#adulting is definitely fun and not at all stressful
Dammit Ryuzaki
Death Note Omorashi
Light tapped his foot idly. He was bored. He reluctantly agreed to be handcuffed to Ryuzaki in order to prove his innocence of being Kira. It wasn't his idea and Ryuzaki himself didn't seem thrilled about it either.
But so far all that entailed was him trailing Ryuzaki around all day. He scoffed to think that the entire population of Shinjuku likely assumed L had an interesting fast paced lifestyle. Or even a remotely interesting person.
He glanced at L across from him flipping through papers, sucker in his mouth. He'd been doing that for hours. Sitting in that same position.
Light took a sip of his coffee before realizing he needed to use the bathroom. It wasn't urgent by any means but the chain that connected him to Ryuzaki wasn't long enough to allow him to do anything privately. Not that he was shy...not exactly. But taking a piss with Ryuzaki in the room without him was a hard limit.
Ryuzaki looked up from his papers. "Yes?"
"How long do I have to do this exactly?"
"Well..." Ryuzaki paused, putting a finger to his lip life Light often noticed he did. "I can't exactly tell you that."
Light mentally huffed in frustration. "Yeah...I mean I get that. But don't you think it's going to be awkward when one of us has to change clothes or...use the bathroom?"
Ryuzaki turned his attention back to one of the papers he was looking at previously. For a moment it looked like he ignored the question.
"If I was worried about being put into a situation that's uncomfortable then I may as well quit my job. Besides, it's not like I want to do this either." He went back to glancing at a paper he had in front of him.
Light knew that was his way of shutting him down so he could go back to reading through files. Doesn't he ever get tired of that?
So he sat there for another hour, playing a few games on his phone to pass the time while trying not to glance at the clock above them. It was hard for him not to get restless. It wouldn't even be so bad if they weren't just sifting there. Then again he imagined they would get strange looks- being two men handcuffed together.
Light perked up when he hears the sound of papers being attacked up beside him. "I think that's enough of that today. I highlighted all the key information that I need." Ryuzaki said mostly to himself. "would you like some tea?"
Light nodded and followed him to the living room.
Maybe L was trying to call his bluff when he chained them together. Or maybe he could make an exception when one of them had to use the bathroom. Surely. At least Light hoped.
"So...what exactly am I supposed to do when I'm chained to you all day?"
Ryuzaki sat down in front of the coffee table while Watari brought them both some tea. Light took a few sips to be polite but tea was the furthest thing from his mind at this point given the situation.
"You can help me look over some old case files. There's nothing pertaining to the Kira case in there so I'm not worried about that. Plus your deductive reasoning could definitely help a lot."
Light shifted uncomfortably on the couch to try and get comfortable whatever way his bladder would allow. Damn coffee.
Light knew he would regret drinking coffee that morning but L decided to chain them up that night before, which made sleeping difficult. Especially when the man he was chained to was a notorious insomniac.
"Is everything alright? You seem on edge."
Dammit L. Of course he had to notice.
But he couldn't just outright ask for the handcuffs to be removed because in Ryuzaki's eyes that was an admission of guilt more than likely.
"I'm fine. Just a bit restless from all this sitting down. I never imagined being such a high profile detective would be so boring."
"Yes, it can be very boring. That's why it's nice to have company from time to time." Ryuzaki said while balancing three sugar cubes on his Tea spoon, then spooning them into his mouth.
"Do you ever get lonely?"
Ryuzaki shrugged. "I suppose I sometimes can. But I've always been introverted by nature."
Light shifted again on the couch, this time more subtle. He needed something to distract himself with and Ryuzaki was often hard to socialize with.
Even if they were enemies, Light still needed a distraction somehow.
But he also knew he was only delaying the inevitable. Maybe he could wait until Ryuzaki had to go or...
Light glanced at the bathroom right at the end of the hallway longingly.
'Maybe I should have just taken the eye deal.' Light thought as he watches Ryuzaki down the rest of his tea.
"Do you mind?"
Light shook his head and scooted the glass over towards him. It was too sweet for his liking anyway.
"So what's it with the sweets?"
"It started because it helped me concentrate but now I'm just addicted to sugar."
"What about your teeth?"
Ryuzaki just shrugged in the way that he always did and downed the rest of his tea once again. Light knew he wasn't opening up fully because he didn't trust him. That was understandable.
"Is everything alright?" Ryuzaki asked after a few moments of silence.
That's when Light knew he had to say something. If he didn't then it would only make Ryuzaki suspect him more.
Light cleared his throat right as a call came in.
"The task force is here. They've called for an emergency meeting."
Light could hardly hear when was being said on the other end but he could make out Watari's voice on the other end.
When Ryuzaki got off the phone with him, he turned back to Light, sitting his now empty cup back on the table. "There's a potential lead in the Kira case."
Light nodded as nonchalant as he could manage. He didn't want to seem nervous because that would make him look guilty. But he also couldn't ask to go now because it may cause Ryuzaki to think he's stalling. "I see."
Light found himself uncontrollably bouncing his leg thirty minutes into the meeting. He tried his best to at least pretend he was listening so he didn't look suspicious- but his mind was elsewhere. The only thing he cared about was finally getting to pee after all this time.
He crossed his legs under the table, accidentally nudging Ryuzaki's chair in fhe process. Light felt the blood drain from his face. He looked away until he saw Ryuzaki writing something out of the corner of his eye.
He looked down when he felt something touch his thigh.
Beside him Ryuzaki help out a small note pad with the words "why didn't you say anything earlier" hastily etched onfo the paper.
He looked away so L wouldn't see his face turn red. There was no point in denying it any longer.
"I don't know but I wish I did." He wrote back, subtly flashing the page to Ryuzaki under the table hoping it wouldn't draw any attention to them.
The meeting ticked on for another thirty minutes before they were finally dismissed. Light had no idea what it was even about nor did he care.
He knew he wasn't acting like himself at all but he couldn't afford to care.
"Let's go Light."
Everyone else had already left the room, leaving only Light and Ryuzaki, who were still cuffed together.
"You should have said something sooner. Do you need me to help you get up?"
This was nearly too much for Light. His enemy offering to help him with something...so degrading. Thoughts of taking the eye deal started to sound appealing. He could kill the only person who would ever see him like this.
Without warning, Ryuzaki came up behind him and slowly helped Light to his feet. The weight of gravity hitting his bladder made him grit his teeth but other than that he kept composed.
"Sorry...I don't know what's gotten into me." Light tried to laugh his normal confident laugh but he only proceeded to amplify his need.
"If it makes you feel any better, I have to go too."
It did make Light feel better for some reason. At least he wasn't the only one suffering.
He barely kept his hands down to his sides, wanting nothing more than to grab himself. Dammit L, why did this have to happen?
As they turned the corner towards the police station bathroom, Light noticed yellow caution tape.
He'd forgotten his dad mentioning that the bathrooms were being remodeled.
Could he just use the women's?
Ryuzaki seemed to sense his panic. "There's another bathroom just upstairs...can you wait until-"
Light felt his entire body spasm as he fought desperately to keep the last bit of control he had but he could feel it slipping through his hands. "I..dammit!" He bit down on the inside of his cheek so hard he started to taste blood while he grabbed his crotch, squeezing as hard as he could.
But it was too late and he knew that. Ryuzaki awkwardly turned away when he realized what was happening. His beige pants turned dark brown as his bladder finally had enough.
The feeling was so...almost orgasmic that for a moment, Light didn't care that he was having an accident right in front of his enemy.
I took around 4 minutes for Light to completely finish and by the time he did, he was drained.
He looked done at the wet spot on his pants that went all the way down to his ankles and puddled
around his feet.
He had no idea what to say.
But he did notice that Ryuzaki's posture was more rigid than before.
"I'll have someone clean this.... we'll say it was something that was spilled." Was all Ryuzaki said before they headed towards the elevator.
Light tried his best to act like he wasn't completely mortified but he was. Why couldn't it have been the other way? Why couldn't Ryuzaki been the one to wet himself?
Light glanced at him from behind, feeling the overwhelming urge to keep him from making it to the bathroom on time but he didn't.
Instead he sat there in the shower; thinking. Maybe he would speak to Ryuk later about the eye deal.
See my blog if you're interested in making a request like this one ^_^
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astro-rainbow777 · 6 months
♈︎ 𝔄𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔰 ♈︎
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✶ Aries in 1st: Being ruled by the planet Mars, these natives give a bold and invigorating first impression. What you see is what you get with Aries in the first- they have a raw and honest personality- which can be off putting for some people because it can be taken as rude depending on the person/situation- but I have to say you must admire them for being so tenacious and authentic in nature. I can hands down say the best quality about Aries in the first is what you see is what you get! They have a strong ego here, are not ashamed of their behaviors, body or personality - regardless of what others say to or about them. ✶ Aries in 2nd: Bold spenders, can be quick to have, give away and lose money. Fleeting self worth and values- can feel and act confident one hour and then shy and shameful the next. Values honesty, integrity and sense of self- this may be because they don’t have the greatest sense of self. Believes that kids and the younger generations have the most value in the world. Having children of their own could be of the greatest importance- OR (and this is a big or) they could never want kids and value connecting to their inner child and independence greatly. It’s one or the other. Can feel at war with their finances and self worth.
✶ Aries in 3rd: Athletic and popular in middle school/high school. Known for their leadership skills and qualities amongst their peers, classmates, cousins and siblings. Can be the youngest of their siblings or babied by others. Intellectually motivated, driven and competitive. Impulsive and passionate in their speech. May say things for shock value or improv their actual knowledge. Finds stimulation in an intellectual debate and arguing. It’s hard to win an argument with these people because they speak so quickly- their arguing style is just backing people into a corner mentally, they don’t give up easily. However, they can regret things that they say when they are angry or upset.
✶ Aries in 4th: Huge indicator of raising yourself as a kid. Family required you to be very active, you could be the most successful in your family as an adult because of this. Family is a point of weakness for you, mainly because they possess a lot of “childish” qualities. You may feel like your parents/guardians were big babies and never grew up. You could put a lot of energy towards your family, but could have a shorter fuse with them over all people. You may be the youngest out of your entire family. Your family could be competitive with you our vise versa. Your family could be the start of your “Villan Arc” 💀- your family may have childish values, argue a lot or they may be a “board game family”. TW - Worst case scenario- violence in the home.
✶ Aries in 5th: Play fights when flirting, aggressive flirters, acts like they hate their crush. I have this placement lmaooo and I LOVE to play fight with my man- like btch?! You wanna go!?!?!? It’s so much fun to me and usually leads to s*xies ayyye. But that’s definitely a me thing, I love to talk smack to my significant other- that’s how it’s always been. Being competitive, NO BORING DATES EVER! Known to have secs on the first date. Passionate- goooood lovers. Either wants to have kids right away or doesn’t want kids at all- this I huge independence thing that keeps them from not wanting to have kids. You can’t be the baby, if you have a baby! Commitment issues.
✶ Aries in 6th: Enjoys active routines and work place. Known to work in establishments with competitive pay and many enemies in work place. Can be scene as bossy by their coworkers. Needs to be weary of being hypocritical of their coworkers. Temper at work. Benefits from a workout routine. Needs to take out stress and anger from work & daily responsibilities. Can be very active or have hyper pets, may need a big back yard to run their dogs or other animals in. Competitive in health and motivated to be the best version’s of themselves. Picky with their diet and what they decide to put in their bodies. Can have an all or nothing attitude- because theirs definitely a reason why they are so picky. Usually this stems from poor self care habits and bad physical health. ✶ Aries in 7th: Passionate and assertive lovers, the fire they feel for their committed partners are unmatched. They may loose interest beyond physical lust- especially if they don’t take they time to figure out whether or not they ACTUALLY like someone. These individuals could truly find good in anyone so it’s important that they don’t project their desire for commitment onto someone else. They can date or be friends with some bold and persistent personalities- even bossy. It’s important that these natives find someone who will give them some wiggle room to find themselves. These people find out who they are through trial and error in their relationships - it’s typical for these natives to have “failed relationships” that lead them to find out what they definitely don’t like- which leads them to their ultimate truth.
