#aes: luce
sunshinies · 1 year
✧𖤓 Kaveh inspired names/pronouns/titles ! ⟡✧
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art by x ! rq by anon !
☀️ names:
alistair , amaris , ambrose , angelo , art , augustus , avery , bowie , cassidy , channing , darcy , dean , dorian , eden , ellis , erin , florian , floris , frances , harlowe , hazel , idra , idris , ira , jesse , jude , jules , keith , kel , kelsey , kendall , kennedy , kevin , kian , kiernan , kylin , laurent , leo , mckenzie , monet , noel , pax , quentin , quinn , raphael , rene , sasha , sawyer , shay , shiloh , steph , vincent , wren
🦁 pronouns:
lion/lions/lionself , gold/golds/goldself , ruby/rubys/rubyself , art/arts/artself , cher/chers/cherself , hy/hyms/hymself , ae/aers/aerself , sol/sols/solself , sun/suns/sunself , joy/joys/joyself , kind/kinds/kindself , warm/warms/warmself , arch/archs/archself , lux/luxes/luxself , luce/luces/luceself , vivid/vivids/vividself
❤️ titles:
the light of kshahrewar , the golden-haired lion , his shining artistry , he who sculpts towering cities , his paradisiacal dreams , the charming roommate , his guilty facade , he who chases idyllic dreams
prns and gendered terms may be replaced.
additional tags: @eternoelle @hauntingidol @delusielle @puriette @the-astropaws @cocajimmycola
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mahxshxjo · 1 year
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🌙┊ 。.゚✧* — ♡ #INDIGO06 날 밀어 넣어 준비가 안된 무대로 몰아 넣어수치를 느끼게 멘 탈 을 SECRET. KWANGYA WORLD 싸늘한 흔들 어놔 관중 무너져 더는 널 못 참아 두고 #MOON_JELLY 。.゚✧*
El modelaje había sido su pasión a lo largo de esos años desde que hizo su primer comercial cuando era tan sólo una pequeña niña. No obstante, se estaba volviendo tan repetitivo, tan monótono. La japonesa sentía que a su vida le hacía falta algo de emoción para mantenerse motivada durante esas últimas horas de aquella sesión de fotos que parecía eterna.
En cuanto el fotógrafo anunció que era la última toma, todos en el set aplaudieron, agradeciendo a la modelo con una sonrisa. Ella enseguida devolvió cada uno de los agradecimientos con la mejor actitud. No era la típica celebridad malcriada, de hecho, era bastante amable, así como considerada y profesional. Sin importar cuánto tiempo tomara terminar con un trabajo, daba su mayor esfuerzo para que ambas partes tuvieran éxito en los resultados, así como una gran aceptación por parte del público al ser la mejor.
Unas cuantas venias finalizaron aquel photoshoot donde el set había sido estilizado de tal modo que parecía estar en medio de una ciudad nocturna que parecía no dormir de noche con todas esas palabras resaltadas con luces de neón. Era como si transitaba por aquellas calles solitarias, sintiéndose algo misteriosa. El vestuario era el adecuado, sin embargo, sentía mucho frío. Se quedó un momento ahí con su teléfono mientras esperaba a que su mánager regresara con sus artículos personales para partir a su hogar.
Días atrás había creado un perfil en una aplicación llamada Kwangya. No estaba segura de cómo funcionaba, pero mientras buscaba algún juego para entretenerse en sus ratos libres, ese pequeño logo que juntaba las primeras vocales con fondo negro había llamado su atención, más que cualquier otro. Curiosa lo descargó a fin de descubrir de qué se trataba, esperando más bien el encontrarse con algún juego de rol de fantasía.
Desde el inicio había tenido que crear un personaje virtual como en otros juegos y aunque casi siempre las personas trataban de hacerlo lo más parecido que pudieran, Giselle y su avatar no podían ser más diferentes. Había decidido usar características que nunca la definirían en la vida real, tales como la apariencia de su versión virtual que era completamente distinta a ella desde el color de cabello hasta el color de la ropa.
El último paso para finalizar —y comenzar a jugar— era escoger un nombre para el personaje. Ella había decidido escoger el nombre de Giselle, después de todo era su nombre artístico como modelo pero los fanáticos no sabrían que era ella debido a la apariencia distinta.
En la pantalla de su teléfono móvil presionó con la yema de su pulgar el ícono que marcaba el « ae », esperando paciente a que se abriera la aplicación. De pronto, una extraña sensación comenzó a apoderarse de su sentir. En los escaparates del set, las televisiones se encendían por sí solas, mostrando imágenes distorsionadas de lo que parecía ser una serpiente, como si tuvieran una especie de falla. Desconcertada —y con algo de miedo— comenzó a caminar para acercarse a la salida del lugar. Neblina apareció poco a poco y de la nada, volviendo menos visible el camino que quería recorrer pero lo que fue más extraño para ella fue el repetir en su mente algunas palabras que venían de algún lugar recóndito de su cerebro.
El sonido distante de algunas sirenas la destanteó, aumentando esas ansias que estaban expandiéndose dentro de ella.
Apresuró sus pasos para llegar al final de aquel pasillo cuando en la pantalla de su teléfono comenzaba a verse la misma imagen distorsionada de la serpiente, provocando en ella un innato miedo porque desconocía la razón de todo ello. Sin embargo, el sonido de un mensaje entrante la hizo detenerse en medio del camino. Observó la pantalla de su dispositivo, sorprendiéndose al ver que el remitente que la saludaba era el avatar que había creado el día anterior.
El símbolo de la luna hecho con luces de neón frente a ella comenzó a resplandecer aún más fuerte hasta crear un sutil reflejo en sus pupilas. Sus yemas comenzaron a teclear esas palabras que rondaban por su mente, pero lo que fue más sorprendente para ella fue el hecho de poder leer todo tipo de mensajes en diferentes idiomas sin necesidad de buscar un traductor.
Un sinfín de palabras en distintos idiomas comenzaron a aparecerse frente a ella como si de magia se tratara. Se sentía dentro de un sueño en tanto trataba de identificar si era real lo que estaba viviendo en ese momento.
Aún más atraída por lo sucedido, buscó presionar el perfil de ae-Giselle sólo para encontrarse con una única opción. Debía añadirla como su amiga, aún cuando era el perfil que ella misma había creado, presionó así el botón con la yema de su índice. Un sonido virtual expectante resonó en sus oídos mientras en la pantalla aseguraban que ellas dos eran amigas a partir de ese momento. El símbolo de ae nuevamente se formó en la pantalla en tonos grisáceos sobre un fondo en color negro.
—ae... aespa. Susurró la japonesa, leyendo lo que en la pantalla se formaba tras haber agregado como amiga a ae-Giselle.
Tomó asiento en una silla dentro del set hasta que todas las personas nuevamente comenzaron a hacer ruido, como si antes hubiesen estado paralizadas. Encontró entonces a su mánager, acercándose casi corriendo para preguntarle acerca de lo sucedido.
—¿Donde estabas, Giselle? Te estuve buscando por todos lados. Sorprendida por aquellas palabras, se encogió un poco de hombros. —Estaba... buscando mi teléfono. Respondió con una sonrisa despreocupada, ganándose un sutil regaño.
No estaba segura de si había sido un sueño o si era real lo que había pasado. Nadie parecía estar al tanto de nada, todos continuaban con sus actividades normales así que decidió guardar aquella experiencia para sí misma. En la comodidad de su departamento comenzaría a investigar sobre ello.
¿Qué significaba aquella serpiente? ¿Y la versión virtual de ella misma cobrando vida?
Llegaría al fondo de todo, pero sin duda alguna sería un secreto que guardaría de todos los demás, incluso de su mánager.
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weirdesplinder · 1 year
Podcast vi racconto un drama: Terius e Duty after school seconda parte
Terius behind me/My secret Terius
kdrama azione-thriller-ironico-romantico-spy story
Link per poterlo vedere:https://www.viki.com/tv/37624c-my-sec...
Trama:Il marito di Go Ae Rin muore improvvisamente, lasciandola sola con due bambini.Intanto, nell'appartamento accanto vive Kim Bon (So Ji Sub), conosciuto come Terrius. In passato uno degli agenti operativi speciali più abili del National Intelligence Service, tre anni fa scomparve dalla circolazione, vivendo nascosto, dopo che la donna che amava fu misteriosamente uccisa in una maldestra missione speciale. Da solo, sta provando a mettere insieme i pezzi di quello che è successo, stando bene attento a non rivelare mai a nessuno dove si trovi. Ma quando incontra Go Ae Rin, i due capiscono di avere un obiettivo comune: scoprire la verità. La coppia decide di formare un'improbabile alleanza e di indagare su cosa sia successo alle persone che amavano. Ciò che cominciano a portare alla luce, però, è che il marito di Go Ae Rin era stato attirato in un enorme complotto che va molto più a fondo di quanto nessuno dei due avrebbe mai potuto immaginare...
