGHHH IT SCRATCHES MY BRAIN SO GOOD LIKE A WARRIOR CATS MAP. I like it a lot. You cant have multiple characters sing about working together and expect me to NOT cry.
“Stayed Gone” isn’t one I listen to often but it’s so peppy and fast and full of hatred I can’t help but enjoy it. Also everytime the song starts my brain does this
I dont know anything about Welcome Home
I have. Issues. With “Loser, Baby” but aside from those the song holds a lot more weight to it than I usually give it credit for. And for as cheesy as the start if it is, the line before of Angel talking about self destructing resonates with me a lot. Also Husk lays down in a puddle of vomit and no one talks about that ever.
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I think the first song in B is “Happy Day in Hell” and I’m adding it there 1. Because it is the first song 2. It gets a reprise thing 3. Charlie almost gets hit by a truck. Other than that it’s not really my favourite but I respect the impact it has.
“Hell is Forever” just fucks. End of story. Alex Brightman killed it.
“Respectless” is good I love Velvette’s VA, but the sudden start of the song and the ending are so out of left field the first time me and my friends watched this show we had to pause cause we lost our fucking minds. Could’ve been better but I’d listen to it again, yeah.
“Hell’s Greatest Dad” is silly and funny and maybe I’m biased as a violin player and jazz enjoyer but a lot of the instrumental tickles my brain so nicely. I will say though it confuses me so much because why does Alastor care about being seen as a father figure?? My mom said it could just be him wanting to show up Lucifer and that’s it but I dunno.
“More than Anything (Reprise)” AKA “Charlie and Veggie Kiss Scene - Hazbin Hotel”
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This song sounds like it’s straight out of Barbie & Th Diamond Castle and I’m honestly pissed the girls in the movie didn’t kiss so I’m coping with this. ALSO THE FACT ITS A REPRISED SONG ABOUT LOVE MAKES ME A BIT CRAZY. I never noticed this was the same song Lucifer sang to Charlie SOMEHOW but that’s actually really cute.
“It Starts With Sorry” Has a big part in Sir Pentious’s character growth and just his character in general. I’ve been working on this in my Pentious rant but I never see people mention how much this song probably meant to him. Yeah it’s super corny, but he was fully expecting to be killed and had just been told to kill himself. This was definitely huge for him and I’m not gonna be convinced otherwise.
“You Didn’t Know” is really good but Lute’s part is by far the best and I pray to GOD she gets her own song in S2 her voice actor can SING. GODDAMN! I am very interested in Lute’s character development and I love seeing what people do with close-minded characters like that and hopefully Vivzie doesn’t condemn her to Vivziepop Woman Syndrome. If she isn’t important in S2 I’m going to be pissed but I dunno maybe S3 if we get one.
“More Than Anything” Wish my dad was like this! This song is incredibly sweet and I appreciate it a lot. Honestly might go way higher on the list if I keep thinking about it.
“Whatever It Takes” Sorry you will never be Imagine Dragons. Vaggie doesn’t sound anything like herself cause her VA is making her voice so much more gruff for her character, which is fine! I like her voice (the voice direction is not very good but I digress) it’s just her voice is so high in this I can’t even tell it’s Vaggie.
“Welcome to Heaven” is boring, but we got a Molly cameo!
“Poison”. Read this and this and this. -10/10. I’d rather make out violently with Elon Musk.
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untulithed · 4 months
so, i haven't seen anyone talking about one of the qualities of DBDa that i don't really enjoy/understand..
as a preface id like to say that i love the show! and it is incredible,, buttt i still wanna be honest with my critique of it (and would love to hear y'all's thoughts about allat too)
there is, at least in my opinion, a pretty big difference in the quality between the show's dialogue and non-dialogue writing
at least for the first 4-ish episodes the dialogue feels very expository (clunky, even) and maybe dumbed-down?
like the first few scenes for example.
Charles and Edwin help the war-ghost, and Edwin tells Charles that they have to go, or else Death will take them too. Ok, a bit too in the face, could have been shown, still not bad.
Then we are actually shown-not-told death's process and the boys hiding. Ok, that kinda defeats the purpose of Edwin telling us allat in the previous moment..
And then we are basically told AGAIN that this is Death and the boys have to run from her.
and like. its a cute moment, Death's part is really good too, so i just dont see the point in other characters spelling it out
but still, i then thought that maybe, its just that the show is more for younger teens. but its not. and like besides all the violent moments, the show has SO MUCH nice and well incorporated detail! and the characters and their storylines are deep and multifaceted!
and even with all that detail and nuance, the dialogue just pretty much ruined some moments for me, even if just in small ways
its like the show expects its audience to notice and understand things so minute you have to rewatch it multiple times to actually notice them, while also not thinking that we can handle basic concepts like "we are ghosts and we run from death"
like The Cat King's clothes matching Charles' socks and his signature color, just to mess with Edwin more, which also means that he watched the boys since they appeared in Port Townsend, which means that him asking who exactly used the magic on that cat was just to get Edwin alone (cuz he already kinda liked him) and to be an even bigger drama queen. i for example didn't notice any of that until someone said it on twitter!
