#aemond is a morally gray character
bohemian-nights · 10 months
I love that in your Arilī fic Aemond actually meant to kill Luke. There was no pussyfooting around. Because Aemond not meaning to kill Luke doesn’t make sense.
Thank you so much☺️ I really don’t know why the show changed that up(the treatments show that they were going to keep in line with book canon, but somewhere either during or post production they changed it 🫠).
Aemond wanted Luke’s eye by any means necessary. Yes it’s brutal, cruel, and it’s definitely not a shinning moment for Aemond, but the loss of that eye(and the the fact that the Strong Boys never received any sort of punishment for it) shapes who he is.
It was something he could not just let go and no one chases down their younger nephew on his tiny dragon in the middle of a storm and thinks Gee this is going to end swell. Luke will lie still while I take out his eye and then we all can all go on our merry way😆
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wcrriorhearts · 2 years
If they turn Luke’s cruel death into an accident on Monday as rumored, I swear to God, I will riot if they don’t do the same with cheese & blood. If you decide to make one character more amicable by erasing his worst and most senseless kill, then do it for the other character as well! Luke’s death was uncalled for, so was the assassination of Helaena’s kids. Don’t paint one monster a saint and the other a sinner
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bl00dlight · 6 months
I'll never understand pro green aemond girls on this app. Calling him uwu baby girl who did nothing wrong and is a soft baby who needs mummy's milk type shit. Come on now.... this MAN...THIS MALE SPECIMEN would slice and dice you into fine sashimi cuts and gobble your flesh raw if it meant him getting the crown. Aemond isn't some innocent baby who did nothing wrong, Aemond is like undoubtedly the least morally gray character in the dance, and he did EVERYTHING wrong. From start to finish, that boy didn't make a single good decision. In fact he purposefully made bad ones cause he felt like it. Reckless, stupid, needs to be put in a glass cell. He is the type to take candy from a baby and then stomp on the candy. Frrr I swear like, as a pro black aemond girl, I can safely safe, I need the man warts and all. I'll take him as he is, a war criminal with a raging cluster b personality disorder... yup officer that's him right there.... that's my man...
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lunarflux · 2 months
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"Have the indignities of your childhood not yet sufficiently been avenged?"
This damn quote from the teaser... I'm waiting on bated breath to know the rest of it. Mostly because when you hold onto anger over something others are unaware of, that can fester into something beyond your control until even you can't fathom your own reasons. At the time, yes, they made sense. As you get older, your resolve to defend your reasons weakens because time has picked away at your anger and life gave you more to worry about and be angry over.
Ask anyone who was wronged when they were under the age of 25, they fucking remember everything. It might not influence my actions, but it sure as hell serves as a reason for why I act the way I do. I can also acknowledge that if given the opportunity back then, I would have reacted in an unpleasant way. Now, I couldn't care less, but I'm still very aware of the "indignities" of my childhood.
Someone on Tiktok commented "It's getting harder to defend Aemond" and my immediate thought (and this is a personal one, not one that's a reflection of Aemond fans as a whole) is that I truthfully do not defend him. Luke's death? Yeah, hated that. Aemond's satisfaction after Rhaenys and Aegon? Yeah, SUPER dark. I don't defend Aemond. The part that I'm hung up on is that most, if not all, of these character developments could have been easily avoided, and as viewers, we clearly see where everything went wrong. I could scream at my TV for hours because of this.
Aemond's psychology is fascinating, and Ewan Mitchell openly said that Aemond has gone from morally gray to complete darkness. Daemon is the same - the only difference is the side they chose to stay loyal to, and ultimately, they're more loyal to themselves than anything else. The point of a morally gray character is that they're lawful neutrals - their mindset would not change regardless of the side they're on. The difference here is that now we wait to see if the gray characters finally lose any sense of a moral compass and omit reason.
I love morally gray characters and villains because they have a logical reason for basically anything, and it makes it difficult to argue. The man can be considered a full-blown villain now. I don't defend him, but I sure as hell haven't lost any reasons for him to be my favorite character.
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
I Want My Life Back (Aemond x Reader)
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As you guys have realised I adore writing morally gray moments and subtle scenes of endearment between the reader and the character so I hope you like it as well
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Rhaenyra was furious, she had lost so much so fast, gave birth to a stillborn, her father was dead, Aegon was crowned king by Alicents command and now her daughter was nowhere to be found, what could she have done when Otto came to Dragonstone with “civil conditions” in order to negotiate but to also announce that her beloved daughter, her precious (y/n) was in Harrenhal with prince Aemond.
“You killed my daughter and now you dare to kidnap my dearest (y/n)?!”
“Nobody took your daughter princess, Aemond and (y/n) eloped”
“You expect me to believe that? My (y/n) would never do this”
“She is her mother's daughter, as you were forbidden by your father to marry Daemon she was also kept away from Aemond, no blood need be spilled, your daughter can create new lineage for the Targaryens, let us unite in harmony again”
“By harmony you mean we bow down to the drunkard bitch that you call king? (Y/n) is probably in some dungeon begging for mercy and you dare to indicate she went willingly? Let me make something clear to you Otto, if I need to kill someone, best believe I am going for Aemond first”
Daemon threatened in a hissed tone while he stood next to Rhaenyra, her hands formed fists from anger and agony, (y/n) was her only daughter, little raven-haired beauty with eyes at the color of the wooden tree she liked to rest under on the summer days in their garden, this was a calculated move from Aemond so Rhaenyras hand will be forced into violence… and he had succeeded.
“My daughter is not a broodmare, she is a princess, I will not allow you to force into squeezing Aemonds children just so you can have leverage over me. We are done here”
There was no way for Rhaenyra to predict this, she scattered her brain that night unable to sleep for glimpses of intimacy between Aemond and (y/n), (y/n) was a sweet girl and Aemond was a brooding prude that blamed his shortcomings on her sons, there was no way (y/n) could have fallen for him.
But (y/n) did, Rhaenyra might not remember though Rhaenyra was unable to see their hands intertwining under the table or how (y/n) looked at Aemond while at the training grounds, nor was she aware of the raven scrolls that were exchanged between them all these years, (y/n) was apprised of the consequences of her actions, she expected her mother to be livid, demanding her to come back home, she predicted everything apart of her grandsires death and the greens scheming.