Duty after school
kdrama survival sci-fi and YA
Link per poterlo vedere: https://www.viki.com/tv/39621c-duty-a...
Trama: Gli studenti e gli insegnanti della Sungjin High School sono sconvolti dall'assistere all'inizio di un'invasione aliena. Orribili uova venute dal cielo si schiudono rilasciando brutali creature simili a insetti che attaccano gli umani. L'invasione è su scala mondiale e l'esercito sudcoreano teme di venire sopraffatto, così, in preda alla disperazione, il presidente annuncia che entrerà in atto la coscrizione obbligatoria e che tutti i liceali a partire dal terzo anno, sia maschi che femmine, dovranno arruolarsi nelle forze armate. Alla Sungjin High School arrivano i militari e gli studenti del terzo anno, ai quali mancano solamente 50 giorni prima di dover sostenere gli esami di ammissione all'università, iniziano l'addestramento nel cortile della scuola. Devono imparare a sparare con i fucili, a combattere a mani nude e a percorrere percorsi a ostacoli... sempre vestiti nella loro uniforme scolastica! A mettere alla prova gli studenti è il capo plotone Lee Choon Ho (Shin Hyun Soo); nel frattempo, l'insegnante Park Eun Young (Im Se Mi) è determinata a fare il possibile per salvaguardare i suoi alunni. Riusciranno questi liceali a salvare il pianeta dalla rovina?
Se volete sapere quali drama ho guardato e guarderò visitate la mia watchlist su Mydramalist: https://mydramalist.com/list/389dv6M4
 Ehi! Ho scritto un fantasy, La fiamma del destino: https://amzn.to/3pqasAX
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scontomio · 2 years
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💣 HONPHIER® Numero luce 3D con telecomando, lettere, lettere 🤑 a soli 8,99€ invece di 14,99€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/honphier-numero-luce-3d-con-telecomando-lettere-lettere/?feed_id=63395&_unique_id=63be6fa1519ce&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=HONPHIER%C2%AE%20Numero%20luce%203D%20con%20telecomando%2C%20lettere%2C%20lettere #coupon #honphier #illuminazione #amazon #scontomio
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hmandirola-blog · 2 years
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De esta manera. los tres atunes de coreo de la Patagomal Chile y Paraguay regresaban del sur del cesto y del norte haoa Buenos Alms se espemoa su cargamento, para que ouowse despegar haca 18 medianoche av∎On nac. Europa. Tres plotos. cada uno ..ms una cuPela de motor pesada como una barcaza perddos en a nocne, evaluaoan su vuelo y al acercarse a ta oudad molensa bajaren en.mente de su teto tormentoso o er, ;alma corno extra^os camoes.nos que clesoenden de sus montañas Ftn.ére responsable de toda la operac■On. caminaba de amba pare abato oor la DI5a de atemzate de Buenos 4.res Permanecía en siena, pues. hasta la llegada de los tres ~emes el dia no presagia. ..da :aveno para ét klenuto a ,I11,10. a medida que le liegérbar los telegramas. Rmere era consciente de que e arrebataba algo al destino. de que reduce gradualmente lo desconocida. de que sacacra a sus mpulawnes de la nocne hasta a orga 1.),10 de los nomores se acerco a Rtv.re para cornumcarle un mensa, transm∎odo pe, rad° E, correo de CNIe anunca que cl,nsa ias luces de Buenos Aires Bien Pronto fbnens otra ese av.n,,a neme abandonaba ya a uno de esos. corno un mar lleno ce luto y reflujo y mistenos abandona en la onl. el tesoro que na zarandeado tanto tiempo Y más tarde, devolverla a los otros dos Entorces. el trapajo de este d. nona termnacto Entonces, ias tripulaciones, cansadas se aran a domo, para ser reemplazadas por otras de refresco Pero Riviere ro tendna reposo a correo de Europa, a su vez to llenarte oe nou.tod Y as, ser. ~mere Salmos, Antone ae Sant-Exupery Vol de N. 0 Ecobons Gatemara https://www.instagram.com/p/ClxHoxojVkl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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donatoantonio75 · 2 years
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La volontà umana avvolge di tenebre le creature, ma chi vive nel Divin Volere fa sorgere la Luce e il Sole della Divina Volontà. Stavo fondendomi nel santo Volere Divino, e il mio dolce Gesù, stringendomi a sé, si è messo a pregare insieme con me e poi mi ha detto: “Figlia mia, la volontà umana ha coperto di nubi tutta l’atmosfera, in modo che fitte tenebre pendono su tutte le creature e quasi tutti camminano zoppicando e a tentoni, e ogni azione umana che fanno senza il connesso della Volontà Divina accresce le tenebre e l’uomo diventa più cieco, perché la luce, il sole per la volontà umana è la Divina Volontà. Tolta questa, luce non vi è per la creatura. Ora, chi opera, prega, cammina, eccetera, nel mio Volere, si eleva sopra queste tenebre e, come opera, prega, parla, così, squarciando queste fitte nubi, manda lampi di luce su tutta la terra, da scuotere chi vive nel basso della sua volontà, e prepara gli animi a ricevere la luce, il sole della Divina Volontà. Perciò ho tanto interesse che tu viva nel mio Volere, perché prepari un cielo di luce, che mandando lampi continui di luce, venga ae diradare questo cielo di tenebre che la volontà umana si è formato sopra il suo capo, in modo che, possedendo la luce del mio Volere, possano amarlo, e il mio Volere, amato, possa regnare sulla terra”. Gesù a Luisa Piccarreta 9 Agosto 1923 +393669075262 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClgZmymjIOB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oh-atlas · 3 years
AN ALTAR (1.7k, Ophelia & Luce, maybe tw for fantasy catholicism)
what do you mean this isn't heterosexual normal activity between two girl besties. set when they're around 17 only just a year or so before ophelia has to leave the church : )
"You didn't go to the dawn rites."
The sound of Luce's voice doesn't surprise Ophelia. She's the only person that would come back here. Ophelia's at their spot, sitting cross-legged behind the woodshed near the cemetery, picking at white clover in the grass. She rolls the stems of the little white flowers between her calloused fingers.
"I didn't sleep well." She says softly.
She didn't sleep well because she couldn't stop dreaming about Luce. Dreams she shouldn't be having about a friend. Her lips on her cheek, on her throat, her hands on her hips. Ways she knows they shouldn't touch, but her heart aches for.
Luce plops down next to her, matching her pose and lightly bumps her shoulder into Ophelia's. "Maybe if you stay up all night you'll stop being late for breakfast."
"Ha ha," Ophelia says flatly, but a slight smile curves the corner of her lips.
Luce turns and looks fondly at her. She can see the faint circles under Ophelia's eyes through strands of her hair, glowing in the faint silvery daylight.
"Do you wanna sleep with me tonight?"
Ophelia pulls a face and doesn't meet her eyes, focusing on spinning the clover in her hands, "We're not kids anymore."
"No, but," Luce bumps into her again, "That doesn't mean best friends can't have a sleepover."
Ophelia lifts her gaze and turns to look at Luce. Her eyes are gleaming with mirth and there's an everlasting infectious smile on her face. Ophelia scowls slightly in response, trying not to smile, trying to ignore her thumping heart racing in her chest.
"Oh come here," Luce swings an arm around Ophelia, pulling her towards her.
And Ophelia lets her body fall slow until her head is in Luce's lap. She twists to get more comfortable, laying on her back, stretching out her legs, looking up at Luce. Her face is haloed by the faint light that pierces Barovia's fog, peeking over the decaying roof of the woodshed. She looks like an angel, or one of the fractal images of saints, bright and polished in the church's windows.
Luce brushes Ophelia's hair out of her face, fingers trailing across her forehead so gently she nearly shivers. "You okay?" Luce asks.
Ophelia draws in an unsteady breath and exhales, "Yeah."
Luce smiles faintly, fingers still running through her hair, almost as if she is soothing herself. "Ophelia?"
She looks uncertain, hesitant when she says, "Have you been avoiding me? Is something wrong?"
Ophelia blinks. She wasn't sure if Luce would notice. There were her feelings. The feelings she wouldn't name, even in her head, but there were also Priestess Sorina's words. You're a distraction to her. Her connection to the Morninglord is sacred and cannot be compromised. She has a chance to do actual good in Barovia if she focuses on her prayers, her meditations, on cultivating her light. She shines so bright and you cast a shadow on her.
Ophelia lies, the words slick and sacrilegious on her tongue, "Just been busy. They've got me cleaning the kitchens and going out to cut wood for the fires, doing errands in towns. Also, I've gotta show up for dawn rites, sunset vespers, whatever else they ask me."
Luce's brows furrow slightly for just a moment before her expression softens and she grins again, teasing, "Oh is that why you're getting so strong?" She reaches over Ophelia's body and pats her shoulder.
She can't help but laugh, the sound bubbles out of her throat, from deep inside, a noise buried, low and resonant. Luce's smile broadens in return. "Hmm, and what if I'm tired, could you carry me back to my room?"
