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This post is for the mentally ill and ND people who do harmful things. Those who struggle with anger, aggression, and violence. Those who are manipulative, who do and say things that hurt people. Those who do all these things and more - who don't get why it's harmful due to havig no empathy, sympathy, compassion, remorse, etc.
Doing things that are wrong doesn't make you any less deserving of a good, safe, and fulfilling life. It doesn't make you a monster. It doesn't mean you deserve pain or discrimination. It doesn't mean you deserve to be alone, ostracized, and discarded. It doesn't make your existence wrong.
You're still here with the rest of us. You still have needs, wants, and rights. Some of the things you do may not be good or excusable, but you are a whole person. You are a whole person, and you deserve better. And I hope you get that someday, whatever it means to you.
#softspoonie#disabled#disability#madpunk#mad punk#neurodivergency#actually neurodivergent#neurodivergent#low empathy#no empathy#aempathy#aempathetic#anger issues#bpd#hpd#aspd#npd#cluster b#cluster b pd#mental illness#mentally ill#mental health#disabled rights#disability rights#autistic#autistic spectrum#adhd#autism spectrum#schizospec#schizophrenia
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Hi! Could you make a indepth alterpack of zombie miku? With slot of transids nd xenos? If u can!
NAMES: Hatsune Miku, 初音ミク, to differentiate from regular Miku, rot also goes by Mikue or Mei
AGE: deathstuck teen
PRONOUNS: she/her, xe/xem, it/its, rot/rots, zom/zoms, luv/luvs
GENDERS: zombiegirl, decaydollzombic, corpsegender, cutezombigoran, femdead, deadgirlcoric, musirotlove, zombigirlia, aiwarix, girlvirtual, loveadored, moinsfem, femhopeless, sickcute, deathkiss, twistute, gendercutup, lovesickthing, fascimorsanguic
SEXUALITY: quoisexual bi lesbian
SOURCE: Vocaloid
SPECIES: digital zombie
ROLE: buffer, obsessor
TRANSIDS: zombiage, transstalker, transsevSHscars, nullorgan, transstitchedupbody, nullemotion, aempathy, nullveins, transzomblove, transnoempathy, nullhormones, nullDNA, nullsleep, nullbrain, diahumanfleshaddict, transidol, transadored, transdissector, transrabid, transtamed, transNPD, transheartpupil, transheartless, transdecaying, permarotting, lovedead, permalovesickhigh, transerotomania, transifectilove, heartbeatabled, ampugambae, transboxcutterdeath
CISIDS: gray skin, teal hair, pink eyes, zombie, undead, stitched, semiverbal, BPD, depression, CFS, arthritis, lovesick, quiet, gloomy, morbid, obsessive
PARAS: haemotophile (🩸), emapihtophile (🫀), thanatophile (⚱️), odaxelagniac (🦖), lyssophile (🩸🦝), metephile (🥩), autonecrophile, necrophagniac, anthropophagist, dermatosiophile, gamophile, anophelorastiac
#clndstn.zip#build a headmate#build an alter#bah#baa#rq 🌈🍓#rqc🌈🍓#pro rq 🌈🍓#transid#rq safe#rq#rqc#pro rq#alter packs#headmate packs#transplural
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Aeach Aeager Aeagle Aear Aeared Aearl Aearly Aearn Aearnest Aearnings Aears Aearshot Aearth Aearthbound Aearthly Aearthquake Aearthy Aease Aeasel Aeasily Aeast Aeastern Aeastward Aeasy Aeat Aeaten Aeatery Aeath Aeating Aeats Aeau Aeaux Aeave Aeaves Aebb Aebbs Aebon Aebony Aeccentric Aeche Aechelon Aecho Aecht Aeclat Aeclectic Aeclipse Aecology Aeconomic Aeconomical Aeconomics Aeconomist Aeconomy Aecosystem Aecotourism Aecru Aecstasy Aecstatic Aecu Aecumenical Aecus Aeczema Aed Aeddo Aeddy