✶ Aries in 8th: This gives the native a hyper-vigilant quality to the native with Aries in 8th. In the past the native may have been made to feel like they didn’t belong, maybe they were bullied, or judged for something they couldn’t control. This may lead them to be on edge, secretive and even defensive about who they are authentically. They are very protective about who they actually are because they have been hurt before- many of these people are Virgo Risings, so it’s interesting to see that this may be one of the reasons why they are so hard on themselves and receive a judgmental sort of reputation. ✶ Aries in 9th: I love this placement so much honestly, because a lot of these natives have the philosophy that they can go after anything that they want. They have a particularly strong sense of self and actually may have a hard time understanding why other people don’t go after what they want or believe in themselves and their dreams. This is a super hard working placement IMO - it gives very much that “I want it, I got it!” vibe! It’s very possible at a time in their life that no one believed in these individuals so they just had to prove themselves to the world, and that’s so beautiful.
✶ Aries in 10th: Go getters in their career- they do best when they are their own boss- they definitely don’t do well with being told what to do because of their sensitive nature. However, they have a lot of creativity and art to give to the world. They need a career that is authentic to who they- a simple 9-5 WILL NOT cut it for these people. So if you’re an Aries 10th and you’re still trying to make your boring, loveless day job work- this is why. It is not in your genetic code to be running someone else’s business 😂 you are the business starter- not finisher! Quit diminishing your own light because I know y’all are hard on yourselves regardless. Pick your hard and go after it!
✶ Aries in 11th: Leaders of the pack, these natives love bringing their friends together and being absolutely crazy with their friends. They are naturally socialites and feel their best when they are interacting in their community and collaborating with like minds. These people live for their down time, special niche hobbies and interests. They work hard to play hard. They may also have some pretty strong humanitarian values they stick by, these natives have no problem with telling people their opinion on any given situation and they really don’t care what you have to say about it 😆
✶ Aries in 12th: With Aries in the house of isolation, hidden endings, mental health, dreams and subconscious awareness- this can make a native who suppresses their anger deeply and keeps a lot of their authentic reactions to themselves. They may feel more comfortable expressing this rage internally or when they know nobody else is around. They may be completely out of touch with their anger and impulses. They could have to isolate before taking action towards their authentic desires or dreams. Dreams can be violent and they may have intense nightmares. These natives can work out their best alone- although they usually like to workout with someone, this keeps them from pushing themselves for fear of being ugly or vulnerable. They don’t like to show their struggle to others, complain or their authentic side.
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Happy Aries Season Everyone! I hope you are all safe and navigating eclipse season /mercury retrograde with ease. I am making a series out of the signs in the houses. I hope y’all are enjoying my content! Love you and thank you so much for reading my content and giving me feedback. This is such a sacred study to me. It is my life.
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verstappen-cult · 9 months
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lando enjoys the holidays for many reasons, and one of the main ones is how happy you always are. you take everything involving christmas very serious and he tries to help you as much as he can, but it’s lando, he can’t help but go up to santa at the mall, asking for what he wants for christmas as if he’s five years old, embarrassing you so much you don’t think you will ever be showing your face again. lando is awful at wrapping presents, but you take your time teaching him between giggles and kisses that taste like hot cocoa. and after a very stressful but fun day of shopping and wrapping presents, you end your day cuddle up in front the fireplace with hot drinks and a christmas movie.
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charles knows you love christmas, so you don’t even need to ask for him to know that as soon as the season starts, you want to go and see the christmas lights around the neighborhood. so he drives you for hours, heart melting at your happy face and tears in your eyes. you decorate the tree together while christmas songs play in the background, that soon turns into a karaoke fight. charles’ favorite part of decorating the house is definitely when he has to lift you up so you can hang up the ones that you can’t reach by your own. of course you have stairs that could easily help you do it, he just doesn’t tell you.
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oscar loves you so, so much because if that weren’t the case, he definitely wouldn’t be wearing the matching sweaters you gifted him a few christmas ago. much less while shopping where everyone can recognize him. but really, oscar doesn’t care if a picture of him wearing an ugly bright-green grinch sweater goes viral as long as you keep smiling at him every time you turn around to show him something. and it all pays off when you arrive home, after a day full of activities, and he feels your arms wrapping around him as you tell him how grateful you are between kisses.
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max goes all out to make every christmas special and makes sure to have the days leading up to christmas free so you can go shopping together. what max loves the most is how you slip your hand inside his coat’s pocket so you can still hold hands. and when he sees all the ingredients to make a gingerbread house, of course he has to buy it. so when he comes home with a big smile you don’t hesitate to clean the kitchen and sit down to put it together. and it chaos, neither of you had done it before and it ends up being anything but a gingerbread house, but you love it, you made it together so it has a special place on the countertop where everyone can see it.
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★ — ALEX ALBON (23)
every year since you and alex have together he takes you to an ice rink. you both have learn a lot of tricks that, of course, end up with you bumping into people and falling. it’s your favorite night in december where you can just be kids together. the night ends up with you two walking down the christmas fair, sharing candy canes and hot cocoa while arguing about what movie to watch that night. and if you find yourselves under a mistletoe making out, well, nobody needs to know that.
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daniel loves christmas in australia because he can be with you for a full month and scape the cold, too. all his family gets together on christmas eve and every year you are a bundle of nerves. they love you, you know that and daniel makes sure you remember, he also makes you forget all about nerves dragging you to the kitchen where the little ones are setting out all the snacks for santa and his reindeers. you finish with only half the cookies and carrots because daniel can’t help himself. after that all the adults gather in the living room to drink and chat. it’s a little different tradition, but you love it.
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mick loves to do a mini photoshoot on christmas day with your matching pajamas because you two look so pretty in them, and needs it for his collection. then, sitting by the fireplace to exchange gifts before going your separate ways to spend christmas with your families. he always has that big and bright smile on his face that you love so much when it’s your turn to open your presents. you say your goodbyes outside in the snow, kissing and getting wet but not caring at all. you promise to see each other the next day to snuggle up in the couch and see your favorite holiday movies together.
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© VERSTAPPEN-CULT ⎯ do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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cursedkeyboard · 8 months
PAY ATTENTION ● Older brother Suguru & Younger sibling!Reader
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what happens when suguru's cute younger sibling, who'd usually talk his ear off and cling to him, suddenly starts to... do their own thing?
Pairings: Platonic Suguru Geto x Younger sibling!Reader
As we know, Suguru is a rather mature teenager
He carries this air of elegance, always putting on a polite smile and spilling pleasantries past his lips like sweetened lies
But we also know that Suguru can be childish around the right people
So it's not a surprise to anyone close to him that when his younger sibling, you, stops following around like a lost puppy, Suguru immediately starts to sulk
You're only three years younger than Suguru, fourteen to his seventeen
You two always had a close relationship, closer than most siblings tend to have
Suguru loves spending time with you, to him, you're easily the funniest kid he knows
It's hard for him to ever calm down completely since he's constantly stressed with the sorcerer world
But every day when he goes home and you're in the living room or in your room, it's like he can finally breathe
Because before Satoru, you were Suguru's only friend
His little mini-me, partner in crime, best friend
You two clicked and moved like one, so in tune with each other he always marveled at how most siblings tend to hate each other
Of course, the two of you do fight sometimes
Over who gets to take a shower first, who ate the leftovers, who gets to watch what on TV
"Did you use my shampoo?"
"The one you keep hiding from me? Yeah."
"You little– That's expensive."
"That's why I used it, Suguru."
You two are siblings after all, what kind of siblings never fight?
But he never felt the kind of animosity and distrust so many brothers and sisters feel around each other, the kind that made them roll their eyes whenever they even got close to their siblings
To Suguru, you're his little sunshine, someone he'll protect until the day he keels over and dies
Not that he'll ever tell you that
(number one rule of siblingship: Never be too touchy-feely)
So imagine his surprise when the little punk who usually follows his every step, always under his elbow, asking him to hang out or help with homework, stays glued to the phone even when he sits in the same room
Like.... what?
You barely greet him, a half hearted "Hey, you're home." falling from your lips without even looking at him, and he's offended and hurt at the same time
You're fourteen, sure
He knows you'd start pulling away from him now that you have more than a couple of friends, more subjects to study, and... uh..
But he thought it'd go away after a bit, that you'd go back to being his cute little sibling once you realized he is so much cooler than the kids your age
He'd walk past your open door multiple times a day after coming home, trying to see if you were going to invite him to hang out
He'd make tea with a mouthwatering fragrance, put on your favorite show, talk to your parents about going to a very trendy and fun place you'd surely want to go with
Damn, at some point he'd probably even talk to Satoru on the phone, loudly, because he knows you're curious about the pretty white haired teen who always teases you whenever he sees you around Suguru's home
But even then, nothing
Nothing at all
Suguru feels like he's watching the baby he helped learn how to walk turn into an adult and leave him behind
And as a big brother, he's upset, a little petty, and worst of all;
Of course, Satoru and Shoko definitely notice, because although Suguru is quiet, he's not staying in a corner looking out of the window while listening to sad music and reminiscing quiet
And of course, they both make fun of him when he explains the situation
"And here I thought Gojo was the unreasonable one."
"Hahaha! I– I can't believe! You're sulking because the little brat isn't talking to you?!"
"Shut up, Satoru, and don't call my baby sibling a brat."
"Hah! You're such a loser, Suguru!"
Needless to say, when Suguru comes home and you're still glued to your phone in the living room, he's not in the greatest of moods
You barely look up when he drops his bag on the table
"Welcome back, Susu."
And because no one ever made a law saying Suguru can't act like Satoru sometimes, the teen flops on the couch and hugs a pillow, not answering you
That, you notice
Your brother always talks to you when he comes back home, even when he is all banged up from whatever they do at school
The sight that greets you is... something
Embarrassing, endearing, definitely pathetic for your big brother
Suguru is pouting, looking down at the pillow his strangling to his chest, his knees pulled up to make himself smaller
Not that it works, he's built like a bean pole
His shoulders brush yours, because even though he's mad, he still misses his cute– annoying little sibling
"Mr. Suguruuuu....?"
"Hey, what's wrong?"
He turns his face away, his hair slapping your face, and pushes more of his body against yours
"What the– Dude, you're squashing me! Suguru, what's wrong with you?!"
Suguru still says nothing, silently letting more and more of his weight to lower on top of you until you're smushed against the couch
Once you're a baby sibling pancake, Suguru finally opens his mouth
"So now you're paying attention to me, huh?"
... Huh?
Suguru huffs, his hair all over your face, body much bigger and heavier than yours not allowing you to move an inch even though you struggle, and squeezes his pillow
"No, it's fine. Go ahead, ignore your big brother all you want. It's not like I helped mom and dad raise you."
"... Are you kiddi–"
"Yeah, keep your eyes glued to your phone, don't need to talk to me or don't hang out with me– actually, don't even look at me at all, since I'm sure you'd much rather look at your phone."
"You're being such a chil–"
"No, no, by all means! It's not like I miss you or anything."
You sighed with some effort, because Suguru is still on top of you and he's not a lightweight, and thump your head against the soft couch
Sure, you know you've been a little distant from your big brother
But, hey, you're fourteen now!
You have your friends and stuff you wanna do without your brother around
And, really, Suguru is a hypocrite
Ever since he started high school he wouldn't stop talking about the white haired cutie
Which you understood, if only visually because Satoru would often call you pint-sized Suguru
But he also spends time with other people!
"You do know I have other friends."
"So I don't matter to you anymore, is that it?"
"No, I'm just not gonna hang out with you all the time!"
"Well, you haven't been hanging out with me at all."
"Yeah, urgh."
God, you really wish more people knew about how pouty and clingy your big bro can get
Maybe they'd stop thinking he was this mature and chill guy
You groan against the couch and your brother presses his back down, pushing the air out of your lungs
"You're so annoying!"
"You used to say you wanted to be just like me when you grew up."
This guy...
You sigh, relaxing and surrendering
You're supposed to meet up your friends this weekend to watch a movie, but two of them can't make it so everyone gave up on it
Might as well use the opportunity
"Fine– I'm sorry, okay? Do– Do you wanna watch a movie this weekend? The one that just came out?"
Suguru stops for a second, letting some of his weight off of you and allowing you to breathe properly
He mutters the name of the movie and you confirm it
You can hear the smile on his face and you scoff, the exact same smile pulling at your lips too
"If you promise you'll pay more attention to your neglected older brother, then yeah."
