cerastes · 2 months
Mayonaka Punch is indeed an original anime by P.A. Works
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I can recognize P.A. Works from a hundred miles away.
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cyberbun · 11 months
Hypnosis isn't real, people just pretend it works on them because they don't want to disappoint the pretty hypnotist
That's right. Hypnosis isn't real.
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brave-symphonia · 2 years
Btw, have you seen the flavor text for Rosa's Potential Token?
I don't think so, let me look it up.
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I see.
A part of this makes me happy, because it feels like this is a way of showing how she's no longer doing these things to herself, she is healing in some way because of her time at Rhodes Island.
But reading this was just, I feel so bad for her and what she's been through.
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Your tournament made hungry but my lunch break isn't for another 2 hours how could you do this to me
I'm so sorry... you just have to rotate them in your mind until you can eat them irl
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yamaylander · 7 months
hey, it's me again! after a whole 2 days, i've finished redoing Nightmare. to be honest i didnt expect myself to work that fast but i guess i was THAT devoted to redoing her entire character. it's a really long file so it's obviously gonna be put under read more. there'll be a preview up until her profile below
special thanks to @cherry-blossomtea and another friend for helping me research DID as well as talking about their experiences with DID themselves. and obviously thanks @adorablegorilla for inspiring me to do this (although i did take a lot of liberties remaking Nightmare's character. found the evil alter thing distasteful)
of course, feedback is always appreciated so i know what parts work best and what areas i need to improve upon, especially in regards to DID as this is my first time engaging it. so do send if you have any!
without further ado, i present to you what i'm calling: Y5 Nightmare!
Nightmare, Medic Operators of Rhodes Island, will provide help no matter who’s currently in the moment.
Who is it I’m talking to today?
Codename: Nightmare
Class: Incantation Medic
Real Name: Nyx Rebel Pasbelletti, Gloria
Gender: Female [Both]
Experience: 6 months [Nyx], 1 month [Gloria]
Place of birth: Victoria
Date of birth: June 1st [Nyx], March 12th [Gloria]
Race: Feline
Height: 156 cm
Infection status: Visible internal blotches, infection confirmed
(file continued below)
Token: A glow-in-the-dark doll, handmade. Nyx said it’ll protect you from bad dreams.
Physical examination
Strength: Normal
Mobility: Standard
Endurance: Normal
Tactical acumen: Good [Nyx], Normal [Gloria]
Combat Skill: Good [Nyx], Standard [Gloria]
Arts adaptation: Excellent
Skills (Rank 7)
Soul Reflection - ATK increases by 70% and attacks two enemies at once, healing two allies in range; each attack binds enemies for 3 seconds
Phantasmagoria - Range expands and stops attacking; decreases movement speed of enemies by 60% and drains 20% of their health every second with Arts damage, while healing operators depending on how many enemies are currently in range
Fronting - Healing effectiveness increased by 20% when equipped with skill 1; Obtains 18% ATK when equipped with skill 2
*Gloria has asked to keep this event classified until both her and Nyx come to a consensus to speak about it.
Nyx is a Victorian operating under the codename Nightmare with her headmate, Gloria. Prior to their entry into Rhodes Island, Nyx was a college student who studied medical Arts. Gloria came later during her life due to an unspecified event* before her subsequent infection. They now currently work in Rhodes Island’s triage section, working to help patients as well as Operators in the battlefield.
Clinical Testing
Imaging tests for this Operator showed a blurry outline of internal organs with visible unusual dark spots. Unusually high concentrations of Originium particles were present in her circulation, indicating signs of infection and confirming her as infected at this stage.
[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 16%
Surveillance is recommended for rare cases like this.
[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.33u/L
Infection is in mid-stage and continues to spread. First-level medical plan recommended. Pathological Monitoring Protocol Label: Red (signed by Dr. Kal’tsit, see medical file for more detail).
Gloria is known to be gentle, almost to a fault. She doesn’t strike anyone as the type who would go out in the battlefield, instead giving the impression that she would rather stay and help others in the infirmary. This view is only half the truth. While Gloria does indeed want to help others, she wishes to do so in a manner that both soothes and protects her fellow operators onboard. In the ship, she is often the one who consoles others during their time of need. This is especially true for those who are currently experiencing traumatic stress. Surprisingly Gloria seems to have a good handle on how to deal with such matters, to the point that she could very well apply to be a therapist. It’s even more surprising that Gloria chose to become a battlefield operator, though this is because by her and Nyx’s volition, they want to help people wherever they can.