Aedema Aedge Aedger Aedging Aedgy Aedh Aedhs Aedible Aedict Aedifice Aedify Aedit Aeditable Aedition Aeditor Aeditorial Aeditorship Aeds Aeducate Aeducated Aeducation Aeducator Aeduce Aeek Aeel Aeels Aeerie Aeery Aef Aeff Aeffect Aeffective Aeffectuate Aeffeminate Aefficacy Aefficiency Aefficient Aeffigy Aeffluent Aeffort Aeffortless Aeffs Aefs Aeft Aefts Aegad Aegal Aeger Aegg Aeggar Aegger Aeggplant Aegis Aego Aegocentric Aegoism Aegress Aegret Aeh Aeider Aeidos Aeigenvalue Aeight Aeighteen Aeighteenth Aeighth Aeights Aeighty Aeither Aeject Aejection Aeke Ael Aelaborate Aelan Aeland Aelapse Aelastic Aelasticity Aelate Aelated Aelbow Aeld Aelder Aelderly Aeldest Aelds Aelect Aelection Aelective Aelectoral Aelectorate Aelectric Aelectro Aelectrode Aelectron Aelectronic Aelegance Aelegant Aelegy Aelement Aelemental Aelementary Aelephant Aelevate Aelevated Aelevation Aelevator Aeleven Aeleventh Aelf Aelfin Aelhi Aelicit Aelide Aeligible Aeliminate Aelite Aelitism Aelixir Aelk Aelks Aell Aells Aelm Aelms Aelmy Aelongation Aelope Aeloquence Aeloquent Aels Aelse Aelsewhere Aelucidate Aelude Aelusive Aelute Aelves Aem Aemanate Aembankment Aembargo Aembark Aembarrass Aembassy Aembattled Aembed Aember Aemblem Aemblematic Aembodiment Aembody Aembrace Aembroidery Aembryo Aembryology Aembryonic Aemcee Aeme Aemend Aemerald Aemerge Aemergence Aemergency
Aemergent Aemerging Aemeritus Aemery Aemes Aemeu Aemic Aemigrate Aeminence Aeminent Aemir Aemission Aemit Aemmer Aemmet Aemmy Aemote Aemotion Aemotional Aemotive Aempathetic Aempathy Aemperor Aemphasis Aemphasize Aemphatic Aempire Aempirical Aempiricism Aemploy Aemployee Aemployment Aemporium Aempower Aempress Aempty Aems Aemu Aemulate Aemulation Aemulsion Aemus Aemyd Aen Aenable Aenact Aenactment Aenamel Aencampment Aenchanting Aenclave Aenclose Aenclosure Aencode Aencompass Aencore Aencounter Aencourage Aencrypt Aencyclical Aend Aendanger Aendear Aendearing Aendearment Aendeavor Aendeavour Aendemic Aending Aendless Aendocrine Aendogenous Aendorse Aendow Aendowment Aendpoint Aends Aendurance Aendure Aenduring Aenema Aenemy Aenergetic Aenergy Aenforce Aeng Aengage Aengaged Aengagement Aengaging Aengender Aengine Aengineer Aengraving Aengrossing Aengs Aengulf Aenhance Aenigma Aenigmatic Aenjoin Aenjoy Aenjoyment Aenlarge Aenlighten Aenlist Aenlisted Aenliven Aenmity Aennui Aenoki Aenol Aenormity Aenormous Aenough Aenow Aenquire Aenquiry Aenrich Aenrichment Aenroll Aenrollment Aens Aensemble Aensign Aensue Aensure Aentail Aenter Aenteric Aenterprise Aentertain Aenthusiasm Aenthusiast Aentice Aentire Aentirely Aentirety Aentitle Aentity Aentomology Aentourage Aentrance Aentrant Aentree Aentropy Aentrust Aentry Aenuf Aenure Aenvelope Aenviable Aenvious Aenviro Aenviron Aenvirons Aenvisage Aenvision Aenvoi Aenvoy Aenvy Aenzyme Aeon Aeons Aeosin Aepact Aepee Aepha Aephemeral Aepic Aepicenter Aepidemic Aepilepsy Aepilogue Aepiphany Aepiscopal Aepiscopate Aepisode Aepisodic Aepistolary Aepitaph Aepithelium Aepithet Aepitome Aepoch Aepode Aepos Aepoxy Aepsilon Aequal Aequality Aequanimity Aequate Aequation Aequator Aequatorial