Oh, you so want to take it back
But then again, now that he brought it up, you also miss him
If only a little
Like, a smidge
"Fine, I won't ignore you anymore. Happy?"
Suguru took a moment to answer before turning around to press a loud and gross older brother kiss on the back of your head
Now you have to take a shower
"Very happy."
He sounds smug and satisfied, finally a little more relaxed
He really did miss you so much
You're his baby, okay? Growing up too fast will only give him heartaches
And now Suguru can tell Satoru that you don't hate him
Everyone wins
"Hey, can you get off now?"
"Hmmm, no, I'm comfortable."
"Well, I'm not! Get off, Suguru!"
"Don't feel like it."
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letters-to-lgbt-kids · 10 months
My dear lgbt+ kids, 
An underrated health and wellbeing tool is play. 
When you think about playing, you may immediately picture little children - but by definition, play describes “any activity engaged in purely for enjoyment and recreation with no definite practical purpose” and those activities stay important throughout your whole life. 
Why are those activities important? 
Play is good for your body. Intentionally doing something just for fun helps to activate the “rest and digest” mode that is necessary to recover and heal from stress. It signals that you’re safe and helps your body relieve tension. 
It’s also good for your brain. It can stimulate your imagination, visualization and critical thinking skills, which can help you build skills like resilience and adaptability. 
Play can also foster empathy and understanding of others as it can help you see things from another’s perspective. 
Playing can make you laugh, and laughter comes with a whole sleeve of health benefits, such as decreasing blood pressure and even improving your immune system! 
Playing together can strengthen relationships. Positive, fun social interactions are important for your emotional wellbeing. 
Now some of you may think “that’s all nice, but how do I even play as an adult?”. While play is a natural behavior of human beings, many adults need to re-learn how to play - it depends on your specific environment and social circles but you may feel a lot of pressure to be productive all the time and play is by its very nature not productive. So, the first step in re-learning play is to give yourself permission to just *be* instead of *do* (and that can be a huge step!). 
Some ideas on how to ease back into play: 
Think about your childhood. (Or if you can, ask a parent, sibling or childhood friend, that can be a great way to bring back memories!) What were your favorite ways to play back then? What did you love about your favorite game? Does any particular memory immediately give you that “I wish I could do that again” feeling? (You may not necessarily find anything that you want to just replicate as an adult as-is, this is just meant to kick-start your imagination!) 
Gameify everyday tasks. Try to spot as many yellow items as possible on your commute to work. Make up a silly song about laundry while putting away the laundry. Pretend to be on a cooking show while making dinner. Do what you always do, just allow yourself to be silly about it! 
Do something creative, even (and especially) if you’re not good at it. You may not think of drawing, writing etc. as playing but those are activities you can do for pure entertainment! 
Moving your body doesn’t need to be purposeful exercise (and certainly not hating yourself in the gym), it can also be playtime: Do a silly little dance to your favorite song! Tippytoe, crawl, jump, walk backward.. from your bedroom to the kitchen, just for the fun of it! 
Rethink toys. While it is fully okay for a grownup to buy, own and play with toys, and we should abolish the negative stereotypes about it (it’s creepy, it’s inherently a sign of poor mental health etc.) these stereotypes do exist and you may simply not feel comfortable. Luckily, there are a few toys that are generally considered socially acceptable for adults or are even marketed towards adults, such as board games, stress balls, adult coloring books, certain Lego sets or fan/collectors toys (like action figures). And when there are no judgy eyes watching, you may also have fun just playing with household items such as cardboard rolls! No need to go out and buy something! 
Keep in mind that play isn’t a competition to win. You can’t play wrong - that’s the beauty of it! Just let your curiosity and enthusiasm guide you. 
With all my love, 
Your Tumblr Dad 
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stoat-party · 1 year
Big fan of The Charon Situation being just so incurably screwed up. If ever there were a person equipped to have full control over an adult man’s free will, it’s definitely not the Lone Wanderer. Even the most educated, well-meaning, and genuinely righteous LW couldn’t handle the responsibility. She’s a teenager raised in an insular totalitarian ant farm who’s suddenly been thrust into a world with no authorities, no guidance.
Which creates a wonderful dynamic with Charon. If Ahzrukhal is to be believed, he was raised this way - he never had the chance to be an adult, taking risks, shouldering responsibility, gaining independence. His parents probably weren’t in the picture for long. I imagine his lack of agency causes him to be emotionally immature sometimes - how can you learn to solve problems like an adult if all the adults in your life treat you like a weapon or a dog or a houseplant?
This guy has to be so screwed up in every way. According to the game guide, he just doesn’t sleep?? Or Azzy never let him sleep? He has that idiosyncratic formal speech pattern, he worries a lot, and the only personal detail we know about him is that guns make him happy. He also kind of openly hates the player’s guts sometimes (he’s sarcastic when given certain commands, is joyfully mean about the GECK, and basically sentences you to death in the non-canon base game ending). No matter how hard the LW tries, some damaged part of him will always resent her authority. She could be a thousand times kinder, fairer, and more just than all his previous employers combined, but she’s still one of them. He still doesn’t have free will.
That power is illegitimate for a reason. There’s no way not to misuse it eventually, especially for a teenager with endless stress and trauma of her own. You’re fighting and you tell him to shut up so you can have the last word. You get a significant other and he gets left home with the dog some nights. You take a quest path he doesn’t approve of and he has to grit his teeth and go along with it.
It’s not fair, can never be fair, and that’s the perfect dynamic to explore. Because as much as he hates her, he loves her too. She literally saved him from Hell on earth, gave him the opportunity to be a force for good. He’s not dumb, he knows that the problem is the contract, not her. Over the years they’ll mature together and learn how to fix a lot of these problems. There are so many unique challenges to creating a healthy relationship out of… that.
(A lot of writers have the contract get destroyed, especially for 😉 reasons. There’s nothing in the game indicating that can’t happen, and it works fine for their purposes. I just think it’s more fun for it to be a continuous obstacle.)
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chaithetics · 5 months
GIRLLLL OMGGGG YOUR MONEKY MAN FIC HELLO?? HELLOOOO???? so good. i just came back from watching it and wtf. now that is how u direct and that is how u make a profound film. (i’m glazing him and this film so hard but idc i just want 1 chance dev PLS JUST GIMME 1 ONE IS ALL I NEED) also r u indian? cuz when i saw the “jaan” i read it it in his voice and my knees literally almost hit the ground like i was like 😧🌚😜😍🤭🤭😋😋🤤🥰 the whole time!!! if i may, can i request another monkey man fic/drabble/whatever u wanna make it but it’s about how they met? basically like a backstory on how they met and got together. thank youuu! 🫶🏽
Blood-Stained Meetings, Nauseous Introductions
Tumblr media
Pairing: Kid (Monkey Man) x reader Word count: 2.6K Warnings: 18+ MDNI, mentions of anxiety, injuries/blood, longing, reader has no physical description, a kiss, no smut. Not proof or beta read. A/N: Hey lovely Nonnie, so glad you enjoyed the film! It's so good! Dev Patel is so talented. I hope you and everyone else reading this and in the fandom enjoys this fic! 🫶(Please do and validate me, I'm scared it's TERRIBLE and I'm not happy with this, genuinely terrified lol) Comments, reblogs etc. are always more than appreciated and encouraged! Enjoy 🥰 Gif by @junkfoodcinemas Somewhat inspired by an old chat with the talented @mittos about how reader would probably hate seeing him fight, and tagging @lialilalo because I feel bad about ending up taking a week to get this out since your ask!
Sure, there were probably worse ways to spend a Friday night, but you also knew that there were definitely much better ways to spend a Friday night as well. But you simply weren’t the kind of person who did better things on a Friday night, that wasn’t in your DNA. Obviously. This was your brother's idea of fun after all. 
It didn’t surprise you that this was how your adult brother wanted to spend the start to his weekend and drag you along, or that this was a frequent pastime of his. It didn’t mean that it horrified you any less though. 
You’d sighed and dreaded this for hours, days probably, subconsciously. 
Yet, you still were here. You’d changed out of your work clothes for this, you’d tried to make yourself as presentable as possible when you knew it was an effort you’d see reflected in your brother. You were dreading leaving your home and having to blend into the sea of bloodthirsty betters you were about to find yourself in. 
You walk with your brother and one of his friends into the building, it’s large and crowded. Everyone is packed in like sardines as they yell about what odds they’re betting on, who’s the biggest and strongest, who’s the most nimble-footed and quickest, and who is the immediate runt of the competitors. You can already feel yourself becoming stressed, at this environment. You don’t understand the appeal of this but you understand how it can become a reality with the world that you’re all in. 
The heat stings your face like a slap, as you stand there, close to your brother so you don’t get split up in this sea and he rambles in your ear about who he placed a bet on, how they usually do. All of the information that seems so important in a moment like this to everyone else. But you’ve seen enough blood, you don’t need to be fascinated by people getting bloodied up like this. It’s a privilege that you’ve been able to avoid this your whole life. 
If you were seeing this at home, or if it wasn’t so packed in here tonight, you’d feel a little less self-conscious. And if you felt a little less self-conscious, you’d be chewing on your nails, all the way down to the nail bed. Until you felt the all too familiar sting of going too far. You give your hand a little shake to try and get rid of that urge, now’s not the place or time to wear your nerves on your sleeve. So instead, you try to offer up a small smile to your brother as he leads you to a spot on some benches nearby. 
The bench is relatively close to the ring, but it’s good, you’re already overstimulated and trying to make it up further to higher seats isn’t an idea that agrees with you right now, and it surely promises you a quick exit if needed. You look around, the dim lighting further adds to everything, your eyes scan the faces of those in the crowd and you look out at the ring. It’s big, you think, but you’re not sure if it’s a standard size or not for this sport. 
An announcer enters the ring, he looks sleazy and has a large, sly smirk pasted onto his face, one that makes you uncomfortable. You look at your brother to try and share a knowing glance but he’s focused on what’s in front of you both. You let out a quiet sigh as you tilt your head back to focus on what’s in front of you. 
The announcer opens his mouth and he speaks in a South African accent, that surprises you and you can’t help but look at your brother again. He announces himself as Tiger. This night is already so random, and you have a feeling that it’s only going to get more wild. 
“He’s the owner.” Your brother says as he tilts his head to whisper loudly in your ear. You can hear him over the whooping, clapping, and chants that have started. You nod as you look back at the ring, trying to pay attention to what you’re going to soon witness. Despite how overwhelming it all is. 
Tiger then introduces a fighter who’s dressed to almost look like a reptile, he’s introduced as King Kobra and gets a warm, adoring welcome from the audience with thunderous applause and cheers. You don’t clap as you can’t help but look around instead, taking it all in. It’s a lot and there’s so many people here, here just for this. 
Tiger then starts to introduce King Kobra’s opponent, his voice changes and it’s tinged with an antagonising disgust, he’s clearly trying to rile the audience up into booing, and not rooting for whoever it is. You can’t help but feel your curiosity grow at that. It feels childlike how it’s said, but you see the audience respond just as Tiger wishes. The opponent is Monkey Man, he quickly comes out and makes his way into the ring. He moves quickly and he bounces on his feet for a moment as he gets further into the zone. He stands there, waiting for the noise to confirm it’s the start, the start of a fight where he can maybe get one or two punches in before he has to keel over for his pay. Pay that he’ll probably have to bargain for. 
He stands in the ring and he can’t help but spend a second focusing on the face he sees in the front row. Kid is sure he hasn’t seen that face here before, it’s a pretty face, but he can’t help but notice the anxiety pooled in those eyes or your body language. He tilts his head slightly, it doesn’t seem to be the kind of anxiety some of the gamblers here have before the match, the ones who are risking it all for an expensive thrill and painful rush, to live vicariously through him and the other men adorned in animal masks and names. 
Kid turns his head away from you and tries to focus back on his work. You don’t even notice that the man in the ring has been staring at you, taking you and your nerves in for a few, long but oh so short seconds.. How could you? With that mask? You can’t see his face, but you can see there’s a lanky figure standing there, hiding under the mask and donning the monkey man mantle. He’s tall and slender but you can see there’s some muscle on his arms, from what you can see of the sweat and blood-stained undershirt he wears, his chest is toned as well. 