and then the more character-driven/emotional dialogue somehow manages to be both, but that would take another 10 paragraphs to explain so i will gracefully let you do your own analyses <3
in conclusion, i dont know if the writing process is to blame, or the higher ups, or maybe i am too picky, but i needed to rant, so im excited to hear y'all's thoughts on this, and thank you for reading this fully, i may have yapped on too long :D
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and a little gif as a reward <3
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madeby-meru · 3 months
thoughts & critique on Jason as a character
(honestly just me being petty and rambling a lot, feel free to ignore me)
First of all, I want to talk about the character promotion for Jason. We start off being told that this particular character is some kind of special route or secret route that can only be archieved by certain in-game choices (the feeling I got from the promotion was that he is supposed to be a bit of more difficult route, where you can miss scenes and illustrations easily, where its harder to raise the lovometer, where you have to make the appropiate choices on multiple episodes in a row to get in his route, idk something of the sorts, something a bit different from the others). But... is he really? During the promotion this character is being shown alongside everyone else, he is presented in the slideshow in the promotional web, we receive the same amount of information (maybe even more) as we receive of the other characters, we even get extra sneak peaks of the character that we did not get from the others (it feels like he is getting the favorite child treatment, sorta like Castiel gets every now and then). This may be an unpopular opinion but, in the end, he is esentially on the same level as all the other love interests, at this point and solely from the way he was promoted his route is no longer special or secret or anything of he sorts. And honestly? That dissapointed me a bit.
Now within the story (and I'm gonna complain a bit more here), to add on top of what I mentioned, he appears in game almost from the very begining, we can get illustrations with him from the second episode onwards & we can raise his lovometer almost as much as with the other characters. So, objectively speaking, what is so special about his route now? The fact that he gets the same 3 comically villanous lines repeated like a broken record? The fact that he has barely any screentime compared to the others? The fact that his ep 4 illustration is not even an actual illustration to begin with (yes, I am annoyed about the ep 4 illustrations overall but thats a different topic)? When we add all of this together, he (again) does not feel like a secret route, he feels like a regular one that gets half the effort as the others. And yes, I get it, it was clear how popular of a character he was going to be, I get that promoting this character more meant more players and more sales, I get that adding him early game was made for us fans and I am completely sure that this was done with the best intentions cause I know that there are people working at Beemoov that actually care about the players. But this was so poorly done that it's just making him boring, cliché, ridiculously comical (he is a full on villain caricature atp, a Megamind wannabe) and a complete afterthought (cause that's exactly how most of his appearences feel, like a last minute addition). At this point, his route cannot be treated as anything different from the others, and excusing his lack od dialogue or meaningful interaction with the player on the fact that "It's a secret route, it's not the same" it's just that, an excuse for a poorly done end product.
Personally, I was convinced that we would see nothing of him until like, at the very least, 7 episodes in, honestly even 10. I was expecting to hear his name here and there, crumbs of the drama, sneak peaks of the plot, a glimpse, an unexpected short encounter while we dont know who he is and he doesnt know who we are... That would have made it interesting, that would have built expectation, that would have let us make up more theories, that would have developed the main plot slowly and we would have learned the whole drama little by little (in a way that would make sense and wouldn't make every single character feel like they have a total of 2 functioning braincells).
I feel like a lot of potential has been lost for a very interesting character, but I am just a random woman on the internet sooooooo-
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youngpettyqueen · 11 months
two people sent me this but Sarah you got it first!
The first character I first fell in love with: Juliannnnn <3 he had an unfair advantage, showing up in TNG and having very good interactions with Data, I knew IMMEDIATELY upon seeing him that if I ever started DS9 he would be exactly my type. I am nothing if not incredibly predictable
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: I'd have to say Odo! I knew I'd like him from the moment I met him, but he honestly compels me so much more than I thought he would. when they established in the first few episodes that he's the 'only one of his kind' type of character, I expected him to be similar to Spock and Data, so his intensity caught me off guard. and honestly, I love it. and, again, he's just so goddamn compelling. searching for his species, a sense of belonging, his history with Kira and with the Cardassians... I eat it up
also its just. very funny that a guy who looks so deliberately bland speaks like he's constantly on the verge of snapping and killing everyone around him
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I honestly cant think of a character I dont really enjoy! I also dont know if ive met the entire cast, im just starting the third season literally as I type this, so for all I know new characters could come in that I won't care about. the only addition to the cast in the future that I know of is Worf and I know I love him <3
The character I love that everyone else hates: I dont really interact with any fan content of DS9, and ive never been into the tags, so ive seen very little of what people think about the main cast. I dont know if there's anybody who's generally hated, so hard to answer
in terms of characters who ive never seen any fan content for but who I love, that would be Jake! no idea what fandom opinion of him is, but fandoms tend to not enjoy child characters/pass over them, so I'll say him. I love him a lot, he compels me, him and Sisko are so sweet I love their bond. Jake's determination to be friends with Nog is also very sweet
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: so far I still love everyone!
The character I would totally smooch: Kira Nerys I am free Saturday night if you are also free I would love to take you to a romantic dinner on Saturday night when I am free
The character I’d want to be like: so far I'd say Julian. his commitment to his patients is admirable, I really loved The Wire for showing the lengths he's willing to go to to help somebody. I would also love to be that charming and slutty tbh
The character I’d slap: I say this with so much affection: Quark
A pairing that I love: Kira/myself Miles/Keiko they're so cute and in love and I love that the show takes time to show that!! theyre married and they have a daughter and they take vacations together and make out and flirt and have a sex life they feel so REAL. I love them sm
A pairing that I despise: I dont think I have one I despise tbh. like, of course any ship involving any adult with any of the kids, but besides that the potential pairings I can see are mostly fine!