“We must go back, my mother will listen to me, we can explain”
“My dear I always found your naive nature adorable besides this moment, Rhaenyra will ask for my head the moment she glances upon us”
“Then I shall go alone, Aemond your brother usurped her, if we declare for her perhaps Alicent will soften and bend the knee”
“That cannot happen, it is too dangerous, Daemon will throw me in the cells of dragonstone, is that what you want? To be kept away from me?”
Aemond reached for his lover's hands and brought them up to let them rest on his chest while he gawked deeply into her eyes with a pleasing look, the raven that was sent to them by Aemonds grandsire Otto should have been burned, foolishly he let her know of the events from Kings Landing, (y/n) was overcome by grief for Viserys even though it was Aemonds father.
Aemond was worried for the future with his intentions, not for kings or queens, they could kill each other for all he cared, in fact, what a bright idea would it be to see his lovely (y/n) wearing a crown while she stood by his side? A child or two next to them, the picture was rudely ripped from his imagination by (y/n) who paced around the room like a mad woman, whispering plans to go back, Aemond would rather eat dragon glass than see Rhaenyras face right now.
“No, of course not, Aemond, she is my mother”
“And my sister, my brother, my own mother, still I stand here by your side I do not whine and beg to run back to her”
“Whine? Is that what you think? That I’m simply homesick?”
“Truth be told I do not know what to think of you anymore”
“they need us”
“I need you, me! The one that came to your chambers and promised you a future as bright as the sun and children as many as the stars above, our families kept us from one another for so long I will not let them do it again”
Aemonds voice boomed through the room, (y/n) was left as still as a grain of salt, stiff as she lowered her gaze to the ground before she looked back up to him, fear and sadness written all over he faces, Aemonds deep breaths were the only thing you could hear at the same time that (y/n) was left with countless things to say, strangely she had seemed to lose her voice, no, he had taken it from her.
“I love you, Aemond, I love my family too”
“I am your new family and you better get that through your thick skull”
“You promised me that we would be happy”
“We will, once you give up those foolish ideas of going home”
“Aemond no, please”
She tried to run after him, instinctively she was sure of what was to come alas she was not fast enough, the door shut before her eyes and the sound of keys twisting was heard as she slid down the door to the ground.
Aemond stood on the other side, listening to her whimpering and (y/n) calling for him whilst she banged on the door in desperation, every fiber of his being was screaming to open the door, hug her, kiss her, give her everything her heart wishes, thought the fear of their families intervening and twisting their fate around until there was nothing left kept him from doing what his heart truly wanted.
“Please, I have never asked for much, keep her from hating me, in the Mother's name I pray”
Aemond had earned his piousness from his mother, the fear of the seven often sneaked into his consciousness making him beg for forgiveness for seeking the companion of (y/n) in a manner that was unbefitting his station, now he was left in his own devices to navigate his relationship and properly stir it to the safest route.
“Aemond, please, let me out”
Her voice cracked as her bangs on the door were becoming smaller, slowly giving up at the attempt to change his mind.
Aemond was the only man (y/n) ever wanted, she adored her mother as deep as bones so to run away with Aemond meant a lot, on the contrary (y/n) wanted to stand by her mothers' side, why must she choose between love and family?
Minutes passed, minutes turned to hours and (y/n) stayed on the cold floor while the sun said its goodbyes and was replaced by the moon, a serene night, sounds of nature filled her ears that usually calmed her, the wind passing through the leaves was melodic yet (y/n) felt like an empty shell of a person, weak from crying she dragged herself to her bed, she did not even try to take her clothes off, she just laid there, waiting for the sweet feeling of sleep to take her away, take her to her mother.
It was a pointless task, (y/n) could not just sleep like nothing has happened, besides, the bed was too cold for her liking, it was their second night away from home and they were spending it away since Aemond decided to lock her away like a child in punishment, safe to say that it wasn’t unraveling the way (y/n) had pictured it.
While (y/n) was dwelling over the bad turn of events a shuffling of keys in the lock forced her to raise from the bed and turn her attention towards the wooden door.
Aemonds voice was as light as a feather as he walked into the room, the candles snarfed out hours ago meant the only source of light came from outside which wasn’t that helpful, still as the moonlight laminated in the room Aemonds silver hair alerted her.
“You are being cruel”
“You mean everything to me”
“I want my life back”
“You chose to come with me”
“Not as your prisoner”
“Can you promise me that if I set you free you won’t try to run away?”
Silence, utter silence took over as (y/n) bit her bottom lip, Aemond waited patiently before a smirk appeared on his lips.
“I thought so”
“I still need you, intensely at that, my love for you is deeper than this, I just- do you understand why I am resisting?”
“I do, do you understand why I want us to stay away”
“Then what do you suggest?”
“Lay with me”
Her voice was meek and hoarse from crying almost until this moment until the tears dried up and the gagging from the sore throat became insufferable, her eyes swollen and red, Aemond hated seeing her like this, he wanted to claw himself and rip his skin to pieces for putting her through such emotional suffering.
He complied by taking off his jacket, then shoes and pants, slowly to not startle her he crawled into bed with her, his arms snaked around her and his one hand found her thick strands of hair while the other ran circles on her back, (y/n) took a deep inhale at the contact, his touch always had a strong influence over her, Aemond was (y/n)s milk of the poppy, addictive, sweet and numbing to point of delusions, a faint smile appeared from (y/n) as she nuzzled closer to him, her hands clung on to him for dear life.
Aemond was her prison, he held the keys to her freedom yet she wanted to stay, to love him, some would call it the stupidity of a young girl, the poets would say that the love had poisoned her blood and (y/n) was letting the snake bite her because of how sweet the kiss was.
“I will always be here for you”
“I know, I just wish things had been different”
“They will be”
“You don’t know that”
“I will do my best”
“That is still not good enough, I am sorry but it’s not, Aemond we could-“
“I will not breathe more life into the matters of our families, the people that kept us apart if you recall, I just want to enjoy your presence for one night”
(Y/n) only puffed out a breath of frustration, she hated to admit that he was right, going over it again and again would not sway him to her side of things whatsoever, if anything it angered Aemond to a bigger extent and that would make things worst for (y/n).
“Hopefully one day we can look back on this time period and laugh, your hair will be great and our grandchildren will run around us”
“That sounds like a wonderful future dearest”
“Do you think we can make it?”
“I don’t know”
He was honest as he stroked her head and she inhaled sharper to take in his scent, a scent that soothed her, a scent that reminded her of a time that they sneaked around the castle at the hour of the wolf in Aegons chambers while he was already out of the gates doing Gods know what.