You don’t know it yet, but you can feel something realign, change in this moment. You’re just not sure what it is, or if this feeling is even real, or if it’s just another symptom of somatic anxiety. Right now, you think it’s probably just that. 
After almost another minute of the crowd booing Monkey Man and chanting out for the King Kobra, the match begins. Each of the men takes a moment to size the other one up, watching the other’s moves before the first hit lands. It’s King Kobra, he strikes Monkey Man. 
King Kobra goes to throw another punch, he moves quickly and he’s very agile, yet Monkey Man somehow dodges this one. His landing with the dodge isn’t perfect, but it gets him out of the way. He throws a punch to King Kobra and the crowd erupts into boos at that. It’s even more louder and clearer than before who they’re all rooting for and aren’t. The crowd’s response seems to motivate King Kobra as he quickly moves and starts to deliver blow after blow. 
You barely feel the noise of the crowd’s screams of joy and cheers as this happens and King Kobra gets his footing back. Your eyes widen as you watch, you see blood starting to fall as Monkey Man loses his way in this match. 
You let out a gasp as he falls to the ground. King Kobra slithers around the ring, posing and feeding off of the crowd’s response before he goes in for the kill shot. He delivers it and you feel yourself slightly jump. It’s terrifying to you, you don’t see the appeal in this, you can only start to mentally list off all of the physical trauma this causes. You sigh as you watch King Kobra be declared the winner of this match, it sounds like a recurring event, you gaze over at your brother who looks ahead with a large smile of awe, obviously happy with whatever return he’s getting on the bets he’d made beforehand
Monkey Man slowly tries to limp his way out of the ring and backstage, you look at your brother and quickly whisper that you need to check on this man. You have to, it’s basically a moral and ethical obligation. Your brother sighs and nods, you quickly move off of the bench and it doesn’t take much for you to catch up to this masked man. “How are you feeling? I’m a nurse.” You say to him and he nods slowly, you can hear his ragged pants from under the mask, the mask is drenched in sweat along with the rest of his body.
As you slowly walk backstage with him to the locker room that’s pungent with the sweat of costumed men masquerading as animals and characters you’d find in The Ramayana. There’s blood stains visible throughout the floors and walls, and you can taste the copper of the crimson in the air, impossibly so. You don’t know how but you can. You ignore these other bodies floating in your periphery as you walk to a sink with the Monkey Man, he leads the way, naturally. 
As you approach the sink together he immediately puts his hands on the edge and spits out a thick string of blood, you’re used to seeing blood but in this context, you can’t help but feel your nose screw up a little. It’s awful.
He tilts his head to look up at you, your eyes meet him and you offer him a small smile and give him your name. He looks at you, taking in the way that your lips curl up and how they do so genuinely. He gives a small nod, one you’d have missed if you’d blinked just a few seconds earlier. He just tells you that his nickname is Kid. Maybe he’s been fighting since he was very young. You don’t ask. Not yet. 
You turn the faucet on at the sink, to try and wash his blood away so that you can start trying to clean the damage of tonight’s fight, off of him. 
“What are you doing here?” He asks, he knows you’re not the type of person to come to these events. You’re not a regular and it’s clear from your face, you’re not a fan of these displays of violence. 
“My brother. It’s his birthday this weekend.” You say quietly as you wipe the blood off. “Have you broken your nose?” He looks up at you with a small smile, it makes sense. Your brother was probably the man beside you, he thinks. Kid can’t quite remember his face. He then shrugs at your question. His nose doesn’t feel too bad right now, but he knows he’s probably broken it at some stage. 
“You’re not sure?” You ask him, he shakes his head. You immediately notice how quiet he is, but despite his silence, his eyes are so reactive and expressive that you feel like you know more than what his words could give you.
“Do you have issues breathing? It doesn’t look bad, there’s just a small scar there. They often heal pretty well on their own.” You say as if to reassure him, even though you know that it probably isn’t something that would bother him. There wouldn’t be much he could do now anyway about that. You don’t like that thought. 
Kid stays there perfectly still as your stomach is now over its nausea and your hand touches his skin so gently as you try to offer him some kindness, some respect, some dignity, some simple compassion and care. His eyes soften as he realises that and looks up at you. There’s a glow from within you, even in the artificial lighting of the locker room and it’s easy for him to block out the chaos in here and focus on your gentleness. 
He’s barely ever touched, except for when a blow hits in a match, it’s never this gently. He doesn’t even know how to show himself that level of care when he bandages himself up at the end of each night that he fights. 
There’s not much of a conversation as you bandage him up but somehow, you don’t really notice it and it’s completely okay with you. There’s a comfort in his quietness, his stillness. It’s one he finds in you as well, perfectly requited. You put a hand on his arm gently as you just finished putting a bandage on him. He takes your hand slowly, and he examines it. You’ve never had someone look at your hair, analysing every hair on your knuckles and by your wrist. It’s a unique way to be seen. He then takes your hand and gently turns it over, taking his time as he does. Kid looks at your palm, at all the lines on it and his eyes follow and travel amongst every single last one. A million lifetimes. A million dreams. He runs his finger along them, just to confirm as he thinks about the roots of your skin, how they run along to the softness and travel over calluses. “That’s your future.” He says softly as he looks at your hand, running his fingers along the lines. He then looks up at you, and his big, beautiful brown eyes meet your orbs. “It’s your past, everything.” You’re not sure what it is that he sees. You’d like to know but you also think you’d be content living without that and just his opinion on everything else in the world. But still, you want to see with his eyes.His fingers stop running over your palm and you feel your cheeks heat up at the intensity of this, his eyes have softened and there’s something else there. Something you don’t quite know. Is it longing? You’re not sure. You feel a deep, soul-aching longing, he does as well and always has. You just haven’t arrived at the stop yet for that to be communicated with words. Now all there is just looks, longing looks from a man with the most beautiful big, brown eyes in the world. You could melt in them, swim in them, drown in them. All of the above and you’d never complain.
You don’t know who makes the first move first, it just feels natural, like gravity. Some kind of natural force that slowly pulls your lips together that you both know is right. His hand gently cups your cheek as you feel his lips. They’re slightly chapped but you don’t mind. The kiss is soft and delicate and you like it. You need it and so does he. Everything feels so natural right now. Perhaps this is something he saw in the palm of your hand. You don’t know what it is yet, but you’re certain that this mask-wearing monkey man is part of that future he just talked about.
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gauloiseblue · 7 months
TF141 + König, Graves, Alejandro | Body Worship
[+18 | Adult Content MDNI]
Every healthy couple has done body worship to some degree, whether through compliments or something that's done behind closed doors. So when the two of you have reached that point, this is what they'll do:
He'll absolutely kiss every part of your body, and his favorite spot is on the back of your knee.
In his mind, it's a reserved spot for a lover's kiss—because it could only be done in private, when the two of you lounge around.
While it's true that he prefers doing something else with you in private, he also loves kissing that particular spot, particularly when he feels like a sap, like a sentimental fool.
When you're laying on your back, he'd kiss your belly, before laying his head on your chest. He does it so often, that you'd instinctively run your fingers through his hair.
He loves doing it so much that it becomes a stress relief for him.
(One time, out of curiosity, he decided to compare his pulse before and after doing it, and his heartbeat did slow down during the cuddle)
Once, you joked that he has to find another way to destress or he'll die of a heart attack when you're gone. He didn't laugh.
Fluff aside, I think it's pretty much true that he's a giver when it comes to sex.
He's been in the position of power for so long, it's only natural for him to be in charge of everything.
(That applies to his relationship as well. Although he did tone it down, so he wouldn't end up suffocating his partner)
He'd take care of your body, and he'd make sure that nobody can make you feel like he does.
The thing about Price, is that he takes pride in knowing your body. He knows the blueprint of your pleasure like the back of his hand—he knows which button to push, and which way to make you see white.
He loves eating you out, that it almost becomes a ritual for him. And he wouldn't stop until your grip on his hair has tightened, so much so it's almost like you're trying to rip his hair out.
While he likes the term 'worship', he prefers 'giving you what you deserve'.
Also, I can picture him kissing his partner's sole or heel when he's fucking her—especially when her legs are up on his shoulder.
He's the type of person who likes to hug his partner 24/7.
Aka, the baby monkey
He's very clingy, to the point that you can't escape from him with the excuse of 'going to the toilet'.
It's even worse when he just came back from a mission. Like, ten times worse.
He's the type that'd drag you into the shower when he's home, even though you already did it 5 minutes before. All because he misses you so much.
He knows that it annoys you sometimes, he even does it purposely just to poke fun at you, but he'd stop when you're genuinely pissed or needed space.
While he's not the type who'd worship his partner with grandiose acts, he'd shower her with compliments.
He'd tell you how much he loves your curves, or how much he wishes to be the one who hugs your body instead of clothes.
He loves his partner so much that her imperfections seem to blur in his eyes. He can't see any of her flaws, because he's blinded by love.
It might sound cheesy, but he really can't see his partner's flaws. He has no desire to search for it.
He'd be very sad if his partner didn't believe him, and he'd do anything to change her mind.
Maybe that's how the worship started
He'd call you with many nicknames, and all of them contain the word 'pretty' or something with similar meanings.
And he'll definitely abuse it in bed.
"You're so lovely when you cum like that, babe."
"Your lips are tempting me."
For some reason, I see him as someone who'd love mirror sex as a way of worship. Because he can fuck you while praising you at the same time.
(He also uses it as a punishment, especially when you don't believe him)
"Look at you. What a pretty thing you are."
And when he does it, you know he won't stop until you agree with him.
This man.
You know that post about Napoleon's letter to his wife; 'don't wash, will arrive in three days'? That's literally him.
While it's only figuratively, I do think that he doesn't mind the impropriety of it.
He's been in the army for years, with long working hours, and no time for personal care. So the smell of sweat won't bother him at all.
And he doesn't care about things that we might consider 'gross', such as hairy legs (or anywhere else, really), acne, or greasy hair. For him, it's only natural for humans to have it.
It doesn't mean that he doesn't care about hygiene. He does keep himself clean, but not too obsessed with it—mainly because he doesn't have a problem with it in the first place.
But he wouldn't mind if his partner took care of him, even though he has no idea what that toner does, or what's even moisturizer for.
Skincare aside, I do believe that he doesn't care if you don't shave. He'd still eat you out like a hungry man.
Just like Gaz, he doesn't see any of your imperfections. He just doesn't care.
In bed, he's quite dirty about it. He'd lick your sweat off your neck, and would cover your body with his cum whenever he could.
He also lets you sit on his face, until you drench him with your juice.
When the two of you had sex, he'd exhaust his endurance to its potential. Which means, you'd be covered in sweat and other fluids by the end of session.
Worry not, he'd treat you with aftercare by soaping you up in the bathtub.
I feel like Simon would be the textbook example of body worship.
Growing up without proper care left him clueless about love, he wouldn't know how to show his affection if you didn't teach him the right way.
It might’ve felt awkward at the time, but keep in mind that he's trying his best.
It's amusing to watch though, especially when he's just started practicing. Because there'd be a time where you look at him expectantly, and he'd stand there for a full minute—trying to figure out what it means—before leaning in for a kiss.
While he looks like he's the man in charge, he actually finds solace in submission. He'll only take control when he knows that you're okay with it.
He needed a partner who's patient with him, because he'd flinch away at the slightest gesture of affection.
But beyond that point lies a loving partner. Affection won't scare him away anymore, and he won't be afraid to show it in public.
He'll kiss the tips of your fingers, your hands, or your temple tenderly.
In private, he prefers kissing the lines of your back. Trailing his kisses along your spine, and down to your lower curve.
And he'll do it with such tenderness, that it almost feels like a worship.
Did I ever tell you that he's good at massaging?
When you tell him your neck is stiff, he'll tell you to sit down immediately. He'll do such a good job on it, that he'll release all of your muscle knots in 5 minutes.
You know the joke about how men will turn a massage into sex? He's not one of them. He'll genuinely take care of you and tell you to rest.
So don't use it for that purpose, because he'd be so confused when you tease him during the massage.
In general, he wouldn't know what you want unless you say it straight to his face.
It'd change once he's comfortable with you. He'd take initiative more often, and he won't hesitate to touch you. Don't be surprised when he kisses the top of your head whenever he feels like it, even in the presence of other people.