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cohendyke · 5 months
Hiiiii :)
I just saw you on my feed talking about the show „Under the bridge“ which I started and am totally obsessed with because I love lily Gladstone and ✨butch women✨ but on a more serious note I wanted to ask if you are maybe personally a fan of Lily ? Because just like I said I’m a fan of her and I have been following her for 3 years now and with the on going situation about the met gala, her playing a cop in this show.. and not really speaking up about Palestine the way I expected, makes me kinda sad and uncomfortable. I know celebrity worship is not positive in any way but I always liked her acting and also the way she seems to be when not on camera. I know I can’t say much about her because I don’t know her personally but I said to myself kind of ironically before the met began „I‘m gonna stop supporting everyone who will be there“ but I kinda meant it and seeing lily there made me sad knowing that she would be willing to pay 75k for this sh!t is not it for me. Idk maybe I‘m overreacting I‘m just not really happy about what‘s happening lately when I thought some celebs actually stand on the right side but it turns out most don‘t care one bit about others and us the working class ofc.
Could you maybe tell me your thoughts on this ?
To start off I don't really keep up with the met gala/celebrities in general and I haven't heard of any specific controversies with the met gala this year? All I really know about it is that it's a fundraiser for the costume section of the met museum and she was there this year. so even if she did pay for the ticket the money goes directly to that non-profit cause. Take this with a grain of salt though because I really don't put any effort into keeping up with events like these. maybe i should but i'm just not particularly interested :) anyway this is quite long so i will put the rest under a cut.
as for her playing a cop- i think it's a good thing- her character occupies such a nuanced space; she's queer, a first nations woman adopted into a white cop family. yes she's a cop as well, but she's also a victim to that institution in a lot of the same ways reena was, and i think it makes for a great plot where she's forced to reckon with the institution she's a part of even though she is a marginalized woman in many ways. (i dont want to cite any specific things from the show because i don't really want to spoil anyone since the newest episode came out only yesterday, but there are several parallels between her and reena.)
As for her activism, with celebrities in general i don't necessarily look to them for moral guidelines. that isn't to say that i support any celebrities in any way with heinous views, but i'm also not keeping tabs on everything a celebrity who's work i enjoy has said about x y z issue. while i, too would imagine that she is sympathetic towards palestinians, i think it's not really fair to expect lily to take on every single issue concerning indigenous people around the world, seeing as indigenous people in north america alone are still in a shitty position (in terms of mmiw, threats to their land, mental health crises, natural disasters, and these are issues off the top of my head.) i think i also hold this opinion because i am a pretty privileged white woman and i think it would be beyond hypocritical to point at lily and go "you're not being a good activist for palestinians even though you're indigenous yourself!!" and this goes beyond whether i think of myself as a good activist or not. i also think that since she's really just 'broken through,' she doesnt want/maybe has been told not to rock the boat in that way in order to protect her future career, though i honestly dont know. it's not an excuse for not speaking out, but it's just something that came across my mind. again, take this all with a grain of salt.
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cherry-bomb-ships · 5 months
On one hand, I stayed up wayyy too late and should have been in bed 3 hours ago. One the other hand tho... for the very first time I have drawn Mojo Jojo >:3
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This. Was. SO. FUN 💖💖💖💖💖💖 I wanted to save this for a full doodle post with other stuff cuz I'm definitely gonna draw more, but I couldn't wait to show this off!!! His design is absolutely captivating and working thru how to draw him (as well as throwing in some headcanon details I liked) was so amazingly fun, I cannot wait to draw more 🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖 Imma throw some extra thoughts under the read more cuz I dont want this getting too long, but I am so proud that this was my very first time and I am so happy with the end piece >w< 💖💘💖💘💖💘💖
So as you can probably see, I added a few headcanon things!
The most obvious thing of course being a little chip out of his ear because lets be honest, he's taken a LOT of beatings and there's no way there wouldn't be some physical scars remaining. I like to imagine thats something he'd be self-concious about - a stain on his otherwise perfect appearance and a painful reminder of his multiple failures 🥺🥺🥺
Next, the lil tooth sticking out! A classic thing to add to most designs, and I think it especially fits him 💖💖💖 One thing I rly love abt his design OG is his sharp teeth so I wanted to keep it visible, plus I imagine his bottom canines (is that what its called on chimps? Idk) being the longest of his teeth, which is definitely a detail I'll be adding when I eventually draw that dashing smile of his 💖💖💖
These next 2 things are both aesthetic so I'll cover them in one go, but I wanted to give him a thicker outline around his eyes cuz the "PPGs Rule!!!" special episode did that to him and I thought it was good lookin 💖💖💖 I also added a bit more fur sticking in around his face cuz again, its something I love about him. I bet his fur is so soft, I wanna touch it....
