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cyanide-sippy-cup · 9 months ago
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The Flashes and their free-flowing-hair cowls.
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blackbackedjackal · 9 months ago
Hey Jackal, you guys have my full support in this situation, and feel free to not answer if you don't have the time and mental bandwidth for it. I remember you mentioned that Dog got weird after realizing June was trans (WEAK, trans women are AMAZING). Do you mind talking a little more about that? I always got a weird terfy vibe from her too, but kinda wondered about if she ever went mask off
So it's funny because in her little "manifesto," (<- this word will come up in a later post) she left on her tumblr blog @thatdogmagic, she outed herself as a terf because her transphobic comments were one of the few things I only had on the verbal record.
I know the absolute worst thing she said was "the things I like about transmen are things they wouldn't like about themselves" which honestly shocked me so badly when I heard her say that I can hardly remember that convo other than her and Ependa talking about their weird ass relationships with genitalia, WITH PICTURES THAT EPENDA DREW AHAHAHAH I WANTED TO DIE. I'd have to chat with Rex to refresh my memory. She was there for the end of the conversation and saw the photos Ependa posted in the chat but wasn't there for the full thing.
As far as June, we were discussing NSFW content with our OCs, and literally any time I brought up June, Dog was super weird about it after she found out she's trans. I found out why later through her very terfy archive on VLC, but basically DogBlud's scared of dicks for [insert reasons I'm still not fully comfortable discussing]. Either way, it made her and Ependa stealing June FAR more fucked up because Lacey is cis. They made a cis Latina Guard Dog stereotype out of an Afro-Latina transwoman OC, and tried to cover it up and an "aha uh-ho whoopsie" (which was also part of DogBlud's kink and tactic to try and test boundaries with me).
Again, I just need more spoons to gather my thoughts properly on the whole thing, but Rex can likely provide more context when we compare notes. Most of my reaction to this was just:
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[disaccoiates into the fucking ether]
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newsintheshell · 4 months ago
Tante notizie belle, trailer da hype train e uno scherzo a cui non ha riso nessuno. Edizione completa, a tutto tondo.
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Niente panico! Ce l'abbiamo fatta! Ripeto: ce l'abbiamo fatta! Mettetevi seduti e non mi dite che volete andare a letto presto, non si può. Ci sono le millemila novità dell'Aniplex Online Fest 2024 qua, oh! La mega diretta streaming di 4 ore annuale che c'è stata lunedì dai!
Ma Silenzio-kun, se questa roba è uscita lunedì come mai ce la riporti mercoledì sera e pure tardi? Perché se non forzavo le tappe forse arrivava pure giovedì o venerdì. Non scherzo KEKWait.
Purtroppo possiedo un'aura potentissima, ma sfigatissima, che attira inesorabilmente il massimo sforzo. Sempre, in ogni occasione e per qualsiasi cosa. Va da sé che, se mi capita di avere vari impegni e lavori da fare irl, il tutto accade in quella esatta settimana in cui ci sono annunci che vengono fuori dalle fottute pareti: di fine stagione, di inizio stagione, dei simulcast, da questo e da quell'evento. Un massacro insomma.
Partono quindi le maledizioni, Yog-Sothoth si sveglia e mi grida che devo smettere di fare casino, la Luna di Sangue si leva su Yharnam, l'armata delle tenebre si raduna sotto casa... poi mi dico che nessuno fa dei report belli come i miei, guardo i trailer, mi calmo e tutto torna a posto. Gli anime hanno salvato il mondo ancora una volta.
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Apertura a bomba con il reveal che mi ha spiazzato di più, sia per la qualità mostrata nel teaser trailer (anche se non so quanto possa essere rappresentativa del prodotto finale, visto che le produzioni di solito molto raramente sono così consistenti), sia per la collaborazione in sé.
Lo studio Shaft (Madoka Magica, Monogatari Series, Un marzo da leoni) sta infatti lavorando con lui, the man, the myth, Yasuomi Umetsu (Kite, Mezzo, Wizard Barristers, Galilei Donna) in persona!
Non si è ben capito se si tratti di una serie tv, di OAV o di film. È stato solo anticipato che la "prima storia", intitolata Clockwork Girl, verrà proiettata ad inizio estate 2025 in due cinema, a Tokyo e a Osaka.
L'unica cosa che posso aggiungere, oltre alla mia trepidazione e curiosità nel vedere cosa hanno combinato, è che la sceneggiatura di questo bombastico action scifi è stata affidata a Yuya Takahashi (Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible, Lupin III: L'avventura italiana).
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L'action romcom di Nana Otori sta per diventare una serie animata, che vedremo approdare in streaming su Crunchyroll nel corso del 2025.
Il progetto ha come regista Kazuya Sakamoto (Kaginado) e sta venendo realizzato presso gli studi di LIDENFILMS (Insomniacs After School)e LIDENFILMS Kyoto Studio (She and Her Cat: Everything Flows).
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Lo school romance manga di Saka Mikami ispirerà una serie animata, in programma per il 2025.
Dal teaser si vede già che sarà un altro absolute banger made in CloverWorks (The Elusive Samurai, Bocchi the Rock!).
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Una nuova commedia slice of life si staglia all'orizzonte per riscaldare il mio cuore nero e inaridito da softy edgelord ed è tratta da un manga di Afro (Laid-Back Camp). My body is ready.
Anche questa serie è in programma per il 2025 e segna sia il debutto alla regia di Ryota Aikei, che il primo lavoro targato studio Soigne.
Come vedete stampato sull'immagine promozionale, la voce di Satsuki Amamiya sarà quella di Haruna Mikawa (Jin-Ah Sung in Solo Leveling).
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Di questa ve ne ho parlato giusto pochi giorni fa e, oltre a un teaserino, è stato svelato chi si sta occupando dell'adattamento.