Archive File 1
Operator Nightmare suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder. In rudimentary terms, DID is when a person suffers from having two or more personalities, also known as alters, in their consciousness. Currently, Nightmare has two headmates that are present, that being Nyx and Gloria, the latter of which tends to be fronting much of the time.
On the subject of Nyx, who is the oldest alter before Gloria came to be, she appears to be far more reserved compared to the more sociable Gloria. She usually remains dormant for long periods of time, often letting Gloria front whenever possible. On the chance that Nyx is fronting however, she shows herself to be far quieter than Gloria is. When talking to others, she speaks in a hushed voice and is quick with her words. She also tends to be more upfront and honest, which has led to others conflicting with Nyx from time to time. From Gloria’s words however, this isn’t because Nyx chooses to be mean, this is only because Nyx isn’t sure how she can talk to others. 
Currently, Gloria is undergoing talks with Nyx in order to help her open up, but she also stresses that Nyx must be given time before she can properly do so. On that note, Operators should be mindful of who they are speaking to at the moment and that proper respect should be given to Nyx’s situation.
Nyx has attended many classes regarding medicine and psychology, to the point that she often spent time reading up on the subject matters during her free time which has resulted in her stifled sociality. This may have also given way to her blunt nature, as Gloria admitted that Nyx often got into trouble by her own volition simply because she was honest in a manner that hurt others. Nyx doesn’t seem to understand why this is but seeing as this was the consequence of her honesty, she wishes to learn how she can avoid hurting others in the future.
Archive File 2
Both Nyx and Gloria have an interest in medicine, psychology and Originium, a somewhat broader range of interest compared to others. Although Nyx was born in a Victorian city that focused on artistry, with her father working in the pottery business, Nyx opted to follow her mother’s footsteps, who worked at the local hospital.
Her interest in Originium came about after Gloria had manifested. Both have been seen attending classes and reading up on Originium and its effects in Rhodes Island. As Gloria stated, “We want to know about Originium simply because we don’t want others to suffer because of it, as well as helping others become safer around it”. To say that Nyx and Gloria are determined to work hard and help others is an understatement.
On the subject of medicine and psychology, it seems the interests somewhat split with Nyx leaning more into studying psychology and Gloria studying medicine more often. Nyx appears to be up to speed on most mental disorders and knows how to deal with them in their proper manner while Gloria’s knowledge on medicine allows her to work in Rhodes Island’s infirmaries without trouble, assisting the doctors if she is available. Their efforts in both departments are commendable and their knowledge will prove fruitful to Rhodes Island’s advances in care.
When Gloria is fronting, the Arts unit becomes more effective at healing operators on the field, targeting multiple people at once. The healing Arts is immensely effective, allowing operators to stand longer and keep fighting. It also has the effect of making our operators feel more alert and thus more vigilant during their battles, increasing their performance in combat.
Archive File 3
For someone so young, Nyx shows a surprising aptitude for battle. Although Gloria has only had one month of combat experience and has focused mostly on first aid, Nyx seems to have the battlefield almost under her control. This is attributed to her Arts unit, which was discovered to have two functions based on whoever is currently fronting at the moment.
On the other hand, when Nyx is fronting the Arts unit becomes focused on keeping enemies back. When used on enemies, it puts them into a dreamlike state where their consciousness appears to dissociate from the current reality. This often causes them to give up fighting in bizarre ways, the most common of which involves them dropping their weapons and staring up at the sky, with some of them slowly wandering the area aimlessly. Why this happens is currently unknown, as Nyx refuses to divulge for the time being. Many operators who have been in field missions with Nyx have said it to be unnerving, unsure what to think when they see the people they were fighting with “suddenly fall asleep while awake”.
One notable incident happened during one of Nightmare’s field missions with Nyx fronting. While fighting a particularly dangerous enemy, she wound up forcing them into a REM state. This resulted in the enemy panicking as though experiencing vivid nightmares, constantly screaming for nonexistent entities to stop while begging for their life to be spared. It was only when they were knocked out that they ceased their panic. After this, Nyx was told not to do this again although it doesn’t seem like she was particularly affected by this event.