Even tho this isn't a headcanon thing, I still wanna touch upon it; when it comes to the way his ears were drawn in early vs later seasons, there seem to be a lot of opinions about it in the fandom 😅 Personally, I kinda like both, BUT I think it looks even better as a blend of both!! Not perfectly rounded, but also not rigid and sharp. I feel like I found a nice middle ground tbh uwu
All in all this was so fucking fun and I am so proud of what I was able to do on my FIRST TIME no less, so definitely expect more from me in the future!!!! 🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖
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starryemeralds · 1 year
HII rwby anon again its been a while sorry dhd ive been on a mission in another world but thats not important right now~
IM REALLY ENJOYING IT A LOT, especially with a lot of focus being on vomit boy, i kind of didnt expect that. i LOVE how nora was just. "should i break his legs :D" IN SUCH A FUN AND BUBBLY GIRL VOICE DHDBDBD that was hilarious
AND WHEN PYRRHA TOOK VOMIT BOY ONTO THE ROOF AND HE JUST GOES, "i know im depressed but.. im not THAT depressed" i was DYING of laughter HELPPP JSJSJS
UGH i CANNOT get enough of ruby. shes just like. nope :3 nope : ) nope :] nope :>
UGH its so cute just that little squeakiness in her voice, if that makes sense fhdhd
"youre not allowed to be a failure.. because youre a leader !"
i very spesifically remember, before getting into the show, seeing gifs and vids you rebloged of ruby having. not the best of times 😭 because she was their leader and didnt feel perfect / as good as she wanted herself to be, if i remember correctly ? so
yeah 😭😭😭
i ship blake and random faunus boy with a monkey tail /hj
penny seems.. weird,, not in a bad way she is just. a weirdo /pos
ok so. time to bombard you with questions ( sorry )
who are the faunus how many episodes does the first season have who are the white fang and why does weiss call them degenerates, rapscallions, thieves, murderers and scums
thank you 💅
i love how you consistently refer to jaune as vomit boy, it makes me laugh everytime. and nora, my chaotic beloved, do break that guys legs <3
and yes!! ruby’s va is so good, and while she has the squeakiness, you’ll come to see that there’s a lot of emotional range in it 👀
AND YEAH,, RUBY’S JOURNEY AS A LEADER IS A LONG AND COMPLICATED ROAD, BUT MY GOD, THERE IS NOTHING I LOVE MORE THAN STORYLINES LIKE *gestures to v9* THAT (being vague because i don’t wanna spoil you anymore than my blog already has haha)
SUN MY BELOVED!!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH; LOYAL TO THE END BUT LACKS ALL BRAIN CELLS. valid to ship them, but their friendship in particular means so much to me and you’ll come to see why a bit later down the road!
AND PENNY MY BELOVED <3333 all i’ll say is that there is something weird with her, and it alludes to the fairy tale she is based on, which i think gets revealed sometime in v2 iirc
who are the faunus:
so the faunus are essentially another race in remnant that have physically animalistic features (some might have ears, or tails, etc.)
how many episodes in the first season:
crunchyroll is telling me that the first season has 16 episodes, so you’re right at the finish line!!
who are the white fang:
the white fang has a complicated history, but they are essentially a group of faunus who are fighting for faunus rights and are now known to be an extremist group. (in my personal opinion, i think that rt definitely could’ve handled this plot line a bit better since it is a direct allegory to racism and a lot of black fans have voiced their critiques a lot better than i ever could. there are some threads and video essays by them if that’s something you’d wanna look more into!)
why does weiss call them degenerates, etc?
she’s racist prejudiced towards them based on her upbringing; but she does overcome this fairly quickly SO DONT WORRY.
is blake of the white fang?
she used to be! that mission she was on in the black trailer was actually her with them, but her separating herself from the train was her literally and metaphorically cutting ties with them. she no longer believes in their methods, so she became a huntress to join in the fight for equality in a different way.
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
Okay so thoughts on shadow & bone S1? If you feel like rambling a bit - opinions about the characters/ships/plot? Ty 💕✨️
Hello! I'm navigating the hell of academia and as im waiting for friends who have the application process figured out to get back to me, why not answer this lovely ask :) thank you for asking me btw i love to give my opinions about stuff :)) under the cut bcs its probably gonna get long... hugs! <3
i mean.., its silly. not to say stupid but like, it very much shows that its a ya novel. i wasnt expecting much, given that i wasnt invested in it since i havent read the books or anything, but its just... silly and cliched. the writing choices are very much in like with ya literature, there werent any surprises or plot twists that i havent foreseen at least a bit in a way, and its a good show to like, semi watch when your brain is foggy and you need sth to rest your brain bcs you dont need extreme brainpower to follow it, or much brain power at all if im honest.
i have absolute beef with the completely insane way that language was butchered, alongside slavic naming conventions. it grates on your brain when youre familiar with it, so thats a minus. on the other hand, i didnt like the worldbuilding around the shu - you choose a fake russia to be the center kinda good guys, and you choose a vaguely mongolian-chinese resembling guys to be the villains. there was no nuance to the racism, and from what i understand, the author is american, so i dont get why theyd even write about these things without bothering to do even basic research. idk if im explaining it well, but that pissed me off.
i like the crows? kaz is hillarious, as are the rest, and all ive been hearing tells me they are the best part of the series. i figured out nina and matthias are also crows, or will become so, so thats cool. love their "priest witchunter falls in love w the witch" story, it very much reminds me of illya kuryakin and napoleon solo from man from unkle, and im a sucker for that. cant wait to see more inej and jesper too, they are literally the most interesting part of the show.