This extra large size of a man is actually a scaredy cat.
He's so used to violence that he's afraid that he'd unintentionally bring it into his relationship.
One time, you hissed when he grabbed your wrist, and since then, he's afraid to touch you.
His fear pushes him to be cautious with you, and he'd treat you as if you're a porcelain.
It took about 7 weeks before he treated you like a normal person. And several days more before the two of you could get down to 'business'.
I'd like to mention something about his mask, I don't think he'd hide his face from his partner, even at the time when they've just met. He only uses it in the army, but outside of work, it's definitely off. Maybe he'd wear a mask in public, but that's it.
But since he's used to having a mask on, he sometimes forgets that other people can tell when he's looking. So when his eyes fall on your ass, you'll definitely know it.
Similar to Ghost, I do think that he needs time to learn about how to give and take. The only difference is that he has rough edges, and would definitely tease his partner.
"Don't tell me you can't reach that cupboard, maus?"
He'll definitely take advantage of his height and make fun of yours. Don't be sour about it, though. That's just his way of showing love.
He likes to pick you up, or carry you in his big arms to show the size difference. He did it so easily that he could do it with one arm, and still not break a sweat.
While he doesn't show his affection through kisses, he does it by getting on his knees.
Whenever you sit on the sofa—watching the TV, or just lounging around—he'd join you by sitting on the floor, before placing his head on your lap just like a dog.
On a rare moment, when he's feeling vulnerable, he'd lean his head against your stomach, and wrap his hands around your waist. He'd do it in such a way that people would've mistaken your stillness as something holy—as if you're a personal saint.
Like this image
Sometimes you wanted to question him about it, but you got the feeling that he'd return to his shell when you mention it to him. So you decided to keep it to yourself.
Maybe someday—if you're lucky—you'll find the answer for it.
In terms of take or give, I think he'd be pretty selfish about it. Especially when it comes to body worship.
He'll demand your affection all the time, and that applies in the bedroom as well.
He won't hesitate to push your head down, until your eyes are on the same level with the bulge on his pants. He'll be cocky about it, manhandling you and dictating you of what to do.
But here's the thing, he's very desperate for it, and you can use it against him.
If you don't mind him taking control, then go ahead. But if you don't want him to, you can literally turn things around by refusing him.
And let me tell you this; he'll do absolutely anything just to get his dick sucked.
You can ask him to kiss your feet, or buy you things, or even worse—you can humiliate him and get away with it. And when he did fulfill your demand, he'd be very submissive to you, even when you're on your knees, taking him in your mouth.
"Just like that, mon cher—" He'd moan, "Oh, yes, yes."
You can absolutely peg him, with the cost of giving him oral. Not a bad trade, right?
Outside the bedroom, he'd be critical of your fashion choices.
He'll dress you up whenever the two of you are going out, and he'll definitely hire people to take care of your hair and make-up.
"You don't like that dress? Too bad sweetheart, I already bought it for you."
(Then again, you can just threaten him with no oral, and watch him going through 5 stages of grief before he agrees with everything you say)
Aside from that, I don't think he'd do it to control you, he just wants you to have the best of everything. Because if he can't provide it to you, then what the hell is he doing?
As a Mexican man, he can't resist moving his body in one way or another.
Meaning, he loves to dance.
It'd be nice if you know how to dance, or at least what his dance means, but if not, he'd definitely teach you.
Think of a bird dancing as a way of courting, and you'll see his way of thinking.
He wouldn't woo you with words (although, he does have a silver tongue), or with kisses (not really, he's a great kisser as well), instead, he'd use his body to communicate his desire.
The easiest 'dance' that you can understand, is when he presses his hips onto your ass, as he sways your body—gently, and side to side—with him.
If you're not familiar with dances, worry not, he'll make sure you understand them by the end of the night.
If he pulls you to dance with him, it means he finds you interesting. If he lets you take the stage, he thinks you're beautiful. If he presses your body together, then he wants you. It's not that hard to decipher, since he's very eager to show it.
(While he prefers dancing with upbeat music, he's down for slow dancing to soft music)
You joked to him that he's always changing whenever he started to dance, and he replied with a smirk, "For better or worse?" He asked, and you couldn't answer.
Because not only he became the biggest tease, he also gave you memorabilia, in the form of copious lovemarks on your neck.
Have I ever told you that this man is obsessed with your neck?
He'd press his nose against the nape of your neck, muttering, "You'll make a slave out of me." Before placing his lips on your skin.
He likes to kiss your shoulder as well. He'd do it anywhere and everywhere, that it's become his second favorite place to kiss after your lips.
Whenever he stands behind you, you'll always catch him pressing his lips on your shoulder, absent-mindedly.
I think he's pretty much the king of body worship. Sadly, I can't describe every little thing he does to you, so I'll just leave the rest to your imagination <3
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mysticdoodles · 1 year
hi i saw a post about the fish playing with the human child and even though your addition to that post is 3 years old by now i would love to hear more about ftm sheephead fish :3 (no pressure btw!)
Fish curiosity, in my inbox?? It's more likely than I think, apparently! xD
First off, there's actually multiple fish dubbed 'sheephead'! There's the sheepshead- note the extra S in there- and they look like this:
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And yes those are their teeth. Horrifying tbh, but they're very good at what they do- crushing invertebrates and other shelled snacks! They're an Atlantic species that sticks to temperate and warmer waters, and they max out at about half a meter in length.
That's not the fish we're talking about today. The focus of today is the California sheephead wrasse- note the lack of a second S- also known as the 'sheephead' for short. Not confusing at all! We definitely don't bash our heads into walls over the naming conventions and lack of record-keeping of our scientist predecessors.
THIS is the sheephead wrasse, the species of the lovely and now Tumblr-famous Red! :D With a length of up to a FULL meter, they're a whole different size class of fish! They can be found along the west coast USA from the Baja Peninsula all the way up to Monterey, and dwell almost exclusively in kelp forests and nearby environments. I will use one of Red's pics as an example of female coloration-
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The lighting isn't great but you can see how her body is streamlined, and besides the white underside of the jaw, has a salmon-pink coloration! Females can be pink or a dull silver-beige. And much like other large marine wrasse, MALES have a drastically different appearance.
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This thing is built like a damn tank!! Sheephead are a species of wrasse that shift colors to gain those striking black scales and physically bulk up when becoming males- because guess what? ALL OF THEM ARE BORN FEMALE! By default, all male California Sheephead are FTM trans :) They use that bulky head and extremely tough set of jaws to not only hunt their preferred prey- mollusks, gastropods, and bivalves, etc- but also to bash and chomp down on rival males. This one has won many battles, look at that scarred up muzzle!
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The sex change is determined by several factors, as it's not guaranteed all sheephead will eventually become males. Because sheephead school in a harem system- many females to very few males- in order to maximize pressure of stronger offspring, the biggest and healthiest sheephead male will drive out competition from the school. Naturally, a sheephead that lives longer and gains a greater size will have a much higher chance of shifting from a female to a male, if the conditions are right. Stress induced from competition can suppress the hormones that stimulate this transition in females, so they're less likely to gain size and shift from female to male if there's already strong competition taking place. However, in the event there are too few males to mate with the females, or no males present at all, the biggest female will start transitioning to fill the empty slot! It's a long process that can take as few as a couple months, or up to years, depending on resources available.
Conversely, if there are TOO MANY males, they can revert back into females! This process also takes a long time, and is a lot more rare to witness, especially because right now male California sheephead in particular are being spear-fished into becoming an Endangered species :c Sheephead adult males in good condition are considered a trophy animal in spear-fishing and similar marine trophy hunting off the West coast, and because males in particular are being targeted, the gene pool is being reduced when it wrecks the harem structure of schools.
As a fun fact- they're also an incredibly smart fish, and can form relationships with humans, as demonstrated with me and sweetiepie Red cx There's many documented cases of large marine wrasses forming long-term friendships with divers! Here's a humphead wrasse that made friends with a diver she learned would crack snails open for her with a hammer:
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I don't work at the facility with Red anymore, but I currently work with two unnamed adult male sheephead, and once again they both like me and seem to despise all my coworkers, even if I never had the opportunity to train them like I did with little Red xD They pick favorites I guess? Now if only I could make friends with the garibaldi...
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Stuck on the Past | Part 1
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Ex-girlfriend!Reader
Summary: You never thought you'd see Bradley Bradshaw again, especially the way things ended between the two of you. So what happens when he's suddenly back for a special mission and is determined to win you back too?
Warnings: Angst (ish), adult language, drinking
Length: 1.8k
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You couldn't remember the last time you'd gone out on a Saturday night. Your friends had been begging you to join them for a while, that much you knew, but with how stressful work had been, time seemed to slip out of your hands.
That was until this Saturday. Finally you'd been given the weekend off, and as much as you wanted to spend it in bed binge-watching all the Netflix you'd missed, you ended up deciding that a few drinks wouldn't hurt.
How wrong you were.
Thinking back, it started going south as soon as April mentioned going to the Hard Deck. Sure, you'd been a few times since it opened, and you thought it was a nice place, but you couldn't deny the strange feeling in your gut, almost like a warning. Maybe that should have been a sign that this wasn't going to be your night, but you ignored it, and decided to have fun instead of worrying so much.
"Hey!" April grinned as you walked in, standing from the booth your friends had claimed slightly away from the bar, "I was starting to wonder if you really existed all this time."
She laughed, giving you a quick hug before you sat down with the rest of your friends, "It hasn't been that long." You said, rolling your eyes as April pushed a drink towards you.
"Yes. It has." She smirked, "So drink up. We're making this a night to remember."
You were a couple drinks in, laughing with one of your friends, when the jukebox music cut out. You didn't take much notice until you heard it. The piano. April frowned, "Is someone playing the piano? How cool is that! Let's go look."
You stood and slowly followed her towards the edge of the bar. You knew who was playing. Of course, you knew. It was the same song he used to play years ago, when you were both barely in your 20s. Young, in love, and stupid.
April gripped your hand and dragged you forward to get a better view of the singer. There he was. He had grown, definitely, but he was still the same old Bradley Bradshaw. All smiles and laughs as he played the piano and sang along with his friends. As much as you wanted to, you couldn't look away. You dragged your eyes to your side to look at April, who's face began to fall in realisation.
"No. Way." She turned to you, searching your face for any sign that you might cry, "Please tell me that's not who I think it is."
You nodded, mouth dry from shock as you grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the restroom, locking both of you in a stall. You sighed, ran your hand through your hair and sat on the lid of the toilet seat.
April had both of her hands on her hips, her mouth in a tight frown, "What the hell is he doing here? Isn't it enough that he broke your heart, huh? And now what? Now he's suddenly back in San Diego! Seriously?! What the actual-"
"April." You interrupted, standing up and putting your hands on her shoulders, "It's fine. I'm.. I'm fine." She nodded, taking a deep breath as you sat back onto the lid of the toilet, "And anyway," you shrugged, "He didn't really.. break my heart."
April scoffed, "You have to be joking. You cried over him for like a year! I thought you were about to swear off men forever after him!"
"Probably would have been a good idea." You chuckled, "I meant that.. you know, it was mutual."
April rolled her eyes, "Whatever. What's our game plan?"
"Well, for starters, I'm not letting you leave now we've seen him. You need to show him that this didn't affect you. Stand up."
You stood to face your longest friend. She'd been there when you'd met Bradly the very first time, and she'd been the one to pick up the pieces after he'd left. As much as April could be demanding, most of the time she had a point. The only thing you wanted to do right now was run, but you also knew that if he saw you leave it would look like it was because of him, and you didn't want him to have any sort of power over you like that. Not anymore.
You took a deep breath, "Okay, I'm not leaving. Let's go get shots." You were trying to sound confident, but your voice was wobbly and your breathing was uneven. Yeah, tequila was definitely going to help.
April ordered some drinks, and you both did a shot of tequila each at the bar. It did calm some of your nerves, but just knowing he was around was setting you off again. You sat back down with the rest of your friends and gazed around the room. Maybe you were in the clear? He'd sang one song and decided to leave?
Just as you felt better, you glanced to the other side of the room, at the pool table, where eyes were already on you. He looked just as shocked as you did, his mouth half open and eyebrows raised, grip tight on his pool stick. You felt yourself freeze. Should you smile? Wave? Shit, the longer you two just stared at each other the more awkward this was getting.