L’educational adventure slice of life di Keiichiro Shibuya verrà trasformato in una serie televisiva Shingo Fujii (ONIMAI: I'm Now Your Sister!), che sta dirigendo il tutto presso Studio Bind (Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation).
Come vi dicevo, al momento il debutto è atteso per un generico 2025.
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Non un grande aggiornamento per l'attesa serie animata tratta dalla novel firmata dal mitico Ryohgo Narita (Durarara!!, Baccano!, Dead Mount Death Play). 
Pur essendo passato un anno dall'annuncio, in occasione ell'Anime Expo, e dalla trasmissione dello special Whispers of Dawn, per il momento è stato confermato che il debutto mondiale in anteprima avverrà questo novembre, molto tematicamente, in quel di Los Angeles.
Come lo speciale televisivo del 2023, potremo vedere prossimamente (ma non si sa quando di preciso) la serie in streaming grazie a Crunchyroll.
Il timone presso A-1 Pictures (Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines!, NieR:Automata Ver1.1a) rimane saldamente nelle mani di Shun Enokido e Takahito Sakazume, che hanno entrambi già lavorato a  Whispers of Dawn e agli incredibili spot per Fate/Grand Order.
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Torna a mostrarsi con un nuovo trailer anche lo spinoff di SAO che è meglio di SAO! Siete pronti? La seconda stagione della serie sbarcherà in streaming su Crunchyroll dal 4 ottobre.
Lo staff è lo stesso della prima stagione, che nel frattempo potete recuperare su Prime Video e Netflix, oltre che in Blu-ray.
La regia insomma è ancora nelle mani di Masayuki Sakoi (Cautious Hero,A3! Season Autumn & Winter) e la produzione è tornata in casa A-1 Pictures (Lycoris Recoil, Mashle: Magic and Muscles).
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Spero abbiate fame perché, nonostante il lungo posticipo, Shaft (Pretty Boy Detective Club, Monogatari Series, Un marzo da leoni) sta chiaramente cucinando forte.
Se ricordate bene, l'inatteso ma più che benaccetto quarto film della saga, era stato programmato per l'inverno 2024 per poi sparire completamente dai radar. Il debutto in sala, ora, è stato fissato per questo inverno.
Il nuovo capitolo nell'onirico mondo di sentimenti e dolore delle maghette di Yukihiro Miyamoto (Magia Record, Arakawa Under the Bridge) vedrà, dunque, la luce ad inizio 2025. Non vedo l'ora che arrivi anche qua in Italia!
🔶🔸 SOLO LEVELING (Stagione 2)
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Poche nuove, ma buone nuove. Dall'evento è emersa solamente questa nuova locandina, che ci annuncia che la seconda stagione del popolare action fantasy tratto dall'omonimo fumetto coreano, piazzato sui nostri scaffali da Star Comics, arriverà su Crunchyroll da gennaio 2025.
L'unica cosa in più è che il 29 novembre, i fan giapponesi potranno vedere in anteprima i primi due nuovi episodi della serie, perché verranno proiettati nei cinema assieme al film riassuntivo della prima stagione.
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Un detective in corsia, ma anime! Nice. Ok, è una citazione da vecchi, ma ehi, continuano a fare le repliche in tv.
La serie ispirata alla medical mystery novel di Mikito Chinen inizierà a gennaio 2025 e indovinate un po' chi la pubblicherà in streaming?Ma elementare Watson: Crunchyroll!
Il breve promo ci dice che la regia è di Kazuya Iwata (7th Time Loop, Love After World Domination) e lo staff al lavoro è quello di Project No.9 (I Tormenti della Vampira Reclusa, Senpai is an Otokonoko).
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L'harem romcom di Aya Hirakawa, con al centro le tre feisty sorelle Mikadono, comincerà ad andare in onda nel corso del 2025.
A dirigere la serie c'è Tadahito Matsubayashi (Magical Girl Site) e il tutto sta venendo confezionato presso P.A. Works (Skip and Loafer, Mayonaka Punch). Non so com'è la storia, ma quello che vedo nella locandina mi piace ( ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ )
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Nuovo fighissimo teaser trailer per Rule of cool The Anime a.k.a. la terza webserie del peculiare franchise supereroistico cinese, in arrivo su Crunchyroll nel 2025, dove già trovate To Be Hero e To Be Heroine.
Come vi avevo già detto in altri post, la regia è affidata a Haoling Li (Heaven Officials Blessing, Link Click) e il progetto è in cantiere presso tre studi.
La colonna sonora, dallo stile inconfondibile, è firmata Hiroyuki Sawano (Kill la Kill, Attack on Titan) e nel cast si riconoscono tanti big fra i doppiatori nipponici. Stavolta hanno deciso di fare le cose in grande! 
🔶🔸BLUE EXORCIST (Stagione 4)
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Il nuovo trailer ci ricorda che l'arco narrativo Beyond the Snow sbarcherà finalmente su Crunchyroll dal 5 ottobre!
Da gennaio, invece, si entrerà nel vivo della The Blue Night Saga dell’action soprannaturale tratto dall'omonimo manga creato da Kazue Kato, che possiamo leggere qua in Italia grazie da Panini Comics.
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Il webtoon illustrato da HYBE, che fa diciamo da lore espansa per il background della boy band sudcoreana ENHYPEN, diventerà presto un anime che potremo seguire in streaming su Crunchyroll.
Non ne so molto, ma il mix di urban fantasy e teen romance, con al centro scuola, vampiri, licantropi e una ragazza, mi ricorda un po' tanto Twilight. Il nome dell'istituto, Riverfield, invece mi ha fatto subito suonare il campanello di Riverdale, anche se non ci azzecca granché xD
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Ragazzi, quando ho letto che l'incipit della storia era "Il Signore dei Demoni si risveglia a Night City" non mi aspettavo che diventasse, ehm... uno streamer! Subverting expectations: lo hai fatto bene 😂
La serie è fatta in casa J.C.Staff (Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy-, DanMachi) e ha come regista Ryo Ando (Interviews with Monster Girls).
