thenxghtwemet · 4 years
The spymaster took pride in seeing what others could not. His was an observant eye and an intrinsic instinct, one he had instilled into each of his spies. But there was nothing subtle or nuanced about the events that unfolded. The pain afflicted to the Night Court’s lord spurred bloodshed. There was nothing sensible or thoughtful about it. Instead, it was the anger that simmered beneath the surface, coaxed out by a speck of a human looking to make their mark. His breathe barely caught as the fight began, slowly and then all at once. His companion for the evening, rushing away from his side. Calliope was as dutiful to the Spring as he, and her ability to heal would support Kuzey and his troops well. Noel pushes aside the concern, instead following the sights to the defenseless residents of Avalon City. The nobility would have their support and their power. But the spectators and competitors, some of whom had never seen battle, would surely need help.
While Noel wasn’t much of a swordsman, his training under James’ tutelage allowed him to hold his own. His movement was slower, as he dove into the belly of the beast, but precise and thoughtful. A great number of innocents appeared lost, simply wishing to avoid the fray. He attempted to shepherd a good few out of the line of fire, but the sound of a distinct scream stops him cold. His chest tightened, as a hardened expression turned towards the sound. It was Calliope. Even from afar, the color of her blue and purple dress was unmistakable. As was the sound, so terrible in its wake. Noel moves to the fray, avoiding the combative swings of Spring’s enemies. The memorobilia of the Spring Court, doing little to disguise his allegiance. His heart pounds as he finds his way through, stopping just short of Calliope as he watched a glaze in her eyes. Lost and entrapped, in something he could not understand. Yet his eyes look past hers, as he spots it -- the unmistakable blood and the curb of her leg. “Calliope,” he whispers at first, before dropping to is knees as he grasped her shoulders. “Calliope!”
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fatedfvllen · 3 years
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the autumn court / a court of pumkins & bros
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,   And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;      To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells   With a sweet kernel; to set budding more ...
             -To Autumn, J, Keats
{ @sangue-e-luce / @wickedgxmes​ / @lepinedoree / @gvldntrbl / @ocean-eyesahq }
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astralishq · 4 years
Here’s Calliope and Idalis ❤️
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follow calliope and idalis!
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gardensheir · 4 years
( @lepinedoree​ * /  𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 )
Her world is an isolated dream; Astralis’ very own hidden Arcadia that is considered by most to be its’ crown jewel. It is Rosaline’s task alone to preserve the beauty and safety of the Garden for the future of her kind just as her predecessors had done, and because of that cardinal responsibility, it is not within her right to travel as freely as her subjects. The world around her little Eden schemes for power and without the aid of her strategically placed thorns, she would forever remain oblivious to the designs of the power hungry elite that wish to see their rule extended across Astralis. For that fact alone, the Queen’s thorns are arguably the most precious to her—for without them she would be blind and at risk of being yet another rose to be plucked from the field. They feed her the secrets and the on goings of the other courts which waters her petals and from their efforts, a stronger, more capable leader emerges. Rosaline is nothing without them.
A watchful gaze takes in all that lives within her domain, the field of blossoming poppies and fresh baby’s breath facing her and bending in the breeze as if to greet her highness as she floats elegantly above their fragile petals. It’s not unlike Rosaline to survey the land, to watch over her budding nymphs as each of them grows into the full-fledged women that they’re destined to become, but this evening she only does so briefly before being interrupted by one of her thorns. Flittering wings descend the sacred Queen of Roses onto the warm blades of grass below her feet deftly and with inborn elegance as Idalis closes the distance between Rosaline and herself. There must be news as it has been many moons since Rosaline last laid eyes on Idalis’ sweet face. For the sake of the Queen’s limited patience, she prays that it is light news and nothing that will incur a headache.
“Idalis, my sweet and prickly rose. Tell me, what is it that the world is keeping from me, hm?” Her voice isn’t very loud but it seems to echo through everything. Angelic, clear and endearing. Reaching over, she gently severs a peony from the bush beside her and inhales its sweet and intoxicating fragrance before positioning it into Idalis’ dark locks. “I should hope that nothing too unsavory has come to pass.”
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theartofruling · 4 years
Jacen + Idalis 
Jacen had been sitting with Idalis before everything kicked off. He leaned over his shoulder nudging her playfully as they’d sat in comfortable silence for a moment. “I can’t believe that you aren’t out here competing with me. You seem like a force to be reckoned with. I bet you could take me down out there,” he teased. “Though I hope I can count on you to cheer me on. These trials are going to be interesting.” Jacen had competed before, and while he’d never gotten all the way through the maze years prior, he was determined this time. “I plan to push through no matter what. My goal isn’t to be the fastest. I just want to for myself prove that I can get through the maze completely without quitting.” 