While walking back home from college to visit her parents, she decided to take a quick shortcut through one of Londinium’s districts to head there faster. However, she wound up getting caught in the middle of the Kazdel-Victoria crisis where the district she was in ended up getting caught in the middle of the artillery barrages. With nowhere else to go, Nyx was forced to run aimlessly through Londinium in an attempt to get away from the situation. Although mostly successful, the event left her deeply traumatized. In the state the district was in, she had to fend for herself no matter what.
Archive File 4
After a long time, Nyx and Gloria eventually agreed to share how they came to be. Upon their request, this file should also be kept secret from the general staff of Rhodes Island.
The next few days were described to be a living nightmare. She ran afoul with some of the district’s residents whose rationales were gradually deteriorating. Nyx wasn’t an exception as she also began to steal from others whenever she could just so she could make it to another day, even going as far as to attack others who attempted to steal from her. This all eventually culminated into her breakdown when one night, while hiding away in a shelter, someone had broken into it and attempted to steal her supplies. When Nyx tried to fight back, the attacker was far more aggressive than she thought and nearly killed her. Out of desperation, Nyx casted her Arts onto her attacker. Rather than putting them to sleep however, the blast was powerful enough to not only put her attacker to near death but also caused him to experience live nightmares. The end result was that the attacker was left screaming for help for the next few seconds before finally perishing.
Horrified by her actions, her stress finally broke her down. She underwent a severe mental and emotional breakdown before her mind eventually “quarantined” the stressor. For the next few minutes, Nyx had no success of calming down until she suddenly heard Gloria’s voice, who immediately began to reassure her and that everything will eventually be alright. After that, Gloria was able to help Nyx through the crisis however she could, right up until they joined Rhodes Island when they entered one of our buildings in Victoria.
The event has changed Nyx forever and it is certainly not something she’ll easily forget, but she is forever grateful that Gloria was born during her greatest time of need.
To this day, Nyx and Gloria have been continuously communicating to each other about their activities this way but after their therapy sessions, have also been figuring out alternative ways to break down their amnesiac barriers. This led to them creating a headspace of their own, which Gloria described to be a small bedroom in the middle of the night, with a nightlight on at all times. According to Gloria, this is what they find most comforting.
Promotional Record
Prior to them joining Rhodes Island, whenever Nyx and Gloria switched they often forgot about their alter’s activities during their time fronting. Gloria was the first to notice this problem when she spoke to Nyx during their time in Victoria, after hearing the latter ask what Gloria did. With this problem in mind, Gloria had the idea of using a journal she found to document both her and Nyx’s activities so that until they find proper shelter, their alter can remember what the other did so that they are aware of what happened.
Appointed as Assistant - Oh, it’s really bright in here… Doctor, do you mind if you turn down the lights a bit?
Normal text is Gloria speaking, italics is Nyx speaking.
Talk 1 - When we got into Rhodes Island, we weren’t sure what we were expecting… including the kindness that everyone was expressing! It’ll take a bit for Nyx to get used to, but I think she’ll also do just fine here!
Talk 2 - Our staff was given to us by Nyx’s dad. It has the power to sorta put people to sleep but to be honest, using the staff isn’t really a wise choice if we actually want to sleep…
Talk 3 - When I’m alone and Nyx is awake, we talk to each other. The same goes for Nyx too. Hm? Do people think it’s weird? I don’t think Nyx would care, as long as she has someone to talk to… and, well, she’s right for it.
Talk after Promotion 1 - There wasn’t a moment where I could get a good night’s rest back in Victoria… but when Gloria came along, I was finally able to rest. But… I do feel bad for making her go through those horrors. She’s a really brave person.
Talk after Promotion 2 - Oh, what’s that? Our Oripathy is worsening? Yes, that’s been a really big concern of ours… but we’re sure that Rhodes Island can do something. Right Nyx? … mhm.
Trust Talk 1 - Erm, let me apologize on Nyx’s behalf! She really didn’t mean to start that fight in the hallway, I promise! It’s just been a while since she properly talked to someone so her social skills are a bit rusty… but I promise, I’ll help her learn how to socialize better. Just please be patient with her?
Trust Talk 2 - If I’m allowed to be a little morbid here… you’re essentially the leader of Rhodes Island, right? If you die out there, I’d imagine that your operators… your friends, they wouldn’t take it well. Well, that’s why we’re here! We’ll protect you, and everyone, from the threats outside. That much we can promise.