È tratta dall'omonima light novel fantasy sci-fi di Daigo Murasaki e anche questa farà parte del palinsesto autunnale di Crunchyroll, con il primo episodio in programma per il 12 ottobre.
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Di tutti gli stereotipi del genere, quello del "mi devo sposare con tizio/tizia a caso, perché sì" credo sia fra quelli invecchiati più velocemente e male. Ma ehi, una romcom è una romcom e questa va ad infoltire la lista di quelle che potremo vedere da gennaio 2025.
È basata sulla light novel nata dalla penna di Seiju Amano e segna il debutto alla regia di Hiroyuki Oshima; la produzione porta il doppio marchio di Studio Gokumi e AXsiZ (Reborn as a Vending Machine I Now Wander the Dungeon, World's End Harem).
※ NOTA ※ Purtroppo questo e i prossimi due video ve li devo linkare così, perché Tumblr non me ne fa incorporare altri nel post. Chiedo scudo!
🔶🔸RUROUNI KENSHIN (Stagione 2)
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Altro trailer per generare un po' di hype, in vista del ritorno del samurai vagabondo di Nobuhiro Watsuki, che ritroveremo su Crunchyroll dal 3 ottobre. 
Come vi ho già anticipato in un'altra occasione, sono stati confermati altri 24 episodi per la serie remake targata LIDENFILMS (Tokyo Revengers, Insomniacs After School).
Cambia però la regia, che vede Hideo Yamamoto (Cells at Work BLACK, La mia maestra non mostra la coda) essere sostituito da Yuki Komada (Build Divide) pe questo nuovo giro di carrozza.
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Video e qualche aggiornamento sulla seconda stagione sulla serie idol al maschile di CloverWorks (Bocchi the Rock!, My Dress-Up Darling), parte del grande progetto crossmediale lanciato qualche tempo fa da Sony Music. 
Gli episodi saranno diretti ancora una volta da Shinichiro Ushijima (Voglio mangiare il tuo pancreas) e inizieranno ad arrivare su Crunchyroll a partire da gennaio 2025. 
E per finire... Oh boy, non ce la faccio...
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L'audacia! L'assoluto sprezzo di Aniplex nel ricordarmi, a distanza di 10 anni, quella grandissima cagata delusione di Aldnoah.Zero! Quella chiacchieratissima serie mecha con alle spalle un all star team, che prometteva epicità e drama, ma poi ha portato solo una sequenza di decisioni infelici, con dei twist che hanno costretto al seppuku diversi dei miei neuroni (rest in pepperoni) e un gran finale da dumpster fire di proporzioni leggendarie, degno delle peggiori soapopera.
Come mai rivango tutto questo? Perché il 26 marzo 2025, in Giappone uscirà un nuovo cofanetto Blu-ray della serie, che includerà anche un inedito episodio post epilogo, numerato 24.5 e intitolato Fragment of Rain -The Penultimate Truth-.
Fermiamoci un momento ad interiorizzare una cosa: hanno annunciato questo e non una seconda stagione di 86 - Eighty Six. Let that sink in.
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
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sivavakkiyar · 1 month ago
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rancidpancakebatter · 2 years ago
This Post is About BLM and Tyre Nichols so Buckle The Fuck Up
I am a black person. I come from a small, rural town with two stop lights run by a railroad tycoon and "footloose" university. (It's a Christian school and among their vast restrictions is a rule that you can't dance unless at a wedding- hence "footloose"). In my experience growing up, I was the only Black American I knew who wasn't adopted by a rich white family.
My father entered my life when I was thirteen. Before then I was being raised solely by my very gentrified Mexican mother. I knew that I was black but not because I recognised that identity. It was because that is how everyone labelled me. I was not Mexican, I was not white, I was black. Anytime I celebrated my heritage people would grow uncomfortable because why would a black kid speak Spanish? Why would they bring homemade tortillas to lunch? Why would they have a quiñceanera? You are black, act like it.
Since having my father in my life- having his influence, seeing our culture, not through the characterized lens in the media but his- I would say I feel black now. That identity now comes from me, not others. But unfortunately, that growth, that journey, is seen as irrelevant.
I first learned that I was black on the playground in the first grade. A little girl asked me why my hair looked "that way"? At the time I had an afro. I told her I didn't know, it wasn't something I had thought about. She continued to question my appearance: my nose, my lips, my skin. When I wore box braids, years later, for the first time I was chased around that same playground. The children pulled at them; they told me I looked like Medusa. They had created a game in which they would freeze anytime I looked at them. This applied at recess, in the gym, in art class, during lessons, at lunch, in the halls, etc.
That is a very minor form of racism spurred on more by ignorance than hatred, but I have suffered from hatred as well. What I mean to say is I am no stranger to racism. So when I say that as a citizen of the US, I am afraid, I don't say that lightly. I have been stopped randomly by police late at night. I have been unjustly blamed for an altercation just because I was there, so I must have "aggravated the situation."
But the fear I feel is not for me. At the end of the day, I am perceived as a weak woman and I am really good at "white-passing" with my language and mannerisms. However, my father isn't. And he shouldn't have to be. He dresses like a "stereotypical thug" with sagging pants, chains, and durags. He looks nice, I think he looks rather handsome, but I have watched WASP moms cross the street as we walk past them.
It doesn't matter that he is the sweetest man alive. It doesn't matter that he is so crazy in love with his wife and posts every craft she makes on Facebook to brag to all of his friends and family. It doesn't matter that he looks at me like I single-handedly hung every star in the sky. It doesn't matter that he asks for screenshots of my ios theme every week when I change it just so he can tell me it looks pretty. It doesn't matter that he still makes sure that he makes enough food for all of us and freezes my portion so I can have it when I visit. It doesn't matter that despite being a boomer he has a trans son and a queer, non-binary "daughter" that he loves and supports with everything in him. What matters is he's black, and he's dangerous.