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wickedgxmes · 4 years
“Okay... now I am very glad we chose to sit this one out,” Aida let out a nervous giggle, wincing slightly as she watched one of the faes in the Trials of Oberon be snatched up be a Chimera and tossed out of the arena unceremoniously. As much as she adored catching up with her sister, she couldn’t help, but feel a bit bad for the contestants as they were tossed around like rag dolls while her and her fellow nymph wandered peacefully around the stands eating hors d'oeuvres from passing trays and passing bets back and forth as to who they thought might make it the farthest. “Do you think he’s okay? That griffin threw him pretty far.”
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mncmosyne · 4 years
Despite the tragedy that now loomed over autumn, and the fear that seemed to grip at everyone’s throats from the murder, there was still work that needed to be done. There were still treaties in place and trades to be made, and Matthew could not linger on his guilt as he accompanied a delegation of traders to garden, him and a few select guards shadowing some important cargo. It was simple enough, and the risks weren’t too grand, but he was still very much on edge... which seemed to have dulled his senses, for while he was walking the grounds of garden, eyes to the sky and mind perhaps in the clouds, a force knocked him off his feet and to the ground, the wind knocked out of him, hand immediately wrapping around the other, hand moving to grasp at his knife only to realize that it was a garden nymph. 
“Holy fuck, watch where you’re going!” He wheezed, hands immediately moving to trap both her wrists behind her back just in case she was any sort of threat. “What the fuck are you doing?” It would be much more intimidating had he been not lying on his back, still very much out of breath. 
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covrtofnightmares · 4 years
( HENRYK &&. CALLIOPE ) + @lepinedoree
Henryk loved these types of events. It was a feeling, he supposed, could be same for most (if not all) of the warrior fae who were in attendance this week. The Highwinds Tournament was a beloved event among the creatures who had been bred and honed for fighting, and more often than not, Henryk watched referees and organizers for these events pit the warrior fae against one another, if only so the competition would be as neat and even as possible in terms of hand-to-hand combat. Still, as a representative of the Spring Court and War General to their people, Henryk was eager to prove his worth and endurance to any who dared to challenge him. Plus, it would take his mind off of the infuriating and uncomfortable situation between his mate and his best friend. It had been three months since Henryk and Tatiana had confessed their love to each other under the moonlight, and they were no closer to figuring out how to navigate this strange relationship with Ares than they’d been the frantic night of their passionate declarations.
Fifty years, he’d waited for her. And now his best friend was alive, awake, and well, and his mother and father had returned. Henryk was beside himself with joy at the return of Faun and James, but also sick with grief at the idea that his world as he knew it could fall apart at any moment. He felt a mixture of emotions: grief, anger, resentment with himself. Channeling his unresolved issues into physical combat was one of the many reasons Henryk was eager to fight in this week-long event. And when he made his way up to the Trials of Oberon, as he was certain he was guaranteed to do, he would make hell for the other competitors. Even those he might have considered friends.
Presently, the War General had just  finished annilihating a fae from a foreign court in displays of hand-to-hand combat, and though his muscles were a bit sore after hours of fighting different contestants, Henryk took his victory in stride, grinning as he grabbed a canteen of water and sucked it dry before peering into the crowds for a sign of any friendly face.
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astralisgossip · 4 years
first idalis, then mahina and guinevere- who will jacen ever choose?
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to gear up for the next season of The Bachelor! It’s like Naked and Afraid, except everyone’s horny.”
( @theartofruling / @ocean-eyesahq / @lepinedoree / @wickedgxmes )
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bvggcds · 4 years
@lepinedoree​ | Jane + Calliope
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Jane had been hiding since the wedding. She remembered being told that Fae were dangerous and violent. In the glittering world of the wedding, that had seemed impossible and then there was a murder and she suddenly didn’t feel safe, even in Ares’ court where she knew she could be protected. So Jane was hiding and had found her way into a room full of planets. Distantly she was aware that it was Calliope’s room but she hoped the Duchess wouldn’t mind if she sulked in here a while.
Magic was everywhere and while it didn’t feel threatening, Jane was struggling to let herself relax into it. She liked to feel of magic usually. It awaken something insider her that was buried deep. Jane sat next to a large flowering bush and held a book open in her lap but couldn’t be bothered to read it. She dropped the book the moment she heard footsteps and stood up, watching the Duchess approach. “My Lady, I didn’t realize you would be coming by here today. I was just looking for a quiet place to read.”