Trust Talk 3 - You get tired from time to time, right? With that pile of work, surely you do lose a lot of sleep doing it… well, what if I have a solution to that? I can always just make you sleep for a day or two. All you have to do is say the word… and I’ll come right along with what you need… haha, just kidding. Too scary?
Idle - … sweet dreams.
Onboard - Ah, hello! I’m Gloria, but you’ve already seen our resume right? My headmate’s name is Nyx! Oh, but give her some time, she’s not used to talking to people yet… codename? Hmmm… well, I think Nyx would want something intimidating like Nightmare but… w-wait, you’re already registering it?! H-Hold on!
Watching Battle Record - So this is how you get stronger…? Intriguing…
Promotion 1 - When we came here, we thought we’d simply be patients getting treatment… but we’d never imagined that we’d be so much more…!
Promotion 2 - It feels like I’m not qualified for this promotion at all… but since Gloria insists, I’ll take it too. I’m just lucky to be alive at this point. So, whatever you need us to do, we’ll do it.
Appointed to Squad (S1) - Mhm, got it.
Appointed to Squad (S2) - I’ll do my best.
Appointed as Squad Leader (S1) - W-Wait, can I really do this alone?
Appointed as Squad Leader (S2) - You won’t be alone.
Depart (S1) - We’ll get a good night’s sleep after this, right…?
Depart (S2) - Curious… what kind of things will you pull off?
Begin Operation (S1) - I see them… over the horizon…
Begin Operation (S2) - So, these are the enemies we’re facing…
Selecting 1 (S1) - Are our supplies safe?
Selecting 1 (S2) - I’ll keep them safe.
Selecting 2 (S1) - I’m ready to fight!
Selecting 2 (S2) - Be sure you won’t regret this.
Deployment 1 (S1) - So this… is our battlefield…
Deployment 1 (S2) - I see no difference in battlefield.
Deployment 2 (S1) - I’ve only fought a few times, please bear with me…
Deployment 2 (S2) - It’s been a while since I’ve been somewhere like this.
In Battle 1 (S1) - Don’t get too rash now!
In Battle 1 (S2) - I’m only getting serious.
In Battle 2 (S1) - Keep yourselves calm!
In Battle 2 (S2) - Relax. You'll only be sleeping for a few seconds.
In Battle 3 (S1) - Have a nice rest!
In Battle 3 (S2) - Sweet dreams.
In Battle 4 (S1) - We’re still advancing? O-Okay!
In Battle 4 (S2) - Don’t waste our time.
4-Star (S1) - D-Doctor… did we just… do something incredible?
4-Star (S2) - So this is what total victory feels like…
3-Star (S1) - And that’s that! Good work everyone!
3-Star (S2) - It ends here. Well done.
2-Star (S1) - Ahhh, is anyone hurt?! I’ll be right there!
2-Star (S2) - We’ve won… but it’s costly. I’ll go clean up the mess.
Assigned to Facility - Where should we sit…
Failure (S1) - Are you hurt?! W-We need to run, now!
Failure (S2) - This… can’t be happening…
Tap - Ah-! Oi.
Trust Tap - Oh, hello! Hi.
Greeting - Good morning, Doctor! Are you well rested?
Title - Akunaitsu.
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Shadowy Grinding
Okay. I've heard a lot of things about Shadowy being really hard to grind or being a stat that lags behind. I've also seen some recommendations for grinds that top out at ~3 CP per action, which is worse than finding a menace free check and using a Weasel of Woe.
With the help of my good friend @adorablegorilla, I learned of a much more efficient grind - and, as it happens, it uses Watchful!
TL:DR - 16+ CPA Shadowy grind at peak efficiency
150 Watchful for 100% on checks.
17 Palimpest Scraps per run through, maximum. You can use fewer based on an Airs style randomness.
Access to Moloch Street and Spelunking in the Sunken Embassy.
Access to the Dome of Scales, Occupied.
This is most efficient when done in multiples of four, but is generally more efficient at higher repetitions.
Spelunking in the Sunken Embassy, use the Consult Scholarly Tomes action (unless Locate an Inner Sanctum is available, in which case use that), get up to 600 Fragments and turn them in for an Oneiromantic Revelation.
Turn the Oneiromantic Revelation into 5 Vitreous Almanacs, which you can then turn-in 4 of for 275 Shadowy CP at the Dome of Scales.
If you have 150+ Watchful, this takes 20 actions to generate 5 almanacs. After four runs through (80 actions), you can turn in 5 times, getting 1375 Shadowy CP over 85 actions total.