Black men are killed every day in the US at the hands of cops. This upsets me of course, but it hurts me personally as well. How many others have nightmares where they get a call from their mother to tell them their father was killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time? How many others see the headline "Cops killed another black man" and hold their breath as they scroll to see if it was their brother? How many others make sure to keep their hands in their jeans pockets and their hood off so they don't look as threatening. How many others were taught what to do when pulled over in a car before they learned how to turn the car on? How many others live in this reality?
I see the conversation around Tyre Nichols and it breaks my heart. He was nine years my senior with a wife and child. He was active in his community. He liked to skateboard. He was a lot like me. And he was brutally beaten and murdered. That's insane. That could have been me. That could have been my brother, or his. It could have been my father. And my heart breaks for his family. I respect them for the spotlight they are taking. The justice that they are demanding.
Recently one of his family members posted a video of him. They said that when the body cam footage was released that it was going to circulate. That his death was going to circulate. And they wanted to share a video of him living. And I think that's really beautiful. Often times we get swept up in our anger, our fear, and we forget momentarily that their life was not just this one instance. Tyre Nichols existed before this.
I will always be afraid of when I will have to do the same thing. When I will have to beg people to remember that my father, my brother, were so much more than just victims. My father is a chef, he is a kind neighbour, he is an amateur gardener. My brother is loved, doing well in his transition, a shoulder to cry on, and the life of the party. They are such beautiful and important people.
So, I beg you. Be angry. Protest. Riot. Make your voice heard. Help this family try and right a wrong that can never be brought to true justice. But don't forget who they're fighting for. Say his name. But also share his story. Not just the ending.
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alien-superst4r · 13 days ago
2024 en albums
Quelle année phénoménale pour la musique, je savais plus o�� donner de la tête, y a eu grave des sorties de qualité. De temps en temps je parle de musique ici et encore une fois je voulais mettre en avant des artistes non blancs qui méritent plus de gaz et plus d'écoutes.
Le post risque d'être un peu long soyez bien calés. J'ai essayé de caser en plusieurs catégories pour que ce soit un peu digeste et si vous voulez avoir mon avis plus en détails ainsi que les liens vers les albums, c'est tout compilé dans le gdoc que je mets en lien tout à la fin.
Quelques précisions avant de commencer :
j'ai aussi mis des EP et mixtapes, pas que des albums
vous le verrez très vite, j'écoute très très très peu d'artistes masculins, oops
si vous avez un nom en tête et qu'il est pas dans la liste, soit je connais pas, soit j'ai pas écouté parce que j'ai zappé ou parce que je savais pas que c'était sorti cette année, soit j’ai pas aimé le projet, soit je préfère pas leur donner du gaz pour plein de raisons oops again
j'ai mis que des projets originaux, pas de rééditions, remix, et quelques rares versions étendues/deluxe d’albums sortis avant si y avait suffisamment de nouvelles chansons pour constituer un projet à part
Shay + Pourvu qu'il pleuve
Lazuli + Aphrodisiaque
Ruthee + Là où les diamants brillent
Yseult + MENTAL
DAVINHOR + Karaba Partie I
Le Juiice + NOUS ART : Masterpiece
Meryl + Caviar I
Maureen + BAD QUEEN
P.L.L + Phase II
Beyoncé + Cowboy Carter
Kendrick Lamar + GNX
Megan Thee Stallion + Megan
Future x Metro Booming + We don't trust you // We still don't trust you
Little Simz + Drop 7
Doechii + Alligator bites never heal
GloRilla + Glorious
Flo Milli + Fine Ho, Stay
Sira Faal + Paradies Berlin
Chlöe + Trouble in paradise
Normani + Dopamine
FLO + Access all areas
Raveena + Where the butterflies go in the rain
Sza + Lana (SOS Deluxe)
Orion Sun + Orion
Shae Universe + Love's letter
Tinashe + Quantum baby
Nemahsis + Verbathim
Lana Lubany + YAFA
Rema + HEIS
Ayra Starr + The year I turned 21
Tems + Born in the wild
Wizkid + Morayo
Tyla + Tyla
AUTRES (alt, indé, fusion)
Amaarae + roses are red, tears are blue
Rachel Chinouriri + What a devastating turn of events
Nia Archives + Silence is loud
Ravyn Lenae + Bird's eye
Hana Vu + Romanticism
Amber Mark + Loosies
Saint Levant + DEIRA
IAMDDB + LOVE is WAR, Volume 6
Iniko + 333
Et voici le lien du gdoc pour les commentaires et les explications, parce que je me prends pour Pitchfork à mes heures perdues faut croire.
>> 2024 en albums <<
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sw4lot · 28 days ago
New Year New Me
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I'm honestly sick and tired of self-loathing my own demise, like I plan on being consistent, and then I procrastinate, then I get all sad and disappointed? Like bitch you did that to yourself? Why are you being so pathetic? Why are you letting your past determine your worth, and power? Fear, it's always fear. Fear of the possibility of failing or not making it because of my past experiences and continued indifference of my issues, it's so conflicting because I'm so aware of what I'm doing and I know I'm not suppose to do it but I do it anyway, I have no self control, no self discipline, then I get mad, like ho you know damn well....I understand my adhd is a huge contributing factor, and it makes everything so much harder, especially with procrastination paralysis, but I don't really put in effort, I try, but not hard enough, I could think of ways to avoid My executive dysfunction but no, my pathetic ass just sits there and feel sorry for myself
Honestly I want to change, I really do, but I have to actually keep promises to myself and stay strong, I've been thinking of 2 methods, if I'm tempted to do something I'm not suppose to I'll count to 10, rationalize what I'm doing, and realize what I'm doing doesn't make any since to if I actually want to improve myself. Secondly, harsh motivation, now I'm not trying to repackage self hatred here, but I've been way too soft on myself, I've let myself go way too easily and it's exhausting, I'm going to push myself, and give myself a harsh reminder that being a pathetic piece of trash won't get me anywhere in life
Plans for the rest of the year 2024
I'm going to manifest my desires into reality, I've known about the law for about 3 years now and I haven't manifested anything I wanted, things I didn't want? Yes, because I know the law always works because we consistently decide everything, but now I know what to do, all I have to do is do it.