You blinked a couple times before quickly standing, "I'm getting another drink." Your friends were in deep conversation, but you assumed they heard you and hurried towards the bar.
You ordered another round of drinks before you felt someone stand beside you. You looked up and there he was, tall and muscular, very different from the boy you'd known all those years ago.
He grinned, "I thought it was you. I saw you in the crowd while I was playing but then I couldn't find you after." You opened your mouth and closed it again, trying to find words that wouldn't make you sound stupid. Before you could, your drinks were placed in front of you. "You need help carrying those?" He pointed at the four drinks on the bar.
You quickly shook your head, muttered a 'no thanks' and grabbed two in each hand, hurrying off to the booth your friends were sat in. Bradley watched you walk away and mentally kicked himself. He'd practiced what he was going to say to you since he saw you in the crowd earlier in the night. It could have gone better, but then again, what's left to say to someone you both hurt and never quite forgave?
You figured you'd stayed long enough that April would let you leave if you wanted to, so you grabbed your handbag, hugged your friends goodbye and made your way to the front of the bar. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket. It was April.
Let me know when you get home safe. You did great tonight. He's not worth it!! See you soon x
You smiled and searched through your phone to find an Uber.
"On your way home?" You turned to see Bradley. Just when you thought you'd made your escape.
"Uh, yeah." You took a moment to really look at him. He had this hopeful look to him, you realised, like he actually wanted to talk to you. You sighed, "Just trying to get an Uber."
"You don't have to." He rubbed the back of his neck, eyes trained on the ground, "Look, I know things are awkward. It's been a long time. But, I can take you home. I've barely drank, I'm good to drive. If you want, that is."
He finally met your eyes as you shrugged. "It's been a really long time. I never thought I'd see you back here." You bit your lip, thinking over the situation, "But, sure. If you're offering, I'd like a ride."
He smiled and nodded, relieved that you hadn't ran away from him. He probably wouldn't have blamed you if you did. But this was something.
The drive to your apartment was quiet. You could feel Bradley glancing at you now and then, but you couldn't risk looking at him. You were already in his car, the same old Bronco he'd had since you'd known him. April was gonna freak when you told her tomorrow.
"How've you been?" He broke the silence as he stopped at a red light, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel.
"Good. Busy." You answered, "You?"
"Yeah, good. A lot of deployments but it's been fine." He took a glance in your direction as the light changed, "I wasn't planning on coming back. There's this mission. I'm not supposed to talk about it-"
"It's fine." You cut him off. That made more sense. There was no way he'd come back here for you. That just confirmed it.
He sighed. You wondered if he was regretting offering you a ride home. Probably. "You look good." He said instead.
Your head whipped round to look at him, "Don't start."
He was smirking, "What?" He glanced at you again, feigning innocence, "I know things are awkward but am I not allowed to compliment my favourite ex-girlfriend?"
You cleared your throat and turned towards the window, "Your compliments were never just compliments, Bradley. They always led to something else and you know it."
You felt your cheeks heat up as he glanced at you again, a small smile on his face. "Would that be a bad thing?"
He pulled up in front of your building, turning to face you fully as he turned off the engine. You turned to him, arms crossed and voice sharp, "Yes. It would be a bad thing. History is a there for a reason and I don't wanna repeat it." You opened his door and stepped outside, "Oh! And by the way, you are definitely not my favourite ex-boyfriend!"
Bradley chuckled, "I always used to love it when you'd get angry, your cheeks get all flushed. It's cute."
You mouth hung open, what was he playing at? "Thanks for the ride." You said, shutting his car door and walking towards your apartment building with a huff. Even when you unlocked your apartment door, you couldn't quite believe what had happened. How dare he flirt with you like that? You two hadn't talked in years!
You climbed into bed and decided to sleep it off. At least you wouldn't be forced to see him again. You'd be at work and he'd be on his stupid mission. That was something.
Bradley stayed parked outside after he dropped you off. Partly to make sure you got in okay, but also to really think about what he had actually been suggesting. He hadn't seen you in years. Sure, you crossed his mind every now and then, sometimes he'd stalk your social media to see what you were up to, but he didn't know you anymore. You guys had history, that was true. The worst part about it? He didn't think repeating history would be a bad thing at all, especially if it was with you.
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qiu-yan · 1 month
jiang cheng at the club
i answered kind of speedily but hm blorbo should not be at the club
teenage era? the most debatable era tbh. on one hand - for one, if jiang cheng goes, he's going because he thinks that's what the cool kids his age should be doing, rather than because it's what he actually wants to do. for two, if he goes he's certainly going with wei wuxian. there's a good chance he'll have a good time with wei wuxian, but there's also a good chance that he'll spend the entire experience way too high-strung about wei wuxian doing something stupid (guaranteed) that will make both him and yunmeng jiang look stupid (not guaranteed but still likely) and/or put wei wuxian in danger (also very likely). there's also an even higher chance that wei wuxian will end up fucking off to chat/flirt/etc with other people (eg. lan wangji who wei wuxian also managed to drag to the club, who then gets drunk and thus wei wuxian now has to babysit), thereby leaving jiang cheng all by his lonesome. jiang cheng can probably talk to strangers, but he came here to have fun with wei wuxian and now wei wuxian has ding dong ditched. bonus points if wei wuxian promised to be designated driver and now jiang cheng has to uber home.
on the other hand - teenage wei wuxian and jiang cheng are definitely making the club more fun. mostly wei wuxian. and, despite all of the above, jiang cheng is probably having a good time...most of the time...too.
adult era: nah. jiang cheng is busy. it would be nice if he could let loose and forget about everything for a few hours, but he would not do that. realistically he'd just spend the entire time stressing about his growing to-do list, and the music would give him a headache.
also, everything at the club would remind him of wei wuxian. wei wuxian, certified party animal, was almost certainly the one dragging jiang cheng to the club in their youth; jiang cheng probably does in fact have some happy memories of clubbing with wei wuxian. but those happy memories are gonna curdle into depressing ones the moment he steps through the doors and is reminded of wei wuxian again. the photos of wei wuxian doing a keg stand behind the bar are making him miserable, and he in turn is going to make it everyone else's problem.
postcanon era: also nah. mostly because he'd almost certainly run into jin ling et al. sneaking into the club with fake IDs, and now everyone's yelling.
on the other hand....maybe he and wei wuxian can eventually reconcile over a night of partying they're both frankly way too old for. or maybe when they wake up the next day in the same ditch with matching hangovers.
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eyecan02 · 10 days
My Upcoming Beetlebabes Fanfic
I was a retired fanfic author for years for other fandoms. Who knew I'd be fanfic writing again and for a Beetlejuice fanfic? Beetlebabes and the ending of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice has got me in a chokehold so I gotta work off my creative energy until we hopefully manifest Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice into existence.
I've never written a fanfic with someone with Beetlejuice's type of personality but I always love a writer's challenge. One thing I learned while writing Beetlejuice's character- to not hold back on his character. He is the definition of unhinged so there's no such thing as "overdoing it" with his character.
It's been fun writing a couple who is pretty much black cat and golden retriever energy. I am writing Lydia stressed out and in line with her character in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice but as things progress with Beetlejuice, I want her to find herself and develop a bit of that spark she had as a teen with a mix of what I imagine adult Lydia is like when she's not stressed out/co-dependant.
I can't wait to share my fic with all of you. It's getting me out of a writing rut and out of a depression. I'm going to write a few chapters before I upload anything so that I can update at least twice a week. I think the fic will be more or less about 15-16 chapters. Here's a couple random Beetlejuice moments from my fic.
"Yeah, I know several different languages. I can also speak in tongues." Beetlejuice leaned close to Lydia, wagging his tongue around suggestively.
"Eventually you have to tell Astrid about my nightly visits, Lydia. I need to get some practice in. I've never been a dad before, after all. Been called daddy but never in that context."
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radiant-reid · 1 year
Baby Spencer x hotch daughter first meeting maybe? I’d kind of like to think that maybe they had met before or liked each other. Like they go to the same coffee shop and meet there and talk. And he is finally worked up to courage to ask her out and just before he’s going to leave to meet her, she walks in and is introduced as hotch’s daughter.
"Rushing off to see your girlfriend?" Morgan asks with a smirk.
Spencer had thought he made a clean getaway when no one was in the bullpen but he made the mistake of putting his mug in the dishwasher instead of just leaving and Morgan snuck up on him.
"She's not my girlfriend." Spencer denies, blushing guiltily. Maybe one day, he thinks every time at the coffee shop.
"Man, we just got home from a week-long case, you haven't slept in 32 hours, but you're still going to get coffee with her." Morgan reminds him, chuckling slightly at how whipped his friend is.
"It's because I always see her on Sundays," Spencer replies shortly. wanting to get out of there.
Morgan pats him on the back. "Have fun then."
Before Spencer can reply, someone he knows walks through the door, someone he's definitely not expecting to see at the BAU. You.
He's surprised you're here, wondering how you found him, what you need.
And even more to his surprise, Morgan greets you with a hug. "Hey, sweetness, how are you?"
Spencer watches in shock as you hug Morgan back, definitely like you're very friendly with him. Does that mean you knew who Spencer was when you met? Is this some kind of sick, elaborate prank?
"Good." You reply, flashing a quick smile at Spencer that Morgan catches onto and frowns at. "Is he here?"
Morgan seems to know who you're talking about. "Yeah."
"I thought I'd come see him since someone missed our coffee shop date." Your bold wink following the statement has Spencer blushing like crazy. Then you're gone, walking away from the boys.
Morgan's eyebrows raise and he turns to look at Spencer. "That's coffee shop girl!?" He explains, even before you're out of earshot.
"Who is she?" Spencer asks back.
"Hotch's daughter, how did you not know that?" Morgan fills Spencer in on information that has him seriously alarmed.
He's been dating Hotch's daughter!? Jack's young enough that he assumed Hotch's other child was less than ten years older and away at boarding school or something, not an adult in DC that he's been unknowingly building a relationship with.
And his crush is far too big to let go of now.
Morgan's laughing next to him. "Oh, that's too good."
"What am I going to do?" Spencer repeats the question running through his head.
"Ask her out," Morgan says with a shrug. "It just means one day, Hotch will be your father-in-law."
That's a terrifying thought to Spencer, not marrying you but having Hotch related to him, even if it is just through marriage.
He stresses about what to do in the corridor rather than going home or sitting in the bullpen where he's within your line of sight. He's not sure whether it's going to be a good thing or not, but only a few minutes later, you come through the glass doors. Thankfully, you're without your father.
"Hey." You say awkwardly, coming to stand in front of him. "I hope you know I was joking with the coffee shop comment."
Spencer nods. "Did you know who I was?" He asks the question that's been burning in his mind. He's not sure which is the worse option.
"No." You assure him. "I didn't even consider it." Neither of you had spoken about your jobs much, and all Spencer had really said is that he travels for work often. "I'm sorry I never told you my last name."
"It's okay," Spencer shakes his head. "It's nice to see you."
You beam back. "It's nice to see you too."
"Do you want to get coffee?" He finally asks, unsure where the confidence came from. It's a big leap of faith, but he's relatively sure Hotch can't fire him over it. "If it's okay for me to ask you out romantically."
It definetly wasn't what you were expecting but you nod eagerly. "I'd love that."