“What I do know is that I will not stop until I create a haven, for you, and for our new family”
“Until we can open our gates to our families”
Aemond chose to bite back his tongue, it irritated him that she always found a way to bring them up, Aemond was certain that this rivalry for the throne would end in a bloodbath for both sides, nobody could tell with certainty that Rhaenyra or all the others would survive.
Of course, it left him anxious as well, his lovely sister, Heleana, his adoring mother, Alicent, his sweet brother, Daeron, and even the agitating Aegon who had his moments, he had to give it to him that Aegon was the only one that helped him keep his affair with (y/n) under wraps.
“We should rest, an important morrow awaits us”
“Will you help me pick out a dress?”
“I have already arranged a dress for you, did you think I was going to let my bewitching bride wear a simple gown?”
Requests are open!
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 3 months
“He needs a bit of love."
"He’s a broken boy, needs someone to fix him."
"Season 1, it was a rich show full of morally compromised gray characters."
"I wanted to present a character who, in those three episodes, that time in his life was just complete darkness.”
"Growing up, he never really felt that unconditional love."
"He had to find surrogates elsewhere. He sort of found it in his dragon, Vhagar, this older she-dragon, and he’s also found it with the madam."
"But whether or not it’s enough, if it’s a worthy enough surrogate, is questionable.”
"Ewan is such a great actor."
"He understands what he needs to do in order to portray Aemond."
When I spoke with him originally about the nudity, I said to him, — 'Let’s just go through the story. If you don’t feel comfortable being nude, then you’re not going to be nude.'
"We were both on the same page in that way."
"We started walking through, and he walked me through his character."
"One thing about directing that’s really important is to surrender to the actors, and the actors surrender. It’s a mutual surrendering."
"In this case, Ewan knew his character so well that I was listening to him and walking with him as we went through every episode before this."
"What we came to is that Aemond was hurt."
"He was bullied when he was little. Since he was hurt, he had created this persona that was the exact opposite of how he was feeling."
"He created the persona of a someone who is callous and has no regard for what others think of him."
"That shift, from someone who’s vulnerable to literally watching him put on his armor, was what we were going for in that scene."
"It’s one of the few times you see the young child in him and you see the pain in him."
"Slowly he starts putting on his armor and when he stands up, the fact that he doesn’t care that you see his penis is such a strong visceral shift."
"And so, of course, Ewan was like, 'I want to be fully nude in that moment. It’s important to me because that’s who my character is. That’s what he would do.' And that’s what we did."
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darklinaforever · 2 months
Having enjoyed characters who have committed their fair share of depraved shit, the reason why I don't like the Green kids isn't that they are evil but because they are just so unremarkable. It is not a mistake on GRRM's part because he excels in writing flawed characters.Be it those who appear good, the morally gray ones or those who are outright villains. F&B has characters who evoke strong feelings of repulsion and dread along with fascination; Alicent's children, however, don't count among them.
Aegon II: Lecherous, lazy hedonist who cares for none save himself and displays extreme cruelty. To be fair, he does commit some heinous acts of villainy but cannot stand as an impactful character on his own.
Compared to him, Aegon "the Unworthy" IV comes across as a terrifying and hateful villain who went overboard with screwing his own family for funsies. This is a character who disgusts me to the bone but I would also like to understand how his mind works.
Aemond "One Eye": Dollar store Maegor who exists to be the charismatic Daemon's foil. Except he has none of the force of a nature aura that Maegor possessed as a figure whose shadow haunted his family for ages.
Daeron: Commits war crimes and dies in a tent
I believe Alicent's children were always meant to not stand out because, at the end of the day, they are all meant to be extensions of her. They are manifestations of her greed and cruelty who leave a trail of destruction and tragedy in their wake. And it makes sense because Alicent is one of the only two genuinely interesting characters from Team Green in the book with the other being Larys. She is a fleshed out villain and the entirety of Team Green represent her fight for the throne against Rhaenyra and exist for that purpose. This is why none of her kids have distinct personalities for it just doesn't matter. Book!Alicent, mind you. Not the horrendous OC that bears her name on the show.
The Greens on the show, despite all the changes they made, aren't that extraordinary either but Aegon and Otto are fun to watch because of Tom and Rhys' talent. The fandom, however, adores an Aegon and Aemond who don't exist either in the book or show but only in their fanon interpretations.
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kckt88 · 7 months
The Picture of Aemond Targaryen - SNEAK PEEK!!
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The story of a young man who sells his soul for eternal youth and beauty.
Warning(s): Language, Drugs, Sin, Indulgence, Debauchery, Kissing, Smut – Fingering, Oral Sex (M & F Receiving), P in V.
Word Count: TBC
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
Aemond Targaryen stood before the mirror, his heart racing with a mix of excitement and trepidation.
He had made a vow in a moment of youthful folly, a vow whispered in jest, believing it would never come to pass. But now, as he gazed upon his reflection, he saw something both wondrous and horrifying.
His features were flawless, his skin smooth and unblemished, untouched by the ravages of time. His hair shone like molten silver, cascading perfectly around his shoulders.
Aemond gasped, unable to tear his eyes away from the visage staring back at him. It was as if he had been granted eternal youth and beauty, just as he had foolishly wished for so many years ago.
But then, his gaze drifted to the corner of the room where a portrait hung, concealed beneath a tattered cloth. With a sense of foreboding, he approached it, his heart heavy with dread. As he unveiled the painting, his breath caught in his throat.
There, staring back at him from the canvas, was not the image of youth and beauty he had seen in the mirror, but something twisted and grotesque.
His once proud features were now distorted almost beyond recognition, his skin stretched tight over bone as though pulled by unseen hands.
Deep, jagged lines etched across his face, the scar bisecting his left eye was elongated and festering.
His one blue eye, once filled with life and vitality, was now sunken and hollow, a singular pool of darkness that seemed to swallow the very light around it.
But it was the mouth that truly horrified those who dared to gaze upon the cursed canvas. Lips pulled back in a rictus grin, revealing rows of sharp, pointed teeth that gleamed in the dim light. It was a visage of madness, of unspeakable horror that seemed to seep from every brushstroke.
As Aemond stood before the cursed portrait, a chilling acceptance washed over him. He realized that there was no escaping his affliction, no undoing the bargain he had struck with the devil.