Ophelia snorts, "You have two perfectly good legs."
"And you have two perfectly good arms."
Ophelia rolls her eyes.
"Okay fine," Luce concedes, "You don't have to carry me back to the chapel if we can have a sleepover tonight."
"I've gotta light the lanterns in the graveyard."
"Then come to my room after," Luce says matter-of-factly.
Ophelia smiles lightly, realizing she can't win this squabble, "Yeah, okay, fine."
"I'll make sure you sleep! Just like you did for me when we were little." Luce insists, looking intently at Ophelia. Her tone loses its playful lilt, "Can I do that for you, please? I can braid your hair? You used to like that."
Ophelia's throat tightens. She likes the feeling of Luce's hands in her hair and how close they are. Just as much now as she did then. She knows she shouldn't do this, even if she wants it. It'll just make it harder for her. For Luce too. But she can't bring herself to deny her either. "Yeah. I'd like that."
Luce beams and her smile chases away any of Ophelia's reluctance.
Hours later, after the sky has darkened to pitch black, the dull moon glows faintly hidden behind the mists. Ophelia walks quietly through the church. She knows which room is Luce's, they used to share it until they got older and Luce's powers grew. Then she was given more space, more respect, even reverence.
A sliver of golden light, brighter than any candle, cuts a sharp line under the familiar door frame. Ophelia slowly turns the handle of Luce's door and slips inside.
A globe of sunlight floats at the ceiling, occasionally bouncing against it, Ophelia looks up at it in awe. She's seen Luce cast magic, create light and heal, and empower. The first time Luce ever used magic was when she accidentally hurt herself climbing a tree. Ophelia had sprained her ankle, was bruised and crying under the crabapple tree. But when Luce put her hands on her cheeks, told her everything's going to be okay, and wiped her tears away, warmth flooded her body and all the pain went away.
"You have soot on your face," Luce says and Ophelia glances from the light back down to her as she approaches. She stops in front of her, raises a hand, and rubs it off of Ophelia's chin.
Luce's eyes flick up to meet Ophelia's as she takes her hand away, "Where are your nightclothes?"
"In my room. I can just sleep in this—"
Luce crinkles her nose and pouts, "Absolutely not." She bounces over to the chest at the foot of her bed, opens it, and swiftly hurls a rumpled nightgown at Ophelia. "Get changed, you."
Ophelia opens her mouth and tries to speak. Only a choked, startled sound comes out and she feels her face turn bright red.
Luce straightens, "Are you embarrassed?" She pauses, and when Ophelia doesn't respond, she continues, "You're so funny, we used to change together all the time. I can turn around if you want."
Ophelia closes her mouth and nods, unable to trust her ability to speak.
Luce smiles, "Okay," and turns to face the wall.
Ophelia turns as well, trying to keep her hands from shaking as she takes her clothes off. She focuses on the wall, the whirls and patterns in the wood grain, the shadow she casts from the light on the ceiling. Her eyes settle near the floor, on one of the scratched baseboards. Their initials are still scrawled there. L S + O T. She can't help but smile when she remembers them as children, down on their hands and knees, carving the lettering into the wood with a butter knife. She slips the nightgown over her head and bunches her clothing together, setting them next to her worn boots in the corner.
"You can turn around now," Ophelia says, glancing to face Luce who promptly spins back to face her. She's smiling instantly and hurries over to her dresser to retrieve a comb and black ribbon.
"Okay, now come here, " Luce says, sitting on the edge of the bed and motioning to the space next to her.
Ophelia joins her, turning away. Luce begins to hum a hymn they've known since they were toddlers and gently combs through the ends of her hair. She closes her eyes and loses track of time as Luce works, lost in the sensation. This is so familiar. Home. It's something sacred between them that tugs at Ophelia's heart. This is what the divine feels like, she thinks. This is what she should feel when she's kneeling at the altar. But she only finds this warmth, this calm when she's with Luce.
And it's terrifying. She feels nothing, no matter how hard she prays, no matter how hard she wishes she could, she feels none of the Morninglord's love. She has recited psalms until her throat went hoarse, she has stayed at vigil for nights on end, hoping one dawn, the sun would rise inside her chest and fill her with light. It never does. So she stands in the presence of his, her, their brightest light and hopes that it is enough to make her feel holy.
"All done," Luce says softly.
Ophelia opens her eyes, realizing the corners of her eyes are wet with tears. She wipes them away quickly and turns to face Luce. "Thank you."
"Of course. Now come on, you look tired."
She pulls back the sheets and gestures to Ophelia to lay down first. Ophelia does, tucking herself between the wall and Luce, facing away from her. The light in the room fades as Luce pulls the sheets over them both.
"Goodnight Ophelia."
"Night Luce."
Ophelia feels Luce's hand on her head, lightly stroking her hair, running down her neck, over her back. She touches her gently and even that is enough to make Ophelia's heart start to beat faster. She's not going to fall asleep like this. And then Luce starts to sing. Not a hymn, a lullaby.
A rush of fatigue overtakes Ophelia after just the first lines. She sang this to Luce when she had nightmares when they were young. And now. It's been so long since they were together at night, bodies curved and aligned to make space for each other. Gentle lullabies to chase off the ghosts of the night. She's missed it. She wants this every night. Ophelia doesn't remember falling asleep. But she knows when she wakes before dawn, it's the best sleep she's had in weeks.
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fatedfvllen · 3 years
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the autumn court / a court of pumkins & bros
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,   And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;      To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells   With a sweet kernel; to set budding more ...
             -To Autumn, J, Keats
{ @sangue-e-luce / @wickedgxmes​ / @lepinedoree / @gvldntrbl / @ocean-eyesahq }
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catcze · 2 years
Getting inspiration from "shipping your moots with character" anon who got inspiration from "shipping your anons with characters anons", which characters do you think would ship themselves with your moots and or anons
HMMMM okay okay this is actually really interesting, and i actually had to work my brain a little bit to decide on this one bc whoaa i never thought abt this before... I decided to interpret it more as 'crush' rather than 'ship themselves w/' bc I dunno why but it felt easier for me to do decide on it if i worded it that way HAHA ALSO !! I tried to mix it up a bit instead of giving people their usual pairs, you know ??? So that it's more fun, too !!
Again, just going off who I think of first ! Nothing personal to the people I didn't include <3 ALSO LMAOO I laughed when I read the 'getting inspiration from... who got inspiration from...' line haskdnaj
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I think that GOROU would have a crush on @bluexiao !! Because, like, Blue is super rational and hard working, and super good at what she does, right? Blue gets results babeyyy, but ae is also super fun and chill and easy to converse with when she wants to be, which I think are both things that Gorou would find totally crush-worthy in a person.
I also think that THOMA would have a crush on @awlumii !! Similar to Thoma, Mars is very easy to get along with, as I'm sure anyone who's ever interacted with faer can agree ♡ And and and Mars is super chill and funny, too, which I think would make conversations very enjoyable for both of them !!
Okay okay this one took some thinking, but I think that TIGHNARI would have a crush on my LUCID ANON. Listen !! Luce is super sweet, okay. Very sweet, makes super easy conversation, and is good at both listening to people talk while also still participating in the conversation, so that it’s obvi that Luce is listening to what you say! I really think that Tighnari would enjoy having someone around who likes to listen to him, and who genuinely makes conversation with him because they enjoy it, so he’s gonna be superrrr smitten with Luce 
Imo, BEIDOU would deffo have a crush on @sohyuki !! ! dunno how to describe it, but Mint give off a specific 'super sweet and nice but will go for ur kneecaps if anyone talks shit' kind of energy? And Mint is, like super cool and level-headed usually, so I totally think that Beidou would take such a shine to her.
MAN Okay okay Honestly speaking? I think that NINGGUANG might have a thing for my Beans anon 😳 LISTEN hear me out okay–– Beans’s personality is soooo super duper explosive in the best way. Goes fuckin feral whenever they feel like, but at the same time they can also be cool as fuck and totally a bad bitch, yk? Not to mention Beans isn’t scared to have opinions and to be honest, which is right up Nigguang’s alley.
HEIZOU would have a crush on @yonaraee change !! my !! mind !! Yona is super nice and fun, but she's also got the kind of personality that is so easy to get along with, and is always down for fun and hijinks! She's super endearing, and just very generally is good at keeping fun moods going, so I can 100% see heizou making heart eyes bro.
Dude !! I can 100% see KOKOMI having a crush on @kazeyu !! Listen listen, as the resident Kokomi whisperer, ik what she likes, okay? And Listen, Yoi is so incredible and sweet and caring and she's always so understanding :( Yoi is an absolute darling and is so good for helping people who are feeling down or low on energy to feel better and cared for, which is why I think that Kokomi would be smitten.
And lastly, listen listen listen I know i said I would switch things up and wouldn't name an obvious pair, but bro I have to say that hands down AYATO would have a crush on @seelestia . LISTEN OKAY Lia is very chill and easygoing, but is an absolute dear to hold a conversation with. She’s interesting and respectful, but also makes some fun banter and jokes that you literally cannot help but enjoy !! I genuinely think that afternoon walks between her and Ayato would have that man head over heels ASAP.