alina is a typical chosen one protagonist, tho her and mal are cute. i liked ben barnes more as prince kaspian. im thinking (and friends told me), that he gets babyfied and uwufied by the fandom, whichis honestly expected. imma browse the fanfics to see if theres sth interesting but im not holding my breath xD hes just... basic wannabe antagonist villain. loki wannabe xD idk.
anyways, it was fun to watch it and to bitch about it, imma do it again when s2 comes out probably, if i dont forget about it by now. its not a very memorable series for me. im more excited for a single episode of tatort saabrücken than i am for this tbh xD but oh well. i'll take whatever holds my attention (broadly speaking) these days :)
thanks again for asking me! all the hugs to you <3
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filthybonnet · 2 years
Hey, I happened to stumble upon that Wil Wheaton post in which you discussed about the "terf" comment. I read the post and how "civillized" (lol) the op and the reblogs replied to you and i wanted to say that I hope you are doing fine. Attacking and dehumanizing women suddenly is ok as long as we dont agree with their opinions ig (on matters that dont call out hating and truly harming minorities) Dont expect common sense from the majority of tumblr users on this topic, im afraid. Nevertheless, I hope you are doing fine and keep up the good work with your stories!! (from an imperatively anon user)
Thank you so much for the kind thoughts and words. I am doing quite fine. What struck me so deep about that was I was a fan of Wil Wheaton. I was under no impression that he was a perfect, infallible human being that was knocked off a pedestal. What cut me about it was I enjoyed his work, I enjoyed that he was a geek and that he could casually spit so much vile and hate at a person after being a victim of the same type of thing. The fact that he could model that this is as ok behavior to all his other fans.
Also a little personal background on Wil Wheaton. My dad is a HUGE Big Bang Theory fan. He and I planned a trip out to LA to attend a filming in 2018. The episode filming we went to had Wil Wheaton in it; it was one of the episode where he was now Professor Proton so I got to see him in person. It was so much fun and such a special moment for my dad and I. For him to personally attack me like that kind of taints the memory a little.
I don’t expect common sense from tumblr. I don’t expect common sense from a lot of people on this subject. I’ve lost real life friends over this. My relationship with my sister is strained over this. We used to be so close but she unfriended and blocked me on facebook. When I reached out and said I wanted to meet up and talk in person about this because in person is so much easier, things aren’t misunderstood. So we planned a lunch date on neutral ground then an hour before it she sent me a text saying she was ok with what she did and didn’t feel like she needed to explain herself.
I’m just really fortunate that my best friend shares the same belief (she’s actually more extreme than me) and my other close friend agreed to disagree with me on the subject because we have over a decade of friendship invested in each other and plenty of other things in common. I also have another friend who is a mixture of beliefs on the issues, it’s not all one way and the other. I don’t know what I would do without them.
Thank you again. <3 I’m glad to know there are others out there.
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so i just finished season 4 of tpp and damn it i have some WORDS TO SAY
i rlly dont know how to feel abt nureyev rn. he clearly expected dark matters to attack the carte blanche, and although he probably isnt working with them, the fact that he also told whoever he took the loan from that he would be bringing them all the items he and the aurinko crime family stole makes me think he didnt just escape from dark matters. he probably used this as an opportunity to escape from the family as well, especially since in the journal he literally tells juno not to look for him.
i hate to say this, bc nureyev is a huge comfort character for me, but i think hes up to smth rlly bad. and i cant believe hes pulling this betrayal bullshit AGAIN
(also i understand he wants juno to learn more abt him and his past, but how did he expect juno to react to the love of his life ranting abt how smitten he was for another guy in a journal made FOR HIM)
the vulnerability in nureyev's journal makes me incredibly happy you have NO IDEA
im such a sucker for characters who mask emotions finally showing vulnerability through stories of their past, in which they didnt feel the need to hide or were only starting to. (for example, the contrast between younger nureyev talking abt the world knowing his name versus older nureyev who can barely even speak it himself; "just...call me what you used to.")
im kind of scared abt the whole slip jackson situation. slip seems completely in love with nureyev, which makes me think nureyev is probably the reason they broke up. he probably did smth hypocritical like lying or betraying slip, and genuinely idk if i can take seeing nureyev do anymore shitty stuff ok i RLLY LIKE HIM and am sick of seeing him being a dick.
SO ANYWAYS bc ive caught up on tpp, ill need a new podcast to listen to soon (RECOMMENDATIONS ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED) but this is also the perfect time to work on that recap video project i talked abt in another post, so if i do end up doing that, ill update anyone whos interested on the progress as it happens.
ALSO does anyone know when the next episode will be out bc i think im driving myself insane by listening to these unfinished podcasts and now that i think abt it the next two episodes wont even be junoverse so im gonna have to listen to the second citadel thingy too (gimme opinions on that bc i wanna know if its actually good)
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Ok so about 'Time Amok'... i have a few things.
1. I know the reason for the title is the fact that there is time travel-ish stuff, but I was expecting horny vulcans, so that was a little bit disappointing....
2. Talking about stuff that is slightly more serious, I think they got to the resolution a bit too easily. I'm not necessarily complaining about it, I did not see it coming and I think it has the potential of adding a very interesting layer to Rok, who definitely matured in all that time. I just hope we will get to see the changes in future episodes and that they will not just try to make us forget about this as they would have in good old trek fashion.