With a resigned sigh, he made a fateful decision – if he was to be condemned, then he would embrace his damnation with open arms.
Turning away from the painting, Aemond cast aside the last vestiges of his morality, surrendering himself to a life of sin and debauchery. He sought out every pleasure the world had to offer, indulging in excesses that would make even the most jaded of souls blanch.
He reveled in the company of courtesans and thieves, losing himself in the heady haze of wine and opium. He gambled away fortunes on games of chance, caring not for the consequences of his reckless abandon. His once noble demeanor crumbled away, replaced by a ruthless ambition fueled by his insatiable hunger for power and pleasure.
The people whispered of his descent into madness, of the dark shadow that seemed to cling to him wherever he went. But Aemond paid them no heed, for he had long since forsaken the opinions of others. He was a creature of his own making now, a slave to his basest desires.
And as the years passed, the cursed portrait grew ever more grotesque, mirroring the depths of his depravity with chilling accuracy. Yet Aemond welcomed its macabre reflection, for it served as a constant reminder of the price he had paid for his eternal youth and beauty.
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theridervhagar · 3 months
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"although i only appeared in a few episodes of the first season, i wanted to leave a deep impression on the viewers. the house of dragons is full of characters struggling with their own morals and in the gray zone. i, on the other hand, wanted to bring into this world a figure who is darkness itself, and this is already obvious from his first appearance. but i wasn't thinking in terms of a one-dimensional figure. my goal was to later challenge the image that the viewers first built for themselves of aemond. In the last episode, aemond kills his cousin lucerys riding on the back of his dragon, vhagar, and the last image you see of him shows that he immediately regrets what he did. the expression you see there is one of regret and guilt. in filming the second season, my goal was to develop these feelings more, so that the viewers could see the shadow side of aemond. feelings that you hide even from yourself. there's so much more beneath the surface of the heavy-handed, dark prince, and you'll see a lot of that in season two. you might even like prince aemond a little by the end"
— ewan mitchell
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tessarionbestgirl · 2 months
Aemond and Alicent are getting a lot of hate from TG now, mostly Aegon stans. I agree that the show did Aegon dirty, but same goes for Aemond and Alicent. Bad writing affects them, too. However, some people tend to twist the narrative to show Aegon as the only victim. What's your opinion on this? Does Aemond owe an unyielding loyalty to Aegon? Should Alicent support Aegon more?
I am glad someone ask me this because I have so many thoughts on this subject. So first about Aegon's characterization compared to the book, in the book Aegon goes from a hedonistic character to competent leader and someone that cares about his family to fast. What the show is trying to do in my opinion, is slow his progression, we may get see book Aegon, later, even spoilers going around suggest we may get Criston Cole Kingmaker speech to him after Rook Rest. What is always a important thing because is supposed to be a inverse parallel in arcs compared to Rhaenyra, she starts as the Realm's Delight and then become Maegor with tits.
The rape scene I think was necessary? No, do I think is ooc? Absolutely not. We had a 12 year old girl sucking his dick in the book. The children's fighting ring may have been to much and unnecessary, but is not as like the show as well didn't made Rhaenyra way more stupid compared to her book version by having white babies and trying to pass them as bastards from a black guy.
The show is always going to choose a change for a more dramatic effect, so Aemond betraying Aegon is way more interesting than he just being a loyal dog to him. And it have been set up for this. We have Aegon bullying his ass when they are child, even though for Aegon this was nothing serious, because Aegon lacks knowledge of boundaries, he is the guy that bullies his younger brother, the guy that he masturbates naked from his own bedroom window, he is the guy who rapes a girl because he was too drunk and then tries to brush off, to her mom the same way he tried to brush off the fact he bullied his brother, "it was nothing serious". So of course makes sense a drunk adult Aegon humiliate Aemond in such intimacy moment while none of this friends laugh.
Of course Aemond who has desire for power and reflects this in the same way that Daemon desires to be king, and he truly believe he is more suited to be king, thing he said himself to Cole last season, so of course he would take a opportunity that presents it self with Aegon rush into a battle.
And this also adds to Aemond's arc as king slayer because killing Luke may have been a mistake, but burning his own brother was not. Tg being mad that their expectations of those characters didn't match up, doesn't equal bad writing in my view. But also, this coming from me, I don't like Fire and Blood because is a objectively a bad book and is full of inconsistencies, one of then is the battle Rook Rest, in each the show done better.
So does Aemond owe an unyielding loyalty to Aegon? This is hard question to answer because, I don't consume media like that. For me Aemond own nothing to Aegon, betraying him is not morality right, but is not ooc for those reasons I said previously. Like we have favorite characters on this show but we must have in mind those are very gray characters that can be very terrible people and this is a tragic story. The worse possible outcome of things will happen, for dramatic effect or to add to tragic story even if they have good intentions at first.
Now about Alicent, look I think people when analyzing that scene with her on the room forget all the events that happened to Alicent at this point. Alicent in previous council meetings have asking him to proceed with precaution, he ignore her and is rude to her, showing no respect for her, or for anyone on that table, then when Otto comes with idea for pr move he accepts, but Alicent end part of it, something she didn't want and have to watch her own daughter have a breakdown. Then all her effort goes to the trash because Aegon kill every rat catchers and banishes Otto the only person that not only have Aegon best interest but as well it gives Alicent voice in the council.
Tell me now how she wouldn't be pissed at him for him acting so reckless and not listing anyone while banishing away her father? And maybe in other circumstance she would speak to him in a different way. We saw how in the first small council scene she blames the Lannister for the kid behavior because she knows her own son.
But, here we are seeing a drunk mother that is in a middle of life crises very angry at her son.
So the words she would soft spoken to him in other circumstance she says more flatly , with no filter. But none of them are untrue, when she compared him to his father, people don't realize she is not saying Viserys was a good king, and Aegon is trash. She saying that Viserys used to listen to people around him when comes to the best interest of the realm. What Aegon does not.
When she says him to do nothing, people forget she also said he should learn first with all of them in the table. She is basically saying "be more humble and before giving your opinion or do something stupid, learn from others" but Aegon doesn't listen that, what he listens because of his own insecurities and trauma is " my mom find me useless and I have to prove myself because I'm not a fraud."
And you can not blame Alicent for Aegon internalized logic. Is sad he feels this way. But I am already spoken on how they showed Aegon have the same education than Aemond, but he didn't take that seriously, all this in S1 with that training scene, and this lead him to be the terrible leader that he is now and his own insecurities.