Aequestrian Aequine Aequip Aequipment Aequitable Aequity Aequivalent Aequivocal Aer Aera Aeradicate Aeras Aerase Aeraser Aerasure Aerbium Aere Aerect Aerectile Aerection Aerg Aergo Aergonomics Aergot Aergs Aerica Aern Aerne Aerns Aerode Aeros Aerosion Aerotic Aerr Aerrand Aerrant Aerratic Aerroneous Aerror Aerrs Aers Aersatz Aerst Aerstwhile Aerudite Aerupt Aeruption Aes Aescalate Aescape Aescarpment Aeschew Aescort Aescrow Aeses Aesker Aesne Aesophagus Aesoteric Aespecially Aespionage Aespouse Aesprit Aespy Aesquire Aess Aessay Aessence Aessential Aestablish Aestate Aesteem Aester Aesthetic Aestimate Aestimation Aestop Aestradiol Aestrogen Aestuary Aet Aeta Aetas Aetch Aetching Aeternal Aeternity Aeth Aethanol Aether Aethereal Aethic Aethical Aethnic Aethnicity Aethos Aeths Aethyl Aethylene Aetic Aetiology Aetiquette Aetna Aetude Aetui Aeucalyptus Aeulogy Aeuphoria Aeureka Aeuro Aeuthanasia Aevacuate Aevacuation Aevade Aevaluate Aevanescent Aevangelism Aevangelist Aevangelize Aevaporate Aevasion Aevasive Aeve Aeven Aevenhanded Aevening Aevent Aeventful Aeventual Aeventually Aever Aevergreen Aevert Aevery Aeverybody Aeveryday Aeveryone Aeveryplace Aeverything Aeverywhere Aeves Aevict Aevidence Aevident Aevidential Aevidently Aevil Aevocation Aevocative Aevoke Aevolution Aevolve Aewe Aewer Aewes Aex Aexacerbate Aexact Aexacting Aexactitude Aexactly Aexaggerate Aexalt Aexaltation Aexalted Aexam Aexamine Aexample Aexcavation Aexceed Aexceeding Aexcel Aexcellence Aexcellent Aexcept Aexception Aexcerpt Aexcess Aexcessive Aexchange Aexchequer Aexcimer Aexcise Aexcitation Aexcite Aexcited Aexcitement Aexciting Aexclude Aexclusion Aexclusive Aexcretion Aexcursion Aexcuse Aexec Aexecute Aexecution Aexecutive Aexecutor Aexed Aexemplar Aexemplary Aexemplify Aexempt Aexemption Aexercise Aexert Aexertion Aexes Aexhale Aexhaust Aexhaustion Aexhaustive Aexhibit Aexhibition Aexile Aexist Aexistence Aexistent Aexit
Aexodus Aexogenous Aexon Aexorbitant Aexothermic Aexotic Aexpand Aexpanse Aexpansion Aexpansive Aexpat Aexpatriate Aexpect Aexpectancy Aexpectant Aexpediency Aexpedient Aexpedite Aexpedition Aexpel Aexpend Aexpendable Aexpense Aexpensive Aexperience Aexperiment Aexpert Aexpertise Aexpiration Aexpiratory Aexpire Aexpiry Aexplain Aexplicable Aexplicit Aexplode Aexploit Aexplore Aexplorer Aexplosion Aexplosive Aexpo Aexponent Aexport Aexpose Aexposition Aexposure Aexpress Aexpression Aexpressive Aexpressly Aexpressway Aexpulsion Aexquisite Aextant Aextend Aextended Aextender Aextensible Aextension Aextensive Aextent Aexterior Aexternal Aextinct Aextinction Aextinguish Aextol Aextort Aextortion Aextra Aextract Aextraction Aextractive Aextramural Aextraneous Aextranet Aextreme Aextremist Aextremity Aextrusion Aexuberance Aexuberant Aexude Aexult Aexultation Aeyas Aeye Aeyeball Aeyebrow Aeyed Aeyelid Aeyen Aeyer Aeyes Aeyesight Aeyesore Aeyewear Aeyewitness Aeyne Aeyra Aeyre Aeyrie Aeyry
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“ you can stay as long as you’d like, ” audrey reassures without being asked, preparing one of the guest rooms for the stranger; it was already half made-up, all of them were. you never knew when lost souls might wander in, for a night or two, for a month or two, for as long as they needed, the sanctuary would provide safe haven. “ there are only two rules: don’t grab anything from the cauldron without asking me, i will not reverse the effects of the potion for at least twenty-four hours if you do, ” tone started off serious, though by the end, the smile shone through her tone, “ and you must give me a name. it does not need to be yours, but it must be real. ”
witchy starter call. ☾ @aempathie
#aempathie#☾ interactions. _________ ⋆˚ *・༓ very much in control of herself.#☾ elysian kingdom. _________ ⋆˚ *・༓ you should've come to me sooner.#hope this works!