And more than the ending itself, i think Janeway coming back was very much rushed. I didn't even have time to grieve the loss of my number one favourite hologram and she was already back. Again not complaining, I understand it's hard to do anything more in 25 minute episodes and to make it palatable for kids, so it's fine;
3. I am so fucking intrigued by the fact that the Diviner can use the shuttle to make Dreadnok-like robot things and I hope it will come back;
4. And about that, I'm really wondering if maybe it wasn't actually Dreadnok who boarded the Protostar, but possibly one of these... it doesn't really answer any of our questions about what the hell is going on, but it adds to my curiosity and that's good;
7. I also adored how much space they gave to Rok Tak, she is hands down my favourite kid and I dont believe mine is an unpopular opinion. This episodes really leads me to believing that they have bigger plans for her and I'm just so glad;
6. And lastly, Janeway was so great during this episode. I loved how understanding she was of the fact that they are not really cadets (even tho I cannot believe she actually thought they were in the first place), I love how determined she still is to make them a crew, I love that she used the fox/grain/chicken riddle at the beginning, it was brilliant and how angry she was at the robot thing because she thought it was the same dude who boarded the Protostar, I just really love her;
7. Also Gwyn was cool.
And since my love for Janeway has the power to cancel out all the negatives of this episode, I give it a 10/10 because this is my tumblr and I do whatever the fuck I want :)
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mazojo · 4 years
Winter 2021 Anime Opinions
As always its that time of the year I pretend to be an anime connoisseur and leave my review on this seasons anime so take it with a grain of salt asdfgh from the one I enjoyed the least to the most.
Wave!!: Surfing Yappe!! (TV)
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You are seeing currently the only probably best thing about Wave asdfghj Tanaka bby I am SO sorry you got stuck here,,,,, Its bad because I had so many expectations for Wave but it just...... isn’t very good? The characters feel 2 dimensional, animation is veeeery average and the plot is all over the place? Dont even get me started on the Shou situation plot device that they just brushed over and went on with and,,,,,big sigh
Urasekai Picnic
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To be honest is not very fair to compare this one to the rest as ive only watched the first 2 eps but ill catch up eventually asdfghj its not bad just that the plot didnt capture me as much as I hoped but the two main characters cutiess the plot just confuses me asdfgh but I don't have much to say about it
Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season
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So uh anyways Chile I don't wanna talk about it the only reason this is not dead last is because RayEmma cute moments but yeah don't watch this clown show go read the manga for self care ✨
Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun
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The only reason this is here is because she. The main girl I cant remember the name of sucks and main dude is very normal asdfgh the plot is basically “Want people to like you? change everything about yourself and become a normie robot!!!” ASDFGHJ Like its so over the top and cringe at times it becomes very confusing but hey I am not caught up either so I may change opinions (x doubt tho)
2.43: Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu
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From this point onwards I basically like everything. 2.43 Started suuuuper strong for me, definitely thought it would be one of my favs this season but as the eps went by I just.... kinda lost interest asdfgh? Like its not bad, but its a sort of mix between Stars Align and Haikyuu where I would have loved a more character based story with dark subplots like Stars Align but got the parts I always criticize about Haikyuu were there was a point I didn't really knew any of the characters? ASDFGH like the enemy team is super cool and Love their designs but if you ask me to tell you anything about them I already forgot rip. Its still cute and the animation is cool but yeah it kind of disappointed me in the end a bit ;w;
Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season
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AOT Is so sexci because it keeps on hurting me and I come back every-time for it ASDFGHJ Not much to say that hasn't been said, characters are super interesting, plot is a bit confusing at times for me to follow but amazing and I just :))) could go on about certain characters :))))) but I wont :))))
Wonder Egg Priority
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Wonder egg priority is very talked about right now so I wont get too much into it other than definitely give it a watch if you like the more philosophical and “makes you reflect on your life choices” sort of anime ASDFGHJ the visuals are stunning and the characters very well build, although I am very confused at times I am still enjoying it tons ^^ Trigger warning however for some heavy topics I recommend checking the warnings before watching it <3
Kemono Jihen
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I LOVE THEM OKaY? asdfghjk Kemono Jihen gives me the found family topes and I eat them all right up, I love the characters , their designs, the plot, everything. To be fair tho, I did enjoy the manga more than the anime but maybe its a pacing thing? idk but I definitely recommend 100% taking on the manga and maybe after watch the anime but I am enjoying it tons!!
Kai Byoui Ramune
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This one may come as a surprise lol?? Like I haven't seen a single soul talk about Ramune but like??? I am actually enjoying it a lot?? and look forward every week for the ep? asdfghj Like yes I will be the first to admit the animation isn't really the beeeeest out there but the plot is funny while also being serious, the characters are quirky and interesting to keep the flow going and I am liking the undertone heavy messages? the soundtrack also slaps imo and yeah I would definitely say to watch the first ep and if you like that sort of dynamic take it up on the rest!