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miaulogy · 2 years
CWs (content warnings) in tags!
☆ ethereal/divine neopronouns :
requested by @/teja-the-moss-gremlin !
total pronouns listed: 45
luz/luz/luzelf [light, spanish/portuguese]
llum/llums/llumself [light, catalan]
lumie/lumiere/lumiereself [light, french]
luce/luces/lucelf (luceself) [light, italian]
am/ama/amaself [amable | kind, spanish]
gen/genre/genreself [kind, french]
gen/gentil/gentilself [kind, portuguese]
was gonna put aut/auty/autyself here but it sounds too much like auti/autis neopronouns for autistic folks, so if you're autistic feel free to use them :3
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hoffmans-hoffman · 2 years
One ship per character, ship aes the godfather + your ocs
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Luce x Sonny, I'd like to imagine them working together. Being gentle and rough with each other, patching each other up when they don't want the rest of the family/Mafia to know their hurt. Though Sonny is older than Luce, Luce understands the stress Sonny is under and tries to help in anyway he can.
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Vincent x Cameron to me is bonding over lost and anger, anger at each other, anger at their parents and anger at Michael. Their love language is yelling at each other or growling at each other. But behind hide closed doors their sweet to each other.
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Two-Face x Enzo is something a little sweet and a little dangerous as Two-Face works for the Barzinis and Enzo works for the Corleones. Their sweet and warm when they can but can be rude towards each other if they need to keep cover.
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Mateo x Michael is something reckless and goofy, sweet and unforgiving. They don't care if their seen they are in love and if they could they'd run down the street screaming about it.
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Valentino x Mo is something else, it's rough and painful it's powerplay and degrading. They really don't show affection in public, but sometimes Valentino can be heard telling Mo good job, but that's not too offen.
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Benni x Tom are the "tired old gays" they are so done with the younger ones bullshit. Their sweet to each other, especially when their exhausted. They don't get injured much but when they do they take care of each other. They leave each other notes and it's sweet.
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
In the Bleak midwinter {17}
A Throne of Glass Period AU: 1920s.
Summary: 2 years after Arobynn Hammel is killed by Rowan Whitethorn, Maeve has returned from Eyllwe with a vengeance. Meanwhile, Rowan is getting married, Lorcan is a father, and Lysandra is finally ready to give her heart away. There’s been peace in The Cadre’s Orynth for 2 years, but peace never lasts.
A/N: Coming in close to the end!
All characters belong to SJM. I am no more than a fan with a plot.
**Warning: mature content - language, alcohol use, drug use, sex, murders and shit.
Links & masterlists:
Fanfic Masterlist
Ask me
The Cadre - 1920s AU {TOG}
In the Bleak Midwinter {The Cadre, Part 2}
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Aelin didn’t know how long she and Lucy had been in that room, but she knew that she was cold, achy, and terrified. It took a while for Lucy to notice. She was a curious one, and pretty independent, so she could make herself comfortable in most places, especially once they had food. But, now, Aelin was running out of comforting conversation topics to have with a toddler as anxiety and fear thrummed through her veins. 
The food they were given hours ago had made her sick, although she tried to keep everything down, for Lucy’s sake. Meanwhile, every horrible outcome of what was taking place outside of the four concrete walls she sat inside had her heart beating faster. 
“Ae Ae,” Lucy began, and Aelin looked over at her, trying her best not to cry.
“Yes, Luce?” she replied, quietly. 
“Dada,” Lucy whispered, her lip wobbling, but before she could cry, the door was unlocked, and pushed open.
Aelin quickly snatched Lucy up as she stood and held the toddler tightly in her arms. 
Cairn stood there, looking as deadpan and serious as ever. “Come with me.”
“Where to?” Aelin asked, not moving a step.
Cairn showed no emotion. “Come with me, or I’ll lock you in here, again. It’s your choice.” 
Aelin hated that she didn’t hesitate. Instead, with Lucy in her arms, she followed Cairn out of the little room and through the winding hallways. 
The rest of the building wasn’t any better than the little room they had been trapped in. The stone walls continued, and Aelin didn’t feel comforted at all as they followed Cairn through the narrow hallways. Lucy was whining, which didn’t comfort Aelin either. Aelin should have been the one to comfort her but her own nerves were spiraling out of control.
Their walk seemed to last forever, but eventually, they came to a door. Lucy clung to the neckline of Aelin’s dress, and Lucy was grateful for it, it was the only thing that was keeping Aelin connected to reality.
Even though that reality was horrifying. 
Cairn pushed open the door and gestured for Aelin to enter. She was smart enough not to fight back or be stubborn, even though she so desperately wanted to both be stubborn and fight back. 
Maeve knew it, too, judging by the horrific smile on her red-painted lips as they entered. Aelin, Lucy in her arms, stopped just inside of the door with her chin raised high. 
“Mrs. Whitethorn,” Maeve crooned, as Cairn shut the door behind them. “How are you enjoying your stay?” 
“Food is shit,” Aelin said, plainly. Lucy’s whines had turned into a silent cry, her face buried into Aelin’s shoulder. “Is my husband on his way?”
Maeve’s eyes narrowed. “To the old train station, yes. In fact, he’ll be leaving that ungodly mansion of yours shortly.”
“Whatever you’re asking him for, he won’t give it to you,” Aelin said, shaking her head, but even as the words left her mouth, she knew she was wrong. For his wife, and his niece, Rowan would give Maeve whatever she wanted. 
As her dark eyes lit up, Aelin knew that she knew it, too. 
“I plan to test that theory,” she said, at last, her nails clicking on the hard desktop she sat behind. “Cairn.” 
Lucy was being removed from Aelin’s arms before she could even have a second thought. The second she was in Cairn’s arms, she was wailing. 
“No!” Aelin cried, taking a step forward to fight for her niece back, but a gun was cocked, and Aelin froze. 
Maeve didn’t hesitate as she pointed her pistol at Aelin’s head. “One more step, and you die, which would just be awful for all of us, wouldn’t it?” 
Aelin put a protective hand over her stomach, then looked at Lucy, who was being held by Cairn at Maeve’s right hand side. Aelin couldn’t help the tears that lined her eyes as she listened to Lucy cry. 
The door opened and a man Aelin had never seen before entered the room and took Aelin’s arms behind her back. 
“Fuck you!” Aelin yelled, spitting at Maeve.
The woman snorted and set her gun down on her desk. Then, she nodded her head, and Aelin was hit in the back of the head, the rest of the world going dark around her. 
“They’re late,” Lorcan grumbled, his hands opening and closing at his sides. 
Rowan pulled the pocketwatch out of his breast pocket. Lorcan was right. It was two minutes past. 
“They’ll be here,” he snapped. 
Gavriel stood just behind them, watching the other side of the old abandoned platform, waiting, calmly. Fenrys was there, too, his jaw locked. They had left Aedion at home, watching and waiting in case anything happened there. Lysandra was with him, along with a hysterical Natalia. 
Just as Rowan’s patience was running short, he saw them coming. A sleek, black car was driving up, followed by one that was nearly identical. Rowan had no doubt to whom the cars belonged to.
No one moved, no one said a word as those cars pulled up to the other side of the broken tracks. 
They waited for a moment, and Rowan was about nearly to combust as the door to the first car opened and Cairn came out. He ascended the platform, and met their gazes as he approached.
Before Rowan could open his mouth and spit out a retort, Cairn said, “Maeve sends apologies. She couldn’t make it, she was otherwise occupied.” 
“Where are they.” It wasn’t a question, but a demand. Rowan’s voice was low, calm. He didn’t want to even start thinking about where Maeve’s attention was.
“Depends which one you’re asking about,” Cairn replied, simply. 
Rowan froze, and it was Lorcan that growled, “Stop dancing around the subject, tell us the fucking conditions so we can get on with it.” 
Cairn stared at them, perfectly happy with Lorcan’s outburst. It’s why he let the silence ensue before saying, “Mr. Whitethorn comes with me.”
Gavriel’s shoulders tensed as Fenrys snorted. Lorcan had begun to say no, but Rowan interrupted them all, saying, “And Lucy and Aelin come back?” 
“I have Lucy in the car,” Cairn replied, simply, and when he didn’t go on, Rowan asked, “And my wife?” 
Cairn just smiled, slowly. 
“Well?” Rowan asked, after Cairn said nothing. 
“Lucy comes back to you now,” he said, quietly. “Aelin will be sent back to the estate when Rowan is safely delivered to Maeve.” 
“No,” Lorcan breathed, even though Rowan knew it hurt him to say it. “We find another way.”
“Lucy needs to be safe now,” Rowan said, quietly. “And Aelin needs to be safe now. I’ll be fine, and I’ll figure something out, but they need to be home, where I know they’re okay.” 