This calculates out to 16.176 CP per action, and 19.6 levels (once you're above level 70) over four runs.
A single run is only 13.1 CP/A, but that is still quite significantly better than selling casing gained in the Flit, or Woesel farming.
I don't count the action or honey used to get into Parabola because I'm assuming you'll turn in the grind whenever you need something else from beyond the mirror. Also, the minor profit you get in nevercold steel will definitely cover the cost of that honey if you're truly worried about it.
If you have VERY high Watchful (297+), you don't need the Palimpest Scraps, and you'll get slightly more steel in the end. I don't know how to farm Palimpest Scraps - I bought them from the Rat Market for some Uncanny Incunabulum.
I'm not sure exactly how this compares to Loitering Spam (where you farm a ton of Hastily Scrawled Warning Note with another account and then sacrifice them in your Social Engagements tab). This just happens to be single-player and, as far as I can tell, more efficient.
I'm not counting the Watchful CP gained from the checks, though you can estimate that you'll get about 14 CP per run through on average (so, ~0.67 CPA). Not as important, but a nice bonus if you're not capped on Watchful.
Plus, turn-in grinds are very fun to finish, as you get to see massive leaps in your stats all at once!
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subdee · 7 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals, followers and all the wonderful people on here!
Hey thanks for the tag!
The automatically selected daily "memories" on Google photos that always end with a plea for me to tell them the baby's name (clearly unnecessary since they can find his photos just fine without it)
The baby's current obsession with sweeping, taking out the trash, and putting garbage in the garbage can... my house has never been cleaner
Going to a completely baby safe place and being able to relax and zone out
Going somewhere warm in the middle of February & spending time outdoors
This list is already extremely normie but I just wanted to mention that the new dish drying rack I bought that's a kinda fancy/upscale is making me really happy right now because it just looks so nice in the space it's in ..
EDIT BECAUSE I FORGOT TO MENTION WHALE WEEKLY... It's the Moby Dick version of Dracula Daily, you can listen as an audiobook! They're on chapter 100 right now but I ignore that and just read the next chapter from the archive whenever I have time, the chapters are very short and follow an obvious serialized format so it works well to read in small chunks. Highly recommend, there's a reason this one is a classic
Tagging: @chubsthehamster @adorablegorilla @syncopatedid @nautilusopus @cafeaulater @chaasiu @cardioat3am @whats-wrong-aniki @storybookprincess @kiwizoom
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Thanks for the tag @fireolin and @autumnxsunflower. I definitely did my picrew kinda wrong, but it's okay, apparently I'm the hot one (???)
1. Do this uquiz
2. Do this picrew.
3. Tag people.
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If @adorablegorilla @psychosomaticdeicide @wasp-that-never-misses @trashsketch @ishouldgetatumbler and or @jyuanka did their own I wouldn't be unopposed.
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keezree · 2 years
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I couldn't stop thinking about the lesbians
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end-of-pizza · 2 years
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I have a perfectly normal number of guitars thank you very much I dont have a problem I can stop whenever I want
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see....a perfectly normal number of guitars
no this isnt all of them
the rest are in my closet and I dont want to fish them out
I sold guitars for 6 years and have been playing in bands off and on for 20 years now,
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tiredbastrd · 2 years
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I posted 18,837 times in 2022
That's 1,753 more posts than 2021!
173 posts created (1%)
18,664 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,204 of my posts in 2022
#spn - 236 posts
#ofmd - 183 posts
#fran.txt - 137 posts
#inspo - 76 posts
#goncharov - 75 posts
#art - 57 posts
#fav - 52 posts
#video - 42 posts
#unreality - 36 posts
#op - 36 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#imagine you go to work and they tell you a guy named josé is starting today or something. and josé arrives and... they look like a girl...
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Me: im gonna draw a cute girl
Me: draws this
14 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
Whyy do i need to get a degree? I just want to sleep
20 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
Gay people will see a man who was convinced that he was becoming a ghoul because he went bald, ask "is anyone going to live with him?" And not wait for an answer
20 notes - Posted July 22, 2022
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How watching One Piece feels
24 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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nooo aaron dont listen to him
37 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cerastes · 2 years
Dreamer I respect you but if SN-EX-8 is truly your favorite map of the event I can only cope with that by telling myself you didn't do the CM. Do you know how much pain it caused me.
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It’s literally my favorite map.