Should Alicent support Aegon more? Maybe she should be a more loving mother, but we can't forget her motherhood is a direct response of who she is as person and she is a very flawed individual as anyone and she can have bad days as anyone.
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sapphireofrose · 3 months
Aemond Targaryen: a Saint? A devil? Just a fragile and misunderstood boy?
I’ll tell what I think about it.
Aemond Targaryen is certainly one of the fictional characters that I love more intensely than the others. It's rare that I can empathize as deeply with a character as I do with him.
I admit his humanity, his fragility and also his determination and his great ambition. I love and embrace every side of him, in the book and in the series.
I've noticed one thing all along. People sometimes need to “build” a perfect prototype for a character without loving and accepting every facet of him. Loving a character means understanding or at least not obscuring his true nature otherwise you would love a distorted idea.
He is full of grey shadows.
He would like to be king, but he witnesses his brother's coronation, lowers his head, reminds Luke that the throne belongs to his brother and he must not dare touch it. (In the series) There is a troubled path in Aemond that can be seen. I already know what will happen in the next episode which will be a breaking point with what happened now. Aemond's vengeance will flow like this, but they may show that ultimately he cannot do what he had intended. Maybe that's what the episode reviews for the middle of the episode were alluding to?
And yes of course I speak about Aemond because I'm interested in him and his personality.
He's not the good, he is not the evil. That's why I love his character so much. In the bottom, every character of f&b and yes house of the dragon it has facets that make he/ she complex, troubled, and yet different from the other. And not least also Aemond his morally grey: not totally good, not totally evil. It is important to contextualize where he lives and also the family relationships which are completely different in the book and series and his personality.
Having said that he is a morally gray character (Ewan also said it about Aemond in the past)
Each green character is troubled, unable to help the other. Aemond doesn't confide in his family. In the series they pursued this part.
The way they've developed the series, Aemond's sexual trauma is very prominent in his sphere of life. It goes without saying that I care about the character of Aemond. All I have to say is that I obviously hated Aegon for what he did to his brother, mocking him once again. And it’s not for justifying the character of Aemond and everything he do but the scenes was completely hard. Aemond felt ashamed, then angry. It’s not a joke.
There is something that is born in Aemond that once again says he shows himself imperturbable, it is born from shame then great anger. His gaze from below then goes upwards and his reaction gradually changes.
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1. Jaehaera was not raped...
2. Rhaenyra was having a breakdown on Dragonstone after learning about Luke's death when she received Daemon's letter stating that he would avenge Luke (the letter doesn't even explain how he would avenge Luke). How is that her fault?
3. Aegon is also a rapist in the books, it's not an invention by the writers.
"Who are you?" [Helaena] demanded of the two. "Debt collectors," said Cheese. "An eye for an eye, a son for a son. We only want the one, t' square things. Won't hurt the rest o' you fine folks, not one lil' hair. Which one to you want t' lose Your Grace?" Cheese warned the queen to make a choice soon, before Blood grew bored and raped her little girl. Strange to say, the ratcatcher and the butcher were true to their word. They did no further harm to Queen Helaena and her surviving children. (Fire and Blood: The Dying of the Dragons - A Son for a Son)
You're right anon, Jaehaera was never raped, it was only threatened to hurry Helaena along. I don't understand why TG stans want to add to this event so badly, it's already horrific. It's actions like that which show how GRRM is once again choosing to have morally gray protagonists. TB is in the right about the Dance and who they're supporting, but that doesn't mean their heroes or even morally good in their actions.
It's interesting how op decided to complain that Aegon might be portrayed as incompetent. Aegon was incompetent in the book, so incompetent he was murdered by his own supporters. He's remembered as being one of the most useless kings of Westeros. Saying they're going to dumb him down to make Rhaenyra look better shows how op has never read the book, or even Aegon's wiki lmao.
Further proving my point is the stupidly blind argument of how Aegon "isn't a rapist in the book". The delusion of the TG stans is neverending.
I think the most incredible take in this post is how apparently, in the eyes of op, Criston isn't an incel in season one?? Did we watch the same show? Criston makes the immediate turn to hating Rhaenyra and literally killing people associated with her family after she rejects him. He makes hating her his entire personality for the whole ass show once she refuses to run away with him. He thinks he's entitled to Rhaenyra's entire life and body just because she slept with him once. He's the definition of an incel, go cry about it greenies.
B&C was done without Rhaenyra's knowledge or approval, as you said. Daemon acted on his own (he is a true gray character). She was separated from Daemon when he made his choice, so she had even less control over what he did. Added to that is how Rhaenyra was busy with other fronts of the war and negotiating, how can she be expected to micromanage her husband?
Now, while the original post was written I think before Condal started teasing the whole "people will want to switch sides", the reblog definitely wasn't. Condal has revealed that he plans to make the audience sympathize with the greens more this season. Which is why it makes no sense why the poster who reblogged believes they will make the greens appear worse. They're already making excuses for Aegon raping serving girls, trying to make Alicent be completely innocent of her team's actions, and making Aemond "accidentally" kill Luke.
The show is already so obviously TG, they even aged up Rhaenyra and aged down Alicent to control who the audience sympathizes with. TG stans are just bitter that even the intense white washing can't cover up how in the wrong TG is.
Alicent is totally at least partially to blame for B&C. In the book, she was the head of the green faction and constantly plotted to usurp Rhaenyra, thus causing the war. In both the show and the book, Alicent raised her children to view their nephews as subhuman. She instilled the hatred of them into Aemond long before the Driftmark incident. She's the one who constantly affirmed to them that Aegon is the rightful heir and Rhaenyra is a murderous whore. Alicent bears the blame for what happened to her family just as much as Aegon, Otto, and Aemond.
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nrilliree · 4 months
TG's favourite retort: Bbbbut what about Daemon? Daemon this. Daemon that.
It's excruciatingly boring to see how they act Daemon can be used as a 'gotcha' for TB and is proof that both sides are 'equally bad'. Or that Daemon is as bad as Aegon and Aemond or even worse.
To put it in simple words because anything else won't be understood by them, Daemon falls in the category of GRRM's antiheroes which also includes Jaime Lannister and Oberyn Martell, both of whom are highly romanticized by the fandom. Jaime's deeds need no introduction. It should also be taken to note that Oberyn - the fandom's darling - besides being a known whoremonger - has also used physical violence on Obara's mother in canon and was indirectly responsible for her death by separating her from her daughter.