Things to remind myself:
-I am limitless nothing is impossible
-I am my ideal self
-manifesting isn't logical unless you make it to be (all about assumption)
-Affirm, regardless of 3d, doubts, and preconceived notions
-Robotic affirming always works!
-I am my ideal self
-my life is perfect
-I have everything I desire
-I am THEE It Girl
-I never fail
-I always Win
Another thing I want to do for the duration of 2024 is do some yoga, unwind, and be at a peaceful state of mind as I reclaim my value of being the author of my own reality
My plans for 2025
Step 1: Workout
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I want to consistently maintain and better my body, plus working out always helps with my mood and my dopamine, especially considering that my adhd usually effects my motivation.
What I've noticed is that I've been my best when I'd exercise, I never really knew how well moving my body really helps with my well being, so I'll definitely do it more often next year!
Step 2: Haircare
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I usually never style my protective style, and just throw in a bun and waltz to school without doing my edges, and sure it's not a bad thing, I just want to look a little more preppy, and do something other than a basic bun
Same applies with my afro, I want to sculpt my hair in cute little styles and do my edges, I just want to maintain my hair, you know what I mean? Just look forward to school every day just to do my hair! It'll give me motivation.
Step 3: Skincare
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I want to start doing my skincare, to clear out my skin, and just a form of self-love. Make myself feel and look pretty, I always just sit my ass all day on my phone, and I'm SICK OF IT. I want to be productive and not feel like shit all the time for not taking care of myself.
I promise, I'll do it, I will change, and I will manifest my desires, and love myself, promise.
xoxo evee♡
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soulmusicsongs · 10 months ago
Soul from Nigeria, part 3
Soul from Nigeria
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Afro Funk - Super Elcados (Togetherness Is Always A Good Venture - Tambourine Party Vol. 2, 1976)
Alo Mi Alo - Orlando Julius & His Afro Sounders (Orlando Ideas, 1972)
Amalinja - The Don Isaac Ezekiel Combination (Amalinja / Fall On Your Knees And Pray, 1972)
Be Nice To The People - Question Mark (Be Nice To The People, 1977)
Black Power Dance (Part 2) - T-Fire (New Testament, 1979)
Come Back Baby - Theodore Nemy & His Band (Come Back Baby / Je Reviendrai, 1973)
Do The Good - The Future Hopes (How Can I Get To My God / Do The Good, 197?)
Fireman - Benis Cletin (Jungle Magic, 1979)
Lets Be Free - Aktion (Celebration, 1977)
Life’s Gone Down Low - The Lijadu Sisters (Danger, 1976)
Love Rock - The Strangers (Love Rock / Onye Ije, 1972)
Onwe Nne-E-Jie-Ijie Oba - Moonshine Dance Band (Moonshine Dance Band, 1979)
Papa's Black Dog - Pazy And The Black Hippies (Wa Ho Ha, 1978)
Somebody’s Gotta Lose Or Win - The Hygrades (The World Ends: Afro Rock & Psychedelia In 1970s Nigeria, 2010)
We’re Makin’ A Hell - Rock Town Express ( Rock Town Express, 1974)
More African Soul
Soul from Nigeria, part 2
Soul from Nigeria
Soul from Ghana
African Funk from the Seventies
Ethiopian Grooves
Funk from Africa in 20 tracks
Soul from South Africa: 18 tracks
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mohammmed-atalah · 5 months ago
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Hello! Thank you for bearing with me,😭🇵🇸 🍉I am Mohammed, a Palestinian from North Gaza, my life is miserable and horrific, my left hand was injured and I need a bone transplant, my house was completely destroyed, and the family consists of 13 people, most of them are young children, Amir and Malak, infants. My family has nothing left but hope that you can support and help us with. After ten months of war, we are exhausted, desperate and displaced. We have lost our homes and livelihoods and gone with the wind. Things are driving us crazy. The minimum standard of living is unattainable. Clean water and food have become a dream that we must achieve. What makes our lives worse is the continuous bombing and killing. That is why I am asking in this post for your help to survive these unbearable conditions, and to move from hell to safety and peace. Your support can help us be safe and alive, so my friends, you can support us either by donating directly what you can or by sharing my campaign links so that generous people can know about our tragedy and pain. Remember that your small contribution can make a big difference in the lives of many children whose health deteriorates day by day. Let their lives change and let them feel happy through your generous contribution.My campaign was documented by @90-ghost 🙏🍉
@animentality @ankle-beez @afro-elf
@chilewithcarnage @determinate-negation
@gougerre @gayorc @jzq @juergenklopp
@kropotkindersurprise @neshamama
@pcktknife @papasmoke @palistani
@queerstudiesnatural @qirfa
@sabertoothwalrus @singinginthecar
@turtletoria @viviraptor @wellwaterhysteria
@xinakwans @youtubepoopmusicvideo
@zhuiren @littlegermanboy @sliceofdyke
@g00ngala okay that's all thx
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💘 call me Roman, Fiifi , Afia or Cupid ~ !! 💘
💫 she / he / fae / mink + any 💫 Alter/Part - Co-host of a system !
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HOWDY! - im an alter n co-host 4 our system @infin8drip (main blog) - im a cherubim + succubus hybrid but i dont rly claim my more "corrupted" side of the spectrum or wtvr, im jus a zesty rebellious stupid ho LMAO (lightheartedly jokin dont take this srs pls i just play 2 much ). i do have shiftable forms that more "simpler" 4 others in the headspace, typically i look like this :p (warnin, this is the host old art n it's an old ass "selfies" of me in the middle, i will update the this lol also i typically like messin around w/ my hair. )
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- (ALL art by this sytem) - tw warnin 4 the n slur up ahead on the 3rd pic (i can reclaim it.)