Lorcan stilled, but Rowan said, “Bring Lucy to Lorcan and I’ll come willingly.” 
“That undoes everything that we’ve fought for so far,” Fenrys muttered.
Rowan closed his eyes, knowing full well he was thinking of Connall. But Rowan wouldn’t have another death on his hands. Not his niece. Not his wife. He was done watching those he loved die, those that his family loved die.
He was over it.
Cairn waved a hand and the door to the second car was opened. A man in a suit came out, carrying Lucy, who was looking around with big, round eyes. The moment she spotted Lorcan, she began to cry, scream for him, but the second Lorcan took a step toward her, a gun was pointed at him.
So he stilled, and waited, even though it killed him to do so. The second Lucy was in his arms, though, he was clinging onto his daughter for dear life. 
“Dada.” She wept his name, and if Rowan had any sort of hesitation, Lucy’s little voice pushed him over the edge. Without looking back at his men, he took a step toward Cairn, then another, and another.
Before anyone could say anything otherwise, Rowan was shoved into a car and being driven away from the abandoned train tracks. 
Toward his aunt. 
@mariamuses  @garnet-29  @writer-reader-traveller  @rowaelin-cressworth  @space-buns-arsinoe  @negativenesta  @empress-ofbloodshed  @the-regal-warrior  @starseternalnighttriumphant  @westofmoon  @sammyjojaaaa  @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter  @carbconnoisseur @acer6437  @lorcansalvatearupmyheart  @cool-ish-nerd  @mynewdreamwasyou  @mourning-razorlust  @thespiritualrider  @rowaelinforeverworld  @didsomeonesayviolin  @gloriouspaintercreatorbandit  @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks  @queen-of-glass  @the-dark-swan  @http-itsrebecca  @holdingon-21@babycardan @tswaney17  @mollycateoc  @chemicha  @bat-wing-rhys @exersize-me-i-dare-u @thespiritualrider  @luna-the-little @morebooks-pls  @shyvioletcat  @hermajestyanna  @a97girl  @stardustsroses  @queenofthemoon22 @alifletcher2012  @awkward-avocado-s  @faerie-queen-fireheart  @cwheart  @lovemollywho @emilyrose111294  @nerdperson524  @sleeping-and-books @cursebreaker29 @flora-and-fae @feyrethedarklady @the-dark-swan @rowaelinforeverworld @sjmsstuff @januarystears @mis-lil-red  @acourtofmoonlight   @rowaelinforeverworld  @courtofmaasdestruction @jjellybean  @thewayshedreamed  @wind-drinker  @aelin-rowan-whitehorn  @starseternalnighttriumphant  @hurema @http-itsrebecca  @lorcansalvatearupmyheart  @cityofchelsea16 @januarystears  @iliketoasterstrudels  @lightitup-bryce  @yikesitsmaddie @feyrethedarklady @i-love-all-books  @keshavomit  @sleeping-and-books @scarznstars  @http-itsrebecca @cat5313 @moondancer-204  @booklover242 @belamoonbeam @they-call-me-cuatro   @b00kworm  @mu-si-ca-l   @thegayerpotato  @abraxos-is-toothless  @keshavomit  @musicdreamer003   @superspiritfestival  @sailorsassley  @mymultiversee @alxanxah @viviaannvu123  @mysweetvillain @theghostlyharrypooperfan @highqueenofelfhame​  @shyvioletcat @maastrash @the-third-me​ @rinad307
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karekuat · 3 years
In addition to Firecracker, I think Eli would call Claes 'Chilli'
A c h i l l (i) aes
Like a chili pepper?? Lmao. I mean it works and I'm not going to pass up more nicknames to refer to him by that he would absolute hate
Luce and I also decided on "firefly" and "firebug" as more nicknames for him because he flies and he's a little annoying bug
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POTW: Mima Bam Boum || Alain, Felix, Kaden, Luce, & Nadia
Or: Nadia and crew do The Thing, and it does not go according to plan (as if they had one in the first place)
With: @carbrakes-and-stakes @streetharmacist @chasseurdeloup @divineluce
Sitting in her truck, parked not too far from that fucking mime restaurant, Nadia couldn’t help but wonder, on a scale from one to ten, how bad this idea was. Probably an eleven. Probably higher. She didn’t even know how she’d gotten here. Well, other than driving. At least she remembered the drive. But between the internet and talking with Luce, she’d managed to put together a rather decent explosive, though the fireworks had been relatively useless. Maybe she could throw that barbecue, invite Erin as a thank you, should this thing not kill her. Because what the hell was she doing, anyway? Taking on a mime demon that really hadn’t done anything to her. Except she’d let that thing loose in the sewer, and, no matter what Kaden said, that was still on her as much as it was on him. This whole mime business was fucking cursed, and people were getting hurt because of it. Nadia figured that getting rid of the thing in the alley and the restaurant would be a step in the right direction. Hopefully. She got out of the truck and decided to wait against the back for Alain, Kaden, Felix, and Luce. Fuck, she hoped she didn’t get anyone killed with this thing.
Alain had parked his car far enough from the mime restaurant. The last thing he wanted was to damage his car because of mimes. Sure, this would not be directly their fault, but when did this stop him from blaming them ? The handle of the sword was peaking out of the dufflebag as he stepped out of the car, although considering the hour and the current darkness, he would not have to worry about it at all. He took a moment to take a deep breath. Things would soon get stressful, and heated, and he wanted to appreciate the calm and quiet before it all began. He was a bit early anyway, so why not enjoy that ? Approaching the restaurant, his gaze was drawn toward a truck parked on the sidewalk. He had already seen it at the garage, although back then, it was his employee who had taken care of it. Still, he knew who it belonged to, and he raised his hand to greet Nadia.
Kaden wasn’t sure blowing up a mime restaurant was the best laid plan after that disaster with the cardboard cut out but fuck if he couldn’t use a pick me up after the last few weeks. If that restaurant was going to be destroyed, he was going to be there with front row fucking tickets. He still wasn’t sure what help he’d be to Nadia in this endeavor but that didn’t mean he didn’t come prepared. Guns, knives, holy water. Look, if something like that fucking smoke demon happened again, he was ready. He saw her and Alain around back and headed over, watching his back to make sure no one was following him. He knew damn well he couldn’t trust his hearing with this brand of monster. Kaden was a little surprised to see Alain there but he didn’t mind. And again, the smoke demon shit came to mind. If that was only a small taste of the kind of fuckery that could go down here, they’d want at least two hunters. “So what’s the plan?” he asked. “Are we waiting on anyone else?”
Few things in the world could compare to the smell of dynamite and gunpowder. The only one that might come close would be the ruins of what once was a mime restaurant. Felix sure as heck hoped so as he made his way downtown through the shadows. Maybe a license would be worth looking into but that could come later. The potential for crime had him skipping by fast, more than eager to see a mime place vanish off the face of the earth. He pulled himself out of the dark a block away from where Nadia suggested they meet. Her first crime! That he knew about! Exciting, thrilling. A real adventure hour! He adjusted his tie and straightened out the sleeves of his jacket before he waved to the crew she had assembled. Kaden, the other guy with the face. “Looks like this might be part two to that birthday gig of yours, huh?” He grinned at Kaden before he shifted to look at Nadia. “You excited? Because I sure am.”
When Nadia had brought up the idea of blowing up the mime restaurant, Luce had mostly been joking about doing something like that. And about her pyrotechnic ability-- sure, she knew how to make a molotov, knew how to throw together a pretty basic napalm with acetone and styrofoam. Which, she’d packed up in the backpack that was slung over her shoulder. She’d parked her large 4x4 in an alley a quick run from the mime restaurant. Close enough to be easy to get to, far enough to probably keep people from thinking she had anything to do with the upcoming act of arson. As she neared Yours, Mime, and Ours, Luce’s expression turned to a slight scowl as she took in the small gathering. It was a fucking sausage fest of dudes who she really didn’t care to know about her magical predisposition. “I’m guess we’re gathered here today to fuck some shit up?” She asked, with a wry grin before tilting her head at Kaden. “Birthday Boy out for some revenge? I thought you were a cop, dude.”
Grinning nervously as the last of them showed up, Nadia looked at the group of people around her. Emotions practically radiated off of Kaden, Alain, and Luce, and she could still feel Felix’s excitement, muted as it was. She decided to focus on him, remembering the advice she’d been given that nonhumans were just a bit easier to deal with than humans. She opened up her trunk, first grabbing a pack of bullets for a .50 ae pistol. She tossed them to Kaden. “Happy birthday, though it’s late.” Then she grabbed the explosive she’d managed to put together following a couple of tutorials online. This was the second attempt; the first hadn’t failed catastrophically when she took it out of town to test, but she definitely put a dent in a small field and had to run from an angry farmer with a shotgun yelling about hooligans playing with firecrackers. She’d also figured out that she fucking hated electrical work. But it should work. “I’m, uh, nervous. But this is definitely going to blow something up.” Hopefully none of them. “So, I was thinking we trap that fucker in the alley? Block off one of the entrances, force it to the other end, and boom. Blow it and the building up.”