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I recorded my CM clear, too, lol, do you want to see it?
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cyberbun · 11 months
So how do we feel about Specter's Selfcest Skin?
I'm being so normal about it
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brave-symphonia · 2 years
Cronin is actually kind of funny in the full scheme because he's one of the few truly villainous characters in the game and yet he's so weak and his plan is so base and cartoon villainish, he's so pathetic it's kind of adorable. That's not to say he's completely without depth, he does have reasons for viewing the world as he does, but at the end of the day he's just a bitter little twink. He's just a little hater it's so funny
Yeah, he's pretty pathetic. I find it funny how he's talking like he's won while he's in the room with Rhodes Island, as if there's anyone in that room that could not beat him to a pulp.
I mean, Doctor probably couldn't, since he's Doctor. But anyone else could.
And I honestly can't say he's too cartoonish of a villain to be believed. While his plan basically amounts to letting a volcano erupt rather than end a festival, that's not too outlandish a thing for someone to do.
Maybe a few years ago I would have thought that no one would actually do that just to keep earning profits and keep things running, but I definitely can imagine someone who has no problem doing that now.
Not to say he's not cartoonishly villainous, he is. But it's not like he's not someone who could reasonably exist.
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biggaybunny · 2 years
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I posted 4,000 times in 2022
That's 19 more posts than 2021!
506 posts created (13%)
3,494 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,119 of my posts in 2022
Only 47% of my posts had no tags
#bunny - 253 posts
#arknights - 217 posts
#vtubers - 86 posts
#hololive - 72 posts
#bunnies - 46 posts
#i love her - 34 posts
#lmao - 31 posts
#fav - 23 posts
#elden ring - 19 posts
#disco elysium - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#ch'en gets reports of a blue-haired sankta woman running naked downtown away from an armed lupo and just turns off her police radio
My Top Posts in 2022:
They’re adding the try not to cum challenge to the Olympics
9,657 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
Yor is the epitome of that one tumblr post she's like "I'm doing so well at Wife. I'm going to get a good grade in Wife, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve."
15,101 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
Fever is a hilarious immune response. Our bodies tell the disease “hey, wanna see which one of us dies of overheating first? No? Too bad.” and honestly they’re not even the winners a decent chunk of the time but it works often enough that we never evolved it away or anything. Fantastic work.
40,711 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
One of the things that makes The Chocolate Guy so enduring in his appeal is that he doesn't cheat. The truth is when you see those strange-items-as-cake videos, 98% of the time it's fondant piled on top of some barely sculpted sponge. But chocolate guy -- sure he uses food coloring here and there, but he'll use all sorts of fruits, candy mixtures, and of course the most *delicately* sculpted chocolate to create his insane contraptions. He's taken chocolate to a lathe before. And that's infinitely more fascinating than yet another instance of edible play-doh being used to make a shoe, or whatever.
52,557 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Pronouns? Yeah I gots all the pronouns you could want. Bootleg? No, no, you've got it all wrong. They just, uh, fell off the back of a truck. Now, can I interest you in a she/sher? Or how about a nice he/hee? That one's gonna get real popular, lemme tell you what. What? I'm telling you, these are genuine articles of speech. Look kid, I don't normally do this, but you buy a set of, uh, lemme see... not those... you/youse, I'll throw in another pair free. I dunno, for your dog or something. You ever think about your dog's pronouns? I thought not. Cash only.
59,526 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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yamaylander · 7 months
hello there, it is the me. the not-so-known arknights fella. for the few of you who've read that one blemitooth fic that a friend reblogged from me, i'm the guy who wrote it
i'm here to tell you that i'm challenging myself to redo nightmare's entire character
to explain, i got curious one day about what my friends thought about nightmare since remembering a post so i asked in their discord server on what they thought and unanimously they agreed that characterwise, the handling of her DID (dissociative identity disorder) isn't very. good
we talked a bit more about her and after one of them posted @adorablegorilla's post regarding how nightmare's character can be done justice (post below for those curious), i decided to take it upon myself to try and rewrite nightmare's character
now keep in mind, although i know DID exists, i'm quite unfamiliar with the subject. so although i have a few friends with DID i can defer to and research that will be done, i may end up doing something wrong in the process so bear with me and point it out if you read the finished product. at the least, it'll help give me a better understanding in writing DID in the future
with that said, hope you're excited for what i'm going to bring along
here's the post that started this btw
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