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gvldntrbl · 3 years
Ceyla + Geneva @lepinedoree​
“Ceyla,” The high fae sang the young healer’s name as she approached. Already in a good mood, Geneva offered the other fae a bit of a spin as she neared, a genuine grin on her features. She was happy to see Ceyla. “There you are!” Some time had passed since Geneva last saw her. Hell, even more time before that, since the designer was last in spring court. But today, she hoped to change that. The high fae didn’t plan on relocating to Ceyla’s home court, no matter how beautiful. But she did wish to spend more time with her good friend. Lastly, with the daunting reminder from the resistance’s attack on all back at autumn court, Geneva was reminded abruptly how short time truly was. And so, on her way back home to dawn, she stopped by to see Ceyla.
“You’re making that face again. All-” She stopped, dark brows lowering on her forehead as she jokingly mimicked Ceyla’s expression. “Looking adorably astute as always.” Geneva complimented. “Let me guess.” A light brown finger raised to gently tap at her chin in mock thought before continuing. “You’re trying to cure another mysterious illness? Or solve a new healer’s treatment riddle?” Blue eyes narrowed playfully as they met Ceyla’s own. “Am I even close to guessing correctly?” In all truth, Geneva doubted that she was. But she was okay with that. The fae enjoyed not knowing everything. She liked to encounter her world with a hint of mystery and a curious heart. It made things interesting. “I come with an inquiry. How would you like to accompany to the Golden City soon? I have a business meeting there and would love for you to join me. We’ll be safe.” Geneva cast a glance behind herself, at the new shadows she’d grown as protection. They came courtesy of the duke of night court - her newly discovered father. She pointed the two fae out to Ceyla. One was a warrior, clearly defined by their wings, and the other was high fae, their own wings glamoured away. “I promise. So, what do you say? I can and will pout until you agree. Forewarning you now.”
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thenxghtwemet · 4 years
It was everything he imagined the Duchy’s home to be. A sun-soaked, expansive estate with intricate greenery that could rival the Deerling’s epitome of an English garden. There’s a meditative calm, being so far away from Avalon City and the hardships that lingered within the palace walls. It was not easy coming back from Highwinds Glen. The terror and brutality that ensued, ridding them of great men and women alike. The turbulent few weeks, only reinforcing the political unrest. And yet, somehow, there was nothing but a macabre silence between the courts. A silent understanding that the events were too gruesome, to sully with politicking and the like.
There was hesitance in accompanying Calliope to her estate. The plan was made long before the chaos, and he felt compelled to remain in the palace. But truly, what could he do? It would be unwise to release his spies into rival courts, after all that occurred. Not to mention, an act of disrespect. All Noel could do, was bid his time and help Calliope on her journey. The travel took a day’s time, with the first two days filled with uneventful tasks. It was calming, to simply be. And yet, there was a tension that hung heavily in the air. The matter of their kiss, when the world was going to proverbial hell, left unaddressed. Of course, they still spoke; about the books they were reading, matters of the estate, and even about the friends that remained in the palace.
But not once, about what had transpired. It was late into his third evening at the estate, and sleep was out of reach. He wasn’t a fae of the Night Court, yet he always took to the evening. There was a comfortable solace to it. The spymaster left the guest bedroom, wearing his sleep shirt and trousers, as he turned into the drawing. A roaring fire, not yet snuffed, and the glasses of wine they had sipped on prior to adjourning to bed. He pauses, promptly, as he hears the gentle footsteps coming from behind him. The perfume and oils hit his nose, and he can sense Calliope lingering at the door. “I thought I’d find something to read. Can’t sleep, I’m afraid.”
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chaoticdrkness · 3 years
Exploring Cloverwood forest alone might not have been Ali’s greatest idea, especially seeing as he was still adjusting to his new life in the realm of Astrails. However, there was not much purpose to his day. No training for the soldiers, no meetings with his father, the day was all his to do whatever he pleased. Astrails was beautiful, Ali could not deny that. He was lost within the beautiful greenery, the small creatures (although he was warned that dragons could appear along with other dangers), everything seemed peaceful for a few moments before he heard the scream for help.
“Fuck.” he muttered. There was no time to think, everything happened quicker than Ali could have imagined. Flying to where the sound came from instantly, it was all a blur after that. Ali was strong, his warrior genes kicking in and it all went by quicker than he thought. One moment the woman was cornered by a human, most likely a member of the resistance and the next even though he had injured the mortal man he had managed to escape.
“Are you alright?” Ali asked, breathless as he pushed his hair back. “Are you hurt? Shall I take you to a healer? Did they do anything to you?” The questions came back to back before Ali paused to breathe. This was unlike his normal calm nature, then again, rescuing a damsel in distress was not usually part of his daily routine.