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banj0possum · 1 year
Heyo! Hope you're doing alright! Firstly, sorry if this is too long... summary: yan oc reactions to male/gn reader with a high pain tolerance whose platonic affection language is rough housing (biting , headbutts, body slams/shoulder bumps, aggressive bear hugs, or a good grip/squeeze. All of these forms of affection are done by reader with as much force as is allowed without actual damage and which reader happily reciprocates). Bonus, what're the reactions of rough housing intolerant yans when said reader starts trying to find someone else as an outlet for this affection need. Context: I saw the mini react to the affectionate chair wielding and had a thought. I am a very energetic and affectionate individual with folks I'm close with, and often times a gentle hug or soft touch just isn't enough to get across the energy and emotion or i just NEED something more grounding/comforting cause "yes this gentle hug is comforting my stress a little but i really REALLY need you to crush my soul and being back together with this next hug. Really trash compactor my body so i can feel whole again :) 💪". It's what i grew up with and what some of my friends encouraged/reciprocated (have definitely popped backs when giving each other hugs and once i popped someone's fingers when i was allowed a good squeeze). When soft affections aren't hitting right (and i have permission from my friend) I tend to turn to play bites (at whatever maximum safe pressure is allowed by the person being bitten), headbutts, body slams/shoulder bumps (again, at a maximum safe force that is allowed), and harsh grips/hugs (again, whatever maximum safe force is allowed). It's really a grounding/comforting thing cause it allows me and my friend to destress, release energy, and also kinda reassures us that we're truly physically and emotionally there. It's definitely not something for all my friend circles and i usually turn to my high energy friend circles that have similar needs (and they come to me if they feel the urge as well). A good example is the time Friend A saw me out and about, shouted out my name and charged me full speed from 30 feet away. I tanked the brunt of their full body affectionate tackle and honestly? Was one of the happiest and closest i felt to my friend. Haven't done that in a while cause we got warned not to do that again by personnel lol. We usually try to meet up at parks (cause indoor places understandably don't like when a group of adults start rough housing) though it's hard to rn cause of the heat and stuff
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OCs w/ a Rowdy Darling
My OCs x GN Reader
THIS IS LITERALLY AMAZING !! you seem like a really cool person to hang out with ! id definitely let you give me a back popping hug >w< not sure if im strong enough to give you a hug as strong as that though hehe ^^" anyways heres the fic ! (´ ∀ ` *)
Adrian is literally the same as you. Every shove or punch or rough housing is a sign of affection.
You two probably rough house all the time ngl, and he loves it!
You're his energetic little lover and he's all for it!
You two might have gone to detention for rough housing to hard a few times hehe..
If you bear hug him, he'll try to hug you harder, it's like a competition to him!
Honestly, he sees everything as a competition. You push him playfully? He'll push you harder.. headbutts? You might get a slight headache after he's done..
He might be your boyfriend, but he's still a bit of a bully, but it's all in good fun! He stops if ever he notices you're getting uncomfy.
Not a biter though, but when you do it, he melts like putty!
He loves how strong and rowdy you are and that you're not afraid to express it, it shows how tough and confident you are!
He likes his gentle moments once in a while, but being able to love you in a love language you both share is so special to him <3
"Cmon babe! One more hug! I can take it!"
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Brandon is kind of impressed..
He's one of the best football players in his school and his little darling is biting and shoving and headbutting him, so adorable!
You remind him of a little goat, so excited and happy and lively!
Definitely makes him more protective of you because of how precious you are to him.
If you get to rowdy for his liking, he grabs you and traps you in a bear hug until you calm down or if you give him an even tighter bear hug than the one he's giving you.
Invites you to play a bit of football with him and his team.
But protection is key! He wraps you in all sorts of gear before you play, he knows how high your pain tolerance is but he still wants to keep you safe! and also he likes seeing you wear his helmet
Your body slams are praised not just by him but by his team, it's too cute!
If he catches you being your little rowdy self around anyone else, he'll get jealous fast..
He shoves you affectionately to get your attention.
"Heya baby! How's my little ram doing huh?"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Valeth just thinks you're copying him in a way and is flattered.
Aweee, little mate is so strong and tough! He's so proud!
Encourages the behavior, as long as you don't hurt yourself!
He's much stronger than you so your affections don't do much, but you bet your ass he's putting his whole soul in pretending to get hurt.
Rough houses with you as if you were a little child play fighting, he loves playing with his little warrior!
If you do get hurt, he's putting all play fighting to a halt! He's checking up on you and making sure you're ok with the softest voice you've ever heard from an orc.
You might be fine but he's not taking no for an answer, you're getting some rest!
Love love loves your bearhugs! He tests your strength and lets you squeeze him as hard as you can!
Biting is met with kisses all over your face, it's what you get for being so cute!
Body slams are more like you latching onto him and trying not to fall off because of how large he is..
"Oh my little duckling can bite! How fierce! You're so strong haha!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Bo appreciates how energetic and lively you are, but please no rough housing ;-;
He doesn't want you to get hurt or hurt anyone else, even though you're perfectly capable of regulating how rough you can me, he's just a lil protective is all
He only allows bear hugs and squeezes, anything else is greeted by the time out corner (him trapping you in his arms in the bed until you give up)
"Now now hun, not so rough ok? I don't want you gettin banged up or anythin.."
Ribs is also a feral little man and absolutely loves that you're as rowdy as him!
You two love play fighting and biting affectionately!
He loves your headbutts! he returns them all the time
"Ahahaha! Again again!"
Soda tolerates it, he just appreciates that you're comfortable enough to rough house with him.
He's not the energetic type but he'll give you sleepy kisses and squeeze you back if you bear hug him
Doesn't bite but he likes nibbling on you
He's not as lively as you, but he loves reciprocating your affection!
"You're so strong hehe~"
Screw is scared
He is oddly aroused
He's also hopelessly trying to stop himself from called you sir or daddy or any dominant title because oh my god you are so awesome
He's looking at you with puppy dog eyes asking for your love and attention
Imagine him kicking his legs and rambling about you to the others
"H-hello si- dadd- (Y/N)! Hi (Y/N) heheh.."
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Wolfie loves how rowdy you are! he loves playing!
That's his way of telling you he loves you, but of course he's extra gentle when playing with you, he wouldn't wanna get his mate scratched up!
Loves rolling around and playing around with you, it makes him feel like a pup again!
Doesn't like you biting him though, you might get something icky in your mouth!
Licks you all over if you get hurt or get a little too rough to make you feel better!
Headbutts are rewarded with his big paws bopping you on the head like he's trying to pet you!
If he's tired and you're being your lively little self, he just takes you and sleeps on top of you so you can't escape.
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Dorik actually has a lot of brothers and sisters back in hell and you remind him so much of how they used to play around with him.
As much as he adores cuddling you close and doing gentle and calm things with you, he loves how tough you are!
Yes he moans when you bite him.
Everytime you're affectionate with him, he can't help but kiss you all over, you're just so cute!
Almost cries if you give him bear hugs, this man is touchstarved!!!!
He gives you his own love by wrapping his tail around you or rubbing his face into your clothes, chest, hair, anywhere! He loves how you smell so good everyday!
Shrieks if you body slam him, but somehow he's as solid as a rock, he didn't even stumble..
But he's all over you asking if you're ok.
"Master? My love? My darling are you alright?!"
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Kalva unfortunately doesn't like rough-housing, he's made it a rule that you can only mess around outside the nest!
But he adores your bearhugs and headbutts and bites, they're comforting to him in a way, it shows that you're close to him!
He headbutts you too, it's his way of asking for your love and attention.
For a while it was also how he kissed you since he didn't know how to do it properly yet.
He might indulge in your rough ways sometimes by jumping around and messing up his feathers on purpose, but you should promise to help preen them afterwards!
Nevertheless, he loves you to bits and just wants to keep you safe <3
"My mate is so excited! My mate is happy!"
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Jasper is scared for his life but in a fun way.
He never knows the next time you're gonna bite him or tackle him into a hug, it's like a game for you both.
He gets you back by surprise tickling you, it's pretty effective.
If he expects the biting, he definitely bites you too, kissing the area right after for extra measure.
Don't get me wrong he's absolutely flustered whenever you do it, but he gets used to it after a while.
But no rough-housing with him! He's fragile and might break something.
Legit asks you to crack his back if ever he's having back aches.
"Hey love, my back's a little weird again, can I get another hug~?"
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Viktor is surprised and a little intrigued.
Oh? My darling is so energetic, I love it!
If you ever try anything on him, he chuckles and 'punishes' you with kisses all over your face and cuddles you until you give up.
Your bites kind of freak him out
Like he's supposed to bite people! It's kind of weird having people bite him, it's a bit exciting..
"My my~ Is my little bat misbehaving again~?"
Garrick doesn't tolerate roughness at all.
You might get hurt! What if one of them reciprocates the affection and goes too far? He's not having it!
That is until you do it to him and he absolutely melts at your cuteness.
He goes from strict to 100% on board with your love bops
Refuses to bear hug you, he might break your spine because of how much he loves you!
"Remember to be careful my turtledove! And I love you!"
Silas is all in on your rowdiness, considering he's like that himself.
He's a mischievous little shit and loves play fighting with you.
Loves picking you up and spinning you around, making you hold onto him as you two giggle like young lovers together.
Always does this thing where he cups your face and shakes your head side to side, he says its because you're too cute and your face must be a mask because no one is that perfect!
Gives you gentle and soft kisses after your rough moments because he wants to make sure he didn't hurt you. He feels the need to remind you always how much you mean to him and how happy you make him feel.
"My little owl, so cute, so adorable~ I'll never leave you Darling~"
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Baron tries his best to keep you calm but you're just to fuckin adorable!
He's a cold hard assassin! Why is he smiling over weak little attempts to hurt him?!
Scolds you for rough housing but his heart breaks if you pout or if he hurts your feelings
Immediately says sorry and holds your hand tight to show he still loves you, he just doesn't wanna see you potentially hurt yourself.
If you're rough with anyone else, he's pulling you off and dragging you away whilst holding you in the tightest bear hug, his actions screaming out 'you're mine!'
Of course he denies it all, saying excuses like 'what if they think you wanna pick a fight?'
But you know he's just jealous that you're not giving him that attention.
Still doesn't tolerate bodyslams or bites but bear hugs, headbutts and squeezing his hand are highly appreciated. Highly
"How about we settle down now boss hm~? I'll run you a nice hot bath if you'd like~"
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Caspian is a wimpy little bitch and gets upset if you play fight with him.
He'll start whining for you to stop but like also whine if you stop giving him attention. (little shit)
Lives for your bear hugs! SQUEEZE HIM HARDER PLEASE!!!
Headbutts make him dizzy and otherwise just confused but he appreciates it and thinks you're trying to kiss him.
He'll pull you close and show you what a real kiss is like~
Bite him and he's flustered.
Like about to have a stroke and can't form a complete sentence flustered.
"Ohohoh~ Oh my~ H-how fascinating~!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Hallow loves playing! Wait what are you doi-
Gets the message (i think) and starts to play fight with you too, chasing you around the house and wrapping you up in his long arms to tickle you all over!
Pretends to be a scary monster and nuzzles his face into you once he catches you, imitating eating. That's what you get for trying to fight the big spooky Hallow!
Your headbutts and affections make him so happy he starts jingling from how much he's trying to hold back.
He loves roughing you up a bit too, but his little bops aren't so strong since he's made of cotton and love <3 <3 <3
If you're getting a bit too rough, he wraps you up and kisses you softly before letting you go once you calm down.
"You tired from lovin on me all day sweetie~? It's alright, I got a looooootta lovin left for you~!"
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Ashvan is terrified!
On one hand eeeeee so cute! He wants to return your affections so bad!!!
But also you might die???
He's a big guy, and he's aware of his size and strength, so he's pretty wary on how he handles you.
You're like a little porcelain doll to him! He'd be so sad if anything happened to you just because he wanted to express his love to you!
He loves your bops, but giving you a warm smile and a kiss is all he can do really.
He makes up for it in giving you gifts, helping around the infirmary, cuddling you at night, the little things.
He wished he was more gentle so he can do the things you do to him! He so wishes to hug you as hard as he can!
"S-so cute...I-I mean so uhm..strong and fierce haha! So not adorable and precious in every way possible! Yeah.."
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whatwouldsylwrite · 1 year
Nipple Piercing Tragedy
You get a nipple piercing and Abby gets excited. And then upset (in a totally cute way).
Minors don't interact!!!! This is an adult work meant for adults, I'm really uncomfortable with anyone younger than 18 reading this, so please move on.
Tags: modern au, fem!reader, smut. Abby is a tits girl here. Fingering (r! receiving), thigh riding (Abby! receiving), non-sexual tits obsession I guess?
I've had an idea a few days ago about reader getting a nipple piercing and how hot Abby'd find it but then I remembered how fucking long it takes to heal and I got a completely different silly idea. And then this idea derailed into me writing smut.
Also, I never would have thought in my english non-native life I'd be googling the difference between tits and boobs, but here I am. (still don't know if there is a difference though)
"I want to get a nipple piercing." You said to Abby and her head perked up from your chest.
"That's hot. And painful." Abby put her hand on one of your boobs, squeezing just slightly.