Anyway, it is obvious that all three of the abovementioned characters are far from morally upstanding human beings. They are not without their shortcomings, some of which have no justification. Yet, to many, they are fascinating because besides being capable of cruelty, they are also able to act within the bounds of reason many a times and possess a capacity for love. Such characters provide ample scope for one's imagination to run wild.
On the other hand, Aegon and Aemond are, in plain and clear words, villains and two of their actions stand as proof.
a) Aegon's brutal murder of Gerardys which is described in detail in the book. That man was an innocent maester who was trying to do his duty by helping Aegon. His only perceived offence was that he had served Rhaenyra.
b) Aemond's massacre of House Strong which is also detailed in which no member including children - trueborn or bastard - was spared save for Alys who was taken as a war prize.
The reason for singling out these two acts in specific, out of all other heinous ones committed by Alicent's sons in the book, is that they are often swept under the rug by the same lot who can't stop crying about B&C which was a reaction to yet another of the Greens' crimes. Aegon and Aemond acted unprovoked without any rhyme or reason and their actions are more in line with those of Joffrey and Ramsay. Or, if we have to pick from their own contemporaries, Hugh and Ulf. Not morally gray or antiheroic like the fics attempt to reimagine them as but plain evil. Even the greenpilled maesters couldn't conceal it despite trying their best.
Now, people can like whatever character they wish to for whatever reason. That's none of my business. But blatant denial of canon while propagating all kinds of fanon is another matter altogether. The fact remains that Daemon ,even at his worst, pales before the Greens' villainy and no amount of whataboutery and denial is going to change that.
Daemon committed one crime throughout the entire Dance - B&C. Yes, it was a cruel crime. But why should the death of one high-born child be treated as a greater tragedy than the death of hundreds of children from the cities that the TG plundered and burned? Why is he considered a "villain" by TG and the TG boys are considered "misunderstood"? This is truly unimaginable to me. Especially when such accusations are made to the book.
Daemon is not good. Daemon is not evil. He is something in the middle and it is the fact that for some he can be considered a hero and for others a villain that makes him such an interesting character. And it really hurts me that the series ruined it so much.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 9 months
I don't understand how anyone can like the Greens in the series. I like them in the books because they are good villains, specifically Alicent. I would have given anything to see her come to life on screen rather than the pathetic thing we were treated to. That doesn't help with the fact that apparently Ryan Condal has finally confirmed he's team Greens... I'll never understand this guy. How could he read the book and say that no, the Greens were justified in any way ?! Also, the guts you have to have, even within this fandom, to openly say you support the group of misogynistic and blood purist usurpers... In the sense of saying that they are completely right or that Blacks are just as horrible! But in what universe ?! Ryan Condal would also have said that we would probably change preferred camps in season 2... Man, you can still dream, even with your stupid supporting documents for TG everyone still prefers the Blacks team. It's distressing that the director of the series himself doesn't understand anything he's adapting and that so many people are going in this direction. The number of idiots who tried to explain to me that both teams were equally horrible, that the Greens can't be pure villains because GRRM only writes complex characters, it's obvious. Like GRRM has never written a pure villain ? Are you sure you've read the books he wrote ? No but I swear that since the release of the series, asoiaf fans are worse than before in their unjustified hatred of the Targaryens... These people think they are moral by wanting to put the two teams on the same level or by saying that the Blacks are worse. That revolts me.
Essentially what neutrals think ;
“Yes, it’s not good what the Greens did, but the Blacks are no better seen as they dared to fight back for their rights.”
Like... What dimension did I land in ?!
Just last time, I received comments from someone supposedly accepting that the Greens were worse, but trying to explain to me that Daemon groomed Rhaenyra (which is false book or series), that the murder of 'a Greens child is unjustified (while the Greens shed blood first and we are in a feudal context) that Lucerys taking Aemond's eye is unjustified (Wtf ?!) ah and the best thing was to me say at face value that Daemon was not a gray character and that he was like Aegon IV... (Again... WTF ?!)
(Afterwards I wasn't gentle in my answers either, but I'm fed up with this type of people)
I personally never liked the greens in the book. To me, they were always the villains. Always. I never viewed Daemon and Rhaenyra as pure innocent angels, don’t get me wrong. I recognize the few mistakes Rhaenyra makes in the book, as well as Daemon’s many, many faults.
For instance, yes, Rhaenyra should not have had Vaemond murdered (even though what he spoke was treasonous and threatened her position as well as the lives of her children). She should not have gone so far with the taxes during her reign (even though she was left with no choice).
However, in this story, despite all their faults, I always felt Rhaenyra and Daemon were perfectly justified. Because their good qualities kind of eclipse the bad stuff. The Blacks are the anti-heroes of the story. They have done some questionable things, but all of them have been justified/done with good reason and good purpose.
The Greens are a whole different story. Everything they have done (mainly Alicent and Otto), they have done out of jealousy and pure greed (hence why they were given the color “green” - the color of greed and envy). 95 % of the war crimes are done by the Greens. Literally the only thing the Blacks are to be held accountable for is B&C. Other than that, every crime was courtesy of the Greens.
To me, the Greens have always been split between those who are anti-villains (Aegon, Helaena, Daeron), and those who are pure villains (Alicent, Otto, Aemond).
For the anti-villains: The one time Aegon presents some goodness is when he has reservations about usurping his half-sister. Other than that, he is pure evil; Helaena can’t be considered a pure innocent soul either. She has good qualities, but she is extremely underdeveloped as a character in the book and we don’t know her thoughts, her motives. She didn’t protest the usurpation and accepted the position of queen consort easily; Daeron is somehow given a free pass by certain people because he is “the daring”, and while that’s true, these people forget how he burned a whole village of innocent people alive.
For the pure villains, not much need be said. Alicent and Otto are a bunch of opportunistic hypocrites and vicious upstarts. I haven’t sensed any bit of goodness in them. Aemond is a psycho with zero redeeming qualities.
Now, in the show, I don’t feel as if the Greens are portrayed better than they have been in the book. I feel like the show writers (mainly Ryan Condal) are trying to come up with lame excuses for them, and it’s just not working. The great majority of the viewers still hate Alicent as much as they did in the book, regardless how many times she presents those “doe eyes”, and the great majority still believe the Greens are in the wrong.