Alain's eyes went from Felix to Kaden. Raising his eyebrows, the hunter breathed out heavily and took a few steps back to look at the restaurant's menu. Well this was even worse than he thought. Selling crème brulée like it was a luxurious dessert was a crime in itself. When he glanced back at the group, he noticed something in Nadia's hands. Since he had never used explosives, he was not fond of being anywhere near them, although if it had not exploded yet, it was safe, right ? "Are you sure you don't want us to shorten the ends of the fella before we blow things up ?" Yes, he should have been clearer and said that he wanted to cut the hands, feet and head of the fucker to be sure, but that wouldn't have sounded right. "Anyone have an idea on how to block one entrance ?" He looked at the other hunter and shrugged. "We could prevent that thing from going anywhere, I guess?"
“Let’s hope this isn’t part two. No one needs that. And yeah, I am. Kind of. I can’t make arrests, it’s fine.” Kaden hoped that was true. Maybe he should have worn a hat. Or some kind of disguise. Just in case. Too late now. Still, of course both Felix and Luce had to remind him of the single worst birthday party that may have ever existed. He shot them both a glance, but took the bullets from Nadia and shoved them in his back pocket. “Thanks, I’ll be sure to put them to good use.” He took one look at the explosive and knew he wanted nothing to do with that. He was much more comfortable with the task of blocking off that fucking mime moster and hopefully shooting it in the face. That said, he was pretty sure any bullets would bounce off or its head would grow back; it seemed like the type. The satisfaction would be nice, though. Kaden took a look around down the alley and saw a few shipping boxes, a dumpster, there was enough random crap. “That. Come on,” he said to Alain, pointing at the big dumpsters. They worked together to move them down the end of the alleyway, then grabbing whatever boxes and trash he could find. The boxes were a little odd, who left their shipping outside in the alley? And they were.. Moving? Nah, he was imagining it. When they were done, it wasn’t a beautiful barricade but it should make just about anything pause. “We’ll keep post at the other end. Try not to blow us all up,” he told the demolition crew as he and the other hunter waited at the alley for this shit to go down.
“I just want you all to know that this might just make my entire year. What a gift!” The fae’s eyes practically lit up at the sight of homemade dynamite. The plan was all well and good. Just a simple trapping and a couple of boom-booms. Heck, did that take Felix back and he steepled his hands together. If a streetlight glinted off his glasses at an opportune moment, he didn’t notice. He had brought his own supplies. Slow-burning wicks, his own brand of explosives, lighter, a small snub-nosed source of firepower and a knife up every sleeve in case the mime thought about getting handsy with the merchandise again. He sure as hell hoped the mime did. Stealing a fella’s green was a capital offense. As he waited for the barricade to be built up, he could barely contain his anticipation and grinned as he looked over to Luce and Nadia. He glanced down to the explosives in Nadia’s hands and nodded. “How you wanting to smoke ‘em out? Throw a little something-something in the front and they gotta come out here,” he said, gesturing to the alley and the barricade before he leaned back to glance at the front. Glass looked weak enough. “Won’t have anywhere else to go, y’know? Give em the ol’ badabing badaboom.”
“Just as long as you don’t arrest me, I’m good.” Luce nodded at Kaden before watching as he and the other man headed down the alleyway, like some kinda sniper elite shit. She was pretty sure she recognized the old guy from the mechanic’s shop in town. Color her surprised to see him there. Which left her, Nadia, and Felix. A much more reasonable bunch that she’d be fine showing her true colors to. Opening her backpack, Luce held up one of the two molotov’s she had, the pouch of homemade napalm, and her handy dandy zippo lighter. “I’ve got supplies for day, plus a little secret weapon, if we need it.” She said with a grin. She was the secret weapon, of course. “You’ve kinda got a big old explosive there. Let’s not waste it-- we could draw them out with molotovs and then launch yours.” She said, gesturing to the stuff in Nadia’s hands. She’d have to ask her how she managed to rig up that crazy device. Holding one of the bottle aloft, Luce looked at the two. “You guys good with this?”
“I’m ready if you two are,” Nadia said. “We lure it to us and then bye-bye, fucker.” The three of them headed into the mouth of the alley. From there, Nadia could see Kaden and Alain blocking the other end. There was no sign of their friend the mime demon. Good. “I’m going to rig this to a wall,” Nadia murmured. “It’s timed, so when the thing gets close to us, we’ve got, like, fifteen seconds to get the hell out. We just need to make sure it doesn’t follow us.” She set it down, then took a molotov. “We need to get it here. And keep it here. It might try to escape with so many people around. But we need to get it here first.” Not wanting to waste time, she took a molotov, lit it, and threw it against one of the walls. Glass shattered, fire rained, and light filled the alley. She saw it, the creature, lurking in a corner, the light hitting its ghastly, expressionless face. Looking at it filled her with awful dread, and it only got worse as it scuttled towards the three of them slowly, on all fours.
"Feels like Mai 1968 all over again," he glanced over his shoulder at the barricade then back at the fire that was starting inside the restaurant. His hand clenched on his sword as he saw the creature approaching the three others, although something crawling up his back and on his head changed his priorities. Reaching for it with his free hand, his first instinct was to toss this thing away from here, but the thing was clinging to his hand. Okay, this is fine, he thought to himself, putting this thing as far as possible from his face to give it a look. 8 hairy legs, a dark abdomen and a striped thorax. Well he sure hoped that getting bitten by this thing wouldn't have the effect it did on spiderman because this Mime spider (because let's be honest, putain de bordel de merde, this was a fucking mime spider, wasn't it?) had just sank its mandibles into his hand and forced him into crushing the thing against the wall with his hand. And since good things never appeared alone, as Alain turned to warn Kaden about these, an army of more mime spiders appeared from the boxes. “Oh, putain,” he muttered to himself, crushing the next one underneath his boot.
So it wouldn’t just be a simple boom and leave kinda job, would it? Fine by Felix, his schedule for the day was fairly open. Plenty of time in the world to ruin a few mimes. When he laid eyes on the creature Nadia was talking to, he grinned with sharp teeth. The fucker had stolen his weed. Watching it burn alive would be a pleasure unknown before that very moment. “Oh fella, am I glad to see you,” he said to himself as he reached into his suit to grab a small piece of dynamite. He lit the wick and tossed it straight at the creature, who caught it with a swiftness that mildly alarmed. “Got something else for you to smoke, motherfucker.” The wick burned down to nothing and boom. The light from the flame licked against the fae’s triumphant expression. “Well huh, that was--” He stopped. The smoke fell and behind it, an expressionless, untouched face. An intact hand. Momentarily stunned, the only thing that brought Felix out of it was the feeling of something crawling on his leg. One of the spiders had made it down the alley. Outraged, he grabbed it and slid the knife out of his sleeve to stab it in the abdomen and twist. The small creature died with a whisper of oui. The fae brandished the knife as he backed up toward Nadia and Luce. “Well hot fucking dog.”
Kaden ducked a little and shielded his face with his arm as the explosion went off, just in case. Looking up to see that fucking place on fire was a beautiful sight. The sight of a fucking mime spider crawling on Alain’s face was less so. “Shit!” He fumbled and instinctively raised his gun at the thing (and the other hunter’s face). Right. Bad idea. He lowered it and realized he felt something crawling on his arm. His eyes shot down and saw one of those fuckers on him and even more by their feet. Putain. Were they wearing little berets? His brow furrowed a moment, then the thing jumped up towards him. Kaden yelped and flung it away. Fucking shit. He started stomping furiously, trying to squash as many of them as possible. He could have sworn small cries of “non” escaped with every crushed creepy stripey crawly. Cursed. A quick glance at Nadia and crew and saw they had a guest to this party. Fuck. He raised his gun to the beast waiting til it was in view and his colleagues were out of the way. Let out a breath. Aim. Fir— Fuck! A sharp pain hit his ankle, (and a whisper of “oui”). Fucking spider. The shot went wide. He didn’t take time to see where it hit, just slammed his heel down on the fucking spider and took another shot at the monster across the way. Hit. It had to have. But it looked like the bullet was… absorbed more than anything. The creature twitched and catorted it’s head, looking for its aggressor. It seemingly decided on the trio in front of it. Putain.
What a fucking mess. Nadia, not really knowing what to do and running out of options, reached in her jacket pocket and pulled out a handful of salt, throwing it at the creature that Kaden just shot. It was strange. The salt didn’t do a damn thing to the creature, but it did seem… stunned? Like it wasn’t expecting that. Just like she wasn’t expecting the mime spiders that were rapidly pouring out of the boxes. She crushed one under her boot, and then another. A softly whispered, “nooooon” filled her ear, and she shrieked and brushed at her shoulder, one of the fuckers falling to the ground for her to stomp on it. All the while, the mime monster was headed for her, Luce, and Felix. “Shit shit shit shit motherfucking shit,” Nadia said eloquently, wishing she’d packed her gun but, after seeing the fuck-all effect Kaden’s had, knowing it’d be useless. She needed to set up the big explosive, and they all needed to get out. While they could. “Cover me! Or get out! Or something! Shit!” Moving as quickly as she could to the restaurant wall, stepping on mime spiders (one cried out “baguette!” viciously as it’s final cry of revenge) and hoping the big one didn’t follow, she took the explosive and began rigging it to the side of the already burning restaurant. On fire was good. Destroyed was better. And maybe it’d take out that demon fucker and his spider fuck friends as well. At least, that’s what she fucking hoped.