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- i'm an OCtive + Mixoject of multiple sources! ( sources; The other host OC, Cupid, Angels, Cherubim (Media & biblical accurate), Lola Bunny , Minerva Mink) - My system job resume includes: internal self helper, sexual protector, ADHD, BPD, NPD, OCPD, hypersexual symptom holder - i'm mentally (i say 'mentally' bc truely i'm ageless but im an adult) early 30 yr old, in a 25yr old body ✌🏾 how do u do c: - I am nonhuman and may interact with nonhuman/alterhuman posts! i identify as ! : - pangenderfaer - Etherio/Etho/nonhuman boy - pan gaybian, - stemmetwink !(mostly femme) - turigirl ! - i'm wlw, wlm , mlm, nblm , nblw , nblnb !! - i'm partnered x10 /r & /qpr <3 ; by members in our/my system, n' our/my 2 system partners, so pls don't be fuckin weird ! c:
body wise also:
. - parent . - blk/indigenous (afro american geechee + blackfoot cherokee/creek/seminole) . - anemic . - intersex . - transneumascfem FTM Panfluid Maverique Boi . - C-DID . - got zat ✨ AuDHD ✨ . - OCD . - BP type i w/ psychotic features . - We have the deluxe, Cluster B special bein BPD, NPD w/ traits of ASPD, with a side of Cluster C's AVPD and OCPD, topped w/ traits of StPD 👨🏾‍🍳 🤌🏾 . - dancin w/ an unspecified ED
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this blog's purpose is 2 just b my side of the internet, essentially. i reblog anythin angelcore, lovecore, coquette, 420 , fashion, early y2k, creepy cute, celebs, shows i like, shit from my culture, while talkin' abt social justices in my respected intersections! occasionally will sketch here 2 n show off my art :p tws: spirituality , suggestive content n probs +18 content under cuts , talks of trauma and ventin, hypersexuality n the highs n lows of it :')) , PDA ( i like gushin abt my boos <33 ) , possible religious imagery n weed mention. anythin else i haven't mentioned will still b tagged accordingly!
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☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 ☝🏾 💢TAPS SCREEN☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢
BYF: - I reclaim the slurs/terms: nigga, retard, dyke, bulldyke, fag, sambo - speak in aave / ebonics unintentionally and intentionally. -I am a full time parent along side my partners, part time worker (soon will be attending college), trying to get support my partners/family out of a tough spot, so I'm always busy or stressed in some form. -Unless youre close to me and/or partners, do not call me "sis" or "shawty" even jokingly. that goes for the whole collective :/ THIS BLOG IS 18+ this is a no minor zone 4 my comfortability here! I block ageless blogs n anyone i think is weird or off puttin 4 me. Me n the block button r the realest definition of "bros b4 hoes" frfr
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☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 ☝🏾 💢TAPS SCREEN☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢 ☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢☝🏾 💢
DNI: PRO ZIONISTS, ANTISEMETIC, ANTIBLACK, ANTI NATIVE, ENDOS, PROSHIPPERS/COMSHIPPERS, DDLG/AGE KINK, RADQUEER , SAFEQUEERS, Labeled "DA/IRL" ( RECOVERING D-MISID's ARE FINE ) , OMEGAVERSE, TRANSID, ANTI-OTHERKIN/THERIAN, RTCA, ANTI RECOVERY BLOGS OF ANY KIND, TERFS, ANTI XENOGENDERS/NEOS, ANTI- MSPEC LESBIANS/GAYS, ANTI GOOD FAITH IDs ARE NOT WELCOME, . . Nor will I engage in discourse w/ it, unless its somethin i feel like I need 2 drop my two sense on somethin that i feel nobody may not have not touched on, or someone i care abt is publically involved. Other than that, i h8 gettin into discourse when the general public has already have made multiple points 2 counter a lot of misinformation w/ fax + its not always good for my health, nor the system's
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Tag list:
# . 💘  .  | Preachin n servin the word   ( Spiritual uplifting talks)
# . 💘  .  | Divine creations ( Art or edits )
# . 💘  .  | Zealous Rebellion and Resistance ( Social activism ) # . 💘  .  | I'll just take the 85 2 Africa  ( Black excellence, Black Pride, Black history , anything blk related tbh ) # . 💘  .  | Before Genesis… ( Exomemories if i ever decide 2 talk abt them ) # . 💘  .  | Sorrows of the fallen ( Vents ) # . 💘  .  | Pierced by Cupid's Arrow <3 ( Partners tag <33 ) # . 💘  .  | Not safe 4 mortals ( NSFT )
# . 💘  .  | Sins of Wrath ( RANTS ) 
# . 💘  .  | Sins of Envy ( Narc lows vents ) # . 💘  .  | Sins of Greed ( Hoarding vents & talks , mentions ) # . 💘  .  | Sins of Lust (  Hypersexuality, Lewd talk, also NSFT ) # . 💘  .  | Sins of Pride ( me havin a narc high ) # . 💘  .  | Sins of Gluttony ( Hyperfixation tag ) # . 💘  .  | Sins of Sloth (Recreational talks; Weed and alcohol mentions )
graphics by: @/willsgraphics @/silkholland @/anitalenia @/dollywons userboxes by @/killerssideblog @/sysboxes
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narrettwist · 1 year ago
free space for oc rambling. tell us more about your bone fashion designer (michi, right?) please
Michi!! So they started as a My Hero Academia OC but they have migrated into several AUs and other fandoms at this point.