In the show, when it comes to the Greens, there’s always some sort of “reason”, some sort of “accident”. Alicent didn’t mean to shoot her mouth off and convince Larys to murder the current hand, Lyonel Strong, so that her father could return as Hand (even though that is exactly what she wanted). Aemond didn’t mean to let Vhagar know that he wants Lucerys dead (even though his pursuing and direct attack showed his intentions to murder the boy). Crispin somehow didn’t mean to crush Beesbury’s skull in that ball, even though he acted aggressively towards the man for simply speaking the truth and nothing but the truth at that treasonous Council meeting.
These excuses the show writers make for the greens make no sense whatsoever. They should have stuck with the actual canon portrayal, because it’s just ridiculous at this point.
So what if the two sides are not evenly matched?
They’re not supposed to!
GRRM doesn’t write purely good vs bad in his universe, that is true. He loves the complexity of the characters and the stories. However, that does not mean that he intended for the Blacks and the Greens to be evenly matched in this story.
He himself admitted that he wrote the book more in the Blacks’ favor because that’s how he felt (ironic, considering that Fire and Blood is told from the point of view of green supporters). It’s his story. I have seen people accuse him of being biased, always in favor of the Blacks.
Yes, he clearly wrote the Blacks as the protagonists, with better developed characters, with the best allies, the most heroic/epic deaths, most dragons, most Houses supporting them.
I mean, the Starks are TB, while the Lannisters are TG. That alone should give you a clue as to which side you’re supposed to be rooting for.
Clearly GRRM is Team Black, but who says he can’t be? Who says that the sides have to be evenly matched? It’s his story! If he says the Blacks are right, the Blacks are right.
TG stans are just in denial at this point.
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This is kind of a long rant against HotD and not structured at all so you might want to avoid it if you like TG or Alicent. Or even Daemon, sorry, I don't like him much either.
I was always skeptical of HotD even before it started but I had never expected that it would be so much worse than the source material which is, mind it, a very pro greens, biased, misogynistic spiral by some dead maester.
I don't enjoy F&B as a book and the Dance wasn't remotely my favorite part of it. Like the whole Dance of Dragons reads like a misogynistic spiral sometimes but HotD just took a biased source and dialled it to a 100.
You would think they would try to do the opposite bcoz the source is acknowledged to be biased but nope, they just had to make it worst. The Greens get to be whitewashed, they can literally not commit to any actions (Alicent committed treason by mistake, Aemond murdered a child by mistake, like wtf? Wtf are these fucking uwu passive characters and writing. Fucking commit to treason if you are gonna do it. Who half asses treason? Book Greens would gobble up Show Greens for breakfast. The Lannisters would have a laugh.) The Blacks are villainized and all the Velaryons are sidelined (which is worst with the show changing their race intentionally and then doing this).
Like the Greens have no redeeming qualities, just the narrative framing them as the good guys on their sides and I always hate how the narrative is trying to shove it down my throat. I can't stand it.
Like I don't even like Daemon but the show is stripping all the depth from him. I seriously don't like him but it's like the show can't stand anyone on the TB to have anything good or significant.
They literally showed Aegon to be a rapist onscreen and want me to root for him? Wtf are they smoking? The amount of cognitive dissonance you need to like TG is too high. Ik the show doesn't expect much from its viewers but it's like they expect the viewer to be stupid.
Show Alicent is so passive, they make me prefer the book Alicent and I hate the Evil Stepmother trope. The show acts as if Rhaenyra wasn't supposed to be the Good Mother and Good Stepmother counterpart to Alicent.
And F&B and George isn't subtle about who won the Dance. It's the Blacks. Rhaenyra might have died but her fraction won the war, her sons and descendants sat on the throne. Daenerys is her direct descendant and she brought the dragons back from death (especially given that the Dance was the main reason for their downfall and even the Targaryens' powers thanks to TG).
TG has the same fate as all the usurpers in the series- Maegor, Larys Strong, Robert Baratheon - the end of their line. Alicent 's line all dies before her eyes. The current Higtowers have nothing to do with Alicent and her line, they're not even worthy of remembrance and mention in the main series so far. Margaery is a half Hightower and despite the Tyrells' obvious efforts to make her queen and have one of their own on the throne, no one remotely mentions the only Hightower Queen ever. Imagine how embarrassing is that. You know if Alicent was a decent queen in any right, it would have been mentioned by now, the Tyrells aren't one to not use every advantage they have given that their Bannerman have more royal blood than them, which was again mentioned in the series.
Anyway, Alicent 's line dying and going to oblivion for all purposes is their ultimate defeat. I can't stand the TG stand trying to make it anything else.
And yes Rhaenicent is just queerbaiting and terribly at that. As a queer woman, I don't want them as any sort of a representation. An evil step mother aged down for a pairing where she plots treason and murder for Nyra and her sons? No, God, Daemon is a better option than that and I can't believe they made me say it.
Also, Laena was right there if they wanted to have a sapphic pairing.
When I said I wanted more morally gray female characters, I didn't mean totally irredeemable ones. There is a fine line in what characters, or crimes, you can redeem, starting a civil war out of personal greed and misogyny is not one of them. And yes, TG are all misogyny even if Alicent plays the uwu victim of patriarchy all the time. And funny how she never does anything to help any woman, not even her daughter Helena; does nothing against the man who actually harmed her and actively wants to put her rapist son on the throne instead of the rightful heir but her stans act as they or she is some kind of feminist when Alicent is no woman's friend.
And canonically, which are the books btw, not the badly written fanfictions (I am so sorry, this is an insult to fanfiction tbh) of the producers: GoT and HotD, Nyra had her mother's sigil on her flag, not Aegon the Rapist+Usurper.
(Can't believe the show tried to make some kind of gotcha moment with Alicent in that green dress. Idk why the characters even stood up. They only do that for the ruling monarch, not the consort and Alicent literally did nothing to deserve that kind of reaction. She just wore a green dress so what? Once again, the show is giving TG credit for doing nothing.)
On the last notes:
Cole is an incel.
I can't believe people ship Aemond and Luke. The former is his murderer and a war criminal while Luke was just a child. Leave my baby boi alone.
Otto is a cunt. Idk why Alicent stans don't crucify the man who arranged her marriage (and the bane of her existence) more.
Daemon is somehow better than all the men in TG which is an accomplishment especially since I dislike his character.
Once again, Aegon is a drunkard rapist.