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“ halt! yes, you there, young lady! ” snapping his fingers, he forgets for a second that he is not at court, expecting that a courtier will grab the cloaked-woman and bring her to him. “ oh, forget it. ” throwing his cloak over one shoulder, he crosses the meadow to catch up to her. “ haven’t i seen you before? ”
@aempathie • elysian sc.
#aempathie#snw spoilers#⟨ interactions. _________ ⋆˚ i was expecting a red thing.#⟨ the lord chamberlain. _________ ⋆˚ all hail the king.
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@aempathie ASKED, ❝ 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒓𝒂𝒘, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒊 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒊𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕. ❞ / 𝒏𝒂𝒅𝒋𝒂 𝒕𝒐 𝒘𝒆𝒅𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒅𝒂𝒚
𝐖𝐄𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘’𝐒 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐆𝐋𝐀𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐂𝐇 𝐀 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇. nadja understood her completely, understood how she felt about feeding off of the mortals⸺how blood, how sweet, && how power inducing it tended to be in the right mood, in the right state of mind, with the right amount of hunger. devour them, drain them dry, laugh while they squirm && beg for their life ! too far? wednesday never really minded not sparing them . . of course it depending on her 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓭 && if she was feeling charitable that night or not. ❝ you couldn’t have put it more perfectly, nadja. ❞ speaks the woman feeling the blood drying against corners of her mouth && on her hands. blots of it stain her shirt, an annoyance but not the worst of them. ; closing the door to nadja’s home, wednesday follows behind the woman: ❝ what do you enjoy most? the way they squirm or when they plead you for 𝙼𝙴𝚁𝙲𝚈? ❞ a mercy wednesday is sure nadja isn’t inclined to grant them. although the two woman hadn’t known each other long . . wednesday could see her becoming good friends with her. it’s not often you find a vampire as like minded as yourself.
#aempathie#muse: wednesday addams#vampire gf's#vampire besties <3#i saw youd been wanting to write nadja more or have interactions w her#so i decided to post this instead of queueing it xx
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@aempathie said “do you have a minute to talk ?” from deanna troi !
oh, she'd rather not. truly, deeply, in every way that matters. half-blood has learnt many lessons as she grew up - a child of three worlds, yet belonging to none at the same time. ( how hard she works to be useful: a brilliant mind, too quick, eyes too sharp for the softness slips out between the cracks of her defences. ) people are better at a distance - far enough they may allow brunette to play whatever role others require without the attention needed to truly be known.