I★Chu: Halfway Through the Idol
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Okay I will be the first one to admit this is just me being trash for the idol shows but like?? its my list so I get to decide which found family I am screaming about next ASDFGHJ. As an avid A3 stan this gave me serious vibes of my boys (plus they were made form the same company so like not very surprised there loll) and like I think the characters are cute with adorable relationships and cute songs and its just a lighthearted show I sit down every Wednesday and smile through the 25 minutes so yes I Chu deserves a high spot and yes I recommend it even if it has like a 6.3 on myanimelist sksksks
Dr. Stone: Stone Wars
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Look at Gen!!!! enough reasons to watch dr stone!!!! ASDFGH but in all seriousness I....... love them okAy? The plot is amazing and the characters are super entertaining (hiiii Ukyo Gen Senku and Chrome muak) and although it may seem a bit slower paced than first season the arc is gonna get better and better and the finale is gonna be great if they stick to the manga. Only sad that I dont get to see my pirate fuckboy but we better be getting a third season
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan!
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when I say this is the happiness of all my Tuesdays I ain’t even exaggerating ASDFGHJ Does this have an important plot? no. Is it transcending to animation? not really. Is it BSD content I've been starving for? absolutely!!! Tbh I see my favorite anime characters in chibi version and I go feral, go watch BSD pogg!!
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Me?? searching for that one gif of the side ship scene am obsessed over?? more likely than you think ASDFGH Horimiya holds a special place in my heart because it was the first manga I ever read and the nostalgia is stroNG,,,,,, The plot isn't anything really transcending but the way the characters are captured the feelings just,,,,,, stan!! Also Yuki x Tooru supremacy !
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Okaaaaay this is also me being a bitch for sports anime but like, again, are we surprised?? ASDFGHJ It may be my love for Hayato speaking but ive absolutely loves Skate Leading Stars, I love the group, the main characters, the ships, the routines and its so pretty and they are in love and like the competition and asdfgh its gOoD OKaY??? Watch it if anything for Hayato 👉🏻 👈🏻 My bastard bitch I love the gremlin.
Beastars 2nd Season
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I think we are all sleeping on Beastars brushing it off as a furry show. I don’t speak enough about it and I am not one to go about poetic cinemaness on main but beastars is a very poetic cinema show and yall sleeping on it. Coming from someone who was uncomfortable at first with the whole animal relationships part at first, just know beastars is so much more than that, it has a complicated plot with critics about the society within the show with amazing characters, great soundtrack and animation plus banger plot. Pina, Jack, Juno and Legoshi best characters and every week I look forward for the next eps so I hope yall go give it some love.
SK8 The Infinity
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If it wasnt clear from my spam every Saturday that I am absolutely in love with this show I dont know what to tell you ASDFGHJ. Sk8 has an amazing range of characters I find fascinating, specially Reki, very much so everything Reki asdfgh but yeah!! Its super entertaining with an interesting plot and its definetely becoming one of my favorite animes because the amount of times ive rewatched the episodes to cope is kind of embarrassing lmaooo, definetely give it a try although I understand its not for everyone but like,,,,, do it for Reki? 🤧👉🏻👈🏻
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ruikasa-enthusiast · 3 years
Sigh. since people keep pestering me about the glaciator 2.0 episode, let me tell you that episode is another filler and will have 0 progression about Mari and chat's relationship. I mean I don't wanna sound pessimistic but we all know astruc doesn't know how to write shit and probably will probably show zero development at all. Like at the start at s4, we all thought Mari was over adrien and stuff like that, putting down pictures, but hell no. She still has a board on how to confess to her dear adrien and still watches him from afar in simpleman.. seriously I dont even know how Mari stans keep defending her like.. she just straight up creepy. I bet with all my heart that if Marinette wasn't the guardian in s4 she'd be climbing adrien's house and committing crimes whilst abusing her powers right now as we speak. She's now burdened by the guardian duty so she doesn't extra time to stalk adrien. Overall I'm not really expecting much but if I actually turned out good idc cause I'm not watching it. and the episode was so random and sudden???
Ps before any of yall start messaging me about being an adrien stan and a Marinette basher, which I am not he has been a bit problematic and off this season (thanks to astruc's incredible and spectacular writing <3 /j), and my opinion is wrong, pls this is my opinion and I have the right to share how I feel
Thank you again for listening to this rant lmao
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Welcome to my Room! Bungo stray dogs ,moral orel, and classical literature themed! There's a little bit of everything about me in here, it gets a little chaotic. I'm finally using my tumblr acc and im not sure where to start, so please do interact! C:
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About the Author! Hey there! I go by she/her pronouns. General rudeness will not be tolerated and I expect civil discussions of all topics :). I am open to all ideas, including problematic content (once again, please ignore if I disturb you). Oh, and I really like the color green. Not sure how much importance that holds. Feel free to ask me anything, as long as you're respectful to others and yourself! <3 Short stories and fanfiction are my forte, and I do plan on sharing them here. I take writing requests if you are so kind to give me the privilege of allowing me to carry them out. I draw, sometimes. Although, im not exactly confident in my artistic capabilities, im sure that one day I might post them here ;"). You can also probably find my short drabbles on life here as well. I enjoy discussion on the issues underneath the skin of the world, philosophical arguments are always intriguing. I just ask that everyone be respectful. Currently im reading the Handmaid's tale, crime and punishment, titus andronicus, and the Body meets the score (not classical, but a great read for those that are interested in studying childhood trauma). I would love it if you were to give book recs! I am running out ;') ___________________________________________________________ Blog Rules! Just be respectful, if you disagree with something, that's ok! Dispute your opinion in a respectful manner. However, when it comes to fiction, if you don't like something, ignore it. Please. It gives creators so much more breathing space and freedom. I understand that people have differing ideas about what they believe to be right and wrong in fiction, all I ask is that you keep that kind of debate out of fiction in this blog. We should just spread love C: My Requests are open! Please feel free to ask me anything or if you want something written, I am also here. The only things that I will not write are: -ANYTHING encouraging or affirming homophobic, transphobic, or racist content. Please give me time to finish your request! :C I've been super busy of late and I cannot guarantee that I will get to it. I won't be able to get to all of them! -------------------------------------------------------------- Bungo Stray Dogs:
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-Please talk to me about Dazai. Oh my god. I swear this man has taken over my life and he doesn't even exist. -I swear he could do anything to me and id count it as a blessing. ____________________________________________________
Moral Orel:
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-Oh my god. -This show. -There's like two people in this fandom total, but that's ok. The characters are incredibly complex psychologically and I've taken a liking to it. If you want to spend five hours discussing them with me (you probably dont) THEN DO IT. -Or if you want to talk about nurse bendy. I love her. And everything about her. _________ oh yeah and if you want to talk about the psychological value of every spongebob episode to ever exist ig im here too but idk I think im the only person that does that -------------------------------
New blog as of 7/18/22! So please do interact!