Helena deserves better than her family.
I never liked Jaehaerys I and this is all kinda his fault. For the best king ever, he singlehandedly roped his daughters and all the Targaryen women of all their rights. Rhaena I should really have been the queen.
Viserys I, you tried but you should have done better. Aemma would have been so disappointed.
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amandakassis · 10 days
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Masterlist - Dark Desires
Tell me, what is it that your heart desires? When nobody knows, nobody judges, do you long for villains or heroes? I, for one, have a soft spot for the villains 🤭
Here you’ll find all my fanfiction dedicated to some of my favorite morally gray characters or outright villains, such as Aemond Targaryen, Coriolanus Snow, and Eric Coulter 🤍
Ratings: Mature or Explicit 🔞
Stories available on AO3 and (mostly) on Wattpad. Don’t repost on other platforms.
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SERIES | Modern Tales of Bronze and Silver
Modern short stories about Aemond and my original character, Katheryn Royce—the oldest daughter of Daemon. Each time, witness as they meet under new circumstances, navigate Westeros throughout different levels of power within House Targaryen, and deal with the inner wars that the Blacks and Greens wage against each other.
Some things you’ll find here: marriage of convenience, dragons as cats, dark and possessive Aemond, angst and fluff, light or mild smut.
‼️ WARNING: canon-typical targcest
COMPLETED | Bronze, Silver, and Valyrian Steel
Synopsis: When it comes down to matters of the heart, bronze can hold greater value than Valyrian steel.
In modern times, the Targaryens rule the nation of Westeros behind smoke and mirrors. During the patriarch's funeral, both sides of the family are reunited, including prince Aemond and his cousin Katheryn—Daemon's eldest daughter—who share a deep sense of loneliness. As the succession reveals the true colors of its most power-driven members and a murder accusation threatens to destroy their dynasty, the two of them must decide if they'll follow their duties or succumb to the attraction that makes their dragon blood sing.
Main trope: enemies to lovers
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ONGOING | Consequence
Synopsis: Westeros entered the 21st century free of the shadow of the Targaryens. The gods among men no longer ruled, and their dragons were gone, but the family still remained wealthy and clung to some of their centuries-old traditions. After the death of their patriarch, a marriage between the notorious drunk Aegon and Katheryn—Daemon’s oldest daughter—is planned to consolidate an alliance between both sides and avoid bloodshed. However, the young woman ends up setting her eyes on Aemond, the mysterious and disciplined brother, who will truly rule the family’s company in the shadows. On this journey about love and power, Aemond might discover that duty isn't the death of love but a consequence of it.
Main trope: marriage of convenience
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SERIES | The Wicked Universe of Eric and Kate
Three standalone stories about Divergent’s hottest and most complex character, Eric Coulter, and my OFC, Kate Kempton. Every work presents a different universe and the narrative gets a little darker.
Leave a Light On is a twist on the first movie; Bloody Vows is a world filled with ruthless vampires; Wretched and Divine is a mix of Dynasty and Gossip Girl—meaning that you get a high-stakes corporate drama with marriage of convenience and friends to strangers to lovers, all of it being witnessed by high-society and Twitter! Who doesn’t love that?
Looking for a badass OFC going through an existential crisis? Kate’s your girl! Oh, don’t worry, everything is consensual! I’m all for a couple that you can ship without bending your morals (too much)… Or needing to throw them out of the window (just sometimes)!
COMPLETED | Leave a Light On
Synopsis: Allow yourself to accept every single thing about you that makes you gray.
A change in leadership means that Kate, the Dauntless ambassador, is now tasked with working closely with the young and ruthless leader Eric. While everyone around her worries that Kate won't survive him, they forget to consider the dangers lying behind her sweet smile and sharp-witted solutions. After all, she doesn't navigate the city council with only her looks as a weapon.
Political games, a conspiracy on the horizon, and a twisted romance will challenge the fragile balance that keeps Chicago from crumbling. When all is said and done, will there be a future for what is left of humanity?
Main tropes: power imbalance, boss x subordinate, morally gray OFC.
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ONGOING | Bloody Vows | Vampire AU
Synopsis: Over 200 years ago, vampires crawled from the shadows to conquer the human race, which led to the collapse of modern society. In Chicago, the bloodthirsty creatures divided themselves into five factions, and the humans, upon reaching 20 years of age, had to partake in the Choosing Ceremony that decided which faction they would pledge their loyalty to. Blood in exchange for protection against other dangers hidden in the darkness.
Kate Kempton is a human on a mission. Her older sister's mysterious death led to a dangerous resolve. Upon coming of age, she would join Dauntless to find out what really happened three years before. Unfortunately, on Choosing Day, Kate draws the attention of Eric Coulter, the cruel and young faction leader, who had never been intrigued by a human before.
Can she survive the warrior faction and find answers? What will get her killed first, Eric or the secrets buried deep into the faction?
Main tropes: vampires x human, young woman x old vampire, forbidden romance, murder mystery.
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ONGOING | Wretched and Divine | Modern AU
Synopsis: In 2024, Chicago is under the rule of five powerful families. Due to an unexpected reunion, the public eye is set on two of its high-profile citizens: Kate Kempton, a Public Relations Officer set to inherit a pharmaceutical empire, and Eric Coulter, a veteran who becomes the new CEO of Dauntless, a private security giant, after his father’s death.
Initially bound by a marriage of convenience, these former childhood friends have to navigate a web of family secrets and survive the power plays of Chicago’s elite, while fighting for control over their personal lives and trying to understand their growing feelings for each other.
Main tropes: marriage of convenience, corporate romance, friends to strangers to lovers, gossip girl style.
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Coriolanus ‘Coryo’ Snow could only ever belong to Lucy Gray Bair. However, does that mean they should end up together?
ONE-SHOT | Memories Carved Into Snow | No Hunger Games AU
Synopsis: The Hunger Games were never more than an idea on paper, yet the children of the districts struggled. Being born outside of the Capitol was a life sentence of misery—except for Lucy Gray, who found beauty and melodies all around her. The artist enchanted crowds and found her way to the big city, where her path crossed with Coriolanus Snow, a man destined for great things at any cost. Love blossomed, but wickedness had corrupted his heart, and their relationship crumbled. The bird was free of its cage… Or was it? Two years later, a knock on Lucy Gray’s door and a final request from his heart might rewrite their ending. Could rotten things still be worth loving?
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