curiosity towards the other doesn’t even out the risk, nor does it make the swallowing of all the would-be replies that claw their way to maeve’s throat. ❝ of course. ❞ easy politeness, indistinctive warmth as peridot gaze only briefly attempts to find a way up from screen simple nails continue tapping upon. ❝ how can I be of service? or should I be concerned my presence has unsettled enough people you wanted to check for yourself I’m not up to anything menacing? ❞
questioning minds starters | accepting
#aempathie#𝗙𝗜𝗟𝗘: // answered asks#𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥 𝗧𝗥𝗘𝗞: // tomorrow we disappear into the unknown#𝗢𝗢𝗖: // maeve please#𝗢𝗢𝗖: // now isn't the time for your dry humour#𝗢𝗢𝗖: // i'm sorry it's the only defence mechanism she has#𝗢𝗢𝗖: // deanna terrifies her to some extent and that's beyond funny to me
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“ don’t tell me he asked you to check up on me. ” it wouldn’t be surprising. in fact, it is exactly what she would expect. let other people take care of the problems, the great picard doesn’t have time for that. the thought is a bitter one and she refuses to be bitter about that man right now. “ as you can see, i’m perfectly fine. no need for counselling. ” it doesn’t take an empath to know that this is so far from the truth. raffi’s never been a subtle person; she doesn’t hide her emotions, she doesn’t hide her struggles, she is so openly human. / @aempathie
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the two of them are alike — yuna can’t explain it, can’t tell if there’s a hum in the air that gives her the feeling, but something told her she was probably looking at another demigod. she wasn’t sure if she should’ve been glad; it was nice to see one of her own alive and ( presumably ) well, although she didn’t exactly want to be in close proximity to any other mythological beings except for her guardian. demigods could be found as easily apart as they were together but it just seemed... safer if they were apart. running the risk of encountering another god or goddess out for blood aside from nemesis was not on any of her schedules.
but maybe her gut feeling about the other girl was wrong. “hey, sorry, i know the isles are labelled alphabetically and all, but i was wondering if there might be a separate one for medical books specifically?” the cadence of her voice displays no worry, despite herself. for a moment, yuna wonders if she felt it, too.
@aempathie - for eleonora ! starter call.
#aempathie#( hi !! hope this works friend#i know nora's p.jo based but i did#set this in yuna's lore so just let me know#if i should change anything ! )#interactions : y. yukimori
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so many things happening all at once, kestra hardly has time to process it. she’s helping as best as she can, even though it is limited. in theory, she has many skills; learned from her parents, the woods, the people she’s met. and yet, many of them aren’t exactly skills she has ever practiced for real. she knows how to fight, but the reality of it looks different. it’s frustrating. in her frantic attempt get out of the situation, kestra doesn’t even notice she gets hurt while tumbling down the slope. only when she takes a moment to sit down, catching her breath, she notices the stinging pain on her right shoulder and a quick glance tells her this is looking bad.
“ mom? ” her voice sounds almost strange to herself, too quiet, too careful. but she knows her mother will freak out, and the last thing she wants is for her to worry. pressing a hand to the wound, she bites the inside of her cheek a little too hard as she approaches the older woman. “ don’t freak out. please. i’m sorry. ” pain eventually catches up with her and she cannot fight off the few stray tears that make it down her cheek. great. this is not at all as planned. deanna is by her side quicker than she liked and kestra feels guilty. “ it’s okay … everything’s going to be alright, ” her mother ( @aempathie ) tries to assure her and she knows it takes her a lot to remain so calm right now.
“ i was running down the hillside and my foot got stuck. i tumbled down. ” she is almost embarrassed to admit it. for someone who spends most of her time in the woods she should have known better. she should have been more careful. well, she’s paying for it now. “ it’s … it’s not that bad, promise. it just stings. a lot. ”
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aempathy is not bad, evil, etc. and hyperempathy is not some extra-good form of empathy. all experiences with empathy (or lack thereof) are morally neutral, and none of them are inherently harmful or helpful (sometimes they're neither). it all varies from person to person, from situation to situation.
and even if mortality somehow were linked to empathy, or the people involved are genuinely doing harm... those people still don't deserve ableism/sanism. they deserve support and resources to live a healthier, happier life - not just for others' sake, but for their own, too.
are you noticing a theme here? the morality of individuals is not a measure of whether oppression is okay or not.