"I don't mind pain." You shrugged, not even fazed by Abby's hand: she really did treat your boobs like stress balls.
So you got your piercing - it hurt, but not as much as you expected, but as your piercer went through the care guide, you got a little nervous. You knew before it would take a long time to heal, but as you listened to your piercer your mind went "oh-oh", because Abby would definitely get upset.
So you went home, did all necessary cleaning procedures, put the bra on and waited for Abby. She was very excited when she got home, asking you to show her and tell her everything and you decided not to spoil her fun immediately.
"God you look hot." Abby couldn't move her eyes away from your nipples. "How long is the recovery?"
"The full recovery takes about a year." You said and Abby's face dropped. "But you're not allowed to touch them for a month. And I have to sleep in my bra."
God Abby looked like a kicked puppy, sad and pleading, and you felt sorry for her, so you kissed her forehead as she hugged you.
"So no titty time?" She asked, absolutely devastated.
"No titty time." You sighed sympathetically.
"Fuck if I knew I would have spent the whole night saying goodbye."
"You're silly." You laughed as you started to put your clothes on under the saddest puppy eyes ever. Abby was downright pouting and you felt helpless but in a "my child is upset that there's no sun during the night" way.
"You took away my titty time." Abby said as she crossed her arms on her chest, truly offended.
"Maybe it's my turn for titty time, hm?" You said, eyeing her chest.
"It's not the same." Abby pouted more as she watched you move closer to her.
You sat in her lap and kissed her face with small pecks until she smiled.
"Feel better?" You asked as her hands snaked around your waist, pressing you closer. "Ouch." You yelped in pain as your chests collided.
"Fuck, sorry." Abby said and loosened her grip on you before she kissed you.
The next week was hard. You didn't even notice how often Abby was touching your boobs until you had to remind that she couldn't.
You went to sleep? Abby's hands were on your boobs.
"What the fuck? Bra?"
"Yeah, I have to sleep in it. And move your hand back on my waist." Abby sighed and moved her hand as you told her.
You watching a movie? Abby'd find her way to your chest on instinct and stop only when you'd catch her hand.
"You can hurt me, remember?" You murmured and Abby nodded, obediently moving her hand back to your tummy.
Well, at least during movie times she substituted for your tummy, kneading your flesh just as she'd knead your boobs before the whole Nipple Piercing Tragedy ™.
During sex? That was the time Abby suffered most because you were in a fucking bra, she couldn't even look at them! She'd kiss your stomach and your ribs because she couldn't get the real thing and then take her frustrations between your legs until you were a shaking mess. Not that you complained, but it did feel like a revenge campaign, the vigour and effort she put into making you cum.
Sometimes people would ask Abby why she was so quiet and she'd reply that she was waiting for her wives to return from war, and you'd laugh, slightly embarrassed. And then fully embarrassed when Abby'd clarify "(y/n) got her nipples pierced" with the saddest look. Usually it'd make people laugh while you'd cover your face with a hand in embarrassment.
The thing was: you've missed Abby's hands on your boobs too. You've gotten so used to her hugging you with one hand on your chest, or her head constantly on your chest. Abby would even sit just so she could be the optimal height for putting her head on your boobs, burying her face in them.
So after two weeks you gave up. The swelling stopped and it wasn't as painful anymore, so you decided you could do some good for both of you. You checked your piercing, satisfied with how it was healing - no more dried blood for a few days now - and went to the living room where Abby was playing the video game.
"Yeah?" Abby asked without looking at you.
"Go wash your hands. Properly." You ordered.
Abby paused the game and looked at you, puzzled.
"With soap." You added. Abby was still confused, but she listened and went to the bathroom to wash her hands.
While she was washing her hands, you took off your shirt and a bra, sitting on the couch half naked. Abby came back from the bathroom and stopped in her tracks as she saw you without clothes.
"You can touch them. But very carefully, okay?"
Abby's eyes lit up and she bolted to you, crossing the distance almost running. She sat opposite of you, her hands already on your thighs, slowly crawling up.
"Was I a good girl, Santa?" Abby asked with a smirk when she carefully cupped your tits, not touching your nipples.
"Fuck you, Anderson." You laughed and closed your eyes, enjoying Abby's gentle touch as she massaged your boobs. You didn't plan on it being any prelude to sex, but fuck Abby's hands felt good. "I've missed it so much."
"Me too." Abby chuckled. "Can I kiss?"
"Yeah." You sighed, watching in anticipation as Abby leaned down, but then- "Wait. Your hair."
"Ah shit." Abby sat up and made a bun before laying you down on the couch. "I feel fucking blessed." She said as she was staring down at your chest, her fingers just slightly digging into your boobs.
You inhaled sharply and Abby looked at you, waiting for you to tell her if she hurt you.
"Feels good." You whispered, heat pooling in your underwear.
Abby looked at you with wide eyes and then she kissed you, hard and dirty, immediately opening your mouth with her tongue. She was desperate, hungry, starving for reactions she could get out of you just by touching your boobs.
You put your hands against her, not letting Abby's shirt touch your nipples, keeping the distance - you already experienced things tugging on your jewelry and let it be known how fucking painful it was, so you weren't taking chances with it.
Abby pulled away and moved down, getting comfortable between your thighs as she mouthed on your tits, avoiding your piercing. She missed it so much, being able to make you feel good like that, being able to touch you like that, listening to your heavy breathing and watching your face relaxed in pleasure as she kissed and sucked and touched the softest part of your body, her favourite part. Yeah, Abby liked when you were loud and trembling under her, but like this? Cosy, quiet and relaxed? Shit, this was precious, this was a testament to your love for each other.
"Abby." You inhaled when one of her hands moved down, just at the waistband of your pants. Abby looked up at you.
"Yeah? What is it, (y/n)?" She pushed her hand into your pants, her fingers immediately finding your clit. She watched your lashes flutter as you closed your eyes and she couldn't help but smirk: it was so easy to make you feel good.
"Fuck." You sighed and swallowed loudly. Abby smiled and put her mouth back on your tits as she slowly circled your clit, gentle and not rushing anywhere.
You put your hand on her head, caressing her hair, a little sorry her hair was tied and you weren't able to weave your fingers in her locks. Abby was taking her sweet time with you, her kisses long and just shy out of hickeys as she sucked on your skin so gently, her fingers keeping a steady pace on your clit, slowly but surely building up your orgasm.
And then Abby moved her fingers down and slowly pushed two inside you, enjoying the stretch and the heat, but most importantly how you bit your lip and furrowed in pleasure - you looked so pretty like this, trusting and soft. And this long high sound you made when she pushed inside you - that sound was rewiring Abby's brain every time. Abby moved up again to kiss you while she thrusted her fingers into you, your trembling hands on her chest.
"You look beautiful." Abby whispered and kissed your neck, leaving a hickey on your collarbones. She kissed you again and you moaned quietly into her mouth as her fingers curled just right inside you.
You stroked her waist and put your hand under her shirt, touching all of this gorgeous skin and soft muscles until you got to her boobs so you could cup them carefully. Abby sighed and her fingers lost their pace for a second, and she looked at you, wide-eyed.
You put your other hand on her hip, trying to move her, but Abby Anderson was fucking immovable at all times, which was hot and infuriating at the same time.
"Put your thigh between mine." You panted as you took her shirt off, enjoying the view. "You're fucking gorgeous." You whispered shakily.
Abby chuckled and put her thigh between yours just as you said, but even the changing in position didn't break her pace, her fingers moving in and out of you. It felt so good and you almost forgot what you wanted to do, lost in your pleasure - but you remembered and lifted you thigh up. Abby suddenly stopped as she felt your thigh pressing between her legs, and her breathing became quick and heavy.
Abby rocked on your thigh and pushed her fingers deep inside you at the same time, making you moan. You liked when she did that: pacing her fingers with her grinding, like it was her thrusting into you, not her fingers. Abby fondled your tit with her free hand, as she watched you with dark, lustful eyes, her mouth slightly open in adoration.
You watched her in return, because she was fucking divine like that, so concentrated on making you feel good, serious despite the pink blush on her face, her hips moving as if her own pleasure was an afterthought.
And then Abby moved her thumb to circle your clit, her fingers speeding up as well as her hips, and you were gone. You whimpered in surprise and arched your back, your orgasm suddenly so close and so intense. Abby smirked and sped up more, her fingers no longer as gentle as before, and you stopped breathing, digging your fingers in her hips, looking at Abby with big glossy eyes as your orgasm hit you like a violent sea wave, destroying you completely. You moaned loudly and shuddered, your thighs trembling, and Abby smiled at you, watching you with hungry eyes. Watching you cum was like watching the sunset - breathtaking every time. She didn't stop moving, letting you ride the aftershocks as your walls pulsated around her fingers.
“Holy shit.” You whispered in a shaky voice, your whole body shuddering. “Holy fuck, Abby.” You swallowed and took a few breaths, while Abby slowly pulled her fingers back, chuckling when your hips twitched and you yelped, sensitive.
You looked up at Abby and felt the second wave of lust hit you: she looked fucked out already and it awoke some hungry monster in you.
“You need to move, baby, come on.” You used your hands to push on Abby's hips and move her, breaking the spell she was under. You needed her to cum.
Abby moaned and continued riding your thigh as you watched her, touching her stomach and her tits, rolling her nipples between your fingers gently. Abby was pretty like this, chasing her own pleasure, her eyes closed and her head thrown back, her bun ruined and her blonde hair pooling between her neck and the shoulder. Like a fucking painting, you thought. Abby moved her hands to your waist to get more leverage, pressing you down into the couch as she pushed on your thigh with more force. Her movements became erratic, so you helped her keep the pace, moving her hips back and forth until Abby froze and groaned helplessly, her hands squeezing your waist painfully as she twitched through her orgasm. You watched her, trying to sear her pretty face in your memory. 
Abby panted as her orgasm ebbed away and you smiled at her. She lied down on top of you, her head on your stomach, as both of you tried to even out your breathing.
“So is my titty time back?”
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puppetwoman17 · 4 months
I can’t remember who initially said the idea of the RoE being a multiverseal center but this is based off that
The RoE (depending on how it’s portrayed) switches from existing at the center of the Universe or outside it, so I went “universe is doughnut shaped” theory and said it’s both and that it’s also the only RoE in the multiverse. Which means that sometimes Billy runs into other versions of himself and just kinda got used to it.
It’s a dumb idea but Billy running into alternate versions of himself or universe hopping out of boredom or for the guaranteed adventure through the door room of the RoE.
Possibility for humor with the wackier Captain Marvels and universes, fun adventure, and the typical angst of him not seeing some versions of himself around the RoE after a while
Uh, no, this is NOT a dumb idea😍! I’ve thought about this too!
After all, it seems odd that there could be multiple RoEs. For importance purposes there has to be only one.
Anyway, the whole “Billy meeting other versions of himself(and probably his siblings too) definitely keeps my gears turning. I’m imaging that he started out seeing a lot of other Marvels/Shazams when he first got his powers. The Rock was full of kids running through different rooms, getting magic tools, reading or hanging in the cafe, complaining about their adult team members, etc. All of them grew close because they all shared the same burden.
But as the years go by, something changes. Some Billys come through their doors less and less. And when they do, the stress is written all over them. I’m ofc referring to the Billys of Injustice, Flashpoint, DCAMU, etc.
It’s a slow process, but at some point, they realize that some of them have stopped coming all together. The rock gets quiet. There are no more loud parties in the cafe. The thrones were pushed aside to make room for blankets and pillows because there were too many of them for just seven thrones. No one site there anymore.
Everyone’s too scared to reach out, stuck in their own worlds, their own problems. It’s no wonder that no one notices when their numbers start to dwindle.
The thing is, Billy can feel when something happens to his counterparts. He’s sensitive to it thanks to his position. He feels he laser eyes and the cut throat and the leg being torn off of him. He feels it all.
He goes to the rock one day and it dawns on him how quiet it’s become. Obviously he’s not the only one left, but they just don’t talk anymore. The hero life has taken its toll and the kids are scared of having any fun. Now when one billy sees another, they just walk on.
The doors to the other worlds are sealed off, as no one wants to see their own dead body. When a new Billy arrives, they steer clear, not knowing what end this one will meet.
Okay I’m gonna end the angst here cause this made me depressed😅
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