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Originally I wanted to make a character with what could easily be an OP quirk that they don't use in an OP way. Skeleton Animation works on all bone skeletons, even ones in living bodies, so very easily a big bad villain ability. However Michi only uses it on the dead, for personal reasons, and uses it mostly to create things to carry their stuff, make coffee, act as dress dummies/dress-up dolls, open doors, etc. Their real "villain" power is their attention to details especially in contracts. Manipulating business practices to create favorable outcomes for themself and their fashion design business, the typical white collar shady business practices. Basically, a shitty villain that's not worth the time of heroes to deal with. Or as I put in a few fics "a villain for the aesthetics."
They're an orphan, parents died in a car crash, and they were raised by their paternal grandfather Hamon. However because of Hamon's quirk, Spirit Summoning, Michi grew up knowing their parents. Hamon is head priest at a shinto shrine, where Michi grew up, with the family quirk line relating to death the place was known as "the spooky shrine". Michi was othered as a child and decided that they would be better than everyone else when they grew up.
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I often pair them off with Tsunagu/Best Jeanist because the idea of two fashion icons who are both petty and dramatic is very entertaining to me. Also falls into the "villains and heroes are two sides of the same coin" thing. They both put forward a very specific public image that comes down completely around the other. They share history from being in the same first year class at UA, Michi was in heroics until second year when they transferred to business. Tsu was the first person who became friends with them. After graduation they both lean into the rival thing until Michi's redemption arc.
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But because I love the dynamics of OCs with existing universes/fandoms ice brought Michi into several other fandoms and generic AUs. Sometimes I drag Tsu along, sometimes I leave him at home.
Common traits through all iterations:
Afro-Japanese (unless otherworldly fantasy au). Shinto. Raised by grandfather (shinto priest). Dramatic petty ho. Afab masc Nonbinary (there are a couple where they are transmasc). Usually some connection to the dead. A million walls to keep people from getting close because they become possessive over those they do like. Acts villainous but has very defined moral codes. The "Dating Catwoman" trope all day long. Does things for the aesthetics (and drama).
Fashion inspiration: Alexander McQueen, Balmain, Zuhair Murad, and general Burning Man vibes.
I love my fashion pseudo-villain.
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micro961 · 10 months ago
Dj Faxbeat “Secondo me”
Un testo riflessivo sorretto da ritmi incalzanti e melodie ipnotiche per il nuovo singolo del cantautore di Asti
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«Abbiamo tutti una nostra personale idea sulle cose ma spesso non focalizziamo le energie su noi stessi, tendendo a pensare con la testa altrui. Ho voluto fermare il momento in cui usiamo le parole “secondo me” su poche frasi e verità che abbiamo dentro di noi e probabilmente non ascoltiamo per paura di metterci in discussione.» Dj Faxbeat
“Secondo me” è il singolo d’esordio di Dj Faxbeat, al secolo Fabrizio Russo. Una linea vocale ipnotica, a metà strada tra il rap e il cantato tradizionale, che si sviluppa su una base musicale ricca di ritmi incalzanti. Il cantautore e producer di Asti porta avanti il suo percorso artistico decennale confezionando un brano orecchiabile con un testo mai banale.
Fabrizio Russo, nome d’arte Dj Faxbeat, è un produttore musicale, rapper e cantautore di Asti. Il suo suono è molto distintivo ed immediatamente riconoscibile ed incorpora elementi di musica elettronica, R&B, Funk, Afro.
Nel 2001 fa da dj in alcune date degli allora DDP (oggi produttori del rapper Emis Killa) e produce assieme al gruppo il primo singolo, "Selvaggi" uscito per l'etichetta Blocco Recordz, che vede l'allora poco conosciuto Ale Cattelan in una parte del video.
Nel 2005 crea la One Night “The Flow! Hip-Hop r’n’b night” ed anima le serate dei club della sua città suonando insieme anche ad ospiti come BigFish, Esa e molti altri.
Nel 2009 incide "Origine di Futuro”, un album di 17 brani che vede la partecipazione di alcuni artisti emergenti della sua città natale.
Nel 2012 incide il singolo "Per Ora" con Tormento.
Nel 2013 apre i live dei Club Dogo, J-Ax e General Levy.
Dal 2014 ad oggi inventa un nuovo genere musicale, l'E.S.M, acronimo di Electronic Scratch Music, genere in cui suona il giradischi come strumento musicale.
Nel 2015 vince l'award come Best DJ 2015 dalla WSSA.
Forma assieme a Davide Calabrese e Beppe Di Filippo il gruppo UNTZ di cui ne è tuttora dj e scratcher performer.
Nel 2016 esce “Body”, l'album sperimentale di scratch e strumentali totalmente prodotto e suonato da Dj Faxbeat (con alcune collaborazioni) in cui utilizza il giradischi come voce sui beat.
Suona nei club fino al 2019 quando si ferma in studio per una personale ricerca musicale fino al 2024. L’8 marzo 2024 decide quindi di uscire con il suo singolo “Secondo Me”, sotto il nome di Dj Faxbeat.