#softspoonie#empathy#hyperempathy#aempathy#neurodivergent#sanism#ableism#morality#madpunk#low empathy#high empathy
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“ well i am a very human man. “ he muses, smiling at her gently. will wonders if @aempathie would look just as beautiful under the artificial light of a starship. yes, she would. it’s not the beauty of betazed making his heart race and his hands clammy. it’s deanna troi. though, the perks of such a planet are numerous, even without his present company. as he settles against her, head laying against her lap, it felt like there wasn’t a care in the universe. her hand is moving through his head, keeping him just barely from the edges of unconsciousness. “ imzadi... “ he starts, reaching over to press his palm against the back of her free hand. sometimes he plays with the word in his mouth, saying it over and over just because he could.
will understands the meaning of the term better now, as she had explained things to him further. betazoids have a spiritual and mental connection with those that they love as well as a physical ( at least in their case. ) it was more than what humans felt. imzadi meant the first one to experience these with. he felt honored to be the first to take deanna troi’s heart. “ and to think that i prepared all of this just to fall asleep on you. “ he grinned softly, gesturing to the blanket under them and the basket next to her, still packed with the lunch he had prepared for them. how was it possible to love someone as much as he loved her, right now?
#A PARTNERED DANCE ; BUT OUT OF TIME. ( will ; deanna / aempathie. )#aempathie#MAYBE I'M JUST AFRAID OF THE BIG CHAIR? ( will ; answered. )
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it’s no secret that kira nerys despises the starfleet frivolities of diplomacy. the collar of her dress uniform had been suffocating but she prevails. taking the station’s visitor onto the first steps of the promenade, she casts her gaze @aempathie with a smile —— a twinge of amusement. it doesn’t take an empath to know that the major’s entertained by her own thoughts. thus one brain lofts, words hang at the tip of her tongue before she finally speaks.
“ i’m ... i’m sure ambassador troi — your mother — must’ve told you a few things about her visits to the station. ” nerys attempts to stifle a laugh, more out of embarrassment than amusement. “ so ... where do you wanna go first, counsellor? ”
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Okay, so maybe Han was right, and this wasn’t the best idea in the world. The closer he gets to @aempathie, the more he can feel darkness and sorrow creeping in on every part of his mind, shadow swallowing the light. It’s suffocating, too hot and too cold all at once, but it’s accompanied by an odd sense of clarity and focus. This is a righteous darkness, a righteous anger, purposeful and pointed, but underneath the calm exterior there is still so much hurt, so much pain.
He doesn’t feel fear, not as such, only sorrow for this woman and all that she has endured.
“Darth Empatia,” he calls out, knowing she is here somewhere. “My name is Luke Skywalker. I’m not here to hurt you, I come unarmed. I just wanted to tell you... I’m sorry. I’m sorry for your loss. Nobody should have to suffer like that.”
He turns around, holding the container higher so she could see. He’s not entirely sure of where she stands, as the physical and emotional shadows present obscure her in both ways.
“I brought you some food-- stew, ahrisa, haroun bread, some fruit and cookies. It isn’t much, I’m not a very good cook, but I thought we could eat and talk, if you wanted. My sister and I lost a lot thanks to the Empire, but we always had each other. It must be very difficult all alone, but you don’t have to be. Not anymore.”
#ic.#luke skywalker [muse.]#dynamic [deanna troi.]#aempathie#[ooc] approximately 25 million years late#[ooc] have a boy!!!#[ooc] he really did pack a whole picnic to take to a sith lord huh...#[ooc] just because he doesn't want her to be alone...#[ooc] l.ei.a helped bake the cookies#[ooc] also i have no idea when this takes place#[ooc] maybe post rotj?? but i play so fast and loose with canon i have no idea??#[ooc] anyways i am rambling now but!!#[ooc] let me know if this is okay!!!
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“the forest is very discerning,” she’s perched on a tree branch, peering down at ( @aempathie ), “i always warn those who step inside that she’ll sense what’s in their heart and react accordingly. take that as you wish,”
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“ i'm here for you. “
Hugh nodded, distant. Hugh. Not Third of Five. Hugh. He had two hands in front of him, one that was his since his birth, since he was held (he assumed) by biological family members for the few short months he was able to live with them. One was screwed to the bones in his upper arm and shoulder, its tubes and wires snaking through the meat of his arm, added to him when his right arm was torn off of him.
It was only now he could really understand the horror of what happened to him. He slowly met her gaze. “... I... Lost everything. Didn’t I?”
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