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lupusrcx · 4 years
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He wasn’t pleased. When he’d instructed Theo to escort his darling Arielle to the Beaumont-Wren wedding, it was because he wanted her watched over and taken care of by a member of his Inner Circle---not a mere bodyguard of questionable origins. It was meant to be his baby sister’s first ever venture out into the cavernous mountains of the Night Court, after all, he hadn’t wanted to leave anything to chance. Ares himself was planning on being exceptionally busy as the evening went on, there was no better opportunity to fetch the ear of Autumn’s High Lord while instructing Apollo to do the same with Day, and that meant that Arielle likely would have been left unattended if not for his careful, last minute decision to assign Theo as her date.
But he supposed that left Carter Blackthorn without a job for the evening, Ares had honestly assumed that the bloke would stay home and take the night off---heaven only knew that Arielle was constantly running him ragged anyway. But instead, here he was, wearing a floral suit that was honestly quite impressive and with none other than Calliope Bisset on his arm.
Fascinating. Was there something going on between the two of them then? He would have hoped that his sister’s trusted bodyguard would have been focusing on his sworn duty and nothing else, but good help was just so fucking hard to find these days, wasn’t it?
“Lady Bisset.” Ares’s tone was clipped and to the point as he swept away from Tatiana, promising that he’d return shortly as he placed an affectionate kiss to her cherubic cheek, now he was approaching Calliope, who was nothing short of striking in her ensemble, and he levelled her with an impassive, unreadable expression---she’d find no answers on his marble-carved visage tonight. “You seem to be enjoying yourself. Did my sister assist you with your choice of outfit tonight?” He nodded curtly towards the truly wondrous gown she was wearing, as well as the golden crown placed upon her sleek dark hair---it suited her more than he could say. “It seems as if she had quite the say in at least half of my court’s appearances tonight, I just find myself wishing that I had been as equally informed on the evening’s events as you lot have planned them.” 
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voxdaemonica · 3 years
@lepinedoree​ (Tidus & Idalis)
There was an influx of guests at the Coral Palace that morning. With the Summer Court sitting relatively safe compared to several of the other Courts in Astralis, all manner of visitors had been flooding the royal estate looking to appeal to the High Lady, it seemed. Artists from Night, merchants from Autumn (which Tidus had to admit was a bold move to make), and any number of minor lords and ladies in between swarmed the halls swathed in their finest attires and bearing the kinds of gifts worth more than his year’s salary. 
The sudden influx of strangers meant that Tidus was busy juggling two roles that day, keeping an eye peeled for potential threats against the High Lady’s life and ensuring that these delegations were well-attended. There was, apparently, some sort of advantage to be gained by currying favours among the nobility, even if the High Lady wouldn’t deem them worthy of her attention. He didn’t entirely understand what the point was, but then again, it wasn’t really his job to worry about the little details. All he really cared about was making sure the heart-stopping nymph who had waltzed through the palace doors was happy with their hospitality.
“My apologies, Miss. Her Grace is entertaining a full room at the moment, so I’m afraid you’ll have to wait to seek an audience with her.” Much to his credit, he had managed to stick to the script that he was given without getting tongue-tied. “But as a sign of goodwill, I’ve been instructed to see to it that you’re satisfied with your stay here.” Tidus smiled broadly, his stance relaxing now that the formalities were essentially out of the way. “So, my lady, how would you best like to be entertained? A walk in the garden? Tea by the pavillion? I also know my way around a deck of cards if you want to see some human magic tricks. What would please you?” 
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theartofruling · 4 years
Jacen + Idalis 
Jacen had been nervously excited about spending a few days with Idalis. He had made sure he had food of substance in his home, and made sure that it was clean. He had his dragon, Teddy had had a long talk about making her feel welcome in their home. Though he knew the baby dragon had a mind of his own most of the time. It was probably embarrassing how nervous he was, going over in his mind all the worst case scenarios on repeat. He knew that his nerves would actually calm the moment he had the opportunity to see her. She had that affect on him and he couldn’t for the life of him explain why. 
It was almost as if Teddy was picking up on his anxious mood. The dragon hyperactively climbing on him as he for the third time arranged everything, and did an inspection to make certain that his house was in fact in order, save for the little hyperactive beast that was vying for his attention at the moment. He took a moment to pet him before he sent the dragon back on the floor. He was getting ready to meet Idalis at the Garden to take a stroll back to his home. He certainly wasn’t going to let her come out here through the woods alone. 
The pair made their way to the Garden to meet up with Idalis. When he laid eyes on her a grin crossed his features for a moment. “Damn. You are positively breathtaking and I am positively lucky that you’ll be doing me the honor of spending time with me.” Jacen leaned in to kiss her cheek. He took her hand in his. “Shall we?” he asked. “My little partner in crime Theodore, I call him Teddy, he’s acting as my guard dragon,” he joked. “Even though he certainly can’t even breathe fire yet.” 
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