Caught off guard by the horrific fucking mime spiders that were plaintifly saying random French words as they died, Luce hesitated at the shit show unfolding before her. What in the fucking shit was going on? But, before she could really process any of this, the large demonic mime thing whirled around and made its way towards her, Nadia, and Felix. Nose still smarting from her fight against the Fext, Luce knew she had to play smart this time. Grabbing the bottle of homegrown napalm she’d made, she chucked it at the horrible monster. Glass shattered, sending the sticky, clinging flammable fluid all over the thing’s body. With a quiet snap of her left hand, she summoned a small spark, igniting the giant mime monster. The monster roiled and she watched as it seemed to unbend, the black of where it’s stomach should be opening up to display a terrifying maw of jagged teeth. It snarled and stumbled around, smearing ignited napalm against the walls of the alleyway. It definitely wasn’t dead. “Ah fuck. How the fuck are you not dead?!” She said, backing away from the now flaming mime monster.
It was starting to become real apparent real fast that they were in something of a French pickle. A nervous energy compelled Felix to smile broadly in the face of black-and-white striped danger. In all his years, he had never seen mime spiders or whatever the heck the thing with the gaping maw was. White Crest really was the most cursed place on the planet. He couldn’t imagine being anywhere else! The creature contorted in a mass of limbs and a wide, gaping maw where a face shouldn’t be. Might as well have been a layer of hell the humans talked about sometimes. But it was a face of some kind and that meant that it had eyes most likely. Even if the dang thing defied most everything. He wasn’t keen on bringing out the lights in front of mostly strangers, but with all the fire and chaos, maybe it’d go unnoticed. “Well hell. Come on snake, let’s rattle.” As Luce stepped back, he gripped his glasses and slipped them down just enough to expose the bright, blinding beams of his eyes. Looked the striped, French devil in the eyes. The alleyway shifted underneath him and he stumbled back, barely getting his glasses back on. There was light all around him. There was too much fucking light. Was it daytime? When did it become daytime? He needed to go but the alley seemed to be turning, a colorless carnival tunnel that he couldn’t get footing on and he stumbled back. The knife fell out of his hand. The oui in his ears grew louder. He was in too much light and he felt too warm, like he was sitting in the sun. Nervous, what the fuck laughter bubbled out of him. Holy crepes, he might just die there.
The spider mimes kept coming, crying out "non" and whispering "hon, hon, hon," as they crawled up. "Oh no, absolutely not,” the hunter cried out ,throwing another one of these monsters into the flames that were starting to eat the restaurant. The spider squealed “omelette DU fromage,” but now may have not been the time to correct a spider’s poor knowledge of French grammar, especially after seeing Mr.MimeParties performing his best impression of fog headlights and falling right into the burning restaurant. “Putain de merde,” it was clear by now that the mime monster wouldn’t die, but that did not mean that Felix had to die instead. His sword dropped to the floor and shielding his face with his forearm, the hunter walked laboriously between flames and rubble. Even if that guy was definitely not human, he was helping them, and that meant something. Ripping away the spider, that had oui on repeat, clinging to Felix’s head, he put a hand under the man’s armpits and pulled him up against his chest. “Alright, let’s get you out of here, old sport.” Yeah, no, that was not going to do, Alain figured, as he decided to lift the man on his shoulder to carry him out of here. The smoke emanating from the building looking far from reassuring, and the threat of a roof collapsing on the both of them had Alain hurry out. “Any chance with our mime friend?” He called out as he put Felix down on his feet.
How in the fuck? Kaden watched as Luce lit the fucking mime demon on fire and it just. kept. Going. Like it was the energizer mime or some shit. That thought sent a chill down his spine. No, wait, that was another spider in a beret. He reached back and threw it off him. Alain had drug boy who seemed to be hypnotized, it was pretty clear Luce was ready to get the hell out of dodge, and so  was he. But Nadia was still there, rigging shit. And the monster was crawling towards her. Fuck. He rand over, shooting useless fucking rounds at the thing’s head in rapid succession. It did fuck all, as he suspected, but he hoped it bought Naida a few extra seconds. It reared back once more, exposing its teeth jutting out from its stomach. Shit, any moment it was going to come for him. He looked behind her towards the barricade. Another flood of spiders hissing “hon hon hon” were coming. They couldn’t stay there. “Nadia! Come on, let’s go!” he shouted as he looked back at her, hoping she was ready so they could get the hell out of there. Hell, in three seconds if she wasn’t ready he didn’t care, he was going to drag her out of there his damn self. He wasn’t letting anyone die by mime. Not today.
Luce was too busy running away from the shitty napalmed-assed mime fuck to really notice what the fuck was going on with Felix. But, when she saw the alleyway illuminated in strange light, the man fall backwards, and his glasses fall back in place, she frowned. What in the-- A tiny “Pomme de terre,” rang out near her ear and she felt something skittering across her back. Shuddering, she reached behind her and grabbed the awful little mime spider off her and stared at it as it tried to bite and claw at her face. What in the fucking shit. Curling her hand around the mime spider, she let the flames burn through her hand, igniting the mime spider. The spider shrieked in French pain and she hucked it across the alley at the giant mouth-stomach shit. “Fuck you and your shitty kids!” She yelled at the creature before turning around and bolting. She sprinted out of the alleyway, past Nadia, past Kaden, past all of them. She wasn’t about to be stuck here while this place went up in smoke. And she sure as shit wasn’t going to be dying here.
Stressed and interchangeably cursing in English and Spanish, Nadia finally got the piece of shit bomb she’d created hooked up and turned on. “Thirty seconds!” she said, and she grabbed Kaden so that the two of them could get the hell out of Dodge. Mime spiders trailed after them, crunching and ouiing under their feet, but the big one, with its horrible abdominal maw, stayed behind, despite the tick-tick-tick coming from right next to it. As she looked back, she stumbled, positive that the damn thing was smiling, before she righted herself and kept going. Everyone had just made it out of the alley when the restaurant exploded. See, here’s the thing about homemade bombs: you never knew what kind of outcome you were going to get. But Nadia had fucking stuffed that thing with black powder and just about any other explosive material she could get her hands on in a small number of days, and apparently the wall she’d placed the thing on was near the kitchen because when everything went boom, everything went boom. Stripes flew through the air, a baguette rocketed through the sky, and mime spiders rained like confetti. Nadia felt like screaming. Instead, eyes widely and shellshocked, she whispered, “Holy fucking shit.”
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veronica-nardi · 4 years
Mr Sunshine Commento
Da dove cominciare? Non mi sono preparata una scaletta per scrivere questo commento, non ho nemmeno pensato a cosa scrivere, e ora che ho finito la serie e mi ritrovo a dover buttar giù una sorta di recensione, mi trovo in difficoltà. A volte quando finisco una serie, o magari quando la visione è ancora in corso, faccio mente locale e in linea di massima so già cosa voglio dire.
Ma Mr Sunshine mi complica la vita.
Ho voluto vedere questa serie perché è un drama storico, e perché vedendo il trailer pareva una produzione interessante.
E la prima cosa che voglio dire di Mr Sunshine è proprio questa: la spettacolarità. Sin dal primo episodio mi sono trovata davanti quella che sembra una produzione hollywoodiana, e per l'ennesima volta ai coreani posso solo inchinarmi e fare un applauso.
Fotografia, costumi, trucco, scenografie (ho particolarmente amato il Glory Hotel) montaggio, colonna sonora, regia. A livello tecnico è una bomba, ha l'aria di un kolossal e non ho davvero nulla da dire.
Unico difettuccio la sceneggiatura: spesso ho trovato i dialoghi poco chiari. A volte i personaggi parlano come se fossero dei filosofi, per metafore o frasi altisonanti, e in più di un'occasione mi sono chiesta "sì ok, ma cosa vuol dire?"
Mr Sunshine è una serie particolare. Sono abituata a vedere drama con personaggi asiatici, cibi asiatici, scenografie asiatiche ecc. Quindi è stato strano, e anche bello, vedere mescolate insieme le tre grandi culture protagoniste di questa serie: quella coreana, quella americana e quella giapponese.
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Mi è piaciuto molto come all'inizio ci venga mostrata la differenza di mentalità tra America e Corea: la prima portatrice di progresso e cambiamenti (la pasticceria francese, le luci, il treno ecc), e la seconda ancora profondamente ancorata ai propri valori e tradizioni secolari. È stato uno spunto di riflessione interessante.