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infinity train b4 spoilers below the cut!!
these are just my incoherent ramblings about the book after watching it through twice. 
im curious to know what the crew could have done with longer episodes. i think with the way this book played out, it needed to be expanded upon or some information needed to be cut or rearranged. i absolutely loved min and ryan; their dynamic is so wholesome (can you go wrong with childhood friends?) and their more emotional moments still hit pretty hard.
while i do think that the story and conflict itself could be a metaphor for coming out or being gay, of course it would have been great to actually see that on screen. even with the first episode showing some signs that min-gi might have been crushing on ryan? and that was dropped? also in the art gallery car, it felt like kez was trying to set them up together. she even said like “a little birdy told me...” like she was going to say “a little birdy told me you have a secret admirer” or something like that. either way, i am happy with how their relationship was portrayed and i do agree with some of the opinions i’m seeing, saying that their relationship needed to be patched up before they get together. i guess it would have been nice to see the pining played up more idk, i still really liked this book. 
it just so happens that their story does feel a bit half baked in comparison to the other books, even though the story is centered basically on them and only them (outside of kez)? i don’t know why. there were so many one off lines that i think the book could have benefitted from addressing (even just a tad bit more): that line about how they’re just “two asian guys from bc” and that there are not too many musicians who actually look like them, when ryan says that only min-gi’s parents would care if they were gone (what happened to ryan’s family?), etc. also, i needed to be convinced a bit more that min wanted to be in chicken choice judy. again, it was addressed (especially with his stylophone) but not enough! i want to know what was holding him back from going with ryan. was it his parents? his own expectations? was he simply just too afraid? found traveling to be too unstable? i think they were just going to dive into this with the latter, but it’s only scratching the surface. i really think these conflicts could have been fleshed out so much more. 
and this is something that’s kind of confusing me, if ryan’s growth resulted in his realization that he’s not leaving min, i guess his portal opening up was his last test for him to see if he would leave? was his number going back up to like 150 just the reason why he now has to stay or was he punished because he didn’t leave? i dont think i articulated that correctly...but the numbers were very peculiar to me with this book? their numbers would go down maybe to like 120, 150 in some episodes, but later on, it was stuck at 202. especially after the art gallery car it felt like 202 to 0 to 202 to 0. like at the end of the book, they were still where they started? but i’m not too sure i agree with that. i do think they had grown somewhat over the course of the book? but i guess they were still arguing by the maze episode? see i don’t even know.
i can’t help this feeling that kez is almost like the main character to me. even if min and ryan are technically the main duo, kez is the one who is guiding them from car to car, she starts the conflict of the final episodes and then we get an info dump about her past with morgan and jeremy. i also didn’t like how that was done, but trying to think of another way to tell that story...i’m not too sure how it would work. it may be that there are technically two storylines here: kez and the train plus ryan and min’s relationship. i did like kez and even though, i have to agree there weren’t many memorable denizens (and the pig baby and porcelain cow were pretty annoying), this was focused on ryan and min (and kez too ig). i thought the inclusions of amelia were probably added to be convenient for the plot, but i still do like how they were implemented and we did get to see her gradual take over of the car from the passenger perspective, which was interesting. 
the book does feel a bit underwhelming after the absolutely fantastic book 3, but i love ryan and min so much so i cannot be too upset. what i do like about this situation though, is that i was always so apprehensive to rewatch the show because i don’t think i would ever be mentally prepared again (especially for book 3) but with this newest season, i see myself rewatching it all the time because it is so laid back and lighter than the rest? i am curious if anything happened with production that could have held this season back...but i guess we won’t know lol. of course i am upset about the show ending because i really really really wish that we did get that hazel and amelia season, but alas, i have to be extremely grateful for what we have. my ranking at this current moment is 3, 4, 2, 1, purely because book 3 hit me too hard. it is near perfect and unforgettable to me, but book 4 is getting close...
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