Radio date: 8 marzo 2024
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diceriadelluntore · 2 years ago
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Storia Di Musica #272 - Thin Lizzy, Black Rose: A Rock Legend, 1979
Phil Lynott non è alla vista il classico irlandese: carnagione scura, capelli afro, figlio di Philomena, irlandese, e Cecil, guyanese di passaporto brasiliano che all’età di tre anni si trasferisce a Dublino. Avrebbe una voce perfetta per il soul, ma si innamora al nascente hard rock tanto che a 17 anni fonda la prima band, siamo nel 1968, insieme all’amico batterista Brian Downey, a nome Orphanage. Quando si unisce un signor musicista, Eric Bell, che faceva parte dei Them di Van Morrison, il trio sceglie come nome un ricordo d’infanzia: la scelta cade infatti sul nome di uno dei protagonisti dei fumetti The Dandy, uno dei più antichi almanacchi di fumetti del mondo, che si chiamava Tin Lizzie, cambiandolo in Thin Lizzy, con quella “h” a sottolineare l’accento irlandese che pronuncia tin come thin. Il trio comincia a farsi notare e va a suonare anche a Londra. Nel 1971 pubblicano per la Decca il primo album, Thin Lizzy,  e nel 1972 pubblicano il primo singolo di successo, un traditional irlandese, Whisky In The Jar, che diventerà poi una delle canzone dell’heavy metal nascente (si ricordano le numerose versioni dei Metallica per esempio). Bell se ne va, e viene sostituito prima da Gary Moore, poi dal duo di chitarristi Scott Gorham e Brian Robertson, e con la formazione a 4 pubblicano il primo grande disco: Nightlife del 1974, che ha due singoli di successo in Philomena (dedicata alla madre di Lynott) e Still In Love With You. Iniziano i tour di spalla ai grande gruppi del rock, e lo stile inizia a delinearsi: un hard rock venato di blues ma che sa pescare anche nel folk e nella musica tradizionale dell’isola verde. Dopo Fighting del 1975, è Jailbreak del 1976 che li fa conoscere in tutto il mondo: contiene infatti uno degli inni rock degli anni ‘70, The Boys Are Back in Town, che ancora oggi passa frequentemente nelle radio. Pressati dai fan e dalla casa discografica di sfruttare il successo, pubblicano nello stesso anno di Jailbreak addirittura un altro disco, Johnny The Fox, che ha un’altra canzone mito, Don’t Believe A Word, ma il clima cambia pesantemente: problemi di alcol e droga, Robertson che dopo il disco non parte in tour, e viene sostituito da Gary Moore. Bad Reputation è prodotto in Canada da Tony Visconti (1977) e vende moltissimo, e l’apoteosi si conclude con un live, Live And Dangerous (1978), che arriva al numero 2 in classifica inglese ma passa alla storia per essere considerato un “finto live”, manipolato ad arte in studio da Visconti per passare come tale. Vanno a Parigi, con Moore che prende il posto di Roberston anche in studio, e registrano in 3 mesi al Pathé Marconi EMI Studios. Se dal vivo si presentano come una pirotecnica band heavy metal, con tutti gli eccessi del caso, dal vivo sono molto più sperimentali e il disco che ho scelto oggi lo dimostra in pieno. Black Rose: A Rock Legend che esce nell’aprile del 1979, in piena scossa punk, prende il nome dall’ultima canzone, Róisín Dubh, un traditional irlandese (dove la rosa simboleggia l’Irlanda, martoriata dall’invasione inglese) che mette in medley con altri canti tradizionali: Shenandoah, Will You Go Lassie Go, Danny Boy e The Mason's Apron, ovviamente arrangiato con il piglio di Lynott e Moore. Il disco si apre con il rullante potente di Do Anything You Want, rombante, e che mostra ancora una volta il timbro vocale affascinante di Lynott, che a fine brano canta “alla Elvis Presley”. Toughest Street In Town è il loro lato più radiofonico, S & M ha un ritmo funky, Waiting For An Alibi è il singolo del disco, che arriva in classifica in UK fino al numero 6. Sarah è una dolce ballata dedicata alla neonata figlia di Lynott. Got To Give Up e Get Out Of Here sono due brani che fanno esplodere tutta la bravura chitarrista di Moore e Gorham, che si trovano a meraviglia, e davvero da riscoprire è soprattutto la seconda, maestosa. Chiudono il disco With Love, che è il brano più furbo, e si chiude con i 7 minuti spettacolari di Róisín Dubh. Lynott, con gravi problemi di droga, inizierà una carriera solista, che destabilizzerà la band, che perde Gary Moore per l’ennesima volta: viene sostituito prima da Midge Ure, che diventerà poi famoso con gli Ultravox, e poi da Snowy White. I risultati sono scarsi, ma c’è l'ennesima svolta: nel gruppo arriva John Sykes, giovane e talentuoso chitarrista, con cui Lynott rinasce, e lo dimostrano due grandi dischi: Thunder And Lightining e Life\Live, entrambi del 1983, con quest’ultimo che in un brano vede la presenza sul palco di tutti i chitarristi precedenti. Sarà il canto del cigno, perchè la band si scioglie e nel 1986 Lynott muore, per abuso di droghe, dopo 10 giorni di coma. Il nome Thin Lizzy continuerà a esistere, ma diventerà una sorta di band commemorativa di un decennio vissuto a tutta velocità da un irlandese che non sembrava un irlandese, che aveva un gran talento.
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djevilninja · 1 year ago
Poison, deadly, movin' in slow, Lookin for a mellow fellow like DeVoe. Gettin’ paid, laid, so better lay low; Schemin’ on house money, and the whole show. The low pro ho she'll be cut like an afro, See what you're sayin', huh, she's a winner to you? But I know she's a loser - Me and the crew used to do her!
Bell Biv DeVoe - Poison (Extended Club Version)
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sivavakkiyar · 1 year ago
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captain-wharfrat-lich · 1 year ago
Hi Thriller Bark spoilers because I just finished it this morning
Maybe it's coming off the high that was Ennies Lobby, but Thriller Bark was kinda... meh. Don't get me wrong, it was definitely a fun arc, but it kinda just bored me. Nightmare Luffy is probably the first time I've felt like Oda had an ass pull moment, but I'll let it slide this one time.
My boredom aside, it was still a really funny arc, so no complaints there.
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I swear these three pages took me out multiple times over + all the others I didn't screenshot that also took me out
And now
Onto the emotional elephant in the room
The funny skeleton bard swordsman with an afro
Mr Yo Ho Ho himself
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It didn't sink in just how fucking awful it must have been for Brook until the very end. Watching him and his crew sing in their final moments, dropping like flies one by one until only he remained
I'm not okay again
All in all, okay arc that completely destroyed me emotionally at the very end. Oda. Oda please. Just let me be okay for once after this.
Oh closing note I kept reading Gecko Moria's dialogue in Weird Al's voice and I could not tell you why
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