E per quanto riguarda la parte giapponese, qui è dove la serie è caduta maggiormente a mio parere. Le ultime sei puntate circa della serie si possono riassumere in questo modo: i giapponesi sono tutti stronzi e cattivi, mentre i coreani sono tutti degli eroi pronti a morire e sacrificarsi per il proprio paese.
L'ho trovata una generalizzazione troppo profonda che mi dà non poco fastidio, semplicemente perché non è realistico.
Il Giappone che invade la Corea e impone il proprio dominio è Storia, ma questo non implica che TUTTI i giapponesi siano brutti e cattivi. Il fatto che il Giappone sia dalla parte del torto (parlo del governo) non significa che i soldati giapponesi debbano per forza essere dei pazzi scatenati, o dei mostri che compiono cattiverie solo per il gusto di farle.
Perché rappresentarli in questo modo?
Avrei trovato molto più interessante se mi fossi vista davanti un soldato o un comandante giapponese che deve invadere la Corea per ordine del suo Paese, ma nel farlo si sente in colpa e non agisce a cuor leggero. Giusto per dare uno spessore credibile alla controparte giapponese, e questo non mi avrebbe comunque impedito di fare il tifo per la Corea.
E ho trovato davvero troppo eroistici i membri dell'Armata Virtuosa. Va bene essere ribelli che lottano per il proprio paese e sono disposti a morire per l'indipendenza, ma qui parliamo di persone che non mollano mai, che se vengono catturati e torturati non si lasciano scappare una sola parola o un gemito di dolore. Ho quindi esultato quando nell'ultima puntata mi hanno regalato un tizio che tenta di fare la spia perché non ha più fiducia nella ribellione. Grazie Tizio Anonimo per avermi regalato due minuti di realismo.
Venendo ai cinque personaggi principali, mi sono piaciuti.
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La protagonista Ae Sin, strano ma vero, è quella che mi ha entusiasmato di meno. Non perché non sia un bel personaggio, ma semplicemente perché l'ho trovata un po' stereotipata e anche un po' troppo emancipata in alcuni punti.
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Eugene Choi è stato un buon protagonista. So già che non sarà il mio protagonista preferito dell'anno, ma non mi lamento. Ho trovato molto triste la sua storia, la sua evoluzione buona e coerente col percorso fatto durante la serie. Ci sarebbe altro da dire su di lui, ma sono curiosa di sapere cosa ne scriverà @dilebe06, che lo ha amato molto più di me. (La verità è che sono troppo pigra per analizzare per bene questo personaggio, quindi faccio la paracula XD).
Ma gli altri tre personaggi principali sono quelli che mi sono piaciuti di più.
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Il signorino Kim è stato la luce e la gioia di questa serie. Quello che sembrava un ragazzo superficiale e di poca sostanza, si è poi rivelato un personaggio molto profondo, simpatico, intelligente, coraggioso.
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Dong-mae conquista il premio come Personaggio Immortale della serie. Ho perso il conto di quante volte sarebbe dovuto morire e invece se la cavava anche combattendo contro una ventina di uomini. A parte questo, mi è piaciuto un sacco. Mi ha sempre fatto ridere quando camminava per strada con la mano sulla sciabola in puro stile badass, spaventando le persone con solo il suo passaggio.
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Kudo Hina è per me la vera eroina della serie, senza nulla togliere alla protagonista. Se devo scegliere un personaggio preferito, punto su di lei. Mi è piaciuta fin dalla prima volta in cui l'ho vista in scena. Furba, affascinante, coraggiosa, stronza, leale, elegante, è stata semplicemente meravigliosa. (Qui lo dico: sto combattendo da ieri sera per decidere se preferisco gli outfit di Kudo Hina o di Jang Man-wol di Hotel del Luna, sarà una guerra all'ultimo sangue XD).
Quello che mi è piaciuto di questi personaggi è che nonostante le differenze e i modi di fare diversi, alla fine si sono ritrovati a combattere l'uno a fianco dell'altro, ognuno a modo suo e con il proprio stile.
Per quanto riguarda le ship, sembra che questa serie abbia creato le storie d'amore in modi che ti facciano soffrire. La storia d'amore principale mi ha commossa più di una volta, ma devo anche ammettere che non mi è piaciuta molto come è stata gestita in certi passaggi, sopratutto c'è un momento che è stato davvero poco chiaro e mi sono chiesta dove avessero intenzione di andare i due protagonisti e come stessero gestendo la loro relazione. In generale, è stata una buona storia d'amore, con tanta tristezza e angst negli episodi finali, ma giuro che i sorrisi dei due innamorati sono stati la cosa più bella per me.
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Nonostante Dong-mae abbia passato il 90% della sua esistenza a pensare alla protagonista, io l'ho sempre shippato con Kudo Hina perché li vedevo molto in sintonia. Il rapporto tra questi due mi è piaciuto un sacco.
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Come si fa a non adorarli?
Tre uomini che partono odiandosi perché innamorati della stessa donna, per poi finire best friends che si aiutano a vicenda e bevono insieme al bar. Mi hanno sempre fatto morire dal ridere tutte le loro minacce e promesse di morte, mai andata a buon fine perché in fondo uniti per proteggere l'amata contesa.
È stata una bromance a tre davvero bellissima, una delle più riuscite dell'anno (ma nessuno potrà mai battere Ha-Seon e il suo Primo Ministro ❤).
Per quanto riguarda i personaggi secondari, voglio menzionare in particolar modo il consigliere Lee, che è stato un po' il Baelish della situazione, un uomo scaltro e intelligente che agisce in modo discutibile per il bene superiore; l'imperatore della Corea, che mi ha fatto davvero molta tenerezza vederlo letteralmente abbandonato da tutti e costretto a scendere a patti con i giapponesi per il bene del suo popolo. Mi è poi piaciuto molto il rapporto tra lui e l'artigliere Jang, un uomo arrabbiato con il suo re perché credeva che avesse abbandonato il suo popolo, per poi ricredersi quando vede che le cose stanno in maniera diversa.
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Menzione speciale per Kyle, l'amico di Eugene, che mi ha strappato un sacco di sorrisi perché sembrava un turista in vacanza in Corea XD.
Riguardo i villain, qui devo bocciare la serie. Non c'è stato un solo villain carismatico, interessante, complesso, sfaccettato. I due villain principali sono stati semplicemente due personaggi antipatici e cattivi senza un briciolo di spessore, e la cosa non mi è piaciuta per niente.
Mr Sunshine è in sostanza un inno alla Corea e a quello che hanno subito per decenni quando le altre nazioni si contendevano questo piccolo ma forte paese come fossero avvoltoi.
Per quanto riguarda il finale, senza fare spoiler posso dire solo una cosa: è un'ecatombe. Emozionante, struggente, triste, straziante, forte, speranzoso, potente. Lacrime assicurate, mi ha spezzato il cuore.
@dilebe06 prossimo drama ASSOLUTAMENTE COMMEDIA EH.
Non è una serie di cui farei un rewatch perché su 24 puntate per 18 non succede niente, la vera azione arriva solamente negli ultimi episodi, e sinceramente i primi 18 episodi potevano essere ridotti a 10-12.
Consigliata? Sì.
Voto: 7.8
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aes iasip seasons (tag yourself)
s1: 00’s trends that were actually kinda cute, the colour pink, grinding in a club, dirty alleyways, waking up at 9am, leafy avenues
s2: coffee and juice from corner stores, going out for lunch, tattered american flags, rebelling against your parents, vhs tapes
s3: nickels and dimes, losing touch with reality, if your friends jumped off a cliff would you?, face paint, silver guns, tracksuits
s4: finally getting rid of writer’s block, walkie talkies, days off work, Best Friends, your room at night, the freedom you feel when you go outside in just a t shirt for the first time after a long winter
s5: soft and slow kissing, chicken soup on a cold winters day, maurice (1987), staying home and watching sitcoms, the colour yellow
s6: denial, the institution of marriage, awareness of your physical form, duct tape, silver jewellery, first and last kisses
s7: religious fervor, giant supermarkets, beer on tap, hawaiian shirts, driving a few hours out of town, rushed bathroom sex
s8: the matrix reloaded (2003), the exhiliration of everybody laughing at a joke you told, horror movies that used to scare you when you were younger but don’t anymore, milk, wooden dining chairs
s9: hand lotion, fruity alcoholic drinks, lightbulbs, daydreaming about somebody who’s right next to you, white shirts
s10: hands brushing against each other, parks in springtime, markers, muddy riverbanks, being alone with yourself, stickers on fruit in grocery stores
s11: reckoning with your god, daytime tv, bringing snacks with you places, free t shirts and pens, the feeling of really knowing somebody and having them know you also
s12: bottled up emotions, crayons, taking your meds, home movies, navy blue, songs that remind you of old crushes
s13: piss, it smells like thai food in here have you guys been fucking, men get pegged, disillusionment, freedom, catholic guilt
thank u to luce @floralmac for helping me w these !!
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